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Managers in different organizations, being human beings have an attitude towards t hings and people they come across

in the organization. A manager being a key per son in the organization and a person who contributes to the performance of the o rganization plays an important role with the attitude he has towards work and pe ople. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to figure out how a manage rs attitude affects organizational performance. Attitude and Organizational Performance : Attitude is a predisposition to act in a certain way toward people and things in ones environment ( Schermerhorn, 2010). These are learned behaviors that start f rom the very childhood and continue till the last phase of human life. To fully understand attitude, positive or negative, we must recognize thress com ponents of attitude. Affective components: This refers to the experience of feel ing or emotion. For example: A manager reflects a specific feeling that is he fee ls very good about being a manager of the respective company. Behavioral componen ts: The way the attitude we have influences how we act or behave. For example: Th e manager says to himself I am going to work hard and try to get the organization to new heights!. Cognitive components: Cognitive component involves a persons bel ief or knowledge about an attitude object. For example: A manager might believe t hat his work is very interesting. Organizational performance is a process of value creation. (Schermerhorn, 2010). It is the notion of outcome of work being achieved through extra contributions of people. Performance constitutes of both tangible & intangible measurements. W e can measure performance through productivity, performance efficiency and perfo rmance effectiveness. Relationship between Attitude and Performance : As we all know attitudes are evaluative statements which might be favorable or u nfavorable, positive or negative and its an important trait of a human being. Pos itive attitude helps everyone to be in proper frame of mind which eventually lea ds them to success and overcoming hurdles. Whereas a negative attitude leads to a total miss-communication, numerous mishaps and the output result is low perfor mance. Attitude is a generally one of the key motivational factors which inspire s human being to give their peak performance. So as a whole it can concluded by saying that in order to get the desired level of performance a strong positive attitude is must & foremost for any organization to succeed. The Major Job Attitudes for a Manager in an Organization : Job Satisfaction: It is the degree to which an individual feels positive or nega tive about various aspects of a job. (Schermerhorn, 2010). There is a modest lin k between job satisfaction and performance. There is also evidence that performa nce influences satisfaction that is high performing workers are likely to feel s atisfied. One of the popular positions is that job performance followed by rewar ds that are valued and perceives as fair will create job satisfaction. This in t urn, will increase the motivation to work hard and to achieve high performance i n an ongoing process. Job Involvement: It is the extent to which an individual is dedicated to a job ( Schermerhorn, 2010). Job Involvement is an important intrinsic motivational vari able for any organization. Any effort to maximize organizational effectiveness r equires a higher degree of job involvement among members of an organization and of course the manager. This is because employees who are highly involved with th eir job are empowered psychologically and are motivated by achievement needs and self-esteem needs. This in turn will cause them to work hard and perform highly as the job is then not only a source of income to them but something they reall y care about.

Organizational Commitment: It is the loyalty of an individual to the organizatio n (Schermerhorn, 2010). Organizational commitment can be encouraged by the serio usness with which manager value the appraisal process, the job performance and t he amount of employee control over outcomes. Research has also found that those employees who are committed to their profession also have higher levels of commi tment to the organization and thus enhancing organizational performance. Job Engagement: The willingness to help others and do extra and feeling positive about the organization (Schermerhorn, 2010). Job engagement can also be seen as the enthusiasm in job. Having high level of Job engagement tends to make worker s more passionate about their work for which they tend to take their job more se riously and perform better. Practice at Interspeed: 1. High level of Job Satisfaction. Managers think their job is interesting and what they wanted to do. Thus the managers go an extra mile and complete thei r work which creates value for the organization and brings about positive organi zational performance. 2. High level of Job Involvement: This arises from the thought that getting more involved in their job will get them to a higher position in the organizati on. This helps to fulfill their self-esteem needs and it is this need that motiv ates them to get more involved with their job. The managers are thus more zealou s in their work. They are regular, punctual and carry out their job enthusiastic ally and consequently enhancing organizational performance and creating a good e xample for the employee. 3. High level of Organizational Commitment: The managers believe by being c ommitted to their job they might be able to get to improve the companys goodwill. The managers feel that if they leave the company then it would hurt the companys performance. Thus the managers play an important role not only in performing th eir specific tasks but also ensures that any relevant tasks for the companys succ ess are being taken proper care of. 4. High level of Job Engagement: The managers believe that their work is im portant and meaningful and thus they feel a deep connection with the company. Th e managers pays more time and attention in their job. Our Learnings : A manager with a good attitude breeds motivation within the organization. This b rings increased production, work satisfaction, work and personal appreciation, p ersonal commitment and personal respect. All in all contributing to positive org anizational performance! When managing subordinates it is attitude that can make a difference in performance and as such the organizations performance. Our atti tude towards a person, a project, an idea, or our self will have a positive or n egative impact on performance. If our attitude co-insides with the expected resu lts, chances are, the results will improve dramatically.

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