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Your Guide to the Future Your Year Ahead

Name: amit bansal Date: 17 September 1972 Time of Birth (Local): 16:45:00 Place: Meerut, India GMT Time (Adjusted): 17 September 1972 11:15:00 Dear amit bansal, I am proud to present your full, in depth personal forecast. It has been carefully calculated from the exact birth details you supplied, according to the complex ancient rules of astrology. Some of the predictions cover passing phases, some of which may only be of a few days duration. Others, involving the slower moving outer planets, cover moods or trends which may be noticeable for weeks or even months at a time. You will see that, as a bonus, we have also included the celestial influences for the last month or more, both to give you a feeling for the recent state of the sky above you and to set the scene for the rest of the predictions in your chart. You will notice that some of these predictions overlap one another... quite intentionally. It is very possible for a person to be under the influence of several celestial factors at the same time! You can usually sense when something like this is going on, even if you havent got an astrologer to tell you about it. When, for example, your heart seems to be crying out for freedom while your lifestyle is clearly in need of discipline... or when your finances are obliging you to play it safe even though your creative urge is to take a gamble! At such times, we can often end up feeling a little confused. An astrological reading like this however, can help us separate those contradictory influences and understand them more deeply. Some astrologers feel that certain influences are more powerful than others. To a point, I agree with my colleagues. But only to a point. You see, ultimately, I believe the whole purpose of having a chart drawn up is to put you in a position of greater choice. If you have got a weak planetary force pushing you in one direction - and a strong one pulling you in another, you DONT have to go with strong one. You can tune in to the potential of the weaker signal - just as you can tune in to the signal of a faint radio station with a little determination. If the program being broadcast is worth striving to hear, you can catch it... as long as you are aware that it is actually there to be found. Eventually, if you adjust your aerial, you can even amplify the signal to the point where it is no longer a struggle to hear it. So, in a way, the document you now hold in your hands is a sort of Guide to the Cosmic Radio Schedule. It describes ALL the celestial transmissions that are available to you. The strong signals, you will have no difficulty recognising. If you like them, just make the most of them. If you dont, make an effort to draw in the weaker but more attractive


ones instead. You will find you CAN get them... loud and clear. Never forget that you have a choice about what happens in your world. If you want to be happier, you can be... regardless of what it going on in the sky. Likewise, if you are really determined enough to give yourself a hard time, you can probably manage it no matter how bright the astrological influences are!!! The purpose of this document is simply to alert you to to the prevalent planetary climate and to help you understand what part the sky is playing in the unfolding shape of your life. Knowledge is power - and power over the quality and direction of your own future is the aim of the game! I wish you joy, magic and deep fulfilment.

Jonathan Cainer


The horoscope wheel explained

If you are looking at this page, you must be a bit like me, fascinated by all those signs and symbols! I still remember how exciting and mysterious my horoscope seemed to me when I first saw it. Sadly, there isnt room in a document like this to fully explain astrology. Perhaps one day youll do a little background reading or meet someone who has studied it. Then, I think youll be able to see that, no matter how much it is to have your horoscope interpreted, actually being able to read it for yourself is like beginning a wonderful, endless journey of self-discovery! Until then you may like to know the following things. Please note that on this page is an example chart and not your own! Sign



You have all 12 signs of the zodiac (and all 10 planets) in your horoscope. Everyone does. It is the order of things that makes each chart unique. In Astrology, the Sun and the Moon are called planets. Each planet is in a sign AND a house. Depending on when and where you were born you can have any planet in any sign and in any house! Houses are simply divisions of the sky above and below the birthplace, based on the horizon at your time of birth. They are numbered 1-12, anti-clockwise, always starting at the 9 Oclock position. Zodiac signs are measured by dividing the part of the sky astronomers call the ecliptic into 12 equal slices. Some of your signs will be empty. So too will some of your houses. It is possible that most of your planets will be bunched together in one section of the chart or you could find them spread fairly evenly throughout the horoscope. Some people read a lot into this kind of information. I personally dont. Indeed, there are several cosmic factors that, after a lot of experimentation, I have come to see as superfluous. I respect though, the right of other astrologers to hold a different view. If you show this chart to any other experienced astrologer you should find that they can read it clearly and confirm the accuracy with which it has been calculated. Such a person may like to know that my house system is Porphyry - and that the lunar node shown on (though not interpreted in) this chart is the mean node.


Your Birth, Aspect, Element and Qualities chart

Here is your personal horoscope wheel with your horizon line running from approximately the nine oclock position to the three oclock position. You will note a whole series of lines in a small circle at the centre of your wheel. These are the angles that connect the planets to one another and convey vital information to the astrologer. However, unless you are going to consult another astrologer about your personal chart or wish to study the subject in more depth, you can happily ignore these.

To your right and below you will see a series of tables. These can be ignored unless you wish to take your interest in astrology further. However, if you do consult an astrologer or study the subject in more depth, these charts will be as essential to you as the wiring diagram would be to your washing machine.




Long Term Influences

Pluto Conjuncts Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th January 2007. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You now possess an endless reservoir of potential power but may, at the same time, feel unwilling to take full advantage of this resource. You are blessed now, with an incisive ability to recognise the true motivations of your peers. Your instincts are as keen as mustard, your determination knows no limits and yet. . . you may also have a tendency to feel that your best is somehow far from good enough. It is this tendency to be self critical which may prevent you from attaining the worldly success you so deserve. This barrier to progress is now about to be swept aside by the energising of Jupiter by Pluto. It has been a long time since Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunity and innovation, has been so active and at such a deep level. This transit will bring you opportunities on a scale unparalleled in your recent history. You will have numerous chances to expand your horizons and prove you are capable of far more than life has recently allowed you to do. At this, exceptional, time there is no reason why you should not achieve any goal you set yourself or rise to any challenge the world presents you. But the fulfillment of such potential depends on a factor terrestrial rather than celestial, psychological rather than astrological. To become a truly invincible force, you have to ask yourself not; "Will I be able to get what I am after?" but "Can I be sure that what I want is truly a goal worth pursuing?" It would be a shame to dedicate your energy to the wrong cause or to invest your resources in a less than satisfactory proposition - yet your concern is that the issue which is currently stimulating the greatest desire is not necessarily the one which is truly worthy of your ambition. You fear you may be trying to convince yourself that white is black, or the moon is made of green cheese, simply because you have such a deep inner need to believe this. You wonder whether you ought not to settle for a less idealistic vision which you know you can accomplish rather than to go hell for leather for a scheme which could just as easily land you in hot water as catapult you to paradise? The short and simple answer to this deep and complex question is that you owe it to yourself to reach for nothing less than the most golden goal. If that involves laying your credibility on the line, putting yourself in the position where others are able to criticize you and where the possibility of failure looms every bit as large as the potential for success. . . you really have no option other than to do so. Even if you do stumble and fall several times, the quality of your luck will be more than sufficient to enable you to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and, in the words of the famous old song start all over again. As the old Chinese proverb says "if you reach for the moon, you may just hit the top of a tree whereas if you reach for the top of a tree you may be lucky even to get yourself off the ground". Make this your motto and, even if it proves only intermittently successful, your skill and dynamism will reach an all time high. You will then be able to perceive real possibilities in areas of life where prior to this point, all you have ever seen are limitations.

Uranus Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 27th May 2007. You will continue to experience this influence until 31st January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

People are always urging one another to square up to reality. Reality though does not necessarily have a straight edge. Nor does it always occupy a fixed position. Align yourself too rigidly with whatever it seems to be today and tomorrow, youll find the relationship has subtly slipped. Adapt to and enjoy the situation you face now. Be ready, when it alters, to alter with it. Give your future the freedom to be what it wants to be by giving your present the enthusiastic attention it deserves. If in doubt, remember that the option you need to take, the dream you should be nurturing, the hope you should be aspiring to... is the new one. Dont cling to whats familiar just for the false sense of security that it purports to give you. Your celestial outlook insists that, if you can only find the courage to innovate, you can positively alter a crucial factor in your world. You dont have to turn your back on the past entirely but you do owe it to yourself now, to investigate the unexplored territory that you - quite rightly - suspect could lead to a brighter tomorrow. Stop feeling stuck and start feeling inspired instead! If you come under criticism for this change of direction or if you begin to doubt yourself for taking it just ask yourself one question: what s more important; style or substance? You have recently made a decision. If you go back on this, you will appear to be inconsistent. You will be seen - in some quarters at least 5


as weak. You will lose a little dignity, compromise your reputation and undermine your authority. You can avoid this by sticking to your guns. The trouble is, you can now see that those guns are loaded with blanks. They will never hit their target. Surely its better to be allowed to change your mind than to feel obliged to seal yourself into the wrong fate.

Saturn Squares Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th September 2007. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

They would appear to have you surrounded. The rule makers, law enforcers, power holders and authority figures have got you tied up in reams of red tape. Theres not a single easy option left open to you. Wherever you turn, whatever you try, someone somewhere is intending to block you. Or so it seems. No wonder you feel so inclined to retreat into a private fantasy that nobody can intrude upon. But actually, they have left one attractive avenue unguarded. It just so happens to be the road that genuinely suits you best. So don t put all your cards on the table. I offer you this advice, not because your hand is weak but because it is stronger than you think. Imagine that you have been dealt an ace which, as every gambler knows, can have a flexible value in certain games. Each time you look at it, you assume that it represents a problem. Really though, seen from another perspective, it is a most valuable asset. You can win in a key area of struggle or debate but only if you dont accidentally give away something that you ought to keep quietly to yourself for a while. Your situation is gratifying in one way, exasperating in another. Thus, it is most confusing. The sky is making it hard for you to tell if you ought to be celebrating wildly - or collapsing into paroxysms of despair. Good cases can be made to justify either reaction. Obviously, as an optimistic astrologer, I want to encourage you to look on the bright side. But I shant insult your intelligence in the process. You are correct to identify a major cause for concern. You are right, too, to feel thwarted or offended by a certain persons attitude and by the repressive powers that are being invoked to keep you from doing what you want to do. But I still maintain that there is a way out. Merely, perhaps, delayed a bit, if you let any of this get to you.

Mars Squares Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 14th September 2007. You will continue to experience this influence until 10th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

IF you have an intricate jigsaw to build, youre not likely to achieve this by hurling the pieces across the floor. There is a slim statistical chance that in doing so, you could cause the puzzle to land in perfect order. Frankly though, thats not the kind of long shot you would be wise to count on. Vent your wrath and express frustration if you must now. But resign yourself to the fact that, if you really want something to happen, youre going to have to put in a lot of steady, disciplined effort. Treat everyone around you with kindness and compassion now, even if you secretly feel like strangling certain awkward individuals. Try to understand their point of view, even if you do not agree with it. Act as if you quietly yet confidently expect everything to go your way and, eventually it just may!

Mars Opposes Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 23rd September 2007. You will continue to experience this influence until 2nd March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Sometimes we are like cars which have magnificent acceleration but woefully inadequate brakes. The drivers of such vehicles cant resist the urge to speed up but they soon learn, if they want to stay on the road, to drive with plenty of forethought and concentration. By weaving and dodging, you can probably avoid an awkward collision with reality now. Ideally though, you want to avoid going too far, too fast. Yet you will want to be kept busy. If there isnt enough going on during this astrological phase of your life, you will create a drama or stir up a little controversy, just to keep things interesting. Before long though, you wont have to invent a reason to run around rapidly, making new arrangements or discussing urgent developments. You will be too busy putting out fires that have suddenly sprung up. The opportunity to wear your crisis handlers hat will seek you out wherever you are. Please remember that it IS an opportunity. You are about to become naturally good at responding to change and challenge. The solutions you cook up and


apply will work and work well - provided you dont let your emotions get the better of you or your passions overpower you. Keep your eyes wide open and prepare for a very exciting journey down the road of life. Just watch those brakes!

Mars Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th September 2007. You will continue to experience this influence until 9th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

When does a point of keen interest become a wild obsession? When it begins to get a little unhealthy. Be careful not to slip over that dangerous edge. Try pulling back from it, just to make sure that you can. If you can easily walk away from something, you are safe to walk towards it. You cannot afford though, to compromise your most valuable asset; your sense of objectivity. You need that at the moment, to guide you through a minefield of emotive issues. Protect it, nurture it and be proud of it. That means questioning yourself but not interrogating yourself mercilessly! Self-doubt is the lubricant that oils the engine of personal progress. Too little makes us stiff, rusty and rigid. Too much makes us slippery, ineffective and prone to produce disconcerting smoke. No machine though, no matter how well run, can always have the balance exactly right. At the moment, you need to be topping up a small essential reservoir of secret uncertainty. You may become slightly concerned that you are feeling too much of this. But once your confidence comes roaring back to life youll feel just fine. If you want to hasten your journey back towards stability and the right kind of quiet certainty, resist the sense of inner pressure that is making everything seem slightly urgent. Dont try to run before you can walk, gallop before you can trot, swim before you can float, hurtle before you can trundle or juggle before you can balance. This is not necessarily because, if you try to go too far, too fast, you will hit trouble. Perhaps you will or perhaps, under the influence of the current celestial climate, you may just surprise yourself. The real reason to restrain yourself a little though, is that theres no need to rush. All you need to attain now, you can actually attain by taking it nice and easy. Really, honestly, you can. Just don t be so obsessive about it!

Mars Opposes Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 2nd November 2007. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Is misery real and happiness false? It certainly seems that way when you hurt yourself. Try telling someone whose nerve ends are on fire, that pain is all in the mind. Then again, try telling someone who is deeply in love that their experience is merely a whim. Just as our mental and physical experiences are equally valid, so our hopes and fears are equally powerful. Belief, be it positive or negative, is one of the strongest forces in this world. Place your faith in something truly worth trusting during this testing astrological time. And, difficult though you re likely to find it, try not to be too illogical. When you are compiling a jigsaw, you cant just grab some piece of the puzzle that looks as if it is nearly right and then jam it into the structure. It either fits or it doesnt. Same with a crossword. You need to be precise. Many things in this world can be fudged and bodged. Sometimes, the ability to improvise creatively is far more important than the desire to be rigidly correct. But not now, not in your current situation. You are not now being moody or broody without good reason. If you cant put your finger on whats bothering you, dont assume its just some vaguely indulgent sense of self pity that you have succumbed to. Seek the true, specific cause of your discomfort. After a moments distraction when you inadvertently mistake a symptom for the problem itself, you will spot the real culprit. Something which, for a while, has been irritatingly wrong is about to prove totally untenable. Thats inconvenient. But its better than compounding a big mistake.

Pluto Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 15th January 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th November 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

How different do you want your life to be? How much of a change do you really want to see? Youve got every reason now, to re-write the old rule book - and every opportunity too. You dont have to keep doing what you used to do. You dont have to keep on playing that same old game. Nobody is going to force you to break free - and nothing is going to oblige you to alter anything that you genuinely wish to preserve. Someone though, is going to try very hard to


inspire you to see things from a different perspective. Circumstances will conspire to support this drive. On top of which, your own inner yearning to forge a particular kind of future will push you soon, to rethink several old plans. Dont fear or resist any of this. Do be aware though that you are under the influence of turbulent cosmic conditions. It is not anger that you are dealing with, more passion of another kind. You are all fired up with hope, hunger, haste, desire and attraction. You will feel restless and agitated. There will be something you just cant let go of even though you suspect it is unwise! I wont waste my fingertips typing the words hold back. You will be feeling too impulsive during this phase of your life to be able to do that. But do take care. You may find yourself, from time to time, wanting to argue with the cosmic forces that seem to be shaping your fate. You may become exasperated after a particular turn of events. How dare the universe treat you like this? What gives it the right? Doesnt it know who it is dealing with? No amount of indignation, no matter how justified, will resolve your big, contentious issue. Nor will any amount of analysis, no matter how logical, help you understand it. A small amount though, of serenity and surrender will put it all in a very different perspective. Whats happening is chaotic, confusing and confronting. The chaos, you cannot control. The confusion, you cannot completely clear up. The confrontation though, you can keep at bay. Dont rise to the bait. Dont climb on your high horse. Have a little faith. It WILL all be OK. Because ironically, ultimately, the real risk you run at the moment is that you will end up getting what you want... only to find that you dont really want it.

Jupiter Conjuncts Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 8th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Aunt Mary, of course, will not speak to cousin Jack. If there must be a family gathering, the two had better be placed at opposite ends of the table. Table? That implies food. But Michael must have meat, Angela is a strict vegetarian and Jim is on a diet. Its hard enough arranging a one off event for this lot, let alone trying to cater for them all on a daily basis. Yet in the above analogy we have, more or less, the loaded nature of your current situation. Maybe its not a family matter but you are certainly juggling people with very different needs and ideas. And in other aspects of your life too, there are mutually incompatible factors that must all, somehow, be accommodated. You can do a lot for the other people in your world. You can give a lot and give up a lot, just because you want certain individuals to feel happy. It is though, one thing to be generous out of a sense of inspiration and another to make sacrifices through a sense of desperation. Only you know where this crucial dividing line truly lies. You have to ask yourself whether youre acting on a fearful impulse or a genuine desire to be kind. Remember the best way to succeed in an area where success really matters to you, is to make it matter just a little less. You need to try without really trying, care without really caring, believe without really believing. There are some who argue that if you hold back just one percent of your attention and energy, you wont ever get what you want. It may be true for some people, sometimes but right now, you are in danger of investing too much in something that neither requires or warrants 100% of your dedication. By all means give and keep gjving. By all means care and keep caring. But don t be a mug or a martyr.

Jupiter Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 3rd November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Once bitten, twice shy. But what about thrice? Could it be third time lucky? You are looking at something that has gone badly awry in the past. Since your disappointing experience, you have steered clear of a painful repetition. Out of the corner of your eye though, you have been watching a situation carefully and making tentative attempts to see if it has improved. Something does seem to have altered now. Is it madness to have another go? Not if you are ready to apply all that you have learned. If you look back over your life, you may spot a pattern. You go through a phase during which everything changes at the speed of light. Then you stay in roughly the same position for a while. Then, just when youre ready to consider yourself settled, the process of wild upheaval begins again. Right now, we find you in one of those tumultuous times. Not till this astrological alignment is over will things really calm down. What youre going through though, is immensely valuable. Dont worry about it. And don t be afraid to follow wild, exciting, inspiring ideas.


Uranus Opposes Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 21st March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 18th February 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Can you tell which way the wind is blowing? There will soon be so many gusts, from so many different directions, that you may no longer feel able to trust your inner weathervane. It seems to be spinning wildly. Thats because something is shifting and changing. When the tumult stops, when the upheaval ends, youll know exactly where you stand and why you stand there. And, whats more, youll feel absolutely fine about all of it. But first here comes a development you werent prepared for. If it has not already happened, you will soon encounter some factor you hadnt bargained on dealing with - or you will face a major drama that blows up at short notice and requires a sudden change of plan. Is this a problem? Only if you are determined to stick to your original idea. Youll experience much tension - but little success - if you insist on clinging to that. But if you adapt to whats happening, youll find youve got reason to be very glad of it. From here, you see, you can go in almost any direction you wish. To dislike your current situation then, is to dislike an airport terminal or a central rail interchange. These are not places that are designed to be lived in. Their whole, sole purpose is to provide a space that people can pass through on their way to somewhere else. Whats exciting about your position is that it potentially enables you to adopt a very different position. So stop criticizing the decor or complaining about the lack of comfort... and just recognize that as soon as possible, you will reach your departure point and will become able to head off towards a wonderful destination. For just a while longer though you may have to put up with uncomfortable seats, noisy loudspeakers, bad food, boring shops and people you don t especially want to know. These or the psychological equivalents of being stuck in a transit terminal are your challenges. Don t rise to them rise above them. There s a lot in your current environment that you cannot control but you really don t have to worry about it. Sooner than you think, you ll be moving on.

Jupiter Trines Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 25th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 27th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Mountains which lie ahead in the distance often seem tiny. Mountains that we have already climbed and moved on from also tend to diminish in size as time goes by. Mountains that loom directly before us though, look terrifyingly huge. They dont get any smaller while we are ascending them. If the view from below is daunting, the view from half way up is almost overwhelmingly terrifying. You are now rising to a great height at a scary speed. Still you are determined; desperately intent on forcing your way past an obstacle or barrier. Full marks for your stamina and certainty. A lower score though, must be awarded to your powers of observation. The battle has all but been won. The wall has all but fallen. The mountain has been all but climbed. You though, are still so full of fury that you cannot quite see this. Watch for the Keystone cops syndrome. Dont charge wildly with a battering ram at a door which is just about to be flung wide open! If you want to understand the true blessing that Jupiter is now offering you as it forms a harmonious link to the position of Mars in your birth chart. As yourself this question, what do you need now, more than you need anything else in the world? Whats the one thing you must attain in order to successfully attain all else you require? Im interested to hear your answer. I hope, sincerely, that it boils down to one word. Clarity. Because clarity really IS the most precious thing you can develop and nurture. If that is your reply, well done. You are on your way to getting it and, from that, all else. If not, try making clarity your conscious priority. It really CAN make all the difference. And it is on offer to you now. Gain that and the mountain will soon shrink to a manageable size.

Jupiter Trines Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 5th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 3rd December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Arguments rage these days, about the value of competition in education. Can it really be wise to teach children to outdo one another? How does this help them to learn mutual respect? In adult life though, a little strong competition can be a very healthy thing. It prevents, for example, the kind of careless arrogance that can be displayed by someone


who seems to be winning at the game of Monopoly. Ambition is a wonderful thing. So too though, is realism. All too often, these two qualities are thought of as incompatible enemies that cannot co-exist. Either we set out to be wildly hasty and adventurous - or we must decide to tread the path of caution at the pace of a tortoise on tranquillisers. The sky is now urging you to harness both horses to the same carriage and then persuade them to work as a team. You also need to allow yourself to rise to a certain challenge. You want to prove a point and there is really no reason why you shouldn t. If you doubt your ability ask yourself this - are you stunningly attractive? Do your eyes shine with exotic appeal? Do you exude a mysterious, magnetic charisma? Does your personality cast a spell that few can resist? The correct answer, to all the questions above, is yes. If you feel inclined to reply any differently, there is something amiss with your perception of yourself. Seriously. This is not just some attempt to butter you up. Its actually a warning. Youve got hypnotic powers of persuasion now, courtesy of Jupiter s harmonious link to the position of Mercury on the day you were born. You can win any contest, you can reach any goal, you can talk almost anyone into anything. Try to be wise and kind and to use your extraordinary abilities constructively.

Uranus Opposes Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th March 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Youre probably going to feel more than a little bemused during the time of this transit. An X factor seems to be throwing one unexpected development after another in your direction. Consequently, doubt hovers over your current situation like the sword of Damocles. At any moment - you feel - you could change your mind, abandon everything and set off on a totally different course. This state of mind is doing little for your sense of stability. The thing you need to set you on the right track, and to dissipate the doubt, is greater faith in what you have to offer the world. The thing that is really going to make you happy during this time is your creative potential - if you find the courage to start fulfilling it. You have got ideas that other people would willingly pay good money for. You have got visions which the world will swiftly warm to - and youve got talents which you have no right to keep hiding under a bushel! The excuse that other people doing something similar and having no success will not wash. They are not you. You are not them. Your skills, your insights and your abilities are different. They come with your personality stamped all over them. These skills will lead you to wealth, enhanced social status, career opportunity and personal satisfaction if, and only if, you stop worrying about failure and learn to expect success - and get on with doing what you were born to do.

Saturn Trines Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 30th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

A crowded concourse is no place to be when youre feeling unsure of yourself. As other people hurry and scurry, you can start to feel very small and helpless - especially when you realise that though you dont know your way, you seem to be standing right in someone elses. On such occasions, you have to find a quiet spot and arm yourself with a map. Once you have given this due concentration, you too can set out with an air of unquestionable authority. You are emerging now, from a time of doubt. You need no longer though, be doubtful. Now is the time to act with firm strength. Your newly chosen path is perfectly correct. As you now set out to create a better future for yourself, I am inclined to suggest that you build it, brick by brick. Piece by piece. Slowly. With care. Thats fine advice apart from one thing. It is raining. And you want your shelter right here, right now. The temptation is to hurry. To sling the components together in any way you can. To get something put up so you can enjoy some warmth and comfort. Yet the rain right now, is only a drizzle. You want a structure that can withstand a storm. Make it properly and you can even include a fireplace which will allow you to stay toasty and warm, regardless of what the sky is doing. Even if you are growing wet and weary, remain diligent. For the sky insists that you now have all you need to make a lasting difference to your future quality of life, provided you slow down and proceed with a commitment to quality.



Saturn Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 29th October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th August 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You may soon feel as if a balloon has been punctured. Theres no big explosion in the offing but it will probably seem as if the air of enthusiasm is seeping out of a precious plan. Where once you were confident, now you are not so sure. Where once you were elevated, now you seem to be sinking. Dont try to re-inflate your hopes by creating artificial pressure. Let the let down continue. Think of yourself as gaining ground rather than losing height - for really, thats what the sky is now causing you to do. You are landing. You are coming out of a floaty phase and entering a much more down to earth era. After an initial period of adjustment, you will realise why you had to drop your dream - in order to get to grips with a very inspiring and potentially profitable new reality. During this once every 14 year phase of your life, you are bound to become a little wiser and more mature. You may only achieve this after a process of struggle against forces that seem to be restricting you. It may be necessary for you to realise that you can t beat em before you can find the enthusiasm to join em . There will though, eventually come a new spirit of acceptance which can lead, in time to a vastly enhanced ability to be practical and successful in worldly terms. Believe in yourself. Believe in what you have to offer. Believe in what you can do if you really try. And believe too, in the idea that stories can have a happy ending. Theres a story unfolding now. It could easily have a sweet outcome. It could just as easily have an undesirable one. Whats going to tip the balance? A little less fatalism on your part. Theres a move you can make that will help enormously. It involves being strong, self contained, serious and self disciplined. That s all.

Saturn Conjuncts Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 19th August 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Saturn, is going to be activating the part of the sky which was occupied by the planet Mars on the day you were born. As Mars, in your life, symbolises your inner motivation, energy, stamina, ambition, direction and determination, the result may be that you feel, for several months, as if you are being forced to concentrate all your energy on just one crucial project - or on the need to overcome just one, large and looming obstacle. Added to this, at various points, youll be finding it very difficult to know whether youre coming or going! Every time you think you know which direction youre heading in something will happen that makes you think again. By the end of this transit you may end up feeling as though youve been banging your head against a brick wall, because everything you have tried to set in motion has suffered delay or impediment. Notice, please, the words delay and impediment. Its not that total disaster will befall you or that complete failure is guaranteed. Its just that its going to seem like this for the duration of this rather awkward planetary link-up. In the end, everything will be OK. Either youll get what you wanted or youll get something else that you didnt know you wanted but you end up being really pleased with. The problem is that, in the meantime, you wont be able to stop yourself from trying to get things sorted out, immediately. Youll be full of intense urges and deeply felt longings that cry out to be translated into immediate action. No matter how hard you try though, youll find that every thing you do is thwarted or held back. When this happens, youll really have two choices. You can create a vicious circle, pushing harder and harder against the obstacles in your way in the vain but increasingly passionate hope that something will give. Or, you can do the sensible thing and be patient. If you can manage to be understanding, relaxed and philosophical during this period - despite all your inner urges to go barging ahead, youll find yourself handsomely rewarded. What apparently seems to be the most trying time of your life will turn into one of the most useful and educational. Youll become a more relaxed, easy-going and practical person and most exciting of all, youll learn a valuable lesson about TIMING. If you can work out how to know instinctively when to push forward and when to hold back, youll have developed a useful, enviable talent that will stand you in excellent stead for the future. If you dont, youre just going to create a series of headaches - for yourself more than anyone else!



Short Term Influences

Mercury Opposes Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th January 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 25th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Might a little more money make a significant difference to your situation? I cannot promise that additional funds will magically manifest today but I do want to counsel you to think, for a moment, about what you would alter if this were to happen. Your acute awareness of an economic constraint makes you reluctant to even contemplate the options that you could take if you had greater wealth. Yet you SHOULD think this through for there may be other ways to get that advantage which dont involve cash. And ask yourself, what are you worth? By this I dont mean what you can earn if you try - or what you can cash in if you need to. I mean how much do you matter to others? How much, come to that, do you matter to yourself? You are priceless and precious. You are the only you on the entire planet. You may not be indispensible but youre pretty wonderful nonetheless. Its time to renew that lapsed subscription to your own fan club!

Mercury Trines Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 18th January 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

WHAT kind of a revolution do you want to agitate for, participate in or even actually create? I ask because the sky offers you a real, rare chance to bring about major change. Once you let a certain genie out of a certain bottle though, there will be no chance of stuffing it back in again. Thats fine as long as you know what youre doing and why. The trouble is, youre not yet fully sure. Your opportunity is worth taking - but its also worth thinking hard about before you do take it. You should soon make a vital discovery in the very department of life where you are most in need of fresh insight or understanding. There is a promise of a revelation that may not instantly transform your life into a bed of roses, but will help a great deal nonetheless. Though the more you learn, the more you will realise that you still need to find out about, you will benefit tangibly - as well as psychologically - from the new perspective that this cosmic climate helps you to attain.

Mercury Trines Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 21st January 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Another day has dawned and this one heralds a special beneficial influence, which will enable you to break out of any tendency to feel morose. This period of astrological advantage will not though, last forever. Although there will be other cosmic compensations, you will lose the amazing, natural asset that you now have at your disposal. What asset? You arent aware that you have one? How unselfconscious of you! YOU are that asset. You are about to find out something interesting about yourself. It will give you the confidence you need to pursue a project you care about. People have more respect for you than you think, so just try turning off the tap of self-pity and turning on the fountain of inner-charm! You are not fighting some hopeless battle or struggling with some impossible situation. It merely seems that way. This will continue to be your experience until you decide that you are ready for a different one. At that point, you will become willing to contemplate an option that currently, you feel determined to ignore. Once you do this, you will see it is well worth pursuing. You are just one big conceptual step and one small physical step away from a far easier life.

Sun Trines Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 5th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Some people plan their lives in meticulous detail. Others can be organised and thorough when they need to be, but then rarely feel that they need to be. If you like to be free to make things up as you go along, then the arrangements that suit you best will be loose ones. It takes great, special talent for the ability to take a vague, outline structure and improvise, brilliantly around it, using 12


whatever happens to be on hand. At the moment, thats precisely the formula to keep using. Dont be pinned down to any more than you must be. Let there be chaos. Be glad of that which is unexpected. Embrace the unusual, the innovative - even the downright disruptive. Theres more to life than order and normality; much, much more. You can soon put things back the way they were if you really want to - but the likelihood is that you will not want to. For too long, something in your world has been stale and static. Accept your opportunity to turn a few things inside out and upside down. Youll make several valuable discoveries.

Venus Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 6th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You keep wondering whether you need to plan a revolution. Is it time to rise up and rebel against an oppressor? You have put up with too much for too long. Theres an unacceptable side to your current situation and you have to fight it. You cant do this overnight. Indeed, before you can do it at all, you have to work out who or what needs to be deposed. The problem is not necessarily another person or group of people; it could be an attitude within your own mind which is robbing you of the freedom to express yourself. Try to consider all this before you succumb to a temptation that you later regret. But don t be too concerned if you simply cannot manage to summon objectivity. You are going through a demanding phase of your life. The urge to rebel is intensifying. So too is the urge to run away. Yet it seems fairly clear you cant do either. You are being required to conform with various expectations that others clearly have. You are going through motions, acting out roles and playing parts which dont make too much sense to you yet which you feel you have no choice but to keep up. Meanwhile, something in your heart is reevaluating everything. This may be causing you to feel challenged and awkward but it is actually a very healthy process. You do need to change something and you need to change it fairly soon. And maybe, just maybe you need to stop thinking about this and just do what you really feel it is appropriate to do!

Sun Trines Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 8th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 10th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

When you are hungry - and you walk down the street, you only notice the shops that are selling food. When you are choosing a colour scheme and your eye is drawn to a certain shade of paint, you start to spot that shade on other peoples walls and fabrics. We notice, in this life, what we are inwardly interested in. Right now, youre interested in becoming more efficient and organised and stable. Which is why you keep noticing how much is crazy and chaotic. But actually things are starting to get a lot better.

Venus Trines Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Do you really mean what you are saying? Can you really believe what you are hearing? Are you really ready for what seems to be about to happen next? I may not have listed them in the right order but these are undoubtedly the questions you will be repeatedly asking yourself during this period. The sky will finally facilitate a change that has been trying to take place for a very long time. At an amazing speed, to an impressive depth, due to an almost uncanny convergence of coincidental circumstances, a new phase of your life will begin. And now, heres the answer you will be able to give. "Yes." Youd better believe it - because it is real... and right. So remember to be yourself, be proud of who you are and what you stand for. Be forgiving of your own faults - though not totally blind to them. Be generous with self praise though not generous to the point of moral bankruptcy. Before this forecast begins to sound like one of those new age greeting cards, I had better give you the reason for all this high faluting advice. You have an enviable and exceptional opportunity to break new ground. You can re-write rules. You can expand your horizons, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. You can make amazing things happen and you can see brilliant solutions. THATS why you need to be confident but not TOO confident. The recipe for success, is nine parts pride to one part humility!



Venus Trines Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Inflation, each year, means that it is forever getting easier to become a millionaire. There are more people in this financial bracket now, than ever before. So there must also, must there not, be more people than ever, beaming with unbridled joy? The relationship between wealth and happiness is not straightforward. Indeed, some argue that to be truly content, you need to be just the wrong side of comfortable. Affluence brings agitation. You can find out for yourself soon. A little extra money is on the way to you. By this, I must hasten to add, I do not mean that you are about to become a millionaire. But in one way, you are about to be granted something even more valuable. Ingenuity. Dont, while Venus is forming this link to Mercury, work harder, work smarter. Dont give up endless hours of your time, give some of your endless creativity, instead, to a certain situation. When invited to be inventive, you come through with marvellous ideas. You cook up excellent plans and see solutions which are simple, obvious and effective yet which nobody else has identified. Every so often though, you lose faith in your own ability to manifest such wit and wisdom. You do things the tedious, uninspired way instead. Thats not an appropriate route to take now. Even if youre not creatively inclined, you can still make good use of the prevailing atmosphere by using your imagination to gain insight into a problem, or to explore new ground. You CAN believe in magic.

Venus Trines Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

TV commercials suggest, on a daily basis, that if we want that special feeling, that elusive secret of happiness or the knowledge that everything in our life is right - we merely have to use Sudso, drink Fizzo or buy a Whizzo. Even if we can see through that, we fall for the spurious notion that joy will come once we attain relationship X, income level Y or success level Z. This is of course, a load of, well you know, a load of, what bulls do. Sometimes. When nature calls. Anyway. Here s something that is not a load of bull. Happiness itself. It does exist. And though you don t have to buy a particular product to get it, its attainment often can be surprisingly simple and easy. Fame, fortune and contentment await you in the next few weeks. The fame may constitute a rise in your social status rather than mega-stardom. The fortune may be an ability to pay your bills rather than untold wealth. The contentment may be relief from pressure rather than a guarantee of a happy-ever-after. Then again, you never know.

Venus Trines Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 19th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Sometimes, in a polite conversation, one person will go ahead and say, out loud, what everyone else is secretly thinking. Theres usually an awkward silence followed by an attempt to pretend that nothing has happened and carry on as normal. Theres a time and a place for truth but, while its one thing to ignore some inappropriate remark in a social context, its another to decide, with your conscious mind, that youre not willing to hear what your heart wants to say. Pluto and Venus are now drawing your attention to a fact that must be faced. Ignore it if you wish but eventually, youll have to listen - and when you do, youll be glad you did because it is time to set a different agenda. It is time to stop hiding something that has been a secret for too long - and to cover up, instead, something that has been far too much in evidence and, in the process, has been doing nobody any favours. It is time to stop pretending that you are comfortable in a set up that irks you daily. It is time to get creative with an idea or opportunity that is tantalisingly attractive but so far, at least, lacking in viability. Its time to decide what you truly desire... and go for it.



Sun Squares Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 20th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 22nd February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Great singers are forever insisting that, for the sake of something they love, believe in - or wish to honour, they will climb the highest mountain or swim the deepest sea. Perhaps they really would but it is hard to envisage. It is also hard to see why they would need to. In life, we are far more likely to face some far less exciting challenge. Could you; sit through a hundred meetings, wait at a thousand bus stops, or wash a million dishes? Thats the true test of your current fantasy. Assuming, that it s an inspiring one. If it s a fearful fantasy that you keep entertaining now, the advice is even more simple and straightforward. Ignore it. It means nothing.

Venus Opposes Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 24th February 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 26th February 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

How much is enough? By what yardstick should you measure your dissatisfaction with a certain situation? Is there some official meter or monitor? Its no use asking friends and companions for their idea of where the cut-off point should lie. Its their influence, in part, which is responsible for your own confusion. In trying so hard to please - or to accommodate another persons view, you are allowing yourself to put up with something thats unacceptable. Enough is enough when its as much as YOU can take. Keep that in mind while Venus is opposing the position that it held on the day you were born and remember too that something is better than nothing. It is, of course, true that something else is better than the something you currently have. But thats the point. You can trade that something - or adapt it - or change it. It may not be easy but it is certainly easier than attempting to deal with that which is non-existent. If you must find fault with what youve got now, find also the way to take that fault and turn into something useful. Your financial picture may be a little awkward but there is a way to sort it out just as there is a way to sort out every difficulty you now face as long as you are true to yourself and as long as you are willing to be constructive rather than just sit around dwelling on what you don t like.

Venus Trines Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 1st March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 3rd March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Here s the key, theres the door. Wheres the problem? Its in the barrel of the lock, thats where. Some keys work easily. You just apply them and turn them and youre in. Others need a very special sort of jiggling motion. Only those who are willing to persevere manage to crack the technique. Others get very close to success and then give up, assuming that there must be something wrong. You now have all you need to make progress in a key area including that rare and most precious commodity of all, creativity. Never underestimate the power of your own creativity. You dont have to be a writer, an artist or a designer in order to have a potent imagination. Your ability to be inventive is causing you to see positive potential in a situation that others perceive as relatively empty or even negative. Soon you can set personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful - footing. Ironically, the way to attain this is to first take a brave step into the unknown.

Venus Trines Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 4th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Spontaneity and serendipity are long established friends and workmates. Many people work with this particular double act on a daily basis. They wait to see what turns up, they assume that whatever is happening is probably good and useful and they find, to their delight, that most things are working out well. As a general rule, this is fine. There are though, times when you have to be more selective and structured in your approach. You have a very particular, specific goal in mind. To attain it, you must be picky. Think of it this way. Even jazz musicians have to rehearse. Though their pieces are improvised, they are based around highly structured themes. The linking parts have to be run through very carefully or they sound dreadful. The spontaneous solos too, have to be practiced in private before the performance. Of course a part of you wants to take a



chance. You want to be able to make things up as you go along. You can and will be able to do so soon. When that moment comes, youll be deeply glad that you made the right kind of disciplined preparations first.

Sun Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Theres a difficult dispute to solve and a complicated story to unravel. The sky suggests you are over-stretched and under pressure yet this really doesnt matter. You need to feel pushed or you wont ever make the move that you need to make. Besides which, you have everything you need to make things turn out perfectly. Try to see your problem as a puzzle, the bits and pieces to which are all in a box, right in front of you. You merely need to assemble them correctly. It ought to be easy but, exhausted and exasperated by a seemingly relentless cause of aggravation, you now feel willing to contemplate almost any course of action that will afford you some escape. Yet, because you are so tired and deflated, you find the theory more comforting than the idea of pursuing a practical plan. Rather like a prisoner serving a long sentence, you can see that the door of your cell has been left wide open yet you are more inclined to complain about the draft than to make a bid for freedom. Shake off your apathy. Seize your opportunity. It may be hidden within an apparent problem, but it really does exist.

Sun Opposes Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The trouble with trouble is that its easy to get into - and tricky to get out of. Adventure is rather like a stereo with no volume control. Either theres nothing going on or theres far too much. Moderation may be a desirable option in your life now but its not necessarily an attainable one. The Sun s link to Mars is putting you under a lot of pressure. You feel a strong urge to prove yourself, to escape from something or to change a fundamental factor in your life. You are about to discover though, that it is not so simple. Dont be dismayed. If you persevere, you will eventually overcome your most daunting hurdle. But you need to remember that willpower is impressive stuff. Sheer determination can work miracles. Fury can shift the most enormous obstacles. If though, you apply large amounts of willpower without summoning similar quantities of insight, you may as well set out to drive a car, at speed, along a road that is shrouded in dense fog. Youll go far. But not quite far enough. Sooner or later, you will sorely wish you had been less energetic and more explorative. Right now, you "nearly know" an answer. Insufficient! You must REALLY know. Otherwise, you really will get into trouble.

Sun Opposes Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Votes in favor of the chicken 3,941. Votes in favor of the egg, 3,942. It is therefore, official. The egg has come first. So need there be any further debate on the topic? Hmmm. There are some arguments that nobody can win. The truth of the matter, with regard to that thorny old question; Which came first, the chicken or the egg? is that there is no ultimate truth. No logical process will ever decide it. Theres an unanswerable question in your life now. You have to work round it, not through it. Ask yourself, can you really move a mountain? Absolutely not. Though the phrase makes for a lovely analogy, its a ridiculous proposition. At best you can tunnel through one if youve got enough dynamite. But some challenges in life are just not worth contemplating. Where, even if you can move a mountain, are you actually going to move it TO? And what kind of an advantage will you gain for all that effort? The Sun s opposition to the position of Mercury in your birth chart is urging you to think very carefully about how you use your energy. Just think what could be possible if only you were to stop attempting the impossible!



Sun Opposes Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You have a lot to be proud of, to look forward to - and to enjoy. Why then, do you feel so restless? Because you are carrying a burden that you need to drop. You are keeping up some kind of a pretence or trying to live up to an unrealistic expectation. You feel that someone will be deeply disappointed or let down if you dont behave in a certain way. But is that true? Or do you just imagine that this is the case? Try talking to the person you feel so beholden to. Try explaining how you feel and explaining what it is that you have had enough of. Under the influence of this solar transit - that some people refer to as your half-birthday - others will prove very willing to re-write old rules and redefine agreements. They are only hanging on to existing agreements because they mistakenly think that you want them to! Just remember please that it is all going to come right in the end. The only question is, when will the end be? How long can you wait for this glorious day? You can call a halt to a certain set of proceedings anytime you wish to. You can let go of something you have been hanging on to. You can decide that the end in not just nigh it is now - and here. You have had enough of a silly drama or an ongoing battle. The moment you let something end, you will find it all comes right and you can then get on with something far more productive.

Venus Squares Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 14th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Some people have all the sensitivity of a rampaging rhinoceros. They can seemingly tread no more gently than an elephant in hobnailed boots. They make an inebriated hippopotamus seem positively subtle and restrained. They demonstrate less tact than a parrot with a megaphone. This world may be a ridiculous jungle but you belong in a more graceful corner of it now. If you can only stop groaning in amazement and disbelief at the antics of those around you, you will be at a most impressive advantage now. Assuming, of course, that the silliness actually is coming from others and not from you. Check this before you say too much. You are rightly proud of your perspicacity. You can usually tell, in a brief moment, how far to trust people and how much to believe what you are being told. Sometimes though, you get hold of the wrong end of the stick. You allow yourself to be misled or you experience such emotional attachment to someone that you will refuse to see their flaws. Later, you feel like kicking yourself. Could you now be making such a misjudgement? Maybe. But maybe too, it is one that you sorely need to make in order to become less judgemental of others. Your imagination is working overtime at the moment. You can, therefore easily imagine that you are not imagining things. But you probably are!

Mercury Squares Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 16th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 17th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Beware the instant, easy answer. You do not need to rob a bank or win a lottery. You require no magic wand, no gift from the gods, no instant, cure-all lotion or potion. Even if such a solution - or something that purports to provide it - is on offer to you, theres a reason to doubt it. The sky suggests that someone, knowingly or unknowingly is likely to be furnishing you with untruths! Why jeopardise a plan, an arrangement or a situation which is essentially safe and solid? Stick with what you have started. Stay where you know it is safe. Do what youre already doing and give it time. It will work.

Sun Squares Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 18th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 20th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You just cant beat a broken drum! But then again, if you want to make an omelette, youve absolutely got to beat a broken egg. The question then, is what must you beat, in order to become unbeatable? Here are some more questions. What must you avoid breaking if you possibly can? What really ought to be broken up into smaller pieces if it is to be properly rearranged? Now here are some answers. Preserve and protect whatever is giving you confidence.



Dismantle and rebuild whatever you need to change.

Sun Opposes Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 20th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 22nd March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

A problem shared is a problem halved. Or so they say. Actually, it depends on who you share it with. There are some people with whom a problem shared is a problem squared. A process of multiplication is the last thing you want to embark on right now. To the contrary, you want to get right to the root of a matter so you can see what it is truly made up of. The Sun s opposition to Pluto in your chart suggests there s more going on than meets the eye. Mind you, in your life, thats often the case. Other people just carry hidden agendas. Yours have secret pockets. You dont know what Im talking about? Thats because to properly hide your extra layer of hidden agendas, you have to deny their existence even to yourself. Deep down though, you know what you are really after at the moment. You also know that you could, just possibly, be close to getting it. I shall say no more. Just keep playing it cool.

Sun Trines Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 21st March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 23rd March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

At school, they taught you to read, write, add numbers together and generally behave yourself. They gave you no classes in how to develop your intuition - other, if you were lucky, than art. One day, the world will realise that for centuries it has been failing to exploit its most valuable human resource; the sixth sense. You however, cant afford to wait for this. You sorely need to trust and use yours now. Your intuition can help you to answer the kind of questions that no amount of intellect can ever explain. Questions like: Why do some people seem to be so much luckier than others? Why do some of us get presented with problem after problem while our peers and contemporaries receive blessing after blessing? Its not all down to frame of mind but there is no doubt that things get easier if youre truly willing to be optimistic and to seek the hidden, practical advantage in any new development, no matter how daunting. The sky will not only help you now, to be more hopeful, it will give you a good reason to be so - as long as you follow your most basic primeval instinct; to trust the universe!

Mercury Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 27th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 28th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

In their suits, at their desks, on their phones, professional experts look reassuringly competent. They project an image of authority. "Ah yes," we say, when we see them, "These people know what they are doing." Maybe they do. But they are human, just as we are. To be human is to be, secretly, never quite sure of anything. We know, for a fact that we are alive and breathing. The rest is supposition. Some suppositions seem more supportable or more powerful than others. But be careful what you treat as an inarguable fact. Familiar things are very comforting. Thats why children like to hear a story, over and over again. Thats why teenagers like to play their CDs until the laser has worn a hole in the plastic. Thats why adults like to watch soap operas and situation comedies where similar scenarios are frequently repeated with minor variations. Might this then, be why you are now playing out a drama, holding a debate or fighting a battle that echoes so directly, so many past encounters? If so... you know the outcome, unless you are prepared to learn from your experiences. This astrological alignment is about learning from your experience . It is about asking yourself the right questions and changing some of the rules by which you live your life as a result of re-evaluation. You are not obliged, of course, to alter anything. You can just go through this period of time feeling slightly challenged or at odds with the universe . Eventually the feeling will pass and life will return to normal until the next time Mercury comes round to form a challenging link to the position of Saturn in your birth chart. But if you want things to progress, if you want real, meaningful, positive change to come to your life, all you have to do is concede that there are many things you do not know enough about. Simply by acknowledging this you start to become a real expert in the art of living a successful life!



Venus Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 29th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Playground or prison? Which word, please, more aptly describes the world in which you live? Life will always confront us with a number of rules and restrictions. When though, we start to feel as if we are being perpetually punished and pushed about, we lose more than a sense of joy. We lose the plot! We start to think that this is what our existence is all about. Somehow, this causes us to become subject to an even bigger set of limitations. Yet there s only one way to find out where your limits truly lie... and thats to push them as far as you dare. To live in fear of finding that you have gone too far is to place an artificial restriction on your potential. To go, however, past a point that you know, from previous experience, that you cannot comfortably exist beyond, is to display a worryingly masochistic tendency. Draw from your experience but do not be bound by it. Just because something was once impossible, you can t conclude that it will always be beyond your reach. Times change. Circumstances alter. What you really need to ask yourself now is not Am I destined to fail? but Why do I want what I think I want? We all feel inclined to want what we cannot have. Even when we see people who have what we want but who are clearly failing to gain much from it, we are not put off. We just assume that we would appreciate it far more. Maybe we would but the way, now, for you to get what you want and to be sure of liking it once you get it, is to begin by resolving to make the most of what you already have. Make that your starting point and you ll be surprised and delighted by where you end up.

Mercury Opposes Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The truth is staring you in the face and, in an attempt not to see it, you are peering up to the ceiling or down to the floor. That pain in your neck will disappear as soon as you start looking straight ahead. That sense of being unable to see will vanish too... as soon as you open your eyes! The sweet irony behind your current dilemma is that you are ignoring something you ought to be delighted to recognize. Open your mind to the possibility of a discovery that makes you much more successful and fulfilled. Just remember that you cant really win the argument that you are now in the process of holding. Nor though, can you lose it. Accept as much and, effectively, you will have won it. You will only lose if you attempt to force a very specific outcome, to a certain situation. If, instead, you let it go, walk away from a source of antagonism and allow a little more time to pass, you will find that the great debate really is not very relevant. It is almost as if it is trying to trick you into wasting some of your very precious time. While Mercury is opposing the position that it held on the day you were born, your best bet is to use your intelligence at all times. And if you think hard enough, you will soon realise that there are some problems that intelligence alone can never solve. Have the wisdom to recognise these when you come across them.

Mercury Opposes Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 29th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

If it isnt one thing, its another - or another or another. Hercules, in his mythical battle with the Hydra, found that as fast as he cut off one of her heads, she grew two more. Youre likely to encounter similar trouble wherever you swing your sword. If you dont see yourself as a person of Herculean strength, be encouraged. Thats NOT what you need. Hence my choice of analogy. To conquer the monster that you face now, whats required is not brawn but brainpower and that, you do have! Which is just as well because there s an intense debate taking place. You are keen to win the argument but youre dealing with someone who is equally motivated to prove a different point. Neither of you want to fall out with one another but nor do you intend to capitulate politely. If you can conduct a heated discussion whilst maintaining mutual respect, theres no problem. If though, things are likely to get personal, loaded or counterproductive, you have to ask yourself whether a victory is worth the potentially high cost. To help you decide, ask yourself the following questions: Are you still waiting for something to settle, gel or fall into place? Does your situation seem to be growing extraordinarily tense, tricky and time dependent?



Do you feel as if the harder you try to stay in control, the more there is to stay in control of? Are you encountering aggravation where you ought to be getting help, complication where you should be meeting simplicity, anxiety where you had hoped to find re-assurance? Even if your answers to the above are not immediately encouraging, please be reassured. This tense link between Mercury and Mars is short. The drama now unfolding will - eventually - have a happy ending.

Sun Trines Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Forget the flowers. Cancel the candles. Chuck away the chocolates. First of all, you dont care two hoots about a grand, empty gesture, you merely want a certain someone to be a little more consistently sweet to you. Furthermore, youre highly suspicious of those traditional ways to express romance. Flowers bloom, then wilt. Candles blaze then die. Chocolates bring brief delight to the lips and then place a permanent burden on the hips. Wheres the love you can depend on, thrive in and celebrate during the daylight hours?Your astrological outlook suggests it is nearer than you think ! A long awaited breakthrough will put a smile on your face, a few bob in your bank account - oh - and a glow in your heart! Love and money are, to some extent, symbolised by the same planet in astrology. The basic idea is that it promotes a sense of wellbeing. This can manifest materially as an ability to attract wealth or emotionally as an ability to attract affection. Theres nothing to stop it from working on both levels at once - other perhaps, than your own preference for one kind of security over another. Prepare to attain a lot of whatever you feel most desirous of!

Venus Opposes Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 29th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The trouble with a really good meal is that, regardless of how satisfying it may be, it wont fill you up forever. The same applies to a great nights sleep. Few physical pleasures can sustain us for long. The only folk who think that our lives are not ruled by our appetites are those who have just, temporarily, assuaged their own! Oddly, given all these reminders of physical need, we forget that a similar psychological syndrome applies. We cant comfort ourselves forever with a memory of some old victory or feel content forever on the strength of some past romance. A new quest awaits you now. It requires all the energy and attention you can spare it. You can hardly resist the temptation that you feel to take up the opportunity in front of you or to respond to the challenge you have been presented with. That s right and natural although you should remember that the time to decide that you are not so fond of roller coasters is when you are walking through the fairground and you see one in the distance. You can, at a pinch, put that decision off a bit longer. You can wait till you have been standing in line for some while. Once though, you are strapped into the carriage and arriving at the top of a steep climb, just seconds away from the big thrill you can hardly disembark. If you re going to change your mind, change it now. But I don t necessarily know that you need to. Despite your understandable concerns you will be absolutely fine provided you relax and resolve to enjoy the ride.

Venus Opposes Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 30th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 31st March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

It would seem that somewhere in your vicinity, theres an industrial strength vacuum cleaner with a long hosepipe. It keeps trying to find a way into your bank account with a view to clearing out the contents. Meanwhile, theres a similarly strong pull on your heart. Someone or something wants all youve got and a little more besides. Youre not much inclined to resist yet there is a limit to how much you can supply. Its up to you to define, explain and stick within that limit, without fear or shame. While Venus is forming an opposition to the placement of Mercury in your birth chart, back away from any situation you dont need to be involved in. Step aside from any debate, discussion or disagreement that it isnt absolutely imperative you take part in. You will save yourself a lot of emotional stress and mental strain. Once the talking is over and the



jockeying for position is complete, you will find that things have worked out much as you rather hoped they would. Yet nobody then, will be able to accuse you of trying to manipulate things to your own advantage.

Mercury Opposes Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 30th March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 31st March 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Centuries after Da Vinci designed a parachute in the shape of a pyramid, they finally built one. All those experts who dismissed it as unworkable had to eat their words. Do you want to wait that long before your current plan is executed? Well then, get off your high horse! Your idea about the best way to proceed is right. Even so, you need help from others. You dont see why you should have to explain yourself, far less let them take credit for your idea. But if you want a result, you may have to let this be the case. Speak softly and sweetly. You dont need a loud, strong voice to get your point across. It is your actions, not your words, that matter. Provided you demonstrate, by your behaviour, your attitude and the way you spend your time, that you mean business, others will get the message. Their active co-operation may be too much to hope for but they will at least, stop attempting to undermine you. Try not be drawn into a debate or a discussion. Just be firm, fair and fervent in your commitment to a key plan.

Venus Opposes Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 31st March 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 2nd April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You are about to become a millionaire. Sorry. Just joking! Actually though, even if you were to win the lottery, you would not necessarily be any happier. Once the euphoria wore off, youd find the money as much of a burden as a passport to freedom. All you really want is the solution to a smaller, simpler problem. For that, you need effort not luck. If you put the effort in, you will get the right result out. Or at least, you will as long as you ask yourself, "Do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?" This is, of course, a rhetorical question. Can you imagine anyone ever replying "Oh, thank you for asking. I would like to be part of the problem please!" All of us try to feel pretty sure, whenever we set out to do anything, that we are making the most constructive move we can. So why, sometimes, do things get worse instead of better? Usually, it is because we forget that a solution that merely shifts a problem somewhere else is not much of a solution at all! Venus as it now opposes the position of the Sun in your horoscope, is filling you with the desire to do something very indulgent. You are so aware of what you want that you are willing to believe that it can be got in any one of a hundred ridiculous ways. Stop hankering for happiness. Just relax and allow yourself to appreciate what you already have. And then you ll realise that you already have won the lottery of life.

Mercury Squares Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 1st April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 2nd April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

It would appear that you are putting someones nose out of joint. Let us discount the possibility that you could be doing so deliberately. If you are, you no doubt have your reasons and presumably feel willing to take the consequences. If though, you are not intending to cause upset, it may take a while to work out who has been offended and why. All youll know, till then, is that there is tension. Once you see the problem though, you can soon fix it if you want to. And if you re feeling doubtful about whether or not this is possible, it can only be because you have the wrong idea about what an agreement or a contract is really all about. Read the small print. On page 7, half way down, theres a clause that even the finest lawyer might easily overlook. It says youre free at any time, to do whatever you choose and get clean away with it, regardless of what the rest of the agreement spells out. You cant believe that? Then look again at the situation which seems to be trapping you. There is a perfectly viable way to turn things around without upsetting anyone or compromising anything you want to preserve and protect. Youre under



pressure - but only because you are paying more respect than you should to a factor which seems daunting but is actually flexible.

Sun Squares Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 1st April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 3rd April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

How do other people see you? What do they really want from you? To what extent are you limiting yourself by playing out the role that you think you are supposed to play? We are all influenced much more strongly than we realise, by our companions, colleagues and family members. The irony is, we are not always influenced by what they REALLY want or need as by what we THINK they want from us. In redefining your boundaries as you are now doing, you may not be alienating anywhere near as many people as you fear. This should be a comparatively quiet and stress-free time. I use the word should rather than will because a lot depends on how much you can mind your own business. By this, I am not trying to imply you will have an uncontrollable outbreak of nosiness. I mean you will be sorely tempted to get involved with struggles or tense scenarios that really need have little to do with you. It is one thing to care about what others have to say, another to be so sensitive to what they are thinking or feeling that you end up losing your own perspective. A sense of realism, an acceptance of certain necessary limitations and a state of relative detachment is the best thing you could hang on to now, not only for your own sake but for those around you too.

Mercury Opposes Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 2nd April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 4th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The world, they say, has now been thoroughly mapped. There are no more new lands to find. How is it then, that for all our knowledge of geography, nobody can locate the Problem Volcano? Day and night, in some secret spot, there surely must be a mountain spewing forth endless reasons to worry. Presumably its near a sea or a river. How else do those problems get into the water supply and thus, into all of us? Under the influence of Mercury s link to Pluto you may not discover the source... but you should at least become able to fit a filter on your tap. Just remember that, theres always something to panic about, worry about or generally be in fear of. There always has been and there always will be. Whats upsetting or disturbing you now is no more, or less, serious than anything you have ever faced in the past. Over-react to it and it will get worse. Deal with it calmly and confidently and it will go away again - as ever.

Mercury Trines Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 3rd April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 4th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Life s sorrows and sadnesses contain much beauty and magic. If we refuse to look at things which are less than light, bright and breezy, we never develop any depth of understanding. Of late, you have been obliged to take a long hard look at a difficult fact or factor. You have been brave and now here comes your reward. Because you understand something valuable and highly relevant to your current situation, you can make a clever but not especially obvious choice that will ultimately do you a lot of good. Here comes a hopeful time, during which something inspiring will lift your spirits enormously. Your astrological outlook is positive now, bringing you some much needed clarity. You may not manage to gain answers to all your most pressing questions but you will find out where to look for those answers in the future. And you should also receive more than enough information to put your mind at rest about one particular problem

Venus Squares Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 4th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 6th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Do you have magical powers? Might you have been blessed, at birth, with gifts so rare and special as to baffle the world of conventional science? You think you would have noticed by now?



Perhaps not. Faced with some inexplicable phenomenon, most people either ignore it completely or put it down to coincidence. You may well be exceptionally psychic. You may even be able to cause things to happen with the sheer force of your will. Or maybe youre just managing to be smart and lucky at the moment. Either way, you need to be just a little careful. Especially with money. Top Cat had a coin on the end of a piece of elastic. He would pay for his purchase, walk away - and then casually yank the string. Your current spending plans seem to be based on the notion that Top Cat will be settling the bills. Yet there is only one sum of money available to you. Once its gone, its gone. Unless you really are making an investment. In which case, there may be an eventual payback. But even if so, its not going to happen in a matter of days. So you really do need to be realistic now. Sorry to give such boring advice during such a truly thrilling astrological alignment. But I m sure it wont spoil your fun very much. I doubt that anything could do that!

Sun Opposes Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 5th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Comedy films are full of sudden surprises. People attempt to sit on chairs which have been moved without their noticing. Or they lean on railings which then collapse without warning. Thankfully, that kind of thing doesnt happen too often in real life. Our physical senses are sharp. Psychologically though, we often take the wrong things for granted. We make misguided assumptions about people or situations. When that happens, its not very funny. Youll be fine now, as long as you watch your expectations.

Venus Opposes Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 6th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Something is really beginning to get to you. Youre so fired up, so fascinated, so hypnotised you can hardly think straight. Either youre hungry or youre angry. Either youre zealous or youre jealous. Whatever it is, youre not benefiting from it. Chill out. Turn it all down a notch or three. Ask yourself this - are you imagining things? Are you dealing with a bubble thats just about to burst? Are you falling into a frenzy of fantasy? Oddly enough, despite the slight sense of unreality that surrounds your current situation, you are on fairly solid ground. Though you are feeling almost hypnotised by a certain idea - or person? - this is mainly because you are seeing something which is truly, rightly fascinating. Trust the picture thats beginning to form in your mind and follow it. It leads somewhere good. But you must remember that its one thing to be motivated, another to be manipulative. Care less. Accomplish more. It may well be that the only way to get what you want is to let it go. Try it. Give up. Dont let the sky drive you into a frenzy. Instead, just trust that whats for you wont go by you. If its asking you for too much, its not offering you what you need. And if you re worried about money don t be. Indeed, don t worry about anything now. Just focus on trusting your deepest instincts and ignoring your noisiest fears.

Venus Trines Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 7th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 9th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Have you overstretched yourself? Have you gone too far? Have you promised too much to too many people? Have you started something you cannot finish or something that you probably can complete but no longer feel so sure that you want to complete? Of course you have. The answer is a definitive yes. Surely then, your current situation is nothing to worry about now we have established this. The sky suggests that you definitely have nothing to fear other, perhaps, than a degree of temporary embarrassment or the intoxicating consequences of getting too much of a good thing. You will yet manage to make everything work out impressively, successfully and well. Financially and romantically, your outlook is er... um, fascinating. A creative challenge will soon bring you the opportunity to brighten up a drab area of life. A little imagination, a spot of ingenuity and a soupcon of ingenuity will transform what appears to be a hopeless trouble spot. Dont feel, just because things have always been a certain way, that they must remain like that forever. Change is possible.



Mercury Trines Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 7th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Mercury - the commerce planet - now forms a harmonious link to the position held by Venus - the wealth planet - on the day you were born. You will soon start to look ten years younger, to exude ten times more charisma, to feel as if life is ten times easier - and maybe to be about ten percent wealthier. Sorry about the last point but Id be fooling you if I were to set the financial figure higher. The other, extravagant promises cover more subjective areas. And it IS likely that this how things will seem. You will discover that someone special really cares for you. You have more friends than you realise and a lot to be deeply glad about. Events soon should prove most heartwarming. Not only will all this improve your romantic outlook it will enable you to make sure that financial matters become less precarious. A new creative project awaits you. There will soon be a chance to explore your imagination and use it to cook up something of great value. And ten percent, over time, should add up to more than enough for what you need.

Mercury Squares Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 10th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Confused? You will be soon. Certain astrological alignments are notorious for producing a state of mayhem. Youre now in no position to tell fact from fantasy and nor, for that matter, are some of the other key players in the soap opera you call your life. Too many people, believing what they suddenly all find it convenient to believe, equals trouble. Raise an eyebrow of suspicion, each time you hear the word definitely and remember that some terribly important things have a tendency to seem trivial, most of the time Only when they pose a problem or come under threat do we realise what they mean to us. Other, quite ludicrous, laughably irrelevant factors can pre-occupy us to the point of obsession. Only when were suddenly sobered by a more genuine priority do we realise how weve been getting carried away. What youre dealing with now is big. It really does matter. But theres a point past which its counterproductive to think about it. - NB: You may soon feel that something or someone is undermining your confidence either deliberately or accidentally. You may also feel as if you have something to apologise for or some reason to regret a recent decision. If you feel this way you will start to see problems where none exist. This may make you even more doubtful about your chosen path. The irony is, you are actually doing just fine. You are supposed to face the problem that now lies before you. Its necessary in order to make the right kind of progress. Stop worrying and be a little stronger. -

Mars Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You can be forgiven for feeling edgy, considering the current astrological outlook. Indeed, if youre feeling anything less than wound up to the point of near fury, you can consider yourself a shining model of self control. Rarely has so much pressure been placed, by the sky, so squarely on one zodiac sign. Its almost as if the cosmos wants you to get mad about something. Maybe it knows that if you dont, some absoultely crucial change will never come about.

Mercury Opposes Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

People have an awkward habit of doing - or saying - just what you most hope they wont - at the very moment that suits you the least. Worse, they often lull you into a false sense of security by giving, for a while, the impression that theres no reason to fear any such thing! You have a nice simple choice at the moment. You can get into a lather about a development which cant be prevented - or you can decide to rise above it and refuse to let it spoil your enjoyment of life. Of course, even if you do take the transcendent approach, the fact remains that certain things need to start happening a little differently. Something isnt right and thats just not acceptable. Nor



though, is it acceptable to become defeated, depressed or desperate. Maybe first you have to get angry. But then you have to calm down. Next you need to look at whats really going on. After reaching a clear, honest understanding - and you WILL do this - we get to the hard part. You have to let go of an old idea or expectation and throw your heart into a positive new approach. This is a time of innovation and re-evaluation. The past went that a way, you can t get it back, no matter how hard you try but if you want to catch a glorious future all you have to do is stand still and life will carry you right to it!

Venus Trines Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 14th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Here comes your breakthrough; your great revelation and your wonderful chance to instigate a different plan. Will it really all be different as from now? Actually yes; even if not so much as one slightly extraordinary event takes place in your world. The power of a single, positive thought, occurring to the human mind at a significant moment in time, can sometimes be sufficient to create tidal waves of change. At minimum, youll have your big idea. And probably, youll have a whole lot more.

Venus Squares Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 15th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 17th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Raw onion may be good for your health but it doesnt do much for your breath. Raw emotion, so the psychologists tell us, is similarly beneficial to the psyche. Socially though, you put a lot of people off when you express it. There are times when - and places where - its fine to put nicety aside and go straight for the strong stuff. Now though, its time to rinse with the mental equivalent of a mouthwash. Once you step aside from your intense feeling, youll be glad of the comparative light relief. Or you will at least, as long as you don t start struggling too hard to understand why you feel what you feel. Sense? You want the world to make more sense? You may as well wish for a cow that recites Shakespeare or a flower that can dance. Cows deliver milk, not messages. Flowers bloom, but they just dont boogie. There are things in this universe its just not reasonable to expect - and a reasonable universe is one of those things. The best you can hope for is a life that makes some sense. Whats happening now is pretty powerful ... but its by no means bad.

Mercury Trines Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 18th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

"And they all lived happily ever after..." or so the story goes. Much though you dream of hearing those words in connection to your own saga, you know that real life never carries that kind of guarantee. I cant promise you a happy ever after but I can predict a distinct improvement in your current situation. You will, for a while to come at least, start living more happily than you were living before. This alignment spells the end of something awkward and the start of something good. Soon everything in your life should soon start to look a lot more sensible, logical and reasonable. You are about to make sense of mysteries that have been puzzling or upsetting you for ages. The stars are giving you a real reason to expect the arrival of good news. You should also look out for the chance to strike a deal or come to a fair arrangement over a matter which sorely needs sorting out properly. Much that has lately been delayed or impeded will soon start to flow more smoothly.

Sun Trines Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 19th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Life is suddenly starting to look more hopeful and encouraging. This may be a brief ray of sunshine peeping through heavy cloud.or it may be the start of a wonderful new season. You are becoming stronger in every way - emotionally, materially, creatively and financially. But if you want this to last, you have to be fair, even if you feel sorely tempted to express a strong bias.



How else can you do full justice to the task that you have been entrusted with? Theres a need now, to acquire information, to canvass opinion and to research every aspect of an important story. You may well find, once you have gathered all the evidence, that your initial conclusion was correct. But what if it wasnt? Theres too much at stake. It is dangerous and irresponsible to be impulsive. You really must do your homework. The reward for this will be a helpful extra coincidence that surprises and delights you.

Venus Opposes Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 19th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 20th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Why is your heart beating in quite such a pronounced fashion? Whats putting you on edge; adding a little more electricity to your life than you can comfortably cope with? Is this a source of pleasure or of pain? Or might it be, as it is in the case of so many of the perverse fascinations that we human beings entertain, that what you secretly like most about a certain situation is your inability to decide whether its good or bad! For as long as you are enjoying the indecision, you will never find out. In a strange way, we all enjoy uncertainty. We also enjoy being in a state of denial. That s why, regular smokers can easily ignore the health message on a pack of cigarettes. They say to themselves "I KNOW that but..." and they light up anyhow. Its not just negative statements that people have a tendency to blank out. Even if something is good for us AND pleasurable, we can still follow a perverse inclination to avoid it. So maybe I shouldnt harp on about your amazing long term outlook. Maybe, the more I tell you about how much you ought to be focussing on a bright future, the more you will only half believe me. The skys influence explains exactly why you are more interested in immediate dramas and difficulties than far flung promises. Even so, I have a duty to urge you to keep reaching for your best, biggest dream. Because it IS attainable.

Mercury Squares Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 23rd April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

More money would help. So would more understanding. Yet you seem to be short of both these crucial sources of support. The sky is putting you under financial pressure and undermining your confidence. You feel a little isolated and exposed. It seems as if you are being asked to supply something that you simply do not have and cannot get. Everyone seems to want some of your money and, meanwhile, you want something you cant afford. None of this would be so bad were it not for the other reasons why youre now feeling insecure, out of your depth, overstretched and undervalued. So, would you like a little good news? I rather thought you might! Youll soon be feeling far more comfortable about most aspects of your situation. Note, please, that I am not promising you all the money you desire or an imminent release from pressing obligation. Coming events though will bring a vastly increased ability to cope with your situation. The key to success, each time you find yourself feeling anxious or stressful, is to ask yourself: To what extent are you identifying needs which are not quite as pressing or as desperate as they seem? The more talking, listening and thinking you do, the more inspired will be the answers you arrive at. You will find that there is not a single emotional, material or financial problem you cannot solve now, as long as you do not over-react to a temporary, passing source of aggravation.

Mercury Trines Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 23rd April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

There are times when we cant fully rely on our own judgement. We become biased, prejudiced or overly emotionally involved in a situation. Our opinions are coloured by our hopes and desires. We see what we want to see, we believe what we want to believe and then we do whatever we have persuaded ourselves to do - regardless of how wise or unwise this may be. I mention this because I want to draw a distinction. You are NOT deceiving yourself at the moment. Your assessment of a particular matter - or of a key individuals true motivation - is accurate. The sky insists that now, you can only profit from trusting your instincts. A series of encouraging conversations should raise your spirits soon. So too, should some close encounters of a distinctly non verbal nature. Theres more to the communication process than an exchange



of words. Look for more subtle signs and signals - and remember, if you dont know quite what to say, that is really doesnt matter. If your emotions are genuine - or if your desire to reach an agreement is sincere and wisely motivated, a state of mutual understanding will arise automatically - and somewhat delightfully. Under this astrological influence you are experiencing a rare ability to tune in to your own source of deepest wisdom. This doesn t make you right about everything but it makes you more likely to be right than usual! Share what you feel and what you think with sensitivity.

Mercury Trines Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 27th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 28th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Sometimes, events leave us with no choice other than to respond to them. We have to put our plans to one side while we deal with sudden developments. There are other times though, when life is just as seemingly busy but we can exercise the right to reject various calls on our time and energy. This is such an occasion. A tide of changing circumstance will soon sweep you away if you set out to sail on it. But if you anchor your boat firmly to the harbour wall, you can easily stay where you prefer to be. Don t feel afraid though to express yourself clearly when you need to. Whenever this celestial climate manifests, the likelihood is that you wont so much speak out as yell out. For some while, you have been keeping quiet about a matter that displeases you. You have a justified cause for complaint and you are tired of suffering in - comparative - silence. It makes sense to be diplomatic, but now it is time for the cause of your discomfort to experience a little discomfort in return. Show - just - a little mercy.

Venus Trines Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Many great artists, writers and visionary leaders hear voices. So, too, do some characters whose grip on reality can be described only as tenuous. Whats the difference, then, between a fool and a genius? Basically, its pride. Truly gifted people continually doubt themselves. Only fools imagine they are infallible. Youre safe to entertain as many wild ideas as you care to. One or two may lead to a clever creative move. The rest are nonsense. All you need to bear in mind while Venus is forming a harmonious link to Jupiter in your birth chat is that things are starting to improve. Your astrological outlook is a promise of a much more rewarding time than you expect. Even though the sky looks likely to encourage you to take an inch and try to turn it somehow, into a mile, youll enjoy the excitement of the tempting possibility that presents itself. If romance is of interest to you - or maybe, even if it is not - there will be at least a little flutter. Likewise with matters of finance, you can soon expect to feel - and to be - at least a little bit better off. So, prepare to shine. Not only will you find yourself able, now, to exude a lot of attractive, endearing charisma - you will discover that it is surprisingly easy to accomplish some usually tricky or demanding task. The skys harmonious links are a most auspicious omen. You are gaining a new source of strength and wisdom too. Theres no need to be forceful or even to be overly determined in your approach. All thats required is a willingness to relax and be lead by what happens naturally.

Mercury Trines Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 29th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Your current celestial outlook is your promise of comfort and re-assurance soon. It may also bring the start of an upturn in your financial outlook plus an improvement in your personal/emotional or romantic life. Thats an awful lot of positive promise to dangle in front of you. Knowing your propensity to sometimes look gift horses in the mouth, I feel I may be making myself a hostage to fortune by predicting so much in such a cheerful tone of voice. Nonetheless, the sky is insistent and I must be too. If you can also summon a little determination to achieve success, we can be sure of a very special time. Soon, you will receive some good news that you have long been waiting for. It will make you feel better about the dramas you have been going through recently, and will show you that your future is more secure than you thought. In this crazy world of ours, it is too much to expect everything to make sense. But it is possible to



keep the level of confusion down to manageable proportions and you should begin to find that this - and a lot more besides - is pleasingly possible

Sun Squares Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

A very strong image has entered your mind. You cant seem to blot it out or forget about it. Theres something you feel very attracted to, intrigued by and excited about. The sky suggests you have very little chance of banishing this thought. That doesnt mean though, that you have to follow it or act on it. There are other, more ordinary tasks and issues to attend to now. If that which is beckoning to you really has validity and relevance, it will wait till you are in a better position to make a move. If you are feeling financially challenged, don t try too hard to rise to the challenge. Your situation will improve naturally over time. And if your love life leaves a little something to be desired, fear not. You are a rather wonderful little something. And eventually you will be very much desired!

Mercury Trines Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 29th April 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th April 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Think back please, to some of the greatest mistakes of your life. Remember the moments when you found yourself on the wrong side of a threshold, past a point of no return or just in a pickle you couldnt get out of. Now recall the way those situations turned themselves around. Which of them would you seriously undo, unpick or alter even if you possibly could? These werent mistakes, they were essential steps. What you are doing now is something that is every bit as positive as it is big. You are empire building. As all experiences are relative, we cannot belittle the importance of your ambition by suggesting that it is small compared to someone elses. To you, the plan or project which you wish to pursue is a major, significant one. It deserves respect. It also deserves success. Will it attain either? That depends on how seriously you take your current commitment. Drop or abandon your idea and it will soon evaporate. Nurture it and you will be amazed and delighted by the result.

Sun Trines Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 1st May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 3rd May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The Sun s link to the position of the moon in your horoscope will dramatically raise your IQ. By this, I do not mean it will make you brainier - though probably it will do that too. Intellect though, is a drearily over-rated facility. It comes into its own when you have a crossword to solve - or a machine to repair. Life though, does not revolve around engines and puzzles. It is primarily about people. People do not run on logic. We are all, at heart, creatures of impulse and mood. Even those who pretend to be sensible and smart are still, secretly just a set of cravings on legs. When we try to analyse those yearnings and needs, we make a big error. Its like trying to use a hammer to peel an apple. All you need, right now is a higher Intuition Quota. And thats precisely what the sky is about to give you.

Mercury Opposes Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 3rd May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You face such a strong temptation. How can you possibly resist? Why should you even consider holding back? Wont a little of what you fancy do you good? Isnt this just a safe, small taste of a favourite pleasure? Only you know the honest answers to these questions. My job, given the intensity of the current celestial climate, is to remind you of the need to be quite sure. You could just be kidding yourself. Your desire may well be bending your logic. The final choice has to be yours. Make it a wise one.



Mercury Trines Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 3rd May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 4th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You are not entirely on your own but it seems that, in one key area of struggle, youre just not getting the support you could do with. Now, you may find yourself feeling even more let down. Others are busy and preoccupied. They have dramas to deal with, obsessions to follow and fires to put out - even if most of these ARE of their own making. Meanwhile, though you dont like being left to handle a crucial matter single-handedly, the good news is you are perfectly capable of doing the job. Later, if you persevere, youll stop shaking with frustration and instead will start to glow with justified pride. You should make a profound and immensely valuable discovery soon. The sky is offering you transformation! This will result in a learning process which obliges you to venture into unknown territory or to touch on sensitive subjects which you might prefer to turn a blind eye to. The outcome of your experience will be one that renders you significantly better off. While you deal with what you have to deal with, try to put aside at least a portion of your busy agenda. Allow something new and different to develop. Dont tell yourself that you cant afford a distraction from your current big pre-occupation. You need an alternative perspective much more than you realize. In a cheerful, relaxed, unpressured moment, you will suddenly see a short cut to the goal you so sorely want to reach.

Venus Squares Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 7th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 9th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

In an alternate universe, there is now a very puzzled person who looks a lot like you. A while ago, this person was enjoying much success. In that parallel world, wealth aplenty was pouring in as fast as it was ebbing away from you here. The celestial line-up though, opened a portal in the space time continuum. It closed up quickly but not before you, on either side of the dimensional barrier experienced an irrevocable destiny swap... ... ... OK then. YOU try explaining the upturn of fortune that is now starting to take place. You are not yet aware of any such upturn? Hey, listen you may not be as wealthy as you wish you were but youre not as poor as you fear. Much the same can be said for your emotional situation. Things may not be as smooth and comfortable as you would like them to be but the big drama that you are so concerned about is not as important or as threatening as it seems. All will be fine provided you curb your own tendency to worry too much or to hunger for things that arent necessarily as desirable or as worthwhile as they appear.

Venus Trines Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

When we see a hole in a piece of silk, we are hardly surprised. It may be a shame but given the susceptibility of this fabric to wear and tear, it seems inevitable. When we see a hole in a piece of steel, we are amazed. What on earth caused this? Your psychological armour is sturdy. For all your inner sensitivity, it takes a lot to dent your external confidence. Sometimes though, it happens. And thats just as well. For right now, your greatest asset is not your strength but your softness. Maximise it. Allow it to dominate. And be generous. You can afford this. Perhaps not from a financial point of view but certainly from an emotional one. You can spare some compassion, some tolerance, some patience and some support. Even if you feel as if you are nearing the end of your tether, you will find that it has more elasticity than you think. It will not break if you stretch it. Nor will it suddenly pull you back sharply. The more you give, the more you will get. And, to some extent, the same is true of your material situation.

Sun Trines Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

If you sense an electric atmosphere, its not coming from an underground cable. The source is celestial. A lively cosmic climate is causing all kinds of sparks to fly. The outcome of this exciting saga though will not cause a shock or a short circuit. Rather, it will bring you a whole new source



of positive energy. It is as if the sky is now giving you a pot of magic glue. This glue doesnt just repair objects, it works with situations, arrangements and even with relationships. Look for wider applications and broader, brighter ways to use the asset which is now at your disposal. Consider, not only how you can best improve factors in your own life but how you can offer constructive help to others. The more you use the power that is being offered to you by the Sun s link to Mars in your birth chart, the more power you will find that you have.

Mars Trines Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Get up and get going. Let the power and potential of the sky work its magic in your world today. If theres a limit to what you can physically do, at least allow your mind to wander freely in brave new territory. Whilst you have such a strong celestial influence working in your favour, it should be easy to come up with practical, creative solutions to all problems. Forget plans and just resolve to do something that feels like it has a ring to it. That ring, if you trust it, will prove to be made of 24 carat gold. And if you re not sure what it is you should be doing, treasure your sense of uncertainty. Nurture it. Be proud of it. Remember that every great book begins with a blank sheet of paper. Every wonderful painting starts with an empty canvas. Every beautiful musical composition commences with a moment of silence. Every creative process, no matter how humble, requires you to bring forth something out of nothing. Which is very daunting. Usually, the best way to get going is just to do something. Anything. Then, at least, youve got something you can alter or adjust or improve on. Thats why what you are tentatively building is far better than nothing.

Sun Trines Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Money cant buy love. Nor for that matter, can it buy peace of mind or the ability to enjoy meaningful communication with other human beings. Its a pretty limited resource really. The fact that most of us see it as so important says a lot about the sorry state of the world we live in. Your finances need to be improved and, if you put in a little effort , youll accomplish most of whats needed. Just dont run away with the idea that this alone will resolve all your difficulties. To make that happen, you are going to have to get organised. You are also going to have to inspire others to do the same. Yet, you are beginning to tire of explaining yourself. Why do you seem to be so answerable to so many people? Why, you may also ask, do those people seem unable to take your view, position or plan at face value? Isnt it as obvious to everyone else as it is to you that certain things need to happen? Maybe it isnt necessary for you to be quite so conciliatory. Set out confidently in the direction of your chosen destination. More people will understand and support you than you expect.

Sun Trines Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Many a game of cards has been won by a player with a poor hand. There may be some contests whose outcomes depend, ultimately, on the luck of the draw but most involve some degree of skill and timing. What matters now is not whether you have a great advantage; its whether you have confidence and patience. Power, now, will shift from one person to another and from one situation to another. It will ultimately come to rest though, with whoever is willing to hold steady and to keep a straight face. That s you, in case you were wondering. And if you were wondering, stop wondering! Start trusting instead. Twice a year, every year, for a brief period of time only you come under the influence of this auspicious astrological transit. Sometimes you profit enormously from it. Sometimes it passes you by and you hardly even notice. If you want to make the most of your celestial opportunity, remember this; with just a pile of wood, you can make a bonfire. With a pile of wood, a hammer and some nails, you can make a ladder - or a cupboard or a table - or a chair. You have the equivalent of a pile of wood in your life at the moment. It seems, to you, as if theres a limited use for this. Soon though, you will come across a new possibility. Expect, soon, to see how to convert something minor into something very significant.



That should radically alter your level of confidence and your ability to feel optimistic.

Mercury Trines Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 14th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

WHAT kind of a revolution do you want to agitate for, participate in or even actually create? I ask because the sky offers you a real, rare chance to bring about major change. Once you let a certain genie out of a certain bottle though, there will be no chance of stuffing it back in again. Thats fine as long as you know what youre doing and why. The trouble is, youre not yet fully sure. Your opportunity is worth taking - but its also worth thinking hard about before you do take it. You should soon make a vital discovery in the very department of life where you are most in need of fresh insight or understanding. There is a promise of a revelation that may not instantly transform your life into a bed of roses, but will help a great deal nonetheless. Though the more you learn, the more you will realise that you still need to find out about, you will benefit tangibly - as well as psychologically - from the new perspective that this cosmic climate helps you to attain.

Venus Trines Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 16th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 18th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Do you really mean what you are saying? Can you really believe what you are hearing? Are you really ready for what seems to be about to happen next? I may not have listed them in the right order but these are undoubtedly the questions you will be repeatedly asking yourself during this period. The sky will finally facilitate a change that has been trying to take place for a very long time. At an amazing speed, to an impressive depth, due to an almost uncanny convergence of coincidental circumstances, a new phase of your life will begin. And now, heres the answer you will be able to give. "Yes." Youd better believe it - because it is real... and right. So remember to be yourself, be proud of who you are and what you stand for. Be forgiving of your own faults - though not totally blind to them. Be generous with self praise though not generous to the point of moral bankruptcy. Before this forecast begins to sound like one of those new age greeting cards, I had better give you the reason for all this high faluting advice. You have an enviable and exceptional opportunity to break new ground. You can re-write rules. You can expand your horizons, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. You can make amazing things happen and you can see brilliant solutions. THATS why you need to be confident but not TOO confident. The recipe for success, is nine parts pride to one part humility!

Venus Trines Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 19th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Inflation, each year, means that it is forever getting easier to become a millionaire. There are more people in this financial bracket now, than ever before. So there must also, must there not, be more people than ever, beaming with unbridled joy? The relationship between wealth and happiness is not straightforward. Indeed, some argue that to be truly content, you need to be just the wrong side of comfortable. Affluence brings agitation. You can find out for yourself soon. A little extra money is on the way to you. By this, I must hasten to add, I do not mean that you are about to become a millionaire. But in one way, you are about to be granted something even more valuable. Ingenuity. Dont, while Venus is forming this link to Mercury, work harder, work smarter. Dont give up endless hours of your time, give some of your endless creativity, instead, to a certain situation. When invited to be inventive, you come through with marvellous ideas. You cook up excellent plans and see solutions which are simple, obvious and effective yet which nobody else has identified. Every so often though, you lose faith in your own ability to manifest such wit and wisdom. You do things the tedious, uninspired way instead. Thats not an appropriate route to take now. Even if youre not creatively inclined, you can still make good use of the prevailing atmosphere by using your imagination to gain insight into a problem, or to explore new ground. You CAN believe in magic.



Mercury Conjuncts Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 18th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 3rd July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

How often do you find yourself in situations that, at face value at least, seem inescapable? Yes, you do have your duties and responsibilities, your personal obligations and no doubt a very long list of things to worry about, but dont allow yourself to become overwhelmed. There is a way to calm those troubled waters. It wont be achieved by re-organising the world around you, but by the subtler - but no less effective - strategy of re-organising your own priorities. Take a moment to reflect on what is truly important to you, what really affects the inner sensibilities of your heart. You may be surprised to discover that a little forethought and careful planning will go a long way to making your efforts fruitful rather than fraught. You are now being taken back over ground that you think you have already covered. The sky wants to teach you a lesson about some deal that you did in the past and show you how you can now go forward to make a similar arrangement but this time, far more profitably. Thats all immensely positive. Why then, do you feel a little unhappy and awkward? Because before you can stride with confidence to a fine future, you must return to a difficult memory with a degree of real humility. What you come to understand though, will prove to be worth its weight in gold.

Venus Trines Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 19th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 21st May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

TV commercials suggest, on a daily basis, that if we want that special feeling, that elusive secret of happiness or the knowledge that everything in our life is right - we merely have to use Sudso, drink Fizzo or buy a Whizzo. Even if we can see through that, we fall for the spurious notion that joy will come once we attain relationship X, income level Y or success level Z. This is of course, a load of, well you know, a load of, what bulls do. Sometimes. When nature calls. Anyway. Here s something that is not a load of bull. Happiness itself. It does exist. And though you don t have to buy a particular product to get it, its attainment often can be surprisingly simple and easy. Fame, fortune and contentment await you in the next few weeks. The fame may constitute a rise in your social status rather than mega-stardom. The fortune may be an ability to pay your bills rather than untold wealth. The contentment may be relief from pressure rather than a guarantee of a happy-ever-after. Then again, you never know.

Mercury Squares Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 19th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 4th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You know a lot more than you knew before. You have reason though, to wish that you didnt know some of it. Information, once it enters the brain, cannot be removed. If we really cannot handle it, we have to bury it beneath some rarely accessed memory. Generally though, we find some way to make it palatable. We attach a comforting explanation to it or, better yet, we broaden our view of life so as to accommodate the discovery. Soon, you will become truly glad that you know what you know. Meanwhile, your best bet is to forget the past and focus on the future. Never mind what has happened - no matter how agitated it is making you feel. It is now part of a history you need to move on from. Theres a temptation, at the moment, to analyse a somewhat confusing situation. What does it mean? What is it teaching you? What should you now do to turn things to your advantage? Unless youre willing to get bogged down in a very academic debate which will ultimately leave you none the wiser, drop the whole topic. Be similarly determined not to enter into pointless arguments or aggravating discussions which end up going nowhere. Just head where you know its bright, light and right.

Sun Trines Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 20th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 22nd May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

People talk the most amazing rubbish sometimes. They hold long, empty conversations. They discuss everything other than the one thing that really matters - or they focus on endless detail



and steadfastly refuse to see the essence of the issue. People love to speak. Most people love to listen, too. But few want, it would seem, to really, truly communicate. I mention this for reasons that which, if they are not already evident, will soon become so. How many times, recently, have you spoken to a certain person? How many chances have there been for you both to say what needs to be said? Why is it only now, when there is an urgent, pressing reason to cut the nicety and exchange the truth, that either of you are coming clean? Oh well. Better late than never. And thankfully... it is not too late.

Mercury Squares Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You never can be sure what tomorrow will bring. This, you may feel, is not the sort of thing an astrologer is supposed to say. People like me are supposed to be able to provide a glimpse of the future. People like me though, have a tough time when it comes to forecasting the outlook for people like you. People like you are not exactly predictable characters or at least, they are not whilst they have Mercury transiting its natal position in their horoscope. You appear to be on the verge of making a fairly quirky, controversial choice. You cant be too surprised if, soon, it brings you a quirky, controversial result! That s OK. You feel ready for a change now but, like a circus juggler, you have a lot of plates to keep spinning. Soon there will be even more. How can you be successful in every area with such a busy schedule? You cant. What you can do though, is make sure that you watch the most important plans and projects. If a few, less crucial factors have to be dropped, therell be no harm done. You will benefit from being forced to make a few overdue choices. All will be fine if you focus your energy where you are sure it is most needed.

Sun Opposes Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Beware the demonic Doctor Dread and his sinister shrinking machine. Listen out for his cruel cackle as he trains the zap gun on your self-esteem. Step out of the way. Let the beam of light fall, instead, on the problem you were standing in front of. Better still, hold up a mirror! Reflect the ray so that it reduces the evil villain to the size of a pea. Sorry to make the story of your life sound like the script of a second rate comic book. But better that than to let something silly steal your stature. There can be a thousand and one different, seemingly valid reasons for not listening to our intuition. Usually though, we tell ourselves we are under too much pressure, or that we cant be sure of what we feel and we will look pretty stupid if it turns out to be wrong. You can ignore your instinct as easily as you can ignore the sun. But both are shining brightly if you care to acknowledge this. Doctor Dread is the voice of fear that drowns out your inner-voice of wisdom. All you really have to do, while the Sun is opposing Neptune in your birth chart, is turn his volume down.

Mars Conjuncts Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 25th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 28th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Money? What do you need that for? A comfortable life? Why on earth should that be important to you? You want a situation with less wild imbalance, less emotional stress, more love and more security? What planet do you think you are living on? This is Earth; home of the hassled, the hard done by and the heavily burdened. Isnt it? For some, yes. For others, not necessarily. Miraculous solutions to your most pressing problems are not on offer now but slow, steady chances to improve matters abound. These are excellent times to be living through. Your outlook is pretty good as we speak but soon it will be even brighter. This does not of course, mean that you can expect this period of your life to be problem free or totally without conflict. We may be able to see a lovely sky but we are still viewing it from planet Earth - which remains, by nature, a trying place for all its inhabitants. There is though, a very big and happy difference between being kneedeep in a pile of trouble... and being right up to your eyes in it! The drama that you now face is due to have a happy ending. This will come sooner if you remember that while love makes the world go round, pain is the gravitational force that keeps it in orbit. Or, if you prefer, love is the accelerator, pain the brake. There has to be a degree of discomfort attached to life on earth. We



are however, under no obligation to dwell on it or to encounter it any more than occasionally. Pain is the thing that makes us ask whats the point? Love IS the point. Thats actually all you need to know now.

Venus Trines Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 25th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 26th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Sometimes, in a polite conversation, one person will go ahead and say, out loud, what everyone else is secretly thinking. Theres usually an awkward silence followed by an attempt to pretend that nothing has happened and carry on as normal. Theres a time and a place for truth but, while its one thing to ignore some inappropriate remark in a social context, its another to decide, with your conscious mind, that youre not willing to hear what your heart wants to say. Pluto and Venus are now drawing your attention to a fact that must be faced. Ignore it if you wish but eventually, youll have to listen - and when you do, youll be glad you did because it is time to set a different agenda. It is time to stop hiding something that has been a secret for too long - and to cover up, instead, something that has been far too much in evidence and, in the process, has been doing nobody any favours. It is time to stop pretending that you are comfortable in a set up that irks you daily. It is time to get creative with an idea or opportunity that is tantalisingly attractive but so far, at least, lacking in viability. Its time to decide what you truly desire... and go for it.

Venus Opposes Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 26th May 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 27th May 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Beethoven s symphonies were courageous creations. So, too, were Picassos paintings and Byrons poems. What if any of these great artists had decided to refuse the muse. All were human. All had doubts about their own ability - or the worth of their contribution. All of them too, had bills to pay, chores to perform, social and domestic commitments to honor. They didnt have to be develop their talents. They were not obliged to believe in themselves. Are you any less special? Well then... what SHOULD you be doing now? This is a time for developing your talent and using your imagination. This is fine if youve got a beret and an easel - but if not, be careful. You may find yourself painting unrealistic pictures in your mind when it comes to dealing with a situation that needs to be looked at logically. When working in the world of the practical, double check your assumptions and beware ideas that appear to be leading to easy answers.

Sun Trines Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 5th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Some people plan their lives in meticulous detail. Others can be organised and thorough when they need to be, but then rarely feel that they need to be. If you like to be free to make things up as you go along, then the arrangements that suit you best will be loose ones. It takes great, special talent for the ability to take a vague, outline structure and improvise, brilliantly around it, using whatever happens to be on hand. At the moment, thats precisely the formula to keep using. Dont be pinned down to any more than you must be. Let there be chaos. Be glad of that which is unexpected. Embrace the unusual, the innovative - even the downright disruptive. Theres more to life than order and normality; much, much more. You can soon put things back the way they were if you really want to - but the likelihood is that you will not want to. For too long, something in your world has been stale and static. Accept your opportunity to turn a few things inside out and upside down. Youll make several valuable discoveries.

Venus Trines Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 6th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Here s the key, theres the door. Wheres the problem? Its in the barrel of the lock, thats where. Some keys work easily. You just apply them and turn them and youre in. Others need a very special sort of jiggling motion. Only those who are willing to persevere manage to crack the



technique. Others get very close to success and then give up, assuming that there must be something wrong. You now have all you need to make progress in a key area including that rare and most precious commodity of all, creativity. Never underestimate the power of your own creativity. You dont have to be a writer, an artist or a designer in order to have a potent imagination. Your ability to be inventive is causing you to see positive potential in a situation that others perceive as relatively empty or even negative. Soon you can set personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful - footing. Ironically, the way to attain this is to first take a brave step into the unknown.

Venus Conjuncts Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Enough is a banquet. The current auspicious link between Venus and the position occupied by Saturn in your birth chart is inviting you to make the most of what youve currently got. You cant do that though, while youre inclined to see it as a poor substitute for what you want. You need to be wholeheartedly enthusiastic about and genuinely willing to appreciate the actual reality of your situation. The more effort you make to feel this way, the more youll see that youre not just talking yourself into a state of acceptance but recognising the true value of a hidden asset. There s an obstacle before you. Its daunting and worrying. How are you supposed to get round it? Maybe you are not going to manage this. Maybe you have to accept it as a sign. Maybe you should be changing your direction in life. Try responding to the problem with a little humility. Try acceptance on for size and work around the restriction you face. If it works and feels comfortable, think no more about it. If not, redouble your effort to find a different way forward. If its truly needed, youll discover it. But the likelihood is now that one way or another you are going to come to love some of the factors in your life that you currently feel inclined to resent. For you are about to see the hidden blessing that they represent.

Sun Conjuncts Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Clear a space before you start. Dont mix new oil in with the old. Finish one topic of conversation before you begin the next. These are not disciplines that many of us, in the modern world, adhere to. When the occasion truly demands it we can all be very thorough and organised. Often though, for the sake of saving time, we defy these wise old rules of efficient operation - often with great success. Right now though, if you want to avoid confusion, youll carefully close one door before opening another, even a tiny bit. You are in an excellent position to achieve success. You have access to information that puts you at a real advantage. Some of this information is in a library of some kind. Its your ability to look it up thats going to make the difference. Most of it though, is in your own mind already. You know a lot more about the history of a certain situation than you realise. Consult your own memory banks. Think long and hard about what you have encountered in the past. You need now, to be strong and sure but not too emphatic. Remember to keep cold air out of your house, you dont need to lock your door. You simply need to shut it. In your desire to show strength of purpose, you feel inclined to make a decisive gesture. You want, not only to cross a bridge but to destroy it. Why? Dont you trust yourself not to turn round and go back? It only makes sense to lock a door or burn a bridge if you are trying to keep some external force at bay. You can keep a valuable option open now, provided you are not scared of your own desire to take it.

Venus Squares Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Maybe it is possible to fit a square peg into a round hole. Perhaps, if the peg is made of some malleable plastic - or the hole is reshaped slightly, the act can be accomplished. But surely, once you start going to such extreme lengths, you are no longer dealing with a truly square peg or a genuinely round hole. If you cant already see why Im raising this issue, you will understand



soon. The right angle between Venus an Mars describes a problem you sorely want to resolve yet which you simply cannot manage to settle. Its unnerving but ultimately the secret of involves accepting that which seems so impossible. Not only are you worried about a financial matter, youre keen to pursue a creative policy. Theres something you want to make, to design, to explore or to indulge. Yet at the same time, youre in a precarious situation. Common sense says dont make any kind of risky move. Happily, the world is not a sensible place. It rewards the brave and the sincere far more than it takes care of the cautious and the unimaginative. Dont be too silly but do take a courageous step towards the fulfillment of a dream. As you do so, just keep asking yourself: Are you special? Are you wonderful? Is your life full of tremendous possibility? The answer to each preceding question needs to be an emphatic yes. If youre tempted to come forth with any other answer, think again and keep thinking till you begin to feel more positive. Dont worry about getting a big head. In the fullness of time, various natural processes will help to restore your humility. Right now though, it is important and right to be strong, proud, daring, ambitious and above all else, confident.. At times, under the influence of this astrological alignment, all this will be easy to feel. The keen attention of an ardent admirer will feed your ego and stoke your inner-fire. Yet all will not prove plain sailing in the department of the heart and at times, within a key relationship, you will feel very much like a square peg in a round hole. But ultimately, this will turn out to be more enjoyable than it sounds.

Sun Squares Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Attention all ships. This is an official alert. Gales are expected in all sea areas governed by your sign. Batten down your hatches. Prepare for high waves and strong winds. If you must venture out on deck, wear a lifejacket and hang on tightly to the railing. You can and will survive the storm thats now brewing. You will find, when its over, that you have not been blown off course. Instead, you will have been taken much closer to a safe harbour. But the ride may well be bumpy. There really is some amazing energy in the air around you now. If you are feeling fraught or frazzled it is not because things are bad. It is because, fundamentally, things are very good but you have not yet managed to sort out how you feel about them. Do not strain yourself trying to work everything out. Just remind yourself that you dont need to be everywhere at once, attempting to please all the people, all the time, in order to feel successful. You must finally start pleasing yourself a little more. Then, it will be back to plain-sailing once again.

Venus Squares Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Life, depending on which popular song you define it by, is a bowl of cherries, a carnival, a dance or a minestrone. Money, depending on which traditional phrase you prefer, is either what makes the world go round or the root of all evil. Other people believe that life is what you make it... and that money makes itself provided you make the right thing out of your life. Take from this what you will. Meanwhile, the sky insists you now have a fine chance to positively redefine your relationship to life... and money. This, to some extent, means becoming less anxious about the stuff. When we let money rule our lives, we lose something far more valuable. Yet when there are bills to pay, it is not easy to adopt a mellow philosophy. Nor is it easy to remain clear, conscious and aware of all the facts that we ought to be taking into account. When financial pressures mount, we tend to close off a part of our mind. Theres a limit to how much any of us can allow ourselves to worry. Most of us do something similar when we face emotional pressure. Somehow, we manage to pretend it isnt there. The trouble with such a coping mechanism is that it doesnt provide an actual cure. Indeed, by allowing us to ignore the existence of a problem, it can stop us taking action when there is a chance. Deal now, with what you are trying to ignore. And then, eventually, the cherries in your fruit bowl will become a lot sweeter.



Sun Squares Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

It is your call. You can get into an argument, develop a debate and a rise to a challenging suggestion. Or you can smile sweetly and let it all be as water off a ducks back to you. This will involve a degree of self control, a certain amount of acting ability - plus a fair quantity of faith. There will be moments when you wonder if you are wise to ignore what seems like such a big and bothersome factor. But better that route than a long, exhausting diversion down a difficult and ultimately, quite irrelevant road.

Venus Squares Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 14th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Money does not grow on trees - but some farmers have grown very wealthy from planting orchards. Money does not make the world go round - but if you want to go round the world, it sure helps. Money cant buy you love - but then poverty is no guarantee of popularity either. Money is not going to roll endlessly into your life today - but nor is it going to roll away from you. You need now, to show money just a little more respect. If you then show yourself a great deal more respect, youll have the best of all worlds. Remember please, that dignity is a funny thing. Some people, in an effort to satisfy their sense of pride, wind up doing the most embarrassing things! Any attempt to protect your own vanity is bound to be a vain attempt! If you really want to emerge from any situation with the ability to walk tall, abandon entirely, your concerns about how you look in the eyes of others. People who have nothing to lose cant lose anything. Right now, you can gain something very substantial if you act on what you feel, not what you "feel you ought to feel!"

Sun Squares Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

This astrological aspect is stirring up some kind of confidence crisis. It could have something to do with a trick youre not sure that you have properly learned, a plan that you wonder if you have fully researched or a way of getting from A to B that you suspect is likely to prove problematic. Theres only one way to find out whether youve really got trouble. Assume that you havent ... and hope for the best. And remember, if you are crying over spilt milk or brooding over unhatched chickens - Stop! Remember the other proverb about the bird in the bush! It is about to turn out to be a golden eagle, but only if you dont let it escape.

Venus Opposes Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 16th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 18th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

As the long-awaited Age of Aquarius now begins to dawn, the stakes are being raised. Sources of light are getting brighter. Manifestations of darkness are getting more intense. That which is unpleasant within human nature is starting to look truly ugly. That which is divine is starting to shine. Hence the extreme contrast in your world at the moment. You are no longer able to see so many shades of grey. You either have to believe or leave, to give your heart or depart, to feel totally sure - or totally insecure. Thats actually good - even if it is intense. Trust the distinction you are now starting to make and the discrimination that you are being granted. Remember too that the trouble with money is that you can only spend it once. In your imagination though, the same banknote can pay for a hundred different luxuries. Hence the day before payday syndrome. One moment, youre broke. "Never mind," you say "soon, Ill be rich again. And then Ill..." Invariably, the ensuing list is bigger than the wage. And so, the day before the next payday, youre broke again. As with money, so with time. Indeed, so with all strictly limited resources in this world. Its a real nuisance, I agree. But the good news is, at least you have SOME of what you need now. And if you only can manage to prioritise it, you WILL have enough.



Venus Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 18th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 20th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You have a powerful fascination with whats ultimately, a weak and uninteresting situation. It only matters because youre allowing it to matter. It only captivates you because you want to be captivated by it. But can you see this - or are you like the slave who darent walk free - even though you know that the slavedriver is alone and unarmed, that you live in a land where slavery has long been abolished and that the world will support you if you go? To stay or leave is your choice. And it IS a real choice. And if you really must have an obsession, at least make sure that it is an exciting one. Or a very silly, trivial one. Dont, whatever you do, become fixated about something that is boringly important and serious. Such things, no matter how pressing, absolutely have to be treated with a degree of ambivalence. Otherwise, you cant approach them from the right psychological perspective. This current astrological alignment is making you keen to think and keep thinking about just one big issue. Try not to let this be anything that really matters.

Sun Opposes Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 18th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 20th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

"Injustice." "Exploitation." "Deception." There are three of your all-time favourite trigger words. The very sight of them is enough to set your blood boiling. You may have excellent fashion sense but there is always a part of you that wants to don a nylon stretch suit, hang a cape round your neck and go flying to the rescue of all the victims of this unfair world. Be careful at the moment. Some cries for help are melodramatic. If you respond to too many, you may be out - just when someone else is flying in to rescue you. Try, whilst the Sun is opposing the position held by Jupiter in your birth chart, not to become too extreme. Remember that once upon a time, not so long ago, there were a lot of communists and a lot of fascists, too. These days, thankfully, most politicians tread a more moderate path. In the field of modern morality, a similar shift has taken place. We are no longer so extreme or so judgmental. We see less as indisputably right and less, too as unforgivably wrong. We save our disapproval for behavior that is truly dreadful by any fair standard. The world is a better place for this and your world too, will be a better place the moment you now take a softer stance. The middle path is not necessarily the most attractive road but it is undoubtedly the wisest.

Sun Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 21st June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 23rd June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Have you ever had a telephone call from someone who is determined to give you a piece of their mind? Have you felt tempted, rather than argue back, simply to hold the phone away from your ear; returning to the mouthpiece every few moments to make some bland, non commital noise? Thats pretty much the technique you need to employ now. An annoying point of conflict is continuing to make its presence felt. It is not going to go away for a while... but you dont have to take it too seriously. Just pay lip service to the dispute while privately distancing yourself from the whole storm in a teacup.

Mars Trines Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 27th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 1st July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Are some people luckier than others? No. It is just that we all respond to fortune in a different way. Some people look for a hidden opportunity as soon as they encounter a problem. Others push their luck too far. They cant tell a cloud with a silver lining from a heavy storm cloud. They get caught in the storm and then, their luck has to keep them safe from lightning. Jupiter insists your luck is good. To make it work for you though, you must use discrimination. Do something that actually stands a chance of working! There s an adventure in the offing. You have long wanted to try something, to experience a particular feeling or to go to a certain place. Somehow, the chance to fulfil that ambition is now present. It may be immediately possible or it may be that you are now sowing the seed of a plan that can come to fruition in time. Whichever it is, dont



feel afraid of the unknown. Only by pushing back certain boundaries will you discover what you are capable or - and whats possible. Without doubt though, you have a glorious opportunity before you.

Venus Opposes Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th June 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 29th June 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

A funny thing happens to people who fall in love. They discover that their capacity to care is seemingly limitless. Even if, prior to the experience, a person or situation hardly mattered, suddenly it matters more than anything. Love and concern are not the only emotional resources that can be self replenishing. Our reserves of compassion, patience, tolerance and kindness are inexhaustible if we only allow them to be. Either now, you must fully put up a wall - or decide to take it down and leave it down. Your emotions are being softened by this astrological influence and you need to remember that appearances can be very deceptive. It is strange how we relate to them as if they were the only reality. We cannot help it. We are slaves to our senses. Even when vividly reminded of lifes joyous impermanence, we blink blankly and remain firmly of the belief that now is forever. We do not understand what brings us here or what takes us away and what we do not understand, we fear. So, naturally enough, we cling to convention, to tradition, to reassuring ritual and numbing normality. We eat, sleep, work, aspire, argue... and fall in love. Yet instinctively, we still seek something more than a mere appearance of completion. There is something you need to ask. Venus as it now forms a link to the position of the Moon in your birth chart wont bring an answer. But it will help you formulate a further, more enlightening question.

Venus Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 1st July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 2nd July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You keep wondering whether you need to plan a revolution. Is it time to rise up and rebel against an oppressor? You have put up with too much for too long. Theres an unacceptable side to your current situation and you have to fight it. You cant do this overnight. Indeed, before you can do it at all, you have to work out who or what needs to be deposed. The problem is not necessarily another person or group of people; it could be an attitude within your own mind which is robbing you of the freedom to express yourself. Try to consider all this before you succumb to a temptation that you later regret. But don t be too concerned if you simply cannot manage to summon objectivity. You are going through a demanding phase of your life. The urge to rebel is intensifying. So too is the urge to run away. Yet it seems fairly clear you cant do either. You are being required to conform with various expectations that others clearly have. You are going through motions, acting out roles and playing parts which dont make too much sense to you yet which you feel you have no choice but to keep up. Meanwhile, something in your heart is reevaluating everything. This may be causing you to feel challenged and awkward but it is actually a very healthy process. You do need to change something and you need to change it fairly soon. And maybe, just maybe you need to stop thinking about this and just do what you really feel it is appropriate to do!

Mars Squares Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 3rd July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 6th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

What really binds you to an awkward situation? How tight are the knots, how strong are the ropes, how hopeless is your dream of escape? A lot depends on how deeply, truly and sincerely you want your situation to change. Perhaps, despite all thats wrong, theres a part of you that likes the devil it knows. Just possibly, in your heart of hearts, you are keeping a connection alive because you fear that without it, you will feel lost. There are issues that you need to look at honestly... fairly fast because it is a well known fact that, if, in a moment of madness, you do something unwise, it inevitably leads to a further drama. We all have to watch ourselves carefully and check that were being driven by sincere, noble motives. No matter how carefully we do this though, we will invariably slip up. Thats called being human. Mars as it now forms a sharp link to Neptune in your chart is making you extremely prone to that most human failing of all, self-



deception. A dream is exciting you, and a hope is inspiring you so much so that you are willing to ignore all the reasons to be sensible or to consider the wider consequences of reaching towards your vision. You can make a lot happen now but that is not necessarily a good thing. Try to be sure that you are moving your life towards a safer path, not taking it further down a slippery slope.

Sun Opposes Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 3rd July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Can you really hope to fill up the tub if there is no plug in the drainage hole? Maybe, just maybe. It all depends on the amount of water pressure you have access to. If you can get it to come pouring in fast enough, you may just manage to create a reservoir. This though, is hardly an efficient way to work. The sky speaks of a drain on your resources. We could be speaking here about something that is sapping your emotional strength, something that is costing too much money or something that is simply tiring you out. If you dont know which, you soon will. You will also, soon, see how to fix this. The secret is to be subtle, even though you may feel like being bold. Remember please that any fool can go rampaging around in the world, pushing points, picking fights and waging wars. The ability to be a successful go-getter is no indication of true depth or wisdom. Often indeed, it is a sign of neediness or shallowness. Truly brave warriors have the courage to fight a different battle. They put at least some of their energy into an attempt to understand themselves, to acknowledge their weaknesses and to be better people. It is in this far more meaningful field that you are due a real victory now.

Mercury Squares Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 5th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Dont engage in a pointless debate. Dont indeed, engage in any debate you can possibly avoid, regardless of how much or how little point you can see in making your side of the argument. The sky now suggests the potential to waste a lot of valuable time and energy getting caught up in a drama thats best left alone. The astrological outlook meanwhile suggests that this is a period during which you have something of a far more constructive nature to do. Be discriminating, restrained and above all, wise. Only if something looks simple, sweet and clear is it worthy of your attention.

Sun Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 7th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 9th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Push is somewhere over to your left, ambling slowly towards you. Look to your right and you can see shove in the distance. It can only be a matter of time before these two forces meet up. And what will happen when push comes to shove? Maybe you dont want to sit around waiting to find out. Read the writing on the wall today. The message is not actually unpleasant. If you digest it and start acting on it before you are left with no other option, youll not only feel more powerful, you will BE more powerful.

Mercury Opposes Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 10th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Beware the self-fulfilling prophecy now. People in my profession know all about this phenomenon. The morally responsible fortune tellers go to great lengths to avoid it. The less ethical make it their stock in trade. They build a reputation for accuracy entirely on their ability to plant the seed of a suggestion and then wait for it to grow. Or to put it all another way, the sky is making you very easily influenced. Expect a big problem and you will get one. So if you are going to expect anything... expect a success! The sky suggests that for you, the tide of financial fortune is about to turn. Dont expect some influx of vast wealth. You are probably more likely to see a gradual trickle of funds. Eventually though, these will form a pool or two. And then it will be possible to splash out, at least a little. Right now though, you probably feel willing to settle for a



small puddle, just deep enough to dip your most worryingly dry extremities into. Youll get that in a while. And more before long. But I m not going to say anymore than that. I don t want to go putting too many ideas into your head.

Mercury Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Imagine deciding that you only want people to like you for the way you look. You dont care if they never even notice your personality, your kindness or your integrity. In one way, your current aspiration could be similarly superficial. You may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems. What you really want at the moment is something deeply, truly satisfying. To get that, you have to care less about something which is ultimately very trivial. Mercury s sharp angle to the position of Pluto in your horoscope is drawing your attention to all this and it is also creating a general sense of unease. Whenever you feel restless, you become a force to be reckoned with. Some people invert their sense of disquiet, turning it into self-criticism or becoming rather quiet and withdrawn. You are now slightly more inclined to fill with fury. Under the influence of this astrological alignment you may well say and do things that normally, you would never dream of. You may go over the edge. Actually, its a darned good thing. Theres much, in this world, that needs putting right. Theres a lot that should be said but isnt said. Dont apologise for what you know to be true. But do relax. Once you have said it, you have said enough

Venus Trines Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Have you overstretched yourself? Have you gone too far? Have you promised too much to too many people? Have you started something you cannot finish or something that you probably can complete but no longer feel so sure that you want to complete? Of course you have. The answer is a definitive yes. Surely then, your current situation is nothing to worry about now we have established this. The sky suggests that you definitely have nothing to fear other, perhaps, than a degree of temporary embarrassment or the intoxicating consequences of getting too much of a good thing. You will yet manage to make everything work out impressively, successfully and well. Financially and romantically, your outlook is er... um, fascinating. A creative challenge will soon bring you the opportunity to brighten up a drab area of life. A little imagination, a spot of ingenuity and a soupcon of ingenuity will transform what appears to be a hopeless trouble spot. Dont feel, just because things have always been a certain way, that they must remain like that forever. Change is possible.

Mercury Opposes Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 18th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Try not to say more than you need to while in a certain persons earshot now. You cant be sure that you will be properly understood - or that you will not be inadvertently fuelling a certain silly prejudice. Nobody can harm you, no matter what they know - for your motives are sincere and your ethics beyond reproach. But someone can make life difficult for you if the wrong end of the stick is left within their grasp. Ironically, you might make such a mistake by assuming that a certain other person understands more than they do. You may get hold of the wrong end of the stick about them and this could cause them to get hold of the wrong end of the stick about you! The best way round this is to be circumspect. They say it is better to keep your mouth shut - and let the world suspect that you are a fool... than to open it and give the world its proof! This is often though not always true. It rather depends on how foolish you actually are. Right now, you are not being foolish at all. You have a very valid point to make. Yet there remains a good reason not to make it., yet. You are dealing with the foolishness of others. You will waste your breath if you try to say what needs saying. So keep quiet. And just do what needs doing.



Venus Conjuncts Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 19th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 21st July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Artists, musicians, designers and writers dont hold the monopoly on creative energy. We all have the ability to make something out of nothing or to breathe new life and hope into a dull set of circumstances. Whenever we feel joyous, excited, inspired or fired with a vision of how things could be, we are summoning a special spirit. This is a spirit that changes lives, opens doors, alters perspectives, breaks down barriers and overcomes obstacles. The sky now offers you the potential to be wonderfully, rewardingly creative. And, er that s not all it offers you now. You know those people who always seem to manage to say just the right thing at just the right moment? Those smooth talking, silver tongued charmers who exude a kind of quiet, re-assuring confidence that can melt the heart of the most nervous, angry or strong willed soul? Those people who naturally manage to feel good about themselves and thus, because they do, manage to look good - and attract much admiration from others? Well, thats the kind of person youre turning into now. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Mercury Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 19th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 20th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Chaos reigns . Not just the usual kind of background chaos but a special kind, deliberately designed to cause upheaval in the areas of life that matter most to you. How, you may wonder, can chaos be deliberately designed? You are quite right. It cannot be. Thats a clue to the true nature of the drama which is now unfolding. It has a definite purpose - even if you are not so sure that it is one you like. Be glad of what seems so unsettled. It is re-arranging itself in a way that will eventually do you many favours. You are now under the influence of a fairly regular, recurring astrological phenomenon. Once or twice each year Mercury forms a - usually - brief, sharp link to the position held by Uranus in your birth chart. Whenever this occurs, you always seem to get the urge to be somewhere different. Sometimes, you plan a holiday, consider a house move or contemplate emigration. Sometimes, the desire is not for physical change but spiritual transformation. You begin to want a life with more meaning and depth. You start seeking a deeper, broader understanding of the universe - and your particular place within it. You begin to become intensely aware that there are a strictly limited number of seconds in every minute, minutes in every hour, hours in every day and days in every week. This, you feel, is why it is so important to think hard about how you are spending your precious time. The restless mood you now find yourself in is a familiar one and, for all the discomfort it may be bringing, its a healthy one. Something old, tired and redundant DOES need to be altered and now you begin to get your chance to change it.

Mars Trines Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 20th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Say goodbye to the Blues. You just dont have time to dwell, any more, on all thats been making you feel downcast or depressed. Theres progress to make, theres opportunity to explore, theres freedom to enjoy. Admittedly, alongside all this, theres risk, uncertainty, tension and challenge but thats all the more reason why you need to find a positive frame of mind and throw yourself into this big chance to get ahead. Dont try to return to the past. Allow the future to hold you in its warm embrace. Right now, you are effectively clearing away debris from cluttered corners of your life. Even the losses or sadnesses in your world are part of a process of making room for something new and wonderful. There is nothing to be afraid of. You feel sure that something that you really want is on its way to you and you are right.

Sun Trines Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 23rd July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 25th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

At school, they taught you to read, write, add numbers together and generally behave yourself. They gave you no classes in how to develop your intuition - other, if you were lucky, than art.



One day, the world will realise that for centuries it has been failing to exploit its most valuable human resource; the sixth sense. You however, cant afford to wait for this. You sorely need to trust and use yours now. Your intuition can help you to answer the kind of questions that no amount of intellect can ever explain. Questions like: Why do some people seem to be so much luckier than others? Why do some of us get presented with problem after problem while our peers and contemporaries receive blessing after blessing? Its not all down to frame of mind but there is no doubt that things get easier if youre truly willing to be optimistic and to seek the hidden, practical advantage in any new development, no matter how daunting. The sky will not only help you now, to be more hopeful, it will give you a good reason to be so - as long as you follow your most basic primeval instinct; to trust the universe!

Mercury Trines Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 27th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 28th July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Life s sorrows and sadnesses contain much beauty and magic. If we refuse to look at things which are less than light, bright and breezy, we never develop any depth of understanding. Of late, you have been obliged to take a long hard look at a difficult fact or factor. You have been brave and now here comes your reward. Because you understand something valuable and highly relevant to your current situation, you can make a clever but not especially obvious choice that will ultimately do you a lot of good. Here comes a hopeful time, during which something inspiring will lift your spirits enormously. Your astrological outlook is positive now, bringing you some much needed clarity. You may not manage to gain answers to all your most pressing questions but you will find out where to look for those answers in the future. And you should also receive more than enough information to put your mind at rest about one particular problem

Mercury Conjuncts Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 30th July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 31st July 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

With the simple wave of a magic wand, you can produce a rabbit from a top hat. Indeed, you can do something much more useful than that. You can manifest an earning opportunity, summon up an ideal person to talk to or create a brilliant solution to an old problem. Sadly, you have no such wand. Or do you? Truly magic wands dont come labeled as such. Often indeed, they look just like unimpressive sticks of wood. Use what youve got to hand... with confidence. Youll be surprised how well it works whilst you are under the influence of this famously enriching astrological alignment. It s not just in the financial arena though that you can expect an improvement soon. There will be several happy changes some of which have more to do with your mood than with your circumstances. Sometimes, life can feel sweet for the simplest of reasons. To enjoy a sense of contentment, you dont always have to be riding to victory through a field of foes - or feasting on the fruits of some great worldly success. It can be enough just to know that you are buoyant. If you feel that your problems are relatively easy to tackle - and can see that your advantages in life are small but strong, you can begin to glow with the kind of warmth that makes life seem truly worth living. The sky is being most helpful at the moment. You should experience that rare and most precious commodity; comfort.

Sun Conjuncts Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 31st July 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 2nd August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Most people think, if they had more money, they would be fulfilled. Some imagine that if they only had a better love life, theyd be content. Others have different but equally two dimensional ideas about where joy is to be found. I predict both more money and more romance in your future. I also predict though, that during this astrological alignment, youll stumble across something more meaningful than both. Inspiration. Thats what makes a person truly rich. From that, comes all else you require. That said, your popularity is on the increase. Your romantic outlook is mildly encouraging. So too, is your financial outlook. You will stay afloat now. You will make slow but steady progress away from a precarious situation and towards a pleasing one.



OK. Thats love and money taken care of. Now, lets turn to what astrologers of the old school call luck. Luck is what used to be defined as the ability to be in the right place at the right time. Luck might be more aptly described as the ability to see whats right about the place you are in at any given moment... and to make the most of all that it offers. The Sun s conjunction to the position held by Venus in your birth chart says nothing about lottery wins. But it says plenty about the chance to take a small advantage and turn it into a big one; through real ingenuity and intuition.

Mars Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 1st August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 4th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

IS everything going wrong? Are you surrounded by mayhem and madness, chaos and confusion, upheaval and tension? The current celestial picture suggests you are being tried and tested by several aggravating factors. You either feel exhausted or exasperated, threatened or enraged. Actually though, theres far less to worry about within your situation than you realise. It is not true to say that something is going wrong. Something went wrong long ago. What youre getting now is the chance to fix it. As you embark on your journey towards this goal you will soon realise that it is not quite enough to have right on your side. You must also have a degree of might. It takes energy to create power. One good, proven way to acquire energy is to let yourself grow angry. If, therefore, you start to feel fed up, aggrieved, irate or hard done by, there may be some point in dwelling on that emotion. Dont do so to the point where it begins to depress you but do allow your feeling to fuel a growing urge to fight back. Soon, youll have a rare chance to make a strong move. Though there is a limit to what you can accomplish, this is not a boundary that you need to cross! By working with what youve got, sticking to what you know, keeping at what you wish to pursue, you can get precisely whats required. Instead of gazing wistfully into the distance, wishing you could be somewhere else, place yourself in the best position that you can actually get into. This will prove to be more than sufficient.

Mars Conjuncts Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 2nd August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 6th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

How would you like now, to run a marathon with your shoelaces tied together? The world would also like you to juggle five live hand grenades whilst playing the mouth organ. All this is, of course, nothing by comparison to the request which is actually being made of you. Certain people seem to think that you can work miracles, several times over. But then, theyre not so far wrong. It s get-it-together time. You have already got it together? Then prepare to grow more efficient than you ever dreamed possible. Your life is a mess? No it isnt. It just seems that way because you have piled up and put off so much in subconscious anticipation of this time. You are about to plough through a long list of tasks like a tank through a field of buttercups. The only thing to watch for is a tendency to be a little too hasty or ruthless. To some extent, this is unavoidable and far preferable to inaction or indecisiveness. If though, theres something precious to protect, make an extra effort to keep it separate from all the rest. And now, a word from our sponsors: This forecast has been brought to you by Wizzo. Wizzo make a range of labour saving devices. Garlic peelers, for example, that sit in the back of kitchen drawers, gathering dust because it is easier to use a knife. Computers that promise to save you hours of work - yet which go wrong every five minutes. Carpet sweepers that deposit more fluff on your floor than they ever pick up. Wizzo though have regretfully asked me to inform you that they are not interested in the solution that you are now hatching. It sounds far-fetched but it stands a real chance of working.

Mars Conjuncts Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 4th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You are the best. The bees knees, the cats pyjamas, the dogs... er well, maybe we should leave it there. Its funny, isnt it, how so many colloquial superlatives have a slightly peculiar ring to them when you stop to think about them. Do bees have knees? Do cats wear pyjamas? Maybe, if you want to give similar scrutiny to the reasons why you are the best, you can construct a counterargument. Do you want to waste your time in this way ? Of course not. Re-read that opening



sentence. Forget all else. Just keep it simple . Pursue a sound, straightforward, sensible policy. Refuse to be distracted by the endless stream of ifs and buts and maybes which are inviting you to complicate a crucial matter. Pay no attention to the doubts and misgivings which are undermining your faith in an important plan. Dont be put off by past difficulties or by the persuasive arguments of a particular pessimist. Hold on to the hope in your heart and the vision in your mind. Despite all the obstacles you face, it IS attainable.

Venus Trines Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 4th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 6th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Many great artists, writers and visionary leaders hear voices. So, too, do some characters whose grip on reality can be described only as tenuous. Whats the difference, then, between a fool and a genius? Basically, its pride. Truly gifted people continually doubt themselves. Only fools imagine they are infallible. Youre safe to entertain as many wild ideas as you care to. One or two may lead to a clever creative move. The rest are nonsense. All you need to bear in mind while Venus is forming a harmonious link to Jupiter in your birth chat is that things are starting to improve. Your astrological outlook is a promise of a much more rewarding time than you expect. Even though the sky looks likely to encourage you to take an inch and try to turn it somehow, into a mile, youll enjoy the excitement of the tempting possibility that presents itself. If romance is of interest to you - or maybe, even if it is not - there will be at least a little flutter. Likewise with matters of finance, you can soon expect to feel - and to be - at least a little bit better off. So, prepare to shine. Not only will you find yourself able, now, to exude a lot of attractive, endearing charisma - you will discover that it is surprisingly easy to accomplish some usually tricky or demanding task. The skys harmonious links are a most auspicious omen. You are gaining a new source of strength and wisdom too. Theres no need to be forceful or even to be overly determined in your approach. All thats required is a willingness to relax and be lead by what happens naturally.

Venus Squares Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 7th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Some people have all the sensitivity of a rampaging rhinoceros. They can seemingly tread no more gently than an elephant in hobnailed boots. They make an inebriated hippopotamus seem positively subtle and restrained. They demonstrate less tact than a parrot with a megaphone. This world may be a ridiculous jungle but you belong in a more graceful corner of it now. If you can only stop groaning in amazement and disbelief at the antics of those around you, you will be at a most impressive advantage now. Assuming, of course, that the silliness actually is coming from others and not from you. Check this before you say too much. You are rightly proud of your perspicacity. You can usually tell, in a brief moment, how far to trust people and how much to believe what you are being told. Sometimes though, you get hold of the wrong end of the stick. You allow yourself to be misled or you experience such emotional attachment to someone that you will refuse to see their flaws. Later, you feel like kicking yourself. Could you now be making such a misjudgement? Maybe. But maybe too, it is one that you sorely need to make in order to become less judgemental of others. Your imagination is working overtime at the moment. You can, therefore easily imagine that you are not imagining things. But you probably are!

Mars Conjuncts Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 8th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Do you want to be doing what youre doing? You may feel that this is a question you dare not ask yourself. Whats the point when, like it or not, youve got to do it! If youve got to lump it, youve got to like it. You are not going to manage this by concentrating on the factor that makes you uncomfortable. So you have got to say Yes. I like this. Havent you? The planets suggest you have more choice and more power than you realize. It is of no use to you though, unless you grant yourself permission to use it. Sometimes, we are too soft. We forgive people too easily, we make too many allowances and we let too many pushy characters get the better of us. Sometimes though, we are too hard. We retreat into a tough shell and refuse to display any flexibility



whatsoever. If you are not sure which of the two extremes to go to. Thats because you really need to avoid going to either. You now have to be very determined and clear but you also have to avoid backing yourself into a corner that you cant get out of. Use your energy and power wisely and well. The best way to begin doing that is to recognize just how strong you actually are. Right now, you are all but invincible. Stop seeing yourself as weak.

Mercury Trines Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 10th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

"And they all lived happily ever after..." or so the story goes. Much though you dream of hearing those words in connection to your own saga, you know that real life never carries that kind of guarantee. I cant promise you a happy ever after but I can predict a distinct improvement in your current situation. You will, for a while to come at least, start living more happily than you were living before. This alignment spells the end of something awkward and the start of something good. Soon everything in your life should soon start to look a lot more sensible, logical and reasonable. You are about to make sense of mysteries that have been puzzling or upsetting you for ages. The stars are giving you a real reason to expect the arrival of good news. You should also look out for the chance to strike a deal or come to a fair arrangement over a matter which sorely needs sorting out properly. Much that has lately been delayed or impeded will soon start to flow more smoothly.

Mercury Squares Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Beware the instant, easy answer. You do not need to rob a bank or win a lottery. You require no magic wand, no gift from the gods, no instant, cure-all lotion or potion. Even if such a solution - or something that purports to provide it - is on offer to you, theres a reason to doubt it. The sky suggests that someone, knowingly or unknowingly is likely to be furnishing you with untruths! Why jeopardise a plan, an arrangement or a situation which is essentially safe and solid? Stick with what you have started. Stay where you know it is safe. Do what youre already doing and give it time. It will work.

Mars Squares Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 15th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 18th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Imagine a person who is afraid of heights. Every so often, this individual tries to cure the phobia by asking someone to go to the top of a tall tower, carrying some highly desirable item. Our subject then races up the steps in a frenzy of enthusiasm. All is fine till the moment when they open their eyes and see the ground, miles below. Then, it all gets weird and wobbly. Might you now be tricking yourself into making a move that you will yet regret? You either have to conquer a fear or beat a retreat. As you wrestle with your deepest emotions and reactions, remember that none of us know precisely where we are going or what we are doing. Some of us though, have an enhanced ability to fool ourselves into thinking that we do. Such people are very convincing. By persuading others, we gain their support and co-operation which perpetuates the myth of flawless power and vision. You can go a long way in this world on the strength of a little confidence. There comes a point though, where you can go so far and no further. Mars as it now forms a sharp angle to the position of Jupiter in your horoscope, is ushering in a time of turmoil, drama and potential misunderstanding. It is also, though, helping you to face up to something which needs honesty and enthusiasm. Your rethink is healthy, timely and potentially valuable. Don t hurry it. And don t put yourself under unnecessary pressure.

Venus Trines Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 15th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 17th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

When we see a hole in a piece of silk, we are hardly surprised. It may be a shame but given the susceptibility of this fabric to wear and tear, it seems inevitable. When we see a hole in a piece of



steel, we are amazed. What on earth caused this? Your psychological armour is sturdy. For all your inner sensitivity, it takes a lot to dent your external confidence. Sometimes though, it happens. And thats just as well. For right now, your greatest asset is not your strength but your softness. Maximise it. Allow it to dominate. And be generous. You can afford this. Perhaps not from a financial point of view but certainly from an emotional one. You can spare some compassion, some tolerance, some patience and some support. Even if you feel as if you are nearing the end of your tether, you will find that it has more elasticity than you think. It will not break if you stretch it. Nor will it suddenly pull you back sharply. The more you give, the more you will get. And, to some extent, the same is true of your material situation.

Mercury Trines Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 18th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

There are times when we cant fully rely on our own judgement. We become biased, prejudiced or overly emotionally involved in a situation. Our opinions are coloured by our hopes and desires. We see what we want to see, we believe what we want to believe and then we do whatever we have persuaded ourselves to do - regardless of how wise or unwise this may be. I mention this because I want to draw a distinction. You are NOT deceiving yourself at the moment. Your assessment of a particular matter - or of a key individuals true motivation - is accurate. The sky insists that now, you can only profit from trusting your instincts. A series of encouraging conversations should raise your spirits soon. So too, should some close encounters of a distinctly non verbal nature. Theres more to the communication process than an exchange of words. Look for more subtle signs and signals - and remember, if you dont know quite what to say, that is really doesnt matter. If your emotions are genuine - or if your desire to reach an agreement is sincere and wisely motivated, a state of mutual understanding will arise automatically - and somewhat delightfully. Under this astrological influence you are experiencing a rare ability to tune in to your own source of deepest wisdom. This doesn t make you right about everything but it makes you more likely to be right than usual! Share what you feel and what you think with sensitivity.

Mars Conjuncts Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 19th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 22nd August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

On your marks, get set... er... hang on a moment. Where, precisely, are you intending to go? What kind of a race is this? Who is holding the starting gun? Who are your fellow competitors? They may be all fired up with enthusiasm but that doesnt automatically mean that you should be too. Even, indeed, if you are able not just to take part but to win - which you probably are - theres a reason to stop and reconsider. The sky implies that you may be seeing something from the wrong angle. It suggests that you are responding to pressure. You feel obliged somehow, to DO something, yet you ought to give it much more thought. For it is easy, now, to expend a lot of energy. But is it easy to get a result worth having? Well, how hard is it to thread a piece of cotton through the eye of a tiny needle? A lot depends on the environment you happen to find yourself in. If it is too cold, your hand will shake. If it is too dark, you will never be able to focus your gaze. If theres a heated conversation taking place in the next room... or if the phone keeps ringing - or if you are being placed under pressure, the difficulty will intensify. The sky says you have the ability and the facility you require. All you really need is a chance to concentrate.

Sun Trines Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 20th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 22nd August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Life is suddenly starting to look more hopeful and encouraging. This may be a brief ray of sunshine peeping through heavy cloud.or it may be the start of a wonderful new season. You are becoming stronger in every way - emotionally, materially, creatively and financially. But if you want this to last, you have to be fair, even if you feel sorely tempted to express a strong bias. How else can you do full justice to the task that you have been entrusted with? Theres a need now, to acquire information, to canvass opinion and to research every aspect of an important story. You may well find, once you have gathered all the evidence, that your initial conclusion



was correct. But what if it wasnt? Theres too much at stake. It is dangerous and irresponsible to be impulsive. You really must do your homework. The reward for this will be a helpful extra coincidence that surprises and delights you.

Venus Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 21st August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 23rd August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Playground or prison? Which word, please, more aptly describes the world in which you live? Life will always confront us with a number of rules and restrictions. When though, we start to feel as if we are being perpetually punished and pushed about, we lose more than a sense of joy. We lose the plot! We start to think that this is what our existence is all about. Somehow, this causes us to become subject to an even bigger set of limitations. Yet there s only one way to find out where your limits truly lie... and thats to push them as far as you dare. To live in fear of finding that you have gone too far is to place an artificial restriction on your potential. To go, however, past a point that you know, from previous experience, that you cannot comfortably exist beyond, is to display a worryingly masochistic tendency. Draw from your experience but do not be bound by it. Just because something was once impossible, you can t conclude that it will always be beyond your reach. Times change. Circumstances alter. What you really need to ask yourself now is not Am I destined to fail? but Why do I want what I think I want? We all feel inclined to want what we cannot have. Even when we see people who have what we want but who are clearly failing to gain much from it, we are not put off. We just assume that we would appreciate it far more. Maybe we would but the way, now, for you to get what you want and to be sure of liking it once you get it, is to begin by resolving to make the most of what you already have. Make that your starting point and you ll be surprised and delighted by where you end up.

Mercury Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 21st August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 23rd August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

In their suits, at their desks, on their phones, professional experts look reassuringly competent. They project an image of authority. "Ah yes," we say, when we see them, "These people know what they are doing." Maybe they do. But they are human, just as we are. To be human is to be, secretly, never quite sure of anything. We know, for a fact that we are alive and breathing. The rest is supposition. Some suppositions seem more supportable or more powerful than others. But be careful what you treat as an inarguable fact. Familiar things are very comforting. Thats why children like to hear a story, over and over again. Thats why teenagers like to play their CDs until the laser has worn a hole in the plastic. Thats why adults like to watch soap operas and situation comedies where similar scenarios are frequently repeated with minor variations. Might this then, be why you are now playing out a drama, holding a debate or fighting a battle that echoes so directly, so many past encounters? If so... you know the outcome, unless you are prepared to learn from your experiences. This astrological alignment is about learning from your experience . It is about asking yourself the right questions and changing some of the rules by which you live your life as a result of re-evaluation. You are not obliged, of course, to alter anything. You can just go through this period of time feeling slightly challenged or at odds with the universe . Eventually the feeling will pass and life will return to normal until the next time Mercury comes round to form a challenging link to the position of Saturn in your birth chart. But if you want things to progress, if you want real, meaningful, positive change to come to your life, all you have to do is concede that there are many things you do not know enough about. Simply by acknowledging this you start to become a real expert in the art of living a successful life!

Venus Conjuncts Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Bad times are, in a funny sort of way, easier to deal with than good times. We instantly know, when trouble strikes, what we need to do. We need to get out of trouble! Or, at least, we need to try. What though, are we supposed to do when there is no great challenge or problem? Should we just relax and enjoy ourselves? Or should we strive to make the most of the peace and do



something especially fruitful or creative? You can consider yourself entitled to do pretty much whatever you feel inclined to do now. Other than worry. While Venus is forming an auspicious link to the position of Mars in your birth chart just let that which wants you, have you. Be aware though, before you adopt this philosophy, that depression doesnt desire you, deprivation detests you and unhappiness finds you abhorrent. They dislike us as much as we dislike them and they especially dislike those of us who dislike ourselves enough to imagine otherwise. Having thus ruled out the chance of you falling under the wrong kind of spell now, let us turn our attention to the right type of magic. Somewhere in your world a very positive process is unfolding. Someone needs you, something requires you, somewhere, theres a place youre supposed to be and a person you re supposed to be with for the time being at least. Allow yourself to be drawn.

Mercury Conjuncts Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 23rd August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

It is funny how some people often over use the words and phrases that they least understand. Evasive characters frequently begin their sentences with the word frankly. Aggressive types usually precede an attack by saying with respect. Habitual distorters of the truth will often use the word honestly and selfish manipulators will often say to be fair. Listen out carefully for clues like this. That will tell you all you need to know about a certain persons actual frame of mind. And keep in mind the old saying, what you cant see, cant harm you . Remember please, thats patent nonsense. Its a classic example of the kind of thought process which has made the world such a miserable place to live in during the 20th century. Its a justification for outrageous deception. It makes no allowance for human sensitivity - or for the existence of intuition. What you cant see CAN harm you... especially if you can sense it, yet when you seek confirmation of it, you are told you are mistaken. Be brave now. Demand candour. And supply it, too.

Venus Conjuncts Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 23rd August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 25th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Even expert horticulturists find it hard to distinguish some seeds from others. Without a packet or a label to go by, they cant be sure quite what they are planting. Ideas are rather like seeds. We can never be sure quite what they will turn into so we gauge them by their packaging. If they arise on a good day, if they are sparked off by someone we like, if they seem similar to other ideas we have had - and developed before, we trust them. Yet we should not dismiss ideas from less familiar sources. Venus is now passing over part of your chart that was occupied by Mercury on the day you were born. You are about to have a truly brilliant idea. As you start to explore it keep in mind that the best things in life are free. The next best come at a discount. Theres some wheeling and dealing to be done. You can negotiate a substantial saving on a certain item. This may involve clever planning or the temporary removal of a cherry from a cake. But once you have done your deal you will be able to buy a replacement cherry, several times over. Remember: I am speaking in analogies. We may be talking money or it may be in some other area of life that you get a chance to change things around and profit enormously from the process. But one thing you can be sure of, is that the seed you plant now will bring forth precious fruit before too long.

Mercury Conjuncts Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 23rd August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Something is beginning to occur to you. An idea is arising, an insight is starting to form in the back of your mind. Thats why you feel edgy and irritated. You are not quite sure what you are cooking up. You suspect that it could cause you to alter several plans. You feel you ought to postpone them, just in case. Yet you face pressure to get things done. You are going through a creative process that cant be speeded up but which is worth trusting. A brainwave soon, will transform some aspect of your life. Get ready for one of those glorious Eureka moments. You may not come up with an invention or discover a new scientific principle but there will be a moment of clarity followed by a strong understanding of what needs to happen next. This will help you in a number of ways, not all of them immediately obvious. The more you think about



what you are starting to see the sense of, the more connotations and implications it will have. So dont please, be put off by the slightly hairy, scary way that the sky presents the initial realisation. Trust what you are coming to understand and trust too that, once you have understood it you will be able to explain it to others. Your powers of persuasive communication are about to reach a new peak.

Mercury Conjuncts Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 24th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 25th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Here comes a hopeful time, during which something inspiring will lift your spirits enormously. Your astrological outlook is positive now, bringing you some much needed clarity. You may not manage to gain answers to all your most pressing questions but you will find out where to look for those answers in the future. And you should also receive more than enough information to put your mind at rest about one particular problem. If you are confused, it can only be because you dont much like the look of clarity. Sometimes, if you are sitting in a messy room and you cant face the effort of tidying it up, the easiest thing to do is lower the lighting. Thats fine until or unless you need to find something specific. Then, no matter how it ruins the ambience, you have to be able to see whats really going on. Right now, you need to look at the truth much more than you need to feel that you have a convincing, reassuring pretence going on. Who needs money? Dont answer that. We all find life more comfortable when we know where the rent is coming from or when we can afford to fulfil a few of our desires. Even so, the stuff is silly and petty. It cant buy contentment. It cant help to improve our most important relationships. It cant give clarity of mind or provide us with precious understanding. You are going to get a lot of the things that money just cant buy now. Co-incidentally, some of these may just show you how to get more money!

Sun Squares Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 24th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 26th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Great singers are forever insisting that, for the sake of something they love, believe in - or wish to honour, they will climb the highest mountain or swim the deepest sea. Perhaps they really would but it is hard to envisage. It is also hard to see why they would need to. In life, we are far more likely to face some far less exciting challenge. Could you; sit through a hundred meetings, wait at a thousand bus stops, or wash a million dishes? Thats the true test of your current fantasy. Assuming, that it s an inspiring one. If it s a fearful fantasy that you keep entertaining now, the advice is even more simple and straightforward. Ignore it. It means nothing.

Venus Conjuncts Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 25th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 26th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Venus is now forming a benevolent aspect to the position held by the Sun on the day that you were born. Between them, these two cosmic influences will ensure you grow more confident and more relaxed. They will begin by making an inroad into your greatest current financial concern. Next, they will turn their attention to your love life. By enabling you to feel more as if you do, indeed, love life they will help you get along much better with someone who means the world to you. And they will render you more attractive too. They will also inspire you to commence a new venture... which should prove surprisingly successful. This current astrological climate represents a good chance to set new financial plans in motion or to begin important creative projects. It also implies the opportunity to set your personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful - footing. Even if you can do no more, at the moment, than take a small step in the right direction, you will find that it eventually leads you to a big - and wonderful - new departure point.



Mercury Squares Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 27th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 29th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

It would appear that you are putting someones nose out of joint. Let us discount the possibility that you could be doing so deliberately. If you are, you no doubt have your reasons and presumably feel willing to take the consequences. If though, you are not intending to cause upset, it may take a while to work out who has been offended and why. All youll know, till then, is that there is tension. Once you see the problem though, you can soon fix it if you want to. And if you re feeling doubtful about whether or not this is possible, it can only be because you have the wrong idea about what an agreement or a contract is really all about. Read the small print. On page 7, half way down, theres a clause that even the finest lawyer might easily overlook. It says youre free at any time, to do whatever you choose and get clean away with it, regardless of what the rest of the agreement spells out. You cant believe that? Then look again at the situation which seems to be trapping you. There is a perfectly viable way to turn things around without upsetting anyone or compromising anything you want to preserve and protect. Youre under pressure - but only because you are paying more respect than you should to a factor which seems daunting but is actually flexible.

Venus Squares Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Do you have magical powers? Might you have been blessed, at birth, with gifts so rare and special as to baffle the world of conventional science? You think you would have noticed by now? Perhaps not. Faced with some inexplicable phenomenon, most people either ignore it completely or put it down to coincidence. You may well be exceptionally psychic. You may even be able to cause things to happen with the sheer force of your will. Or maybe youre just managing to be smart and lucky at the moment. Either way, you need to be just a little careful. Especially with money. Top Cat had a coin on the end of a piece of elastic. He would pay for his purchase, walk away - and then casually yank the string. Your current spending plans seem to be based on the notion that Top Cat will be settling the bills. Yet there is only one sum of money available to you. Once its gone, its gone. Unless you really are making an investment. In which case, there may be an eventual payback. But even if so, its not going to happen in a matter of days. So you really do need to be realistic now. Sorry to give such boring advice during such a truly thrilling astrological alignment. But I m sure it wont spoil your fun very much. I doubt that anything could do that!

Mercury Conjuncts Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 29th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th August 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Magical things traditionally happen with this kind of celestial picture. The majority of the magic, if not quite the entirety of it, is going to be directed, in some way, towards you. A revelation or deep discovery of some kind is on the way to you now. Whats happening is the build up to a moment of breath taking transformation - although you can be forgiven at times, for suspecting that it is the calm before some devastating storm. Mercury s link to Pluto is positive but whenever these two planets align there is tension of some kind and a propensity to feel apprehensive. Whenever you experience this just stop, draw a deep breath, count to ten and think again. You may or may not change your mind but you will benefit from a conscious effort to look closely at whatever is unnerving you. By the time this aspect is over you will not feel inclined to worry about quite the same issues that are currently preoccupying you. It is overly optimistic to suggest you will have nothing left to feel bothered about but it is fair to say you will have less. Much that urgently needs to be re-examined is being re-examined. There is however, only so much re-examining a person can do. Soon, youll have to implement a positive course of action.. That will be easy as long as you retain a sense of perspective and avoid the tendency to go round in circles. In theory, we can be confident characters who let nothing deter or dissuade us. In practice, as you well know, this is sometimes only an act to hide the uncertainty that we so often feel. The sky suggests a trying time ahead but not necessarily a bad one. If you can find the courage to ask



for help when you need it, this will not make you look foolish. It will earn you respect. Furthermore, it will GET you the help - at which point, a source of stress will turn to a sense of satisfaction.

Venus Conjuncts Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 30th August 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 1st September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You know what they say about the importance of sex appeal. We all know that! But is it true? Are you really gods gift at the moment? More sensual than a sheepskin rug? More desirable than an ice cold drink in the desert? Hotter at the crucial end than a smouldering soldering iron? Well, under the influence of Venus and Pluto right now, you are certainly starting to feel passionate about something. Passion is always attractive. Even if its expressed in a negative way or it is attached to some dubious, dangerous idea, it has a kind of hypnotic fascination. Passionate people somehow seem more alive. They radiate an intensity and carry a particular kind of power. Be careful how you use your power now. Be careful too, how you spend your money. In love and finance alike it is now very easy to go a little too far a little too fast. Which is, of course, something that you may just find very enjoyable.

Sun Trines Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 3rd September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 6th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The Sun s link to the position of the moon in your horoscope will dramatically raise your IQ. By this, I do not mean it will make you brainier - though probably it will do that too. Intellect though, is a drearily over-rated facility. It comes into its own when you have a crossword to solve - or a machine to repair. Life though, does not revolve around engines and puzzles. It is primarily about people. People do not run on logic. We are all, at heart, creatures of impulse and mood. Even those who pretend to be sensible and smart are still, secretly just a set of cravings on legs. When we try to analyse those yearnings and needs, we make a big error. Its like trying to use a hammer to peel an apple. All you need, right now is a higher Intuition Quota. And thats precisely what the sky is about to give you.

Mars Squares Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 6th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 9th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Can you juggle three oranges at once? Of course! Even if you dont know how, you can be taught the technique pretty quickly. Unless, of course, youve got your right arm in a sling due to injury. Then, youre doing impressively well if you can throw and catch just one piece of fruit. Youll be inclined to look at yourself critically whilst Mars is forming this antagonistic angle to the natal position of your Moon. You may well decide that youre not being very smart or efficient. Thats unfair. Be objective. Make full allowance for what youre up against. They say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. They dont say though, where those tough people actually go. The implication is that they steam on ahead. Many hardened fighters though, head for safety when they encounter trouble. Often, they go back to a position that they know how to handle while they assess the lie of the land. You can be forgiven for feeling stirred up and restless. Your current astrological line-up is causing you to feel a lot of uncertainty. Some factors in your life right now defy all attempts at explanation. They dont really make any sense yet nor can you stop responding to them or caring about them. They must be accepted, allowed for and then ignored. Your best road to progress involves trusting your heart not relying on your intellect. Just be aware that before you can finish what you have started, you have to go a lot further. Even if you are now having second thoughts about a certain situation, you cant simply return to how things were before. Its just not that easy nor is it really what you want. Remind yourself of why you were so attracted to the idea of a change in the first place. Give your current process more time to unfold. Soon, youll either see a viable way to go forward or a credible way to go back without a sense of defeat and then you really will be successfully managing to perform a most impressive juggling act.



Mercury Squares Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 7th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Confused? You will be soon. Certain astrological alignments are notorious for producing a state of mayhem. Youre now in no position to tell fact from fantasy and nor, for that matter, are some of the other key players in the soap opera you call your life. Too many people, believing what they suddenly all find it convenient to believe, equals trouble. Raise an eyebrow of suspicion, each time you hear the word definitely and remember that some terribly important things have a tendency to seem trivial, most of the time Only when they pose a problem or come under threat do we realise what they mean to us. Other, quite ludicrous, laughably irrelevant factors can pre-occupy us to the point of obsession. Only when were suddenly sobered by a more genuine priority do we realise how weve been getting carried away. What youre dealing with now is big. It really does matter. But theres a point past which its counterproductive to think about it. - NB: You may soon feel that something or someone is undermining your confidence either deliberately or accidentally. You may also feel as if you have something to apologise for or some reason to regret a recent decision. If you feel this way you will start to see problems where none exist. This may make you even more doubtful about your chosen path. The irony is, you are actually doing just fine. You are supposed to face the problem that now lies before you. Its necessary in order to make the right kind of progress. Stop worrying and be a little stronger. -

Venus Squares Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 10th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Raw onion may be good for your health but it doesnt do much for your breath. Raw emotion, so the psychologists tell us, is similarly beneficial to the psyche. Socially though, you put a lot of people off when you express it. There are times when - and places where - its fine to put nicety aside and go straight for the strong stuff. Now though, its time to rinse with the mental equivalent of a mouthwash. Once you step aside from your intense feeling, youll be glad of the comparative light relief. Or you will at least, as long as you don t start struggling too hard to understand why you feel what you feel. Sense? You want the world to make more sense? You may as well wish for a cow that recites Shakespeare or a flower that can dance. Cows deliver milk, not messages. Flowers bloom, but they just dont boogie. There are things in this universe its just not reasonable to expect - and a reasonable universe is one of those things. The best you can hope for is a life that makes some sense. Whats happening now is pretty powerful ... but its by no means bad.

Mercury Conjuncts Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 27th October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Some computers can cope with highly sophisticated software. Others just dont seem to be up to the job. When you load in the appropriate program, they just freeze up. People, it would seem, have similarly diverse inner processing power. Currently, you are a top of the range, state of the art, up to the minute machine with a bucketful of extra features. That doesnt make you perfect but it does mean you can perform some fast, accurate calculations. You must trust the conclusions you are reaching, even if others cant follow your logic. If at any point during this astrological transit you find yourself feeling a little unsure about precisely what conclusions you ARE reaching, ask yourself this: What are you good at? Give please, your most immediate answer - and then forget it. Now, lets ask a supplementary. What ELSE are you good at? Your reply to this inquiry is beginning to steer us in the right direction. So heres one more question. What would you LIKE to be good at? Finally, were pinning down the big issue. To attain success in your current situation, abandon the tried and tested techniques that the past has helped you to polish. This is your chance to learn. Not to show off. You really are looking at fresh possibilities and enticing options. Goals and hopes you have hardly dared think about for fear of disappointment are beginning to look feasible after all. And



this is just the start of it. Take the opportunities you are now being presented with and watch them turn, as you do, into further chances to flourish and thrive. Focus on solutions, not problems.

Sun Squares Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Theres a difficult dispute to solve and a complicated story to unravel. The sky suggests you are over-stretched and under pressure yet this really doesnt matter. You need to feel pushed or you wont ever make the move that you need to make. Besides which, you have everything you need to make things turn out perfectly. Try to see your problem as a puzzle, the bits and pieces to which are all in a box, right in front of you. You merely need to assemble them correctly. It ought to be easy but, exhausted and exasperated by a seemingly relentless cause of aggravation, you now feel willing to contemplate almost any course of action that will afford you some escape. Yet, because you are so tired and deflated, you find the theory more comforting than the idea of pursuing a practical plan. Rather like a prisoner serving a long sentence, you can see that the door of your cell has been left wide open yet you are more inclined to complain about the draft than to make a bid for freedom. Shake off your apathy. Seize your opportunity. It may be hidden within an apparent problem, but it really does exist.

Mars Conjuncts Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

How is your revolution progressing? Have you yet managed to conquer an oppressor, overthrow a regime or radically rewrite a set of rules? It is becoming very clear that you need to break free. You are tired of a tedious routine. You have had enough of a stupid situation. Now, there undoubtedly is a chance to do things differently. You ought to be glad but youre nervous. You suspect you are jumping from the frying pan to the fire. Things cant though, get any worse and they definitely CAN get a great deal better. It is just that you have not yet broken enough rules or questioned enough assumptions. You have made a good start but there are more changes to ring, more rights to assert and more ways round a certain problem to be found. Exercise your ability to be radical, revolutionary and rebellious. Tell the part of yourself that nervously feels inclined to accept a silly situation that it has nothing to fear. Can you really get clean way with a confident stroll towards the freedom you seek? Frankly, if you have enough faith, yes. Spontaneity is the key to success. Treat your plans and ideas as guidelines, not rules which are cast in concrete. Like a jazz musician in the throes of a great piece of inspired improvisation, you will find you can play the performance of your life if only you allow yourself enough flexibility to trust your intuition. If theres something you really dont know how to do, seek a little advice before you jump in at the deep end. But if youre fairly sure you know your way, be confident. And go for it.

Venus Conjuncts Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 14th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Why do people use the phrase falling in love? Why dont we talk about rising in love - or walking in love or standing up straight in love? Why on earth, unless they happened to be a bunjee jumper or a parachutist, would anyone ever want to fall into anything? How peculiar that so many human beings should wish to have such a seemingly undesirable experience. What a good job that youre not susceptible to such a perverse aspiration. Er... are you? DO watch carefully what - or who - you fall for now. The risk, is not that you will fail to get what you seek. It is that you will get it only to realise that you should have been seeking something else. Powerful planetary forces are accessible. It is therefore important to phrase, carefully, your requests to a surprisingly compliant universe. Dont be overly specific. Your celestial assistants are an intelligent bunch. Their heavenly perspective reveals factors that you cannot yet anticipate. They are forward planning far ahead - whereas you can only think one or two steps into the future. Its essential to assume as much. Only then will you see why the many dramatic developments that occur at this time are brilliant gifts, even if they dont quite match your idea of whats supposed to be happening. Meanwhile, try not to fall into anything that it might take you a long time to get



back out of.

Sun Conjuncts Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 14th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

While the Sun is now passing over the position of Mars in your birth chart, there is really very little that you cannot do if you put your mind to it. You will soon have a lot more physical and mental energy at your disposal. Even if you have been feeling weary and lethargic lately youll be positively exuding confidence and really raring to go. Just try not to let this enthusiasm turn to frustration if you encounter a situation that seems awkward or a person whose priorities differ from your own. Remember that most mistakes in life are made in a spirit of over-confidence. While we must be careful not to let doubt drive us to distraction, we must also check - and double check - the assumptions we are making. People who claim to be 100 percent certain of anything should be to be treated with circumspection. They would be more convincing - and safer to say that they are 95 or 99 percent clear. What is it that you now have absolutely no doubt about? And why are you so determined not to allow for the slightest chance of error?

Sun Conjuncts Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You should soon find much to please you. For some while, you have been dwelling on a troublesome matter, wrestling with its implications and feeling ever more daunted by its complexity. In essence though, the problem is a simple one. As your confidence returns under the influence of the Sun s conjunction to Mercury in your birth chart, you will see where the key to progress lies. With a little ingenuity and determination, you will eventually be able to pick it up and use it... after which things will seem very different. You will soon gain two essential advantages. The first is a clear mind. You can expect an amazing ability to see the difference between the crucial and the irrelevant. If you cant immediately see what a powerful, useful blessing this adds up to, it must be some long while since you last enjoyed such clarity. It can be employed, at any level of life, in order to get what you need. And your second celestial asset? Thats energy. The sky is about to give you the strength to persevere till you achieve what you set out to achieve.

Mercury Trines Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 14th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Another day has dawned and this one heralds a special beneficial influence, which will enable you to break out of any tendency to feel morose. This period of astrological advantage will not though, last forever. Although there will be other cosmic compensations, you will lose the amazing, natural asset that you now have at your disposal. What asset? You arent aware that you have one? How unselfconscious of you! YOU are that asset. You are about to find out something interesting about yourself. It will give you the confidence you need to pursue a project you care about. People have more respect for you than you think, so just try turning off the tap of self-pity and turning on the fountain of inner-charm! You are not fighting some hopeless battle or struggling with some impossible situation. It merely seems that way. This will continue to be your experience until you decide that you are ready for a different one. At that point, you will become willing to contemplate an option that currently, you feel determined to ignore. Once you do this, you will see it is well worth pursuing. You are just one big conceptual step and one small physical step away from a far easier life.

Sun Conjuncts Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 15th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 17th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Happy Birthday. Once a year, every year, the Sun returns to the same position in the sky that it occupied at the moment you were born. This is why people wish one another Many Happy Returns . People normally assume that their solar return is due to happen at the very moment of



their birth. That is to say, if they were born at 7 in the evening, they figure it will not be properly their birthday until 7 o clock has come. Actually though, the solar return very rarely occurs with quite such precision. Due to the difference between the artificial civil calendar that we operate here on earth, and the actual, celestial sidereal calendar, the solar return can vary by up to 24 hours. You can end up having your proper birthday on the day before or the day after. Your official birthday. This becomes even more complicated if you happen to be living in another country at the time! According to astrological tradition, your outlook for the year ahead will subtly change depending on where you happen to be at the moment of your solar return. Some astrologers specialize in solar return charts. You may want to explore one of these one day. Meanwhile, all you need to know is that when the sun returns to the position held on your day of birth, you are always, invariably, without exception granted a very special gift. It is possible to make a wish, which is why children are encouraged to do just this when they blow out their candles. It is not necessarily advisable though. Ideally, on your birthday you should try to make yourself open to what the sky wants to show you . You should try to be willing to accept what the universe wants to give you and willing too, to trust that this is the best possible thing you could ever have. If, sometimes, we have a bad birthday or even a sad birthday it is only ever because the cosmos needs to teach us something important or move us on from something undesirable. Your birthday this year has the potential to bring you something immensely precious. In-sight. Understanding. Appreciation of what really matters in life.

Venus Trines Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 15th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 16th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Spontaneity and serendipity are long established friends and workmates. Many people work with this particular double act on a daily basis. They wait to see what turns up, they assume that whatever is happening is probably good and useful and they find, to their delight, that most things are working out well. As a general rule, this is fine. There are though, times when you have to be more selective and structured in your approach. You have a very particular, specific goal in mind. To attain it, you must be picky. Think of it this way. Even jazz musicians have to rehearse. Though their pieces are improvised, they are based around highly structured themes. The linking parts have to be run through very carefully or they sound dreadful. The spontaneous solos too, have to be practiced in private before the performance. Of course a part of you wants to take a chance. You want to be able to make things up as you go along. You can and will be able to do so soon. When that moment comes, youll be deeply glad that you made the right kind of disciplined preparations first.

Mars Trines Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 20th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The key ingredients in a souffle are not significantly different to those in a plate of scrambled eggs. Its not so much a matter, now, of what youve got - as of what you intend to do with it. You have the potential to cook up a passable solution to a pressing problem. With just a little more effort and courage though, you can create an excellent strategy which has a high chance of success. Naturally there is a small element of risk. But you could hardly wish for a more encouraging cosmic climate. Your astrological outlook is doing all it can to help you to be happy, fulfilled and at peace with yourself. Things will soon improve, no matter what you do. If though, you set out now to set some very high standards and reach, not for some mediocre solution but for a brilliant new answer, youll find it. Dont underestimate the power of positivity. Confidence, in association with a little cleverness can accomplish a lot. Theres a deal to do now. Some kind of crucial conversation or important exchange is due to take place. Maybe you cant make a major miracle happen but you certainly shouldnt rule out a minor one. Think hard about what you can propose, offer, suggest or arrange on your part to help facilitate the best possible outcome to your situation. Act as if you expect a good result and remember though you can t make an omelette without breaking eggs, if you don t go through this process things will never turn up sunny side up!



Sun Squares Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 20th September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 22nd September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You just cant beat a broken drum! But then again, if you want to make an omelette, youve absolutely got to beat a broken egg. The question then, is what must you beat, in order to become unbeatable? Here are some more questions. What must you avoid breaking if you possibly can? What really ought to be broken up into smaller pieces if it is to be properly rearranged? Now here are some answers. Preserve and protect whatever is giving you confidence. Dismantle and rebuild whatever you need to change.

Sun Conjuncts Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd September 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th September 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The current astrological outlook explains the sensitivity, vulnerability and emotional volatility that youre experiencing. It also points to an ability to be exceptionally intuitive. If you can get past your fear, your guilt and your tendency to feel panic stricken or needy, you will notice that youre also hearing another message from a place deep within yourself. A part of you now knows, instinctively, what to choose with regard to a key dilemma. Listen carefully and respond emphatically. This will be a poignant time, full of tender moments - some of which make you feel a little vulnerable and unprotected. Feel whatever you feel - but dont bother feeling any guilt, shame, embarrassment or fear. All is as it should be. In discovering your own sensitivity, you are discovering a point of inner strength not weakness. You are understanding more about who you truly are and what you truly need. That can only help to ensure a more fruitful future.

Venus Squares Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 1st October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 2nd October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

In an alternate universe, there is now a very puzzled person who looks a lot like you. A while ago, this person was enjoying much success. In that parallel world, wealth aplenty was pouring in as fast as it was ebbing away from you here. The celestial line-up though, opened a portal in the space time continuum. It closed up quickly but not before you, on either side of the dimensional barrier experienced an irrevocable destiny swap... ... ... OK then. YOU try explaining the upturn of fortune that is now starting to take place. You are not yet aware of any such upturn? Hey, listen you may not be as wealthy as you wish you were but youre not as poor as you fear. Much the same can be said for your emotional situation. Things may not be as smooth and comfortable as you would like them to be but the big drama that you are so concerned about is not as important or as threatening as it seems. All will be fine provided you curb your own tendency to worry too much or to hunger for things that arent necessarily as desirable or as worthwhile as they appear.

Sun Squares Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 4th October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 6th October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

How do other people see you? What do they really want from you? To what extent are you limiting yourself by playing out the role that you think you are supposed to play? We are all influenced much more strongly than we realise, by our companions, colleagues and family members. The irony is, we are not always influenced by what they REALLY want or need as by what we THINK they want from us. In redefining your boundaries as you are now doing, you may not be alienating anywhere near as many people as you fear. This should be a comparatively quiet and stress-free time. I use the word should rather than will because a lot depends on how much you can mind your own business. By this, I am not trying to imply you will have an uncontrollable outbreak of nosiness. I mean you will be sorely tempted to get involved with struggles or tense scenarios that really need have little to do with you. It is one thing to care about what others have to say, another to be so sensitive to what they are thinking or feeling that you end up losing your own perspective. A sense of realism, an acceptance of certain necessary limitations and a state of relative detachment is the best thing you could hang on to now, not



only for your own sake but for those around you too.

Sun Conjuncts Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 8th October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 10th October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

If you are riding on a rapidly turning roundabout, there is a sure way to decrease the dizziness. Head for the absolute centre. There, nothing is moving at all. By analogy, youre now caught up in a cavalcade of chaos. Its being made worse by the fact that so many people have different ideas about whats going on, what ought to be happening - and which way is the wisest. One person though, has facts not theories. Hook up to the source of truth, not rumour and everything will be automatically fine. And keep your sense of humour handy. Various impossible situations, ludicrous challenges and ridiculous dramas will soon present themselves. While some may appear to be linked to a serious matter there is, nonetheless, something almost laughable about the way pressure is piling up. The Sun s link to Uranus in your birth chart suggests that you will experience constant challenge and chaos but, as long as you can manage to see the funny side or to remember what really matters - youll also find it easy to see what to do for the best.

Sun Trines Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

When you are hungry - and you walk down the street, you only notice the shops that are selling food. When you are choosing a colour scheme and your eye is drawn to a certain shade of paint, you start to spot that shade on other peoples walls and fabrics. We notice, in this life, what we are inwardly interested in. Right now, youre interested in becoming more efficient and organised and stable. Which is why you keep noticing how much is crazy and chaotic. But actually things are starting to get a lot better.

Mars Squares Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 16th October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 19th October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Love is in the air. Maybe thats not what you want. Or maybe thats not what you are looking for. Or maybe thats something which seems unnervingly unlikely given the nature of your current situation. If so, dont worry. You dont have to respond to the invitation that the sky is making. Or you can take the romantic possibility and turn it somehow into a creative possibility or a social possibility. But you should find, whatever you choose to reach out for, that territory is the issue now. Whats your territory? Whats someone elses? And where ought you to keep well away from? I am not suggesting there will be a dispute with a neighbour about the position of a pathway. If there is, you can put it down to coincidence. We are talking here about creative territory and emotional territory. Territory as an extension to identity. Territory as in patch. Territory as in the ground you like to cover - and the way you like to be. And, if were talking intrusion, we are talking about the way in which you arent sure how far to stray into someone elses area - or how far to let them wander into yours. Its important. Some clear definitions need to be negotiated and established. Everything - and I do mean everything - will pick up once that is sorted out.

Venus Conjuncts Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 19th October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 21st October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Other astrologers, on seeing that you have Venus forming a conjunction with your natal Neptune, may feel inclined to tell you that your outlook is glorious. Having now spent more than half my life in this line of work though, I have learned not to make such hasty assumptions .You may have an ability to thrive when the cosmic signs of encouragement are sparse yet to develop indigestion when the astral diet is rich and nutritious. This astrological influence has to be seen as a positive omen and it ought to help you become wealthier, healthier, happier in your love life and more inspired in your creative endeavours. But for any of that to happen, you need to trust that its safe to relax. You can t do that until you are sure that the opportunity in front of you



really is an opportunity and does not just represent some second rate substitute for a dear dream. On the face of things, there is a reason to be hopeful. You are looking at something interesting. It looks about right. It feels about right. It sounds, more or less, as if it fits your idea of what ought to be right. SO, IS it right? Appearances, as you know, can be deceptive. The senses are easily confused, especially when theres some wishful thinking going on. To fully test the factor you are slightly unsure of, you need to ignore your own powers of logic and reason. Use a deeper, more intuitive part of your heart. THEN youll see the difference, between whats nearly right and whats really right. Your instincts now are about as strong as they have ever been before. Possibly stronger. That does not mean you can identify race winners or even read minds but you can feel your way to the right conclusion. Go with what makes you comfortable. If something puts you on edge, pay attention to that emotion even if there seems to be no logical explanation for it.

Venus Trines Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 25th October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 27th October 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Here comes your breakthrough; your great revelation and your wonderful chance to instigate a different plan. Will it really all be different as from now? Actually yes; even if not so much as one slightly extraordinary event takes place in your world. The power of a single, positive thought, occurring to the human mind at a significant moment in time, can sometimes be sufficient to create tidal waves of change. At minimum, youll have your big idea. And probably, youll have a whole lot more.

Sun Squares Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 31st October 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 2nd November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

A very strong image has entered your mind. You cant seem to blot it out or forget about it. Theres something you feel very attracted to, intrigued by and excited about. The sky suggests you have very little chance of banishing this thought. That doesnt mean though, that you have to follow it or act on it. There are other, more ordinary tasks and issues to attend to now. If that which is beckoning to you really has validity and relevance, it will wait till you are in a better position to make a move. If you are feeling financially challenged, don t try too hard to rise to the challenge. Your situation will improve naturally over time. And if your love life leaves a little something to be desired, fear not. You are a rather wonderful little something. And eventually you will be very much desired!

Venus Opposes Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 3rd November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

In the realm of the intellect, objectivity is everything. In the realm of emotion, there is nothing but subjectivity. Our thoughts and feelings may support one another every so often but they come from very different places and they follow very different rules. At the moment, your ideas are taking you in one direction while your feelings are leading you in another. The temptation is to jump on one of these horses and abandon the other. You need though, to harness them to one cart and get them pulling together. Or to put it all another way, willpower is a wonderful thing. So too though, is lack of willpower. We ought to be grateful for our inability to keep our lives under perfect control. We would be very dull and boring if we could resist every temptation and sublimate every urge. At the moment, its difficult to be superhuman. Dont worry. Just settle for being human and employ the instinct for self-preservation that nature has so generously imbued you with. Avoid what you know you absolutely must avoid and then divide your aspirations into two categories; the essential and the preferable. Willpower will help you to prioritize the essential. Luck will take care of the rest.



Venus Squares Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 4th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Maybe it is possible to fit a square peg into a round hole. Perhaps, if the peg is made of some malleable plastic - or the hole is reshaped slightly, the act can be accomplished. But surely, once you start going to such extreme lengths, you are no longer dealing with a truly square peg or a genuinely round hole. If you cant already see why Im raising this issue, you will understand soon. The right angle between Venus an Mars describes a problem you sorely want to resolve yet which you simply cannot manage to settle. Its unnerving but ultimately the secret of involves accepting that which seems so impossible. Not only are you worried about a financial matter, youre keen to pursue a creative policy. Theres something you want to make, to design, to explore or to indulge. Yet at the same time, youre in a precarious situation. Common sense says dont make any kind of risky move. Happily, the world is not a sensible place. It rewards the brave and the sincere far more than it takes care of the cautious and the unimaginative. Dont be too silly but do take a courageous step towards the fulfillment of a dream. As you do so, just keep asking yourself: Are you special? Are you wonderful? Is your life full of tremendous possibility? The answer to each preceding question needs to be an emphatic yes. If youre tempted to come forth with any other answer, think again and keep thinking till you begin to feel more positive. Dont worry about getting a big head. In the fullness of time, various natural processes will help to restore your humility. Right now though, it is important and right to be strong, proud, daring, ambitious and above all else, confident.. At times, under the influence of this astrological alignment, all this will be easy to feel. The keen attention of an ardent admirer will feed your ego and stoke your inner-fire. Yet all will not prove plain sailing in the department of the heart and at times, within a key relationship, you will feel very much like a square peg in a round hole. But ultimately, this will turn out to be more enjoyable than it sounds.

Venus Squares Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 5th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 6th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Life, depending on which popular song you define it by, is a bowl of cherries, a carnival, a dance or a minestrone. Money, depending on which traditional phrase you prefer, is either what makes the world go round or the root of all evil. Other people believe that life is what you make it... and that money makes itself provided you make the right thing out of your life. Take from this what you will. Meanwhile, the sky insists you now have a fine chance to positively redefine your relationship to life... and money. This, to some extent, means becoming less anxious about the stuff. When we let money rule our lives, we lose something far more valuable. Yet when there are bills to pay, it is not easy to adopt a mellow philosophy. Nor is it easy to remain clear, conscious and aware of all the facts that we ought to be taking into account. When financial pressures mount, we tend to close off a part of our mind. Theres a limit to how much any of us can allow ourselves to worry. Most of us do something similar when we face emotional pressure. Somehow, we manage to pretend it isnt there. The trouble with such a coping mechanism is that it doesnt provide an actual cure. Indeed, by allowing us to ignore the existence of a problem, it can stop us taking action when there is a chance. Deal now, with what you are trying to ignore. And then, eventually, the cherries in your fruit bowl will become a lot sweeter.

Venus Squares Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 7th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Money does not grow on trees - but some farmers have grown very wealthy from planting orchards. Money does not make the world go round - but if you want to go round the world, it sure helps. Money cant buy you love - but then poverty is no guarantee of popularity either. Money is not going to roll endlessly into your life today - but nor is it going to roll away from you. You need now, to show money just a little more respect. If you then show yourself a great deal more respect, youll have the best of all worlds. Remember please, that dignity is a funny thing. Some people, in an effort to satisfy their sense of pride, wind up doing the most embarrassing things! Any attempt to protect your own vanity is bound to be a vain attempt! If you really want to emerge from any situation with the ability to walk tall, abandon entirely, your



concerns about how you look in the eyes of others. People who have nothing to lose cant lose anything. Right now, you can gain something very substantial if you act on what you feel, not what you "feel you ought to feel!"

Venus Conjuncts Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Love makes the world go round. Fear makes it stop turning. Fear is what makes us give up on plans we ought to pursue. Love though, never fails us. If theres a person we truly care for, a cause we totally believe in or a noble goal that we have our heart set on, we simply cannot make a mistake by pursuing our desire to do the right thing. Your motives are hardly selfish. Why therefore, should they lead to anything other than a good result? All will be fine, provided you dont run away from something you should be running towards. From way out in left field, a new development is galloping towards you. So far, you cannot see what it is - but if you listen you can hear the sound of hooves. Your senses are alerting you, not to a danger but to the nearness of a factor which is likely to alter many of your current priorities. Until or unless you know more about whats coming towards you, how can you seriously think about going anywhere or doing anything? Financially, emotionally and creatively under the influence of this highly positive planetary influence everything should soon start to fall into place. If this doesnt seem to be happening yet, it soon will. You are about to hear some news you can use. You have material you can work with, an opportunity you can identify with, a challenge you can easily get to grips with. Soon you will have strength, wisdom, hope and inspiration. You cant expect all your problems to resolve themselves at a stroke but you can - and should - look forward to a real experience of positive progress.

Mercury Squares Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

More money would help. So would more understanding. Yet you seem to be short of both these crucial sources of support. The sky is putting you under financial pressure and undermining your confidence. You feel a little isolated and exposed. It seems as if you are being asked to supply something that you simply do not have and cannot get. Everyone seems to want some of your money and, meanwhile, you want something you cant afford. None of this would be so bad were it not for the other reasons why youre now feeling insecure, out of your depth, overstretched and undervalued. So, would you like a little good news? I rather thought you might! Youll soon be feeling far more comfortable about most aspects of your situation. Note, please, that I am not promising you all the money you desire or an imminent release from pressing obligation. Coming events though will bring a vastly increased ability to cope with your situation. The key to success, each time you find yourself feeling anxious or stressful, is to ask yourself: To what extent are you identifying needs which are not quite as pressing or as desperate as they seem? The more talking, listening and thinking you do, the more inspired will be the answers you arrive at. You will find that there is not a single emotional, material or financial problem you cannot solve now, as long as you do not over-react to a temporary, passing source of aggravation.

Venus Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 14th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You have a powerful fascination with whats ultimately, a weak and uninteresting situation. It only matters because youre allowing it to matter. It only captivates you because you want to be captivated by it. But can you see this - or are you like the slave who darent walk free - even though you know that the slavedriver is alone and unarmed, that you live in a land where slavery has long been abolished and that the world will support you if you go? To stay or leave is your choice. And it IS a real choice. And if you really must have an obsession, at least make sure that it is an exciting one. Or a very silly, trivial one. Dont, whatever you do, become fixated about something that is boringly important and serious. Such things, no matter how pressing, absolutely have to be treated with a degree of ambivalence. Otherwise, you cant approach them from the right psychological perspective. This current astrological alignment is making you keen to think -



and keep thinking about just one big issue. Try not to let this be anything that really matters.

Mars Conjuncts Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 20th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Sometimes its hard to enjoy the process of window shopping. You prefer to get real results for the time you spend doing something. Youd rather visit a store where everything is affordable than stand gazing at some distant, unattainable object of desire. At the moment though, theres a lot to be said for non-committal contemplation. If you can stretch your imagination you may see a way to turn what now seems like an impossible dream into a delightfully tangible reality. As you embark on this exciting phase of your life, you must try to hold tight to wisdom. Grasp your faith, your trust, your deepest, most honorable belief with both hands. Get things straight where they truly need to be straight and youll cut out a load of nonsense. If you try to be vague or to keep all options open, youll go round in circles. It may help to remember that deep within the heart of every human being is a humble, simple soul. For all your sophistication, complexity and pride, you simply want to lead a pure, happy, meaningful life. Your heart just wants to feel safe; comfortable, comforted and content. Thats most definitely not some impossible, unattainable dream. It is perfectly possible to enjoy a life that contains very little stress and a great deal of joy. All it requires is a willingness to stop trying to rule a certain sector of the world. Be less specific about what you want. Allow yourself to look in a few more windows at a few more options.

Venus Conjuncts Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Listen carefully. I am about to let you in on a trade secret. It is impossible to fully see the future. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. What you can do though, is glimpse it briefly in a rather irritatingly incomplete way. Astrology is but one tool for attaining such a swift peep. Intuition, properly attended to, is another. Right now, thanks to the conjunction of Venus with the position held by the Moon on the day you were born, you are starting to get a strong inkling of whats coming next in your life. Let this alert, inspire and guide you but dont turn it into a fixed expectation. You are seeing the map, not the actual road. Whilst you are undoubtedly becoming more psychic as well as more creative, you need to be sure that you are tuning in to your innervoice of wisdom and not your inner-voice of fear. To demonstrate the difference, let me ask you this. How can you be sure that you are in the right place at the right time? Easy. A piece of cake. Why the answer is so simple as to render the question embarrassing! Simply make sure that your heart is in the right place. If it is, you will always end up where you need to be. And how do you make sure that your heart is in the right place? Ah. Now that ones trickier. Er... to begin with you stop worrying about what youre getting. You start caring instead, about what you may be able to give. All you need do now is follow your heart. That shouldn t be difficult. Your heart is in the future, tending to the best interests of the people you care about and beckoning to you to follow.

Sun Conjuncts Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 23rd November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 25th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

To every art, there is a science and to every science, an art. Some activities are mainly mechanical. You go by the book and add just a little intuition to the task. Other endeavours are largely instinctive. You let your imagination run riot and then apply a bit of strict technique. To claim that the latter process is more creative is to measure the value of inspiration by quantity rather than quality. You may not have much room to improvise now but you do have just enough in which to be brilliant. So don t restrict yourself. Dont tell yourself that certain things are beyond your grasp. Dream that dream, nurture that hope, embrace that vision. Maybe you wont turn it into a reality... or then again, maybe you will. Whats for certain is that, if you make some kind of sincere effort in the direction of a worthwhile aim, youll see magical, positive progress. It will make a difference to your life. It will open up a horizon and introduce you to a new perspective that proves well worth having.



Mercury Conjuncts Neptune

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 24th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 25th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You are about to find the magical, missing secret. It is as if, for some while, you have been trying to follow a recipe. You have faithfully followed the instructions but failed to create anything that hits the spot. At best, you have managed to construct a passing imitation of the dish in question. Its now dawning on you that theres something else to add, even if the official formula doesnt mention it. It may be an ingredient or it may be a technique but whatever it is, you are about to identify it. Please dont assume, from this statement, that everything is going to turn out just the way you want it to. Fortunately, despite a popular misconception to the contrary, these are not the only conditions under which a human being can be happy. Its just as well really, considering how rarely we do get it all our own way. Indeed, when we hang our hopes on hooks, we have to be careful. We may feel fine while we can see a tantalising possibility in the distance but reality rarely lives up to the dream. One way round this risk of disappointment is to keep lassooing ever more distant targets. As soon as we get close to the fulfilment of a fantasy - and thus the discovery that it isnt all we wanted it to be - we fix our eye on another. A far better way to proceed though, is to aim for something that we know, for sure, will never let us down.

Mars Trines Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

We cannot rule out a happy development in your love life. Emotion is not something you can produce on cue, yet you can soon expect to be feeling more attractive and appealing and more full of warmth and good will to others than usual. Magic moments, passionate encounters and pleasing sensual treats will all distract you from the sensible, logical day to day problems and concerns. The sky now, speaks of new, real feeling - and of new, real financial opportunity too. Ways to improve your financial situation will arise now. You may identify a potential source of income - or you may just realise that it is possible to make more of what youve got. Somehow though, youll feel less threatened, less insecure and less confused about a matter which has always, in the past, seemed depressingly complicated. The planets are helping you to develop deeper understanding and insight. It is not just with regard to money that new ideas and perspectives are about to make you more powerful. Your relationships are well aspected now. All the old rules can be broken. All the old restrictions can be ignored. All the old reasons why progress was previously not permissible can be seriously reconsidered. The goalposts have been moved, in your favour. You are playing a different game now - and it is one that you are far better qualified to win. People who would not co-operate are willing to see reason. People you could not reach at all are now available. And the same can be said of many special opportunities.

Mercury Trines Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th November 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Mercury - the commerce planet - now forms a harmonious link to the position held by Venus - the wealth planet - on the day you were born. You will soon start to look ten years younger, to exude ten times more charisma, to feel as if life is ten times easier - and maybe to be about ten percent wealthier. Sorry about the last point but Id be fooling you if I were to set the financial figure higher. The other, extravagant promises cover more subjective areas. And it IS likely that this how things will seem. You will discover that someone special really cares for you. You have more friends than you realise and a lot to be deeply glad about. Events soon should prove most heartwarming. Not only will all this improve your romantic outlook it will enable you to make sure that financial matters become less precarious. A new creative project awaits you. There will soon be a chance to explore your imagination and use it to cook up something of great value. And ten percent, over time, should add up to more than enough for what you need.



Sun Trines Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 30th November 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 2nd December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Forget the flowers. Cancel the candles. Chuck away the chocolates. First of all, you dont care two hoots about a grand, empty gesture, you merely want a certain someone to be a little more consistently sweet to you. Furthermore, youre highly suspicious of those traditional ways to express romance. Flowers bloom, then wilt. Candles blaze then die. Chocolates bring brief delight to the lips and then place a permanent burden on the hips. Wheres the love you can depend on, thrive in and celebrate during the daylight hours?Your astrological outlook suggests it is nearer than you think ! A long awaited breakthrough will put a smile on your face, a few bob in your bank account - oh - and a glow in your heart! Love and money are, to some extent, symbolised by the same planet in astrology. The basic idea is that it promotes a sense of wellbeing. This can manifest materially as an ability to attract wealth or emotionally as an ability to attract affection. Theres nothing to stop it from working on both levels at once - other perhaps, than your own preference for one kind of security over another. Prepare to attain a lot of whatever you feel most desirous of!

Jupiter Trines Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 3rd December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

If you want to grow a banana tree, all you need is a greenhouse and an onion. Plant the bulb, water the soil and say Onion, onion, one, two three; turn into a banana tree. This technique is totally guaranteed to work, provided you have absolute faith in it. If, for one tiny moment, at any point in the cultivation process, you doubt that the onion can or will become a banana, the enterprise will fail. Trust is a wonderful thing. Sometimes it can work miracles. But only if it is based on something truly viable. The sky now describes a time during which you find yourself thrown into the spotlight. A drama is unfolding and it centres, directly around you. There is no way to avoid the responsibility you carry. This may sound intense but it is actually wonderful. It means you are always going to find it easy to know where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to be doing. One quick check will instinctively, accurately tell you. You will tend soon, to feel either as if you are sitting right on top of the world, full of confidence and purpose; quite sure of the next move you need to make - or you will feel doubtful and drained. If this occurs, it will be a simple matter to correct your course and focus, once more, on the only thing that really matters at the moment. All you will need is a little trust and a little discrimination. With regard to the latter I recall that Bruce Springsteen once sang a song about the trouble with cable and satellite TV. It was called 57 Channels And Nothing On. These days, if we want to, we can receive a lot more channels than that. The same principle applies though. Theres no shortage of stuff to watch in this world - even if we have no TV at all. Soap operas unfold all around us. But few things properly, fully engage and satisfy us. Whats required, in your life now, is a determination to focus on the only story that actually matters.

Mercury Opposes Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 5th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 6th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Some motorists believe that, if they want to travel the wrong way down a one way street, all they have to do is reverse. As long as their car is pointing in the right direction, they can pretend that they are not really breaking the law. In the one way street of time though, the car of life cannot be backed up, even for a moment. Dont try to fool yourself or anyone else into thinking that history can be altered. But if you do drive purposefully, you may find the future yet brings you round in a circle. Remember, as you drive, that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The quickest way to make progress down it is to hurry, determinedly but blindly, towards what looks like a really good idea. The road to heaven, interestingly enough, is also paved with good intentions. These though, are intentions that are pursued with discrimination, diligence and, most crucially of all, common sense. Mercury s opposition to the position of Saturn in your birth chart is putting you under pressure now, and making you argumentative. You are tempted to break a personal law or bend a rule, just because you so much want to make something happen. You



have a lot more time though, than you think. Bearing in mind the distinct possibility that you could end up at the wrong destination, you are well advised to take that time.

Mercury Squares Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 6th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 8th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You never can be sure what tomorrow will bring. This, you may feel, is not the sort of thing an astrologer is supposed to say. People like me are supposed to be able to provide a glimpse of the future. People like me though, have a tough time when it comes to forecasting the outlook for people like you. People like you are not exactly predictable characters or at least, they are not whilst they have Mercury transiting its natal position in their horoscope. You appear to be on the verge of making a fairly quirky, controversial choice. You cant be too surprised if, soon, it brings you a quirky, controversial result! That s OK. You feel ready for a change now but, like a circus juggler, you have a lot of plates to keep spinning. Soon there will be even more. How can you be successful in every area with such a busy schedule? You cant. What you can do though, is make sure that you watch the most important plans and projects. If a few, less crucial factors have to be dropped, therell be no harm done. You will benefit from being forced to make a few overdue choices. All will be fine if you focus your energy where you are sure it is most needed.

Mercury Squares Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 6th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You know a lot more than you knew before. You have reason though, to wish that you didnt know some of it. Information, once it enters the brain, cannot be removed. If we really cannot handle it, we have to bury it beneath some rarely accessed memory. Generally though, we find some way to make it palatable. We attach a comforting explanation to it or, better yet, we broaden our view of life so as to accommodate the discovery. Soon, you will become truly glad that you know what you know. Meanwhile, your best bet is to forget the past and focus on the future. Never mind what has happened - no matter how agitated it is making you feel. It is now part of a history you need to move on from. Theres a temptation, at the moment, to analyse a somewhat confusing situation. What does it mean? What is it teaching you? What should you now do to turn things to your advantage? Unless youre willing to get bogged down in a very academic debate which will ultimately leave you none the wiser, drop the whole topic. Be similarly determined not to enter into pointless arguments or aggravating discussions which end up going nowhere. Just head where you know its bright, light and right.

Mercury Squares Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 8th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 9th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Dont engage in a pointless debate. Dont indeed, engage in any debate you can possibly avoid, regardless of how much or how little point you can see in making your side of the argument. The sky now suggests the potential to waste a lot of valuable time and energy getting caught up in a drama thats best left alone. The astrological outlook meanwhile suggests that this is a period during which you have something of a far more constructive nature to do. Be discriminating, restrained and above all, wise. Only if something looks simple, sweet and clear is it worthy of your attention.

Sun Opposes Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 10th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The Sun is now opposing the part of your chart that was occupied by Saturn on the day that you were born. You can hardly expect a quiet, peaceful time. There is something you have to do somewhere you have to be - something that must be given full attention and concentration regardless of whatever else you think should be happening. You may well find that you dont ever manage to stop moving and doing things all through this period - but you will not regret the energy and discipline you summon up. For you are about to accomplish something very



impressive, significant and meaningful. Imagine that you have been driving for many miles. At last, you reach your destination. Now, you need to park but there is no suitable place. As you keep driving, you get ever later for an urgent appointment. It is imperative to find a space. Out of the corner of your eye, you see somewhere. You turn back but when you get there, the sign clearly says "no parking." Lets make this analogy even more poignant now. The appointment is with an official who wants to talk to you about previous parking fines! The sky suggests theres irony as well as frustration in your situation at this time. The solution? Stop somewhere thats less than ideal and you cross your fingers. What else CAN you do? There is no perfect answer but the best that you can do WILL prove good enough.

Mercury Conjuncts Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 12th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Happiness and sadness are two sides of one coin. That doesnt mean though, that the coin must always spin - or that it has to be frequently flipped over. If you look at what is now causing you anxiety or creating worry, you can see that somewhere within it, there is the essence of real hope. All you have to do is learn a lesson, absorb an implication and adjust an expectation. That which now appears to threaten your comfort and stability has the capacity to become the reason WHY the future is bright. Think of it like this. A new way of getting from A to B is called for. The mode of transportation that you normally rely on is becoming ever less satisfactory. Now, see this as a metaphor for the thought patterns and processes you usually employ when solving problems. Or take it literally and consider the methods by which you make most of your journeys. Or do both. Under the influence of Mercury now, as it aligns with the position held by Jupiter on the day of your birth, you now have an opportunity to take a real practical step towards greater, future efficiency. There are billions of people to be met on this planet. There are millions of places to be explored, thousands of things you could do with your life and hundreds of ways to alter your future. Before deciding theres only one way to go, you must at least make an attempt to consult the full menu. And that s what you re doing now.

Sun Squares Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Attention all ships. This is an official alert. Gales are expected in all sea areas governed by your sign. Batten down your hatches. Prepare for high waves and strong winds. If you must venture out on deck, wear a lifejacket and hang on tightly to the railing. You can and will survive the storm thats now brewing. You will find, when its over, that you have not been blown off course. Instead, you will have been taken much closer to a safe harbour. But the ride may well be bumpy. There really is some amazing energy in the air around you now. If you are feeling fraught or frazzled it is not because things are bad. It is because, fundamentally, things are very good but you have not yet managed to sort out how you feel about them. Do not strain yourself trying to work everything out. Just remind yourself that you dont need to be everywhere at once, attempting to please all the people, all the time, in order to feel successful. You must finally start pleasing yourself a little more. Then, it will be back to plain-sailing once again.

Mars Opposes Saturn

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 14th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Some words and phrases are sorely overused. People, for example, are forever telling one another to be realistic. It is good advice, provided we can agree on a convincing definition of realism. One persons concrete fact is often anothers flimsy fantasy. Even if we can reach a shared understanding, quite how realistic are we supposed to be? There are some truths about existence that it is healthy and wise to ignore. Your own definition of realism is being challenged at the moment but what can you do, other than press on regardless? You cant be sure whether youve got a perfect plan and ideal opportunity - or a wild idea and a doubtful chance. The view of your situation keeps changing from moment to moment. Each time you feel like giving up you see another reason to carry on and vice versa. The only way to find out whether there is real, positive potential within the course of action you are trying to follow is to follow it with enthusiasm, faith



and commitment. What you need to know is that you now have a Mars/Saturn opposition is coming up. Until this powerful alignment culminates, you should steel yourself for a series of intense experiences, demanding developments and exhausting encounters. Now hang on just a moment before you groan. None of it is bad, indeed, its all about as ideal as it can be. Its just that youre yearning for a break, a spot of peace and comfort. This IS coming but not till youve dealt, properly, with all you now need to tackle. Just when your problems all seem too much, you will start to see positive ways to transcend them. Keep cool and you will get a breakthrough, not a breakdown.

Mercury Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Imagine deciding that you only want people to like you for the way you look. You dont care if they never even notice your personality, your kindness or your integrity. In one way, your current aspiration could be similarly superficial. You may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems. What you really want at the moment is something deeply, truly satisfying. To get that, you have to care less about something which is ultimately very trivial. Mercury s sharp angle to the position of Pluto in your horoscope is drawing your attention to all this and it is also creating a general sense of unease. Whenever you feel restless, you become a force to be reckoned with. Some people invert their sense of disquiet, turning it into self-criticism or becoming rather quiet and withdrawn. You are now slightly more inclined to fill with fury. Under the influence of this astrological alignment you may well say and do things that normally, you would never dream of. You may go over the edge. Actually, its a darned good thing. Theres much, in this world, that needs putting right. Theres a lot that should be said but isnt said. Dont apologise for what you know to be true. But do relax. Once you have said it, you have said enough

Sun Squares Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 12th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 14th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

It is your call. You can get into an argument, develop a debate and a rise to a challenging suggestion. Or you can smile sweetly and let it all be as water off a ducks back to you. This will involve a degree of self control, a certain amount of acting ability - plus a fair quantity of faith. There will be moments when you wonder if you are wise to ignore what seems like such a big and bothersome factor. But better that route than a long, exhausting diversion down a difficult and ultimately, quite irrelevant road.

Mars Squares Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 16th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Another moment, another difficulty? No. Another moment, another opportunity. There may be plenty to feel uncomfortable about but the sky insists that you dont have to keep playing out the same old drama and going round on the same old treadmill. A constructive change can begin. A heartfelt, helpful commitment can be made. This wont instantly alter your situation beyond all recognition but it will be a vital step in the right direction. You are beginning to wonder when the sky is going to take another swipe at you. For some while, you have been under attack; not necessarily from a person or an organisation but perhaps from an idea, a fear or a fretful frame of mind. You keep feeling as if your only viable option is to make some wild, dramatic and excessive move. When you actually try this though, it doesnt work. Nor will it. Whats required now is patience, tolerance, faith and perseverance. You need to remember that this is not make or break time. Why? Because there is no option to break. You simply have to make a commitment to the venture, challenge or decision you currently face. Theres no avoiding the intensity of the situation youre so caught up in but nor is there any reason to expect things to go wrong. The sky speaks of a date with destiny. All your life, you have known that one day, you would be in a position like this. And all your life you have been preparing to make it a success. This may be a tense time in your life and a period during which your temper is easily frayed and conflicts with others come to the fore. But if you do your best to cling to wisdom and resist the



urge to be led by anger or frustration you will find that it is also a time when you can lay the foundation for a more solid, stable, successful future.

Sun Squares Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 14th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 16th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

This astrological aspect is stirring up some kind of confidence crisis. It could have something to do with a trick youre not sure that you have properly learned, a plan that you wonder if you have fully researched or a way of getting from A to B that you suspect is likely to prove problematic. Theres only one way to find out whether youve really got trouble. Assume that you havent ... and hope for the best. And remember, if you are crying over spilt milk or brooding over unhatched chickens - Stop! Remember the other proverb about the bird in the bush! It is about to turn out to be a golden eagle, but only if you dont let it escape.

Mars Squares Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 15th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 17th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

"All hail the mighty one. We mere mortals are not worthy to be in the presence of someone so wise and powerful. Lead us, we beseech you, to a better future." Hmmm. Unless they are being phrased sarcastically, you are unlikely to hear such words now. People generally tend only to admire the dynamic, decisive individuals that they have nothing to do with. The ones they encounter every day just annoy them! But even if you do incur criticism or resentment, you absolutely have to take the initiative in a key area. You will need nerves of steel if you are going to resist the pressure you start to come under now. Urgency is as infectious as influenza. If your defenses are even slightly down, you can catch the fever and start burning up within. Your celestial outlook suggests a great degree of susceptibility on your part now, to ideas, suggestions and situations that have the capacity to inflame or over excite you. The question you should repeat, like a protective mantra, is Why do I really need this? If, and only if, the answer is a good one, throw your energy into the task. You will find it becomes big enough to absorb all you have to spare and more.

Mars Squares Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 17th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 20th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

IF you have an intricate jigsaw to build, youre not likely to achieve this by hurling the pieces across the floor. There is a slim statistical chance that in doing so, you could cause the puzzle to land in perfect order. Frankly though, thats not the kind of long shot you would be wise to count on. Vent your wrath and express frustration if you must now. But resign yourself to the fact that, if you really want something to happen, youre going to have to put in a lot of steady, disciplined effort. Treat everyone around you with kindness and compassion now, even if you secretly feel like strangling certain awkward individuals. Try to understand their point of view, even if you do not agree with it. Act as if you quietly yet confidently expect everything to go your way and, eventually it just may!

Sun Conjuncts Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 19th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 21st December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Some high acheivers are often late for appointments. This is not because they are rude or careless. It is because they take on more than they should. They fool themselves into thinking that a task will only take two minutes or that a journey will only last ten. The downside of this is that they are always rushing. The upside? In defying realism, they get further ahead than a reasonable person might expect to. Dont be cross because something is behind schedule. Be amazed that it is happening at all. Don t doubt yourself, trust your judgement and allow yourself now to enjoy a greater sense of inner-confidence. After all, when you know, perfectly well, how



to get from a to b, why consult a map? Do you fear that the road may have altered since the last time you went on such a journey? At best, you want a traffic update, not an ordnance survey. Yet if you now draw on your experience, you are likely to find your way without too much external consultation of any kind. Do what you know usually works for you. Trust the techniques that you have developed in the past. And dont let too many cautious yet ill-informed voices put you off.

Mercury Conjuncts Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 20th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 21st December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Have you got it out of your system yet? Or are you still bottling it up, holding it back and trying, as hard as you can, to play it down? You need to express an emotion. Even if you think it is futile because nobody is going to listen - or because nobody can do anything practical, even if they do pay attention, you still need to get that crucial hidden feeling out into the open. It is festering within you. As soon as you acknowledge it and give vent to it, the intensity of your mood or experience will begin to dissipate. Mercury is providing you with a powerful, valuable new insight. Now you understand what you understand, you cant understand why you never understood it before. The fact is though, that you didnt - and its only when you stop to remember this that your past actions become understandable. In the light of your new understanding, youll never lead your life in quite the same way again. Celebrate this wonderful if belated revelation and spare no further thought for the now rather baffling past. While the communication planet is touching the part of your chart that governs emotion, you are able to express your deepest, most profound feelings with a clarity previously undreamed of. You are also, if you can only manage to keep your emotions in check, capable now of being stunningly psychic.

Sun Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 21st December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 23rd December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Have you ever had a telephone call from someone who is determined to give you a piece of their mind? Have you felt tempted, rather than argue back, simply to hold the phone away from your ear; returning to the mouthpiece every few moments to make some bland, non commital noise? Thats pretty much the technique you need to employ now. An annoying point of conflict is continuing to make its presence felt. It is not going to go away for a while... but you dont have to take it too seriously. Just pay lip service to the dispute while privately distancing yourself from the whole storm in a teacup.

Mercury Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 23rd December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Chaos reigns . Not just the usual kind of background chaos but a special kind, deliberately designed to cause upheaval in the areas of life that matter most to you. How, you may wonder, can chaos be deliberately designed? You are quite right. It cannot be. Thats a clue to the true nature of the drama which is now unfolding. It has a definite purpose - even if you are not so sure that it is one you like. Be glad of what seems so unsettled. It is re-arranging itself in a way that will eventually do you many favours. You are now under the influence of a fairly regular, recurring astrological phenomenon. Once or twice each year Mercury forms a - usually - brief, sharp link to the position held by Uranus in your birth chart. Whenever this occurs, you always seem to get the urge to be somewhere different. Sometimes, you plan a holiday, consider a house move or contemplate emigration. Sometimes, the desire is not for physical change but spiritual transformation. You begin to want a life with more meaning and depth. You start seeking a deeper, broader understanding of the universe - and your particular place within it. You begin to become intensely aware that there are a strictly limited number of seconds in every minute, minutes in every hour, hours in every day and days in every week. This, you feel, is why it is so important to think hard about how you are spending your precious time. The restless mood you



now find yourself in is a familiar one and, for all the discomfort it may be bringing, its a healthy one. Something old, tired and redundant DOES need to be altered and now you begin to get your chance to change it.

Mars Conjuncts Jupiter

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 24th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 26th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Sometimes this astrological configuration brings out the best in people. At other times... well, before we go too far down that track, lets take a closer look at the terms we are using. Extreme qualities do not necessarily have opposite effects. Think, for example of intense heat and intense cold. Ice can burn. Fire can numb. Whats the big difference? Or take politics. Lean too far to the left or right and, one way or another, you end up with a form of fanaticism. When you are feeling too strong, you overstretch yourself. And when you are feeling too weak? Once again, you take on way too much! Whats happening now is neither good nor bad. Its just intense. Your ambitions are neither modest nor moderate. Thats part of the reason why you feel so flummoxed. You cant really see yourself getting what you want... yet nor can you see yourself settling for anything less. This is not a desirable position to find yourself in at the moment, or at any time. Either you have to decide that you are going for the golden goal, come hell or high water... or you have to aim instead, for the silver or the bronze - and decide that this is a medal that you can take real pride in wearing. There is something now that you simply have to do. You know it is right. You know there is no alternative. That is about all you really know but it is all you need to know.

Mercury Trines Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 25th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 26th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Sometimes, events leave us with no choice other than to respond to them. We have to put our plans to one side while we deal with sudden developments. There are other times though, when life is just as seemingly busy but we can exercise the right to reject various calls on our time and energy. This is such an occasion. A tide of changing circumstance will soon sweep you away if you set out to sail on it. But if you anchor your boat firmly to the harbour wall, you can easily stay where you prefer to be. Don t feel afraid though to express yourself clearly when you need to. Whenever this celestial climate manifests, the likelihood is that you wont so much speak out as yell out. For some while, you have been keeping quiet about a matter that displeases you. You have a justified cause for complaint and you are tired of suffering in - comparative - silence. It makes sense to be diplomatic, but now it is time for the cause of your discomfort to experience a little discomfort in return. Show - just - a little mercy.

Mercury Trines Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 26th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 5th February 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Your current celestial outlook is your promise of comfort and re-assurance soon. It may also bring the start of an upturn in your financial outlook plus an improvement in your personal/emotional or romantic life. Thats an awful lot of positive promise to dangle in front of you. Knowing your propensity to sometimes look gift horses in the mouth, I feel I may be making myself a hostage to fortune by predicting so much in such a cheerful tone of voice. Nonetheless, the sky is insistent and I must be too. If you can also summon a little determination to achieve success, we can be sure of a very special time. Soon, you will receive some good news that you have long been waiting for. It will make you feel better about the dramas you have been going through recently, and will show you that your future is more secure than you thought. In this crazy world of ours, it is too much to expect everything to make sense. But it is possible to keep the level of confusion down to manageable proportions and you should begin to find that this - and a lot more besides - is pleasingly possible



Mars Squares Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 27th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 29th December 2008 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

When does a point of keen interest become a wild obsession? When it begins to get a little unhealthy. Be careful not to slip over that dangerous edge. Try pulling back from it, just to make sure that you can. If you can easily walk away from something, you are safe to walk towards it. You cannot afford though, to compromise your most valuable asset; your sense of objectivity. You need that at the moment, to guide you through a minefield of emotive issues. Protect it, nurture it and be proud of it. That means questioning yourself but not interrogating yourself mercilessly! Self-doubt is the lubricant that oils the engine of personal progress. Too little makes us stiff, rusty and rigid. Too much makes us slippery, ineffective and prone to produce disconcerting smoke. No machine though, no matter how well run, can always have the balance exactly right. At the moment, you need to be topping up a small essential reservoir of secret uncertainty. You may become slightly concerned that you are feeling too much of this. But once your confidence comes roaring back to life youll feel just fine. If you want to hasten your journey back towards stability and the right kind of quiet certainty, resist the sense of inner pressure that is making everything seem slightly urgent. Dont try to run before you can walk, gallop before you can trot, swim before you can float, hurtle before you can trundle or juggle before you can balance. This is not necessarily because, if you try to go too far, too fast, you will hit trouble. Perhaps you will or perhaps, under the influence of the current celestial climate, you may just surprise yourself. The real reason to restrain yourself a little though, is that theres no need to rush. All you need to attain now, you can actually attain by taking it nice and easy. Really, honestly, you can. Just don t be so obsessive about it!

Mercury Trines Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 27th December 2008. You will continue to experience this influence until 9th February 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Think back please, to some of the greatest mistakes of your life. Remember the moments when you found yourself on the wrong side of a threshold, past a point of no return or just in a pickle you couldnt get out of. Now recall the way those situations turned themselves around. Which of them would you seriously undo, unpick or alter even if you possibly could? These werent mistakes, they were essential steps. What you are doing now is something that is every bit as positive as it is big. You are empire building. As all experiences are relative, we cannot belittle the importance of your ambition by suggesting that it is small compared to someone elses. To you, the plan or project which you wish to pursue is a major, significant one. It deserves respect. It also deserves success. Will it attain either? That depends on how seriously you take your current commitment. Drop or abandon your idea and it will soon evaporate. Nurture it and you will be amazed and delighted by the result.

Mercury Trines Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 1st January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 16th February 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You are not entirely on your own but it seems that, in one key area of struggle, youre just not getting the support you could do with. Now, you may find yourself feeling even more let down. Others are busy and preoccupied. They have dramas to deal with, obsessions to follow and fires to put out - even if most of these ARE of their own making. Meanwhile, though you dont like being left to handle a crucial matter single-handedly, the good news is you are perfectly capable of doing the job. Later, if you persevere, youll stop shaking with frustration and instead will start to glow with justified pride. You should make a profound and immensely valuable discovery soon. The sky is offering you transformation! This will result in a learning process which obliges you to venture into unknown territory or to touch on sensitive subjects which you might prefer to turn a blind eye to. The outcome of your experience will be one that renders you significantly better off. While you deal with what you have to deal with, try to put aside at least a portion of your busy agenda. Allow something new and different to develop. Dont tell yourself that you cant afford a distraction from your current big pre-occupation. You need an alternative perspective much more than you realize. In a cheerful, relaxed, unpressured moment, you will suddenly see a short cut to the goal you so sorely want to reach.



Sun Conjuncts Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 2nd January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 4th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Does the Sun have a strategy? Does it decide not to shine so brightly one day - in order to be truly dazzling on some future special occasion? Absolutely not. It rises boldly, one morning at a time, and gives its all to the day. Theres a lesson here for us all. Of course we have to spare some thought for the morrow. We must consider and prepare where it is sensible to do so. But to fret, to fear, to fall into a flummox, all because tomorrow is uncertain? What an insult to the present! Your current gift is to be embraced and enjoyed, not grabbed and rationed. You want to be everywhere at once. You want to solve every problem in an instant, you want to control every aspect of your environment, you want to please one person, influence another and prove something to a third. You want to take charge, you want to show strength, you want to be the fixer, the driver, the winner and the judge. Or do you? Really, what you want is to be comfortable and calm. You want to feel good. You want to be happy. Just be willing to let a little more go and a lot more will come. The best emotional insurance policy you can create right now is to forget all about back up plans.

Jupiter Trines Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 4th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

If you really must juggle, try using soft, unbreakable items. Avoid soft boiled eggs, flaming torches, razor-sharp knives and hand grenades. There are some risks you can safely take but others that you can and should minimize. The trouble is, you are in a courageous mood. You dont feel inclined to step back from a point of conflict. You certainly dont want to break a promise that you have made to yourself. You feel determined to make your point and pursue your ambition, regardless of what it takes. That is laudable and applaudable in principle but it is still no reason to make wild, extreme moves when there are easier ways to get what you want. How can you tell what s appropriate? Use your inner radar. There is no sensible strategy that you can apply. You can be as logical and systematic as you like. As though, you are dealing with someone or something that cant be fully explained or understood, theres a limit to how far this approach will get you. In trying to think things through, you are not only wasting your time, you are counteracting the instinctive part of yourself that already knows the best thing to do. Just trust the intuitive message from within. If it tells you to hold back, hold back. And if it tells you to press ahead, start juggling..

Sun Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 5th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Push is somewhere over to your left, ambling slowly towards you. Look to your right and you can see shove in the distance. It can only be a matter of time before these two forces meet up. And what will happen when push comes to shove? Maybe you dont want to sit around waiting to find out. Read the writing on the wall today. The message is not actually unpleasant. If you digest it and start acting on it before you are left with no other option, youll not only feel more powerful, you will BE more powerful.

Sun Trines Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 11th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

If you sense an electric atmosphere, its not coming from an underground cable. The source is celestial. A lively cosmic climate is causing all kinds of sparks to fly. The outcome of this exciting saga though will not cause a shock or a short circuit. Rather, it will bring you a whole new source of positive energy. It is as if the sky is now giving you a pot of magic glue. This glue doesnt just repair objects, it works with situations, arrangements and even with relationships. Look for wider applications and broader, brighter ways to use the asset which is now at your disposal. Consider, not only how you can best improve factors in your own life but how you can offer constructive



help to others. The more you use the power that is being offered to you by the Sun s link to Mars in your birth chart, the more power you will find that you have.

Mars Conjuncts Moon

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 14th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

One small act of kindness is worth a month of heartlessness. One generous gesture can compensate for a season of selfishness. One precious moment of understanding can repair a lifetime of ignorance. There is though, no need to be sparing with the currency of compassion. Even if nobody ever gives you credit for it, the heart has access to a self-replenishing supply. We can get by on a small amount of sincerity in much the same way as we can learn to survive on starvation rations. Start liking and being kind to yourself now, and you will find that the sky is not just offering the chance to enjoy a brief moment of magic but to commence a process that provides plenty of future fulfillment. Treasure and protect that which is precious to you... but dont covet or cosset it. Trust that if something is truly right, you wont lose it, spoil it or miss out on it. Remember that there are two types of caution. It is fine to sense a potential danger and to do whatever may help to reduce it. It is bad though, to become anxious and insecure. You can end up scared of your own shadow; forever attempting to fend off some half imagined threat. Your current problem is not an emergency. So dont turn it into one. There are some things that we should not clutch too tightly, no matter how much we want to hang on to them. If, for example, we hold in our hands an egg with a delicate shell or a lovely shape made of malleable clay, the very act of squeezing hard will destroy what we want to cherish. Admittedly, then, we can say Oh well, that cant have had much value. Look how easily it perished - but it is better still, if we can be light and deft, to respect and preserve the integrity of something fragile and precious. Be kind, be generous and be compassionate. And don t be afraid of anything now.

Sun Trines Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 11th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 13th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Money cant buy love. Nor for that matter, can it buy peace of mind or the ability to enjoy meaningful communication with other human beings. Its a pretty limited resource really. The fact that most of us see it as so important says a lot about the sorry state of the world we live in. Your finances need to be improved and, if you put in a little effort , youll accomplish most of whats needed. Just dont run away with the idea that this alone will resolve all your difficulties. To make that happen, you are going to have to get organised. You are also going to have to inspire others to do the same. Yet, you are beginning to tire of explaining yourself. Why do you seem to be so answerable to so many people? Why, you may also ask, do those people seem unable to take your view, position or plan at face value? Isnt it as obvious to everyone else as it is to you that certain things need to happen? Maybe it isnt necessary for you to be quite so conciliatory. Set out confidently in the direction of your chosen destination. More people will understand and support you than you expect.

Sun Trines Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 13th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 15th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Many a game of cards has been won by a player with a poor hand. There may be some contests whose outcomes depend, ultimately, on the luck of the draw but most involve some degree of skill and timing. What matters now is not whether you have a great advantage; its whether you have confidence and patience. Power, now, will shift from one person to another and from one situation to another. It will ultimately come to rest though, with whoever is willing to hold steady and to keep a straight face. That s you, in case you were wondering. And if you were wondering, stop wondering! Start trusting instead. Twice a year, every year, for a brief period of time only you come under the influence of this auspicious astrological transit. Sometimes you profit enormously from it. Sometimes it passes you by and you hardly even notice. If you want to make the most of your celestial opportunity, remember this; with just a pile of wood, you can make a bonfire. With a pile of wood, a hammer and some nails, you can make a ladder - or a cupboard or a table - or a chair. You have the equivalent of a pile of wood in your life at the moment. It



seems, to you, as if theres a limited use for this. Soon though, you will come across a new possibility. Expect, soon, to see how to convert something minor into something very significant. That should radically alter your level of confidence and your ability to feel optimistic.

Mars Squares Uranus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 16th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 19th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

You can be forgiven for feeling edgy, considering the current astrological outlook. Indeed, if youre feeling anything less than wound up to the point of near fury, you can consider yourself a shining model of self control. Rarely has so much pressure been placed, by the sky, so squarely on one zodiac sign. Its almost as if the cosmos wants you to get mad about something. Maybe it knows that if you dont, some absoultely crucial change will never come about.

Sun Trines Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 20th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 22nd January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

People talk the most amazing rubbish sometimes. They hold long, empty conversations. They discuss everything other than the one thing that really matters - or they focus on endless detail and steadfastly refuse to see the essence of the issue. People love to speak. Most people love to listen, too. But few want, it would seem, to really, truly communicate. I mention this for reasons that which, if they are not already evident, will soon become so. How many times, recently, have you spoken to a certain person? How many chances have there been for you both to say what needs to be said? Why is it only now, when there is an urgent, pressing reason to cut the nicety and exchange the truth, that either of you are coming clean? Oh well. Better late than never. And thankfully... it is not too late.

Mars Trines Mars

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 22nd January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 24th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

This is a time to get it together. You have a chance to throw your energy into something extremely constructive. If you do, youll never look back. Maybe, right now though, you ARE looking back; so far back that you cant see the future, you can only see what you resent or regret. Leave it. Drop it. Plough ahead. This is a golden chance to change things. Just remember, while Mars is forming a harmonious angle to the position that it held on the day that you were born, that every moment in life is potentially precious. Some moments though, seem to contain much more potential than others. Thats certainly true with regard to many of the magic moments that lie ahead for you. There is strength and the chance to attain greater stability in store. Exciting, intriguing new possibilities are arising. Dont just sit and watch while they parade past your eyes and then pass on. Reach out and grab the ones you want most while the chance is there. And forget your fears, success is assured.

Mars Trines Mercury

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 23rd January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 26th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

The path of least resistance is not always the best one to take. Right now, if you are to claim what is rightfully yours and experience the joy of reaching your full potential, you need to stand up for yourself and make a real effort to reach a big decision. It may seem as if the decision has already been made for you, but you now have more power than you realise. Trust this and trust too any thoughts that keep recurring and which seem inspiring to you. What youve got is a big idea. If developed properly, it will turn into a major focal point for change during the rest of your life. It will go down, not only in your personal history, but in the story of various other peoples lives as the idea that altered everything. Ideas this big cant be instantly brought to fruition. Like plants or children, they have to begin as babies and then be grown. But theres no doubt that, in the nursery of your mind, theres now a very impressive seedling.



Mars Trines Sun

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 26th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 29th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Does life always have to be full of hassle, headache and heartache? Absolutely, emphatically, no. There has to be a bit of this from time to time. There probably even has to be a lot of it at certain crucial stages in our development. We dont though, need to expect trouble at every turn or feel obliged to assume that if theres tension, somewhere in our world, it must be heading our way. You have a clear choice at the moment. You can either dive into a pool of strife... or skirt safely round the edge of it. And now, the key question. If you do try to avoid trouble; will everything be OK? No, of course not. Everything is never OK. The most a person can realistically hope for is a situation in which most things are reasonably good. Thats a point worth making before we go any further, just to ensure that you and I are pitching our level of expectation at roughly the same level. Having cleared that up, we can now move on to your prediction. Mars as it now forms a harmonious link to the position of the Sun in your horoscope, is energising you. It is giving you the power to make good things happen. Everything, - within reason - is about to turn out to be very much OK!

Sun Opposes Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 28th January 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 30th January 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

A little more money would not go amiss. The Sun s link to Venus in your birth chart is now making you feel desirous of some expensive item or service. Not only are you feeling the financial squeeze, you are conscious of a demand on your heart. Someone wants you to give them more attention or time than you can spare. With both these factors, theres a deep urge on your part to come through with what you can. By all means do so but dont feel that somehow, youre supposed to magically manifest the impossible. If it cant happen, it doesnt need to happen. Remember please, if you find yourself experiencing stress, angst or tension, especially with regards to your relationship with another person, that it takes two to tango. Either then, you must be secretly enjoying the exhausting dance which is now taking place - or you are being forced through each footstep. If it is the latter, you have another option. You can stop responding. You can decide not to play. Is that going to put you at a disadvantage? Perhaps, temporarily. But it is also going to vastly alter the dynamic of the relationship. The other person will have to think again. If youve had enough, stop. If not, you clearly havent had enough yet! You clearly want something and you want it badly. But do you really want what you are having to do to get what you want? It s that trade-off that you have to think about now.

Mars Trines Pluto

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 4th February 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 7th February 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

Whenever the world prepares for any sporting games, conversation turns to the issue of drug abuse in sport. When does an achievement become artificial? When it is fuelled by steroids and stimulants? When too much tea or coffee has been drunk? When the obsessive determination to win stems from a warped experience of childhood? Whats relevant to you here is the whole notion of competition. Whats fair or unfair? Where DOES the need to prove oneself come from? At what cost should it be indulged? Pertinent food for thought now! Dont underestimate the power of positivity. Confidence, in association with a little cleverness can accomplish a great deal. Theres a deal to do now. Some kind of crucial conversation or important exchange is due to take place. Maybe you cant make a major miracle happen but you certainly shouldnt rule out a minor one. Think hard about what you can propose, offer, suggest or arrange on your part to help facilitate the best possible outcome to your situation. Act as if you expect a good result. And don t question yourself too much. This is a time for answers. And you are about to come up with a bunch of good ones.



Jupiter Opposes Venus

You will first start to notice the effects of this transit around 9th February 2009. You will continue to experience this influence until 17th February 2009 after which time it will rapidly diminish.

This transit is going to bring some pretty dramatic changes to your cosy old lifestyle. Most, if not all of these however, should turn out to be quite splendid. As Jupiter, the hopeful planet, begins to pull and challenge the spirit of Venus, the beautiful, in your personal horoscope, youre going to go through prolonged periods where you feel almost unbelievably wonderful! The softer, sweeter, sensitive and sensual side of you will be emphasised, magnified, underlined and even, perhaps, blown up out of all proportion. Glamour is the keyword for this period - and its not just on the surface. They say its whats on the inside that counts - and the best bits of your inside are not just going to count - theyre actually going to multiply! During this next while, youll be feeling more generous than Bob Geldof, more sympathetic than Claire Rayner, more romantic than Barbara Cartland, more sensual than Jackie Collins, more important than Rupert Murdoch and more optimistic about the future than, um , well, er. . . me I suppose! As if that wasnt enough, youll also be swept off your feet by an almost totally overpowering urge to be lavish and extravagant. Suddenly, even the most beautiful things around you will seem dull and tarnished! Its not them - its your heightened sensitivity - though youll refuse to believe this at the time -. To rectify the situation, you may well be tempted to rush out and purchase lorryloads of frippery and finery. Youll probably feel that money is made for spending - but look out! You may also be feeling as though bridges are made for burning or, worse still, that stable doors are made to be left unbolted! Its up to you, but I ought to warn you that; if you insist on breaking previously sound barriers, you must be prepared for a sonic boom! Even you may be shocked at the number of reverberations you can set off at this time. But dont worry too much though. Just keep an eye out for your excesses and an ear open for the voice of common sense and intelligent self restraint. Do that, and you can give yourself plenty of rope with confidence. After all, you dont get a planetary transit like this every day - its once every 12 years actually! - If you kick up a little dust in this time, it will settle soon enough. Oh, and by the way, this is a great time for revitalizing any weary or lacklustre relationships - just in case you happen to need such an opportunity. One last, minor, word of warning. Youll be wanting to do everything to excess and that includes eating! Watch your weight - if you want to. Alternatively, give up, go with the flow and diet later! You owe it to yourself to live a little and nows an excellent time to do it!



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