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Princeton Review Word Smart for GRE

1.ABATE: to lessen in intensity or degree 2.ABCISSION: act of cutting off or removing 3.ABERRANT: deviating from the norm 4.ABEYANCE: temporary inactivity, cessation 5.ABJECT: miserable; hopeless; horrible 6.ABJURE: to renounce or reject solemnly; to recant; to avoid 7.ABRADE: to wear off or down by scraping or rubbing 8.ABROGATE: to abolish or annul by authority; put down 9.ABSCOND: to depart clandestinely; to steal off and hide 10.ABSTAIN: to refrain from an activity 11.ABSTENTION: the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) 12.ACCOLADE: an expression of praise; an award 13.ACCRETION: growth, increase by successive addition, building up 14.ACERBIC: having a sour or bitter taste or character 15.ACQUISITIVE: eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas 16.ACUMEN: quick, keen, or accurate knowledge or insight 17.ADJURE: to command solemnly, as under oath 18.ADJURE: solemn urging 19.ADMONISH: to reprove; to express warning or disapproval 20.ADROIT: adept, dexterous 21.ADULATION: excessive praise; intense adoration 22.ADULTERATE: to reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients 23.ADUMBRATE: to foreshadow vaguely, intimate, suggest, or outline sketchily 24.ADVERT: make a more or less disguised reference to 25.ADVOCATE: to argue for or support a cause 26.AESTHETIC: dealing with, appreciative of, or responsive to art or the beautiful 27.AFFABLE: diffusing warmth and friendliness 28.AFFIDAVIT: written declaration made under oath 29.AGGRANDIZE: to increase in intensity, power, or prestige; to make appear greater 30.ALACRITY: cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness 31.ALCHEMY: a magical or wonderful transformation 32.ALLOY: to commingle; to debase by mixing with something inferior 33.AMALGAMATE: to combine several elements into a whole 34.AMBIGUITY: uncertainty in meaning 35.AMBIT: circuit or compass; also, sphere of action or influence. 36.AMBIVALENCE: the quality of having opposing ideas or feelings 37.AMELIORATE: to make better or more tolerable 38.AMENABLE: agreeable; responsive to suggestion 39.ANACHRONISM: something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context 40.ANATHEMA: a solemn or ecclesiastical (religious) curse; accursed or thoroughly loathed person or thing

41.ANCILLARY: subordinate, assisting 42.ANIMUS: strong dislike or enmity; animosity 43.ANODYNE: soothing 44.ANOMALY: deviation from the normal order, form, or rule; abnormality 45.ANTAGONIZE: to irritate or cause hostility 46.ANTEPENULTIMATE: third to last 47.ANTIPATHY: aversion, dislike 48.ANTITHETICAL: diametrically opposed, as in antithesis 49.APATHY: lack of interest or feeling 50.APHORISM: a terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation 51.APLOMB: self-confidence 52.APOCRYPHAL: of dubious authenticity or origin; spurious 53.APOGEE: farthest or highest point; culmination; zenith 54.APOPLEXY: a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain 55.APOSTATE: one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions, a betrayer of a cause 56.APOTHEOSIS: deification, glorification to godliness, the perfect example 57.APPOSITE: appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apropos 58.APPRISE: give notice to, inform 59.APPROBATION: an expression of approval or praise 60.APPROPRIATE: to take for one's own use, confiscate 61.ARABESQUE: complex, ornate design 62.ARCANE: mysterious, abstruse, esoteric, knowable only to initiates 63.ARCHAIC: outdated; associated with an earlier, perhaps more primitive time 64.ARDUOUS: strenuous, taxing, requiring significant effort 65.ARRANT: impudent; in every way, being completely such, bare-faced, utter 66.ARREST: to suspend; to engage 67.ARROGATE: seize and take control without authority and possibly with force 68.ARTICULATE: to enunciate or pronounce clearly; to express oneself clearly 69.ARTLESS: completely without guile; natural, without artificiality 70.ASCETIC: one who practices rigid self-denial, especially as an act of religious devotion 71.ASPERITY: severity, rigor; roughness, harshness; acrimony, irritability 72.ASPERSION: an act of defamation or maligning 73.ASSENT: agreement with a statement or proposal to do something 74.ASSEVERATE: to aver, allege, assert 75.ASSIDUOUS: diligent, hard-working 76.ASSIDUOUS: persistent, attentive, diligent 77.ASSUAGE: to ease or lesson; to appease or pacify 78.ASTRINGENT: to ease or lessen; to appease or pacify 79.ATTENUATE: to rarefy, weaken or make thinner, lessen 80.ATTRITION: a reduction of strength in numbers, a wearing down 81.AUDACIOUS: daring and fearless; recklessly bold 82.AUGURY: omen, portent, the reading of omens 83.AUGUST: majestic, venerable 84.AUSPICE: protection or support, patronage

85.AUSPICIOUS: favorable, propitious, successful, prosperous 86.AUSTERE: without adornment; bare; severely simple; ascetic 87.AVARICE: greed, especially for wealth 88.AVER: to state as fact; to confirm or support 89.AVOCATION: a hobby 90.AXIOM: a universally recognized principle; a generally accepted or common saying 91.AXIOMATIC: taken as a given; possessing self-evident truth 92.BADINAGE: light, playful banter 93.BALEFUL: sinister, pernicious, ominous 94.BANE: cause of injury, source of harm; source of persistent frustration 95.BEATIFY: to bless, make happy, or ascribe a virtue to; to regard as saintly 96.BEDIZEN: to adorn, especially in a cheap, showy manner; festoon, caparison 97.BELEAGUER: to surround with military forces or with troubles 98.BELIE: to give a false impression of, to misrepresent 99.BELLICOSE: belligerent, pugnacious, warlike 100.BENIGN: favorable, harmless 101.BENT: leaning, inclination, proclivity, tendency 102.BLANDISH: to coax with flattery, toady or fawn 103.BLITHE: carefree, merry 104.BODACIOUS: thorough, blatant, unmistakable; remarkable 105.BOISTEROUS: loud, noisy, rough, lacking restraint 106.BOLSTER: to provide support or reinforcement 107.BOMBASTIC: pompous; grandiloquent 108.BOOR: a rude or insensitive person; lout; yokel 109.BROACH: bring up, announce, begin to talk about 110.BROOK: to tolerate, endure, countenance 111.BUCOLIC: rustic and pastoral; characteristic of rural areas and their inhabitants 112.BURGEON: to grow rapidly or flourish 113.BURLESQUE: ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature; humorous and provocative stage show 114.BURNISH: to polish, rub to a shine 115.BYZANTINE: labyrinthine, complex 116.CABAL: a scheme or plot, a group of plotters 117.CACOPHONY: harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance 118.CADGE: to sponge, beg, or mooch 119.CADRE: a group of professionals capable of training and leading others 120.CAJOLE: to inveigle, coax, wheedle, sweet-talk 121.CALLOW: immature or inexperienced 122.CALUMNIATE: to slander, make a false accusation 123.CANDOR: the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech 124.CANON: an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature 125.CAPITULATE: surrender under agreed conditions 126.CAPRICIOUS: inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic; unpredictable 127.CAPTIOUS: disposed to point out trivial faults, calculated to confuse or entrap in argument 128.CARDINAL: of basic importance or consequence; primary 129.CARET: an insertion mark (^) used by editors and proofreaders

130.CARNALITY: something relating to the body or flesh 131.CASTIGATION: severe criticism or punishment 132.CATALYST: a substance hat accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction without itself changing; a person or thing that causes change 133.CAUSALITY: the relationship between cause and effect 134.CAUSTIC: burning or stinging; causing corrosion 135.CAVALIER: haughty, disdainful, unceremonious 136.CAVIL: to find fault without good reason 137.CEDE: relinquish possession or control over 138.CENSURE: a judgment involving condemnation; the act of blaming or condemning 139.CENSURE: to criticize severely; to officially rebuke 140.CERTITUDE: total certainty or greater certainty than circumstances warrant 141.CHAGRIN: embarrassment 142.CHAOS: a condition of confusion or unpredictability 143.CHARY: wary; cautious; sparing 144.CHASTEN: to chastise or correct; subdue 145.CHAUVINIST: one blindly devoted to a group of which one is a member 146.CHIC: stylish and fashionable; sophistication in dress 147.CHICANERY: trickery or subterfuge 148.CHIMERA: an illusion 149.CHOLERIC: tending toward anger 150.CHURLISH: boorish, vulgar, loutish; difficult and intractable 151.CIRCUMLOCUTION: an indirect way of expressing something 152.CIRCUMSCRIBE: limit; confine; draw a line around 153.CIRCUMSPECT: cautious, prudent 154.CIRCUMVENT: outwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly; outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around 155.COALESCE: to come together; to fuse or unite 156.CODA: concluding section to a musical or literary piece, something that concludes or completes 157.COGENT: appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing 158.COGNOSCENTI: an expert able to appreciate a field 159.COLOR: to change as if by dyeing, influence, distort, or gloss over 160.COMMENSURATE: matching, corresponding, or proportionate in degree, size, amount, or other property 161.COMMENSURATE: corresponding in size or degree or extent 162.COMPENDIOUS: comprehensive and succinct 163.COMPLAISANCE: the willingness to comply with the wishes of others 164.COMPUNCTION: a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed) 165.CONCLAVE: a confidential or secret meeting 166.CONCOMITANT: following as a consequence 167.CONCORD: harmony; accord 168.CONDIGN: fitting or appropriate and deserved 169.CONFER: to consult, talk over, exchange opinions; to present as a gift, favor, or honor 170.CONFLAGRATION: a very intense and uncontrolled fire 171.CONFOUND: to cause to be confused; to frustrate 172.CONGENITAL: present at birth but not necessarily hereditary

173.CONNOISSEUR: an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert 174.CONSEQUENTIAL: pompous, self-important 175.CONTEMN: to scorn or despise 176.CONTENTION: assertion; claim; thesis; struggling; competition 177.CONTENTIOUS: argumentative; quarrelsome; causing controversy or disagreement 178.CONTIGUOUS: sharing a border; touching; adjacent 179.CONTRAVENE: to contradict, oppose, violate 180.CONTRITE: regretful; penitent; seeking forgiveness 181.CONTUMACIOUS: insubordinate, rebellious 182.CONTUMELY: insult, scorn, aspersion 183.CONVENTION: a generally agreed-upon practice or attitude 184.CONVIVIAL: festive, sociable, having fun together, genial 185.CONVOKE: call together 186.CONVOLUTED: complex or complicated 187.CORRIGIBLE: capable of being set right, correctable, reparable 188.COSSET: to coddle, pamper 189.COUNTENANCE: to approve of or tolerate 190.COZEN: to deceive, beguile, hoodwink 191.CRAVEN: contemptibly fainthearted, pusillanimous, lacking any courage 192.CREDULOUS: tending to believe too readily; gullible 193.CRESCENDO: a gradual increase in intensity, particularly in music 194.CULPABLE: deserving blame 195.CYNICISM: an attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness 196.DAMP: to diminish the intensity or check something, such as a sound or feeling 197.DAUNT: to intimidate or dismay 198.DEARTH: smallness of quantity or number; scarcity; lack 199.DEBACLE: rout, fiasco, complete failure 200.DECLAIM: speak against in an impassioned manner 201.DECORUM: politeness or appropriateness of conduct or behavior 202.DEFERENTIAL: showing deference 203.DEFRAY: to bear or pay all or part of 204.DEIGN: do something that one considers to be below one's dignity 205.DELETERIOUS: injurious; harmful 206.DEMAGOGUE: a person who gains power or popularity by arousing strong emotions, passions and prejudices 207.DEMUR: to question or oppose 208.DENIGRATE: blacken, belittle, sully, defame, disparage 209.DENOUEMENT: an outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot 210.DEPORTMENT: (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people 211.DEPRECATE: to disparage or belittle 212.DEPREDATE: to plunder, pillage, ravage or destroy; to exploit in a predatory manner 213.DERELICT: abandoned 214.DERISION: scorn, ridicule, contemptuous treatment 215.DERIVATIVE: unoriginal, obtained from another source 216.DESICCATE: to dry out or dehydrate; to make dry or dull 217.DESUETUDE: disuse

218.DESULTORY: random; thoughtless; marked by a lack of plan or purpose 219.DETRACTION: slandering, verbal attack, aspersion 220.DIALECTIC: any formal system of reasoning that arrives at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments 221.DIAPHANOUS: transparent, gauzy 222.DIATRIBE: a harsh denunciation 223.DICTUM: an authoritative saying; an adage; a maxim; a proverb 224.DIDACTIC: intended to teach or instruct 225.DIE: a tool used for shaping 226.DIFFIDENT: reserved, shy, unassuming; lacking in self-confidence 227.DIGRESS: to stray from the point; to go off on a tangent 228.DILATE: to become wider or more open 229.DILATORY: causing delay, procrastinating 230.DILETTANTE: one with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts or a branch of knowledge 231.DIN: loud sustained noise 232.DIRGE: a mournful song or poem for the dead 233.DISABUSE: to undeceive; to set right 234.DISCOMFIT: to defeat, put down 235.DISCORDANT: conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound 236.DISCRETION: cautious reserve in speech; ability to make responsible decisions 237.DISINTERESTED: free from self-interest; unbiased 238.DISPARAGE: to slight or belittle 239.DISPARATE: fundamentally distinct or dissimilar 240.DISPASSIONATE: unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice 241.DISPORT: to divert or amuse oneself 242.DISSEMBLE: to disguise or conceal; to mislead 243.DISSEMINATE: cause to become widely known 244.DISSIDENT: a person who dissents from some established policy 245.DISSOLUTION: disintegration, looseness in morals 246.DISSONANCE: lack of harmony; conflict 247.DISTRAIT: distracted; absent-minded, especially due to anxiety 248.DIVULGE: to disclose something secret 249.DOGGEREL: trivial, poorly constructed verse 250.DOGMATIC: authoritatively and or arrogantly assertive of principles, which often cannot be proved; stubbornly opinionated 251.DOUR: stern, unyielding, gloomy, ill-humored 252.DROSS: slag, waste or foreign matter, impurity, surface scum 253.DUCTILE: capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out 254.DULCET: melodious, harmonious, mellifluous 255.DUPE: one who is deceived 256.DURESS: compulsion by threat or force 257.DYNAMO: generator; forceful, energetic person 258.EBULLIENCE: the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings 259.ECCENTRIC: departing from norms or conventions 260.ECLECTIC: composed of elements drawn from various sources

261.ECUMENICAL: universal, pertaining to all of Christianity 262.EDACIOUS: voracious, devouring 263.EDIFYING: enlightening, informative 264.EFFACE: remove completely from recognition or memory 265.EFFETE: exhausted; self-indulgent; infertile 266.EFFICACY: the ability to produce an intended result 267.EFFLUENCE: the process of flowing out 268.EFFLUVIUM: slight or invisible vapor, esp. one that is noxious 269.EFFRONTERY: extreme boldness; presumptuousness 270.EFFUSION: a pouring out; an uncontrolled display of emotion 271.EFFUSIVE: gushing; excessively demonstrative 272.EGREGIOUS: conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible 273.EGRESS: the act of coming (or going) out 274.ELEEMOSYNARY: charitable 275.ELEGY: a mournful poem, especially one lamenting the dead; any mournful writing or piece of music 276.ELOCUTION: an expert manner of speaking involving control of voice and gesture 277.ELOQUENT: well-spoken; expressive; articulate 278.EMEND: to edit or change a text; correct 279.EMOLLIENT: soothing, especially to the skin; making less harsh; mollifying 280.EMPIRICAL: based on observation or experiment 281.ENCOMIUM: glowing and enthusiastic praise; panegyric, tribute, eulogy 282.ENDEMIC: characteristic of or often found in a particular locality, region, or people; restricted to or peculiar to that region; indigenous 283.ENERVATE: to weaken; to reduce in vitality 284.ENGENDER: to cause, produce, give rise to 285.ENIGMATIC: mysterious, obscure, difficult to understand 286.ENNUI: dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy 287.ENORMITY: excessive wickedness, evilness 288.ENSCONCED: settled in 289.EPHEMERAL: brief; fleeting, short-lived 290.EPICURE: one devoted to sensual pleasure, particularly in food and drink; gourmand, sybarite 291.EPISODIC: loosely connected, not flowing logically, occurring at intervals 292.EPITHET: disparaging word or phrase 293.EPITOME: embodiment; quintessence 294.EQUABLE: level; not able to be easily disturbed 295.EQUANIMITY: calm, composure, self-possession 296.EQUIVOCATE: to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent 297.ERRANT: traveling, itinerant, peripatetic 298.ERRATIC: without consistency 299.ERUDITE: very learned; scholarly 300.ESCARPMENT: steep cliff 301.ESCHEW: to shun or avoid 302.ESOTERIC: intended for or understood by a small, specific group 303.ESPOUSE: to make one's own; adopt or embrace, as in a cause 304.ESSAY: to test or try; attempt, experiment

305.ESTIMABLE: worthy, formidable 306.ETIOLOGY: the study of causation 307.EULOGY: a speech honoring the dead 308.EVANESCENT: tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing 309.EVINCE: to show clearly, to indicate 310.EXACERBATE: to make worse or more severe 311.EXACT: to demand, call for, require, take 312.EXCORIATE: to censure scathingly, to upbraid 313.EXCULPATE: exonerate; to clear of blame 314.EXEMPLAR: typical or standard specimen; paradigm, model 315.EXHORT: to incite, to make urgent appeals 316.EXIGENT: urgent; pressing; requiring immediate action or attention 317.EXONERATE: to remove blame 318.EXPATIATE: discuss or write about at length; to range freely 319.EXPIATE: to atone or make amends for 320.EXPOSITION: a systematic interpretation or explanation (usually written) of a specific topic 321.EXPUNGE: remove by erasing or crossing out 322.EXPURGATE: to remove obscenity, purify, censor 323.EXTANT: existing, not destroyed or lost 324.EXTEMPORANEOUS: improvised; done without preparation 325.EXTEMPORANEOUS: with little or no preparation or forethought 326.EXTENUATING: partially excusing or justifying, to represent as less serious 327.EXTIRPATE: to destroy, exterminate, cut out, pull out by the roots 328.FACETIOUS: playful; humorous; not serious 329.FACILE: acting, working, or proceeding with ease; fluent 330.FALLACY: an invalid or incorrect notion; a mistaken belief 331.FALLOW: untilled, inactive, dormant 332.FANATICAL: zealous; single-mindedly obsessed with one thing 333.FATUOUS: silly, inanely foolish 334.FAWN: to flatter or praise excessively 335.FECKLESS: ineffectual; irresponsible 336.FELICITOUS: apt, suitable for the occasion 337.FELICITOUS: apt; suitably expressed, well chosen, apropos; delightful 338.FELL: a barren or stony hill; an animal's hide 339.FERVENT: greatly emotional or zealous 340.FETID: stinking, having a heavy bad smell 341.FETTER: to shackle, put in chains, restrain 342.FIDUCIARY: a person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary 343.FILIBUSTER: intentional obstruction, usually using prolonged speechmaking to delay legislative action 344.FILIGREE: an ornamental work, especially of delicate lacelike patterns; resembling such a pattern 345.FINAGLE: to trick, swindle or cheat 346.FLAG: to sag or droop, to become spiritless, to decline 347.FLIP: sarcastic, impertinent 348.FLORID: flushed with color, ruddy, ornate

349.FLOTSAM: wreckage of a ship floating in water 350.FLOUT: to demonstrate contempt for 351.FOMENT: to stir up, incite, rouse 352.FOOLHARDY: recklessly or thoughtlessly bold 353.FORAY: raid 354.FORBEARANCE: patience, willingness to wait 355.FORD: to wade across the shallow part of a river or stream 356.FORESTALL: to act in a way to hinder, exclude or prevent an action; to circumvent or thwart 357.FORSWEAR: to renounce, disallow, repudiate 358.FORTUITOUS: happening by fortunate accident or chance 359.FOUNDER: to fail ; to collapse ; to sink 360.FRACAS: noisy fight or quarrel, brawl 361.FRACTIOUS: quarrelsome, rebellious, unruly, cranky 362.FROWARD: intractable, not willing to yield or comply, stubbornly disobedient 363.FUGACIOUS: fleeting; transitory 364.FULMINATE: to attack loudly or denounce 365.FURLOUGH: to lay off from work, usually temporarily 366.FURTIVE: marked by stealth; covert; surreptitious 367.GAINSAY: to deny, dispute, contradict, oppose 368.GALVANIZE: to stimulate, to startle into sudden action 369.GAMBOL: to skip about playfully, frolic 370.GARNER: to gather and save, store up, acquire 371.GARRULOUS: pointlessly talkative, talking too much 372.GASTRONOMY: the art and practice of choosing and preparing and eating good food 373.GAUCHE: crude, awkward, tasteless 374.GENUFLECT: bend the knees and bow in a servile manner 375.GERMANE: relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter 376.GLIB: marked by ease or informality; nonchalant; lacking in depth; superficial 377.GOSSAMER: delicate, insubstantial or tenuous; insincere 378.GRANDILOQUENCE: pompous speech or expression 379.GRATUITOUS: freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted 380.GREGARIOUS: sociable; outgoing; enjoying the company of other people 381.GROUSE: to complain or grumble 382.GUILE: trickery, duplicity, cunning 383.HACKNEYED: rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage 384.HALCYON: calm and peaceful, prosperous 385.HALLOW: to set apart as holy 386.HARANGUE: to deliver a loud, pompous speech or tirade 387.HARROW: to distress, create stress or torment 388.HEDONISM: devotion to pleasurable pursuits, especially to the pleasures of the senses 389.HEGEMONY: the consistent dominance or influence of one group, state, or ideology over others 390.HERETICAL: violating accepted dogma or convention, unorthodox 391.HERMETIC: airtight, impervious to outside influence 392.HETERODOX: characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards 393.HETERODOX: unorthodox, heretical, iconoclastic

394.HINTERLAND: the wilderness 395.HIRSUTE: hairy, shaggy 396.HOMILY: a sermon or morally instructive lecture, a platitude 397.HOMOGENOUS: same throughout 398.HUBRIS: arrogant presumption or pride 399.HYPERBOLE: an exaggerated statement, often used as a figure of speech 400.ICONOCLAST: one who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions 401.IDOLATROUS: given to intense or excessive devotion to something 402.IDYLL: a carefree, light-hearted pastoral or romantic episode or experience; a literary or musical piece describing such 403.IGNOMINIOUS: shameful, dishonorable, ignoble, undignified, disgraceful 404.ILLICIT: illegal 405.IMBROGLIO: difficult or embarrassing situation 406.IMMINENT: about to happen; impending 407.IMMOLATE: to kill as a sacrifice 408.IMMUTABLE: not capable of change 409.IMPASSIVE: revealing no emotion or sensibility 410.IMPECUNIOUS: lacking funds; without money 411.IMPERIOUS: commanding, masterful, arrogant, domineering, haughty 412.IMPERTURBABLE: marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness 413.IMPETUOUS: hastily or rashly energetic; impulsive and vehement 414.IMPLACABLE: not capable of being appeased or significantly changed 415.IMPORTUNE: to ask incessantly, beg, nag 416.IMPROVIDENT: lacking foresight, not cautious 417.IMPUDENT: shamelessly bold; insolent; impertinent 418.IMPUGN: attack or assail verbally, censure, execrate, deny 419.IMPUNITY: exemption from punishment or loss 420.IMPUNITY: immunity from punishment, penalty or harm 421.IMPUTE: to attribute to a cause or source, ascribe, assign as a characteristic 422.INADVERTENT: unintentional 423.INALIENABLE: cannot be transferred 424.INAMORATA: a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship 425.INCANDESCENT: brilliant; giving off heat or light 426.INCHOATE: in an initial stage, not fully formed 427.INCIPIENT: beginning to come into being or to become apparent 428.INCIPIENT: beginning; in an early stage 429.INCISIVE: having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions 430.INCURSION: an attack or raid; the act of entering another's territory 431.INDEFATIGABLE: not easily exhaustible, tireless, dogged 432.INDICT: accuse formally of a crime 433.INDIFFERENT: having no interest or concern, apathetic; showing no bias or prejudice 434.INDIGENT: poor enough to need help from others 435.INDITE: produce a literary work 436.INDOLENCE: inactivity resulting from a dislike of work; laziness 437.INDOLENT: lazy, listless, torpid 438.INDUBITABLE: too obvious to be doubted

439.INEFFABLE: defying expression or description 440.INELUCTABLE: certain, inevitable 441.INERT: unmoving, lethargic, sluggish, not reactive chemically 442.INEXORABLE: unchanging, unyielding 443.INGENUE: an artless girl; an actress who plays such parts 444.INGENUOUS: artless, frank and candid, lacking in sophistication 445.INHERENT: ingrained within one's nature, intrinsic, firmly established, essential 446.INIMICAL: damaging, harmful, injurious, hostile, unfriendly 447.INIMITABLE: one of a kind, peerless 448.INIQUITY: wickedness, gross injustice 449.INNERVATE: to supply with nerves, energize 450.INNOCUOUS: harmless; causing no damage 451.INSCRUTABLE: incapable of being discovered or understood, mysterious 452.INSENSATE: without compunction or human feeling 453.INSENSIBLE: unconscious, unresponsive, unaware, unaffected, numb 454.INSIDIOUS: intended to deceive or entrap; sly, treacherous 455.INSIPID: without taste or flavor, lacking in spirit, dull 456.INSOUCIANT: unconcerned, carefree, nonchalant 457.INSULAR: parochial, narrow-minded, like an island 458.INTERDICT: prohibit, forbid, ban, halt 459.INTERDICT: an official prohibition or restraint 460.INTERLOCUTOR: a person who takes part in a conversation 461.INTERLOPER: someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission 462.INTERNECINE: characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides 463.INTIMATE: to imply, suggest or insinuate 464.INTRACTABLE: not easily managed or directed, stubborn, obstinate 465.INTRANSIGENT: refusing to compromise 466.INTREPID: steadfast, courageous 467.INUNDATE: to cover or overwhelm, to flood 468.INURED: accustomed to accepting something undesirable 469.INVEIGH: to attack verbally, denounce, deprecate 470.INVEIGLE: to obtain by deception or flattery 471.INVETERATE: deep rooted, ingrained, habitual 472.INVIDIOUS: tending to arouse envy or ill will in others 473.INVOLUTE: complex 474.IRASCIBLE: easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts 475.IRIDESCENT: varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles; having rainbow-like colors 476.ITINERATE: to travel from place to place 477.JEJUNE: vapid, uninteresting; childish, immature; lacking nutrition 478.JETSAM: goods thrown overboard deliberately to lighten the load 479.JIBE: to agree, to be in accord 480.JOCOSE: given to joking; humorous 481.KINETIC: having to do with motion; lively; active 482.LABILE: readily open to change, unstable

483.LACHRYMOSE: causing tears, tearful, showing sorrow 484.LACKIDAISICAL: without interest, vigor, or determination; lazy 485.LACONIC: using few words; terse 486.LASSITUDE: listlessness, languor, weariness 487.LATITUDE: freedom from narrow restrictions 488.LAUD: to praise highly 489.LAVISH: extravagant 490.LEGATEE: someone who receives a legacy 491.LETHARGIC: characterized by sluggishness 492.LIBERTINE: someone unrestrained by morality or convention or leading a dissolute life 493.LIEN: legal claim until a debt on it is repaid 494.LIMN: to draw, outline in detail 495.LIMPID: transparent, serene, clear and simple in style, untroubled 496.LIONIZE: treat as a famous person 497.LISSOME: flexible, lithe; supple 498.LIST: to tilt or lean to one side 499.LOQUACIOUS: extremely talkative 500.LUBRICIOUS: lewd, wanton, greasy, slippery 501.LUCID: intelligible, sound, clear 502.LUGUBRIOUS: overly mournful 503.LUMBER: to move heavily and clumsily or with a rumbling sound 504.LUMINOUS: characterized by brightness and the emission of light, enlightened, clear 505.MACERATE: to separate into parts by steeping in liquid 506.MAGNANIMITY: the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving 507.MAGNILOQUENT: lofty in expression; pompous 508.MALAISE: physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression) 509.MALAPROPISM: the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar 510.MALCONTENT: a person who is discontented or disgusted 511.MALEVOLENT: having or showing often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred 512.MALFEASANCE: wrongful conduct by a public official 513.MALINGER: to feign illness so as to avoid work 514.MALLEABLE: capable of being shaped or formed, easily influenced 515.MARTIAL: associated with war and the armed forces 516.MARTINET: a rigid disciplinarian 517.MATRICULATE: someone who has been admitted to a college or university 518.MAUDLIN: overly sentimental 519.MAUNDER: to talk or move aimlessly, mutter 520.MAVEN: expert 521.MAVERICK: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party 522.MELANCHOLY: tending toward sadness 523.MELLIFLUOUS: sweetly or smoothly flowing 524.MELLIFLUOUS: sweetly flowing, usually used to describe words or sounds 525.MENDACITY: the condition of being untruthful, dishonesty 526.MENDICANT: a beggar, supplicant

527.MERCURIAL: characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood 528.MERETRICIOUS: tawdry, pretentious, attractive but false, showy, having to do with prostitution 529.METICULOUS: characterized by extreme care and precision, attentive to detail 530.METTLESOME: courageous, high-spirited 531.MIASMA: a noxious atmosphere or influence 532.MICROTOME: scientific instrument that cuts thin slices of something for microscopic examination 533.MILIEU: the social, cultural surroundings 534.MILITATE: to have weight or bearing on, to argue (against) 535.MILK: to exploit, to squeeze every last ounce of 536.MINATORY: menacing, threatening 537.MINCE: pronounce or speak affectedly or too carefully, euphemize, take tiny steps, tiptoe 538.MISANTHROPE: one who hates humankind 539.MISOGYNIST: one who hates women 540.MITIGATE: to make or become less severe or intense, moderate 541.MOLLIFY: to calm or soothe, reduce in emotional intensity 542.MONOLITHIC: characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity 543.MONOTONY: tedious lack of variety or change 544.MOROSE: sad, sullen, melancholy 545.MULTIFACETED: having many aspects 546.MULTIFARIOUS: varied, motley, greatly diversified 547.MUNDANE: of the world, typical of or concerned with the ordinary 548.MUNIFICENT: extremely generous, lavish 549.NADIR: low point, perigee 550.NASCENT: coming into being; in early developmental stages 551.NATTY: trimly neat and tidy, dapper 552.NEBULOUS: vague, cloudy, lacking clearly defined form 553.NEFARIOUS: wicked 554.NEOLOGISM: a new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses 555.NEOPHYTE: a recent convert; a beginner; novice; tyro 556.NESCIENT: lacking general education or knowledge 557.NEXUS: a connection, tie, or link; center or focus 558.NICE: exacting, extremely or even excessively precise; done with delicacy or skill 559.NOISOME: offensive, especially to one's sense of smell, fetid 560.NONPLUSSED: baffled, in a quandary, at a loss for what to say, do or think 561.NOSTRUM: cure-all, placebo, questionable remedy 562.NOXIOUS: harmful; injurious 563.NUGATORY: of no real value, trifling, worthless 564.OBDURATE: unyielding, hardhearted, inflexible 565.OBEISANCE: gesture that expresses deference, such as a bow or curtsy 566.OBFUSCATE: to deliberately obscure, to make confusing 567.OBLIQUE: slanting, indirect, evasive, devious, misleading 568.OBSEQUIOUS: exhibiting a fawning attentiveness; subservient 569.OBSOLESCENT: becoming obsolete 570.OBSTINATE: stubborn; hardheaded; uncompromising

571.OBSTREPEROUS: boisterously and noisily aggressive 572.OBSTREPEROUS: noisy, loudly stubborn, boisterous 573.OBTAIN: to be established, accepted, or customary, prevail 574.OBTRUDE: thrust oneself in as if by force 575.OBTUSE: lacking sharpness of intellect, not clear or precise in thought or expression 576.OBVIATE: to anticipate and make unnecessary 577.OCCLUDE: to obstruct or block 578.OCCULT: hidden, concealed, beyond comprehension 579.ODIOUS: hateful; arousing strong feelings of dislike 580.OFFICIOUS: meddlesome, pushy in offering one's services where they are unwanted 581.ONEROUS: troubling, burdensome 582.ONTOLOGY: the study of the nature of existence 583.OPAQUE: impermeable by light; dense in mind 584.OPPROBRIUM: disgrace, contempt, scorn 585.OROTUND: having a round, resonant quality; inflated speech 586.OSCILLATION: the act or state of swinging back and forth with a steady, uninterrupted rhythm 587.OSSIFIED: changed into bone; made rigidly conventional and unreceptive to change 588.OSTENSIBLE: seeming, appearing as such, professed 589.OSTENTATIOUS: characterized by or given to pretentiousness 590.OVERWEENING: presumptuously arrogant, overbearing, immoderate 591.PAEAN: a song or expression of praise and thanksgiving 592.PALADIN: hero 593.PALAVER: idle talk 594.PALLIATE: to make something appear less serious, gloss over, mitigate 595.PANDEMIC: an epidemic that is geographically widespread 596.PANDEMIC: widespread; occurring over a large area or affecting an unusually large percentage of the population 597.PANEGYRIC: formal expression of praise 598.PARADIGM: something that serves as a model, example, or pattern; the framework of assumptions and understandings shared by a group or discipline that shapes its worldview 599.PARADOX: a contradiction; a seemingly self-contradictory statement that seems true nonetheless 600.PARAGON: something regarded as a model of excellence or perfection in some way 601.PARALEGAL: a person with specialized training who assists lawyers 602.PARAMILITARY: noting or pertaining to an organization operating as, in place of, or as a supplement to a regular military force 603.PARAPSYCHOLOGY: phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes 604.PARIAH: an outcast, a rejected and despised person 605.PARITY: equality, as in amount, status, or value 606.PAROCHIAL: narrow-minded 607.PARODY: a humorous imitation intended for ridicule or comic effect, especially in literature and art, also something so bad as to be potentially mistaken for an intentional mockery 608.PARRY: to block, evade or ward off, as a blow 609.PARSIMONIOUS: cheap, miserly

610.PARTISAN: one-sided, committed to a party, biased or prejudiced 611.PASTICHE: artistic piece which consists of many different styles 612.PATERNALISM: the attitude (of a person or a government) that subordinates should be controlled in a fatherly way for their own good 613.PATRICIAN: belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy 614.PAUCITY: scarcity, a lacking of 615.PECCADILLO: a slight offense, literally, a minor sin 616.PECULATE: steal, embezzle 617.PEDAGOGY: the art or profession of training, teaching, or instructing 618.PEDANTIC: ostentatious display of learning, excessive attention to minutiae and formal rules, unimaginative 619.PEDESTRIAN: commonplace, trite, unremarkable 620.PELLUCID: transparent, easy to understand 621.PENCHANT: strong inclination, a liking 622.PENULTIMATE: second to last 623.PENURIOUS: penny-pinching; excessively thrifty; ungenerous 624.PERCIPIENT: characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving 625.PEREMPTORY: not allowing contradiction or refusal 626.PEREMPTORY: admitting of no contradiction, putting an end to further debate, haughty, imperious 627.PERENNIAL: recurrent through the year or many years, happening repeatedly 628.PERFIDY: intentional breach of faith, treachery 629.PERFUNCTORY: cursory, done without care or interest 630.PERIPATETIC: itinerant, traveling, nomadic 631.PERMUTATION: act of changing the lineal order of objects in a group 632.PERNICIOUS: extremely harmful, potentially causing death 633.PERORATE: to conclude a long discourse 634.PERQUISITE: a privilege that goes along with a job ; a perk 635.PERSONABLE: pleasing in appearance, attractive 636.PERSPICACIOUS: acutely perceptive, having keen discernment 637.PERTINACIOUS: resolute, stubbornly unyielding 638.PERUSE: to examine with great care 639.PERVADE: to permeate throughout 640.PETROUS: like a rock, hard, stony 641.PETULANT: peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset 642.PETULANT: impatient, irritable 643.PHILANDER: to engage in love affairs frivolously or casually 644.PHILANTHROPIC: humanitarian; benevolent 645.PHILATELIST: a collector and student of postage stamps 646.PHILISTINE: a crass individual guided by material rather than intellectual or artistic values 647.PHILOLOGY: the humanistic study of language and literature 648.PHLEGMATIC: calm, sluggish, unemotional, stoic 649.PICARESQUE: involving clever rogues or adventurers 650.PIED: multi-colored, usually in botches 651.PILLORY: to punish, hold up to public scorn 652.PINE: to yearn intensely, to languish, to lose vigor

653.PIOUS: extremely reverent or devout 654.PIQUANT: agreeably pungent, spicy, stimulating 655.PIQUE: resentment, feeling of irritation due to hurt pride 656.PIRATE: to use or reproduce illegally 657.PITH: the essential or central part 658.PLACATE: to appease, to calm by making concessions 659.PLAINTIVE: mournful, melancholy, sorrowful 660.PLANGENT: pounding, thundering, resounding 661.PLASTIC: moldable, pliable, not rigid 662.PLATITUDE: a superficial or trite remark, especially one offered as meaningful 663.PLETHORA: an overabundance, a surplus 664.PLUCK: courage, spunk, fortitude 665.PLUMB: to measure the depth, to examine critically 666.PLUMMET: to plunge or drop straight down 667.PLUTOCRACY: a political system governed by the wealthy people 668.POIGNANT: distressing, pertinent, touching, stimulating, emotional 669.POLEMICAL: controversial, argumentative 670.PRAGMATIC: practical rather than idealistic 671.PRATE: chatter, babble 672.PRATTLE: to babble meaninglessly; to talk in an empty and idle manner 673.PRECARIOUS: uncertain, risky, dangerous 674.PRECEPT: rule establishing standards of conduct, a doctrine that is taught 675.PRECIPITATE: acting with excessive haste or impulse 676.PRECIPITOUS: very steep 677.PRECURSOR: something that precedes and indicates or announces another 678.PREDICATE: to proclaim, declare 679.PREDILECTION: a predisposition in favor of something 680.PREDILECTION: a disposition in favor of something, preference 681.PREEMPT: to replace, to supersede, to appropriate 682.PREEN: to dress up, primp, groom oneself with elaborate care; in animals, to clean fur or feathers 683.PRESAGE: a sign of something about to happen 684.PRESCIENCE: knowing of events prior to their occurring 685.PRESENTIMENT: a feeling of evil to come 686.PRESTIDIGITATION: sleight of hand; legerdemain 687.PRESUMPTUOUS: overstepping bounds, as of propriety or courtesy; taking liberties 688.PREVARICATE: to deliberately avoid the truth, mislead 689.PRISTINE: pure, uncorrupted, clean 690.PRIVATION: lack of usual comforts or necessaries of life 691.PRIZE: to pry, press or force with a lever 692.PROBITY: adherence to highest principles, uprightness 693.PROCLIVITY: a natural predisposition or inclination 694.PRODIGAL: recklessly wasteful, extravagant, profuse, lavish 695.PRODIGIOUS: abundant in size, force, or extent; extraordinary 696.PROFFER: present for acceptance or rejection 697.PROFLIGATE: excessively wasteful; recklessly extravagant

698.PROFUSE: given or coming forth abundantly, extravagant 699.PROGNOSIS: a prediction of the course of a disease 700.PROLIFIC: producing large volumes or amounts, productive 701.PROLIX: long-winded, verbose 702.PROMULGATE: to declare, make known publicly 703.PROPENSITY: a natural inclination or tendency, penchant 704.PROPENSITY: a natural inclination 705.PROPINQUITY: nearness in time or place, affinity of nature, kinship 706.PROPITIATE: to appease or pacify 707.PROPITIOUS: presenting favorable circumstances 708.PROPITIOUS: auspicious, favorable 709.PROPRIETY: appropriateness; conformity with standards of acceptable behavior 710.PROSAIC: dull, unimaginative 711.PROSCRIBE: to outlaw or prohibit 712.PROVIDENT: frugal, looking to the future 713.PUERILE: childish, immature 714.PUGNACIOUS: contentious, quarrelsome, given to fighting, belligerent 715.PUNCTILIOUS: precise, paying attention to trivialities, especially in regard to etiquette 716.PUNCTILIOUS: very careful and exact, attentive to fine points of etiquette or propriety 717.PUNDIT: an authority on a subject, one who gives opinions 718.PUNGENT: characterized by a strong, sharp smell or taste, penetrating, to the point 719.PUNITIVE: inflicting punishment 720.PUSILLANIMOUS: cowardly, craven 721.PUTATIVE: reputed, supposed 722.PUTREFY: to rot, decay and give off a foul odor, become gangrenous 723.QUAFF: to drink deeply 724.QUAIL: to shrink back in fear, lose courage 725.QUALIFY: to limit 726.QUALMS: misgivings, reservations, causes for hesitancy 727.QUERIES: questions, inquiries, reservations 728.QUERULOUS: prone to complaining or grumbling, quarrelsome 729.QUIESCENCE: stillness, motionlessness, quality of being at rest 730.QUOTIDIAN: occurring or recurring daily, commonplace 731.RAFFISH: low, vulgar, base 732.RAIL: to complain about bitterly 733.RAILLERY: good-natured teasing or ridicule 734.RAMIFY: to be divided or subdivided, branch out 735.RANCOROUS: characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment 736.RAPACIOUS: voracious, greedy, plundering, subsisting on prey 737.RAREFY: to make or become thin, less dense, refine 738.REBUFF: a blunt or abrupt rejection 739.REBUS: riddle, a representation of words by pictures or symbols that sound like words 740.RECALCITRANT: obstinately defiant of authority or guidance, difficult to manage 741.RECANT: to retract, especially a previously held belief 742.RECAPITULATE: to summarize, to repeat concisely 743.RECIDIVISM: relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior

744.RECONDITE: hidden, concealed, difficult to understand, obscure 745.RECONNOITER: to engage in reconnaissance, make a preliminary inspection of 746.RECOURSE: a person or thing turned to for help or advice; the act of seeking help or protection 747.RECREANT: cowardly or craven 748.RECRIMINATION: the act of accusing in return; opposing another charge 749.RECUMBENT: in a reclining position, lying down, in the posture of one sleeping or resting 750.RECUMBENT: leaning, resting, prone 751.REDOLENT: fragrant, suggestive or evocative 752.REDOUBTABLE: that is to be feared; commanding or evoking respect 753.REFERENDUM: a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate 754.REFRACTORY: stubbornly resistant to authority or control 755.REFULGENT: radiant, shiny, brilliant 756.REFUTE: to disprove, successfully argue against 757.REGALE: to delight or entertain, feast 758.REGRESS: returning to a former state 759.RELEGATE: to forcibly assign, especially to a lower place or position 760.REMISSION: an abatement in intensity or degree (as in the manifestations of a disease) 761.REMONSTRATE: to protest, object 762.RENEGE: to fail to honor a commitment, go back on a promise 763.RENT: torn, split, apart, pierced as by a sound 764.REPINE: to feel or express dejection or discontent, long for 765.REPOSITORY: a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping 766.REPROBATE: a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person, scoundrel; wicked, corrupt, or unprincipled; to disapprove of, condemn 767.REPUDIATE: to refuse to have anything to do with, disown 768.RESCIND: to invalidate, repeal, retract 769.RESOLUTE: adamant, steadfast, determined 770.RETICENT: quiet, reserved, reluctant to express thoughts and feelings 771.RETRENCHMENT: the act of cutting down, especially expenses 772.REVERENT: marked by, feeling, or expressing a feeling of profound awe and respect 773.RHETORIC: the art or study of effective use of language for communication and persuasion 774.RISIBLE: hilarious, provoking laughter 775.RUBRIC: authoritiative rule, heading, title, or category 776.RUE: regret, feel remorse 777.SAGACIOUS: having sound judgment, perceptive, wise 778.SALACIOUS: appealing to or causing sexual desire, bawdy 779.SALIENT: prominent, protruding, conspicuous, highly relevant 780.SALUBRIOUS: promoting health or well-being 781.SALUTARY: remedial, wholesome, causing improvement 782.SANCTIMONY: self-righteousness, pretended piety 783.SANCTION: authoritiative permission or approval; a penalty intended to enforce compliance 784.SANGUINE: cheerful, confident, optimistic 785.SAP: to enervate or weaken the vitality of 786.SATIATE: to overindulge, satisfy to excess

787.SATIRE: a literary work that ridicules or criticizes human vice through humor or derision 788.SATURNINE: gloomy, dark, sullen, morose 789.SAVANT: genius 790.SCURRILOUS: vulgar, low, indecent 791.SCURVY: contemptible, despicable 792.SEDULOUS: diligent, persistently maintained, assiduous 793.SEINE: a large net hung out and dragged in to catch fish 794.SEMINAL: like a seed, constituting a source, originative 795.SERE: withered, arid 796.SHARD: a piece of broken pottery or glass, any small piece or part 797.SIBILANT: hissing 798.SIMPER: to smirk, to say something with a silly, coy smile 799.SINECURE: position requiring little or no work and usually providing an income 800.SINGULAR: exceptional, unusual, odd 801.SINUOUS: winding, curving, moving lithely, devious 802.SLAKE: to satisfy, quench, lessen the intensity of 803.SOCIOPATH: one who is psychopathic and antisocial 804.SODDEN: soaked or drenched, unimaginative, dull 805.SOLDER: to weld, fuse or join, as with a soldering gun 806.SOLICITOUS: concerned and anxious, eager 807.SOLOPSISM: the theory that one's self exists 808.SOLVENT: able to meet financial obligations 809.SOPHISTIC: apparently sound but really fallacious 810.SOPHISTRY: fallacious reasoning; plausible but faulty logic 811.SOPHOMORIC: exhibiting immaturity, lack of judgment, pretentious 812.SOPORIFIC: causing drowsiness, tending to induce sleep 813.SORDID: characterized by filth, grime, or squalor, foul 814.SPARSE: thin, not dense, arranged at widely spaced intervals 815.SPECIOUS: seeming true, but actually false, misleadingly attractive 816.SPENDTHRIFT: one who spends money wastefully 817.SPLENETIC: bad-tempered, irritable 818.SPORADIC: occurring only occasionally, or in scattered instances 819.SPURIOUS: lacking authenticity or validity, false, counterfeit 820.SQUALID: sordid, wretched and dirty as from neglect 821.SQUANDER: to waste by spending or using irresponsibly 822.STANCH: to stop the flow of a fluid 823.STATIC: not moving, active or in motion; at rest 824.STEEP: to saturate or completely soak 825.STENTORIAN: extremely loud and powerful 826.STINT: to restrain, be sparing or frugal 827.STOIC: indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain, steadfast 828.STOLID: calm, impassive 829.STRIATED: striped, grooved, or banded 830.STRUT: a sturctural support used to brace a framework 831.STUPEFY: to stun, baffle, or amaze 832.STYMIE: to block, thwart

833.SUBPOENA: a court order requiring appearance and/or testimony 834.SUBSIDIARY: a company that is completely controlled by another company 835.SUBTERFUGE: something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity 836.SUBTLE: not obvious, elusive, difficult to discern, crafty or sly 837.SUCCINCT: brief, concise 838.SUCCOR: assistance, relief in time of distress 839.SUFFUSE: cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across 840.SUNDRY: various, miscellaneous, separate 841.SUPERCILIOUS: disdainful, arrogant, haughty, characterized by haughty scorn 842.SUPERCILIOUS: having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy 843.SUPERFLUOUS: exceeding what is sufficient or necessary 844.SUPINE: inactive, lying on one's back, apathetic, mentally or morally slack 845.SUPPLANT: to take the place of, supersede 846.SUPPLIANT: asking humbly, beseeching 847.SUPPLICANT: beggar, one who prays or begs for something 848.SUPPOSITION: something that is assumed or taken for granted without conclusive evidence 849.SURFEIT: to feed or supply in excess 850.SURREPTITIOUS: by stealth 851.SVELTE: slender, esp. in figure 852.SYCOPHANT: someone who tires to flatter or please for personal gain, parasite 853.SYNTHESIS: the combination of parts to make a whole 854.TABLE: to remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration 855.TACITURN: not talkative, silent 856.TALISMAN: something believed to have magic power or bestow good luck 857.TAMP: to plug, to drive in or down by a series of blows 858.TANTAMOUNT: equal to 859.TAUTOLOGY: a repetition, a redundancy, a circular argument 860.TAWDRY: cheap, gaudy, showy, tacky, indecent 861.TEMERITY: reckless boldness 862.TENABLE: based on sound reasoning or evidence 863.TENACIOUS: holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent 864.TENACITY: the quality of adherence or persistence to something valued 865.TENDENTIOUS: having or marked by a strong tendency especially a controversial one 866.TENDENTIOUS: biased, showing marked tendencies 867.TENDER: to offer formally 868.TENUOUS: having little substance or strength, flimsy, weak 869.TERSE: brief and concise in wording 870.TIMOROUS: timid, fearful, diffident 871.TIRADE: a long and extremely critical speech, harsh denunciation 872.TOADY: sycophant, flatterer, yes-man 873.TORPID: lethargic, sluggish, dormant 874.TORQUE: a force that causes rotation 875.TORRID: scorching, ardent, passionate, hurried 876.TORT: in law, a civil misdeed requiring compensation 877.TORTUOUS: winding, twisting, excessively complicated

878.TOUT: to publicly praise or promote 879.TRACTABLE: docile, obedient, easily led 880.TRADUCE: to cause humiliation or disgrace by making malicious and false statements 881.TRANSIENT: fleeting, passing quickly, brief 882.TRAVESTY: mockery, caricature, parody 883.TRENCHANT: sharply perceptive, keen, penetrating, biting, clear cut 884.TRUCULENT: fierce, scathing, eager to fight 885.TUMID: swollen 886.TURBID: muddy, having sediment stirred up, clouded to the point of being opaque, in a state of turmoil 887.TURGID: swollen, bloated, pompous, excessively ornate 888.TURPITUDE: depravity, baseness 889.TUTELARY: being a guardian, adviser or protector 890.TYRO: novice, beginner in learning 891.UBIQUITOUS: existing everywhere at the same time, constantly encountered, widespread 892.UMBRAGE: offense, resentment 893.UNCONSCIONABLE: unscrupulous; shockingly unfair or unjust 894.UNCTUOUS: excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, esp. in an affected manner; oily 895.UNDULATE: to move in wavelike fashion, fluctuate 896.UNFEIGNED: genuine, not false or hypocritical 897.UNTENABLE: indefensible, not viable, uninhabitable 898.UNTOWARD: troublesome, unruly, unseemly, adverse 899.UPBRAID: to scold, censure, rebuke, chastise 900.URBANE: sophisticated, refined, elegant 901.USURY: charging an exorbitant or illegal rate of interest 902.UXORIOUS: overly fond of one's wife 903.VACILLATE: to waver indecisively between one course of action or opinion and another, sway from one side to the other 904.VAGARY: unpredictable act or idea, caprice 905.VAPIDITY: dull or lacking in taste 906.VARIEGATED: multicolored, characterized by a variety of patches of different color 907.VAUNT: to brag or boast 908.VENAL: capable of being bought or bribed, mercenary 909.VENERATE: to revere 910.VERACITY: truthfulness, honesty 911.VERISIMILITUDE: appearing true or real 912.VERITABLE: authentic, real, genuine 913.VEXATION: annoyance, irritation 914.VIGILANT: alertly watchful 915.VILIFY: to defame, characterize harshly 916.VIRAGO: a loud, domineering woman 917.VIRULENT: extremey harmful or poisonous, bitterly hostile or antagonistic 918.VISCOUS: thick, sticky 919.VITIATE: to reduce the value of, debase, spoil, make ineffective 920.VITUPERATE: to use harsh condemnatory language; abuse or censure severely 921.VOCIFEROUS: conspicuously and offensively loud

922.VOLATILE: readily changing to a vapor; changeable, fickle, explosive 923.VORACIOUS: having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit, ravenous 924.WAFFLE: talk vaguely and without much result 925.WAFT: a light breeze, a puff 926.WAGGISH: roguish, jocular, witty 927.WAVER: to move to and fro, to sway; to be unsettled in opinion 928.WELTER: to writhe, to toss about, to be in turmoil 929.WEND: to go, proceed, walk 930.WHET: to sharpen or stimulate 931.WHIMSICAL: imaginative; unpredictable 932.ZEALOUS: fervent, ardent, impassioned 933.ZEITGEIST: the general trend of culture, the spirit of time

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