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Positive Affirmations

Affirma tions are state me nts which we re pe at ve ry ofte n to impre ss our mind,both
conscious and subconscious mind ,with positive thoughts and image s.S ince ne gative and
silly thoughts ofte n surface in our minds,fre que nt affirmations are ne e de d
to implant postive thoughts.Affirmations and positive image s are e sse ntial to ste p ou t of
one 's thoughts of ne gativity,failure me ntality and above all me ntal de pre ssion.
Me ntal de pre ssion is a de adly dise ase today,e spe cailly among the young.We
know how me ntal de pre ssion can le ad to se ve ral ailme nts and may le ad to suicide s
too.In the we ste rn world, de pre ssion due to stre ssful life -style had le d many to se e k
drugs and othe r mood-e le vating supple me nts which have be e n big se lle rs.The most
common one s are prozac and similar pre scription drugs and natural supple me nts like S t
John's Wort, which is claime d to be as e ffe ctive as the che mical drugs.Ve ry rare ly th e
e ffe ct of affirmations is me ntione d in se ve ral of the article s I have re ad.

The re pe ate d affirmations,e spe cially in the morning whe n one wake s up and face s the
day,and whe n one re tire s to be d can be e fffe ctive ,though ve y fe w 'clinical studie s' might
ha ve be e n made .S e ve ral authors and ministe rs of churche s have popularise d
affirma tions.The e arly one was Re v .Norman Vince nt Pe ale in Ne w York, with his cla ssic
book "The Powe r of Positive Thinking". In more re ce nt time s,Louise Hay has be e n
te a ching affirmations and is re sponsible for ne w me thods in he r books. You can re a d
some of he r books for le arning and inspiration. I have be e n inspire d by an e arlie r
author who he lpe d millions of pe ople with the book "Game of Life and How to play it?"
and othe r books "Word is your wand" and so on--the author is Flore nce S cove l
S hinn. Re ad he r books if you have not done so...though he r books are grounde d in
Christia n Faith.Eric Butte rworth wrote about " S piritual Economics"--- re ad his book
too.The re are many othe rs in the ne w age -ne w thought move me nts...sorry I am not a ble
to list all of the m he re .

The powe r of words we use is imme nse .In the pre se nt world of me dia-ce ntre d live s,we
he a r lot of ne gative words, gloomy words, words that --'spe ll disaste r',words of
crisis,catastrophe and me lt down.Bombarde d with the se ne gative words --in ne ws
broa dcasts,ne ws analysis,marke t wraps -- our minds are corrupte d, not able to think o f
positive , life giving thoughts..e xce pt a fe w programs such as those in PBS .

The gre ate st gift man has is his body and mind---how comple x the y are .Whe the r you
be lie ve in a make r of our human live s or simply in Nature or supe rnatural ,cosmic powe r
or e ntity, le t us not fail to marve l...Eve ry bre ath we have is inde e d a gift ,to be u se d in
positive ways.We may not be able to solve all the world's proble ms,proble ms of of
humanity [war,starvation,famine s and so on] but he can do some thing positive in our
ne ighbourhood or in a localise d wa and also, we can always think of pe ace ,harmony for
the e ntire world..."thinking doe s not cost mone y"--as my mothe r who had studie d only
upto third grade but a woman of Wisdom --use d to te ll me .

The affirmations are always the re to he lp us to think positive and holy thoughts.He re
are just a fe w of positive affirmations I use .You can choose the se or similar one s.Re pe a t
the m a s ofte n as you wish to:

" I am a child of God and I am protected by Him"

" I get positive thoughts and make positive actions"
"I am grateful to God for all my breaths and for the wonderful life I have
by my God"
" I give thanks to all animals,bird,insects and worms which keeps ecology
" I give thanks to all brothers and sisters who work forthe welfare of the

" Iam grateful to my parents,my teachers,my preceptors [gurus] and my


S pre ad the me ssage of positive thinking and affirmations ,not in the narrow se nse of
one 's own prospe rity and abundance and he alth, but as an e asy, positive ,e ffe ctive
te chnique in this world.

Ple ase give your fe e dback/comme nts at : nksrinivasan at hotmail dot com.


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