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Designs in the Living World P.

A personal note from the authors to the student

M ost biology textbooks are written as variety of viewpoints, no matter which

if an understanding of their subject you personally hold. Many authors of
were not affected by the existence or biology textbooks describe the origin of
nonexistence of God. We hope that life and its many forms as if evolution
your study of Designs in the Living were the only scientific scenario avail-
World will demonstrate that God’s pre- able to thinking people. They treat all
sence or absence has numerous ramifi- other origins concepts by ignoring
cations in life science. For example, if them, dealing with them only in carica-
he does not exist, then this ought to ture, or by ridiculing them. Believing
become rather obvious when we evalu- that such bias truncates the reader’s
ate the chances that life would arise understanding of a broad and impor-
and perpetuate itself without him. But tant subject, we organize origins data
if God is, and if we proceed to study here in the context of several contrast-
biology without referring to him, we ing systems of thought, including the
would come away with the wrong per- view which we personally consider cor-
spective of the living world. We would rect: young-earth creation.
also participate in a subtle form of pla-
giarism by failing to give God credit for You cannot understand the subject of
his creative work. origins without examining religious
and philosophical roots, as is done
Although most of biology deals with here. In this book we also periodically
how living things are today rather probe the amazing zone of overlap
than how they were many years ago, between science and the Bible. Designs
the present can only be fully appreci- in the Living World is a science text-
ated in light of the past. It is the usual book, however, not a treatise on theol-
practice of authors to write from their ogy or Biblical apologetics.
own viewpoint of both the past and
present, and we will do likewise. Another implication of accepting the
Believing that God is responsible for Bible as God’s message to humanity is
both the origin and the history of life, the responsibility it places on us as the
we will consistently acknowledge him caretakers of the living creation.
throughout the book. That is not Speaking of his new human creation,
meant to imply that we will ignore God said, “…let them rule over the
other positions. Although there are a fish of the sea and the birds of the air,
number of controversies in biology, over the livestock, over all the earth,
none has more widespread implica- and over all the creatures that move
tions than that of origins. So it is along the ground.” (Genesis 1:26)
important for you to understand a Good rulers accept the obligation to
P.2 Preface

take care of their dominions, and to do Where we had to cover chemical and
this we need to understand how our other seemingly difficult subjects, we
activities affect the rest of the creation. have supplied substantial background
Regretfully, environmental concerns, explanation to assist uninitiated read-
as is the case with origins, become ers. We have attempted to cover all
entangled with other beliefs, and it is subjects with enough rigor to satisfy
often hard to distinguish truth from biological enthusiasts. Yet we have also
propaganda. We will try to provide you striven to enlighten and to captivate
with information that will help you be the attention of those who possess only
a better “ruler.” a marginal interest in the field of life
Most biology texts are too large. In
order to avoid excessive length, we Aware of at least some of our short-
have limited coverage here to a thor- comings both as humans and as biolo-
ough exposition of those themes which gists, we would appreciate learning
are foundational to all life science. your suggestions for improvement of
From here you can, if you wish, move this book, no matter whether you are a
into more specialized works on botany, student or instructor. We are already
zoology, microbiology, genetics, and aware of some of its weaknesses, and
the history of life. we would appreciate further sugges-
tions which can be sent to the authors
Most textbooks in biology are also pro- at 691 Martin-Griffeth Road, Hull,
fusely illustrated in full color. This Georgia 30646.
makes for a very attractive publication,
but unfortunately it elevates the price Each author wishes to thank his wife,
to a level that strains the finances of family, and friends for encouragement.
those for whom the book is intended. Brenda Lindley-Anderson created
Another problem with the practice of some of the illustrations, and Dr.
using large amounts of illustrative Wayne Frair provided valuable sugges-
material is that it caters to a pictorial tions for improving the first edition.
emphasis in education which concomi-
tantly decreases the reader’s opportu- We hope that you will find this book
nity to sharpen verbal skills. In order enjoyable and useful regardless of your
to limit costs and to emphasize the position on origins and theology. With-
printed word, we have kept the num- out wanting to offend those who dis-
ber of illustrations to a minimum. You agree with us, and yet without apology
may use this book together with an to anyone, we pay ultimate tribute and
inexpensive atlas of photographs such thanks to the One whose constant
as Van De Graaff & Crawley’s A Photo- providence makes all scientific phe-
graphic Atlas for the Biology Labora- nomena available.
tory, Third Edition (Morton Publishing
Company). Page number references to Lane P. Lester
this book are provided where appropri- Dennis L. Englin
ate in the text. George F. Howe August, 1997
Designs in the Living World 1.1

Raw Materials for Life

L iving things are made from the very

same raw materials as everything
else in creation: atoms. And living
son to recognize the basic patterns of in-
heritance that make it possible for or-
ganisms to show variety, but within
things are held together in the same way specific limits. He had no information
as everything else in creation: chemi- about events at the cellular and chemi-
cal bonds. That’s not to say there’s cal levels that produced the results he
nothing special about life; there’s a lot obtained. Today detailed analyses of the
that’s very special. But before we get to behavior and chemical makeup of chro-
the special stuff, we’re going to study mosomes show both how traits are in-
that which is common to all of creation. herited and the extent to which
variations can occur.
Biologists have not always been con-
cerned or even aware of the chemical
foundation of life. In the late 1700s Unifying chemical principles
Carolus Linnaeus developed a scheme
for classifying plants and animals. This Life involves a great many changes in
framework, still in use today, was based both matter and energy, and a basic un-
on Linnaeus’ conviction that organisms derstanding of chemistry will lead us to
alive today are the descendants of the a study of the biological processes
first living things created. In his studies, whereby energy from food is acquired,
chemistry was of very little concern. On stored, and utilized to allow us to grow
the other hand, the biologists of today and to maintain our bodily functions.
have come to rely heavily upon the sci-
ences of mathematics, chemistry, and Atoms that have the same chemical be-
physics. Some of the most significant havior are considered to be the same
contributions to the technological ad- element. For example, all iron atoms
vances of the last century have been due behave the same chemically. There are
to the pooling of resources and knowl- 92 naturally-occurring elements and 11
edge between these various sciences. others that have been synthetically pro-
Vast areas of knowledge toward the un- duced. Human bodies are composed of
derstanding of the smaller details of liv- about 18.5% carbon, 65% oxygen, 9.5%
ing organisms have been made available hydrogen, and 3.2% nitrogen by weight.
by individuals trained in chemistry and There are many other elements that are
physics. vital to life processes but which occur in
extremely small concentrations.
In the middle 1800s Gregor Mendel
crossed different varieties of peas and One of the most helpful approaches to
then used mathematics to analyze his understanding science is to look for pat-
data. With this he became the first per- terns. When patterns are found for the
1.2 Raw Materials for Life

behavior of matter, reasonable predic- 12 hydrogen atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms

tions can be made. This predictability is held together by chemical bonds. The
one of the most remarkable evidences of formula tells how many of each atom are
design in the universe. Such patterns in a molecule; but it does not tell how
are even seen in the basic building they are arranged. The arrangement of
blocks of all atoms—the protons, neu- the atoms in a molecule is given by a
trons, and electrons. All iron atoms, structural formula, such as the one
for example, have 26 protons. You can be shown here for glucose:
sure that any atom with 26 protons will
behave like an iron atom.

Each element may be identified by its

name, its symbol, and its atomic num-
ber. The atomic number is the number
of protons possessed by all atoms of that
particular element. The chemical sym-
bols may be obvious, as in the case of H
for hydrogen, or less so, as in Ag for sil-
ver. These less obvious abbreviations
come from older Latin names for the ele-
ments. Chemical symbols and atomic
numbers for some of the more common A structural formula is a two-dimen-
elements are seen here: sional picture of the arrangement of the
atoms in a molecule. Add up the number
Hydrogen H 1 Chlorine Cl 17 of each of the atoms in the structural
Helium He 2 Potassium K 19 formula and they will match the num-
Carbon C 6 Calcium Ca 20 bers for those atoms in the chemical for-
Nitrogen N 7 Zinc Zn 30 mula.
Oxygen O 8 Silver Ag 47
Sodium Na 11 Gold Au 79 The shuffling of atoms between mole-
Sulfur S 16 Mercury Hg 80 cules in a chemical reaction is shown by
a chemical equation. Photosynthesis
The chemical symbols used are short- is an example of a series of chemical re-
hand notations for the atoms of given actions whereby green plants combine
elements. When placed together as H2O, water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
the symbols form a chemical formula into sugar (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2)
that represents a molecule which is a molecules, using the energy of sunlight.
combination of two or more atoms. The A chemical equation like the one below
formula H2O stands for a molecule of for photosynthesis shows how the atoms
water which consists of two hydrogen are rearranged to form new molecules
atoms and one oxygen atom bonded to-
gether. C6H12O6 represents the glucose 12H2O + 6CO2 → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O
sugar molecule. It has 6 carbon atoms, Chemical equation for photosynthesis
Designs in the Living World 1.3

during a chemical reaction. Notice that

the number of atoms of each element is
the same on both sides of the balanced –1

equation. Twelve molecules of water

combine with six molecules of oxygen, to
yield one sugar, six oxygens, and six new
molecules of water. Adding up the num- +0 +1
bers of atoms on each side shows that
the numbers of atoms of each element +1 +0
are the same on both sides of the equa-
tion. The individual atoms have kept
their original number and identity but
have just been rearranged. –1

Helium atom
The principle that water molecules have
two hydrogen atoms for each oxygen
atom and glucose always has two hydro- amber which had been rubbed would at-
gen atoms and one oxygen atom for tract bits of straw. When a rubber comb
every carbon atom is called the Law of is run through hair it will act like a mag-
Definite Proportions. This is a re- net, picking up popcorn and bits of pa-
markable consistency found wherever per.
people have studied matter in the uni-
verse. The Law of Definite Proportions Benjamin Franklin observed that a rub-
states that a given molecule will always ber rod rubbed with fur attracts a glass
have the same proportion of different rod rubbed with silk. He said that the
atoms. rubbed rubber rod had a greater
amount of negative charge and that
Law: A description of a relationship the rubbed glass rod had a greater
between conditions or events which is amount of positive charge. He used the
always true under specific conditions. (+) and (–) designations because they
indicated opposites. This same symbol-
ism is still used today. Opposite charges
As already mentioned, atoms are com- attract each other and like charges repel
posed of protons, neutrons and elec- each other. This can be confirmed by ob-
trons. The protons and neutrons are serving that a glass rod rubbed with silk
found together in the nucleus of the repels another glass rod rubbed with
atom, whereas electrons are outside the silk.
nucleus. A fundamental difference be-
tween a proton and a neutron involves Since Benjamin Franklin’s day it has
their charge. Without understanding been discovered that the explanation for
the nature of such charges, humans this behavior of bulk matter lies in the
have long been aware of them. Thales of charges of the protons and the elec-
Miletus found in about 600 B.C. that trons. Using Franklin’s symbolism, a
1.4 Raw Materials for Life

proton has a charge of +1 and an elec- Here are some questions for you: The
tron a charge of –1. A neutron has nei- symbol for nitrogen can be written
ther a +1 nor a –1 charge (it is neutral), 14N . How many protons does a nitro-
but even though the neutron has zero gen atom have? How many neutrons?
net charge, it has essentially the same
mass as a proton. An electron, on the The atom 14C6 has six protons and eight
other hand, has a mass that is negligible neutrons (14 – 6 = 8). The atoms 12C6
when compared to the mass of a proton and 14C6 have different atomic mass
or a neutron. Therefore, the mass of an numbers but are nevertheless both still
atom is reflected in the sum of its pro- carbon atoms because they have the
tons and neutrons, which is called the same atomic number (number of pro-
atomic mass. The chemical identity of tons) and will behave the same in chemi-
an atom, however, depends upon the cal reactions. The difference between
number of protons in its nucleus and not them is that they have different num-
its number of neutrons. The mass of an bers of neutrons (hence, different
atom depends upon the total number of masses). Furthermore 14C gives off ra-
its protons plus neutrons. diation while 12C is nonradioactive. At-
oms such as these are isotopes of each
The atomic mass and the atomic other because they have the same
number can both be written as part of number of protons even though their
the chemical symbol. The atomic mass is neutron numbers differ. The term “iso-
put in front of and slightly above the tope” describes a relationship, not an
main symbol and the atomic number is isolated object. An atom cannot be an
put after and slightly below the main isotope by itself. It is an isotope in rela-
symbol. Thus, the symbol for carbon, tion to another atom. It is like the fact
which has an atomic number of 6 and that you are not a brother or sister by
usually has an atomic mass of 12 can be yourself but you must be a brother or a
written 12 C 6 . Remember that the sister to someone else. Not all isotopes
atomic mass is the sum of the number of are radioactive; some are merely heavier
protons and neutrons, while the atomic or lighter than the most common iso-
number equals the number of protons. tope. Remember that when the symbol
C is used by itself, 12C6 is understood;
Ordinarily this symbol for carbon is but if we wish to refer to the heavier, ra-
shortened to merely C, understanding dioactive isotope, we use the symbol 14C
that the 12 and the 6 are understood. for short.
Thus in the formula for glucose
(C6H12O6) the number 6 slightly below Radioactivity: The spontaneous
and after the C stands for the fact that emission of subatomic particles and
there are six atoms of carbon in one glu- gamma rays from unstable atomic
cose molecule and it does not refer to the nuclei.
fact that a carbon atom has six protons.
Designs in the Living World 1.5

There are three isotopes of hydrogen: Designer’s conscious planning rather

1H (1 proton + 0 neutron): hydrogen than the lucky result of the collisions of
2H (1 proton + 1 neutron): deuterium molecules.
3H (1 proton + 2 neutrons): tritium
The chemical elements which make up
The three atoms above are all isotopes of the molecules of living cells fall into or-
hydrogen because they each have one derly relationships with each other. Ele-
proton but differing numbers of neu- ments can be divided into natural
trons. Their chemical behaviors (how groups by the types of bonds they form
they react or do not react with other at- and the reactions they undergo. This
oms and molecules) are similar but their grouping is shown in the familiar (at
nuclear behaviors are different. Hydro- least to those who’ve had some chemis-
gen (1H1) is not radioactive. Neither is try) periodic table. The positions of any
deuterium, which has twice the mass of two elements on the periodic table can
hydrogen. Of the three, only tritium is be used to foresee the type of chemical
radioactive as an emitter of beta parti- union that will result between them.
cles, which are highly energetic elec-
trons unattached to atoms. To understand something about chemi-
cal bonding, it is necessary first to exam-
Consider these three atoms: ine the manner in which electrons are
14N (7 protons + 7 neutrons): nitrogen arranged in atoms. In 1913 Niels Bohr
14C (6 protons + 8 neutrons): carbon presented an idea, or model, of atomic
14O (8 protons + 6 neutrons): oxygen structure in which the electrons were
viewed as being in discreet orbits
Although each of the above atoms has around the nucleus of the atom like sat-
the same atomic mass number (14), they ellites in orbit around the Earth.
are not isotopes because they have dif-
ferent numbers of protons (atomic num- Model: A description of an object or
bers). process that cannot be observed di-
rectly. A good model accounts for the
The living world is filled with order at available information, but it may or
every possible level of observation. Our may not be an accurate description of
bodies are composed of organ systems the actual object or process.
with different organs serving a common
purpose. Each organ consists of various
tissues arranged to enable that organ to Later in 1926 Ervin Schrodinger de-
serve its role. The tissues are built from scribed the electrons as occupying more
well-defined patterns of cells, the basic generalized regions around the nucleus
units of life. Individual cells are com- where they had a given probability of be-
posed of reproducible systems of mem- ing present, such as an 80% probability
branes, subcellular structures, and of finding a particular electron in a spe-
associated molecules. This obvious or- cific region. This later view of Schrod-
der seems clearly to be the result of a inger formed the basis for the current
1.6 Raw Materials for Life

model of the atom in which the regions

where electrons are expected to occur
are called orbitals, not “orbits” as in
the Bohr model. Electrons with lower
energy levels are located in orbitals
closer to the nucleus and those with
more energy are found farther from the

The tendency of an atom to join with an-

other in a chemical bond depends on the
number of electrons in its outermost en-
ergy level. The orbital at the first, or
lowest, energy level is complete with ei-
ther two electrons or none. All of the or-
bitals at a higher energy level are
complete when they contain a total of form chemical bonds in ways that will
eight electrons or zero. Atoms that add two more electrons, since it is “eas-
don’t already have a complete number ier” to gain two than it is to lose six. This
of electrons have three ways of achiev- is likewise true of nitrogen (14N7) which
ing a stable number of electrons: lose normally gains three electrons to com-
‘em, gain ‘em, or share ‘em. The chemi- plete the orbitals in its second energy
cal nature of different elements will level at a total of eight, although some-
cause them to tend to use one technique times nitrogen loses five electrons to
more than another. bring its second level to zero which also
is stable.
A hydrogen atom (1H1) has only one
proton and usually only one electron at Carbon (12C6) has six protons and hence
the lowest energy level. As just stated, six electrons. Two of these normally en-
that energy level has greater stability if ter and fill the lowest energy orbital
it has either zero or two electrons. Such which leaves four more electrons to
hydrogen atoms will therefore join with move into orbitals in the second energy
other atoms in ways that either provide level. Since its second level has four elec-
it with one more electron or get rid of trons, halfway between zero and eight,
the one it has. carbon is a very special atom. It tends
neither to gain nor lose electrons but to
Oxygen (16O8) has eight electrons, two share four electrons with other atoms so
of which reside at the first energy level, that in effect its second energy level fi-
leaving six more to go into the orbitals of nally controls eight electrons.
the second energy level. As mentioned
before, the orbitals of the second energy There are three situations in which at-
level can be stable with a total of eight or oms “stick together,” and we refer to
zero electrons. Oxygen normally will them as the three types of chemical
Designs in the Living World 1.7

Sodium Chlorine

bonds. Life is only possible because of dry state are bound to each other by
the ways these three differ from each ionic bonds, forming crystals of table
other, so it is worthwhile for us to learn salt. Most of these ions on earth, how-
something about them. ever, are separated in solution in the
ocean. The sodium ion has a positive
Ionic bonds charge by having 10 electrons to its 11
protons. Two of the electrons are in the
Recall that electrons have a negative first orbital, leaving the complete
electrical charge, and protons a positive number of eight for the orbital of its sec-
charge. When an atom has more or ond energy level. Similarly, the chlorine
fewer electrons than protons, the over- ion has 18 electrons to its 17 protons,
all atom has a charge equal to the differ- with the electrons distributed to its en-
ence in the two sets of particles. Such a ergy levels: 2, 8, and 8, again achieving
charged atom is referred to as an ion. the complete number of eight in the out-
For example, a calcium atom has 20 pro- ermost energy level.
tons and often has only 18 electrons.
Such a calcium ion has, therefore, two Ionic compounds perform critical roles
extra positive charges and is symbolized in the body fluids of organisms includ-
as Ca+2. ing producing electrical potentials
across membranes, generating nerve
Recall also that oppositely-charged ob- impulses, controlling fluid retention by
jects are attracted to each other. When cells, contracting muscle fibers, and ini-
such atoms are held together this way, it tiating heart beats. Ions in solution in
is by ionic bonding. The most abundant body fluids are called electrolytes by
ions on earth are Na+ and Cl–, and in a physiologists.
1.8 Raw Materials for Life

Covalent bonds trons at four positions in order to be

complete. This flexibility allows the
The atoms in the molecules of life are atom to combine in a rich variety of co-
primarily held together by covalent valent bonds with other atoms. Interest-
bonds, the strongest of the three types ingly, the most common arrangement is
of bonds. Here the attraction is not dif- for carbon atoms to join together in
ferences in electrical charges, but the chains.
sharing of electrons. The electrons be-
ing shared spend part of their time Consider again the structural formula
around one nucleus and part around the of glucose we saw early in this chapter.
other. In this way, both atoms are able to In a structural for-
achieve the stable numbers of zero, two, mula, the lines rep-
or eight electrons. The atoms of some resent shared pairs
elements are found combined into mole- of electrons, and
cules held together by covalent bonds. you’ll see that each
Hydrogen gas is the simplest example, carbon is sharing
and this smallest of the atoms joins with four pairs of elec-
another hydrogen atom to share a single trons in order to be
pair of electrons. Thus, each nucleus al- complete. The car-
ternates in having either zero electrons bon atom at the
or two. top s har es two
pairs with the oxy-
The most abundant gases in our gen atom, explain-
atmosphere, nitrogen and oxygen, are ing why there are
likewise found as paired atoms cova- only three other atoms, instead of four,
lently bonded. A single oxygen atom around that particular atom of carbon.
with eight protons and eight electrons
needs two more to be complete (2 in the The ability to interpret structural for-
first energy level, 8 in the second). Two mulas will be very important in the next
oxygen atoms share two pairs of elec- chapter, “The molecules of life.” Let’s
trons in order to reach the complete consider a molecule that will be encoun-
number for both. Nitrogen atoms, with tered early in the next chapter, the
only seven electrons, have to share three amino acid glycine:
pairs of electrons in their covalent
bonds in order to be complete.

The carbon atom is the foundation for

all of the molecules of life, and its design
provides the basis for the hundreds of
thousands of different molecules of
which living things are composed. Its six Can you analyze the relationships be-
electrons are arranged with two at the tween the atoms in this molecule? How
first energy level and four at the second, is each atom made complete in this
causing the atom to need to share elec- molecule? One possible bit of confusion
Designs in the Living World 1.9

is the pair of atoms symbolized as electrons may not spend an equal

“–OH.” That’s actually an abbreviated amount of time orbiting both atomic nu-
way of expressing “–O–H” in which an clei. The simplest example of this kind
oxygen atom shares one pair of elec- of behavior is the water molecule:
trons with a hydrogen atom and another
pair of electrons with some other atom.
That particular pair of atoms is so com-
mon that the abbreviation is used to
minimize crowding in structural formu- Its structural formula shows how the
las. Now take a moment to see if you can oxygen is made complete by sharing a
tell how each atom’s “need” for elec- pair of electrons with each of two hydro-
trons is satisfied in this molecule. gens. The oxygen, with eight protons in
its nucleus exerts a much stronger pull
Nitrogen needs three more electrons to on the shared electrons than do the hy-
be complete, and you can see how that is drogens with only one proton each. So
accomplished here by sharing three the pairs of shared electrons spend more
pairs of electrons. The carbon at the of the time around the oxygen nucleus
right is getting the four electrons it than the hydrogen nuclei. This means
needs by sharing single pairs with the that, part of the time, the hydrogen nu-
central carbon and a hydrogen, plus two clei (single protons) are “out there” by
pair of electrons with oxygen. Notice themselves, and those positive protons
how the “outlying” atoms are also hav- cause that part of the molecule to be
ing their “needs” met. slightly positive. Likewise, the oxygen
end of the molecule, with the negative
Hydrogen bonds electrons spending an extra amount of
time there, is slightly negative. We could
We move now from studying the strong- modify the formula in this way:
est type of bond to a consideration of the
weakest of the three types. Although it’s
true that almost all of the bonds in the
molecules of life are covalent, there are
some extremely important ones that are
hydrogen bonds. In fact, it is the weak-
ness of these bonds that makes them im- The charge signs are placed in parenthe-
portant to life, as we’ll see in future ses to indicate these are not whole
chapters. charges as are found in the ions of ionic
bonds. These slightly positive and
Hydrogen bonds are made possible by slightly negative ends of the molecules
the fact that in covalent bonds the shar- are slightly attracted to each other, and
ing of electrons is not always “fair.” this attraction produces hydrogen
That is to say, the members of a pair of bonds. The water molecules tend to ar-
1.10 Raw Materials for Life

range themselves, positive to negative, rivals carbon in its importance to the ex-
as seen here: istence of life on earth. As the U.S. space
program has progressed and scientists
have speculated on the possibility of life
elsewhere in the universe, the majority
opinion is that, if life exists anywhere
else, it will also have to be based on the
chemistry of carbon atoms and water
molecules. That is not to say that all a
planet needs to support life is to have
carbon and water. The earth has many
characteristics without which life could
not exist here: its distance from its star
(sun) and resulting temperature, its size
and resulting gravity, its atmosphere
with the right mixture of gases, its pro-
tective ozone layer and magnetic field
This arrangement is responsible for which shield us from harmful radiation;
some of the properties of water, which the list is long.

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