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2. A New Order STRESS Inthe horsh world of 2020, stress is 2 mojor problem and many peo- ple crock under the strain of every- doy life. However, there is also 0 desensitization which acts as 0 counter-balonce to lessen the im- pac of these increasingly stressful events, Asthe medic floods us with images of horror and destruction, we become more accustomed to these events. The violent nature of life in 2020 serves to lessen the impoct of some stressful events. Nevertheless, the world of Gypberpunkisstil avery taxing place; ‘one can never get used to being shot at. This is not to soy that people ore ony more stable than before or ‘without emotion. Indeed, the con- stont strain of combat or living in on “urbon battleground” can shoke anyone's sanity. The stondard Cyberpunk character deals with cir- ‘cumstances ond events beyond the scope of typical contemporary ex- perience, ond suffers amuchhigher tisk of cracking. Therefore only the most stable of choracters will last for long in the horsh world of Cyberpunk. STRESS FACTOR ‘The Stress Factorisa measure ofthe amount of stressa character iscurrently under, Stressful events will increase the character's Stress Factor, sometimes gradually, other times very quickly. This measures how well a character will react to those circumstances Cyberpunk characters find themselves in. ‘As the amount of pressure the characteris under increases, the Stress Factor rises; when it gets too high, the character cracks. The worst case scenario is person who cracksand goes over the edge. A character's COOL determines theamount of StressPoints the character can take before reachingnew Stress Levels, as shown on the Stress Table. When a character exceeds the Stress Points fora level, they reach the next level and are subject to its full effects. Acharacter with a COOL of and 4 Stress Points (UP), would be Normal, but three ‘more StP would make him Anxious, andhe would now geta-I penalty onal further COOL checks [Note that these are not permanent modifiers, and change asthe character's current Stress Level changes. Characters with alow COOL will not deal with stress well. Round down when dividing, These penalties will not take a stat below 2. STRESS LEVELS ‘These are the effects of the different Stress Levels. + FRESH: ‘The characteris stress-free and perfectly calm. én unnatural state because i iso rae. It gives 1241 bonus to COOL checks due othe extremly calm state of mind. = NORMAL: “Thecharaterhas normal stessesandconcems, whichis mos commen for Cyberpunberstohave As we must ll dal with stress i ou lives, this is considered the normal mental ate * ANXIOUS: The character isi more stresed cut than usual, making COOL checks with-1 penalty due tw already being alice more mentally “ried” than usual. The character wil tend to bea litle vercautious and be cher very tired (15 on 0) or very hyper, (6-10 on d10). The character develops Insomnia. Note that fr most Cyberpunkers, hei actually the normal tate of being ‘STRESSED: “The characte is quite stressed by extreme cicumseances and wil ufera-2 penalty onal COOL chech, The character will be jumpy ard have a poor short-term memory, generally with only ‘enough concentration for ane task AI penalty sen to all INT tasks, addiction checks wl be at-2 to resist and the character develops Insomnia (2 penalty to Insomnia check TENS Ifthe character gets worse, he begins tcrack under the pressure He suffers a3 penalty to all COOL checks and wll begin to act ina bizarre manner, casing on one task and performing it atthe exclusion ofall else, including loved ones. Characters under ture wil begin revealing {information i promised release. 2 penalty is gen toal INT tas, addiction check wl beat to resist and the character develops Insomnia 2 penalty to Insomnia checks). + CRACKED: “The character has been pushed past normal limits and has gone over the edge, He suffers a3 penalty to COOL checks. A-3 penalty is gven to all INT tasks, addiction checks wll be at -6 10 resist and the characte develops Insomnia (2 penalty to Insomnia check). The character must alsorll 1410 onthe Over The edge ableto determine what hs reaction istothisincrediblestain The dificult levels of curing ther through therapy ae ised after the descriptions OVER THE EDGE TABLE a HOMICIDAL: ‘Thecharacte becomes murderous and will seek oil he perceved source of he tess perhaps Haning someone unrelated), Heyl also be violent toward anyone who stands in his way. After the source ofthe tress hasbeen eliminated, rll 1410 again on this table ignoring rls of Tfor the character's next reaction. However, ifthe character ever goes Over The Edge again, he wll automatically become Homicidal. Dif 20 2 CATATONIA: (Characters with catatonia withdraw completely into themseves, No cutie stimu, including being injured, will awahen them. The characters are stil alive, but wll nat move, sped or react Theresa lin 10 chance every week ha they wil come cutoff an exremeaterps made Ge. continuous contact with he characters), the chec may be made evry two days, but only as Teng as those measures are el. Dif 30 3 ‘SUICIDAL TENDENCIES: (Characters with suicidal tendencies wil eek to end thelr lives in any possible way, as soon as possible, Every activity willbe centered on suicide. They wilbeprone(otaking extreme risks with thar lives. Diff 20 a5 ‘SCHIZOPHRENIA: ‘Thecharacte lesa touch with reality. The character’ lrturers become trees, or hemay believe himself tobe free, and carry on ashe ght at home. The character might thi he's bird, or that Is roams the thre rom ofthe King) Spain. Realty ino lnger he character’ reality. Dif: 25 oT ‘SEVERE AGORAPHOBIA: ‘The character fears everthing. Homes the only safe place, Strangers ar all murderers. ouside theres only pain and toraure, The character wil require a COOL check at -# to evn go ouside Fis home, even then not going too far ike Wasfire inthe Nerolgy trilogy). Diff 30 HALLUCINATIONS: ‘The character begins to see, hear, and fee things that aren't thee. However, in every ker way, they willappear normal. The particular hallucinations wll dependontestressinvaved,and note that hallucinations are usually metaphors. For example, a character who was hunted and shot right se snipers rooftopsand, when stressed al ofa sudden think he hasbeen shot. This wll continent cured. Dif: 20 9 ‘OVERLOAD AMNESIA: (Characters with Overload Amnesia have forgtten everything about ther pres ifeasacounter- measure agaist therising tres, The characte’ Stes Points return o normal, 2 out of every Osh wal be forgotten and he character wll nc be ableto remember anything about he previous ef someone forces them to remember, they eguinall he Stress Pits to go Over Te Edge agin cand roll 1410 on tis table again, I cured by a therape, hen this doesnot happen Dif 25, 10 ‘MULTIPLE PERSONALII The character separates into multiple personalities. Generate 146 different mental tats and chological profiles, exludingthemain one. Some ill bemsurdeers others timid and shy. Use ‘your imagination. They switch whenever a new stress is introduced, Df: 4, EFFECTS “44 on al COOL cheeks =¥-0n al COOL checks; insomnle. - -2 on al COOL checks; -4'0n ol other checks: Insomnia (2). Addiction checis o-2. -$ on all COOL checks, 2 on all other check Insomnia (4); Addiction chedss of 4. ‘Son all COOL checks: “9 on all ofer che soma (6); Adcetion checks Of 45 fol on OverThe Edge Tobie, | LOSING STRESS POINTS Stress points disappear 1d10 houts afier the source ofthe stress is removed orafter a night’s sleep (min. 8 hours). Ifthe source of the stress is ongoing, the only way to eliminate itis through therapy. = THERAPY | The knowledge of psychology is used when conducting therapy. The Dificulty is 20 or normal ies Ponts, However, he character has gone Over The Ed, then the Gifaly ited afer te applicable sanity must be made. In hs case, the character Sires Level ast return to Fresh before therapy for the insanity can en ina 3 day period, andit cures 1d6/2 points (round up). This can cost up to 1000eb or 4s low as 100eb from trained professionals, or roma character with Psychology sil However one | very aempt other requresone hur whichis the mass amen ergy treat himself MEDITATION } \ Meditation is one way for charactersto help themselves, Ata Difficulty of20, the | (| character can remove 1 ongoing Stress Point fier one hour of meditation. This can only be done once per 24 hours. Its one way tostay sane, so many modem combat veterans leam meditation to deal with their stressful lives a oe Mechiation | ies The New Age movement did one gook thing or ¢, and that was to introduce meditation. any soldiers in 2020 we meditation regularly Be apse fae wes to keah hee tt lary police forces ure meditation to counter the eatremely treriful Lives of their officers

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