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FIGU Special Bulletin 2

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A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom A Word To Mankind Affection Aging An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012 Basic Rules of Man Being Oneself Concentration Exercises Concentration, Meditation, Sleep Conception, Consciousness and Personality of the Human Being Creation FIGU Special Bulletin 51 FIGU Special Bulletin 55 FIGU Special Bulletin 57 FIGU Special Bulletin 58 FIGU Special Bulletin 62 FIGU Special Bulletin 64 1 2 4 5 7 8 41 48 52 54 55 64 65 68 78 95 98 99 106

Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions 107

Article Sources and Contributors Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 114 115

A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom

A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations An excerpt from the book Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit (A Little Bit of Knowledge, Sense and Wisdom) by Eduard Billy Albert Meier 2000 Pages 231 & 232
English True Love A Unifying Might In the same degree to which the human being begins to grasp life, to understand it and really to live, he or she will encounter all its great things in greater proximity. However, true love thereby represents a development to which the human being is not equal - without the deepest cognitions and a virtuous, worthy character and without a good personality. True love, namely, surpasses all love which is thought-feeling generated, which, as a rule, only exhausts itself in degenerated emotions. If, however, the human being holds out, and accepts all the efforts and burdens associated with the time of teaching and creating, which true [1] love - determined by spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling - takes, instead of losing himself or herself in all of that which is easy and insignificant, and in false and foolish being-in-love, behind which he or she hides from the truthful weight of true love and from the actual seriousness of life, then he or she will not only gain relief and progress, as well as significant self-knowledge and self-realisation, rather he or she will also gain deep, true love determined by spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling which mocks all love generated by thoughts and feelings, and, thereby, love which is laden with emotions. True love lasts for a lifetime and beyond, because true love withstands death and is also still perceptible for the most distant descendant, because it is a significant, positive-neutral and unifying might, the nature of which is eternal and all-great-timely. German Wahre Liebe, eine verbindende Macht In demselben Masse, in dem der Mensch beginnt, das Leben zu erfassen, zu verstehen und wirklich zu leben, werden ihm all dessen grosse Dinge in grsserer Nhe begegnen. Allein die wahre Liebe stellt dabei eine Entwicklung dar, der der Mensch ohne tiefste Erkenntnisse und einen tugendhaften, wertvollen Charakter und ohne eine gute Persnlichkeit nicht gewachsen ist. Wahre Liebe nmlich geht ber alle gedanklich-gefhlsmssig erzeugte Liebe hinaus, die sich in der Regel nur in ausartenden Emotionen erschpft. Wenn der Mensch jedoch ausharrt und alle Mhen und Lasten der Lehrund Erschaffungszeit der wahren geistigempfindungsmssig bedingten Liebe auf sich nimmt, statt sich an all das Leichte und Unbedeutende und an das falsche und leichtsinnige Verliebtsein zu verlieren, hinter dem er sich vor dem wahrheitlichen Gewicht der wahren Liebe und vor dem tatschlichen Ernst des Lebens verbirgt, dann wird er nicht nur eine Erleichterung und einen Fortschritt sowie eine massgebende Selbsterkenntnis und Selbstverwirklichung gewinnen, sondern auch die wahre, tiefe geist-empfindungsmssig bedingte Liebe, die aller gedanklich-gefhlsmssig erzeugten und damit emotionsgeladenen Liebe spottet. Wahre Liebe ist von lebens zeitlicher Bestndigkeit und darber hinaus, denn wahre Liebe berdauert den Tod und ist auch noch fr die fernsten Nachfahren empfindbar, denn sie ist eine bedeutsame, positiv-neutrale und verbindende Macht ewiger, allgrosszeitlicher Natur.

Translated by Dyson Devine & Vivienne Legg, Tasmania, Australia. April 17th, 2011

Email from Dyson Devine to James Moore Original source:

[1] spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling: (in other words, the spiritual counterpart to the material feeling) corresponds to the German word Empfindung which is traditionally translated as, a. (sinnliche Wahrnehmung) sensation; sensory perception; b. (Gefhl) feeling; emotion

A Word To Mankind

A Word To Mankind
An article from "Stimme der Wassermannzeit Nr.107". 1. As never before in the long history of Earth and its people, wars and crimes, as well as manifold brutalities prevail, which constantly increase in step with the overpopulation. 2. The old venerable relationships between planet and man have changed drastically for the worse, especially since the middle of the nineteenth century and the trend is continuing noticeably. 3. Not only has mankind sunk into an abyss of boundless depravity, but it has also brought this decay to the planet and the entire animal world and nature as a whole. 4. All governments and those responsible and the majority of the population have become the keepers of evil. 5. While they talk of peace and better quality of life as well as of better interpersonal relationships, aid for the hungry, environmental protection and many other good things, the governments and responsible people secretly re-arm and prepare deadly weapons in order to destroy entire nations. 6. But the majority of the population is also busy increasing the decay, and as a consequence, hate, discontent, wastefulness, vices, addictions, murder and manslaughter, etc. will be committed. 7. All the new inventions are used ultimately to destroy as well as annihilating plants and animals. 8. The environmental pollution and destruction increase constantly and the degeneration of man produces ever more deadly excesses. 9. Therefore in reality, so-called progress is nothing else but a degeneration leading nowhere. 10. One cannot even speak about a retrogression, because never before has Earth humanity found itself on such a steep decline as in the present time. 11. If Earth humanity and its governments as well as other responsible people, as i.e. scientists do not wake up soon, then it will come to a worldwide catastrophe, which cannot prevent a general hostility from man to man. 12. All evils will increase to such an extent, that only brutal force can put a stop to it. 13. Greed for money and possessions, general lack of decency and respect, sick ambition and hunger for power, as well as robbery and murder and many other excesses will become the order of the day. 14. And if people do not become aware of it very soon, it will rapidly go downhill, until finally everything sinks into the abyss! 15. It seems, but perhaps it is also the reality, that mankind must first fall into the deepest abyss of its history before it wakes up and realizes that it is stuck in a dead end, where lurks the complete self-destruction, which may end in an atomic war or worse, despite all hypocritical disarmament efforts.. 16. Maybe there will be enough survivors who can make a new beginning from the wreckage and can realize which deadly mistakes have been made in order not to repeat these again. 17. Perhaps the survivors will recognize that selfishness, vice, greed, arrogance, excessive ambition, and greed for possessions etc. cannot form a stable basis for a healthy human society. 18. But so far this recognition does not penetrate into the consciousness of most people, because selfishness is still strongly prevalent. 19. Man is still blinded by progress, technology, money and exterior prosperity, but at the same time impoverishes more and more in his consciousness, in his psyche and feelings. 20. Interpersonal relations become a farce because the more people that crowd the planet, the more the lonely and careworn the individual becomes, because the contacts between people will become more sparse and are only directed toward material gain and profit. 21. Many thousands of firms, large and small businesses, go bankrupt every year in every country, and all because young, dynamic powers take on the helm, wanting to rise quickly, not paying heed to advice from others. 22. In their megalomania and greed for profit they expand their businesses and get into debt, which they can never repay.

A Word To Mankind 23. They act just like the governments, that get into debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of francs, marks or dollars, because they miscalculate in their conceit, and often dont even know how much a million or billion actually is. 24. They are all power- and profit-hungry people, by whom all older workers were and will be pushed from their jobs and positions, even though their healthy caution had properly brought the businesses to bloom. 25. These young, ambitious, power- and profit-hungry workers no longer have this caution, and consequently they impetuously storm ahead, but only end up destroying everything. 26. They neither heard of pragmatism nor that only exactly calculable risks should be taken. 27. Governing people as well as entrepreneurs are no longer in control of their businesses because they are the wrong people in the wrong positions. 28. Therefore it is not surprising that all of mankind as well as the planet and all of its other life forms etc. are sliding more and more and irresistibly into the deepest abyss and rushing towards total destruction. 29. As a matter of fact, the people on Earth are up to the eyeballs in muck and dont recognize or understand the truth anymore. 30. Actually, they do not want to see or know the truth, because they still think of themselves as the absolute crown of Creation, who can do as they please and never fail. 31. In fact it is not all people who are wandering on the path to destruction, because there are also those who recognize the scary situation and are trying with all means possible to wake up the majority of mankind who think and act wrong. 32. Unfortunately these people only belong to a minority, who go unheard and are even attacked because most people do not want to be told the truth nor are they willing to give it a thought. 33. In spite of all this, the minority must continue the fight for enlightenment, even though it is almost hopeless. 34. Only he who fights for life can win even when it seems useless. 35. In the end, and in spite of all the defeats, the winners will be those who held onto the truth tenaciously and fought for it, even though this victory will only be signified by a good conscience and an inner satisfaction that they have fulfilled their duty with respect to life, the world, mankind and all other life forms on Earth in accordance with the laws and directives of Creation. Billy Translated by Hugo and Renate S. Proofread by Helga Friedrich (Feb.2001)



IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial and unauthorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

Contact Reports volume: 8 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gesprche, Block 8) Page number(s): 320 Translator(s): James Remington Robinson Date of original translation: Saturday, February 11, 2012
German Zuneigung ist ein sehr schnes Wort und in seinem Begriff die Bedeutung einer umarmenden Verbundenheit. Durch Zuneigung verbindet sich ein Mensch mit einem andern, er neigt sich ihm gedanklich, gefhlsmssig und empfindsam entgegen und zu ihm hin. In dieser Form drckt sich eine Beziehung und Verknpfung aus, die in einer andauernden harmonischen Bewegung ankert. Dabei ist es dem einzelnen Menschen freigestellt, ob er in dieser Bewegung verbleiben und also auf seinem Standpunkt verharren will oder nicht. Wo aber eine Zuneigung entsteht, da entsteht auch eine bestimmte Form der Liebe, die wiederum Bewegung bedeutet, weil sich Empfindungen oder Gefhle eines Menschen auf den Weg zu einem andern machen. So neigen sich Gefhle und Empfindungen je nach ihrer Art der Liebe einem andern Menschen zu. Und in dieser Bewegung, wenn sich zwei Menschen einander zuneigen, dann knnen sie sich sowohl in ihren Empfindungen wie auch in ihren Gedanken und Gefhlen finden, und zwar irgendwo in der mitte oder an den Punkten des Ausgangs. Und erst wenn eine wirkliche Zuneigung zustande gekommen und eine wahre Bewegung stattgefunden hat, kann eine wirkliche Begegnung in Verbundenheit erfolgen, weil nur durch die Zuneigung ein Verstehen fr den anderen Menschen entsteht, indem sich der eine auf den Weg zum andern hin aufmacht. Niederflachs, Blach ZH, Sonntag, 3. Februar 1946, 10.23 h Eduard, 9 Jahre alt

English Affection is a very beautiful word, and in its meaning of the importance of an embracing connectedness. By affection, which a human being connects with another, he is inclined towards meeting another mentally, emotionally and sensitively. In this form, relationship and association express themselves, which are anchored in a sustained harmonious movement. It is left to the individual, whether he wants to remain in this movement and thus persist in his viewpoint or not. Where there arises affection, theres also a certain form of love, which in turn means movement, because sensations or feelings of human beings make their way to another. Thus, feelings and sensations incline themselves according to their kind of love with another human. And in this movement, when two people incline to one another, then they can find both in their perceptions as well as in their thoughts and feelings, and indeed somewhere in the middle or at the points of the output. And only when a genuine affection has been reached and a true movement has taken place, can a genuine encounter occur in solidarity, because only through the affection an understanding of the other human results adding the one opens the way toward the other.

Niederflachs, Bulach, ZH, Sunday, 3 February 1946, 10:23 AM Eduard, 9 years old

Contact Report 309


Aging Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrti 2nd June 2005, 16:45 Billy Aging causes certain humans worries and problems, and they stubbornly refuse to become old. Many wrongly believe to be able to make themselves more beautiful and younger through ointments or through cosmetic surgeries because they are not able to come to terms with aging. These are all the humans who deceive themselves, are not really viable and live in the delusion that only staying young and looking young fulfill the true meaning of life. But what is true about this delusion? Really absolutely nothing because proportional beauty and wrinkles in the face due to progressive decline of the body and to aging in years are not of importance, but rather the fulfillment of life's meaning, which rests in the evolution of the consciousness and the fulfillment of the Creational-natural laws, from which true knowledge, true wisdom, freedom, harmony and real peace as well as joy and happiness result. Das Altwerden Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrti 2. Juni 2005, 16.45 h Billy Das Altwerden bereitet gewissen Menschen Sorgen und Probleme, und sie weigern sich stur, alt zu werden. Viele glauben irrig, sich durch Schmieren und Salben oder durch Schnheitsoperationen schner und jnger machen zu knnen, weil sie sich mit dem Altwerden nicht abfinden knnen. Es sind dies alles Menschen, die sich selbst belgen, nicht wirklich lebensfhig sind und im Wahn leben, nur das Jungbleiben und Jungaussehen erflle den wahren Sinn des Lebens. Doch was ist wahr an diesem Wahn? Wirklich rein gar nichts, denn nicht die proportionale Schnheit und nicht die Falten im Gesicht infolge des fortschreitenden Verfalls des Krpers und des Altwerdens an Jahren ist von Bedeutung, sondern die Erfllung des Lebenssinnes, der in der Evolution des Bewusstseins und der Erfllung der schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetzmssigkeiten beruht, woraus sich wahres Wissen, wahre Weisheit, Freiheit, Harmonie und wirklicher Frieden sowie Freude und Glck ergeben. Was ist denn so schlimm daran, alt zu werden? Nicht das Altwerden ist wichtig, sondern das Wie und Was der Mensch lebt, was er aus seinem Leben macht, was er an Gutem und Positivem sowie an Menschlichkeit und in bezug auf das Menschsein leistet, wie hoch er sein Bewusstsein evolutioniert, wie positiv und gut er ist, wie er mit Fauna und Flora einhergeht und wie er seine Mitmenschen behandelt, schtzt, ehrfrchtet und liebt. Also kommt es fr den Menschen auch nicht so sehr darauf an, wie lange er auf der Erde wandelt, denn was zhlt ist all das, was er whrend seines Daseins leistet und vollbringt. Auch meinerseits bin ich schon in lteren Jahren und trage graue und weisse Haare auf meinem Haupte, doch hnge ich keinem Wahn von perfektem Schnseinmssen sowie keinen alten Philosophien und keinen alten Gedanken an, denn mein Leben ist auf das Streben nach oben und nach Hherem ausgerichtet auf die Evolution in schpfungsgegebenem Sinn. Trotz meines Altwerdens bin ich im Bewusstsein sowie in meinen Gedanken und Gefhlen jung geblieben, und ich erhalte auch meine Psyche sowie meine Persnlichkeit und meinen Charakter jungendlich, folglich ich immer fr alles und jedes offen und stets gewillt bin, Neues zu erlernen und in diesem Sinn auch in die Zukunft hineinzuleben. Durch eine Fgung meiner Eltern bin ich in diese Welt gekommen und fhre ein Leben, das mir in allen Dingen angemessen ist, weil ich meine selbsterlernten Fhigkeiten nutze und immer bemht bin, alles in noch besserer Art und Weise entstehen zu lassen. Und wenn auch die Gesundheit nicht immer die Beste ist und Krperschden gegeben sind, so lasse ich mich doch nicht niederdrcken und nicht entmutigen. Stets tue ich mein Bestes und bemhe mich, nicht allzuoft fehlbar zu sein. Deswegen fhle ich mich aber nicht allwissend und nicht als bermensch, wodurch ich auch Fehler eingestehen und mich einfgen kann, wenn ein anderer Mensch ber meinem Wissen und Knnen steht. Findet sich ein junger Mensch, der mich belehren kann, dann nehme ich gerne seine Belehrung an, und wenn er mindestens so geschickt ist wie ich selbst, dann werde ich mich auch zurckziehen und ihm das Metier berlassen.

What is so bad about becoming old then? Aging is not important, but rather how and what the human lives, what he makes out of his life, what good and positive as well as humane things he does and what he does in regard to being a human, how high he develops his consciousness, how positive and good he is, how he associates with the fauna and flora and how he treats, values, reveres and loves his fellow human. Therefore, what matters to the human is, in fact, not so much how long he walks the earth because what counts is all that which he achieves and accomplishes during his existence. Even on my part, I am already at an old age and wear gray and white hair on my head, but I adhere to no delusion of needing to be perfectly beautiful as well as to no old philosophies and no old thoughts because my life is orientated to striving for the top and for what is higher - to evolution in the Creation


-given sense. Despite my aging, I have remained young in the consciousness as well as in my thoughts and feelings, and I also keep my psyche as well as my personality and my character youthful; consequently, I am always open to each and every thing and always willing to learn something new and to also live into the future in this sense. Through my parents' stroke of fate, I came into this world and lead a life that is adequate for me in all matters because I use my self-learned abilities and always endeavor to get everything to emerge in an even better way. And also, if the health is not always the best and the body gets injuries, then I nevertheless do not let myself be depressed and discouraged. I always do my best and try not to be fallible all too often. However, I do not feel all-knowing and like a superhuman being because of this, whereby I also admit to mistakes and can adapt if another human stands above my knowledge and abilities. If a young human who can teach me turns up, then I gladly accept his teaching, and if he is at least as skillful as me, then I will even withdraw and leave the job to him. Even if I have become an older gentleman, I can overcome my aging without illusions in regard to the need to be young and beautiful like an adonis, as this nowadays stands in the foreground in the case of man and woman and is of significant importance for them. Such affectations have been foreign to me throughout my life because I have always accepted both my appearance and my body as they were given. Consequently, problems of needing to be young and beautiful never have arisen for me because I have always been aware of my consciousness-related youthfulness and the beauty of my attitude to life and lifestyle as well as the coping with life. Indeed, a characteristic of mine has always been the clear and distinct attitude that the values of life cannot be found in the body being beautiful and in youthful appearance but that these values arise in the consciousness, which, in my case, is absolutely in order. In this sense, I do not feel old and therefore also have never yielded to aging, whereby I also do not have the intention of ever becoming old in mental respects. My mind is oriented to always remaining as young in my thoughts and feelings as well as in my psyche and in my consciousness as in my personality, in my character, to openness regarding new things and the future, as also in regard to learning, the spreading of love, knowledge and wisdom, as life has extensively taught me this. Naturally, I know that the hour of passing away will strike one day, but I calmly await this time because I know that I have carried out my life, in steady youthfulness and to the best possible extent, to the fulfillment of the Creational laws and directives and, with that, also the evolution of the consciousness. Thus, death will overtake me despite the aging of the body in consciousness-related youthful strength, with the certainty that I have regretted not a second of my life. Auch wenn ich ein lterer Herr geworden bin, kann ich mein Altwerden meistern, ohne Illusionen in bezug auf ein adonisgleiches Jungseinmssen und Schnseinmssen, wie das heutzutage bei Mann und Frau im Vordergrund steht und von bedeutsamer Wichtigkeit fr sie ist. Solche Allren waren mir zeitlebens fremd, denn ich akzeptierte mein Aussehen und meinen Krper immer so, wie beides gegeben war. Also entstanden mir niemals Probleme des Jungseinmssens und Schnseinmssens, denn stets war ich mir meines bewusstseinsmssigen Jungseins und der Schnheit meiner Lebenseinstellung und Lebensfhrung sowie der Lebensbewltigung bewusst. Auch war mir immer die klare und deutliche Einstellung eigen, dass sich die Werte des Lebens nicht im Schnsein des Krpers und im jugendlichen Aussehen finden lassen, sondern dass sich diese Werte im Bewusstsein ergeben, das bei mir absolut in Ordnung ist. In diesem Sinn fhle ich mich nicht alt und habe mich also auch nie dem Altwerden ergeben, wobei ich auch nicht die Absicht habe, in mentaler Hinsicht jemals alt zu werden. Mein Sinn steht danach, in meinen Gedanken und Gefhlen sowie in meiner Psyche und in meinem Bewusstsein ebenso immer jung zu bleiben wie auch in meiner Persnlichkeit, in meinem Charakter, der Offenheit gegenber dem Neuen und der Zukunft, wie aber auch in bezug auf das Lernen, das Verbreiten der Liebe, das Wissen und die Weisheit, wie mich dies das Leben umfnglich gelehrt hat. Natrlich weiss ich, dass auch fr mich eines Tages die Stunde des Dahinscheidens schlagen wird, doch sehe ich dieser Zeit gelassen entgegen, weil ich weiss, dass ich mein Leben in stetiger Jugendlichkeit und in bestmglichem Masse der Erfllung der schpferischen Gesetze und Gebote und damit auch der Bewusstseinsevolution erfllt habe. So wird mich der Tod trotz des Altwerdens des Krpers in bewusstseinsmssig jugendlicher Strke ereilen, und zwar in der Gewissheit, dass ich keine Sekunde meines Lebens zu bereuen habe.

References [1]

An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation

An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

Excerpt from An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation [1] Author: "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Important Word on the Occult Forces and Meditation An in-depth look at the dangers of occult forces in their various levels including the process of forming self-created entities, forces in the psychic realm and existing planes in other dimensions. The principles of a successful meditation are discussed through analysis of the adverse forces that the meditating student will inevitably encounter. Official F.I.G.U. publication (22 pages)

"....It is also possible, and frequently the case, that people create entities within themselves through their unconscious occult forces that communicate with them, speaking in voices of people who had passed away already months, years, even centuries or millennia ago, without the creators of those inner entities themselves ever having known the dead persons. The reason that these voices can come into existence is based simply on the fact that all humans generate a We-Form in an unconscious and spiritual bond that deposits its entire knowledge, as a unit and individually, in the ethereal record files (Akashic Records) of the planet, from where impulses of knowledge (in this case as a voice) are withdrawn by the originator of the inner entities, allowing those to speak through the inner entity by which he is controlled and misled. In very extreme cases, and this has been proven over thousands of years throughout the entire history of humanity, it happens again and again that humans create entities within themselves through their own occult powers, which then control their originator to the last fiber of his own ego, holding unlimited power over him to the point that, slowly but surely, the physical body of the entity-creator eventually collapses and becomes destroyed. This can occur especially when a person creates several entities within himself which then alternately rule him or mutually destructively influence one another and destroy the person in the process. What then are these entities the human being creates within himself through occult forces? Very simply it is this. Such an "entity" is a form of second ego, i.e., a second " I ". This can develop so powerfully in the originating person, however, that it becomes independent and can, therefore, arbitrarily contact the ego of the originating person. This independence and arbitrariness is based upon the fact, however, that the ego of the created entity is manifested more powerfully than the ego of the originator. This means then, that through his own labile ego a person permits the second ego (entity), which he had created within himself, to take the lead, and plays a servile role to it. Thus, it can happen that the second ego, a created inner entity, totally takes over the human being who had created this entity within himself, no matter what the motives may have been for creating it. One of the most frequent reasons for the creation of such inner entities can be found in inferiority complexes of the creating persons. Equally frequent are those reasons which are based on religious mania and fanaticism. The more of such inner entities or egos a labile human being creates within himself, the more dangerous it becomes for him. He quickly

An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation loses control over himself and along with it also over the inner entities, which begin to dominate him. ln simpler cases the fact still becomes evident that the originator of such inner entities can speak to them and receive answers from them, frequently resulting in lively communication. To link with the inner entity, individuals who carry entities think up conditions of trance or some movements and contortions, exercises of concentration, batting of their eyes, or whatever it takes to bring about the connection. This type of entity-carrier is then called a medium, contactee or channeler (as is the case with the American women Chris Griscom and Jane Roberts, author of SETH. Seth, by the way, was a fratricide, who killed his own brother to acquire the power for himself) by the faithful and mad esoterics and parapsychologists, totally ignorant of what the whole situation is all about. They do not have the faintest idea that these individuals are a type of human being with extremely labile egos, out of control with their own ego........"

FIGU forum [2] An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation in English [1]

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching

By Arahat Athersata

The symbol for the Spiritual Teaching

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching

English 1. The terrestrial human race is entering and witnessing a phase of very powerful cosmic change. It is a new era, a new age, which continually and distinctly becomes clearer to the eyes of observant, consciously more advanced human beings. 2. While most of mankind here on Earth lies in a deep abyss of ignorance and of consciousness' enslavement, it has become an urgent necessity, through thorough investigations, to find the causes of mankind's decline, and to demonstrate this to human beings in a correct, clear, and revealing message and lesson. 3. Simultaneously, it necessitates showing new ways, which would guide mankind toward a future of conscious comprehension and harmony.

German 1. Das irdische Menschengeschlecht ist in ein Stadium einer Zeugenschaft eines gewaltigen kosmischen Umbruches getreten; in ein neues Zeitalter, das sich vor den sehenden Augen denkender Menschen immer klarer und deutlicher abzeichnet. 2. Nichtsdestoweniger aber liegt das Gros dieser Menschheit im Abgrund der Unwissenheit und Bewusstseinversklavung, so es notwendig geworden ist, den Ursachen ihres Abstieges auf den Grund zu gehen und ihr dies in einer Botschaft darzutun.

3. Gleichbedingt ist es aber auch erforderlich, neue Wege zu weisen, die in eine geistverstehende und bewusstsein- sowie geistharmonierende Zukunft fhren. 4. Der Erdenmensch ffne daher seine Augen und Ohren, er reisse seine versklavten Gedanken von allen Irrlehren, Unwahrheiten und von allen bel; er ffne seine Bewusstseinsinne zur Erkennung der Wahrheit.

4. It is now time, therefore, for the Earthling to open his eyes and ears and detach his enslaved thoughts from false teachings, to free himself from traditional falsehoods and all evil, and to finally comprehend everything according to the truth."

About Arahat Athersata

ARAHAT ATHERSATA (Sanskit) which means: "The precious one who contemplates the times" Excerpt from the inspired writing from a higher spiritform. Transmitted from a bodiless, immaterial and purely spiritual level. Inspired receiver of the message: <BILLY> Eduard Albert Meier Message received and written down from May 15th, 1975 until August 11th, 1975

Introduction to the Spiritual Teaching

Introduction to the Spiritual Teaching by Semjase at the 10th contact of Wednesday, March 26, 1975, 3:20 pm. 1. It is now the time to speak of things, that are, in the sense of the consciousness- and the spiritual development of the Earth human, very important. 2. In this regard, I do not wish to get to any questions, unless they are in relation to following presentation, which you will please understand. 3. The human bears a spirit that does not die nor sleep during the deepest sleep; it records all thoughts and motions; it informs the human whether his thoughts are correct or falseif he has learned to pay attention. 4. The spirit within the human is the bearer of the creative realm, and every human has his own (spirit). 5. It is incomprehensible that the human speaks of a heaven and of a kingdom of heaven within himself, rather than to merely say: Creation, truth, knowledge, wisdom, spirit, consciousness and existence. 6. A human's yearning lies in the joy that remains, for the imperishable life, the permanent peace, the spiritual and consciousness-related wealth that never fades and lasts forever. 7. Heaven and Earth will perish, but truth, knowledge, wisdom and spirit will never be changing [change?] or perish. 8. The spirit and the consciousness are on the look-out for what is perfect, for harmony, for peace, cognition and realization, for knowledge, wisdom, truth and beauty, for love and for the true BEING, all of which are of absolute duration. 9. All of these lead to what forms the spiritual kingdom of wisdom; all are existing within what is creative. 10. All of these are here in existence, as a genius of all ingenuity, as a melody of all melodies, as ability of all abilities, as the highest creative principle, as wonder of all wonders.

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 11. The human may create wondrous worlds in a dream, just as Creation consciously creates the worlds. 12. To the human, this capability arises from his consciousness, which is obtainable in existence within himself, in the same way that all wonders are available within himself. 13. He himself is the realm of heaven, the realm of what is creative. 14. That's why the terrestrial philosophers of old spoke about the human as a microcosm within a macrocosm because everything that is included within the universe is included within the human. 15. The inner dimensions of the human are endless. 16. The image of Creation, the spirit within himthe existence that is without dimensionit bears all dimensions within itself and, at the same time, transcends all dimensions. 17. The spirit is the wonder of all wonders, and all power emerges from it. 18. A wonder means using the spirit force in perfection. 19. The human, however, places a wonder into something for which he lacks all possibilities of a logical explanation. 20. If a human is happy, his happiness comes from within, because happiness is a self-created state; never is happiness a location. 21. Joy comes forth from the human's inner part, created by spiritual poise. 22. Therefore, everything comes from within. 23. The things that, or humans who, seemingly form the cause of happiness, are only the external occasion to bring the happiness within the human expressing itself, if he has spiritually worked towards this. 24. But happiness is something that belongs to the inner being, and it is an unseparable characteristic of the spirit's existence. 25. Endless happiness and endless power are included in this existence. 26. Outwardly, the human may be old, but this is only a passing matter. 27. Fifty years ago he wasn't, and in fifty yearswhen his body is deadhe will not be, because only the body may become old and infirm. 28. The spirit, however, remains forever young and suffers no symptoms of old age. 29. The old age, and also youth and infancy, and also sorrows, grief or problems, is something that passes, like it is the case with all external conditions and experiences of the world. 30. What is lasting is the existence of the spirit, truth, knowledge, wisdom, reality. 31. What matters is to recognize and build them, because they only make the human free. 32. If the human recognizes the existence of his spirit, the old age is not harmful to him any longer. 33. No sorrows, no suffering, no problem, no changes and no ups and downs of life and of the surroundings, of the environment and the world may still throw him into grief. 34. Wisdom is an elemental, tremendous power. 35. Wisdom is light. 36. And wherever a light shines, darkness and ignorance vanish. 37. But ignorance is the actual darkness, and it is overcome by the light of wisdom. 38. Wisdom is a characteristic of the existence of the spirit and the consciousness, and it bears within itself the qualities of happiness, truth, knowledge, balance, beauty, harmony and peace. 39. Wisdom is light. 40. However, wisdom is the characteristic of a human who has recognized the existence of his spirit and cooperates along with the spiritual laws. 41. Wisdom is using the spirit force. 42. Wisdom and spirit are two things that amount to one, in the same way as sunlight and the sun are two things. 43. The sunlight results from the heat of the sun, which she herself first has to generate through her processes. 44. Thus, there is also an all-creating existence in the universe that, on the strength of its force, creates forces that constantly and imperturbably follow and enliven the endless eonsas truth, knowledge and wisdom, (and)


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching according to a given uniform guidelinealong certain Creative laws. 45. This forceful existence, however, is Creation. 46. And therefore, there is only one existence that rules throughout the universeonly one Creation, only one truth, one knowledge and one wisdomand that is synchronous and unchanging for all times. 47. The eternal truth is not subject to any variations and changes, and its laws must never be revised and adjusted to new times. 48. The spirit force is vital and dynamic, namely in such an amount as it embodies the wisdom within itself. 49. It is a sign of human weakness when religions and their false teachings are presented as instruments of what is creative, and when wisdom becomes unreal through this. 50. The human searches elsewhere for strength, freedom, joy and light, but not where they really may be found. 51. Wisdom is a distinguishing feature of Creation that, as a fragment, inhabits the human as spirit. 52. Therefore, the human shall increase his knowledgeable wisdom, and he will recognize Creation. 53. He shall increase his search for truth, and he shall know about the power of wisdom. 54. Cognition of the truth brings liberation from all restrictions. 55. It brings boundless knowledge and wisdom. 56. Wisdom is a powerful means to recognize the laws of Creation. 57. A human who is filled with love is also rich in wisdom, and a human who is rich in wisdom is also full of love. 58. However, the human cheats himself because he does not know love. 59. He interprets grasping feelings and sentiments as love, while, to him, real love remains strange and not understood. 60. A human is a human only if he has recognized truth, knowledge and wisdom, even if he never used the word Creation, because wisdom is also love in its best form. 61. Thus, the human always finds that enlightenment and recognition are knowledge and also wisdom and love, and where love rules, there rules wisdom, too. 62. Love and wisdom belong together, because Creation and Its laws are love and wisdom at the same time. 63. Where there is wisdom and knowledge, there is love and cognition, and where there is cognition and love, there is Creation. 64. Growth within love and wisdom teach the human to recognize Creation. 65. First, however, the human learns the truth, and thereby he will gain freedom and peace, a peace which is imperishable, a power without an end. 66. Wisdom and love both are two stimulating wings of the creative essence and character. 67. With wisdom and love, the human is master over all creation. 68. Wisdom and love increase his dedication for the fulfillment of the given creative-natural laws, because spirit and Creation are one. 69. The earth human speaks of love that he does not know. 70. He believes to know that his sentiments are love and, through this, he deceives himself. 71. Love cannot be clothed in words, because it is, just as luck, a state and not a place. 72. Love is imperishable, and nothing is able to change it into something else. 73. The path of the spirit force leads over cognition of truth, knowledge, wisdom and love. 74. The sense and function of the spiritual teaching is to spread truth, knowledge, wisdom and love. 75. If this fails it is not a help anymore but an evil cult which, through false teachings, enslaves the spirit and produces ignorance, as it is the case with the religions' false teachings. 76. If it pursues the function of expanding the spiritual knowledge, then it is a powerful instrument of the creative order. 77. The spiritual teaching deals with the spreading of cognition, truth, knowledge, wisdom and love, with what is eternal, immortal, (and) imperishable, what overcomes death and spreads light, what embodies within itself the balance of wisdom and love, and they deal with the peace that surpasses all understanding.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 78. Each human believes to know what is meant by peace, in the manner that he knows it according to human experience. 79. But to understand the wise peace of the endless existence, the spirit, the immortal Creation, surpasses his human understanding. 80. The reason for this is that he is a prisoner of religious false teachings and human-material things that withhold from him an understanding for inner experience. 81. The experience that forms the true key for true cognition and wisdom. 82. The kingdom of the spirit holds wonders over wonders. 83. The visible universe with which the human deals, is but a tiny spot within this wonderful, endless, spiritual intelligence of Creation. 84. Countless billion universes like this are held within the endless spiritual intelligence of Creation. 85. What is visible to the human's physical eyes is but a tiny iota within endlessness. 86. What he cannot see with his eyes is immeasurable, inconceivable and unthinkable; it is confusing and unimaginable for his unspiritual human intelligence and (mental) capacity. 87. The entire universe which he sees is but one of many rooms and must be counted as myriads, because there are universes within universes, universes beyond universes, universes under universes, universes above universes and universes out of the universes within this ur-mighty, colossal and all-creative spiritual intelligence of the Creation's existence. 88. And the human is connected with this mighty spirit, with these elemental powers of existence, Creation, spiritual intelligence, because a fragment of this spirit-intelligence Creation dwells within, and enlivens the human, as spirit. 89. Its (the spirit's) power, its joy, its peace, its freedom, its wisdom, its knowledge and its ability are unimaginable for people that are spiritually ignorant, illogical; for critics and know-it-alls; for those dependent to religions; for degenerated ones and other persons that have been led astray. 90. And only a human who knows this truth and produces knowledge and wisdom and love from it, is a blessed human. 91. He knows the answer to the last questions of science, of philosophy, and also of the wondering human. 92. But in order to become such a blessed human it is required to search for and find the truth, to gain knowledge, wisdom and love from it, for the human is only able to spiritually grow in truth, knowledge, wisdom and love, whereby he will be freed from all human frailties. 93. The human is enlightened and fully freed only if hein his thoughtsincessantly and constantly dwells in the endless creative-spiritual reality. 94. The spiritual intelligence is enlightened by lawful spiritual principles, and directed towards the creative being, the perfection and the power of what is creative itself. 95. This in contrast to the human intelligence, because the human consciousness generally only deals with single things of the material world. 96. As a consequence, the human is restricted and handicapped in every direction; he even gets captured, suppressed, plagued and tortured by all possible forms of misfortune, frailties and enslavement. 97. Therefore, a human's individual self-analysis is one of the essential methods to find the truth and to walk on the path of spiritual evolution. 98. Therefore, it is necessary that the human constantly examines his thoughts, and may see of what kind they are. 99. He has to pay attention (to the fact) that, ultimately, he is always led, directed and determined by creative-philosophical principles and realities, by creative-natural laws. 100. Within the human, there should reign a continually conscious feeling of belonging to what is creative, with his essential spiritual breath, his essential spiritual BEING. 101. It shall be spiritually clear to him that his essential spiritual BEING is inseparably one with what is Creative, in order that he mayin this awarenessovercome the material outer world.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 102. This creative-philosophical truth and cognition should always and first of all rule a human's thinking, feeling and acting. 103. For only he who is one with the spirit can recognize and do good in the long run, because he has the possibilities of Creation within himself. 104. Nothing negative within the endless universe may touch and enslave him anymore. 105. In addition to this creative-philosophical consciousness comes the practical, dynamic, creative, i.e. the mystical consciousness that consists of the perception of the one reality in all things. 106. Therefore the human has to be a practical philosopher and mystic, and perceive the reality in its changeable, passing forms. 107. For what is a human? 108. He is only a figure and a name. 109. If one takes away a human's name and figure, what will remain? 110. What remains is the fundamental essence, the existencethe spirit. 111. The human who fails to see this will be driven around and away by the slightest breath of air, without hope for rescue; (he will) always (be) striving to find a firm hold somewhere that, however, will never be offered unless he searches for, and finds, the fundamental truth. 112. Billions of humans look up to the stars in the sky, however without any results or realizations. 113. Astronomers, however, while looking up to the sky, discover new worlds and write books about it. 114. But what they see and recognize, other people cannot see or recognize, even if they can look up. 115. Despite their seeing eyes they are blind. 116. In a similiar way this is the case with the normal and the spiritual human: 117. The human, who truly lives according to Creation's laws, sees everywhere and recognizes what is creative, in every life form, in every thing, in every thought and act in every human, in all of nature's work and also in all conceivable circumstances. 118. But the normal, unspiritual human, who is harmed by religions or other unreal teachings, may not see or hear, or recognize even one iota of truth. 119. His life is unspiritual, all the more pressed into human-material ways. 120. Thereby he is blind, deaf and ignorant. 121. The human who adheres to Creation's laws is the most blessed and most fearless being. 122. His will is insurmountable, his dedication immeasurable and endless, and his wisdom and love are constant and perfect, not capricious and full of doubts, like it is the case with those who are dependent from religions or generally those who are led astray in some way. 123. His mind resembles the wide, endless sea and does not let itself come out of its rest. 124. He does not tremble with fear. 125. Therefore, the human may unfold his spiritual mind that is not anymore reached by any degenerated negative force; 126. The mind which gives no shelter to negatively degenerated thoughts and supersedes all positively degenerated thoughts and actions. 127. Only a balanced mind that is rooted in what is creativein creative service, in creative wisdom, its knowledge, its love and joy that are more real than all material walls around (and more real than) the human environmentis valuable and serving the spirit's development. 128. Therefore the human being shall be spiritually great and constructive at all times. 129. The spirit, the source of all endless, creative development, is itself the human's innermost being. 130. The human outer being is full of limitations, because it is not itself, but only its wrap, its material body, a limitation, a misleading matter, the source of toil and pain, (and it is) limited regarding cognition and will, willingness to make sacrifices, freedom, love and luck.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 131. If the human looks at his fellowman in an external, material way only, he sees nothing other than just exactly the form and figure, the material of this special person. 132. If he looks at him with the spiritual eyes of cognition and knows that this (universally) all-testifying consciousness in himself is also in all the other ones, albeit unknown to them, then the manner of how he sees his fellowmen changes completely. 133. He then does not simply see a man anymore, a woman, a girl or a child, but he sees the fellowman as a bearer of a creative spirit that knows about itself, about its existence, and wants to reveal itself through anybody if there would only be offered an opportunity. 134. He who knows the truth sees his fellowman from this knowledge and recognition, because he sees in him what is creative. 135. At least he now knows more than he knew before he recognized the truth. 136. This is the proof then that ignorance is nothing that cannot be changed for all times. 137. If the human is willing to accept the truth he can free himself from all ignorance. 138. The human can free himself from everything, and everything can be taken from him, except the creative consciousness, the spirit, the existence within his interior, this purely spiritual realm within him. 139. He may be robbed from all of his possessions and may be driven away from his home, but nobody may drive him away from his spiritual realm within his interior. 140. Thus, the human should be constantly aware of what is creative, without which he would not be able to draw a single breath, could grasp no thought, could not realize, see, hear or experience. 141. Therefore, the great sages of all times say: 142. "The creative spirit is nearer to the human than his own breath." 143. The human may not escape from this highest consciousness, for sooner or later, he surrenders to this creative reality, because it is the life of his life, the spirit of his spirit, the consciousness of his consciousness, the light of his light, the central thought force of all life, the existence that projects all human thinking by far, against which all power of the human-material-intellectual thinking sinks into absolute insignificance. 144. The spirit itself is able to live without the light of the physical eyes, in the same way that it may live without hearing, arms, legs or even without the exterior consciousness' exterior understanding. 145. However, there is always something present that enables him to keep on living, namely his own creative force. 146. This awareness of oneself, this all-observing and all-registering spiritual consciousness within the human, that looks at his thoughts and motions and that stands behind all of his thinking, that tells him whether he is knowing or ignorant, this is what is called creative, the spiritual consciousness. 147. To always think again and again about the fact that the spirit is omnipotentalways present, all-knowing and, beyond this, endless luck, endless beauty, endless value, actually the value of all thingslets the word Creation become absolutely important for the human and brings forth evolution-related changes within him. 148. As often as the words spirit and Creation are impressed upon him, there occur within him psychological changes of the greatest importance. 149. His feelings and all of his senses change. 150. The more clear his spiritual intelligence becomes through it, the more his personality gains power, and the more blessed will be his life. 151. A wise one full of spirit consciousness sees what will happen in the most distant future, perhaps even billions of years later, and he has the life forms' and humankind's entire past before his eyes. 152. Thus, the greatest knowledge is given unto him. 153. Yet, how is this possible? 154. Such a human has the necessary requirements within his interior, in the spirit. 155. As the light may be perceived through the closed eye-lids, as lies within every human creative presence, the entire spiritual realm; however, it is visible only to those who are actually able to look inward through their inner eye.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 156. It can only be useful to those who offer all requirements. 157. Every human bears within him the entire kingdom of spirit, but it is covered and beaten with ignorance, errors, imperfection, evil, mistakes and restrictions of all sorts, which have to be changed into their opposites through the recognition and acceptance of truth. 158. The human must resolve and open all evils by developing abilities that are opposed to everything that is degenerated and which lead to a neutral balance. 159. The way of experiencing the spirit will be accelerated through the unfolding of conscious searching and the gathering of true knowledge, and this unfolding leads to the true and all-encompassing, cosmic wisdom and love, based on the cognition that Creation is present within everything. 160. The human is one with everything within Creation, in truth, wisdom and love, in the kingdom of the spirit; 161. The truth and wisdom, that the human is separated through space and time and the body from each other; this, however, may be overcome through the internal experience. 162. Wisdom and love combined, knowledge and truth combined, the spirit's wisdom and love leadthrough experienceto unity and Creation itself, to universal joy, power and perfection. 163. Since the human does not know what is of Creation, and is led astray, namely by spirit-enslaving religions, he makes a great many mistakes, searches for the true treasures in the wrong places and, thereby, violates all nature-related and creative order and all rules of laws. 164. As precisely as he will observe the human laws of the human society, he still will constantly offend against all laws and rules and order of what is creative in the universe, and will let himself be captured in human-material troubles, sorrows and problems, in fright, false teachings, deceptions and failings, in misfortune, spiritual ignorance and spiritual enslavement and restrictions. 165. Exactly what is of greatest value will be made unobtainable by unreal religions and human ignorance. 166. To the human, this ignorance and the misleading religions disguise that which is the source of all valuable things, the life of his life and the light of all intelligencethe spirit and the Creation. 167. The human shall accept the entire realm of his daily life and his experiences as creative. 168. He shall see himself everywhere in space, in the times and in all things. 169. He himself shall be everything and shall evoke all that is creative in everything, and, in this way, shall bring it to recognition and experience. 170. For, in everything is the Creation, and everything is enlivened through its spirit, through which everything is one in everything. 171. However the question remains how the human may identify himself with everything when he does not know the spirit's path. 172. Generally, he identifies himself with his body. 173. But what will happen when he tries to enter into the truth and aligns himself in his interior with the creative BEING and the spiritual reality? 174. Involuntarily the entire world dissolves in this real reality, the "spiritual truth". 175. The one and only principle of what is creative-spiritual. rules everywhere. 176. But how shall the human identify himself with everything? 177. The human shall see himself for just what he really is. 178. Generally he identifies himself with his body. 179. He cares for it like it were a gem, he nurtures it and takes trouble for it until self-sacrifice. 180. He surrounds it with pride, junk and a stupid delusion, while he lets his spirit become stunted. 181. However, a little bit of pain makes him angry, sullen and uncomfortable against other ones, or he even starts complaining and crying, has self-pity and robs himself of his life. 182. He surrounds his body with some nondescript halo and with vanity, fear, sorrow, pride and problems. 183. More and more often, everything revolves around his body only.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 184. Often he extends his body identity towards his material possessions, or he gets upset if some fellowman involuntarily touches it. 185. Yet, what will a human do about it when he has recognized the spiritual truth? 186. He will identify himself with all things and all the world's life forms and the universes. 187. A human full of creative-spiritual wisdom, full of knowledge, truth, love and cognition, knows that from the truth everything originated, originates and will originate for all eternity. 188. Therefore, he identifies himself with each and everything. 189. In his spiritual consciousness, he will always bein his innermost partone with each and everything. 190. In his interior, in his spiritual consciousness, he will identify himself with everything in the universe, in the same manner that the other one, who thinks materialistically, identifies himself with his body, with his money, his possessions, his confused speaking and teaching, and with the sound of his voice. 191. But when the human identifies himself with everything in the universe, no hate and no greed may dwell within him anymore, because he makes no more selfish differences. 192. He has just become one with the essence in everything. 193. Other people may claim something as their exclusive property, but he who thinks spiritually identifies it with the truth within and, therefore, owns everything internally. 194. All fright has left him, while he identifies himself with the truth. 195. This truth of Creation and of the spirit, with which he is one, even directs his enemy's hand that will rise against him, in such a way that it falls back to (the enemy) himself. 196. The spiritual one is protected and sheltered, and the whole nature is well-disposed toward him, and yes, even his enemies have to serve him in the end. 197. With their attacks, they cause the spiritual within him to unfold to even greater strength and power and to overcome all that is evil, vile and degenerated. 198. Ultimately, the enemies only contribute to the recognition of the truth and growth of those who think spiritually. 199. They wish evil, troubles and bad things to those who think spiritually; they are of the opinion that they could destroy them through critique, know-it-all manner, lies and defamation, through complaints and false teachings, through condemning and making a fool of him; however, they only cause damage to themselves, because their acting gives testimony of intellectual foolishness and ignorance, from which he who thinks spiritually learns even more and becomes even greater and more powerful in his spirit and consciousness. 200. Are such truths perhaps suggestions? 201. To claim this would be a delusion, because it is false. 202. It deals here with absolute truths. 203. Generally, the lives of those who are thinking falsely, who are led astray and are depending upon religions, are full of evil suggestions, full of imaginary concepts, false teachings and delusional assumptions. 204. The only possibility and the only means to overcome those damages is to fundamentally recognize the truths which abolish the human figments, to adhere to them and to let rule the highest creative-spiritual forces. 205. All unreal suggestions and human imaginations will be corrected by stating: 206. "I, the human, am a part of Creation that, as a fragment, as spirit, enlivens me." 207. Yet the knowledge that everything is imaginations and illusions, except the creative-spiritual force, truth and reality, (this knowledge) doesn't diminish the eagerness that the human unfolds in his life at all, but it will drive him up into unimagined heights. 208. Only that which is true and which remains truth can be valid as truth; something on which one can depend on through eternity, and that never and under no circumstances ever needs revision. 209. Truth must never be adjusted to some other or new time, because it is constant for all times. 210. It is eternally constant and always sounds alike, even if it is spoken with other words. 211. It is the rock upon which one can build in eternal times and in all spaces.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 212. The truth has been before life, and the truth is afterwards also. 213. What is only of a short duration is danger, a grave deception, a false teaching. 214. Creation and truth are always the same, today just as tomorrow; they are always unchanging and of eternal, constant value. 215. They do not change, neither name nor form, because Creation and truth are without names and forms. 216. Therefore, the human shall cling to what is creative, because alone what is creative is the truth. 217. It is that which is imperishable, like Creation itself; it is that which is eternal and perfect, that is worth all of human's efforts of will, because near it the human does not fall prey to deception. 218. Therefore, he shall cling to the truth and become imperturbable in always constant calmness, joy, knowledge, love, strength and wisdom in all things. 219. That which is creative alone is endless wisdom and truth, with which there is not one iota of error. 220. Therefore, the human shall get strength from the creative wisdom, and he shall search for his light in his own spirit. 221. The spiritual human knows well that he may not move his hand in a room without touching myriad of what is creative, because it is always present in all times and spaces. 222. The spiritual human is full of joy when he knows about the truth that the creativewhich is eternally and indescribably powerfulsurrounds him wherever he walks. 223. What is creative is full of endless peace, full of endless cognition and the most perfect perfection. 224. It is the source of all wonders of the highest spiritual consciousness that is present everywhere, within and external. 225. His joy is as endless as the spiritual life itself. 226. In order to achieve fast spiritual progress, the spiritual human looks upon each and everything as creative. 227. As soon as he sees something, he sees what is creative. 228. Behind everything and in its manifestations, there always stands before him what is creative. 229. Therefore, the spiritual human does not walk this way and that way in order to attain the highest spiritual experience; instead he always finds the best place to gather recognition and experience wherever he stays. 230. His spirit that is to be developed is within him and not at some other location. 231. He must develop it through his own thinking and acting. 232. Through this cognition, his attitude becomes a sanctuary, and all things along with him become holyeven the earth under his feet. 233. The spiritual human does not look upon the future as the time to experience Creation and the spirit dwelling within him, but the immediate "here and now", through which hein the eyes of the non-spiritual normal peoplelives in the most distant future, often totally misunderstood. 234. For the spiritual human, the time is not sometime, but always in the immediate "here and now". 235. For him it is not necessary to see physically in order to see the truth. 236. He begins to search within himself, and the truth becomes more and more real to him, because for him his spirit is the all-seeing presence. 237. No word that is spoken anywhere remains unheard by him. 238. In order to speed progress the spiritual human hears the sound of truth from any sound he hears, whereby each sound penetrates his spiritual consciousness and establishes there. 239. In the same manner every thing reminds him of that which is creative, and of the immediate truth. 240. Every circumstance is a creative circumstance, each opportunity a creative opportunity. 241. The creative human lives and works in such cognition, and through this he internally walks on. 242. What is great, what is spiritual, is present within his innermost as little things, because in the cognition of truth dwells what is infinite in the finite. 243. And within each human the infinite has its seat; however, very few are able to recognize this. 244. To wake up the infinite requires reasonable logic and being free from unreal teachings.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 245. To wake up the infinite and let it become effective is the goal of lifespiritual perfection. 246. Those who are rich in spirit become an instrument, through which Creation expresses the spiritual realm. 247. This highest wisdom-like value of Creation lets the heaven arise. 248. Those who are rich in spirit are free of all boundaries of any restriction and the material self-awareness, and are, therefore, in constant touch with Creation itself. 249. In the case of the human, the weight of the material principle prevails. 250. In the not too distant future, terrestrial science will discover this principle in the (substance) matter. 251. Creation is included along with everything that was created; with everything that unfolds itself and develops further. 252. Only the unrestricted spirit and Creation itself represent true freedom, true perfection, true cognition, power, love, knowledge, truth and wisdom. 253. In its absoluteness, all of these are the creative itself. 254. In order to gain anything truly excellent in life, the human must be loyal to what is creative, the unrestricted and unlimitable. 255. Everything that is limited and restricted brings irreality and problems. 256. However, attractive as it may seem, it will once become a source of problems and irrealities. 257. The finite things of all forms are unnatural for the innermost essence, and, therefore, the human cannot recognize and love them as truth without harming himself most severely. 258. At all times they are full of faults, because everything that is finite brings along problems and difficulties. 259. If the human loves or possesses something that is finite, it has at least the fault of being absolutely transient. 260. He may love it greatly according to the human understanding of love; however, when its time comes it perishes, and he mourns over the loss of it. 261. That which is limited has faults in other respects, too. 262. Even if it does not perish at the first moment, it is at least subjected to changes. 263. If it is full of human love for one moment, it may be displaced by, or filled with, human hate at the next moment. 264. Whether it is a thing that changes or perishes, or a human who changes his approach towards his fellow man, the result is always sorrow and suffering, while that which may not be limited will never change because it is of unlimited and absolute lasting value. 265. When wisdom and truth dawn within the human and when his spiritual knowledge grows, when he is guided by universal love and when his life becomes a blessing to him and other ones, then cognition of truth has ripened within him. 266. Then he becomes aware of the fragment of Creation within him, the spiritthe spiritual realm. 267. Creation is present in spiritual love and wisdom. 268. He who struggles for spiritual light and spiritual love, to him the door to Creation opens. 269. If the human loves the truth, he loves that which is perfect and wonderful and what embodies the spiritual realm within itself, for it is also the path to wisdom's realm. 270. The human shall become aware of the creative presence and let his spiritual intelligence shine forth from everything. 271. He shall recognize that even in the vast, infinite and open space the eyes of that which is creative are directed towards him, and that Creation is the true intelligence that sees him with those eyes which keep everything safe and are endowed with a sense, and which are able to answer everything. 272. Therefore, he shall live consciously-spiritually under the eyes of that which is creative; he shall live with the consciousness of that which is spiritual, that is infinite power, of which he must always be aware. 273. Then he can never be weak.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching


The Creation
What is the Creation?
Excerpt from Stimme der Wassermannzeit, No. 89 December 1993 1. Creation is the immeasurable mystery suspended in immeasurable expanse. 2. Creation is identical to 'Universal Consciousness', which guides and prevails in the BEING of consciousness; it is a double-helix, egg-shaped configuration that simultaneously constitutes the Universe in its growing expansion. Its pulsating double-helix arms live as spiritual energy, while rotating against each other. 3. The Universe is Creation's internal and external body. 4. Creation through its entirety pulsate the Universal 'Gemt' (a non-translatable German term for the spiritual counterpart to the psyche) and the Universal Consciousness, the power of life and existence in general. 5. Creation pervades everything and everything pervades Creation, therefore forming oneness within itself. Within this oneness occur all life and all of the evolution allotted to it. 6. Creation has the identical developmental and evolutionary process as every life form, however, its values of time are anchored in very high values indeed. 7. Creation itself exists in a conscious creative state for seven Great-Times. Subsequently it lays dormant for an equal number of Great-Times, but this time they last seven times as long. Following this period, Creation is awake to create once again for a period seven times as longer once again than the previous one. (One Great-Time is equal to 311,040,000,000,000 terrestrial years; seven Great-Times add up to 2,177,280,000,000,000 terrestrial years, also called an eternity; 7 x 7 Great-Times make one All-Great-Time.) 8. Creation is The Creation and there exists no Creation other than it within its own Universe. 9. Creation is the Creation of all creations such as the Universe, the galaxies, stars, earths (earth is equivalent to 'planets' in this context), skies, light and darkness, time, space and all multitudes of life forms in existence, each according to its own species. 10. Creation is justice, love, strength, wisdom, knowledge, compassion, freedom, mercy, laws, directive, alliance, fulfillment, evolution, life, support, joy, beauty, peace, infallibility, equilibrium, spirit, forever, logic, growth, perfection, contentment, inexhaustibility, omnipotence, sweetness, infinity, solidarity, perception, harkening, elevation, the Sohar, gentleness, lucidity, purity, transformation, origin, future, power, reverence, allness and BEING. 11. Creation is the BEING and non-BEING of life. It is the most immense mass of spiritual energy in the Universe. 12. Creation is spirit in its purest form and immeasurable in its wisdom, knowledge, love and harmony in truth. 13. Creation is a spiritually dynamic, pure-spirit energy that prevails over everything. Incomprehensible for human beings, it is an active, creative wisdom in the midst of its own incessant evolution; it is all-encompassing for all times. 14. Creation is verity, the all-embracing, solace, comprehensiveness, guidance, equality, accuracy, cognition, empirical knowledge, admonition, discipline, recollection, revelation, praise, perfection, explanation and direction. 15. Creation is the path of life; it is nature, light, fire and contemplation; Creation is consciousness, and it is omnipresent. Glory be to Creation. Billy Meier

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching


Illustration of the Creation

The structure of the Creation according to the Plejarens

The doublespiral structure of the Creation

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching


Basic Rules of Man

Basic Rules of FIGU or Basic Rules of Man, respectively by Eduard Albert Meier (14 years old) Regensdorf/Switzerland, Saturday, February 3, 1951, at 8:02 pm 1. Each human being must ask himself for, search for, and find his own meaning of life, and must want to use it (the meaning of life) for the improvement of his life and actions. 2. Each human being must be himself and be his own "guiding personality", who therefore develops his own resounding ideas and pursues and realizes them. 3. Each human being must let his own reason and his own understanding be exercised in such a way that he demands from himself that which is best and the most salutary; (and) that he forms himself according to his own will, and that he obeys (the demands of) his own needs in his own free way. 4. Each human being must form himself in such a way that he always is himself, has originally-own (unique), intensive experiences, (and) that he never lets himself be enslaved or subjugated in any other way and, consequently, preserves his internal and external freedom in every respect; in his thoughts and feelings as well as in his decisions, views, opinions, emotions and actions, etc. 5. Each human being must show towards himself the friendliness and love that is necessary for him, and (must) feel safe and secure within himself as well as being honest towards himself in such a way that he may understand his own thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and opinions, etc. 6. Each human being must direct his thoughts, feelings, ideas, wishes, needs and actions etc. in such a way that he feels capable for high-reaching goals that, however, shall always be in accordance with his abilities and possibilities and, therefore, shall not be exaggerated and too highly elevated. 7. Each human being shall see and know himself as he really is; therefore he shall not think of himself as a perfect world for this is not possible for any person because each one must learn and, consequently, is exposed to mistakes and imperfection. Therefore, it is not possible that everything is clear within the human being, (and) that everything is right and that he is better than his fellow-human being. 8. Each human being must always be fully aware that there are consciousness-related differences between each human being. Consequently, no one can be exactly equal in intelligence to another. But this does not entitle anyone to see their fellow-human beings as blind and to classify them as a human being on a lower level. This entitlement also does not exist if fellow-human beings are even labouring under a religion or sect, because they are all the same human beings who are within the creative-natural laws of life and evolutional learning like all the others. 9. Each human being by himself shall endeavour through his own efforts to form and fulfil his existence and existential duties in all forms of justice, honesty, reason and intention etc., namely in the spheres of consciousness, character, virtue, thoughts/feelings, and the psyche. In this way the human being shall create a firm motivation for rising within himself, without humbling himself in any way, not even in a religious or sectarian manner. 10. Each human being shall not use neither his idealism for unworthy nor un-provable and questionable things, but shall direct his idealism especially towards recognizing within himself his own true being, and to improve, complete and realize it outwardly, because the true being is the actual nature of everything that is directed towards progress and success, and that, therefore, is the source of the forming of life. 11. Each human being shall not believe in any thing, but shall always search for the basic truth, which he can only find within himself if he searches and thinks about everything, and by using his reason, his understanding and his sound logic. Thus the human being may find the truth only within himself, but only if he is free of any belief in things he can never prove within himself. Belief is not proof, but simply something that is assumed to be kind, desirable and right, without any provable content of truth; consequently, a belief can never be cogent because of the fact that the provable truth is missing. 12. Each human being can never find the real truth for which he searches for years or an entire life if he simply surrenders to a belief and does not explore and recognize the factual truth through logic, understanding and reason

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching within himself, so as to implement and comply with it through his life and lifestyle. 13. Each human being shall see as his highest goal to progressively mould and implement his knowledge, his ability, his true love, his real happiness, his capabilities and opportunities as well as his wisdom and humaneness in such a way that he can lead a truly evolutional and just, humane life and can also assist the fellow-human beings in such a way. 14. Each human being's prime concern shall be to pay his own attention on himself, i.e. to his personality, his character, his virtues, thoughts, feelings and actions, in order to align everything in such a way that all things are right, and not chase misleading goals which end in a belief in unreal things. 15. Each human being shall manage his income and assets in a reasonable way and shall not waste them on unreal, belief-related things, for each person shall do what's right and take care of himself if the opportunity and existence are available to him, so he does not unjustly become a burden on the fellow-human beings and he does not behave as a parasite. 16. Each human being shall always live in the present, but he shall look into the future and care for its shaping, while also considering the past and learning from it, in order to attain success, realizations and progress. 17. Each human being needs rest and peace, and consequently, he also needs his quiet hours and shall not be constantly busy, neither when alone, nor when in the company of his fellow-human beings, the family or in communities. Each human being needs times of leisure because only through this is he able to compose and recover himself. However leisure time shall always be in appropriate amounts and not be exaggerated, so as not to become a burden to, and an annoying influence on one's own thoughts and feelings, nor to his fellow-human beings. 18. Each human being shall at all times pay heed in forever searching for the truth only, and never for a doctrine of salvation because truly there is no such thing, neither in a philosophical, religious, secular, sectarian or other ideological direction, nor can a doctrine of salvation be found in science. A doctrine of salvation is always a belief-related deception, or at least charlatanry or criminal profit-making. In truth, the only thing that always counts is reality, which is based on the use of sound understanding and reason as well as on real logic. 19. Each human being shall always be frank and honest towards his fellow-human beings, and he shall never presumewhatever may be the reasonsto control his fellow-human beings in such a way that it results in harm to them. This shall be the case both in the family as well as in every community, in order that neither backbiting nor discrimination (disadvantage) or other wrongdoings occur. 20. Each human being shall pay heed to his internal and external freedom and shall never bind himself to any things from which he may not be able anymore to detach himself, or (things) that frighten him of the step toward freedom; be it concerning purely material things and values or a human relationship, or concerning a family or a community of any kind. 21. Each human being shall be intent on never accepting and understanding any doctrines of a political, philosophical, sectarian, secular, scientific, religious or other ideological form as "true truth" or as "real, true knowledge", etc., fortrulyeach teaching shall be examined down to the last detail because only in this way the effective truth can be grasped and reality experienced. 22. Each human being must always be clearly aware that the life he lives, no matter how many years it may have lasted, has never been pointless or senseless. Consequently, nothing has been lost in the life lived because each second lived has surely fulfilled its intentionality and brought about evolutional success, even if the result may only have been minimal. 23. Each human being shall always be of clear and reasonable senses and shall not expose himself to the constant influences of any teachings through which the possibility of one's own (independent) thinking, pondering, reasoning, ascertaining and understanding is taken away. If the human being wants to occupy himself with some things or a teaching, he must always think about the possibility of finding enough time to let his thoughts and feelings, his considerations and ideas, etc. unfold, so he can ascertain everything, and can find the conclusions and the truth within himself.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 24. Each human being must be intent on fostering interpersonal relationships, to devote attention to familial relationships as well as friendship, comradeship and acquaintances. Parents, brothers and sisters, friends, acquaintances and the fellow-human beings in general must always be a source of joy and of peace, in the form of a freedom which has a unifying and expanding effect in each and every way. 25. Each human being must always be intent that life will impart to him a sense and a feeling of being secure and protected to him. This must find expression both in the company of fellow-human beings and when being alone (aloneness). 26. Each human being must shape his life by creating events, so as to find in it love, happiness, joy, peace, harmony, balance and freedom. 27. Each human being who wants to live according to reality must give to himself a sound sense of self-esteem and self-confidence and preserve it; in this wayregarding oneselfhealthy, self-sustaining and progressive thoughts, feelings and actions can be best realized. 28. Each human being shall at all times behave in a decent and virtuous manner and also in regard to his work and opinion, his knowledge and his learning in such a way that he will be recognized and respected as a true human being in his nearer or further surroundings. 29. Each human being shall live his life in such a way thatafter having passed awaygood memories result from his life which let him live on in good thoughts posthumously. 30. Each human being shall live in such a way that the fellow-human beings take an interest in his life and honour him in their thoughts and feelings. It may well be that there are enemies who take interest in evil ways, but they shall be forgiven because peace and forgiveness shall be the work of love, not hatred. 31. Each human being shall feel embedded into the good company of fellow-human beings in order that a common experience of life may promote love, peace and freedom as well as harmony and the happiness of each individual. 32. Each human being shall be eager in such a way as to let develop that in his life which is thoughtful-feelingful as well as spontaneous and full of love in a "empfindungs"-like manner. So it is given that each human being's life finds new, good, pleasurable and positive directions again and again, both spontaneous and also well-considered in many ways. 33. Each human being shall in every respect endeavour during his whole life to fulfil it: with learning and gathering knowledge, with working for wisdom, with performing satisfactory work, with true love and harmony as well as through being intent on keeping peace and freedom. 34. Each human being shall always be open for all things, so he may constantly find much that is mysterious and exciting in his life, that which brings him surprise and astonishment, perhaps even robbing him of his breath in joyful shock and letting him be forever young. 35. Each human being shall always foster an open, good, loving, peaceful, harmonious and liberal relationship with all human beings, even if they are hostile towards him. As a rule, hatred doesn't harm the other person, but the hateful person himself because taking satisfaction in hatred becomes his own disgrace. 36. Each human being must always be open to questions about the meaning of life and the human being's existence, and he shall be in need of them, so as to ponder and to talk about them with his fellow-human beings, to gain cognition of truth therefrom. 37. Each human being must have the feeling and certainty that he can communicate and explain to the fellow-human beings that which is important to him, and in return understanding is given to him. 38. Each human being must have the feeling and certainty that his fellow-human beings do understand what depresses and burdens him, and that he may expect useful advice or some other help. 39. Each human being shall lead his life openly in such a way that it is of use and an advantage for himself in every positive way, and also for his family, his relationship as well as the community. 40. Each human being shall be intent to not avoid problems and conflicts, but to search for solutions (for them), and to overcome them.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching 41. Each human being has the obligation to build up sufficient self-confidence and healthy self-esteem so he can meet and master all tasks and difficulties that arise in life. 42. Each human being shall always make an effort to not let himself be upset, feel uneasy nor become unsure by any tensions that appear within himself or his fellow-human beings. 43. Each human being shall endeavour to shape each situation in his life in a conscious and carefully-considered way, if this opportunity is given to him. 44. Each human being shall form himself in such a way that he doesn't fall victim to shattering thoughts and feelings through unclear, confused and unpleasant situations. 45. Each human being must always be forearmed to meet thoughts and feelings of reluctance in a relaxed way, in order to deal with them correctly and not to be at their mercy. 46. Each human being shall endeavour to communicate with his fellow-human beings in order to express his own attitude and to represent his own opinion or "learning interests". 47. Each human being shall determine goals in his life that he shall strive for and attain with forethought, attention, interest, motivation and self-confidence. 48. Each human being must consider his life worth living in every situation. 49. Each human being must always determine his behaviour by himself, and not by external circumstances, nor by fellow-human beings or by religions, sects, philosophies, science or and other ideologies. (* In the spiritual teaching the German word Empfindung and derivations like empfindungsmssig describe that factor in the human being's spiritual part which is called "feeling" or "feeling-related" in his material part. There is no word in English for Empfindung, just as it is also the case with the Gemt, whose counterpart in the material body is the psyche.)


Life in Spiritual and Physical

The terrestrial human race is entering and witnessing a phase of very powerful cosmic change. It is a new era, a new age, which continually and distinctly becomes clearer to the eyes of observant, consciously more advanced human beings. While most of mankind here on Earth lies in a deep abyss of ignorance and of consciousness' enslavement, it has become an urgent necessity, through thorough investigations, to find the causes of mankind's decline, and to demonstrate this to human beings in a correct, clear, and revealing message and lesson. Simultaneously, it necessitates showing new ways, which would guide mankind toward a future of conscious comprehension and harmony. It is now time, therefore, for the Earthling to open his eyes and ears and detach his enslaved thoughts from false teachings, to free himself from traditional falsehoods and all evil, and to finally comprehend everything according to the truth. May the Earth human therefore open the senses of his consciousness now to recognize truth. May he look up toward the infinite expanse of the universe, where in timelessness the stars rule in majestic peace and exaltation. May he gaze up to these stars, which, in Creative order, orbit through innumerable year millennia in perfect harmony with the universally valid laws of Creation, and in fulfillment of the commandments to be followed. As is the case on Earth, these stars are all ruled by Creative laws and commandments which are integrated into the logic and love of Creation itself. There is an eternal activity of growing, timeless existing and ceasing in the endless beginning. May the Earthling look down on his Earth, because there, too, the same laws and commandments of Creation take place in ironclad order. Man, Earth, and its manifold forms of life are all part of these same laws and commandments, as a minuscule yet significant link in the chain of all Creative creation. Where nature exists by the Creative laws and commandments, untouched by human hand, and untouched accomplishes its existence, there reigns absolute and perfect beauty, strength, dignity, and harmonious greatness without any hierarchy. However, wherever there are traces of human intervention, deliberate illogical order, and corrections become visible, all beauty, strength, dignity, order, and greatness disappear. Harmony is destroyed, changed, and made impossible. Nature then becomes, unintentionally, a witness to the lack of reason and injudiciousness of the Earthling, who likes to call himself the "Crown of Creation". As a self-appointed crown of

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching Creation, man lives in his delusion, unaware of the fact that he has put on a crown of which he is unworthy. The crown in question is far too large for him and he cannot wear it, for it threatens to crush him under its weight. Truly, the Earthling has developed and "splendidly advanced" until the third millennium. He has taken himself to the brink of a deep abyss and placed himself before the fangs of the beast of lunacy - driven by false doctrines and religious cults of malicious degeneration, which brought forth hatred, greed, vice, misery, lust, and bloodshed. He, the Earthling, self-appointed "Crown of Creation", who rules or wants to rule the world and the universe, who have conquered the air, water, and fire, has long ago forgotten how to be a true and sincere human being, and how to think, act, and live by pure, spiritual standards. Hence, he has essentially forgotten how to live as a valuable human being in the "Community Human Being". He has forgotten to live as a valuable person in communion with other persons. All his forms strive for purely material and materialistic objects and concerns, and he badly disregards all matters of spirit, progress, love, truth, knowledge, logic, and wisdom. Since ancient times man on Earth has wanted only one thing: to obtain power, power under all circumstances. Upon gaining his power, man has simply used it for enslavement and bondage. Fighting has always been his sole war-cry, and the manifestation of hell his victory. Through very evil and consciousness-enslaving false doctrines, usually in cult-like religious form, man has created coercion and hypocrisy. Through them he spoke of honor and freedom, but in reality he was only thinking of consciousness' enslavement, profit, and exploitation in every way, and absolute dependence. Man on Earth has forgotten how to show his true face long ago, for he has hidden and lost it within himself with the dawn of religious, false doctrines. Because of this he now wears only a colorful mask whose effect is very stale, monotonous, indifferent, stoical, egotistical, and mask-like. Many Earth humans have become like beasts or consciously deranged robots of the cults' false doctrines. Lacking a consciousness that is in agreement with wisdom, and in a form alien to wisdom, people spend their days, months, and years on Earth ignorant of even the tiniest amount of truthful truth. Maliciously and dishonestly they strive only for power, greed, materialism, and hatred against their fellowman and themselves. On the day their life clock stops ticking they die, filled with fear, disharmony and hatred. Man has made everything subservient to him through his intellect and reasoning, and by arranging and manipulating everything around him. His ambitions thrive only on this subordination. Appearance has become far more important to him than the truth of Being. He lost the eternal truth of the spirit and Creation in its basic elements, and has clung since earliest times to unrealistic doctrines of cults. Due to his self-delusion, he valued enslaving and false doctrines far more than all the laws and commandments in their truth and wisdom. Because of his extremely poor, confused, cult-religious philosophy of life, man believed that by rejecting the true Creative laws and commandments, and by creating orders based on human laws, he could reform mankind in accordance with these unrealistic cults or lead it to a better future of improved living potential. Having lost the knowledge of Creation's essence in man, he wanted to force other human beings into living, using materialistic means and false religious doctrines. That is why he has enchanted the masses of terrestrial mankind with false promises, false ideals, and idols associated with false doctrines of cults. Within a short time this path led to enslavement, consciousness' constraint, exploitation, hatred, greed, and vice of the gravest extent. Wherever a remnant of trust has remained, man soon transformed it rapidly and incessantly into vicious distrust and deadly hatred. The Earthling has gradually removed himself ever more from a true life, from the spiritual intent that originated in Creation. Man has lost his knowledge of the most ancient truth and wisdom, namely, that he is the criterion for all Creative things, in creation of Creation's own perfection within itself. Now the change of time and the course of a new cosmic era necessitate, with great urgency, that the Earth human turn once again in his aspirations and thinking toward the Creative spiritual truth and the real values of spiritual and conscious life. Until now only a minute sector of humanity knew, or even suspected, that the human life form inhabits not only the terrestrial sphere, but also lives throughout the vast areas of the universe. Similarly, only a fraction of these human beings knows that the human spirit and consciousness project into the spheres of Creation that cannot be perceived through material senses. Creation, however, is the true abode of every spirit form and,


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching consequently, of each human being as well, within whose physical body a part of Creation itself lives. Truly, it is in the interest of every human being to strive for, and attain, spiritual and conscious expansion and depth, in order to revise his present concept of life. It is a concept of life, which had followed purely materialistic and unreal paths of faith as its course and, as a consequence, propelled the truth of the spirit into severe damnation. A reversal, however, will not be easy, because its path is overgrown with vines and thorns. Concerning the most crucial truths, frequently opposite directions have to be taken, because man must learn that through the existence of his Creative spirit, he possesses for all duration of time an immortal part, namely the spirita spirit that works together with the Creative realm and does not play servile role as it has been stated by cults. In fact, each human being must prove to himself that his spirit works in a Creative manner, and that he must find his perfection within himself, to ensure perfection in Creation itself. For those who have gained this knowledge, there will grow an inescapable obligation to put their own material life in the background, and to guide their spiritual existence toward Creation's monumental viewpoints, which contain an endless continuity in their constant transformation. A human being of truth knows no prejudices, for a preconceived opinion impedes any quest and discovery, and honesty itself. A human being of truth knows perfectly well that all truth and wisdom lie in the timeless flow of endless duration, so that no preconceived opinion can rightfully exist. Only facts of truth can be facts of truth, and only facts of truth can be facts of wisdom. Nothing else can be integrated into it. This is a law of the entire process of all that occurs, because every existence must complete itself in a cycle. Cause and effect find validity in all spheres if they are governed by laws and commandments. A preconceived opinion harbors all the illogic of doubt and untruth. When a human being begins to absorb within himself this information, he may obtain a clear understanding of a vicious human weakness, namely, whether or not he is beyond the standpoint of preconceived doubts and criticism or still dominated by prejudice. If he is still biased toward preconceived opinions, he ought to put this message aside and pass it on to those who are free from prejudice in their quest for truth. Throughout the entire universe many variations of life forms manifest themselves based on a specific law. It is Creation's massive and invisible influence which, as an unsolvable mystery, brings about endless continuity and endless transformation. Everything that breathes life in the universe is bound in time and space by this unsolvable and mysterious law, with the exception of the spirit forms, which exist under the same law, but are not subject to time and space limitations. Originating from within Creation, the spirit form, however, is not impaired in its existence by the law of mortality. Likewise, everything that lives on Earth is inter-connected and subject to time and space and, therefore, to the law of existence in time and space. It is a bond of conditions in space and time, which represent a regularity of solidly fused order; the transformation of space and time in material form; the beginning and declining of coarse matter. By possessing the knowledge of all prior facts of the past concerning terrestrial humanity, we are taught that in the most ancient days when mankind still lived in harmony with, and observance of, the Creative laws and commandments, people's spiritual aspects and forms totally agreed with the existing natural laws. Consequently happiness, knowledge, wisdom, peace, freedom, logic, and love, as well as tranquility and contentment, were all part of this solidly fused order. With the self-alienation from the truth of Creation, its laws and commandments, and through false doctrines that degenerated into religions, malicious things were cultivated, e.g., hatred, discord, slavery, bloodshed, envy, greed, egoism, quarrelling, and many other inhumane manifestations. Now it is important to analyze and reveal the sustaining, destructive, negative, and degenerative forces anchored in man, so as to show the path of truth, freedom, and wisdom, which is to guide man from the desolation of his consciousness. Only when the ancient, primary significance of life and the basic significance for man's existence in his life form are studied, can this path be charted. In the past ten thousands of years many persons of great personality have lived on Earth and endeavored to answer the momentous questions as to the How, Where, and Why. Their endeavors, however, were futile, and the concepts they handed down until the present time have been trampled into aridity, today, as through all times. Many of these teachers and teachings were, knowingly or unknowingly,


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching falsified and have become a part of irrational religious dogmas. By doing so, these teachings have been changed beyond recognition. Eternal truths have been disregarded or falsified, only because man found their observance very inconvenient. Even to this day man suffers from the harsh consequences. The bearers, heralds, and advocates of truth, the true prophets, have been kicked, damned, cursed, despised, and robbed of their lives. The days of such incidents continue and are not over with here on Earth. Many New Age sages and heralds of truth shall suffer and endure a similar treatment, as the masses of humanity, misled by cults, malevolently make the heralds endure humanity's maniacal beliefs. However, the change of time, and the new cosmic era with all its penetrating truths, will help them in their struggle and ultimately bring forth victory. The present mankind on Earth lives in wicked excesses of material desires and pleasures. Man's idea of a carefree life lies exclusively in a material world where fancy clothing, an elegant residence, the best of food and beverages, financial successes, profits, gratified lusts, and vices play the most dominant roles. In his erroneous, consciously false thinking, man identifies all of this as a "satisfying existence" due to his lack of knowledge concerning truth, of course. The large mass of terrestrial mankind is only striving toward acquiring immense material wealth as quickly and effortlessly as possible, simply to attain power over others. The level of material wealth, the position one occupies in society, and the profession one chooses, determine the value of a person in the world, while his spiritual and conscious values, truly the only values of importance, are entirely disregarded, smirked at, trampled, and considered stupid. Currently, a man's reputation is measured solely by his financial standing, rank, and title. For these people, the fulfillment of their final yearning is a quiet and carefree old age, proud of having attained the "high" level of culture. However, while the pride of Earth's mankind in the height of its culture relates to the lowest values of acquisitions, man neglects all values of true culture when compared to the development of his consciousness. A life stripped of noble humanity does not receive much attention anymore concerning any mention of culture. Egoism, in its crassest form, is the strongest motivation of all human thoughts and actions, and yet, mankind is too cowardly to become aware of this fact or to admit it to themselves, even secretly. Due to the Earthling's lack of courage to face the truth, and his distorted life-style of degenerate hypocrisy, human beings fail to understand each other. Every human being lives secluded from others, deceiving and condemning himself, while, at the same time, begrudging his fellowman each breath of air. Many attempts have been made to bring truth and wisdom to the Earthling, to offer him a life of knowledge of Creation and to guide him toward the path of Creation, its laws, and commandments. However, all attempts have thus far been in vain. Without exception, the ships of truth have sunk, becoming immersed in the terrestrial being's bottomless depths of lack of understanding. Truth-seeking human beings have never attacked the real evil at the root, hence they have never been able to find knowledge. They were unable to grasp the evil by the root, because they have held a superficial and erroneous life awareness and lost their actual tasks, as they have replaced the bubbling wells of infinite existence with unrealistic religious dogmas, and have let them end in insanity. That which is timeless is eternal, and in timeless eternity rest the truth and wisdom of Creative strength and omnipotence. The harder a human being strives to approach this truth, the easier it will be for him to live the laws and commandments in the Creative order. The order of all infinite continuity will shine radiantly into man's life, provided he recognizes and observes the truth of Creation, its laws, and commandments. Tranquility, peace and love shall become his life's companions through time and space, and are evidence of the perfection of Creative harmony.


Inner Values
Truly, life is struggle, a repetitive dispute within one's own self. There are always the current events in life that try to divert our attention and thoughts by pushing themselves into the foreground. However, without fail, true reason will always break forth. It does not matter whether it is drowned out by noise, covered up, distracted, overburdened, stuffed to the brim, true reason is always present, ready to break through the mound of confusion, even though it may be only a hint of a smile. A smile that stands above all else, invincible, sublime, observing man as he degrades

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching himself, reducing himself to dust. The self of man is the most precious pearl, the greatest treasure, which he carries within himself, hidden in his innermost part, in his self - the philosopher's stone. It is silver and gold, but is not made of these metals; it speaks directly to man - but man rarely hears it. It is the eternal light, the light of all-great-time in all the obscurity and gloom surrounding man. It wants to make man the kingbut man violates it. All of man's yearning for it causes him to search frantically outside himself. Yet, it is so nearwithin every single human being. It is the union with it that makes man capable of procreating, and with it he can create everything. However, over the millennia there have always been only a few individuals who have joined forces with it, but through this action they have created the great knowledge for all, which is the cause for progression. Impulses and motives formed the terrestrial world and environment, transforming and, consequently, creating increasingly improved external conditions, while the inner ones withered and vanished. Indeed, a reversal shall gradually become necessary in today's modern times to return to the inner values and immortal treasures for which man has searched so long outside of his self. Man has lost the appropriate measure, however, and has had to learn how to find it once again, in order for him to balance all extremes and to finally proceed to the essentials, namely, why man lives on this earth. Therefore, may all those who possess the foresight be recognized and respected by the laggards. The number of those who err again and again is almost infinitely large. One might ask how many errors and mistakes remain before the last human being on Earth finally comprehends where the path shall lead to, and truly does. Really, truly and verily, life is a struggle, even in joy and in love. We are allowed only occasionally to forget about this struggle and let ourselves become spellbound by the latest topics, completely fascinated by the eternal process of growing and perishing, and by the up and down and to and fro of all vital motions, which transform everything, including man. The only hope is in the inevitable and the higher, joyful goal of passing into the next higher class, where the lessons and practical tests continue. Therefore, Man of Earth, when you read these words, let it be said: Perform your duty, especially here and now, and surrender yourself to what lies before you. Inspired art will permit you, Earthling, some fleeing glimpses into the beauty of the spirit, whose sensations you are occasionally allowed to grasp for yourself. It is absolutely essential, therefore, that you be of an animated, easygoing and relaxed nature.


An Important Word
The yearning for certainty burns indelibly in every single human on Earth, especially the certainty of Being and the existence far beyond his terrestrial passing away, which man calls death. This certainty can become true for every single human being once he conquers his own ego. Truly, it is only the ego's haze that prevents envisioning the kingdom of true life, spiritualness, beyond the transformation of being and the passing on. That is because the ego, the "I", places too much emphasis on a person's own welfare until it becomes egoism with most humans. Doubts and uncertainties hang like dark storm clouds over each individual and, in fact, over all of mankind. Man on Earth is surprised by the thunder and flashes of lightning, brought on by egoism, materialism, and the remaining degrading things to which he has succumbed, making him their prisoner. To combat them must become a great priority for man. Only when, through cognition of truth, the sun of love, which embodies the manifestation of the spirit of life, rises on the horizon of the human psyche to chase away the thunderclouds, is man permitted to recognize how close he really is to the certainty, and how unfounded his fear and anguish have been. Unfortunately, even now for many people only the death of their physical body signifies the beginning of true life and the gradual, renewed radiance of the inner Sohar. However, in the next incarnation the same situation may arise again through man's lack of knowledge in the previous life, if, at that time, he had not been arduously struggling and laboring for improvement. The gloom of absolute or partial darkness during an existence on Earth can only be terminated through a true inner palingenesis, at which time man shall see the light of the inner senses, when the activity of the spirit of life will no

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching longer appear as the gloomy fate that man falsely had created for himself. Ultimately, when the Sohar has begun to shine within man, he will discern the invisible, the power of the spirit and its unlimited strength as the true force, while this visual effect begins to disappear again as a shadowy pattern, but lingers on as a continuous and stimulating recollection, to be effective and beneficial for further evolution. It still remains true of many Earth beings that their naked fear lurks behind all love and the desire for all loving oneness. Man fears everything: The end of love, the death of a loved one, separation and reunion, and above all, the change from this plane of existence to the beyond. Closely linked to these fears is the pain caused by bogus knowledge and bogus teachings, namely that all life will end forever in death, always living off other lives, which it destroys and supposedly must destroy to exist itself. A truly terrible thought. Yet, it is one of terrestrial origin only and emanates from the lack of understanding of true truth. It is correct insofar as every life lives off others. However, life does not murder other lives to be able to exist and to live itself. One life is integrated into another, one life helps the other, only to expire itself at a given time once its time and duty are completed. Life is neither the continuous sacrifice nor the becoming a sacrifice the Earth human falsely assumes and fortifies through correlated false doctrines. Rather, in truth, it is only a process of growing and passing away in a sense of continuously advancing evolution, and solely in the sense of the Creative rules, laws and commandments into which even Creation itself is integrated in every way. Therefore, for many great-times life is a process of rebirth and renewal in the cycle of passing away and growing again. Thus, expiring and death reach into the heart of life in the same way that life and growth extend deeply into the heart of death, whereby two realms merge into one, simultaneously complementing and conquering one another, to gradually bring about mutual comprehension. Life does not strive for vanquishing every single decline and death, but for overcoming decease and formation in general through evolution. Life works toward the progressive evolution of everything that has ever existed or now exists. It works toward that which is immortal in the innermost of myriads of life forms, toward the final goal of all creations, and toward Creation and the universal consciousness. Simply stated, the real meaning of life in the material state is, in fact, the mastery over one's ego, which constantly wants to dominate, and the subsequent evolution in the wholeness of the consciousness and the spirit. Therefore, conquering oneself means that man must help his own, highest Being to victory, so he may recognize yet another still higher self, namely, the Creative self. Man will be awakened toward it through an even higher evolution. This is certainly one of the most difficult tasks of human life, yet, it is the most beautiful, most valuable, and productive, as beyond this task waits for man the greatest certainty of his all-great-time existence beyond all external and physical forms of being. Because the human life spirit within him is a fragment of the spiritual energy of Creation, it is important for him to recall the Creative root of his being, to unite through true spiritual introspection with all that within himself which is of the all-great-time. To be one with the spirit of life within himself, the part of Creation in him, means becoming absolutely free. Free from the fear of passing away, of death. To be one with a fragment of the Creative energy within also means recognition of the alter ego, the Creative self, beyond the external human ego. It is certainly the greatest experience, but for an inwardly still unprepared person also the most frightening one to encounter; to truly see and recognize oneselfone's own oldest ego, which reaches beyond all spheres and boundaries, floating past all senses into the all-great-time regions of Creation, which are beyond human comprehension. Whoever unites with a fragment of Creation within oneself, with the spirit itself, dissolves the frightening, yet truly innocuous enigma of passing on, indeed, of death. In so doing, one acknowledges death as only the other side of life, where it is nothing other than sleep, replacing daytime wakefulness in the physical realm. Man's lack of reason, his lack of knowledge, and his blindness make him believe that sleep is the darker side of life. As a result he has the same opinions concerning death. Certainly, various other factors are reflected in the fear of death, but it does not make sense to name them all. Only one more item remains to be explained. The mystery a human body can solve only partially when it is abandoning life, can be manifested clearly and truthfully by the fragment of Creation in humans; namely, the certainty of absolute human permanence in the all-great-time. The human being should direct his vision unwaveringly toward the tasks of his life on Earth, with the knowledge that the realm of coarse matter rules in this plane and the realm of fine matter in the beyond. Nevertheless, these two divided spheres of the here and the beyond


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching are one single realm, existing in the same place, in the same time space, only in another dimension. It certainly may seem as though the sum of hardships and suffering on planet Earth is much greater than that of joy and happiness. To believe that this is indeed a fact is but one of man's fallacies. This belief has become a perilous notion, transmitted and implanted through false doctrines and confusion. Such notions are unnecessary, however, because hardships and suffering, as well as joy and happiness, always keep each other in balance. Man overrates hardships and suffering solely through his erroneous considerations, and registers and keeps them on permanent recall, while he forgets the joyous and happy events all too quickly, which then elude him. In these matters, man has not yet learned to find balance, to register the negative as well as positive in the same way, and to preserve them in his memory. The same would hold true for the opposite case, if man were to remember only the positivebeauty, joy, love, and pleasantness. Here again is no balance between the negative and the positive; one form takes the upper hand over the other, resulting in a state of non-assimilation or non-integration, which means that again one factor prevails over the other. In spite of this circumstance, man is capable of seeing and recognizing his determination as a human being, and he can change the situation and attain an island of Sohar and security from the occurrences of gloominess. The length of time required need not be a worry or concern, because until the highest goal becomes reality, millions and billions of years may have tumbled into the past. Millions and billions of years are accorded and offered to man, to smooth out the crumpled face he had caused his own home planet. Yet, he must be devoted at this time to the change offered to him for intervention in the evolutionary goal, to truly grasp the helping hand and proffered knowledge in truth, and to work toward this goal. "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier


by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier Pay heed to freedom, for it is the privilege and prerogative of every human being and all other life forms. Pay heed to love, for it is the essence of Creation, of human beings and of life. Pay heed to peace, for it is the assurance of all positive development and unrestricted evolution. Pay heed to harmony, for therein lies the equilibrium of every thought, feeling, deed and everything else. Do not allow yourself to be rushed by the din, burdens or bustle of daily living, but remain always composed under every circumstance life presents. Seek tranquility, peace, love and freedom each is a valuable element of harmony. Allot some time every day to finding tranquility, for it affords you respite and time to contemplate. Practice getting along well with everyone but do not lose yourself in the process and always remain within the limits of your ability. Always respect your fellowmen as fellow human beings, although they may have dispositions that differ from yours; indeed, even the worst among them is a creation of Creation, hence, everyone is just like youa human being. State your truths freely, clearly, calmly and candidly,

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching for only in this manner is an authentic picture created which defines the true nature of everything. Allow other people to freely express their opinions, for they are allotted the same rights as you. Listen to others, to the bright and intellectual individuals, and also to the obtuse, the foolish and those who lack learning, for they, too, have opinions and statements to offer. But distance yourself from aggressive, boisterous and obstinate individuals so as not to become embroiled in their pointless disputes, for such people insult one's consciousness, humaneness and refinement; and yet, at the same time, forget not that they too are beings of Creation, whom you, as a fellow human being, must show appropriate respect, even though you may find their thoughts, feelings, deeds and actions unacceptable. Should you draw comparisons between yourself and others, you will inevitably realize that others are either stronger or weaker than you in certain matters; this, however, is no justification for you to feel superior or inferior to them. Therefore, neither vain nor arrogant become, neither bitter nor ashamed, for there will always be someone who is more eminent or less advanced than you in learning, morality, character and the like. Refrain not from enjoying achievements you have gained through your own honest efforts. Delight in these accomplishments as much as you do in setting positive objectives and bringing them to successful completions. Always be mindful of continuing your development in every possible matter, including both your personal and consciousness-related evolutions. Therefore be perpetually and humbly attentive to your personal progress, but only in a righteous manner, because integrity is the only, truly positive possession you have as a human being in these changing times. Approach your work and your business with forethought and circumspection, for good work is worthy of proper compensation; circumspection, forethought and honesty offer sound long-term rewards in business, even in a world of guile. When you achieve positive, remarkable successes keep from becoming blinded and deafened by them and proceed toward those things of virtuous substance.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching Be attentive also to the means and ways of the people with whom you deal; though many strive for lofty ideals, few reach their goals. Life appears filled with heroism wherever you gaze, but when you glance behind the scenes you find only fear enveloped in a haze and someone's craving for pretending to be greater than he or she really is. Hence, heed not these matters to the degree where you wish to imitate them; instead, recognize your true self. Positively realize yourself within your own Self. And allow these traits to permeate your entire nature. Do not feign affection for someone if, in reality, you fail to hold such feelings for the person. Make no pretense to your fellowmen that bears no truth, for honesty is a directive which, together with knowledge, is undeniably the path to wisdom. Never be cynical about sincere love, for love provides you with the certainty of coexisting within everything there is, in both the spiritual and the physical realms. And love is the true essence of Creation; it will endure for ur-eternity and all Great Times beyond every conceivable hardship and disappointment. Love is the actual cornerstone and the true incentive of life where the aspirations form to reach higher, indeed, to the very highest levels possible. Love will never die, it will survive eternally as it pulsates in the everlasting rhythm of Creational harmony. Forfeit every negative trait in your life with dignity and, through self-knowledge, leave yourself open to counsel for self-realization. Cheerfully accept what your positive knowledge and balanced wisdom counsel you to do, and gain control over your thoughts, feelings, indeed, your entire consciousness, for in so doing you strengthen yourself for unavoidable predicaments, and you will never lose heart even when faced with unexpected misfortune. Always practice loyalty and integrity, and never make yourself unhappy over unrighteous things or those you merely imagine. Free yourself from alarm and fear, which oftentimes originate from loneliness, mental exhaustion and idleness. Loneliness, mental exhaustion and idleness


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching are enemies of progress. Seek, therefore, the company of those who are knowledgeable and wise, for they will teach you how to stimulate and utilize your thoughts, and how to actively evolve. Always practice healthy self-discipline while being kind to yourself at all times, for you are an individual, an independent person, who requires not only the pleasant kindness of others but also the consideration you provide yourself. You are a creation of Creation, the universe, and in no way are you any less than your fellowman, the trees, plants, all animal species or the celestial bodies in the infinite vastness of universal space. You have the right to be alive and to exist on this Earth, regardless of who and what you may be, and it matters not if you comprehend the unfolding of the universe in the way Creation, the Universal Consciousness, intends it. Nothing unfolds without Creation's love, and it will not do so unless it is within the framework of the Creation-given laws and directives. Accept, then, that you only exist because this is how it was intended to be and because it is predetermined for you through the ur-eternally everlasting, Creational plan. Live, therefore, in freedom, love, peace and harmony among similar-minded individuals and with all of Creation's creatures. Live also in peace, love, freedom and harmony with Creation, regardless of what you may perceive Creation to be. Live also in peace, love, freedom, and harmony with yourself, your psyche and your personality regardless of your deeds, thoughts, feelings, contemplations and aspirations throughout the rigors of daily life. Never lose sight of this, regardless of all the hurriedness, drudgery, disappointments, broken dreams, negations and tears. In spite of the turmoil surrounding you, the world is indeed beautiful and life is worth living.


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching


The Peace Meditation

Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona! Peace be on Earth, and among all beings!

In the spring of 1984, FIGU members in Switzerland began meditating with the so-called PEACE MEDITATION. Organized by our extraterrestrial friends from the Plejares, this peace meditation was intended to initiate a turn for the better in the terrestrial humankind's future. The intent was that through the emission of powerful and logical impulses, a positive polarity can be forged to counteract the negative "force field" surrounding the Earth much like a huge bell, which influences the terrestrial population and all nature. This negative force field was established, and continues to be entrenched, by several centuries of religious-sectarian, extremist and deteriorated terrestrial human thinking. To reverse this negative energy, therefore, the concept has been to produce dynamic "counter impulses," which the extraterrestrials would send to Earth via a telemeter disk hovering high above the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, coupled with some other devices and the assistance of over 3.5 billion humans within the Plejaren federation. We, at FIGU, have since discovered that by initiating this action the concept has obviously proved to be successful. To this end, and a bit further along in this text, we provide excerpts from the actual contact conversations which took place between Ptaah and Semjase, respectively, so as to illustrate their reasoning behind this matter and other relevant background information. Since terrestrial humankind, for better or for worse, is accountable for its own condition as well as for that of the planet, it is accountable also for the healing process. For this reason we call upon every rational and responsible human to participate in FIGU's Peace Meditation. The more people who become involved, the greater and more powerful will be the positive-neutral force! While we do not wish to trigger or put any fear into people: Threats of World War III and other disasters have not been eliminated! Continuous and immensely diverse efforts on everyone's part will be required for a long time to come, so that one day in the distant future, terrestrial humankind will think and act in a more peaceful manner. Since every turn for the better, or the worse, is always a consequence of every individual's decisions and efforts, the motto for all rational people should be to keep idle hands active. They must not allow themselves to be prodded along the path of life like a herd of sheep under the influence of their collective instinct. Indeed, they must shape and direct their own destiny. Therefore, anyone who lives by the foolish and misanthropic maxim "after me the flood" should instead say "live and help live," which we offer here to indicate that rebirth (reincarnation) is not merely a speculative, philosophic theory. Reincarnation is a fact and can be proven through logic. All human beings will repeatedly incarnate on Earth (regardless of whether one willingly acknowledges this or not), and in their rebirth they will re-enter the precise type of world they helped shape in the past. And it matters little whether their assistance in shaping the world was active or passive, destructive or constructive.

The Peace Meditation in practical terms

Who can participate? Anyone can participate in the meditation who possesses a clear, material consciousness (which must not be impaired by drugs, alcohol or a severe psychological illness). It is imperative that the decision to participate in the peace meditation is completely voluntary. Participants, say, a child for instance, must not be commanded into joining. How old should the participant be? As soon as a child is old enough to comprehend the issues (and only if the child willingly and voluntarily requests to participate).

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching What is the schedule of the Peace Meditation? Each Peace Meditation session lasts 20 minutes and takes place on the first and the third weekends of the month (target day is always the first Saturday of the month). on Saturdays at 6:30 and 8:00 pm Central European Standard Time (respectively at 9:30 and 11 am Pacific Standard Time, for instance) and at 7:30 and 9:00 pm Central European Summer Time (or at 10:30 and noon am Pacific Daylight Time, respectively) on Sundays at 8:00 pm Central European Standard Time and at 9:00 pm Summer Time (or 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time and noon Pacific Daylight Time, respectively) These times must be adhered to precisely (e.g., timed by an atomic clock). When in doubt, it is preferable to begin somewhat earlier rather than later. All times are Wintertime, for Summertime add one hour.


Schedule for North America - Saturday

PST Los Angeles 9:30 AM 11:00 AM

MST Salt Lake City 10:30 AM Noon CST Tulsa EST Miami 11:30 AM 1:00 PM 12:30 PM 2:00 PM

Schedule for North America - Sunday

PST Los Angeles 11.00 AM Noon 1.00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM

MST Salt Lake City Noon CST Tulsa EST Miami 1:00 PM 2:00 PM

'Exceptions: Arizona does not follow daylight savings!'

Schedule for Europe - Saturday

GMT London, UK CET EET Amsterdam, NL 17:30 19:00 18:30 20:00

Helsinki, Finland 19:30 21:00 20:30 22:00

MSK Moskou, Russia

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching


Schedule for Europe - Sunday

GMT London, UK CET EET Amsterdam, NL 19:00 20:00 20:00 21:00

Helsinki, Finland 21:00 22:00 22:00 23:00

MSK Moskou, Russia

'Europe uses 'Military style' time notation, 00:00-23:59; not the AM/PM timescheme.' Information for Australia: Eastern Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) is equal to Greenwich Mean Time plus 10 hours (GMT +10). AEST is followed in these regions: New South Wales (except Broken Hill) Victoria Queensland Tasmania Australian Capital Territory

Central Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) is equal to Greenwich Mean Time plus 9 hours (GMT +9 ). ACST is followed in these regions: South Australia Northern Territory Broken Hill, NSW Western Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) is equal to Greenwich Mean Time plus 8 hours (GMT +8). AWST is followed in these regions: Western Australia Daylight Saving New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory from early to late October to the end of March observe daylight saving time. Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory do not observe daylight savings. Where daylight saving is being observed: AEST becomes Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT), and clocks are advanced to GMT +11. ACST becomes Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT), and clocks are advanced to GMT +10 . For Japan, add 8 hours to all CET time for the correct meditation times. How am I to meditate? Prior to beginning any type of meditation, we recommend that you read the book Introduction into Meditation (however, this is not a requirement). Since this book is currently available only in the German language, many people may not be able to read it yet. The meditation process as such consists of softly whispering or speaking the meditation sentence for the entire 20 minutes. Try not to pursue any straying thoughts; this means allowing no thoughts to enter the mind that are not part of the meditation procedure. Concentrate solely on the sentence "Salome gam nan . . ." Should you catch yourself concentrating on other thoughts, return to focusing on the meditation sentence. A very important point for the success of the peace meditation is based on the proper intonation and

An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching pronunciation of the sentence to avoid emphasizing the wrong syllables. The vowels in the following meditation sentence "Saalome gam naan ben uurda, gan njjber asaala hesporoona!" are pronounced in English phonetics as follows: Saalome (aa = father) gum naan (aa = father) ben uurda (uu = crew, moo) gun neeber asaala (aa = father) hesporona (o = tone, go). Here is an audio clip of the above meditation sentence: <mp3>Salome.mp3</mp3> How does the Peace Meditation function? The meditation sentence is composed of words from the Lyrian language, a language previously spoken on Earth 289,000 years ago and then again 13,500 years ago by the ancient Lyra-Vega descendants when the extraterrestrials inhabited this planet for a short period. By speaking (or thinking!) this sentence in unison as a group, certain impulses are released from the stored data banks known as the Akashic Records. These records envelop the Earth and every thought and other impulse generated by all humans who have ever lived, currently live or will live on this planet in the future, are stored therein. Through the accumulation of stored unconscious impulses within every meditator, and because of the intensity they generate (after all, more than 3.5 billion extraterrestrials participate in the peace meditation as well), negative force fields are covered up and increasingly neutralized. Seating position, sitting aids, and the surroundings The peace meditation is best conducted in small or large groups, however anyone can also do it alone. A meditation pyramid aids the meditator. It serves as a focal point, an enhancer of personal thought vibrations, and as a relay station to the energy center in the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center in Switzerland. Such pyramids, made from copper according to specifications supplied by the Plejaren, are sold at the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center in Switzerland, or one can be built by the meditator him- or herself. The meditation pyramid is placed either on a table if the person(s) meditates while sitting at the table, or in a slightly elevated position on a stool on the floor (the top of the antenna should be level with the meditators' foreheads). When several meditators of varying height participate in the meditation, an average level may be selected. Using a compass, one of the pyramid's diagonal lines must be aligned due north; that is, the four corner points are directed toward the four cardinal points of the compass, namely North, South, East and West. When meditating as a group (two or more persons), we recommend that someone be designated beforehand who signals the beginning and the end of the peace meditation. Posture: 1. The meditators either sit at a normal height (no upholstered seats or the like) around a table, or else, they take a lotus/cross-legged position or sit on their haunches on a carpeted surface, whereby a small stool or a cushion, blanket, and so forth, is used as a seat. It is important that the spine and the head be relaxed and upright throughout the entire meditation period. 2. The minimum distance to the pyramid must be more than 50 cm (20"), measured from the chest to the pole of the antenna. 3. Participants seated around a table hold hands with those beside them and are, therefore, linked together in a closed circle. The palm of the left hand points upward and clasps from underneath the right hand of the person to the left, while the right hand, palm down, holds the left open palm of the person to the right. 4. Another permissible position while not holding hands is as follows: When meditating on the floor, the back of the open palm may be placed upon the knees, while the fingertips, curled upwards, point toward the meditator's forehead. As a variation, the hands can be placed, palm-down, upon the person's own thighs, whereby the


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching fingertips rest at the knees. 5. In another version, for those sitting on the floor (5 persons or more), the person's own left thigh (above the knee) and the thigh of the meditator to the right serve to support the person's hands (which are positioned as described in #3). 6. When the individual meditates at a table, both arms are extended toward the left and right sides of the pyramid in front of the individual, hands held open vertically with fingertips pointing toward the pyramid while the narrow edge of the palms rests on the table. 7. The meditation, respectively speaking the Lyrian sentence, is performed with the eyes closed. At the end of the 20 minutes, possibly signaled through a muffled beep (e.g., put a towel over a flower pot that covers a kitchen alarm or the like), the participants should "rest" with closed eyes, while holding the same position 2-3 minutes longer until the designated person announces "yes." Ensure that the meditation is performed without disturbances; hence, free from pagers or [cellular] phones ringing, unannounced visitors at the door, TV sounds or similar noise! Is the Peace Meditation dangerous? The Peace Meditation is completely harmless and enjoyable to all the participants as long as the meditator adheres to the aforementioned explanations and instructions. A possible side effect may be that inexperienced individuals find discomfort if their legs fall asleep or the like. What did our extraterrestrial friends say about the topic of peace meditation? 136th Contact conversation, Tuesday, October 14, 1980, 11:41 p.m. Billy: I know, and that's probably how it'll stay because the people on Earth are not likely to alter their ways so quickly and accept the truth that changes could still be invoked, for the better, I mean. Semjase: While you are not permitted to speak about it at this point so as to endanger the success, it is still advisable that great efforts be made to change various future incidents for the positive, although they seem to be inevitable now. Toward the latter part of 1983 or spring of 1984, we are planning to introduce an effective peace meditation to benefit Earth, its inhabitants, and events that will occur there. Included in this effort will be everyone on Erra and many members from our federation, whose total will comprise more than 3.5 billion humans. This will produce an extremely powerful energy force through which the terrestrials and their actions, hence their occurrences, should be influenced and political confusion resolved. These efforts will also lead to freeing Russia and other countries from their current dictatorship status. The procedures have been instituted and mandated by the High Council, who have found a permissible method to intervene using a particular cosmic clause that could be used to influence terrestrial affairs. As part of the result brought about by these peace efforts, the inhumane wall will fall, which currently divides Germany into two separate countries, thus the two sectors will be reunited into one. Every group member is asked to help, for the strength and initiative of each and every last one is imperative, as is the assistance of other humans on Earth who will voluntarily join you in this effort. In this regard you are only permitted to speak about the peace meditation and its purpose in the peace effort. You may not mention the issues I previously told you about and which I specifically named just now. Should you not adhere to these instructions and speak about these items, you will not only jeopardize all efforts in this direction but the anticipated successes commencing in 1987 will not occur either; they may even transform into something negative. Billy: What a thought. Of course, I'll sit on my mouth. Butdo you actually think that the dictatorships on Earth will come to an end in the next decade, and that the wall in the DDR [German Democratic Republic] will come down? Semjase: This is as good as certain, although World War III will still be a threat, in addition to many other forms of tragedies. Success will follow as long as we conscientiously and systematically perform the peace meditation. Beginning with 1987, many other things will change, for the positive that is. However, the first tangible and


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching substantial successes will only become evident in 1988, and within a very brief time afterward they will begin to solidify to the point where the first major uprisings will begin in 1989 and terrestrials will experience their temporary apex in 1990. But I must state once again that you must remain silent on these matters for now. Billy: I will do that. There is no way I am going to endanger all of these future efforts. Semjase: Only time will tell the success rate these efforts will bring. Billy: Slowly some hope is rising within meand I will put all of this into the drawer of my lost memories so I don't endanger anything. Semjase: You will be permitted to speak about everything when the events become more apparent. Billy: By then I'll have forgotten it all. So it looks like as the end of the 1980s approaches, we soon can expect some rays of hope in regard to a worldwide improvement of freedom and peace. Then the world will look a bit better. Semjase: Yes, so it will. But now I must leave. Moreover, you are tired. Good-bye. Billy: Good, and many thanks, girl . . . 232nd Contact, Friday, November 17, 1989, 0:37 am Ptaah: Unfortunately, our contacts before January 29, 1986, did not bring about the complete success we had envisioned, and we departed from all of you with great regret. We hoped, however, that with the passing of time everything would change for the better. On one hand within the group, and on the other in worldwide events as well, since you have the support of 511 million people of our own population on Erra and another 3.02 billion individuals galaxy wide from those peoples in our federation when your group performs the Peace Meditation. And in actuality, success did come about and it has now begun to bear fruitfor instance in Russia, Poland, East Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Korea. These will be followed by other countries. Everything has transpired according to the prophecies, which state that peace will emanate from Russia. All of these immeasurably monumental successes were triggered solely by your group and all of the loyal people on Earth, along with us on Erra and our federation friends. At this moment you have 3,406 peace meditation participants on Earth. And all of you included in this number may be proud of performing the one and only correct peace mediation, which will prompt those peace impulses within terrestrial people that slowly permit peace on Earth to become a reality-just as they have been stored in their storage record locations, from where they impact humans. Thereupon humans understand these impulses and are able to bring them to fruition. It is a fact that all other current efforts for peace on Earth, be they of a political, religious, fanatical or purportedly esoteric nature, have been just as ineffective as the attempts of those who purport to be mediums or other alleged contactees for spirits, saints or extraterrestrials and the like. Their efforts have been totally meaningless and futile, for each of them lacks the knowledge and the true potential to implement what must be done to awaken the necessary impulses within humans, and for them to utilize and make them effective. Furthermore, they lack the knowledge when the peace meditation must be conscientiously performed to turn this voluntary collaboration of our 3.5 billion co-assistants into an immense vibratory force. The honor of knowing this information, and the capability of doing so, was granted exclusively to your group and to all of those loyal people who are at your side. Through the truthful teaching they have become increasingly more knowledgeable and capable of learning how to think and act in a Creational manner. On Earth the honor and success for the current peace efforts by the various government officials and numerous humans goes singularly and exclusively to the members of your group and to all those 3,381 loyal individuals who remain and work shoulder-to-shoulder with you in all honesty, truth, and in cognizance of the peace effortsopenly or discreetly. Unfortunately, I must mention the fact that in spite of all the successes in the peace and freedom efforts, which are also widespread, the bitter side of the situation has not been eliminated, and setbacks are already looming. One of the reasons for this is that in countries where populations now feel free from previously suffocating laws, the people are currently acting very unreasonable, and governments will soon be forced into resorting to strong, restrictive measures again. And this, in turn, will lead to renewed bloodshed. Much of the blame for this matter must be shouldered by the western, the so-called free


An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching countries of the world which, through murderous, underground-type wars, incite hatred against the eastern countries and the southern nations of Africa and America. The biggest shouters and those bringing the greatest harm are the Americans and the Germans, in addition to various other, mostly western nations, who believe they must place rules and remonstrations on the eastern nations. Likewise, certain western powers sneakily undermine and defame the eastern nations' governments by using intrigants to incite the people against their governments, and by nurturing conflict in every conceivable form. Unfortunately, this means that everything will change and one day evil, bloody wars will again result from this situation . . . 246th Contact, Saturday, June 19, 1993, 11:17 p.m. Billy: Then I have another question regarding the third worldwide inferno, the third world war. For a long time mention was always made of the threat of a third worldwide inferno, and that it was as good as inevitable. However, towards the mid 1980s you increasingly stated that the danger of a third world war had diminished due, in part, to the Peace Meditation we perform in conjunction with the many billions of people from your federation, and also because, through impulses, you and your people influenced certain terrestrials into instigating a more rational thinking mode. What is the current status regarding the threat of a third world war? Ptaah: Currently no factors point in the direction that such an event is looming, and if all related guidelines for terrestrial governments and the population in general remain within the prevailing framework and continue to evolve, then the threat of a third worldwide inferno will probably be contained. However, terrestrials are incredibly volatile, domineering, arrogant and unsettled, and for this reason it cannot be confirmed with absolute certainty that another worldwide inferno will not be triggered at a later date. It is, therefore, imperative that multinational fighting troops be organized according to the Henoch [Enoch] system and deployed immediately to intervene in every country, to create peace and order when wars or revolutions loom or break out. The same applies also to countries where despots, dictators and the like perpetrate their inhumane deeds. Multinational troops would also be responsible for fighting crime and the organized crime system, and they would play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation. We have already discussed this topic in another setting. Billy: Thank you. . . .


References [1] [2]

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012


Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Special Bulletin: 53 Page number(s): Unknown Author: BEAM Date article written: 16 November 2009, 1:03 AM Translator(s): Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine Date of original translation: 13 June 2010, 9:52 AM

English On the 21st of December, 2012, the end-of-the-world and the end of time is supposed to come, and, with that, the apocalypse itself. This is supposed to happen according to esoterics, panic-mongers and end-of-the-world prophets of all shades, just as they already "prophesied" the end-of-the-world and the end of time with the turn of the century and turn of the millennium from the 20th to the 21st century, that is to say, from the 2nd to the 3rd millennium. Already at that time, as already occurred more than a good dozen times before, over long centuries and even over two millennia, the fulfilment of the "prophecy" was, for them - wetting themselves with cowardly angst - a complete flop, and so will it also be this time; whereby essentially everything has already been said. However, in order to adequately deal with the matter, and to explain everything somewhat, something more should still be said about it, because some further explanations can do no harm. Instead, they can only bring a useful understanding, for rational human beings, in regard to the false prophecy and the creation of angst and panic. The alleged imminent end-of-the-world and end of all time, which has been announced, by the creators of angst and panic, for a very long time, for the 21st of December, 2012, and which is often in daily conversation, is so nonsensical that even stupid chickens would have to laugh about it, were they given the possibility of having knowledge and understanding about it. On one hand the entire nonsense of the alleged end-of-the-world is based on the unambiguous errors and confusions of the esoterics, panic-mongers and end-of-the-world nutcases of all kinds, who want to interpret and understand something in an ancient Mayan calendar about which, however, they have no inkling. They just simply read an absolutely brain-tearing nonsense into the whole thing which, in truth, is, to them, like a book with seven seals. German Am 21. Dezember 2012 soll das Ende der Welt und der Zeit kommen und damit der Weltuntergang schlechthin. Dies soll geschehen gemss Esoterikern, Panikmachern und Weltuntergangspropheten aller Schattierungen, so wie sie schon beim Jahrhundert- und Jahrtausendwechsel vom 20. zum 21. Jahrhundert resp. vom 2. zum 3. Jahrtausend das Ende der Welt und der Zeit prophezeit haben. Schon damals, wie schon mehr als ein gutes Dutzend Mal zuvor ber lange Jahrhunderte und gar ber zwei Jahrtausende hinweg, ist ihnen die Erfllung der Prophezeiung in ihre durch feige Angst genssten Hosen gegangen, und so wird es auch diesmal sein, womit eigentlich schon alles gesagt wre. Um der Sache jedoch Genge zu tun und alles einigermassen zu erklren, soll noch etwas mehr gesagt sein dazu, denn einige weitere Ausfhrungen knnen nicht schaden, sondern fr vernnftige Menschen nur ein nutzvolles Verstehen bringen in bezug auf die falsche Prophezeiung und die Angstund Panikmache. Das angeblich bevorstehende Weltende und das Ende aller Zeit, wie dieses von den Angst- und Panikmachern fr den 21. Dezember 2012 seit geraumer Zeit angekndigt wird und vielfach im tglichen Gerede ist, ist derartig unsinnig, dass selbst dumme Hhner darber lachen mssten, wenn ihnen die Mglichkeit des Wissens und Verstehens darum gegeben wre.

Einerseits beruht der ganze Unsinn vom angeblichen Weltende auf eindeutigen Irrungen und Wirrungen der Esoteriker, Panikmacher und Weltuntergangsspinner aller Art, die in einem uralten Kalender der Maya etwas herauslesen und verstehen wollen, wovon sie jedoch keine Ahnung haben. Schlichtwegs interpretieren sie einfach einen absolut hirnrissigen Unsinn in das Ganze hinein, das ihnen in Wahrheit gleich einem Buch mit sieben Siegeln ist.

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

Ihren ganzen zusammengereimten Schwachsinn suchen sie sich auch aus allerlei alten und neuen sowie usserst zweifelhaften Prophezeiungen zusammen, wie auch aus den gewaltigen weltweiten Naturkatastrophen, die immer schlimmer und zahlreicher in Erscheinung treten.

They also seek out and collect their entire worked-out dim-wittedness from all kinds of old and new, as well as extremely doubtful, prophecies, as well as from the enormous, worldwide, natural catastrophes, the occurrences of which are ever worse and more numerous. Along with that, all the criminal and war-related machinations and general world events also play an important role, as, for example, also the worldwide financial crisis, race hatred, hatred of those of different faiths, the death penalty and rampant overpopulation. No limits are set for the creation of angst and panic, nor for the arias about an end-of-the-world, and, from that, a picture of the end-of-the-world is made: an apotheosis as a punishment-gods final scenario. Brilliantly, therefore like a flash of lightning, the dim-witted panic-mongery about the alleged end-of-the-world has struck the apocalypse-believers, and therefore angst, panic and terror have, in a concealed way, already implanted themselves in them and, naturally, increased more and more as the alleged fateful date, the 21st of December, 2012, approaches. The machinations of the religions and sects, and their prophetic false teachings, are also referred to in this context, as is also "dear" God who, in His alleged "holy scriptures", basically angrily screams for revenge and punishment as well as for war and hate against people of other faiths, and mentions true love and goodness only peripherally, or not at all. When the apocalypse mood is stirred up, then, immediately, the heavenly host of angels, as well as God personally, will be called in, through whom all good human beings are supposed to be taken away by UFOs into the heavenly realm. Often the angst and panic is so stirred up by sect chieftains that it is not seldom that entire groups of deluded believers deliver themselves from life by committing suicide in order to reach a better world or Gods promised realm. And with the entire nonsense about God and angels, as well as the end-of-the-world nonsense, the basis of reality is pulled out from under the feet of the believers who have succumbed to angst and panic. As a result of that they are helplessly at the mercy of the entire dim-wittedness and are no longer in a position to think clearly, consequently they no longer know which way to turn. Therefore the entire matter has evil consequences because, from the resulting angst and terror, not only suicides are committed but also numerous human beings succumb to pathological thoughts and feelings which trigger destructive psychic states. Along with that, in many, aberrations of the consciousness also arise, from which they succumb to the delusion that they hear Gods voice and commands in such a way that human beings are supposed to be massacred and killed - in practise, carried out by the avenging hand of God in the form of a human being as a divine tool.

Nebst dem spielen dabei auch all die kriminellen und kriegerischen Machenschaften und die allgemeinen Weltgeschehen eine wichtige Rolle, wie z.B. auch die weltweite Finanzkrise, der Rassenhass, der Hass auf Andersglubige, die Todesstrafe und die grassierende berbevlkerung. Der Angst- und Panikmache und den Weltuntergangsarien sind keine Grenzen gesetzt, und es wird daraus ein Untergangsbild der Erde gemacht, eine Apotheose als Schluss-Szenario einer Strafe Gottes.

Fulminant, also wie ein Blitz, hat die schwachsinnige Panikmache des angeblichen Weltendes bei den Weltuntergangsglubigen eingeschlagen, und so haben sich in ihnen untergrndig bereits Angst, Panik und Schrecken eingenistet, die sich natrlich immer mehr steigern, je nher das angeblich verhngnisvolle Datum 21. Dezember 2012 kommt.

Auch die Machenschaften der Religionen und Sekten und deren prophetische Irrlehren werden dazu herangezogen, wie auch der liebe Gott, der in seinen angeblich Heiligen Schriften grundlegend bse nach Rache und Strafe sowie nach Krieg und Hass gegen Andersglubige schreit und die wahre Liebe und Gte nur am Rande oder berhaupt nicht erwhnt.

Wird Weltuntergangsstimmung geschrt, dann werden sofort die himmlischen Heerscharen der Engel sowie Gott persnlich herbeigezogen, durch die alle guten Menschen mit UFOs in das himmlische Reich abgeholt werden sollen. Oft wird durch die Sektenhuptlinge die Angst und Panik derart geschrt, dass nicht selten ganze wahnglubige Gruppen sich durch Selbstmord aus dem Leben befrdern, um in eine bessere Welt oder ins verheissene Reich Gottes zu gelangen. Und beim ganzen Gott- und Engel- sowie Weltuntergangsunsinn wird den von Angst und Panik befallenen Glubigen der Boden der Wirklichkeit unter den Fssen weggezogen.

Demgemss sind sie dem ganzen Schwachsinn hilflos ausgeliefert und nicht mehr in der Lage, klar zu denken, folglich sie auch nicht mehr ein noch aus wissen. Das Ganze zeigt also bse Folgen, denn aus den daraus resultierenden ngsten und Schrecken werden nicht nur Suizide begangen, sondern es verfallen zahlreiche Menschen auch krankhaften Gedanken und Gefhlen, durch die zerstrerische psychische Zustnde ausgelst werden. Nebst dem treten bei manchen auch Bewusstseinsverirrungen in Erscheinung, aus denen heraus sie dem Wahn verfallen, Gottes Stimme und Befehle in der Weise zu hren, dass Menschen massakriert und umgebracht werden sollen, praktisch ausgefhrt durch die rchende Hand Gottes in Form eines Menschen als gttliches Werkzeug.

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

Angst- und Panikmache jeder Form in bezug auf einen angeblichen Weltuntergang ist besonders fr Sektenhuptlinge aller Art eine sehr beliebte Methode, um die ihnen glubig Verfallenen an sich zu binden und sie finanziell und sehr oft auch sexuell sowie hinsichtlich physischer Arbeit auszubeuten. Angst- und Panikmache mit diffusen falschen Behauptungen, falschen Prophetien und irren Voraussagen in bezug auf Katastrophen, Gottesstrafen und Weltuntergnge wird aber auch durch Esoteriker betrieben, wie aber auch durch bsartige Scharlatane, die schadenfreudig die Menschen in Angst, Panik und Schrecken treiben, um sich darber zu amsieren.

The creation of angst and panic in every form, in regard to an alleged end-of-the-world, is a much favoured method, especially for the sect chieftains of all kinds, in order to bind those who have succumbed to them in their belief, and to exploit them financially and very often also sexually, as well as in regard to physical work. The creation of angst and panic using vague false claims, false prophecies and erroneous predictions in regard to catastrophes, Gods punishment and apocalypses is, however, also pushed along by esoterics as well as by malicious charlatans who, taking pleasure in peoples misery, drive the human beings into angst, panic and terror in order to amuse themselves over it. But then there are also the know-it-alls and mystics who presume to claim that they can "visualise" coming events and catastrophes, and so forth, through visions, or that they have deciphered long-established, encrypted prophecies and so forth, and can put an exact date on everything for the past, present and future. This is all, naturally, contrary to their better knowledge, which is that their claims are, and remain, only claims, and have never been fulfilled and also are not being fulfilled, consequently also a real truth never lies behind any of it, but only fantasy, hollow words and lack of responsibility. These kinds of false claims are essentially nothing other than malicious and irresponsible lies, deceit and the misleading of people, because thereby financial profits are also made.

Dann gibt es aber auch noch die Besserwisser und Mystiker, die sich erdreisten zu behaupten, dass sie durch Visionen kommende Geschehen und Katastrophen usw. visionieren knnten oder dass sie altherkmmliche verschlsselte Prophetien usw. entschlsselt htten und alles fr die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft genau datieren knnten. Dies natrlich alles entgegen ihrem besseren Wissen, dass ihre Behauptungen nur solche sind und bleiben, sich nie erfllt haben und sich auch nicht erfllen, folglich auch nie eine wirkliche Wahrheit hinter allem steckt, sondern nur Phantasie, Verantwortungslosigkeit und Schall und Rauch. Solcherlei falsche Behauptungen sind eigentlich nichts anderes als bsartige und verantwortungslose Lgen, Irrefhrungen und Betrug, weil daraus auch finanzielle Profite geschlagen werden.

They are also a priori not without danger, because even suicide and Auch sind sie a priori nicht ungefhrlich, weil daraus eben auch murder as well as destruction also emerge from them, if those who are Selbstmorde und Morde sowie Zerstrungen hervorgehen, wenn die tormented by angst and panic spin out and go mad. Angstund Panikgepeinigten durchdrehen und verrckt spielen. The fact is that no interest group exists which would take action against the creation of angst and panic by the end-of-the-world prophets and conspiracy theorists, and so forth, of every kind, in order that much human disaster, which emerges from the dim-wittedness, could be avoided. Also the governments allow the entire nonsense, whereby especially sect twerps have free rein for their howlingly dim-witted machinations, as do all other traders in the soul who court trouble and chase their uncountable believers into angst, panic and terror. Tatschlich ist es so, dass es keine Interessengruppe gibt, die gegen die Angstund Panikmache durch die Weltuntergangspropheten und Verschwrungstheoretiker usw. jeder Art vorgehen wrde, damit viel menschliches Unheil vermieden werden knnte, das aus dem Schwachsinn hervorgeht. Auch die Regierungen lassen den ganzen Unsinn zu, wodurch besonders Sektenheinis fr ihre brllend schwachsinnigen Machenschaften freie Bahn haben, wie auch alle sonstigen Seelenhndler, die Tod und Teufel an die Wand malen und unzhlige ihnen Glubige in Angst, Panik und Schrecken jagen. Also knnen die Weltuntergangstheoretiker ungehindert weiterwerkeln und prophetisch Chaos ber Chaos verknden, wodurch die Erde aus dem Universum ebenso verschwinden soll wie natrlich auch die ganze Menschheit und alles Leben berhaupt.

Therefore the end-of-the-world theorists can work on unhindered and "prophetically" announce chaos upon chaos, whereby the Earth is supposed to disappear from the universe just as is, naturally, the entirety of humanity and absolutely all life.

And exactly this howling dim-wittedness is being "prophesised" again Und genau dieser brllende Schwachsinn wird wieder, weil er ein andermal for the year 2012 because, once more, it did not function with the year bei der Jahrhundert- und Jahrtausendwende 2000 nicht funktioniert hat, fr 2000, being the turn of the century and millennium. das Jahr 2012 prophezeit. The entire nonsense of the alleged threatening end-of-the-world is based on an ancient, astronomical Mayan calendar in which it is supposed to be quite clearly recorded that the end-of-the-world and end of time will occur on the date of December 21st, 2012. Of this dim-witted interpretation of the Mayan calendar it can be said, with a clear conscience, that the irresponsible and paranoid originators of the nonsense are certainly blissfully full of happy apocalyptical anticipation, as is generally the case with that type of lunatic. Der ganze Unsinn des angeblich drohenden Weltuntergangs basiert dabei auf einem uralten astronomischen Kalender der Maya, in dem ganz klar aufgezeichnet sein soll, dass das Ende der Welt und der Zeit mit dem Datum vom 21. Dezember 2012 erfolge. Bei dieser schwachsinnigen Auslegung des Maya-Kalenders kann mit ruhigem Gewissen davon gesprochen werden, dass die verantwortungslosen und paranoiden Urheber des Unsinns mit Sicherheit selig vor apokalyptischer Vorfreude sind, wie das bei derartigen Irren allgemein der Fall ist.

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

Dass sie vielfach selbst in Angst und Panik sind und gar den eigenen idiotisch erfundenen Unsinn glauben, beweist sich dadurch, dass sie glauben, sie knnten sich vor dem von ihnen angesagten galoppierenden Schwachsinn Weltuntergang retten, indem sie einfach ihr Heimatland verlassen und anderswo hinziehen paradox aber wahr.

That they are often themselves in a state of angst and panic, and even believe their own idiotically invented nonsense, proves itself, in that they believe that they could save themselves from the galloping dim-wittedness which they announced, being the end-of-the-world, in that they simply leave their homeland and move elsewhere paradoxical but true. The 21st of December, 2012, is how long will it be after that before the next end-of-the-world panicmongery? this time the absolute global, end-times conspiracy. If Internet searches are made regarding this, one finds unequalled nonsense. Therefore, to be assailed by one swindle after another is unavoidable; by one scream of angst after another, and in absolute panic. Were the Internet sites precisely sifted through, then one would find the most varied possibilities and causes cited as the grounds for the prophesied destruction of the world and of time; possibilities and causes which cause the rational human beings hair to stand on end. Uniformly, however, all cite the 21st of December, 2012, which is supposed to be described in the Mayan calendar as the date of the current worldly and universal downfall. The entire thing is thereby not only declared as prophecy, rather even as a fixed prediction, and with that, as something unalterable, which naturally corresponds to absolute mischief in the one form just as it does in the other. To say about that, naturally, is that the year 2012 brings a peak in the Suns activity whereby various unpleasant things can happen on the Earth. This, for example, relates to a still greater melting of the glacial and polar ice than is now already the case, just as it relates to disturbances in electronic systems and with satellites, as well as increased and greater natural catastrophes, maybe along with other possible, but rarely occurring, things. Fundamentally then, these occurrences of natural catastrophes correspond, however, only to the continuation of the current natural events, the degeneration of which is largely the fault of the human being.

Der 21. Dezember 2012 ist wie lange dauert es danach wohl bis zur nchsten Weltuntergangspanikmache? fr diesmal die absolute globale Endzeitbeschwrung. Wird im Internet nach diesbezglichen Eintrgen gesucht, finden sich Unsinnigkeiten sondergleichen, so es unvermeidlich ist, von einem Schwindel anfall in den nchsten zu fallen, von einem Angstschrei in den nchsten und in absolute Panik. Werden die Internetseiten genau durchforstet, dann werden als Grund des prophezeiten Untergangs der Welt und der Zeit unterschiedlichste Mglichkeiten und Ursachen aufgefhrt, durch die sich dem vernnftigen Menschen die Nackenhaare struben. Einheitlich aber berufen sich alle auf den 21. Dezember 2012, der im MayaKalender als Datum des gegenwrtigen weltlichen und universellen Untergangs beschrieben sein soll. Das Ganze wird dabei nicht nur als Prophetie deklariert, sondern gar als eine fixe Voraussage und damit als etwas Unabnderliches, was natrlich in der einen wie in der andern Form einem absoluten Unfug entspricht.

Natrlich ist dabei zu sagen, dass das Jahr 2012 einen Hhepunkt der Sonnenttigkeit bringt, wodurch sich verschiedene unerfreuliche Dinge auf der Erde ergeben knnen. Dies z.B. in bezug auf eine noch grssere Eisschmelze an den Gletschern und Polen, als dies jetzt schon der Fall ist, wie aber auch hinsichtlich Strungen in den elektronischen Systemen und bei den Satelliten sowie vermehrter und strkerer Naturkatastrophen, nebst vielleicht anderen mglichen aber kaum eintreffenden Dingen. Grundstzlich entsprechen diese Vorkommnisse der Naturkatastrophen dann jedoch nur der Fortsetzung der jetzigen Naturgeschehen, an deren Ausartung der Mensch grossenteils die Schuld trgt.

But that has nothing to do with the Mayan prophecies and predictions, Das aber hat nichts mit Prophezeiungen und Voraussagen der Maya zu tun, as are allegedly supposed to come forth from the Mayan calendar wie diese angeblich aus dem MayaKalender hervorgehen sollen, bldsinnig "calculated", stupidly and in a way that is foreign to the truth, by und wahrheitsfremd errechnet mit mystischen Zahlenspielen. means of mystical number games. Also, the entire stupidity, dim-wittedness and nonsense does not become any more true with the further irresponsible stirring-up and invoking of panic-mongery, because what cannot fulfil itself will also not fulfil itself. Der ganze Bldsinn, Schwachsinn und Unsinn wird dabei auch nicht wahrer, indem die Angst- und Panikmache verantwortungslos weiter geschrt und herangebetet wird, denn was sich nicht erfllen kann, wird sich auch nicht erfllen.

The fact of the entire matter really is based in that the Maya, up to the Was beim Ganzen wirkliche Tatsache ist, das beruht darin, dass sich die current time, serve as a longpast, mythical and mysterious people Maya bis zur heutigen Zeit als ein lngst vergangenes mythisches und which still today conceals many things under the veil of mystery. rtselhaftes Volk darbieten, das heute noch viele Dinge unter dem Schleier des Geheimnisvollen verbirgt. Already when the Spanish conquistadors, more precisely, conquerors, marched through the rainforests on their conquering and robbing expeditions, spreading murder and death on the Yucatan Peninsula, they came upon things that, for them, seemed very strange, eerie and weird. Schon als die spanischen Conquistadores, resp. Eroberer, auf ihren Eroberungs- und Raubzgen Mord und Tod verbreitend auf der Halbinsel Yucatan durch die Regenwlder zogen, stiessen sie auf fr sie sehr seltsame, gespenstische und unheimlich anmutende Dinge.

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

Sie fielen in alte und vom Dschungel lngst berwucherte und zudem menschenlose Stdte ein, in denen meisterhaft erstellte und feinstverzierte Palste standen und grosse Pltze waren. Vielfach fanden sich auch Dinge, Steine, Vasen und gar Bcher usw., die mit fremdartigen und unerklrlichen Zeichen beschriftet waren, gemalt, eingeritzt oder eingehauen. Zeichen, die nicht entziffert und nicht verstanden werden konnten. Es waren alles Dinge der einstigen Maya-Hochkultur, die infolge Natur katastrophen und beinahe pltzlich schon lange untergegangen war, ehe die spanischen Eroberer von Europa her nach Sdamerika berschifften, massenweise indianische Einheimische ermordeten und wertvolle Goldschtze und alles das zusammenraubten, was ihnen in die Hnde fiel.

They invaded old cities, long overgrown by jungle, and, whats more, uninhabited, and in which masterfully constructed and finely decorated palaces stood, and in which there were great plazas. Often things, stones, vases and even books, and so forth, were also found which were inscribed with exotic and inexplicable signs: painted, engraved or carved signs which could not be deciphered and could not be understood. These were all things of the one-time Mayan high culture, which, as a consequence of natural catastrophes, and almost suddenly, had already long since come to an end before the Spanish conquerors from Europe sailed to South America, murdered masses of Indian natives and snatched up valuable gold treasures and everything that fell into their hands. Only in the last century was the puzzle of the Mayan text able to be solved. It was in the 1980s. Epigraphists (experts in archaeological texts) were able get to the bottom of the ancient secret of the Mayan text and come to understand it. It turned out that the Maya were knowledgeable astronomers, consequently they developed a comprehensive calendar which, right up to the current time, has its validity and correctness. Exactly this calendar, however, is shamefully abused by apocalypse fanatics, by esoterics, sects, creators of angst and panic, as well as from other endtimes invokers, for their malicious, false prophecies and predictions. Fundamentally, what there is to say about that is that also science plays a very inglorious role in the whole matter. Actually, this was namely abused for the whole end-of-the-world dim-wittedness, and it is all the same whether it was done knowingly or unknowingly. Naturally there are scientifically proven facts in regard to earlier peoples and times, therefore there is also the fact that, for example, the Aztecs occupied themselves with astronomical and creational things from which it emerges that the Aztecs believed that they lived in the 5th cycle of Creation. This cycle was to do with with a cosmological view which erroneously and arbitrarily was simply attributed to the Maya, and indeed this happened at a time when the Mayan text had not yet been deciphered and no scientist had yet come to understand what the hieroglyphs had to express. The fact is also that the Maya only knew one single Creation, a fact which also emerges in the discovered texts which, in the entirety of their explanations, only concentrate on one single Creation, consequently no piece of text is known in which different Creations are named. The Mayan belief is clearly and distinctly expressed in regard to the age of the universe which, calculated from today in the year 2010, is supposed to have originated 5,124 years ago and indeed exactly on the 13th of August according to the current Christian reckoning of time.

Erst im letzten Jahrhundert konnte das Rtsel der Mayaschrift gelst werden. Es war in den 1980er Jahren. Epigrafiker (Kundige archologischer Schriften) konnten dem uralten Geheimnis der Mayaschrift auf den Grund gehen und die Schrift verstehen lernen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Maya wissensstarke Astronomen waren, demgemss sie ein umfangreiches Kalenderwerk entwickelten, das bis in die heutige Zeit hinein seine Gltigkeit und Richtigkeit hat. Genau dieses Kalenderwerk wird jedoch von Weltenuntergangsfanatikern, von Esoterikern, Sekten, Angst- und Panikmachern sowie von sonstigen Endzeitbeschwrern fr ihre bsartigen falschen Prophezeiungen und Voraussagen schndlich missbraucht. Grundlegend ist dabei zu sagen, dass auch die Wissenschaft beim Ganzen eine sehr unrhmliche Rolle spielt. Tatschlich wurde diese nmlich fr den ganzen Weltenendeschwachsinn missbraucht, und zwar egal, ob wissentlich oder unwissentlich.

Natrlich sind wissenschaftlich bewiesene Fakten gegeben in bezug auf frhere Vlker und Zeiten, so auch die Tatsache, dass z.B. die Azteken sich mit astronomischen und schpferischen Dingen beschftigten, was daraus hervorgeht, dass die Azteken im 5. Schpfungszyklus zu leben glaubten.

Bei diesem Zyklus handelte es sich um eine kosmologische Sicht, die irrig und willkrlich einfach auf die Maya bertragen wurde, und zwar geschah dies zu einer Zeit, als die Mayaschrift noch nicht entziffert war und noch kein Wissenschaftler verstand, was die Hieroglyphen auszusagen hatten.

Tatsache ist auch, dass die Maya nur eine einzige Schpfung kannten, was auch aus den aufgefundenen Schriftwerken hervorgeht, die sich in ihren Darlegungen gesamthaft nur auf eine einzige konzentrieren, folglich kein Schriftstck bekannt ist, in dem verschiedene Schpfungen genannt wrden. Klar und deutlich kommt auch der Glaube der Maya in bezug auf das Alter des Universums zum Ausdruck, das von heute im Jahr 2010 gerechnet, vor 5124 Jahren entstanden sein soll, und zwar genau am 13. August gemss der heutigen christlichen Zeitrechnung.

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

Natrlich ist diese Vorstellung ebenso unsinnig wie der Mayaglaube, dass die gegenwrtige Welt 33mal ein mythisches Baktun dauere, was jeweils einer Zeit von 400 Jahren entspricht und somit einer Gesamtzeit von 13 200 Jahren, whrend der MayaKalender jedoch nur bis zum 21. Dezember reicht, wonach er sich dann wieder erneuert.

Naturally this idea is just as nonsensical as is the Mayan belief that the present world will last 33 times the duration of a mythical b'ak'tun, which, in each case, corresponds to a time of 400 years and, with that, an entire time of 13,200 years, while the Mayan calendar, however, reaches only up to the 21st of December, after which it then renews itself again. According to the Mayan idea, the present universe has existed since the 11th of August, 5123, calculated backwards from the current time. Consequently, according to the Mayan belief, a further 8,076 years would have to follow before the 33 times 400 years would fulfil itself, whereby, in regard to this fulfilment, it is in no way established what will really exist then. Naturally this calculation is also not consistent with the reality of the age of the Earth and of the universe, because how could the astronomical knowledge at that time have been able to determine the age of the the Earth and the universe without current technology and astrophysics? All that, however, at least shows with certainty that all of the crack-brained end-of-the-world theories in regard to the alleged statements of the Mayan calendar and thereby in regard to the 21st of December, 2012 are dim-witted humbug. It is exactly with these stupid, idiotic calculations, however, that the esoteric nonsense starts, with its mad, confused and mystical number games which have no factual basis whatsoever. According to this mad number-calculation nonsense, namely the 13th b'ak'tun, that is, the thirteenth 400-year cycle, is supposed to end exactly on the 21st of December, 2012, and with that, also the existence of the world and of time. And this boundless nonsense was knocked together in relation to the allegedly evil, unlucky number, 13, which triggers angst with many human beings because they are delusional, or, in common parlance, superstitious. And in regard to this delusion, from which results the end-times conspiracy - the Mayan apocalypse scenario, dreamed up by mad and irrational ones - there is still something important to say which is of interest. The scientists of all sovereign countries have, namely, gained enormous knowledge in regard to ancient peoples, their cultures, religions, ethics and customs, as well as their astronomical knowledge, which is likewise abused by the spun-out creators of angst and panic, and by apocalypse-prophets, just as has occurred in the case of the Aztecs Creation cycle. Completely misunderstood things regarding the Mayan culture, such as the astronomical calculations, also serve for the end-of-the-world rubbish, whereby the scientists are not without blame for that because, as was said, they wrongly attributed things about the Aztecs to the Maya.

Das gegenwrtige Universum existiert gemss der Maya-Vorstellung seit dem 11. August 5123, zurckgerechnet ab heutiger Zeit, folgedem mssten nach Mayaglauben noch weitere 8076 Jahre folgen, ehe die 33 x 400 Jahre erfllt wren, wobei in bezug auf diese Erfllung in keiner Art und Weise festgesetzt ist, was dann einmal wirklich sein wird.

Natrlich ist auch diese Berechnung nicht mit der Wirklichkeit des Alters der Erde und des Universums vereinbar, denn wie htten auch die damaligen Kenntnisse der Astronomie ohne die heutige Technik und Astrophysik das Erde- und Universumalter bestimmen knnen!

Das Ganze weist aber zumindest mit Bestimmtheit darauf hin, dass all die knallblden Weltuntergangstheorien in bezug auf die angeblichen Aussagen des Mayakalenders und damit hinsichtlich des 21. Dezembers 2012 schwachsinniger Humbug sind. Genau mit diesen dumm-dmlichen Berechnungen setzt aber der esoterische Bldsinn mit seinen irren, wirren und mystischen Zahlenspielereien ein, die weder Hand noch Fuss haben. Diesen irren Zahlenberechnungs-Unsinnigkeiten gemss soll nmlich der 13. Baktun resp. der dreizehnte 400JahreZyklus genau am 21. Dezember 2012 enden, und damit auch die Existenz der Welt und der Zeit.

Und dieser grenzenlose Bldsinn wurde zusammengebastelt bezglich der angeblich bsen Unglckszahl 13, die bei vielen Menschen ngste auslst, weil sie wahnglubig resp. im Volksmund aberglubisch sind.

Und hinsichtlich dieses Wahnglaubens, aus dem die durch Verrckte und Unvernnftige erphantasierte Endzeitbeschwrung, das Maya-Weltuntergangs-Szenario, resultiert, ist noch etwas Wichtiges zu sagen, das von Interesse ist. Die Wissenschaftler aller Herren Lnder haben nmlich in bezug auf alte Vlker, deren Kulturen, Religionen, Sitten und Gebruche sowie deren Astronomiewissen enorme Erkenntnisse gewonnen, die von den durchgedrehten Angst- und Panikmachern und Weltuntergangspropheten ebenfalls missbraucht werden, wie eben im Fall des Schpfungszyklus der Azteken. Auch vllig Unverstandenes bezglich der Mayakultur, wie die astronomischen Berechnungen, dienen fr den Weltuntergangsquatsch, wobei die Wissenschaftler nicht unschuldig daran sind, weil sie, wie gesagt, Dinge der Azteken den Maya unterschoben.

Together with the mad number-mysticism, especially as it is pushed Zusammen mit der irren Zahlenmystik, besonders wie sie in Europa von along in Europe by esoterics and those with mystical tendencies, the Esoterikern und mystisch Angehauchten betrieben wird, wurde das Ganze whole thing was concocted into the endtimes conspiracy of December zur Endzeitbeschwrung des 21. Dezembers 2012 zusammengebraut. 21st, 2012.

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

Nun, die Wahrheit in bezug auf den Mayakalender ist die, dass dieser im Jahr 2012 endet, dann jedoch ber das Ende hinausgeht und neuerlich beginnt und weitergeht, wie das auch mit jedem Kalender der Neuzeit geschieht, denn ist ein Jahreskalender usw. abgelaufen und beendet, dann kommt ein neuer zur Geltung, genau wie es, wie erklrt, beim Mayakalender der Fall ist. Endet also mit dem Jahr 2012 der 13. Baktun resp. der dreizehnte 400-Jahre-Zyklus, dann geht der ganze Kalenderlauf weiter mit 20 weiteren Baktun, wobei diese fr die Schpfung bestimmt sein sollen, was das auch immer heissen mag, jedoch nichts mit einem Weltuntergang zu tun hat.

Now, the truth in regard to the Mayan calendar is that this ends in the year 2012, but then extends beyond the end, and newly begins and continues on, as also happens with every calendar of the new time, because when an annual calendar, and so forth, has run its course and has ended, then a new one becomes valid exactly as is the case with the Mayan calendar, as explained. Therefore, when the 13th b'ak'tun that is to say, the thirteenth 400-year cycle - ends, with the year 2012, then the entire course of the calendar proceeds further with 20 further b'ak'tun, whereby these are supposed to be determined for the Creation, whatever that is supposed to mean, however they have nothing to do with an end-of-the-world. If an end-of-the-world and of time is to be foisted upon the Maya in regard to their 33 b'ak'tun, respectively, the 33 x 400 years of existence of the world and time, then, calculated from 2012, this end could only occur 8,076 years in the future. Neither the Mayan calendar, nor any other Mayan texts, whether painted, drawn, engraved on vases or hewn in stone, contain any sort of prophecies or predictions for a catastrophe or an end-of-the-world in the year 2012. This fact is apparent throughout all Mayan explanations and indeed without exception in all Mayan spheres. The apocalyptical prophecies and predictions attributed to the Maya correspond to nothing more and nothing less than just the crackpot, angst-fuelled and panic-fuelled fantasies of all kinds of brain-amputees. That is the truth in regard to the Mayan calendar and the end-of-the-world on the 21st of December, 2012, which is allegedly astronomically-prophetically recorded in it. Lastly, what remains to be said is that it is a fact that the Maya conceded a big place to shamanism from which a soothsayer codex resulted. In this codex a great flood is reported which had brought, or can bring, an "end-of-the-world". Obviously this has to do with the same great flood which was already known to the Sumerians and other cultures, but which also found expression in the Bible as the flood which was sent as a result of sin, respectively, as the deluge. The soothsayer codex is one of the four still-preserved Mayan books and leads back to the time when the Spanish conquistadors had not yet found any Mayan cities where they murdered and robbed everywhere they wanted to take possession. The soothsayer codex was, however, mixed with with the product of European-Christian thinking, however the how and when is not resolved. The book insert shows a heaven, out of which a "heavenly crocodile" hangs, which spews out enormous masses of water. This soothsayer codex was a work of the shamans, which, among other things, also includes calculations which, for example, are associated with the coinciding of the annual start of the rainy season, as cited in the Mayan calendar, on the 1st of June, of the so-called day "5 EB".

Wenn den Maya ein Ende der Welt und der Zeit in die Schuhe geschoben werden will in bezug auf ihre 33 Baktun resp. die 33 x 400 Jahre des Bestehens der Welt und der Zeit, dann knnte dieses Ende, ab 2012 gerechnet, erst 8076 Jahre in der Zukunft der Fall sein. Weder der Mayakalender noch sonst irgendwelche Mayaschriften, ob gemalt, gezeichnet, auf Vasen geritzt oder in Stein gehauen, enthalten irgendwelche Prophezeiungen oder Voraussagen fr eine Katastrophe oder einen Weltuntergang im Jahr 2012. Diese Tatsache zieht sich durch alle Mayadarstellungen hindurch, und zwar restlos in allen Mayagebieten. Die den Maya angedichteten apokalyptischen Prophezeiungen und Voraussagen entsprechen nicht mehr und nicht weniger als nur hirnverbrannten Angst und Panikphantasien allerlei Gehirnamputierter.

Das ist die Wahrheit in bezug auf den Mayakalender und den angeblich darin astronomischprophetisch aufgezeichneten Weltuntergang am 21. Dezember 2012. Was letztlich noch zu sagen ist, das ist die Tatsache, dass die Maya dem Schamanentum einen grossen Platz einrumten, woraus ein WahrsagerCodex resultierte. In diesem Codex wird von einer grossen Flut berichtet, die einen Weltuntergang gebracht hat oder bringen kann. Offenbar handelt es sich dabei um die gleiche grosse Flut, die schon den Sumerern und anderen Kulturen bekannt war, die aber auch in der Bibel als Sndenflut resp. Sintflut ihren Niederschlag gefunden hat.

Der Wahrsager-Codex ist eines der vier erhalten gebliebenen Mayabcher und fhrt auf die Zeit zurck, als noch keine spanischen Conquistadores die Mayasttten fanden und berall alles mordeten und raubten, wessen sie habhaft wurden. Der Wahrsager-Codex wurde jedoch mit europischchristlichem Gedankengut vermischt, jedoch wie und wann, das ist nicht geklrt.

Das Buchfaltblatt zeigt einen Himmel, aus dem heraus ein Himmelskrokodil hngt, das gewaltige Wassermassen ausspeit. Dieser Wahrsager-Codex war ein Werk der Schamanen, das unter anderem auch Berechnungen enthlt, die z.B. im Zusammenhang stehen mit dem im Maya kalender aufgefhrten Zusammentreffen des Beginns der Regenzeit am 1. Juni des sogenannten Tages 5 EB.

Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012


For that, a period of time of around 1,400 years is calculated, whereby Dafr ist ein Zeitraum von rund 1400 Jahren berechnet, wobei sich das the entire thing always regularly repeats according to this fixed time. Ganze regelmssig gemss dieser festgelegten Zeit immer wieder wiederholt. Billy Billy


Further Reading
Contact Report 476

Basic Rules of Man

Basic Rules of FIGU or Basic Rules of Man, respectively by Eduard Albert Meier (14 years old) Regensdorf/Switzerland, Saturday, February 3, 1951, at 8:02 pm
1. Each human being must ask himself for, search for, and find his own meaning of life, and must want to use it (the meaning of life) for the improvement of his life and actions. 2. Each human being must be himself and be his own guiding personality, who therefore develops his own resounding ideas and pursues and realizes them. 3. Each human being must let his own reason and his own understanding be exercised in such a way that he demands from himself that which is best and the most salutary; (and) that he forms himself according to his own will, and that he obeys (the demands of) his own needs in his own free way. 4. Each human being must form himself in such a way that he always is himself, has originally-own (unique), intensive experiences, (and) that he never lets himself be enslaved or subjugated in any other way and, consequently, preserves his internal and external freedom in every respect; in his thoughts and feelings as well as in his decisions, views, opinions, emotions and actions, etc. 5. Each human being must show towards himself the friendliness and love that is necessary for him, and (must) feel safe and secure within himself as well as being honest towards himself in such a way that he may understand his own thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and opinions, etc. 6. Each human being must direct his thoughts, feelings, ideas, wishes, needs and actions etc. in such a way that he feels capable for high-reaching goals that, however, shall always be in accordance with his abilities and possibilities and, therefore, shall not be exaggerated and too highly elevated. 7. Each human being shall see and know himself as he really is; therefore he shall not think of himself as a perfect world for this is not possible for any person because each one must learn and, consequently, is exposed to mistakes and imperfection. Therefore, it is not possible that everything is clear within the human being, (and) that everything is right and that he is better than his fellow-human being. 8. Each human being must always be fully aware that there are consciousness-related differences between each human being. Consequently, no one can be exactly equal in intelligence to another. But this does not entitle anyone to see their fellow-human beings as blind and to classify them as a human being on a lower level. This entitlement also does not exist if fellow-human beings are even labouring under a religion or sect, because they are all the same human beings who are within the creative-natural laws of life and evolutional learning like all the others.

Basic Rules of Man 9. Each human being by himself shall endeavour through his own efforts to form and fulfil his existence and existential duties in all forms of justice, honesty, reason and intention etc., namely in the spheres of consciousness, character, virtue, thoughts/feelings, and the psyche. In this way the human being shall create a firm motivation for rising within himself, without humbling himself in any way, not even in a religious or sectarian manner. 10. Each human being shall not use neither his idealism for unworthy nor un-provable and questionable things, but shall direct his idealism especially towards recognizing within himself his own true being, and to improve, complete and realize it outwardly, because the true being is the actual nature of everything that is directed towards progress and success, and that, therefore, is the source of the forming of life. 11. Each human being shall not believe in any thing, but shall always search for the basic truth, which he can only find within himself if he searches and thinks about everything, and by using his reason, his understanding and his sound logic. Thus the human being may find the truth only within himself, but only if he is free of any belief in things he can never prove within himself. Belief is not proof, but simply something that is assumed to be kind, desirable and right, without any provable content of truth; consequently, a belief can never be cogent because of the fact that the provable truth is missing. 12. Each human being can never find the real truth for which he searches for years or an entire life if he simply surrenders to a belief and does not explore and recognize the factual truth through logic, understanding and reason within himself, so as to implement and comply with it through his life and lifestyle. 13. Each human being shall see as his highest goal to progressively mould and implement his knowledge, his ability, his true love, his real happiness, his capabilities and opportunities as well as his wisdom and humaneness in such a way that he can lead a truly evolutional and just, humane life and can also assist the fellow-human beings in such a way. 14. Each human beings prime concern shall be to pay his own attention on himself, i.e. to his personality, his character, his virtues, thoughts, feelings and actions, in order to align everything in such a way that all things are right, and not chase misleading goals which end in a belief in unreal things. 15. Each human being shall manage his income and assets in a reasonable way and shall not waste them on unreal, belief-related things, for each person shall do whats right and take care of himself if the opportunity and existence are available to him, so he does not unjustly become a burden on the fellow-human beings and he does not behave as a parasite. 16. Each human being shall always live in the present, but he shall look into the future and care for its shaping, while also considering the past and learning from it, in order to attain success, realizations and progress. 17. Each human being needs rest and peace, and consequently, he also needs his quiet hours and shall not be constantly busy, neither when alone, nor when in the company of his fellow-human beings, the family or in communities. Each human being needs times of leisure because only through this is he able to compose and recover himself. However leisure time shall always be in appropriate amounts and not be exaggerated, so as not to become a burden to, and an annoying influence on ones own thoughts and feelings, nor to his fellow-human beings. 18. Each human being shall at all times pay heed in forever searching for the truth only, and never for a doctrine of salvation because truly there is no such thing, neither in a philosophical, religious, secular, sectarian or other ideological direction, nor can a doctrine of salvation be found in science. A doctrine of salvation is always a belief-related deception, or at least charlatanry or criminal profit-making. In truth, the only thing that always counts is reality, which is based on the use of sound understanding and reason as well as on real logic. 19. Each human being shall always be frank and honest towards his fellow-human beings, and he shall never presume whatever may be the reasons to control his fellow-human beings in such a way that it results in harm to them. This shall be the case both in the family as well as in every community, in order that neither backbiting nor discrimination (disadvantage) or other wrongdoings occur.


Basic Rules of Man 20. Each human being shall pay heed to his internal and external freedom and shall never bind himself to any things from which he may not be able anymore to detach himself, or (things) that frighten him of the step toward freedom; be it concerning purely material things and values or a human relationship, or concerning a family or a community of any kind. 21. Each human being shall be intent on never accepting and understanding any doctrines of a political, philosophical, sectarian, secular, scientific, religious or other ideological form as true truth or as real, true knowledge, etc., for truly each teaching shall be examined down to the last detail because only in this way the effective truth can be grasped and reality experienced. 22. Each human being must always be clearly aware that the life he lives, no matter how many years it may have lasted, has never been pointless or senseless. Consequently, nothing has been lost in the life lived because each second lived has surely fulfilled its intentionality and brought about evolutional success, even if the result may only have been minimal. 23. Each human being shall always be of clear and reasonable senses and shall not expose himself to the constant influences of any teachings through which the possibility of ones own (independent) thinking, pondering, reasoning, ascertaining and understanding is taken away. If the human being wants to occupy himself with some things or a teaching, he must always think about the possibility of finding enough time to let his thoughts and feelings, his considerations and ideas, etc. unfold, so he can ascertain everything, and can find the conclusions and the truth within himself. 24. Each human being must be intent on fostering interpersonal relationships, to devote attention to familial relationships as well as friendship, comradeship and acquaintances. Parents, brothers and sisters, friends, acquaintances and the fellow-human beings in general must always be a source of joy and of peace, in the form of a freedom which has a unifying and expanding effect in each and every way. 25. Each human being must always be intent that life will impart to him a sense and a feeling of being secure and protected to him. This must find expression both in the company of fellow-human beings and when being alone (aloneness). 26. Each human being must shape his life by creating events, so as to find in it love, happiness, joy, peace, harmony, balance and freedom. 27. Each human being who wants to live according to reality must give to himself a sound sense of self-esteem and self-confidence and preserve it; in this way regarding oneself healthy, self-sustaining and progressive thoughts, feelings and actions can be best realized. 28. Each human being shall at all times behave in a decent and virtuous manner and also in regard to his work and opinion, his knowledge and his learning in such a way that he will be recognized and respected as a true human being in his nearer or further surroundings. 29. Each human being shall live his life in such a way that after having passed away good memories result from his life which let him live on in good thoughts posthumously. 30. Each human being shall live in such a way that the fellow-human beings take an interest in his life and honour him in their thoughts and feelings. It may well be that there are enemies who take interest in evil ways, but they shall be forgiven because peace and forgiveness shall be the work of love, not hatred. 31. Each human being shall feel embedded into the good company of fellow-human beings in order that a common experience of life may promote love, peace and freedom as well as harmony and the happiness of each individual. 32. Each human being shall be eager in such a way as to let develop that in his life which is thoughtful-feelingful as well as spontaneous and full of love in a empfindungs-like manner. So it is given that each human beings life finds new, good, pleasurable and positive directions again and again, both spontaneous and also well-considered in many ways. 33. Each human being shall in every respect endeavour during his whole life to fulfil it: with learning and gathering knowledge, with working for wisdom, with performing satisfactory work, with true love and harmony as well as through being intent on keeping peace and freedom.


Basic Rules of Man 34. Each human being shall always be open for all things, so he may constantly find much that is mysterious and exciting in his life, that which brings him surprise and astonishment, perhaps even robbing him of his breath in joyful shock and letting him be forever young. 35. Each human being shall always foster an open, good, loving, peaceful, harmonious and liberal relationship with all human beings, even if they are hostile towards him. As a rule, hatred doesnt harm the other person, but the hateful person himself because taking satisfaction in hatred becomes his own disgrace. 36. Each human being must always be open to questions about the meaning of life and the human beings existence, and he shall be in need of them, so as to ponder and to talk about them with his fellow-human beings, to gain cognition of truth therefrom. 37. Each human being must have the feeling and certainty that he can communicate and explain to the fellow-human beings that which is important to him, and in return understanding is given to him. 38. Each human being must have the feeling and certainty that his fellow-human beings do understand what depresses and burdens him, and that he may expect useful advice or some other help. 39. Each human being shall lead his life openly in such a way that it is of use and an advantage for himself in every positive way, and also for his family, his relationship as well as the community. 40. Each human being shall be intent to not avoid problems and conflicts, but to search for solutions (for them), and to overcome them. 41. Each human being has the obligation to build up sufficient self-confidence and healthy self-esteem so he can meet and master all tasks and difficulties that arise in life. 42. Each human being shall always make an effort to not let himself be upset, feel uneasy nor become unsure by any tensions that appear within himself or his fellow-human beings. 43. Each human being shall endeavour to shape each situation in his life in a conscious and carefully-considered way, if this opportunity is given to him. 44. Each human being shall form himself in such a way that he doesnt fall victim to shattering thoughts and feelings through unclear, confused and unpleasant situations. 45. Each human being must always be forearmed to meet thoughts and feelings of reluctance in a relaxed way, in order to deal with them correctly and not to be at their mercy. 46. Each human being shall endeavour to communicate with his fellow-human beings in order to express his own attitude and to represent his own opinion or learning interests. 47. Each human being shall determine goals in his life that he shall strive for and attain with forethought, attention, interest, motivation and self-confidence. 48. Each human being must consider his life worth living in every situation. 49. Each human being must always determine his behaviour by himself, and not by external circumstances, nor by fellow-human beings or by religions, sects, philosophies, science or and other ideologies. In the spiritual teachings the German word Empfindung and derivations like empfindungsmssig describe that factor in the human being's spiritual part which is called "feeling" or "feeling-related" in his material part. There is no word in English for Empfindung, just as it is also the case with the Gemt, whose counterpart in the material body is the psyche.


Being Oneself


Being Oneself
Being Oneself Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrti 5th February 1980 Billy Very many human beings are not themselves because they adopt as their own the thoughts, feelings and machinations of others, whereby they degenerate to anger, joylessness, hate, sorrow and worries, etc. Generally, the human being does not understand that when he is raked over by others with bad words and actions, absorbs these in himself and makes them his own, he is not himself anymore, but he becomes an imitation of one who causes him harm or damage in any form. Truly, distance must be taken from this imitation because, fundamentally, the thoughts, feelings and machinations of harming, ill, and damaging intent are not the concern of those human beings who are subjected to the aggression, but they are alone the concern of malevolent people, antagonists and self-proclaimed enemies, etc. And since everything is a concern of antagonists, a matter needing urgency is that thoughts, feelings, words and machinations, etc., created by antagonists are not absorbed and made one's concern, as the opposite unfortunately is the case for many, in which the human being is not himself anymore, but he turns into the imitation of one who provokes unrest, strife, hate and slander, etc. But to not let these unworthy things get to himself and in order for him to not dwell on anger, sorrow, worries and hate, there is only one possibility for the attacked human being, which consists in that his own thoughts and feelings are directed on not taking seriously the aggression of antagonists and always being clear to himself and saying to himself, the thoughts and feelings of hate, the hostility, the ill words and the slander and machinations are alone the concern of antagonists but not his own. Thus, it means: All attacks and problems of any kind of hostile-minded people are not my concern but solely and alone theirs, with which they damage themselves, with which they themselves must cope. Sich Selbst Sein Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrti 5. Februar 1980 Billy Sehr viele Menschen sind nicht sich selbst, denn sie machen sich die Gedanken, Gefhle und Machenschaften anderer zu eigen, wodurch sie rger, Freudlosigkeit, Hass, Kummer und Sorgen usw. verfallen. Allgemein versteht der Mensch nicht, dass wenn er von anderen mit bsen Worten und Handlungen beharkt wird, diese in sich aufnimmt und sie sich eigen macht, er nicht mehr sich selbst ist, sondern ein Abbild jenes wird, welcher ihm Leid oder Schaden in irgend einer Form zufgt. Genau von diesem Abbild muss aber Abstand genommen werden, denn grundstzlich sind die Gedanken, Gefhle und Machenschaften Leid-, bel- und Schadenwollender nicht die Sache jener Menschen, die den Angriffigkeiten ausgesetzt sind, sondern sie sind allein die Sache der belwollenden, der Widersacher und selbsternannten Feinde usw. Und da alles eine Sache der Gegner ist, bedarf es der Dringlichkeit, dass durch Gegenspieler erzeugte Gedanken, Gefhle, Worte und Machenschaften usw. nicht aufgenommen und nicht zur eigenen Sache gemacht werden, wie es gegenteilig leider vielfach gemacht wird, wodurch der Mensch nicht mehr sich selbst ist, sondern zum Abbild jenes wird, der Unruhe, Unfrieden, Hass und Verleumdung usw. provoziert. Um diese Unwerte jedoch nicht an sich heranzulassen und sich nicht in rger, Kummer, Sorgen und Hass usw. zu ergehen, gibt es fr den angegriffenen Menschen nur eine einzige Mglichkeit, wobei diese darin besteht, dass die eigenen Gedanken und Gefhle darauf ausgerichtet werden, die Angriffigkeiten der Antagonisten nicht ernst zu nehmen und sich selbst immer wieder klar zu sein und sich zu sagen, dass die Gedanken, Gefhle, der Hass, die Feindschaft, die bsen Worte und die Verleumdungen und Machenschaften usw. allein die Sache der Widersacher, jedoch nicht die eigene ist. Also heisst es: <Alle Angriffe und Probleme jeder Art des/der Feindlichgesinnten sind nicht meine, sondern einzig und allein deren Sache, mit der sie sich selbst schaden, womit sie selbst zurechtkommen mssen.> Angriffe anderer, sei es durch Gedanken und Gefhle, durch Worte, Hass, Verleumdungen oder Handlungen, drfen niemals zur eigenen Sache gemacht werden, denn grundstzlich sind sie ein Belang der Urheber, die selbst damit zurechtkommen mssen. Durch ihre Angriffigkeiten gegen Mitmenschen fgen sie sich selbst Schaden zu, denn ihre Machenschaften beeintrchtigen ihre eigenen Gedanken und Gefhle, wodurch sie friedlos und freudlos in sich selbst sind und bsem Frust verfallen.

Attacks of others, be it through thoughts and feelings, through words, hate, slander or actions, may never be made one's concern because they essentially are the concern of the creators, who must cope with them themselves. Through their aggression against fellow human beings, they inflict damage on themselves, because their machinations affect their own thoughts and feelings, whereby they are peaceless and joyless in themselves and decline to vicious frustration.

Being Oneself

Allgemein mssen Angriffe und Probleme anderer missachtet und in der Art und Weise pariert werden, dass sie die Sache, die Angriffigkeiten und Probleme der Widersacher und nicht die der eigenen Person sind. Nur durch diese vernnftige Einsicht sowie Gedanken-, Gefhls- und Handlungsweise kann sich der Mensch gegen Angriffe, Lgen, Beschuldigungen, Hass und Verleumdungen usw. anderer schtzen, weil tatschlich die ganzen bel und Probleme solcher Dinge nicht die der eigenen Person, sondern die der Angreifer und Widersacher sind. Die Angriffe und Probleme der/des andern sind nicht meine Sache, sondern die des Angreifers resp. der Angreiferin , das muss der dauernde Wahlspruch fr Angegriffene sein, die mit Worten, Gedanken, Gefhlen, Lgen, Problemen, Verleumdungen und Handlungen usw. beharkt werden. Und nur wenn in dieser Form die Gedanken und Gefhle sowie die Handlungsweise gepflegt werden, vermag der Mensch sich vom Abbild der Widersacher zu befreien und wahrhaftig sich selbst zu sein. Will der Mensch sich selbst sein, dann darf er auch keine Feindschaft ben, und zwar selbst gegen seine belsten Feinde und Widersacher nicht. Werden erstens die Angriffe und Probleme usw. der Widersacher nicht als eigene Sache betrachtet und als solche auf die Angreifer zurckgewiesen, dann gilt es als weitere Form, sich den Widersachern friedlich gegenberzustellen. Das ist in der Art und Weise zu tun, dass ihnen freundlich, liebevoll und friedlich begegnet wird, wie aber auch, dass ihnen bei hufigen und nach Mglichkeit tglichen Gelegenheiten gedankliche und gefhlsmssige Liebes- und Segenswnsche zugesandt werden. Das bewahrt einerseits davor, gegen die Widersacher selbst Feindschaft aufzubauen, und andererseits entsteht dadurch ein wertvoller Selbstschutz, der davor bewahrt, dass eigens ble Gedanken und Gefhle und dadurch Bosheit, Hass oder gar Rachebedrfnisse usw. entstehen. Das Ganze bewirkt auch, dass sich allgemein alles segensreich auf die eigene Persnlichkeit und auf den eigenen Charakter auswirkt und sich daraus eine vllig neutral-positive ausgeglichene Haltung aufbaut. Wie der Mensch denkt, so lebt er, und wie der Mensch lebt, so denkt er; und was der Mensch denkt, das ist er. Diese uralte Weisheit findet sich besttigt in der Gedanken- und Gefhlswelt und in den Handlungen des Menschen. Und wenn er sich wahrlich und bewusst bemht, seine sich selbst ernannten Feinde und Widersacher usw. nur als Menschen und nicht als Feinde und Widersacher zu betrachten und deren Angriffe und Probleme sich nicht selbst eigen zu machen, sondern diese auf die Urheber zurckzuweisen, um gleichzeitig liebe- und friedvolle Gedanken fr sie zu pflegen, dann schwindet alle Feindschaft, so am Ende des Lebens nur liebe Mitmenschen und gar Freunde, jedoch niemals Feinde zurckbleiben.

Generally, attacks and problems of others must be ignored and warded off in a manner that they are the concern, the aggression and problems of antagonists and not of one's own person. Only through this reasonable insight as well as reasonable ways of thinking, feeling and acting can the human being protect himself against attacks, lies, incriminations, hate and slander, etc., of others because, in fact, the entire evil and problems of such things are not those of one's own person but those of the attackers and antagonists. The attacks and problems of others are not my concern but that of the attackers must be the constant motto for attacked people who are raked over with words, thoughts, feelings, lies, problems, slander and actions, etc. And if, in this form, the thoughts and feelings as well as ways of acting are cultivated, then the human being can free himself from the imitation of antagonists and truly be himself.

If the human being wants to be himself, then he must exercise no hostility, in fact, not even against his most wicked enemies and antagonists. If firstly the attacks and problems, etc., of antagonists are not considered as his own concern and are turned away as such to the attackers, then it is considered as more progressive form to peacefully confront the antagonists. This is to be done in such a way that they are kindly, lovingly and peacefully met, and also that during frequent and as-daily-as-possible opportunities, wishes of love and blessings are mentally and feelingly sent to them. This, on the one hand, prevents hostility towards the antagonists themselves from building up, and on the other hand, through this develops a valuable self-protection that prevents particularly evil thoughts and feelings and thereby malice, hate or the need for revenge, etc., from developing. The entire thing in fact has such an effect that, in general, everything has a beneficial impact on his own personality and on his own character and, out of that, a completely neutral-positive balanced attitude builds up. How the human being thinks, thus he lives, and how the human being lives, thus he thinks; and what the human being thinks, that he is. This ancient wisdom is confirmed in the world of thoughts and feelings and in the actions of the human being. And if he truly and consciously tries to regard self-proclaimed enemies and antagonists, etc., only as human beings and not as enemies and antagonists and not to adopt their attacks and problems as his own but to turn these away to the creators, to simultaneously cultivate loving and peaceful thoughts for them, then all hostility fades, then only loving fellow human beings and friends, but never enemies, remain at the end of his life.

References [1]

Concentration Exercises


Concentration Exercises
Hello everyone, The true spiritual teachings which BEAM (Billy Eduard Albert Meier) and the Plejaren people present to us in the 21st century have to do with many things, but one of the most important things is Meditation. Through meditation, you can find inner peace, peace amongst the people close to you, and help bring peace to the world (Salome Peace Meditation). But meditation isn't something you hear about one day, and start practicing the next. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to be able to learn how to practice it correctly. Meditation is all about CONCENTRATION if you do not concentrate, you are not meditating correctly and your attempt is futile. Since concentration is something that is so important to meditation, and is not something that you will master in a day or two, here is a course that will help those interested in learning how to meditate, build up their concentration, and one day be able to practice meditation the way it should be. (All credit goes to Jacob of the FIGU forum for providing us with these exercises, which he learned from Billy) Concentration Exercises Sit down in a comfortable chair three feet away from a burning candle. Totally relaxed, you observe the lower part of the candle flame for five minutes, no more then that. If you are unable to keep the exact time, use an alarm with a mild tone, so you are not startled. On the first day of exercising, its absolutely important that you JUST think of the word 'sun', and nothing else, using passive aggressiveness by ignoring other thoughts. During those five minutes ONLY and ONLY the word 'sun' is in your mind everything else during that time is foreign. The following day, add just one minute more, so when you started on Monday with 5 minutes, you concentrate 6 minutes on Tuesday, and so forth. When you reach the 12-minute mark, you blank your mind TOTALLY for 12 minutes during 6 days. After these 6 days you can extend the concentration time from 12 to 15 minutes and just think of a golden or red rose in your thoughts again ALL other thoughts are alien and irrelevant in that time-period. Then you reach a stage where you just have wishful daydreams (preferably one that can be realized) during those 15 minutes of concentration. You can still use the candle flame as a focal point. The schedule: Day 1 - 5 Minutes 'Sun' Day 2 - 6 Minutes 'Sun' Day 3 - 7 Minutes 'Sun' Day 4 - 8 Minutes 'Sun' Day 5 - 9 Minutes 'Sun' Day 6 - 10 Minutes 'Sun' Day 7 - 11 Minutes 'Sun' Day 8 - 12 Minutes 'Sun' Day 9 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless' (Think of nothing) Day 10 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless' Day 11 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless'

Day 12 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless' Day 13 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless' Day 14 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless'

Concentration Exercises Day 15 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose' Day 16 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose' Day 17 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose' Day 18 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose' Day 19 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose' Day 20 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose' Day 21 - 15 Minutes 'Wishful dream'


These exercises will enable you to have peace of mind, so that your consciousness is (more) free of random and irrelevant thoughts, it will give peace in the Psyche and it will give you much needed TIME between thinking and acting, and thus preventing acting on thoughts or feelings which can bring harm to oneself or others. The results of these exercises WON'T come easy. It's not a one-month, half-baked course. Only strict practice and continuous repetition will bear fruit. Don't be disappointed when your results are not what you expect on the first time. Try, try and try again the real effort and reward is in both reaching your goal and by walking the path that leads to that goal.

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Excerpt from "Stimme der Wassermannzeit #141, pp. 1-10 Author: "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier Translator: Vibka Wallder Please note that this is an unofficial FIGU translation and may contain errors.
English Concentration Meditation Sleep Concentration is a state of consciousness in which the human being consciously gathers himself in a mental and feeling-related manner and precisely directs his perception and attention towards a certain and the interest serving fulfilment . The normal state of consciousness is not concentrated, but anchors in an absent-mindedness and fleetingness by which no real concentration is effective. The usual state of consciousness is far too uncontrolled, too weak and too volatile to be able to understand the nature of reality, or to be able to understand the reality in its true existence. German Konzentration Meditation Schlaf Die Konzentration ist ein Bewusstseinszustand, in dem sich der Mensch bewusst gedanklich und gefhlsmssig sammelt und seine Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit punktgenau auf ein bestimmtes und dem Interesse dienendes Ziel ausrichtet. Der normale Bewusstseinszustand ist nicht konzentriert, sondern ankert in einer Zerstreutheit und Flchtigkeit, durch die keine eigentliche Konzentration zur Geltung kommt. Der gewhnliche Bewusstseinszustand ist viel zu unkontrolliert, zu schwach und zu sprunghaft, um das Wesen der Realitt erfassen zu knnen resp. um die Wirklichkeit in ihrer tatschlichen Existenz begreifen zu knnen. Soll also etwas begriffen und verstanden werden, dann bedarf es einer intentionalen Konzentration auf den bestimmten Faktor, der als verdienstvolles Ziel ins Auge gefasst resp. auf den die Konzentration und das Interesse ausgerichtet wird.

Therefore if something is meant to be comprehended and understood, then an intentional concentration towards the predetermined factor is required, which is envisaged as a meritorious fulfilment or on which the concentration and interest is directed.

In order to comprehend and understand the nature of reality it is absolute Um das Wesen der Realitt zu begreifen und zu verstehen, ist es necessary to comprehend reality in its complete extensiveness. unbedingt erforderlich, die Wirklichkeit in ihrer ganzen Umfnglichkeit zu erfassen. Therefore if the human being wants to free himself or his fellow human beings from lack of understanding, then he must direct himself to it in a concentrative way. Thus it is necessary to train the consciousness in such a way that it becomes a useful tool with which everything can be clearly recognised, comprehended and understood. Will so der Mensch sich eigens oder die Mitmenschen vom Unverstehen befreien, dann muss er sich konzentrativ darauf ausrichten.

Dazu ist es erforderlich, das Bewusstsein dermassen auszubilden, dass es zu einem geeigneten Werkzeug dessen wird, dass damit alles klar erkannt, erfasst und verstanden werden kann.

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Das Bewusstsein muss zu einer Waffe gemacht werden, die dazu benutzt wird, wie ein scharfes Schwert all das abzutrennen, was zerstreut und flchtig ist. Es muss gelernt werden, das Bewusstsein zur bewussten und festen Konzentration zu nutzen, denn diese ist die bung, durch die alles das ausgeschaltet wird, was die Unkontrolliertheit, das Flchtige und das Zerstreute hervorruft. Durch Konzentration muss das Bewusstsein in einem Masse herangebildet werden, dass es kraftvoll und wirkungsvoll wird, dass es gesammelt, punktgenau und mhelos auf ein Ziel ausgerichtet arbeitet und auf diesem verharrt, bis es erreicht ist. Die Grundlage fr die notwendige Konzentrationsbung ist eine angemessene Motivation sowie der notwendige Wille und die Ausdauer.

The consciousness must be made into a weapon which is used like a sharp sword to separate all that is absent-minded and fleeting.

To use the consciousness for deliberate and firm concentration must be learned because this is the exercise by which everything is switched off that causes the uncontrolledness , the fleeting and the absent-mindedness. Through concentration the consciousness has to be trained in such a way that it becomes powerful and effective, that it works in a concentrated, precise and effortless way towards a fulfilment and remains with it until it is reached. The foundation for the necessary concentration exercise is an appropriate motivation as well as the necessary volition and perseverance. Since the beginning of time the human being has been given free volition, and with it also a consciousness that the human being can form and use according to his own volition, in fact both for the negative as well as for the positive, or for the bad as well as the good. Through the influences of the environment as well as his own illogical thoughts and feelings etc., from time immemorial, however, the human being tends to turn more towards the bad and negative rather than to the good and positive. Bad and negative characteristics, hatred, jealousy, strife, discords, greed and stinginess as well as unpeace, unfreedom and disharmony, joylessness, worries and sorrow etc. are results that have led to war, destruction and ruin since primeval times.

Seit allem Anfang der Zeit ist dem Menschen der freie Wille gegeben und damit auch ein Bewusstsein, das der Mensch nach seinem eigenen Willen formen und nutzen kann, und zwar sowohl zum Negativen wie zum Positiven resp. zum Schlechten wie zum Guten. Durch die Einflsse der Umwelt sowie durch eigene unlogische Gedanken und Gefhle usw., tendiert der Mensch jedoch schon von alters her dahin, sich mehr dem Schlechten und Negativen zuzuwenden als dem Guten und Positiven. Schlechte und negative Eigenarten, Hass, Eifersucht, Streit, Hader, Gier und Geiz sowie Unfrieden, Unfreiheit und Disharmonie, Freudlosigkeit, Sorgen und Kummer usw. sind Folgen, die seit Urzeiten zu Krieg, Zerstrung und Verderben fhren.

All of which are unvalues that are grouped in the term blindness, namely All das sind Unwerte, die im Begriff Verblendung zusammengefasst in the sense that they represent blindness towards the effective creational sind, und zwar in dem Sinn, dass sie eine Verblendung gegenber den principles and the innermost human nature . effectiven schpferischen Gesetzmssigkeiten und dem innersten menschlichen Wesen darstellen. Therefore it is important to eradicate these blindnesses in order to grant Also gilt es, diese Verblendungen auszumerzen, um dem wahren the true creational and human nature its fundamentally true place, from schpferischen und menschlichen Wesen den grundlegend wirklichen which being human in the real and true sense and real humanity evolves. Platz einzurumen, aus dem wahrheitliches Menschsein und tatschliche Menschlichkeit hervorgeht. This can only be reached through concentration, which is also a form of a valuable meditation. The importance of concentration lies in winning a comprehensive control over the entire consciousness, by which any desired fulfilment can be perceived, approached and reached. To reach this, however, it must be learned, because from nothing there comes nothing. Truthfully, the human being stands under the influence of his consciousness, which is formed by fleetingness and absentmindedness, which in turn lead an unconcentrated existence under the influence of blindnesses. Dieser Weg fhrt allein ber die Konzentration, die auch eine Form einer wertvollen Meditation verkrpert. Die Wichtigkeit der Konzentration liegt darin, eine umfassende Kontrolle ber das gesamte Bewusstsein zu gewinnen, wodurch jedes beliebige Ziel erfasst, angegangen und erreicht werden kann. Das zu erreichen, muss jedoch erlernt sein, denn von nichts kommt nichts. Wahrheitlich steht der Mensch unter dem Einfluss seines durch Flchtigkeit und Zerstreutheit geprgten Bewusstseins, das wiederum unter dem Einfluss der Verblendungen ein unkonzentriertes Dasein fristet.

This leads to the fact that the human being surrenders himself to bad and Das fhrt dazu, dass der Mensch sich schlechten und negativen negative thoughts and feelings, from which, in turn, bad and negative Gedanken und Gefhlen hingibt, aus denen wiederum schlechte und actions arise. negative Handlungen entstehen. Therefore the human being must endure his own insufficiencies and blindnesses and must accept these unintentionally, which continues until these evils are dissolved in a concentrated and conscious way and sent into oblivion. Demzufolge muss der Mensch seine eigenen Unzulnglichkeiten und Verblendungen erdulden und diese ungewollt in Kauf nehmen, was so lange andauert, bis diese bel konzentrativ und bewusst aufgelst und in Vergessenheit geschickt werden.

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Das Ganze der Verblendungen erzeugt dem Menschen Leid und Schmerz sowie Nachteile und Freudlosigkeit, nebst allen anderen schlechten und negativen Faktoren, die als eigens erzeugte Niedertrchtigkeit gegen sich selbst gesehen werden mssen. Um diesen Teufelskreis der eigenen Niedertrchtigkeiten, der eigens erzeugten Schmerzen und des Leides zu durchbrechen, muss das Bewusstsein umgewandelt und darber die Kontrolle gewonnen werden. Das Bewusstsein muss von den Verblendungen und Untugenden befreit und auf einen Pfad hingelenkt werden, der zu den wahren Tugenden und zur wahren Liebe, zum inneren und usseren Frieden sowie zur inneren und usseren Freiheit und zur effectiven Harmonie fhrt. Niemals darf der Mensch sein Bewusstsein unkontrolliert schalten und walten und von Verblendungen steuern lassen, folglich er sich auch niemals aufs Geratewohl in tugendhafte Gedanken, Gefhle und Handlungen hineintrotten lassen darf. Wahrheitlich muss er sich ganz bewusst den wahren Tugenden zuwenden und bewusst konzentrativ auf diese hinarbeiten. Konzentration ist auch eine Form der Meditation, und um diese erfolgreich zu gestalten ist eine klare Kontrolle durchzufhren, die in systematischer Weise angegangen und bis zur Erreichung des Zieles beibehalten werden muss. Wird das getan, dann erffnet sich eine klare innere Schau, die jedoch angemessen kontrolliert werden muss, ansonsten sie nicht hilfreich ist. Grundstzlich hat der Mensch die schlechte Gewohnheit entwickelt, sein Bewusstsein unkontrolliert und unkonzentriert berall dorthin schweifen zu lassen, wohin die Bewusstseinsausrichtung selbstndig luft. Doch wird bewusste Konzentration gebt, dann werden schnell wirkliche Fortschritte erzielt, wodurch die Fhigkeit entsteht, die Bewusstseinsrichtung schnell und bewusst sowie mhelos auf jedes gewnschte Ziel auszurichten. Bis diese Fhigkeit jedoch erreicht ist, ist es wichtig, die richtige Reihenfolge der Konzentrationsbung einzuhalten, denn wie bei einem hochragenden Turm erst ein richtiges Fundament angelegt werden muss, um dann darauf die Turmmauern aufrichten zu knnen, muss auch bei der Konzentration eine Grundlage gegeben sein. Diese muss von allem Anfang an in einer ausgeprgten Motivation bestehen, verbunden mit einem gengend geprgten Willen und gengender Ausdauer, worin auch ein Arbeitsplan integriert sein muss, der darin besteht, wie weit die Konzentration fhren soll. Und wie gesagt, ist Konzentration eine Form der Meditation, zu der die Fhigkeit erschaffen werden muss, auch die notwendige Achtsamkeit, Klarwahrnehmung, Klarsicht und die Selbstprfung aufzubauen. Das ist unbedingt erforderlich, denn dies entscheidet darber, ob das Bewusstsein die zielgesetzte Richtung bis hin zum Erfolg verfolgt oder ob es durch andere Dinge und Themen abgelenkt wird und dadurch die Bemhung versandet. Konzentration zu ben bedeutet nicht, dass stundenlang ein Thema oder Ziel kontrolliert verfolgt werden muss, denn zumindest anfnglich ist es besser, krzere bungen durchzufhren. Der Grund dafr liegt darin, dass wenn bungen lnger oder zu lange ausgedehnt werden, die Gefahr besteht, dass eine innere Erschlaffung oder Erregung erfolgt.

The whole issue of the blindnesses generates suffering and pain for the human being as well as disadvantages and joylessness, together with all other bad and negative factors, which must be seen as a self-created mean act against oneself. In order to break through this vicious cycle of mean acts, of self-created pain and suffering, the consciousness must be changed and control over it must be won. The consciousness must be freed from blindnesses and non-virtues, and be directed to a path which leads to the true virtues and to true love, to internal and external peace as well as to the internal and external freedom and to effective harmony. The human being must never allow his consciousness to uncontrollably do as it likes and let it be directed by blindnesses; consequently he also may never randomly stumble into virtuous thoughts, feelings and actions. Truthfully, he must turn deliberately to the true virtues and work consciously in a concentrated manner towards them. Concentration is also a form of meditation, and to do this successfully a clear control is to be carried out, which must be approached systematically and maintained until the attainment of the fulfilment.

If this is done, then a clear inner cognition opens up, which, however, must be suitably controlled, otherwise it wont be helpful. Fundamentally, the human being has developed the bad habit of letting his consciousness wander about uncontrollably and unconcentratedly to wherever the consciousness-orientation independently runs. However, if deliberate concentration is practised, then real progress is quickly achieved, through which the ability develops of quickly and consciously as well as easily directing the consciousness-orientation on every desired fulfilment. Until this ability is reached, however, it is important to keep to the right sequence of the concentration exercise, because as it is with a lofty tower where a real foundation must be laid first in order to be able to raise the tower walls on it, a foundation must also be given to concentration. This must consist of a distinctive motivation from every beginning, interconnected with a sufficiently shaped volition and enough perseverance, in which also a work schedule must be integrated, which consists of how far the concentration should lead. And as said before, concentration is a form of meditation, to which the ability must be created to also build up the necessary attentiveness, clear perception, clear-sightedness and self-proof. This is absolutely necessary, because this decides on whether the consciousness will pursue the determined direction up to success or whether it is distracted by other things and topics and the effort peters out through it. To practise concentration does not mean that a subject or a fulfilment must be pursued for hours in a controlled manner, because at least initially it is better to practise shorter exercises. The reason for it lies in the fact that if exercises are prolonged or too long, the danger exists that an inner weariness or conflict occurs.

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Whrt eine Konzentrationsbung lange, zwei oder drei Stunden usw., dann wird zwar die Zeit damit zugebracht, doch wenn das Bewusstsein in den Einfluss einer inneren Erschlaffung und Erregung gert, dann wird die meditative Konzentrationsbung unwirksam. Sie erreicht also nicht die Wirksamkeit, wie sie grundstzlich sollte. Also ist es von Wichtigkeit, erst einmal mit kurzen bungen zu beginnen, woraus kleine Erfolge entstehen, was dazu fhrt, dass an der Meditation auch Freude aufkommt, wenn sie durchgefhrt wird. Wird hingegen eine lange oder zu lange bung resp. Sitzung durchgefhrt, die unbehaglich wirkt, dann ergibt sich die Gefahr, dass alles abschreckend wirkt und dadurch das Ganze sogleich aufgegeben wird. Ist das nicht gleich der Fall, dann ergeben sich bestimmt beim nchsten Konzentrations- resp. Meditationsbemhen ungute Gedanken und Gefhle des berdrusses oder Widerstrebens, was eine usserst schlechte Voraussetzung ist und letztlich zum Misslingen und Abruch der Bemhungen fhrt. Werden jedoch kurze bungen resp. Sitzungen durchgefhrt, dann werden schnell kleine Erfolge erzielt, whrend beim Fortsetzen der Konzentrations- resp. Meditationsbung wirkliche Freude und gar Vergngen in Erscheinung tritt, und das nicht zuletzt deswegen, weil der Erfolg und der Eindruck der letzten bung noch immer gegenwrtig ist und nicht verblasst sein wird.

If a concentration exercise lasts long, two or three hours etc., then time is spent with it, but if the consciousness falls under the influence of an inner weariness or conflict, the meditative concentration exercise becomes ineffective. It therefore does not gain the effectiveness as it fundamentally should. Therefore it is of importance to begin first of all with short exercises from which small results arise, which leads to the fact that in the meditation also joy arises when it is practised. However, if an exercise or a session is carried out for too long a time, which has an uncomfortable effect, then the danger arises that everything appears daunting and the whole thing is thereby given up immediately. Is this not the case immediately, then most likely unpleasant thoughts and feelings of aversion or reluctance arise during the next concentration or meditation endeavours, which is an extremely bad prerequisite and in the end leads to failure and abandonment of the endeavours.

However, if short exercises or sessions are carried out, then quickly small successes are achieved, whilst during the continuation of the concentration or meditation practice real joy and even pleasure appears, and this not least because the success and feeling of the last exercise is still present and will not have been faded away.

For the consciousness-related and concentrative practice sleep also plays Fr die bewusstseinsmssige und konzentrative Praxis spielt auch der a weighty role. Schlaf eine gewichtige Rolle. Of special importance is thereby, not to sleep into the late morning hours Von besonderer Bedeutung ist dabei, dass nicht in die spten or during the day, as well as not only the last hours of the night. Morgenstunden hinein oder tagsber geschlafen wird, wie auch nicht nur die letzten Stunden der Nacht. This should be held in such a way, unless a special reason exists to keep to other than normal bed times, which should be, as a rule, from the early evening up to the early morning. However, this does not apply to the so-called night owls, to whom the night serves as working time, who then retire to lie down and enjoy enough sleep in the early morning hours. For a certain time span the human being must come to rest in sleep, whereby the necessary bedtime varies from human being to human being. However, human beings of industrialised countries have a particular sickening and strange habit concerning this, because in the evening and at night they chase their pleasures and hence proceed very late to a night's rest, in order to consequently get up either unrested, or not until the late morning or day hours. However, this corresponds not only to a very unhealthy and illness-supporting way of life, but it thereby also impairs the power of concentration in a manner that erratic thoughts, feelings and actions arise. Nevertheless, as has been said since time immemorial: Sleep is a changeable factor of consciousness, and thoughts, feelings and actions form accordingly. Das sollte so gehalten werden, wenn nicht eine besondere Veranlassung besteht, andere als normale Schlafenszeiten einzuhalten, die in der Regel vom frhen Abend bis zum frhen Morgen sein sollten. Das trifft jedoch nicht zu auf sogenannte Nachtmenschen, denen die Nacht als Arbeitszeit dient, die dann jedoch in den frhen Morgenstunden sich zur Ruhe legen und gengend Schlaf geniessen. Eine bestimmte Zeitspanne lange muss der Mensch im Schlaf zur Ruhe kommen, wobei die notwendige Schlafenszeit jedoch von Mensch zu Mensch verschieden ist. Die Menschen der Industriestaaten haben diesbezglich jedoch eine besondere, eine krankmachende und seltsame Angewohnheit, denn am Abend und in der Nacht jagen sie ihren Vergngungen nach und begeben sich daher sehr spt zur Nachtruhe, um dementsprechend unausgeruht oder erst in den spten Morgen- oder Tagesstunden wieder aufzustehen. Das aber entspricht nicht nur einer sehr ungesunden und krankheitsfrdernden Lebensweise, sondern es wird dadurch auch die Kraft der Konzentration dermassen beeintrchtigt, dass fahrige Gedanken, Gefhle und Handlungen entstehen. Wie heisst es doch seit alters her: Der Schlaf ist ein wandelbarer Bewusstseinsfaktor, demgemss sich die Gedanken, Gefhle und Handlungen formen.

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Ist das Bewusstsein durch Schlafstrungen und Schlafmangel beeintrchtigt, dann treten beim Schlafengehen unkonzentriert und unkontrolliert ungute und negative Gedanken und Gefhle in Erscheinung, die sich auch auf die Traumwelt auswirken und diese strend beeinflussen. Unruhiger und unerholsamer Schlaf ist dabei die Folge, in dem auch wirre, die Psyche und das Bewusstsein belastende und oft albmssige Trume nicht selten sind. Ganz anders ist der Ablauf, wenn eine normale Schlafensruhe eingehalten und auch eine gewisse konzentrative und kontrollierte Gedanken- und Gefhlsttigkeit betrieben wird. Werden beim Einschlafen konzentriert und kontrolliert tugendhafte, gute und positive Gedanken und Gefhle gepflegt, dann wird auch der Schlaf ausgeglichen, whrend sich die Trume in tugendhaften Gedanken und Gefhlen ussern. Daher ist es notwendig, vor dem Einschlafen in meditativer Weise konzentrierte und kontrollierte tugendhafte Gedanken und Gefhle zu pflegen. Solche Gedanken und Gefhle knnen sich z.B. auf das Entwickeln des Mitgefhls fr die Mitmenschen sowie fr die Fauna und Flora ausrichten usw., doch sind die diesartigen Mglichkeiten unbegrenzt.

If the consciousness is impaired by sleep disorders or sleep deprivation then, whilst settling, unconcentrated and uncontrolled bad and negative thoughts and feelings arise, which have an effect on the dream world and have a disruptive influence.

In this process fitful and unrestful sleep is the result, in which also confused, psyche and consciousness overloading and often nightmare-type dreams are not rare. The process is very different when a normal bedtime is kept and also a certain controlled activity of thought and feeling is practised.

If on falling asleep virtuous, good and positive thoughts and feelings are cultivated in a concentrated and controlled way, then the sleep is also balanced, while dreams express themselves in virtuous thoughts and feelings. Hence, it is necessary to cultivate concentrated and controlled virtuous thoughts and feelings in a meditative manner before falling asleep.

Such thoughts and feelings for example can be directed towards the development of feelings for ones fellow human beings as well as for fauna and flora, etc.; however, the opportunities in this regard are boundless. Meditative concentration and control concerning good and positive thoughts, feelings and actions strengthen on the one hand the consciousness and the psyche, on the other hand also the personality and the character in all its variations. The entire mental block becomes an immense might which is in any respect of great benefit to the consciousness-related development in daily life within the personal framework as well as in the environment and in dealing with the fellow humans and the fauna and flora.

Meditative Konzentration und Kontrolle in bezug auf gute und positive Gedanken, Gefhle und Handlungen strken einerseits das Bewusstsein und den Psychezustand, wie aber auch die Persnlichkeit und den Charakter in allen seinen Variationen. Der gesamte Mentalblock wird zu einer gewaltigen Macht, die in jeglicher Beziehung der bewusstseinsmssigen Entwicklung sowie im tglichen Leben in persnlichem Rahmen sowie in der Umwelt und im Umgang mit den Mitmenschen und der Fauna und Flora von grossem Nutzen ist. Auch die krperliche Reinlichkeit ist von Bedeutung in bezug auf den Schlaf: Wird den Richtlinien der Geisteslehre gefolgt, dann sollte vor dem Schlafengehen eine kleine Krperwaschung mit blossem Wasser Pflicht sein, wobei es keine Rolle spielt, ob das Wasser kalt oder warm ist. Wird die Konzentration und Kontrolle auf diese kleine Reinigung ausgerichtet, dann wirkt sich das auf das Wohl des Krpers aus, weil dieser dadurch einen Vorteil gewinnt in der Form, dass er eher und erholsamer zur Ruhe kommt. Der ganz grosse Vorteil besteht jedoch darin, dass sich der Krper nicht bermssig entspannt und sich so in bezug auf die Physe nicht krftemssig auslaugt, was zu einem erholsamen Schlaf und zu einem erfrischten Erwachen fhrt. Weiter fhrt es dazu, dass kein abgrundtiefer, ohnmachtshnlicher Schlaf erfolgt, durch den beim Erwachen ein Gerdertsein entsteht, wie auch keine schlimmen Trume den Schlaf zum Schrecken machen. Eine gute Methode, um nicht im Schlaf dem Dunkel der Unwissenheit und dem Schrecken ausgesetzt zu sein, ist eine kurze meditative Konzentration: Meditative Lichtkonzentration

Also physical cleanliness is of significance concerning sleep:

If one follows the guidelines of the spiritual teaching, then before going to bed a little body washing just with water should be a duty, whereby it doesnt matter whether the water is cold or warm. If the concentration and control is directed towards this little cleaning then it has an effect on the welfare of the body, because it gains an advantage in the form that the body settles down sooner and more restfully. However, the real great advantage lies in the fact that the body doesnt excessively relax and therefore doesn't physically exhaust itself, which leads to a restful sleep and to a refreshed awakening.

Furthermore it leads to the fact that no abysmal faint-like sleep occurs, from which on awakening a feeling of being "quite knocked up" arises, as well as no bad dreams are making sleep a torment. A good method as not to be exposed to torment and the darkness of lack of knowledge during sleep is a short meditative concentration:

Meditative light-concentration

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Beim Zubettgehen wird die meditative Konzentration darauf ausgerichtet, sich eine Lichterscheinung vorzustellen, die in allen persnlich gewnschten Farben hervorgerufen werden kann. Dabei geht es darum, dass die Gedanken und Gefhle derart auf das Bewusstsein wirken, dass dieses bei geschlossenen Augen durch die konzentrierte und kontrollierte Vorstellungskraft die gewnschte Lichterscheinung erzeugt. Manifestiert sich die Lichterscheinung im Bewusstsein, dann kann zum nchsten Schritt bergegangen werden: Einschlaf-Meditation

On going to bed the meditative concentration is directed at visualising a light-appearance, which can be created in all personally-desired colours.

The important thing here is that the thoughts and feelings are effecting the consciousness in a way that it creates with closed eyes the desired light-appearance through the concentrated and controlled power of imagination. Once the light-appearance manifests itself in the consciousness then one can go over to the next step: Falling-asleep meditation

The falling-asleep meditation consists of two steps, whereby the first one Die Einschlaf-Meditation besteht aus zwei Schritten, wobei der erste der is the so-called active step and does not correspond to meditation yet. sogenannte aktive Schritt ist und noch keiner Meditation entspricht. This phase consists of being actively concentrated in the manner that all thoughts and feelings are deliberately switched off. Once the state of total thoughtlessness and unfeelingness has arisen, then the real meditation state of the falling-asleep meditation is reached, namely, the so-called non-active state and the passive state of the consciousness. This state is maintained, after which in the shortest time the consciousness drifts off into a dozy state and completely closes off all external and internal influences, by which sleep sets in. During sleep the meditation continues to be effective, whereby the consciousness connects itself with the data of the unconscious and subconscious, through which dream events then arise. If no meditative light-concentration and no falling-asleep meditation are practised, then dreams form according to the thought- and feeling-concentration in good and positive or in bad and negative form, always according to what happened before falling asleep. Diese Phase besteht darin, konzentrativ aktiv zu sein in der Weise, dass ganz bewusst alle Gedanken und Gefhle ausgeschaltet werden. Ist der Zustand der vlligen Gedanken- und Gefhllosigkeit entstanden, dann ist damit der eigentliche Meditationsstand der Einschlaf-Meditation erreicht, und zwar der sogenannte Nichtaktivzustand und Passivzustand des Bewusstseins. Dieser Zustand wird beibehalten, wonach in krzester Zeit das Bewusstsein in einen Dmmerzustand bergeht und sich fr Aussen- und Inneneinflsse vllig verschliesst, wodurch der Schlaf eintritt. Im Schlaf wirkt dann die Meditation weiter, wobei sich das Bewusstsein mit den Daten des Unbewussten und Unterbewussten verbindet, woraus sich dann die Traumgeschehen ergeben. Wird keine meditative Lichtkonzentration und keine Einschlaf-Meditation betrieben, dann formen sich die Trume gemss der Gedanken- und Gefhlskonzentration in guter und positiver oder in schlechter und negativer Form, stets gemss dem, wie diese vor dem Einschlafen stattgefunden hat. Der Mensch sollte immer nur das notwendige Mass an Schlaf geniessen und nicht faul unntig stundenlang im Bett verweilen.

The human being should always enjoy only the necessary measure of sleep and not lazily stay in bed for hours needlessly.

Attentiveness and self-proof as well as the wish and the action to get up Stets mssen Achtsamkeit und Selbstprfung sowie der Wunsch und die after a sleep and to dedicate oneself to a useful day work must always be Tat im Vordergrund stehen, nach dem Schlaf aufzustehen und sich einem in the foreground. nutzvollen Tagwerk zu widmen. As a rule eight hours is the highest measure of all things concerning sleeping and lying in bed. More than that fosters laziness, aggression, moodiness, neglect of duty and disinterest etc. and moreover, it testifies to a weakness of character and virtuelessness. Before falling asleep and before a useful meditative concentration a special attention should be directed towards the activities of the day gone by, in order to let pass in review everything that mattered. Acht Stunden ist in der Regel das hchste Mass der Dinge in bezug auf das Schlafen und im Bettliegen. Was jedoch darber hinaus ist, frdert die Faulheit, Aggressionen, Launenhaftigkeit, Pflichtvergessenheit und Gleichgltigkeit usw., und ausserdem zeugt es von Charakterschwche und Tugendlosigkeit. Vor dem Einschlafen und vor einer zweckdienlichen meditativen Konzentration sollte eine besondere Achtsamkeit auf die Ttigkeiten des vorgegangenen Tages ausgerichtet sein, um alles Revue passieren zu lassen, was von Bedeutung war. Eine andere Mglichkeit ist auch die, in Gedanken und Gefhlen die vorgesehene Meditation durchzugehen. Wird das eine oder andere gelingend getan, dann wird in der Regel auch im Schlaf nicht die Kontrolle verloren, folglich der Schlaf und die Trume tugendhaft sein werden.

Another possibility is also to go through the intended meditation in thoughts and feelings. If one or the other is done successfully, then, as a rule, control is not lost during sleep, consequently sleep and dreams will be virtuous.

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Weiter ist es aber auch mglich, im Schlaf und whrend des Trumens tugendhaft zu sein und also konzentriert und kontrolliert tugendhafte Gedanken und Gefhle zu pflegen. Dadurch wird das Vermgen gegeben, im Schlaf die Trume zu steuern resp. ihnen meditativ konzentrativ einen gewnschten Weg zu geben, dem sie auch Folge leisten werden. Ein weiterer Erfolg, der daraus resultiert ist der, dass beim Aufwachen eine klare mentale Wahrheit gegeben ist, folglich ein sehr klarer Bewusstseinszustand vorherrscht, auch wenn die Ebenen des Sinnesbewusstseins ihre Macht noch nicht wieder erlangt haben. Wird der klare Bewusstseinszustand dann gebraucht, um analytische Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen usw. durchzufhren, dann ist eine hochgradige Effectivitt gegeben.

Furthermore it is also possible to be virtuous during sleep and whilst dreaming, and thus to care for virtuous thoughts and feelings in a concentrated and controlled manner. Thereby the ability is given to direct the dreams during sleep, or to give them a desired direction in a meditative concentrative way, which they will also follow. Another success resulting from it is that on waking a clear mental truth is given; consequently a very clear state of consciousness prevails, even if the levels of the sensory consciousness have not attained their might yet again. If the clear state of consciousness is then required to carry out analytical observations and experiences etc., then an effectiveness is given to a high degree.

It is necessary that a decisive mental attitude is formed towards the exact Notwendig ist es, dass eine entschlossene Einstellung auf die bestimmte time at which to awaken from sleep. Zeit erfolgt, zu der aus dem Schlaf erwacht werden soll. Thereby, sleep should always be light and not heavy in order to also keep full control during sleep, just as it is also inherent to the creatures. Der Schlaf soll dabei immer leicht und nicht schwer sein, um auch im Schlaf rundum die Kontrolle zu behalten, gerade so, wie es auch dem Getier eigen ist.

Thereto, only a motivation as well as a decision and the volition to really Dazu bedarf es nur einer Motivation sowie eines Entschlusses und dem turn it into reality is required. Willen, es auch tatschlich in die Wirklichkeit umzusetzen. If this is done, then the ability is also created to wake up at the right time, as planned and desired. The whole thing is based on a power of the entire mental block, whereby everything can also be used to make proper use of the entire way of life and all aspects of life in general, and as a whole to direct all possible factors in a virtuous direction. Thereby, and this is another plus of the whole thing, very many bad and negative thoughts, feelings, actions, desires and wishes, etc. can be minimised or even averted. For the human being it is extremely important and of special value to always realise that there are both two forms of concentration and two forms of meditation. One form refers to the stabilisation, which means that the object of concentration or meditation is fixed and is made permanent and unchanging. The second form is that of analytics by which the consciousness carries out an investigation and analysis of what has been concentrated and meditated on in an observing and considering, researching, testing and investigating manner, in order to create from it a synthesis, that is a summary and union or rather a result. This analysis is of importance, because first of all everything must be processed, worked on, and everything must be undertaken to be able to use the whole thing. Everything must be formed in the right way, that's why it is mainly important to think thoroughly about all destructive characters and about all shortcomings in order to recognise, how and in what way negative thoughts, feelings and actions are released. Only in this way bad and negative blindnesses can be switched off and be overcome. Everything must be fathomed and understood using the analytics in clear-sighted wisdom. Ist das getan, dann ist damit auch die Fhigkeit dazu erschaffen, wie geplant und gewnscht zur richtigen Zeit wach zu werden. Das Ganze beruht auf einer Kraft des ganzen Mentalblocks, wobei alles auch dazu gebraucht werden kann, die ganze Lebensweise und alle Aspekte des Lebens berhaupt richtig zu gebrauchen und gesamthaft alle mglichen Faktoren in eine tugendhafte Richtung zu lenken. Dadurch, und das ist ein weiterer Pluspunkt des Ganzen, knnen sehr viele schlechte und negative Gedanken, Gefhle, Handlungen, Begierden und Wnsche usw. minimalisiert oder gar verhtet werden. Fr den Menschen ist es usserst wichtig und von besonderem Wert, sich immer klar zu machen, dass es sowohl zwei Formen von Konzentration und zwei Formen von Meditation gibt. Die eine Form bezieht sich auf die Stabilisation, was bedeutet, dass das Objekt der Konzentration oder der Meditation fixiert und bestndig und unvernderlich gemacht wird. Die zweite Form entspricht der Analytik, durch die das Bewusstsein betrachtend, forschend, prfend und untersuchend eine Ausforschung und Zerlegung des Konzentrativen und Meditativen vornimmt, um daraus eine Synthese resp. eine Zusammenfassung und Vereinigung resp. ein Resultat zu schaffen. Dieser Analytik kommt eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu, denn erst einmal muss alles verarbeitet, aufbereitet und alles unternommen werden, um das Ganze verwenden zu knnen. = bearbeiten Alles muss in der richtigen Form gestaltet werden, dementsprechend es vorwiegend wichtig ist, ber alle zerstrerischen Eigenarten und ber alle Mngel grndlich nachzudenken, um zu erkennen, wie und wodurch negative Gedanken, Gefhle und Handlungen ausgelst werden. Nur auf diese Art und Weise knnen schlechte und negative Verblendungen ausgeschaltet und berwunden werden. Alles muss durch die Anwendung der Analytik in klarsichtiger Weisheit ergrndet und verstanden werden.

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Erst wenn das getan wird, kann gehofft werden, dass eine feste Entschlossenheit entsteht, um eine wahrliche Konzentration oder Meditation durchzufhren. Der Prozess der Analytik ist gesamthaft eine einleitende Massnahme, die das Bewusstsein darauf vorbereitet, die Hauptkraft der Konzentration oder Meditation zu nutzen und Erfolge daraus zu gewinnen. Wurde dazu das richtige Fundament gelegt und das Bewusstsein durch die Analyse auf seine Aufgabe vorbereitet, dann kann jede wahrliche Konzentration oder Meditation durchgefhrt werden und zum Erfolg fhren. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, worauf die Konzentration oder Meditation ausgerichtet ist, folglich das Ziel sowohl Einsicht, Erkenntnis, Wahrnehmung, Erholung oder Stille usw. sein kann. Fr jede Konzentration oder Meditation muss immer ein Ziel vor Augen gesetzt sein, nmlich dass das eine wie das andere immer grosser Anstrengungen bedarf. Ohne Anstrengung ist kein Erfolg beschieden, denn die Devise ist: Von nichts kommt nichts. Anstrengung ist jedoch nicht einfach Anstrengung, denn auch Anstrengung muss gelernt sein, wenn sie sich entfalten soll.

Only if this is done, can it be expected that a firm determination evolves to carry out a true concentration or meditation.

The process of the analytics is on the whole an introductory measure which prepares the consciousness to use the main power of the concentration or meditation and to gain results from it. Has the right foundation been laid and the consciousness been prepared by the analysis for its task, then every true concentration or meditation can be practised and lead to success.

Thereby it doesnt matter what the concentration or meditation is directed to, consequently the fulfilment can be insight, cognition, perception, rest as well as silence etc. For every concentration or meditation a fulfilment must always be envisioned, namely that the one like the other always requires big efforts. Without effort no success is given, because the motto is: From nothing comes nothing. Nevertheless, effort is not simply effort, because even effort must be learnt if it is to be developed.

In the course of it the development occurs through the fact that a purpose Die Entfaltung erfolgt dabei dadurch, dass ein Zweck des Ganzen of the whole thing is recognised and this purpose is also understood, erkannt und dieser Zweck auch verstanden wird, nmlich dass er fr eine namely that it serves for a certain matter of a concentration or bestimmte Sache einer Konzentration oder Meditation dient. meditation. However, also the purpose of the matter itself must be understood, whereby the practise of the accomplishment of concentration or meditation becomes all the easier, the greater the understanding for the purpose of the matter and the more comprehensive the commitment for everything is. The personal commitment to true concentration or meditation depends, on the one hand, fundamentally on whether the necessary facts can be recognised or not; on the other hand, however, also the motivation as well as the volition and the necessary perseverance is decisive. Doch auch der Zweck der Sache selbst muss verstanden werden, wobei die Praxis der Durchfhrung der Konzentration oder Meditation um so leichter fllt, je grsser das Verstndnis fr den Zweck der Sache und desto umfassender das Engagement fr alles ist.

Das persnliche Engagement zur wahren Konzentration oder Meditation hngt einerseits grundlegend davon ab, ob die notwendigen Fakten erkannt werden knnen oder nicht; andererseits aber ist auch die Motivation sowie der Wille und die erforderliche Ausdauer dazu massgebend. Nicht vergessen werden darf, dass es auch unerlsslich und von grosser Wichtigkeit ist, dass in bezug auf die Konzentration und Meditation sowohl das Stabilisierende als auch das Analytische eine unbedingt entscheidende Bedeutung hat und als bung mit einbezogen werden muss. Leider ist es eine usserst bedauerliche und traurige Tatsache, dass die Menschen allgemein in all diesen Dingen unaufgeklrt und auch in vielen allgemein-wissentlichen Fakten mangelhaft oder vllig ungebildet sind, was in der Regel daher kommt, dass ein ungengendes schulisches und lebensmssiges Studium betrieben wird. Selbst jene, welche mannigfaltige Studien betrieben oder betreiben, sind darin eingeschlossen, denn ihre Interessen sind in der Regel rein beruflich und nicht auf eine bewusstseinsmssige Evolution ausgerichtet, weil ihnen der schiere Mammon sehr viel wichtiger ist als die bewusstseinsmssige Entwicklung und das wahrliche Menschsein sowie ein vllig gereifter und ausgeglichener, machtvoller Mentalblock.

It must not be forgotten that it also is essential and of great importance that concerning the concentration and meditation both the stabilisation as well as the analysis definitely has a decisive significance and must be included as an exercise.

Unfortunately, it is an extremely pitiful and sad fact that human beings in general are uninformed in all these things and are also deficient and completely unskilled in generally-knowing subjects, which usually comes from insufficient studies at school and in life.

Even those who pursued or still pursue manifold studies are included therein, because their interests are usually purely occupational and not directed at a consciousness-related evolution because the sheer mammon is much more important to them than the consciousness-related development and being human in the real and true sense as well as a completely mature and balanced, powerful mental-block.

Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Wrden sich die Menschen ernsthaft der Geisteslehre und der damit einhergehenden effectiven Konzentration sowie der wirklichen Meditation widmen, dann wrde ein derartiger Schub der Bewusstseins-Evolution stattfinden, wie das seit Menschengedenken noch nie der Fall war. Dadurch ergbe sich wahrlicher Frieden sowie wahre Freiheit auf Erden und in jedem einzelnen Menschen, nebst dem, dass jedem einzelnen Freude, Glck und Harmonie lachen wrde. Doch dass das nicht getan wird, ist usserst bedauerlich; und solange vom einzelnen und der Masse nicht versucht wird, die Analytik des Bewusstseins zu ergrnden und zu verstehen, um daraus konzentrativen und meditativen Nutzen zu ziehen, so lange wird der Mensch allgemein sich nur auf das Alltgliche und Banale des Lebens festlegen. Wenn er sich nmlich nur auf all das Materielle und nicht auf die Evolution des Bewusstseins festlegt, sich nur an das hlt, was er mit seinen Hnden und in seiner Gier greifen kann, dann schwindet seine wirkliche Intelligenz immer mehr dahin, wobei sein Verstehen fr die Bewusstseinsevolution immer schwcher wird.

If human beings would seriously dedicate themselves to the spiritual teaching and the accompanying effective concentration as well as real meditation, then such a boost of consciousness-evolution would take place as has never been the case before within living memory.

Thereby true peace as well as true freedom on earth and in every single human being would unfold, while joy, happiness and harmony would smile at each individual. However, the fact that this is not done is extremely sad; and as long as individuals and the masses do not try to fathom and understand the analytics of the consciousness, in order to take concentrative and meditative advantage from it, so long the human being will commit himself in general only to the everyday and banal things of life. Because if he commits himself only to all the material things and not to the evolution of the consciousness, only keeps to what he can take with his hands and in his greed, then his real intelligence dwindles away more and more whereas his understanding for the evolution of consciousness becomes weaker and weaker.

While withering away, he is neither able to create for himself knowledge Verkmmernd vermag er sich weder Wissen noch Weisheit zu nor wisdom; and clear insight, recognition and a differentiation between erschaffen, wobei von klarer Einsicht, Erkennung und Unterscheidung right and wrong are out of question. zwischen Falsch und Richtig keine Rede mehr sein kann. And this, human being of Earth, is dangerous and drives you into the deepest abyss into which you will ever fall. Admittedly, this time has not come yet, but it stands before the door, which is why it is recommended to you to step back quickly from the edge of the abyss, before you lose the last foothold and hopelessly plunge into the bottomless depth. Billy Und das, Mensch der Erde, ist gefhrlich und treibt dich in den tiefsten Abgrund, in den du je fallen wirst. Zwar ist diese Zeit noch nicht gekommen, doch sie steht vor der Tr, weshalb dir geboten ist, schnell vom Rand des Abgrundes zurckzuweichen, ehe du den letzten Halt verlierst und rettungslos in die bodenlose Tiefe strzt. Billy

English half [1] German half [1]

Conception, Consciousness and Personality of the Human Being


Conception, Consciousness and Personality of the Human Being

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

Original Author: Billy Translator: Willem Mondria Translator's Source: Zeugung, Bewusstsein und Persnlichkeit in Stimme der Wassermannzeit Nr. 143

A human being is produced from two material elements, namely the female's egg and the male's sperm. From the union of egg and sperm in the female's womb, a tiny embryo develops; the common fruit of two human beingsman and woman, the parents. The material, parental substances merge into a combination of egg-cell and sperm through the execution of the procreative act and they continue to develop in the embryo which lives initially only as an impulse-based naturally instinctive small body with no consciousness and personality of its own. This tiny body stems from two other fully-grown bodies and is just as material as they are, because the procreative act alone is just the consummation of a material process where the consciousness-form of one or even both parents is not transferred when the sperm and egg cell combine. If this were the case then the conceived offspring would have the same consciousness of one or even both parents which is absolutely not possible because, according to the laws of Creation, each consciousness is specifically related to only one single comprehensive consciousness block and this in turn is assigned to one single spirit-form. If it were not so, then what the laws of Creation say is impossible would occur, namely that two different consciousness-forms and also two different personalities could take possession of a human being, in fact already at the moment of conception. Truthfully, two consciousness-forms and two personalities can never simultaneously take possession of a human being, because this would be against the nature of the laws of Creation, and the Creation itself would reduce to absurdity. What appears to be different forms of consciousness and different personalities in human beings are the products of a single consciousness whose functioning through an illness like schizophrenia is negatively affected causing delusions which manifest as other and foreign personalities. These conditions of sick forms of consciousness are well known since time immemorial under the incorrect term 'possession'. In truth it is not a question of other personalities and forms of consciousness besides the normal personality and the normal consciousness, but rather of a developed psychophysical state of excitement which is normally connected with conditions of cramps and delusions. It is not the influence from some god, angel or spirits and demons, as wrongly claimed by religions and sects who want to drive out such spirits, demons or additional personalities through exorcism. When the egg and sperm unite through the act of procreation the consciousness and personality do not enter the fertilised egg which is contrary to what occasionally is wrongly taught. The fact is that during the three weeks after fertilisation the formless embryo grows as a tiny natural impulse-based pure instinct body. On the 21st day the embryo is then 'spiritually' animated when the spirit-form reincarnates into the embryo along with the consciousness and personality which incarnate through the comprehensive consciousness block. So the spirit-form and the comprehensive consciousness block's created part, the consciousness and personality, become the self of the conceived life form as its inseparable part. If the reincarnation of the spirit-form as well as the incarnation of the new

Conception, Consciousness and Personality of the Human Being consciousness and personality into the embryo has taken place, then the embryo is transformed from a pulsing natural instinct-based state of life into a conscious living process. This means, that the embryo no longer exists, but from now on the foetus whose tiny heart then starts to beat and to work. So the conscious life of the consciousness begins which exists in the foetus and in this form develops into a human being. The essential material components of the growing foetus come from both parents, but the forms of the spirit and of the comprehensive consciousness block, the consciousness and personality have nothing to do with the material components since they are of a completely different nature which the human being is incapable of influencing and determining.



What is the Creation?
Excerpt from Stimme der Wassermannzeit (Voice of the Aquarian Age newsletter), No. 89 December 1993 1. Creation is the immeasurable mystery suspended in immeasurable expanse. 2. Creation is identical to 'Universal Consciousness', which guides and prevails in the BEING of consciousness; it is a double-helix, egg-shaped configuration that simultaneously constitutes the Universe in its growing expansion. Its pulsating double-helix arms live as spiritual energy, while rotating against each other. 3. The Universe is Creation's internal and external body. 4. Creation through its entirety pulsate the Universal 'Gemt' (a non-translatable German term for the spiritual counterpart to the psyche) and the Universal Consciousness, the power of life and existence in general. 5. Creation pervades everything and everything pervades Creation, therefore forming oneness within itself. Within this oneness occur all life and all of the evolution allotted to it. 6. Creation has the identical developmental and evolutionary process as every life form, however, its values of time are anchored in very high values indeed. 7. Creation itself exists in a conscious creative state for seven Great-Times. Subsequently it lays dormant for an equal number of Great-Times, but this time they last seven times as long. Following this period, Creation is awake to create once again for a period seven times as longer once again than the previous one. (One Great-Time is equal to 311,040,000,000,000 terrestrial years; seven Great-Times add up to 2,177,280,000,000,000 terrestrial years, also called an eternity; 7 x 7 Great-Times make one All-Great-Time.) 8. Creation is The Creation and there exists no Creation other than it within its own Universe. 9. Creation is the Creation of all creations such as the Universe, the galaxies, stars, earths (earth is equivalent to 'planets' in this context), skies, light and darkness, time, space and all multitudes of life forms in existence, each according to its own species. 10. Creation is justice, love, strength, wisdom, knowledge, compassion, freedom, mercy, laws, directive, alliance, fulfillment, evolution, life, support, joy, beauty, peace, infallibility, equilibrium, spirit, forever, logic, growth, perfection, contentment, inexhaustibility, omnipotence, sweetness, infinity, solidarity, perception, harkening, elevation, the Sohar, gentleness, lucidity, purity, transformation, origin, future, power, reverence, allness and BEING. 11. Creation is the BEING and non-BEING of life. It is the most immense mass of spiritual energy in the Universe. 12. Creation is spirit in its purest form and immeasurable in its wisdom, knowledge, love and harmony in truth. 13. Creation is a spiritually dynamic, pure-spirit energy that prevails over everything. Incomprehensible for human beings, it is an active, creative wisdom in the midst of its own incessant evolution; it is all-encompassing for all times.

Creation 14. Creation is verity, the all-embracing, solace, comprehensiveness, guidance, equality, accuracy, cognition, empirical knowledge, admonition, discipline, recollection, revelation, praise, perfection, explanation and direction. 15. Creation is the path of life; it is nature, light, fire and contemplation; Creation is consciousness, and it is omnipresent. Glory be to Creation.



What is the Universal Material Belt?

An excerpt from FIGU Bulletin 5 by Billy Meier. Reader Question: What is the Universal Material Belt? Answer: The Universal Material Belt is that part or belt, respectively, of the Universe where matter exists, that is to say, planets, suns, galaxies, meteors, comets, gases, the entire dark matter and other things. All of these things exist only within this material belt, whereas no material whatsoever can be found in the internal and external belts (of which there exist seven in all). In the so-called Transformation Belt those forms develop from which matter develops that later exists in the Material Belt, hence in our visible DERN Universe. This is the only portion of the Universe we human beings are capable of seeing and exploring. We cannot see anything beyond it, for only total emptiness and blackness reign there. Absolutely nothing can be observed or detected -- even with the best modern astronomical or other extraordinary tools available to us. The inner and outer belts beyond our visible material Universe are practically endless, and are vast and dark if one excludes the innermost, radiant belt where the Big Bang originated approximately 46 trillion years ago. The aftereffects of the Big Bang continue to linger within the adjacent belt which, looking at it from Earth, is roughly 1.25 x 1015 light years away at its closest proximity. Terrestrial scientists are incapable of peering and listening into these depths of space even with the most elaborate super devices. And this indicates precisely the degree of our scientists' narrow-mindedness, when they claim the Universe is barely as old as

Creation the distance they can penetrate into the nearly endless space with their observation devices and contraptions. They do not have the remotest clue that the Universe extends far beyond what they envision it to be, and that it has six additional belts in total, which are void of any coarse material or matter. Matter itself is in constant transformation within the Material Belt and it is, therefore, subject to growth and disintegration processes. For this reason, matter can never be or become as old as the Complete Universe. At any given time, therefore, only young matter can be found in the Material Universe; matter that can, at best, be a mere 40 or 45 billion years old -- in a solid and compact state -- while the age of the Complete Universe beyond the Material Belt, respectively our Material Universe, amounts to approximately 46 trillion years. The attempt to schematically depict the Complete Universe, is an impossible feat due to its colossal size. Additionally, its spiral-egg shape complicates everything even more. Nonetheless, here is an attempt by way of a circular diagram, a model, to illustrate an overview of what our Complete Universe looks like, which bears the name DERN Universe. The sketched proportions do not correspond in distance with one another, of course, since this is only a schematic diagram; for more specific data regarding this material I suggest you read Guido Moosbrugger's lecture, as printed in our FIGU pamphlet "berdenkenswerte Vortrge" (Lectures to Ponder -- available only in German at this point). In Guido's illustration, belt #4 depicts our Material Universe, that is to say, the part of the Complete Universe where the galaxies exist with suns, planets, meteors, gas clouds, comets and so forth. The Ur-Space (#3) is the belt from which emanates the so-called background radiation that leads back to the Ur-Core (#2), the actual Ur-Layer, in whose center lies the Central-Core (#1) that constitutes the actual Big Bang location, the Big Bang Center. Beginning in the Ur-Space, matter starts its development and then passes into the Universe Belt, hence, our Material Universe. This matter consists of energy, however, which intermingles with other energy forms that penetrate from the Transformation Belt (#5) into our Material Universe. The energy matter from Ur-Space is POSITIVE, while the other matter from the Transformation Belt is NEGATIVE. As they join in the Material Universe, they develop into new energy forms from which, ultimately, coarse matter evolves. In the Transformation Belt (#5) the fine matter energies of the Creation Belt (#6) are transformed into energy forms that already extend into the realm of material energy. This makes them absorbable by the Transformation Belt, and they are turned into coarse energy. The Creation Belt (#6) absorbs the finest of energies from the space of the Absolute Absolutum, which is located beyond the Displacement Belt, also called Ram Belt (#7), whose function it is to nudge away the walls of other universes that float within the space of the Absolute Absolutum as well. The Displacement Belt also performs another function, namely that of absorbing the finest energy matters from the Absolute Absolutum sphere and passing them on into the Creational Belt. This process supplies the Complete Universe with all the indispensable energies it needs to exist. Although it created itself or, rather, was created through the Ur-Idea of the previous Ur-Creation, one can see that the Complete Universe nevertheless requires external energies -- in this case from the Absolute Absolutum -upon whose finest energies ultimately 1049 different forms of Creation depend in infinite number. Regardless of the fact that the Complete Creation, Universal Consciousness, or whatever one wishes to call the Complete Universe, is capable of supporting itself, it nonetheless requires some force, an energy, that enables the Universe to achieve it. This force or energy is provided by the Absolute Absolutum. The Absolute Absolutum is the only entity capable of passing on the indispensable and fundamental energies to all existing forms of creations within the entire vastness of all Creational forms, so that they, in turn, have the capability of being able to support themselves. And yet, even the Absolute Absolutum is dependent upon an external life energy, which it does not draw from a higher type of Creation, but directly from what human beings call Absolute Nothing. The Absolute Nothing does, however, contain the fundamental, finest energies from which the Absolute Absolutum self-created itself an unfathomably long time ago.




See Also
Spirit Teaching

FIGU Special Bulletin 51

WARNING: Article could not be rendered - ouputting plain text. Potential causes of the problem are: (a) a bug in the pdf-writer software (b) problematic Mediawiki markup (c) table is too wide IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read Important Information Regarding Translationsthis important information regarding translationsIntroduction FIGU Special Bulletin Number: 51 FIGU Special Bulletin Date: January 2010 Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg Date of Translation: January 2010 Synopsis Billy and Ptaah discuss the futility of providing predictions and the futility of the efforts of those in power who attended the recent Copenhagen conference and the pathetically insufficient agreements they managed to produce. The correct solution is again reiterated: population reduction through worldwide birth control. James MooreThis is only a portion of the entire contact. It is an unofficial but authorized translation and may contain errors.FIGU Special Bulletin 51 Translation An End To Predictions and the Failure of the Copenhagen Conference 2009 An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser SchriftWe (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of have been given permission by Billy Meier ( to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors. Please read this explanatory word about our translations. English German EXCERPT FROM FIGU SPECIAL BULLETIN No. 51, January, 2010 AUSZUG VON FIGU SONDER-BULLETIN Nr. 51, Januar. 2010 Extract from the 482nd official contact conversation of November 22nd, 2009 Auszug aus dem offiziellen 482. Kontaktgesprch vom 22. November 2009 Billy On the 14th of October, in our most recent private conversation, you mentioned, in regard to the predictions, that you would deliberate about whether such predictions should continue to be made or not. So what is the corresponding conclusion?Billy Am 14. Oktober, bei unserem letzten privaten Gesprch, hast du bezglich der Voraussagen erwhnt, dass ihr darber beratschlagen werdet, ob weiterhin noch solche gemacht werden sollen oder nicht. Was ist nun das entsprechende Resultat?Ptaah We have found that all the predictions that have been made since 1975 up to the current time have in no way borne any fruit with the Earth human beings. This has been just as much the case with your predictions and prophetic warnings, which were given no heed, consequently many things from your warnings have, in the meantime, come true, and also continue to come true. Therefore, we have come to agree that predictions do not cause Earth humanity to become reasonable. Therefore, we no longer want to draw their attention, by means of predictions, to what the future brings them in terms of evil. For three decades we have made the effort to warn the Earth humans through you and your mission, as you have already done again and again from your side for almost 60 years, which has in no way led to success. So, now we no longer want to prepare clarifications for predictions and we want to end our activity regarding that, which has always taken a great deal of time.Ptaah Wir haben befunden, dass alle seit 1975 bis in die heutige Zeit gemachten Voraussagen bei den Erdenmenschen in keiner Weise etwas gefruchtet haben. Dies ebensowenig wie auch deine Voraussagen und prophetischen Warnungen nicht, denen keine Beachtung geschenkt wurde, folglich sich viele Dinge deiner Warnungen inzwischen bewahrheitet haben und auch weiter bewahrheiten. Also sind wir bereingekommen, dass Voraussagen die Erdenmenschheit nicht zur Vernunft finden lassen. Also wollen wir sie nicht mehr mit Voraussagen darauf aufmerksam machen, was die

FIGU Special Bulletin 51 Zukunft an beln fr sie bringt. Drei Jahrzehnte haben wir uns darum bemht, die Erdenmenschen durch dich und deine Mission zu warnen, wie du das von deiner Seite aus auch schon seit nahezu 60 Jahren immer wieder getan hast, was jedoch in keiner Weise zu einem Erfolg fhrte. So wollen wir uns nun nicht mehr um Abklrungen fr Voraussagen bemhen und unsere diesbezgliche Ttigkeit beenden, die immer sehr viel Zeit in Anspruch genommen hat.Billy So, no more predictions. That is good and lessens my burdens, which have not seldom weighed heavily on me.Billy Also keine Voraussagen mehr. Das ist auch gut und schafft mir weniger Belastungen, die mich nicht selten schwer bedrckten.Ptaah I know that. Many things have also weighed very heavily on me.Ptaah Das ist mir bekannt. Auch mich bedrckten viele Dinge sehr.BillyBilly All that can certainly not simply pass over one without a trace. With the whole matter I simply find the stupid and stubborn behaviour of the human beings of the Earth extremely regrettable. Under no circumstances do they want to perceive, recognise or understand the actual truth, namely, that all evil, and the climate change with its natural catastrophes, is only their very own fault, which is founded in the rampant overpopulation. Admittedly, worldwide, there is talk about climate change; also at the climate conferences, as will also be the case again in December in Copenhagen. But nothing intelligent ever comes out of it. That will also be the case in Copenhagen where great and senseless words will be spoken and decisions, which are even more senseless, will be made by all those in positions of responsibility who shut their eyes and senses to the truth. There, stupid and silly speeches will be the order of the day, along with the fact that, as a result of this entire Copenhagen senselessness, enormous amounts of CO2 will be created through which the stock of oxygen on Earth will be even more impaired than it already, catastrophically, has been up until now. And, also, naturally, with the whole idiotic and dim-witted climate protection conference palaver, great masses of crazies from all over the world will organise demonstrations, and the required travel to Copenhagen will blow further enormous amounts of poison gas into the atmosphere, as is the case with the actual conference participants. Just in this regard alone both groups are equally stupid and daft and do not think at all about what they do just with their travel to make the climate catastrophe even worse. But, just as the conference participants will make dim-witted speeches and will decide on completely idiotic and ineffective measures, so are the demands of the demonstrators also dim-witted and idiotic, because they scream just as much for senseless and daft measures which are supposed to be decided by the conference participants and carried out by the countries. The demonstrators are just as stupid and daft as are the conference attendees themselves, in that they only scream for senseless measures, however they utter not a word relating to what the reason for the climate catastrophe is and what must be done about it. Es kann ja nicht alles einfach spurlos an einem vorbergehen. Beim Ganzen finde ich einfach das dumme und sture Verhalten der Menschen der Erde usserst bedauerlich. Unter keinen Umstnden wollen sie die wirkliche Wahrheit wahrnehmen, sie nicht erkennen und nicht verstehen, nmlich dass alle bel und die Klimavernderung mit ihren Naturkatastrophen nur ihre ureigene Schuld ist, die in der grassierenden berbevlkerung fundiert. Zwar wird weltweit ber die Klimavernderung geredet, auch bei den Klimakonferenzen, wie das auch im Dezember in Kopenhagen wieder der Fall sein wird, dabei kommt jedoch nie etwas Intelligentes heraus. Das wird auch in Kopenhagen der Fall sein, wo grosse und sinnlose Worte gefhrt und noch sinnlosere Entschlsse gefasst werden durch all die Verantwortlichen, die ihre Augen und Sinne vor der Wahrheit verschliessen. Dummes und bldes Gerede gehrt dabei zur Tagesordnung, nebst dem, dass durch diese ganze Kopenhagener Sinnlosigkeit Unmengen CO2 geschaffen werden, durch die der Sauerstoffbestand der Erde noch mehr geschdigt wird, als dies bisher schon katastrophal der Fall ist. Und natrlich werden beim ganzen idiotischen und schwachsinnigen Klimaschutzkonferenztheater auch wieder aus aller Welt grosse Massen Verrckte fr Demonstrationen sorgen, durch deren Anreise nach Kopenhagen abermals Unmengen Giftgase in die Atmosphre geblasen werden, wie im Fall der eigentlichen Konferenzteilnehmer. Allein schon in dieser Beziehung sind beide Gruppierungen gleich bld und dmlich und machen sich keine Gedanken darber, was sie allein mit ihrer Anreise tun, um die Klimakatastrophe noch zu verschlimmern. Wie aber die Konferenzteilnehmer schwachsinnige Reden fhren und vllig idiotische und unwirksame Massnahmen beschliessen werden, so sind auch die Forderungen der Demonstrierenden schwachsinnig und idiotisch, weil sie gleichermassen nach unsinnigen und dmlichen Massnahmen schreien, die von den Konferenzteilnehmern beschlossen und durch die Staaten durchgefhrt werden


FIGU Special Bulletin 51 sollen. Wie die Konferenzler selbst, sind auch die Demonstranten derart dumm und dmlich, dass sie nur nach sinnlosen Massnahmen schreien, jedoch kein Wort in bezug darauf verlieren, was der Grund der Klimakatastrophe ist und was dagegen getan werden muss. None of these brain-amputated demonstrators who go around bellowing, and, likewise, none of the brainless conference participants, have sufficient intelligence to recognise that the true reason for the stark climate change, and the resulting and incessantly increasing natural catastrophes, is the rampant overpopulation. They are all too stupid and daft to get to the bottom of the actual truth and also to understand it, and to understand that finally something must be done about the overpopulation, because only such measures can be effective. The fact is that, namely, only a very quick, regulated, worldwide control of births can be useful, as a result of which, very many more human beings die a natural death than are born. But that is something that not only the conference attendees and the respective demonstrators have to finally comprehend, rather it is something that the entire terrestrial humanity must finally understand and convert into action. Neither private desires for children nor the supposed private right concerning descendents can play any role in this at all. As a result of the overpopulation, created by the Earth human beings, and the climatic catastrophe which is thereby evoked, the human beings of the Earth must - as a result of their responsibility for the planet, its nature, the fauna and flora, as well as for the further existence of terrestrial humanity - rationally forgo their supposed right to simply be permitted to beget descendents according to their free will. The mass must be regulated and correspond to the responsibility regarding what is supportable and indeed without ifs and buts and without selfish affectations. The time, reason and the stark climate change demand that a worldwide, and radically effective, control of births is carried out very quickly so that the rabbit-like proliferation of humanity ceases and nature can again, in the course of time, normalise and regulate itself. Certainly that is a very, very long process which will be calculated in centuries, but it is actually the only way in which a solution will be approached and the need to be saved from the worst can be prevented. And furthermore to say about that is that everything catastrophic with which the planet Earth, its fauna and flora, the human beings, the atmosphere and, with that, also the climate, is afflicted, is criminal and is based on all the things that the human being of the Earth has created. To that also belongs the production of nourishment for all the human beings, through which monstrous quantities of poisons of all kinds enter the soil and the atmosphere, pollute everything and powerfully advance climate change. When one considers just the many millions of animals and all the other creatures that are bred as nourishment and, through whose breathing and colonic gasses, monstrous amounts of poison gas enter the air, then one can see that that is already a catastrophe. If then, in regard to this, however, one considers how much fodder this livestock needs, and how this could nourish innumerable human beings, because it is fodder that the human beings could also use as nourishment, then naked horror arises in the rationally thinking human being. And if, regarding this, one further considers that, of the 7,600,000,000 human beings who exist on the Earth today, 1,346,000,000 human beings are starving and innumerable die of hunger, then it must be asked; how long will it actually continue until the majority of human beings of the Earth finally are pregnant with intelligence and reason and begin to think and to act. There is unfortunately only a small handful of human beings of the Earth who are capable of using intelligence and reason and, furthermore, they are not mighty ones of the state, academics or others with big names: consequently, the simple humans, without great office and title, are not listened to when they have something significant and important to say. That has already been the case since time immemorial. Keinem dieser gehirn amputierten herumbrllenden Demonstrierenden, wie auch nicht den gehirnlosen Konferenzteilnehmern, reicht die Intelligenz derart weit, dass sie den wahren Grund der krassen Klimavernderung und den daraus resultierenden und unaufhaltsam weiter zunehmenden Naturkatastrophen in der grassierenden berbevlkerung erkennen. Sie alle sind zu dumm und dmlich, um der wirklichen Wahrheit auf den Grund zu gehen und sie auch zu verstehen, und dass endlich etwas gegen die berbevlkerung getan werden muss, weil nur solche Massnahmen etwas bewirken knnen. Tatschlich kann nmlich nur eine sehr schnell geregelte weltweite Geburtenkontrolle einen Nutzen bringen, durch die sehr viel mehr Menschen eines natrlichen Todes sterben, als neue Geburten stattfinden. Das ist aber etwas, das nicht nur die Konferenzler und die jeweiligen Demonstranten endlich begreifen mssen, sondern etwas, das die ganze irdische Menschheit endlich verstehen und in die Tat umsetzen muss. Dabei drfen die privaten Wnsche nach Kindern und das vermeintliche private Recht in bezug auf


FIGU Special Bulletin 51 Nachkommenschaft keinerlei Rolle spielen. Durch die von den Erdenmenschen geschaffene berbevlkerung und die dadurch hervorgerufene Klimakatastrophe mssen die Menschen der Erde infolge ihrer Verantwortung fr den Planeten, dessen Natur, die Fauna und Flora sowie fr das Weiterbestehen der irdischen Menschheit vernnftigerweise auf ihr vermeintliches Recht verzichten, einfach nach freiem Willen Nachkommen zeugen zu drfen. Das Mass muss geregelt sein und der tragbaren Verantwortung entsprechen, und zwar ohne Wenn und Aber und ohne selbstschtige Allren. Die Zeit, die Vernunft und der krasse Klimawandel fordern, dass sehr schnell eine weltumfassende und radikal greifende Geburtenkontrolle durchgefhrt wird, damit die karnickelhafte Vermehrung der Menschheit aufhrt und sich die Natur im Laufe der Zeit wieder normalisieren und regulieren kann. Zwar ist das dann ein sehr, sehr langer Prozess, der mit Jahrhunderten zu berechnen ist, doch ist es tatschlich der einzige Weg, auf dem einer Lsung entgegengeschritten werden und noch eine Rettung vor dem Schlimmsten verhindert werden kann. Und zu sagen ist dazu noch, dass all das Katastrophale, das dem Planeten Erde, dessen Fauna und Flora, den Menschen, der Atmosphre und damit auch dem Klima angetan wird, verbrecherisch ist und in allen Dingen beruht, die der Mensch der Erde erschaffen hat. Dazu gehrt auch die Nahrungsbeschaffung fr all die Menschen, durch die ungeheure Mengen Giftstoffe aller Art ins Erdreich und in die Atmosphre gelangen, alles verpesten und den Klimawandel mchtig frdern. Wenn allein an die vielen Millionen Tiere und all das sonstige Getier gedacht wird, die zur Nahrung gezchtet und durch deren Atmung und Winde ungeheure Giftgasmengen in die Luft gelangen, dann ist schon das eine Katastrophe. Wird dabei aber noch dessen bedacht, wieviel Futter diese Viecher brauchen, und wobei dieses unzhlige Menschen ernhren knnte, weil es Futter ist, das auch die Menschen als Nahrung nutzen knnten, dann steigt im vernnftigdenkenden Menschen das blanke Grauen hoch. Und wird dabei weiter bedacht, dass von den heute auf der Erde existierenden 7,6 Milliarden Menschen deren 1,346 Milliarden Menschen hungern und Unzhlige des Hungers sterben, dann muss gefragt werden, wie lange es eigentlich noch dauert, bis das Gros der Menschen der Erde endlich des Verstandes und der Vernunft trchtig wird und zu denken und zu handeln beginnt. Die Menschen der Erde, die des Gebrauchs von Verstand und Vernunft fhig sind, die sind leider nur eine kleine Handvoll und zudem nicht Staatsmchtige, Akademiker oder sonstige mit grossen Namen, folglich nicht auf sie gehrt wird, wenn einfache Menschen ohne grosse mter und Titel etwas Bedeutendes und Wichtiges zu sagen haben. Das ist schon seit alters her der Fall. Ptaah You have already taught all of that since your childhood, but, unfortunately, there are only a few Earth human beings who pay attention to your words, your warnings and your teaching.Ptaah Das alles lehrst du schon seit deiner Kindheit, doch leider sind es nur wenige Erdenmenschen,die deinen Worten, deinen Mahnungen und deiner Lehre Beachtung schenken.Billy Unfortunately that is true, at least in regard to the majority of all human beings, because it is indeed done here and there, however only sparsely, if one considers the great mass of humanity. And it is also these isolated human beings who are very grateful that I raise my words and teach the truth even if that does not please many adversaries, know-it-alls, stirrers and critics.Billy Leider ist das so, zumindest in bezug auf das Gros aller Menschen, denn vereinzelt wird es doch getan, zwar nur in sprlichem Rahmen, wenn man der grossen Masse Menschheit bedenkt. Und diese vereinzelten Menschen sind es auch, die sehr dankbar dafr sind, dass ich mein Wort erhebe und die Wahrheit lehre, auch wenn das vielen Widersachern, Besserwissern, Stnkerern und Kritikern nicht gefllt.Ptaah That will unfortunately also not change greatly in the present time. Consequently it will continue to only be isolated Earth humans who will turn to what you teach.Ptaah Das wird sich zur gegenwrtigen Zeit leider auch nicht gross ndern. Folglich werden sich weiterhin nur vereinzelt Erdenmenschen dem zuwenden, was du lehrst.Billy I know that. It takes time for everything, especially the truth, to penetrate and stimulate the human beings intelligence and reason.Billy Das weiss ich. Alles braucht seine Zeit, dass es durchdringt und den Verstand und die Vernunft der Menschen anregt, insbesondere die Wahrheit.Readers Questions English German EXCERPT FROM FIGU SPECIAL BULLETIN AUSZUG VON FIGU SONDER-BULLETIN No. 51, January, 2010 Nr. 51, Jan. 2010 Reader's questionLeserfrage Mr. Meier, I do not belong to any religion or any sect and I am just not sure what I should think about the minaret initiative [referendum]. What is you attitude, and that of FIGU, in regard to religions and to their sects? And what is it, in regard to faith and the believers? And what is your opinion in regard to the passing of the minaret referendum and the spreading of Islam in Switzerland, and outside of the Islamic countries in general? And what, fundamentally,


FIGU Special Bulletin 51 have you to say regarding religions and sects? Herr Meier, ich gehre keiner Religion und keiner Sekte an und bin mir nun nicht sicher, was ich wegen der Minarettinitiative denken soll. Was ist Ihre und des Vereins FIGU Einstellung zu den Religionen und zu deren Sekten? Und wie zum Glauben und zu den Glubigen? Und was ist Ihre Meinung zur Annahme der Minarettinitiative und der Islamausbreitung in der Schweiz und ausserhalb der islamischen Lnder berhaupt? Und was haben Sie grundstzlich bezglich Religionen und Sekten zu sagen? R. Knecht, Switzerland R. Knecht, Schweiz AnswerAntwort Your question cannot be answered with a few words, consequently I must range a little further afield. The FIGU society is independent, apolitical, free, mediatory and supra-denominational, which naturally also applies to my person. For the society, as well as for me, religions and sects are institutions and groups which are far from our everyday life and beyond the result of our logical thoughts and feelings. Religions and sects correspond to organisations and groups which stultify the truth and the consciousness and through which the human being is led away from actual reality and its truth, and, through which, by means of false teachings, he is beaten into serfdom and his consciousness is kept enslaved. This occurs along with this: that with nonsensical, false teachings, the believers are financially exploited, and not few of them are sexually abused, and so forth. For this, and other reasons, the FIGU society, and I, distance ourselves from all religions and their sects, which are atrocious, mighty enterprises and have, since time immemorial, brought misery and want, as well as terror, murder, manslaughter, hate, jealously, destruction and war over the Earth and its humanity - and also still do so today. Religions and sects are consciousness-stupefying spreaders of fallacious teachings, through which uncountable believers are led into error, are exploited and are kept far from reality and its truth. That, briefly, is what I have to say in regard to religions, sects and faiths. If further answers in this direction are important for you then I recommend to you my book, "God-delusion and God-delusion Disease". Ihre Frage kann nicht mit wenigen Worten beantwortet werden, folglich ich etwas weiter ausholen muss: Der Verein FIGU ist unabhngig, unpolitisch, frei, vermittelnd und berkonfessionell, was natrlich auch auf meine Person zutrifft. Religionen und Sekten sind sowohl fr den Verein wie auch fr mich Institutionen und Gruppierungen, die fern unseres Alltags und ausserhalb unseres logischen Gedanken- und Gefhlsgutes sind. Religionen und Sekten entsprechen wahrheits- und bewusstseinsverdummenden Organisationen und Gruppierungen, durch die die Menschen von der effectiven Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit weggefhrt, mit Irrlehren in Knechtschaft geschlagen und in bewusstseinsmssiger Sklaverei gehalten werden. Dies nebst dem, dass mit unsinnigen Irrlehren eine finanzielle Ausbeutung der Glubigen betrieben wird und nicht deren wenige sexuell missbraucht werden usw. Aus diesen und anderen Grnden distanzieren sich der Verein FIGU und auch ich von allen Religionen und deren Sekten, die greuelhafte Machtunternehmen sind und seit alters her Elend und Not sowie Terror, Mord, Totschlag, Hass, Eifersucht, Zerstrung und Krieg ber die Erde und deren Menschheit brachten und es auch noch heute tun. Religionen und Sekten sind bewusstseinsverbldende Irrlehrenverbreiter, durch die unzhlige Glubige in die Irre gefhrt, ausgebeutet und von der Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit ferngehalten werden. Das in kurzer Weise, was ich in bezug auf Religionen, Sekten und Glauben zu sagen habe. Wenn fr Sie weitere Antworten in dieser Richtung wichtig sind, dann empfehle ich Ihnen mein Buch Gotteswahn und Gotteswahnkrankheit. There is something to say, from my point of view and that of the FIGU society, as well as regarding our attitude concerning faiths, religion and sects, as well as in regard to our opinion about the minaret initiative and the spreading of Islam. We are, in every regard, absolutely antireligious. We belong to no religion and no sect and are also no such religion or sect. We also do not count ourselves as atheists, although, like them, we acknowledge no divinity because God only corresponds to a highly-imaginative and illusory fantasy of the human brain. Our teaching starts with a Creation Universal Consciousness that has a natural origin and evolutive form, from which everything came about in a natural way by means of evolution, and further evolves. The whole thing is based on a natural intelligence through which everything exists and develops, and which, however, does not interfere in any of the matters, of any form at all, of the creatures, respectively, creations which came forth from it by means of evolution. This is the reality and its truth, consequently we can assume from this to be knowing in regard to this, whereby this knowledge and this knowing is not compatible with any belief. Aus Sicht des Vereins FIGU und mir sowie hinsichtlich unserer Einstellung zu Glauben, Religion und Sekten sowie in bezug auf unsere Meinung zur Minarettinitiative und der Ausbreitung des Islam ist einiges zu


FIGU Special Bulletin 51 sagen. Wir sind in jeder Beziehung absolut antireligis, gehren keiner Religion und keiner Sekte an und sind auch keine solche. Wir rechnen uns auch nicht zu den Atheisten, obwohl wir wie diese keine Gottheit anerkennen, weil Gott nur einem menschlichen phantasievollen und illusorischen Gehirngespinst entspricht. Unsere Lehre geht von einer Schpfung Universalbewusstsein aus, die natrlichen Ursprungs und evolutiver Form ist, aus der heraus evolutionsmssig auch alles in natrlicher Weise entstand und weiter evolutioniert. Das Ganze beruht in einer natrlichen Intelligenz, durch die alles existiert und sich entwickelt, die sich jedoch in keinerlei Belange irgendwelcher Form der aus ihr evolutionsmssig hervorgegangenen Kreaturen resp. Schpfungen einmischt. Dies ist die Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit, folglich wir davon ausgehen knnen, diesbezglich Wissende zu sein, wobei dieses Wissen und Wissendsein mit keinem Glauben vereinbar ist. Our attitude in regard to belief and to the believers in religions and sects is very simple. Fundamentally we tolerate them all and do not interfere in their machinations. The religious and sect believers are, for us, no more and no less than simple human beings who maintain their own belief which is, for us, taboo and therefore incontestable. If a human being is a member of a religious or sectarian faith then that is his matter alone and is none of our business. Each human being can think and believe what he wants according to his conscience, as has been recorded, as follows, by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Unsere Einstellung zum Glauben und zu den Glubigen der Religionen und Sekten ist sehr einfach. Grundstzlich tolerieren wir sie alle und mischen uns nicht ein in deren Machenschaften. Die religisen und sektiererischen Glubigen sind fr uns nicht mehr und nicht weniger als einfach Menschen, die ihren eigenen Glauben pflegen, der fr uns tabu und also unanfechtbar ist. Ist ein Mensch einem religisen oder sektiererischen Glauben anhngig, dann ist das seine alleinige Angelegenheit und geht uns nichts an. Jeder Mensch kann gemss seinem Gewissen denken und glauben, was er will, wie das durch die Allgemeine Erklrung der Menschenrechte folgendermassen festgehalten ist: Article 18Artikel 18Freedom of Conscience and ReligionGewissens- und Religionsfreiheit Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Jeder Mensch hat Anspruch auf Gedanken-, Gewissens- und Religionsfreiheit; dieses Recht umfasst die Freiheit, seine Religion oder seine berzeugung zu wechseln, sowie die Freiheit, seine Religion oder seine berzeugung allein oder in Gemeinschaft mit anderen, in der ffentlichkeit oder privat, durch Lehre, Ausbung, Gottesdienst und Vollziehung von Riten zu bekunden. The FIGU society holds to that and therefore so do I, consequently we do not discriminate against any believers, and indeed it makes no difference which religion or sect they belong to. However, that which we do attack are the religions and their sects with their unbelievably consciousness-stultifying, fallacious teachings of the God-delusion and the God-delusion disease. These are schizophrenic products of delusion, which are, by means of false teachings, hammered into the believers through dishonest machinations and which impair the intelligence as well as reason and only allow them to make delusional decisions. Angst about a hammered-in, divine punishment does not allow the believer to be himself anymore, rather only to be humble before an imaginary god who screams for blood and revenge and who lacks any real humanity. With indoctrination, the religious representatives, such as priests, ministers, preachers and the pope, and so forth, as well as sect gurus, compel the clueless human beings with violence, false teachings and lies towards erroneous, delusional belief, and belief in God. This delusion establishes itself in them and is further inherited from generation to generation, consequently the human beings continue to become further removed from the effective reality and its truth. And what is thereby obtained is the fact that the faithful no longer have any of their own freedom and opinions, because, through the religious and sectarian indoctrination, they become completely lost and only orientate themselves towards that which the false teachings of the religions and sects wrongly teach and hammer into them, to become opinion. But exactly this indoctrination of opinion contradicts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which quite clearly and unambiguously demands that every human being has the right to a free opinion: Daran halten sich der Verein FIGU und also auch ich, folglich wir keine Glubigen diskriminieren, und zwar ganz gleich, welcher Religion oder Sekte sie angehren. Was wir allerdings angreifen, das sind die Religionen und ihre Sekten mit den unglaublich bewusstseinsverdummenden Irrlehren, dem Gotteswahn und der Gotteswahnkrankheit. Schizophrene Wahngebilde, die den Glubigen durch


FIGU Special Bulletin 51 unlautere Machenschaften irrlehremssig eingehmmert werden, die den Verstand sowie die Vernunft beeintrchtigen und sie nur noch wahnglubige Entscheidungen treffen lassen. Angst vor einer eingehmmerten gttlichen Strafe lsst die Glubigen nicht mehr sich selbst, sondern nur noch demtig sein vor einem imaginren nach Blut und Rache schreienden Gott, dem jede wirkliche Menschlichkeit fehlt. Indoktrinierend zwingen die Religionsvertreter, wie Priester, Pfaffen, Prediger und der Papst usw. sowie Sektengurus, die unbedarften Menschen mit Gewalt, Irrlehren und Lgen zum irren Wahn- und Gottesglauben. Dieser Wahn setzt sich in ihnen fest und wird weitervererbt, von Generation zu Generation, folglich die Menschen immer weiter von der effectiven Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit abkommen. Und was damit erwirkt wird, ist die Tatsache, dass die Glubigen keine eigene Freiheit und Meinung mehr haben, denn durch die religise und sektiererische Indoktrinierung gehen diese vllig verloren und richten sich nur noch darauf aus, was die religisen und sektiererischen Irrlehren als Meinung misslehren und ihnen einhmmern. Genau diese Meinungs- indoktrinierung widerspricht aber der Allgemeinen Erklrung der Menschenrechte, die ganz klar und eindeutig fordert, dass jeder Mensch das Recht auf eine freie Meinung hat: Article 19Artikel 19Freedom of Opinion and InformationMeinungs- und Informationsfreiheit Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Jeder Mensch hat das Recht auf freie Meinungsusserung; dieses Recht umfasst die Freiheit, Meinungen unangefochten anzuhngen und Informationen und Ideen mit allen Verstndigungsmitteln ohne Rcksicht auf Grenzen zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten. As a result of the religious and sectarian indoctrination, however, the believer no longer has his own free opinion, rather only the belief-delusion opinion which was hammered into him by religions and sects, consequently he, at least in this relationship, can no longer form his own opinion and also can no longer hold such an opinion. Therefore, only a hammered-in, terribly religious, and sectarian, opinion is held, through which religious hate also comes about. Fundamentally, in Switzerland we have freedom of thought and religious freedom as it is clearly and distinctly recorded in the quoted Human Rights article. Nevertheless religious freedom is disregarded, as is also the case with the ban on minarets. The threadbare excuse that the Islamic religion is not targeted with the ban holds no water because, for the faithful, a minaret with a half moon on the top is - like a church steeple - no more and no less a symbol of their cult's building and of their religious cult. The whole thing has nothing to do with extremism and terrorism, rather, singly and alone with a symbol of a religious cult. If now, insanely, a ban is decreed for the Islamic cult's minaret, as a result of religious hatred and race hatred, as well as as a result of disinformation and overflowing cowardice in regard to Islam - which in no manner is to equate with the terror of the extreme and radical Islamists - then it would only be fair if the towers and the ringing of bells of the Christian soul-launching-pads, with their rooster or cross of Christ on the top, were also forbidden. Church towers are also a sign and symbol of a religious cult, specifically the Christian cult, therefore also these need to be eliminated if the minarets of Islamic mosques are to be forbidden. The same would also have to apply for synagogues and temples if these had towers, minarets and the like as the cult buildings' marks of identification. But such a deed would actually be just as crazy as the ban on minarets, about which it can only be said that the Islamic believers and their dignity and equality and equal worth, as well as the sisterhood and brotherhood, are thereby also defamed and thrown in the filth. There is also an article about that in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was likewise disregarded by the minaret proscribers, and which says: Durch die religise und sektiererische Indoktrination hat der Glubige jedoch keine eigene freie Meinung mehr, sondern nur noch die ihm durch Religionen und Sekten eingehmmerte Glaubenswahnmeinung, folglich er zumindest in dieser Beziehung sich keine eigene Meinung mehr bilden und auch eine solche nicht mehr vertreten kann. Also wird nur noch eine stinkreligise und sektiererische sowie eingehmmerte Meinung vertreten, durch die auch Religionshass entsteht. Grundstzlich haben wir in der Schweiz Gedanken- und Religionsfreiheit, wie im aufgefhrten Artikel der Menschenrechte klar und deutlich festgehalten ist. Nichtsdestotrotz wird die Religionsfreiheit missachtet, wie das auch mit dem Minarettverbot der Fall ist. Die fadenscheinige Ausrede, dass mit dem Verbot nicht die islamische Religion gemeint sei, die zieht nicht, denn ein Minarett mit einem Halbmond auf der Spitze ist, wie ein Kirchturm, nicht mehr und nicht weniger fr die Glubigen als nur ein Symbol ihres Kultgebudes und ihres Religionskultes. Mit Extremismus


FIGU Special Bulletin 51 und Terrorismus hat das Ganze nichts zu tun, sondern einzig und allein mit einem Religionskultsymbol. Wenn nun verrckterweise durch Religionshass und Rassenhass sowie durch Desinformation und triefende Feigheit in bezug auf den Islam, der in keiner Art und Weise mit dem Terror der extremen und radikalen Islamisten gleichzusetzen ist, fr die Minarette des Islamkultes ein Verbot erlassen wird, dann wre es nur des Rechtens, wenn auch die Trme und das Glockengelute der christlichen Seelenabschussrampen mit ihrem Gockel oder Christuskreuz auf der Spitze verboten wrden. Auch Kirchtrme sind ein Zeichen und Symbol eines Religionskultes, eben des Christenkultes, also gehren auch diese eliminiert, wenn fr die Moscheen des Islam die Minarette verboten werden. Gleiches msste dann auch zutreffen fr Synagogen und Tempel, wenn diese Trme, Minarette und dergleichen als Kennzeichen der Kultgebude htten. Aber tatschlich wre ein solches Tun ebenso hirnrissig wie das Minarettverbot, zu dem nur gesagt werden kann, dass damit auch die Islamglubigen und ihre Wrde und Gleichheit, die Gleichberechtigung sowie die Schwesterlichkeit und Brderlichkeit diffamiert und in den Dreck gestossen werden. Auch dazu gibt es einen Artikel in der Allgemeinen Erklrung der Menschenrechte, der von den Minarettverbietern ebenfalls missachtet wurde und der besagt: Article 1Artikel 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Wrde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geiste der Brderlichkeit begegnen. And in regard to this - that all human beings are equal before the law - article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is also violated as a result of the ban on minarets. This is namely because, the Islamic believers, who are also human beings, as are Christians and other believers of other religions, are, with the ban on minarets, refused the right, which they were promised, concerning their equality before the law in regard to their right in the matter of religion, and cult buildings in accordance with their religiously defined building tradition. This description is not farfetched because with some intelligence and reason these facts can be derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Und bezglich dessen, dass vor dem Gesetz alle Menschen gleich sind, wird durch das Minarettverbot auch der Artikel 7 der Allgemeinen Erklrung der Menschenrechte verletzt. Dies, weil nmlich den Islamglubigen, die auch Menschen sind, wie die Christen und sonstigen Glubigen anderer Religionen, in bezug auf ihre Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz hinsichtlich ihres Rechtes in Sachen Religion und Kultgebuden gemss ihrer religis geprgten gebulichen Tradition mit dem Minarettverbot das ihnen zugesicherte Recht verwehrt wird. Diese Darlegung ist nicht weit hergeholt, denn mit etwas Verstand und Vernunft lsst sich aus der Allgemeinen Erklrung der Menschenrechte diese Tatsache ableiten: Article 7Artikel 7Equality Before the LawGleichheit vor dem Gesetz All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich und haben ohne Unterschied Anspruch auf gleichen Schutz durch das Gesetz. Alle haben Anspruch auf den gleichen Schutz gegen jede unterschiedliche Behandlung, welche die vorliegende Erklrung verletzen wrde, und gegen jede Aufreizung zu einer derartigen unterschiedlichen Behandlung. In its further meaning, equality before the law therefore means that, also in regard to their religious acquisitions, just as with religious cult buildings, human beings are permitted to erect such according to their tradition, and that it is nobody's business to forbid this, and it certainly makes no difference which religion or other cult it concerns. That is therefore also equality before the law, consequently the protection of the law also relates to human beings' religious and cultic buildings, which have, for them, a great ideological and psychic significance. To willingly offend against that, as for example, with the ban on minarets, amounts not only to a breach in regard to human rights, rather it is also a groundless impertinence and a catastrophic interference in the realm of the legally-guaranteed freedom of belief, and the associated cult buildings. When, legally, there is a freedom of belief and religious freedom, then that alone already also stipulates that every religious community of the faithful, and other kinds of religious communities of faith, must be entitled to their own cult buildings and, that is to say, in the normal, traditional context and extent. If this is not dealt with in this way then the law is disregarded and broken. And that is also true in regard to the Islamic cult buildings, respectively, the mosques, for which the minarets are the public symbols. Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz bedeutet also in weiterem Sinn, dass die Menschen auch in bezug auf ihre religisen Errungenschaften, wie


FIGU Special Bulletin 51 eben religise Kultgebude, ihrer Tradition gemss solche erstellen drfen und dass es niemandem ansteht, dies zu verbieten, und zwar ganz gleich, um welche Religion oder sonstigen Kult es sich handelt. Auch das ist also Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz, folglich sich der Schutz des Gesetzes auch auf des Menschen religise und kultische Gebulichkeiten bezieht, die fr ihn eine grosse ideologische und psychische Bedeutung haben. Willentlich dagegen zu verstossen, wie z.B. durch das Minarettverbot, kommt nicht nur einem Bruch in bezug auf die Menschenrechte gleich, sondern es ist auch eine bodenlose Frechheit und eine katastrophale Einmischung in den Bereich der durch die Gesetze garantierte Glaubensfreiheit und die damit verbundenen Kultbauten. Allein schon wenn gesetzmssig eine Glaubens- und Religionsfreiheit gegeben ist, dann bedingt das auch, dass jeder Religions- und sonstigen religisen Glaubensgemeinschaft ihre eigenen Kultgebude zugestanden werden mssen, und zwar im normalen traditionellen Rahmen und Umfang. Wird dem nicht so gehandelt, dann wird das Gesetz missachtet und gebrochen. Und das gilt auch in bezug auf die islamischen Kultgebude resp. die Moscheen, deren offenes Zeichen die Minarette sind. With the ban on minarets, not only is the dignity and freedom and the equality of Muslims put into question, radically curtailed and trampled under foot, they are also, in evil and gross measure, discriminated against and criminalised. This is a fact which, again, also offends against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is indeed clearly recorded and explained in the following: Mit dem Minarettverbot wird nicht nur die Wrde und Freiheit und die Gleichheit der Muslima und Muslime in Frage gestellt, radikal beschnitten und mit Fssen getreten, sondern sie werden auch in bsem und grobem Masse diskriminiert und kriminalisiert. Eine Tatsache, die auch wieder wider die Allgemeine Erklrung der Menschenrechte verstsst, wird doch da folgendes festgehalten und erklrt: Article 2Artikel 2Ban on DiscriminationVerbot der Diskriminierung 1. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. 1. Jeder Mensch hat Anspruch auf die in dieser Erklrung verkndeten Rechte und Freiheiten, ohne irgendeine Unterscheidung, wie etwa nach Rasse, Farbe, Geschlecht, Sprache, Religion, politischer und sonstiger berzeugung, nationaler oder sozialer Herkunft, nach Eigentum, Geburt oder sonstigen Umstnden. 2. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. 2. Weiter darf keine Unterscheidung gemacht werden auf Grund der politischen, rechtlichen oder internationalen Stellung des Landes oder Gebietes, dem eine Person angehrt, ohne Rcksicht darauf, ob es unabhngig ist, unter Treuhandschaft steht, keine Selbstregierung besitzt oder irgendeiner anderen Beschrnkung seiner Souvernitt unterworfen ist. If the ban on minarets is now considered, then it is clear that this offends, in its entire extent, against several articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That is not only very regrettable, rather also shameful for Switzerland, which up until now, had a good reputation worldwide as a state founded on the rule of law - a reputation which is now enormously tarnished with the ban on minarets. Besides that, I must say, as a Swiss citizen, that I am very deeply ashamed for all those who are responsible - to which not only the initiators belong, rather also all the voters who supported the ban with their votes - for this monstrous lack of tolerance in regard to the ban on minarets, and the associated hatred against Islam. Wenn nun das Minarettverbot betrachtet wird, dann wird klar, dass dieses im gesamten Umfang gegen mehrere Artikel der Allgemeinen Erklrung der Menschenrechte verstsst. Das ist nicht nur sehr bedauerlich, sondern auch beschmend fr die Schweiz, die bis anhin einen guten weltweiten Ruf als Rechtsstaat hatte, der nunmehr mit dem Minarettverbot gewaltig angekratzt ist. Ausserdem muss ich sagen, dass ich mich als Schweizer fr alle jene in Grund und Boden schme, welche fr diese ungeheure Toleranzlosigkeit in bezug auf das Minarettverbot und den damit verbundenen Islamhass verantwortlich sind, wozu nicht nur die Initianten gehren, sondern auch all die Whlenden, die mit ihrer Stimme fr das Verbot eingetreten sind. BillyBillyPopulation Time BombUnless rigorous and responsible efforts are taken by individuals in all governments and leadership positions to limit population growth by mandatory birth restrictions, overpopulation and its inevitable consequences will spiral out of control leaving humanity to torment in its own self-created misery. In a nutshell, the unchecked population explosion will ever increasingly multiply our global problems because it is the root cause of our problems. Here is a partial list of the effects of overpopulation: Depletion of all resources. Depletion of forests for


FIGU Special Bulletin 51 farmland and wood. Diminishing quality of atmosphere, increasing air pollution and lowering of oxygen levels. Extinction of flora and fauna due to destruction of natural habitats. Soil degradation as a result of over-cultivation. Increasing food shortages leading to malnourishment, starvation, diminishing health and disease. Decreasing quality and increasing cost of food. Depletion of fish stocks in our rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Poisoning of fresh water supplies due to industry. Overrunning of fertile land as a result of urban sprawl. Ever expanding garbage and dump sites leading to further pollution of land and water. Melting of the glacial polar caps due to global warming resulting in the flooding of low lying populated areas. Intensification of storm patterns which include typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes. Flooding and droughts. Desertification. Immense rolling fire storms due to the lack of moisture in conjunction with high winds. Tectonic displacements due to the immense concentrated weights of cities. Further destruction of the ozone layer leading to an increase in cases of skin cancer. Exhaustion of oil supplies, transportation as we know it will come to a standstill. Global tensions, vying for resources, water wars. Increasing criminality as a means of survival. Increasing flow of refugees from war torn nations into neighbouring countries leading to difficult economic pressures placed on the hosting countries and subsequently, breeding hatred towards foreigners. Further exploitation of the weak and vulnerable for financial gain. Increasing disease and epidemics due to the lack of sanitation, nourishment, etc. Sexual exploitation of women and children. Diminishing water supplies as a result of irrigation and consumption. Continued suffering of billions of animals inhumanely bred for human consumption. Cheapening of human life murder and the trafficking of humans. Diminishing quality of life. Increasing disparity between the rich and poor. Deterioration of infrastructures such as roads, bridges, sewage systems, etc. Exponential population growth compounding all of the above problems with no comprehensive solutions available. The forecast is bleak. The clock is ticking and the window of opportunity to avert the most unimaginable catastrophes and disasters is rapidly closing. Act now to educate and inform your fellow human and all those who have the might to positively influence change towards mandatory birth restrictions or else we as a species will inevitably have to face the calamities brought on by our own inaction and lack of foresight. Michael Uyttebroek, Canada Source An e-mail from gaiaguys


FIGU Special Bulletin 55


FIGU Special Bulletin 55

These are excerpts of the bulletin. This is an article from FIGU Special Bulletin 55, published in August 2010.

The Deadly Might Of Thoughts And Feelings

English Placebo preparations, (Latin: "I will please"), only appear to be medications and contain no active medicinal agent, but, in spite of that, cause effects in the human being, such as those which become evident with real medicinal medications. German Placebo-Prparate (lat. ich werde gefallen) sind Scheinmedikamente, die keine medizinischen Wirkstoffe enthalten, die jedoch im Menschen trotzdem jene Wirkungen hervorrufen, wie diese bei wirklichen medizinischen Medikamenten in Erscheinung treten.

Put another way, that means that human beings are, for example, Das bedeutet anders dargelegt, dass Menschen durch Scheinmedikamente freed from pain or are even healed of suffering by things which only resp. Placebo-Prparate z.B. von Schmerzen befreit oder gar von Leiden appear to be medicines, that is to say, placebo preparations. geheilt werden. In contrast to placebo preparations, there are the so-called nocebo preparations (Latin: "I will harm"), which, likewise, correspond to things which appear to be medicines, and so forth, and which fundamentally are also nothing other than placebos, which, as a rule, are made of sugar or other harmless substances and are therefore also called "sugar pills" and so forth. So, it can be said that placebo and nocebo preparations are essentially the same, however, are fundamentally different in their effect, exactly in accord with that which the patients, when they take such preparations, imagine in relation to the effect. The effect of placebo preparations is such that they act to promote health and relieve pain, or to even heal, while nocebo preparations have exactly the opposite effect. With the taking of nocebo preparations, which are truly also placebos, negative effects such as pain and suffering are caused as a result of the patient's negative imagination, therefore exactly theopposite of that which occurs when placebos, which are assumed to be means of healing, are taken. With the taking of nocebo preparations, when they are assumed to be damaging to the health or even deadly, that which comes about as a result of the imagination is: all kinds of pain, suffering, breathing difficulties, nausea and even symptoms of poisoning, dizziness, thirst, hunger, sudden sinking of the blood pressure, and all kinds of other things, which can lead to actual death as a result of the delusion. The might of the thoughts is always bound up with corresponding feelings, which do indeed result from the world of thoughts, and, in this combination, they form a deadly might, and also precisely in the context in which some preparation or other is taken - which is essentially only a fake medication, respectively, fake preparation or fake substance without active agents, and is completely harmless but which has negative effects and consequently, as a result of a supposition, introduces suffering, pain, or death. So, human beings who are weary of life, can, for example, form deeply impressed, dark imaginations of an imminent misfortune, or of their own deaths, which actually also then kill them. Gegenstzlich zu Placebo-Prparaten stehen die sogenannten Nocebo-Prparate (lat. ich werde schaden), die ebenfalls Scheinmedikamenten usw. entsprechen und grundlegend auch nichts anderes sind als Placebos, die in der Regel auf Zucker oder sonstigen unschdlichen Stoffen aufgebaut sind und daher auch Zuckerpillen usw. genannt werden.

So kann gesagt werden, dass Placebo- und Nocebo-Prparate eigentlich dasselbe, jedoch in ihrer Wirkung grundverschieden sind, eben je nachdem, was sich die Patienten in bezug auf die Wirkung einbilden, wenn sie solche Prparate nehmen. Placebo-Prparate haben so eine Wirkung, die gesundheitsfrdernd und schmerzlindernd oder gar heilend wirkt, whrend Nocebo-Prparate genau das Gegenteil bewirken. Bei der Einnahme von Nocebo-Prparaten, die ja wahrheitlich auch Placebos sind, werden jedoch infolge der negativen Einbildung der Patienten negative Effekte wie Schmerzen und Leiden usw. hervorgerufen, also genau das Gegenteil von dem, wenn Placebos genommen werden, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie Heilmittel seien. Bei der Einnahme von NoceboPrparaten, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie gesundheitsschdlich oder gar tdlich seien, treten durch Einbildung allerlei Schmerzen, Leiden, Atemnot, belkeit und gar Vergiftungssymptome, Schwindel, Durst, Hunger, schlagartiges Absacken des Blutdrucks und allerlei andere Dinge in Erscheinung, was bis zum tatschlichen Tod durch die Wahnvorstellung fhren kann.

Die Macht der Gedanken ist immer mit dementsprechenden Gefhlen verbunden, die ja aus der Gedankenwelt resultieren, und in dieser Kombination bilden sie eine tdliche Macht, und zwar eben auch in der Beziehung, wenn irgendwelche Prparate genommen werden, die eigentlich nur Scheinmedikamente resp. Scheinprparate oder Scheinstoffe ohne Wirkstoffe und vllig harmlos sind, die aber negativ wirken und folglich Leiden, Schmerzen oder den Tod herbeifhren sollen.

So knnen lebensmde Menschen sich z.B. tiefeingebildete dunkle Vorstellungen eines bevorstehenden Unglcks oder vom eigenen Tod machen, die ihn dann tatschlich auch tten.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Und wenn damit noch die Einnahme von Nocebo-Prparaten resp. von eingebildeten tdlichen Medikamenten oder sonstigen Mitteln verbunden ist, dann wirken die Gedanken und Gefhle effectiv als tdliche Macht, wodurch dann der Selbstzerstrungs-Code im menschlichen Krper aktiviert wird.

And if the taking of nocebo preparations - respectively, of imagined, deadly medications or other substances - is also bound up with that, then the thoughts and feelings have the effect of actual deadly might, through which the self-destruct code in the human body is activated. Through such a nocebo effect, medical symptoms can actually also then come about in the body: for example; demonstrable, real symptoms of poisoning. So, the belief alone - respectively, the delusional imagination - that something bad will happen, that suffering and pain or death will come about, can destroy the life of a human being. The nocebo effect is therefore exactly the opposite of the placebo effect, whereby, therefore, one must observe that, alone, the might of bad thoughts, feelings and imaginations - especially when they are determined by delusion - cause the human being to become ill and even suffer death. Hypochondriacs also live in such delusions, whereby they evoke serious psychosomatic processes of suffering, however they vehemently deny their hypochondria. The fact also is that placebo, respectively, nocebo, preparations, show demonstrable physiological results and therefore their effects can be proven. Along with that, it can also be proven that placebo preparations evoke a positive effect as a result of the imagination and nocebo preparations evoke negative effects as a result of the imagination.

Durch einen solchen Nocebo-Effekt knnen im Krper dann tatschlich auch medizinisch z.B. nachweisbare, reale Vergiftungssymptome entstehen.

So kann allein der Glaube resp. die wahnmssige Einbildung daran, dass etwas Schlimmes geschehen, Leid und Schmerzen oder der Tod eintreten wird, das Leben eines Menschen zerstren. Der Nocebo-Effekt ist also genau das Gegenteil des Placebo-Effekts, wobei also zu bedenken ist, dass allein die Macht schlechter Gedanken, Gefhle und Vorstellungen, speziell wenn sie wahnbedingt sind, den Menschen krank werden und ihn gar den Tod erleiden lassen.

Auch Hypochonder leben in solchen Wahnvorstellungen, wobei sie schwere psychosomatische Leidensprozesse hervorrufen, jedoch ihre Hypochondrie vehement bestreiten. Tatsache ist auch, dass Placebo resp. Nocebo-Prparate nachweisbar physiologische Resultate zeitigen und also deren Wirkungen nachgewiesen werden knnen. Damit kann also bewiesen werden, dass Plabeco-Prparate einen eingebildeten positiven Effekt und Nocebo-Prparate eingebildete negative Wirkungen hervorrufen.

If the nocebo is precisely observed along with any human being who Wird das Nocebo bei jenen Menschen genau betrachtet, die an die negative believes in the negative effect of the preparation, then it is apparent Prparatwirkung glauben, dann handelt es sich dabei um eine sich selbst that this has to do with a self-fulfilling, negative prophecy. erfllende negative Prophezeiung. It is thereby also a fact that the imagined, or true, knowledge about imagined, or genuine, side effects - as well as bad expectations and ideas - can exert a very bad influence on the health of the human being and make him ill or even kill him. Tatsache ist dabei auch, dass das eingebildete oder das wahre Wissen um eingebildete oder echte Nebenwirkungen sowie schlimme Erwartungen und Vorstellungen einen sehr schlechten Einfluss auf die Gesundheit des Menschen ausben und ihn krank machen oder gar tten knnen.

The fact is that thoughts and feelings exert a monstrous might on the Tatsache ist, dass die Gedanken und Gefhle eine ungeheure Macht auf die health of the human being and not seldom even determine whether Gesundheit des Menschen ausben und nicht selten gar ber Leben und Tod one lives or dies. bestimmen. Angst, gloomy expectations, negative imaginings and worries are at the very least - just as big a negative factor and risk factor, in regard to physical and psychic health, as are, for example, alcohol, nicotine and pure toxic substances. That is also proven by the fact that approximately 60 percent of all human beings already feel poorly in relation to their health, and often downright bad, when they have to undertake chemotherapy or another treatment about which they are uneasy, or simply when they undergo a medical examination. Through their false thoughts alone - and the feelings resulting from them - they feel miserable, weak and ill, and, indeed, although there is no logical cause which is purely physiological. The fact that approximately 50 percent of all cases of illness, which result from a wave of colds, comes about only through negative expectations as well as angst, worries and negative ideas, proves that that corresponds to the truth. Angst, dstere Erwartungen, negative Vorstellungen und Sorgen sind ein mindestens ebenso grosser Negativ- und Risikofaktor in bezug auf die physische und psychische Gesundheit wie z.B. Alkohol, Nikotin und rein toxische Stoffe. Das beweist auch die Tatsache, dass etwa 60 Prozent aller Menschen sich schon gesundheitlich angeschlagen und oft recht schlecht fhlen, wenn sie eine Chemotherapie oder eine sonstige ihnen nicht gerade geheure Behandlung oder einfach eine Gesundheitsuntersuchung machen mssen.

Allein durch ihre falschen Gedanken und die daraus resultierenden Gefhle fhlen sie sich elend, schwach und krank, und zwar obwohl es dafr rein physiologisch keinen logischen Anlass gibt. Und dass das der Wahrheit entspricht, beweist die Tatsache, dass etwa 50 Prozent aller Erkrankungen bei Erkltungswellen nur durch negative Erwartungen sowie ngste, Sorgen und negative Vorstellungen zustande kommen.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Das beweist, dass allein schon der Glaube an Nebenwirkungen und Wirkungen in bezug auf Medikamente oder toxische Stoffe ebenso derart machtvoll ist und eingebildete Wirkungen hervorruft wie die Angst, Sorgen, schlimme Erwartungen und Vorstellungen. Allein der Glaube, die Einbildung, die Vorstellung, der Wahn an Wirkungen oder Nebenwirkungen von Medikamenten und toxischen Stoffen, egal ob Prparate der Bezeichnung Placebo oder Nocebo, aktiviert Warnareale im Gehirn, der sich als Alarm bersetzt und krperliche Beschwerden sowie erst echt gedanklich-gefhlsmssige Unruhe und damit auch psychische Beeintrchtigungen hervorruft.

That proves that just the belief alone, in side effects and effects in regard to medications or toxic substances, is just as mighty and evokes, by means of the imagination, effects which are just as mighty as do angst, worries, bad expectations and imaginations. Merely the belief, the imagination, the idea and the delusion, about effects or side effects from medications and toxic substances regardless of whether they are preparations designated as placebos or nocebos - activate warning areas in the brain which translates into alarm and evokes physical difficulties, as well as downright disquiet pertaining to the thoughts and feelings, and thereby also impairments pertaining to the psyche.

While the placebo effect causes health improvements or healing, the Lst der Placebo-Effekt gesundheitliche Besserung oder Heilung aus, so hat nocebo effect has a precisely opposite effect and is damaging to the der Nocebo-Effekt eine genau gegenteilige Wirkung und ist health, is dangerous and, under certain circumstances, even deadly. gesundheitsschdlich, gefhrlich und unter Umstnden gar tdlich. The complicated connections related to this - among the thoughts and their feelings, the psyche, nerves and the immune system - are thereby of immense significance. The psycho-neuro immunologists have already been able to demostrate that for a long time. The usual suspected causes of illness, such as age, blood pressure, body weight and cholesterol level, thereby represent a much less significant risk than is generally assumed, because it is much more the thoughts and their feelings which stand in the foreground in regard to physical health difficulties. Through long-term medical studies it can also be shown that, for example, human beings who unjustifiably, respectively, without reason, consider themselves to be susceptible to heart attacks, die much more often of heart attacks than others who do not construct big thoughts and feelings about it. And, in regard to all deaths caused by heart attacks, American scientists estimate that, worldwide, five percent lead back to nocebo effects. Along with the natural drive to maintain ones life, which causes the human being to fight for his life, there exists in him also a self-destruct mechanism, which, although slumbering deeply buried, can, however, be activated at any time when the need and situation require it, in order to flee, in a natural way, from absolutely unbearable things. If, however, the human being is not powerful enough in his thoughts and their feelings, as well as in his will to live, then he can also trigger this self-destruct mechanism through his incapacity for life and his powerlessness for life. And, unfortunately, many human beings can succumb to this incapacity, consequently, in this regard, an enormous number are susceptible because everything is steered through the might of the thoughts and their feelings. As soon as the thoughts, and the feelings resulting from them, become negatively and simply overpowering, the psyche and the body capitulate and react with difficulties, with pains or even with illness. Die diesbezglich komplizierten Zusammenhnge von Gedanken und deren Gefhlen, der Psyche, Nerven und des Immunsystems sind dabei von immenser Bedeutung, das knnen die Psycho-Neuro-Immunologen schon seit geraumer Zeit nachweisen. Die blichen verdchtigen Krankheitsauslser wie Alter, Blutdruck, Krpergewicht und Cholesterinspiegel stellen dabei ein viel geringeres Risiko dar, als allgemein angenommen wird, denn vielmehr sind es die Gedanken und deren Gefhle, die fr krperlich-gesundheitliche Beschwerden im Vordergrund stehen. Durch medizinische Langzeitstudien kann auch belegt werden, dass z.B. Menschen, die sich unberechtigt resp. grundlos als herzinfarktgefhrdet halten, viermal hufiger an einem Infarkt sterben als andere, die sich nicht gross Gedanken und Gefhle darum machen.

Und in bezug auf alle Infarkttode schtzen amerikanische Wissenschaftler, dass weltweit fnf Prozent auf Nocebo-Effekte zurckfhren.

Nebst dem natrlichen Lebenserhaltungstrieb, der den Menschen um sein Leben kmpfen lsst, existiert in ihm auch ein Selbstzerstrungsmechanismus, der allerdings tief vergraben schlummert, jedoch jederzeit aktiviert werden kann, wenn es die Not und Situation erfordert, um absolut Unertrglichem auf natrliche Weise zu entfliehen.

Ist der Mensch jedoch in seinen Gedanken und deren Gefhlen sowie in seinem Lebenswillen nicht kraftvoll genug, dann kann er diesen Selbstzerstrungsmechanismus auch durch seine Lebensunfhigkeit und Lebenskraftlosigkeit auslsen. Und dieser Unfhigkeit knnen leider viele Menschen verfallen, folglich diesbezglich ungeheuer viele angreifbar sind, denn alles wird gesteuert durch die Macht der Gedanken und deren Gefhle.

Sobald die Gedanken und die daraus resultierenden Gefhle negativ und schlicht bermchtig werden, kapitulieren die Psyche und der Krper und reagieren mit Beschwerden, mit Schmerzen oder gar mit Krankheit.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Negative und schlechte Gedanken und deren Gefhle erschaffen also psychische Beschwerden und gar grosse Schden, und diese fhren im menschlichen Krper zwangslufig zu sehr dramatischen psychosomatischen Strungen, die letztlich in wirklichen physischen Krankheiten und Leiden zum Ausdruck kommen. Wird die Umwelt des Menschen betrachtet, dann steckt diese voller versteckter Nocebo-Fallen, begonnen bei Beipackzetteln, die mgliche oder wirkliche Nebenwirkungen und Wirkungen von Medikamenten und allerlei toxischen Stoffen beschreiben. Und werden diese Beschriebe von Menschen gelesen, die sich alles einprgen und sich schlimme Vorstellungen darber machen und daran glauben, dann erkranken sie tatschlich an den beschriebenen Symptomen.

Negative and bad thoughts and their feelings therefore create psychic difficulties and even great damage, and these lead inevitably, in the human body, to very dramatic psychosomatic disturbances, which ultimately are expressed in real, physical illnesses and suffering. If the human being's environment is observed then one notices that it is full of hidden nocebo cases, which have been started by instruction leaflets which describe possible, or actual, side effects and effects of medicines and all kinds of toxic substances. And if these descriptions are read by human beings who imprint everything into themselves and imagine bad things in relation to them, and believe them, then they actually become ill with the symptoms described. So, just through the might of the thoughts and their feelings, undesired side effects of medicines are invoked which then corresponds to a nocebo effect. Nocebo preparations can nearly evoke the most impossible effects, whereby not only pain, nausea, and dizziness, and so forth, can be the results, but also confusion, headaches, forgetfulness, constipation, diahareah, nosebleeds and fatigue, as well as poor eyesight, and so forth. Contrasting with that, the placebo effect also functions to the same degree, when things which appear to be medications, and so forth, are thought to be good, positive and promoting of good health. Belief, imaginations and delusions have a monstrous might over the human being. And if the human really believes that he is ruined by a certain situation, then that will actually also happen, because whoever believes, hopelessly loses himself in a delusion from which he can barely, or not at all, free himself any longer, as is also the case with religious and sectarian belief in God. Especially human beings who have a deep religious or sectarian belief, as well as those who are anxious and plagued by worries, are susceptible to the nocebo effect. Religious and sectarian belief, as delusion, epitomises a quite especially mighty nocebo preparation. Accordingly, the world of thoughts and world of feelings are directed such that everything happens as is assumed in the delusional belief. If the human being is observed then one can determined that he is very strongly dependent upon optimism and pessimism and is therefore able to be influenced in relation to this. But optimism and pessimism are factors which also are expressed by means of the psyche, consequently, placebo effects lead to positive liberations from burdens, while nocebo effects evoke reactions which burden the psyche. Therefore it is also the case that a placebo or nocebo effect can be evoked by the environment, the family, colleagues, parents and siblings, relatives, friends, acquaintances, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and also completely unknown persons. And this can happen without it being noticed by the human being who is impaired, or who profits, therefrom.

So knnen allein durch die Macht der Gedanken und deren Gefhle unerwnschte Begleiterscheinungen von Medikamenten heraufbeschworen werden, was dann einem Nocebo-Effekt entspricht. Nocebo-Prparate knnen beinahe die unmglichsten Wirkungen hervorrufen, wobei nicht nur Schmerzen, belkeit und Schwindel usw., sondern auch Verwirrung, Kopfschmerzen, Vergesslichkeit, Verstopfung, Durchfall, Nasenbluten und Mdigkeit sowie Sehschwche usw. die Folgen sein knnen. Gleichermassen funktioniert das aber auch gegenteilig mit dem Placebo-Effekt, wenn Scheinmedikamente usw. als gut, positiv und gesundheitsfrdernd erachtet werden. Glauben, Einbildungen und Wahnvorstellungen haben eine ungeheure Macht ber den Menschen. Und wenn der Mensch wirklich glaubt, dass er an einer bestimmten Sache zugrunde geht, dann wird das tatschlich auch geschehen, denn wer glaubt, verrennt sich rettungslos in einen Wahn, von dem er sich kaum oder berhaupt nicht mehr befreien kann, wie das auch beim religisen und sektiererischen Gottesglauben der Fall ist. Besonders religis oder sektiererisch tiefglubige sowie ngstliche und von Sorgen geplagte Menschen sind empfnglich fr Nocebo-Effekte.

Der religise und sektiererische Glaube als Wahnvorstellung verkrpert ein ganz besonders mchtiges Nocebo-Prparat, demgemss die Gedanken- und Gefhlswelt darauf ausgerichtet wird, dass alles so geschehe, wie im Wahnglauben angenommen wird. Wird der Mensch betrachtet, dann ist festzustellen, dass er sehr stark vom Optimismus und Pessimismus abhngig und diesbezglich also beeinflussbar ist. Optimismus und Pessimismus sind aber Faktoren, die auch psychisch zum Ausdruck kommen, folglich fhren Placebo-Effekte zu positiven Belastungsbefreiungen, whrend Nocebo-Effekte psychische Belastungsreaktionen hervorrufen. Also ist es auch gegeben, dass die Umwelt, die Familie, die Arbeitskollegen, Eltern und Geschwister, Verwandte, Freunde, Bekannte, rzte, Psychologen, Psychiater und auch vllig fremde Personen einen Placebo- oder Nocebo-Effekt hervorrufen knnen. Und dies kann geschehen, ohne dass der dadurch beeintrchtigte oder profitierende Mensch etwas davon bemerkt.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Damit aber etwas Negatives oder Positives durch einen Nocebo- oder Placebo-Effekt geschehen kann, ist das wichtigste Werkzeug die Macht des Gehirns resp. die Macht der daraus entstehenden Gedanken und Gefhle.

But in order for something negative or positive to happen as a result of a nocebo or placebo effect, the most important tool is the might of the brain, respectively, the might of the thoughts and feelings which originate from it. The might of thoughts and feelings is the best pharmacy of life - or the deadliest poison for the destruction of life. In the body of the human being, the thoughts and feelings are capable of setting the most diverse biological processes in motion, such as, for example, also the activation, or blocking, of the distribution of positive or negative neurotransmitters. Therefore the brain is capable of producing highly effective substances of a positive or negative kind, which are far superior to any pharmaceutical preparation or toxic substance. Consequently the brain can stimulate valuable processes which promote health, or evoke processes which destroy the organism and life. The entire production of hormones is directly or indirectly steered by the brain, exactly as is the control of all bodily functions, the efficacy of the immune, and pain, systems, and the readiness for action, and so forth. The thoughts, and their feelings, of one's internal attitude, have therefore a very great influence on the efficacy of medicines, toxic substances, as well as of therapies, and so forth, and these decide the individual course of effects in regard to placebo and nocebo effects so, therefore, ultimately over life and death. Thoughts, and their feelings, when they are observed in their origin, are truly only a mixture of chemicals and electrical circuits in the brain. These constantly evolve anew and change. So it also comes about that every region of the brain, which is associated with healing through thoughts and feelings, is correspondingly stimulated, as is the case with the dormant self-destruct mechanism which lies in wait for a suitable opportunity.

Die Macht der Gedanken und Gefhle ist die beste Apotheke des Lebens oder das tdlichste Gift der Lebenszerstrung. Die Gedanken und Gefhle vermgen im Krper des Menschen die verschiedensten biologischen Prozesse in Gang zu setzen, wie z.B. auch die Ausschttung von positiven oder negativen Botenstoffen zu aktivieren oder zu blockieren. Also ist das Gehirn fhig, hochwirksame Stoffe positiver oder negativer Art zu produzieren, die jedem pharmazeutischen Prparat oder toxischen Stoff haushoch berlegen sind. Folglich kann das Gehirn wertvolle Prozesse anregen, die die Gesundheit frdern, oder Prozesse hervorrufen, die den Organismus und das Leben zerstren. Die gesamte Produktion der Hormone wird direkt oder indirekt vom Gehirn gesteuert, genauso wie die Kontrolle aller Krperfunktionen, die Effektivitt des Immun- und Schmerzsystems sowie die Einsatzbereitschaft usw.

Die Gedanken und deren Gefhle der inneren Einstellung haben daher einen sehr grossen Einfluss auf die Wirksamkeit von Medikamenten, toxischen Stoffen sowie von Therapien usw., und diese entscheiden ber den individuellen Verlauf der Wirkungen in bezug auf Placebo- und Nocebo-Effekte so also in letzter Konsequenz ber Leben und Tod. Gedanken und deren Gefhle, wenn sie in ihrem Ursprung betrachtet werden, sind wahrheitlich nur eine Mischung aus Chemikalien und elektrischen Schaltkreisen im Gehirn. Diese entwickeln sich dauernd neu und verndern sich. So kommt es auch, dass jene Hirnregionen, die mit der Heilung durch Gedanken und Gefhle zusammenhngen, dementsprechend stimuliert werden, und dies nebst dem schlummernden Selbstzerstrungsmechanismus, der auf eine passende Gelegenheit lauert.

Therefore it is also possible that negative, dark thoughts and feelings Daher ist es auch mglich, dass negative, dunkle Gedanken und Gefhle can kill a human being. einen Menschen tten knnen. Angst, delusional imaginings, belief, fear of death, hopelessness and Angst, Wahnvorstellungen, Glauben, Todesfurcht, Hoffnungslosigkeit und panic unavoidably destroy the sensitive equilibrium of the human Panik zerstren unweigerlich das sensible Gleichgewicht der menschlichen psyche and body, because they make everything ill. Psyche und des Krpers, weil sie alles krank machen. Those human expectations, which stem from good and bad thoughts and their feelings, have an incredible might, and form reality according to the nature of the thoughts and their feelings. Die guten und schlechten gedanklich-gefhlsmssigen Erwartungen des Menschen haben eine unheimliche Macht und formen die Wirklichkeit demgemss, wie die Gedanken und deren Gefhle sind.

The fundamental factor, which ultimately arranges everything, is the Der grundlegende Faktor, der letztlich alles arrangiert, ist die durch die psyche - formed by the thoughts and feelings - the negative effects Gedanken und Gefhle geformte Psyche, deren negative Auswirkungen den of which can actually kill the human being. Menschen tatschlich tten knnen. Just as every biological death has its certain reasons, so indeed does death resulting from a nocebo effect also have its reason. Wie jeder biologische Tod seine bestimmten Grnde hat, so hat eben auch der Tod durch einen Nocebo-Effekt seinen Grund.

With the human, angst, panic and thoughts and feelings, as a nocebo Angst, Panik und Gedanken und Gefhle als Nocebo-Effekt in bezug auf eine effect in regard to a danger, attack the immune system, respectively Gefahr greifen beim Menschen das Immunsystem resp. den the body's protective shield. Krperschutzschild an.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Tritt Angst oder Panik in Erscheinung, dann schaltet das Steuerzentrum im Gehirn und schickt eigene Abwehrmechanismen ins Blut hinein. Dadurch verzehnfacht sich der Adrenalinspiegel und das Immunsystem wird auf volle Leistung stimuliert. Wird jedoch dieser Zustand zu lange aufrechterhalten, wenn die negativen Erwartungen und die Panik zu lange aktiv bleiben, dann wird die Belastung zu gross und das System wird lchrig. Dadurch wird es dann mglich, dass Bakterien, Schadstoffe und Viren in das krpereigene Immunsystem durchbrechen und so den Organismus hilflos den Angreifern ausliefern. Der Nocebo-Effekt vermag nicht nur Krankheiten auszulsen, sondern er verursacht und verschlimmert messbar auch Schmerzen, so alles viel schlimmer wirkt, als es wirklich ist. Der Schmerz-Code der Nocebos ist ein Botenstoff mit der Bezeichnung CCK resp. Cholecystokinin. Dieser wird bei Angst und Panik im Darm gebildet und lst im Gehirn eine Schmerzreaktion aus. Gestoppt werden kann resp. knnte dieser Vorgang nur durch den Botenstoff Dopamin, doch ist das in der Regel nicht mglich, wenn negative und schlimme Erwartungen usw. die Produktion dieses schtzenden Transmitters blockieren, folglich aus Angst blanker Schmerz wird.

If angst and panic come about then the control centre in the brain switches and sends its own defence mechanism into the blood. The adrenalin level thereby increases tenfold and the immune system is stimulated into full performance. However, if this state is maintained for too long - if the negative expectations and the panic remain active for too long - then the burden becomes too great and the system becomes full of holes. It thereby becomes possible that bacteria, harmful substances and viruses break through into the body's own immune system and thus leave the organism helplessly at the mercy of the attackers. The nocebo effect is not only able to cause illnesses, rather it also measurably causes and worsens pain, so everything seems much worse than it really is. The nocebos' pain code is a neurotransmitter with the name CCK, respectively, Cholecystokinin. This is formed in the intestines as a result of angst and panic, and causes a pain reaction in the brain. This process can - that is to say, could - only be stopped by the neurotransmitter dopamine, but, as a rule, that is not possible when negative and bad expectations, and so forth, block the production of these protective transmitters. Consequently, angst becomes sheer pain. The nocebo effect applies not only to individual human beings, rather larger groups of human beings can also be effected by it, as for example, in regard to mass hysteria. These phenomena, whereby the nocebo effect causes an epidemic, occur again and again, and indeed especially where human beings gather in larger groups. As a rule, such nocebo epidemics emerge especially often in offices spaces, in factories, as well as in schools, or at events where, indeed, many human beings meet together and are somehow isolated as a group. The nocebo symptoms are thereby extremely varied and range from allergies, nausea, cases of dizziness and fainting, from abdominal pains, stomach cramps, behavioural changes and headaches, right up to hallucinations and actual delusions.

Der Nocebo-Effekt trifft nicht nur einzelne Menschen, sondern es knnen auch grssere Menschengruppen davon betroffen sein, wie z.B. in bezug auf eine Massenhysterie. Dieses Phnomen, dass der Nocebo-Effekt eine Epidemie auslst, tritt immer wieder in Erscheinung, und zwar insbesondere dort, wo Menschen sich zu grsseren Gruppierungen versammeln. In der Regel treten solche Nocebo-Epidemien besonders hufig in Brorumen, in Fabriken sowie in Schulen oder bei Veranstaltungen auf, wo eben viele Menschen zusammentreffen und irgendwie als Gruppen isoliert sind. Die Nocebo-Symptome sind dabei usserst vielfltig und reichen von Allergien, belkeit, Schwindelund Ohnmachtsanfllen, von Magenschmerzen, Bauchkrmpfen, Verhaltensvernderungen und Kopfschmerzen bis hin zu Halluzinationen und effectiven Wahnvorstellungen. Das erweist sich auch bei angeblichen UFO-Sichtungen, bei denen kleinere oder grssere Gruppen von Menschen einer Art visionren Einbildung verfallen und UFOs sehen, obwohl keine vorhanden sind; und dies nur, weil eine einzelne Person etwas zu sehen glaubt und dadurch einen Nocebo-Effekt auslst. In der Regel beginnen die Nocebo-Symptome ohne ersichtlichen Grund bei einem einzelnen Menschen, wirken sich jedoch durch Einbildung auf andere aus und rufen nach dem Domino-Prinzip eine Epidemie hervor, weil eben in schneller Folge immer mehr Menschen dem Sog des Nocebo-Effekts verfallen. Werden durch Nocebo-Effekte Krankheitssymptome hervorgerufen, dann knnen jedoch keinerlei Erreger lokalisiert werden weil es schlichtweg keine gibt.

That is also demonstrated with alleged UFO sightings, whereby smaller or larger groups of human beings succumb to a form of imagination based on visions and see UFOs although none are there, and this is only because one single person believes to have seen something and thereby causes a nocebo effect. As a rule, the nocebo symptoms begin without apparent reason, with one single human being, however they take effect, as a result of imagination, with others and evoke - in accordance with the domino effect - an epidemic, because ever more human beings succumb, indeed, in rapid succession, to the undertow of the nocebo effect. If symptoms of illness are evoked through the nocebo effect then no pathogen at all can be localised, because there simply is no pathogen.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Nichtsdestoweniger sind Nocebos unter besonderen Umstnden ansteckend eben durch Einbildung und Glaube. In dieser Weise der Einbildung und des Glaubens knnen lawinenartig ganze Massen von Menschen infiziert werden, folgedem auf der Erde auch jede zehnte Grippe-Epidemie auf einen Nocebo-Effekt zurckzufhren ist, weil diese Symptome auch in dieser Weise wirklich sehr ansteckend wirken.

Nevertheless, nocebos are infectious, under special circumstances, specifically as a result of imagination and belief. By this means, of imagination and belief, entire masses of human beings can - avalanche-like - be infected. Consequently, on the Earth, every tenth influenza epidemic also leads back to a nocebo effect because these symptoms are, in this way, also really very infectious. In order to understand that, it must be comprehended that the human body, and, with it, naturally, especially the brain, is a biochemical pharmacy, and that, from the brain and its consciousness, thoughts arise, which create specific feelings. The entire thing thereby rests on the most varied biological processes which are set in motion, and to which not only healing factors belong, rather also the dangerous self-destruct mechanism which, if not strongly and consciously kept under control, can produce a deadly effect. Thoughts, and the feelings which result from them - through which the psyche is formed as well as the human body - are very closely bound up with each other and always demand their tribute, and indeed it is all the same regardless of whether that is recognised or not. And, the fact that placebo and nocebo effects play an extraordinarily important role in this complex is proven by the fact that placebos can really alleviate or even heal, while the nocebos' dark might invokes illness just as much as does any infectious deadly disease. But the truth is also that, on the entire extent of the Earth, the nocebo effect demands far more human lives every year than the biggest natural catastrophe to date. The opiate and dopamine systems in the human brain react to nocebos in a manner which very quickly has an effect which endangers one's life.

Um das zu verstehen, muss begriffen werden, dass der menschliche Krper, und damit natrlich speziell das Gehirn, eine biochemische Apotheke ist und dass aus dem Gehirn und dessen Bewusstsein Gedanken hervorgehen, die spezifische Gefhle erschaffen. Das Ganze beruht dabei auf verschiedensten biologischen Prozessen, die in Gang gesetzt werden, wozu nicht nur Heilungsfaktoren gehren, sondern auch der gefhrliche Selbstzerstrungsmechanismus, der, wenn er nicht stark und bewusst unter Kontrolle gehalten wird, eine tdliche Wirkung zeitigen kann. Gedanken und die daraus resultierenden Gefhle, wodurch die Psyche geformt wird, sowie der Krper des Menschen, sind sehr eng miteinander verbunden und fordern immer ihren Tribut, und zwar ganz gleich, ob das erkannt wird oder nicht.

Und dass in diesem Komplex Placebo- und Nocebo-Effekte eine ungemein wichtige Rolle spielen, das beweist die Tatsache, dass Placebos wirklich lindern oder gar heilen knnen, whrend die dunkle Macht der Nocebos genauso krankheitserregend ist wie jede ansteckende tdliche Krankheit. Wahrheit ist aber auch, dass auf der ganzen Weite der Erde der Nocebo-Effekt jedes Jahr weit mehr Menschenleben fordert als die bisher grssten Naturkatastrophen. Das Opiat- und Dopamin-System im menschlichen Gehirn reagiert auf Nocebos in einer Art und Weise, die sehr schnell lebensgefhrlich wirkt.

The systems are responsible for the body's own pain alleviation, and Die Systeme sind fr die krpereigene Schmerzlinderung verantwortlich, und if this is disturbed by nocebos, then everything gets out of control wenn diese durch Nocebos gestrt werden, dann gert alles ausser Kontrolle, whereby the self-destruct code can act out its might. wodurch der Selbstzerstrungs-Code seine Macht ausspielen kann. Semjase Silver Star Center, May 9th, 2010, 11.57 PM Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, 9. Mai 2010, 23.57 h

Translated by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, August 16th, 2010, Australia

Source This is an article from FIGU Special Bulletin 55, published in August 2010.

President Barack Hussein Obama, his wise politics and his opponents
It is a distinguishing characteristic of many human beings of Earth that they very quickly change their opinions and standpoints according to the inner or outer circumstances. Due to a lack of conscious selfcontrol and self-mastery, they succumb to very strong feeling-vacillations which lead to first abandoning themselves to a strong enthusiasm and fit of excitement concerning an event, a person or a project, whereby after some time these then abate and give room to feelings such as suspicion, hate, disappointment, frustration, vexation, etc. towards the former source of excitement.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55 The unsteadiness, instability, and susceptibility to vacillations of the world of feelings and world of thoughts of many human beings of Earth are undoubtedly the cause of great individual and societal crisis-situations of political, economic and social kinds on our earth, which, however, could be prevented or at least contained if human beings would learn to control and equal out, i.e. to direct onto neutral-positive tracks, their own thoughts and feelings as well as emotional outbursts. The importance of this control- and equalling out-process of one's own world of thoughts and world of feelings, which leads away from a strong polarisation and towards a neutral-positive condition of the psyche and of the consciousness, becomes clearly apparent when one considers that a society, a country and in the end the entire humanity of Earth is made up of the sum of the individual human beings of Earth and that for this reason a present and future reality is nothing other than the product and result of the human beings' intentions, bearings, proposed deeds, decisions and wishes of a conscious or unconscious kind that are thought and felt as well as partially put into action. In democratic countries, a president and head of government is directly or indirectly elected by the people, but very often human beings vote on the basis of feeling-related conditions, moods and stirrings, i.e. on the basis of sympathy or antipathy, which a candidate conveys through his or her rhetoric, gestures and his or her appearance, while the programs as well as the ideas, contents and motives of his or her politics are hardly paid attention to. As the government-candidates are for the most part conscious of how easily human beings are influenced, they attempt to impress their voters through targeted image strategies and media appearances and to appear as sympathetic and radiant as possible to them, in order to thereby achieve their consensus. Everything possible is done to have an effect on the voter's vacillating world of feelings. The candidate who masters this art of trickery the best is normally elected to president; but then he or she must live up to these artificially produced sympathies, expectations and wishes of the voters which is usually very difficult. So politicians are able, through media-manipulations and exciting promises and deliberate stagings, which target the creation of enthusiasm and euphoria or also anxiety and fear, to bring entire masses of human beings on their side as well as to also give a false picture of themselves and their politics. Thus, it can for example be feigned that they campaign for peace, prosperity, and inner security and defence of the country against external threats and dangers even if this does not correspond to the actual facts and is a pure illusion. The voters, which are led around by the nose through targeted techniques of opinion manipulation, are thus, on account of constant bombardments through false news, tendentious messages as well as through hammering political propaganda, no longer capable of separating the fiction and the shine from the true reality and of discovering the deception that they have fallen victim to. So it happens that a president and head of government who has come to might through such deceptive means completely ruins his or her land economically, financially and socially by accumulating mountains of debt, betraying the constitution, sending his or her fellow countrymen to war whereby many innocent people must die and leaving behind a contaminated environment to the future generations, without being called to account for it by his or her gullible and indoctrinated voters. However, the truth gradually comes out and the population (or at least a part of it) becomes conscious of the illusion, the deception and the manipulation of opinion that they have fallen prey to, and as if waking up from an evil dream they turn their backs on their former great hero and idol and even begin to hate and to damn him or her. It can, however, also happen although rather infrequently that a presidential candidate achieves, on account of his or her authentic and in no way feigned charisma, his or her speaking skills, as well as the truthfulness and honestness of his or her ideas and projects, widespread sympathies and a large consensus among voters which is not produced artificially but arises spontaneously in the human beings because he or she is actually capable of convincing voters through the applied for positive purposes might of his or her words and thoughts of the goodness and effectiveness of his or her intentions. This was, for example, actually the case with the election of president Barack Obama, who had aroused a broad wave of sympathy and was elected with great enthusiasm to president of the USA. As president he has been celebrated by many million fellow American citizens as that statesman who would return dignity and honour to his country and set a political course that would awaken new hope


FIGU Special Bulletin 55 and open up a better outlook for the future. As the first black president in the history of the USA, he embodies for many million of voters of differing ethnic origins values such as new beginning, renewal, peace, freedom, progress, and equality, as well as a fair leader-figure who is able to carry out the final steps for the overcoming of a still creeping racial discrimination of black and other ethnic minorities. Thus, for the large masses of human beings in the USA and elsewhere in the world, Obama represents a true and long yearned for glimmer of hope, who after the dark Bush-era during which many countries of Earth wanted to arm themselves in order to be able to defend themselves against the insane warmongering of the USA , would practice a reconciliatory peace-politic. These hopes and expectations, as was already clearly and distinctly shown after the first months of his administration, were in no way disappointed because Obama took decisions and measures that represent the consequent implementation of his election promises. Yet soon after his election, a smear campaign and a malicious mudslinging were launched by his political opponents, fanatic media-gurus, partisan newspapers and interest groups as well as by delusional religious preachers and doomsday prophets in order to put the newly elected president in a bad light and using every opportunity to run him down by blaming him for things, problems and accusations which were the doings of others especially some of his predecessors in office and for which he bears no responsibility. The American foreign policy, so goes one of the leitmotifs of the anti-Obama propaganda, is too soft, too willing to compromise, and too weak, that is to say, too little self-confidence and not aggressive enough against other world-mights like China, Russia as well as the Islamic countries. Also racist sects and associations have become loud against Obama because to them he is as a black president a thorn in their eye. That president Obama in relation to other world-mights, countries and peoples puts dialogue first and does not immediately use threatening might-words in order to put others under pressure and to terrorise them is something that appears to a part of the American people as a sign of weakness and not knowing what to do and even as cowardice, because their mentality is still strongly marked by the stereotype of the gunman and cowboy, which is inclined to rely on weapons and Gewalt (The German word Gewalt is definied as to use physical, psychical, mental, and consciousness-related powers, abilities and skills with all available coercive means in order to carry through and carry out actions and deeds.) as the sole means for the solving of problems. Apparently this part of the US-population has very little interest and respect for other cultures and peoples because it is of the view that everything revolves, or should revolve, around the USA and that the entire world should submit itself to the USA or should at least adapt to the US way of life. In contrast, Obama is a president who is open to the world, modest and eloquent, knows and esteems other peoples, religions and cultures, and for this reason does not constantly boast of US-values in order to impose these on all the others. Therefore, it could not have turned out any differently than his being hated by that part of the American people who only knows the language and gestures of the use of Gewalt, the threat of war, the exploitation of the economy, and the brutal domination of the world, and that they also attempt to vilify the president and to insult him and to expose him as being incompetent with all means, whether through television programs, caricatures, cover pictures, newspaper articles, political smear campaigns, satirical internet sites and all possible propaganda tricks, in order to destroy his public and private image. While doing so, these brainless critics and evil slande rers never consider what positive results the Obama politics have already brought not only America, but the entire world. The following are some of them: With regards to foreign policy he has within one year eased the great and dangerous tensions between the USA and other world-mights, offered the Islamic countries dialogue instead of war as well as started or got underway a nuclear disarmament process with Russia which is on a scale that has not happened in decades. He has ordered the closing of the human-rights violating prison camp in Guatnamo and imposed the ban of torture practices by intelligence services and police officials as a means for extorting confessions from suspected terrorists. He has openly criticised Israel's expansion and settlement politics as well as taken a neutral position in the Israel-Palestine conflict and encouraged both parties to dialogue and to concrete peace negotiations. He has distanced himself from the reprehensible US-practice with regard to foreign affairs of again and again interfering militarily or with the secret service in the internal affairs of other countries and acting as the


FIGU Special Bulletin 55 world-police everywhere. Instead he has treated other countries as equal partners in talks and offered them co-operation and partnership, and also, when necessary, made help available as for example in the case of the earthquake in Haiti, and that without pursuing deceitful world domination objectives. He has explained the complete and step-wise withdrawal of US troops as necessary and initiated it, as well as put in place plans to solve the Afghanistan-question. With regards to domestic politics he has put into power a historical healthcare reform which has secured over 35 million Americans a form of healthcare which they previously could not afford. He has initiated a government investment plan in the amount of 787 billion dollars for the rescue of the US economy and of the banking system, which as massive stimulus of the economy has had an effect and has cared for that the worst effects of the crisis, such as mass unemployment and impoverishment of society, were contained or substantially softened, which were caused by the predator-capitalists who are driven by unrestrained greed for money and who trample under foot every ethic, moral and all human-values because they are ready to go over corpses for the sake of profit. He has bluntly attacked the excessively high extra-payments for bank managers through which the businesses and banks that they manage are driven into ruin and in doing so has announced limits for the managers' salaries.


He has signalled a constructive attitude towards the progress of the economy and in connection with this has repealed some of the bans and restrictions on stem-cell research and genetic engineering that were pushed through by G.W. Bush, as well as removing the bans and restrictions of their financing by the government. In return he was heavily criticised by the Roman Catholic church. He put an end to the undignified practice dubbed Don't ask, don't tell, according to which homosexuals were only then allowed to be accepted into the Military if they kept their homosexuality a secret. He spoke honest words of reconciliation and deep respect towards the human beings of Islamic faith and emphasised that America shall no longer be viewed and considered as an enemy by these human beings but as a friend, because it does not want to lead a crusade against Islamic countries. In doing so, he called upon the representatives of the monotheistic religions to overcome their mutual hostilities and suspicions and instead to discover again the common roots and values and to foster them. These efforts of Barack Hussein Obama that are marked by wisdom, broad-sightedness, rationality, tolerance, love for one's fellow human being and peace have already in a short period of time decisively contributed to easing the tension in the world situation in many places as well as to building up peaceful and progressive relationships between the countries of Earth. One asks oneself what other politicians in his position could have brought about even half of that which he has already achieved in less than one and a half years. But in spite of the support of the small people in the USA and in all of the world Obama's political effects run up against many dark powers such as the financial elite, economic centres of might, the armaments industry, the insurance lobby, the fanatical-religious and extreme right-wing groups as well as some mass media and Republican opponents, because he acts counter to their egotistical self-interests and also endangers them through his deeds serving the public interest by reaching decisions which serve the common good of his people as well as indirectly also the entire humankind. In addition many of his incapable opponents and critics envy his talent of speech, his intellectual brilliance and the excellent ability to recognise problems quickly and to find effective short, medium, or long term solutions for them, which the opponents and critics are completely incapable of doing. And as if that was not bad enough, there are those who also strive to kill him in order to silence him definitely. The line of Obama's opponents is much longer than one could imagine at first glance, as many anti-globalisation fanatics, conspiracy theorists and other left-wing extremists and ideologists also do not like him because they accuse him in an unfair way of not allowing banks and financial institutions, which were responsible for the economic crisis, to go bankrupt instead of having them rescued from collapse through government subventions and massive injections of funds. It does not occur to these dumb groaners that if Obama had responded like they wished, namely to just sit back and watch the greatest financial crisis, then the entire economic system would have broken down and

FIGU Special Bulletin 55 these world-changers would have become beggars, homeless people and unemployed, and their dollars would have had almost no value. But that is not all, for also the obstinate worshippers and protectors of the predator-like capitalistic system and its financial sharks keep on and on and accuse Obama of socialism, because he has injected large sums of tax dollars into the economic and financial sectors and provided government support to heavily hit private industries, especially the auto industry. Apparently these quarrelsome and cynical ideologists are not in any way interested in the destiny of millions of workers just as they are also not interested in the existential situation of the large masses of human beings, whose future is threatened by great poverty and impoverishment. According to these critics, Obama is simultaneously, on the one hand, a faithful friend of the banks and the financial system and, on the other hand, however, a dangerous socialist who wants to nationalise everything which is completely absurd. Thus, this clearly shows how unfounded, slanderous and pretextual these attacks are, since they serve to convince the public that this president is good for nothing and is ruining everything in the USA In reality Obama has already put much of that into effect what he had promised before the election whereby the majority of his predecessors totally failed in all these things or if one wants to express this weakly roundly neglected everything. One only has to think of the historical contract with Russia for nuclear disarmament. According to this agreement the number of nuclear warheads, as well as their carrier systems, must be halved within seven years. With this Obama had the courage to express a clear vision of a world without nuclear weapons and has begun to take the first steps in putting into effect his valuable idea. However, regarding this the nasty critical voices have also become louder, which say that Obama's intentions are utopian and unrealistic since the reduction of the nuclear weapons arsenal only concerns the two super-mights USA and Russia, but not the many other countries that possess nuclear weapons, such as China, India, Pakistan and Israel etc. But the fact is that someone among the nuclear-mights must begin with the disarmament, and if one starts with the weapons arsenal of the former archenemies USA and Russia, it is so much the better; then an important sign is set by this that has a signal-effect with regard to the necessity of a nuclear disarmament, which other willing countries worldwide can then follow. The more mighty nations, foremost the USA, shall serve as an example according to Obama's vision and spur on all the others to do the same. To expect that the others take the first steps in the direction of disarmament is extremely foolish, illusory and irresponsible. A further example of the extremely illogical kind of critic of the Obama-politic can be seen in some of the reactions to his decision for the withdrawal of troops out of Iraq. The war in Iraq, which was instigated by his predecessor in office, G.W. Bush, and the bloody military occupation resulting from it, has plunged the country into a civil war and into such chaos and misery that their consequences are immeasurable. However, this war and the occupation brought very terrible consequences also for the USA: A national debt that is driven to astronomical heights, many thousands of dead and injured among the soldiers, and very many more among the private militias and the uninvolved Iraqi population. An entire generation of war-weary US soldiers as returnees, who return home as persons who are psychically or physically damaged by war. As persons harmed psychically and physically by the war experiences they are war cripples and are no longer able to integrate themselves into society and it is not unusual for them to commit suicide. In view of this entire disaster, there was and is on the part of those responsible in politics and in the military no word of self-critic and of remorse to be heard. Now, Obama is given the heavy burden to pull the cart out of the mud and even here vehement attacks are brought against him of all people, according to which a withdrawal from Iraq is irresponsible and does not represent a solution to the situation. On the other hand, the president is also accused of not having kept his election promise regarding the withdrawal of troops and as a result had received the Nobel peace prize undeservedly. How should these self-opinionated would-be statesmen and would-be responsible ones come to the insight that an abrupt immediate withdrawal of US-troops from Iraq after years of occupation, terrorism and civil war would plunge the country into a still worse anarchy because everything has gone downhill and has worsened dramatically in all these years through the corrupt governments that the US has supported.


FIGU Special Bulletin 55 Thus, how can one expect that a leader comes along be it also the best strategist of the world who shall be in a position within a few months or years to magically repair the catastrophe, which has already persisted for many years and has taken on worse and worse forms, and to transform Iraq into a peaceful paradise! Where were these great Obama-critics in all these years of the disastrous, criminal Iraq-politics and above all, what have they actually done in order to prevent the full extent of the disaster, or least to pillory it and to expose it? The fact is and remains that a step-wise withdrawal of US-troops is only taking place because of Obama's decision and the end of the longstanding criminal military occupation of the country is drawing nearer. Obama's political opponents also demand that he be more aggressive and more threatening towards Iran and threaten this country with war. This, if it does not forego its nuclear programme and also does not abandon its secret nuclear weapons armament project, as is very strongly wished for by the Israeli Leadership. Should those, who now accuse Obama of having capitulated to Iran as well as Russia and China, and who declare that an especially violent confrontation with Iran is necessary, come to take the helm in the USA one day which is not to be ruled out then one asks oneself where would they lead their country and the entire world through their insane plans, and what then will become of us all and of our descendants. That these fanatics through their delusional belief are already strongly endangering the international peace through their ideas and also would suggestively and forcefully bring about war if they took the helm of might, can already be clearly and distinctly recognised. And the insane ideas that they have which would completely destroy the present-day peaceful relations with Russia, the Islamic world and China, because, due to their stubborn Rambo-politics, it would come to severe tensions among the worldmights, which possibly could lead into a third world war are not at all taken into account by their reckless followers. That Obama is no rigid ideologist, rather a circumspect pragmatist and wise rational-human being, who always attempts to make the best out of what is feasible in the moment and in the future, and who is not subject to any dangerous delusions, contributes to letting him appear unsympathetic or also hostile to all those human beings who have lost all contact to true reality and its truth, because they cling to all possible confused fantasies and thought-processes, wild theories and rumours as well as abstruse religious and sectarian teachings, through which they are totally blinded and which hinders them from perceiving, wanting to accept, and understanding, the effective reality in its entire breadth and fullness. For this reason it is astonishing that a substantial part of the US-American population is not in the position to come to the insight that a president is at work in their country who in one year has accomplished much more and brought about much more positive changes than all of his predecessors added together. In spite of this one cannot evade the ascertainment, how dumb, foolish, inane, arrogant, absolutely superficial and irrational a human being must be in order to not summon up any ability, intellect and rationality, to recognise the many results already achieved by President Obama and therefore to give him respect and esteem. In truth, he has since taking office, in accordance with his election promises, already brought about much good and positive, namely not only for his country and the population of the USA, but for the entire humanity of Earth. And he has done this within a short period of time and within a framework which no other US president before him was able to do. To conclude I, would like to make the following comments: Surely, it is very hopeful and helpful if someone comes to have might who is wise and whose consciousness-evolution-level is a stretch higher than that of the broad mass of human beings. But if this mass of human beings, instead of observing and considering their wise leader as an example and allowing oneself to be inspired by his manner of thinking and acting, burdens him with all possible terrible states of affairs, shift their own responsibility concerning their own errors and negligence onto him, then this mass of human beings are good for absolutely nothing. A population is actually good for nothing if it acts according to the motto, You have to clean up the mess left by your predecessor alone, we are not making any personal contribution towards this, because we do not want to bear any responsibility for it; instead we only wait and see that you do everything for us and if you should not succeed then exactly for this reason you are guilty. Such behaviour is a clear symptom that the majority of the human beings concerned do not possess a clear intellect and a clear


FIGU Special Bulletin 55 rationality and logic and, as a result, have not yet understood what and how life really is, how it functions and how one as a true human being is to live. To this I will describe some typical thought-processes, imaginations and inner consciousness-conditions of these human beings (not only are those fallible ones of the USAmericans, who fall exactly within this framework, meant, but also those human beings in general of all other countries around the world who are fallible concerning this matter): First of all, I let myself be manipulated by all possible influences through advertising, television, political propaganda, religions, sects and films, without questioning their sense and purpose and as a result I lose control over myself. Then I am ready, through my applause and my support, to agree with every single guru, sectarian, political leader or star and to ensure that he exploits my consciousness-conditioning and inner unfreedom in order to be captivated by him. Consequently, I do not recognise all of the disasters that these false leaders and gurus have instigated and triggered in my name and because of my support. The consequence of this thought-process is that I bear no responsibility for them and, should the occasion arise, push it onto someone else, who I gladly put in my sights as a scapegoat or who is pointed out to me as such. If others, human beings who are conscious of themselves, acknowledge the entire disaster and there is someone to be found who really has the ability to clean up the entire mess and dirt, then I begin to view him as a disturbing factor and to blame him for things for which he bears no responsibility. What Obama effectuates, one will be able to better assess in the future; what is certain is that his politics requires time and patience and for this reason he cannot, in the remaining two or one and a half years, bring that to completion what he wants to achieve, but that he also needs a second mandate in order for his activities to completely unfold. Obama's mission and the FIGU somehow run parallel and there exists a deep connection that reaches back thousands of years. Regardless of whether Obama is conscious of it or not, he can still bring about all kinds of positive, progressive and evolutive things for the humanity of Earth and prevent a third world war inferno which is still a threatening possibility. But, whether his mission is crowned with success depends mainly on the kind of thinking and acting of the US-citizens as well as the entire population of Earth, because it depends on whether they are willing to make an effort to drive forward their own consciousness-evolution in order to really learn what needs to be learned with regard to being human in the real and true sense, so that everyone begins to live as a true human being among other human beings. Everyone must decide whether he or she wants to walk along the path of the positive, progressive and evolutive, which Obama and FIGU also walk along, or if he or she decides against it and continues to go along and vegetate away on the old pernicious and self-destructive tracks of hate, of might-addiction, of cult-religious veneration and of fanaticism as well as of inner unpeace and of inner enslavement. We all, regardless of which consciousness-evolution-level we belong to, carry the full responsibility for the course of our history. It is through our responsibility that we determine whether we go along the path to bitter suffering, which leads us continuously into enmity and into all-destroying wars, or whether we turn ourselves towards love, harmony and progress, and as a result true freedom as well as a lasting worldwide peace among all peoples, regardless of whatever their race, skin colour, mentality, opinion, and direction of belief and knowledge may be. Written by Andrea Bertuccioli, Italy Translation: Willem Mondria, Switzerland


FIGU Special Bulletin 55


Source This is an article from FIGU Special Bulletin 55, published in August 2010.

The Crime Against All Life

NOTE: In addition to fascinating information about the true, ancient origins of life on Earth, the following excerpts reveal more about the real, largely unrecognised threat to the environment from global warming, and the real, enormous magnitude of the outrage against the environment - and all life on the planet - that is being concealed by BP, and those in governments that are complicit in this cover-up. As is the case with all lies, of either commission or omission, the truth doesn't go away, or change for the better on its own. Instead, the negative consequences of the original disaster, and its shameless cover-up, are simply compounded and increased, leading to a far worse outcome than had the truth been told. Of course, the absolute insanity of drilling for oil, let alone in the sea, has long since been warned about [1] by Meier and the Plejaren. You are encouraged to spread this information as quickly and widely as possible. Michael Horn [2] IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift [1] We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of [2]) have been given permission by Billy Meier ( [3]) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors. Please read this [4] explanatory word about our translations. The following is a translation of two excerpts from FIGU's Special Bulletin, number 55, August 2010. [3]
English Extract from the 494th official contact report of May 11th, 2010. Billy But tell me - you being a geologist, physicist, biologist, chemists and zoologist and whatever other specialist fields you have mastered - what unicellular organisms must I imagine to be those which, in the earliest times, formed the essential basis for life on the Earth and which are responsible for it? And when, more or less, did they exists? Ptaah Your question certainly relates to stromatolites, because fundamentally these were the essential link from which, ultimately, all life formed. The age of the stromatolites was around 3.5 billion years ago Billy And these stromatolites are therefore the actual origin of terrestrial life. German Auszge aus dem 494. offiziellen Kontaktbericht vom 11. Mai 2010 Billy Doch sag mal, du als Geologe, Physiker, Biologe, Chemiker und Zoologe und welche Fachgebiete du sonst noch beherrschst, was muss ich mir vorstellen, welche Einzeller zu frhester Zeit die eigentlichen Grundlagen fr das Leben auf der Erde bildeten und fr dieses verantwortlich sind?

Und wann war deren Zeit in etwa? Ptaah Deine Frage bezieht sich wohl auf die Stromatolithen, denn grundlegend waren diese das eigentliche Glied, woraus sich letztlich alles Leben formte.

Die Zeit der Stromatolithen war vor rund 3,5 Milliarden Jahren. Billy Und diese Stromatolithen sind also der eigentliche Ursprung des irdischen Lebens

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Sind diese auf der Erde entstanden? Ptaah Die grundlegenden Ursprnge dafr waren Kometen und Meteore, die auf die frhe Erde strzten und die entsprechenden Grundlebensformen und Aminosuren usw. mitbrachten. Billy Kann ich mir vorstellen, ja. Heute ist es aber leider so, dass nicht neues Leben auf die Erde gebracht, sondern seit langer Zeit existierendes zerstrt und ausgerottet wird.

Did they originate on Earth? Ptaah Their fundamental origins were comets and meteors which fell onto the early Earth and brought with them the corresponding basic forms of life and amino acids, and so forth. Billy Yes, I can imagine. But today it is unfortunately the case that new life is not brought to the Earth but instead, since a very long time ago, that which exists is being destroyed and wiped out. This is as a result of the irrationality of the human beings who destroy everything through the catastrophic results of their mad overpopulation. Generally the average human beings on the good Mother Earth do not know what monstrous damage they cause to nature and the planet itself with their overpopulation, because they are fooled and deceived by those responsible for the world, indeed by the governors and the scientists. So the majority of Earth humanity also knows nothing about how climatic warming has very much worse and more monstrous catastrophic results for the Earth, its nature and for all life, than the persons in charge officially announce through inadequate information. In regard to that, one just thinks of the gigantic masses of permafrost which contain monstrous amounts of methane gas, which is released through the thawing and melting of the permafrost and is released into the atmosphere. Not only is the climatic catastrophe thereby furthered more than ever, but also still many other monstrous things occur through which life on Earth is put into question.

Dies durch die Unvernunft der Menschen, die durch die katastrophalen Folgen ihrer verrckten berbevlkerung alles zerstren.

Allgemein wissen die Durchschnittsmenschen auf der guten Mutter Erde nicht, was sie mit ihrer berbevlkerung an der Natur und am Planeten selbst an ungeheuren Schden anrichten, denn sie werden von den Weltverantwortlichen, eben von den Regierenden und von den Wissenschaftlern fr dumm verkauft und hinters Licht gefhrt. So weiss das Gros der Erdenmenschheit auch nichts davon, dass die Klimaerwrmung sehr viel schlimmere und ungeheurere katastrophale Folgen fr die Erde, deren Natur und fr alles Leben hat, als die Verantwortlichen offiziell durch mangelhafte Informationen bekanntgeben.

Man denke dabei nur einmal an die riesigen Massen Permafrost, die ungeheure Mengen Methangas enthalten, das durch das Auftauen und Schmelzen des Permafrostes freigesetzt wird und sich in die Atmosphre freisetzt.

Nicht nur, dass dadurch die Klimakatastrophe erst recht gefrdert wird, geschehen auch noch viele andere ungeheure Dinge, durch die das Leben auf der Erde in Frage gestellt wird.

The monstrous masses of methane gas can far exceed the great Die ungeheuren Massen Methangas knnen die grossen Mengen CO2 bei amounts of CO2 and thereby, more than ever, destroy everything. weitem berschreiten und dadurch erst recht alles zerstren. Also, as a result of all that, the oceans, their currents and their formation of waves, are monstrously and dangerously influenced and evoke increased numbers of monster waves, that is to say, gigantic waves, respectively, mega waves. This occurs along with the atmosphere being influenced in terrible ways, especially, however, its lowest layer; therefore the troposphere, in which the weather processes take place Thereby storms of all kinds as well as thunderstorms become more and more powerful and destructive and they more and more closely resemble weather processes which once prevailed on the Earth in primeval times The weather processes and storms which are evoked by the masses of methane gas also evoke monstrous movements of the ocean waters, whereby warm masses of water move right down to the floor of the ocean and churn it up. Durch das Ganze werden auch die Meere, deren Strme und Wellenbildungen ungeheuer und gefhrlich beeinflusst und vermehrt Kavenzmnner, also gigantische resp. Megawellen hervorgerufen.

Dies nebst dem, dass auch die Atmosphre auf ble Weise beeinflusst wird, besonders jedoch deren unterste Schicht, also die Troposphre, in der sich die Wettervorgnge abspielen. Dadurch werden Strme aller Art sowie Gewitter immer gewaltiger, zerstrender und gleichen immer mehr Wettervorgngen, wie diese vor Urzeiten auf der Erde herrschten.

Die durch die Methangasmassen hervorgerufenen Wettervorgnge und Strme werden auch ungeheure Meerwasserbewegungen hervorrufen, wodurch warme Wassermassen bis auf den Meeresgrund hinunter gelangen und diesen aufwhlen.

In this way the gigantic amounts of methane gas, which are stored Dadurch werden die im Meeresgrund lagernden riesigen Mengen Methangas in the ocean floor, are released and drift upward, where they are freigesetzt und treiben nach oben, wo sie dann in die Troposphre gewirbelt then swirled around in the troposphere and reach into the upper werden und bis in die obere Atmosphrenschicht gelangen. layer of the atmosphere.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Die durch das freigesetzte Methan gas entstehenden Folgen werden dann katastrophal sein. Ptaah Daran ist nicht zu zweifeln

The results which come about through the release of the methane gas will then be catastrophic. Ptaah There is no doubt about that ...



Extract from the 495th official contact conversation of June 14th, 2010. Auszug aus dem 495. offiziellen Kontaktgesprch vom 14. Juni 2010 Billy Billy

Then I would like to ask another question regarding the plague of oil in Dann mchte ich noch eine Frage stellen bezglich der lpest im Golf the Gulf of Mexico. von Mexiko. Florena told me that the BP corporation, that is to say, the "British Petroleum Corporation", has spread unbelievable untruths in regard to the actual discharge of crude oil into the gulf and in regard to the entire terrible matter. Ptaah That is right, because, already, from the beginning, more than 8.6 million litres of crude oil flowed into the gulf, whereas the present amount is around 14.5 million litres per day. However, in the course of time, this amount can quickly further increase due to a greater pressure from the depths. This would depend on the corresponding subterranean conditions. Natural gas and the warmth of the Earth play an important role in that. And this can happen if effective measures are not able to prevent - in a decisive amount of time - this even more terrible thing. But what there is to say at present in regard to that is that it is questionable whether the BP corporation can effect the necessary measures in an appropriate amount of time in order to bring everything under control. And, should it not succeed in stopping the flow of oil, then the entire thing can therefore, under certain circumstances, mean that the crude oil further contaminates the gulf and thereby ultimately also the Gulf Stream to a great extent which can then lead to a worldwide climatic catastrophe, which then far exceeds everything so far in regard to climatic transformation. Already, because of the discharged crude oil, new climatic changes are resulting which are already noticeable but is a fact which is kept quiet, as is also the fact that the monstrous amounts of crude oil secrete poisonous gas and particles which reach the troposphere and atmosphere and are driven by the wind around the globe and are rained down. If, ultimately, the poisonous crude oil drifts with the Gulf Stream into the north and contaminates the Atlantic, then monstrous climatic alterations emerge against which all that which has already come about would only be a weak prelude. Florena sagte mir, dass die BP-Gesellschaft, also die British Petroleum-Gesellschaft unglaubliche Unwahrheiten verbreitet in bezug auf den wirklichen Ausstoss des Erdpetroleums in den Golf und das ganze bel. Ptaah Das ist richtig, denn schon von Anfang an flossen mehr als 8,6 Millionen Liter Erdpetroleum in den Golf, wohingegen die gegenwrtige Menge bei rund 14,5 Millionen Litern pro Tag liegt. Diese Menge kann sich jedoch im Laufe der Zeit durch einen grsseren Druck aus der Tiefe schnell weiter mehren. Dies je gemss den entsprechenden innerirdischen Verhltnissen. Dabei spielen auch die Erdwrme und Erdgase eine wichtige Rolle. Und dies kann geschehen, wenn nicht in massgebender Zeit greifende Massnahmen dieses noch grssere bel verhindern knnen. Gegenwrtig ist dazu aber zu sagen, dass es fraglich ist, ob die BP-Gesellschaft in zweckdienlicher Zeit das Notwendige bewerkstelligen kann, um alles unter Kontrolle zu bringen.

Und sollte es nicht gelingen, den lfluss zu stoppen, dann kann das Ganze unter Umstnden also bedeuten, dass das Erdpetroleum weiterhin den Golf verseucht und damit letztlich auch in grossem Masse den Golfstrom, was dann zu einer weltweiten Klimakatastrophe fhren kann, die dann alles Bisherige in bezug auf die Klimaumwandlung weit bertrifft.

Bereits ergeben sich durch das ausgetretene Erdpetroleum neuerliche klimatische Vernderungen, die sich bereits bemerkbar machen, was aber verschwiegen wird, wie auch die Tatsache, dass die ungeheuren Erdpetroleummengen giftige Gase und Partikel absondern, die in die Troposphre und Atmosphre gelangen und durch die Winde rund um den Globus getrieben und niedergeregnet werden. Treibt letztlich das giftige Erdpetroleum mit dem Golfstrom in den Norden und verseucht den Atlantik, dann treten ungeheure klimatische Vernderungen auf, wogegen die bisherig in Erscheinung getretenen nur ein schwaches Vorspiel sein wrden.

FIGU Special Bulletin 55

Ausserdem sondern sich aus dem Erdpetroleum Giftstoffe in Form von Giftgasen und Giftpartikeln ab, die auf Mensch und Tier und auf alles Getier krankheitserregend wirken, wie sich aber diese Giftstoffe auch im Meerwasser selbst verteilen und sich auf den Meeresgrund ablagern, wodurch weitere Verseuchungen entstehen, was ebenfalls von den Verantwortlichen und von den Wissenschaftlern verschwiegen wird.

Aside from that, the crude oil's toxic substances are secreted in the form of poisonous gasses and poisonous particles which have an illness-inducing effect on human beings and animals and on all creatures, as these toxic substances, however, also disperse in the ocean water itself and store themselves on the ocean floor whereby further contaminations come about, a fact which is likewise kept silent by the responsible authorities and by the scientists.

The crude oil, which is shooting upward, not only floats on the water Das hochschiessende Erdpetroleum schwimmt nicht nur auf dem Wasser and contaminates the surface as well as the land which is effected by it, und verseucht die Oberflche sowie das Land, das davon betroffen wird, rather it also drifts under water as oil agglomerations. sondern es schwimmt als lballungen auch unter Wasser. Billy Not exactly pleasant. But do you have data about what quantity of crude oil is used on the Earth every day? Ptaah According to our investigations, it is about 14 billion litres per day. Billy Monstrous. Ptaah It really is. Billy Nicht gerade erfreulich. Hast du aber Angaben darber, welche Masse Erdl gesamtirdisch pro Tag verbraucht wird? Ptaah Unseren Abklrungen gemss sind es pro Tag rund 14 Milliarden Liter. Billy Ungeheuer. Ptaah Das ist es wirklich.

NOTE: There was a previous posting of an unauthorized, unofficial translation of some of the above information by Matthew Deagle. This official, aproved translation by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine supersedes it. We are grateful, however, to Matthew for initially providing us with the first available translation so as to start to spread awareness of these outrages against humanity and all life on the planet.

Posted on [4] by Michael Horn

FIGU Special Bulletin 57


FIGU Special Bulletin 57

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Special Bulletin Number: 57 FIGU Special Bulletin Date: December 2010 Translator(s): Mariann Uehlinger Mondria Date of Translation: Unknown

This is only a small portion of FIGU Special Bulletin 57, which commemorates Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (USAF, ret.), who passed away on September 7, 2010.

FIGU Special Bulletin 57 Translation

English Handwriting tells By Ruth Skylar Khan Certified master graphoanalyst Translation: Mariann Uehlinger Mondria In Memoriam Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (USAF, ret.) Our friend Wendelle Stevens, UFO research pioneer, passed away Sept. 7 at home in Tucson. A service with full military honors was held at Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fort Huachuca, on Sept. 16. A long time resident of Tucson, Stevens was one of the most respected researchers in the field of unidentified flying objects. Some twenty years ago he hosted the very first ever UFO World Congress in Tucson. It attracted people from the North and South Americas, Europe, and Asia. He is considered by far the most influential investigative reporter on the subject. German Was die Handschrift verrt Von Ruth Skylar Khan Zertifizierte Grapho-Analystin (master graphoanalyst) bersetzung: Mariann Uehlinger Mondria Zum Andenken an Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (USAF, ret.) Unserer Freund, Wendelle Stevens, UFO-Forschungspionier, starb am 7. September 2010 in seinem Haus in Tuscon, Arizona. Eine Gedenkfeier mit allen militrischen Ehren fand am 16. September im Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fort Huachuca statt. Stevens, der viele Jahre in Tucson lebte, war einer der angesehensten Forscher im Bereich der unbekannten fliegenden Objekte. Vor etwas mehr als 20 Jahren veranstaltete er den ersten UFO-Weltkongress in Tucson, der Menschen aus Nord- und Sdamerika, Europa und Asien anzog. Er gilt als der bei weitem einflussreichste Berichterstatter auf diesem Gebiet.

FIGU Special Bulletin 57


Born in 1923 in Round Prairie, Minn., Stevens enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1941 and was transferred to the Air Corps in 1942. He was trained as a fighter pilot and served in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Later, Lt. Col. Stevens was reassigned to Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) at Wright Field. JJFO projects Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book were also under ATIC at that time. In 1947, Stevens was sent from ATIC to the Alaskan frontier. It was there that he first encountered stories of UFOs and became interested in the subject that would eventually become a lifelong quest. A little known fact about the man is that when Stevens was serving in the USAF, he was ordered to attend military language school at MAAG (military assistance and advisory group) and then was sent to serve as a major in the Bolivian Air Force. Subsequently, he was bestowed the honor of becoming a Caballero del Condor de los Andes by order of the government of Bolivia. Stevens retired from the USAF in 1963 and worked for Hamilton Aircraft until 1972. According to a pilot attending the service, Stevens was also a test pilot, due to his fearless attitude and vast flying experience. "Wendelle survived six plane crashes that were not considered survivable said his friend of 40 years. It was not until his retirement from the USAF that Stevens dedicated his life to ongoing investigations of crashes and sightings of UFOs. He tirelessly traveled around the world to interview and research reports throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, South America and China. In his 56 years of UFO and ET contact research, he has collected more than 4,000 photographs of actual unidentified flying objects. Stevens has supplied many of the UFO pictures seen in movies and UFO magazines. "Wendelle has forgotten more about UFOs than I will ever know!" said host Bob Brown of the latest UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nev. Wendelle Stevens has written and coauthored more than 20 books on extensive UFO contact cases, and lectured widely on investigations. Among the many books authored by Stevens are UFO Contact from the Pleiades (and subsequent Supplementary Investigation) about the famous Eduard 'Billy' Meier case in Switzerland. Stevens was a contributor to the UFO Crash at Aztec, N.M. book. He wrote UFO Contact from Reticulum, and many more. Following is an exemplar of Wendelle Steven's Handwriting, submitted in 2009 for graphological analysis.

Geboren 1923 in Round Prairie, Minnesota, verpflichtete sich Stevens 1941 bei der US-Armee und wurde 1942 ins Fliegerkorps versetzt. Er wurde als Jagdflieger ausgebildet, und whrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges leistete er Dienst am pazifischen Kriegsschauplatz. Spter wurde Lt. Col. Stevens dem Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) bei Wright Field zugeteilt. Die UFO-Projekte Sign, Grudge und Blue Book gehrten damals auch zum ATIC.

1947 wurde Stevens von ATIC an die Front in Alaska versetzt. Dort begegnete er erstmals Geschichten ber UFOs und begann sich dafr zu interessieren, woraus letztlich eine lebenslange Suche wurde. Nur wenig bekannt ist, dass Stevens den Befehl erhielt, die militrische Sprachschule der MAAG (military assistance and advisory group) zu besuchen, whrend er in der USAF (US Air Force) diente. Anschliessend wurde er nach Bolivien versetzt, um als Major in der Bolivianischen Luftwaffe zu dienen. In der Folge erhielt er im Auftrag der Bolivianischen Regierung die Auszeichnung Caballero de Condor de los Andes.

Stevens zog sich 1963 aus dem Dienst der US-Luftwaffe zurck und arbeitete bis 1972 fr Hamilton Aircraft. Gemss einem Piloten, der an der Gedenkfeier teilnahm, war Stevens aufgrund seiner Furchtlosigkeit und grossen Flugerfahrung auch Testpilot. Wendelle hat sechs Flugzeugabstrze berlebt, die als nicht berlebbar betrachtet wurden, sagte sein Freund, der mit ihm 40 Jahre befreundet war. Erst nach dem Ausscheiden aus der US-Luftwaffe widmete Stevens sein Leben den laufenden Ermittlungen von UFO-Abstrzen und UFO-Sichtungen. Er reiste unermdlich in der Welt umher, um Menschen zu befragen und Berichte zu erforschen, und zwar sowohl in den Vereinigten Staaten wie auch in ganz Europa, Kanada, Sdamerika und China.

In den 56 Jahren, whrend denen er UFO-Sichtungen und Kontakte Ausserirdischer erforschte, sammelte er mehr als 4000 Photographien aktuell unbekannter fliegender Objekte. Stevens lieferte viele der UFO-Bilder, die in Filmen und UFO-Magazinen gesehen werden knnen. Wendelle hat viel mehr ber UFOs vergessen, als ich jemals wissen werde, sagte Bob Brown, Veranstalter des letzten UFO Kongresses in Laughlin, Nevada.

Wendelle Stevens hat mehr als 20 Bcher ber umfangreiche UFO-Kontakt-Flle geschrieben und mitverfasst und hielt an zahlreichen Orten Vortrge ber die Ermittlungen. Zu den vielen Bchern, die Stevens hervorbrachte, gehrten UFO Contact from the Pleiades (und anschliessende Nachforschungen) ber den berhmten Eduard-Billy-Meier-Fall in der Schweiz. Stevens war Mitwirkender des Buches UFO Crash at Aztec, New Mexico und er hat UFO Contact from Reticulum geschrieben und viele andere.

FIGU Special Bulletin 57


The overall impression of Wendelle's personality and character from the handwriting submitted reveals him to be a man of integrity. Angularity and size of the communication letters m, n, h and r reveal the researcher in Wendelle. He prefers to investigate for himself and draw conclusions based on firsthand experience rather than on what someone else tells him. He relies on his own efforts to report research findings in a forthright manner. Selfreliance is evidenced in the underlining of the signature. The body of text is mostly print-writing which allows for control in an otherwise spontaneous personality. A rightward slant, combined with heavy pen pressure, are indicators that impulses may be restrained when necessary and dealt with at an appropriate time and place. Down strokes in the writing are straight and devoid of tremor, thus telling us that the writer is positive in the statements he makes and also that he enjoyed good health at the age of 86, the time when the specimen was penned. The forward slant in the body of writing is mirrored in the signature. He consistently takes into consideration the thoughts and feelings of other beings. He is reliable and dependable. The overall impression of this interesting handwriting is that one can be assured of accurate reporting and descriptions in Wendelle's books and articles. Several books are out of print and some have become collectors' items. As you read Wendelle's handwritten message, you will find the answer to the question of whether UFOs are real and where we Earthlings may be headed in the near future. We are grateful to Wendelle's immense contributions in the world of UFOs and wish him Bon Voyage through space and time, and may we meet again somewhere soon, perhaps in a parallel Universe!

Der aus Wendelle Stevens Handschrift vermittelte Gesamteindruck seiner Persnlichkeit und seines Charakters zeigt ihn als einen Mann der Integritt.

Die Winkligkeit und Grsse der verbindenden Buchstaben m, n, h und r offenbaren den Forscher in Wendelle. Er zieht es vor, selbst zu recherchieren und Schlsse zu ziehen aufgrund von Erster-Hand-Erfahrungen, statt aus dem, was andere ihm erzhlen. Wenn er in seiner offenen und ehrlichen Weise ber Forschungsergebnisse berichtet, sttzt er sich auf eigene Bemhungen. Ein Unterstreichen der Unterschrift beweist Eigenstndigkeit. Der Textkrper ist grsstenteils in Druckschrift, was bei einer sonst spontanen Persnlichkeit Kontrolle ermglicht. Eine Rechtsneigung, zusammen mit einem festen Druck der Feder, sind Indikatoren, dass Impulse wenn ntig zurckgehalten werden knnen, um sich zur geeigneten Zeit und am geeigneten Ort damit zu befassen. Die Abwrtsstriche in der Handschrift sind gerade und zitterfrei, was uns sagt, dass der Schreiber bestimmt ist in seinen Aussagen, und auch, dass er im Alter von 86 Jahren als die Schriftprobe geschrieben wurde eine gute Gesundheit genoss. Die Vorwrtsneigung im Schriftkrper ist auch in der Unterschrift zu sehen. Stndig bercksichtigt er die Gedanken und Gefhle anderer Menschen. Er ist vertrauenswrdig und verlsslich. Der Gesamteindruck dieser interessanten Handschrift ist der, dass man sicher sein kann, in Wendelles Bchern und Artikeln akkurate Berichterstattungen und Beschreibungen vorzufinden. Manche Bcher sind vergriffen und manche sind Sammlerstcke geworden. Beim Lesen von Wendelles handgeschriebener Botschaft werden Sie die Antwort zur Frage finden, ob UFOs real sind und wohin wir Erdlinge in der nahen Zukunft unterwegs sein werden. Wir sind Wendelle dankbar fr seine grossen Beitrge in der Welt der UFOs und wnschen ihm gute Reise durch Zeit und Raum, und mgen wir uns bald wieder irgendwo begegnen, vielleicht in einem ParallelUniversum!

FIGU Switzerland [1]

FIGU Special Bulletin 58


FIGU Special Bulletin 58

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Special Bulletin Number: 58 FIGU Special Bulletin Date: January 2011 Translator(s): Benjamin Stevens and finalized by Dyson Devine Date of Translation: February 12, 2011

This is only a small portion of FIGU Special Bulletin Number 58, containing Billy's response to a reader's question about the new Talmud Jmmanuel.

FIGU Special Bulletin 58 Translation

[Reader's Question about the Talmud Jmmanuel [1]]

e-mail from Dyson Devine

FIGU Special Bulletin 62


FIGU Special Bulletin 62

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Special Bulletin Number: 62 FIGU Special Bulletin Date: July 2011

FIGU Special Bulletin 62 Translation

Translator(s): Jos Barreto Silva - Brazil Date of Translation: Friday, September 30th, 2011 - 9:27:48 PM Important note by the translator J.B.S: This statement "Theories, Aliens and conspiracies... or statement to the Exopolitics and other fallacious teachings related groupings" from FIGU was written by a member of the Czech FIGU and it is an answer to an article - or analysis - written by an authoress from the Czech Republic whose name is Dana Rasinova. Dana Rasinova is a former member of FIGU who was expelled from FIGU. Dana Rasinova nowadays is an active member of the Exopolitics in the Czech Republic. Dana Rasinova's article against the Plejaren, against Billy Meier and against the Mission is titled: "The Analyse: Why Meiers Pleiadians lie and feint Part I and Part II. : Exopolitics Czech Republic - author Dana Rasinova" - Dana Rasinova's article can be found in English language online at the website of the Exopolitics Czech Republic. The link to it, for obvious reasons, is not given here.
English Theories, Aliens and conspiracies... or statement to the Exopolitics and other fallacious teachings related groupings Author: Ondrej tepnovsk, Chechnya FIGU-Special Bulletin No. 62 Pages 13,14,15,16 and 17 17th issue, July 2011 Wassermannzeit-Verlag / Billy Eduard Albert Meier Introduction We, members of the FIGU study group of the Czech Republic, as well as the members of all FIGU groups worldwide, are oriented towards the practice of the own life. The success and the development of our own lives, the acquisition of good, correct and useful behaviour, as well as the creation of beneficial and liberating values of life are always the centre of our efforts. We find nothing so important, than to open our own eyes, in order to clearly see, what is true and real. And we find nothing so important, than to learn to understand better our own consciousness, to develop it, to purify it, to free it from falsehoods and to be useful through really elaborated abilities efficiently and successfully. German Theorien, Aliens und Verschwrungen ... oder Stellungnahme zur Exopolitik und anderen irrlehremssigen Gruppierungen Autor: Ondrej tepnovsk, Tschechien FIGU-Sonder-Bulletin Nr. 62 Seiten 13,14,15,16 und 17 17. Jahrgang, Juli 2011 Wassermannzeit-Verlag / Billy Eduard Albert Meier Einleitung Wir Mitglieder der FIGU-Studiengruppe Cesk republika sowie die Mitglieder aller FIGU-Gruppen weltweit sind auf die Praxis des eigenen Lebens ausgerichtet. Der Erfolg und die Entwicklung unseres eigenen Lebens, die Erarbeitung guter, richtiger und zweckmssiger Verhaltensweisen sowie die Erschaffung wohltuender und befreiender Lebenswerte stehen allezeit im Mittelpunkt unserer Bemhungen. Nichts finden wir so wichtig, als uns selbst die Augen zu ffnen, um klar zu sehen, was wahr und wirklich ist. Und nichts finden wir so wichtig, als unser eigenes Bewusstsein besser zu verstehen lernen, zu schulen, zu lutern, von Falschheiten zu befreien und durch real erarbeitete Fhigkeiten effizient und erfolgreich zu nutzen.

FIGU Special Bulletin 62

Die Lehre der Freien Interessengemeinschaft fr Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien (kurz FIGU genannt) ist kein Buch, sondern das Leben und dessen Gesetzmssigkeiten und Ablufe selbst. Alle bersetzungen auf unseren Webseiten dienen daher jedem Menschen als Einleitung in sein alltgliches Denken, Fhlen und Handeln nichts mehr und nichts weniger. Wird diese Tatsache jedoch missverstanden und als blosse Theorie aufgefasst, begeht man einen fundamentalen Denkfehler und verkennt den Wert des Lebens, der Geisteslehre von Billy Eduard Albert Meier und auch der Arbeit der FIGU. Theorien Gerade in der heutigen Zeit gilt es immer wieder zu betonen, dass Theorie nur wenn und aber bedeutet, nicht jedoch die Wirklichkeit. Theorie ist tuschend, voller Annahmen, Meinungen, persnlicher berzeugungen, Egoismen, Irrefhrungen und Irrtmern. Theorie, das sind dicke Bnde, Artikel, Bilder, TVSendungen und Filme, die in den Kpfen unwissender und unaufgeklrter Menschen Trugbilder erzeugen, in denen sie sich dann rettungslos verlieren und nicht mehr zwischen Realitt, Wahrheit und Unwahrheit, Wert und Unwert zu unterscheiden vermgen. Alles scheint ihnen gleich oder hnlich, weil sie sich in vllig lebens- und realittsfernen Denkformen ergehen, die sie im Bewusstsein versklaven und nicht weiterkommen lassen.

The teaching of the Free Community of Interests for Border and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies (referred to as FIGU abbreviated) is not a book, but is life itself and its laws and procedures. Hence, all the translations on our websites serve to every human being as an introduction to his/her everyday thinking, feelings and behaviour - nothing more and nothing less. If, however, this fact is misunderstood and is understood as a bare theory, one makes a fundamental mistake in logic and misjudges the value of life, the Spiritual-Teaching of Billy Eduard Albert Meier and also the work of FIGU.

Theories Especially in the present time, it is necessary to emphasize again and again that theory means only ifs and buts, but not the reality. Theory is deceptive, full of assumptions, opinions, personal convictions, egoism, deception and fallacies. Theories, that are thick volumes, articles, pictures, TV programmes and films that create delusions in the minds of the ignorant and unenlightened people in which then they irretrievably lose themselves and are no longer able to distinguish between reality, truth and untruthfulness, value and unvalue. To them, everything seems to be the same or similar because they indulge themselves in absolutely life-distant and unrealistic ways of thinking, which they allow to enslave them in the consciousness and they do not get further. To it, is suitable a paragraph by Billy Eduard Albert Meier, which he wrote already in 1958, in his letter Prophecies and Predictions:

Dazu eignet sich ein Absatz von Billy Eduard Albert Meier, den er bereits 1958 in seinem Brief Prophezeiung und Voraussage geschrieben hat: denn bereits schaffen sie sich durch Kino und Fernsehen sowie spter durch eine weltweite Vernetzung von Computern und Elektronik Trugbilder, durch die sie sich selbst tuschen und Dinge sehen, die nicht existieren und nur visuell fr die Augen bestimmt sind, folglich ihr Sinn fr die Realitt schwindet und sie zwischen Wirklichkeit und Fiktion nicht mehr unterscheiden knnen, wodurch sie sich immer mehr im Labyrinth des Lebens verlieren, whrend jene, welche die Trugbilder kommerziell sowie religis und sektiererisch erzeugen, leichtes Spiel mit den glubigen Menschen haben, sie in allen mglichen Formen betrgen und zu demtigen Wesen wie unterwrfige Hunde machen.

because they are already creating phantasmagoria, through movies and television, as well as later through a worldwide netting of computers and electronics, through which they deceive themselves and see things that do not exist, and are only visually determined for the eye, subsequently their sense for reality disappears and they can no longer distinguish between reality and fiction, whereby they lose themselves more and more in the labyrinth of life, while those who produce phantasms commercially as well as religious and sectarian phantasms, have an easy game with the people of faith, who they deceive in every possible manner and make them into humble beings, like cringing dogs. The sum of all wrong assumptions, opinions, ideas, fantasies, deceptions and mistakes with which the human being occupied himself intellectually and which can become his personal conviction, his belief and his property quite soon, find an appropriate expression in the concept phantasmagory. Phantasmagoria is defined as hallucination or delusion in the DUDEN dictionary and describes an artificial, consciousness-related created illusory world, which associates itself very strongly with one's own ego and forms a solid counter block to the reality and its truth.

Die Summe aller falschen Annahmen, Meinungen, Vorstellungen, Phantasien, Irrefhrungen und Irrtmer, mit denen sich der Mensch gedanklich beschftigt hat und die ziemlich bald zu seiner persnlichen berzeugung, seinem Glauben und seinem Eigentum werden knnen, findet im Begriff Phantasmagorie einen treffenden Ausdruck. Phantasmagorie wird im DUDEN als Trugbild oder Tuschung definiert und bezeichnet eine knstliche, bewusstseinsmssig erzeugte Scheinwelt, die sich sehr stark mit dem eigenen Ego verknpft und einen festen Gegenblock zur Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit bildet.

FIGU Special Bulletin 62

Durch die Trugbilder, denen er anhngt, kommt der Mensch oft lebenslang nicht weiter und lebt stur an der Realitt vorbei, wobei er auch die Umwelt dementsprechend falsch und irrlehremssig beeinflusst. Er bringt mit seinem durch Bcher, Fernsehen und im Internetz gewonnenen Scheinund Theoriewissen absolut lebens- und wirklichkeitsfremde Meinungen, Argumente und Verhaltensweisen hervor, die er mit suggestiver berzeugungskraft, Findigkeit und absoluter Selbstverstndlichkeit als wahr und richtig hinzustellen und bis zum Gehtnichtmehr zu verfechten vermag. Oft nutzt er fr seine Argumentationen alles, wessen er sich bemchtigen kann und schafft so knstliche und irrefhrende Zusammenhnge zwischen den ihm bekannten Fakten.

Through the phantasmagoria, to which he adheres, the human being in his entire life time often does not get further and lives stubbornly beyond the reality with what, related with the erroneous and false teaching, he influences also the environment accordingly. He brings forth with him his apparent theory knowledge opinions, arguments and behaviour patterns completely far from the reality and from life which he won through books, television and in the Internet, that he with persuasiveness, resourcefulness and absolute naturalness implies as true and correct and is able to defend it ad nauseam. He often uses for his argumentations everything of which he can take hold and in this way he creates artificial and misleading connections between the facts known to him. On account of his crazy views his consciousness works and processes everything in such a way that it can be exploited for the benefit of his personal struggle. Through that he misjudges the facts, abuses his own consciousness and makes the reality and its truth into a personal-egoistic farce. A sounding and apparent good convincing argumentation chain or thought construction is still for a long time no truth, but mostly just only bare, completely valueless theory.

Sein Bewusstsein arbeitet und verarbeitet aufgrund seiner irren Ansichten alles so, dass es sich fr seinen persnlichen Kampf auswerten lsst. Dadurch verkennt er die Tatsachen, missbraucht sein eigenes Bewusstsein und macht die Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit zur persnlich-egoistischen Farce. Eine gut klingende und scheinbar berzeugende Argumentationskette oder Gedankenkonstruktion ist noch lange keine Wahrheit, sondern meistens eben nur blosse, vllig wertlose Theorie. Es gibt leider sehr viele Menschen, die diesbezglich falsch denken, doch sie merken es in der Regel nicht, weil sie es zutiefst nicht wollen und weil sie die schpferischen Regungen, die sie stndig auf ihr falsches Tun hinweisen, bereits automatisch unbewusst, teilbewusst oder bewusst ablehnen und verdrngen. Irrlehren Die Motivation fr diese Abhandlung war ein 15seitiger Artikel namens Analyse: Warum die Plejaren von Billy Meier lgen und taktieren!, der von einem Mitglied der tschechischen Exopolitik geschrieben und im Internetz zur Verbreitung verffentlicht wurde (Anm. Redaktion FIGU-Bulletin: Ganz offensichtlich als Racheakt infolge Ausschluss der Autorin aus der FIGU). Die Autorin wollte die FIGU-Mitglieder und andere Interessierte darauf aufmerksam machen, dass die Plejaren in gewissen Belangen bewusst lgen, taktieren oder verleugnen. Konkret soll sich das auf spezifische Informationen ber Ufologie, Politik und Militr auf unserer Erde beziehen. So sollen also die Plejaren die Fakten ber verschiedenste wirkliche Kontaktler, Alien-Rassen und Verschwrungen usw. auf der Erde bewusst verharmlosen, umschreiben oder gar bestreiten.

Unfortunately, there are many people who think wrongly in this regard, but as a rule, they do not notice it, because they do not want it profoundly which constantly points to their wrong action, and because they already automatically unconsciously, partly consciously or consciously reject and suppress the creative impulses. False teachings The motivation for this treatise was a 15-pages article by the name of The Analyse: Why Meiers Pleiadians lie and feint!, that was written by a member of the Czech Exopolitics and was published for dissemination in the Internet (Note from the editors of FIGU-Bulletin: Quite obviously as an act of revenge due to the expulsion of the authoress from the FIGU). The authoress wanted to draw the attention of the FIGU members and of other interested parties to the fact that the Plejaren in certain interests consciously lie, manoeuvre or deny. Specifically that is supposed to refer to specific details about ufology, politics and the military on our Earth. Thus, the Plejaren therefore supposedly consciously play down, circumscribe, or even deny the facts about the most different real contactees, alien races and conspiracies etc. on the Earth. The reason for this the authoress sees in various hypotheses or theories, such as, that the Plejaren want to draw all the attention of the FIGU members to themselves, to the Spiritual-Teaching, as well as to the carrying out and maintenance of the Mission; that FIGU members, by their ignorance, should be protected against negative influences; that many real things about the aliens and the conspiracies are too dangerous or would endanger the authority of the Plejaren on the Earth; that the people in general should be appeased etc. In principle the authoress points out that the members of FIGU or those parties interested in FIGU are too one-sided and are too faithful about the whole complexity of the world events to be able to understand - in regard to the secret machinations, the contacts and the aliens, etc. because they would deliberately be misled precisely by the Plejaren and Billy.

Den Grund dafr erblickt die Autorin in diversen Hypothesen bzw. Theorien, wie z.B., dass die Plejaren alle Aufmerksamkeit der FIGU-Mitglieder auf sich selbst, die Geisteslehre sowie die Ausfhrung und Erhaltung der Mission lenken wollen; dass die FIGU-Mitglieder durch ihre Unwissenheit vor negativen Einflssen geschtzt werden sollen; dass viele wirkliche Sachen um die Aliens und Verschwrungen zu gefhrlich seien oder die Autoritt der Plejaren auf der Erde gefhrden wrden; dass die Menschen im allgemeinen beschwichtigt werden sollen usw. Im Prinzip deutet die Autorin an, dass die FIGUMitglieder oder die FIGU-Interessenten zu einseitig und zu glubig seien, um die ganze Komplexitt des Weltgeschehens hinsichtlich der geheimen Machenschaften, der Kontakte und der Aliens usw. begreifen zu knnen, weil sie eben von den Plejaren und Billy gezielt irregefhrt wrden.

FIGU Special Bulletin 62

In ihrem Artikel fhrt sie 20 konkrete Punkte auf, mit denen sie sich nicht konform erklren kann. Das Warum versucht sie mit den vermeintlichen Widersprchen in den Plejadisch-plejarischen Kontaktberichten sowie in den Erklrungen Billys und Ptaahs zu belegen, nebst dem, dass sie unzhlige alternative Quellen zitiert und als Gegengewicht zu den Informationen der Plejaren, Billys und der FIGU hervorhebt. Der arme Leser, der unvorbereitet und unaufgeklrt mit ihrem Artikel in Berhrung kommt, kann sich quasi folgendes Bild ber das heutige Weltgeschehen bzw. die Realitt bilden, wenn die beschriebenen haarstrubenden, irrefhrenden und wahrheitsfremden Unsinnigkeiten im Analyse-Artikel unbedarft und unabgeklrt als bare Wahrheit genommen werden: Auf der Erde gibt es gegenwrtig unzhlige reale Kontaktler (bezieht sich nicht auf die Sicht- oder Impulskontaktler), wobei deren Zahl stndig wchst. Die sehr gefhrlichen Draconians bzw. Reptilians sind auf der Erde ebenfalls ttig und bilden eine Imperiale Allianz. Auch die sehr gefhrlichen Little Greys sind hier am Werk und paktieren vor allem mit der US-Regierung, und dies wahrscheinlich unter der Fhrung von Reptilians bzw. Draconians. Der Roswell-Film ist echt und stellt einen Little Grey dar. Auf dem Planeten Erde gab es und gibt es massenweise Entfhrungen der Zivilbevlkerung durch verschiedene ausserirdische Zivilisationen, wahrscheinlich ganz besonders durch die Little Greys.

In her article she lists 20 specific points with which she cannot explain herself consistently. This is why she attempts to impose it with the supposed contradictions in the Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports as well as in the explanations of Billy and Ptaah, with which she quotes innumerable alternative sources and highlights them as a counterweight for the information of the Plejaren, Billy and the FIGU. The poor reader, unprepared and unenlightened that comes into contact with her article can make, more or less, the following picture about the today's world events or the reality, if the described hair-raising, misleading and far from the truth absurdities in the Analyse-article are taken, clueless and unclarified, as bare truth:

On Earth, there are currently countless real contactees (not referring to the visual or impulse contactees), where their number is constantly growing. The very dangerous Draconians or Reptilians are also active on the Earth and form an Imperial Alliance. Also the very dangerous Little Greys are at the work here and made a pact particularly with the US-government, and this probably under the leadership of the Reptilians and/or Draconians. The Roswell film is real and represents a Little Grey. On the planet Earth there are great quantities of kidnappings of the civil population through different extraterrestrial civilizations, probably especially through the Little Greys. In addition, there are military kidnappings through MILAB. The president of the US Eisenhower actually met aliens at that time. Our governments are working predominantly with the negative aliens, including Reptilians, and are partially controlled by them. There are very many subterranean bases in most different countries of the world, in which, for example, a secret cooperation with various extraterrestrial races takes place. It is most probably that we are in the middle of a conflict between at least two extraterrestrial combat groups: the Peace Fight Troops of the Galactic Federation and the Pirate Forces of the Imperial Alliance.

Ausserdem gibt es militrische Entfhrungen durch MILAB. US-Prsident Eisenhower traf seinerzeit tatschlich Ausserirdische. Unsere Regierungen arbeiten vorwiegend mit den negativen Ausserirdischen zusammen, inklusive Reptilians, und werden von ihnen teilweise gesteuert. Es gibt sehr viele unterirdische Basen in verschiedensten Lndern der Welt, in denen z.B. eine geheime Zusammenarbeit mit diversen ausserirdischen Rassen stattfindet. Es ist hchstwahrscheinlich, dass wir uns inmitten eines Konfliktes zwischen zumindest zwei ausserirdischen Kampfgruppen befinden: den Friedenskampftruppen der Galaktischen Fderation und den Piratenkrften der Imperialen Allianz. Die Piratenkrfte, verkrpert durch die Draconians, die Little Greys, die irdischen Reptilians, den militrisch-industriellen Komplex MIEC und die Illuminaten (und weiter angeblich durch Freimaurer, schwarze Magier, Zionisten, Bilderberger usw.) streben die totale Kontrolle ber die irdische Menschheit an, z.B. durch ein ausgeklgeltes Netz der berwachungsund Beeinflussungstechnik (Satelliten, Sender, HAARP, berwachung des Internetzes und der Computer usw.), die durch Installation von Mikrochips unter die Haut jedes gewhnlichen Brgers degradiert werden soll. Die Draconians, Reptilians und Little Greys wollen den Planeten Erde weiterhin als Nahrungsquelle nutzen, da sie vor allem gerne das menschliche Fleisch konsumieren. Im weiteren benutzen sie die irdische Flora, Fauna und die Menschheit als Quelle von genetischem Material fr Experimente und zur Erschaffung von hybriden Rassen. Unter Umstnden wollen sie die Erdenmenschen als Sklaven auf andere Planeten transportieren. Es gibt aber auch positive Ausserirdische, die bereit sind, die Erdenmenschen zu evakuieren.

The Pirate Forces, embodied by the Draconians, the Little Greys, the earthly Reptilians, the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] and the Illuminati (and further supposedly by the Freemasons, Black Magicians, Zionists, Bilderbergers etc.) strive for the total control of the earthly humanity, for example, through a sophisticated network of monitoring and influencing technology (Satellites, transmitters, HAARP, supervisioning of the Internet network and the computer, etc.), that through the installation of microchips under the skin every ordinary citizen is supposed to be degraded. Furthermore the Draconians, Reptilians and Little Greys want to use the planet Earth as a source of food, since they mainly like to consume the human flesh. In addition, they use the earthly flora, the fauna and the humankind as sources of genetic material for experiments and for the creation of hybrid races. Under these circumstances they want to transport the earthly humans as slaves to other planets. However, there are also positive extraterrestrials, who are ready to evacuate the earthy humans.

FIGU Special Bulletin 62

Es gibt viele Erdenmenschen, die der Telepathie und des Channelings fhig sind. Chemtrails sind real. Die Plejaren haben einmal bezglich ihres Ursprungsortes gelogen (bis 1995 sprachen sie von den Plejaden, danach aber von den Plejaren), folglich knnen sie solche Lgen und Taktiken jederzeit anwenden, und die glubigen FIGU-Mitglieder kaufen es ihnen unbedacht ab Diese und weitere Unsinnigkeiten werden im erwhnten Artikel genannt, quasi als Alternative oder als Gegengewicht zu den Informationen der Plejaren und Billys, wobei die Autorin in der Einleitung sagt, dass sie mit all den Behauptungen nicht unbedingt recht haben msse, dass sie aber zumindest zum Nachdenken anregen wolle. Zum ganzen Bldsinn passt aber nur ein einziger Begriff: Phantasmagorie! Sicher, nicht alle Exopolitik-Initiativen auf der ganzen Welt (fr nhere Angaben zur Exopolitik siehe [1] ergehen sich in einem derart krassen Unsinn wie die tschechische, aber das heisst noch lange nicht, dass diese eine wahrheitsmssige Aufklrung betreiben. Das tun sie wirklich nur teilweise, wobei sie jedoch gravierenden, rein esoterischen, ufologischen oder religis-sektiererischen Irrlehren unterliegen und sich durch zahlreiche falsche Propheten, Hellseher, Kontaktler, Buchautoren und selbsternannte Experten hinters Licht fhren lassen und den verschiedensten Irrealitten, Einbildungen oder gar Wahnvorstellungen anhngen und ihnen verfallen sind. Bei der weltweit operierenden Exopolitik ist also usserste Vorsicht geboten, weil diese sehr oft in irreale Bahnen abdriftet und fatale Wirrnisse und Irrlehren vertritt und verbreitet. Dabei ist zu betonen, dass die FIGU nicht das Gute dieser oder jener Gruppierung, sondern einzig und allein das Falsche und Irrlehremssige kritisiert und ablehnt. Daher distanzieren wir uns, die Mitglieder der FIGU, der FIGU-Studien- und -Landesgruppen, ausdrcklich von jedem Bldsinn exopolitischer oder sonstwie irrlehremssiger Art sowie von diesen oder hnlichen Gruppierungen, ganz egal, ob sie auf Ufologie, falsche Kontaktler, Channeler, Esoterik, religises Sektierertum oder auf abstruse und paranoide Verschwrungstheorien ausgerichtet sind.

There are many people of the Earth, that are capable of telepathy and Channelings. Chemtrails are real. The Plejaren have lied once concerning their place of origin (until 1995 they spoke of the Pleiades, but after that as the Plejaren), consequently they can use such lies and tactics at any time, and the faithful FIGU members buy it from them thoughtlessly... These and further absurdities are named in the mentioned article, as it were as an Alternative or as a Counterbalance to the information of the Plejaren and Billy, with what the authoress says in the introduction, that she does not have to be absolutely right with all the allegations, but that she would at least stimulate to the reflection. However, only one single concept fits to the whole nonsense: Phantasmagoria! Certainly, not all the Exopolitics initiatives in the whole world (for further detailed information on the Exopolitics see [1] indulge in such a crass nonsense like the Czech, however, this still does not mean in any way, that these do a clarification according to the truth. They in reality do it only partially, with what, however, they succumb seriously to the purely esoteric, ufological and religious-sectarian false teachings and they let themselves be deceived by the numerous false Prophets, Clairvoyants, Contactees, book authors and self-appointed Experts and they adhere to the most different irrealities, fantasies or even hallucinations and become a slave to them. Therefore, with the worldwide operating Exopolitics extreme caution is necessary because it very often drifts into unreal pathways and represents and disseminates fatal confusion and false teachings. At the same time, it is to be emphasized that the FIGU does not criticizes the good of this or that grouping, but criticizes and rejects solely the wrong and false teachings- related. Therefore we, the members of the FIGU, the FIGU-Studien and FIGU-Landesgruppen , expressly distance ourselves of every Exopolitics' nonsense or of any other kind of false teaching-related as well as of these or similar groupings, regardless of whether they are on ufology, false Contactees, Channelers, esotericism, religious sectarianism, or are aligned with abstruse and paranoid conspiracy theories. We reject strictly the whole nonsense spread by these groups and based on mere unrealistic theories and assumptions, since on one hand, it has no relation with the FIGU and the reality, and on the other hand, it does not hold any elucidation related to real truth in itself, but only more confusion, misleading, stultification, smoke and mirrors.

Den ganzen von diesen Gruppierungen verbreitete und auf blossen lebensfremden Theorien und Annahmen basierende Unsinn lehnen wir strikte ab, da er einerseits keinerlei Bewandtnis mit der FIGU und der Wirklichkeit hat, und andererseits keine wahrheitsmssige Aufklrung in sich birgt, sondern nur weitere Wirrnis, Irrefhrung, Verbldung, Schall und Rauch. Wirklichkeit Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit sind die effektive Realitt der Schpfung und ihrer natrlichen Gesetze. Diese sind unabhngig von allen Bchern, Filmen, religisen und sektiererischen Aussagen, Meinungen, Theorien, Vorstellungen, berzeugungen, Wnschen, Glaubensformen, Einbildungen und Irrlehren der Menschen. Die Schpfung selbst als Universalbewusstsein existiert als reine geistige Energie und kann durch den Menschen nie gesehen, gehrt, erfahren oder erlebt werden. Nur ihr Wirken kann gesehen, gehrt, erfahren und erlebt werden, und zwar in Form des gesamten Universums und allem, was darin existiert, atmet, kreucht und fleucht. Das einzige Mittel, die schpferische Wirklichkeit ergrnden zu knnen, ist Neutralitt, Unvoreingenommenheit, gesunde Kritikfhigkeit, Klarheit im Denken, feste Motivation, harte realittsbezogene Gedanken und Gefhle sowie Krperarbeit und lebenslanges ehrliches Streben nach Hherem.

Reality Reality and its truth are the effective reality of Creation and its natural laws. These are independent of all books, films, religious and sectarian statements, opinions, theories, ideas, convictions, wishes, belief forms, conceits and false teachings of the humans. The Creation itself exists as Universal Consciousness as spiritual energy and can never be seen, heard, learnt or experienced by the human being.

Only its activity can be seen, heard, learnt and be experienced, in the form of the entire universe and everything that exists in it, breathes, creeps and flies. The only way to be able to fathom (to penetrate) the creative reality is neutrality, impartiality, healthy critical faculties, clarity in thinking, solid motivation, hard reality-based thoughts and feelings as well as bodywork and a lifelong honest striving for the higher things.

FIGU Special Bulletin 62

Herumsurfen im Internet und Lesen schwachsinniger Bcher und Artikel usw. stiftet nur Zweifel, Unsicherheit und Verwirrung, die bis zum vlligen Realittsverlust fhren knnen. Auf diese Weise fllt der Mensch sein Bewusstsein mit falschen und pervertierten Daten, die in ihm zu arbeiten beginnen und ihn nach Strich und Faden zu beherrschen vermgen. Dadurch ist er blind und schwach und unfhig geworden, die Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit zu erkennen. Genau darauf basiert aber die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens von Billy Eduard Albert Meier, die nur absolut wirksame Gesetze, Gebote und Richtlinien des Lebens, der Entwicklung und der schpferisch-natrlichen Wahrheit beinhaltet, die jeder Mensch in seinem realen Leben und Alltag erfolgreich befolgen kann, wenn er sich dazu ermuntert und befhigt. Die Erklrungen der Plejaren und Billys hinsichtlich der ausserirdischen Prsenz auf der Erde sowie hinsichtlich der verschiedensten Verschwrungen sind ebenfalls keine Theorie, sondern reine Feststellungen von Tatsachen und somit Wahrheit. Sie entsprechen dem bestmglichen Wissen, das uns auf diesem Planeten heute zur Verfgung steht, auch wenn irregeleitete und durch paranoide Verschwrungstheorien und andere Unsinnigkeiten und Irrlehren beeintrchtigte Menschen das Gegenteil behaupten. Die ufologischen und anderweitigen Realittsfakten und Zusammenhnge in den Plejadischplejarischen Kontaktberichten und diversen anderen FIGU-Schriften sind jedoch alles andere als leicht und schnell zu verstehen und zu erarbeiten, denn sie erfordern eine immense Denkarbeit sowie eine mhevolle und realittsbezoge Evolution der eigenen Gedanken, Gefhle, Handlungen und Taten. Die wirkliche Wahrheit fllt bekanntlich niemandem in den Schoss und muss hart errungen werden. Wenn man jedoch die ernsthaften Mhen scheut, in den alten glcklosen Bahnen verharrt und dadurch der eigenen Evolution Hohn spottet, wird man in seinen Gedanken und Gefhlen nur an der Realitt vorbeilaufen, weil diese Gedanken und Gefhle zu schwach, zu langsam und zu ungebildet sind, um sie bewusst erfassen zu knnen. Der ganze Fall Billy Meier ist darauf ausgerichtet, dass der Mensch selbst denkend, d.h. selbstndig und kraftvoll denkend wird. Deswegen landen die Plejaren nicht in unserem Garten, sondern sie fordern uns auf, uns selbst in jeder Beziehung der Realitt zu erkennen und zu entwickeln sowie ber alles selbst grndlich nachzudenken.

Surfing on the Internet and reading imbecilic books and articles, and so on, causes only doubt, uncertainty and confusion, which can lead to the complete loss of reality. In this way, the human being fills his consciousness with wrong and perverted data, which begin to work in it and are able to thoroughly dominate it. Through that he becomes blind and weak and incapable to recognize the reality and its truth.

Exactly on that is based, however, the teaching of truth, the teaching of spirit, the teaching of life of Billy Eduard Albert Meier that contains only absolute effective laws, recommendations and guidelines of life, the evolution and the creative and natural truth, that every human being can follow in his real and everyday life successfully, when he is encouraged and enabled for this purpose. The explanations of the Plejaren and Billy's with regard to the extraterrestrial presence on the Earth as well as concerning the most different conspiracies are also no theory, but pure determination of facts and thus truth. They correspond to the best possible knowledge which is available to us on this planet today, even when persons who are misguided and affected by paranoid conspiratorial theories and other absurdities and false teachings claim the opposite. The ufological and other reality facts and connections in the Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports and various other FIGU writings are anything but easily and quickly understood and compiled, because they require an immense intellectual work, as well as a laborious and a reality-related evolution of one's own thoughts, feelings, actions and deeds.

The real truth does not fall into nobody's lap as everybody knows, and it must be gained in a hard way. If one, however, shies away from the serious efforts one remains on the old hapless pathways, and, through that, scorns and mocks the own evolution, one will, in his thoughts and feelings, only run past the reality, because these thoughts and feelings are too weak, too slow and too uneducated to be able to understand them consciously. The whole case Billy Meier is, thereupon, oriented, that the human being becomes thinking by himself, i.e. independently and powerfully thinking. Because of that, the Plejarens do not land on our garden but they ask to us to recognize and to develop the reality as well as, above all, to us to think by ourselves thoroughly about everything in all respects. Only if we do that, we enable ourselves to recognize, to acquire and to register the real meaning of the Spiritual-Teaching, the Mission, the Contact Reports and all other reality facts as knowledge. Sooner or later, we ourselves, understand why the Plejaren and Billy act one way or another, and we recognize the complete correctness and logic that is behind it. Only then we really understand, that the Plejaren must neither lie nor manoeuvre, because regarding this they are not like the human beings of the Earth, but are enormously much higher in their knowledge, their wisdom and their love, in their peace and their freedom and harmony. They bring to us through their mediator and prophet Billy Eduard Albert Meier an enormously high and intensive knowledge in all areas of life that it makes everything else in this world pale into insignificance, more especially, however, those that are the erroneous religions and sects as well as the far-fetched assumptions, that on the Earth there are still other countless real contactees, alien-races, extraterrestrials in the governments and conspiracies etc.

Nur wenn wir das tun, befhigen wir uns dazu, den eigentlichen Sinn der Geisteslehre, der Mission, der Kontaktberichte und aller anderen Realittsfakten zu erkennen und als Wissen zu erarbeiten und zu registrieren. Frher oder spter verstehen wir selbst, warum die Plejaren und Billy so oder so handeln, und wir erkennen die vllige Richtigkeit und Logik, die dahinter steckt. Erst dann verstehen wir wirklich, dass die Plejaren weder lgen noch taktieren mssen, denn sie sind diesbezglich nicht wie die Erdenmenschen, sondern enorm viel hher in ihrem Wissen, ihrer Weisheit und ihrer Liebe, in ihrem Frieden und ihrer Freiheit und Harmonie. Sie bringen uns durch ihren Mittler und Propheten Billy Eduard Albert Meier ein enorm hohes und intensives Wissen in allen Bereichen des Lebens, das alles andere auf dieser Welt verblassen lsst, ganz besonders jedoch die irrigen Religionen und Sekten sowie die an den Haaren herbeigezogenen Annahmen, dass es auf der Erde noch unzhlige weitere wirkliche Kontaktler, Alien-Rassen, Ausserirdische in den Regierungen und Verschwrungen gbe usw.

FIGU Special Bulletin 62

All dieser Humbug ist irrelevant und legt ein schreckliches Zeugnis davon ab, wie unreif, unbedarft, unvernnftig, unverstndig und wahnglubig die Erdenmenschen noch sind. Nie und nimmer werden die ufologischen, esoterischen und exopolitischen Kreise sowie andere irrlehremssige Gruppierungen die Wahrheit und die Tatsache wahrhaben und akzeptieren, dass Billy Eduard Albert Meier der einzige wirkliche Kontaktler mit den Ausserirdischen, den Plejaren, auf der Erde ist, ausser sie gehen in sich, werfen alle Irrlehren ber Bord und setzen sich ehrlich mit der Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit auseinander. Ob sie jedoch jemals dazu fhig werden und es auch tun werden, das muss man sich tatschlich fragen, wenn man all der Dummheiten und Unsinnigkeiten bedenkt, die durch den Analyse-Artikel nebst vielem anderen Bldsinn von Verschwrungstheoretikern, Besserwissern, angeblichen Kontaktlern, Channelern, Esoterikern, Okkultisten und Sektierern usw. als Sensationsfutter der irdischen Menschheit vorgeworfen werden. Dass damit auch lodernde Angst und Schrecken oder zumindest eine grosse Unsicherheit unter vielen Menschen verbreitet wird, die all die Unsinnigkeiten und irren Verrcktheiten lesen und in sich aufsaugen, das ist allen jenen vllig egal, welche verantwortungslos im genannten Rahmen handeln und auch billig in Kauf nehmen, dass Menschen deswegen durchdrehen, an ihrem Verstand zweifeln oder sich gar umbringen. Dazu reicht allein schon der unsinnige und wirklichkeitssowie wahrheitsfremde Analyse-Artikel

All this humbug is irrelevant and gives a terrible evidence of how the human beings of the Earth are still immature, simple-minded, unreasonable, lacking of understanding and delusional believers. Never ever the ufologic, esoteric and Exopolitics circles as well as the other false teachings-related groupings will admit the truth and the fact and accept that Billy Eduard Albert Meier is the only real (genuine) contactee with the extraterrestrials, the Plejaren, on the Earth, unless they themselves go to one another, throw all false teachings overboard and have a good and honestly look at the reality and its truth. Whether they, however, will ever become capable for this purpose and will also do it, that one must really wonder, when considering all the stupidity and absurdities, that through the Analyse-article, together with a lot of other nonsense of the conspiracy theoreticians, wiseacres, alleged contactees, Channelers, esoterics, occultists and sectarian and so forth was thrown as sensationalist fodder to the humanity of the Earth. That with it also is widespread blazing fear and terror or at least a large uncertainty among many people who read all the absurdities and insane craziness and absorb it into themselves, that it is completely all the same to all those that act irresponsibly in the mentioned framework and also approve it as an acceptable consequence regardless that people, because of it, lose their heads, doubt their mental sanity, or even kill themselves. For that already is enough only the absurd and alienated from the reality and truth Analyse-article

Translator's Notes
Note by J.B.S The original article above is online, written in Czech language, at the Czech FIGU website and can be read here: Vce zde: http:/ / cz. figu. org/ news/ teorie-mimozemsti-vetrelci-a-spiknuti-aneb-stanovisko-k-exopolitice-a-jinym-bludnym-uskupenim-m-b-c-62-cervenec-2011-/ or in German language here: German language also here:

FIGU Special Bulletin 64


FIGU Special Bulletin 64

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Special Bulletin Number: 64 FIGU Special Bulletin Date: November, 2011 Source: FIGU Switzerland -

The dissolution of FIGU USA until further notice, and a written account of a unique experience at the SSSC in August 2011 by Robyn Foley.

FIGU Special Bulletin 64 Translation

FIGU Society USA Dissolved Author: Christian Frehner On August 6, 2011, during its General Meeting, the Kerngruppe der 49 (Core group of 49) at the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center has decided to dissolve FIGU-Landesgruppe USA or FIGU Society USA, respectively. The decisive factor was the fact that the members of the national group were not capable to build during the last nine years a community functioning according to FIGU's standards. It is very unfortunate to realize that the people in the USA during the last 35 years have not recognized their own responsibility to build smaller or larger groups, in order to achieve good progress in spreading the spiritual teaching. The decision also means that for the time being no group of FIGU Passive Members will receive the status of an official FIGU-Studiengruppe or Landesgruppe (Study or National Group) in the USA. It's now entirely up to the Passive Members and further persons interested in spreading the truth whether they want to accept their self-responsibility and self-duty etc. and unite as groups in the USA and become active. And they will have to achieve everything without the external assistence of the Kerngruppe der 49. If it should turn out in a few years that in the USA one or more groups exist in which FIGU Passive Members are persistently working together in a motivated, reliable, civilized way and in mutual esteem and respect etc. and are achieving real progress, then there remains the possibility that the official status of a FIGU-Landesgruppe or Studiengruppe may be granted again. It goes without saying that all U.S. American FIGU Passive Members will continue to have equal rights and duties as all other FIGU Passive Members in other countries, and they will be held in equal esteem, too. Christian Frehner, Switzerland Account of <experience> at the SSSC ... By Robyn Foley ... on Thursday 18th August 2011 I had planned a visit from Australia to the SSSC for a two week period. I arrived on 7th August, and was given a small caravan to stay in, on the hillside. On the night of the 17th I made my way down the track to the small caravan, and went to sleep around midnight or so. At some point, maybe a few hours later, I awoke with a start as I felt urgently that I was going to be sick and jumped up thinking I would have to run to the door of the van to get out in

FIGU Special Bulletin 64 time. This was unusual for me, as I don't recall feeling nausea like this very often in my life. However, before I could get to the door, this overpowering nausea subsided completely. I went back to the bed and drifted back into sleep. Once again, I awoke with a start. This time I heard clear footsteps outside the little caravan. Being alone down there, it is not something I would have expected to hear in those early hours of the morning. I sat up and at that moment the most amazingly strong perfume came wafting in through the windows of the caravan. It was a really beautiful perfume, that made me think of flowers and some other elements as well. I took deep deep breaths, to take in this perfume. I heard myself saying out loud how beautiful, and What is this beautiful smell?. I peered out of one of the windows of the caravan to see if I could see anyone there associated with the footsteps, however, I could not see anyone. The perfume continued to waft into the caravan until the van was just filled with this glorious aroma. I basked in the aroma, wondering if it could have been the flowers from some tree, releasing their perfume. But I thought that if this was so, I would have noticed it before tonight. I then went back to sleep. On waking in the morning there was still a faint perfume in the van and I went up the hillside to the showers and to have breakfast. I met Eva from Germany having her coffee. I told her of my experience, as it was so unusual and I felt the need to share it. We then went in to have breakfast. In the kitchen at that time were Atlantis and Karin (from Germany). I spoke to Atlantis about the experience asking him if there were any trees that give off that kind of perfume. He listened to my whole story, and then he decided to ask Billy about it and went into his office. Atlantis came back some minutes later, saying that Florena had visited Billy in the early hours of the morning, and that my experience was likely Florena going for a walk through the Centre, as she often likes to do. Billy wanted me to write this experience down. I was delighted to have come all this way from Australia, for my first visit to the Centre, and to have had this pleasant experience, with Florena.


Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions
IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Special Bulletin Number: 53 FIGU Special Bulletin Date: June 2010 Author: Billy, BEAM, Muhammed Abdullah Translator(s): Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine Date of Translation: August 24th, 2010, Australia

Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions


An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift [1] We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of [2]) have been given permission by Billy Meier ( [3]) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors. Please read this [4] explanatory word about our translations.

English Islamistic terrorists do not represent Islam, just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions. As a human being, born Eduard Albert Meier, named Billy, BEAM, and Sheik Muhammed Abdullah and so forth, I had certainly, already from childhood, gained a good insight into Christianity as well as into Islam and into the other religions as well as into many of their sects, whereby I have, however, assumed and maintained a completely neutral position, over my entire life, for myself and my thoughts, feelings and views, as well as opinions. Fundamentally, according to Islam, I am a religious non-believer and, from the perspective of Christianity, a heretic and atheist, or, from a different and sectarian perspective, one who is lost and a candidate for Hell and so forth, because I distance myself from all religious and sectarian belief. As a result, I have not succumbed to the God delusion, which is hammered, in an indoctrinating manner, into the believers, through the false teachings of religions and all their sects. For these abovementioned reasons I am also able, in a neutral way, to correctly judge things which are actually, or seemingly, associated with belief, religion and sectarianism. This is the case, for example, in regard to Islamistic terrorism, whereby this Islamism has no relationship whatsoever with actual Islam. It is based, instead, on a wrongly steered and completely degenerated fanaticism. Unfortunately, it is the case that, wherever terrorist acts occur, these are immediately associated with Islam, as they also are with other religions, however, and indeed, depending on which religion the terrorists belong to in each instance. In the present time it is primarily Islam which is the target of abusive insults from people. This is exactly what occurs when terrorist acts are committed by fanatical Islamists. Terrorist Islamists have, however, nothing to do with Islam in the way that they represent it, because truly they are degenerated religious fanatics, who interpret the Qur'an and Islam which results from it, according to their own criminal judgement, in their own fanatical favour, in order to be able to spread boundless murder, killing death and destruction. German Islamistische Terroristen vertreten nicht den Islam, wie auch andersglubige Terroristen nicht die anderen Religionen vertreten. Als Mensch, gebrtig als Eduard Albert Meier, genannt Billy, BEAM, und Sheik Muhammed Abdullah usw., habe ich schon von Kindheit an sehr wohl einen guten Einblick in das Christentum sowie in den Islam und in die anderen Religionen sowie in viele deren Sekten gewonnen, wobei ich jedoch mein ganzes Leben lang fr mich und meine Gedanken, Gefhle und Ansichten sowie Meinungen immer eine vllig neutrale Haltung eingenommen und beibehalten habe. Grundstzlich bin ich gemss dem Islam ein religiser Unglubiger und aus der Sicht des Christentums ein Ketzer und Atheist, oder aus anderer und sektiererischer Sicht ein Verlorener und Hllenanwrter usw., denn ich distanziere mich von jedem religisen und sektiererischen Glauben.

Damit bin ich auch nicht vom Gotteswahn befallen, wie dieser durch die Irrlehren der Religionen und alle deren Sekten den Glubigen indoktrinierend eingehmmert wird. Aus diesen genannten Grnden vermag ich auch in neutraler Weise Dinge richtig zu beurteilen, die mit Glauben, Religion und Sektierismus tatschlich oder scheinbar zusammenhngen. Dies wie z.B. in bezug auf den islamistischen Terrorismus, wobei dieser Islamismus mit dem eigentlichen Islam keinerlei Bewandtnis hat, sondern auf einem fehlgesteuerten und vllig ausgearteten Fanatismus beruht.

Leider ist es so, dass berall dort, wo Terroraktionen stattfinden, diese sofort mit dem Islam in Verbindung gebracht werden, wie aber auch mit anderen Religionen, und zwar je nachdem, welcher Religion die Terroristen angehren. Hauptschlich ist es in der gegenwrtigen Zeit der Islam, der ins Ziel der Beschimpfungen der Menschen gert. Dies eben dann, wenn durch fanatische Islamisten Terrorakte verbt werden. Terroristische Islamisten haben jedoch nichts mit dem Islam zu tun in der Weise, dass sie diesen vertreten wrden, denn wahrheitlich sind sie ausgeartete religise Fanatiker, die den Koran und den daraus resultierenden Islam nach eigenem verbrecherischem Ermessen zu ihren eigenen fanatischen Gunsten auslegen, um hemmungslos Mord, Tod und Zerstrung verbreiten zu knnen.

Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions


As a result of this wrongdoing by the fanatical Islamistic terrorists, who have succumbed to delusion, their crimes are only too quickly and too willingly brought into association with Islam. On one hand, however, this has nothing at all to do with it, and on the other hand, the fanatical, Islamistic terrorists are not genuine Muslims, but are rather only shabby creatures who quite intentionally use Islam as a pretext for their degenerations of their murderous and criminal behaviour. In this way Islam, again and again, gets into the headlines of the public media as a result of new terrorist atrocities and crimes, which naturally is also the case with all other religions when terrorist degenerations and crimes are committed in their name. At present, however, it is Islam which, because of the fanatical Islamistic believers and through one who succumbed to degenerated religious delusion, is misused and is made the horror of the world.

Durch dieses falsche Tun der fanatischen wahnbefallenen islamistischen Terroristen werden deren Verbrechen nur zu schnell und zu gern mit dem Islam in Zusammenhang gebracht. Dieser aber hat einerseits damit berhaupt nichts zu tun, und andererseits sind die fanatischen islamistischen Terroristen keine wirklichen Moslems, sondern nur schbige Kreaturen, die den Islam ganz bewusst fr ihre Ausartungen ihres mrderischen und verbrecherischen Handelns zum Vorwand nehmen. So gert der Islam immer wieder durch neuerliche terroristische Greueltaten und Verbrechen in die Schlagzeilen der ffentlichen Medien, was natrlich auch bei allen anderen Religionen der Fall ist, wenn in deren Namen terroristische Ausartungen und Verbrechen begangen werden. Gegenwrtig ist es nun aber einmal der Islam, der durch die fanatischen islamistischen Glubigen und durch einen ausgearteten Religionswahn Befallenen missbraucht und zum Weltschrecken gemacht wird.

And this is not only within the ranks of the Christians and Hindus, the Und dies nicht nur in den Reihen der Christen und Hindus, der Juden, Jews, Buddhists and those of other faiths, but it is also within the Buddhisten und sonstigen Andersglubigen, sondern auch in den Reihen der ranks of Muslims. Muslima und Muslime. Fundamentally, all fanatical actions, actions which are driven by delusional belief, and other terrorist actions, are profoundly low and should be most sharply condemned, and indeed it makes no difference whether they are determined by degenerated fanatical Islamism or if they lead back to fanatical degenerations of those imprisoned by other religious faiths. However, in the current time it is the Islamistic terrorists, who are not representatives of Islam and are not faithful Muslims, who toss the entirety of Islam, and, with it, well over a billion Muslims, into the abyss of hatred from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and from many of other faiths. Neither the ringleaders of the Islamistic terrorists, nor those who sign up with them and learn terror, nor those who have already been trained as Islamistic terrorists, can claim that they are representatives of Islam. Truly, they are serious criminals and can in no way be called Muslims, because, in their fanaticism, they are degenerates and miserable creatures and ill-disposed ones who murder and destroy out of cowardice, and bring the genuine Islamic believers into disrepute all over the world and set the whole world hatefully against them. Grundstzlich sind alle fanatischen, glaubenswahnmssigen und sonstigen terroristischen Aktionen abgrundtief und aufs Schrfste zu verurteilen, und zwar ganz gleich, ob sie nun ausgeartet fanatischislamistisch bedingt sind oder auf fanatische Ausartungen andersglubiger Religionsbefangener zurckfhren.

In der heutigen Zeit sind es aber die islamistischen Terroristen, die keine Islam-Vertreter und keine glubige Muslime sind, die den ganzen Islam und damit weit ber eine Milliarde Muslima und Muslime in den Abgrund des Hasses der Christen, Juden, Hindus, Buddhisten und vieler Andersglubiger stossen. Weder die Rdelsfhrer der islamistischen Terroristen, noch jene, welche bei ihnen anheuern und den Terror lernen, noch jene, welche sich bereits als islamistische Terroristen haben ausbilden lassen, knnen in Anspruch nehmen, dass sie Vertreter des Islam seien. Wahrheitlich sind sie Schwerverbrecher und knnen in keiner Weise Muslime genannt werden, denn in ihrem Fanatismus sind sie Ausgeartete und schbige Kreaturen und Windlinge, die feige morden und zerstren und die wirklichen Islamglubigen weltweit in Verruf bringen und alle Welt hassvoll gegen sie aufbringen.

Islam, now just 1,431 years old, has basically come forth from the old Der Islam ist nun gerademal 1431 Jahre alt, im Grundstzlichen teaching of the real prophets, therefore, also from the teaching as was hervorgegangen aus der alten Lehre der wirklichen Propheten, so also auch brought by Jmmanuel, who is also quoted in the Qur'an as a prophet. aus der Lehre, wie sie Jmmanuel gebracht hat, wie er auch im Koran als Prophet aufgefhrt wird. Terroristic Islamism has, however, not come from this teaching from the old prophets and thereby also not from the religious book, the Qur'an. Instead it has come from a hate-bound delusion of those who incite terror against all those who do not follow, implement and fully live the verses of the Surah of the Koran conservatively, fundamentally and fanatically in a completely wrong and erroneous manner. Der terroristische Islamismus ist aber nicht aus dieser Lehre der alten Propheten hervorgegangen und damit auch nicht aus dem Religionsbuch Koran, sondern aus einem mit Hass verbundenen Wahn der Terrorurheber gegenber all jenen, welche nicht konservativ, fundamentalistisch und fanatisch in vllig falscher und irrer Art und Weise die Verse der Suren des Korans befolgen, umsetzen und ausleben.

Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions


This does not mean in the actual Islamic way, but rather according to the erroneous and dim-witted Islamism, which truly has nothing to do with Islam and the teachings of the Qur'an, because Islamism follows terroristic-pathologically insane and fanatical false teachings which find no likeness at all in either the Islamic religious book nor in other teaching texts which result from it. Islamistic terrorism is an unparalleled degeneration existing outside the teachings of the Qur'an and of Islam. Consequently, it may not be taken as a measure for judging the image of Islam and of the faithful Muslims. But if that is done, then that corresponds to a mistake, which only generates evil and hate, whereby the wheel of hate turns ever further and all terror actions occurring all over the world are automatically and directly associated with Islam and with Muslims in general. And that also happens when terrorist actions are caused in a different way and are carried out by Christians, Hindus or Jews, and so forth.

Dies eben nicht in wirklich islamischer Weise, sondern gemss dem irren und schwachsinnigen Islamismus, der wahrheitlich nichts mit dem Islam und mit den Koranlehren zu tun hat, denn der Islamismus folgt terroristisch-krankhaft irren und fanatischen Irrlehren, die weder im islamischen Religions buch noch in anderen daraus resultierenden Lehrenschriften keinerlei Gleichheit finden. Der islamistische Terrorismus ist eine Ausartung sondergleichen ausserhalb der Koranlehren und des Islam, folglich er nicht als Massstab zur Imagebeurteilung des Islam sowie der glubigen Muslima und Muslime genommen werden darf. Wird das aber doch getan, dann entspricht das einem Fehler, der nur Bses und Hass erzeugt, wobei sich das Rad des Hasses immer weiter dreht und alle weltweit stattfindenden Terroraktionen automatisch und direkt mit dem Islam und mit den Muslimen allgemein in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Und das geschieht auch dann, wenn die terroristischen Aktionen anderweitig bedingt sind und durch Christen, Hindus oder Juden usw. ausgebt werden. Also muss allein schon in dieser Hinsicht differenziert und auch klar werden, dass der religise und sektiererische Terrorismus nichts mit der eigentlichen Religion zu tun hat, sondern auf Ausartungen beruht, die aus krankhaft irren, berspannten, konservativen, fundamentalistischen und fanatischen sowie wahnmssigen Einbildungen hervorgehen.

Therefore, just in this regard alone, a differentiation must already be made and it must be clear that religious and sectarian terrorism has nothing to do with the actual religion, but rather is based on degenerations which come forth from pathologically insane, exaggerated, conservative, fundamentalist and fanatical, as well as delusional, imaginations. Therefore it is necessary to recognise terrorism in the actuality of its origins because only in this way can it be effectively tackled in order to put an end to it.

Also ist es notwendig, den Terrorismus in der Tatschlichkeit seines Ursprungs zu erkennen, denn nur bei diesem kann er wirksam angegangen werden, um ihm ein Ende zu setzen.

But precisely that is not done because basically Islam and Muslims Genau das wird aber nicht getan, denn grundstzlich werden sofort der are immediately made generally responsible when some kind of terror Islam und die Muslime allgemein verantwortlich gemacht, wenn irgendwo actions occur somewhere. irgendwelche Terroraktionen stattfinden. Truly, however, terror is not the product of Islam or another religion, rather it is the evil and criminal fruit of hate-filled and fanatical humans, who, without consideration and conscience, also make others, who are misled by them, instrumental for their terroristic purposes. Terror actions, which prove to have a form defined by Islamism, have a quite especially and extremely unpleasant - as well as malicious effect worldwide on co-existence among Christians, Jews and Muslims, and promote hate against the Islamic believers, and, indeed, although they detest and reject terrorism. They want to live in peace, freedom, harmony and love, as do all other rational human beings of all peoples and religions. Consequently, for them, terror actions are completely senseless, inappropriate and criminal as well as despising of human beings and life. In contrast to that, those of other faiths - primarily an enormous number of Christians and Jews - believe their completely wrong, imagined and often delusion-imprinted opinions to be confirmed in regard to Islam and Muslims as a result of the criminal, Islamistic, terror actions. And then, even when criminal terror actions are carried out by Christians or Jews, and so forth, the entire thing is thoughtlessly and hatefully attributed, unjustifiably, to Muslims and Islam. Wahrheitlich ist der Terror aber nicht das Produkt des Islam oder einer anderen Religion, sondern die bse und verbrecherische Frucht hasserfllter und fanatischer Menschen, die bedenken- und gewissenlos auch andere durch sie irregefhrte Menschen fr ihre terroristischen Zwecke instrumentalisieren. Terroraktionen, die sich als islamistisch geprgte Form erweisen, wirken sich weltweit ganz besonders und usserst unerfreulich sowie bsartig auf das Zusammenleben zwischen Christen, Juden und Muslimen aus und frdern den Hass auf die Islam-Glubigen, und zwar obwohl diese den Terrorismus verabscheuen und ablehnen. Sie wollen in Frieden, Freiheit, Harmonie und Liebe leben, wie alle anderen vernnftigen Menschen aller Vlker und Religionen, folgedem Terroraktionen fr sie vllig sinnlos, unangebracht und verbrecherisch sowie menschen- und lebensverachtend sind.

Gegenteilig dazu whnen sich Andersglubige, hauptschlich ungemein viele Christen und Juden, durch die verbrecherischen islamistischen Terroraktionen in ihrer vllig falschen, eingebildeten und oft wahngeprgten Meinung in bezug auf den Islam und die Muslime besttigt.

Und selbst dann, wenn verbrecherische Terroraktionen von Christen oder Juden usw. durchgefhrt werden, wird das Ganze gedankenlos und voller Hass unberechtigt den Muslimen und dem Islam zugeschoben.

Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions


In this regard, absolutely no distinction is made, but rather everything is simply mopped up with the same hate-drenched, filthy rag, and is thrown into the same pot of hate. Wrong information and misunderstanding in regard to Islam and its believers cloud the senses of reason and understanding of primarily the Christians and Jews and all their manifold sects. Thereby it is forgotten that, in reality, only small terrorist groups are behind all acts of murder and destruction, in which misled, fanatical, hate-filled and profoundly low, cowardly, degenerated human beings are hidden, who commit their crimes in the name of an imaginary god. In this way, wrong ways of viewing it and misunderstandings emerge as a result of which all terror actions are condemned as belonging to Islam. In the case of the Islamistic terrorists, murder and destruction is carried out in the name of Allah, as well as in the name of the aria (Shariah) which is basically wrongly interpreted by the terrorists and is, so to speak, explained as Gods punishment or Gods judgement, and so forth. The word namely means something else, because it actually, in no way, relates to a punishment or punishment regulation, rather, in a completely unspectacular way, a path which leads to the source is meant thereby. Briefly explained, the aria is, truly and principally, based on an extensive Islamic system of law, which essentially is directed towards finding a correct answer to the question of how the human being should live in order to be pleasing to God. This is to do with this: that the administration of law (huda) which Allah is supposed to have given the human being, indeed through the Qur'an and the example of the prophet Mohammed, should be so orientated that life is made fruitful and that the Islamic believers shall be protected fromfalse steps. In no way do terror, murder, torture, death and destruction belong to that, nor can they be found in the Qur'an or in some other Islamic religious texts. Along with the aria there is still an open ended scale of other Islamic terms which are unpopular outside of the Islamic world, as, for example, the term fatwa which, in the western media, has become independent, whereby in recent times in particular the Iranian Ayatollahs (sign of God = honorific for special Islamic educated class) and the Iranian regime are to blame in that they have misused the Islamic law and have called for the murder of the English author, SalmanRushdie and the Danish caricaturist, Kurt Westergaard. As a result of that, suddenly the fatwa, which was labelled fatwa of death by the media, stood for the indiscriminate death sentence of barbaric Islamic regimes. Countering that, the actual meaning of the term fatwa is essentially just as unspectacular as that of aria. Truly, a fatwa is an Islamic, expert legal report which relates to the posing of questions which are not distinctly explained through the regulations of aria - of the Islamic law.

Es wird diesbezglich berhaupt kein Unterschied gemacht, sondern alles einfach mit demselben vor Hass triefenden schmutzigen Lappen aufgewischt und in denselben Hasstopf geworfen. Falschinformationen und Missverstehen in bezug auf den Islam und dessen Glubige vernebeln hauptschlich den Christen und Juden und all deren vielfltigen Sekten die Sinne des Verstandes und der Vernunft. Dabei wird vergessen, dass in Wirklichkeit nur kleine Terroristengruppen hinter allen Mord- und Zerstrungstaten stecken, in denen sich irregefhrte, fanatische, hass erfllte und abgrundtief feige ausgeartete Menschen verstecken, die im Namen eines imaginren Gottes ihre Verbrechen begehen. Dadurch entstehen falsche Sichtweisen und Missverstndnisse, aus denen heraus alle Terroraktionen als dem Islam zugehrig verurteilt werden.

Im Falle der islamistischen Terroristen wird so im Namen Allahs gemordet und zerstrt, wie auch im Namen die aria (Scharia), die von den Terroristen grundlegend falsch gedeutet und sozusagen als Gottesstrafe oder Gottesstrafgericht usw. ausgelegt wird.

Das Wort bedeutet nmlich etwas anderes, denn es bezieht sich nmlich in keiner Weise auf eine Strafe oder Strafregelung, sondern in vllig unspektakulrer Weise ist damit ein Weg gemeint, der zu den Quellen fhrt.

Die aria beruht wahrheitlich und grundstzlich kurz erklrt auf einem umfassenden islamischen Rechtssystem, das im wesentlichen darauf ausgerichtet ist, eine korrekte Antwort auf die Frage zu finden, wie der Mensch leben soll, um gottgefllig zu sein. Dabei geht es darum, dass die Rechtleitung (huda), die Allah den Menschen gegeben haben soll, eben durch den Koran und durch das Vorbild des Propheten Muhammed, darauf ausgerichtet sein soll, dass das Leben fruchtbar gemacht wird und dass die Islam-Glubigen vor Fehltritten bewahrt werden sollen. Terror, Mord, Folter, Tod und Zerstrung gehren in keiner Weise dazu und lassen sich weder im Koran noch in irgendwelchen anderen islamischen Religionsschriften finden. Nebst der aria gibt es noch eine nach oben offene Skala anderer islamischer Begriffe, die ausserhalb der Islamwelt unbeliebt sind, wie z.B. der Begriff fatwa, der sich in den westlichen Medien verselbstndigt hat, wobei in der neueren Zeit insbesondere die iranischen Ayatollahs (Zeichen Gottes = Ehrentitel fr besondere islamische Gelehrtenklasse) und das iranische Regime schuld sind, die das islamische Recht missbraucht haben und zum Mord gegen den englischen Schriftsteller Salman Rushdie und gegen den dnischen Karikaturisten Kurt Westergaard aufgerufen haben. Dadurch stand pltzlich die fatwa, die von den Medien als Todesfatwa bezeichnet wurde, fr blinde Todesurteile barbarischer islamischer Regimes. Dagegen ist die tatschliche Bedeutung des Begriffs fatwa im wesentlichen ebenfalls so unspektakulr wie die aria. Wahrheitlich ist eine fatwa ein islamisches Rechtsgutachten, das zu Fragen Stellung bezieht, die durch die Regelungen der aria, des islamischen Rechts, nicht eindeutig geklrt sind.

Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions


In the new time - from 1844 - it has become fashionable among the human beings of Earth, to - in the name of something - carry out uprisings and demonstrations as well as committing acts of violence, murder, terror attacks, mass murder, torture and other acts of violence and crimes as well as causing monstrous destruction. All these criminal activities are primarily carried out wrongly and erroneously in the name of an imaginary god and a religion and in the name of a delusion-impregnated and fanatical belief or even in the name of Satan as well as in a hate-impregnated way. However, the entire thing is further promoted through the citing of causes such as nature, environmental protection, animal protection, humanity and justice, and so forth. Consequently, no boundaries are set with the whole matter of citing causes. And since the talk here is of Islamistic terrorism, it is naturally clear that this Islamistic terrorism quotes Islam and misuses it as it does the Qur'an and the believing Muslims and brings them altogether into discredit, whereby the hatred of those of all other faiths is stirred up against them - principally with the Christians and Jews. This unbridled hate leads to the Muslims being discredited and avoided in all non-Islamic countries, whereby they inevitably do not feel accepted and feel like outcasts. In particular, a very great number of Christians and Jews want neither to see nor to have anything to do with the Muslims, and that is all only because Christian and Jewish conspiracy theorists who are mad and have succumbed to religious delusion condemn the Qur'an and Muslims and thereby stir up angst. But angst is a very evil form, because boundless hate is also bred up through it, and that is exactly what is wanted by those who - as a result of their religious delusion which comes from their other faiths, and as a result of their hate - are against Islam and its believers. Those who have other beliefs, as with primarily Christians and Jews who rage, curse and rail against Islam and Muslims, as a result of angst - should overcome their cowardly angst. If they do not do that, then, as a result of their angst, they succumb to the same or similar behaviour as the terrorists. Consequently, they themselves become terroristic extremists in some form and drive themselves or others into the hands of those criminals who are involved in terror. Truly, the Muslims who live and work in the non-Islamic countries, do a lot in order to integrate themselves in their host country or new homeland, but it is made extremely difficult for them, especially in the Christian countries. This difficulty is also brought to them in that they are refused their centres of worship, or parts thereof, due to cowardly angst and as a result of misinformation, as, for example, with the absolutely hair-raising ban on minarets in Switzerland, which discriminates against the Muslims and which also offends against certain articles of human rights. So, attempts are made, in every dishonest way, to oppress the Muslims and contest their right to exist, instead of seeking a consensus in the form of an agreement of opinion concerning the right to exist, and the co-existence and living together, of various religions.

In der Neuzeit ab 1844 ist es unter den Menschen der Erde modern geworden, im Namen von irgend etwas Aufstnde und Demonstrationen zu machen sowie Gewalttaten, Morde, Terroranschlge, Massenmorde, Folterungen und sonstige Gewalttaten und Verbrechen zu begehen sowie ungeheure Zerstrungen anzurichten. In hauptschlicher Weise werden alle diese verbrecherischen Handlungen flschlich und irrig im Namen eines imaginren Gottes und einer Religion und des wahngeschwngerten und fanatischen Glaubens oder gar im Namen Satans sowie in hassgeschwngerter Weise durchgefhrt. Weiter erfolgt das Ganze aber auch durch Zuhilfenahme der Nennung der Natur, des Klimaschutzes, des Tierschutzes, der Menschlichkeit und Gerechtigkeit usw., folglich dem Ganzen der Nennungen eigentlich keine Grenzen gesetzt sind. Und da hier die Rede vom islamistischen Terrorismus ist, ist natrlich klar, dass dieser sich auf den Islam beruft und sowohl diesen, den Koran und die glubigen Muslime missbraucht und diese allesamt in Misskredit bringt, wodurch gegen sie der Hass aller Andersglubigen geschrt wird, hauptschlich bei den Christen und Juden. Dieser unbndige Hass fhrt dazu, dass in allen nichtislamischen Lndern die Muslima und Muslime diskreditiert und gemieden werden, wodurch sie sich zwangslufig nicht akzeptiert und als Ausgestossene fhlen. Speziell eine sehr grosse Zahl der Christen und Juden will die Muslime weder sehen noch mit ihnen etwas zu tun haben, und alles nur darum, weil verrckte und religionswahnbefallene christliche und jdische Verschwrungstheoretiker den Islam, den Koran und die Muslime verteufeln und dadurch Angst schren. Angst aber ist eine sehr bse Form, denn durch diese wird auch grenzenloser Hass herangezchtet, und das ist genau das, was jene wollen, welche aus ihrem andersglubigen religisen Wahnglauben und Hass heraus gegen den Islam und dessen Glubige sind. Die Andersglubigen, wie hauptschlich Christen und Juden, die in Angst gegen den Islam und die Muslima und Muslime wettern, fluchen und schimpfen, sollten ihre feige Angst bewltigen. Wenn sie das nicht tun, dann verfallen sie aus ihrer Angst heraus dem Gleichen oder hnlichen, wie es auch die Terrorristen tun, folglich sie selbst in irgendeiner Form zu terroristischen Extremisten werden und sich selbst oder andere in die Hnde der verbrecherischen Terrorakteure treiben.

Wahrheitlich unternehmen in den nichtislamischen Lndern die dort wohnhaften und arbeitenden Muslima und Muslime sehr viel, um sich in ihrem Gastland oder neuen Heimatland zu integrieren, doch wird ihnen das besonders in den christlichen Lndern usserst schwergemacht. Diese Erschwernis wird ihnen auch entgegengebracht, indem ihnen ihre Kultsttten oder Teile davon aus feiger Angst und durch Missinformation verweigert werden, wie z.B. in der Schweiz das absolut haarstrubende und die Muslime diskriminierende Minarettverbot, das auch gegen gewisse Artikel der Menschenrechte verstsst.

Also wird auf allen unlauteren Wegen versucht, die Muslima und Muslime zu unterdrcken und ihnen die Berechtigung der Existenz zu bestreiten, anstatt dass ein Konsens gesucht wird in Form einer Meinungsgleichheit zur Existenzberechtigung und des Neben- oder Miteinanderbestehens verschiedener Religionen.

Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions


The Christian and Jewish angst about Islam and its believers also stirs up angst in Muslims and, consequently, this angst is a factor based on reciprocity and makes the chances of a good, correct and valuable reciprocal understanding even worse and even makes it impossible.

Die Angst der Christen und Juden vor dem Islam und dessen Glubigen schrt letztlich auch Angst in den Muslimen, folglich diese ein Faktor ist, der auf Gegenseitigkeit beruht und eine gute, richtige und wertvolle gegenseitige Verstndigung noch viel schlimmer macht und gar verunmglicht. Also mssen allerseits die ngste voreinander abgebaut und endgltig beendet werden, denn nur dadurch knnen wirkliche Annherungen erfolgen zwischen den Glubigen der verschiedenen Religionen, insbesondere der Christen, Juden und Muslime. Das Ganze bedarf jedoch umfassender Informationen von allen Seiten sowie dass sich die Glubigen der verschiedenen Religionen gegeneinander ffnen, die Angst voreinander verlieren, sich als wahre Menschen gegenber anderen Menschen benehmen und gute zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen aufbauen, um letztlich miteinander in Frieden, Freiheit, in Liebe und in Harmonie zu leben.

Therefore, the angst from all sides, about each other, must be demolished and finally brought to an end, because only thereby can real approaches result among the believers of the various religions, especially the Christians, Jews and Muslims. All this, however, requires comprehensive information from all sides, as well as the faithful of the various religions opening themselves to each other, losing the angst for each other, behaving as true human beings in regard to other human beings and building up good interpersonal relationships, ultimately, in order to live together in peace, freedom, love and harmony.

Billy, BEAM, Muhammed Abdullah Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrti, January 8th, 2010, 1:27 AM. Translation by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, August 24th, 2010, Australia


Article Sources and Contributors


Article Sources and Contributors

A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom Source: Contributors: Jamesm A Word To Mankind Source: Contributors: Jamesm Affection Source: Contributors: RemRobinson Aging Source: Contributors: Jamesm An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation Source: Contributors: Ben, Jamesm An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching Source: Contributors: Jamesm, RemRobinson, Sanjin Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012 Source: Contributors: Jamesm Basic Rules of Man Source: Contributors: Jamesm, Lmukiraine Being Oneself Source: Contributors: Jamesm Concentration Exercises Source: Contributors: Dave, Jamesm, RemRobinson, Zulyab Concentration, Meditation, Sleep Source: Contributors: Ben, Jamesm, Sanjin Conception, Consciousness and Personality of the Human Being Source: Contributors: Jamesm Creation Source: Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Special Bulletin 51 Source: Contributors: Jamesm, Schantz FIGU Special Bulletin 55 Source: Contributors: AlienUFO, Jamesm, Schantz FIGU Special Bulletin 57 Source: Contributors: Benjamin FIGU Special Bulletin 58 Source: Contributors: Benjamin FIGU Special Bulletin 62 Source: Contributors: Jamesm, RemRobinson FIGU Special Bulletin 64 Source: Contributors: RemRobinson Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions Source: Contributors: Jamesm, Sanjin

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors


Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:Geisteslehre_symbol.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: MarksmanR Image:Creation.gif Source: License: unknown Contributors: Jamesm, RemRobinson Image:Creationspiral.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: Creational, Jamesm File:Creation.gif Source: License: unknown Contributors: Jamesm, RemRobinson File:Wendelle.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: Benjamin File:Wendelle's_Writing.jpg Source:'s_Writing.jpg License: unknown Contributors: Benjamin

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