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Name:One Nation Under Siege (2006) Description: Title: One Nation-Under Siege (A William Lewis Film) Running Time:

1hour 21minutes Producer: Power Hour Productions and Bridge Stone Media Group (BSMG) Production Date: 2006 Presenter/Cast: Derry Brownfield: Mandatory Microchip Implants for your pets Charlotte Iserbyt: U.S. Education System, Change Agent Training Dr. Rima Laibow: Forced drugging of Americans, Psychiatric abuse Jim Marrs: Global Domination, PATRIOT Act, Loss of civil liberties Liz McIntyre: Bugging Americans with RFID spy-chips Dr. Stan Monteith: Spy agency take-over, Secret societies of the "elite" Niki Raapana: Communitarian Law, "Terror Training" our cops in Israel Joyce Riley RN: COINTELPRO, behavior modification, non-lethal weapons General Albert Stubblebine: 9-11, The Pentagon, Martial Law Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: US Detention Centers, Mandatory quarantine Joan Veon: The Hidden Globalist Agenda Dave vonKleist: Mass Media Deception, 9-11, DoD Blueprint for Terror ========================= Synopsis: Our Nightmare Has Just Begun... are you ready to fight back? What if everything you were told was a lie? "One Nation-Under Siege", is a forceful unmasking of the U.S. government and those in powerful positions who wish to dismantle the United States Bill of Rights for their own corrupt purposes. Through the research of over a dozen internationally distinguished authors, journalists, doctors, and military experts you will begin to understand the massive and ceaseless control projected onto an unsuspecting populace by a government that has finally crossed the line from a representative republic to a fascist empire. Big Brother is doing more than watching... Prepare to be instantly propelled into a world dominated by spying, tracking, and control as you go behind enemy lines drawn in our own backyards. Through the

education system, the mainstream media, and corporate America it will quickly become clear that the U.S. Constitution and the American way of life have been sacrificed on the all-mighty altar of Corporatism by the very people that we have entrusted with their protection. Hear what experts have to say about the emergence and defeat of our Big Brother society.Make no mistake, you are being targeted, brainwashed and tracked everywhere you go. The only question is... What are "we the people" going to do about it?...
One Nation under Siege What if everything you were told was a lie? When the United States government allowed the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001 to slip through their fingers, they set into motion a chain of events that will forever affect the freedoms held so closely to the hearts of peace-loving Americans. However, what if the official version of September 11 was fabricated or at the very least manipulated? What if the people of the United States had been deceived into waging a worldwide war on terrorism? Who would benefit the most? More importantly, will the spirit of the American people survive the most deadly blow ever to the U.S. Constitution and freedom as we know it? The fate of our children and future generations lie squarely upon our shoulders. Will the people of the United States rise to the occasion as we have done in the past and cast off the iron chains of tyranny or will the free-thinking individuals of this once free land be sacrificed on the almighty altar of corporate greed? Joyce Riley, RN explores the dark side of government funded projects designed to subvert the United States Constitution and undermine our freedoms. In this excerpt Dave vonKleist examines the Northwoods document as a genuine military blueprint for the execution of the events of September 11, 2001

The reason I began this blog was to provide post-9/11 news not normally seen in the mass media. 9/11 has provided the governments of the Western world with the excuse to introduce police states, take away our civil liberties and control our lives with CCTV cameras, DNA databases, ID cards, Biometrics and other technogical advances. How do they do this; get us to accept it? By telling us that we need to fight the common enemy; an enemy that is against Western ideals and beliefs. We cannot let the Big Brother state happen anywere in the world! The best way of stopping this Big Brother World Government is to keep the public informed of the elite called the Illuminati and their intentions on shaping their NEW WORLD ORDER.

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