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AFFIRMATIVE I am Im You are Youre He is Hes She is Shes It is Its We are Were You are Youre They are Theyre NEGATIVE I am not Im not You are not You arent He is not He isnt She is not She isnt It is not It isnt We are not We arent You are not You arent They are not They arent INTERROGATIVE Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they?


Who? What? How? When? Where? Why? Qui? Qu? Com? Quan? Qui? Per qu?

Exercise: QUESTION WORDS Exercise: QUESTION WORDS Exercise: English Question words - Exercise


SIMPLE PRESENT Quan fem servir el Present Simple en angls?
Quan parlem de rutines diries, hbits o accions que es repeteixen:

Every day I get up at seven oclock. Cada dia maixeco a les set en punt Quan parlem de lleis de la natura o veritats generals: Triangles have three sides. Els triangles tenen tres costats. Quan parlem dopinions i gustos: I like salad. Magrada lamanida.

Quina s la seva estructura gramatical?

AFIRMATIVA Per un verb com el verb work (treballar) lestructura del verb seria la segent:

1 2 3

SINGULAR I work You work He /She/It works

PLURAL We work You work They work

Lnica persona que canvia de forma s la 3 del singular (he, she, it) ja que hem dafegir una s desprs del verb. Per afegir aquesta s hem de vigilar les segents normes:

En la majoria de verbs noms hem dafegir +s:

work works know knows rain rains

Si el verb acaba en -s, -sh, -ch, -x -o haurem dafegir +es:

pass passes mix mixes wash washes go goes teach teaches do does

Si el verb acaba en consonant + y haurem de canviar la y per i i afegir +es :

fly flies studystudies


Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: THE PRESENT SIMPLE (1) THE PRESENT SIMPLE 2 THE PRESENT SIMPLE (4) THE PRESENT SIMPLE 5

NEGATIVA Per un verb com el verb work (treballar) lestructura del verb seria la segent:

1 2 3

SINGULAR I dont work You dont work He /She/It doesnt work

PLURAL We dont work You dont work They dont work

Lnica persona que canvia de forma s la 3 del singular (he, she, it) ja que afegim doesnt en lloc dafegir dont. Exercise: Simple Present - Negation of sentences in English Exercise: ESL Quiz - Present Simple Negative Verbs (Letitia Bradley) I-TESL-J Exercise: Simple Present, Exercises on Form - 03 :: 03 INTERROGATIVA Per un verb com el verb work (treballar) lestructura del verb seria la segent:

1 2 3

SINGULAR Do I work? Do you work? Does he /she/it work?

PLURAL Do we work? Do you work? Do they work?

Lnica persona que canvia de forma s la 3 del singular (he, she, it) ja que afegim does en lloc dafegir do. Recorda que al fer la pregunta afegim el verb auxiliar al davant de tot. Mira el segent exemple: You play football. Do you play football? Lnic que ha variat de la frase afirmativa a linterrogativa es que hem afegit davant el verb auxiliar DO i al final el signe dinterrogaci. She listens to music. Does she listen to music? Amb la 3 persona del singular el que afegim s lauxiliar DOES que ja porta una S, de manera que li triem al verb de la frase.


SHORT ANSWERS Podem respondre a les preguntes fetes amb Simple Present amb respostes curtes. Has de tenir en compte quin s el subjecte de la pregunta per fer la resposta, per exemple: Do I play basketball? o o Yes, I do No, I dont. Si la resposta s afirmativa el verb auxiliar ser afirmatiu Si la resposta s negativa el verb auxiliar ser negatiu

Does she get up at seven oclock every day? o o Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.

Exercise: Simple Present Questions - Online Exercise Exercise: PRESENT SIMPLE INTERROGATIVE Exercise: English Exercises: Present Simple Tense * Interrogative sentences * 3 tasks

FREQUENCY ADVERS Sovint utilitzem adverbis de freqncia a les frases en Present Simple ja que ens informen amb quina freqncia es fa lacci. Els ms comuns sn: ALWAYS (sempre): OFTEN (sovint): HARDLY EVER (gaireb mai): NEVER (mai): USUALLY (usualment): SOMETIMES (a vegades): She always forgets my birthday I often read at nights. We hardly ever have pizza for dinner. Mary never eats meat. We usually drink milk for breakfast. I sometimes have a coffee at midday.

Els adverbis de freqncia es colloquen sempre DAVANT del verb: School always starts at eight oclock. Per si el verb que apareix a la frase s el verb to be haurem de collocar ladverbi DARRERE del verb: My breakfast is always different.
Exercise: ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Exercise: POSITION OF ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Exercise: Position of adverbs of frequency - Exercise Exercise: Adverbs of Frequency


TIME EXPRESSIONS La freqncia de lacci tamb pot informar-se mitjanant expressions temporals com les segents: every day, in the morning, at night, once a week
Aquestes expressions es poden posar al comenament o al final de la frase: Tom bakes bread every morning Every morning Tom bakes bread.

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