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ODoughnoue and Rabin (1996) Montgomery (1998) Powell and Smith-Doerr (1994) Montgomery (2005) Calon and Muniesa (2003) Pierre Levy (2000) Marshall McLuhan (1966) Latour (2004, pp. 10-14). Poovey (1998). Daviss (2003) Prychtiko (1998). Niklas Luhmann (1987 Norbert Elias (1994 [1939]; 1994 [1987]) Talcott Parsons (mainly in his Social Structure and Person(1964) Kurtzweil, 1988 Robbins (1932) Marx (see his German Ideology see Hodgson (2001 Kirman (1992) and Ormerod (1998) Mizruchi and Sterns (2001); Uzzi (1999); Maurer (2005); MacKenzie and Millo (2003); Makler (1998) Gabriel Tarde Dawkins (2006) [1976]). Marshall (1982 [1890]) Foucault (1966),

Blumen (2005), Santos (2007), Kants Critique of Pure Reason (1781) Adam Smith in The Theory of the Moral Sentiments Bowles et. al, (2005). McMurtry (2003) Bernard Hodgson (2001), Schabas (2005 Gerrard (1993 Lagueux (1997)) Paul Samuelson put it, in his 1970s Nobel Prize Lecture speech:
Lawson (1997).

Deane (1978). Hodgson, 2005 Cairnes (1836) and Neville Keynes (1890 in Hands (2001, p. 26). see Carneiro (1997)). see Backhouse (1985 Kuhn (1970) McCloskey (1983, 1985) Mirowski, (1989) Mirowski (2002) McCloskey (1996). Schumpeter (1986) [1954], p. 814-5 Ormerod (1998 Judd et al. (2007 Marshall Sahlins in his Stone Age Economics (1972, p 20) Montaigne (1580, pp 370-504 the essay The Apology of Raymond Seband; see mainly pp. 451-499 Thomas Hobbes (1651 Giannetti (2003), p. 43


John Locke, in his Second Treatise on Government (1690) Hirschman, 1977: 54 Schabas (2005: 168)). Cerqueira (2000, 2002), Tribe (1978) McPhersons (1962) Werlang (2003) Anderson (2003: 62)), Winch, 1996: 66 Amaral, 2005 Weffort (2003): 196 Redman (1997: 108) Humes Treatise on Human Nature (THN) Niehans (1990:62 Screpanti and Zamagni (2005: 81), Kerstenetzky (2005: 261 Weintraub, 2002 Poovey (1998
De Marchi, 1993, for an overview).

Alvey, 1999 Malthus (Principles and Meaning of Terms) Paiva (1997: 57

Mill, J. S., 1844, emphasis added), 1848)

Persky (1995)1 Mattos (1997, 2004 Paulani (2005) Albert and Hahnel (1991) Sidgwick Cavalieris (2007) Revista Estudos Econmicos Tribe (1993)). Jevons


Schabass book (1990 Mattelart (2002: 11-32 Moscatti (2007) showed Maas (1999: 587-8) Rosser (2002 Hacking (2006 [1975]) Coase (1975: 25-31) Neville Keynes Lon Walras. Right in the first chapter of his lments d'conomie politique pure Melanges d'economie politique et sociale


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