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This report prepared from the continuous data stream initially started for 709 and kept running across the building tension to release language shift on October 7th employing 61.52 million reads.

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Meta Arts - A legend of symbols (incomplete)
An evolving attempt at an ALTA report legend of symbols. [] = Square brackets. When encountered in our reports the square brackets are used to visually isolate the linguistic sets that are within the data sets in modelspace. Square brackets most frequently contain aspects/attribute sets separated by the forward slash character /. Bespoke = When used in our reports the word means that what follows in the square brackets [] has been found in the data in that format. Usually this is used when we are noting archetypes filled with descriptors of actual emotions. E.g.= the aspect/attributes of 'bespoke' [fear]...or bespoke [grief]... or bespoke [rage]. Shows up when the other, more frequently used, and usually diluted, forms of emotional descriptors are not strong enough conveyors of emotion. Also can contain a label descriptor for a context. Context = When used in our reports a 'context' is a complete descriptor set beginning with the primary label for the descriptor and continuing down through all the associated descriptors which define the totality of the context. When found inside of square brackets and preceded by 'bespoke', the word used is most frequently the label for the complete descriptor set. E.g. [unknown], as a descriptor set the [unknown] this context contains over 20/twenty thousand words or sub sets which go to the idea of


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'not being able to place (the subject) into a consensus of the current reality'. This context does *not* contain those subjects which are elsewhere described as [officially denied (but known)], or [officially denied (but evidence exists)], excepting as sub sets of greater levels of [unknown(ness)]. An example of the complexity can be seen in examining the [rosewell crash (of officially denied extraterrestrials)]. The Rosewell crash is officially denied, *and*, at least to officialdom at some level, is [known], but still fit within lower levels of the [unknown] context as there is no consensus view of where the [known] facts fit within the greater context(s) of reality. The [unknown] context is what we term an "integration/internalization" set where the entity and the interpretation attempt to determine relationships between/amongst the various elements within the set. In contrast, the sub set of [officially denied stuff], is more of a 'collection' of sets with no relationship apparent, nor perhaps even meaningful if such relationships exist. Data Types: Immediacy values = effective from 3/three days out through 3/weeks inclusive. Shorter term values = fourth week out through the third month inclusive. Longer term values = fourth months through 32/thirtytwo months with rapidly decreasing granularity beyond 19/nineteen months. [populace/usofa] = the context of the populace, as it sees it self via archetypical delusional mythos, e.g. 'free people', 'self governing democracy'. [populace/usofa-bilderberger] = that context of the populace of the USofA which is ruled by the actions and directions of the Bilderberger group. These self proclaimed elites have control of the broader social themes. While this clique rules the USofA, they are themselves ruled from behind even further layers of delusion by the 'bloodline elites', also known as the illuminati, the club of rome, the 13/thirteen families and other names. [bogslife populace usfoa] = that part, or sub set of the populace/usofa which has gone [beyond old/organizational


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governmental structures] in their thinking to the point that it forms the core/guiding principles of their lives, and further is typified by active [exploration of intention]. Bloodline freaks/elites = self proclaimed 'blue bloods' and their minions who 'worship' the sexual/breeding history of their particular DNA sub set. This syndrome of bloodline worship is most frequently associated with monarchy, though there are also religious/cult components to the complex of linguistic descriptors in this area. Hmm. As well as in reality...look how closely 'church' is identified with 'bloodline rulers/monarchies'.

SpaceGoatFarts - Bird's Nest, First Triumvirate, Numerals, Smelly Harmonics

The SpaceGoatFarts entity is a strange collection of linguistic elements that, for many reasons, do not fit comfortably within the skin of other entities. Frequently we keep sets of aspects/attributes within both the originating entity where they are ill-fitting, and within the SpaceGoatFarts entity. This allows the process of interpretation to include backtracking to determine the original context of the 'thing' being examined. In other words we frequently find it helpful to be able to examine not only the currently growing sub set of interest within SpaceGoatFarts, but also its original position within its original entity. This allows the freedom to go back and answer the question of 'now how did this piece of linguistic structure end up here (in SpaceGoatFarts) in the first place". Usually we discover that some form of [official denial] or [official sanction (against knowing this information)] is involved. Occasionally the cause of the shift into SpaceGoatFarts originated as a case of being bespoke [unknown], such as the [unknown energies from space]. While other instances the items are clearly something that TPTB or [officialdom] would prefer should actually disappear into a cloud of giant mutant space goat farts on the hope that the powerful, corrosive gases would remove the item from the worry basket of TPTB. Given both the already large amount of [unknown] information for humans, and the continually expanding worry basket from TPTB, the SpaceGoatFarts entity has now become the fastest growing of all the entities, and in size, nearly to the dimensions of the Populace/USofA entity (the largest of the 'mid sized' entities). The SpaceGoatFarts entity is also our favorite here at HPH as it contains some of the more obvious jokes from universe on humans. And we


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all like a good laugh with our pies. So, in general, we are happy to see SpaceGoatFarts growing. Of course, there is a caveat. The growth within the SpaceGoatFarts entity is bringing large amounts of support into areas such as the [unknown] sub set which has little in the way of understandable context upon which to hang the newly arriving aspect/attribute sets. What we are able to discern is that there is a [doubled/twinned] group of 3/three dominant aspects within the new support under [unknown energies from space]. This triumvirate of aspects is composed of [authority], and [shock], and [movement/change]. These 3/three aspect/attribute sets move into support within SpaceGoatFarts just as the solstice finishes the [3rd/third day of standstill], or December 23rd, and then increase in support across the rest of [winter]. Regarding [winter] it needs to be noted that the seasons are manifestly changing, and the expectation is that I. Asimov was correct in his assumption that the oscillation between weather extremes would first be noticed by the absence of both Fall and Spring. In the northern hemisphere this effect has been felt from last year and is increasingly noticeable this Fall as we jump right from Summer into Winter weather. As the seasons of Fall and Spring fade in the manifesting reality, we will expect to see some corresponding fading of discussion of these former archetypes. Soooo.... as we go forward, we may wish to redefine our notion of [winter] and [summer] and [seasons]. The [shock] that initiates [movement/change] in the [authority] aspect/attributes in support of [unknown energies from space] includes many levels of interlinked support for a [sound] or a [harmonic wave] to arrive from [space] in such a manner as to [trigger/force/compel] those in [authority] to [react] in a [visible] manner. The SpaceGoatFarts entity, via internal cross links, is indicating that the [manner/form] of the [visible] [reaction] to the [sound/harmonic from space] will [*NOT*] be [clean faced/pure], and instead the [authority] may take some considerable [efforts] to [disguise] the actual [meaning] of their [actions]. This area is also heavily cross linked over to the Populace/USofA entity, sub set [officialdom/shadow government/space_alien_military_complex] where the termination points include the [whistleblowers/disgruntled former employees] and the [dollar death] sub sets. The idea coming up from the imagery is that after this [winter] episode of [harmonics] from [space] and the


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subsequent [disguised actions (from) authority], there will be a [revealing] of the [secrets] which will come about due to the crumbling economic conditions and the pending impact on *all* of [usofa civil/military service organizations]. Uncharacteristically, this new triumvirate of aspects/attribute sets brings along several numbers/numerals in the supporting sets. We have a tendency to distrust numbers that arise in our work due to the internet being chock-a-block full of them, so most are meaningless, but given our extensive efforts at screening out the numbers, we usually report them when they make it this far. In this instance we have a [shock] aspect supported by the number of [100/one-hundred thousand] persons who will be [directly affected], and then the [authority] involved becomes aware of the [threat] and mobilizes the [9/nine(s) groups]. Further supporting sets have the [9/nine] referring to [9/nine hills] as a location where the [threat] is perceived. Further within the [movement] sub set, at a primary supporting level, the data sets indicate that some [single component] such as perhaps the [mobilization] will span [7/seven days] in duration. There are some [visibility] sums within these areas, but only the [100/one-hundred thousand] have levels high enough to suggest any global mediastream [visibility] this [winter]. The whole of this new triumvirate of aspects is extensively cross linked to multiple levels of the [dollars death] and [treasure/currency/funding loss]. There are some vague labels being provided for both the source and the impact locations of the [harmonics from space]. The source is indicated to be [sparrow's nest]. This label is apparently an [internal code] within the ThePowersThatBe soon-to-be-recent (future recent past) conversations about this upcoming [harmonic wave impact]. The [sparrow's nest] language (including other symbolic references of a similar nature) will be a good marker for both the [harmonic] and as a means of detecting just 'who' may be an 'insider' within the TPTB. Further, the data suggests that after the arrival of the [harmonic wave], the location of the most affected region of the planet will be internally coded as [pigeon(s) roost]. There are other references for [space based] locations around the [harmonic wave] which are labeled by supporting layers as the [horse's mouth/teeth], and the [head of the oxen]. Further descriptor sets continue to accrue within these sets so perhaps more detail will be available later in this series. Within the [shock], [authority], [movement] triumvirate of


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aspects/attribute sets we have supporting layers specifically going to bespoke [survival], and that in turn is supported by sets indicating that [survival] is [necessary] in order to [do something worthwhile (subsequently)]. Of course this rather obvious statement is not in isolation, and instead has a whole series of [problems], or [attacks] lining up under it to provide the impression of [attacks/problems/situations_of_concern] which come from a [dozen/12/twelve] different [directions], and these are the [threats perceived] which will cause the TPTB to [insist] on a [reaction] by the [officialdom minions]. We have support under the [harmonic wave] sub set for [ruins], and for [terrified shocks], as well as [terrified gaze/stunned looks]. Further support comes under [harmonic 'touch'] which is indicated to [induce shock/stillness/intense_rigidity_in_response]. There are further indications of [shock] being the [motivator] for [movement], and this [movement] sub set itself provides clues that [500/five hundred miles] may be required to [leave the affected area/zone].

Populace/USofA - Twelve Days (of) Heartache, Puckered Flesh, Molasses (in) Winter, Hot Flashes
The accretion patterns for the Populace/USofA have the rising aspect/attribute set of [dying (economy)] which begins to move into place in very early December and reaches dominance shortly after the 23rd or the end of the solstice. The aspect/attribute set of [dying (economy)] is a separate linguistic structure from the [death of the dollar] sub set, but is cross linked as may be expected. However the emotional tones for the [dying (economy)] are very clearly a separate emotional thread, and this area is gaining support from very large inputs of immediacy and shorter term value sets. The accruing data suggests that the [dramatic emotional impacts] from the [dying economy] have yet to [settle home], and that these will begin with seriousness in very early December. We note that the first 12/twelve days of December will produce a series of [accidents] and [violent events] that will dominate the [main stream press/media], but that the real [drama/heartache/emotional release] will be [manifesting] from November 22 through to January 19th. There is a definite rise in emotional tone of the release language from December 1 through the 13th, with several [disturbing], and [shaking] events growing in support as the Populace/USofA entity


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is moved through the 8th to the 13th. Stated another way, [disturbing] and [violent] events will be [felt] to [pile up/pile upon] the [populace/usofa] from December 1 through the 13th, with a cluster of the more [violent] of the group centering around December 10th through the 12th. This area includes continuing growth of support for an earthquake of [destructive potential] in the days of December 10th through the 12th. Again, the data sets accruing to the Populace/USofA entity suggest that [twinned earthquakes] are possible in the days of mid December, and that at least 1/one of the temblors could be within the continental USofA. Leaving aside the issue of the earthquakes, the data suggests that [accidents] and [violent occurrences] are likely to be 'themes' for early December for the [populace/usofa], *along* with the [degradation] and *[contraction]* of the [economy] of the US over these weeks. The data sets indicate yet-another [contraction] in the [housing area], as well as the [default] of [several instruments of mass financial destruction]. The data sets are seemingly pointing to [default] and [cascading cross party defaults] at the [SIV/special investment vehicle] level. These include [credit default swaps] at the lower supporting levels. While the [violent] and [tumultuous] events are occurring in the first half of December, the [populace/usofa] will be [laboring] under emotional release language that picks up from November 22nd and continues unabated until February 15th. This emotional release language will be dominated by feelings of [stuck (in) quagmire/sinkhole/quicksand], as well as [weight (of the) crashing financial world (falling on ones' shoulders)]. Further mood altering emotional pressures will come in the form of a [stuck] or [grinding down (to) no action] from the [officialdom] at all levels, as well as the [crushing weight (of the) debts]. We have other language indicating that [repudiation] makes its first appearance at the [national] or [populace] level within the global mediastream near the middle of January, and thereafter becomes something of a continuing theme globally. The data set accretion patterns are indicating that from November 22 through February 14th, the [economic (power)] of the [usofabilderberger], as well as the [economic/financial security] of the [populace/usofa] will be taking [sustained rains (of) blows/strikes/hits/failures/disasters]. Though not shown as being continuous, that is to say, daily, the Populace/USofA entity is nonetheless forecasting that the feeling of the times will be as


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though [daily blows] are landing on the [economic stability/future] of the [populace/usofa]. The sums of the emotional values within the various sub sets of the Populace/USofA entity are to the point that a forecast of [destructive events] which will include [natural disasters (of multiple kinds)] as well as [sharp/brutal contractions (within the) economy] will become [visible] over the first half of December, with a slight peak on or about December 12th. There after the pace of [disasters] continues through to February 14th or so with little in the way of a reduction in speed. As if the current rate of emotional tension release is not enough, there are indications from the movement of Populace/USofA entity through modelspace that [anger] and [rage], and [revenge] will be rising [visibility] within the [populace/usofa] from late in the day on December 1, and continuing to rise through to December 15th where it reaches a plateau that extends at the same level until late in January. The precipitating 'events' that will trigger the [onset of visible rage/anger] will themselves start to become [visible] just after midnight on the 26th of November. These events will continue at a low(ish) level through the last few days of November and then become much more dramatic in both [scope] and [presence] as we turn the calendar into December. The data sets indicate that the [financial calamity] of late September and early October *will* be revisited on a [scale/extent] that is both [broad] and [deep] within the USofA [financial structure(s)] over these 17/seventeen days (or thereabouts). The longer term data sets are indicating that the [manifesting circumstances] of this November 27th through to December 14th (more or less) will also be [echoed] again, only with more intensity, and at deeper levels of the [social economic order] from January 25th through February 14th. The [economic/fiscal] problems of early December will be participating in 'pumping up' the [revolution] meme here in the USofA, but also globally, as the [officialdom] is going to make some really stupid mistakes or misjudgments in late December which will amplify the emotional component to the [death of the dollar] meme and also produce [abject poverty] in many regions globally. The data sets indicate that these [errors in actions], or [misjudgments] on the part of the [officialdom] rulers of the USofA will produce a [reduction (in) prestige], and more importantly a [very great drop] in the [presence] of the [officialdom/banksters] of the USofA within the [global financial order] that will become


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apparent (here in the USofA filtered through the controlled media) by February 14th. The data sets are indicating that from the 14th, the [populace/usofa] will be in a very intense, but brief period of building tension language as it (the populace) is [forced] by circumstances, to [understand] the [rapid reduction in power]. This produces the expected/forecast [shocks] to the [populace/usofa social contract/order] in mid February that will continue to ripple through all of 2009, and well into 2010. From January 29th through into the first few days of the building tension language period, say about February 19th or so, the data sets are indicating that [purges], and [institutional shake ups], as well as [unforeseen consequences] and [side effects] will become [fast moving targets] for the [press] in the country. The [populace/usofa] is indicted to react with [anger], [agitation], [upset], and bespoke [fear] (on the part of some sub groups/special interests) as the [sweeping arms (of) economic collapse] are occurring *just* as the new administration attempts to [grapple] with the [already exposed problems]. The situation from February 19th (in the first few days of the brief building tension period) through another 11/eleven months is to be dominated by the [collapse] of the [financial fraud] of the last few decades. The language from January 29th onward through the last of this current release language period (February 14th), and in through the all of the next building tension period is to be dominated by [death of the moribund], and the [shedding/destroying (of the) restraints/constraints]. Please note that this last has several layers of support for multiple layers of meaning being expressed. At a lower level, the data suggests that much [public verbiage] will be [heaped] upon the [destruction of the restraints/constraints] which were *supposed* to prevent just the situation that will emerge. This language indicates that [lawsuits], and even [physical assaults], ultimately up to [car bombing], and [fire bombs] will be headed toward the [guilty parties] within [officialdom] shown to [have willingly participated] in the [removal of restraints/safeguards]. This area is extensively linked over to the [retirement] context and does *not* bode well for millions of [retirement accounts] which, in their going [sour/bad/rotten] will [foment rage] and [incite revenge attacks]. Other layers of meaning provided to the [shedding of restraints] are indicating that [restraints] imposed by the Bushies these last few years will be [purged] in a [most brutal fashion]. This [removal of restraints] will cause very large levels of [consternation/fear] within many in the [religious right]


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movements, and this will further prompt the language about [abandonment] of the [usofa]. Yet more layers of support indicate that [constraints] on [swift actions] may be [removed] from government by the [goons in charge] in a vain attempt to [continue to prop up/support] the [dying dollar]. None of this is going to be viewed as favorable by the [shadow government/secret ops/space_alien_military_complex]. The [collapse of the economy] and the [death of the dollar] will provide some very [sharp/acute/thorny] problems for the [shadow world] as the *only* reason they could siphon off the vast amounts of wealth so far extracted from the [populace/usofa] was that the [dollar] is a relatively 'fluid' paper debt instrument. Once it goes, and the [crushing poverty] hits the [populace/usofa] in 2009, the data sets are indicating that the [shadow government] is also [plunged into poverty] due to not being able to [steal] as much as in the past. As previously indicated the [poverty] of the [shadow government] creates situations all through 2009 in which [whistle blowers/disgruntled *former* employees] will be coming out in a gathering stream as the various [black/dark side support systems] will fail. The depth of the planetary depression (economic) is some years off, but 2009 brings the [transformation] wave that ripples out from the [collapse of the dollar hegemony] and the [death of the american empire].

Terra - Flora Confusion, Tidal Intrusion

The data sets continue to accrue support for [earthquake(s)] in the date range of December 10th through the 12th (more or less by a day to 29/twenty nine hours). The data sets at the supporting layers continue to grow under [fertile masses] that will be [in movement]. These supporting layers seem to be pointing toward at least 1/one [earthquake] to be in regions where [spring is fading], and that would *ordinarily* suggest the southern hemisphere. However this is an exceptional year globally as many areas in the northern hemisphere (including our own here in the PNW of the continental US) are experiencing spring like conditions at the level of the local flora. There are reports globally of spring blooming flowers, both annuals and perennials such as trees and shrubs, that are blooming at this time of the year. Unknown until now, especially globally.


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Here at HPH we have had spring blooming hyacinths and other bulbs popping up with surprising strength these last few weeks. Further, the local mushrooms, including chanterelles, are also in flowering mode at this very late part of the year. Again, unknown in this scope until this year. So, while the 'normal' interpretation of the phrases appearing in the data about [spring fading] would be for a southern hemisphere association given the time of the year, this particular instance is not quite as clear. We still are accruing supporting layers for [dancing mountains] and other indicators that [volcanic activity] will be temporally related to the [earthquakes]. Further we also have the [busted dams], and the [floods] indicated to result from those consequences of the [earthquakes]. These areas are also cross linked or directly held supporting layers for [damage], and [isolation], as well as [loss of power], [damage to roads]. There are further data sets accruing for support of [armies/masses] of people affected, including large numbers who will be [sleeping in the streets] as a result of the [shaking dancing mountains]. The detail layers provide archetypes for [streams] that come [dancing off mountains], and into [fertile areas]. These [streams] are described as [rolling] or [twisting/moving] during the [earthquake], as [rocks] from the [high mountain] are indicated to [change the course/direction] of the [waters]. Further supporting linguistics come from [geese], and [reeds (along the) stream banks]. We also have descriptors for the area being something of a [vacation] spot, and that it recently been exceedingly [distressed] due to lack of [travelers]. The [earthquake] sub sets are indicating that the [temblor] will be [felt] over a range of a [1000/one-thousand miles]. It also shows support under a [late night] time period, and that [5/five] very sizeable [aftershocks] will also [show up/manifest] prior to [morning/sunrise]. Again we have data sets for people having to [make escape in the dark (of) night], as well as [broken glass], and [cut feet]. The [wedding interrupted] sub set still grows, and may be related to a [collapsing wall] that [cuts/separates] a [chapel] into [sections]. There are some minor levels of support for [disruption] of a [visible] nature at a nearby [zoo] or [animal park]. The [visibility] sum suggests that the [animals/zoo video] will be available within days of the [earthquake]. The [interrupted wedding] meme is supported at multiple levels. There are indications for stories to appear days after the [earthquake] of [wedding plans] and [proposals] which will also be


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[featured/seen/visible] at the [beginning] of the [shaking/dancing/limping mountains]. The data sets indicate that a [lodge] or other form of [mountain retreat] for [honeymooners/newly_wedded_couples] will also be [prominently visible]. The imagery around this [vacation/respite site] includes [video] that will be [featuring newly altered streams], and other forms of [strange rains]. There are supporting aspect/attribute sets for the [disruptions (to the) plans (of the) monarchs (as their) servant(s)/minions] are inconvenienced by [destroyed roads] and other [earthquake debris]. There are further [water] related sub sets indicating that very large areas of [public water supplies] will be [ripped open] or in some other manner rendered [inoperable/broken]. Along with this there are indications that [automobiles in ditches], and the [destruction of roads] will seriously [hinder] the [ability] to both [respond] to the [destroyed water systems] as well as to [repair] them later. There are indications that the [earthquakes] will produce [fires], and [building evacuations under threat of fire]. These are also indicated to place [strains] on the local populace throughout the [weeks] of the [aftermath/clean up] from the earthquakes. However, there are also [visible] sums within the [reactions] sub set to the [earthquakes] which suggest that much will be made in the global mediastream of the [friends] coming in [aid] to the [affected region]. There are further sub sets going to a [change of life manner] that will impact the affected [populace] in such a way as to propagate out years into the future. Stated another way, the Terra entity suggests that the [earthquake] will [alter the social order] of [generations] and will change the [local social fabric/system]. In a separate sub set in the Terra entity, but not in the supporting chain for [earthquakes], rather as its own sub set of concern, there is yet another instance of [flowering (extra seasonally)] which is forecast to become [visible] this [winter]. The data sets suggest via cross links over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity, that the [flowering (in) winter] will be directly related to [unseen], and [unknown energies from space]. This is apparently to be [visible] in several places on the planet that will be in typical [winter] weather, yet somehow are [visibly] providing [proof of flowering]. Hmmm. Winter pie berries? We can only hope. Of course the berries would require winter bees/pollinators, so maybe we should all stand ready with our small paintbrushes to act as pollinators in lieu of our insect friends.


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In the sub set of the Terra entity which houses the [global coastal event], the newly accruing aspect/attributes are in support of an [under oceans/oceanic floor alteration]. This [alteration] is associated with [volcanic] and [mountains]. Further this sub set of the [global coastal event] begins to accrue to the Terra entity in late Summer of 2009, and then brings in [accelerated actions/increase in behavior] in Fall of 2009. The implication for the interpretation is that [ocean floor changes] will be at least partially responsible for the [global coastal event]. The data sets are seemingly indicating a Pacific 'ring of fire' location for the [under oceans alterations], and are still pointing toward a [multiple month] episode or 'event'. Further interpretation comes from the numerous cross links over to the GlobalPop entity where the inference is that [tidal activity] changes due to the [under oceans alterations]. These [alterations] also are indicated to have [profound/life changing] effects in a number of areas including [weather patterns], [local climate changes], and the expected [human level impacts] such as [shipping], and [sea harvesting]. Other impacts of notable size within the GlobalPop include a [spate/episode] of [general disbelief] and [missed understanding] about the [occurrence/events] which will result in some significant fraction of the population going into a state of [active denial] and [cognitive dissonance]. Another, smaller, sub set of the populace is shown as going [catatonically religious], which can also be translated as being [paralyzed (by) religion (swamping/dominating) the mind]. In the GlobalPop entity, there are repeated detail layers indicating that some of these [paralyzed by religion] people will become very [dangerous] as their [assumptions] are [challenged] by the [developing reality] of 2009 and beyond. These people will be especially [lethal] here in the USofA as they are mostly armed, and heavily so. And are soon to become actively squirrelly, and unable to reconcile reality as it manifests with the [projections] and [insistence] which [dominates] their [mind].

Markets - Fast, Furious, Fumbling, French, Fuzzy

We are rapidly approaching that point from which further updates in the Markets entity will be relatively useless. This will be due to both the apparent [death of the dollar], and the [crashing (of) paper debt markets]. This latter is indicted to be triggered by [defaults] before the end of [winter] in such number as to render the idea of [investment] an [absurdity]. Further, the [crash (of) confidence (in) officialdom/government numbers/statistics] here in the USofA will


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be producing a further increase in [divestiture] at a [global level] in late January through to the end of March. The [oppression] sub set which is [dominating] the GlobalPop entity, sub set [economics] due to the [death of the dollar], and the [fraudulent (hyper leveraged) 'investments'] is indicted to peak late in [february], and thereafter to begin to manifest under the aspect/attributes of [getting beyond], and [moving beyond]. These 2/two related descriptors are also supported by many sub sets indicating a [lack of understanding], as well as a general [confusion] about [what to do], but in all of these cases the general emotive tone will be of [perseverance] to [find a way] around the [dollar death]. The above is very bad news for the [tricksters/frauds/banksters] here in the USofA-Bilderberger, as the [emotive wave] produces a [near total/almost complete shutdown/cessation] of [foreign investment] into the [usofa-bilderberger system]. These sets appear in the data in late January and build through to the end of the current release period on February 14th (more or less by a few days). The effect on the new/old [elites] in [officialdom] is severe, and is indicated to bring [yet another round of anger/hot flashes of social unrest] within the [populace/usofa]. A significant effect within the [officialdom] will be the [acceleration] of the attempts to [catch the reformation wave] before it turns into [runaway revolution]. The data indicates that the [oppression] meme will rise as the [shadow government] runs into some [funding crises] that start off the [secrets revealed wave] and propels the Populace/USofA entity into the Summer of Hell. A distinct sub set that is found in support of both the TPTB entity and the Bushies entity, the [treasurer/holders_of_wealth_control] linguistic structure is indicating that Paulson, et al (Bernake, and other culpable fellows), will be having a [very extremely bad] early December that then turns into a [terrible winter]. The data sets are indicating that the Bushies, will be [demonstrating/showing/illustrating] the broader context of [cognitive dissonance] over this period until the [swearing] in January as the [new crowd] is installed as temporary [princes]. Please note that we are just now crafting the Obama sub set based entity, and as yet do not have a label for the start of this important, and very large linguistic set. We may wait until the first data gathering run past the inauguration to decide on a label for this entity. In any event, the [new administration] will be [thrust] into a


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[shitstorm] of [epic proportions] as the theme of [unraveling] takes hold within the first few days of the new Obama officialdom. The idea coming across from the combination of the supporting sub sets of TPTB and the Bushies is that [huge] amounts of [energies], including [political], [ritual], and [economic] are being [expended] to [hold things together] until the [transfer (of) power]. The idea is that the [state of planet earth the economic collective] is both [largely/vastly different] from what is being [portrayed/created (in the) propaganda] of the media, and is [extremely worse] than the majority of humans can or do understand. Even in these last days of Bush, the [officialdom] has been [believing (their own) illusionary numbers] for so long, that the core of [officialdom] does not even [recognize] that they [don't know] how bad things are, and rather is showing that they will [stand] in a [shocked] and [unbelieving manner] as the events of December and [winter] roll over them. The language accretion patterns are indicating that the [bushies], and especially *all* the [officialdom] associated with [money], and the [economy] will be [labeled] repeatedly as [ineffectual] over these next 2/two months. Even after the [new crowd] comes into power, the data sets are indicating that the [banksters_in_civil_servants_clothing] will be [vilified] for the next several [years] as yet more [secrets (are) revealed]. Further, there are suggestions within the supporting aspect/attributes that several of the [banksters/criminals_in_gov't] will actually be able to participate in the upcoming expressions of the [revolution] meme. Though their participation is described as [passive], and [corpselike], it will nonetheless form a very [potent] center for a number of [revolutionary rallying words]. We are all *sure* that, as good civil servants, these [banksters/criminals_in_gov't] will be absolutely *thrilled* to be allowed to 'serve the people' yet 1/one more time. The [ineffectual] label will certainly stick to these last 2/two months of the [bushies reign], and will include several very large [reversals] that will begin manifesting on or around the 15th of December. These will likely include a [reversal] on their positions vis-a-vis the [bailouts] of the [automobile industry]. Further [bad ideas] will be [surfacing] under the [secrets revealed] meta data layer in the last week prior to the December solstice, and the data sets are indicating that the [visible] form of [presences] of the [bushies] will manifestly change. The data sets within Markets are indicating that this [change of presence] within the [bushies] will be a [blood draining] event or [day], once the [visibility] levels [shift] it into [markets consciousness]. The effect is indicated to [focus


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rage] or [concentrate public anger]. The side effects will include [visible], within the global media stream, [quaking] in the [currency markets] which will produce [calls/language] that the [new administration] should just [take over now], rather than wait the remaining weeks. The 'good news' within the Markets entity is that a [renaissance] of [palpable/touchable/visible] proportions, and impact has just begun in the areas previously labeled as the [new electrics]. Further the data sets are indicating that the [new electrics] and the [bogslife populace usfoa] will begin to [craft] the [new electrics] even during the [chaos] of this next year (2009) and the expression of the [revolution] meme. These [new electrics] are including descriptor sets for [micro devices] which [extract use-able/measurable] forms of [micro electric currents] from the [material universe] around us, including specific references to the [oceans] and other forms of [waters]. Please note, this is specifically NOT referencing [zero point energy] systems, but rather what we could label as [man made forms] of [photosynthesis] in a plethora of shapes and capacities. There are even indications within the aspect/attribute sets of the [new electrics] for a form of [created cilia/small micro hairs)] which will be made into [blankets] that can be applied to such diverse things as [boats], and [waterwheels]. These [cilia blankets] are external, and will provide [motive force]. In the case of the [boats] they will drive the vessels, and in the instance of the [waterwheels] they will provide [physical/centrifugal forces] for the extraction of both [electricity], and [circular motion (a'la grinding things)]. The 'bad news' components to this 'good news' sub set of the [new electrics] is that the [new way] will not be 'investable' or 'open to speculation' as is the current [paper debt markets]. So those who would attempt to [own things], especially [intellectual 'property'] will be very sadly disappointed in the manifesting [new world consensus] {ed note: began the last of the end of the old world consensus on October 7. This [arqi], or [end phase], itself will complete on February 14th. New world consensus starts forming that day.}. Also, the data sets continue to build in support of the linguistics for the [bogslife] sub sets of the planetary populace. These [bogslife peoples] are indicated to [get beyond], [advance], [proceed], [gather (to themselves) resources], [activate (their) potentials], and other language for [success]. The data shows that this [counter current] within the [planetary economy/activity] begins to [increase] in significance from mid February onward, and that the [bogslife


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thinkers/leaders/philosophers] will be emerging like a [crop (of) new wheat] with the coming of [spring]. Again, there are distinct associations for a [french fellow (likely male)] with a [personal history] of [disputes] with [authority]. The curious part is the very strong association for that particular personality within the Markets entity. In many ways it 'reads' as though the [minds in control of the global paper debt markets] will see this personality as their [nemesis (new isis?)] at much more than a symbol level, but given the intense level of high emotion cross links over to the ThePowersThatBe entity and the [officialdom/black ops/shadow gov't] sub set of the Populace/USofA, it seems safe to interpret their bespoke [fears] as acknowledging the [symbolism] as the [root] of their [trepidation]. So they, the [fearful minions/TPTB], are far more [affected] by their understanding and practice of [correspondence rituals] than they would have it be known. Their real problem distills down to the following: a 'man' they could merely eliminated/kill or have 'suicided', but a man who is also a symbol presents problems as usually when such a man is killed, the symbol is 'activated' or 'released into the wild/universe'. And they recognize that they can merely manipulate, not control symbols. Hence the bespoke [fear] showing up relative to the [scruffy frenchmen], who is described within TPTB entity via cross link to the GlobalPop as being [barely shod] and [rarely shorn]. This fellow further has the characteristic of being a [polymath] of some [extra ordinary/exceptional ability]. Further, as an aside, the person is intimately associated with [symbols (of an) arcane science]. Again, a layer of bespoke [fear] in the TPTB and the Markets entity provides support for this descriptor set. Hmmm. Ought to be quite the [dust_up/fight] when the [personality] emerges. The data sets continue to build in support of the [new electrics] within the Markets entity which is rapidly becoming synonymous with the [new world consensus]. These sub sets, including cross links continue to build under the [fuzzy frenchmen], though there are increases in [visibility] indicated for late in February 2009 and beyond. Our interpretation is that the impact of this individual on the planetary social structure has yet to 'stabilize' and is still increasing, perhaps even being increased in a feedback loop fashion by emerging events. We are awaiting the rise in [visibility] of this person as a temporal marker for several other manifesting circumstances which will seem to [pop into existence] very rapidly thereafter.


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Conclusion: ALTA 909 - Part Three :- Possibilities,

The way that our systems of forecasts work, we are delivered large level, archetypical descriptors. These can be as vague as [twinned, destructive earthquakes]. Thereafter, if we are lacking in more details, the rest of the interpretation, at some point, resolves down to speculation. In the case of earthquakes, and other natural disasters, certain manifestations in reality aid the guessing game about the forecast. Further information may be gleaned from other sources including astronomic alignments, or other hyper spatial potentials. These are particularly useful in the case of earthquakes. For our internal speculation we have the following assumptions from the descriptors: the second of the quakes is smaller, and has the most descriptors for areas of forested, wet lands with mountains, and sea coasts such as the Pacific Northwest. Further the second of the quakes is indicated to do less [building] damage and to inflict more [roads/transportation/power_systems] damage. the first of the twin earthquakes is likely to have 5/five [rocking] after shocks that illicit emotional release language. This earthquake is associated with the [fiance/proposal], and the second quake with the [delayed/interrupted wedding] (though this may be only temporally, not in proximate). at a larger level the earthquakes are seen as [twins], and the [first] is likely only 3/three or so days earlier than the second. The earthquakes are described in a very loose way that we can characterize as 'antipodal'...this does not mean exactly opposite, but rather in the broader way in which humans will define 'opposite'. Our thinking here at HPH produces the following 3/three broad templates for the how of the earthquake manifestations. Scenario 1 - Opposite in the same latitudinal hemisphere: First earthquake in Iran/Pakistan (or less likely Turkey/and areas north of the Black Sea or Caucus region). There would be 5/five after shocks. The first earthquake will


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be 'localized' in an area roughly 1000/onethousand miles in diameter. The second quake would follow in either the ocean off of British Columbia, Canada, or in the volcanic region of very southern Alaska. Scenario 2: Opposite in opposite longitudinal hemisphere. The first earthquake as above excepting more to the east, and increasing possibility of the location in China. Second earthquake in the southern hemisphere, more likely in the volcanic region of mid to southern Chile. Both earthquakes in this scenario are within the 32/thirty-two to 36/thirty-six degrees of latitudes bands. Scenario 3: Opposite in same longitudinal hemisphere. In this scenario, both earthquakes would be within the same hemisphere, but the earthquakes would be opposite along (roughly) the same longitudinal lines. So 2/two more probable sub scenarios would include both earthquakes in the American hemisphere, with the first being in Chile, and the second being in the Pacific Northwest of the USofA (likely WA State, or off the coast of OR state). Or the first earthquake could be in the area of geoactive regions in China, and the second in the Indonesian region. Bear in mind that any of the scenarios could have the first and second earthquakes reversed against the actual manifestation. And further, we could certainly be wrong about the earthquake. With our usual earthquake indicators, that is to say, within our history with earthquake forecasts, the data sets do not usually show up quite as far out as has been the case here. This may be due to the levels of property damage, or some other [consciousness impressing] component of the earthquakes, on a spookier note, it very well could be that we are spectacularly incorrect, and also are spectacularly successful in letting people know about the 'earthquakes' prior to the period, thus are participating in our own backward feeding temporal activities. In other words, just to muddy the waters, our very success in reaching out with an earthquake 'warning' precipitates the level of anxiety that causes the temporal


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ripple that we first caught over a year ago. Make sense? Clear as chemtrails on a cloudy day? Or, even stranger to consider, what if our work has picked up the general anxiety over earthquakes, that we are seeing manifest in the populace via such means as the recent mega drill for earthquakes in California, which itself is prompted by the general 'unease' affecting the planetary populace as we slowly slide into our future. And could this unease of the general populace, which prompted the 'timing' of the earthquake drill, be due to the massed prescience of just such earthquake [twins] as forecast over a year ago within our data sets? Curious, and mad hatters here, though certainly plenty of jutnobs around. ###

Part Four is expected to be posted by late on Saturday, November 29.


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