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Make It Matter

The Power of Three
They’re helping diabetics, teaching sports
to the disabled, and showing ex-cons a
new way to live
P H O T O G R A P H E D B Y R U D Y A R C H U L E TA / R E D U X

C hristopher Thomas was

an aspiring writer by night
and a corporate trainer at
JPMorgan Chase by day when
he noticed he was always tired,
insulin and that his blood sugar
was six times higher than normal.
Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes,
Thomas, 27, would need to inject
himself with insulin three times
frequently needed to urinate, and a day for the rest of his life or risk
was losing weight fast—40 pounds kidney failure, blindness,
in just four months. Tests nerve damage, amputa-
showed that his pancreas tions, and even death.
wasn’t producing And if that weren’t bad 2/09 15
enough, he had no health insurance. online children’s forums together
After a month of feeling sucker most evenings. “Kody gets so
punched, Thomas decided he’d excited, writing to kids from all
better find a way to fight back. over,” says Swencki, 36, who has
He packed up his car and left become one of the site’s volunteer
Canton, Michigan, for New York. administrators. “They know what
He found a sublet, got a job waiting he’s going through, so he doesn’t
tables, nicknamed himself the feel alone.”
Diabetic Rockstar, and created Kody is anything but alone:, a free online Diabetes is now the seventh leading
community for diabetics and their cause of death in the United States,
loved ones—a place where over with 24 million diagnosed cases.
1,100 people share personal stories, And more people are being diag-
information, and resources. nosed at younger ages.
Jason Swencki is a software These days, Thomas’s main focus
developer whose son, Kody, was is his charity, Fight It, which provides
diagnosed with type 1 diabetes medications and supplies to people—
at age six. Father and son visit the 225 to date—who can’t afford a dia-


Sports, a nonprofit dedi- Robson, “and the students
cated to teaching sports love him.”
to people of all ages with Reisner, 65, faced his
disabilities—including own challenge six years
cerebral palsy, multiple ago when he was diag-
sclerosis, and Down nosed with chronic
syndrome—he decided lymphocytic leukemia.
to check it out. He undergoes treatment
That was seven years regularly, but he hasn’t
Fun on the ago, and Reisner has been let it interfere with his
Slopes actively involved ever commitment to the kids
Richard Reisner had been since. He volunteers as a at Vermont Adaptive
going to Vermont for years ski coach and guide for (
to ski, so it was no surprise the disabled, especially the “I love coaching,” says
that he relocated there blind; he has also served as Reisner. “It’s fun to see
after retiring. But the for- the board’s president and these kids improve every
mer chief financial officer chairs the finance commit- year. This experience helps
for a medical devices com- tee. And he’s a coach for a them emotionally and lifts
pany couldn’t just sit still. Special Olympics ski team. their spirits. They begin to
When a neighbor invited “He’s a great guy with think, I can do something
him to lend a hand at a great attitude,” says I didn’t know I could do.”
Vermont Adaptive Ski & fellow volunteer Tim Kathryn M. Tyransk i

16 2/09
betic’s considerable expenses ($4,174 Rockstar Carnival cruise in the
per year on average). “There’s the Caribbean.
father of three whose oldest daughter Even with a staff of 22 volunteers,
is diabetic. He works two jobs to pay Thomas often devotes up to 50
for testing strips, and he’s having hours a week to his cause, while
trouble putting food on the table,” still holding down his full-time
Thomas says. “Because of testing job waiting tables. “Of the diabetes
strips? C’mon, that’s not right.” charities out there, most are putting has raised about money into finding a cure,” says
$23,000—in products (through Bentley Gubar, 48, one of Rockstar’s
partnerships with companies like original members, who also has
American Diabetes Wholesale type 1 diabetes. “But Chris is the
and 77 Canada Pharmacy) and in only person I know saying people
cash (through individual donations need help now.” Sarah Saffian
and proceeds from Fight It/Rock-
Tell us how you or someone you know
star clothing, wristbands, and rock is making it matter, and your story may
concerts). In May, Thomas will appear here. Go to
hold the first annual Diabetic makeitmatter.
C O U R T E S Y J U A N I TA E D R I N G T O N - G R A N T

Once an addict herself, Warren’s The Purpose

Edrington-Grant spent Driven Life. “The name
seven years in prison for of that chapter,” says
drug-related crimes. Today, Edrington-Grant, “is ‘What
at 55, she helps people on Earth Am I Here For?’
learn the skills they need It helps prisoners under-
to remake their lives— stand that just because
how to find a job, follow they’re incarcerated, it
a budget, use a computer. doesn’t mean that’s their
Second “Even though you’ve made destiny.
Chances a mistake or two,” she “There’s nothing I can
Juanita Edrington-Grant tells them, “you can still do about my past,” says
knows a little faith can go bounce back.” By teaching Edrington-Grant, a para-
a long way. She is the CEO them to lead a more posi- legal who is studying for
and founder of Christian tive lifestyle, she says, her PhD in religious
Recovery Aftercare “we are also helping to education. “It is what it
Ministry (, build a safer community.” is. But suppose someone
a nonprofit in Harrisburg, One of the recovery had given up on me?
Pennsylvania, that helps groups at the Harrisburg I want these men and
prisoners, ex-offenders, Community Corrections women to discover their
and former drug addicts Center works with the purpose in life.”
prepare for life after prison. first chapter of Rick Lauren J. Gniazdowski


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