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Karnataka Electrical Ltd., Here is the case about training and development process.

We are referring one company profile a company is Karnataka electrical ltd. Mr. Justin Celestine is the commander of this company. In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. A form al definition of training & development is it is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasi ng an employees ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employees attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training & development is determined by the employees performance deficiency Wastage of materials during the process of manufacturing any product because of not properly guided employees. In the fast age world we have enough well operated precise accurate and time consuming a machinery which increases or man oversee$ and gives best quality material but because of lack of knowledge in employee still we get not a best quality material of material is increases and its affects final cost of the product and directly affect the company so to avoid the wastage of material. Company give a proper training and proper guidelines how to increase the quality of product without wastage material and time which is more important in this comparative wall, Training, as was stated earlier, is imparting skills to employees. A worker needs skills tooperate machines, and uses other equipments with least damage or scrap. The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning and j u d g e m e n t . T h a t a n y t r a i n i n g a n d d e v e l o p m e n t p r o gr a m m e m u s t c o n t a i n a n e l e m e n t o f education is well understood by HR specialist. Another component of a training and development is development which is less skill oriented but stressed on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better management of the company. Employee: Technicians: operate machine, safety, reduce wastage time Supervisor: motivate sub., rules and regulation Managers: problems of company, communication process, WPM Company should five proper training to the technician supervisor and manager so what the company get maximum benefit from their employee labour. For the technicians company should give minimum 1 month of training. Because of 1 month training the technicians should learn how to operate the machine because if they are not averse how to operate machine the production time will increases. In addition, give safety training employees can work according to safety rules. Therefore, they can save because of accident. The training includes the motivation of employee and regulation of the organization during this training the company should motivate their employees and get

maximum benefit of their straight and which increases company innovation because of understanding proper they create good image around the world. During this training includes the managers are aware about companies problems and where the company is strand in this. During this they can hard about the company problems and how to resolve this problems another thing is to provide good communication process because in marketing world to justify our customer they have good command on their communication.

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