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GEN 1.5-1 01 NOV 2001

GEN 1.5 AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS, EQUIPMENT AND FLIGHT DOCUMENTS 1. General 1.1 Commercial air transport aircraft operating in Romania shal adhere to the provisions of ICAO Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft, Part I - International Commercial Air Transport - Aeroplanes, Chapter 6 (Aeroplane Instruments, Equipment and Flight Documents) and Chapter 7 (Aeroplane Communication and Navigation Equipment). 1.2 Except for designated airspace where RVSM transition tasks are carried out, only RVSM approved aircraft and non-RVSM approved State aircraft shall be permitted to operate within the EUR RVSM airspace. RVSM approved aircraft are those aircraft for which the Operator has obtained an RVSM approval, either from the State in which the operator is based, or from the State in which the aircraft is registered. Guidance material on the airworthiness, continued airworthiness and the operational practices and procedures for the EUR RVSM airspace is provided in the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) Temporary Guidance Leaflet (TGL) Number 6, Revision 1, and the ICAO EUR Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc 7030/4 EUR). Except for State aircraft, RVSM approval is required for aircraft to operate in the RVSM airspace within the FIR Bucure ti, as described in ENR 2.1.

2. Special equipment to be carried on board 2.1 In addition to the above-mentioned, all aircraft operating within BUCURE TI FIR, shall adhere to the provisions detailed below depending on the type of flight. 2.2 Types of flight 2.2.1 Transiting a) Flights transiting BUCURE TI FIR, whereby Romanian territory is overflown. b) Flights to and from Romania, whereby a maximum of two landings are made. 2.2.2 Domestic Flights Flights conducted within BUCURE TI FIR 2.3 Aircraft FM immunity requirements for operation in Romania. Approval of exemptions for state aircraft Aircraft operating in Romania are subject to the FM immunity requirements for VHF receivers specified in the Standards of ICAO Annex 10, Vol I, Sections 3.1.4 (ILS), 3.3.8 (VOR) and Vol III, Part II, Section 2.2.3 (Voice Communication). The use of VHF receivers not meeting the above FM immunity requirements can have serious safety implications, particularly in the case of navigation by ILS and VOR. Romanian CAA maintains extensive safety oversight over aircraft operations in BUCURE TI FIR and publishes or updates informations on locations where aircraft not complying with the FM immunity requirements may be subjected to significant interferences. Since the number of such locations has been determined as very low, and in accordance with ICAO State letter ref T17/11.E/3 L00 _ 0928. AOP dated 7 Sept. 2000, state aircraft operating in civil aviation airspace and aerodromes may be granted exemptions upon request addressed to the Romanian military authorities who will issue such exemptions in coordination with Romanian CAA. Exemptions from the above equipage requirements will be considered only for those aerodromes/landing runways which have not been identified as posing a risk to non-FM immunity equipped state aircraft. Exemptions will also be considered for state aircraft operations planned in locations where a risk of significant FM interferences (ILS or VOR) has been identified but the state aircraft acknowledge that they are willing to restrict their operations to VMC, to PAR (where available) or to NDB procedures (where available).

Civil Aviation Authority


GEN 1.5-1 01 NOV 2001


GEN 1.5 INSTRUMENTE, ECHIPAMENTE I DOCUMENTE DE ZBOR 1. Generalit i 1.1 Aeronavele de transport comercial care execut zboruri n spa iul aerian al Romniei trebuie s ndeplineasc condi iile prev zute n Anexa 6 OACI - Exploatarea tehnic a aeronavelor, Partea I - Transportul Aerian Comercial Interna ional - Avioane, Capitolul 6 (Instrumente, Echipamente i Documente de Zbor) i Capitolul 7 (Echipamentul de Comunica ie i de Naviga ie). 1.2 Cu excep ia spa iului aerian de tranzi ie la RVSM, numai aeronavele autorizate RVSM i aeronavele oficiale de stat autorizate non-RVSM pot opera n spa iul european RVSM. Aeronavele autorizate RVSM sunt acele aeronave pentru care operatorul a ob inut o autorizare RVSM, fie de la statul n care operatorul i are sediul, fie de la statul n care operatorul este nregistrat. Materialul ghid privind navigabilitatea, continuitatea navigabilit ii i practicile opera ionale i procedurile pentru spa iul european RVSM se gase te n TGL num rul 6, al JAA, edi ia 1, i n Procedurile Suplimentare Regionale ICAO EUR (Doc 7030/4-EUR). Cu excep ia aeronavelor de stat, aprobarea RVSM este necesar aeronavelor pentru a opera n spa iu RVSM din FIR BUCURE TI, a a cum este descris n ENR 2.1.

2. Echipament special necesar la bord 2.1. n completarea celor mai sus men ionate, toate aeronavele care opereaz n cadrul FIR BUCURE TI, astfel nct este survolat teritoriul Romniei, trebuie s ndeplineasc condi iile detaliate mai jos n conformitate cu tipul zborului. 2.2 Tipuri de zboruri 2.2.1 Zboruri tranzit a) Zboruri tranzitnd FIR BUCURE TI, astfel nct este survolat teritoriul Romniei. b) Zboruri spre/din Romnia, unde sunt f cute maximum dou ateriz ri. 2.2.2 Zboruri interne Zborurile efectuate n FIR BUCURE TI. 2.3 Cerinte privind imunizarea la interferen ele FM a aeronavelor care opereaz n Romnia. Aprobarea excep iilor pentru aeronavele de stat Aeronavele care opereaza in Romania trebuie sa indeplineasca cerintele privind protejarea la interferen ele FM specificate in Standardele ICAO continute in Anexa 10, Vol I, Sectiunea 3.1.4 (ILS), 3.3.8 (VOR) si Vol III Partea II, Sectiunea 2.2.3 (Voice Communication). Utilizarea receptoarelor VHF care nu indeplinesc aceste cerinte mentionate mai sus, poate avea implicatii serioase in siguranta zborurilor, in mod particular in cazul cand navigatia se realizeaza utilizind semnale ILS sau VOR. AACR supravegheaza permanent siguranta zborurilor in FIR Bucuresti, publicand si tinand la zi informatiile privind zonele unde aeronavele care nu indeplinesc cerintele privind protectia la interferente FM, pot fi supuse unor interferente semnificative. Deoarece numarul acestor zone este foarte mic si in conformitate cu ICAO State letter ref T17/11.E/3 L00 _ 0928. AOP din 7 Sept. 2000, AACR in mod coordonat cu autoritatile militare din Romania vor analiza acordarea la cerere a unor exceptari pentru aeronavele de stat care opereaza in spatiul aerian repartizat avia iei civile sau pe aerodromurile civile, in mod punctual. Exceptarile de la cerintele de echipament mentionate mai sus, se vor acorda numai pentru aerodromurile/direc iile de aterizare care nu prezinta nici un risc pentru aeronavele de stat dotate cu echipamente neprotejate la interferente FM. Exceptarile pot fi acordate si pentru operatiuni planificate in zonele unde exista un risc privind interferentele FM semnificative (ILS sau VOR), in conditiile in care aeronava de stat confirma ca se va limita la operatiuni in conditii VMC sau PAR (unde sunt disponibile) sau la proceduri NDB (unde sunt disponibile).


Civil Aviation Authority


GEN 1.5-2 07 JUN 2007

State aircraft operators not complying with the FM immunity requirements may submit such exemption requests under the following conditions: a) overflight permit may be requested only for RNAV equipped aircraft which comply with the requirements and procedures set under AIP Romania GEN 1.5, para. 3, provided the RNAV capability does not depend on the use of VOR receivers; b) landing permit using the published ILS Approach Procedures (where available) may be requested for any of the aerodromes published in AIP Romania, with the exemption of: - LRBS, RWY 07 Aircraft operators who identify FM interferences while operating in Bucharest FIR are requested to follow the reporting procedure set under AIP Romania, GEN 1.6, Cap. 2.2, The identification, assessment and reporting of air navigation shortcomings and deficiencies.

3. Equipment to be carried by all types of flights The following radio and navigation equipment shall be carried within BUCURE TI FIR: Aircraft, other than State aircraft, operating on the ATS routes* within BUCURE TI FIR shall be equipped with, as a minimum, B-RNAV certified equipment meeting RNP 5 in accordance with the requirements set out in ICAO Doc 7030 Regional Supplementary Procedures (EUR, RAC section 14 ). Acceptable means of compliance are set out in the JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities) Technical Guidance Leaflet No 2 rev 1. All aircraft must be equipped with an operational transponder when operating in controlled airspace. However, the Romanian CAA will maintain designated domestic** routes within the lower airspace which can be used by aircraft not equipped with B-RNAV certified equipment but able to achieve RNP 5 navigation accuracy on these routes, i.e. VOR/DME defined routes. * An ATS route is defined in ICAO Annex 11 as follows: A specified route designated for channeling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of Air Traffic Services." ** A domestic route is a route which does not cross international borders.

4. Equipment to be carried on all internal and on certain flights TO BE DEVELOPED

5. Radio equipment requirements As required by ICAO SUPPS DOC 7030/4 EUR/RAC Chapter 4.0 on Air-Ground Communications and InFlight Reporting, the carriage and operation of 8.33 kHz channel spacing radio equipment is mandatory throughout the ICAO EUR Region for aircraft operating above FL195. Exemptions from mandatory carriage of 8.33 kHz equipment are described in section ENR 1.8. Non-equipped aircraft which are flight planned to enter any FIR/UIR in the EUR Region where no exemption has been published, except for UHF equipped State aircraft, (refer to the AIP of the State covering the FIR/UIR concerned) must flight plan to operate below FL195 throughout the entire EUR Region.

For operation on P-RNAV terminal area procedures (excluding the final and Missed Approach segments), operators and aircraft shall be approved in accordance with JAA Temporary Guidance Leaflet No.10 (TGL-10): Airworthiness and Operational Approval for Precision RNAV Operations in Designated Airspace, or equivalent. Note: Precision area navigation (P-RNAV) means navigation with equipment having a navigation performance equal to or better than a track keeping accuracy of 1.85Km ( 1NM) for 95% of the flight time.

Civil Aviation Authority


GEN 1.5-2 07 JUN 2007


Operatorii aeronavelor de stat pot face o cerere de exceptare in urmatoarele conditii: a) aprobari de survol pot fi solicitate numai pentru aeronavele echipate RNAV care se conformeaza cerintelor si procedurilor descrise in AIP Romania, GEN 1.5, paragraf 3, atunci c nd capabilitatea RNAV nu depinde de utilizarea semnalelor VOR. b) aprobari pentru aterizari folosind proceduri de apropiere ILS (unde sunt disponibile) pot fi solicitate pentru toate aerodromurile publicate in AIP Romania cu exceptia: - LRBS, RWY 07 Operatorii aerieni care identifica interferente FM pe timpul operarii in FIR Bucuresti sunt obligati sa urmeze procedura de raportare publicata in AIP Romania, GEN 1.6, Cap. 2.2, Identificarea, evaluarea si raportarea lipsurilor si deficientelor in navigatia aeriana.

3. Echipamentul necesar pentru toate tipurile de zboruri n FIR BUCURE TI trebuiesc folosite urm toarele echipamente radio i de naviga ie: Aeronavele, altele dect cele de stat, care opereaz pe rute ATS* n FIR BUCURE TI trebuie s fie dotate cel pu in cu echipament B-RNAV certificat pentru RNP 5, n conformitate cu cerin ele opera ionale stabilite n Documentul 7030 ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures (EUR, RAC sec iunea 14 ). Operarea pe rute RNAV RNP 5 impune conformitatea echipamentelor de bord cu cerin ele tehnice stabilite n JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities) Technical Guidance Leaflet No 2 rev 1. Toate aeronavele trebuie echipate cu un transpoder opera ional atunci cnd opereaz controlat. n spa iu aerian

Totu i, Autoritatea Aeronautic Civil Romn va men ine n spa iul aerian inferior rute interne** desemnate pe care pot zbura aeronavele care nu sunt echipate cu echipament B-RNAV certificat, dar care sunt capabile s ating acurate ea de naviga ie RNP 5 pe aceste rute, definite prin VOR/DME. * O rut ATS este definit n Anexa 11 dup cum urmeaz : O rut specificat desemnat pentru direc ionarea fluxului de trafic, pe care se asigur servicii de trafic aerian." ** O rut intern este acea rut care nu traverseaz frontiere interna ionale.

4. Echipamentul necesar pentru toate zborurile interne i pentru anumite zboruri TO BE DEVELOPED 5. Cerin ele echipamentului radio n conformitate cu cerin ele documentului ICAO SUPPS Doc 7030/ 4 AUR/RAC Capitolul 4.0, cu privire la Comunica iile aer-sol i Raport rilor din zbor, dotarea i operarea cu echipament radio capabil s lucreze cu ecart de 8.33 kHz este obligatorie n toat regiunea ICAO EUR pentru aeronavele care opereaz peste nivelul FL195. Except rile de la obligativitatea echip rii cu echipament 8.33 sunt descries n sec iunea ENR 1.8. Aeronavele ne-echipate care sunt planificate s intre n oricare FIR/UIR din Regiunea EUR pentru care nu au fost publicate except ri (referire n a AIP-ul statului responsabil pentru controlul aeronavelor n FIR/UIR respective) trebuie planificate s opereze sub nivelul FL195 n tot cuprinsul Regiunii EUR. Pentru operarea procedurilor P-RNAV in zona terminal (excluznd segmentele final i al apropierii ntrerupte) operatorii i aeronavele trebuie s fie autoriza i conform cu cerin ele JAA TGL nr. 10 Airworthiness and Operational Approval for Precision RNAV Operations in Designated Airspace sau echivalent. Not : Naviga ie de precizie (P-RNAV) nseamn naviga ie cu echipament a c rui performan este egal sau mai bun dect men inerea track-ului cu acurate ea de 1.85Km ( 1NM) pentru 95% din timpul de zbor.


Civil Aviation Authority

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