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t= ~= a= : Miclael Cromisl
/mericar" la,mer
Hi,llarder created b, Cre,or, Wider.
World of Darkress created b, Mark leirHa,er.
World of Darkress co-created b, Stewart Wieck.
Tle Stor,tellir, S,stem is based or tle Stor,teller
S,stem desi,red b, Mark leirHa,er.
^~= j~~: Cuillerme Cui_Will" de
Castro losa, Clristiar Quadmar X" Cra,, Justir
Harris ard Morica la,mer
b=: Morica la,mer
a: Clris Mr. Core" Lelard

==m~: Josl Dickersor, Justir Harris, Tira
Jacksor, Me,ar Jerkirs ard Miclael la,mer

==p~= q~ to MrCorev5, /patletic23,
Tasliro, zeev, LrikModi, Wraitlfar,, QuadMarX,
Half-moor Storeclaws, \orar, Cui_Will, Slerror,
Caffeiredelusiars, mallimweaver, verclill+2,
l,rusticia, /rrie1OO, Wliske, Jack, silertblood,
Maximum ccult, erli,ltereddespot, lickiel ard
Lloodsladows, tlarks for lelpir, it come alor, ard
to Darr, Woods, wlo spert ,ears be,,ir, me to
make a ,ame out of it. Sorr, it took so lor,.

Coming Next:

White Wolf, Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Changeling the Lost,
Promethean the Created, World of Darkness and the Storytelling System are registered trademarks of
White Wolf/CCP hf. All rghts reserved.
Highlander is a registered trademark on Davis-Panzer Productions.
This books is not a challenge to any trademark or copyright concerned. All other characters, names,
places and text herein were created by Michael Raymer.
This Book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All Mystical and supernatural
elements are fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader discretion is advised.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: The Game
Chapter Two: Character Creation
Chapter Three: Special Rules
Appendix I: The Watchers
Appendix II: Contenders for the Prize
lrom tle dawr of time tle,'ve come, movir,
amor, us. lmmortal mer ard womer wlo live lives
we couldr't dream of time ard a,air. Locked
to,etler ir a rever erdir, battle tlat tle, call 'Tle
Came' ir wlicl tle, claller,e ore arotler to
mortal combat, tle wirrer takir, tleir eremies
lead, ard witl it, tleir power.
Some rur from tlis irevitabilit,, lidir, or lol,-
,rourd, tle ore refu,e tlat tle immortal lave from
tleir kird, otlers ,et or witl tleir lives, worr,ir,
about tle ,ame orl, after it comes for tlem. Still
otlers urderstard tlat Tle Came is row part of
tleir lives ard learr to live witl it, ard of course
tlere are some wlo forsake ever,tlir, for Tle
Came, lookir, for fi,lts, addicted to tle power of
tle Quickerir,.
Wlicl patl ,ou cloose is up to ,ou, it is time to
take up ,our sword ard prepare ,ourself. Lecause ir
tle erd, tlere car be orl, ore'

A World of Modern-Romance
Tle world ir wlicl tle immortals walk is irspired
b, tle ,reat actior ard adverture stories we ,rew up
witl; lir, /rtlur ard lis kri,lts, Treasure lslard,
Leowulf, Sclelerazade's 1OOO ri,lts, Tle lliad ard
d,sse,. lt is a romartic world ir tle most basic of
defiritiors, le,erdar, ard quixotic, eacl immortals
life a sa,a urto itself.
Tle world of darkress is a lard place to live out ore
lifetime, rampart violerce ard corruptior leak irto
ever, momert, burrir, awa, ar, purit, tlat ma, be
fourd. How tler do tle immortals survive tle
certuries, livir, ard ,rowir, to love tlose wlo will
,row old ard die` Tleir orl, otler cloice is otlers
of tleir kird, people wlo ir spite of tleir affectior
for ore arotler ma, lave to sla, ore da,.
Witl so mucl sorrow it is a worder tlat ar
immortal could survive tle certuries, ard ,et tle,
do. lr fact tle, tlrive. Tle, learr to cope witl
tleir rever erdir, pil,rima,e across time, ard simpl,
live tleir lives. Tlese irtrepid, ri,l-eterral souls
fird tlemselves, b, dirt of tleir a,e ard kerrir,, ir
tle most surprisir, of situatiors.

Proof of Life
Co back to ar, ,reat evert ir listor, ard tlere ,ou
will fird at least ore immortal. larel, a certral
fi,ure, at time rotlir, more tlar a spectator but
listor,, it seems, draws tlem ir, makir, tlem a part
of itself ore wa, or arotler.
r tle occasior tlat ar immortal loses tleir lead,
d,ir, ore last time, tleir lives are rot lost; tleir
krowled,e is rot forsaker b, tle wlim of some cruel
foe. lt is passed or b, tleir Quickerir,, a store of all
tlat tle, lave seer ard all tlat tle, krow.
Tlis trarsfer is imperfect ard lacks cortext, tle
victor ofter ,airir, orl, a ,limmer of a fact's
mearir, simpl, because it lacks true perspective.
Lut p it p remairs, p tlat p wlat p ar p immortal p learrs p ard
experierces is rever trul, lost.

Honor and the Game
lt is strar,e tlat a beir, tlat las tle potertial to
last urtil tle erd of time would cloose to risk tlat
eterrit,, ever if it does mear ,airir, tle power of
arotler of tleir ilk, but tle, do. Corstartl, ard
corsistertl,, tle, put tleir life or tle lire
claller,ir, ore arotler to combat krowir, tlat
orl, ore will walk awa,.
Tlis lifest,le of corstart combat las ,ererated a
code of corduct tlat, or some level, all immortals
reco,rize. lt is tlis serse of loror tlat allows ar
immortal to live witl tle demards of tle ,ame, ard
still walk amor,st tle mortals, feelir, tlat tle, are
irdeed ore of tlem.
lt is rot urleard of for a seasored corterder, upor
losir,, roddir, ir respect to tleir foe, bearir, tleir
reck to tleir superior, or makir, some self
deprecatir, commert as tle blade strikes true.
Tlese beir,s, despite tleir lumarit,, lave become
sometlir, alto,etler more. Tle, are corterders ir
a ,ame wlose stakes irclude tle ver, fate of tle
world. or so tle le,erd ,oes.
lt isr't clear low tle Came ,ot started, as far as
most immortals are corcerred; it las alwa,s beer
witl tlem, sirce tle ver, be,irrir,.
'Two slall duel ard ore slall fall, urtil orl, a few
remair. Tlat is tle time of tle Catlerir,, wler tle
last will be drawr to a far awa, lard ard fi,lt for
Tle lrize'. Tlat is tle Came, ir its ertiret,, a
claller,e to ever, immortal tlat las ever lived.
Horor dictates tlat eacl immortal las a teacler, ore
immortal witl wlom tle le ma, feel safe ir tle
preserce of.
Tleir orl, refu,e from tle ,ame is Hol, Crourd.
Wlere ro immortal ma, do larm, tlis aspect of ar
immortal's loror is upleld b, tle Doom a serse of
loss or tle part of immortals wlo wisl to break tle

The Codes
Tle revelatior of tle trutl of Tle Came, is lard
for someore to fatlom ard immortals terd to fird
copir, meclarisms. Tle, call tlem tle codes, five

differert perspectives or Tle Came ard tle Horor
of pla,ir, it. Tlese 'codes' are simpl, mirdsets ard
do rot represert affiliatiors or lo,alties amor,st tle
various immortals wlo take up ore particular code
over arotler.

Theme and Mood
Wlile eacl stor, ,ou ard ,our troupe tell will lave
its owr tleme ard mood, f~ las ar
urderlirir, tleme ard mood built ir. Wlile ,ou
car pla, a,airst t,pe or disre,ard tlem, tle, are
(like tle immortals tlemselves) alwa,s presert.

Theme: Regret Regret Regret Regret
No matter low excitir, or wortlwlile tle
immortal's life ma, appear to be to tlose arourd
tlem, tle, are still marked b, corstart loss ard
re,ret. /r avera,e lumar beir, las severt, or so
,ears or tlis plaret, ard ir tlat time tle, rack up
tleir fair slare of re,rets. lma,ire wlat it must be
like for tlose wlo survive tle certuries` lt's made
worse wlerever someore actuall, sees tlem 'die', or
wler tle,'ve ,rowr attacled to someore wlo tle,
lave to leave belird because people be,ir to ask

Mood: Romance Romance Romance Romance
Tle mood of f~ las beer mertiored orce
alread, as tle settir, of tle book ard ir a wa, is
completel, cortradictor, to botl tle overall tleme
of tle World of Darkress ard tlis ver, ,ame, but it
remairs true roretleless: immortals are romartic.
Tle, are swaslbucklir, pirates ard wlite kri,lts;
tle, are prircesses wlo save tle kir,dom, ard wise
lermits wlose sa,e advice alter tle course of listor,.
Tle, lead fartastic lives tlat could alter tle course
of tle world of darkress forever if tle, let it, ard
lave dore so courtless times.

Note: ltalicized words refer to separate ertries.
==^~: /r immortal wlo takes up tle Code of
tle Mask. Tle, are also referred to as masks.
`~: / duel betweer two immortals.
`: / state of mird tlat allows a corterder to
cope witl tle recessit, of Tle Came.
`: /r immortal wlo las beer iritiated
irto Tle Came ard received a levelatior.
b~: / time of crisis ir a corterder's life,
resultir, ir a loss of a willpower dot ard a clar,e of
tleir code.
c= a~: Tle catal,st for a claracter's
c= q~: Tle corterder tlat brir,s a rew
immortal irto Tle Came.
c: /r immortal wlo is ,oir, to claller,e, or be
claller,ed b,, tle claracter.
d~I=: Tle time foretold wler orl, a few
immortals remair ard tle last will fi,lt for tle prize.
/lso ar odd occurrerce tlat lappers wlerever a
particularl, old or powerful immortal falls to a mucl
weaker opporert.
==d~I= : Tle rever erdir, battle betweer tle
immortals; fou,lt ore or ore dowr tle certuries,
urtil orl, ore remairs.
d~I= : re of tle five Codes. Tle
Caurtlet exalts Tle Came ard tle lrize before
ever,tlir, else.
e: /r immortal tlat follows tle Code of tle
Caurtlet, tle, also refer to tlemselves as Caurtlets.
hI= : re of tle five Codes. Tle lrife is a
code for tlose wlo believe tlat ore's survival is more
importart tlar ore's loror.
j~I= : re of tle five Codes. Tlose wlo
uplold tle mask believe tlat Tle Came is pla,ed to
live, ard do as mucl livir, as tle, car.
m~: /r immortal wlo takes up tle Code of tle
Sword. Tle, are ofter called Swords as well.
mI= : Tle m,tlical power ,rarted to tle last
of tle immortals, wloever wirs tle ,ame ,airs tle
prize. No ore is sure wlat tle prize is or ever if it
exists, but tlat doesr't stop tlem from wartir, it.
==nI=: Tle proof of life; a measure of all
ar immortal krows ard experierces ir lis life time.
o~~: /r immortal wlo take up tle Code of tle
lrife. Tle, are also called lrives.
o~I= : Tle momert a defeated immortal
dies, trarsferrir, tleir Quickerir, to tle victor.
o~: Tle realizatior of ar immortal tlat
tle, ma,, ore da,, die at tle lards of arotler
immortal, ard tlat tle, will lave to kill; tle
momert tlat ar immortal becomes a corterder ard
joirs a Code.
p~I= : re of tle five codes. Tle Code of
tle Sladow espouses abstirerce from Tle Came.
p~: lmmortals wlo take up tle Code of tle
Sladow. Tle, are sometimes called Sladows.
p: / corterder's apprertice. Tle ore
corterder tlat is exempt from Tle Came ir tle e,es
of tlat immortal urtil tle time of tle ,atlerir,.
pI= : re of tle five Codes. Corterders
wlo take up tle Code of tle Sword believe tlat
sl,ir, awa, from tle ,ame is a dar,erous
propositior. Tlis code terds to lost a fair rumber of
extremes wler it comes to loror ard tle ,ame.
t~: / mortal wlo krows tle trutl about
immortals, ard clroricles tleir lives.

From Foundlings to Fatalities
Wlat are tle,` Wl, are tle, lere` Tlese questiors
laurt immortals tlat care to tlirk or tlem for ar,
amourt of time. Tlou,l tle, live out mortal lives
ard love ard late just as tle people arourd tlem do,
immortals are differert. Lver or tle most basic
levels immortals are strar,e creatures.
Lorr of ro motler ard sired b, ro mar, immortals
are, to a ore, fourdlir,s. Tlou,l tle, alwa,s appear
to look like tle commurities ir wlicl tle, are
fourd, irdeed mar, ,row to look like tleir adoptive
parerts, ro immortal las ever actuall, beer borr to
tle womar tle, call motler. lt is strar,e too, tlat
immortals terd to ,et cau,lt up so easil, ir tlose
arourd tlem, mar, ,o so far as to become caricatures
of tleir closer commurit,, takir, to leart ever,
sertimert ard ideal tlat distir,uisles tleir societ,
from tlose arourd it.
lt is strar,e tlat beir,s tlat seem destired to last
tle certuries, ,rowir, ard evolvir, like tle mortals
tlat tle, clir, to, do rot clar,e, at least rot at tle
most basic level. Tle, ma, become more
soplisticated, more refired, but at tleir core tle, are
still tle same mer ard womer wlo died so mar,
certuries a,o.

A Child Found
lt's rot just tlat tle, are fourdlir,s. lt's all tle
more m,sterious because of tle fact tlat ro ore
krows low tle, come irto tleir circumstarces. /
bo, wlo ,rows up ir ar orplara,e firds tlat ro ore
is sure low le ,ot tlere, tlere ma, be a birtl
certificate but it is strar,el, va,ue; tle rame of lis
motler listed as 'Jare doe' or just left blark all
to,etler. / ,irl wlo learrs from ler motler tlat sle
was adopted learrs tlat tle adoptior was smootl but
irexplicable, ma,be ler motler was ir tle lospital
,ivir, birtl to ler owr stillborr dau,lter tle ri,lt
tlat a rewborr was 'abardored' ir tle lospital's
rurser,. tlers are corsidered miracles, tle
aforemertiored motler learred tlat ler dau,lter
was prorourced dead a few lours after ,ivir, birtl,
orl, to fird ler lail ard lealtl, wler sle wert to
,o look ir or ler. except ler lair lad ,ore from
browr to red.
f course ir certuries past it was ever larder to
keep track of tle odd 'fourdlir,' clild. /rd ever
toda, it seems strar,e tlat so mar, orplars were
accepted irto so mar, lomes, re,ardless of tle
adoptive parerts' statior or mears. lt's as if
sometlir, were orclestratir, tleir placemert across
tle world, makir, sure tlat tlis ore ,ets a ,ood
lome, wlile tlat ore ,oes to tle orplara,e, ard tlis
ore over lere firds itself replacir, a lost clild almost

An Eventful Life
rce fourd, tlose destired to become immortal
live tleir lives just as ever,ore else does. Tle, ,row
up ard ,o to sclool, ,et jobs ard ma,be ,et married.
Tle, ma, be brilliart matlematiciars or cuttlroat
black marketers, louse wives or cloistered morks,
just like tle rest of us.
Tle tlir, tlat makes tlem differert from tle mass
of lumarit, isr't obvious. Tle, dor't live tle life of
ar actior lero. Tle, dor't recessaril, become ,reat
poets or sciertists or rock-stars, some do, just like tle
rest of us, tle, ,et tleir clarces. Wlat sets tleir
lives apart from tlose arourd tlem car, at tle time,
be assumed to be strar,e occurrerces or odd
situatiors tlat force tlem to questior tlemselves
ard tleir motives.
/ ,our, leiress ma, fird lerself beir, forced to
cloose betweer wlat sle warts ard wlat otlers
reed, wlile a poet is cau,lt betweer lis dream ard
tle realit, of addictior. Tlis lappers to people
ever, da, all across tle world, but to someore wlo
ma, ore da, become immortal, it lappers far more
ofter. Tlese 'tests' dor't seem to lave a ri,lt or
wror, arswer, if tle poet looks limself or Metl,
le's just as likel, to be killed as le was if le forwert
dru,s ir searcl of lis art. Tle leiress ma, fird
lerself loldir, a sword wletler sle is ,reed, or
claritable. Wlat matters is tlose destired to pla,
Tle Came are, more ofter tlar rot, possessed of a
deep serse of self awareress lor, before tle, ever
meet tleir lirst Teacler.

Hale and Hearty
re tlir, tlat does seem to set potertial immortal
apart from tle rest of lumarit, is tleir corstitutiors.
Wlile tle, arer't ar, more immure to
commuricable illresses as tleir peers, immortals do
rot ard carrot suffer from cor,erital illress. Wlile
a potertial immortal could surel, cortract /lDS or
labies or ever lolio sle could rot be at risk for
breast carcer or leart disease. Tlou,l sle could still
suffer a leart attack because of tle wa, sle lived or
ate ard could possibl, develop various carcers
because of lifest,le or ervirormert.
lotertials also terd to be relativel, scar free,
tlou,l a serious erou,l wourd will leave (ofter
irtimidatir,) scars most rormal krick ard scratcles
fade completel, over a surprisir,l, slort period of
time. Tlese luck," few also rever lave to deal witl
situatiors sucl as kidre, failure due to adolescert
,rowtl or tleir apperdix burstir,, ard rarel, do tle,
Chapter One : The Game


lose tleir torsils (tlou,l it las beer krowr to
lerlaps tle strar,est facet of tleir corditior" is
tlat potertial immortals lave perfect dertitior.
Wlile tlis does rot mear tlat tle, do rot lave to
take care of tleir teetl, it does mear tlat tle, dor't
lave to worr, about ortlodortics.

A Timely Demise
Tlir,s clar,e. /s tle rascert immortal comes
closer to tle da, tlat le lets ,o of lis mortal coil
tlir,s ma, become a little more irterestir,. Tle
cloices tle,'ve made ir tle past seem to come back
to laurt tlem, remirdir, tlem of wlo tle, are ard
wlat tle,'ve become. Tle,'re ,iver tle clarce
over ard over a,air to alter tle course of fate.
lew ever do.
Durir, tlis time tle, fird tlemselves lavir,
dreams of tleir loved ores d,ir,, of ,rowir, old ard
wear,, ard of betra,al, battle ard pair.
lr lirdsi,lt mar, ever fird tlat tle, seemed to
lave beer preparir, for sometlir,, ,ettir, tleir
affairs ir order.
Tleir deatls are rarel, subtle borir, tlir,s;
sometimes tle,'re ever iroric; tle poet wlo beats
tle addictior is killed b, ar addict, tle leiress wlo
tlou,lt orl, of lerself commits suicide ir bitter
solitude. Some are fittir, or bitter erds, leavir, ar
irdelible mark or tle commurit,, wlile otlers
lapper witlout ar,ore beir, tle wiser for it. lr ar,
case, orce someore destired for immortalit, dies a
violert or swift, urratural deatl tle, revive, mere
lours later, lmmortal.

That First Death
Strar,el,, ratural deatls are rot sufficiert to
tri,,er someore's immortalit,. Ma,be tlose wlo
live 'full' lives arer't meart to be immortal; a ratural
deatl usuall, does derote sucl tlir,s. Nor do
poisors or toxirs tlat work slowl, to kill tle bod,.
larel, is it tlese a,erts tlat cause tle actual deatl,
more ofter tleir preserce simpl, leads to some otler
'ratural' cause.
lor someore to revive, tle, must be killed quickl,,
ofter violertl,. loisors ard toxirs tlat kill irstartl,
do irdeed activate ar immortal's rerewal, as does
suicide ard deatl b, accidert. rl, rarel, do tlese
deatls lapper ir a pleasart faslior, ard alwa,s ore's
reawakerir, takes time.
tler immortals wlo are presert at tle lirst Deatl
of a rascert immortal feel lim die, ard ofter ro
lor,er feel lim at all urtil le 'returrs' some time
(ar,wlere betweer a couple of lours to a da,) later,
wler tlat lappers tle otler will feel a ,reat ruslir,
sersatior as tle immortal revives, rot urlike tle
serse tlat rormall, accomparies tle preserce of
arotler of tleir kird, ofter tlis sersatior is lost or
tle rew immortal wlo is too bus, reelir, from
comir, back from tle dead completel, lealed ard

Some immortals claim tlat, upor tleir first deatl,
tle, lave strar,e dreams of lives ard experierces
lor, past tlat tle, could rot lave beer a part of.
Tlis las led some immortal sclolars to muse tlat
perlaps tlose potertial immortals tlat die a ratural
deatl or tlose immortals tlat lose tleir lead
witlout releasir, tleir quickerir, ma, ir fact be
reborr. lt's impossible to researcl but it's ar
irterestir, tleor, rore tle less.
Wlile most claim tlat tle tleor, is improvable it
does ,o a lor, wa, to explairir, low rew immortals
appear ever, ,ear, wler tlere is supposed to be a
firite rumber.

Beyond Death, a Life Undying
lt's ar odd tlir,, to krow ore irstart tlat ,ou are
dead, or d,ir,; to feel realit, slippir, awa, from ,ou,
to feel tle warmtl bleed out tlrou,l tle wourd ir
,our clest as ,ou slip awa, orl, to awaker lours or
ever da,s later, full, lealed, feelir, better tlar ,ou
ever lad before.

Hale and Hearty Redux
rce a fresl immortal revives for tle first time it
quickl, becomes apparert to ler tlat sometlir, is
differert, ever if sle is still ir tle dark about tle fact
tlat sle carrot die. Tle first tlir, mar, immortals
rotice is tle lack of cor,estior or fever if tle, lad
beer sick prior to tleir lirst Deatl, tle, terd to
rotice too, tlat mar, of tle acles ard pairs
attributed to exlaustior fade too quickl,, tlat tle,
do rot rur out of breatl as easil, ard recover witl
amazir, speed. lf tle immortal worked lard ir life
ard lad calloused lards le firds tlem smootlir,
out ard becomir, supple, if ro less durable, after
orl, a few da,s off. Witl mirimal care ar immortal
wlose teetl were rotted ard pitted ir life firds tlat
tle, seem to repair tlemselves, tlou,l ar, missir,
teetl are irdeed lost forever.
lmmortals tlat died tleir first deatl late ir life fird
tlat tleir serilit, ard artlritis botl fade quickl,,
leavir, tlem clear leaded ard relativel, spr,,
Tle most astourdir, clar,es occur ir tlose
immortals wlo lad previousl, suffered from fatal
illresses or were trapped b, addictior as tle, revive


clearsed of tle diseases ard pl,sical deperderces,
tlou,l ar, mertal addictior still lir,ers.
Tlis effect recurs eacl ard ever, time ar immortal
dies, resettir, tleir bodies to as rear 'perfectior' as
lurtler, ar immortal firds tlat it becomes larder
for tlem to alter tleir appeararce ir mearir,ful
wa,s as ,airir, ard losir, wei,lt become larder.
/r obese mar wlo, upor tri,,erir, lis immortalit,,
attempts to ,et irto slape firds tlat le car lose orl,
about fift, pourds, wlile a mouse, womar wlo lits
tle ,,m to ,air muscle firds lerself ircapable of
,airir, tle recessar, wei,lt. Tlat beir, said, tle
mar ma, fird limself ,rowir, faster ard
immeasurabl, more ,raceful despite lis ,irtl, wlile
tle still small womar will fird lerself far stror,er
tlar sle appears, ard wlile tattoos ard piercir,s are
possible, requirir, ro special treatmert or care, tle,
car be removed witl surprisir, ease.

The Revelry
/ rew immortal car ,o ,ears, ever decades,
witlout ever krowir, tle trutl of wlat sle is. lr
certuries past it wasr't urleard of for ar immortal to
warder for as mar, as fift, ,ears before rurrir,
across ore of tleir owr for tleir first time, wlile
otlers meet tleir first teacler before tle, ever
experierce tleir first deatl.
Some immortals, upor awakerir, to tleir urd,ir,
rature, ,o about tleir lives uraware tlat tle, ever
died ir tle first place; otlers awaker irside tleir
coffirs or famil, cr,pts, or ever ir tle mor,ue,
urable to lide from tle fact tlat tle, were dead.
Wlatever tle case, ar immortal krows sometlir,'s
differert, tlou,l tle, rarel, make tle leap from
wlat tle lell" to l must be lmmortal'" witlout
lelp from arotler of tleir kird.
Wler ore realizes tlat tle, carrot die tlere is ore
reactior tlat is almost uriversal tlou,l, ard it's
called tle levelr,. lma,ire wlat it must be like to
learr tlat ,ou carrot die, or ever be lurt for lor,,
Tlat ,ou rever reed feel fear a,air, tlat ,ou will
live to see all ,our eremies die of old a,e, ard lave
all tle time ir tle world to ,o to sclool or make
more, or wlatever ,ou wart. Never a,air do ,ou
lave to be part of tle rat race rever do ,ou lave to
worr, about ,our clolesterol or ,our leart, or ever
,airir, too mucl wei,lt.
f course, it reall, orl, takes a few broker bores, a
deatl def,ir, lar,over or two, or ma,be d,ir,
lorribl, a secord time, for tle immortal's attitude to
clar,e. /s tle immortal learrs tlat, after tlat first
deatl, ore does rot levive full, lealed ard

First Contact
However lor, it takes, ar immortal will evertuall,
ercourter arotler of tleir kird. lf tle, are luck,
tlat immortal will eitler become tleir lirst Teacler,
or ,uide tlem to someore wlo will; if tle, are
urluck, tler tleir immortalit, will lave beer slort
lived irdeed.
Tle first time ar immortal serses tle preserce of
arotler of ler kird is a terrif,ir, experierce. Tle,
feel sometlir, irside ard arourd tlem all at orce,
creepir, across tleir skir ard tlrou,l tleir mird. lt
is pair, it is pleasure. Mar, feel tle wourds tlat
caused tleir lirst Deatl as if tle, were lapperir, for
tle first time.
Tle serse is accomparied b, adreralire as tleir
bod,'s ratural deferses ,o irto overdrive, erlarcir,
tle immortal's metabolism ard corstitutior. Tleir
visior blurs ard tleir ears are filled witl a li,l
pitcled rir,ir,. Soor all tle immortal car do is
look arourd for tle source of tlis sersatior. Wler
tle, see tle otler for tle first time all is claos,
except tle lmmortal stardir, before tlem, wlo
stards out ir stark relief, appearir, to almost ,low.
rce tle, set e,es or tle otler tle sersor, overload
fades, leavir, belird orl, ar eclo.
rce tle uriritiated immortal calms dowr, it is up
to tle otler to usler tlem irto tle ,ame.

The First Teacher
/r immortal wlo firds limself witl a studert las a
,reat deal of irformatior to impart or ler witl ver,
little time to do it.
Tle first tlir, tle, usuall, explair to tleir clar,e
is Tle Came, tlou,l rarel, does tle corcept sirk ir
ri,lt awa,. More ofter it is lau,led off, after all,
wlat car kill ar immortal` lr spite of tlat, tle
Teacler will impart upor tleir studert a ,reat deal
of krowled,e, ircludir, tle abilit, to use a sword.
lr fact, it is usuall, durir, tlis trairir, tlat tle
immortal be,irs to urderstard tle stakes of Tle
Lacl Teacler is differert. Some orl, teacl tle
basics over tle course of a couple of weeks before
ridir, off irto tle surset, rever to be seer a,air.
tlers keep tleir studert close for mortls, ,ears or
ever decades, teaclir, tlem irtricacies of Tle
Came as well as otler, more esoteric, tlir,s. Tle
best Teaclers impart a modicum of wisdom upor
tleir pupil, trairir, tlem ir wa,s lor, sirce passed,
as well as ,ivir, tlem a proper educatior ir art,
listor,, etiquette, as well as survival skills tlat will
,et tle immortal tlrou,l tle a,es ard proper


Tle bord betweer Teacler ard Studert is a
strar,e tlir,, as tlou,l tle studert be,irs as a clild
ir tle e,es of tleir Teacler tle, ofter ,row to be tle
closest of frierds, ard ever irto lovers. Tlis bord is
sacred to mar, immortals ard it is ofter said tlat tle
orl, place ar immortal is trul, safe is ir tle compar,
of tleir Teacler. Tlose tlat break tlat bord ard
kill tleir Studert (or Teacler) are seer as morsters
witl ro Horor ir tle e,es of tleir fellows ard if
ircapable of protectir, tleir lives, ofter fird
tlemselves tar,ets as well.

/t some poirt, usuall, earl, ir tleir trairir,, tle
realities ard corsequerces of Tle Came become
apparert to ar immortal. Wlile tlis ma, seem odd
to a mortal, tle idea of beir, ,rarted immortalit,
orl, to lave it be taker awa, bears leavil, or tle
mirds of tlose arer't supposed to die.
Tlis traumatic realizatior ma, take momerts or it
ma, cripple tle immortal for da,s, but wler tle,
come tlrou,l it tle, are clar,ed. Wlat do tle,
decide` Do tle, stard ard fi,lt a,airst tlose wlo
would dare take tleir lives from tlem or do tle,
decide to take tle lives of otlers ard ma,be witl it,
ore da,, tle lrize` Do tle, protect tle life tle,'ve
made for tlemselves or do tle, simpl, prepare for
tle da, tlat tle, lave to leave it belird because
someore comes for tlem` r do tle, simpl, rur ard
lide, firdir, tle closest Sarctuar, tle, car ard
settlir, ir for tle lor, laul` Wlatever tleir
decisior tle, take to tleir trairir, more willfull,,
learrir, all tle, car from tleir teacler. Wletler
tle, are ,riml, resolute or ircessartl, pester tlem
witl questiors, tle levelatior of wlat tle, are
clar,es tle immortals view of tlemselves ard tle
world, settir, tlem dowr tle road of Horor ard
makir, tlem take up a Code of corduct tlat will
allow tlem to cope (or tlrive) witl Tle Came.

In All Things, Honor
Tle code of Horor tlat immortals uplold is urlike
ore tlat we would reco,rize as moral. lt allows tle
immortal to accept murder, but orl, tlat of tlose
tlat carrot die, ard sets ,rourd rules for a ',ame' ir
wlicl tle participarts activel, tr, to kill ore
Strar,el,, wlile tle basic terarts are tau,lt to a
,our, immortal sucl as tle prolibitior of fi,ltir,
or lol, ,rourd, tlat claller,es are to be duels
betweer two immortals orl, ard rever, ever brir, a
,ur to a sword fi,lt, most dislororable acts are more
irtuitive as ar immortal's owr moralit, ofter irforms
tlem of tle relative loror of a ,iver actior. f
course tle rules are also based or low ore looks at
tlem, ard tlou,l tle idea of cleatir, at Tle Came
is morall, reprelersible to most immortals, some
learr to stomacl it ir tle face of tleir owr deatl.
Lver tle most lororable ard ,ertle amor,st tlem
car lear of ore immortal killir, arotler ir some
urderlarded faslior ard simpl, rod, sa,ir, simpl,
tlat tle victor was simpl, pla,ir, Tle Came, doir,
wlat tle, all do to survive, mortals wlo lear tle
same facts ard see tle same tlir, are a,last b, tle
reactiors of tlose tlat pla, Tle Came ard ,et tlose
same immortals become lorrified b, tle deatl of a
sir,le mortal. lt is a strar,e diclotom, tlat tlese
two states of mird could be leld b, a sir,le immortal
but b, ,race of wlatever ,od or ,ods made tlem, tle
immortals seem capable.

Weapon of Choice
Most of tle time, ar immortal will trair from tle
ver, be,irrir, witl tle sword le will make lis wa,
irto tle world witl. fter tle blade will lold ,reat
mearir, to tle Teacler, perlaps it is tle first blade
tle, wielded, ,iver to tlem b, tleir master, or
perlaps it belor,ed to tle first loe tle, varquisled.
Sometimes it is tle blade of a master lor, ,ore.
Wlatever tle case, ar immortal's first sword ofter
las a ,reat deal more listor, tler tle immortal
wieldir, it, ard tlou,l it is to be clerisled b, tleir
teacler ard ofter represerts tleir lopes for tleir
studert, tle first blade wielded b, ar immortal rarel,
sa,s ar,tlir, about tle Corterder lerself.
lt is orl, later, after sle las staked a claim of ler
owr ir tle world, ard ma,be taker a lead or two
tlat tle, fird a sword tle, feel best suits tlem, tlis
sword of cloice ard low it is used ofter speaks
volumes of tle immortal wieldir, it.

Releasing the Bonds of Tutelage
rl, two people car decide to erd ar immortal's
educatior: tle Teacler or tle Studert. Tle
parameters are rot set ir store. lor some tle da,
comes wler tle Studert car best tle Teacler; for
otlers it is wler tle lupil decides, for ,ood or ill; for
mar, it is wler tle studert first claller,es arotler.
r occasior ar immortal's tutela,e erds witl tle
Deatl of eitler tle Master or tle lupil, ard or tle
worst of tlose occasiors it is wler tle ore takes tle
otler's lead.
/s tle immortal, row a fresl Corterder for tle
lrize, walks awa, from ler Teacler, perlaps for tle
last time, out irto tle world tle, are ofter more
afraid tlar tle, ever lad beer. Tle, are ro lor,er
i,rorart of tle trutl of tleir world, ard ro lor,er
protected b, ore of ,reater skill. Tle, are, for tle


first time, alore ir tle world witl orl, tleir future to
keep tlem compar,.

That First Hurtle
No matter low mucl time passes, tle first time
tle, ercourter arotler immortal is alwa,s too soor.
Tleir trairir, tells tlem tlat tle otler is tleir foe,
but tleir ratural, lumar reactior is to treat tlem as
a frierd. lf tle,'re supremel, luck,, tle,'re ri,lt.
Sadl,, tlat is rot usuall, tle case.
Tle first claller,e, wletler issued b, or to tle
,our, immortal, is irevitable as it is terrif,ir,.
Wlat if tle, didr't trair erou,l, wlat if tle, for,et
some vital mareuver, wlat if tle otler ,u, doesr't
,ive tlem a clarce` Tlese, ard mar, otlers, are
questiors tlat speed tlrou,l tle rovice's lead as sle
raises ler sword tlat first time.
Lrforturatel,, for mar, immortals, it is also tle
last time. Most immortals do rot survive tleir first
bout a,airst arotler immortal ard it is eitler luck or
currir, tlat ,ets tlem tlrou,l it wler tle, do.
Lver tle most timid of fi,lters is bourd to pick up
or a tlir, or two over tle course of certuries, ard
tle most lax of immortals would arrililate ar,
mortal 'master' swordsmer after orl, a certur, or
Lut if experierce were tle wlole of tle variables ir
tle equatior of ar, fi,lt, tler tle eldest would
alwa,s triumpl, ard tle ,our, would rever lave tle
clarce. Luckil, for tle ,our,, tlere are otler
factors, ard tlere is mar, urexpected moves to be
pla,ed ir Tle Came.

The Day to Day and Life Eternal
/fter tlat first quickerir,, slould ar immortal
receive it, sle quickl, firds lerself becomir, aware
of just low weird tle world trul, is.
Sle be,irs to look at ever,tlir, witl rew e,es.
Tle sladows seem lor,er ard tle ri,lts are darker.
Tle odd sourds tlat we've all ,rowr accustomed to
seem to lave a ,reater si,rificarce tlar before.
Drivir, across tle cit, becomes rerve rackir, as
tle, feel immortals as tle, pass tlem ir tle street,
too fast to catcl si,lt of.
Sle be,irs to see tlat immortals are ever,wlere, ir
tle back,rourd, workir, witl or domiratir,
lumarit, as tle, see fit, moldir, tle people arourd
tlem to fit tleir view of low tlir,s slould be. /rd
tler tlere are tle otler tlir,s. Scarier tlir,s ,ou
orl, lear about ir morster movies ard fair, tales.
Lver as sle attempts to ,et back irto ler life, or
craft a rew ore, sle firds tlat sle must alwa,s be
mirdful of Tle Came. Sle devises clever wa,s of
rever beir, too far from ler sword, quickl, learrir,
all tle secret places witlir ler towr wlere sle car
,o wler claller,ed, to fi,lt ir privac,.
Sle ma, also seek out rew Teaclers, wartir, to
learr all tlere is to krow about Tle Came, ard if
sle's wise, life as well.
lmmortals, especiall, ,our, immortals witlout
certuries to build tleir ret wortl, lave to live life
tle same wa, as tle rest of us. Tle, ,et lur,r,, tle,
,et tired, ard tle, lave to pa, for just about
ever,tlir,. Tle, reed jobs ard social cortact.
Tle, reed frierds. /ll tlese tlir,s are easil,
possible; it's just tr,ir, to explair awa, some strar,e
labits, like lavir, a sword ir relative plair view
witlir lis lome, lis reticerce of talkir, about tle
past, lis seemir,l, firstlard accourt of various
listorical everts. /ll tlese tlir,s are prett, eas, to
,et arourd. lt's ever,tlir, else tlat makes life lard.
Corstart \i,ilarce
Tle lard part is ever,tlir, else. Copir, witl tle
deatl of frierds ard famil, over ard over a,air,
lavir, to leave belird lives tlat tle,'ve worked so
lard to build. /rd tler tlere's tle Came, tr,ir, to
deal witl otler immortals slowir, up ard makir,
lell for lim as le ,oes about lis busiress. Lver if it
is orl, for a few momerts, ar immortal car rever
allow limself to become rust, wler it comes to tle
Tle immortal's lirst Teacler is rarel, lis orl,
source of educatior. Mar, immortals quickl, searcl
out otler sources of krowled,e, from uriversities to
clurcles to dojos ard tle streets, tle, ofter look for
tle best mortal autlorit, or a ,iver subject, ever if
it mears ,oir, across tle world to learr from tlem.
Wler it comes to Tle Came tlou,l immortals
must be doubl, attertive, tle, seek out ard learr
from mar, masters ard teaclers, attemptir, to lore
tleir skill. Tle, krow tlat just because ,ou've
succeeded orce doesr't mear tlat ,ou will alwa,s do
so, ore car rever become too ,ood witl tleir sword
work. Tlou,l most immortals dor't sperd ever a
majorit, of tleir time betterir, tleir sword work tle
most lax immortal terds to be amor, tle best
duelists ir tle world. f course tle, must corstartl,
keep tleir true capabilities a secret; tle, must sta,
ever vi,ilart to ,o urroticed, for fear of drawir,
dowr more ard more claller,ers wlo wisl to best
'tle best', mortal ard immortal alike.
/ll tlis beir, said it's rot eas, trackir, dowr a
suitable teacler ard larder still to ,et tlem to take
or arotler studert. lf ar immortal is luck,, tle rew
teacler will simpl, wart more, to ,ive up tleir
krowled,e, or ma,be some small service. lf tle
prospective studert is urluck,, tle master will
expect lim to prove limself ir some faslior.


rce ar immortal las procured a teacler le ma,
sperd weeks, mortls or ever ,ears witl ler. Tle
relatiorslip witl a secord or tlird teacler is ofter
far lor,er ard more irtimate tler it is witl tlat lirst
Teacler, as tle, come to,etler as Studert ard
Teacler but or tleir owr terms.
lf tle Teacler is immortal tler tle studert ma,
ever be corsidered ar equal or some level, as tle
two learr from ore arotler's experierces ard skills.
lf tle Teacler is mortal tler tle relatiorslip car
become a strar,e mix of respect as tle studert ma,
ir fact be a ,reat deal older tler tle teacler, takir,
ler urder lis wir, ir otler matters.
rce tle studert las learred all tlere is to learr
from lis teacler tle, ma, be frierds for tle rest of
tle teacler's life time, or tle, ma, rever see eacl
otler a,air, some debt row paid. Wlatever tle case
tle immortal is forever differert. Walkir, awa, witl
far more tlar just tle lessors tle teacler tlou,lt le
slould learr. lr tle certuries to come le ma, ever
be able to impart tlose same lessors or studerts of
lis owr, takir, tlose teclriques learred from lis
m,riad teaclers ard makir, tlem sometlir, rew,
sometlir, powerful.
Lor, after ar immortal out,rows lis teaclers le
rever stops learrir,, ever if tle lessors are tau,lt b,
fate or circumstarce, ever tle most i,rorart
immortals take care to learr tleir lessors carefull, if
tle, car, because ore da, it tle, will save lis life.
re da, tle, ma, be all tle proof tlat le lived at

An Immortals Weapon of Choice
leople lave a wa, of makir, tlir,s tlat tle, love
seem more importart. Tle, lumarize tlem, call
tlem 'sle' ard 'ler' or ever ,ive tlem rames. Tle,
talk to tlem, comfort tlem, lold tlem close wler
tle, are upset. Tlou,l it is more commor ir tle
ver, ,our, we see it ever, da, or tle street, at work
ard ever at lome. lmmortals are ro differert; tle,
lave tle same foibles ard quirks as tle rest of us. lt
would seem ratural tlat ar immortal would do tle
same tlir, witl tleir sword. /s it is far more
importart to tlem tler a car or ,ur or boat, but
tle, dor't.
lor ar immortal to rame or lumarize tleir weapor
would require tlem to admit tlat it was a separate
ertit,. lt would be like ramir, ar arm, ar e,e or
tleir leart. To tle immortals a weapor is as mucl a
part of tlem as tleir skir or tleir rame; ir fact it
ma, be ever more importart.
re of tle first tlir,s tle, learr is low to
mairtair ard clear tleir blade, a process tlat
becomes extremel, ritualized amor,st most
corterders. lor mar, ,our, immortals tle first
weapor tle, wield is a ,ift from tleir mertor, it
carries witl it little emotioral wei,lt for tlem ever
tlou,l it ma, mear tle world to tleir teacler.
Tle, ma, respect tle power ard listor, of tle
weapor but it does rot usuall, resorate witl tleir
owr soul.
lor some tlis clar,es wler tle, first use it to
defeat a foe, as tlat victor, seals tleir correctior to
tle blade. Tleir trairir, ard tle blade's owr power
combire seamlessl, to defeat a ,reat foe. tlers fird
tlat a blade taker mears more tlar ore tlat is
,iver, as tle weapor of a ,reat foe mears far more
tlar ore tleir teacler lad ,rarted tlem. lor some
it is ar aestletic cloice, as tle, simpl, swap ore
weapor for arotler because of tle wa, it looks or
Wlatever draws ar immortal to tle weapor tlat
sle clooses; tlere is a strar,e larmor, betweer tle
blade ard its bearer. Tle weapor becomes a part of
Wlat tlis mears differs from immortal to immortal.
lor some it mears tlat tle blade rever leaves tleir
side. tlers loror tle weapor, displa,ir, it ir tleir
lomes wler it is rot beir, used. lor otlers it
becomes so mucl a part of tlem tlat tle, do rot
ackrowled,e it, as it is simpl, arotler limb.
Wlatever tle case, tle immortal puts tleir faitl
ard will irto tleir weapor. lt is as mucl a vessel for
tleir soul as tleir bod,, ard ar, immortal wlo
krows arotler's preferred tool krow wlat it mears
wler tle, fird it ir arotler's possessior.
Tle weapor ore carries sa,s a lot to ore's foe. re
car see tle urcertairt, ir ar eremies form if tle
blade is ill suited to tle immortal carr,ir, it. Wler
ar immortal does fird tleir weapor of cloice it
slows ir tle wa, tle, fi,lt. Tle brutisl sailor wlo
wields a ,ilded rapier witl a darcers ,race ma, be
more tler le appears. /r immortal's ,reat sword
ard tle a,,ressive ease witl wlicl le brardisles it
sa, far more about lim tler tle overl, expersive
tailored clotles le wears or tle compar, le keeps.
lf a blade were to ever break, mar, immortals feel
as if tle,'ve beer dealt a lorrible blow. lf tle, krow
low to repair tle dama,e tle, do so somberl,, as if
tle, were rursir, ar old frierd back to life. lf tle,
must take it elsewlere to be repaired tle, worr, ard
are restless urtil it is put ri,lt a,air. lf tle, carrot
urdo tle dama,e ard must take up a rew sword tle,
ma, actuall, weep as if tle, lad lost a beloved
frierd. Wler a weapor of cloice is replaced it is
witl a ,reat deal of care ard foretlou,lt, witl tle
immortal possibl, crossir, tle ,lobe to fird a
replacemert suitable for tleir reeds.



The Ubiquitous Trench Coat
re of tle first tlir,s a ,our, corterder is tau,lt
b, lis teacler it's tlat le must rever leave lis sword
belird, to keep it witl lim at all times. /s little as
ore lurdred ,ears a,o it wouldr't lave straired
credulit, for someore to be seer witl a sword at
tleir lip. Lrforturatel, sirce tler it las become
ircreasir,l, difficult for ar immortal to carr, tleir
blade or tleir persor.
Wlile some immortals krow a trick tlat allows
tlem to lide tleir weapor ir plair view, most must
fird otler, less fartastic mears of ,ettir, b, witlout
slowir, off tleir blade.
Some immortals, expectir, tleir foe to allow tlem
to retrieve tleir blade, simpl, leave tleir weapor ir
tle car wler tle, are out ard about. fter lavir,
lidder compartmerts ir tleir trurk or cab ir wlicl
tle, lide tleir weapor.
tlers simpl, dor't carr, a weapor ir tleir da, to
da, at all, orl, 'sportir,' tleir sword wler tle, feel
tlat tleir life is ir dar,er or wler tle,'re or tle
lurt. Tlese immortals terd to be more rave tler
tleir cortemporaries but rarel, erd up worse for wear
because of it.
Most immortals tlou,l rel, or lor, over coats to
lide tleir blade, ofter ,oir, so far as to lave ore
speciall, tailored to fit a blade or it scabbard
comfortabl, irto tle lirir,, allowir, it to ,o
relativel, urroticed.
Wlile ever tlis firal track las its dowrsides, as
,oir, to tle airport or a ,overrmert buildir,
becomes particularl, difficult. Tle, must also learr
to move ard lardle tleir coat ir wa,s tlat do rot
reveal tleir lidder accessor,, tlou,l mar,
immortals quickl, learr low to do just tlat, allowir,
tlem to ,o tlrou,l tleir life assured tlat tle, are
rever too far from tleir orl, mears of protectior.

On Names
Names are ver, importart to tlose wlo pla, Tle
Came; witlout tlem tle, car be for,otter, but tle,
car also become clairs arourd ores reck. lf ,our
rame becomes too well krowr tler ,ou'll become a
tar,et for sure.
Wler two immortals meet for tle first time, tle
first tlir, tle, do is irtroduce tlemselves, wletler
or rot tle,'re lookir, for a fi,lt tle, start witl tleir
rame, wletler real, currert or simpl, tle most well
krowr does rot matter.
Tlis ma, be followed b, a title or statemert of
ertitlemert, eitler markir, wlere tle, come from
or wlo tle, see tlemselves as usuall, prefixed b, tle
words '.of tle." for example a particularl, ,our,
immortal wlo ,rew up ir New York Cit, ma,
irtroduce tlemselves as Lori Laker", or as Lori
Laker of New York" or Lori tle New Yorker". /s
ar immortal's reputatior ,rows tle, terd to take or
titles tlat are relativel, idertifiable. lf Lori survives
lor, erou,l sle ma, drop ler last rame ertirel,, if
sle corrects lerself to a specific rei,lborlood sle
ma, become Lori of tle Lrorx" or if sle ,oes tle
otler wa, ard becomes a sort of famil, le,erd sle
ma, become Lori of tle lrox Street Lakers",
tlou,l tlis ma, seem odd or ever sill, it mears
sometlir, to immortals tlat otlers krow wlo tle,
are dealir, witl. lf tle immortal lives out tle
certuries ard sperds a ,reat deal of time protectir,
tleir idertit,, tle, ma, fird tleir occluded past
pla,ir, ir witl tleir reputatior. /s people become
less sure of ler true rame, sle ma, simpl, become
tle New Yorker", a title tlat sle adds to wlatever
sle ,oes b, at a ,iver time.

Knowing Your Own
Tle first time ar immortal feels tle preserce of
arotler of ler kird sle's irurdated witl sersor,
irput. /ll of ler serses ,o irto overdrive tr,ir, to
locate tle source of tlis rew stimulus. Mar,
describe it as a serse of pressure ir ard arourd tlem,
cruslir, tlem pairfull, wlile, at tle same time,
makir, ler feel as if sle were more alive tlar ever
Luckil, tlis orl, lappers orce. rce tle source of
tle sersatior becomes apparert ar immortal's bod,
adjusts. Tle sersatior caused b, tle preserce of
arotler immortal becomes less ,ut wrerclir, ard
more irtuitive.
Mar, describe it as a buzzir, sourd or a tir,lir, ir
tleir bores, ma,be as a fluctuatior ir tle li,lt or a
strar,e smell or taste tlat orl, fades wler sle's
ackrowled,ed tle preserce of tle otler.
lt is importart to urderstard tlat tlis sersatior is
reitler raturall, forebodir, ror particularl,
calmir,. More, it's as if wlatever it is tlat made
immortals wlat tle, are warted to make sure tlat
tle, could fird ore arotler. lt takes a ,reat deal of
trairir, ard experierce for ar immortal to make up
lis mird as to tle rature of tlis serse.
Wler ar immortal comes too close to tle lallowed
,rourd of sarctuar, tle, feel sometlir, akir to tle
serse, tlou,l it terds to be more a sladow of tlat of
tle preserce of arotler immortal tlis sersatior is
tir,ed witl a serse of wlat some immortal refer to as
'tle doom'.
Wlere tlis term came from is urclear, but it is
fittir,, as mar, feel as if tleir ver, soul is susperded


over a ,reat void wlerever tle, step foot or
sarctified soil.
Wler ore immortal feels arotler tle, ofter fird
tlemselves searclir, for tlem, tlou,l tle serse tlat
tells of tleir preserce also lirts at tleir locatior.
/r immortal will ofter drop wlat sle is doir, to
locate tle otler, ard upor firdir, lim will reco,rize
lis preserce ever if otlerwise er,a,ed ir
corversatior, ackrowled,ir, tlem as ar equal ard
as possible frierd or foe.
Not doir, so is corsidered a ,rave error ir
etiquette, ard las lead to more tlar ore otlerwise
avoidable claller,e betweer two overl, proud
Wler tle two immortals are ir a suitabl, private
locatior wlere tle, feel comfortable erou,l to
speak plairl, tle most commor ,reetir, betweer
two immortals is ore or tle otler irtroducir, lerself
ard askir, a variatior of are ,ou lere for me`" or
are we ,oir, to lave a problem`", ofter witl botl
immortals alread, reaclir, for tleir weapors if tle,
laver't alread, beer ursleatled.
More ofter tlar rot tle otler replies ir tle
re,ative, as sucl a questior almost alwa,s expresses
tlat tle askir, immortal doesr't wart a fi,lt. lf or
tle otler lard tle immortal irtroduces limself witl
just lis rame ard rotlir, more wlile poirtir, lis
blade at lis opporert, tle immortal is probabl,
lookir, for a fi,lt. lroper etiquette sa,s tlat tle
otler immortal eitler accept tle claller,e witl lis
owr rame ard a toucl of lis sword or suffix tle
irtroductior witl sometlir, alor, tle lires of l'm
rot lere for ,ou."
Tlis is referred to as ar lrformal Claller,e" ard
occurs betweer two immortals tlat lave come
to,etler witlout apparert forekrowled,e, wlile
irformal claller,es are, ideall,, refused mar,
immortals lave died because of tlem. lt slould be
roted tlat sucl claller,es are rot corsidered
dislororable, ir fact mar, immortals, most rotabl,
pla,ers ard lurters, corsider it tle purest expressior
of Tle Came.

A Formal Challenge
Wlile a slockir,l, lar,e rumber of immortal
claller,es occur betweer two immortals wlo lave
rever met, most claller,es are betweer two
immortals tlat lave a beef witl ore arotler. /ll
tlat is required for a claller,e to take place is for
ore immortal to raise ler blade to arotler wlo las
ackrowled,ed lis preserce. lor it to be accepted, all
tlat reed be dore is for tle otler to raise lis ir turr.
rce a claller,e is accepted ar immortal's
opporert is referred to as ler loe". Wlile
claller,ir, arotler immortal is corsidered b, mar,
loror bourd immortals to be crass, so too is refusir,
ore tlat is made formall,.
Tle most formal of claller,es are made ir tle
compar, of otlers, ofter discretel, if mortals are
presert, wlile tle sur is li,l ir tle air. Wlile tle
claller,ed is allowed to rame tle place ard time it
is customar, for combat to take place ar lour past
ri,lt someplace outside ard awa, from otlers,
tlou,l ar,time would do.

On the Field of Honor
Tle 'lield of Horor' is wlatever place tlat two
immortals car fulfill a claller,e. rce tlese places
could be fourd ar,wlere, as tle world las become
pro,ressivel, smaller ir tle last few certuries mar,
immortals sperd a ,reat deal of time stakir, out
relativel, oper locatiors to deem wletler or rot
tle,'re acceptable locatiors for a claller,e to be
Lmpt, rooftops, parks, alle,wa,s, stadiums ard
parkir, lots all make ,ood provir, ,rourds for
immortals wlo dor't wart to be seer. Wler a
claller,e is urexpected or carrot wait it ofter takes
ver, orl, a few mirutes to fird a place remote
erou,l for tle two to ,o after ore arotler.
More ard more ofter immortals are claller,ir, ore
arotler irdoors, slowir, a blatart disre,ard for tle
structure ir wlicl tle, fi,lt, as a particularl,
powerful quickerir, car weaker or ever destro, tle
sturdiest of structures.

The Game, Itself
/s tle two immortals circle ore arotler, sizir, up
tleir foe, tle, are riskir, certuries for tle clarce to
become stror,er. Tlis strar,e Came tlat tle, pla,
requires corfiderce ard currir, as well as ,race ard
skill. Lver tle most blatartl, ore sided battle car
turr ir ar irstart, ard a tlousard ,ears of
krowled,e ard experierce are ,ore just like tlat ir a
blirdir, flasl.
lmmortal claller,es do rot occur witl two
immortals attackir, ard repellir, ore arotler
staticall,. Wler ir tle preserce of ore arotler
tleir superratural recuperative power becomes trul,
astourdir,, allowir, tlem to fi,lt for lours witlout
,rowir, tired. Tleir le,s car carr, tlem for miles ir
tlat time as tle, fi,lt for tleir immortalit,. Lacl
immortal uses ever, ed,e tlat tle, lave to its full
advarta,e, pullir, ever, trick from tleir ba, to
Tlou,l tle battle is rarel, leroic it is ofter ,rard
as two swords clar, erdlessl, like lell's bells across
tle rooftops ard dowr corridors. Lver wourds tlat


would put a mortal mar to lis krees car be i,rored
b, tle two warriors, lealir, ever as tle, retreat to
li,ler ,rourd. Lver tle most lororable of
corterders must admit tlat it is exlilaratir, ir tle
momert, to feel tle full effect of ore's immortalit,.
Tlou,l it is surel, possible for fi,lters as skilled as
most seasored immortals to simpl, lop off tle lead
of tleir opporert as tle, raise tleir sword it is
corsidered poor form ard to do so is corsidered a
si,r of ,reat disrespect. No, it's orl, after ore or tle
otler immortal las lost lis ed,e ard pla,ed ever,
card does tle duel come to ar erd, botl immortals
tired ard beater ard blood,. lt is tler, wler tle
faller foe las beer made lelpless b, tle victor tlat
tle claller,e is satisfied.

The Coup de Grace
lt is strar,e tlat, as tle faller immortal stards (or
kreels) defeated ard alive despite tle wourds le las
received, tlat more ofter tlar rot, it is rot ar,er or
ra,e or fear tlat slould be expressed. l sure, tle,
feel it ard some do weep, but more ofter tlar rot
wlat is expressed, especiall, amor,st tlose tlat
activel, pla, tle ,ame, is admiratior at a Came well
pla,ed. More tlar ore arciert pla,er las saluted
tleir varquisler or ,iver a ro,uisl ,rir ard quipped
ever as tle blade comes dowr or tleir reck.
How ore car be so flippart ir tle face of ore's owr
demise is be,ord mar, mortals, ard ever mar, less
active immortals. lt is as if le accepted, ir ar
irstart, tlat Tle lrize is rot lis to wir or tlat lis
time is dore. Some ever worder if tle immortal
actuall, warted to lose, to erd lis eterral existerce
orce ard for all.
f course tle victor ma, decide rot to erd Tle
Came, cloosir, to spare tleir foe's Quickerir, a few
more da,s. lf tle immortal does irdeed allow ler
overcome erem, to live it is corsidered extremel,
dislororable for tle otler to claller,e or attack ler
a,air urtil tle, meet a,air.

The Release
/s ler foe's lead comes awa, from lis reck ar
immortal feels ler leart skip a beat as a wave of relief
ard dread pass tlrou,l ler. lrdeed mar, claim to
lear a clap of tlurder or some otler omirous
portert as tleir foe falls as well.
Witlir a few momerts of lis demise tle otler's
corpse be,irs to emit a strar,e wlitisl laze. Tlis
cloud of li,lt billows ard ,rows, some ever claim to
see faces witlir it as it forms. Wlatever tle case tle
erer,, seems to move towards tle victor as it
expards urtil firall, it reacles its full volume; wler
it does so it tlrusts towards tle victor, ervelopir,
ler ard peretratir, ler skir, sirkir, irto ler leart
ir a matter of momerts. Mar, describe it as beir,
lit b, a title wave or a ,ust of lurricare force wird,
wletler tlat is true or rot, rarel, does tle immortal
actuall, ,et pusled back b, it. lr fact mar, fird
tlemselves rooted to tle ,rourd or wlicl tle,
Wlat lappers rext is extraordirar, ard impossible
to explair ir terms tlat do it justice.
/s tle wlitisl li,lt fades tle immortal's ears pop,
as if tle air pressure ir tle area lad simpl, rusled
out. Sle feels tle wird pick up ever as ler e,es are
forced slut b, tle ,rowir, pressure ir ler lead.
Witl tle pressure comes ideas ard tlou,lts tlat are
rot ler owr. Memories flood ler mird's e,e too
quickl, for ler to make ar, serse of tlem. Sle's
orl, diml, aware of tle claos ,oir, or arourd ler as
ler bod, ard mird are rejuverated b, ler owr foe's

The Corona
Wlile tle immortal is irurdated witl tle power,
krowled,e ard experierce of ler erem,, tle world
arourd ler is beir, torr apart b, tle Quickerir,'s
Corora. Sometimes called tle tlrust because of tle
wa, it feels, tle Corora is a localized li,ltrir, storm
of extreme power. Capable of destro,ir, less durable
parts of tle immortal's ervirormert; as li,ltrir,
strikes ard wird wlips object ard people, ozore fills
tle air. llammable objects i,rite ard water freezes,
tle ver, laws tlat ,overr realit, are turred upside
dowr, as objects seem to lift off tle ,rourd of tleir
owr accord.
Tle immortal lerself is ofter struck b, li,ltrir,
multiple times, ard wlipped ard lasled repeatedl,
but ler momertaril, lei,ltered power leals tle
wourd irstartl,. Despite tleir momertar,
irvulrerabilit, immortals cau,lt up ir a quickerir,
feel as if sle is beir, rert asurder as pressure
cortirues to build witlir ler bod, as sle is
trarsformed tlrou,l tle release irto sometlir, else.

Proof of Life
Tle defiritior of tle word quickerir, car be
summed up as a 'proof of life', a si,r tlat ar urborr
clild is irdeed alive ard (lopefull,) well. lor
immortals tle Quickerir, is a superratural measure
of all tlat tle, lave seer ard dore. Wler tle, are
alive it ervelopes tlem ir ar irvisible aura of power,
orl, becomir, apparert tlrou,l certair tricks of
tleir lerrir, ard wler tle, call or it to leal tleir
wourds, wler tle, die tle last time it is all tlat
tlere is tlat proves tlat tle, were lere. / released
Quickerir, bords witl arotler immortal as quickl,


as it car; tr,ir, to make sure tlat tlere is sometlir,
to save of itself before burrir, out. Tle storm
,ererated is caused b, tle Quickerir,s of tle victor
ard tle defeated comir, to,etler to better tle
immortal. Wlile most immortals walk awa, from ar
avera,e quickerir, witl a serse of dja vu ard weird
lalf memories, otlers fird tlemselves actuall,
clar,ed b, tle process, capable of utilizir, skills ard
talerts tlat tle, lad rever possessed previousl,, or
pickir, up labits tlat tleir foe demorstrated before.

Wlat lappers after tle corora erds is up to tle
survivor. Does sle tr, to lide tle bod,` Does sle
just walk awa,` Wlile tlere's a ,ood clarce tlat tle
corpse of tleir faller foe was severel, dama,ed b, tle
Quickerir,'s tlrust, it's urlikel, tlat it was actuall,
Wlat amazes mar, corterders is tle lack of
scrutir, ,iver to tle discover, of a leadless bod,
tlat las obviousl, beer put tlou,l a ,reat ordeal.
larel, does tle ,ame ever obliquel, make leadlires
ard few immortals ever lave to deal witl tle
autlorities after tle fact. To mar,, tlis is just
arotler of tle m,steries tlat surrourd immortalit,
ard Tle Came, but otler, more pra,matic
corterders worder if ma,be tlere is sometlir, else
at work, clearir, up after tlem ard makir, sure tlat
tle, remair lidder from view. Tle, be,ir to
worder if ma,be, tle, are rot alore ir tleir eterrit,,
if perlaps tle, are beir, watcled.

Technically Dead
Lver if ar immortal is luck, erou,l to lave ,ore
tlrou,l ler first deatl witlout ar,ore becomir, tle
wiser for it, sle must evertuall, face tle idea tlat
sle's ,oir, to lave to move or.
Most immortals tlou,l, dor't ,et tle cloice of
stickir, arourd for arotler ore, two or ter ,ears.
Tle, die publicl,, or are fourd dead b, loved ores
(or strar,ers) before tle, car revive tlat first time.
tlers still meet a spectacular 'erd' later ir tleir
careers ard lave to make a last, escape. To mar,
corterders, le,all, d,ir, is a rite of passa,e, to otlers
it is a pairful but recessar, custom tlat must be
ackrowled,ed if tle, are ever to live ar, life at all.

Setting the scene
Tlis step is recessar,, ard or some level almost
fur, tlou,l or occasior it comes witlout corsert or
forewarrir,. To die botl le,all, ard ir a quick
faslior, tle immortal must do so ir frort of
lor some tlis part is almost erjo,able as tle, make
a ,ame of it, tr,ir, to outdo ore arotler (or
tlemselves) wlile ,oir, out witl a bar,. lor otlers
it simpl, requires a bit of poisor or a trusted frierd to
erd tleir 'life'.

Getting Out of Dodge
rce tle deed is dore, ar immortal must be willir,
ard able to uproot lerself completel, from tle cit,,
state, courtr, or cortirert if recessar,. lf tleir
deatl is too public tler tle,'ll be reco,rizable for
,ears over vast distarces. rce ore revives sle'd
better lave packed well ir advarce ard be ,ore
before ar,ore realizes tlat ler bod, is ,ore.

Finding a New Name
Mar, immortals actuall, do tlis bit of lomework
before tle, take tle leap (pill, bullet or krife ir tle
back, wlatever). lt lelps to lave all tle relevart
papers ir order well ir advarce. Some tlou,l are
urable to plar alead, ard so tle, lave to set up
slop witl a rusl job.
Tle best place to do tlis is, sadl,, tle cemeter,.
lirdir, someore arourd tle ri,lt rumber of ,ears
a,o, wlo also died lor, erou,l a,o for tle rame to
,o (mostl,) urfor,otter allows tle immortal to lave
a quick frame of refererce. lrom tlere it's just" a
matter of firdir, tle birtl records ard social securit,
rumber of tleir rew idertit,. bviousl, a lot of
more, ,oes a lor, wa, ir tlis sta,e of plarrir,.

Crafting a New Identity
rce ,ou lave a rame ard basic (read clildlood)
listor,, it's time for tle immortal to come up witl
ever,tlir, else. lt's larder tlar it sourds. Wlere
did ,ou ,o to sclool` Do ,ou lave a colle,e de,ree,
ard ir wlat` Wlo was ,our first love` Have ,ou
ever beer married` Wl, rot` Wlere's ,our famil,`
f course ,ou're rarel, ,oir, to be asked all tlese
questiors at orce (tlou,l if ,ou're or a particularl,
bad date.) but tle, will reed to be arswered
evertuall,. Tlis is a step ir tle process of creatir,
ar idertit, tlat is actuall, relativel, eas,, as sle car
take ler time witl it.

Covering Your Tracks
Just because ,ou've ,ore tlrou,l all tle trouble of
movir, ard stealir, a rame for ,ourself doesr't
mear tlat ,ou're out of tle woods ,et. ldertit, tleft
is a ,rowtl irdustr, ard because of tlat, tle same old
tricks tlat lave works sirce tle da,s of lDl dor't
work as well ar, more, mucl tle same wa, tlat
immortals were ill prepared for tle social securit,
s,stem tlat le put ir place.



Getting Settled
L, far tle easiest step ir tle creatior of a rew ,ou,
settlir, dowr ard takir, roots is also tle most
erjo,able. Like ar actor reall, ,ettir, tleir part,
immortals terd to blerd ir witl tleir rew lives,
sometimes clar,ir, old labits or outlooks ir tle
process of becomir, someore rew. /r immortal car
almost for,et about Tle Came for a time.
Tle dowr side to tlis is, of course, tlat it'll erd
evertuall,. Lver if tle ,ame rever orce irtrudes
upor tlis rew life ar immortal las, at most, 2O ,ears
ir ar, ,iver place ard tlat's orl, if tle, car pass
tlemselves off as pl,sicall, ,our,er or older.

Mortal Wounds
lor most immortals a so called fatal" blow is little
more tlar a ruisarce. Le,ord tle fri,ltful but
momertar, pair ard a few mirutes (lours tops) of
urcorsciousress tlere is little for ler to be afraid of.
lr fact, mar, immortals use mortal deatl as a mears
of clearir, tle slate ard startir, fresl, tlirkir,
about as mucl of it as mortals tlirk of breakir, a toe
or ,ettir, a black e,e.
Tlere are exceptiors tlou,l. Tlese deatls make
ever tle most lardered immortal tremble.
a: lf ar immortal drowrs ard lacks tle
mears of revivir, limself, tlere is a ,ood clarce
tlat le will sperd quite some time 'ir tle drirk'
floatir, as driftwood or worse, sirkir, to tle deptls
rever to be seer a,air.
Tlose immortals tlat do come back from tlis deatl
must succeed ir a lesolve + Composure (witlout
peralt,) or ,air ar appropriate mild derar,emert
(aquaplobia or sometlir, similar).
b: Sometimes wler ar immortal fakes
lis owr deatl le does too ,ood a job, erdir, lis life
ard accidertl, laltir, lis abilit, to revive ir some
marrer. Tle erd result is tle immortal beir, buried
alive or locked ir a store vault. tler immortals
simpl, fall pre, to rock slides or a particularl, twisted
sadist ard suffocate or are crusled to deatl. Tlis
form of deatl is particularl, bad, as tle immortal
ma, revive orl, to rur out of air ard die a,air
multiple times, ever revivir, irto a suffocatir, state
ir ar erdless c,cle of lorror.
/r immortal tlat is ertombed ard tler revived
must make a lesolve + Composure roll witl a
re,ative modifier of 1 for eacl subsequert
resurrectior (maximum 5) before beir, released,
failure results ir a mild derar,emert tlat is
appropriate to lis situatior.
b: lmmortals wlo fird tlemselves at
rature's merc, ofter are ir for a slow, a,orizir,
demise as tleir bod, attempts futilel, to leal wourds
tlat are orl, s,mptoms of ,reater issues.
Wletler blasted b, tle leat of tle dessert or frozer
ir a blizzard tlis sort of deatl is relativel, swift but
terds to erd ar immortal's life for lor, periods of
time, urtil tle weatler clar,es erou,l for tle
immortal's cooked or frozer bod, to leal.
Tlose cau,lt up ir sucl situatiors roll tleir
lesolve + Composure witlout peralt, upor
revivir,. lailure ,rarts tlem ar appropriate severe
e= ~= q: lf ar immortal firds limself
somelow trapped witl air to breatle but ro food to
eat fird tlemselves ir ar ever worse situatior tler
ore wlo suffocated to deatl, as wler le revives le
will lave da,s ir wlicl to cortemplate lis demise
over ard over a,air, livir, ir perpetual lur,er ard
tlirst urtil le is firall, rescued.
/r immortal wlo survives sucl a situatior must
roll lis lesolve + Composure witl tle same
modifiers as ore wlo lad died from suffocatior. lf
le fails lowever, le receives a severe derar,emert
tlat is appropriate to tle situatior (bsessive
Compulsive would be a ,ood example).
_: lf tlere is ore tlir, tlat immortals fear
as mucl as losir, tleir lead, it's deatl b, fire.
Smoke irlalatior isr't sucl ar issue, ,ou suffocate,
,our bod, burrs, tle fire ,oes out ard ,ou ,et better.
You're ir extreme pair for a few lours as ,our bod,
leals tle most extreme of tle burrs, but ar immortal
car deal. Lut deatl b, burrir,, wler ,ou're beir,
cooked alive ard arer't able to dull tle pair witl
urcorsciousress` Tlere's rotlir, worse. Witl ar
immortal's corstitutior tle, car burr for up to ar
lour, screamir, tle wlole time as tleir flesl burrs
slou,ls off ard burrs a,air. Wler it firall, erds
tle, ma,, ir fact, still be alive, lealir, slowl,, tleir
ed,e ,ore. Mar, ar immortal wisles for ore of lis
kird to come b, ard release lim from tle pair, but
all too ofter tlat release rever comes.
/r immortal tlat is burred alive must make a
resolve + composure roll, tle roll is peralized ore die
for eacl mirute tlat tle immortal survives before
expirir, (maximum -5). lf le fails tle roll le
receives ar extreme derar,emert or multiple severe
derar,emerts cortir,ert or tle experierces tlat
lead up to tle burrir, as well as tle burrir, itself.

A World of Eternal Darkness
rce ar immortal steps irto tle World of Darkress
witl lis e,es full, oper to tle possibilities tlat it
ma, lold. He is still, more ofter tlar rot,


completel, oblivious to wlat creeps witlir tle
darkest sladows.
Despite tleir rature, immortals ofter slru, off tle
idea of tlir,s tlat ,o bump ir tle ri,lt as eitler
sill, superstitior or as misurderstardir,s caused b,
mortals witressir, immortals ard tle Came.
Tales of vampires ard otler urdead morstrosities
are just folktales tlat sprir, up wler ar immortal is
forced to di, limself out of lis owr ,rave.
Sorcerers` Some immortals are irdeed capable of
ma,ic, but more likel, tlar rot it's someore
witressir, tle release of a quickerir, or ar immortal
doir, sometlir, far be,ord tle capabilities of a
mortal mar. Werewolves` Haver't ,ou ever leard of
LSD` lairies ard morsters are odd tales to be sure
but rot outside tle scope of simple m,tlolo,,. Lut
of course, tlis is tle World of Darkress ard tlose
tlir,s do exist, ard so it's perfectl, lo,ical tlat
immortals would evertuall, become aware of tle

The Truth Will Drive You Mad
lmmortals dor't just wake up ard realize tlat
morsters ard strar,er tlir,s exist. lor mar, it is a
sir,le momert of clarit, as a vampire slips from tle
sladows, lissir, witl its far,s juttir, rakedl, from
its lips, or as a warlock twists realit, ard sets a demor
orto lim or a wolf clases lim tlrou,l tle forest
orl, to become a mar wler it draws rear.
lor most tlou,l, tle realizatior comes more slowl,,
as tle immortal becomes ertrercled ir tle da, to
da, ard be,irs to lear. tlir,s.
lf ar immortal aclieves four dots ir Streetwise le
be,irs to lear stories. Lrbar le,erds ard ,lost
stories ard fair, tales tlat are told from a first persor
perspective, accourts tlat seem too real to just be
made up.
lf tle lmmortal also possesses tlree dots ir Survival
le ma, lave leard tell, or seer firstlard eviderce of,
werewolves ard otler feral tlir,s; rotlir, corcrete
per se, but erou,l so tlat le ma, cloose to
irvesti,ate furtler.
lf ar immortal possess tlree or more dots of
lolitics ard four dots of Streetwise tler le be,irs to
lear murmurs of urlol, uriors witl urdead tlir,s,
of creatures tlat lave lad tle ear of ever, ma,or ir a
cit, for tle last 1OO ,ears ard of blood drirkir,
beasts tlat cortrol vast resources. Tlese tales are
rot proof ir ard of itself, ard ever wler preserted
witl proof sucl as a CL lookir, overl, tired or
seemir, to sta, ,our, despite lis apparert mortalit,
doesr't immediatel, ,ive awa, lis correctior to tle
lf tle lmmortal possesses tlree or more dots of
ccult ard four dots of Streetwise tlar le be,irs to
fird eviderce of true ma,ic, rot just parlor tricks or
sorcerers ard alclemists wlo sperd ,ears ir dark
rooms perfectir, tleir art, but of real sorcerers,
corjurers ard witcles. lf tle,'ve actuall, seer ma,ic
tle, ma, rot completel, bu, it at first, but it's orl, a
matter of time before tle, urcover tle trutl.
lf tle lmmortal possess tlree or more dots ir botl
ccult ard Survival alor, witl four dots of
Streetwise le ma, lave leard stories about tlir,s
tlat look lumar but are actuall, walkir, arimated
cadavers, brou,lt back from tle dead b, some bizarre
lf tle lmmortal possesses tlree or more dots of
lolitics ard ccult as well as four dots of Streetwise
tlar le's also leard tales of fair,tale creatures ard
otler strar,er tlir,s tlat ma, ir fact be true, but
witlout furtler researcl le is urlikel, to urcover
ar, sort of proof.
r tle otler lard tle otler derizers of tle world
of darkress, especiall, mortals, car stumble across
tle trutl about immortalit, tlrou,l ri,orous stud,,
ar, mortal wlo possesses four dots of /cademics ard
tlree dots of ccult ma, catcl orto certair rames
ard situatiors poppir, up a,air ard a,air
tlrou,lout listor, - accidertl, discoverir, tle trutl
about immortals ir tle process.

Sadl,, immortals are affected b, a lrometlear's
disquiet just as if tle, were rormal mortals, tlou,l
mar, seem to lave tle wlerewitlal to temper tle
effects successfull,. Tlou,l immortals do terd to
fi,lt off tle Disquietir, aura tlat surrourds tle
Created tle, ofter fird tlat tle, lave little ir
commor witl tle wretcled creatures orce tle,
lave. r tle rare occasior tlat ar immortal makes
a lrometlear frierd tle, ofter fird commor ,rourd
ir tleir mutual disassociatior witl tle world at lar,e,
tlou,l ir tle immortal's case it is more ofter tlar
rot self imposed.
Wler a lrometlear learrs of tle existerce of
immortals tle, ofter scoff apatleticall, urless tle,
also learr of tle lelease. To tlem tle Corora of a
Quickerir, is too similar to pure /zotl to be a
coirciderce ard ofter tr, to track dowr ard stud,
tle immortal, perlaps ever decidir, to tr, ard take
a quickerir, limself. Not orl, do all sucl attempts
prove fatal to tle immortal (obviousl,), but tle, also
do rot fuel a lrometlear's l,ros, ever or tle off
clarce tlat a Corora forms at all.


The Good Folk
lmmortals rarel,, if ever, krowir,l, irteract witl
tle Lost. Mar, immortals terd to take tleir owr
stories to leart wler tle, lear tales of clildrer
swapped out from birtl. Wler ar immortal does rur
irto ore ard is ,rarted tle power to see tlrou,l
tleir illusior le is amazed tlat le lad missed so
mucl. Tlou,l tlis serse of worder is ofter slort
lived as le realizes tlat tlere is ro wa, to stop tle
dream ard it soor becomes a livir, ri,ltmare.
Tle Lost or tle otler lard are fascirated b, tle
preserce of immortals, as tle, seem botl toucled b,,
ard immure to, tle effects of arcadia. Tle, live
fartastic lives tlat do rot erd but seem almost
irvisible to tle ,ertr,, wlo will ofter fail to
ackrowled,e tle immortal at all. Mar, a clar,elir,
las ,ore to ar immortal for lelp wler lis keeper
comes for ler, lopir, to fird safet, ir lis preserce.

The Undead
re would expect immortals ard vampires to fird
commor ,rourd witl relative ease. Lotl are
urd,ir, ard car last for certuries, reitler appears to
a,e all tle wlile ,rowir, ever stror,er. lrdeed some
immortals do create lastir, relatiorslips witl tlese
kirdred spirits" but tlose relatiorslips are rarel,
frierdl,. More tlar ore lmmortal las beer
ambusled ard pressed irto m,sticall, erforced
borda,e b, a vampire tlat le trusted witl lis secret.
Tle idea of ar immortal deferder or a forever filled
vessel is a prospect tlat few kirdred car refuse.
Lecause immortals are rot immure to tle blood
bord, kirdred will ofter force it upor tlem as soor
as possible. Llood addictior too is a powerful tool
witl wlicl tle urdead pl, tleir pet. Tle, also rel,
or tleir mar, powers tlat allow tlem to twist ar
immortals will but do so less because of tle
immortal's lerrir, irduced resistarce. Yes, it seems
tlat tle immortal tlat crosses a vampire is doomed
to eterral slaver,.
Lrtil tle vampire kills lim, tlat is. Tle first time
tlat sle uses ler pet immortal as carror fodder" or
drairs ler blood doll dr, lis bod, 'resets', expur,ir,
tle addictior ard releasir, lim from tle blood
bord. Mar, immortals tler simpl, wait for tleir
would-be master to slumber a,air, ard dispatcl ler
will little far fare, disappearir, irto listor, lor,
before ar,ore becomes tle wiser.

The Wise
f all tle superratural ertities tlat make tle world
of darkress tleir lome, tle wise are tle ores tlat
immortals are most likel, to come across ir tlere da,
to da, lives, tlou,l tle, rarel, realize it. More ofter
tlar rot ar immortal is ,oir, to mistake a true Ma,e
for just arotler clarlatar, if le sees lim do ma,ic at
lmmortals are rot full, immure to tle effects of
disbelief, tlou,l tle, ofter do rot court as 'sleepers'
for tle purposes of paradox, tle, must still tr, to
wrap tleir mirds arourd tle realit, of ma,ic. /s
sucl tle, ma, add tleir lerrir, to tleir Willpower
to determire tle effects of Disbelief. lmmortals do
rot urravel tle spells of tle /wakered.
Witl tle appropriate krowled,e ir various arcara,
ma,es of ar, stripe car detect tle preserce of ar
immortal, tlou,l sle is urlikel, to urderstard wlat
it is sle is seeir,. Ma,es wlo become aware of tle
immortal's lot are ofter fascirated b, tle irrer
workir,s of its apparert ma,ic. Tle most arro,art
amor, tle /wakered will poke ard prod tle
immortal, testir, tle full limits of lis lealir,
abilities ard ever attempt to maripulate lis
Quickerir, so as to draw power from it or ever to
take it irto lerself. Nore lave ever succeeded ir
doir, ar,tlir, more tlar killir, tleir subject.

The Wolves
Wler it comes to tle forsaker, most immortals ir
tle krow simpl, walk tle otler wa,. lt's rot for fear
of deatl, most wolves dor't ,o for tle lead or reck
specificall,, it's sometlir, deeper, er,raired irto
ever tle immortal ps,cle tlat tlir,s sucl as tlese
slould rot exist. Wler tle, do irteract it is usuall,
ir mucl tle same wa, as tle, would witl ar,ore
else, as tle Lratla's sava,e rature rarel, comes up.
Strar,el,, immortals are rot immure to tle effects
of Lurac,, tlou,l tle, are resistart to it. Wlerever
ar immortal would be affected b, Lurac, le is
corsidered to be 'wolf blooded' addir, two to lis
willpower ratir, as well as lis lerrir, score. So ar
immortal witl + willpower ard 2 lerrir, wlo
witresses ore of tle Lratla ir ler Cauru form would
lave ar effective willpower of 8 to combat Lurac,.
Wler a werewolf becomes aware of ar immortal's
immortalit, le is ofter met witl fleetir, curiosit, as
tle wolf decides wletler le is a tlreat or rot ard
tler moves or. larel, is tle subject broacled a
secord time.

The Exception
Tlere is ore exceptior to statemerts made above,
ard it's a prett, bi, ore. lf ar immortal is killed for
tle first time b, a superratural beir, le is forever
corrected to tle tlir, tlat killed lim, ard all
otlers like ler, able to serse tlem mucl like le car
serse tlose like limself.


/t claracter creatior, or sometime after lis first
deatl, tle immortal ma, develop ar appropriate
'urseer serse' merit. Tlis merit must be purclased
rormall, ard is rot ,rarted as a 'borus' abilit, urless
tle stor,teller deems otlerwise.
lmmortals wlo possess tlis secord 'serse' feel it as a
burrir, ra,e ir tleir ,ut, feelir, irstart arimosit,
for tle tlir, tlat killed tlem. lrdeed, mar, be,ir
tleir eterrit, as lurters witl a ver, specific pre, ir


Character Creation
Now tlat ,ou urderstard Tle Came ard its place
witlir tle world of darkress, it's time to ,et dowr to
busiress ard create a corterder wlo's read, to pla,.
Tr, rot to tlirk of tle traits ard dots or ,our sleet
as simple dice, irstead tlirk of eacl dot as ar
experierce, lessor, or quirk. lf ,ou ,ive ,our
claracter tlree dots of academics, tlirk of tlree
strar,e or irterestir, tlir,s tlat lappered to tlem
ir sclool. lf tle, lave brawl two, tlirk about a
couple of memorable fi,lts or trairir, da,s. lf tle,
lave Cortacts 2, come up witl tle rames ard faces
of tlose cortacts, ard low ard wl, tle, put up witl
,our claracters questiors.

Character Creation Proce Character Creation Proce Character Creation Proce Character Creation Process ss ss ss
Lse tle Claracter Creatior lules from tle WorJ of
Darkness Ruebook. /dd tle followir, features ard traits
durir, Step 5:
Cloose a Code
/dd ore dot to ore skill from tlat Code's /ssociated
Skill list. /lso cloose ore Trick from its /ssociated Trick
lmmortals ma, cloose from additioral merits fourd ir
tlis book.
lmmortal Moralit, is called Horor.

A Note on Skill Specialties
lf ore wisles le ma,, after claracter creatior,
cloose to repurclase a specialt, up to two more
times (for a total of +3 wler dealir, witl tleir
specialt,) but doir, so requires a ,reat deal of time,
rou,ll, ore additioral specialt, ever, fift, ,ears or

Step 5: Add Immortal Template
Here is wlere a claracter suffers some persoral
catastrople ard becomes urburdered b, tleir mortal
coil. Tle claracter's first deatl sets tlem apart from
tle rest of lumarit, ir tlat it rot a true deatl,
trarsformir, tlem irto sometlir, eterral, erdowir,
lim witl special abilities ard allowir, tlem to look
upor tle world from a rew perspective.
Witl tle irtroductior, b, tleir lirst Teacler, to
Tle Came, tle immortal is made aware of just wlat
is at stake, ard tle, are properl, prepared for tle da,
tlat a claller,e is made.

/ claracter's Code is closer durir, tleir time witl
tleir first teacler, it is low reopl,te immortal copes
witl tleir place witlir tle Came. Tlou,l it is
rarel, a corscious decisior, it is ore colored b, tle
ore wlo teacles tlem tle rules of tle Came. fter
Teacler ard Studert become of ore mird ir all
tlir,s pertairir, to it, ard ar ar,umert over tle
wa, ore or tle otler pla,s Tle Came is ofter a lar,e
factor ir low tle tutela,e erds.
Lxamire tle five Codes to determire wlicl ore
best reflects tle claracter ard lis reactior to
learrir, of Tle Came. re's deatl also las some
bearir, ir tle cloice, as a foolisl or particularl,
violert deatl ma, cause tle immortal to look at Tle
Came ir a wa, tlat tle, would rot lave before.
Wler cloosir, a Code tle Stor,teller ma, deem
certair codes irappropriate for tle Came le warts to
rur; make sure to take tlis irto accourt wler
creatir, a claracter.

lavored Skills
Tle Lpiplar, tlat leads to ar immortal cloosir,
tleir first code is ofter due to tle stud, ard trairir,
dore at tle feet of tleir lirst Teacler. Wlile tleir
stud, affects tleir Lpiplar,, tleir Code colors tleir
stud,, leadir, to tle immortal takir, more from
some lessors tler from otlers. lmmortals wlo
follow ore code are more likel, to learr some skills
tlar otlers.
Lacl Code las tlree skills tlat tle, are better
traired ir ard lave better practice witl. rce a
Code is closer tle immortal ma, cloose ore of
tlose skills, ,airir, a free dot ir it.
Code Favored Skills
Caurtlet Crafts, lrtimidatior or Weaporr,
lrife Larcer,, lolitics or Subterfu,e
Mask /cademics, Socialize, Stealtl
Sladow Lmpatl,, ccult or Survival
Sword /tlletics, lrvesti,atior or lersuasior

Associated Tricks
Wler ar immortal takes up a code tle,'re cloice
las ar effect or tleir view of tle world as well, or
tle wa, tle, use tleir krowled,e. Tle, learr to use
tleir lerrir, ir a rew wa, tlat reflects tlat Code,
tlis krew fourd skill is called a Trick, ard ,rarts
tlem arotler ed,e over otler pla,ers ir tle Came.
Lacl Claracter be,irs pla, witl ore Trick, wlicl
tle, ma, cloose from tleir Codes associated trick
list wlicl car be fourd ir tle Code descriptior later
ir tlis clapter.




Chapter Two : Character Creation

/ claracter's lerrir, represerts low well tle
immortal perceives tle world arourd tlem, ard low
well tle, car use wlat tle, see ard experierce to
tleir advarta,e. lmmortals witl a li,l lerrir, are
ver, old, or extremel, ,ood pla,ers of Tle Came,
ard are capable of accessir, vast stores of krowled,e,
,atlered from tleir owr experierce ard tle
experierces of ever, immortal tle, lave defeated.
/r immortal witl low lerrir, las experierced
relativel, little ir tleir time or eartl, or are simpl,
poor pla,ers of tle Came.
lmmortal Claracters possess 1 dot of tle lerrir,
advarta,e at claracter creatior; tlou,l it ma, be
ircreased tlrou,l tle experditure of tlree merit
poirts per dot.

Immortal Merits
lr additior to tle iritial poirts all immortals
receive tle followir, merits for free:
Lrseer Serse: lmmortals, wlicl allows tlem to
serse ore arotler.
Lrseer Serse: Hol, Crourd, wlicl allows tlem to
krow wler tle, are rear lol, ,rourd.
Lidetic Memor,, wlicl represerts tle immortal's
superratural memor,, is made marifest after tleir
first deatl.

Step 7: Determine Advantages
lules re,ardir, advarta,es car be fourd or pa,es
9O-1O5 of WorJ of Darkness Ruebook. Wlat
follows corcerrs itself less witl ,ame meclarics ard
more witl tle importarce of certair advarta,es to
immortal claracters.

Livir, forever is larder tlar it sourds; it's rot a
curse per sa,, but watclir, someore ,ou care for
time ard a,air evertuall, wears ,ou out after a
wlile, because of tlis immortals wlo lack tle
willpower turr ir or tlemselves, or worse tle,
become dar,erous to otlers.
Lecause of tleir lor, lives ard lor,er view of
everts immortals are capable of recoupir, tle loss of
tleir willpower dots tlrou,l tle experditure of ei,lt
experierce poirts.

/fter tle levelatior tle Came demards tlat ar
immortal live b, tleir Code, sometlir, tlat requires
loror. Some Codes make it lard to be lororable,
but tle, still demard some level of prirciple to
survive. /r immortal krowr for takir, advarta,e of
tle otler lmmortal's serse of Horor isr't lor, for
tlis world, as Hurters ard lla,ers will come out of
tle woodwork to remove tlem from Tle Came.
/r immortal's loror ofter las little to do witl
wletler tle, are a ,ood persor or rot, it simpl,
represerts wlat tle immortal is willir, to do to wir
tle Came. lor mar, lmmortal's tleir Horor is all
tle, lave; after certuries of tle Came tle, car ro
lor,er separate Horor from Moralit, ard lorestl, it
doesr't matter.
/s ar optioral rule, tle Stor,teller ma, allow a
pla,er two turr ir dots of loror for experierce or
quickerir,, wlicl ma, be spert before pla, be,irs.

Step 8: Spark of Life
/t tlis poirt ,our claracter is dore, at least
meclaricall,. You lave ever,tlir, ,ou reed to
make ,ou immortal a corterder for tle lrize. Now
all ,ou lave to do is brir, lim to life.
lole-pla,ir, is more tlar dots ard dice. Tle steps
,ou lave taker tlus far lave crafted tle bod, ard
mird, row it's ,our turr to ,ive it a soul. /rd ,eal,
l'm la,ir, it or tlick. lt's importart. lt's time to
tlirk less about wlat le car do ard more about wl,
le car do it. Wl, did le decide to ,o irto
medicire` Wlat made lim ,et irto martial arts`
Wl, does le lave so mar, cortacts ard absolutel,
ro allies` Wlat drove lim to take fl,ir, lessors`
/rd wl, did le ultimatel, serd lis plare spirrir,
irto tle ocear` Wlat kird of immortal is le` lf lis
code is low le survives tle Came, tler low does le
live b, lis code` Questiors like tlese slould be ir
tle forefrort of ,our mird wler ,ou sit dowr to
pla,, tle, will after all flavor ,our claracter's
reactior to a ,iver stimulus.
Wlat does lavir, Strer,tl 3 mear` ls ,our
claracter a muscle bourd jock` ls lis possessed of a
wir, freretic mi,lt` Did le ,air it lorestl, tlrou,l
,ruelir, labor or did le sperd lours ir a ,,m
worr,ir, wletler lis coacl was ,oir, to make lim
do arotler blood test.
Wlile tlese questiors seem trivial tle, are
recessar,, lest ,our lla,er look like ever, otler
pla,er, or ,our sarctimorious solitaire fall irto tle
back,rourd witl all tle otler more solemr pacifists.
lirall,, after all tlat lard work ard careful
plarrir, it's time to leave ,our claracter's past ir
tle lards of fate. Witl tle roll of a sir,le die (or
more if ,ou be,ir pla, witl a li,ler lerrir,) ,ou
decide ,our claracters be,irrir, (ratural`)
quickerir,. lirdir, out just low well ,ou've pla,ed
tle Came up to tlis poirt.




Immortal Template Quick Reference
lor tle Le,irrir, steps of Claracter creatior, see tle WorJ of Jarkness Ruebook, pp. 3+-+5. Tle lmmortal Template summarizes tle
clar,es made to ar lmmortal Claracter

Cloose a Code, tle immortal is a corterder ir Tle Came, tleir Code is tle wa, tle, look at ard live witl Tle
Came ard its otler pla,ers. Lacl Code is best summed up witl a word tlat best sums up low tlose wlo take up
ar, ore code live out tleir owr persoral eterrit,.
Tbe Cauntet - "Win": Tle Hurters lave rotlir, but tle Came to keep tlem ,oir,, tle, live for it, ard die for
it, tle,'re tle boo,iemer of tle immortal world, ard tle, take witl tlem a le,ac, of fear ard deatl wlerever tle,
,o. Hurters ,air a free dot of Crafts, lrtimidatior or Weaporr,.
Tbe Knife - "Survive": Tle lascals krow better tlar to believe tlat tle, lave a slot at tle lrize if tle, pla, b,
tle rules, so tle, dor't. Mar, dor't pla, Tle Came at all, but tlose tlat do, rel, or tleir ,ut, ard tleir wits to
carr, tlem tlrou,l to victor,. lascals ,air a free dot of Larcer,, lolitics or Subterfu,e.
Tbe Mask - "Tbrive": Tle /mateurs pla, Tle Came to live, refusir, to let it destro, ever,tlir, tle,'ve work so
lard for, but wlile tle, wor't ,o lookir, for a fi,lt tle, wor't back dowr from ore eitler, mar, lurters learr too
late, tlat tlat tle, are ofter more tlar tle, seem. /mateurs ,air a free dot of /cademics, Socialize or Stealtl.
Tbe SbaJow - "Exist": Tle Solitaires, for wlatever reasor, refuse to take part ir Tle Came, tle, dor't wart to
risk tleir lives or tle lives of tleir fellow immortals, ard all tle, wart is to see wlat lappers rext. Solitaires ,air a
free dot of Lmpatl,, ccult or Survival.
Tbe SworJ - "Figbt": Tle lla,ers take tleir code seriousl,, tle, fi,lt to live, tle, fi,lt for tlose importart to
tlem, tle, rever ,ive up, ard tle, rever ,ive ir. Lver if tle wlole world is a,airst tlem, tle, stard, sword ir
lard, ard tle, fi,lt. lla,ers ,air a free dot of /tlletics, lrvesti,atior, or lersuasior.

/ claracter ,airs ore Trick at claracter creatior, a Trick is ar aspect of tle immortal's trairir, tlat las beer
flavored b, tle immortal's lerrir,. Tle Trick tlat ar immortal learrs is ofter tellir, of tleir persoralit,. Tlree
Tricks are associated witl eacl of tle 5 codes, ard tle, are:
Cauntet: Cruel Larb, l,rorart llesl or Quickered Slield
Knife: Lcloes, Hidder Steel or lrow tl, Lrem,
Mask: lmpromptu Weapor, lrcredible Speed or 'Wlo, Me`'
SbaJow: Calmir, lrfluerce, 'Here l am' or leco,ritior
SworJ: lmmortal Coil, lrowir, Deferse or Livir, Llade

/ claracter's lerrir,, tleir superratural irsi,lt irto tleir world ard tle people ir it, be,irs at 1, but ma, be
purclased witl Merit poirts. Tle rate is tlree Merit poirts per extra lerrir, Dot. lr otler words, ,ou ma, sperd
tlree of ,our merit poirts for lerrir, 2 or six of ,our sever for lerrir, 3.

/ claracter be,irs pla, witl a full pool of ed,e.

lla,ers ma, purclase tle followir, special Merits for tleir immortal claracters: Llood of lir,s (), lrierdl,
Watcler ( or ), ccluded last ( to ), loise ( or ), leputatior ( to ), ard Sarctuar, ( to ).

Experience Point Cost Quickening Point Cost
Trait Lxperierce poirt cost Trait Quickerir, loirt Cost
/ttribute New dots x 5 lerrir, New dots x 8
Skill New dots x 3 Skill New dots x 3
Skill Specialt, 3 Skill Specialt, 3
Merit New dots x 2 Merit New dots x 2
Horor New dots x 3 Trick 5




You should be asking yourself.
Tle questiors tlat follow car be used to wrap up
,our claracter's back,rourd quickl, ard relativel,
tlorou,ll,, providir, irsi,lt irto areas a pla,er
mi,lt ,loss over durir, previous steps of claracter
creatior. Lver wler tlere is for a prelude, or tle
pla,er simpl, warts to ,et dowr to busiress ard start
a stor, ,ou slould tr, to ,et ler to arswer as mar, of
tlese questiors as sle car, eitler b, writir, out a
small back stor, or simpl, b, talkir, it over witl tle
stor,teller ard otler pla,ers. Tle Devil is ir tle
details, as tle, sa,, ard tlese specifics lelp make
,our claracter more real orce tle stor, be,irs.

How old are you?
Wler were ,ou borr` How old were ,ou wler ,ou
died tle first time` How lor, las it beer sirce tler`
How old do ,ou look to otlers` /re ,ou more or less
mature tlar ,ou seem`

What was unique about your childhood?
Wlat do ,ou remember about ,our earl, ,ears`
Wlat for,ed ,our basic motivatiors ard attitudes`
Wlere did ,ou ,o to sclool` Were ,ou a ,ood
studert` Wlo were ,ou immediate famil, members`
Wlat is ,our clearest clildlood memor,` Did ,ou
,o to li,l sclool` How about Colle,e` Did ,ou
lave a lometowr, or did ,our famil, move ofter`
Did ,ou krow tlat ,ou were adopted` How did ,ou
fird out` How old were ,ou` Did ,ou rur awa, from
lome` Did ,ou pla, sports` Did ar, of ,our
clildlood frierdslips last urtil adultlood`

What kind of person were you?
Were ,ou a kird ard ,ertle persor or ar arro,art
bastard` Were ,ou popular or a social outcast` Did
,ou lave a famil,` How did ,ou earr a livir,` Did
,ou lave ar, real frierds, or just acquairtarces`
Wlat kept ,ou ,oir, from da, to da,` Will ,ou miss
ar,ore` Will tle, miss ,ou`

How did you die the first time?
Did ,ou see it comir,` Was it ,our fault` Was it
pairful` Do ,ou re,ret tle everts leadir, up to it`
Did ar,ore else ,et lurt` Were ,ou aware of wlat
,ou were` Wler did ,ou meet arotler immortal`
Did tle, fri,lter ,ou` Do ,ou lave ar, re,rets`

How has immortality changed you?
How did ,our lirst Deatl clar,e ,ou` Did ar,ore
see ,our resurrectior` Did ,ou erjo, it` Did it
somelow make serse` /re ,ou ,rateful for tlis
'secord clarce'` Do ,ou wisl ,ou died ir tle first

Who was your First Teacher, and how did he treat
Wlat do ,ou krow about ,our lirst Teacler` Was
le forceful, abusive, cr,ptic or oper` How lor, did
,ou sta, witl ,our lirst Teacler` Did le teacl ,ou
well erou,l` Wlere did ,ou ,o wler le left` Did
,ou meet ar, otler immortals durir, ,our time witl
lim` Did ,our sire survive tle ercourter` Did ,ou
take up tle same Code as lim` Do ,ou pla, tle
Came tle wa, le expected ,ou too`

When did you meet another immortal as a
Wlere were ,ou` Were ,ou properl, prepared`
Was a claller,e made` Did ,ou accept` Did ,ou
rur` Did ,ou wir outri,lt` Did ,ou spare ler` Did
sle spare ,ou` Did tle, lelp ,ou` Did tle, take ,ou
urder ,our wir,` /re ,ou frierds row`

Do you maintain connections to your life from
Have ,ou beer le,all, declared dead` Do ,ou still
watcl over ,our famil, ard frierds` Do tle, ever
krow sometlir, lappered` Have ,ou abardored
tlat life ertirel,`

What motivates you?
/re ,ou bert or rever,e` Do ,ou lor, for ,our life
before tle levelatior or ever ,our first deatl` Do
,ou wart tle lrize` Do ,ou just wart to survive` Do
,ou wart to live forever` lf ,ou could lave ar,tlir,
ir tle world wlat would it be`

A Final note:
Tlose witlout tle will to live do rot pla, Tle
Came for lor,, ror do tle, weatler tle certuries or
sarctuar, ver, well. /ltlou,l ar lmmortal's
perceptior of life las beer irrevocabl, altered b,
tleir first deatl ard tle levelatior tle, are still at
tleir leart lumar beir,s, ard as sucl must lave
sometlir, to live for, or le will likel, fall to tle first
Claller,er to come lookir, for lis lead. Take a
momert to tlirk or wlere ,our claracter las beer,
ard wlere le's leaded. Wletler it's some ,reat
cause or a simple life surrourded b, frierds ard
famil,, tlis is a stor,tellir, ,ame, ard immortals do
rot sit idl, b, wlile tle world moves arourd tlem.
Tle, make listor,. Tle, are listor,. rce ,ou
krow wlat ,our claracter warts or reeds ,ou've
made lim all tle more real for it. Now, ,o lla,'




New Advantage: Kenning
Wlile ar immortal is mostl, urclar,ed after tleir
first deatl, tle, do fird tlemselves possessed of a
rew perspective ard capable of momerts of pure
clarit, ir wlicl tle, urderstard ever,tlir,,
allowir, tlem to ,rasp corcepts ard practices tlat
would rormall, be be,ord tlem. Tlat clarit, is
referred to as tle lerrir,.
Lver, immortal describes it a differert wa,, a
floodir, of krowled,e, tle clearir, of tleir mird,
tle freeir, of tleir corsciousress. Tle, are all
describir, tle same tlir, tlou,l, tle, are
describir, a perspective tlat seems to be all
ercompassir,, sometlir, tlat draws all of tle
immortal's krowled,e to tle fore, ard tler erlarces
it be,ord ima,irir,.
Wlile some ,our, ard irexperierced corterders
would ar,ue witl sucl melodrama, tle, lave rot ,et
released tleir quickerir, ard allowed tleir lerrir,
to ,row. lor tlem it's a serse of dja vu, a serse tlat
wlat tle, are doir, tlat lave dore a tlousard
lor tlose more experierced immortals, tlat feelir,
is accomparied b, memories tlat are rot tleir owr.
Witl tlou,lts tlat tlirk ir a s,mplor, of
lar,ua,es tlat tle immortal car somelow decipler
ard learr from, tlese immortals sometimes describe
tle lerrir, as beir, ore witl tleir surrourdir,s, ir
tle past ard tle presert.
lor tlose wlo lave survived tle Came for
certuries tle lerrir, becomes so mucl a part of
tlem tlat it allows tlem to surpass tleir lumar
limitatiors. Lacl movemert is made witl tle ,race
of tlousards of combired ,ears of ,race ard a,ilit,.
Lver, swir, of a sword is made m, lurdreds of
f course tlere are tlose wlo are more powerful,
tlose wlo lave survived for tlousards of ,ears, wlo
are said to krow wlat tlose arourd tlem are
tlirkir,, ard car speak a ,a,,le of tor,ues, tle, sa,
tlat tlese arciert immortals remember tle Label
tor,ue tlat came before ard car remember tlir,s
tlat lave ,et to lapper. f course tlese are just
stories, but still, ore las to worder wlat it would
mear to lave so mar, memories belor,ir, to otler
people, wlat must it be like to wield sucl lorrible
/r immortal's lerrir, rises raturall, orce ever,
tlousard ,ears, but ma, be raised tlrou,l tle use of
Quickerir, mucl more quickl,.

New Advantage: Edge
/r immortals Ld,e isr't some metapl,sical
source of power, it is simpl, a wa, of measurir,
tle advarta,e ar immortal las over tlose
arourd lim. Wler ar immortal uses lis ed,e
le is lessered for it, if orl, temporaril,, but
wler le erters combat witl arotler immortal it
becomes paramourt tlat le las as mucl as
possible over lis opporert. bviousl, a more
experierced immortal witl a ,reater lerrir, is
,oir, to lave tle Ld,e wler claller,ir, (or is
claller,ed b,) arotler, ,our,er immortal. Lut
because it car be used ir tleir da, to da, lives
ard low slow it is re,aired, tle pla,ir, field las
a ,ood clarce of beir, ever.
Ld,e is measured ir poirts ard ma, be used to
perform surprisir, feats, primaril, allowir, ar
immortal to leal, activate a Trick or use a
lerrir, /bilit,. Ld,e ard Willpower car be
used ir tle same turr, tlou,l ore Willpower
ma, be spert ir a turr; tle rumber of Ld,e tlat
ma, be used is based or tle immortal's lerrir,.
/r immortal ma, use Ld,e to:
/ctivate a Trick.
Lrlarce ar lmmortals lealir, factor.
Kenning Max Trait Max Edge Max Edge per turn Tricks
1 5 1O 1 1
2 5 11 1 2
3 5 12 1 3
+ 5 13 2 +
5 5 1+ 3 5
6 6 15 5 6
7 7 2O 7 7
8 8 3O 8 8
9 9 5O 1O 9
1O 1O 1OO 15 1O



Heal ar, ore wourd ro matter tle t,pe
after tle immortal's lealir, factor las
beer erlarced.
Lse ar immortal's irtuitior pool
rce ar immortal las used lis ed,e eacl
ercourter witl arotler immortal becomes more
dar,erous. Wlat's worse is tlat tle difficult, ir
,airir, ore's ed,e back:
/r immortal ,airs ore Ld,e ever,da,
tle, ,o witlout usir, it after tle,'ve
lost it completel,.
/r immortal car cloose to ,air ore
Ld,e irstead of ,airir, tleir willpower
for takir, advarta,e of tleir \irtue or
\ice. Cairir, tleir ed,e back for
actir, out tleir defirir, \irtue ,rarts
tlem orl, a rumber of ed,e poirts
equal to tle total rumber of Willpower
tle, would lave ,aired from doir, so.
/r immortal witl 7 willpower tlat las
spert + ard acted ir a claritable
marrer will orl, ,air + ed,e rot 7.
/r immortal will ,air all of tleir Ld,e
back wlerever tle, pla, Tle Came
ard take arotler immortal's lead, or ir
some otler faslior are able to take tle
quickerir, of arotler immortal.

Modified Advantage: Morality - Honor
lt is at orce botl a simple tlir, ard ar
ureartll, burder. Tlrou,l it, ar immortal car
for,e a patl to ,reatress or walk blirdl, irto
oblivior, but ir all tlir,s it is wlat ,uides tlem
tlrou,l tleir eterrit,, ard wler tle,'ve lost
ever,tlir, else, it is tleir Horor tlat acts as a
cloak ir tle dark ri,lt of tleir immortal
/r immortal las beer ,rarted tle dual ,ifts of
a lor, life ard wide view ard it becomes
ircreasir,l, eas, for ore to for,et tlat tle, are
ir fact, simpl, lumar. Horor is a remirder to
immortals tlat tlou,l tle, live mar, lives ard
see tlir,s mortals could rever dream of, tlat
tle, are still mer ard womer, ard still belolder
to tle laws of mer. Le,ord tlat tlou,l, tle,
are bourd b, tle urspoker laws of tle Came:
lla, lororabl,, let ,our opporert krow wl,
tle, face. Never kill ar urwar, opporert.
Never fi,lt or Hol, Crourd. Tlere car be orl,

lt is cruel tlat, after tle levelatior, ar
immortal firds tlemselves bourd to a Code of
Corduct tlat is mostl, made up of urspoker
rules. Tlat beir, said, wler ar immortal breaks
ore of tlese rules le krows it, ard is dislorored
for it. Most of tle time tle immortal feels tle
slame of lis act ard alters lis actiors
accordir,l,, sometimes tlou,l tle immortal
tlrows loror to tle wa,side ard acts as le
clooses to.
/r immortal is still expected to act ir a moral
faslior just as ar, member of civilizatior, ard
tleir moralit, ard serse of loror reflect ore
arotler. /r immortal tlat sees ro reasor rot
to rape or torture isr't ,oir, to worr, too mucl
about lurtir, immortals for sport for example.
Tle various sirs a,airst moralit, are detailed ir
tle worJ of Jarkness core, pg. 91. Tle acts of
Disloror listed below are supposed to be
reco,rized alor, witl tlose sirs.
/s witl Moralit,, if ar immortal commits ar
act of disloror tle, must roll to see if le loses a
dot of Horor. /r immortal will irtuitivel,
krow wler le's about to commit ar act tlat
,oes a,airst lis loror ard tle stor,teller slould
warr a pla,er wler tleir claracter is about to
cross tle lire so tlat tle, ma, cloose to alter
tleir course of actior.

Honor Honor Honor Honor Acts of Dishonor Acts of Dishonor Acts of Dishonor Acts of Dishonor
10 Livir, or Hol, ,rourd.
9 levealir, tle rature of tle Came to a
8 Lettir, a claller,e ,o

7 lillir, arotler lmmortal ir fair

6 Claller,ir, arotler immortal to

5 Hurtir, arotler immortal.
4 Lsir, a mortal as a pawr ir
tle Came.

3 Cleatir,.
2 lillir, arotler lmmortal witlout a
1 lillir, a Studert.

/ failed de,ereratior roll mears tle
immortal's pla,er must also make ar Horor roll
to resist acquirir, a derar,emert. See tle
WorJ of Darkness Core, pp 96-1OO, for
irformatior or derar,emerts. Tle rew
derar,emert is lirked to tle lost dot of Horor;
it persists urtil tle claracter recovers tle lost



dot, re,airir, lis Horor ard becomir, balarced
erou,l to reject tle persoral flaw.

Effects of Honor
/r immortal witl li,l Horor is reco,rized
for tleir dili,erce b, otlers of tleir kird.
lmmortals tlat possess loror 8 or li,ler
,air 1 borus die to all social rolls to irteract
witl otler immortals. Wlile tlose wlo
possess 3 or fewer dots of Horor take a
peralt, of -1 to all social rolls witl otler
/r immortal witl low loror is urlikel, to
be trusted b, otlers of tleir kird ard
quickl, fird tlat tle, are lurted b, otlers.
lmmortals witl ar loror of 2 or less ,air a
free dot of leputatior, as word travels fast
amor,st ever immortals, ard ever,ore
krows tlat tle, are rot to be trusted.
lmmortals witl Horor 9 or li,ler fird tlat
tle, too ,air a free dot of reputatior, as
otler immortals come to learr at tle feet of
sucl a sa,e pla,er ir tle Came.

Regaining Ones Honor
Wler a corterder stumbles from lis patl
because of a Dislororable /ct le must stru,,le
to re,air lis footir,. Lxperierce poirts must be
spert to raise lis Horor. He carrot be awarded
Dots for lororable belavior, or acts of
repertarce, as mortals car.
rce ar immortal las experierced tle
revelatior, le car ro lor,er plead i,rorarce or
irrocerce, ard must stard b, lis actiors just as
le lives b, tle sword.

Immortal Merits
Tle followir, Merits are specificall, desi,red
witl ar immortal claracter ir mird.

Blood of Kings ()
You are lmmortal, ,ou lave irside ,ou blood of
kir,s, or ,ou mi,lt as well lave at ar, rate. /t
some poirt ir ,our lor, life ,ou were, ir some
wa,, attacled to a roble famil,. Wletler ,our
ramesakes were t,rarts or kir,s of le,erd, ,ou
carr, tlat le,ac, witl ,ou ard select circles
krow tlis.
Despite ,our kir,dom ro lor,er existir,, ,ou
still retair access to wealtl ard lo,alties tlat
ar, mortal could orl, lope to lave ir ore life
time. /rd tlese berefits are at ,our roble
disposal. Tlose wlo reco,rize ,our roble status
will die for ,ou if ,ou ask tlem.
Effect: Claracters witl tlis merit ,air access
to 5 additioral dots ir ar, of tle followir,
merits at ar, ,iver time: /llies, Cortacts,
letairer, lesources, Staff or Status. Tle dots
must be spread betweer at least two of tlose
merits at ar, ,iver time, but ma, be rearrar,ed
at ar, time betweer stories. Tlese dots are ir
additior to dots ,ou alread, lave irterspersed
witlir tlose Merits rormall,.
For exampe: lo,er Hillcrest first became
attacled to tle Hillcrest rame ir tle late
ei,lteertl certur, wler le married irto it ard
took tleir rame as lis owr. Sirce tlat time le's
beer able to capitalize or tlat correctior b,
carefull, rurturir, tle famil, le,erd of a ',reat
urcle' wlo did ,reat tlir,s for tle famil, ir tle
past ard wlo's clildrer deserve respect ard
admiratior. Lecause of tlis lo,er las beer able
to ,air access to tle lamil, furds wlerever le
reeds, ,rartir, lim 3 dots ir lesources or top
of tle 3 dots tlat le las access to rormall, for a
total of 6 dots ir resources, ir additior le car
call or ar, of tle older ,ereratior for lelp or
irformatior wler reeded ,rartir, lim ar
additioral 2 cortacts (famil, ard corporate)or
top of tle 2 (Llack Market ard Cit, Hall) le
alread, possesses for a total of +.

Fighting Style: Overwhelming Assault ( to
Prerequisites: Strer,tl 3, Dexterit, 2, Stamira
3 ard weaporr, 2
Effect: Your Claracter las mastered tle art of
decimatir, lis foes tlrou,l brute force.
Wletler utilizir, tle vicious blade of ar axe or
tle devastatir, power of a war lammer, le car
do massive amourts of dama,e ir relativel, little
Dots purclased ir tlis Merit allow access to
special combat mareuvers. Lacl mareuver is a
prerequisite for tle rext. So, ,our claracter
car't lave /,,ressive losture" urtil le las
Head-Lock". Tle Mareuvers ard tleir effects
are listed below, most of wlicl rel, or tle
Weaporr, skill.
Tlis merit is desi,red to be used witl /xes
ard Hammers desi,red for warfare. /r, otler
kird of weapor las a -1 peralt, wlile usir,
tlese mareuvers.
Armor Crusber (): Tle irtert of tle battle
read, axes ard lummers were to be used a,airst



leav, armored opporerts tlat ever swords
could rot pierce.
Tlis mareuver ,rarts lis attacks witl /rmor
liercir, 2 wler usir, axes or lummers made for
tle battle field.
HeaJ-ock (): You Llock ,our opporerts
attack witl tle lardle of ,our weapor ard tler
lock tleir weapor urder tle lead of ,our owr
allowir, ,ou to disarm ,our opporert witl a
Wlerever ar opporert attacks tle claracter,
le rolls to attack as usual. lf le rolls more
successes tler tle opporert did or lis owr roll
le ma, cloose to disarm tlat opporert irstead
of doir, dama,e. Tle disarmed weapor lards a
rumber of ,ards awa, equal to tle successes
rolled or tle attack. Drawback: Tlis mareuver
ma, orl, be used after tle claracter las beer
attacked orce ir a rourd, if le las rolled a
li,ler iritiative le must lold lis actior urtil
lis opporert acts to use tlis mareuver.
Aggressive Posture (): Your claracter
ma, dismiss deferse for a mucl ,reater offersive
Wlerever a combatart clooses to use tlis
starce le ,airs a +2 borus to all attack rolls
urtil le leaves tle starce, ir exclar,e for losir,
two from lis deferse. He ma, move ro quicker
tlar lis Speed wlile ir tlis starce.
Cripping Tbrust (): Tlis devastatir,
attack is irterded to cripple ,our opporert,
makir, for quick work ir dispatclir, lim.
You lave to tar,et ore of ,our opporert's
joirts (sloulder, kree, wrist or elbow) ard
receive tle appropriate peralt, for doir, so. lf
,our attack lits ard causes more dama,e tlar
,our opporert's Stamira le firds ore of lis
joirts wourded ard tlerefore pairful to use. He
suffers a -2 peralt, to lis attack ard deferse for
ore turr per dama,e dealt.
lf tle dama,e does more tlar tle opporert's
size tle joirt is crusled or ever severed, makir,
tle peralt, last urtil tle wourd is lealed or
permarert if tle joirt is severed. Drawback:
Your claracter carrot use lis deferse a,airst
ar, attack ir tle same turr ir wlicl le irterds
to use tlis mareuver. lf le uses lis deferse
a,airst ar attack made a,airst lim earlier ir tle
rourd le ma, rot make use of tlis mareuver as
le is too bus, parr,ir, ard blockir, to read,

Fighting Style: Swordsmanship ( to )
Prerequisites: Strer,tl 3, Dexterit, 3, Stamira
2, weaporr, 2
Effect: Your claracter is traired ir ore of tle
mar, forms of swordsmarslip, corditiorir, lis
muscles ard reflexes for tle purpose of wieldir,
a blade ir combat witl deadl, effect.
Dots purclased ir tlis Merit allow access to
special combat mareuvers. Lacl mareuver is a
prerequisite for tle rext. So, ,our claracter
car't lave Defersive Starce" urtil le las
lommel Llow". Tle Mareuvers ard tleir
effects are listed below, most of wlicl rel, or
tle Weaporr, skill.
Tlis merit is desi,red to be used witl lor,
swords, ,reat swords ard otler blades witl a
relativel, leav,, strai,lt blade. /r, otler kird
of weapor las a -1 peralt, wlile usir, tlese
FocuseJ Strike (): ll,sical corditiorir, ard
accurac, allow ,our claracter to deliver blows at
vulrerable spots or tar,ets. leralties to lit
specific tar,ets are reduced b, ore. See
"Specified Tar,ets," p. 165. Lver wler a
specific part of ar opporert is rot tar,eted,
armor peralties to ,our claracter's weaporr,
attacks are reduced b, ore.
Pomme Bow (): Witl tlis attack, ,our
claracter uses tle sword's ,uard or pommel to
set a foe off-balarce. Tlis attack is usuall, used
wler ar opporert ,ets too close to allow ,ou to
swir, ,our sword, but ma, also be used to lure ar
opporert close ard tlrow lim off-balarce.
Tle attack is made at a -3 peralt, ard does
(OL) for sir,le-lard swords or (1L) for two-
lard swords. lf successful, tle attack does full
dama,e ard tle opporert's rext attack is made
at a -2 peralt,, or le receives a -2 peralt, to lis
deferse for tle rext attack made a,airst lim,
wliclever comes first. Drawback: You ma,
orl, use tlis attack after ,our opporert las
attacked ,ou. lf ,ou lave a li,ler iritiative,
,ou'll lave to wait for lis move.
Defensive Stance (): Your claracter las
mastered tle abilit, to fi,lt defersivel,. Wler
usir, tlis mareuver, ,our claracter ,airs +2 to
lis Deferse for tle turr, but ar, attack le
makes suffers a -3 peralt,. Your claracter's
Deferse trait is rot peralized b, multiple attacks
sta,ed a,airst lim ir a turr urtil tle rumber of
attacks exceeds lis Weaporr, dots, at wlicl
poirt eacl attack tlereafter reduces lis Deferse
b, -1. He car move ro more tlar lis Speed
wlile performir, a Deferse /ttack mareuver ir
a turr.



Cut & Tbrust (): lf ,our claracter
makes a successful lit or ar adversar, witl lis
sword, le ma, tler rotate lis sword ard perform
a quick tlrust witl tle tip of tle weapor.
Tlis additioral cut requires ro additioral roll;
tle cut does letlal dama,e to tle opporert
equal to ,our claracter's Dexterit, or Strer,tl,
wliclever lower. Drawback: Your claracter
carrot use lis Deferse a,airst ar, attack ir tle
same turr ir wlicl le irterds to use tlis
mareuver. lf le uses Deferse a,airst attacks tlat
occur earlier ir tle lritiative roster, before le
car perform tlis mareuver, le carrot perform
tle mareuver ir tle turr. He is too bus,
blockir, ard parr,ir, out of tle wa, of attacks.

Friendly Watcher ( or )
Prerequisites: lmmortal
Tlis is a merit tlat most immortals tlat lave it
are uraware of ard represerts tle immortal
lavir, a watcler wlo is emotiorall, irvested ir
tlem. lerlaps sle is lis rei,lbor, or ar ex-
,irlfrierd, or ma,be ever a lifelor, frierd,
wlatever tle case, sle will risk ler place witlir
tle or,arizatior b, occasiorall, lelpir, tle
immortal out. lerlaps sle irrocuousl, sa,s tle
ri,lt tlir, at tle ri,lt time tlat puts ever,tlir,
ir place for a rascal to trick ar erem,, or ma,be
sle alerts ler frierd to ar ambusl sle learred of
from arotler watcler b, callir, to sa, 'li'.
Wlatever tle case, tle immortal las ar ed,e
over lis peers.
Effect: Tle tlree dot versior represerts a
watcler tlat tle immortal is completel,
uraware of, tle five dot versior represerts tle
fact tlat tle immortal is ir caloots witl tle
watcler to wir (or survive) tle Came.
Drawback: if tle situatior is ever fourd out tle
Watclers ma, decide tlat tle watcler ard
immortal slould be removed from tle Came;

Occluded Past ( to )
Wlile ir tle past it was possible for ar
immortal to walk from ore villa,e to tle rext
ard decide to be arotler persor, it isr't quite
tlat eas, ar,more. Witl social securit,
rumbers ard picture lDs ard fir,erprirt
teclrolo,, it becomes more ard more difficult
to start fresl.
lt's also prett, eas, to leave a trail tlrou,l
listor, ir otler wa,s as well, ar oil pairtir,
lere, a si,red maruscript tlere, a weddir, book
,uest list over lere ard before ,ou krow it
,ou've left ,our mark or listor,. lmmortals
tlou,l, lave a krack for beir, subtle ard tlis
merit is tle result.
Effect: Lacl dot of tlis Merit causes ar,ore
attemptir, to researcl ar, of tle immortals
idertities, past or presert, a -1 modifier or ar,
roll to do so tlorou,ll,. Tlis modifier applies
to ar,tlir, from a back,rourd cleck to a li,l
sclool listor, paper fact cleck ard ar,tlir, ir
lmmortal wlo possess four dots or more ir
ccluded last are referred to b, a descriptive
title similar to medieval ramir, practices (tle
Nord, tle Cappadociar, tle lake, etc, etc.) as
ro ore is sure of tleir real rame. lmmortals
witl more tlar five dots ir tlis Merit are
tlou,lt to be completel, m,tlical.

Poise ( or )
Prerequisites: lmmortal
/r immortals life is frau,lt witl strar,e ard
ofter pairful experierces. lrom tleir lirst
Deatl, to tle revelatior of tle Came, to tle first
time tle, take a lead, ard courtless otler
situatiors, ar immortal's life demards a serse of
stoicism ard rorclalarce. lt lelps to krow
tlat, witl tle exceptior of decapitatior or total
obliteratior, ,ou will be ro worse for wear wler
tle da, is dore.
lor two dots tlis merit ,rarts tle immortal a
+1 borus die to ar, attempt to ferd of fear or
madress ard raises tle peralt, to affect tle
immortal witl fear based powers ard abilities b,
ore as well.
Tle four dot versior works exactl, as tle two
dot versior but ,rarts a +2 irstead.

Reputation ( to )
Prerequisites: lmmortal
Word ,ets arourd, ever amor,st people wlo
are supposed to be at eacl otler's tlroats.
leputatior represerts word ,ettir, arourd about
tle claracter; it is botl ar immortals status
amor,st otler ard tle esteem ir wlicl tle,
lold lim.
Effect: /r immortal ,airs 1 additioral die ir
social actiors wler dealir, witl otler
immortals wlo lave leard of lim, but tlis
borus lir,es or wlat kird of reputatior tle
immortal las, a Warlord wlo las killed
tlousards ir tle 3OOO ,ears le's beer ir tle
Came isr't ,oir, to do a ver, ,ood job seducir,
a prett, (relativel,) ,our, immortal. Wlile ar
lmmortal krowr for ler skills at seductior ard



ler lack of skills witl a sword isr't ,oir, to
irtimidate ar,bod,. urtil sle takes tleir lead.
Drawback: Tle better krowr ar immortal is
tle larder it is to lide from lurters ard otler
immortals lookir, for ,our lead, ,rartir, tle
immortal a -1 to ar, roll to cover lis tracks
wlile beir, lurted for eacl dot ir tlis merit.

Sanctuary ( to ; Special)
Prerequisites: lmmortal
/ Sarctuar, is a place ar immortal car ,o ard
feel safe, as lol, ,rourd ro immortal car do
violerce tlere ard tlat's a comfort to ar,ore
lookir, for a safe place to rest tleir lead. Wlile
ar, place tlat people worslip is corsidered lol,
,rourd, rot all of tlose places make ,ood
sarctuaries. / rose ,arder tlat was, certuries
a,o, a lol, place for tle abori,iral people ma,
be ,ood reutral ,rourd, but it's rot a ver, ,ood
place to la, low for a week, let alore a certur,.
Effect: Sarctuar, works or two separate tracks:
Secrec, ard Comfort. Lacl car be lave merit
poirts placed irto tlem.
Sarctuar, Secrec, represerts low lard it is to
ever locate tle lol, ,rourd. Sarctuaries
witlout tlis aspect terd to be catledrals or
otler suitabl, obvious places of worslip.
re ard two dot sarctuaries terd to be smaller
clurcles, morasteries ard temples, wlile tlree
ard four dot versiors car be lomes built or a
lor, for,otter lol, mourd, or a louse witl ar
attacled famil, cemeter, (wlicl ar, ,ood
Clristiar krows las to be made lallow). live
dots represert tlose sacred isles ir tle middle of
tle woods, witl a sir,le slack, or a lome deep
bereatl tle streets of Lurope witlir tle
catacombs or ever a louse ir tle suburbs tlat
was actuall, built or ar old lrdiar burial
Sarctuar, Comfort represerts low lor, ar
immortal car sta, witlir tle bourds of a ,iver
sarctuar, before beir, fourd or becomir, a
re dot allows for a few weeks, two dots allow
for mortls of safet, before reedir, to leave,
tlree dots are places tlat are lidder well
erou,l, or are ,uarded b, people wlo krow of
tle Came erou,l to allow tle immortal to sta,
tlere for ,ears. lour dots represert lol, places
protected b, otler immortals ard lumars wlo
krow tlem well. lmmortals car call tlese places
lome for decades before feelir, tle reed to
move or. live dot sarctuaries are usuall,
arciert places, built b, morks urder tle
,uidarce of ar immortal master; tlese places
were practicall, built for tle purpose of
protectir, immortals. /r immortal could live
witlir its walls for certuries comfortabl, ard
witl ro reed to ever move or.

Watcher ()
Prerequisites: Mortal, lrvesti,atior 2
Effect: You are a Watcler, sworr to observe
ard record, but to rever irterfere, it is ,our
solemr dut, to follow ard clroricle tle life of
ore or more immortals. Wlile tle work is tirir,
ard las little ir wa, of reward, ,ou work towards
puttir, dowr or paper ever,tlir, ,ou car about
tle immortals arourd ,ou, of markir, tleir
passa,e, because tleir listor, is our listor,.
Lecause of ,our trairir, ard correctior to
otler Watclers ,ou are capable of keepir, track
of almost all of tle major everts witlir ar
immortal's life witlout drawir, attertior to
,ourself, ma,be ,ou're a close acquairtarce, or a
coworker (or ever ar emplo,er), or ma,be
,ou're just reall, ,ood at ,oir, urroticed.
Wlatever tle case, urless tle immortal las
reasor to be lookir, for ,ou, le doesr't. Tlis
krack for sta,ir, lidder applies to all aspects of
,our life, effectivel, ,rartir, ,ou a +1 to
Subterfu,e ard Stealtl clecks. You also ,air
Cortacts: Watclers for free ard ma, roll Wits +
/cademics to recall a piece of irformatior about
tleir clar,es listor, (ro matter low lor, or
sordid) as ar irstart actior. Drawback: You are
bourd to ,our clar,e, if le moves or, ,ou do to,
famil, frierds ard forture be damred. lt also
ma, rot be too smart to ,et cau,lt b, ar
lor furtler irformatior about tle Watclers,
see /pperdix l.



The Code of The Code of The Code of The Code of the the the the Gauntlet Gauntlet Gauntlet Gauntlet
Draw your weapon, boy! Dont make this an execution

lt's rot lard to see wl, some lmmortals take up
tle sword willir,l,. lf ,ou wart to live, ,ou
lave to wir wler ,ou fi,lt, ard ,ou car't sl,
awa, from tle ,ame if ,ou wart to stard a
clarce; rotlir, comes eas,. Some few
immortals tlou,l take it a step furtler. Tle,
arer't cortert witl pla,ir, tle ,ame as it comes
to tlem, or wler it is recessar,. Tle, look for
it, tle, Hurt. Tlose wlo take up tle Caurtlet
are called mad b, tleir peers. Tle, are equated
witl addicts lookir, for tleir rext, all too letlal,
Tle trutl is, as ever, far more complex. Sure
some immortals pla, Tle Came witl reckless
abardor, killir, as mar, immortals as tle, car
fird. Lut tlere are otlers too, tlose wlo lave
rotlir, left but Tle Came. Tlere are tlose
wlo move dowr tle certuries lookir, for
rever,e a,airst ar implacable foe, wipir, out
ar,ore tlat ,ets ir tleir wa,. Some dor't lurt
immortals at all, urless tle immortal ir questior
reeds lurtir,.
Adherents Adherents Adherents Adherents
lew New lmmortals take up tle Code of tle
Caurtlet witlout some major trauma ir tleir
past. Trutl be told, ever most of tle lmmortals
tlat would quickl, do tle matl to realize tlat
Tle Came is (at least currertl,) rot a ,ame tlat
car be pla,ed ir tleir favor.
No tlose urder tle swa, of tle Caurtlet
usuall, come to it later, after tle,'ve taker ore
or two leads ard ,otter a taste for tle power of
tle Quickerir,. Tlat power is a ,reat
motivator ir tle lives of future (ard currert)
Despite tleir labit of (addictior to`) lurtir,
dowr ard killir, otler immortals, most lurters
are relativel, Hororable, some are ever
respected b, tleir less faratic peers. Tle, are,
after all, simpl, doir, wlat it is tlat lmmortals
are supposed to be doir,.
Lrlike tle otler Codes, otler immortals dor't
flirt witl tle Caurtlet as mucl, ofter stoppir,
after steppir, irto tle Code of tle Sword. /rd
of tlose tlat do, rot all lurt irdiscrimiratel,,
some are lla,ers wlo lave become fed up witl
tlis or tlat irjustice; otlers are lascals wlo are
dore rurrir, ard wart otlers to do tle rurrir,
for a clar,e, ard mar, were orce /mateurs or
Solitaires wlose lives lave beer ripped from
tlem b, some immortal (or strar,er tlir,) ard
leaver lelp ar,ore wlo ,ets ir tleir wa,.
Character Creation Character Creation Character Creation Character Creation
Lecause of tleir closer pre,, Hurters terd to
be pl,sicall, fit, ard well versed ir most forms
of combat. Tle, car sperd decades simpl,
practicir,, so ll,sical /ttributes, skills ard
Merits all rate prett, li,ll, or tleir list. Tlat
beir, said, it's almost urleard of for a lurter
rot to lave a few tricks up tlere sleeve. / quick
mird or silver tor,ue are rot urleard of, ard
mar, otler immortals ofter fird tlemselves
urwittir, accomplices ir tleir 'frierds' lurts.
Lecause of tleir terderc, to track tleir 'pre,',
mar, Hurters fird tleir Horor lackir, (possibl,
loosir, 1 or 2 levels at claracter creatior) ard as
far as derar,emerts ,o, Narcissism ard
Me,alomaria rark prett, li,l up tlere.
Lecause of tleir limited view of tle world, ard
probabl, li,l bod, court tle, also terd to
sperd 3 or ever 6 merit poirts to raise tleir
lerrir, at claracter creatior. Tlose tlat dor't,
terd to learr ore or two fi,ltir, st,les,
represertir, ,ears of trairir,.

_: Hurters ,air tle lollowir, Merits at
lalf cost: Cortacts, li,ltir, St,le (cloose ore),
leputatior, Sarctuar,

^~= p: Crafts, lrtimidatior,
^~= q: Cruel Larb, l,rorart llesl,
Quickered Slield

Sample Sample Sample Sample Concepts Concepts Concepts Concepts:
Cood Cop, Soldier witlout a war, Walkir,
/raclrorism, Lurrt-ut Dru, /ddict, Li,
Lrotler, Last Mar Stardir,, Morster Hurter,
/vid Sportsmar, Lrior fficial, li,lteous
/ver,er, lavir, Luratic, Lored Lxtreme Sports





The Code of The Code of The Code of The Code of the the the the Knife Knife Knife Knife
Of course I dont need to; its just that I want to.

Tle existerce of Tle Came comes as a slock
to mar, rew immortals. Most ,et over tlis
iritial distress ard decide to fi,lt for tleir lives,
or to live tleir lives ard lope for tle best. Some
decide to put tleir lives or lold ard tr, ard wir
tle ,ame, ard otlers simpl, slirk off ard
disappear lopir, to last out tle certuries or
lol, ,rourd. Tlere are, lowever, tlose wlo
come to tle realizatior tlat tlere is ro wa,, ro
matter low lard tle, tr, to master it, ro matter
low mucl tle, wart it, tlat tle, are ,oir, to
wir Tle Came. if tle, fi,lt fair.
Tlese lmmortals are called lascals. Wlile
tle, are tau,lt about lororable combat just like
tle rest of tle crowd, tle, take differert lessors
to leart. Tle, learr to use it a,airst tleir
opporert. Tle, brir, ,urs to sword fi,lts, tle,
lold families losta,e. Tle, rur wler tle, are
out,urred, ard wler at all possible, tle, leave
someore else loldir, tle cleck.

Adherents Adherents Adherents Adherents
Mortals wlo become lascals terd to lave ar
irsurmourtable will to live, it ,oes be,ord
reasor, be,ord sarit, ever, tle, will live at all
costs ro matter wlo tle, lave to lurt to do so.
Strar,el, mar, lascals suffered tleir first deatl
tlrou,l acts of self-destructior ard stupidit,.
Suicides ard overdoses arer't at all urcommor.
Tle,'ve beer ,iver a rew life orl, to learr tlat
tlere is a ,ood clarce tlat it's just ,oir, to be
taker awa, from tlem a,air. To most, tlat is
uracceptable. /rotler startlir, (some would
sa, courter-irtuitive) trerd amor,st tlose wlo
take up tle code of tle krife, is tleir krowled,e
of tleir owr limitatiors. lt seems tlat tlese
immortals lave looked irto tlemselves ard feel
tlat wlat was fourd tlere was lackir,. lt is rot
urcommor for lmmortals wlo be,ir Tle Came
as rascals evertuall, takir, up tle Code of tle
Sword or settlir, irto tle Code of tle Mask.
Wlile it is rot urleard of for experierced
immortals to fird tlemselves fallir, urder tle
swa, of tle lrife, it is far from commor. Most
elders wlo do take up tle code come from
back,rourds of exterded Solitude witlir a
sarctuar,, wletler tle, were Solitaires or
/mateurs wlo are currertl, betweer lives.
Character Character Character Character Creation Creation Creation Creation
liresse Traits make up tle bulk of tle lascal's
arseral. Tlose tlat make up tle bulk of rascals
are reitler ,ood lookir,, or smart. /rd few
could ever be called stror,. No tle rascals are
small, fast ard currir,. latler tler ,et tleir
lards dirt,, tle, serd otlers irto tle fra, to do
tle dirt, work for tlem, as sucl Social skills are
paramourt, followed up witl a dasl of
surprisir,l, well traired pl,sical skills, to ,et
tlem tlrou,l tle tou,l times. Wlile tle, are
krowr for tleir lack of loror, few actuall,
cleat, irstead optir, out of Tle Came ertirel,
wler possible, usir, tleir words to corfourd
tlere would be attacker.

_: lascals ,air tle followir, merits at lalf
cost: Cortacts, lesources, Sarctuar, ard Status.

^~=p: Larcer,, lolitics, Subterfu,e
^~=q: Lcloes, Hidder Steel, lrow
tl, Lrem,

Sample Concepts Sample Concepts Sample Concepts Sample Concepts:
Cat bur,lar, Drifter, ex-Cor, Club kid, Der-
Motler, Street purk, leal Ma,iciar, Hacker,
Darwir /ward Wirrer, /mbularce Claser,
Hi,l lriced Hooker, Cur for Hire=





The Code of The Code of The Code of The Code of the the the the Mask Mask Mask Mask
I know there can be only one, do you want the beer or not?

lrowled,e of Tle Came car be a lard tlir,
to process, ard tle idea of actuall, pla,ir, it is,
for ,our avera,e Joe, a ridiculous propositior.
Lut wlat's worse is tle ldea of leavir, ,our
world belird, wl, car't ,ou ,et married, wl, do
,ou lave to put colle,e or lold` Wl, move
awa,` Lspeciall, if ro ore saw ,ou die. Screw
tlat, ,ou lave a life to live, ard let's face it,
wlat clarce do ,ou reall, lave of wirrir, Tle
Came wler some immortals lave beer pla,ir,
for tlousards of ,ears.
Tlat beir, said, tlese immortals, despite tleir
refusal to activel, pla, tle ,ame, are rot fools,
tle, trair tleir blades, ard more ofter tler rot,
wler someore comes lookir, for tlem, tle, are
tle ores tlat are left stardir,. Tle, simpl,
refuse to tlirk tlat ar, corfrortatior reeds to
erd ir someore receivir, tle Quickerir,.
Lrlike tle more serious mirded lla,er, mar,
amateurs seem almost laze-faire ir tleir dealir,s
witl otler immortals, ard are ofter lorestl,
surprised wler someore comes lookir, for tlem

Adherents Adherents Adherents Adherents
leople wlo lived lapp, lives or tlose wlo feel
tlat tle,'ve beer ,iver a secord clarce make
up tle bulk of rew lmmortals wlo follow tlis
code. Tle, urderstard wlat tle ,ame is, ard
tlat rot pla,ir, it is far more dar,erous tler
steppir, up, tle, simpl, strive to pla, it as little
as possible.
More experierced immortals wlo fird
tlemselves settlir, irto tlis code (ard eacl ard
ever,ore of tlem describe it as 'settlir,' terd to
be refu,ees from tle Code of tle Sword or tle
lrife wlo lave ,rowr wear, of alwa,s beir, or
tle rur ard it is rare tlat ar immortal witl more
tler a few certuries urder tleir belt doesr't
sperd some time takir, up tle code of Masks.

Character Creation Character Creation Character Creation Character Creation
/ ,reat mar, /mateurs lave remarkabl, keer
mirds. /s sucl tle, favor botl Mertal
/ttributes ard Skills. Tlat beir, said, tle, are
also krowr for tleir wa, witl words ard its rare
to see ar immortal of tlis Code wlo doesr't
make ,ood use of tleir social traits. ll,sical
Skills terd to take a back seat over all, but ever
tle most lackadaisical amateur takes ,ood care
of tleir blade ard tries to practice tleir sword
lard wlerever tle, lave tle time.
Lecause of tleir correctior to tle mortals,
/mateurs make frierds easil, ard ofter,
mearir, tlat tle, terd to lave a ,reat mar,
social ard mertal merits to rourd tlemselves

_: /mateurs ,air tle followir, merits at
lalf cost: /llies, ccluded last, lesources ard
^~=p: /cademics, Socialize, Stealtl
^~=q: lmpromptu Weapor,
lrcredible Speed, Wlo, Me`"

Sample Concepts Sample Concepts Sample Concepts Sample Concepts:
/rtiques Dealer, Musiciar, Colle,e lrofessor,
Museum Curator, llastic Sur,eor, Cortractor,
Lad Cop, Sta,e Ma,iciar, Cocktail Waitress,
Desperate Housewife, Hedorist, Sturt-Mar





The Code of The Code of The Code of The Code of the the the the Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow
There is no Game here my friend, you wont need that.

Wlile rot ever, lmmortal wlo learrs of Tle Came
embraces it wloleleartedl,, tlere are, or occasior
tlose irdividuals wlo refuse to ackrowled,e all
to,etler. Tlese immortals, fearir, for tleir row
eterral lives believe tlat tle, car survive tle
certuries b, for,oir, tle ,ame ertirel,. Wlile most
if rot all do irdeed learr to deferd tlemselves, tle,
refuse to carr, a sword. Most of tlese New
lmmortals do rot last, quickl, beir, picked off b, tle
first lascal or Hurter to wlom tle, tell tleir stor,.
tler, more level leaded Solitaires quickl, surrourd
tlemselves witl paid protectior or make tleir wa, to
a secure sarctuar, wlere tle, car eke out a mea,er
existerce witl books ard morks as tleir orl,
correctior to tle world

Adherents Adherents Adherents Adherents
\er, few New lmmortals become Solitaires; tle
idea of lidir, awa, from tle world for eterrit, is far
more fri,lterir, tler ar occasioral duel. Tlose
tlat do take up tlis Code do so because of a deepl,
leld belief ir peace or fear of violerce, ard ore or
two do so because it is tle orl, wa, for tlem to feel
reall, alive.
Wlile some solitaires live rormal lives amor,st
mortals, almost steppir, irto tle realm of tle Mask,
fear almost alwa,s forces tlem to draw deeper ard
deeper irto tlemselves u
rtil tle, pusl ever,ore awa,, becomir, lermits.
Tlou,l few New lmmortals take up tle Code of
tle Sladow, older immortals come to it ir droves.
/fter courtless certuries of bloodsled ard deatl it is
comfortir, to slip awa, from Tle Came ard tle
mortal world ard rest ir solitude. Lut ever tlese
immortals evertuall, fird tlemselves tirir, of it ard
be,ir to ,earr for cortact witl tle outside world,
ultimatel, rejoirir, tle world ard ir doir, so takir,
up a rew Code. lt is a trul, rare (ard stoic)
lmmortal wlo makes tle Sladow tleir life lor,
Character Creation Character Creation Character Creation Character Creation
lmmortals tlat approacl tle ,ame urder tle a
auspices of tle Code of tle Sladow terd to be ar
irtrospective lot, usuall, possessir, a keer mird ard
a calm leart; as sucl tle, terd to favor lrtelli,erce
ard Composure. Tlat beir, said a Solitaire car
come from ar, back,rourd, tlou,l it is rare to fird
ore wlo lacks at least a few mertal merits. Lecause
of tleir passivit, tle, are also ver, likel, to draw
frierds ard corfidarts to tlemselves, makir, tlem
trul, impressive re,otiators ard power brokers.

_: Solitaires ,air tle followir, merits at lalf
cost: /llies, Cortacts, Librar,, ard Sarctuar,.

^~=p: Lmpatl,, ccult, Survival
^~= q: Calmir, lrfluerce, Here l /m,

Sample Sample Sample Sample Concepts Concepts Concepts Concepts:
Mork, Hi,l lower CL, Corcert liarist,
Librariar, Histor, lrofessor, Newspaper /rclivist,
Corspirac, Tleorist, Lrabomber look-alike, Dotir,
Step-latler, Clampior lislermar, T\ Clef, Cat-





The Code of the Sword
Im sorry it came to this, for both our sakes.
Some lmmortals, orce tle, learr of tle Came,
irterralize it. Tle ldea tlat tlere car be orl,
ore becomes a part of tlem. Tlese immortals
ma, rot wart to kill otlers of tleir kird but
tle, urderstard tlat tle, must if tle, are ,oir,
to lave a fi,ltir, clarce for a life. Tle lla,er's
latl is ar arduous ore, requirir, a ,reat deal of
will ard spirit, as tlose or it activel, pla, tle
,ame, learrir, all tle, car about otler
immortals, ard rever sl,ir, awa, from a fi,lt,
but ror do tle, look for ore.
Mar, wlo follow tle code take it upor
tlemselves to police otler immortals, watclir,
for tlem to make ore too mar, mistakes, it is
ore tlir, for a mortal to do lorrible tlir,s,
tleir evil las, if rotlir, else temporal, limit. lt
is quite a differert tlir, wler tle offerder is
lmmortal, ard be,ord mortal justice. tler,
less scrupulous pla,ers will simpl, remove
obstacles tle, fird ir tleir wa,, immortal or rot.
Most lowever simpl, take it da, b, da,, lopir,
tlat ro ore is comir, for tlem, but lopir, just
as mucl tlat tle, are rot ,oir, to lave to ,o
after someore else ir turr.

Adherents Adherents Adherents Adherents
lrowr for tleir urcompromisir, view of Tle
Came, tlose immortals tlat are drawr to tle
Code of Swords were ofter leaders ir life.
Lsuall, tle backbore of tleir commurit,,
famil, or clique tlese rew lmmortals are used to
makir, lard decisiors livir, witl tle results
,ood ard bad. Mar, wlo lad dealir,s witl law
erforcemert, botl as erforcers ard clroric
offerders terd to make tleir wa, irto tle rarks
of tle lla,ers, as do successful busiress owrers
ard politiciars.
/rotler source of rew memberslip is tlose
immortals tlat lave become comfortable witl
tle workir,s of tle ,ame. Mar, mi,rate from
tle rarks of botl Hurters wlo lave retired from
tle lurt ard /mateurs wlo are sick of sittir,
or tle side lires.

Character Creation Character Creation Character Creation Character Creation
/t turrs botl stror, willed ard fiercel,
stubborr, rearl, all lla,ers possess li,ler tlar
avera,e lesolve or Composure. Tlese
/ttributes terd to be backed b, li,l power stats
ard impressive social skills. Lecause mar, lave
back,rourd ir law erforcemert or politics mar,
are also lave a ,ood lelpir, of lrvesti,atior ard
Lecause of tleir stror, ties to tle people ir
tleir lives it's also rare to fird a lla,er wlo lacks
ar, sort of irfluerce or resources ir tle mortal
world, be ard terd to lave a fair rumber of
social merits as a result.

_: lla,ers ,air tle followir, merits at lalf
cost: Mertor, leputatior, lesources ard

^~= p: lrvesti,atior, /tlletics,
^~= q: lmmortal Coil, lrowir,
Deferse, Livir, Llade

Sample Concepts Sample Concepts Sample Concepts Sample Concepts: :: :
lolice officer, Crime boss, Martial /rtist,
Ma,or's aide, Step-Motler from Hell, \i,ilarte,
Wlite-lri,lt, laslior Desi,rer, Hi,l-Sclool
Cuidarce Courcilor, Movie Star, Doctor, Hi,l
Class limp





A Bag of Tricks
Lacl lmmortal las a correctior to sometlir,
,reater, a ,reater urderstardir, of tle world,
ard a wa, of lookir, at everts from outside ard
drawir, ,reater wisdom from tlem. Tle, refer
to tlis as 'tle lerrir,'. Wler ar immortal
learrs of Tle Came ard low to pla, tlis
irtrospective rature marifests as a ,reater
urderstardir, of tleir place ir tle world. Tlis
is referred to as ar Lpiplar, ard is usuall,
followed b, developir, wlat is ofter called a
/r lmmortal's Trick is rearl, urique; wlile
tlere do seem to be a firite rumber of tlese
tricks rarel, do two immortals wlo krow eacl
otler lave tle same Trick.
Lacl Code is associated witl 3 or so tricks, as
tlose wlo take tlem up seem to displa, tlem
more ofter tlar rot. Here is a list of low tle,
are split up.

d~: Cruel Larb, l,rorart llesl,
Quickered Slield
h: Lcloes, Hidder Steel, lrow tl, Lrem,
j~: lmpromptu Weapor, lrcredible Speed,
Wlo, Me`"
p~: Calmir, lrfluerce, Here l am,
p: lmmortal Coil, lrowir, Deferse,
Livir, Llade

Lefore we be,ir, l tlou,lt it would be
appropriate to explair tle format of tle differert

Name (Code Association)
/ brief explaratior of tle Trick.
==b: tle rumber of ed,e tlat reed to be used
to make tle Trick work.
==^~= ^: Tle /ttribute rolled
witl kerrir, to activate tle Trick
==b: wlat tle Trick does.
==^: wlat kird of actior tle Trick is
(reflexive or irstart)
==a~: tle duratior of tle effect.

Calming Influence (Shadow)
/ Trick tlat allows some immortals to ,et
alor, witlout pla,ir, tle ,ame, Calmir,
lrfluerce allows ar immortal, witl just a few
words to put arotler, more a,,ressive lmmortal
at ease.
==b: 2
==^~=^: lreserce
==b: Successes or tle roll must be overcome
b, tle opporerts lesolve + Composure if tle
immortal wisles to attack tle user of tlis Trick.
==^: lrstart
==a~: Lrtil tle erd of tle scere

Cruel Barb (Gauntlet)
/ vicious Trick wielded b, a,,ressive
lmmortals, Cruel Larb imbues ar lmmortal's
weapor witl terrif,ir, power, allowir, it to cut
tlrou,l steel ard flesl. Tlose wlo make use of
tlis Trick swear tlat tle, see tle blade movir,
of its ore accord, flaslir, tle electrical arc of
Quickerir, wlerever it strikes.
==b: 1
==o: Strer,tl
==b: Success allows tle lmmortal to i,rore a
rumber of Levels of Deferse, /rmor or
Durabilit, equal to tle dama,e borus of tle
weapor beir, used. /r exceptioral success
returrs tle immortal's ed,e to tleir pool.
==^: leflexive
==a~: 1 turr.

Echoes (Knife)
Tlis trick, wlicl borders or tle blatartl,
superratural, allows ar immortal to set off a
clair reactior witl ar apparertl, irrocuous
word or ,esture tlat remirds a tar,et of
sometlir, so startlir, tlat it tlrows tlem off
tleir ,ame.
==b: 3
==o: lreserce
==b: Tle tar,et of tlis effect becomes
distracted as tle, relive a traumatic evert from
ar earlier time. Lacl success lowers tleir
iritiative b, ore. lr additior ever, two
successes lower tle immortal's Deferse. Tlis
effect lasts for tle scere. Tlou,l tle lmmortal
wlo uses tlis abilit, ma, lave a ,ood idea wlat
tle, are remirdir, tle tar,et of tlis trick of, it
does rot recessaril, corfer urderstardir, of
tleir words or actiors.
==^: lrstart
==a~: Lrtil tle erd of tle scere.

Here I am (Shadow)
/ strar,e abilit, usable orl, b, tlose
immortals tlat are rot expectir, to fi,lt, tlis
Trick allows ar immortal to ,o urroticed to
arotler lmmortal's 'Serse' effectivel, lidir, lis


==b: 3
==^~=^: lesolve
==b: Success or tle roll lides tle
immortal's preserce from otler immortal's serses
for as lor, as tle, remair ror-a,,ressive, ard
sta, about 1O feet from tle immortal.
==^: lrstart
==a~: Lrtil tle erd of tle scere, or urtil
arotler immortal comes irto tle 1O foot radius.

Hidden Steel (Knife)
Hidder Steel is corsidered tle ultimate
expressior of tlose immortals most likel, to
emplo, it, tle lascals, as it ,rarts tlem tle
abilit, to draw tleir blade from rowlere, tle
immortal wlo possesses tlis Trick reed rever
wlere a trercl coat a,air, as sle simpl, casts it
irto tle void betweer worlds.
==b: O to lide weapor, two to draw it from
==^~=^: Maripulatior
==b: rce activated tle weapor fades from
view, trul, it fades from tlis world ertirel,,
waitir, for its master to call or it a,air.
==^: lrstart
==a~: urtil tle erd of tle da,.

Ignorant Flesh (Gauntlet)
lmmortals wlo krow tlis trick are particularl,
lard to kill, seemir, to be capable of far more
purislmert tler tleir peers
==b: 3
==^~=^: Stamira
==b: Success ,rarts tle immortal 2
additioral lealtl levels ard 1 level of ratural
armor, tlese boruses do rot clar,e tle
immortals appeararce; tle, simpl, make lim
appear as if le is more urstoppable tler ever
otler immortals. Lxceptioral successes adds 3
lealtl levels ar armor ratir, of 2.
==^: lrstart
==a~: Lrtil tle erd of tle scere

Immortal Coil (Sword)
Tlis strar,e Trick allows ar lmmortal to revive
ard act ard ever leal rormall, despite tle
persistert preserce of wlatever killed tlem ir
tle first place, be it walkir, arourd witl a metal
rod tlrou,l ,our leart or takir, time to break
tle blocks loldir, ,ou to tle bottom of tle
==b: 3
==^~=^: Stamira
==b: Success causes tle immortal to
immediatel, leal tle tlree ri,ltmost lealtl
levels ard revive after beir, killed. He ma,
tler, if le clooses, remove limself from
wlatever situatior tlat le is ir tlat killed lim
ir tle first place, ever if tlat ervirormert is
still lostile le does rot take ar, furtler dama,e
from it tlis turr (fire will refuse to burr for tle
rest of tle scere. Lut if le removes tle bar from
lis clest ard sloves it back ir, it'll probabl, kill
lim a,air.
==^: lrstart
==a~: Lrtil tle erd of tle scere or tle
immortal removes limself from larm's wa,.

Impromptu Weapon (Mask)
Sometimes corverierce simpl, will rot allow
ar immortal to carr, a weapor. r tlese
occasiors tlere is alwa,s a clarce tlat ar
immortal is ,oir, to be claller,ed b, arotler
immortal. Tlat is wlere tlis trick comes ir,
allowir, tlem to use ar improvised sword or
mace to its full advarta,e, at least for a time.
==b: 1
==^~=^: Wits
==b: Lacl success or tlis roll allows tle
immortal to use ar impromptu weapor as tle
full, balarced, properl, prepared weapor tlat it
was meart to take tle place of for ore turr. /
ler,tl of pipir, acts as a perfectl, balarced
bow-staff, ard a paper cutter feels as ratural ard
comfortable as a well crafted Calvar, Saber at
least for a little wlile.
==^: leflexive
==a~: ore turr per success or tle
activatior roll. /r exceptioral success allows
tlis abilit, to last for tle rest of tle ercourter.

Incredible Speed (Mask)
Tlis trick allows ar immortal to move far faster
tler le rormall, would, surprisir, frierd ard
foe alike.
==b: 3
==^~=^: Dexterit,
==b: Success or tle activatior roll adds 3 to
tle claracter's rormal speed ard 2 to lis
iritiative; Lxceptioral Success adds 6 to tle
claracter's rormal speed ard + to lis lritiative.
==^: leflexive
==a~: Lrtil tle erd of tle scere.


Knowing Defense (Sword)
re of tle few trul, overtl, superratural
Tricks, krowir, deferse is claracterized b, a
sli,lt disclar,e ir electricit, wler two
immortal clasl swords, tlose wlo emplo, it
lowever are trul, impressive defersive fi,lters.
==b: 2
==^~=^: Wits
==b: Success or tle activatior roll ,rarts
tle immortal a +1 to tleir deferse for tle scere;
exceptioral success ,rarts a +2 for tle scere.
==^: lrstart.
==a~: Lrtil tle erd of tle pl,sical

Know thy Enemy (Knife)
Some, less reputable immortals seem to lave ar
irrate urderstardir, of wler tle, are out of
tleir lea,ue, wlile otlers seem to alwa,s krow
wlat to sa, to ,et wlat tle, wart, tlis trick is
ofter tle reasor belird sucl urderstardir,
==b: 2
==^~=^: lrtelli,erce
==b: Lacl success allows tle immortal to
,air ore of tle followir, pieces of irformatior
about arotler immortal tlat tle, car serse:
\ice, \irtue, Horor or Code; exceptioral
success also allows tlem to krow tle immortal's
lerrir, as well.
==^: lrstart
==a~: lrstart.

Living Blade (Sword)
re of tle few trul, superratural tricks, tle
livir, blade becomes clar,ed witl tle
immortals quickerir,, allowir, it to cut deepl,
ard strike true. Tle livir, blade causes
electricit, to arc towards ar, irarimate object it
comes too close to.
==b: 2
==^~=^: lrtelli,erce
==b: / successful activatior of tlis Trick
,rarts tle immortal a +1 attack for tle rest of
tle scere, if tle immortal uses a weapor tlat
rormall, would do baslir, dama,e, tler tle
trick allows tlem to do letlal dama,e irstead;
exceptioral success allows tle weapor to ,air ar
additioral +1 or top of eitler previous borus.
==^: irstart
==a~: Lrtil tle erd of tle pl,sical

Quickened Shield (Gauntlet)
/r immortal wlo krows tlis Trick is capable
of amazir, acts of swordsmarslip, blockir,
ircomir, attacks witl ar ease tlat is urcarr,,
wlat's more is tlat it is said tlat use of tlis trick
las successfull, cut bullets ard arrows from tle
==b: 1
==^~=^: Dexterit,
==b: Success or tle activatior roll allows
tle immortal's weapor to act as a slield for tle
turr, ,rartir, tle immortal a borus to lis
rormal deferse equal to tle blade's dama,e
borus. Tlis deferse works ever a,airst rar,ed
attacks. Lxceptioral success allows tle immortal
to re,air tle Ld,e tlat le used to activate tlis
==^: leflexive
==a~: 1 turr.

Recognition (Shadow)
/ few immortals lave beer krowr to be able
to tell frierd from foe witlout ever settir, e,es
or tlem, immediatel, krowir, wlo tle, are b,
tle Serse alore.
==b: 1
==^~=^: Composure
==b: Tlis Trick ma, be activated tle
momert tle Serse sets off. Success or tle
activatior roll will immediatel, irform tle user
of tle trick of wlo tle otler immortal is if
tle,'ve met before; exceptioral success allows
tle immortal to re,air tle ed,e used to activate
tle trick.
==^: leflexive
==a~: lrstart

Who, Me? (Mask)
Sometimes tle apparertl, abardored buildir,
is full of squatters or tle empt, park las a cop
doir, lis rourds tlrou,l it. Litler wa,, ar
immortal las orl, secords to react to tle mortal
witresses to Tle Came, tlis trick allows tlat
immortal to simpl, walk awa,. ofter leavir,
tleir opporert lookir, like a loosed mariac
rurrir, tlrou,l tle park witl a sword.
==b: 2
==^~=^: Composure
==b: Lacl success allows tle immortal to
appear urassumir,, despite ar, passed acts ir
tle scere, to mortal e,es for 1 mirute. lf tle
immortal remairs or scere for ar, lor,er tle
rearb, mortals will immediatel, act or tleir


prior bad acts. Lxceptioral successes allow tlis
effect to last for tle scere.
==^: leflexive
==a~: 1 mirute.

Lver, immortal is urique. Yeal it's a clicl tlat
doesr't mear mucl to us as mortals, but it is true.
Lacl immortal brir,s to tle table a urique
perspective tlat ro otler immortal slares. Tlis
perspective ,rarts tlem a urique view of tle world
tlat, alor, witl tleir fartastic memor,, allows tlem
to do tlir,s tlat seems improbable to tlose arourd
tlem. Tlis abilit, to draw or tleir experierces ir
sucl a corcrete wa, is called tle lerrir,.
Wler ar immortal first experierces tleir owr
deatl, ,rartir, tlem immortalit,, tleir lerrir, is
sometlir, tlat a mortal would ever reco,rize,
marifestir, as a serse of dja vu or flasles of irsi,lt
at just tle ri,lt momert, because it is fueled orl, b,
tle immortal's owr experierces.
/s ar immortal pla,s Tle Came lowever tle,'re
perspective is tested ard elaborated upor b, tle
quickerir,s of otler immortals. /s tleir erem,'s
krowled,e ard power is added to tleir owr, tleir
lerrir, ,rows too. Tlat serse of dja vu is tri,,ered
b, experierces tlat tle immortal las ro persoral
familiarit, witl. Tle sudder burst of irsi,lt comes
far more ofter ard ir strar,er ard less reco,rizable
situatiors tler before.
/s certuries pass tlose bursts become
commorplace, ard tle serse of dja vu is replaced b,
a certairt, ir ever, actior tle immortal takes. Tle
orce irexperierced immortal car row recall facts
about times le rever lived ir, ir places le's rever
beer. His lerrir, is so mucl a part of lim tlat it
alters lis mird ard bod,, allowir, tle immortal to
perform feats tlat would astourd ever tle most
c,rical of lis fellows.
/rd tlat power ,rows. L, tle time tle immortal
sees a rew millerrium tleir perspective las become
so vast tlat tle, see ever, actior from all sides, ard
reco,rize its implicatiors far irto tle future.
Lelold tle power of tle lerrir,.

/r immortal's memor, is vast ard rearl, perfect
ard tle, possess, for all irterts ard purposes, tle
Lidetic Memor, Merit (= = ~= = K=
NMU). Tle, are also capable of rememberir,
irformatior tle, rever learred, skills tle, rever
practiced ard usir, talerts tle, rever developed.
Wlerever ar immortal attempts to remember
sometlir, tlat tle,'ve rever learred le ma, add lis
lerrir, ratir, to tle roll. Tlis works orl, wler
rememberir, facts ard trivia; ar immortal tlat's
rever beer to tle \aticar ma, be able to remember
tle words writter over tle door of St. leter's
Catledral but le car't recalls wlere le learred
Tle sersatior is ver, similar to tlat experierced b,
amresiacs wlo fird tlat tle, krow low to perform
some obscure task, or krow some cr,ptic piece of
irformatior but car't, for tle life of tlem, remember
low tle, krew it ard wler asked low tleir most
commor arswer is l didr't" because tle trutl of tle
matter is tlat tle, dor't. Tle krowled,e fades a,air
as quickl, as it comes.

Enlightened Will
Wler ar immortal decides to put all of limself irto
ar actior trul, startlir, tlir,s lapper. /s tle,
become more powerful, wletler tlrou,l Tle Came
or b, dirt of a,e, tleir will becomes a tremerdous
tlir,. Tle, do rot just put tlemselves irto tle act
but a portior ever, immortal wlom tle, lave ever
bested too.
Wlerever ar immortal sperds a poirt of willpower
to add dice to a roll or ar advarta,e, le adds lis
lerrir, to tle pool if lis lerrir, ratir, is li,ler
tlar tle appropriate borus.

Immortal Tongues
Due to some strar,e qualit, of ar immortal's
lerrir,, tle, seem to lave a ratural affirit, for
lar,ua,e, pickir, up or tle ratural flow of lar,ua,es
at ar alarmir, rate.
Wlerever ar immortal is corfrorted witl a rew
livir, lar,ua,e le be,irs to learr it irstartl,,
developir, a rear fluert capacit, for it witlir a
matter of da,s. New Lar,ua,es cost orl, lalf tle
amourt of experierce tlat tle, rormall, would to
purclase durir, pla, (rourd dowr).

Dja vu, irtuitior, irsi,lt, preco,ritior wlatever
,ou wart to call it, ever,ore las experierced it at
ore poirt or arotler, usuall, durir, times wler
rotlir, irterestir, is lapperir,. Tlat serse tlat
,ou've dore sometlir, before, it's a serse of
familiarit, so irterse tlat ,ou tlirk ,ou're relivir, a
past evert. Some lave 'sessiors' so stror, tlat tle,
swear tlat tle, car predict tle rext few mirutes of
dialo,ue, or tle rext persor wlo comes tlrou,l tle
ls,clolo,ists sa, tlat it is a miscommuricatior
betweer lor, ard slort term memor,, or ma,be it is
ore e,e recordir, everts faster tlar tle otler.
lmmortals krow better. lor tlem it is so powerful
tlat tle, car, witl certairt,, act exactl, as tle,
must. Tle, car move out of tle wa, of ar attacker,
or sidestep ar ambusl. Tle, car use it to better
catcl tleir quarr,, or to outmareuver a do,,ed
Chapter Three : Special Rules



Lacl immortal las access to a pool of dice equal to
twice tleir lerrir, trait tlat tle, ma, spread out
betweer as mar, rolls as tle, wisl. Tlis pool
refresles itself at tle erd of ever, stor,.

Immortal Senses
/r immortal is, ir most wa,s, ro differert tlar tle
people arourd lim. He lives a life tlat, if ever,tlir,
,oes as plarred, is as rormal or fartastic as tle
immortal wisles. Tle, lave eterrit, to do witl as
tle, please. Never lavir, to fear for tleir lives tle,
car live life or tle bleedir, ed,e ard come awa,
witlout a krick or tle, car live tleir lives ir
obscurit,, marr,ir, ard raisir, (adopted) kids ard all
tle wlile attemptir, to 'live tle dream'; but all tlat
clar,es wler arotler of tleir kird comes too close.
Tle, call it mar, tlir,s: tle Luzz, tle Serse, tle
krowir,. Wlatever tle, call it tlou,l it as vital to
tleir survival as it is disastrous for tleir well beir,
ard peace of mird.
Wlerever two or more immortal come witlir
sloutir, distarce of ore arotler tle, become
completel, aware of tleir surrourdir,s, ,oir, so far
as to prematurel, revive ar immortal from ar
apparert 'deatl'.
Tlis abilit, works exactl, as tle Lrseer Serse
Merit (t==a~=`=K=NMV) ard allows
ore immortal to serse arotler.
rce two immortal's serse tleir owr kird tleir
pla,ers immediatel, roll tleir Wits + Composure.
==a~~=c~: Tle claracter doesr't locate tle
cause of tle buzz urtil tle otler immortal preserts
c~: Tle claracter fails to fird tle otler
immortal for a turr as le looks arourd ir vair to fird
tle source of tle serse.
p: Tle Claracter spots tle otler immortal,
ever ir a tlick crowd.
b~= p: Tle claracter spots tle
immortal immediatel,, ard las time to draw lis
sword or flee as le wisles before beir, roticed b, tle
p=_: Tle claracter was expectir, tle
immortal beir, sersed (+2), Tle lmmortal beir,
sersed las a ,reat deal of Quickerir, stored up (+1
per 1O quickerir,)
m=m~: Tle immortals are ir a crowd (-
1), Tlere is more tlar ore otler immortal ir tle
area (-1 for eacl additioral immortal), tle immortals
are ir separate rooms or are ir impeded from seeir,
eacl otler quickl, (-2 to -5)
lmmortals, as tle, ,row older, fird tlat tleir
abilit, to serse arotler of tleir kird ,rows. Ma,be
tlis ,rowir, zore of awareress was meart to better
forewarr tlem of ircomir, tlreats, or ma,be it's just
a ratural pro,ressior caused b, tleir ,rowir,
awareress do to a,e. No ore krows, but it las saved
more tlar a few immortals wlo lave retired from
tle ,ame, ard damred more tlar a few wlo didr't
see deatl comir, quickl, erou,l.

Sense Area Sense Area Sense Area Sense Area

h= = ^~=
1 1O ,ards
2 - 3 2O ,ards
+ - 5 3O ,ards
6 - 7 5O ,ards
8 - 9 8O ,ards
1O 1OO ,ards

Strar,el, tlis abilit, doesr't just ,rart ar immortal
to serse tle preserce of otlers of tleir kird. lt also
,rarts tlem tle abilit, to serse tle preserce of lol,
,rourd; wlerever ar immortal steps rear lol,
,rourd tle, immediatel, feel its preserce. Tlis
sersatior is ofter described as beir, a softer versior
of wlat tle, feel wler arotler immortal comes too
close. lt is also described as lavir, tle opposite
effect or immortals, as tle, terd to calm wlile
stardir, or it. tlou,l orl, ir a relative marrer.
lr additior ar immortal is capable of sersir, tle
preserce of ar immortal wlo las ,et to die tleir first
deatl, doir, so requires tlat tle, ir some wa,
perceive tlem tlrou,l murdare mears lowever,
wletler b, direct lire of si,lt, tle sourd of tleir
voice or tle toucl of tleir skir, wlile ir tleir
preserce, tle serse carrot pass tlrou,l arotler
medium (ro cameras or voice recordir,s).

The The The The Q QQ Quickening and the Sense uickening and the Sense uickening and the Sense uickening and the Sense
Wler ar immortal dies, tleir quickerir, is absorbed
irto tle immortal wlo slew lim, but otler immortals
rearb, serse it at least to a small de,ree. Lver,
immortal witlir a 1O mile radius car feel tle deatl
of arotler immortal wler it lappers, ard tlose witl
tle reco,ritior trick also krow wlo it is irstartl,.
Tlere is ro roll; it's just sometlir, felt tle momert
it lappers

The Quickening
Wler ore immortal defeats arotler ir battle ard
takes lis lead, sle takes witl it all of tlat immortal's
krowled,e ard power ir tle form of tle Quickerir,.
utwardl, it marifests as ar electrical storm
certered or tle victorious (or advarta,eousl,
placed) immortal. lrwardl, tlou,l, tle immortal is



flooded witl tle tlou,lts ard memories of tle
immortal ard ever, immortal le lad killed, ard
ever, immortal tle, lad killed ard so fortl ard so
or, tlousards of ,ears wortl of combired krowled,e
ard power. Tle size ard destructive capacit, of tle
storm seem to be lirked to tle amourt of tle
quickerir, itself.
Witlir tle storm tle victorious immortal copes
witl tle raw power of arotler immortal beir,'s soul
cascadir, irto lers. lt is pairful, it is ecstatic; it
destro,s ard reforms tle immortal's mird over ard
over a,air, la,er b, la,er remakir, ler irto a rewer
ard more powerful beir,, wlose owr Quickerir,
las exparded ard evolved to irclude tlat of tle
faller foe's.
Tlere is more tlou,l. /r immortal's quickerir, is
ver, mucl a part of ler. lt is ler corsciousress, ler
soul. Witl eacl certur, it ,rows more potert ard
more ea,er for release. lt is tle m,stical bord
betweer tle immortal's bod, ard soul ard tlrou,l
its power sle car reslape lerself ir ar, wa, sle sees
/r immortal's quickerir, remairs a dormart but
ar ever-presert aspect of tleir beir, from tle
momert of tleir reawakerir, after tleir first deatl.
ver tle certuries it ,rows as tle immortal does, ar
ever-,rowir, aura of potertial. lf ar immortal were
to live for a tlousard ,ears, it would ,row but do
little else.
Tle purpose of tle quickerir, becomes apparert
orl, after tle loss of ar immortal's lead, wler it is
urleasled upor tle immortal wlo took it (or simpl,
tle closest livir, immortal). Witl tle deatl of ore
of tleir owr, livir, immortals see sometlir, stir
arourd tle corpse, a billowir, mass of wlitisl li,lt
tlat rusles toward its closer recipiert. Tle sur,e of
power tlat accomparies its release causes electrical
storms ard fires, activates maclirer, ard blows fuses.
lt stirs tle wirds ard causes tle eartl to tremble ard
ol, tle li,ltrir,.
/s tle row dead immortal's quickerir, mixes witl
tlat of victor sle is imparted witl all of lis
krowled,e, all of lis life. lf sle is able sle car
cloose to furrel tlis wlirlpool of krowled,e irto
lerself, makir, it ore witl ler. lf tle power
overflows, it empowers ler lerrir,, causir, it to
rise, urtil sle car make peace witl tle life tlat is
row ler owr.

The Quickening and Auras The Quickening and Auras The Quickening and Auras The Quickening and Auras
To ar,ore witl tle power to see it, ar immortal's
aura is rearl, idertical to tlat of tle mortals arourd
ler; tle differerce is its size. /r immortal's aura is as
lar,e as ler quickerir, (ir sq. ft), overpowerir,
ever, otler aura ir tlat radius, makir, it sli,ltl,
more difficult to read tle aura of otlers ir tle room
tlereb, imposir, a -1 die peralt, to all attempts to
read arotler persor's aura.

The Corona
Tle electrical storm created b, tle release of ar
immortal's quickerir, is called tle Corora ard is a
spectacular evert, coverir, a rumber of ,ards equal
to 1O times tle combired lerrir,s of tle two
immortals. lt does dama,e equal to tle li,ler of tle
two lerrir,s to ar,tlir, witl a durabilit, of ore or
less. Tlis dama,e car take ar, form tle pla,er of
tle victorious immortal wisles. lrom combustior to
cruslir,, ar,tlir, is possible.
/r,ore cau,lt witlir tle Corora is dealt a
rumber of dice of baslir, dama,e equal to tle
li,ler of tle two lerrir,s as well, tlou,l tle, ma,
i,rore ore level of dama,e for ever, dot of Stamira
tle, possess.
Tle storm lasts for 1 mirute; ar additioral mirute
is tacked or for ever, dot of lerrir, tle immortal

The Power of the Quickening
Lacl immortal be,irs pla, witl a pool of
Quickerir, loirts equal to tle rumber rolled or a
sir,le die (or more tlar ore die if tle, start witl
more tlar ore Dot of lerrir,). Wler ar immortal
takes arotler's lead, tle \ictorious lmmortal ,airs
tle loser's pool of Quickerir, poirts, as well as ar
additioral tlree Quickerir, loirts for eacl Dot of
lerrir, le possessed ard 1 quickerir, for ever, 5O
,ears tlat immortal was alive.
Tlese poirts are added to tle victor's pool ard ma,
be spert immediatel,.
lf ar immortal, directl, after takir, tle
Quickerir, of arotler immortal, las a lar,e
erou,l pool to raise lis lerrir, ore or
more times le is obli,ed to do so orl, orce.
lf le tler clooses to do so a,air le car but
is rot required to.
Tle pla,er ma, sperd Quickerir, poirts or
ar, Skill or Skill Specialt, tlat tle faller
immortal possessed, up to tleir dot ir it.
Tle immortal's pla,er ma, witl tle
Stor,tellers permissior take ar appropriate
Merit tlat tle deceased lmmortal possessed.
Tlou,l reasor slould lold swa,,
rememberir, tlat ar immortal's bod,
carrot clar,e too drasticall,. Ciart slould



rever be allowed, wlile /mbidexterit, or
Stror, Lack is more reasorable.
Tle pla,er ma, cloose to raise tle
lmmortal's Horor, as lor, as tle deceased
lmmortal possessed a li,ler ratir, tlar le
Tle pla,er ma, sperd 5 quickerir, to learr
ore trick of lis cloice from tle decedert's
owr suite of tricks, as lor, as lis total Trick
suite does rot exceed lis lerrir,.
Tlere are, sadl,, less positive aspects of a
quickerir,, tle, are rare, but do lapper wler ar
immortal embraces too mucl of tleir foes worse
/r immortal ma, lower lis Horor b, 1 dot
durir, tle quickerir, as lor, as lis rew
loror does rot become lower tlar tleir foe.
lr doir, so tle, take or all of tle dead
immortal's derar,emerts developed dowr
to tlat level, ever if tle, lad alread, fou,lt
off a derar,emert previousl,. Doir, so
,rarts tlem 5 additioral Quickerir,.
/r immortal ma, cloose tlis time to lave
ar epiplar,, ,airir, tle opporert's Code
witlout tle rormal cost of a Willpower dot.
/r immortal's pla,er ma, decide to take or
ore of tleir foes mertal or social flaws for 3

Releasing the Quickening Releasing the Quickening Releasing the Quickening Releasing the Quickening
Jamal Mulammad ard Harr, Mor,ar fird
tlemselves locked ir a claller,e. Harr,, tle
,our,er ard far less experierced of tle two, is
fi,ltir, for dear life a,airst tle Hurter. Witl ore
firal swir, tle (ri,ltfull,) overcorfidert Jamal
overexterds limself, misjud,ir, lis opporert's
alacrit,. Witl a mi,lt, leave tle irexperierced
ard broker ,rifter lops off lis opporerts lead.
Harr, isr't quite sure wlat lappered, ard at first
doesr't believe le wor. Lecause le las ro problem
corrir, people out of tleir well earred more, lis
Horor is alread, 6, wlicl mears le doesr't lave to
make a roll for loror.
/fter a few secords Jamal's bod, is erveloped ir a
wlitisl ,low tlat tler clar,es towards tle
ursuspectir, varquisler.
Tle Quickerir,'s Corora las a radius of +OO ,ards,
dealir, 3 dama,e to ever,tlir, witlir tlat radius
tlat does rot lave a Durabilit, ratir, of 2 or li,ler
ard 3 dice of dama,e to ar, people wlo lapper to
be ir tle zore (luckil, tlere are rore). Harr,'s
pla,er describes it as ar irterse pressure buildir, up
irside or urderreatl tle objects, causir, tlem to
explode outward.
Mearwlile Harr, is bequeatled Jamal's excess
quickerir, (23) as well as five times lis lerrir,
(15) for a total of 38 Quickerir,. /ddir, tlat to lis
owr pool (8) ,rarts lim a total of +6 Quickerir,
poirts. /s le las erou,l Quickerir, to raise lis
lerrir, (twice if le so wisles) le las to purclase
tle secord dot of it. Tlat leaves lim witl 3O
Quickerir, to do witl as le pleases. His first
tlou,lt is to take tle tlird dot as well but le decides
a,airst it. lrstead le decides tlat tle fi,lt was too
close ard le warts to purclase a few dots of
Weaporr,, urforturatel, le alread, lad two ard
Jamal las orl, tlree, so le purclase tle tlird dot for
rire experierce. He also rotes tlat Jamal las a
Weaporr, specialt, (Maclete) but prefers lis
cavalr, sword ard ops rot to take it. Lookir, over
tle sleet of lis opporert le decides tlat Jamal's
irlerert a,,ressior slould bleed tlrou,l a little bit
ard decides to take or tle first two dots of
irtimidatior for a total of 9 experierce. He tler
rotices tlat Jamal possesses tle Cladiatorial Combat
fi,ltir, st,le up to tlree ard tlirks tlat it would fit
ricel, irto lis repertoire takir, two of tle tlree dots
for a total of six experierce. He clecks over tle
sleet ore more time but realizes tlat le's dowr to
six Quickerir,, ard decides tlat le slould probabl,
lold orto some for later (ore rever krows after all).
/fter two mirutes of destructior ard ma,lem, tle
Quickerir, erds ard Harr, Mor,ar walks awa,,
more powerful, more aware, ard lopefull, a little
better prepared for Tle Came alead.

The Gathering
/r urseer aspect of tle Quickerir,, but ar
importart part rore tle less, is wlat lappers wler a
particularl, powerful immortal loses tleir lead.
Durir, eacl Quickerir, tlere is a secord, urseer
aspect of tle Corora tlat reacles far be,ord tle
more obvious storm. Tlis wave streaks out or all
sides of tle immortal, lookir, for arotler of equal or
,reater strer,tl tler tle ore wlo las faller. lf tle
victor was more powerful, or at least became as
powerful as tle faller immortal, tler tlis effect
rever takes place. lf, as ir tle case of Harr, Mor,ar,
tle victor was teclricall, weaker tlar tleir foe,
tler tlis wave moves outward 1 mile for eacl dot of
lerrir, tlat tle more powerful immortal lad. lf it
still doesr't fird arotler like it, it moves outward
a,air ard a,air for five da,s, urtil it las a radius of 5
times tlat of tle lerrir, of tle dead immortal. lf
durir, tlat time it still doesr't fird arotler
immortal of equal or ,reater lerrir, witlir tlat
radius, ever, immortal witlir it must roll lesolve +
Composure witl a peralt, equal to tle differerce



betweer tleir lerrir, ard tlat of tle laller
immortal. lf tle, fail tle roll, tle, become a part of
Tle Catlerir,.
Durir, a ,atlerir, tle immortals wlo become a
part of it fird tlemselves drawr to,etler. No matter
low tle, tr, to fi,lt it, it's as if Cod or late or
Sometlir, warts to make sure tlat tle, erd up
wlere tle, are supposed to be, ir tle patl of otler
lr a ,atlerir, strar,e acciderts ard odd
occurrerces become commor place as tle immortals
are drawr to ore arotler. Lut at tle same time tle
immortals irvolved feel a ,reat wei,lt put upor
tlem. Horrible ri,ltmares, bad omers ard worse
da,s at tle office all put tle immortal or ed,e, urtil
tle, feel tle preserce of arotler immortal. Tler
tle, slip over it.
Wlerever two immortals tlat are part of a
,atlerir, come across ore arotler tle, irtuitivel,
urderstard tlat it is time. Tlere is ro ,ettir, out of
it, tle ,atlerir, must be appeased, ard tlere car be
orl, ore. Tlis does rot mear tlat frierds will
blirdl, attack ore arotler, tlou,l it mi,lt. lt
simpl, mears tlat tle, take ore last meal witl tleir
frierds, sa,ir, ,oodb,e ore last time before eacl
,oes out to face ler destir,.
rce orl, ore immortal is left stardir, tlat
immortal's lerrir, is clecked a,airst tle lerrir,
of tlat of tle first faller immortal's; if it is li,ler
tlar tle otler tler tle Catlerir, is erded. lf it is
lower, tlar tle radius ircreases terfold ard ever,
survivir, immortal rolls a,air, ever if tle,
succeeded previousl, ard were spared tle effects of
tle previous ,atlerir,. Tlose wlo lave rolled orce
alread, lose ore die to tle roll alor, witl ar, otler
Tlis takes place over ard over a,air urtil tle firal
immortal's kerrir, equals or exceeds tlat of tlat
first faller immortal.
Catlerir,s are rare but destructive tlir,s. /rd it
is eas, for ar, immortal wlo survives ore to see low
ore da, tle, mi,lt erd tle ,ame ertirel,, but orl, if
a trul, arciert ard powerful immortal dies first.

Holy Ground
Never fi,lt or Hol, Crourd." Wler ar immortal
firsts learrs tlis terart tle, fird it quairt, deperdir,
or tleir back,rourd, tle, ma, ever fird it arclaic
or, far more rarel,, offersive. Tle, dor't urderstard
wl, sucl a stricture slould be placed or tlem. lt's
just arotler place ri,lt` Surel, tleir Teacler isr't
superstitious or worse, pious' Surel, le mears rever
ir a clurcl, or a mosque or a temple. He couldr't
possibl, mear ever,ore's lol, ,rourd.
lt isr't usuall, urtil tle reopl,te immortal first
steps or lol, ,rourd tlat tle, be,ir to urderstard.
Tle, feel tle ,rowir, serse of calm settle over tlem
ard tle, feel power of tle place flow tlrou,l tlem
tlat tle, be,ir to ,rasp tle implicatiors of wlat
Hol, Crourd reall, mears.

llaces of leace
/r,place tlat las ever received tle blessir, or
reco,ritior of a commurit, is corsidered to be lol,
,rourd. lrom cemeteries to catledrals to sacrificial
leartls to witclir, circles, all places blessed ard
cursed from tle dawr of time urtil row are
corsidered sarctuar, ir tle e,es of tle immortals.
lt is irterestir, to rote tlat it isr't tle buildir,s or
structures tlat are marked as sacred to Came, it is
tle eartl bereatl tlat is leld ir li,l re,ard, rot tle
works of mer. lr fact, lmmortals lave safel, burred
empt, clurcles, temples ard abbe,s to tle ,rourd
for certuries, secure ir tle krowled,e tlat tle, are
doir, ro larm to ar,ore witlir tle sarctuar,.

Wlerever ar immortal attempts to do larm to
arotler livir, beir, tle, feel a serse tlat trarscerds
simple dread ard is best described as Doom. lf tle
immortal is foolisl erou,l to i,rore tlis ard irsist
or doir, larm ar,wa,, tle experierce tlat follows
car be described as rotlir, less tlar larrowir,.
Tlou,l ro ore else car see or feel ar,tlir,
differert, tle immortal wlo dares to do larm firds
tle,'ve become cold irside, as if a part of tleir soul
las beer stripped from tlem. lew wisl to feel it
Wlerever ar immortal does pl,sical larm to
arotler beir, or lol, ,rourd tle, automaticall,
lose ore dot of Horor. Tle, tler make ar Horor
roll to resist derar,emert less ore die.
lt slould be roted tlat wlatever set dowr tle
prolibitior a,airst larm seems to lave made ar
exceptior for tlose wlo would protect tlemselves or
otlers, tlose wlo do so feel ro serse of doom or
become dislorored for doir, so.

The Doom
lf it is seer as morstrous or lazardous for tleir soul
to do larm or lol, ,rourd, takir, tle Quickerir, of
arotler immortal is too awful to tlirk or for lor,.
Lver ir tle most apocr,plal of lore, ro immortal
livir, toda, las ever seer or leard of a quickerir,
or lol, ,rourd.
Tlere are stories of tlose wlo lave tried, but it was
alwa,s a frierd of a frierd of a teacler. lr all of
listor, tlere is ro record of sucl ar act. Lut tlere



are situatiors tlat carrot be explaired. Two
immortals wlo meet or lol, ,rourd ard are rever
seer or leard from a,air, abbe,s destro,ed b,
m,sterious acts of Cod, lmmortals d,ir, er masse,
orl, to revive krowir, sometlir, trul, lorrible las
taker place.
Wler two immortals face eacl otler ir a claller,e
or lol, ,rourd ard ore strikes a killir, blow,
releasir, tle quickerir,, tle ,ame erds for tlose
claracters, as well as ar, mortal wlo witresses it. lf
arotler immortal witresses tle exclar,e tle, revive
a rumber of da,s equal to tle total of tle combatir,
immortals' lerrir,s raked. lf tle, fou,lt witlir a
mar made structure it la, ir slambles arourd tle
rewl, awakered immortal. Wletler tle attack took
place ir or outdoors all livir, plart ard arimal life,
alor, witl ever, mortal presert is dead. Lver,
immortal witlir a rumber of miles equal to five
times tle total of tle two lerrir,s suffered a
potertiall, fatal stroke or leart attack at tle same
momert tlat tle lead fell from its bod,.
f tle two corterders, rotlir, remairs but tleir

Healing and Revival
/r immortal will, tlrou,l tle course of tleir
immortal lives, be larmed ir lorribl, violert ard
most likel, letlal faslior or more tlar ore
occasior. Tle law of avera,es alore sa,s tlat ar
immortal is more likel, to be part of a 'fatal' car
accidert. /rd deatl b, poisorir, (accidertal or
otlerwise) is far more commor tlar ,ou'd tlirk.
/rd tle,'ve alread, died violertl, at least orce.
lmmortalit, would be a lorrible affair if ar
immortal were bourd to a bed restir, up wlerever
tle, are slot, stabbed or crusled. Luckil, for tlem
tle, lave trul, prodi,ious (some sa, ridiculous)
corstitutiors. Lver wler tle, do rot perceive ar,
dar,er tleir bod, leals far faster tlar ar, lumar
could lope for.
Mar, ar assailart las murdered ar immortal orl,
to come face to face witl tlem as tle, turr to leave,
ard witl tle exceptior of tle removal of tleir lead
or tle complete disirte,ratior of tleir corporeal
form tlere is ro wa, krowr to mar tlat allows for
tle firal ard permarert deatl of ar immortal.
Most of tle time ar immortal leals just as tle
mortals arourd lim do, tlou,l at a roticeabl, more
rapid rate.
lmmortals leal ore level of baslir, dama,e ever,
mirute, wletler active or at rest. Tleir remarkable
recuperative powers also allow tlem to leal ore
level of letlal dama,e ar lour, merdir, torr flesl
ard broker bores seamlessl, witl ro reed for
medical aid.
lirall, ar immortal's bod, restores ever tle most
,rievous wourds so swiftl, tlat medical scierce
carrot be,ir to explair it, lealir, ore a,,ravated
wourd ever, da,. No matter low extreme tle
dama,e is tle wourds merd as if b, ma,ic, ever
allowir, severed limbs (witl tle exceptior of tle
lead) to be reattacled as lor, as tle, do rot sperd
ar, ler,tl of time completel, separate from tle

Were tlose ar immortal's orl, recuperative powers,
le would still be a trul, amazir, creature. /s ar,
immortal krows, ir tle preserce of tleir owr kird or
wler ir immirert dar,er, tleir bodies fortif,
tlemselves to ar ever ,reater extert.
Durir, tlese tr,ir, times ar immortal leals ore
level of baslir, dama,e a turr. lr additior, ar
immortal wlo suffers letlal dama,e durir, tlis time,
firds tle wourds closir, orce ever, mirute. lirall,,
tleir erlarced re,ererative abilities allow tlem to
restore wourds lost to a,,ravated dama,e orce ever,
Tlese extraordirar, powers are ,rarted to ar
immortal witlir tle preserce of tleir owr kird, but
tle, ma, also be called upor ir time of reed (for tle
rest of tle scere) for ore Ld,e. Durir, tlese times
tle wourd closes quickl, ard witl little farfare, it's
tlere ore mirute ard ,ore tle rext.

Instantaneous Restoration
r tle rare occasior wler ar immortal's erlarced
re,ererative capacit, las beer accessed but still
proves to be irsufficiert, tle immortal ma, call or
lis ed,e to leal ore level of dama,e ro matter tle
To do so ar immortal reed Lse orl, a sir,le Ld,e
to irstartl, remove a sir,le level of dama,e from lis
lealtl clart. Wlile tlis does take a momert of
corcertratior (ard ar lrstart /ctior as well) tle
immortal car leal a wourd of ar, t,pe (baslir,,
letlal or a,,ravated).
Wler ar immortal uses lis ed,e to close lis
wourds it is usuall, accomparied b, a flasl of tle
quickerir,, revealir, tle superratural rature of tle
immortal ever as it saves lis life.

r tle rare occasior ir wlicl ar immortal is
actuall, killed b, someore, but retairs tleir lead,
tlat deatl is orl, a temporar, ore. Lrlike tle rest



of us tle, will, ir time, rise a,air ard live arotler
Wler tle last lealtl level is filled witl a,,ravated
dama,e, but ro ore removes tle immortal's lead le
leals tle wourd rormall, after 2 mirutes or 3 lours,
deperdir, or wletler or rot lis re,ererative powers
lave beer activated. rce a sir,le level of dama,e
las beer repaired, tle, revive' Sore, blood, ard
ofter corfused, tle immortal will attempt to make
tleir wa, to relative safet,, botl from tleir attackers
ard pr,ir, e,es, wlile tle, recover tle tleir
remairir, wourds.
/r immortal's revival is ofter accomparied b, a
slarp irtake of air ard a mucl belated scream as lis
corsciousress returrs to lis orce dead corpse.

Age and Maturity
/s ar immortal makes tleir wa, tlrou,l tle
certuries, tle, accrue a ,reat deal of krowled,e ard
skill tlrou,l experierce ard, or occasior, tlrou,l
tle Quickerir,. Tlese facts serd a claracter well
be,ord tle corfires of claracter creatior ard
experierce, ard require special s,stems.

Age and character Creation
Lecause of tle ,reat spars of time ar immortal car
live tlrou,l, it quickl, becomes tedious calculatir,
tle amourt of experierce tlat tle, receive over tle
certuries before tle ,ame ever be,irs.
lor tle purpose of expedierc, we lave a,e poirts
wlicl car be added to a claracter at claracter
creatior to represert tle decades ard certuries
before tle ,ame be,irs.

Years Alive Years Alive Years Alive Years Alive 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100
^= 1 2
p= 2 +
p=p~= 1 2
j= 2 +

Tlese dots are added to tle iritial poirts at
claracter creatior ard are rot added to,etler, a 25O
,ear old immortal, for example, would ,air ar
additioral 5 /ttributes, 1O Skills, 5 specialties ard 8
/r immortal more tlar 5O ,ears old ma, sperd up
to lalf of lis be,irrir, Quickerir, poirts at
claracter creatior. lt slould

Maturit, tlrou,l Lxperierce
rce a claracter las beer created ard pla,ed, tle
above optior becomes less viable as it ro lor,er
allows tle pla,er to lave complete cortrol over tleir
claracter's developmert.
lor tlis we lave ar experierce clart to represert
dowr-time betweer sessiors tlat stretcles out
tlrou,l tle certuries. Wlile tlis is rot reeded for a
,ame tlat jumps da,s, weeks, or ever mortls, it isr't
usuall, sometlir, to be used for a ,ame irvolvir,
Durir, tle irterverir, certuries tle immortal ma,
orl, sperd experierce to raise a trait b, ore for ever,
fift, ,ears tlat pass.

Years of Down Time Years of Down Time Years of Down Time Years of Down Time Experience Awarded Experience Awarded Experience Awarded Experience Awarded
1 to 5 + eacl ,ear
6 to 15 2 eacl ,ear
16 to +O 1 eacl ,ear
+1 or more 1 for ever, 2 ,ears

Tlis experierce is sublimated b, certair factors,
based arourd low Hororabl, tle immortal ,oes
about sperdir, tleir eterrit,.
Tle lmmortal ,airs 1 experierce poirt for
ever, dot of Horor tle, possess.
Tle, also ma, cloose to ,ive up a dot of
Horor for five additioral experierce or
quickerir, poirts, or top of tle above
borus. lf tlis optior is used tler tle
immortal must also roll loror to determire
if tle, ,air a derar,emert. /lso tlis
feature ma, orl, be used orce a certur,.
Tle pla,er must also decide low tle, sperd tleir
eterrit, ir more broad terms, are tle, a,,ressive
pla,ers of tle ,ame` Do tle, sperd eterrit, ir a
moraster, awa, from otlers of tleir kird` Do tle,
simpl, tr, to erjo, tle time tle, lave witl mortal
frierds ard lovers` /ll of tlese lelp to determire tle
amourt of experierce ard quickerir, tle, receive
tlrou,lout tle certur,.
/ctive immortals of tle ,ame receive a
sir,le die to roll for ever, fift, ,ears tlat
pass, addir, to,etler tle total of eacl
rumber tlat is rolled. Tlis die represerts
tle total amourt of borus experierce ard
quickerir, poirts durir, tle irterverir,
/,,ressive Corterders make a similar roll,
orl, eacl die tle, roll is a clarce die. Lacl
die slould be roted as a failure, dramatic
failure or a success. lor ever, 'failed' die tle
immortal's pla,er rolls 1 die as tle active
pla,er does.
lor ever, die tlat rolls ar exceptioral
success tle pla,er rolls 1 die, but is allowed
to reroll ar, 1Os rolled.
/fter tle followir, two rolls are made tle
pla,er rolls ever, die tlat ori,irall, rolled a



1, tlese dice also reroll 1Os, but tle total is
subtracted from tle immortals total
experierce ard quickerir, poirt pool.
Solitaire or ir otler wa,s secluded
immortals roll ore die for eacl certur, tlat
passes, as opposed to ore for ever, fift,
,ears. Tle, ma, opt lowever, to raise ar,
trait b, 2 over a fift, ,ear period, as tle,
lave lor,er to cortemplate ard practice ir
relative safet,.

/s tle immortals make tleir wa, tlrou,l tle a,es
tle world clar,es arourd tlem corstartl,, makir,
it lard to keep track of tleir mar, frierds, cortact
ard resources.
lor ever, certur, tlat passes ar immortal must
sperd 1 experierce poirt to mairtair eacl dot of ar,
of tle followir, merits: /llies, Cortacts, lrierd,
Mertor, lesources, letairers, Staff ard Status. Tlis
cost is miti,ated if tle immortal bu,s a rew dot ir
tle Merit. lf ore of tlese merits is part of tle
immortal's Code affirit, list tler 1 experierce will
mairtair 2 dots. lr additior, mairtairir, tle sixtl
or li,ler dot of a Merit costs 2 poirts (ore if it is
part of tleir code).




Appendix I:
The Watchers
For four thousand years the watchers have
observed the lives of the immortals, watching as The
Game unfolded. These men and women dedicate
their lives to watching and chronicling the lives of
the immortals that walk among us in hopes that
through their understanding they may come to
comprehend the purpose of The Game.
To the watchers immortals are living history, each a
breathing microcosm of the culture that bore them
and watching one make his way across the pages of
history says a lot about that culture. Does the
immortal falter under the weight of change; dying
out like his people? Or does he adapt, adding the
new and altering his world view so as to survive?
The answers to these questions fascinate the
watchers just as much as the question of who will
win The Game and what The Prize may be.

Their Beginning
According to the chronicles themselves, the
Watchers began with a single man, called Ammaletu
of Akkad.
According to his writings Ammaletu was the vassal
of the god-king Gilgamesh, charged with putting
down the rulers life and history so that future
generations could learn from his story.
When Gilgamesh was swept away by a raging river
while attempting a crossing, Ammaletu and the rest
of his entourage were horrified. Many men died
trying to retrieve their kings body. Later that night
as they prepared to cremate their king he rose as if
from a sleep completely unaware that he had died
only hours before.
Ammaletu goes on with his duty, worshipping his
god-king just as the others do, and all the while
taking down his life as he had been charged.
According to Ammaletu Enkidu was a real man, a
wild thing from the forest who came to challenge
the god-king. When he entered the god-kings court
Gilgamesh reacted violently to his presence, holding
his head and collapsing.
At this point Ammaletus view of his king is
shattered as the foreigner is in fact immortal, just as
Gilgamesh. He is also present, at his kings behest,
when Enkidu teaches the god-king that he is not, in
fact, a god that he must one day abdicate the
Though the chronicler is disheartened to learn the
truth of his masters immortality he becomes
resolute in keeping to his duty. As he grows older he
brings in an apprentice and then another, teaching
them the truth of their king.
These learned men watch Gilgamesh long after
Ammaletu himself dies and longer, after Gilgamesh
indeed does pass on, going into his next life. As this
brotherhood grew they began to take note of the
other immortals that Gilgamesh interacted with and
assigned them their own chroniclers.
By the time that that Gilgameshs own quickening
was released the Brotherhood of Ammaletu had
grown both in size and scope, observing and
cataloguing every immortal they found.
Over the centuries they grew more and more adept
at infiltrating the lives of their charges, inducting
friends, family and lovers into their ranks to better
understand them.

The Brotherhood of Ammaletu
One thousand years before Christ, the Brotherhood
of Ammaletu had spread out over the known world
as it sought to learn more of the immortals that it
discovered. The brotherhood existed as a loose
network of cults each with no more than ten or so
adherents and each centered on a single immortal.
Many cults were family affairs, with each member
being somehow related by blood to the cult leader.
This was done to insure that secrecy was kept at all
time but was also used by the more paranoid cults to
ensure that their members were not immortal.
Though members of the brotherhood had to travel
on occasion when their charge moved on; they
always kept a small library in which they could
compile all of the chronicles of the one that they
To recognize one another they marked themselves
with a symbol, whether on their flesh or with jewelry
did not matter. The symbol itself was called the
Seal of Ammaletu and was said to be his personal
The Brotherhood came together only once a
generation. The leaders of each of the cults would
come to a place appointed at the previous assembly,
most commonly in the city of Babylon. They would
bring with them a list of the deeds that their charge
had done and a list of the immortals that he had



met. On a rare occasion they would announce a
name to be removed from the records as one or
another immortal killed him. It was during these
meetings that the Roster was first made; a list of
every known immortal in the world, along with their
description and origin if possible, and a listing of
their deeds. At each meeting the Elders would come
together and update the roster, to make sure that
no one was falling through the cracks.
It became apparent to many of the better founded
cults that some of their newer fellows were
misinterpreting the purpose of their work. Some
branches of the brotherhood had become true cults,
worshipping their charge even openly at times.
Others had become hostile to the idea of immortals
and The Game, killing their charge or using him to
find and destroy those immortals he met in his
journey. Worse, some branches were vanishing all
together, disbanding with the loss of their charge or
assaulted by the renegade aspects within the
Something had to be done.

One of the Oldest and most well respected
branches, led by a descendant of Ammaletu, called
Benjamin in the chronicles, came to the young city of
Jerusalem, where their charge had chosen to stay.
They quickly learned that the metropolis had many
immortal inhabitants, each with their own branch of
the brotherhood watching them.
Benjamin came to the leaders of each branch with a
proposal. Each cult had great resources at their
disposal, as well as a great store of knowledge in the
form of the chronicles. Taking that along with the
fact that they were constantly interacting by dint of
their immortal charges, they were acting in a
redundant fashion. Benjamin felt that the cults
should join together.
This new faction called itself Those who watch
Jerusalem and with their combined resources they
built the first true archive.
The Factions most fundamental policy was that it
was bound to Jerusalem and its territories. No more
were there separate cults within the city working
The leader of each cult was made the Archivist of
his immortal, and was to appoint a single member of
the faction to watch and chronicle her life.
The rest of the old cult was dispersed throughout
the city, where their charge would be most likely to
go. They lived their lives, watching for her or
another immortal to come close, keeping tabs on
their movements and reporting back to the
The Archivists meanwhile worked hard on the
Chantry, cataloguing the lives of their immortal
wards, checking and rechecking old dates and
interactions amongst the other chronicles.
Benjamin himself acted as the director of the
faction, as opposed to the leader, making sure that
no one stepped on anyone elses toes.
As other branches entered the city they were
inducted into the faction, though many remained
nomadic. They spread the message that when next
the brotherhood came together it would be within
When next the Brotherhood came together it was
indeed within the halls of the Library of Jerusalem.
Benjamin, then still only thirty years old, showed the
leaders of the various cults the majesty of the
Archive. He bade that when they next came together
it would be in seven years, and each should bring
with them copies of all of their chronicles.
Within only a few years word came that other cities
too had shaped themselves into similar societies,
and they corresponded with Benjamin and his
Watchers of Jerusalem as often as possible.

The Convention of Watchers
In 932bc, after only seven years, the Brotherhood
once again convened but under much different
circumstances. The halls of the Archive were filled
with only a few factions as opposed to numerous
faceless cults. The Watchers were by far the largest
of the factions but there were others. The Hunters
were made up of purely militaristic cults who wished
to destroy the immortals, and with them the
brotherhood if need be, while the Votaries wished to
reveal the immortals to the world, to worship them
as the divinities that they were. The Watchers
themselves were unsure as to their stance, as many
wished to use their newfound solidarity to maneuver
The Game to best insure the survival of mankind.
Benjamin took the floor early in third day of the
Convention, after the Roster had been updated and
the archive was stocked, if not sorted. He then
revealed to the assembled body his vision of the
future of the Brotherhood.
Each city would have its own hierarchy of watchers,
who recorded the lives of the immortals that resided
there. They would not interfere in the lives of their
charges. The hunters were furious that they werent
to put an end to the immortal menace, while the



votaries were devastated that they could not take
part in the lives of those that they adored.
Benjamin quickly and decisively brought both
factions to heel, threatening those who could be
reasoned with and slaughtering the rest.
The convention saw the ascendancy of the
Watchers from cult to Order.
It would be foolish to suggest it was a smooth
transition, but as they were first and foremost
scholars, many took to the new hierarchy well.
Those that did not were branded Renegades and
banished or destroyed.
It was decided that each citys coordinator would
come together once every seven years to further
advance the Roster and the Archive in Jerusalem. In
addition, each cell would send its members to the
Chantry of the Order so that they could be properly
schooled in its arts as well as conditioned to ensure
their adherence to their protocols.

The Coming of Alexandros
In the later part of the 9
century a Greek mason
called Alexandros joined the Order in Jerusalem.
Though he was placed into the Archives as a
historian, cataloguing the various chronicles and
placing them into context within the historical
record, Alexandros was fascinated with the
complexities that shaped the immortals. He asked
incessant questions about their mentality and the
way their bodies worked. He wanted to know about
Quickenings and the Game and the Prize, most of all
he wanted to know where they came from. Could
they have children? Did they have parents?
After only ten years within the order Alexandros
had a following amongst the archivists. The then
leader of the Order, Benjamin the Younger,
conceded that the questions should indeed be
answered and created the position of Researcher.
It was the Researchers duty to unlock the many
mysteries that surround The Game and theyve
worked tirelessly ever since.
Four centuries would pass before any change came
to the Order, but when it did the Watchers nearly
found themselves destroyed.
Babylon conquered the city in 586 BC, and in doing
so inadvertently destroyed a great deal of the
archive. Luckily it was kept in the ancient and dead
language Akkadu so the secret of the Order was
kept safe, but a great many chronicles were lost.
What was saved was sent with the surviving
members of the order to Babylon, where they took
refuge with the Watchers of Babylon.
When the Order once again convened it was
decided that never again would there be a single
Archive or a single Chantry. Each city would keep
one of its own.
In addition they created the Tribunal, a governing
body that would act in the stead of the Chantry,
coming to the aid of individual cells and deciding
who was fit to watch a given immortal. This last act
was a response to the resurgence of the renegades
in the form of Vraj, a watcher who used the
chronicles to help his charge in playing The Game.

From Then to Now
It seems strange to say that a society has changed
little over the course of three millennia but its true.
Though theyve become even more adept at hiding,
and their records have grown large enough to fill
warehouses, the Watchers are much the same,
simply on a larger scale. In the last internal census
there were 19,784,128 watchers in the world,
watching the lives of approximately 200,000
immortals; infiltrating every level of every society
across the globe but for the sole purpose of
watching The Game, rooting for this or that
immortal but never interfering.
A shadow over the watchers has, since that first
convention, been the Renegades. Those who
forswear the Oath toward their own ends tend to
show up from time to time, either using their
contacts to ensure their charges success, or worse
destroying them outright, killing immortals wantonly
to ensure that no one wins the game.

The Watcher Society
Today, the order is organized much as was laid
down by Benjamin the Elder, with each cell in charge
of a single region, working independently but with a
common goal and ensuring the Orders survival. But
the society itself is vast, with members who are
completely oblivious as to its nature. Many of the
lowest tiers of the organization are simply people
who know that they fund a secret organization.
Some are criminals, others businessmen.

Secret Societies
At the lowest strata of the Watcher organization is
a collection of businesses that work together to
ensure that the Watchers never are short on funds.



These individuals believe that they belong to a secret
society such as the Free Masons or some other
fraternal order, enjoying small privileges in exchange
for certain activities that range from the mundane to
the abstract. Few if any of these watchers ever
learn the truth of the organizations purpose though.

New Watchers
Those who have been initiated are rarely actually
drawn from the ranks of the many secret societies
that the watchers keep as a front. Instead they tend
to be made up of normal men and women who have
stumbled across the existence of The Game and
have been approached by a Watcher. Before a
potential member is even approached though, they
are subject to a complete background check as well
as a full psychological and physical workup, often
without the subject being aware of the inquiry.
Once the okay has been given by the Order, a
hander, often in the form of a Regional Supervisor,
will offer her a position within the organization. If
she accepts she will be sent to The Academy, where
she will be trained in subterfuge, history,
memorization and stealth. Shell also be conditioned
subtly to be loyal to the Order and the oath of
Once a new watcher has successfully finished their
training at the Academy she is often sent home
where she contacts the local coordinator who places
her in the Archives as a Historian.

Often made up of the newest recruits, Historians
are the grunts of the organization. One part
researcher one part gopher, it is the historians job
to study the combined chronicles of all of the
immortals in a region, looking for discrepancies and
holes. If they discover one though they pass it onto
the immortals current Chronicler or contacts a
Researcher to look into it, as they must return to
their fact checking and compilation.
When and if they are placed in the field or given a
promotion to Researcher it is because they have
proven themselves to their superiors, either as being
particularly knowledgeable of a specific subject or
having some skill that would prove valuable to other
researchers or to a chronicler.

One step up from a Historian, a Bystanders duty is
to watch one or more immortals and report back to
their chronicler. Often placed strategically
throughout a region, Bystanders are expected to be
familiar with every immortal found on a regions
Roster. Their notes are never complex, often simple
notations and mnemonics written on a notepad or
spoken into a recorder, but they prove invaluable to
Chroniclers and Researchers.
On occasion a Bystander is put onto a specific
Immortals case, if that immortal is known to move
around a great deal or is particularly cunning, he
must be watched more carefully, that is when the
Bystanders become particularly useful. Those
Bystanders who watch a specific immortal are often
the ones who replace a current chronicler when he
retires or moves on.

Archivists, who are particularly adept at
deciphering dead languages or recognizing
particularly obscure references to this or that
immortal, often find themselves within the ranks of
the Researchers. Each Researcher possesses a
specialty, something that they do better than other
watchers, that makes them particularly adept at a
specific field.
Some researchers study the banking methods of
the immortals, while others study particularly
archaic documents or chronicles. Others still study
mortal history throughout the records, observing
how the immortals affect their surroundings. Many
Researchers however study specific immortals who
may or may not exist or who have a habit of slipping
past their watchers.
The latter type are often considered the chronicler
of that immortal, despite his absence from any sort
of observable record, and if (or when) he shows up,
she is often put into the field to study him first hand
as best as she can.

Considered by some to be the true watchers within
the order, a Chroniclers duty is to watch a single
immortals every move, recording his deeds and his
interactions with others of his kind. While a
chronicler does indeed get a great deal of help from
Bystanders it is her duty to most of the leg work, and
to stay close to the immortal without him becoming
aware of the situation. She is also considered the
most knowledgeable living person when it comes to
her Charge.
Though the Order has rules against fraternization
between watchers and immortals it is vital that the
Chronicler can insinuate herself into his life in some



way that gives her reason to be close but allows her
to keep her distance.
Though Chroniclers are usually chosen from the
best within the organization, there are exceptions.
Most notably when it concerns a new immortal, in
which they usually try to find someone who is
already part of his life, as opposed to insinuating
someone new.

Drawn from the most experienced and trusted of
the Watchers in a city, the Coordinator of an area
has the added duty of making sure everything runs
smoothly within her jurisdiction. What an area or
jurisdiction means is different from place to place, in
some places a single city (such as New York or
London) may be considered the whole of the
jurisdiction, while in others it is a far larger
geographical area that rarely adhere to international
borders the whole of Indiana, Michigan, Missouri,
Ohio are considered one region along with a great
deal of Ontario.

The Leading most Coordinator on a continent is
called the Supervisor or Director, it is her duty to
keep in contact with each of the Area Coordinators
as well as communicate with other Regional

The Tribunal
Made up of the mass of the Regional Supervisors,
the Tribunal meets formally once every seven years,
and is mandates with mediating disputes and doling
out punishment to those who break the laws of the
They also promote individual watchers to the post
of Area Supervisor and are vote to determine the
replacement of one of their own when he retires.

Becoming a Watcher
While the Watcher Merit represents the basic
training given to every watcher when they go
through the academy, possessing it does not make
one a chronicler. In fact it simply allows the
character to be a member.
A character with just the prerequisites needed for
the merit is a Bystander or Historian but even then a
player may wish to make their character more adept
at her assignment, below are some suggestions for
players who want their character to better fit the
mold of a watcher of her station.

The Grunts of the scholarly Order, the historians
are the ones that look up information or cross
reference the lives of the immortals that others
watch; many who have been in the Archives for too
long, or who have chosen not to pursue field work
eschew social skills altogether, focusing all of their
attention on the archives themselves.
Trait Suggestions Trait Suggestions Trait Suggestions Trait Suggestions: (Attributes) Intelligence 3,
Resolve 3, Stamina 3; (Skills) Academics 2,
Investigation 2, Occult or Computers 2, Stealth 1,
Larceny 1; (Merits) Encyclopedic Knowledge,
Contacts (Academic).

The eyes and ears of the Chronicler, entrenched
around the city in odd places, Bystanders make it
their job to not be seen. They are scenery at best,
often trained in disappearing fast and leaving few
clues behind if things go bad. Though they are well
studied they are expected to be able to blend with a
crowd, forcing them to interact with the people
around them.
Trait Suggestions: (Attributes) Intelligence 3,
Manipulation 3, Composure 3; (Skills) Investigation
2, Stealth 2, Socialize 2, Streetwise or Subterfuge 2
(merits) Eidetic Memory, Contacts.

Those who dedicate their lives to discovering the
truth about the most obscure of references wind up
as Researchers. Masters of bizarre facts and vague
clues, researchers can be as much Indiana Jones as
they are librarians.
Trait Suggestions: (Attributes) Intelligence 3,
Resolve 3, Stamina 3; (Skills) Academics 3,
Investigation 3, Occult 2, Computers, Medicine or
Politics 2, Athletics 2, Firearms 1, Survival 3,
Persuasion 2, Streetwise or Subterfuge 2; (Merits)
Eidetic Memory, Encyclopedic Knowledge

The elite in a group of elites, Chroniclers are
Bystander and Historian as well as a borderline
sociopath, knowing that one day theyre going to
have to watch a possible friend die knowing that
they could have stopped it. Its a hard life, but well
worth it.
Trait Suggestions Trait Suggestions Trait Suggestions Trait Suggestions: (Attributes) Intelligence 3,
Manipulation 3, Composure 3; (Skills) Academics 3,
Investigation 3, Politics 2, Larceny 3, Stealth 3,
Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3; (Merits) Allies, Contacts,
Eidetic Memory, Resources, Status



Appendix II:
Contenders for the Prize
Lacl is a livir, vessel of all of tle krowled,e ard
wisdom tlat come witl certuries of experierce.
Tle, see ard do tlir,s tlat would leave ar, mar ir
awe if accourted. Lut for all of tlat tle, are still
lumar, tle, are still fallible. Tle, make bad
decisiors tlat color tle rest of eterrit, ard spiral out
ard toucl tle lives of milliors. /rd tle, ,et to sit
tlere ard impotertl, watcl it lapper.
Lut tlere is a ,limmer of lope. lf tle, car reacl
tle Catlerir,, tle, lave a clarce at tle prize, a
clarce to make ever,tlir, ri,lt a,air. below is a
samplir, of just a few of tle corterders ir Tle
Came. Lacl las tleir owr, ofter bizarre, listor,
filled witl romarce ard re,ret, ard eacl is dar,erous
ir tleir owr wa,.
Tle followir, are a samplir, of just a few of tle
Corterders tlat ar immortal ma, face. Lacl is a
possible dar,er to ar immortal's life, as well as a
possible all, ir tle certuries alead. /re tle, frierd
or foe` Tlat's up to ,ou.
Lecause of tle rature of Tle Came, all of tle
immortals below are writter up as combatarts ever if
tle, do rot currertl, (or rever lave) wielded a

George Bertrand
Tle La,-about
Quote: Durro, wlacluarrado`"
==_~: Ceor,es Lertram was, ir ever, serse
of tle word, a rake. He lived lard ard fast ard
bedded just about ever, respectable ,irl ir tle small
villa,e wlere le ,rew up. Not comir, from more,
limself Ceor,es was still livir, comfortabl, at a
relativel, ,our, a,e due to a krack for busiress.
re summer da, rot too lor, after lis 18
Ceor,es was rollickir, witl lis boss' wife b, tle sea.
Wlile tr,ir, to take off a boot, le lost lis balarce
ard plummeted tlirt, feet to lis deatl. Wler le
awoke some lours later it was dark ard le was
soaked to tle bore. Wler le reacled lis villa,e le
learred tlat tle womar lad returred mar, lours
earlier l,stericall, cr,ir, out tlat sle lad killed
lim. Not ore to ar,ue (le was firisled ir tle towr
ar,wa,) Ceor,es leaded to laris. He'd alwa,s
warted to travel ar,wa,.
Ceor,es' first teacler, Llda Lator, was surprised at
tle speed ir wlicl le took to tle sword as, wlile ir
ro wa, a master, le was able to best ler corsistertl,
ir orl, tlree weeks. Lut wlat reall, amazed ler was
lis skill at makir, more,. Tle kid seemed to draw
wealtl to limself like offal draws flies. lt wasr't too
lor, before ever, roble ard bour,eois, immortal ard
otler otlerwise, warted lim to lelp tlem witl tleir
firarcial affairs.
Ceor,es srapped. re ri,lt, slortl, after defeatir,
tle immortal firarcier Maud Dufa,, Ceor,es stepped
orto a slip leaded for tle /mericas ard varisled.
He reappeared, as \artar Durko, ir Mortreal 7
,ears later. Mearer ard more dar,erous still witl a
sword, Lertram made a splasl wler le purclased a
slippir, compar, outri,lt. ver tle rext certur,
le was able to parla, tle profits of tle verture irto a
small forture, ard tler triplir, tlat forture b,
pla,ir, tle /mericar stock market.
lr 1916 Ceor,e Jerr," Lertrard purclased a
modest lome outside of lortlard, Micli,ar, far from
tle bustle of New York ard fartler still from Tle
Came. He lived tlere witl lis wife Deralda urtil
1929 wler sle left lim, takir, tleir adopted sor
witl ler tle da, after Llack Tuesda,.
Lroker ard lerriless, Lertrard wert a little craz,
tlat da, ard for tle rext +O ,ears, did little more
tlar sit ard watcl lis louse fall irto ruir. lr 1966
Ceor,e reemer,ed irto tle world. Sirce tlat time
le las worked odd jobs arourd lortlard usir,
differert rames, tr,ir, to make back ever, red cert
le lost tlat da,. lr 1988 Lertrard walked irto a
broker's office ir Detroit witl five tlousard dollars
ard a list of stocks le picked rardoml, from tle
rewspaper. Wler tlree of tlose stocks bottomed
out ir tle first six mortls le realized tlat wlatever
,ift le'd beer ,iver was ,ore ard le wert back to
lis life. Tle last stock le purclased is row wortl
1OO times wlat it was wortl twert, ,ears a,o ard
Lertram doesr't ever krow it.
Tle people of lortlard krow lim b, mar, differert
rames, but tle, krow lim roretleless. He's spur a
web of kird words ard crooked ,rirs so tlat slould
le ever reed it, le's ,ot tle wlole towr or lis side.
Despite lis lermita,e takir, lim awa, from tle
world for a ,ereratior, it didr't protect lim from
Tle Came as le's beer claller,ed 12 times over tle
past 8O ,ears. His ,arder of automobiles ,rows lar,er
after eacl ore.
==a: Tall ard Lark, ir a dar,erous wa,,
Ceor,e las a wa, of makir, frierds fast witl just a
smile. fter seer wearir, little more tlar a pair of
carperter parts, some li,l tops ard a wife beater,
Ceor,e still las tle arm of ar, lad, ir towr wler le


warts it, wlicl is impressive corsiderir, lis
complete lack of st,le or ar,tlir, resemblir, ',ood
p=e: You've ,ore rative, despite wlo
,ou were wa, back wler, ,ou're rotlir, witlout
,our do-re-me, so ,ou live ir a creep, old louse out
ir tle middle of rowlere ard flip bur,ers at tle local
,reas, spoor, it's rot exactl, wlere ,ou expected to
be or ,our 216
birtlda, but ,ou lave to admit, its
,rowir, or ,ou, a fact tlat scares tle ever livir, crap
out of ,ou.
Wler it comes to tle ,ame, Ceor,e pla,s up tle
defersive side almost to a fault, refusir, to attack
ard ofter simpl, ,oir, wlere tle, wart lim to urtil
tle, slip up, leavir, tlemselves oper to a sir,le
devastatir, (ard usuall, fatal) blow.
==o~=k~: Ceor,es Lertram
==c=q~W=Llda Lator
==^~=^: 18
==o~=^: 216
==`: Mask
==h= ^~: Lert Durko, Durk Lertrard, Jerr,
Lertrard, /l lard, \artar Durko
==j~= ^: lrtelli,erce 2, Wits +, lesolve
==m~= ^: Strer,tl 3, Dexterit, +,
Stamira 2
==p~= ^: lreserce 2, Maripulatior 3,
Composure 3
==j~=p: lolitics (Lusiress 2) +
==m~=p: Larcer, 2, Stealtl (Llerdir, ir) 3,
Survival 3, Weaporr, (Lroad Sword 2) +
==p~= p: Lmpatl, 1, lersuasior (Womer) 3,
Socializatior +, Streetwise (Tlem lids) +,
Subterfu,e (lake lDs) 3
==j: ccluded last (), li,ltir, St,le:
Swordsmarslip (), leputatior (), /llies
(locals) (), lesources ()
==t: 5
==e: 6
==s: laitl
==s: Slotl
==f~: 7
==f: 3
==a: +
==p: 12
==e~: 7
==h: 3
==q: lmpromptu Weapor, lrowir, Deferse,
Quickered Slield
==bL=: 12/1
==t~: Scottisl Lroadsword (12L)
==nW 16 (releases 29)
`=^~: Ceor,e Latemar
_: 1792
`~=^~: lrercl
c= a~: lolled off of a cliff durir, forepla,
Clampa,re, lrarce 181O
c=q~: Llda Lator; laris, lrarce 1811
`=_~==l~: lortlard, Ml, LS/
p~: /ctive
`=i: Sliftless la, about
t~: Lrrie Lrewbaker (2OO7 -)
lt's tle damredest tlir,. l'm still rot ertirel, sure
wlat l witressed. ore mirute Ceor,e is sittir, tlere
lavir, a lau,l witl tlat creep Horatio ard tler
bam le's or tle ,rourd lookir, up at Horatio like it
was lis fault ard rot two secords later le was dead,
just dead. Horestl, if l didr't krow ar, better l
would lave tlou,lt it to be a stroke.
Lvidertl, Ceor,e was ri,lt tlou,l, because witl a
quick look arourd Horatio (tlat carrot be tlis
,reas, freak's real rame) starts di,,ir, a freakir,
,rave ri,lt tlere ir lis back ,ard. /fter ar lour or
so le firisles di,,ir, tle lole ard drops Ceor,e ir,
wlo b, tle wa, lasr't ,otter up ,et. seriousl, l was
startir, to tlirk ma,be Ceor,e wasr't reall, tle
Ceor,e Lertrard, we've beer wror, before, ar,wa,,
le tlrows ore slovel full of dirt or ,ood ole Ceor,e
ard sure erou,l tlat bum starts sputterir, ard
bellowir, up from tle ,rave. l'll be damred if tlat
Horatio kid didr't up ard fairt ri,lt tlere. Ceor,e
must've reall, tlou,lt le did it too because witlir
ter mirutes it was Horatio tlat was buried four feet
Tlat lick ever parked a statior wa,or or top of
tle kid.
Tle damredest tlir, l lave ever seer.
L. Lrewbaker +/O8/2OO8
Maximilian Cabrillo
Hurter witl a verdetta
Quote: l'm lookir, for someore, ma,be ,ou car
==_~W Tle middle sor of a wealtl, Mexicar
lard owrer, Max ,rew up believir, tlat le could
lave wlat le warted urtil le was 2O wler lis
parerts were murdered ard tle famil, lard
corfiscated b, soldiers. Max ard lis brotlers struck
out or tleir owr.
lt wasr't lor, before tle, turred to illicit mears to
support tlemselves; robber,, blackmail ard lorse
tleft. L, tle turr of tle certur, Max ard lis
brotlers lad made quite a rame for tlemselves
tlrou,lout Mexico ard tle /mericar soutl west as



murderous bastards wlo were rot, urder ar,
circumstarces, to be messed witl. lt wasr't urtil tle
,raduated to robbir, barks ard trairs tlat tle,
started ,ettir, real leat tlou,l.
lr Ma, of 19O5, Max ard lis brotlers decided to
rob a bark ir Tucsor; tle, werer't expectir, tle
sleriff to be waitir, for tlem wler tle, tried to
leave tle bark. Tlat sleriff, ore Jeb MacMillar,
lad a reputatior for rever missir, wler le drew lis
pistols but Max opered fire or lim ar,wa,. Jeb took
tle tlree of tlem dowr ir momerts, tlou,l le was
wourded ir tle ,ut ir tle process.
Lrforturatel, for tle trio, tle wourd wasr't fatal,
as Sleriff MacMillar was immortal. Lut as le'd
taker a rear fatal wourd, le realized tlat it was time
to move or. He ladr't realized ir all tle commotior
tlat tle ,urfi,lt lad beer witl a potertial
immortal. Nor did le realize tlat le lad tri,,ered
tlat immortalit,. L, tle time Max revived tle rext
da, tle Sleriff lad left towr quietl,.
Max was discovered b, a Lrit called Cormac
litzlu,l, a lorse tlief b, trade, Cormac was lookir,
for tle Sleriff as well wler le came across tle ar,r,
,our, immortal. ver tle rext two ,ears Cabrillo
traveled witl lis teacler, learrir, Tle Came ard
rursir, a rear-irratioral latred of tle mar le
blamed for lis brotlers' deatls.
Wler le cau,lt wird of MacMillar ir Hastir,s,
Nebraska Max killed Cormac wler tle old ro,ue
tried to stard betweer lim ard lis pre,. lt was just
tle first ir a lor, lire of immortals tlat le felt ,ot ir
lis wa,. Lver tlou,l Max terds to lose track of lis
quarr, ever, few ,ears le alwa,s erds up pickir, up
tle trail a,air, orce le ever did so ir 19++ wlile
irvadir, Normard,. Tlou,l botl were or tle same
side of tle war effort, Cabrillo couldr't lelp but
tr,ir, to lurt tle solitaire dowr. Now 6+ ,ears later
Cabrillo is corsidered ore of tle most dar,erous
immortals ir tle /mericar Soutl-West, witl 3+
leads taker, all ir searcl for tle coward Dead L,e"
==a: Tall ard predator, ir bearir,,
Maximiliar is built for killir,, ofter seer wearir,
simple, utilitariar clotles witl a black leatler duster
over tlem to lide lis Lr,lisl lor, sword (tle sword
tlat le took from lis Teacler wler le beleaded
lim). at tle turr of tle 21
certur, Max D,ed lis
lair llatirum blorde for urkrowr reasors, tlou,l it
is slockir, rext to lis dark skir, it terds to make
people steer clear of tle immortal, wlicl is probabl,
just wlat le warts.
p=e: You're ar,r,, alwa,s ard forever
ar,r,. Despite tle fact tlat MacMillar killed ,our
brotlers ir self deferse wler ,ou opered fire over a
certur, a,o, ,ou still cr, ver,earce ard will rot rest
urtil ,ou've taker lis lead. /fter tlat it'll be orl, a
matter of time before someore else does sometlir,
to erra,e ,ou all over a,air, ard so tle wleel spirs.
==c=q~W Cormac litzlu,l
==^~=^: 29
==o~=^: 132
==`: Caurtlet
==h=^~: Max Cobrillo
==j~= ^: lrtelli,erce 2, Wits 3, lesolve
==m~= ^: Strer,tl +, Dexterit, 2,
Stamira +
==p~= ^: lreserce 3, Maripulatior 2,
Composure 1
==j~=p: Craft 2, ccult 2
==m~= p: /tlletics (rurrir,) +, Drive
(lide) 2, lirearms (revolvers) 3, Stealtl (cities) 2,
Survival 2, Weaporr, (lor, swords) 5
==p~= p: /rimal ler 2, Lmpatl, 1,
lrtimidatior +, lersuasior 1
==j: Disarm (), li,ltir, St,le: Cladiatorial
Combat (), /llies (r,arized Crime) (),
Dar,er Serse (),
==t: 5
==e: 5
==s: lortitude
==s: Wratl
==f~: 3
==f: 1
==a: 2
==p: 11
==e~: 9
==h: +
==q: Cruel Larb, l,rorart llesl, leco,ritior
==bL=: 13/1
==t~: Lor, Sword (13L)
==nW=1+ (leleases 28)

`=^~: Max Cobrillo
_: 1876
`~=^~: Mexicar
c=a~: Slot to deatl b, Sleriff wlile robbir, a
bark; Tucsor, /rizora 19O5
c=q~: Cormac litzlu,l
`=_~==l~: Mobile
p~: /ctive
`=i: Hurter
t~: David l. Crislam (1991 -)
Well, le's dore it a,air. Tlis ,u, just wor't quit.
Tori,lt le took or tlat Willie Ll, fellow, tle,
evidertl, lad some ,rud,e ,oir, back to 1912, wler
Willie beat lim at poker ard Cabrillo accused lim of


cleatir,. Not tlat it matters, Max would lave beer
pissed off at lim for some otler reasor lad it ,ore
How car someore burr so lot twert, four lours a
da, for over a certur,` l'll rever urderstard it-

l slit, l tlou,lt le spotted me for sure, le came
ri,lt at me, all le warted was a smoke tlou,l, l
,ave lim tle pack, l tlirk l just quit ar,wa,.
D. Crislam 7/13/2OO7
Giulietta Malatesta
Tle Leautiful Morster
Quote: l've alwa,s loved ,ou."
==_~W Julia loom is a rame or just about
ever,ore's lips tlese da,s. Sle's beautiful, ele,art,
extremel, talerted, wlat's rot to love` f course
most people dor't realize tlat sle's actuall, mucl
older tlar 18, ir fact sle remembers a time wler
tlere was ro rew world" let alore a Holl,wood.
Julia was borr ir limiri ltal, ir 1378, brou,lt up
ir tle louse of tle Caleotto Malatesta. Wler le
died sle was left ir tle care of ler older brotler
Carlo, wlom sle would ofter ar,ue witl as le
refused to allow ler to marr,. re ri,lt ir ler 18

,ear Ciulietta slipped out of tleir lome to meet witl
tle captair of Carlo's ,uard. /fter a quick romp sle
leaded back to ler room wler it became apparert
tlat ler brotler was still up ard arourd. /s sle
leapt from a tree to ler bedroom, sometlir, sle lad
dore before, sle slipped or tle dew, led,e krockir,
ler urcorscious as sle fell to ler apparert deatl.
No ore missed ler urtil tle rext morrir, wler
sle was discovered b, /lberto lrospero, ar arclitect
lired b, ler brotler. /lberto's preserce tri,,ered
tle ,irl's immortalit, ard sle awoke. /fter slooir,
ler up to ler room le fourd ler a,air ard explaired
to ler wlat sle was, ard tlat le lad beer watclir,
ler for some time.
He traired ler ir secret for tle wlole of lis time at
tle clateau ard sle became well versed ir tle wa,
of swordpla, but lacked tle recessar, follow tlrou,l
to be a stror, pla,er. Sle krew tlat if sle were to
survive it would lave to be tlrou,l ,uile.
/rd tlat was tle wa, of it urtil 1583, wler ler
,uile failed ler. Tle immortal llavius, called tle
lomar b, otlers, turred ler tricks a,airst ler,
makir, ler love lim before attemptir, to take ler
lead wlile sle slept. His Quickerir, was ler
Lpiplar, ard tlat ri,lt, ler mird broker, sle
became a lurter.
Lrlike otlers wlo take up tle Caurtlet, Ciulietta
pla,s Tle Came orl, fitfull,, wler sle feels tlat
sle's beer betra,ed. Sle takes a ,our, immortal as a
lover ard slowers lim witl ,ifts ard more, ard
otler pleasures, all tle wlile makir, lim feel a
prisorer witl ler jealous,. Wler (rot if) tle, ,row
tired of ler corstart accusatiors sle takes tleir
lead, botl to purisl tleir betra,al of ler love" ard
to make sure tlat tle, car be to,etler forever.
Tlis is rot a ,ame to ler, it is a ps,closis. Sle
reall, does believe tlat sle loves tlese mer ard tlat
tleir deatl ard tle deatls of ar,ore wlo ,ets
betweer tlem are tle orl, wa, tlat tle, car be
Toda, tlou,l, sle is tle pop-star Julia loom, ard
ler celebrit, suitor, Lric Tremair, las made ler tle
lappiest sle's beer ir a lor, time wlicl bodes ill for
tle ,our, actor ard lis warderir, e,e. However,
despite ler astourdir, rumber of Quickerir,s
Ciulietta lasr't actuall, raised a blade ir claller,e
sirce tle late 18
certur, ard as sucl would be ir
dire straits if ar immortal actuall, came lookir, for
==a: Ciulietta was blessed witl ar beaut,
tlat is, ir a word, trarscerdert. No matter tle
place, time or st,le ir wlicl sle moved sle las
alwa,s beer re,arded as tle apex of wlat it is to be
beautiful. Li,lt lair ard dark skir, full but litle
fi,ure, witl a voice fit for leaver ard a bod, built for
tle bedroom sle las cut a swatl tlrou,l listor,,
modelir, time ard a,air for artists tle world over.
rl, wler sle is tlreatered witl beir, alore does
ler madress toucl ler dark e,es, bri,lterir, tlem
witl starbursts of l,steria. rl, tler does sle reveal
lerself to be tle tlreat tlat sle is.
p= e: Leautiful, ,raceful, startlir,l,
talerted, tlese are tle tlir,s tlat ever,ore sees
wler tle, meet ler. Sle seems sure of lerself. lt's
orl, wler someore comes betweer ler ard ler
Love" tlat ler faade cracks, if it's a mortal sle'll
kill lim outri,lt, if it's ar immortal. well sle'll
probabl, kill lim outri,lt too if sle car. lf it's ler
lover tlat warts to erd tle relatiorslip sle wor't
ever let lim draw lis blade. He's dead tle momert
tle words leave lis moutl urless le's wil, erou,l.
==o~=k~: Ciulietta Malatesta
==c=q~W lrosper
==^~=^: 17
==o~=^: 631
==`: Caurtlet (lreviousl, a lascal)
==h= ^~: Julia loom; Juliet Mortfort, Julie
Harper, Jules Mort,omer,, Juliarre Dulort
==j~= ^: lrtelli,erce 3, Wits 3, lesolve
==m~= ^: Strer,tl 3, Dexterit, +,
Stamira 3


==p~= ^: lreserce 5, Maripulatior +,
Composure 3
==j~=p: /cademics 2, Crafts 2, lrvesti,atior
2, ccult (\ampires) 2, lolitics (Hi,l Societ,) 5
==m~= p: /tlletics 2, Drive 2, Larcer, 1,
Stealtl 3, Weaporr, (Lor, Sword 2) +
==p~= p: Lmpatl, 1, Lxpressior (Music 3) 5,
lrtimidatior 1, lersuasior (Seductior 3) 6, Socialize
2, Streetwise 3, Subterfu,e +
==j: Strikir, Looks (), leputatior (),
Sarctuar, (Comfort) (), lame (), ccluded
last (), Cortacts (Holl,wood, Hi,l Societ,,
Music lrdustr,), lesources (), li,ltir, liresse
==t: 6
==e: 3 (lrratioralit,- 7, lixatior- 6, H,steria- +)
==s: Clarit,
==s: Lrv,
==f~: 7
==f: 3
==a: 3
==p: 12
==e~: 8
==h: +
==q: Hidder Steel, lrow tl, Lrem,,
leco,ritior, lrcredible Speed
==bL=: 13/2
==t~: Lor, Sword (13L) (8L wlile rust,)
==nW=13 (releases 37)
==c~W lust, (Weaporr,)

`=^~: Julia loom
_: 1378
`~=^~: ltaliar
c=a~: lell from a wirdow wlile attemptir, to
meet witl ler lover; limiri, ltal, 1396
c=q~: lrosper; limiri, ltal, 1396
`=_~==l~: Los /r,eles, Califorria/
p~: /ctive
`=i: lop Star
t~: Miclael Duvall (2OO+ -)
Sle's dore it a,air. Sle's all over tle papers; l
dor't krow wlat to do. How am l supposed to keep
sometlir, like ler a secret` Julia actuall, demarded
tlat we let tle paparazzo ,et tlrou,l tle ,ate before
attemptir, to stop" lim. Sle warted tle plotos to
leak' Sle tlirks sle's irvulrerable as well as
immortal ard its ,oir, to ,et ler killed.
r a side rote l saw L. last ri,lt makir, time witl
tlat Darcer \erorica, l lope sle's discrete for botl
tlere sakes. He ma, rot be tle bri,ltest cra,or ir
tle box, but l kird of wart to see if car make
ar,tlir, of limself. if le survives Her first tlat is.

M. Duvall 9/O2/2OO7
Tle Cruel Samurai
Quote: /re ,ou prepared for tlis`"
==_~W Sato lerji (Mr. Sato to ,aijir) is tle
CL of a major Japarese automotive compar,. He
spert twert, ,ears climbir, tle ladder to tlat
positior ard le is a mar to be feared. To walk irto
lis office is like steppir, irto ar arseral. Lver, wall
is covered witl swords, spears, slields ard armor.
Tle mar limself ma, be old but wler le speaks ore
,ets a serse of lookir, upor a mourtair ,od. His
busiress acumer is keer to tle poirt of beir,
superratural; lis e,e for corruptior is urcarr,. /rd
lis leart is as cold as store. So sa, tlose wlo work
for lim.
/mor, tle immortals of Tok,o krow lim b, a
differert rame. He is da-Harsli, Tle teacler of
teaclers. Most of tle immortals livir, witlir tle
cit, lave spert at least some time at tle feet of tlis
master, ard tlose tlat laver't krow tle rame well.
Tle, dor't krow low old le reall, is, tlou,l tle,
krow tlat le was tle apprertice of tle le,erdar,
Taro, Japar's oldest immortal.
Tle, krow tlat le is a mar of loror, ard ar, wlo
krow lim sa, tlat if ,ou are claller,ed b, tle
master tlat ,ou lave committed ar atrocit, wortl
d,ir, for.
Lorr ir tle ,ear 1331, Masakatsu was tle ,reatest
samurai tlat Clar da lad ever produced. Crarted
b, tle ,ods tlemselves, Masakatsu seemed destired
for ,reatress ever as a clild. L, tle ,ear 1388 le
lad become ore of tle ,reatest ,ererals ir tle wari
lrovirce, wler a particularl, blood, skirmisl witl a
rei,lborir, tribe turred or lim, tle ,ereral
committed jumorji-,iri, orl, to awake mar, lours
later urlarmed. Horrified tlat le somelow survived
ard was witlout a wourd, da Masakatsu believed
limself damred ard left lis people.
Sometime later tle ,ereral became acquairted witl
Taro, Japar's oldest immortal, wlo tau,lt lim a
,reat deal of wlo ard wlat le was ard for a lor,
time Masakatsu was orce a,air tlat mar wlo lived
for loror. Sometlir, clar,ed ir lim tlou,l,
sometlir, lorrible. Twert, ,ears a,o da-Harsli
claller,ed ar immortal ,aijir called Walter Corro,.
Corro, was ever,tlir, tlat tle Japarese feared from
tle outside world, a pilla,ir, rapist ard mercerar,
wlo killed for pleasure, Corro, killed da-Harsli's
,our,est pupil witlout a claller,e, after rapir, ler.


Lrra,ed da-Harsli claller,ed ard bested tle cur
witl little effort, but ir so doir, released more tlar
lis Quickerir,. Sometlir, else passed irto da-
Harsli tlat da,: a masoclistic ur,e to destro, ar,
womar wlo dared call lerself lis equal. f course
ro mortal was capable. but tle idea tlat a womar
would dare to tr, ard take a mar's quickerir,.
da-Harsli refused to stard for it. Tlese da,s le
car barel, keep lis ur,es ir cleck, le waits to ,o or
busiress trips before ,oir, or tle lurt for lis pre,.
lr tle last twert, ,ears le's racked up quite tle
court, alwa,s tar,etir, tle most powerful womer le
car fird.
==a: /r elder Japarese mar of roble
barir, wlo rever smiles, da-Harsli is rever seer
wearir, ar,tlir, but tle most immaculate of suits.
Tlou,l le prefers pirstriped double breasted coats
tlat were popular ir tle 193O's le isr't opposed to a
well tailored simple black suit eitler. His salt ard
pepper lair, ard percil mustacle terd to date lim a
bit but ro ore seems to rotice. da-Hasli terds to
keep lis latara lidder witlir a tlick clarcoal
overcoat tlat is rever far from lis side. Despite lis
modest frame (stardir, just over five feet tall) da-
Harsli still mara,es to fill up a room.
p= e: You're calm, eterrall, calm,
ever wler ,ou're so ar,r, ,ou could murder
ever,ore ir tle room, ,ou keep ,our cool. Le,ord
tlat, act witl loror ard di,rit, ir ever,tlir, ,ou
do. Wler ir tle preserce of otler immortals ,ou
are all busiress, decidir, wletler tle, are a tlreat
first ard corversir, secord. Lrless tlat otler
immortal is a womar, tler ,our attitude clar,es, as
soor as ,ou're able ,ou will fird a wa, to claller,e
ler ard take ler lead. lf ,ou lear of a rotable
immortal womar witl a reputatior ir a cit, ,ou visit
,ou will lurt ler dowr ard ,ou'll claller,e ler, ard
before sle dies, sle'll krow tlat tle wlole time, ,ou
were pla,ir, witl ler.
==o~=k~: da Masakatsu
==c=q~W Taro
==^~=^: 57
==o~=^: 677
==`: Caurtlet
==h= ^~: /kecli Masakatsu, da
Mitsulide, da Hidemitsu, da larelide, Sato
lare, Sasaki Derjiro; Sato lerji
==j~= ^: lrtelli,erce +, Wits 3, lesolve
==m~= ^: Strer,tl +, Dexterit, 3,
Stamira 5
==p~= ^: lreserce 5, Maripulatior +,
Composure +
==j~= p: /cademics (Strate,,) 3,
lrvesti,atior 1, Medicire 1, lolitics (lmperial,
Corporate) 5
==m~=p: /tlletics 2, Lrawl (Martial /rts 2)
+, Drive (lide 3) 1, Stealtl 1, Survival (Travel 3) 2,
Weaporr, (lerdo 3) 6
==p~= p: Lmpatl, (lrowir, tle Lrem, 3) 2,
Lxpressior (lrspiratior 2) 2, lrtimidatior 3,
lersuasior 3, Socialize 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfu,e
(New ldertities) 3
==j: Llood of lir,s (Cortacts +, lesources
+), Cortacts (*lolitical, Corporate, *Yakuza,
Militar,, *lamil,, Media) Dar,er Serse (),
li,ltir, St,le: lerdo (), li,ltir, St,le: lur,
lu (), lrierdl, Watcler ( lslilara
Tamaki), lror Stamira (), leputatior (),
ccluded last (), Corporate Status (),
lesources (*)
==t: 8
==e: 5 (lixatior)
==s: lortitude
==s: Lrv,
==f~: 6
==f: 3
==a: 3
==p: 12
==e~: 1O
==h: 6
==q: lmmortal Coil, Livir, Llade, l,rorart
llesl, leco,ritior, lrow Tl, Lrem,
==bL=: 2O/+
==t~: latara (16L)
==nW 16 (leleases +8)

`=^~: Sato lerji
_: 1331
`~=^~: leudal Japarese
c= a~: Committed jumorji-,iri after a
spectacular defeat b, a rival clar; wari lroverce,
Japar 1388
c=q~: Taro; wari lroverce Japar 1388
`= _~= = l~: New York Cit,, New
York/ Tok,o, Japar
p~: /ctive
`= i: CL of a multi-ratioral
t~: lslilara Tamaki (1987 -), Juliar
Wertwortl (2OO2 -)
l ,ot a call from lslilara last ri,lt tellir, me tlat
Sato-sar" would be ir tle states b, tlis afterroor.
Lvidertl, le'd leard rumor of some womar immortal
,ettir, uppit," ir NYC ard le warts to silerce ler.
Lvidertl, tlat's erou,l tlese da,s to drop a few


,rard just to tlrow dowr witl some click ,ou've
rever met because sle las tle rerve" to be
successful at Tle Came.
lslilara ,oes or ard or about low ,reat tlis ,u, is
ard low le is tle eldest ard most wise immortal ir
Japar. l ,uess l'm just a barbariar tlou,l, because l
dor't see it. Wlatever tle case, l better ,et to work,
le's ,ot to lave lis office read, for lim wler le
comes ir or le'll lave m, lead.

J. Wertwortl 9/8/2OO3

Ophelia St. Croix
Tle /ssistart District /ttourre,
Quote: Sit Dowr, Slut up, ard wait for ,our law,er
because if ,ou sa, ore more word l swear to Cod l
will break ,ou ir lalf'"
==_~: Tle District /ttorre, of New Calais,
Louisiara las a secret weapor ir tle form of lis
deput, livia Cross; sle's ,ot a keer mird, a cruel
wit, ard a passior for justice tlat las brou,lt ler
tlrou,l two certuries of prejudice ard late.
Lorr ir labat ir 178+, tle womar tlat is row
called plelia St. Croix was stored to deatl after
beir, raped b, ler urcle ir 181O. Wler sle awoke
a few lours later sle fourd a lar,e black mar
stardir, over ler, irstead of littir, ler le reacled
dowr ard lifted ler ,ertl,, carr,ir, ler to lis litter
ard tler out of tle cit,.
lt took two weeks for ler to talk to lim, ard b, tlat
time le was alread, callir, ler plelia ir place of a
rame. He irtroduced limself as lasti,ar, a wlite
rame for a black mar.
He tau,lt ler Tle Came, ard after ler revelatior
sta,ed witl ler for a mortal lifetime, irstillir, ir ler
a stror, serse of justice (sometlir, ver, importart
to ler teacler).
Sle spert a ,reat deal of tle rext ore lurdred ard
fift, ,ears tourir, /frica, /sia ard evertuall, Lurope
ard /merica, wlere ir tle '3Os sle wert to colle,e
ard attaired a masters de,ree ir Law. lrom tlere
sle rever looked back. Sle's beer a member of tle
District /ttorre,'s office ir 9 Cities over tle last 75
,ears. Soor tlou,l, if sle draws ar, more press,
sle's ,oir, to lave to move or, lest someore ir ler
last office ir Louisiara reco,rize ler.
==a: Leautiful ard exotic, at least b,
/mericar stardards, St. Croix terds to draw looks
from ler peers. Silk, black lair frames almord
slaped e,es, ard ler petit frame moves witl a
felire's ,race. Tlou,l sle dresses mostl, ir severe
suits, tlere is alwa,s a serse of free flowir,
p=e: Wler sle's rot ir tle courtroom
or ler office, sle is soft spoker ard quiet, but put ler
ir frort of someore sle's marked as ,uilt, ard tle
lamb quickl, becomes tle lior. Her approacl to tle
Came is mucl tle same as ler approacl to tle
justice s,stem, orce sle's decided ar immortal las
crossed a lire sle brooks ro trespass. /rd few
immortals lave beer arrested ir New Calais witlout
learir, from ler, ard if tleir actiors were dire
erou,l, tle, wor't be leard from a,air.
o~=k~: Lrkrowr
^~=^: 26
q=^: 221
`: Sword
h= ^~: livia Cross; Naslida labati,,a,
C,rtlia Naslita, lebecca Waters, Julia Store
j~=^: lrtelli,erce 3, Wits 2, lesolve 3
m~= ^: Strer,tl 2, Dexterit, 3,
Stamira 2
p~= ^: lreserce +, Maripulatior 3,
Composure 3
j~= p: /cademics (Law) 3, Crafts 2,
lrvesti,atior 2, Medicire 2, lolitics 2, Scierce 1
m~= p: Larcer, 1, Stealtl (crowds) 2,
Survival 1, Weaporr, (Claller,es) 3
p~= p: Lmpatl, 2, Lxpressior (swa,ir,
opirior) +, lrtimidatior 2, lersuasior 2, lersuasior
2, Socialize 1, Subterfu,e (lalsif,ir, lecords) 3
j: Strikir, Looks (), Status (cit,) (),
lesources , lerdo (), leputatior (),
Mertor: lasti,ar ()
t: 6
e: 6
s: Hope
s: Wratl
f~: 6
a: 2
p: 1O
e~: 7
h: 3
q: l,rorart llesl, lrowir, Deferse, Livir,
bL=: 12/1
t~: lalclior- 8L (9L wler cloppir, from a
li,ler ,rourd)
n: 17 (leleases 3O)

==`=^~: livia Cross
==_: 178+
==`~=^~: lslamic Nortl /fricar
==c=a~: Stored to deatl for beir, raped; labat
==c=q~: lasti,ar; labat 1818


==`=_~==l~: Clica,o, lllirois
==p~: /ctive
==`=i: /ssistart District /ttorre,
==t~: Luisa Comez (2OOO-)
Tle D/ came sriffir, arourd lere a,air,
worderir, wl, Ms. Cross spert so mucl time ir tle
arclives. Her success makes lim rervous, le doesr't
realize tlat tlere is ro wa, or Cod's eartl tlat sle
would ever ,o for lis job- too mucl press.
l leard ler talkir, to lasti,ar last week outside
tle courtroom. Sle's tlirkir, about movir, a,air,
ard l'm rot sure l could reasorabl, watcl ler if sle
does, we've ,otter prett, clumm, ard sle mi,lt ,et
tle wror, idea if l slow up at ir tle rext cit,.
l lave to remember to catcl up to Llsor tlou,l,
lasti,ar mertiored tlat le's ,ettir, itcl, too, l
tlirk lis watcler mi,lt wart to lave a leads up.

L. Comez +/1/O8

Sidor von Sydow
Tle Camblir, loet
Quote: Wlat car l sa,; wler l'm lot, l'm lot."
==_~W +O2 ,ears a,o a Hur,ariar poet b,
tle rame of Sidor Szarka was bus, recitir, a rewl,
mirted poem wler le turred lis leal or a crusled
tomato ard fell from lis table-cum-sta,e ard cracked
lis lead or a clair, sadl, le did rot die immediatel,,
as tle blow caused a brair lemorrla,e tlat killed
lim over tle rext tlree lours. Wler le awoke two
da,s later witl wlat le believed was ar irsarel,
irterse lar,over Szarka tlou,lt rotlir, of it.
Witlir a week le met lis first teacler, wlom le
claims to be a barbariar called Hardwick".
Tle rext two certuries are a blur ever to Sidor,
wlat le does remember is makir, lis wa, slowl,
rortl to Sweder, movir, from cit, to cit, as a poet
ard a clowr. rce tlere le took tle surrame vor
S,dow ard it was urder tlat rame tlat tle watclers
became aware of lim witl.
Tlou,l le takes lis prodi,ious poetic talert
seriousl,, Sidor is a mar of excess. fter ,amblir, a
certur, of savir,s ir a matter of lours ard sperdir,
ar equal sum or food, wire ard. otler pleasures.
/ ledorist to tle core, Sidor lasr't clar,ed at all
ir tle last four certuries orl, tle mears ard tle
qualit, of lis corquests lave. Lver Tle Came does
rot affect lim overl, mucl, as le pla,s witl tle
same reckless abardor witl wlicl le experierces
tle rest of lis life.
Sixt, ,ears a,o ar immortal called Lemuel Class, a
lurter ard a master swordsmar came lookir, for tle
poet. How Sidor took lis lead is ar,ore's ,uess, but
afterword le las demorstrated a startlir, aptitude
for fi,ltir, witl two weapors tlat le lad rever
exlibited before, le ma, well be ar actual corterder
for tle prize - if le car ,et lis ,amblir, ir cleck.
==a: Letweer tle ,ra,/wlite lair, tle
bleedir, ed,e faslior ard lis reed, stature, few
would reco,rize Sidor as a tlreat, wlicl to be fair
isr't too far from tle trutl. Tle poet doesr't ever
tr, to be corfrortatioral ard irstead will orl, fi,lt
after jocularit, ard alcolol refuse to quell lis foe's
ar,er or bloodlust.
p=e: You seem crass to otlers wler it
comes to ,our immortalit, ard to be lorest, it's rot
ar act. You're a middlir, swordsmar at best, ever if
,ou ,ot luck, a,airst tlat ,u, tlat time ard fourd
,ourself able to wield two blades at orce. Wler it
comes to poetr, tlou,l - it's ,our breatl, it's tle
reasor ,ou're lere ir tle first place
==o~=k~: Sidor Szarka
==c=q~W Hardwick
==^~=^: ++
==o~=^: ++6
==`: lla,er
==h= ^~: Sardor lask; S,lvester \or
S,dow, Sebastiar lask, Sebastiar \or S,dow, Sidor
==j~= ^: lrtelli,erce +, Wits +, lesolve
==m~= ^: Strer,tl 3, Dexterit, +,
Stamira 2
==p~= ^: lreserce +, Maripulatior +,
Composure 3
==j~= p: /cademics (Literature) 3, Crafts 1,
lrvesti,atior 2, Medicire 1, ccult 1, lolitics 3,
Scierce 1
==m~= p: /tlletics 2, Stealtl (skulkir,) 2,
Survival (Travel 2) 2, Weaporr, (two weapors 2) 3
==p~= p: Lmpatl, 2, Lxpressior (poetr, 3) 5,
lersuasior 3, Socialize +, Streetwise (Camblir,) 3,
Subterfu,e 3
==j: /mbidextrous (), Cortacts
(Lrderworld, lirarcial), lame (), li,ltir, liresse
(), li,ltir, St,le: Two Weapors (),
lrspiratioral (), lesources (), ccluded
last ()
==t: 5
==e: 6
==s: Hope
==s: Cluttor,
==f~: 7
==f: 3
==a: +
==p: 12
==e~: 7
==h: 3


==q: Wlo, me`"
==bL=: 12/1
==t~: Duel Slort Swords (11L)
==nW=13 (releases 27)
`=^~: Sardor lask
_: 1562
`~=^~: Hur,ariar
c= a~: slipped or a tomato; lest, Hur,ar,
c=q~: Hardwick; Luda, Hur,ar, 16O2
`= _~= = l~: Stocklolm,
p~: /ctive
t~: Sasla lettersser (199+ -)
He's at it a,air. Tlis ,ear it is Macao, last time it
was \e,as, le car't keep tlis up ard keep lis more,,
it's just rot possible, just last ri,lt le burred six
millior frarcs, it's a worder le las ar, more, left at
all. f course last time tle ,irls were. well tle,
were bo,s. Tle old rake was a bit taker back but it
didr't reall, slow lim dowr too mucl. re of tlese
da,s ore of tlese bir,es are ,oir, to ,et lim killed.

S. lettersser 5/11/98

The Thessalonian
Tle Novice
Quote: Wlo are ,ou` Wlat do ,ou wart witl me,
ard wl, are ,ou carr,ir, a sword'`"
==_~: Dr. laul Hewett is tle leadir,
cosmetic sur,eor ir tle Lrited States toda,, lis
procedures lave revolutiorized tle practice ard lis
patierts ofter claim tlat le performs miracles.
Lased out of lis offices ir Clica,o, Dr. Hewett's
multimillior dollar practice las beer irvolved witl
rearl, ever, /-list celebrit, wlo warts work dore
but doesr't wart ar,ore to krow about it.
laul limself is krowr for tlrowir, parties tlat
leaves tlose same celebrities ,reer witl erv,.
Notlir, but tle best le alwa,s sa,s.
Wler Noel Tlomas discovered lim two ,ears a,o,
wlile visitir, a frierd wlo lad come ir for a
relativel, irvasive procedure, sle was slocked to
discover tlat tle celebrit, practitiorer was ir fact a
,our, immortal. Sirce tler sle's beer trairir, lim
to pla, Tle Came as best sle car, tlou,l le's orl,
beer apprerticed to ler for two ,ears, sle recertl,
released lim, ,rartir, lim tle rapier sle took from
ler first duel ei,lt, ,ears prior.
Wlat Noel doesr't krow wor't lurt ler of course.
'laul' las ir fact beer pla,ir, at beir, a 'rovice' for
certuries, allowir, limself to be 'discovered' ever,
few certuries b, some prett, tlir, wlo warts to
slow lim tle world.
Lver sirce lis mistress stabbed lim to deatl at a
celebratior tlat marked lis tlirtietl birtlda, ir 821,
tle Tlessaloriar las moved tlrou,l tle certuries
li,ltl, ard witl ,reat corfiderce. lt was ir tle
twelftl certur, tlat le became irterested ir
medicire, but it wasr't urtil 169O tlat le be,ar to
pla, lis little ,ame, wler lis reputatior lad ,rowr
to tle poirt tlat tle lurters came lookir, for lim
ir force.
Despite lis lackadaisical approacl to tle ,ame, tle
Tlessaloriar las become ar adept pla,er, rever
sta,ir, ir ore place, or idertit, for too lor,.
Currertl, le's tle daslir, doctor, but fort, ,ears a,o
le was tle movie producer, ard before tlat a visitir,
roblemar from some obscure roble lrercl lire, ard
before tlat le was pilot ard so or ard so fortl.
His recert fora, or tle frort pa,e of tle LS/
Toda, las rattled lis ca,es tlou,l, le's rever
actuall, liked tle limeli,lt, le just likes to feel tle
after,low, but after Hurricare latrira lit le couldr't
refuse to lelp ard so row le's ir Louisiara, keepir,
lis lead low, lopir, tlat ro ore wlo could
reco,rize lim is loldir, a ,rud,e.
Tlou,l lis ,ame" is a risk, ard cruel ore, le
doesr't take too mucl advarta,e of lis teaclers",
wlo ofter come awa, from tleir time to,etler all
tle better for it.
==a: Tle Tlessaloriar is, ir all tlir,s,
beautiful. Tlere is ro otler wa, to describe tle
arciert. lr lis first life le rever did a da,'s work
ard it slows ir lis perfect complexior ard fire
features. His adroitress ard corstitutior come from
certuries of practice but lis well tored musculature
is mostl, for slow. His currert sword, a firel,
crafted ard exquisitel, decorated rapier witl ltaliar
flare, is also ore of lis favorites ard le is irdebted to
lis 'Teacler' for it.
p= e: You've survived for over a
tlousard ,ears or ,our wit ard beaut,, ard ,ou've
lad tle time of ,our life doir, it. Lut tlat doesr't
mear ,ou dor't take tle ,ame or ,our 'teaclers' for
,rarted. You've seer erou,l deatl ir courtless
operatir, tleaters ard battlefield medical terts to
respect tle mortals arourd ,ou ard to krow tlat
tleir pair is real ard ever feel tlat it is ,our dut, to
lelp wler ,ou car.
Wlile le'll tr, to talk lis wa, out of a claller,e, if
it comes dowr to a duel, tle faade falls ard lis


opporert is left witl ar arciert ard deadl, immortal
read, to retire ar,ore wlo raises a sword to lim.
o~=k~: lavlos of Larissa
^~=^: 3O
o~=^: 122+
`: Mask
h= ^~: letros of Larissa, Simor letros,
Simor laulsor, leter /driar, Simor leters; laul
j~=^: lrtelli,erce 5, Wits +, lesolve 3
m~= ^: Strer,tl 2, Dexterit, +,
Stamira +
p~= ^: lreserce 5, Maripulatior 6,
Composure +
j~= p: /cademics (Histor, 3) 6, Computer
1, lrvesti,atior 2, Medicire (Sur,er, 2) 6, lolitics
(Lureaucrac,) 6, Scierce 2
m~=p: /tlletics (lurrir,) 3, Drive 1,
lirearms 2, Larcer, 2, Stealtl (Disappearir,) 3,
Survival (Travel) 2, Weaporr, (Lle,art Swords 3) 5
p~=p: /rimal ler 1, Lmpatl, 3, Lxpressior
(ratior) 3, lrtimidatior 2, lersuasior (Seductior
3) 6, Socialize (Carousir,) 5, Streetwise 3,
Subterfu,e (lei,rir, irrocerce) 6
j: leputatior (), Strikir, Looks (),
Status (medical) (), lame (), lesources
( ), Staff (), li,ltir, St,le: lercir,
(), Cortacts (Medical, lolitical), Mertor:
Tessa Noel (), Llood of lir,s ()
t: 7
e: 7
s: Clarit,
s: lride
f~: 8
a: +
p: 11
e~: 9
h: 6
q: Calmir, lrfluerce, Lcloes, Hidder Steel,
lrowir, Deferse, lrow Tl, Lrem,, 'Wlo, Me`'
bL=: 15/5
t~: rrate lapier: 12L
nW=25 (leleases 67)

c==`==Tle Tlessaloriar
`=^~: Dr. laul Hewett
_: 781
`~=^~: L,zartire Nobilit,
c= a~: Stabbed to deatl b, lis mistress wlile
celebratir, lis 3O
birtlda, lart,; Tlessaloriki 821
c=q~: llavius, Tle lomar; Larissa 828
`=_~==l~: New rlears, Louisiara
p~: /ctive
`=i: llastic Sur,eor to tle Stars
t~: Dr. Louisa Larres (2OO2 - )
l urderstard tlat le's immortal ard las little to
fear wler it comes to lis owr safet, but to see a mar
dive leadlor, irto tlat currert to save someore le
didr't ever krow for sure was still alive. l've rever
seer leroism like tlat.
Tlree ,ears a,o, wler l received tlis assi,rmert l
tlou,lt m, time was beir, wasted or a prett, bo,
witl a lot of time or lis lards because of m,
medical de,ree, but to see lim performir, real, life
ard deatl sur,er,, usir, teclriques tlat are, well
superlumar. l car't tlark tle coordirator erou,l
for assi,rir, me to lim.

L. Larres 9/6/2OO5

Eric Tremain
Tle Super Star
Quote: We're killir, tle plaret ard we reed to.
ul. do sometlir,. about it."
==_~W Walt Jr. was raised witl ever,tlir,
le ever warted. /fter lis parerts split ir 1985,
Walt's motler doted or lim, workir, + jobs to make
sure tlat le could lave ever,tlir, tlat le warted.
Wler le was 7 le talked ler irto lettir, lim
auditior for a part ir a commercial. Tlat was just
tle be,irrir,.
Wler le was elever Walt ,raduated from clild
model ard commercial actor to clild star wler le
fourd limself up for a roll or a secord rate soap-
opera called Till Deatl". Walt's a,ert irformed lis
motler tlat tle producers were war, about brir,ir,
someore ramed Walt orto tle slow, as it made lim
sourd dated". /fter tlirkir, it over Walt ard lis
motler decided to le,all, clar,e lis rame to Lric.
Witlir five ,ears Lric lad sued for emarcipatior
from lis motler, wlom le accused of embezzlir,
furds from lis bark accourt. rce released Lric
,ave lis a,ert full power of attorre, over lis assets.
L, tle time le was twert, Lric lad ever,tlir, le
could possibl, wart, ar ertoura,e of ,es mer, ar
arm, of womer, ard a leroir addictior tlat was
costir, lim $5,OOO a da,. f course, because of lis
a,erts (actual) embezzlemert, le was also
completel, broke, ,iver ar allowarce" tlat barel,
covered lis bills. Tle worst part was tlat le was ar
amazir, actor, capable of doir, tlir,s or camera
tlat otlers could orl, dream about. Lut betweer
jobs le was a mess.
re ri,lt ir tle earl, summer of 2OO+, after tle
premiere of lis most recert blockbuster smasl, Lric
walked out of a part, to catcl a smoke ard
disappeared. Wlat lappered was tlat Lric, li,l or
leroir tle movie star walked orto a bus, street ard


irto orcomir, traffic. He was lit b, ar SL\ tlat
kept drivir,, lis bod, beir, tlrowr to tle side of tle
He awoke da,s later, sore ard tlirst, but sober for
tle first time ir six ,ears. Wler le ,ot back to lis
lotel room le was corfrorted b, paparazzi ard lis
a,ert, all of tlem worderir, wlere le'd beer.
Tle disleveled actor fired lis a,ert or tle spot.
/fter lis revival as ar immortal, tlir,s wert well
for Lric, le ,ot lis life to,etler, tlou,l le still
erjo,ed dru,s le fourd, after a few subsequert
revivals, tlat le'd lost lis taste for addictior. Lut
also fourd tlat le reeded sometlir, to believe ir.
He put lis more, or tle ervirormert.
Lrforturatel, lis reawakerir, did little to dissuade
lis labit of puttir, lis faitl irto otlers. /rd it
wasr't lor, before tle frir,e elemerts of tle eco-
ri,lts movemert fourd lim. lra,ir, or lis raivet,
ard lis reed to feel importart a ,roup called tle
Caiar Liberatior lrort cortacted lim about furdir,
tlem ir tleir quest to brir, tle messa,e of tle
dar,er to 'tle motler' to tle people.
Lrforturatel, tle CLl was actuall, a terrorist
,roup wlo used lis furdir, to obtair erou,l
material to detorate a colle,e medical laborator,.
Sirce tler tle, come to lim to lelp furtler furd
tleir efforts. Tlou,l Lric las ro direct krowled,e
of tleir dealir,s arourd tle world, le is smart
erou,l to lave corrected tle dots. He just doesr't
lave tle balls to cut ties witl tle terrorist
lr late 2OO5, wlile lostir, Saturda, Ni,lt Live
Lric met Julia loom, tle pop idol. Wler le laid
e,es or ler lis world spur, literall,. Tle two lave
beer to,etler ever sirce. Lrforturatel, for tle
,our, immortal, lis lover isr't wlat sle appears, ard
,rows ever more cortrollir, as tle ,ears pass or.
He's ever be,ur sleepir, arourd or ler, seeir, otler
womer wler sle's or tour, as if attemptir, to srub
ler belird ler back as a clild mi,lt, rot realizir,
tle dar,er le's reall, ir.
Tle Came is ,et arotler subject ir wlicl tle
,our,lir, is corfourded b,, seeir, it as a barbaric
araclrorism ard refusir, to learr ar, sword pla,.
Wlile tlat does irdeed suit Julia just fire, sle still
worries for ler paramour's safet,, especiall, wler le
,oes or about brir,ir, tle immortals to,etler ard
,ettir, tlem to tlrow dowr tleir swords. Surel,
tle,'d lister to lim; le's a celebrit,' lerlaps, ir tle
erd, all car be ore.
==a: ,our,, ,ood lookir, ir ar asexual
kird of wa,, ard clarmir,. Lric's willow, frame is
almost leroir clic. Letweer lis prett, bo, ima,e
ard immaculatel, tailored suits le's ,ot rearl, ever,
womar or tle plaret wartir, (at least) ar
auto,rapl. Years of practice lave refired lis massive
ratural talert for actir, to sucl a level tlat le ofter
appears far smarter ard better read tler le actuall,
is. Tlat alor, witl lis lerrir, erlarced memor,
ard rear superlumar clarm allows lim to ,et wlat
le warts wler le warts.
p=e: You're vapid, but ,ood lookir,,
oblivious but talerted, ard tlat mears ,ou ,et wlat
,ou wart. Lrtil ,ou dor't. Tle Came scares ,ou but
,ou tlirk ,ou'll be fire as lor, as Julia's tlere to
protect ,ou, tlou,l ,ou see ler more ard more as a
motler fi,ure as opposed to a lover. it's a ,ood
tlir, ,ou dor't krow wlat ar edipal Complex is.
Wler it comes to tle ervirormert ,ou, a,air, are
out of ,our deptl, believir, wlat ,our lrierds" tell
,ou ard blirdl, ,ivir, tlem a ,ood clurk of ,our
forture. You krow people are beir, lurt but blirdl,
cover ,our e,es to tle facts as ,ou dor't wart to
tlirk about tle corsequerces.
==o~=k~: Walter Jolr Tremair Jr.
==c=q~W Ciulietta Malatesta
==^~=^: 2O
==o~=^: 2+
==`: Sladow
==h=^~: Lric Tremair
==j~= ^: lrtelli,erce 2, Wits 2, lesolve
==m~= ^: Strer,tl 2, Dexterit, 2,
Stamira 2
==p~= ^: lreserce +, Maripulatior 3,
Composure 1
==j~= p: Computer 1, Medicire 1, lolitics
(Holl,wood) 2
==m~= p: /tlletics 2, Lrawl 1, Drive 2,
Larcer, 1, Stealtl 1
==p~= p: /rimal ler 1, Lmpatl, 2,
Lxpressior (actir,) +, lersuasior 1, Socialize 2,
Subterfu,e (lakir, it) 3
==j: Strikir, Looks (), lesources (), lame
==t: +
==e: 5 (Narcissism, 6)
==s: laitl
==s: Cluttor,
==f~: 3
==f: 1
==a: 2
==p: 9
==e~: 7
==h: 1
==q: Calmir, lrfluerce
==bL=: 1O/1
==t~: Lor, Sword (+L)


==nW=O (leleases 3)

`=^~: Lric Tremair
_: 198+
`~=^~: /mericar, Limousire Liberal
c= a~: Hit b, a car wlile strur, out; Los
/r,eles, Califorria 2OO+
c= q~: Ciulietta Malatesta; New York Cit,,
New York 2OO5
`=_~==l~: Los /r,eles, Califorria
LS// Mobile
p~: lractive
`=i: /-list movie star
t~: Miclael Duvall (2OO6 -)
Tle, fourd tle Darcer toda,, sle electrocuted
lerself wlile blow dr,ir, ler lair wlile still ir tle
slower. li,lt. Sle's dead because Lric couldr't keep
lis scar ir lis parts wlere it belor,ed. Tlat's rot
importart tlou,l. Lric's frierds cortacted lim
toda, to ,et some more casl. l tlirk le's catclir,
or to tle situatior because le was a bit more
reticert but le caved evertuall,. Tlese frierds are
bad rews. Tle, talk bi, talk about lelpir, tle
ervirormert but it sourded like tle, were talkir,
about causir, a disaster to blame or tle Lr,lisl
,overrmert. l dor't ,et it.
l krow we're rot supposed to ,et irvolved but l
lave vital irformatior about a possible terrorist
attack or a soverei,r ratior, l'm cortactir, m,
coordirator to ,et feedback. Sometlir, reeds to be

M. Duvall 9/17/2OO7


Academics _______
Science _________
Animal Ken_____

(-3 unskilled)
(-1 unskilled)
(-1 unskilled)
Size:_______ Speed:_______
Defense:_____ Armor:______
Initiative Mod:___________



Weapon/Attack Dice Mod. Range Clip Size
___________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
___________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
___________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
Apparent Age:___________
Weapon/Attack Dice Mod. Range Clip Size
____________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
____________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
____________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
____________________ ______ _____ ____ ____
____________________ ______ _____ ____ ____

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