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Name : I Dewa Nyoman Gede Megantara NPM : 09-3175 Class : IV E

Use of tense



Simple Present tense

a. (+) we go to school every day. (-) we dont go to school every day. (?) Do we go to school every day? b. (+) She is at home. (-) She is not at home. (?) Is she at home?

The simple present expresses Verbal Sentence (+) I, You, They, We + V1 + O daily habits or usual activities. He, she, It + V1 (s/es) + O The simple present expresses ( - ) I, You, They, we + dont + V1 + O He, she, it + doesnt + V1 + O general statements of fact, (? ) Do + I, you, they, we + V1 + O? Does + he, she, it + V1 + O? The simple presents is used for events or situations that exist always, usually, or habitually in Nominal Sentence (+) S+am/is/are+Noun/Adjective/ the past, present, and future. adverb (-) S+am/is/are+ not+Noun/Adjective/ Adverb (?) Is/am/are+S +Noun/Adjective/ adverb? Time signals : Every day, every month, always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, once a week, occasionally, etc

Present Continuous Tense

a. (+) I am studying English now. (-) I am not studying English now (?) Am I studying English now?

The Present Continuous expresses an activity that is in progress is occurring or is happening right now or about a temporary situation. The event is in progress at the time the speaker is saying the sentence. To talk about something that is not yet finished, even if you are not doing it at the moment when you are talking. The event began in the past, is in progress now, and will probably continue into the future. And also to expresses an activity in the future time that describes definite plans for the future, plans that we were made before the moment of speaking.

(+) S + is/am/are + + O + adverb of time. (-) S + is/am/are+ not + + O + adverb of time. (?) IS/am/are + S + + O + adverb of time.

Time signals: Now, at present, at the moment, nowadays, today etc.

Present Perfect Tense

a. (+) Jim has already eaten lunch. (-) Jim hasnt eaten lunch yet. (?) Has Jim eaten lunch? b. John has eaten at the restaurant many times c. I have known Ben for ten years. I met him ten years ago. I still know him today. We are friends

The present perfect expresses an activity or situation that occurred before now, at some unspecified time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned; it is unimportant or unknown, the only important information is an activity occurred in the past time, some time before now. An activity may be repeated two, several, or more times before now, at unspecified times in the past. As in (b) Present perfect tense also expresses situation that began in the past and continue to the present. It is used with since or for.

(+) S + have/has + V3 + O. (-) S + have/has not+ V3 +O. (?) Have/has + S + V3 + O?

Time signals : Recently, lately, just, already, yet, not yet, since, since last week, since 1995, for, for two days, for the last two years, etc.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

a. (+) Mike has been sitting in class since nine oclock. b. (+) Mike has been sitting in class for thirty minutes. ( Po is sitting at his desk in the class, He sat down at nine oclock. It is now nine-thirty). (-)Mike has been not sitting in class for thirty minutes (?) Has Mike been sitting in class for thirty minutes?

The present perfect continuous talks about how long an activity has been in progress before now. An activity started in the past and is still happening. Time expression with since and for, are frequently used with this tense. The present perfect progressive expresses the duration (length of time) of an activity that began in the past and is in progress right now.

(+) S + Have/has + been + + C (-) S + Have/has + not + been (?) Have/has +S+ been + + C?

Time signals : Since; since yesterday, since 7 oclock, since this morning etc. For; for long, for five months, for two days etc.

Simple Past Tense

a. (+) I studied English last night. (-) I didnt studied English last night. (-) Did I studied English last night.

The simple past is used to talk about activities or situations that began and ended in the past (at a particular time in the past). The simple past expresses an activity that occurred at a specific time in the past. Often a specific time in the past is mentioned; it is important.

(+) S + V2 +O+ adverb of time. (-) S + didnt + V1 +O+ adverb of time. (-) Did + S + V1 +O+ adverb of time?

Time signals: Yesterday, last week, last month, -ago, at that time, in the past, etc.

The past continuous tense expresses an activity that was in progress (was occurring, was happening) at a point of time in a. (+)I was sleeping when you the past or at the time of another called me last night. action (-) I was not sleeping when To talk about something that was already in progress when you called me last night. something else happened.(You (?) Was I sleeping when use the past simple for the action you called me last night? that interrupts it), Which the duration of activity of the past continuous more longer than the simple past

Past Continuous Tense

(+) S + was/were+ + C, When+ S + V2 + adverb of time. (+) While + S + was/were+ + C, S+V2+ C + adverb of time. (-) S + was/were +not + + C+ when + S+ V2 + C + adverb of time. (?) Was/were + S + + C + when+ S+ V2 + 0 + adverb of time?

Time signals : When, while, at 9 p.m. last night. Yesterday etc.

Past Perfect Tense

a. (+) I had eaten before Mike came last night. (-) I had not eaten yet before Mike came last night. (?) Had I eaten before Mike came last night?

The past perfect is used when the speaker is talking about two different events at two different times in the past; one event ends before the second event happens. To talk about something that happened and was complete before another action or a particular time in the past:

(+) S+ had+V3+O+ before+ s+v2+O (-)S+ had+not+V3+O+ before+ s+v2+O (?) Had+S+V3+O+ before+ s+v2+O

Time signals: After, before , when, + (simple past), last night, etc.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

a. (+) We had been waiting for hours when the concert began last night. (-) We had not been waiting for hours when the concert began last night. (?) Had we been waiting for hours when the concert began last night? with for or since to talk about an activity that started at a time further back in the past than something else Used to expresses an activity that how long it has been happening before another action in the past. (+) S+ O+ when + S+V2+ O. (-) S+ O+ when + S+V2+ O. (?) O+ when + S+V2+ O. Time signals : After, before, when + (simple past) to talk about a decision that you make as you are speaking to talk about what you know or think will happen in the future Used for predictions about the future. (+) S+ will+ V1 + O+adv of time (-) S+ will+not+ V1 + O+ adv of time (?) Will+S +V1 + O+ C+adv of time? Time signals: tomorrow, tomorrow morning, next, later, tonght, two days later.

Simple Future Tense

a. I will go to Jakarta tomorrow. (-) I will not go to Jakarta tomorrow. (?) Will I go to Jakarta tomorrow?

Future Continuous Tense

a. (+) I will be waiting for you at 7 oclock tomorrow morning. (-) I will not be waiting for you at 7 oclock tomorrow morning. (?) Will I be waiting for you at 7 oclock tomorrow morning.

to talk about actions that will continue for a period of time in the future. Describe definite plans for future, plans that were made before the moment of speaking.

(+) O+adv of time. (-) O+adv of time. (?) will+ O+adv of time?

Time signals: At this time tomorrow, at six oclock tomorrow morning, when+S+v1.

Future Perfect Tense

a. (+) I will have finished my home work by the end of this month. (-) I will not have finished my home work by the end of this month. (?) Will I have finished my home work by the end of this month?

The future perfect expresses an activity that has happened and has complete in the future. To use for predictions when an activity complete in future. So we know exactly when the activity will already complete.

(+) S+will+have+V3+ O+adv of time. (-) S+will+not+have+V3+ O+adv of time. (?) Will+S+have+V3+ O+adv of time? Time signals : By the end of this month, by tomorrow morning, before the rainy season comes, when you ask for it.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

a. (+)Shell have been working here for a year in October. (-) Shell not have been working here for a year in October. (?) Will she have been working here for a year in October?

To talk about the duration of something that you will be looking back on at a particular time in the future. To express an activity have been happening and will continue in the future time. The important thing in the future perfect continuous is how long an activity has been in progress, but not when it is finish.

(+) S+will+have+been+ + O+ C (-)S+will not+have+been+ + O+ C. (?) Will+S+have+been+ + O+ C? Time signals : Next week, next month, in October, etc.

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