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Irlean Methodist Epbcopal (A.M.E.) :Annenlan laha'i laplilt

God and Me God and God ond Church God and Ule ~. Gregory Afaral Unity 01 Mankind God and Me God and Church Good Shepherd

~~"' ~i' 'i="i ~

. -t:'~,+ o
T ,,).
Christian Church (Dlsclples of Chrllt)

Good Servonl Faithlul Servanl
God and Counlly

.astern Ot1hodox
~AJ~pho-:Orn-ego----t ~
I~~~~ ~~--_:_:__=__~

- -
Polish National catholic Church Church In AmerIca
The Order 01 love 01 God God and Caunlly God and Me God and Family God and Church God and Ufe God and Ufe

"'1 l~·
...., - j

Prelbytertan Church (U.S.A.) ProMItant/Unhd Church 01 CIvIIt/

• -
God and Me God and Ule God and Ute
Community ChurchM
God and Me God and family God and Church God and lile God and Service Spiril 01 Truth Friends

Roman Catholic/Eastern Catholic
Ughl 01 Christ Parvull Dei Ad A1tare Dei UghlisUfe Pope Pius XII Siiver Cresl God and Family God and Church God and Ufe Seaulels Award

Unltec:l MethodIst
God and Me God and Family God and Church God and Ule Gad and Service God and Service God in Me Ughl 01 God Di~inguished
'Wlir.DiIlll" Youlh Service

Religious Emblems Programs Available to

Members of the Boy Scouts of America

A Scout is reverent. He is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties

and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion.
To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed the following religious
emblems programs. The Boy Scouts of America has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn
on the official uniform. The various religious groups administer the programs. Check with your local council service
center or contact the religious organization directly to obtain the curriculum booklets.

Boy Scout and Venturer l , Older Boy Adult

Cub Scout Webelos Seout
Va rs ity Scout Seoul, Varsity Scout Recognition
African Methodist Episcopal Church God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God am Church God and Lne God and Service
Local council service cenler or PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Sune 3, S. No. 33604A S, No, 33597A S, No. 33599A S, No. 33609; C, No. 33610; Nomination
St. Louis, MO 63123-3413; 800-933-7729; e-mail:;Website: C, No. 33603B: C, No. 33598B: C, No. 33600A M, No. 33605 M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God am Church God am Lne God and Service
Local council service center Dr P.RAY., 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suite 3, S. No, 33604A S, No, 33597A S, No, 33599A S, No. 33609; C, No. 33610; Nominalion
St. Louis, MO 63123-3413; 800-933-7729; e-mail: sne: C. No. 33603B; C, No. 33598B: C, No. 33600A M, No. 33605 M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A

Armenian Apostolic Church of America (Western Prelacy) None None Saint Mesrob Saint Mesrob None
6252 Honolulu Ave.• Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 91214: 818-248-7737
Armenian Church of America (Eastern Diocese) Saint Gregory Saint Gregory Araral Ararat None
Department of Youth and Education, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America,
630 Second Ave., New York, NY 10016; 212-686-0710
Baha'i Unity ot Mankind Unity ot Mankind Unity ot Mankind Unity of Mankind Service to Humanity
Baha'i CommiUee on Scouting, Baha'i National Cenler, Education and Schools
Olfice, 1233 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201-1611; 847-733-3492; Web sile:
Baptist God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Life Good Shepherd Nomination
Local council service center or PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Sune 3, St. Louis, S, No. 33604A; S, No. 33597A; S, No. 33599A; S, No, 33609; C, No. 33610; No. 77-0622
MO 63123-3413; 800-933-7729; e-mail:;Web site: C, No. 33603B: C, No. 33598B: C, No. 336ooA; M, No, 33605
www.pmypub,org M, No_ 33606A M. No, 33595A M, No. 33596A
BUddhist Me"a Me"a Sangha Sangha Bodhi
National BuddhISt Committee on Scouling, 415 42nd Ave., San Mateo, CA 94403:
650-574-4527: fax: 408-756-3288: e-mail:
Catholic, Eastern Parvuli Dei Parvuli Dei Ughtls Life Pope Pius Xtt Saint George Calholic
Local council service center, diocesan Scout office, or National Calholic Committee S, No. 33085A S, No. 33085A S, No. 16-3011: S, No, 33076A: Nominalion
on Scouting, 1325 West Walnut HIli Lane, PO, Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079; First- aJ1d second-graders C, No. 16-106 C, No. 34733A No, t6-132 2
972-580-2114: Web site: may earn Light 01 Christ,
No. 33074A
Catholic, Roman Parvuh Dei PaJVun Dei Ad Allare Dei Pope Pius XII Saint George Roman
Local council service center, diocesan Scout office, BSA Supply Division, S, No. 33085A S, No, 33085A S, No. 33094; C, No. 33072 S, No. 33076A: Catholic Nomination
800-323-0732: Web siles: or www.praypub,org First- and second-graders C, No. 34733A No. t6-132 2
may earn LIght of Christ
S, No. 33074A
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Lile God and Service
Local council service center or PRAY, 8520 MackenZie Road, Suite 3, S, No. 33604A; S, No, 33597A; S, No. 33599A; S, No, 33609; C, No. 33610; Nomination
SI. Louis, MO 63123-3413; 800-933-7729: e-mail: info@praypub,org:Websile: C, No. 33603B; C, No. 33598B; C, No, 336ooA; M, No, 33605 M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A

Christian Methodist Episcopal Church God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Life God and Service
Local council service center or PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suite 3, S, No, 33604A; S, No. 33597A; S, No. 33599A; S, No, 33609; C, No. 33610; Nomination
SI. Louis, MO 63123-3413: 800-933-7729; e-mail: sile: C, No. 33603B; C, No. 33598B; C, No. 33600A; M, No, 33605 M, No, 33606A M, No, 33595A M, No. 33596A

Church of Christ, Scientist God and Counlry God and Counlry God and Ccuntry God and Ccunlry God and Service
PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Sune 3, St. Louis, MO 63123-3413; 800-933-7729; No,3CSFB No,3CSFB No,3CSCB No.3CSCB Nomination
e-mail:;Website: I'I,//w,praypub,org
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (lOS) Faith ,n God Faith in God On My Honor On My Honor On My Honor
LDS Relationships, 36 South State Sireet, SUI Ie t 175, Salt Lake City,
UT 84111-1467; 801-530-0004
Churches of Christ Lo~ng Servanl Joyful Servant Good Servant Goad Servant Faithful Sarvant Nomination
Members 01 Churches 01 ChOst lor Scouting, ACU Box 27938, Abilene, TJ( 79699-7938; Grades 1-3 Grades 4--B
325-674-3739: e-mail:;Website: wwvl.acu.edulmccs-scouting
Community of Christ None Light 01 the World Path ot Ule Disciple Exploring Community International Youth Service
(World Community Program Series) (Use of God am Me-S, Together Award Nomination
Scouting Liaison, Forefront Ministries, 1001 West Walnut, Independence, No. 33604A; C, No. 33603B,
MO 64050: 816-833-1000 or 800-825-2806, ext. 1374: Web sile: M, No. 33606A-is approved. Contact PRAY)

Eastern Orthodox Saint George Chi Rho Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Prophet Elias Nominalion 2
PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suite 3, St. Louis, MO 63123-3413; 800-933-7729; NO.3EOMB NO.3EOFB NO.3EOCB No,3EOCB
Web siles: or
Episcopal God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Life Saint George Episcopal
Local counCil service center or PRAY., 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suite 3, S, No. 33604A: S, No. 33597A; S, No. 33599A; S, No. 33609; C, No. 33610; Nomination
St. Louis, MO 63123-3413: 800-933-7729: e-mail: info@praypub,org;WebSlle: C, No. 33603B; C, No. 33598B; C, No. 33600A; M, No. 33605
www, M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A

General Church of the New Jerusalem Ten Commandments Award Ten Commandments Award Open Word Award Open Word Award Open Word Award
(The New Church)
Chairman, Boy Scout Relations Committee, General Church of the New Jerusalem,
PO. Box 277, Bryn Athyn, PA 19009; 215-938-2542: lax: 215-938-2617
Hindu Dharma Dharma Dharma Karma SaathVBhakta
North Amencan Hindu Associallon, 847 East Angela Street, Pieasanton, CA Karma
94566-7568; 925-846-3811 (v(>ce/fax): e-mail:;Website: www.
Boy Seoul and Venturer', Older Boy Adult
Cub Seoul Webelos Seoul
Varsity Scout Scou~ Varsity Scout Recognition
Islamic Bismillah Bismillah In Ihe Name of God In l/1e Name 01 God Allaho Akber
Mr. Aunali Khallan, 80-08 51s1 Ave., Elmhursl, NY 11373; 718·446-6472:
lax: 718·446·4370
Jewish Aleph Aleph NerTamid Elz Chaim Sholar Nominalion
Local council service cenler or PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Sune 3, SI. Louis, S, No. 33185 S, No. 33185 S, No. 33181 S. NO. 33186 No. 15.1022
MO 63123-3413: 800·933-7729; e-mail:;Web siles: Tiger Cubs may earn or t.1accabee
S, No. 7165
Lutheran God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God ana Lile Lamb Nomination; Servant
Local council service cenler or PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suile 3, Sl. Louis, S, No. 33604A; S, No. 33597A; S, NO. 33599A; S, No. 33609; C, No. 33610; 01 Youlh Nomination
MO 63123-3413; 800·933-7729; e-mail:; Web siles: C, No. 33603B; C, No. 33598B; C, No. 336ooA: M, No. 33605
www.praypub_org or www.nlas,org M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A
Meher Baba Love lor God Love lor God Compassionale Falher Compassionale Father The Ancienl One
Committee lor Meher Baba and Scouting, 912 Ninlh Ave. S, North MyrUe Beach,
SC 29582; 843-272·3498
Moravian None None God and Country God and Country The Order 01 David
The Moravian Church, DrawerY, Winston·Salem, NC 27108; 336-722-<1126 Zeisberger
Polish National Catholic Church Love ot God Love 01 God God and Counlry God and Counlry Bishop Thaddeus F.
Mr. Arlhur Wyglon, 115 Heather H~I Drive, Butlalo, NY 14224; 716·674·2394 (Milosc 8oga) (Milosc Boga) (Bog I Ojczyzna) (8og I Ojczyzna) Zielinski

Presbyterian Church in America God and Me (graOes 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Lile God and Service
Local council service cenler or PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Sune 3, SI. Lou~, S, No. 33604A: S, No. 33597A: S, No. 33599A; S, No. 33609; C, No. 33610; Nominalion
MO 63123-3413; 800·933-7729; e-mail:; C, No. 336038; C, No. 33598B; C, No. 336ooA; M, NO. 33605
M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Lile God and Service
Local council service cenler or PRAY., 8520 Mackenzie Road, Sune 3, SI. Louis, S, No. 33604A; S, No. 33597A; S, No. 33599A: S, No. 33609; C, No. 33610; Nomination; Celtic Cross
MO 63123·3413: 800·933-7729: e-mail:;Web siles: Ivww.praypub. C, No, 336038; C, No 335988; C, No. 336OOA; M, No. 33605
org or W' 1.1, No. 33606A M, NO. 33595A 1.1, No. 33596A
Protestant and Independent Christian Churches God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Lile God and Sarvice
Local council service cenler or PRAY., 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suite 3, SI. Louis, S, No. 33604A; S, No. 33597A: S, No. 33599A; S, No. 33609: C, No. 33610: Nominalion
MO 63123-3413; 800-933·7729; e·mail: C. No. 33603B; C, No. 335988: C, NO. 33600A: M, No. 33605 M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) That 01 Goo That 01 God Spirit 01 Truth Spiril 01 Truth Friends Nomination
PRAY, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suite 3. SI, Louis, MO 63123-3413: 800·933·7729: No.3QOF8 NO.3QOF8 No.300C8 No.300C8
e-mail:;Web sites:
The Salvation Army God and Me Silver Crest God ana Church God and Lile Scoulers Award
PO. 80x 269, Alexandria, VA 22313: Eastern Territory, 914'620-7427; Cenlral S, No. 33604A; God and Family S, No. 33599A; S, No. 33609: C, No. 33610; Nomina6on
Territory, 847-294·2112; Soulhern Territory, 404-728-1363; Western Territory. C, No. 33603B; S, No. 33597A; C, No. C, No. 33600A; M, No. 33605
310·544·6434 M. No 33606A 33598B; M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A
United Church of Christ God and IAe (grades 1-31 God and Family God ana Church God and Lile God and Service
Local council service centel or PRAY., 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suile 3, SI. Louis, S. No. 33604A; S. No. 33597A; S, No. 33599A; S, No. 33609: C. No. 33610: Nominalion
MO 63123-3413; 800·933-7729; e-mail:;Website: C, No. 336038: C, No. 335988: C, NO. 33600A; M, NO. 33605
www, M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A
United Methodist God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Lile God and Service
Local council service cenler or PRAY., 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suite 3, SI. Louis, S, No. 33604A; S, No. 33597A; S, No. 33599A; S. No. 33609; C, No. 33610; Nomination; Cross and
1.1063123-3413; 800·933·7729; e·mail:;Websites:www.praypub. C, No. 336038; C, No. 335988; C, No. 33600A; M, No. 33605 Flame Nominalion; Torch
org or M. No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M. No. 33596A Nomination
United Pentecostal Church International God and Me (grades 1-3) God and Family God and Church God and Life God and Service
Local council service center or PRAY.., 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suile 3, St. Louis, S, No. 33604A; S, No. 33597A; S, No. 33599A: S, No. 33609: C, No. 33610: Nomination
MO 63123-3413; 800·933·7729; e-mail: C, No. 336038; C, No. 335988: C, No. 336ooA; M, No. 33605 M, No. 33606A M, No. 33595A M, No. 33596A
Unity Churches None God In Me Light 01 God AlVard None Distinguished Youth Service
PO. 80x 610, Lee's Summit, MO 64063; 816·524·7414 Nomination
Zoroastrian None None Good Lite Good Life None
The Zoroastrian Association of Greater New Vorl<, do Ms. Temilyn Ghadially, (To age 21)
National Coordinator, The Good Lite Program, 12 Rockwell Circle, Marlboro, NJ
07746; 732-972-6527; e·mail:

Materials with a Boy Scouts of America supply number are available from your local SCout councilor from the BSA National Distribution
Center toll-free at 800-323-0732.
S =student material, C =counselor material. M =adult mentor material.
tThe Venturing Religious Life Bronze Award is part of the Venturing advancement program, This youth award is not part of the BSA religious
emblems programs. For additional information, refer to the Venturer/Ranger Handbook, No. 33494, available from local Scout councils
or the BSA National Distribution Center,
2Also available from Boy Scouts of America, Religious Relationships, S326, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O, Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079;
telephone 972-580-2191,

How Do We Get Started on These Programs?

1, Youth members must obtain the specific booklet for their religion,
2. Parents must review the program guidelines,

3, Families should talk to their religious leaders and show them the booklet before beginning any program,

4, The youth member needs to complete the requirements, obtain the proper signatures, and order the emblem.

Interested in making a presentation on the religious emblems?

Promotional resources (inclUding a video and scripts) are available from the BSA and P.R.A.Y. or

What are the religious emblems programs?

How do we get started on these programs?

The religious emblems programs are programs created by the

First, youth members must obtain the specific booklet for their

various religious groups to encourage youth to grow stronger in

religion. This booklet will contain information on all the lessons

their faith. The religious groups-not the Boy Scouts of America­

and service projects that they will need to complete. Each mem­

have created the religious emblems programs themselves.

ber needs to have his or her own booklet to document progress.

Some religions also provide adult manuals for counselors and

The Boy Scouts of America has approved of these programs

mentors. Check with your local council to see if it stocks these

and allows the recognition to be worn on the official uniform,

booklets in its store, or contact the religious organization directly

but each religious organization develops and administers its

(addresses and phone numbers are listed in this brochure).

own program.

Second, parents must review the specific guidelines for their

I have a unit with children ot all different faiths. How can I

particular program; age/grade requirements vary from pro­

include the religious emblems programs for my unit?

gram to program. Some programs require that the youth be an

The religious emblems programs should be presented to youth

official "member" of the local religious institution, others may not.

members and their families as an optional program for them to

Each program determines who may serve as counselor (some

complete through their religious organization. Religious instruc­

require clergy, others allow parents or other family members).

tion should always come from the religious organization, not from

Be sure to look at specific eligibility guidelines!

the unit leader. Parents need to be informed of these programs

and told where to get the information for their particular faith.
Third, families should talk to their religious leaders and show

Interested in making a presentation on the religious awards? Find

them the booklet before beginning any program. Most of the

sample scripts at

religious emblems programs require that they be completed

under the auspices of that religious organization, and many

Do boys and girls participate in the same program?

require the signature of the local religious leader. Again, check

It depends on the religion. Some religions have created pro­

the specific eligibility requirements for your religious program.

grams that are used by both boys and girls. Other religions have

created programs for members of separate youth agencies

Fourth, the member needs to complete the reqUirements, obtain

(i.e., Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., and Camp
the proper signatures, and follow the instructions to order the

Fire Boys and Girls). Please check the specific eligibility require­
emblem/award. (These emblems are not available in your local

ments for each religious emblems program.

council.) The emblem can be presented at any time of the year

and should be presented in a meaningful ceremony, preferably

Do the youth have to belong to a religious institution?

in the member's religious institution.

It depends on the religion. Please check the eligibility require­

ments for your particular religious program.

Who may serve as counselor?

It depends on the program. Some programs require clergy to

Why doesn't my religious institution know about the religious

serve as counselor, others allow a parent or family member.

emblems programs?

Please check the specific guidelines for your religious program.

Although the religious bodies at the national level created the

religious emblems programs, the local religious institution may

How do I order the recognition items?

not be aware of these programs. It may be helpful to write for

Each religious program has its own emblem. Follow the instruc­

more information or even obtain a copy of the curriculum to

tions in your recognition guidelines because the emblems come

give to your religious leader.

from different places and require submission of different informa­

tion. These emblems will not be available in your local council!

If the religious emblems program for my faith has more than

one level (for the different grade levels), may my child earn
What is the adult religious recognition program?

all of these recognitions?

An adult religious recognition award is presented by nomina­

Yes. Members can earn all levels of their religious emblems

tion only. The recognition is presented to worthy adults for their

program. However, they must be in the appropriate program

outstanding service to youth both through their religious institu­

gUidelines when they start and complete each level (they may
tion and one of the national youth agencies. Recipients of these

not go backward and earn younger programs).

awards are unaware that they are being nominated. They are

nominated to receive an award by submitting the required

How is the emblem presented?

application, letters of recommendation, and resume. Please

The emblem should be presented in a meaningful ceremony,

check eligibility requirements for specific awards.

preferably in the youth member's religious institution. Some

emblems come with a sample presentation ceremony.

Which religious emblem square knot should I wear?

Cloth, silver knot on purple, No. 05007, may

How long does it take to complete a program?

be worn by youth or adult members who

It depends on the program. Some programs may take three or

earned the knot as a youth, above left

four months, others longer.

pocket. Cloth, purple on silver, No. 05014,

Where is the emblem worn on the unitorm?

may be worn by adult members presented

with the recognition, above left pocket.

The universal religious square knot is worn over the left shirt

pocket of the Scout uniform. The medallion is pinned over the

Adults may wear both knots if they satisty

square knot for full uniform occasions.

qualitying criteria. (See the Insignia Guide, No. 33066D.)

Generally, only one knot is worn, but any combination of devic­

es may be worn on the same knot. (See Cub Scout device, No.
00926; Webelos Scout device, No. 00932; Boy Scout device, No.
05-879E 00927; and Venturer device, No. 00930.)
2005 Printing

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