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TOWARDS METAMORPHOSIS instead drive them to find feasible solutions-preach and propagate

those to form public opinions and place them before the ruling party
to resolve effectively the problems of extreme poverty and serious
The 1940’s were the time of turmoil, the times of Titans, the times deprivation. There is movement but no anarchy, agitation but no
when principles determined politics, ideals fashioned ambitions and the mob action, mobilization but not destruction.
passion for freedom and the spirit of sacrifice designed careers. Those
were the days of unostentatious and silent services to people. These Neither religious rituals nor ideology can take human beings much
among other thoughts come stampeding, all clamoring for attention, closer to a visionary state of perfection. Religious commandments of
each causing an emotional tug. People now trace the roots of problems Islam, the ideology of liberalism and Banglee nationalism if
and the sources of divisions. While there are flashes of by gone glory visualized with adequate realism can take humanity forward to
scattered all over, there are also polite but candid appraisals of skewed peace, prosperity and progress. Anything more perfect is just ill
priorities. Elitism and status quo, privilege and power remained entities conceived plain romanticism, reflecting, in fact, a frailty of intellect,
and a set of brown rulers replaced the whites. As disparities grew, so which is the only attribute of oppressors and their oppressive social,
did alienation. And the only response the new rulers could think of was political and economic system. The irony is that these very people
savage repression of popular mobilization. The liberal leaders are still are ruling the world and the vast majority of human beings are just
presuming the people to recollect their struggles, think of present passive onlooker. It is high time a group of human beings to get up
problems, and their potentials, enshrined to inspire them towards from the slumber and stand erect. Life in death is much better than
continuing their fight for a better life, a life of dignity and self respect, death in life- so says the wise.
a life free of oppression and exploitation, injustice and penury.
The grandeur of vision and its greatness of historical development of
By virtue of its having the majority people are being ruled by the most humanity enabled the liberals to see further than others. Oriental
ignorant and unenlightened people known as politicians. Liberals have politicians of the past were not any of those numerous specialist
certainly very good intellectual and moral reasons for allowing peoples intellectuals, who know only about their particular little Domain, all
sense of disgust to develop into pure hatred of the illegitimate political being darkness beyond. They were of universal mind and were true
system. It is precisely such a feeling and revulsion are being to themselves and the human beings as a whole. They ventured into
experienced as one gets state of the situations in the country- people the dangerous terrain of the chain of creation, sought meaning and
with all their slums, the perpetual sight of children seeking alms to purpose of humanity and came out with high integrity and intensity,
support their younger brother and sisters or their parents broken which all great men possess. They moved to the darkness of the dark
physically or mentally by the extreme poverty they have had to endure places and yet come out spotless. They knew the western and the
and the pathetic look in the faces of millions. Any sensible person, in Aryan invaders had no social roots in south Asian sub-continent and
this situation, knows that any political whimsical action will destroy that they could not have established themselves against the wishes
even what is left of the economy and social institutions, but the major of the people who were prepared by the experience to resist them.
opposition party throws one after the other programs without caring for Politics to them were a method for understanding the people and the
people’s welfare. Here lies the necessity of active liberal sensitive society the process and then working to transform it.
political and social leader, whose idealism and deep concern for the
people do not lead them to abandon their practical commonsense but
Present day politicians themselves have no work ethic and none stature- i.e. he has to be a perfect human being. On the question of
inculcated in the workers and that results in the collapsing of the party. resolution of conflicts and displacing social gaps, the general
The main problem is that the most important social class is politically impression is that there is too much of wishful thinking and slogan
influential class and they are rich and reactionaries and parochial and mongering and too little of hard, realistic facing of facts. The change
as such they stand in the way of progress and national unity. Society is demands a total break out from the existing intellectual framework
undergoing a process of intellectual and moral disintegration. prevailing in the society and that is very much essential. Retaining
Managing diversities is unthinkable. Absence of a vision is the absence old framework in the thinking will push people back into the present
of a political design to keep the country together and gain economic situation. Change means surrendering the two hundred years old
prosperity and social progress. People require solutions to the problems British tailored intellectual framework and culture civilization,
of their daily life and that is what the state is there for. A peoples state which in reality means to be human and civil. To be human and civil
is necessary to which mass people could relate and towards which they one has to be religious, not in its ritual sense, but a broader and
can have a sense of belonging. It should have been concern of the universal conception of democracy, human rights irrespective of sex,
leaders to formulate a vision for national regeneration and discuss with race, creed and religion. There is a tendency in the western-educated
a group of intellectuals taken form all beliefs, opinion and inclinations, people to blindly criticize religion and to ignore it. People rather get
on a common plat from for democracy, social reforms and economic to understand it better and more deeply so that people of all religions
development compatible with the requirements of ecology and of could be aided to arrive at some kind of universal ground of unity
course for political purification. People are tired of present political within religion itself. As it has been told earlier, there has to be an
system and have a great desire to see the start of an intellectual intellectual revaluation before a social revaluation takes place in the
transformation to precede social and political transformation of a field of action. The real actors in the society should enlarge their
fundamental nature. The intelligentsias are in natural and direct understanding by acquiring a perspective thorough knowledge,
contract with common people and the state of their thinking could grasp the process of history-not just facts of history, but how
almost be taken as a rough barometer of the public mind at any given empires have collapsed, how religions advanced and how massive
moment. Considering the thoughts and feelings of the people there change in the human society have taken place. They have to reflect
appears a group of so called intellectuals who to live a life of affluence on major national issues, work an basic issues, on the clarification of
collaborate with the whims of the ruling elites and also with the foreign basic concept, always seek to reach at the root of problems, speak on
hegemonic forces and do their best to transform the national identity as the implications of the collapse of best ideals for peoples quest,
to that of foreign culture that encourages animalism to develop in reflect on what the real human aspirations should be and what is real
human beings. This great problem cannot be ignored or bypassed. development and how to make those development sustainable, how
to keep environment and ecology free from pollution; make a deep
The vision has to be able to tackle two problems: (i) how to transform study of human civilizations and their evolution and destruction and
the people of this region to liberal culture of peaceful co-existence of its perennial concerns and current problems. Believing individuals
the people of different culture and faith and (ii) how to reduce the and not building institution will not bring any good, but a very
social strata. Mass people think it not at all difficult. Leaders and serious moral decline will follow. The final, shrunken, hapless
intellectuals have to reverse one of the most progressive features of figures of the oppressed and exploited people may evoke deep
present culture. Revival of old spirit of truth seeking and truth speaking tender feelings, but without powerful personality and masterful
in social and religious life but that requires a man of very high moral intellect these people could not be salvaged.
and its ruthlessness, the essentials of human fraternity can only be
To combined theory and practice in political, economic and social learnt if there is a world of curiosities, of asking questions and an
affairs with a purposeful coherence and an extraordinary competence effort of understanding nature with a single minded purpose and
and the analysis of the process of nation making is the main concern of devotion with the yearning to remain youthfully vigilant. The
present day activities. It seems that nobody is particularly conscious in relevant social and political changes, resistance erupting all over
locating the imperative for the rise of nation state and the essentials of with firm nexus with national consciousness, the emergence of
the materials and non-material ingredients of Bangladeshi nationalism. novel political strategy and peaceful method of protest transforms
There is no effect to a conspicuous analytical perception of events, people’s movements into mass upsurge. The extension of the base of
personalities, concepts, processes and distinctive characteristics of the movement is underlined by the rise of professional people along
societies. Present day real actors must realize the innumerable with the peasants and workers as a conspicuous social force. The tire
subtleties and nuances that was devised for murderous exploitation of of nationalism gradually but surely engulfs the peoples thought
the millions by a few. The nationhood have a very direct relationship process. The complexity of living is meaningful only in terms of a
with exploitation and oppression as well as repression which, in turn moral obligation towards responsibilities, a modicum of detachment
have significant impact on ideas and values as well as on social and and sincere involvement with life itself. Along with it is needed a
political systems like democracy, land use, industrialization, social relational comprehension of the processes of change in life and
space, self sufficiency as conceived by leaders of the struggle. But it is history and the zeal and devotion of a reformer with enormous range
a wonder, how the planning process in Bangladesh’s development of interest and formidable depth of analysis.
works; have over the years reduced to certain routine rituals. The
cumulative impact of particularisms and tensions and the decline of the The story of men and events become meaningful only in the context
moral fiber of the policy had prompted selfishness, dishonesty, of social progress operating in the framework of certain historical,
personal advancement, political and social manipulation and corruption ethnic and geographical specificities. It involves charges. Since the
in public life on an extensive scale causing perceptive erosion of process of thinking and reasoning are essential for human
ideology and idealism. Poverty becomes the specific differentiator of development millions of people live and die in a state of intellectual
development and its collective symbol. Stagnation of developments, inertia. Creative minority suffered through the ages under the
absence of virile public debates on national issues, the dehumanizing tyranny of authorities punishing, what they termed, dangerous
concentration of wealth and the growth of apparently irresistible thoughts; proscribing any move that they think as deviation and
arrogance of the real-actors are some of the characteristics of enforcing conformity to their ideas. But the final show down could
Bangladeshi nationalism. Nowhere is seen any aspect of imaginative not be stopped or contained. The path of human progress is littered
perception, that offered growth, sensible ties at any stage and a with the bodies of the freedom fighters and of the fallen god’s
qualitative enrichment of conscious. Heredity alone does not shape towards its natural end, i.e. realization of humanity, based on
one’s consciousness in a deterministic way, self-image has its role in rationality, justice, equality, liberty and progress. Human nature
formulating values. Commitment to self respect is the quality of head matures in the process of complex interaction between
and heart which prevents a person from bending and bowing and self consciousness, conscience, society and nature. The ascent of human
respect is interlinked with one’s dedication to work as a sacred beings from primitive copying of animalism to the wonderful
obligation instead of instinct for survival and unending inclination for creativity most forcefully affirms the primacy of love over hatred,
power and wealth. The elementary lessons on social realities, poverty justice over injustices, liberty over tyranny and above all intellectual
and physical action over surrendering to uncertainty or fate. The Bangladesh what is required is not passive acceptance of social and
interaction between the major explosions of human knowledge and cultural diversities of national life but to respect them as essential
consciousness intensified the tensions between processes of continuity parts of a richly embroidered piece of textile offering an enormous
and change. The most significant expressions of the interaction is the field of human creativity. Vigilance is the essence of human
assertion of certain primary identities. The management of human development; otherwise there would be that threat of stagnation.
consciousness was the principal task of social engineering and its Status quo is the clear signal of stagnation especially when the scope
purpose was to steer the process of change in such a way as to invest for human aspirations and knowledge are fundamental for rational
the imperative of the post, present and future with an orderly and social change. The democratic process is the only rational path of
creative development. In terms of practical experience of life, it meant progress and it must create conditions for introspection in the field
the attainment of a satisfactory equilibrium between security social of health, education, culture, and economic and social
stability and production of wealth and when the equilibrium was developments. And in the process the concepts of justice, quality,
disturbed, it denoted the decline of the society, the nation and the age. liberty and fraternity cannot be overlooked. Bangladesh with all its
In history time and again certain mindsets become so opaque and poverty, ill health, illiteracy cannot afford to muddle through the
oblivious of the imperatives of change that they release, consciously or development process. Illiberal ideal based on irrational archaic
unconsciously, forces that lead to convulsions and immoderate social realities should not hinder the efforts of nation building which in a
and political transformations. Thus if continuity is underwritten in historical sense, an undoing process. The democratic process of
social politics at the expense of the demands of change, tension is Bangladesh must be sustained by two eternal institutions of
inevitable and when change is given primacy in defiance of continuity, ‘political morality’ and ‘the satisfaction of being heard’. The
tensions become impending. Statesmanship consists in managing the democratic society can never be a fundamentalist society it must
tension in order to contain explosive flashpoints and at the sane time eschew irrational emotions as the ephemeral cementing agency of
continue with social progress towards humanity. All societies various groups faiths and cultures unless those attend against natural
everywhere in the world have been presented by historical law and human nature. It cannot be based an physical force to be
developments and opportunities to resolve this tension. But the task is overthrown by a superior force. It cannot be sustained by the
carried out according to the specificities of historical and social arbitrary imposition of the injunctions of majority on the minorities
realities. Insensitiveness to human travails is the curse of heartless having different thoughts for the realization of the ideal of humanity
consumerism and statesmen economists and intellectuals are urged to as the end of all natural laws. Polity and society can only be
ponder over the eerie prospect of the nation plunging into violence and sustained by continued applications of pluralistic social, cultural and
anarchy unless the passions encapsulated in the words such as private requirements. Renaissance, Enlightenment and Juristic
humanity, trusteeship, sacrifice and companionship is internalized as Humanitarian Universalism can only be accelerated by the ‘law
inseparable parts of national inheritance. governing state’ and ‘the law-abiding citizen’. Respecting each
human identity i.e., individualism and yet transcending it i.e.
Tragedies in human history have been the direct result of mindsets, Universalism is the sum total concept of pluralism. Fundamentalism
dogmatic belief and disinclination to analysis and face harsh realities. is imposition of one’s view upon the other. It is invasion of others’
Describing a rational evolution of a nation in a country of glorious space. When modern ‘Liberals’ distorts the privilege of freedom of
diversities one must not seek to overwhelm these diversities by rigid speech and extends into slander, they too become fundamentalists.
political and cultural uniformity. In the structuring of modern When they convert right to expression into right to abuse they too
are fundamentalists. When lie and malice are used to caricature young minds. The malice which afflicts our daily life has its root in
prophets and religion of honored and thousands millions of people, collective national failure to face the challenges of transformation.
then there too is a form of fundamentalism. The malevolence of abuse Truth has to be realized through a life long creative involvement and
is violence against both civilization and humanity. intellectual restlessness and devotion to scientific analysis of human
beings, society, nation and institutions and examine the explosions
Mindset and social structures do not change fast enough to internalize in human consciousness and relativity of human achievements with
the knowledge for creating a good society. There is very little anxiety surgical ruthlessness. Concentrating on the main problems
in the contemporary world to feed the hunger of the heart and famine confronting the contemporary state system calls for a definitive and
of the brain; that a meaningful society was not feasible by ravaging the determined effort to clean up the grossly distorted agrarian relations
earth and destroying the bio-sphere; that mankind has entered upon a in the country without which self reliant and independent capitalism
new concept of time and space which is balanced between variability would not grow and without which the conditions for self
and uncertainity, that fundamentalism of rituals gains adherence only in sufficiency would remain an idle dream. One cannot overlook that
the measure that reason retreats in unscrupulous politics. The the imperatives of the idea of social equality should be closely
decolonization and the fall of socialism meant the end of an artificial associated with a concerted frontal assault on the antiquated social
world order but it is not yet replaced by another more natural order that structure without which one cannot release the social energy
had been experienced in the past in Asian subcontinent; that quartered and contained within the cellular structure of our social
multiculturalism, pluralism and new ethos of co-existence together spacing system.
constitute the condition for the climate of equality and a common
quest, that is the spirit of a multicultural and multipolar world; that the Bangladesh could no longer be left with the soft options of its
constant interactions between the economic elements causing change economic, social, cultural, industrial, agricultural and political
and the various elements of the superstructure of human society amid leaders. Is a fast moving world with cybernetics and space science
all the host of accidents cannot be underestimated, that societies and with nuclear energy and information technology, intellectuals
change because human beings change, that often economic change are scientists, technocrats and bureaucrats has to be called upon to face
not matched by corresponding changes in social process, that as a the hard realities confronting the independent survival of a great
result, tensions, inefficiencies and hesitations are but natural by Bangali civilization and Bangladeshi nation. Those nation-building
products of human endeavors. leaders must be bold enough to opt for effective steps based on
rationality, conviction, a total perspective and an integrated concept
All the basic values are being eroded. There is an insidious attempt to of progress transcending petty attractions of temporary gains.
control thought, the history text books are being suppressed and re- Fragmented perceptions would release contracted vision,
written; intolerance is being spread, science and scientists with reason contradictory politics and wrapped versions. With the pattern of
and scientific temper are all in retreat; every kind of obscurantism and property relations unchanged, the poor would become poorer, with
obscene is being encouraged; mythological playmates, revival is limited growth and purchasing power and modernization confined to
gaining ground misusing the conflict betweens righteousness and evil a small section of population. The entire pattern of the country is
and the ultimate victory of truth and love. In the name of culture, fast moving away from independent growth and self-reliance. In
which the self appointed protagonist never succeeded in defining, leave such a situation, stagnation, debasement of morals and astronomical
aside the urge for propagating, are only drilling and dragooning of growth of corruption is inevitable. The dominant political culture
has failed to grasp the development processes of the past that generated surplus, the obligation of scientists and intelligentsia to the society,
a logic of its own that could only be comprehended by humanity, the question of war and peace of global negotiations or to transfer of
morality, love, care and justice and certainly integrity. Now is a call for technology and capital, uses of space science and technology, social
the renewal of national pledge for salvation by upholding the time planning, ecology habitat and public health and education, the
tested national values that people have known to have existed in pre prospect of New National Economic order and the nature of fascism
British occupation. today, the process of decolonization, the showing of and exercise
military might and intimidation by super powers on the weaker
The conference room where political discussion and deliberations take nations and killing of their innocent men, women and children by
place has to be an overflowing literary circle where all the real actors- aerial bombing or by blockading their supply routes and starving to
politicians, diplomats, administrators, journalists, advocates, death hundreds and thousands of men, women and children’s and
littérateurs, academics, social activists, artists, university students, using military might to occupy their national recourses, evil means
industrialists and leading men and women from other professions steep of organized global tyranny, the degeneration of vision of humanity,
in a sense of participation that help everybody grasp the essentials, political, economic and cultural aggression in the name of
distinguish them from non-essentials, analysis and place them in the globalization, shunning off the vision of globalism should be
context of development. There has to be a conviction that no cause can discussed threadbare. There are ideas as a solvent of establishment,
triumph unless there are faithful agents to carry it through. After all, idea to debunk, idea to corrode faith in irrational perceptions and
the future will grow out of the historically evolving present day reality traditions, ideas that sought to evolve a rational line of action, ideas
and not by imposing upon the reality a design made out of a dream to see through the emotional delusions about colonial revolutions,
world of desires, fantasis and false invocations. It is a life long quest to ideas to comprehend the laws of motion of unstable and mobile
fashion a viable comprehensive view of the interrelationship between societies and ideas of human society capable of subordinating
politics, economics, social structures, scientific outlook, cultural selfishness, greed and predatory instincts to the urgent need of
patterns and value system. Without such an endeavour it is certain that enlarging altruism as the dominant ethos of human life. Voice should
there will be no future of which a nation can be proud of. Clay may be raised that is clear and resonant, perception acute and intellect
have a tendency to be moulded, but it requires a potter’s hand to give it sharp and inquisitive. There should be an extra ordinary mélange of
shape and from. To quote from C.P. Snow. “Each of us is solitary, born experience, erudition and attitudes in a man of enlightenment,
and die alone, all right, that is fate against which we cannot struggle- humanist and rational, whose words would be provocative but
but there is plenty in our condition which is not our fate, against which humane.
we are less than human unless we do struggle. Most of our fellow
human beings are underfed, and die before their time. In the crudest The long story of humanity can be considered from many points of
term that is social condition. There is a moral trap, which comes view. It is a story of the advance and growth of human beings and
through the insight into man’s loneliness, it tempts one to sit back the spirit of human beings, a story full of agony and tragedy.
complacent in ones unique tragedy and let others go without meals. If
we are not members of one another, if we have no sympathy at this It is a story of the masses of men and women in ferment and in
elementary level then we have no human concern at all and any continuous movement. In course of movement, people shed off their
pretence of a higher kind of sympathy is a mockery.” Natural sciences, fear and indecision, learnt of unity, equality and brotherhood, and of
stages of human history, various social formations, the distribution of raising those who had been suppressed, and of the dignity of labour
and of the supremacy of things of the spirit and of truth in relation to executed until the permanent services become national in outlook
all their activities. In a democratic society adaptation to environment is and mentality.
inevitable. But as the adaptation process gains pace care should be
taken as not to imperial basic ideals and objectives. Sometimes, it Regards for human development need to examine two contradictions
becomes necessary to compromise yet success lies in the ability of the world views, the first view hold that social justice can only be
leaders to mould and move the enormous mass of human beings ensured through redistribution. But there is no guarantee that,
according to the necessities of the movement. In regard to the basic though this redistribution improves the lot of the worse off, will
points one has to be inflexible and firm as a rock and inspire the people encourage the people who are being provided with means will take
to rise above themselves. The world today is torn with hatred and active part in economic development activities and also generate in
violence and fear and passion and the shadow of being wiped out of the him to raise the standard of his living. The micro-credit of the non-
earth hangs heavily on everyone. Compelled by circumstances people government organization to the amount of billions of local currency
are apt to sink back even to a lower level than previously. People of poured to the have nots resulted in poverty inflation, even causing
Bangladesh leave witnessed all these with extreme horror. After long the clients to sell their belonging to repay the credit they have
three decades, progress in terms of standards set by the Titans is not in borrowed with a view to make them self sufficient. Though these
sight. Corruption reigns at all levels, especially among those who lead foreign funded organizations are unscrupulous business developers
the people. Criminalization of polity has lately acquired such and are prone to flay the poor people and are working as per
frightening proportions that it does not evoke the kind of revulsion it movements of the finger of their foreign donors to change the
used to sometimes back. The sprit of tolerance has been by and large political and cultural heritage and tradition towards all the evil
discarded by the nation or so it seems-exemplified as it is by the recent practices and killing their natural instant to oppose exploitation, yet
spate of violence against opposition. As there is a slack in efforts of the poor people themselves are not less accountable as they give on
people oriented intellectuals and patriotic civil society, the lackeys of too soon to the trap laid by these unscrupulous money hunter and the
foreign hegemonic forces is leaving no stone unturned to depict political backing that they buy and care not to do what to do i.e.
Bangladesh to the world community as a land of barbarians, which work to change the political pattern as they crave for the immediate
they themselves are. The rulers also are looking in wrong direction benefit. Thus only redistribution cannot ensure social justice unless
creating huge gaps to let fortune slip away. Social hatred is a reflection the motivation for greater benefit by lesser sacrifice can be aroused
of backwardness. Huge gaps in the spacing of social status reinforced in the heart of the people.
these concealed gaps that provides a measure of failure to advance the
cause of breading the vision. An intimate grasp of Bangladesh’s socio- The other view is that economic growth is the remedy of national
economic condition and the frontline advances in social thinking and ailments and that economic growth can only be achieved through
contemporary global developments, commonsense urges for a fast private sector. Economic growth to be beneficial and to be
social reconstruction. A population of one hundred and thirty million is developmental need a lot more things to take care of such as
a great strength if they can only stand united and boldly face problems. political culture, social spacing, moral outlook etc. Benefits to
As a as the politicians are concerned, it would be well to note that most society if not considered important or of priority people will rarely
of them has not come unto peoples expectations. The out took have the opportunities to take advantage of increasing economic
mutuality of the bureaucrats in most cases do not depict patriotic activity causing the worse off to actually regress. Politic is about
Bangladeshi or benevolent character. A national policy cannot be people. It is not abstractions like equality or growth. It is about
empowering people to unveil their potential supported by government path. But every action of every man and women must be guided by a
measures to provide all possible means to use peoples potential for common understanding that all are human beings and nurse the
ensuring a better life for the people. Private sector economic growth is same desire to live in peace for prosperity and progress. Creating
not desirable when it ensures growth of a few who own the means. The any obstacle in the fulfillment of that desire is inhuman and will
role that private sector plays in national development needs to be beget inhuman treatment in return to the disliking of all the parties.
assessed and be given recognition, but care should be taken those Love, care and justice should be given a chance to settle in this
government policies and management of support and the system human society particularly in South Asia where all the ideas of
designed to provide that support leads the worst off in the society on liberalism reigned for thousands of years. It is right time to move
the way of development. towards a metamorphosis.

Instead of submitting to the dictates of the powerful vested interests of

the developed countries and the multilateral agencies, planning of
programs must be indigenous. Unless the foundation is laid to-day
there can be no overall development tomorrow. A self respecting
country led by a pro-people government should be proud of its strength
and accomplishment. It is time that experiment are carefully reviewed
to get the real picture of development. Designing model of
modernizing the economy, removing shackles that are impinging on
growth and thus rousing the nation with the vista of a strong economy
that could harness the nations ‘wealth’, tap its human resources and
ensure social well being of its people is the call of the day. All out
sincere work is necessary for forging a broad based and fighting unity
among the democratic humanist forces which is the only way to build a
real alternative to the political and economic hegemony of the new
class, a hegemony which is being whole heartedly practised and is
assuming an autocratic dimension. Intensifying this endeavor and thus
paving the way for the rise of a liberal democratic popular front against
the forces of disaster and ruthless offensive, is the most befitting way
to prove the growing political cooperation and united struggle of the
liberal forces.

All the men and women who inhabit Bangladesh are not cast in
the same mould. People live by different norms and find their
fulfillment in different ways. People differ in their instincts, their ideas
and their mental abilities. Society must find a way for the successful
development of each of its members and not force all to tread the same

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