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Spirit of a


Each of these bubbles as its own universe with its own galaxies, stars and milky ways maybe a replication of our own solar system with it planets too.

of clinging soap bubbles, are a realistic of a somewhat esoteric perception of the universe within universes (from an overview of some visions, I cannot say with certitude whether the light emanating from each of these bubbles, were a universe or a galaxy I'll elaborate later my choice of universes within a universe phenomena will do.)

TheMasterofSpherewithits Slavesinabubble:
a Pleiads of spheres
beginning the quasi Soul's-Eye

The writer expresses an esoteric detailed chronology of psychic experiences, through the thread of a down to earth story on how the mind functions. He is committed to improving readability and understanding of such a controversial subject that is a lifetime thesis to show the interactive shadow of the living against a background of immaterial with the aim to reach the 7 to 77 old.

In that shoebox of an array of spheres in the mechanics of change to balls, a process that starts in the middle is taking place: Illustration:
Out of the universe the caving in of the cosmos in a state of dynamics

it is the moment that spheres change and striving out to gain a unique identity this system is comparative an underground metro tracks (the cardinal axes) with stations (the balls) with an electronic sophisticate switching system. Automated by a code allowing trains to Illustration: enter the 3D a pleiad, or the 7 spheres in the of an amazing middle metamorphose of cells station (this system is concerned with the color-shrapnels outlined in a precedent chapter) and in terms of the mechanics of spheres, that middle ball is called the Master-Sphere and wins in its circle a set of six surround and Slave-Spheres that are housed in a bubble. It's a Shutter-Filter of a numerological order that is the code of a system that functions by the number of pips on the facet of a die In other words, the binary system

of Sphere-Cube has each a potential unique identity which the pleiad is about to determine.

the Domino-Effect of dice that give cells that Unique-Identity and source of intelligence numerology!

Mechanism oftheYinandYang
(spatial; female and male weather-like high pressure verse low pressure with a needle and the torque of a pipe that compresses the soap-bubble to turn into a tube)

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