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A Summary of Life Span, Life, Approach to Career Development A career is defined as the sequential choices, an individual makes, to perform

certain roles, during his or her professional life. These roles include the role of child, student, father and so on. There are nine role an individual generally plays, during his or her life span, which are as follows 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Child Student One searching for leisure time Citizen Worker Spouse Homemaker Parent Pensioner

Some other roles are brother or sister, lover and so on, but none of these roles are sex linked for instance in developed countries, females are working and continuing their professional quest, while the husband could dry the dishes, at the same time some cultures divide, the responsibilities in the light of biological differences for example the female should cook and take care of the child. Theaters Every role is played according to the surroundings or occasions consider, a father role which has to be played in the home primarily, yet some roles overlap, may be a banker shares an work related issue, with the family, in reality he is acting as a banker, a husband and father at a same point of time. Four main theaters are 1) 2) 3) 4) Home The Community Workplace School or university

Every role changes its nature, intensity and requirement, as our life progresses, for example, the son is supposed to take care of the parents and yet parents role in their offspring life diminishes. The word role has two distinguished dimensions

The Expectations of others This vary dimension refers to the expectations of others, that this person in this capacity would perform best, if he fulfils certain criteria, for example the presence of care on the behalf of parents for their children is considered necessary for being a parent. The Conceptions of the Player This takes hold of a persons beliefs in a specific role, regarding the performance of that capacity. In the case of multi-occupational careers, a worker is faced with fulfilling two or more positions at one point in time, which gives birth to a role conflict, where one role is interfering with another and causing an individual to confuse. Link of Early Performance, with Later Performance If an individual has engaged himself, with related activities, with that he does for living, it will therefore enhance with his on job performance, same goes with the early part time jobs a student takes up for making through the college, have immense impact on career choice he will make at the later stage of the career. Decision Points These points occur, in everybodys life, where we have to take one career option at an expense of another, for example a student drops out of school to work on a business idea of his own. Applications of the Concept There are two application of the concept discussed earlier which is Career Management in the Light of various roles. 1) Teaching the Concept Help students to grab the linkages between career stages and age 2) Career Counseling Foster the ability, in youngsters to analyze their careers and project these in the future.

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