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Peridico Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Ao 6, No.24, 27 de Enero de 2012 - Delaware, Year VI, No.24, January 27, 2012

La Nueva Comisin Hispana

El 17 de enero del 2012, en Dover, Delaware se reunieron los miembros de la nueva Comisin Hispana. Las entradas fueron impresionantes: 18 Directores, Abogados, Profesores, y lderes de todos tipos en los puestos ms importantes de diversas industrias se congregaron bajo el liderazgo de Vivian Rapposelli, Abogada y Secretaria del Gabinete del Departamento de los Nios de Delaware, y el Representante Estatal Joseph Mir. Cada uno de los miembros, nombrados personalmente por el Gobernador para servir en esta nueva organizacin empezaron por presentarse y dar a conocer sus credenciales antes de empezar a discutir los objetivos que se propondrn como miembros de la comisin. Al introducirse, a ninguno le falta pasin y sinceridad en su deseo de servir a la comunidad. En esta edicin damos a conocer quienes son, donde se desempean y como contactarlos.

The Hispanic Commission

This Tuesday, January 17th, the members of the brand new Hispanic Commission congregated in Dover for their first meeting. The Commission is meant to replace the Governors Consortium on Hispanic Affairs as well as the Governors Advisory Council on Hispanic Affairs (GACHA), which were recently dissolved.

It took a while for the commissioners to settle into the small conference room of the Department of Education. 18 directors, lawyers, teachers and leaders of all kinds in the highest posts of various industries came together under the leadership of Vivian Rapposelli, Cabinet Secretary for the Delaware Childrens Department, and Representative Joseph Mir. All of the members shared their credentials, revealing not only high levels of expertise in their respective fields, but also a sincere passion in their desire to serve the community.

27 de Enero 2012 Vol 06 No.24

Hay ms de 4,000 qumicos en el humo de su cigarrillo.

Estos qumicos le hacen dao no slo al fumador, sino a cualquiera a su alrededor, incluyendo a los nios. Fumar puede causar enfermedades al corazn, derrame cerebral, enfermedad en los pulmones, bronquitis y enfisema. Si sigue fumando, puede enfermarse y estar incapacitado para ayudarse a s mismo y a su familia. La lnea para dejar de fumar puede ayudarle. Recibir consejera por telfono o en persona y podra incluso recibir parches de nicotina gratuitos, chicles u otros medicamentos que le ayudarn a dejar de fumar para siempre. Este servicio es gratuito para cualquier persona mayor de 18 aos de edad y que viva en Delaware.


There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. These chemicals hurt not just the smoker, but anyone who is around the smokerincluding children. Smoking can cause heart disease, stroke, lung disease, bronchitis and emphysema. If you continue to smoke, it could make you sick and unable to care for yourself and your family. The Delaware Quitline can help you quit. Youll get counseling on the phone or in person and you may even be able to get free nicotine patches, gum and other medications to help you stop smoking for good. The service is free for anyone 18 years of age and older living in Delaware. Its not just hurting you, its hurting your family.

Qu se esconde ? sus cigarrilloss? en igarette

Whats hiding in your c

Llame a la lnea gratuita Delaware Quitline para dejar de fumar 1-866-409-1858.

To quit smoking, call the Delaware Quitline toll-free at 1-866-409-1858.
Hablamos espaol. Mantenemos su informacin personal privada y confidencial. We speak Spanish. We keep your personal information private and confidential.
DELAWARE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Division of Public Health Tobacco Prevention and Control Program

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Un Pago Inicial Compra Cobertura el Mismo Da Descuentos por plizas Mltiples Servicio Rpido y Justo de Reclamos Cotizacin Gratuita We Speak English

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Peridico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware 27 de Enero 2012, Vol. VI No.24 Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper January 27, 2012, Vol.VI No.24

El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicacin de Hola Delaware LLC 123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

302-832 3620 fax 302- 832 3620

El Tiempo Hispano is published by

>Gabriel pilonieta-Blanco

editorial editorial

La tan esperada Comisin Hispana de la Gobernacin de Delaware est finalmente formada y dando sus primeros pasos. Est por definir, por ejemplo, sus estatutos (bylaws), el lugar de reunin, la periodicidad de las reuniones, la formacin de comits e incluso la agenda a discutir, pero ya se llev a cabo la primera reunin que permiti a sus miembros presentarse y conocerse entre s, ya que algunos era primera vez que se vean a la cara en persona. Vale la pena explicar por qu es tan esperada esta Comisin, y es que a mediados del ao pasado el gobernador Markell tom la decisin de disolver las dos organizaciones que de alguna manera representaban o atendan las necesidades de los hispanos en Delaware: GACHA (por sus siglas en ingls) que ya tena 30 aos, y el Consorcio Hispano de Delaware, que haba sido formado por la gobernadora Minner luego de que la Fundacin Arsht - Cannon ofreciera fondos a ser invertidos en el mejoramiento de la comunidad hispano hablante del estado, un par de aos atrs. Como explicamos en una edicin anterior, ambas organizaciones cumplieron un papel importante en el avance de la agenda hispana en Delaware, pero el Gobernador lleg a la conclusin de que en alguna forma coincidan y era mejor crear una sola que recogiera ambas experiencias y saliera fortalecida. Ese es precisamente el reto al que se enfrentan los flamantes miembros de la nueva Comisin Hispana de Delaware. Nos hemos propuesto darle amplia cobertura a esta Comisin porque consideramos que el compromiso no es solo de sus miembros, sino de la comunidad toda que debe saber quines son, qu pueden esperar de ellos y sobre todo tener la informacin de cmo contactarlos para exponer inquietudes y propuestas de progreso. Si esta Comisin funciona, pues bueno para todos, pero si falla y se convierte en un ente sin impacto alguno, la responsabilidad entonces es de todos nosotros por no haber participado, concurrido, colaborado, porque en mi opinin ha llegado el momento de que TODOS seamos la comisin que se ocupe de sacar de la pobreza y la ignorancia a tantas familias hispanas que residen en Delaware. En lugar de pan y circo, como entendan los romanos que necesitaban la poblacin, queremos trabajo y educacin para ponernos al da con el siglo XXI y el gran reto que la modernidad, que ya se est poniendo vieja, nos exige. As que estimados lectores, con ustedes la nueva Comisin Hispana de Delaware, con todos sus miembros que se presentan en nuestras pginas, y ya sabe quines son y qu esperan ellos de usted: que no los dejen solos y que los sepan usar como voceros de lo bueno y de lo malo, porque de todo hay en la Via del Seor.
GERENTE General Manager Mara Vera Rodrguez EDITOR Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco 302- 588 9584 ADVERTISING 302- 494 3133 COLABORADORES Contributors Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi Karyl Thomas Rattay Carlos Dipres Margaret Reyes Peter Gonzales Keyla Rivero-Rodrguez Annette Merino Miguel Acosta Laura Poppiti Tabatha Castro Lastenia Narvaez Greer Firestone Eric Doroshow Mara Picazo + Samuel Blanco Arizpe Eric Soberanis Mara Velsquez Naranjo Ismael Santos Wanda Lopez Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe Allison Burris Christopher Posh Ronaldo Tello Alfredo Lascoutx Vivian L. Rapposelli Nelly Arevalo Jason Keller Alma Villalobos Rafael Guerrero Javier Moreno Antonia Donato Ricardo Diaz Eli Ramos Margie King Michelle Acosta Pierre Smythe Luis Alejandro Vera Antonio Droz Zuleika Cervantes Brenda Palomo Jaime Rivera Nina Qureshi-Ibqal Melissa Skolnick Lilia Estrada Roxanna Valdes Antonio Droz Amy Libonate Tamara Romero Jennifer L. Cohan

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The long-awaited Delaware Hispanic Commission is finally formed and taking its first steps. Still to be defined, for instance, are its bylaws, meetings location, frequency of meetings, committees establishment and even the agenda to be discussed, but the first meeting already took place which allowed its members to introduce themselves and to get to know each other, because for some of them, it was the first time they had met in person. It is worth mentioning why is this Commission so awaited, and it is because by mid-year of 2011, Governor Markell decided to eliminate the two organizations that in some way represented or watched over the needs of the Hispanics in Delaware: GACHA, already 30 years old, and Delawares Hispanic Consortium, founded by governor Minner after the Foundation Arsht-Cannon offered funds to be invested in improving the states Hispanic community, a couple of years ago. As we explained in a previous issue of this newspaper, both organizations played an important role in the advancement of the Hispanic agenda in Delaware, but the Governor came to the conclusion that in certain way they coincided and that it was better to create a new one that could gather both experiences and emerge stronger. This is precisely the challenge the brand-new members of Delawares Hispanic Commission face. We are determined to give this Commission ample coverage because we consider the commitment to be not only from its members, but from all the community which must know who they are, what to expect from them, and above all, know how to contact them to let them know about their concerns and to suggest advancement proposals. If this Commission works, it is a good thing for all of us, but if it doesnt and becomes an entity with no impact whatsoever, it is then our joint responsibility for not having participated, taken part in, collaborated, because in my opinion, the time has come for ALL to be the commission in charge of rescuing many Hispanic families living in Delaware from poverty and ignorance. Instead of bread and circuses, as the Romans needing the people understood it, we want jobs and education to catch up with the XXI century and with the great challenge modern times demand from us, which is already getting old. So dear readers, I give you the new Delaware Hispanic Commission, with all its members being presented in our pages, so now you know who they are and what do they expect from you: not be left alone and to learn to use them as spokespeople of the good and the bad, because it takes all sorts to make a world.

DISEO GRAFICO / GRAphIC DESIGN Michael Lovett/ William Galindo

Esteban M.P Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco . Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos Nelson Gonzlez / Adrin Abonce. Fernando Hernndez / Pedro Escrcega



Leyes / Laws: Las 10 leyes ms importantes para la clase media / The Top 10 MiddleClass Acts of Congress Locales/ Local: Una cooperativa de crdito de avanzada /A state of the art credit union Estado / State: Nuevo programa de mediacin para la ejecucin hipotecaria /New Foreclosure Mediation Program Y mucho ms / And much more

TRADUCCION / TRANSLATION Valentina P Rodrguez . Mara Picazo + Gabriela Montilva P / Marianella Vera . Michelle Acosta

The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. Any published material might be used or reprinted as long as the source is cited.

123 Rosemary Court, Bear, DE 19701 302-588 9584 email:

Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24



informacin information

Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24

Mediacin en la Ejecucin Hipotecaria

El Fiscal General Biden, legisladores y defensores marcan el lanzamiento del nuevo programa de mediacin para la ejecucin hipotecaria
Al Fiscal General Beau Biden se le sum una coalicin bipartidista de legisladores y defensores el 18 de enero para marcar el lanzamiento del programa obligatorio de mediacin para la ejecucin hipotecaria. Este programa, que estar en funcionamiento a partir del jueves, fue establecido el ao pasado como parte de un paquete legislativo desarrollado por la oficina de Biden y los legisladores en respuesta a la crisis de ejecuciones hipotecarias en Delaware. Este programa ha sido diseado basado en exitosos programas de otros estados y jurisdicciones, incluyendo la ciudad de Filadelfia y el estado de Connecticut. La crisis de ejecucin hipotecaria (foreclosure) ha impactado a las familias de Delaware a lo largo de todo el estado, dijo el Fiscal General Biden. Perder un hogar como consecuencia de una ejecucin hipotecaria puede ser devastador, y los acreedores merecen la oportunidad de reunirse personalmente con su entidad crediticia y explorar todas las alternativas disponibles. La mediacin obligatoria puede ayudar a las personas a conservar sus hogares, y eso es lo mejor para las familias, las entidades crediticias y la comunidad. En los ltimos aos se ha visto un nmero de ejecuciones hipotecarias sin precedentes en Delaware, con ms de 25.000 expedientes de embargo introducidos desde 2007. El estado experiment un ao record en 2010 con ms de 6.400 expedientes oficializados. La oficina de Biden y los legisladores produjeron un conjunto de leyes aprobadas durante la ltima sesin legislativa que abordan el problema de la crisis de embargos en Delaware. Esta legislacin acenta el programa voluntario de mediacin existente en el estado de muchas maneras claves: La mediacin ya no es voluntaria. Cuando un banco introduce una demanda de embargo, ahora es obligatorio por ley que las entidades crediticias y los acreedores se sienten caraa-cara y tengan una conversacin positiva sobre un plan de pagos u otras opciones antes de que se realice la ejecucin hipotecaria. Elimina la calificacin de ingresos para propietarios de viviendas. Establece un cargo por introduccin del expediente, pagadero por la institucin crediticia, para financiar el programa. Extiende el perodo de tiempo en el cual un propietario de vivienda debe responder a una demanda de embargo. Anteriormente, los propietarios tenan 20 das para responder a una demanda de embargo. Bajo el nuevo esquema, se detiene el proceso de embargo cuando se programa una conferencia de mediacin, y un prestamista no puede proseguir con el juicio hasta tanto no se haya concretado la reunin de mediacin. El programa obligatorio de mediacin para la ejecucin hipotecaria sirve a los delawarianos propietarios de viviendas de una a cuatro unidades, quienes habitan en esa vivienda como su residencia primaria, y cuyo prstamo hipotecario ha sido ejecutado a partir del 19 de enero de 2012 (inclusive). El programa estar vigente hasta enero de 2014. La Representante Helen M. Keeley, D-Wilmington South, acot que muchos de sus electores estn enfrentando el embargo de sus viviendas. Ella dijo que el proceso inicial voluntario de mediacin era un gran primer paso, pero que el obligar a las entidades crediticias y a los propietarios a sentarse para llegar a un acuerdo, ayudar a ms personas a conservar sus hogares. El perder su mayor inversin su vivienda- es catastrfico para una persona. Al proporcionar este paso adicional, nos estamos asegurando que ms propietarios tengan la oportunidad de conservar sus viviendas y mantener su techo, dijo la Rep. Kelley. Esperamos que este programa de mediacin hipotecaria aborde el problema de un nmero sin precedentes de embargos y que en un par de aos, cuando este programa caduque, no haya la necesidad de continuarlo. A los propietarios de vivienda elegibles se les proporcionar informacin detallada sobre el programa de mediacin para la ejecucin hipotecaria cuando se introduzca una demanda de embargo en su contra. Los propietarios de vivienda pueden obtener ms informacin sobre este programa llamando a la Lnea de Ayuda de Crditos Hipotecarios de la Fiscala Genera al 800-220-5424, enviando un email a, o visitando www.attorneygeneral.delaware. gov/mortgageforeclosure o el Departamento de Justicia tambin ofrecer sesiones abiertas (open houses) a lo largo del estado en los prximos meses para responder preguntas de los residentes, presentar nuevos programas y asistir en lo que respecta a resoluciones. / The Department of Justice will also hold open houses throughout the state in the coming months to answer residents questions, introduce new programs and assist in resolutions. CONDADO SUSSEX / SUSSEX COUNTY Enero 31: 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Oficinas Administrativas de Condado de Sussex, Open House 22215 DuPont Blvd, Georgetown DE (al lado de M&T Bank) 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Centro G.W. Carver Education Center 30207 Frankford School Rd., Frankford, DE 19945

New Foreclosure Mediation Program

Attorney General Biden, Legislators, Advocates Mark Launch of New Foreclosure Mediation Program
Attorney General Beau Biden was joined by a bipartisan coalition of legislators and advocates on January 18, to mark the launch of Delawares mandatory foreclosure mediation program. The program, which becomes operational Thursday, was established last year as part of a legislative package developed by Bidens office and legislators to respond to the foreclosure crisis in Delaware. It is modeled after successful programs in other states and jurisdictions, including the City of Philadelphia and the state of Connecticut. The foreclosure crisis has impacted Delaware families up and down the state, Attorney General Biden said. Losing a home to foreclosure can be devastating, and borrowers deserve the opportunity to meet face-to-face with their lender and explore all available alternatives. Mandatory mediation can help people stay in their homes, and thats better for families, lenders and the community. Recent years have seen a record pace of foreclosures in Delaware, with more than 25,000 foreclosure filings since 2007. The state experienced a record-setting year in 2010, with more than 6,400 filings. Bidens office and legislators produced a package of bills, passed during the last legislative session, that address Delawares foreclosure crisis. That legislation strengthened the states existing voluntary mediation program in several key ways: Mediation is no longer voluntary. When a bank files a foreclosure complaint, the law now requires that lenders and borrowers sit down one-on-one and have a meaningful conversation about a payment plan or other options before a foreclosure can proceed. It eliminates the income qualification for homeowners. It establishes a filing fee, paid by the lender, to fund the program. It extends the time a homeowner has to respond to a foreclosure complaint. Previously, homeowners had 20 days to respond to a foreclosure complaint. Under the new program, the foreclosure process is put on hold when a mediation conference is scheduled, and a lender cannot seek judgment until after the mediation conference takes place. The mandatory foreclosure mediation program serves Delawareans who own a oneto four-unit home, who reside in the home as their primary residence, and whose mortgage is foreclosed upon on or after January 19, 2012. The program runs through January 2014. Rep. Helene M. Keeley, D-Wilmington South, noted that several of her constituents are facing foreclosure. She said that the initial voluntary mediation process was a great first step, but requiring that lenders and homeowners sit down to work out an agreement will help more people stay in their homes. Losing your biggest investment your home is nothing short of catastrophic for a person. By providing this additional step, we are ensuring that more homeowners will have the opportunity to stay in their homes and keep a roof over their heads, Rep. Keeley said. We hope that this mortgage mediation program will address the issue of a record number of foreclosures and that in a couple years, when this program sunsets, there will not be a need for it. Eligible homeowners will be provided with detailed information about the foreclosure mediation program when a foreclosure is filed against them. Homeowners can learn more about this program by calling the Attorney Generals Mortgage Hotline at 800-220-5424, e-mailing mortgage., or visiting or

WILMINGTON Febrero 8: 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Sede del Concejo Municipal de Wilmington 800 French St., Wilmington, DE 19801 CONDADO NEW CASTLE / NEW CASTLE COUNTY Febrero 9: 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Saln Comunitario Gilliam, Departamento de Servicios Comunitarios 77 Reads Way, New Castle, DE 19720 CONDADO KENT / KENT COUNTY Febrero 21: 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Biblioteca Pblica del Condado Kent 497 S. Red Haven Lane, Dover DE 19901

informacin information
Una Cooperativa de Crdito de Avanzada
Community Powered Federal Credit abre sus puertas para cubrir las necesidades de la comunidad hispana.
> Greer Firestone

Una cooperativa de crdito de avanzada asegurada por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos- abri sus puertas en la Rt. 40 en Bear, Delaware. El Director General Tony Hinds est centrado directamente en la poblacin hispana del corredor de la Rt. 40. Esta es la concentracin ms grande de hispanos del estado y ciertamente podemos hablar su lenguaje dice Hinds con una sonrisa, pues l naci en Panam. El banquero de larga data anuncia que habr empleados bilinges en el sitio y esperan emplear an ms. Community Powered Credit Union comenz como la cooperativa de ahorro y crdito interna de Delmarva Power & Light dcadas atrs. Esta ser la quinta localidad, las otras estn en Newark, Boulevard Martin Luther King en Wilmington, New Castle y Kirkwood Highway, actualmente sirviendo a 9000 familias en el condado de New Castle con ms de $115 millones en activos. Hinds hace hincapi en que Community Powered es una institucin financiera de servicios completos. Hay muchos aspectos de una cooperativa de ahorro y crdito que las hacen favorable a los clientes: 1. Ni un solo centavo del dinero de los inversionistas ha sido perdido en una cooperativa de crdito 2. Estructura de la Cooperativa de Crdito: las bajas en los mercados de valores no tienen ningn efecto directo en la cooperativa Community Powered Federal Credit Union. Por ley, las cooperativas de crdito no pueden invertir en el mercado de valores u otro tipo de inversin especulativa. Los ahorros de los miembros son bsicamente reinvertidos en prstamos a otros miembros de la cooperativa y los instrumentos de deudas estn respaldados por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. 3. Prcticas de Negocios: Community Power FCU es conocida por su poltica prudente en la evaluacin de riesgo para prstamos. Desde 2005 hasta el presente hemos otorgado $89.5 millones en crditos. Community Powered FCU actualmente tiene $13.7 millones en capital y reservas y est catalogada como slidamente capitalizada por la Administracin Nacional de Cooperativas de Crdito. 4. SUS fondos asegurados: las cuentas en Community Powered Federal Credit Union, como todas las cooperativas federales de crdito, estn aseguradas por el fondo de seguros National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. Las cuentas regulares estn aseguradas hasta $250.000,00 y los fondos individuales de retiro (IRA) hasta $250.000,00. Y la mejor noticia es las tasas de inters! Community Powered est ofreciendo actualmente tasas tan bajas como 3.45% APR* para prstamos para vehculos nuevos, o 3.75% APR* para prstamos para vehculos de segunda mano. Con nuestros prstamos sobre la plusvala de vivienda (segundas hipotecas) a solo 4.49% APR*, a usted se le hace ms fcil que nunca mantener su presupuesto bien balanceado. Tony Hinds dice estamos buscando a la familia que se est pasando de rentar a ser propietaria de una casa por primera vez, una familia que se est mudando a una casa ms grande, o aquellos que estn buscando su primer vehculo o buscando financiamiento para la universidad. Realmente somos un banco basados en la comunidad!, exclama. El diseo del edificio se aprovecha de todos los aspectos del ambiente. Hinds dice con orgullo, estamos basados en la comunidad y por lo tanto estamos utilizando ingenieros locales, vendedores y contratistas permitiendo que los trabajos se queden en nuestro estado. Es un edificio de alto desempeo situado para maximizar la exposicin al sol y reducir la absorcin de calor solar. El sistema de iluminacin es altamente eficiente y toda la plomera reduce el flujo de agua tanto como sea posible.

A State of the Art Credit Union

Community Powered Federal Credit opens to serve the needs of the Hispanic community.
> Greer Firestone A state of the art credit union federally insured by the US is opening on Rt. 40 in Bear Delaware. CEO Tony Hinds has a direct focus on the Hispanic population of the Rt. 40 corridor. This is the greatest concentration of Hispanics in the state....and we can certainly speak their language says Hinds with a grin, as he was born in Panama. The long time banker states there will be bi-lingual employees at the site and with expectations of hiring more. Community Powered Credit Union began as the internal credit union of Delmarva Power & Light many decades ago. This will be the fifth location, others located in Newark, Martin Luther King Blvd in Wilmington, New Castle and Kirkwood Highway, currently serving 9000 families in New Castle County with over $115 million in assets. Hinds stresses that Community Powered is a full service financial institution. There are many aspects of a credit union that make them favorable to clients: 1. Not one penny of an investors money has been lost at a credit union 2. Credit Union Structure: The declines in the stock market have no direct effect on Community Powered Federal Credit Union. By law, credit unions are not allowed to invest in the stock market or other speculative type investments. Members savings are mainly reinvested in loans to fellow members and debt obligations backed by the U.S. government. 3. Business Practices: Community Powered FCU is known for prudent loan underwriting. From 2005 to the present we have issued $89.5 million in loans. Community Powered FCU currently has $13.7 million in capital/reserves and is rated well capitalized by the National Credit Union Administration. 4. YOUR insured funds: Accounts at Community Powered Federal Credit Union, like all federal credit unions, are insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. Regular accounts are insured up to $250,000.00 and IRA accounts up to $250,000.00. Now for the even better news...the rates! Community Powered is now offering rates as low as 3.45% APR* for a new car loan, or 3.75% APR* for a pre-owned vehicle loan. With our home equity loans at only 4.49% APR*, its easier than ever for you to keep your budget slim and trim. Tony Hinds says we are looking for the family who is moving from renting to being a first time home owner, a family moving up to a bigger home or those seeking their first car or looking for college financing. We truly are a community based bank! he exclaims. The design of the building takes advantage of all environmental issues. Says Hinds proudly, we are community based and therefore we are using local engineers, vendors and contractors allowing jobs to stay in our home state. It is a high performance building envelope and situated to maximize sun exposure and reduce solar heat gain. The lighting is high efficient and all the plumbing fixtures reduce water flow as much as possible.


Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24


Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24

opinin opinion

Un Punto de Vista A Matter Of View

| Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

Amrica a Nuestro Alcance

Nunca me canso de escuchar al presidente Obama. Cuando habla, es efectivo y atrae con su presentacin, y una vez ms, por cuarta vez, pronunci un maravilloso discurso sobre el Estado de la Unin. Sus comentarios de entrada enfatizaron el hecho de que por primera vez en nueve aos, no hay norteamericanos peleando en Irak, lo cual, hablemos claro, era una de las promesas que hizo cuando se postul para la presidencia. Dicho esto, me imagino que puede marcar sa en su lista de cosas prometidas y cumplidas. Tambin mencion que despus de dos dcadas, ya Osama bin Laden no es una amenaza para nuestro pas. Esta aseveracin puede que sea cierta, pero todava le temo a las repercusiones an por venir a nuestro pas en seal de retaliacin por parte del Talibn. Algunos otros asuntos importantes que mencion fueron sobre retos y recuperacin econmica, la industria manufacturera norteamericana, reformas fiscales corporativas, equidad en comercio exterior, entrenamiento de empleados calificados, educacin, educacin superior asequible, apoyar las innovaciones, petrleo y gas natural, y energa limpia. Yo estoy de acuerdo con muchos de estos asuntos y admito que aprend una que otra cosa, y el comercio equitativo fue una de ellas. En mi sencilla opinin, no veo mucha justicia comercial cuando se trata de gravar a las compaas, y cmo esas compaas pueden salirse con la suya no pagando impuestos en nuestro pas al llevarse nuestros trabajos a otros pases con mano de obra ms barata. S, la huida de los Estados Unidos. Luego, a aquellas compaas que estn produciendo en nuestro pas se les pecha con impuestos ms altos. Cmo puede ser esto justo? Yo estoy de acuerdo con l en su proposicin de asegurarse que esas compaas que contratan personal en el extranjero paguen impuestos locales y ms altos por no contratar en del pas; y aquellas compaas que se quedan en el pas y crean ms trabajos que a su vez le darn un empuje a la economa, sean entonces gravadas apropiadamente y se les otorgue algn tipo de incentivo por invertir en nuestro pas y en nuestra fuerza laboral. l quiere que el Sueo Americano sea alcanzable por todos nosotros y yo se lo agradezco. Y como una madre con un hijo en el ejrcito (Army mom), tambin le agradezco los elogios y el reconocimiento que mostr por nuestras fuerzas armadas y por los muchos sacrificios que esta guerra de nueve aos ha causado a nuestro pas en trminos de vidas y dificultades econmicas. Yo disfruto viendo los Discursos del Estado de la Unin, sin importar cul presidente lo diga, siempre es una buena prctica saber qu es lo que han hecho y qu tienen planificado hacer para el ao siguiente. Por supuesto, las noticias de esta maana fueron todas con respecto al discurso de Obama y sobre lo que dijo o dej de decir. Me gusta el hecho de que su punto de vista sobre educacin es el mismo que el mo. La educacin debera estar disponible para todos y no solo para algunos. Caramba, todava hay tanto por hacer como nacin para llegar donde debemos estar, pero realmente disfrut de su discurso y tengo confianza en que nuestro futuro an es muy promisor y que el Sueo Americano todava est a nuestro alcance.

The America Within Our Reach

I never get tired listening to President Obama. When he speaks, he is effective and engaging in his delivery; and once more, for the fourth time, he delivered a wonderful State of the Union speech. His opening remarks highlighted the fact that for the first time in nine years, there are no Americans fighting in Iraq, which lets be clear, this was one of the promises he made when he was running for the presidency. With that said, I am guessing he can check that one off his list of things promised and accomplished. He also mentioned that after two decades, Osama bin Laden is no longer a threat to our country. This statement may be true, but I still fear of the repercussions that may yet to come as a retaliation of The Taliban to our country. Some other important issues he brought up were about economic challenges and recovery, the American manufacturing, corporate tax reform, fairness in foreign trade, training skilled workers, education, affordable higher education, supporting innovations, oil and natural gas, and clean energy. I agree with many of these issues and I admit that I learned a thing or two, and fair trade was one of them. In my simplest of opinion, I dont see much fair trade when it comes to taxing companies, and how those companies can get away with not paying taxes in our country for taking our jobs to cheaper labor into other countries. Yes, the fleeing of America. Then, those companies that are manufacturing in our country get hit with paying higher taxes. How can this be fair? I agree with him on his proposal in making sure that those companies that hire overseas pay local and higher taxes for not hiring within; and those companies that stay local and create more jobs which would boost our economy will then be properly taxed and get some kind of break for investing in our country and in our workforce. He wants the American Dream to be attainable for all of us and I thank him for that. As an Army mom, I also thank him for the praises and acknowledgement he showed towards our armed forces and to the many sacrifices this nine year war has caused our country in the way of lives and economic hardship. I enjoy watching The State of the Union Speeches, no matter which president delivers the speech; it is always a good practice to know what they have done and what they are planning on doing for the year ahead. Of course, this mornings news was all about Obamas speech and what he said or didnt say. I like the fact that his vision on education is the same as mine. Education should be available to all and not to some. Wow, there is still so much to do as a nation in order to get where we need to be, but I truly enjoyed his speech and I am confident that our future is still very promising and the American Dream it is still within our reach!

[ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]

able people will agree that informed consent for abortion empowers a woman to make a better decision. More information is always better for an important decision, but not surprisingly abortion proponents adamantly oppose these laws. See Guttmachers article to read more about that. To these people, I have to wonder: what ever happened to safe, legal and rare? As a person steeped in public policy related to the dignity of the human person, I am honored to speak with some frequency to a variety of groups - some friendly and some not - about these very issues. To make my point I will close with a true story. Yesterday, after speaking with a group on pro-life issues, as I was walking out the door a woman followed me out into the hallway and tearfully thanked me. She shared with me that a few dozen years ago she had an abortion and that if only she has known then what she knows now she never would have made such a decision - a decision she has grieved for many years. Thankfully she sought help and found a sense of healing and hope in one of the many groups counseling and helping post-abortive women. As we move towards the 39th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision on Roe versus Wade, let us continue to move full speed ahead with positive legislation that benefits everyone - the developing baby, and its mother. Jeanne Monahan is director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. CRUisE shiP sAfETy As a former naval officer; officer-of-the deck underway, independent and formation steaming; and qualified marine navigator and instructor, I have questions concerning the grounding of the cruise ship Costa Concordia off the coast of Italy. Was the captain on the bridge exercising control of the ship? If so, why was the ship so close to the rocks? If not, who was on the bridge conning the ship? What were their qualifications? Was there a maritime pilot on the bridge? The most dangerous period in peacetime for a ship underway is when it is leaving and entering port or traversing in close proximity to land. This is when you have to be on full alert. Why did the Costa Concordia only hold emergency evacuation drills once every fifteen days? During a fifteen day period the ship would normally visit a number of ports and embark new passengers. A drill should be held prior to leaving every port. The maritime industry should evaluate the viability of lifeboat systems which fail when a ship takes on a significant list that makes it very difficult or impossible to launch lifeboats. crew. More attention must be paid to the safety of passengers and

ThE MENTAl AffECTs Of AbORTiON I remember well a night many years ago when a dear friend who was adamantly pro-choice came to me, sobbing uncontrollably. With defenses down, she unloaded a heavy burden she had long carried - a few years before she had chosen to abort her developing baby. She told me that not one day had passed that she did not think about her baby and regret her decision. My heart ached for my friend, as she was clearly tormented by her decision. Sadly, my friend is one among many. Abortion is not good for womens mental health. With abortion statistics alarmingly high in the U.S., we live in a culture with an increasing number of post-abortive women struggling from the profound emotional and psychological consequences of abortion. Many of these women gravely regret their abortions. Visit the Feminists for Life website ( to read a few of these stories. Science supports this sad reality. In the fall a meta-analysis was published in the prestigious British Journal of Psychiatry. The report was the most extensive of its kind to date - the author looked at 22 published studies and data from over 870,000 women. The results showed that women who have an abortion are at an 81 percent increased risk for mental health problems, including anxiety disorders, depression, drug abuse, and suicidal behaviors. The study revealed the shocking statistic that close to ten percent of all mental health problems in women can be directly attributed to abortion. It is absolutely critical that a woman who is considering abortion be given as much information as possible so that she can make a truly informed decision, since her choice will impact her for the rest of her life. 2011 was a record year in terms of the number of laws enacted related to informed consent. The Guttmacher Institute, originally founded as the research arm of Planned Parenthood, recently reported that throughout the course of the year over 1,000 pro-life bills were introduced into state legislatures, with 83 of these bills becoming law. Of the new laws, a large percentage have to do with improving a womans informed consent ( In other words, these laws include educating a woman considering abortion about the physiological stages of development of the baby, the psychological consequences she could potentially suffer as a result of choosing abortion and so on. Most reason-

Donald A. Moskowitz Londonderry, NH ThE WhOOPiNg CRANEs Whooping Cranes will not be affected if the TransCanada pipeline goes forward because the tar sands will continue to be processed for oil and gas by Canadians. Furthermore, the experience with pipelines negate your contentions for the zoological spectrum indicated in your letter . Most important right now is the livelihood and national security of people in the United States; they are the ones affected by your actions. Human beings are the highest order in the zoological chain. Our citizens, along with our flora and fauna, are worthy of protection. I have noted the large amount of Middle Eastern oil magnate contributions to multiple ecology causes in the United States. Anyone can Google The Sierra Club, the National Wildlife Federation as well as Earth First and others; you will see who the major donors to their causes are and who sits on the corporate boards of these environment-first foundations. They promote actions contrary to the exploration of US natural energy resources and their uses, including drilling, coal gasification, fracking for gas and oil and shale exploitation However, it seems that those concerns are not equally promoted by them in their own countries. This is anathema, which leads me to suspect their actual intentions and goals. What is important: Where will the tar sands energy and resulting economic opportunities goto the US or China? You are not doing anything for the Cranes, but you are impeding much-needed energy independence, real job opportunities and, perhaps most crucial, our national security. Again, apparent good ecological intentions are paving the way to hell. Miguel Perez-Fabar, Georgetown, DE

Abogada de Inmigracin


No Esperes que haya una Reforma Migratoria para Realizar tu Sueo Americano Djame Ayudarte Hoy
Ciudadana Visas de Trabajo H 1B Y H2B Visas Especiales Visas para Matrimonio y Familias Cartas de Perdn

leyes laws

Nina Qureshi

La Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 (CRA): La expansin de los derechos civiles para las comunidades de color, las minoras religiosas, y las mujeres les permitieron no slo luchar contra la discriminacin en la sociedad general, sino tambin en el lugar de empleo. La CRA cre la Comisin para la Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo, que asegura que nadie sea discriminado por motivos de raza, color, religin, origen nacional, o sexo. El luchar contra la discriminacin increment la capacidad de muchos estadounidenses de formar parte ms completa de la fuerza laboral y la clase media. La Ley de Educacin Superior de 1965 (la creacin de las becas Pell): El aumentar el acceso a una educacin universitaria es una forma fundamental de hacer ms fuerte a la clase media. Las becas Pell son un tipo de ayuda financiera en base a la necesidad econmica que les permiten a los estudiantes pagar la educacin superior que de otra manera podra estar fuera de su alcance. La Ley de Cuidado de Saludo Asequible del 2010 (ACA): ElACA (por sus siglas en ingles), cuando este en plena vigencia, limitar el costo de la atencin mdica para individuos y familias de la clase media, garantizando que la atencin medica sea disponible y asequible para todos los estadounidenses. Adems, har que sea ms asequible para que una gran variedad de negocios proporcionen cobertura de salud a sus empleados. Conforme el Congreso debate cmo fortalecer nuestra economa, estas leyes sirven como recordatorio de que el ayudar a la clase media nos ayuda a todos, y nos llevara al crecimiento robusto de nuestro pas. Nick Bunker es un Asistente Especial con el equipo de Poltica Econmica en el Center for American Progress.

Defensa en casos de Deportacin Visas Profesionales y de Inversionistas Procesos Consulares

Atendemos Clientes en DE, PA, NJ, MD y en toda la Nacin

The Top 10 Middle-Class Acts of Congress

Laws that Helped Our Country Prosper
As members of Congress ponder President Barack Obamas State of the Union address this year, they should reflect on how, at critical junctures in our nations history, Congress made the decision to strengthen the American middle class, which proved instrumental in the countrys growth and prosperity. Previous Congresses passed legislation that increased access to health care and education, expanded home ownership, protected the savings of average Americans, and ensured the rights of Americans in the workplace and beyond. The current Congress would be well served by looking at their predecessors record when considering how to strengthen the middle class in the 21st century. Homestead Act of 1862 and the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862: Together these two acts helped grow the American middle class, especially in the central and western parts of the country. The Homestead Act allowed citizens to lay claim to federal lands if they lived on the land and improved it. Thus, instead of large swaths of the country being sold off to the highest bidders, creating a region of wealthy landowners and impoverished tenant-farmers, those lands ended up in the hands of farmers who underpinned a strong, growing, middle class among the farmers and in the communities that flourished with them. The Morrill Act created the land-grant colleges that developed agricultural improvements and created educational opportunity for a broader cross-section of Americans. Glass-Steagall Act of 1933: Passed in the wake of the Great Depression, Glass-Steagall, among other things, created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the government agency that insures commercial bank deposits. The FDIC insures that the savings of average Americans are not lost if a bank fails. This made banking secure and viable for the middle class and offered a means for maintaining and growing savings. Although portions of this act have been repealed, the FDIC continues to fulfill this important role today. National Housing Act of 1934: The creation of the Federal Housing Administration helped make the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage a pillar of the American mortgage market. The loans allowed middle-class Americans to become homeowners with stable and predictable payments. Homeownership became a key source of middle-class wealth creation over the next few decades and the FHA continues to increase homeownership among Americans. Social Security Act of 1935: One of the signature achievements of the New Deal, this act created Social Security, the unemployment insurance system, and other assistance programs. An update to the law passed in 1939 added dependent and survivor benefits to Social Security, and a disability insurance benefit was added in 1956. These programs created the foundation of the modern American social safety net. Social Security is the basis of the American retirement system while unemployment insurance cushions the blow of unemployment as well as boosting the economy in downtimes. Both of these programs have kept Americans in the middle class in retirement and between jobs. National Labor Relations Act of 1935 and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: These acts created many of the workplace protections that modern Americans depend upon. The NLRA, also known as the Wagner Act, created modern American labor law and eased the way to union membership and collective bargaining, keys to creating a strong middle class. The act also established the National Labor Relations Board, which oversees union elections and adjudicates labor law. The FLSA created several labor market protections including the minimum wage, overtime regulations, and restrictions on child labor. G.I. Bill (the Servicemens Readjustment Act of 1944): After World War II, many returning veterans were able to attend college and other postsecondary programs thanks to the G.I. Bill. The program helped veterans receive grants to pay for higher education, which in turn increased the number of college graduates. Expanding access to college education simultaneously boosted the competitiveness of the United States and opened up a path to wellpaying, middle-class careers to millions of Americans. A similar benefit was extended to veterans of the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the post-9/11 era. Social Security Act of 1965: The creation of Medicare and Medicaid expanded health insurance coverage to elderly, the poor, and the disabled. This was accomplished through amendments to the Social Security Act and surely ranks as one of the most important middle-class policies. Assuring that Americans have access to health insurance in old age and when they fall on hard times has helped bring an important level of security to the middle class. Medicare and Medicaid also paved the way for later reforms that increased health insurance coverage. Civil Rights Act of 1964: The expansion of civil rights for communities of color, religious minorities, and women allowed them not only to fight back against discrimination in society writ large, but in the workplace as well. The CRA created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which insures that no one is discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. Fighting back against discrimination increased the ability of many Americans to become more fully part of the workforce and the middle class. While this effort is not yet over, the Civil Rights Act was a major step forward increasing the size of the middle class. Later laws increased the rights of the elderly and the disabled. Higher Education Act of 1965 (the creation of Pell Grants): Increasing access to a college education is a critical way of strengthening the middle class. Pell Grants are need-based financial aid that allows students to pay for postsecondary education that might otherwise be out of reach. Like the G.I. Bill before it, expanding the pool of college students, including those who couldnt afford it before, has significantly helped the American middle class. Affordable Care Act of 2010: The ACA will, when fully in effect, constrain the cost of health care for middleclass individuals and families, ensuring that it is available and affordable to all Americans. It will also make it more affordable for a broad range of businesses to offer health coverage to their employees. As Congress debates how to build our economy back up, these laws serve as a reminder that helping the middle class helps everyone and leads to robust growth for our country. Nick Bunker is a Special Assistant with the Economic Policy team at the Center for American Progress.

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10 leyes ms Importantes para la Clase Media

Las leyes que han ayudado a prosperar a nuestro pas.
> Nick Bunker A medida que los miembros del congreso reflexionan sobre el discurso del Estado de la Unin del presidente Barack Obama este ao, deberan pensar en cmo, en momentos crticos en nuestra historia, el congreso tom la decisin de fortalecer a la clase media estadounidense, lo que fue decisivo para el crecimiento y la prosperidad del pas Congresos anteriores aprobaron legislacin que aument el acceso a la educacin y la atencin mdica, expandi el nmero de propietarios de viviendas, protegi los ahorros de los estadounidenses de ingresos promedios, y garantiz los derechos de los estadounidenses en el lugar de empleo y ms. Sera prudente que el Congreso actual observara el rcord de sus predecesores a medida que considere cmo hacer ms fuerte la clase media en el siglo XXI. La ley del Homestead de 1862 y la Ley Morrill Land-Grant de 1862: Juntas, estas dos leyes ayudaron hacer crecer a la clase media estadounidense, en particular en las partes centrales y occidentales del pas. La ley de Homestead le permiti a los ciudadanos que reivindicaran tierras federales si vivan en ella y la mejoraran. Estas tierras terminaron en manos de agricultores que contribuyeron a una clase media fuerte y creciente entre los agricultores en las comunidades que florecieron conjunto a ellos. La Ley Morrill cre universidades en tierras cedidas por el estado que terminaron desarrollando mejoras en la agricultura, y crearon oportunidades educativas para un segmento de la poblacin ms amplio. La Ley Glass-Steagall de 1933: Aprobada en la estela de la Gran Depresin, la ley llamada Glass-Steagall, entre muchas otras cosas, cre la Corporacin Federal de Seguros de Depsitos de los Estados Unidos (FDIC por sus siglas en ingles), la agencia gubernamental que garantiza los depsitos en los bancos comerciales. El FDIC asegura que los ahorros de los estadounidenses no se pierden si un banco termina en la quiebra. La Ley Nacional de Vivienda de 1934: La creacin de la Administracin Federal de Vivienda (FHA) ayud a que la hipoteca a inters fijo de 30 aos se convirtiera en uno de los pilares del mercado hipotecario estadounidense. Los prstamos les permitieron a los estadounidenses de la clase media a convertirse en propietarios de vivienda con pagos estables y predecibles. La propiedad de vivienda se hizo una fuente clave de la creacin de riqueza para la clase media durante las prximas dcadas, y la FHA sigue incrementando la propiedad de vivienda entre los estadounidenses. La ley de Seguro Social de 1935: Uno de los logros ms importantes del New Deal fue que cre el Seguro Social, el sistema de seguro de desempleo, y otros programas de asistencia. Una actualizacin de la ley aprobada en 1939 agreg beneficios para los dependientes y los viudos al Seguro Social, y agregaron beneficios por la discapacidad en 1956. Estos programas crearon la fundacin de la red de seguridad social moderna americana. Ambos programas han mantenido a los estadounidenses en la clase media cuando uno se jubila y cuando se encuentra entre trabajos. La Ley de Relaciones Laborales de 1935 (NRLA) y la Ley de Normas Laborales Justas de 1937 (FSLA): Estas leyes establecieron muchas de las protecciones del trabajo de que los estadounidenses actualmente dependen. La NRLA, tambin conocida como la Ley de Wagner, cre la legislacin laboral moderna, y abri paso para la afiliacin sindical y negociacin colectiva, factores claves para la creacin de una clase media fuerte. La FLSA cre varias protecciones del mercado laboral, incluyendo el salario mnimo, regulaciones de horas extras, y restricciones sobre el trabajo infantil. El G.I. Bill (La Ley de Readaptacin de los Militares de 1944): Despus de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, muchos veteranos pudieron asistir a la universidad y otros programas de educacin superior, gracias al G.I. Bill. El ampliar el acceso a una educacin universitaria increment la competitividad de los EEUU a la vez que abri un camino a carreras de clase media bien pagadas a millones de estadounidenses. Un beneficio parecido fue extendido a los veteranos de la Guerra de Corea, la Guerra de Vietnam y la era post-9/11. La Ley de Seguro Social de 1965: La creacin de Medicare y Medicaid expandi la cobertura de seguro para los ancianos, los pobres, y los discapacitados. El asegurar que los estadounidenses tienen seguro mdico en la vejez y cuando caen en tiempos difciles ha ayudado a traer un nivel importante de seguridad para la clase media. Medicare y Medicaid tambin allan el camino para reformas posteriores que aumentaron cobertura de seguro mdico.

Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24



informacin information

Delaware 13 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.23

Enfoque en la Calle 4
Hacer de la Calle 4 el centro econmico y cultural de Wilmington.
En una reunin de la comunidad el 12 de enero de 2012 en la escuela St. Paul, ms de 50 personas llenaron la cafetera en la iglesia St. Paul en Wilmington, DE, para crear e implanatr una estrategia para revitalizar la Calle 4. La reunin fue organizada por West Side Grows Together (West Side el lado oeste- Crece Juntos), una coalicin del todo West Side con miras a mejorar la calidad de vida en los vecindarios de West Side de Wilmington. Los residentes se dedicaron a realizar ejercicios de planificacin con grandes visuales mostrando propiedades vacantes, parques, estadsticas de crmenes, distritos comerciales, etc.

Los residentes, organizaciones, institutos y negocios de West Side de Wilmington han decidido que la nica manera de hacer realidad el futuro que ellos quieren para sus vecindarios es crear una visin comn y trabajar juntos para hacer realidad esa visin. Para lograr esto, estn desarrollando e implantando un Plan de Revitalizacin de West Side. La comunidad utilizar el plan para concentrar atencin y recursos en los vecindarios de West Side que enfrentan algunos de los retos ms fuertes de la ciudad de Wilmington. A principios de este verano, 25 voluntarios del vecindario se diseminaron a lo largo de los vecindarios de West Side expandindose desde la Avenida Pennsylvania a la Avenida Lancaster y la Calle Jackson hasta los rieles del tren al oeste de Bancroft Parkway para llevar a cabo una encuesta puerta-a-puerta. A travs de sus esfuerzos de establecer contacto con la comunidad, ms de 400 residentes proporcionaron sus puntos de vista sobre los retos y el potencial de sus vecindarios. Hay un Viejo dicho, Si una persona dice algo, lo puedes desechar, pero si mil personas dicen una misma cosa, no puede ser ignorada, dijo Mnica lvarez, una residente de West Side que se ofreci de voluntaria como parte del equipo de encuestadores. El objetivo de la reunin en St. Paul fue desarrollar estrategias de colaboracin para revitalizar la Calle 4, incluyendo fortalecer los negocios, renovar las viviendas, promover la seguridad pblica y mejorar el ambiente fsico tal como las aceras, los rboles de las calles, la iluminacin y la limpieza. Entre las ideas que se mencionaron esa noche para mejorar la Calle 4 podemos nombrar las siguientes: remarcar el aire internacional, edificar cultura, formar un sentimiento de orgullo y de propiedad; que la polica de la comunidad realice rondas de patrullaje mas de una vez por semana; sembrar un sentido en la comunidad de propiedad y orgullo de manera que la gente pueda decir llvate esas drogas fuera de aqu; que los dueos de locales comerciales sean responsables de la limpieza en sus predios y de crear las condiciones favorables para promover la limpieza y evitar la actividad criminal (como por ejemplo actividades tales como vender parafernalia de drogas, cigarrillos por unidades); proporcionar ayuda a los pequeos negocios tal como entrenamiento en finanzas para alentar la creacin de nuevos negocios, pero sobre todo que la gente participe en hacer de la Calle 4 un mejor lugar para vivir, manteniendo sus casas y colaborando con el vecindario. El Comit Directivo de West Side Grows Together incluye representantes de las siguientes organizaciones: Cool Springs/Tilton Neighborhood Association, Cornerstone West CDC, Dare to Care, Centro de Horticultura de Delaware, Consejo de Planificacin del Distrito 5, Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center, Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano, Little Italy Neighborhood Association, Servicios Nemours de Salud y Prevencin, Consejo de Planificacin del Distrito 7, St. Francis Hospital, West End Neighborhood House, Westside Family Healthcare, Westside Neighborhood Coalition, Biblioteca Pblica Woodlawn, Woodlawn Trustees, y WSFS. La prxima reunin se llevar a cabo el 7 de febrero en la sede de West Side Health en la Calle 4 y Scott a las 7:00PM

Focus on 4th Street

Making 4th St. a better place to live
At a community meeting on January 12, 2012 at St. Pauls School, over 50 people packed the cafeteria at St. Pauls Church in Wilmington, DE to create and implement a strategy to revitalize 4th St. The meeting was organized by West Side Grows Together, a West Side-wide coalition to improve the quality of life in Wilmingtons West Side neighborhoods. Residents engaged in planning exercises with big visuals showing vacant properties, parks, crime statistics, commercial districts, etc. The residents, organizations, institutions and businesses of Wilmingtons West Side have decided that the only way to bring about the future they want for their neighborhoods is to create a common vision and work together to make that vision a reality. To do this, they are developing and implementing a West Side Revitalization Plan. The community will use the plan to focus attention and resources on West Side neighborhoods that face some of the toughest challenges in the City of Wilmington. Earlier this summer, 25 volunteers from the neighborhood fanned out across West Side neighborhoods stretching from Pennsylvania Ave. to Lancaster Ave. and Jackson St. to the railroad tracks west of Bancroft Parkway to conduct a door-to-door survey. Through their outreach efforts, more than 400 residents provided their views on the challenges and potential of their neighborhoods. There is an old saying, If one person says something, you can cast it away, but if one thousand people say the same thing, it cant be ignored, said Monica Alvarez, a West Side resident who volunteered as part of the survey effort. The goal for the St. Pauls meeting was to develop collaborative strategies to revitalize 4th St, including strengthening the businesses, renovating the housing, promoting public safety, and improving the physical environment such as the sidewalks, street trees, lighting and cleanliness. Among the ideas mentioned that night to improve the 4th St we can mention the following: Highlight International, build culture, build sense of pride and ownership; Community police patrolling more than 1 shift a week; Build community sense of ownership and pride so people will say take those drugs away from here; Hold store owners responsible for loitering and for creating conditions favorable to loitering/criminal activity, (for example activities such as selling drug paraphernalia, single cigarettes); Provide small business assistance such as financial training to encourage new businesses, but most of all, having people participate to make 4th St. a better place to live, maintaining their houses and collaborating with the neighborhood. The Steering Committee for West Side Grows Together includes representatives from the following organizations: Cool Springs/Tilton Neighborhood Association, Cornerstone West CDC, Dare to Care, Delaware Center for Horticulture, 5th District Planning Council, Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center, Latin American Community Center, Little Italy Neighborhood Association, Nemours Health and Prevention Services, 7th District Planning Council, St. Francis Hospital, West End Neighborhood House, Westside Family Healthcare, Westside Neighborhood Coalition, Woodlawn Public Library, Woodlawn Trustees, and WSFS. The next meeting will be held at West Side Health located at 4 street and Scott 7:00PM, on February the 7th.

Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24

Brenda Palomo

comunidad community


La Nueva Comisin Hispana

En un da martes lluvioso, 17 de enero del 2012, en Dover, Delaware se reunieron los miembros de la nueva Comisin Hispana.
Uno por uno, habiendo enfrentado la lluvia y la escases de parqueo en el centro municipal de Dover, entraron al pequeo cuarto de conferencia del Departamento de Educacin. Algunos llegaron temprano, y al estilo Latino, muchos tarde- para la reunin programada a las 10am. De cualquier manera, las entradas fueron impresionantes: 18 Directores, Abogados, Profesores, y lderes de todos tipos en los puestos ms importantes de diversas industrias se congregaron bajo el liderazgo de Vivian Rapposelli, Abogada y Secretaria del Gabinete del Departamento de los Nios de Delaware, y el Representante Estatal Joseph Mir. Cada uno de los miembros, nombrados personalmente por el Gobernador para servir en esta nueva organizacin empezaron por presentarse y dar a conocer sus credenciales antes de empezar a discutir los objetivos que se propondrn como miembros de la comisin. Al introducirse, a ninguno le falto pasin y sinceridad en su deseo de servir a la comunidad. La Seora Rapposelli cont que ella se considera afortunada de que el Gobernador Markell, habiendo notado su dedicacin a la poblacin Latina en su carrera, le ofreciera la oportunidad de lanzar la comisin como una voz, un cuerpo que se dedique a aliviar las necesidades de los grupos de la comunidad Hispana. Ex Agente de Polica en Wilmington, Miguel Gonzales declar que para l es importante que la comisin sea verdaderamente efectiva, y no solo una herramienta para establecer contactos. Quiero ser parte de una organizacin con influencia, que ayude a dirigir legislacin, por ejemplo. Casi todos contribuyeron ideas para proyectos; varias ideas parecan prometedoras, y otras resultaban ser no viables, algo que caus un poco de frustracin para algunos miembros. El Representante Mir y Seora Rapposelli trataron de explicar que no todo problema podra ser resuelto, ya que al asumir demasiadas metas, sera muy difcil tener xito en alguna. Aconsejaron que lo mejor sera establecer prioridades para poder tener la mayor influencia y efectividad. La Comisin toma el lugar del Consorcio del Gobernador de Asuntos Hispanos y del Consejo Asesor para el Gobernador sobre Asuntos Hispanos (GACHA), dos organizaciones que recientemente se disolvieron. Ms tarde, en una corta entrevista, Rapposelli explic el objetivo es evitar la confusin y la duplicacin de proyectos que se daba a cabo entre dos organizaciones con metas similares que no siempre se comunicaban efectivamente. Tambin dijo que espera que los miembros tomen las riendas para establecer nuevos objetivos, pero reconoci que espera seguir promoviendo asuntos legados de las antiguas organizaciones, en especial la educacin y el acceso a servicios sociales. Para alcanzar las metas que se propongan, la comisin esta bien equipada. Con una membreca amplia, profunda, y diversa en pericia, la comisin satisface lo que segn Rapposelli fue la pauta del Gobernador Markell. El 65% de la membreca es Hispana, ocho son empleados del Estado, y hay representantes de los tres condados. Por ahora Rapposelli y Mir actuarn como guas para establecer la comisin, pero eventualmente los miembros elegirn nuevos lderes. Lo miembros de la comisin tambin tendrn la libertad de elegir hasta cinco miembros adicionales. Aunque la comisin esta financiada por un presupuesto, ninguno de los miembros ser remunerado; todo sus esfuerzos sern totalmente voluntarios, y el presupuesto esta reservado para los proyectos que los miembros decidan asumir. Al final de la reunin, Rapposelli declar que en la prxima reunin establecern las ordenanzas formales de la comisin. La reunin esta programada para las 10 de la maana el 20 de Marzo en el segundo piso de Legislative Hall, ubicada en el 411 Legislative Avenue en Dover. La reunin estar abierta al pblico.

The New Hispanic Commission

This Tuesday, January 17th, the members of the brand new Hispanic Commission congregated in Dover for their first meeting.
The Commission is meant to replace the Governors Consortium on Hispanic Affairs as well as the Governors Advisory Council on Hispanic Affairs (GACHA), which were recently dissolved. It took a while for the commissioners to settle into the small conference room of the Department of Education. Some were early, but many, in the Latin way, were late- for the 10am meeting. 18 directors, lawyers, teachers and leaders of all kinds in the highest posts of various industries came together under the leadership of Vivian Rapposelli, Cabinet Secretary for the Delaware Childrens Department, and Representative Joseph Mir. The first item on the agenda was introductions. All of the members shared their credentials, revealing not only high levels of expertise in their respective fields, but also a sincere passion in their desire to serve the community. Rapposelli, formerly an attorney, has been celebrated for her dedication to helping the Hispanic Community throughout her career. Governor Markell took notice of her passion and offered her the opportunity to launch the new Commission as one voice, one body dedicated to meeting the needs of the groups of the Hispanic community. At the beginning of the debut meeting, Raposselli expressed how thankful she was for the opportunity. Former Wilmington police officer, Miguel Gonzales stated that for him it was imperative that the commission be truly effective and that it not be used as a networking tool. I want to be part of an organization that really has some teeth behind it, that will help push important legislation, for example. The commission is well equipped to take on whatever goals they choose. With a membership that is broad, deep, and diverse in background and expertise, it satisfies what Raposselli says was Governor Markells greatest stipulation. 65% of the commission is Hispanic, eight of the members are state employees, and there are representatives from all three counties. For now, Rapposelli and Mir will act as guides for the establishment of the organization, but eventually the commissioners will elect new leaders. They will also be able to appoint up to five additional members. Although there are funds allocated to the commission, none of the members will be paid for their work. The commissioners services are completely voluntary and the budget is to be used only for the projects the commission decides to espouse. The next item on the agenda was to begin establishing a general direction for the Commission. Almost every one contributed ideas for projects. Many of the ideas seemed promising while others proved to be impractical, resulting in the frustration of some of the members. Mir and Rapposelli tried to explain that it would be impossible to address every issue; since by taking on too much and spreading resources thin it is likely the commission would fail to be effective at all. They advised that it would be more beneficial to focus on a few priorities. Later, in a short interview, Rapposelli explained that the main objective of the new commission is to reduce confusion and duplication. These issues had been problematic when the Consortium and the Council were operating simultaneously. Both of those organizations had very similar goals, but they did not always communicate effectively. Rapposelli said she hoped the commissioners would take charge in setting new goals. However, she also admitted that there is some legacy work from the older organizations she hopes the commission will build on, particularly the issues of education and access to social services. At the conclusion of the meeting, Rapposelli announced that at the next meeting they will set down the bylaws for the commission. The Meeting will be held at 10 am on March 20th on the second floor of Legislative Hall, Located at 411 Legislative Avenue in Dover. The meeting will be open to the public.

Miembros de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware / Delaware Hispanic Commission Members

Jennifer L. Cohan
Directora de la Divisin de Motores y Vehculos de Delaware. Graduada Summa Cum Laude de la Universidad de Wilmington en manejo de negocios y unMaster en Administracin Pblica Director of the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles. Graduated summa cum laude from Wilmington University with a B.S. Degree in Business Management and a M.S. degree in Public Administration. P.O. Box 698 Dover, DE 19903 (302) 744-2545 OFFICE (302) 242-2359 MOBILE 13 E. Lexton Road New Castle, DE 19720 (856) 690-3726 OFFICE (856) 297-2468 MOBILE

Jose Irizarry
Director de Noticias y Relaciones comunitarias de Univison 65. Irizarry es miembro de la Asociacin Nacional de Periodistas Hispanos. Jose Vive en New Castle con su esposa y dos hijos News Director and Community Relations Manager for Univision 65. Irizarry is a member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Jose resides in New Castle, Delaware with his wife and two children. 1825 Faulkland Road Wilmington, DE 19805 (302) 633-2500 OFFICE (302) 757-0357 MOBILE

Vivian Rapposelli,
Secretaria del Gabinete Divisin de Servicios para los Nios, la Juventud y sus Familias. Su enfoque es darle una voz a los mas jvenes del estado y a los ciudadanos mas vulnerables. Cabinet Secretary Division of Services for Children, Youth & Their Families. Her focus is on providing a voice to the states youngest and most vulnerable citizens

Joseph E. Miro
Representante Estatal por el distrito 22 Profesor retirado del Distrito Escolar de Crhistina. State Representative 22nd District. Former teacher for the Christina School District

Sonia Aguilar
Directora de Desarrollo de la Fuerza de Trabajo. DEDO Esta graduada en administracin de negocios con especialidad en manejo y entrenamiento de personal. Director Workforce Development DEDO She has a degree in Business Administration with specializations in the areas of Personnel Management and Training.

Steven A. Rose, RN, MN

Presidente/ Gerente General Servicios de salud Nanticoke Tiene mas de 37 aos de experiencia en cuidado de salud, ha sido jefe de enfermeria, Oficial en jefe de operaciones y Vice Presidente/ administrador d e varios hospitales. President/CEO Nanticoke Health Services has over 37 years of experience in healthcare having held positions as Chief Nursing Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and Executive Vice President /Administrator for hospitals in various health systems.

5 Firechase Circle Newark, DE 19711 (302) 577-8723 WILM OFFICE (302) 750-8485 MOBILE (302) 454-1840 HOME

99 Kings Highway Dover, DE 19901 (302) 672-6850 OFFICE (302) 233-2550 MOBILE

801 Middleford Road Seaford, DE 19973 (302) 629-6611, Ext. 2401 OFFICE (302) 236-8058 MOBILE

Eli Ramos
Profesor Retirado Distrito Escolar de Cape Henlopen. Ha trabajado en multiples organizaciones comunitarias y fue el organizador del grupo estudiantil LASO Former Teacher Cape Henlopens school district. He has served as a volunteer in multiple organizations in the community. Promoter of the Latin American Student Organization (LASO)

Mara Matos
Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano Matos es mencionada en el Quien es Quien entre Hispano Americanos y Quien es Quien entre los profesionales norteamericanos. Executive Director Latin American Community Center Matos is listed in Whos Who Among Hispanic Americans and Whos Who Among Professional Americans 403 N. VanBuren Street Wilmington, DE 19805 (302) 655-7338 OFFICE (302) 218-9559 MOBILE 39 E. Regal Blvd. Newark DE 19703 (302) 894-6329 OFFICE (302) 632-8409 MOBILE

Javier Torrijos
Ingeniero del grupo de Construcin Norte de DELDOT Departamento de Transporte de Delaware. Le encanta el futbol y ha sido entrenador del Club de Futbol de Kirkwood y la Asociacin Central de Futbol de Delaware, asi como grupos de recreacin para la juventud. DELDOT North I Construction Group Engineer Delaware Dept. of Transportation. He loves soccer and has coached Kirkwood Soccer Club and Central Delaware Soccer Association youth recreational and travel teams.

Brenda Rodrguez
Consejera de Rehabilitacin Vocacional Dept. de Rehabilitacin Vocacional Departamento del Trabajo. Rodriguez naci en Florida y fue criada en Puerto Rico Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Div. of Vocational Rehabilitation Department of Labor. Rodriguez was born in Florida and raised in the island of Puerto Rico

Kevin Smith
Director Ejecutivo De Habitat para la Humanidad del Condado de New Castle Inc. Graduado en manejo de negocios con especialidad en manejo de sistemas de informacin. Executive Director Habitat for Humanity of New Castle County, Inc. Graduated from University of Delaware in Business Mgmt. degree and a minor in Management Information Systems.

Zaida Guajardo,
Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Comunitario La Esperanza. Zaida estudio negocios y reside en Lincoln con su esposo y cuatro hijos. Executive Director La Esperanza Community Center Zaida studied business and resides in Lincoln with her husband and four children.

8 Aspenwood Drive Lewes, DE 19958 (302) 249-5073 MOBILE

4425 N Market Street P.O. Box 9969 Wilmington DE 19809-0969 (302) 761-8275 ext. 8454 OFFICE

1920 Hutton Street Wilmington, DE 19802 (302) 652-0365 x 101 OFFICE

216 N. Race Street Georgetown, DE 19947 (302) 854-9262 x16 OFFICE (302) 841-9639 MOBILE

Mabel HernandezSaienni
Profesora de Ingles en Primer Grado en la escuela Primaria Anna P. Mote. Con un bachillerato en educacin, recibio certificados de maestra de primaria, bilingue y educacin especial First Grade English Language Learner Teacher. Anna P. Mote Elementary School with a Bachelor of Science degree in education. She received teaching certificates in elementary, bilingual, and special education.

Rev. Steven Uhthoff

Pastor de la Iglesia Wesleyan de Georgetown Es un autor que escribe en revistas nacioanles y regionales. Pastor for the Georgetown Wesleyan Church is an Author who wrote for National and Regional Magazines

Tanisha Merced,
Abogada Departamento Legal del Condado de New Castle Tansiha es la secretaria de Aspira Delaware, una organizacin dedicada a promover las oportunidades de educacion entre los jvenes latinos. Esquire New Castle County Law Department Tanisha serves as Secretary to Aspira of Delaware, an organization dedicated to promoting education and educational opportunity for Latino youth. 87 Reads Way New Castle, DE 19720 (302) 395-5178 OFFICE 18 The Green, Dover, 19901 (302) 739-4263 OFFICE

Matthew Heckles
Director de Poltica y Planificacin de la Autoridad de Vivienda de Delaware. Tiene un master en Administracin de negocios de la universidad de Delaware Director of Policy and Planning Delaware State Housing Authority Matthew holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Delaware

Rosario Charito Calvachi-Mateyko,

Entrenadora y Consultora en Justicia Restaurativa. Miembro fundadora de la Iniciativa de Justicias Restaurativa, una organizacion sin fines de lucro que se enfoca en el divulgacin de la justicia restaurativa tanto a nivel domstico como en el extranjero, sobre todo en Amrica latina Restorative Justice Trainer & Consultant Founding member of the Latino Initiative on Restorative Justice (LIRJ), a non-for-profit organization whose mission is the dissemination of restorative justice domestically and abroad, especially in Latin America.

Rob Heflin,
Vice Presidente de Recursos Humanos de Perdue Farms Es el responsable de empleo, relaciones entre empleados y empleadores, compensacin, beneficios, salud y seguridad, sistema de informacion de recursos humanos, entrenamiento y desarrollo organizacional. VP of Human Resources Perdue Farms is responsible for employment, employee/labor relations, compensation, benefits, health and safety, security, human resource information systems, training and organizational development.

2110 Edwards Avenue Wilmington, DE 19807 (302) 992-5565 OFFICE (302) 668-8284 MOBILE

118 Oak Lane Drive Laurel, DE 19956 (302) 875-3425 OFFICE (302) 858-6062 MOBLE

P. O. Box 43 LEWES, DE 19958 717-951-0905 Mobile 302-645-0224 Fax

P.O. Box 1537 Salisbury, MD 21802 (410) 543-3313 OFFICE (410) 430-1339 MOBILE

Miguel Gonzalez
Vice Presidente Asistente Gerente de Tienda en Hockessin Comisionado del Comite de Etica del grupo Hispano de la Camara de Comercio del Condado de New Castle Assistant Vice President Hockessin Store Manager Commissioner on the New Castle County Ethics Committee and is the Chairman of the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Business Networking group

Jissell Martinez
Analista Fiscal y de Politicas Oficina de Manejo y Presupuesto. Bachiller en Relaciones Internacionales y master en Administracin Pblica Fiscal and Policy Analyst Office of Management and Budget. Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and a Master of Public Administration

Sandra C. Spangler
Supervisora de Enseanza del Distrito Escolar Capital Graduada en Educacin en la Universidad de Delaware y Maestria en liderazgo en la educacin de la Universidad de Wilimington Supervisor of Instruction Capital School District Bachelor of Science in Education degree from the University of Delaware and a Master of Education in School Leadership from Wilmington University

Craig de Mariana Aleman

Abogado Co fundador de La Organizacion La Raza en la Universidad de Delaware y fue interino en el Consejo Asesor de Asuntos Hispanos de la Gobernadora Minner. Attorney He co-founded the Campus Alliance of La Raza at the University of Delaware, and he was an intern for then Governor Minners Advisory Council on Hispanic Affairs.

Lourdes Puig
Gerente de Tecnologa Global Estacin Experimental de Polimeros Kalrez de Dupont. PhD y master en Quimica de la Universidad de Michigan, asi como un B.S (magna Cum Laude) en Qumica d ela Universidad de Puerto Rico Global Technology Manager Kalrez DuPont Performance Polymers Experimental Station, Currently holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Chemistry from the University of Michigan as well as a B.S. (Magna Cum Laude) in Chemistry from the University of Puerto Rico. 200 Powder mill Rd, P.O. Box 80293 Wilmington, DE 19880-0293 (302) 695-8026 OFFICE 1825 Faulkland Road Wilmington, DE 19809 (302) 633-2505 (office) (302) 995-8290 (fax)

Evelyn Ayala

Asistente principal en la oficina de la Secretaria para el Departamento de Servicios de los nios, los jovenes y sus familias. Trabaja en relaciones con los constituyentes y su trabajo en la Comisin ser de secretaria. Deputy Principal Assistant for the Department of Services for Children Youth and their Families (Childrens Department) in the Office of the Secretary where she serves as the Constituent Relations Liaison for the Department. In addition to her constituent relations role, she also serves as staff to the Hispanic Commission.

7270 Lancaster Pike Hockessin, DE 19707 (302) 235-4312 OFFICE (302) 377-5388 MOBILE

122 William Penn Street, Ste. 301 Dover, DE 19901 (302) 672-5121 OFFICE

945 Forest Street Dover, DE 19904 302-672-1952 OFFICE

30 East Pine Street Georgetown, DE 19947 (302) 856-7313 OFFICE (302) 393-3463 MOBILE


comida food

| Valentina Pilonieta-Vera

Delaware 13 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.23

Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea #4a

Burrito Vegetariano
Ingredientes 1 pimiento rojo, sin semillas y picado 1 pimiento amarillo, sin semillas y picado 1 cebolla, pelada y cortada en tajadas 1 cucharadita de aceite de canola 1 lata (15 onzas) de frijoles negros bajos en sodio, escurridos del lquido y enjuagados en agua aguacate (palta), pelado y cortado en cubitos Jugo de un limn verde taza de cilantro (culantro) fresco, picado 1 cucharadita de chile en polvo (opcional) 1 taza de crema agria sin grasa 4 tortillas (de 8 pulgadas) de trigo integral 8 cucharadas de salsa estilo pico de gallo Preparacin En un sartn en el que la comida no se pegue, saltee los pimientos y la cebolla en el aceite de canola por 5 minutos sobre fuego mediano. Aada los frijoles y mezcle bien. Reduzca el fuego y cocine a fuego lento por unos 5 minutos. 2. En un tazn pequeo, mezcle el aguacate (palta), jugo de limn, cilantro y chile en polvo. Divida la mezcla en dos y ponga la mitad a un lado para al final echarla encima de los burritos rellenos. 3. Agregue la crema agria a los frijoles y mzclelos bien. 4. Caliente las tortillas en el microondas o en un sartn sobre una hornilla. 5. Rellene una de las tortillas caliente con de la mezcla de frijoles y de la mezcla de aguacate. Ponga 2 cucharadas de pico de gallo sobre esta mezcla. 6. Doble las orillas de arriba y de abajo de la tortilla encima del relleno. Enrolle el resto de la tortilla para hacer un burrito. Repita el proceso con las tres tortillas restantes.

Doctor said to keep on drinking the tea. Prescribed prostate drugs did not help. Leonard Pearcey, Wassis, NB I cancelled my prostate surgery. Get up once a night. I'm so happy not to have to face the torment of a prostate operation and incontinence or impotency. Albert E. Blain, 74, Schumacher, ON Even after TURP prostate surgery and microwave therapy had to get up many times. Now down to 1-2 times. Tea is 100% better than drugs. Robert G. Stocker, Sientes After 3 5 das del ardor al my PSA went down al Eustasis, FL alivio de1stayear drinking teaorinar y premura de irto bao. Garantizado o te devolvemos el dinero. saver. Thomas M. 4.5; after 2nd year to 2.9; after 3rd year to 2.3. I highly recommend the tea. A real life Satisfaccin de 99%. Thurston, Forsyth, GA. Women suffering with incontinence, bladder infections, UTIs ask for Bladder True Testimonials: Me levantaba cada hora Control Tea for Women #4b. Guaranteed relief within days. No need to make claims. BellSewell NJ en la noche, ahora solo una vez. Joseph Whitaker, relays 100% truthful users free speech. No money is paid mi ciruga questions asked guarantee.y Yo suspend for it. No de la prostata. Estoy muy feliz ya no tengo en mi mente el tormento de la operacin de la prostata. Albert E . Blain, 74 Schumacher, ON An despues de la ciruga de la prostata y terapia he seguido levantandome muchas veces a ir al bao. Ahora voy de 1- 2 veces. El Te es 100% mucho mejor que otros medicamentos.Robert G. Stpocker Eutasis Despues de 1 ao de tomar el Te mi PSA bajo a 4.5, In 3 days after taking Eroxil I hadFl more despus energy, stronger erections and more stamina I did en el segundo ao a 2.9 y en el tercer ao a 2.3. Yo lo recomiendo have in the last 10 years. Brian Cooper, 45 altamente. Thomas M. Thursons Forsyth GA. Si estas condiserendo la cirugia intenta con MEN primero. FOR este te Chattanooga, TN Amazing erections like a Cientos ms testigos con nombres llenos y ciudades en teenager after 4 days, firm and long lasting. I tried GUARANTEED nuestro sitio Web. a number of virility products to no avail. V. Howard T de 71, Sylvania, OH Stewart, el vejiga #4b: Esta es una ayuda verdaderamente rapida para las mujeres sin efectos secundarios. After 10 days my libido and performance came back. We are enthusiastic lovers again. Troy Denton, 77, Deer Park, TX After using Eroxil for 2 weeks I was delighted to make love without taking virility drugs. Will use it for the rest of my life. Thomas Fahey, 70, Clearwater, FL. Women Yes! we have Erosyn#7 for women that works as well as Eroxil for men to regain your libido, interest in love making and ability to climax like in your Deleitados con Eroxil Eroxil honeymoon. Its satisfaction guaranteed. All products guaranteed to work. es el nico producto exitoso dentro de todos los que he probado. Sin efectos secundarios. Mi esposa me comenta que estoy como en mis mejores High blood pressure is called the silent killer. If your BP is higher than normal, try tiempos.George Sanders, get60,down to about 120/80. For many people it is easy to control. If it does not to it Mount Shasta, CA Dework for you we refund your money. On our website you will find over 50 vuelta la virilidad en 3 das Tengo 72 testimonials with full names and towns from all over USA and Canada. Most of aos y despues de tomar eroxil por listed phone numbers and are happy to talk about the relief they had. No them have 3 das mi lbido fue reestaurado y paid for testimonials. money was tengo buen sexo de nuevo. Tengo amigos con estos Dr. C. Hammoud M.H., Ph.D. recommends this effective fish peptide blood mismos pressure natural product. So does Dr. Julian Whitaker M.D. I was on 3 blood resultados y uno de ellos es pressure drugs that did not work well. After starting Bell #26 my readings are dabetico y con sobrepeso. Dr. well below 120/80. Dona A. Anderson, 76, Sooke, BC generally My blood Louis Rolland St. Hyacintie PQ was 157/90 and I had side effects from prescription drugs. I bought a pressure #26 trate muchos productos After 6 months on Bell #26 I was down to 120/80. Toni L. McCuistion, 52, Yo monitor. para problemas At work my Elizabethtown, PA del hombre y drivers medical test was too high at 170/100. After taking Bell #26 for a few days I me Llegue a ninguno went down 128/84 which allowed me to pass my work medical. Kris Geier, 48, Windsor, ON. nada que experiences from real people. pensar que no habia All TRUE trabajara para este problema hasta que encontre Eroxil. Lo he tomado por 2 semanas y me he dado cuenta que he sentido un verdadero cambio. Empec a funcionar cada da mejor con mi esposa y estamos feliz de nuestra vida sexual. Ella quiere comprar una licencia del producto para su compaa. Richard Noyce 65, Palm Spring CA

Vas con frecuencia al bao?

Relief in 3-5 days from dribbling, burning and rushing to the toilet. If you are considering surgery, try this tea first. Must work or money refunded. 99% success rate. Helps virtually everybody quickly. The only prostate remedy that works so well that it comes with a money-back guarantee. Literally hundreds of delighted men testifying on our web site:

Bell EzeeFlow T Para la Prostata #4a

Happiness for couples is a satisfying love life.

Gran sexo

Una pareja fliz es satisfaccin en su vida sexual

High Blood Pressure?

Veggie Wrap
Ingredients 1 medium red bell pepper, seeded and sliced 1 medium yellow pepper, seeded and sliced 1 onion, sliced 1 teaspoon canola oil 1 can (15 ounces) low-sodium black beans, drained and rinsed avocado, peeled and diced Juice from 1 lime cup chopped fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon chili powder (optional) 1 cup fat-free sour cream 4 8-inch whole-wheat tortillas 8 tablespoons Fresh Salsa Preparation In a nonstick pan, saut the peppers and onion in the canola oil for 5 minutes over medium heat. Add beans, stir well. Reduce heat to low and simmer about 5 minutes, then set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine the avocado, lime juice, cilantro, and chili powder. Reserve half of the mixture for topping. 3. Add sour cream to beans and mix well. 4. Warm tortillas in the microwave or in a pan on the stovetop. 5. Fill a warmed tortilla with bean mixture and avocado mixtures. Drizzle 2 tablespoons of salsa over the bean and avocado mixture. 6. Fold ends of the tortilla over. Roll up to make wraps. Top the veggie wraps with remaining avocado mixture. Follow this process for three other wraps.

By Dr. C. Hammoud Ph.D.

Non-cystic Eczema Erosyn para mujer #7: El nico producto que trabaja para la mujer y es un camino efectivo. Psoriasis Rosacea

I had terrible Acne for 3 years and tried products with Benzoyl Peroxide, Aloe Vera and others. After 4 days taking the Bell natural product #60 it started to clear up my skin. My skin changed from terrible to beautiful. Mylene Theriault, 19, Sorel-Tracy, QC In 2 days my sons face completely cleared aupmi personalmente. Despues de sufrir por aos yo of acne. My son is 15 and Esto me paso suffered for 3 years. We used many products like laser, Neem that did not work or desesperadamente intente toda clase de medicamentos, productos naturales, burned his skin. Veronica Marden, Seminole, TX Unbelievable acne free #60 fisioterapia, acupuntura, magnetos product and beautiful skin Last couple of years I had acne and tried every y nada realmente me ayudo. Finalmente sent alivio en 2 semanas tomando cartlago de tiburn better antibiotics. Results with #60 were unbelievable. Thanks for giving me beautiful skin Guaranteed que esta especialmente procesado para preservar ingredientes activos and my self-esteem. Nelisa Royer, 28, Doral, FL Within 6 days eczema clearedlosthan all others they naturales. internally instead ofrec a mis amigos y obtuvieron resultados up completely. I believe #60 addresses the causeAl principio se lo of the symptoms. used say dozens of Latifa Boutshik, 43, North York, ONrpidos. Me di cuenta que alrededor95%50 millones de hombres ywith full I had severe psoriasis over de of my delighted users mujeres body. Last 5 years I have stunned every doctory and dermatologist. esta misma enfermedad y and towns on the en los USA Cnada combaten I spent tons of names usan tratamientos money on remedies. After I got Bell que no lenever seen anythingcual hay ido aumentado progresivamente este #60, Ive funcionan bien lo work as fast in my Bell website. Works by life. Within 2 days I saw my skin clearing up. Im speechless. It wasofrecerlo con lacleansing blood inside problema de salud. Yo empece a inexpensive garanta de su dinero compared with what I spent before. Jessica Shantz, 25, Dawson Creek, BC All rather than attacking skin devuelta para todos los productos de artritis y hoy todava estamos esperando from the outside and statements made on the Bell website are sent by delighted users. All are real people. nuestra called devolucin. En los ultimos 10 aosleaving the actual cause hemos ayudado Most have listed phone numbers and can beprimera for advice. No money is paid to untreated. Here area amiles few de personas entre hombres y mujeres a days not tener menos dolores o ningun dolor. them. Their reward is the relief they are getting. All say #60 works within examples: months, not years. Its more effectiveUn por producto de la industria restaurante americana. Ningn tiburon es than what they used before. It is less expensive sacrificado para cartlagos.Nick A. Jerch, President (some acne suppliers ship monthly and charge monthly, which may amount to large sums yearly). No side effects were reported on #60. Hundreds more people on the Bell website.

Alivio en 2 Semanas!

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salud health
El Cncer entre las Minoras con Sida
>Instituto Nacional del Cncer PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- Las minoras raciales y tnicas en Estados Unidos han sido ms afectadas que la poblacin de blancos estadounidenses por la epidemia del VIH y sida ellas constituyen aproximadamente un tercio de la poblacin, pero representan dos tercios de todos los casos. En 2009, los afroamericanos constituan 14% de la poblacin, pero representaban el 44% de todas las infecciones nuevas por VIH. Y los hispanos constituan 16% de la poblacin, pero el 20% de los casos nuevos con VIH en 2009. Todos los pacientes infectados por VIH, incluyendo las minoras raciales y tnicas, se estn beneficiando de tratamientos nuevos y ms eficaces que se crearon en los ltimos 15 aos. Sin embargo, como los pacientes viven ms tiempo, la distribucin del cncer ha cambiado drsticamente. Mientras los tipos de cncer que habitualmente se han asociado con el avance del sida estn disminuyendo en la poblacin con VIH y sida, actualmente hay otros tipos de cncer que van en aumento. Una historia de dos enfermedades El cncer y el VIH y sida han sido siempre una historia de dos enfermedades, segn los investigadores del Instituto Nacional del Cncer (NCI). La infeccin por VIH no solo debilita el sistema inmunitario, lo cual conduce al sida y aumenta el riesgo de infecciones oportunistas, sino tambin aumenta el riesgo de varios tipos de cncer. Gracias a mejores tratamientos, cuatro veces ms personas vivan con sida en 2005 que en 1991. Tambin, como las personas con VIH han empezado a vivir por ms tiempo, ellas enfrentan un riesgo mayor de padecer otros tipos de cncer, por varias razones: por lo general, estn ms expuestas a otros virus o grmenes que causan cncer, sus sistemas inmunitarios estn un tanto debilitados, y el riesgo general de padecer cncer aumenta con la edad. Los cnceres ms comunes que no son indicadores del sida en pacientes con VIH son el cncer de ano, de pulmn y de hgado, y el linfoma de Hodgkin. Estos cuatro cnceres constituyen cerca de la mitad de todos los cnceres que no definen el sida que fueron diagnosticados en esta poblacin de 2001 a 2005. Los riesgos ms elevados para estos cnceres reflejan la presencia de infecciones coexistentes tales como de los virus del papiloma humano (VPH), de hepatitis B y C, y de EpsteinBarr, as como tambin ndices ms elevados de tabaquismo en la poblacin con VIH y sida. Por consiguiente, aunque actualmente menos personas mueren por sida, el cncer est surgiendo como causa importante de muerte entre la poblacin infectada por VIH. Prevencin del cncer Tanto los hombres como las mujeres que estn infectados por VIH deben conversar con sus proveedores de atencin mdica sobre las opciones de exmenes selectivos de deteccin de cncer. El riesgo de cncer de pulmn se puede reducir si se deja de fumar. Dado que las personas infectadas por VIH tienen un riesgo mayor de padecer cncer de pulmn, es particularmente importante que no fumen. Asimismo, determinar el estado de hepatitis de un paciente a veces puede conducir a una intervencin temprana eficaz que probablemente puede reducir el riesgo de cncer de hgado. Por ltimo, para las personas que an no estn infectadas por VIH, la prevencin de cnceres asociados con el VIH deber incluir, para empezar, la prevencin contra la infeccin por VIH. Y dado que muchos cnceres relacionados con el VIH son causados por el VPH, es importante que los nios y nias sean vacunados contra la infeccin por VPH antes de que sean sexualmente activos. Estos esfuerzos de prevencin son especialmente importantes para las minoras raciales y tnicas, quienes comprenden ms de la mitad de todos los pacientes con VIH. Casi cuatro de cada cinco mujeres con VIH y sida provienen de estos grupos, e incluso un nmero mayor de nios con esta enfermedad proviene tambin de estos grupos. Para obtener ms informacin sobre el cncer, visite el sitio web del NCI en espanol

Cancer Among Minorities with AIDS

> the National Cancer Institute PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- Racial and ethnic minorities in America have been hit harder than white Americans by the HIV/AIDS epidemicthey make up about one-third of the population but two-thirds of all cases. In 2009, African Americans made up 14 percent of the population but accounted for 44 percent of all new HIV infections. And Hispanics made up 16 percent of the population but 20 percent of new cases in 2009. All patients infected with HIV, including racial and ethnic minorities, are benefiting from new, more effective therapies developed over the last 15 years. But as patients are living longer, the distribution of cancer has shifted dramatically. While the types of cancer that have been typically associated with AIDS progression are on the decline in the HIV/AIDS population, other types of cancer are now on the rise. A Tale of Two Diseases Cancer and HIV/AIDS has always been a tale of two diseases, according to researchers at the NCI. Infection with HIV not only weakens the immune system, leading to AIDS and increasing the risk of opportunistic infections, but also increases the risk of several types of cancer. Since then, progress against HIV infection and AIDS, diagnoses once perceived as an automatic death sentence, has been striking, said Dr. Robert Wiltrout, director of NCIs Center for Cancer Research. In 2005, AIDS deaths numbered about 17,000, a reduction of nearly 65 percent from a decade earlier. The incidence of AIDS-defining cancers also dropped over this period, from 34,000 in 1991 through 1995 down to about 10,000 between 2001 and 2005. Thanks to better treatments, four times as many people were living with AIDS in 2005 as in 1991. Also, as people with HIV have begun living longer, they face an increased risk of other types of cancer, for several reasons: They often have more exposure to other viruses or agents that cause cancer, their immune systems are somewhat weakened, and the general risk of cancer increases with age. The most common non-AIDS-defining cancers in patients with HIV are anal, lung, and liver cancers and Hodgkin lymphoma. These four cancers made up nearly half of all non-AIDS-defining cancers diagnosed in this population from 2001 through 2005. Higher risks for these cancers reflect co-infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B and C viruses, and Epstein-Barr virus, as well as higher smoking rates in the HIV/AIDS population. Thus, although fewer people now die of AIDS, cancer is emerging as an important cause of death for the HIV-infected population. Preventing cancer Preventing cancers that are increasing among the HIV-infected population is now a major focus of people who treat those with HIV. This effort includes trying to combat viral co-infections that cause cancer through prevention, screening, and treatment and avoiding exposure to other risk factors, such as smoking. Both men and women who are infected with HIV should discuss screening options for cancer with their medical providers. The risk of lung cancer can be reduced by quitting smoking. Because HIV-infected people have a higher risk of lung cancer, it is especially important that they do not smoke. Also, determining a patients hepatitis status can sometimes lead to effective early intervention that may be able to reduce the risk of liver cancer. Finally, for individuals who are not yet HIV infected, prevention of HIV-associated cancers should include prevention against HIV infection in the first place. And since many HIV-related cancers are caused by HPV, it is important for male and female children to be vaccinated against HPV infection before they are sexually active. These prevention efforts are especially important for racial and ethnic minorities, who make up more than half of all HIV patients. Nearly four in five women with HIV/AIDS are from these groups, and an even greater number of children with the disease are also from these groups. For more information about cancer, please visit the NCI web site at

Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24



Delaware 13 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.23

informacin information
Bare Root Trees
Bare root trees now available from the Delaware Center for Horticulture. Affordable, lightweight, and easy to plant
Give someone special a TREE for Valentines Day this year! The Delaware Center for Horticulture (TheDCH) kicks off its spring bare root tree sale, with orders due Feb. 17, just in time for Valentines Day. For this sale, every order also receives four free tickets to the Delaware Home Show. Tickets can be redeemed at the Wilmington show on March 3 & 4 or at the Dover show on March 23 & 24. Ten varieties of trees that thrive in our regions towns and cities will be available. TheDCH remains the only retail source in the State that sells bare root trees. To learn more about whats special about bare root trees, and to see a list of available trees and descriptions, visit Pre-paid orders can be picked up at TheDCH on March 21 or 22. A free tree planting workshop will also be offered at TheDCH on March 21 from 5:00 6:30 p.m. For best results, trees should be planted as soon as possible to prevent the roots from drying out. Trees can be stored in a cool shady spot until you are ready to plant. Plan ahead to settle new trees in the ground by March 30. Planting trees early in the spring causes the least amount of transplant shock and gives them time to settle in before the first blast of summer heat. Bare root trees have many advantages over trees with a heavy dirt ball, including: Bare root trees are less expensive than a tree of similar size with a dirt ball of roots. Bare root trees are lightweight and easy to manage, making planting a fun, family-friendly activity. They are light enough for a child to carry. Bare root trees have 200% more roots. The roots are not cut when removed from their original growing spot, and more roots means better growth. The planting hole should be wide, but does not need to be deep. This makes it easy to plant in an area with hard clay soil. Bare root trees have an excellent survival rate as long as they are watered diligently for the first two years after planting.

rboles a Raz Desnuda

rboles a raz desnuda se encuentran ahora disponibles en el Centro de Horticultura de Delaware. Precio asequible, livianos y fciles para plantar.
Reglele a ese alguien especial un RBOL en el Da de San Valentn este ao! El Centro de Horticultura de Delaware (TheDCH) lanza su venta de primavera de rboles a raz desnuda, con rdenes a entregar el 17 de febrero, justo a tiempo para el Da de los Enamorados. Con esta promocin, cada orden tambin recibe cuatro entradas gratis para la feria del hogar Delaware Home Show. Las entradas pueden canjearse en el show en Wilmington el 3 y 4 de marzo o en el show de Dover el 23 y 24 de marzo. Estarn disponibles diez variedades de rboles que crecen en los pueblos y ciudades de nuestra regin. El Centro de Horticultura TheDCH es la nica institucin al detal en el estado que vende rboles a raz desnuda. Para aprender ms sobre lo que hace de estos rboles algo tan especial, y para ver una lista de rboles disponibles y sus descripciones, visite rdenes pre-pagadas pueden ser recogidas en TheDHC el 21 y 22 de marzo. Tambin se ofrecer un taller gratis sobre cmo plantar un rbol en TheDHC el 21 de marzo de 5:00 6:30 pm. Para obtener mejores resultados, los rboles deben ser plantados lo antes posible para evitar que las races se sequen. Los rboles pueden ser guardados en un lugar sombreado y fresco hasta que usted est listo para plantarlos. Planifique con tiempo para plantar los nuevos rboles en tierra antes del 30 de marzo. Plantar rboles apenas comenzada la primavera causa el menor shock de trasplante y les da tiempo para adaptarse antes de la primera rfaga de calor del verano. Los rboles a raz desnuda tienen muchas ventajas sobre otro tipo de rboles que tienen una pesada masa de tierra adherida a las races, incluyendo: Los rboles a raz desnuda son menos costosos que un rbol de dimensiones similares con una masa de tierra adherida a las races. Los rboles a raz desnuda son livianos de peso y fciles de manejar, haciendo que el plantarlos se convierta en una actividad familiar fcil y divertida. Son lo suficientemente livianos como para que un nio los pueda cargar. Los rboles a raz desnuda tienen 200% ms races. Las races no son cortadas cuando son removidos de su lugar de plantacin de origen, y ms races significan mejor crecimiento. El hueco donde ha de ser plantado debe ser ancho, pero no necesita ser profundo. Esto facilita la plantacin en un rea de tierra de arcilla dura. Los rboles a raz desnuda tienen una tasa de supervivencia excelente siempre y cuando se les riegue diligentemente durante los dos primeros aos luego de plantarlos. Para aprender ms sobre los beneficios de los rboles, visite:

To learn more about the benefits of trees, visit: Every Tree Counts Trees planted anywhere in the tri-state region count toward the Plant One Million campaign, an initiative planting a million trees across 13 counties in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Trees planted in the City of Wilmington also count toward the 20,000 by 2020 campaign. For more information about the bare root tree sale or the free planting workshop, contact Annie Acton at (302) 658-6262, ext. 106, or at

Delaware 13 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.23

negocios bussines
Cuidado con Estafas de Clientes Secretos
Que a uno le paguen por ir de compras suena como el trabajo ideal, pero tengan cuidado, compradores: por cada oportunidad legtima para un cargo de cliente secreto, probablemente hay cientos que son una estafa.
>Jason Alderman De hecho, la Liga Nacional de Consumidores (NCL por sus siglas en ingls) informa que los reclamos por fraudes de posiciones de clientes secretos y de trabajos desde el hogar aumentaron cerca de un 9 por ciento en los ltimos 6 meses. A qu se debe este aumento? En parte se debe al alto ndice de desempleo de nuestra nacin y cun desesperada est la gente por ganar dinero mientras encuentran un trabajo a tiempo completo. Adems, mucha gente se siente atrada por ofertas que parecen demasiado buenas para ser verdad (y lo son). He aqu algunos consejos para identificar programas falsos de clientes secretos: Muchos vendedores al detal emplean compaas de investigacin de mercado para medir la calidad de servicio al consumidor de sus empleados. Estas compaas a su vez contratan clientes secretos para que realicen compras annimamente y luego llenen unos cuestionarios documentando su experiencia. Muchas de estas firmas de investigacin pertenecen a la Asociacin de Proveedores de Clientes Secretos (, una organizacin comercial que sirve de enlace entre los negocios y los proveedores de clientes secretos. (MSPA tambin proporciona un motor de bsqueda en donde las personas se pueden inscribir para asignaciones de clientes secretos). Desafortunadamente, los estafadores estn utilizando cada vez ms los anuncios de prensa y la publicacin de oportunidades de trabajo en Internet, correos electrnicos y llamadas telefnicas para atrapar a consumidores incautos con promesas de dinero rpido y fcil a cambio de un mnimo esfuerzo. As es como un fraude tpico de cliente secreto puede funcionar: Usted responde a un anuncio y lo contratan como un cliente secreto para que evale el negocio de un cliente. La compaa le enva un paquete de empleo que luce legtimo y que contiene los formularios de evaluacin del negocio que usted supuestamente utilizar. Pero primero se le requerir que complete una llamada asignacin de entrenamiento para estar seguros que usted es un empleado apropiado. Aqu es donde entra el fraude: La compaa alega que est evaluando un servicio de transferencia de dinero como Western Union. Le envan a usted un cheque por un monto grande e instrucciones para que lo deposite en su cuenta personal. Se le dice que se quede con cierta cantidad de ese monto a manera de compensacin y que luego se haga pasar por un cliente y transfiera el resto del monto a un tercero generalmente dentro de las siguientes 48 horas. Luego usted presenta un informe sobre su experiencia como consumidor. Lo que usted no sabe es que el cheque original era falso. Los estafadores saben que por ley, los bancos generalmente deben otorgar disponibilidad a los fondos de menos de $5000 en los siguientes das al depsito. Ellos cuentan con que usted complete la transaccin antes de que el cheque falso haya sido aprobado por el banco emisor, lo cual puede tomar varias semanas. Una vez que su banco descubre el fraude, devolver el cheque y usted ser responsable por la cantidad complete que envi en la transferencia adems de su tiempo perdido. Los signos de alerta comunes incluyen: Las compaas legtimas nunca le pedirn que enve ninguna transferencia de dinero por ningn motivo. Las compaas legtimas no le cobran a los clientes secretos ningn cargo por trabajar para ellos. Tenga sospechas cuando usted es contratado en base a un correo electrnico o una llamada telefnica sin ninguna entrevista o chequeo de referencias. Las compaas que le prometen que usted puede ganar mucho dinero como un cliente secreto son casi seguramente un fraude. Si a los clientes secretos se les requiere que realicen compras, es generalmente por cantidades muy pequeas por las cuales sern reembolsados. A los clientes secretos se les paga luego de haber completado su asignacin y haber devuelto los cuestionarios. Estos clientes secretos nunca reciben dinero de antemano. Algunos buenos recursos para tener mayor informacin sobre clientes secretos falsos y otros fraudes de cheques falsos incluyen el FBI (, la Comisin Federal de Comercio (Federal Trade Commision) (, la Federacin de Consumidores de Amrica (Consumer Federation of America) ( y la Liga Nacional de Consumidores (National Consumers League) (


Beware of Mystery Shopper Scams

Getting paid to go shopping may sound like a dream job, but buyers beware: For each legitimate mystery or secret shopper opportunity, probably hundreds more are scams.
>Jason Alderman In fact, the National Consumers League (NCL) says complaints regarding fraudulent mystery shopper and work-at-home schemes were up nearly 9 percent during the past six months. Why the increase? Its due in part to our nations high unemployment rates and how desperate people are to earn money while seeking full-time employment. Plus, many people are lured by offers that sound too good to be true (and are). Here are tips for spotting bogus mystery shopper programs: Many retailers hire marketing research companies to gauge their employees quality of customer service. Those companies in turn hire mystery shoppers to make purchases anonymously and fill out questionnaires documenting their experience. Many research firms belong to the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (, a trade organization that links businesses with mystery shopping providers. (MSPA also provides a search engine where people can register for mystery shopping assignments.) Unfortunately, scammers increasingly are using newspaper and Internet job ads, emails and phone calls to snare unsuspecting consumers with promises of quick, easy money for minimal effort. Heres how a typical mystery shopping scam might work: You answer an ad and are hired as a mystery shopper to evaluate its clients businesses. The company sends an official-looking employment packet containing the business evaluation forms youll supposedly use. But first, youll be required to complete a so-called training assignment to make sure youre Si en un momentosuitableusted se ve obligado a pedir un prstamo a corto plazo, noin: a de apuro employee. Thats where the fraud comes vaya a cualquier lugar, ahora Westside Neighborhood House ofrece pequeos The companyaclaims its evaluating a money transfer service like Westprstamos bajos intereses. ern Union. >El Tiempo Hispano They send you a large check with instructions to deposit it in your Lisa Rodriguez es la nueva representante del programa de prstamos Loans Plus para account. personal checking personas con problemas financieros que implement West End Neighborhood House. La idea fundamental del You are told to keep a certainrequiere una ciertayour fee dinero para pagar renta, as programa es que cuando una persona amount as cantidad de and then to pose recibos wiring the balance lo a third party usually within 48 hours. a customer byde luz, reparar el carro etc., portogeneral recurren a compaas de prestamos rpidos que cobran unos intereses muy altos, 29 o 30%, explica Rodriguez, y al final pasan meses y meses You sin nunca poder pagar el capital, eso es muy triste, agrega. pagando interesesthen submit a report about your customer experience. What you may not realize is that the original check was fake. Scammers Los prstamos que el Programa Loans Plus ofrece estn en un rango de 12 al 15 % de inters, lo know that by law, banks generally compaas cobran deposited funds under $5,000 cual representa la mitad de lo que las must make normalmente por pequeos prstamos de entre 200 y 500 dlares. El lmite de tiempo las compaas de Cash available within a pago en dos semanas y elde pago es muyyour completing thetres meses, few days. They count on diferente tambin,el pago en transacAdvance piden el programa Loans Plus contempla tion before the adicional de que mejora el crdito, en las otras compaas los pagos no cuentan para la con la ventaja check has been cleared by the issuing bank, which may historia de crdito. take several weeks. Once your bank discovers the fraud, it will bounce the Las personas on the hook for the whole amount you tener los recibos de check and you areque busquen un crdito del programa deben estar trabajando,wired plus your agua, o gas, o cable, etc., a su nombre, tambin pude servir el contrato de alquiler con su nombre; wasted una cuenta de cheques, con sus libros; la licencia de conducir o el pasaporte. Con estos papelestime. puede calificar para pedir el prstamo, el cual es directamenteCommonWilmington Trust, y como con el banco red flags include: se dijo antes, cuenta para la historia de crdito de la persona. Legitimate companies will never ask you to send a money Rodriguez dice que al tener los papeles la persona que solicita eltransfer for anyen dos horas, crdito tiene su dinero purpose. Cmo suena eso? Legitimatepropsitos del programa Loan Plus, estn elshoppers a fee to de la for Dentro de los companies dont charge recuperar o establecer crdito work persona que requiere los servicios; educacin financiera del cliente; planeamiento de presupuesto e them. intervencin en casos de crisis, explica Lisa Rodriguez. No se trata solo de un crdito, se trata, finalmente, de aprender a manejar sus cuentas, con basis of an idioma, or phone call Be suspicious if youre hired on the alguien que hable suemail los invito a que mi visiten a mi o al seor Jose Varela, quien trabaja de 4.30 a 8 de la tarde finaliza Rodriguez. Para contactar a Lisa Rodriguez, without any interview or background checks. puede llamar al 302- 658 4117 Companies that promise you can make a lot of money as a mystery shopper are almost certainly scams. If mystery shoppers are asked to make purchases, its usually for very small amounts for which they will be reimbursed. Mystery shoppers 8,000 COPIES . 450 LOCATIONS . BILINGUAL . BI- WEEKLY . TRI-STATE . are paid after completing their AVAILABLE ON-LINE [ FREE ADS ] . assignments and returning the 4,500 INTERNET SUBSCRIBERS questionnaires. Shoppers never receive checks upfront. Good resources to learn more about bogus mystery shopper and other fake check scams include the FBI ( scams-safety), the Federal Trade Commission (, the 302 - 832 3620 Consumer Federation of America or email us (, and the National Consumers League ( html).


Prstamos para Tiempos de Crisis

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Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24

informacin information
Help for seniors avoid foreclosure
The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA), United Way of Delaware (UWD) and the City of Wilmington announced the launch of a program that will assist qualified homeowners in Wilmington who are 62 years of age or older and facing imminent foreclosure.
The Wilmington Senior Property Tax Assistance Program targets seniors who have paid off their mortgages, but who are facing foreclosure due to delinquent City property taxes or sewer/water bills. The maximum grant amount is $3,000. In todays tough economic times, programs like this make a difference for people, said Governor Jack Markell. This program shows how collaboration among private and public agencies benefits Delaware citizens who need assistance. We are committed to working together so people who need it can receive assistance through some stressful times. Funding is provided for this program by both UWD and the City of Wilmington. UWD is contributing $120,000 for the program through a grant from the Jessie Ball duPont Fund, while the City of Wilmington is allotting $50,000. Were pleased to partner with United Way of Delaware and the City of Wilmington on this important assistance program as it will help address the immediate needs of seniors in Wilmington, said Anas Ben Addi, Director of DSHA. We worked extensively with the City prior to the development of this program and concluded that many seniors could avoid foreclosure with just a little help -- a small, one-time grant to help them catch up on two specific expenses: their property taxes and their sewer/ water bills. Seniors are often pillars in their community, but they sometimes struggle to make ends meet, especially if they are on a fixed income, said Michelle Taylor, President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way of Delaware. We are proud to be supporting this partnership that will help stabilize Wilmington communities by keeping seniors in their homes. We are pleased to partner with DSHA and United Way of Delaware on this important program, said Wilmington Mayor James M. Baker. Many of our senior homeowners are cash poor due to their limited incomes; in these difficult times, it is important to assist them in any way we can to ensure their homes are not moving toward foreclosure. This program will allow many of our most vulnerable senior homeowners to get the assistance they need. I thank Wilmingtons Director of Real Estate and Housing Tim Crawl-Bey and his staff for their work on this important initiative. Applicants to the program must meet the following eligibility requirements: Be 62 years or older as evidenced through photo ID or other form of official governmentissued identification. 2. Property must be located within the Wilmington City Limits, and be the primary residence of the applicant who must be listed as the property owner on the tax records. 3. Household income may not exceed $92,460 per year. An application for senior tax assistance can be completed and submitted to DSHAs Wilmington Office at 820 N French Street, 10th Floor, Wilmington, DE 19801. Applications may also be distributed by community organizations who wish to assist residents. 1. The completed Application; Authorization for Release of Information; Proof of Age documentation; current Tax/Sewer and Water bills and copy of the application for Property Tax Exemption (for those eligible for exemption) will be submitted to DSHA. For more information, please call (888) 363-8808 or visit /

Programa para la Tercera Edad

El Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA), United Way of Delaware (UWD) y la ciudad de Wilmington anunciaron el lanzamiento de un programa que ayudar a los propietarios

de viviendas calificadas en Wilmington que tiene 62 aos de edad o ms y enfrentan una ejecucin hipotecaria inminente.

El programa que se llama el Wilmington Senior Tax Assistance Program auxiliar a las personas mayores que han pagado sus hipotecas, pero que enfrentan una ejecucin hipotecaria por no poder pagar impuestos municipales de propiedad o facturas de alcantarillado / agua. La subvencin mxima es de $3,000. En tiempos econmicos difciles que enfrentamos hoy en da, programas como este hacen una diferencia para la gente de Delaware, dijo el gobernador Jack Markell. Este programa muestra cmo la colaboracin entre compaas privadas y pblicas benefician a los ciudadanos de Delaware que necesitan ayuda. Estamos comprometidos a trabajar juntos para que las personas que lo necesitan puedan recibir asistencia durante algunos momentos de estrs. El financiamiento es provisto para este programa a travs de UWD y la ciudad de Wilmington. UWD est contribuyendo $120,000 para el programa a travs de una subvencin del Jessie Ball duPont Fund, mientras que la ciudad de Wilmington esta asignando $ 50,000. Estamos encantados de asociarnos con United Way of Delaware y la ciudad de Wilmington en este programa de ayuda importante, ya que ayudar a atender las necesidades inmediatas de las personas mayores en Wilmington, dijo Anas Ben Addi, Director del DSHA. Hemos trabajado mucho con la ciudad antes del desarrollo de este programa y llegamos a la conclusin de que muchos ancianos podran evitar la ejecucin hipotecaria con un poquito de ayuda - un pequeo, subsidio una vez para ayudarlos ponerse al da con dos gastos especficos: los impuestos sobre la propiedad y cuentas de alcantarillado/agua. Los adultos mayores a menudo son los pilares de su comunidad, pero a veces enfrentan dificultades para pagar sus deudas especialmente si se tienen un ingreso fijo, dijo Michelle Taylor, presidente y director ejecutiva de United Way of Delaware. Estamos orgullosos de apoyar esta alianza que ayudar a estabilizar las comunidades de Wilmington, manteniendo los ancianos en sus hogares. Estamos muy contentos de asociarnos con DSHA y United Way de Delaware en este importante programa, dijo el alcalde de Wilmington James M. Baker. Muchos de nuestros adultos mayores propietarios de viviendas no tienen mucho dinero en efectivo debido a sus ingresos limitados; en estos tiempos difciles, es importante ayudarlos en cualquier manera que podamos para asegurar que sus casas no se muevan hacia la ejecucin hipotecaria. Este programa permitir que muchos de nuestros dueos de una casa que son ancianos y que son ms vulnerables obtengan la ayuda que necesitan. Le agradezco al director en Wilmington del Real Estate and Housing, Tim Crawl-Bey, y a su personal por su labor en esta iniciativa importante. Los candidatos del programa deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: 1. Tener 62 aos o ms y poder demostrarlo a travs de una identificacin con foto u otra forma de identificacin oficial. 2. La propiedad debe estar ubicada dentro de los lmites de la ciudad de Wilmington, y ser la residencia primaria del solicitante que debe ser representado como dueo de la propiedad en los registros de impuestos. 3. Ingreso familiar no podr exceder $92,460 por ao. La solicitud de ayuda con los impuestos altos puede ser completada y enviada a la oficina de DSHA Wilmington en 820 N French Street, 10th Floor, Wilmington, DE 19801. Las solicitudes tambin pueden ser distribuidas por organizaciones comunitarias que deseen asistir a los residentes. La solicitud completa, la autorizacin para la divulgacin de informacin, prueba de edad, cuentas corrientes fiscales de alcantarillado y de agua, y copia de la solicitud de exencin de impuestos de propiedad (para los beneficiarios de la exencin) se presentar a DSHA. Para ms informacin, por favor llame al (888) 363-8808 o visite /

West Chester, Pennsylvania BIENVENIDOS NUESTROS AMIGOS HISPANOS Y SUS FAMILIAS Brandywine Garden Apartments 215 North Everhart Avenue West Chester, PA 19380 Amplios Apartamentos con Balcn A distancia de caminar de la ciudad, centros comerciales y el Bus SEPTA Comenzando desde solo $675 mensuales mas utilidades Apartamentos Estudio y de dos y una Habitacin Disponibles Llame al : (610) 918-1694 Horario: L-V: 10.00A- 4.00P Sab: 10.00A-12.00P
BILINGUAL REPRESENTATIVE Description: Responsibilities include, answering and monitoring phone calls received in the agency, and servicing clients insurance needs. Requirements: The applicant needs to be organized, possess excellent communication skills, be a team player, be self-motivated, and possess a positive personality. Property & Casualty insurance license is a plus. The applicant needs to be bilingual in Spanish and English. Contact: T Insley, Principal Agent Insley Insurance & Financial Services phone - 302-286-0777 BOOKKEEPER,PAYROLL/PAY RECEIVER Shahat Shipping are in need of employees in these categories. BOOKKEEPER,PAYROLL/PAY RECEIVER. Our salary is attractive plus benefits and takes only little of your time. Requirements -Should be a computer literate, NO age discrimination, must be efficient and dedicated. For more info, Contact or Recruit Dept at NANNY Experienced Person That Can Work As Nanny. The person most understand how to care for kids. You will only work for 5 days in a week I will pay $765 every weekend ACCOUNT REP/SALES MANAGER Account Rep/Sales Manager position available. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. send your resume to RECEPTIONIST/ ADMIN ASSISTANT position available at established Construction Management/ real estate development firm. Flexible 30 hour Monday thru Friday work week.Please send your resume to

SI BUSCA TRABAJO Llame al 302-832 3620 Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 5 pm. para publicar un aviso gratis.

empleos jobs


BUSCO TRABAJO en limpieza en Kennet square. Tel. 302-761 3584 Juan Lopez BUSCO TRABAJO Soy electricista, busco trabajo en construccin, manejando montacargas etc. en Delaware, Aldegundo Lopez tel. 302- 669-7242 BUSCO TRABAJO en la tardes en Kennett, yarda o restaurante Tel. 484-908 2314 Clemente Gonzalez CUIDO NIOS o ancianos en Delaware. Hablo espaol, por favor llamar a Sandra Milena Serna 302- 415 5948 LAVADO DE ALFOMBRAS Soy experto en lavado de alfombras al seco. Franco Sierra 302- 377 7939 CORTO ARBOLES Y hago trabajos de mecnica. Miguel Aguila Tel. 803-622 8627 BUSCO TRABAJO Chofer o construccin en Newark. 302- 981 8954 Jose Quiroz BUSCO EMPLEO de ayudante de panadero para trabajar en el condado de Sussex. 302- 249 1520 Cesar Duarte COSTURERO BUSCO TRABAJO DE COSTURERO, tengo experiencia y ganas de trabajar. 302- 761 3098 Humberto Chavez. SOLDADOR Y UNDERBOAT CLEANER me ofrezco para trabajar en marinas, shipyard o fbricas en Cheset PA o Delaware. Abel Rivera 787 312 8002 CONSTRUCCIN EN GENERAL/ INSTALACIN DE PISOS De madera, cermica y alfombras, vinyl en Md, DE y PA telfono 302- 391 4511 Jose Figueroa BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o restuarante, por las tardes. Por favor llamar a Angel Hernandez 302- 358 7874 BUSCO TRABAJO EN GEORGETOwN 302- 855 1053 Oscar parejo BUSCO TRABAJO En plomera Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553

BUSCO TRABAJO En fbrica o casa de familia. Georgetown 302- 249 7186 Nelita Garcia. BUSCO TRABAJO De costurero. Tengo experiencia en mquinas industriales, hablo ingls. 302- 563 5847 BUSCO TRABAJO EN CONSTRUCCIN Tengo experiencia en drywall, pisos etc. Newark 302- 981 8954 Miguel Dorantes BUSCO TRABAJO como chofer o farm los sbados y domingos en el condado de Chester, llame al 215-260-2021 Mario Ayala PINTOR Tengo experiencia en trabajos de pintura de casas, todas las herramientas, para trabajar en Delaware. Rigoberto Sanchez 302- 727 9486 CONSTRUCCIN Wilmington-Dover 302- 443 510 6811 PLOMERA DELAwARE Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 COSTURA- ALTERACIONES Todo en confeccin Lucy Romero 610- 888 8463 West Grove CHOFER Con experiencia en seguridad para trabaja en De PA. Juan Jeshor 215-589 2308 CUIDO NIOS


LA IGLESIA SAN PABLO en la calle Van Buren y la calle 4 en Wilmington ofrece clases de Ingles gratis los domingos de 12 a 1:30. Para mas informacin llame a 302-655-6596. GRATIS-GRATIS! CLASES DE INGLES! Los domingos 11:15 am y miercoles de 6:30 a 7:55 pm 140 Airport Rd...New Castle, DE Ignacio (302) 328 3800 ex 94 PARROqUIA SAN JOSE 321 East Main Street en Middletown,Los Mircoles de 7:00 a 8:30 PM mas informacin llamar a Antonia al 302- 378 5805 ESL CLASES GRATIS Casa San Francisco, 125 Broad St.,Milton, (302) 684-8694.Lunes y Mircoles de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Todos los niveles.

Help wanted Part time Delaware Family Voices is a Non-profit organization providing assistance and support to families of children and youth with special health care needs or disabilities. We assist in navigating the complex health care, insurance, and service systems and help families to become advocates for their children. We are seeking a Family Outreach Coordinator for a 15 hour per week position. The successful candidate MUST be a family member of a child or young adult with special health care needs or disability. Candidate must be computer literate, with a professional demeanor, able to work as part of a team as well as independently. Schedule is flexible, but will require some evenings and weekends throughout the year. Job includes providing one to one assistance to families as well as conducting workshops, outreach and presentations for groups of families and professionals. Self-initiative, strong written and verbal communication skills and an ability to seek out new information and resources are crucial for this position. Must have a valid Delaware Drivers License and proof of auto insurance and reliable vehicle. Bilingual preferred, but not necessary. Please submit resume and a statement of your experience with special health care needs or disabilities to: or You may also fax to 302-324-4441, you MUST mark faxes Attention Delaware Family Voices.

LACC En la calle 4 y Van Buren, Wilmington. para informacion llamar al tel 302- 655 7338 qUIERE MEJORAR SU INGLES? La iglesia Presbiteriana de la Gracia en Dover ofrece cursos desde principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Los cursos son los jueves de 6:30-8:45 pm. Inscripcin en la Iglesia: 350 McKee Road, Dover, DE. Se facilita cuidado de los nios. Mas informacin:(302) 734-8150. THE SUSSEX TECH Divisin de adultos Ofrece ingles como segunda lengua Los mircoles y jueves de 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cualquiera que quiera aprender ingles puede asistir.En la ruta 9 carretera LaurelGeorgetown.Mas informacin: (302) 856-9035 CLASES DE INGLES Ingles basico por las maanas de Enero 23 a Marzo 8 Lunes y Miercoles de 9 a 11:30 am y por las tardes desde el 9 de enero a el 4 de abril, Lunes y miercoles de 7 a 9:00 pm. Tambien ofrecemos clases de ingles avanzado, Cecil College, 107 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921 Salon 328 Para mas informacion, 410-392-3366 LINCOLN: Lincoln United Methodist Church ESL martes/jueves 9am-1pm 4-7pm information Laurie Holubik 398-8945 x30 Administered by Lake Forest School Early Childhood Center GEORGETOwN: Georgetown Middle School (intermedia) ESL 301Market St (luz intermitente) Lunes a jueves 6-8pm (cuidan nios) 856-1900 Administered by Indian River School District La Esperanza ESL/Ciudadania 216 north Race St. Georgetown, DE 19947 302 854-9262 Sussex Tech ESl 856-9035 SELBYVILLE: Selbyville Middle School ESL 80 Bethany Beach 302 436-1020 llame para dias y horas administered by Indian River School District BRIDGEVILLE ESL Phyllis Wheatley Middle School ESL Bridgeville, De 19933 (302) 337-3469 Administered by Sussex Tech H.S. HARBESON: CoolSpring Presbyterian Church ESL 288843 Log Cabin Hill Rd.Lewes, De 19958 (302 )249-5073 Lunes y Miercoles 6:30 -8:00pm SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACION Leila Borrero Krouse. La Casita 411 Wicomico Street, Suite A, Salisbury MD 21801

SUDOKU y cmo se juega

El objetivo es insertar los nmeros en las cajas con solo una condicin: cada fila, columna, y caja de 9 x 9 debe contener los nmeros del 1 al 9 nicamente una vez. Qu puede ser mas simple? Dicen que resolverlo requiere entre 10 y 30 minutos, segn seas de hbil con los nmeros y la lgica. Te invitamos a intentarlo y a pasar un rato entretenido que al mismo tiempo desarrolle tu capacidad de razonamiento. Disfrtalo!

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VENDO CARRO Jatta 96 solo 1500K. Pdo $1.600 Llamar a Alexis Mendoza 302- 418 3532 COMPRO LAPTOPS Compro laptops tablet pc, usadas. A buen precio interesados contactar Telf.: 3027439920 email: Sr. Horacio. OJO PAGO BIEN VENDO AVON Carla Sanchez 302- 998 5376 VENDO townhouse remodelada 926 Vennette St, Wilmington, 55 mill Judith 302- 494 4852 VENDO AUTO Honda Civic 2001, 145 K, precio $1.800 Victor Luna 302- 530 1346 VENDO COMPUTADORA Poco uso llamara a Maria 302- 832 3620 Barata

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Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24


Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24

Delaware Museum of Natural History

calendario calendar
Cortesa de

SErVicioS a la comuNiDaD
NEW CASTLE Centro Comunitario LatinoameriCano

coloNial, VictoriaN artiSaNS NEEDED Can you spin wool or make lace? Are you a practicing tinsmith or candle maker who enjoys demonstrating your age-old craft? The Dover Days Festival is seeking Colonial and Victorian artisans for the Colonial Artisan Faire set for Saturday, May 5. Making soap, candles or spinning wool was simply a way of life 100 years ago, but today, those who know these age old trades are considered artisans. To honor the past and keep these skills alive, the 79th Annual Dover Days Festival will once again showcase artisans who specialize in a variety of crafts including blacksmithing, weaving, silhouette cutting, basket weaving, portrait painting, soap making, bobbin lace making, theorem painting, miniature boat building and more. Dover Days will be held May 4-6, 2012, and Colonial and Victorian artisans are invited to participate on Saturday, May 5. Colonial and Victorian artisans are encouraged to contact Kent County Tourism, producers of the Dover Days Festival, at 302-7341736 or via email at csmall@ Photo Caption: Colonial or Victorian artisans, such as floor cloth designer Maria Bessette of Dover, are invited to participated in the 2012 Dover Days Festival on Saturday, May 5.

GiaNtS: africaN GIGANTES: DiNoSaurS Africanos Dinosaurios 3 de Diciembre, 2011 - 26 de Febrero, Explore discoveries made by2012 celebrated paleontologist Paul Sereno, Ph.D. Wilmington, DE 19807 4840 Kennett Pike, 302-658-9111 The Sahara has proven to be an incredibly rich source of fossils. There, hidden in the sands of the African desert, world-renowned paleontologist Paul Sereno, Ph.D., found the discoveries of a lifetime. Giants: African Dinosaurs features these breakthroughs. The exhibit is on view at the Delaware Museum of Natural History until Feb. 26, 2012. In conjunction with Giants: African Dinosaurs, Sam and Lisa Hobbs of Greenville, Del., are loaning their bronze sculptures of African mammals to the Museum for a special exhibit on view in the Skylight Gallery.

DElaWarE art muSEum PrESENtS HoWarD PylE: American master rediscovered. Howard Pyle (1853 1911) was one of Americas most popular illustrators and storytellers during a period of explosive growth in the publishing industry. A celebrity in his lifetime, Pyles widely circulated images of pirates, knights, and historical figures were featured in publications such as Harpers Monthly and were admired by artists and authors like Vincent Van Gogh and Mark Twain. Yet, despite his widespread popularity, Pyles reputation has survived only among illustration scholars and enthusiasts. Until now his work has been virtually omitted from the larger story of art. In celebration of the centenary of Pyles death, the Delaware Art Museum is thrilled to present Howard Pyle: American Master Rediscovered, a major retrospective exhibition featuring 79 paintings and drawings created by Pyle between 1876 and 1910, on view until March 4, 2012. This exhibition presents a fresh perspective on Pyles familiar images, exploring his interaction with the art and culture of his time and effectively repositioning him within the broader spectrum of 19th-century art. This retrospective exhibition also marks the 100th anniversary of the Delaware Art Museum, which was founded in 1912 to preserve and exhibit Pyles work following his untimely death in November 1911. The Museums Centennial Celebration begins in November 2011 with the opening of Howard Pyle: American Master Rediscovered and ends in June 2013 with the exhibition Contemporary Illustrators Honor Howard Pyle. Public tours of Howard Pyle: American Master Rediscovered are available at 2:00 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday (starting November 12, 2011 and ending March 4, 2012). Spanish language tours will be offered at 1:00 p.m. on the following Sundays:February 5, and March 4

4 0 2 N. V a N B u r e N S t r e e t , W ilmiNgtoN , De 19085. t el . 655-7338 La ofiCina nios y famiLia 301 N. HariSoN Street, WilmiNgtoN De 19805. tel.302- 655-6486 ameriCan CanCer soCiety 92 reaDS Way Suite 205, NeW CaStle Corporate CoNmoNS, NeW C aStle , De 19720. t el . 3244227 VoCes sin fronteras parroquia SaN paBlo, 1010 WeSt 4tH St. WilmiNgtoN, De 19805 tel. 576-4120 Caridad CatLiCa 260 W. 4 tH. Street, WilmiNgtoN, De 19805. 655-9624 ChiLd inC. 507 pHilaDelpHia pike, De 19809, tel.762-8989 Westside heaLth 1802 WeSt4 Street,WilmiNgtoN, De, 19805. tel. 655-5822 ayuda LegaL inmigrantes CommuNity SerViCe BuilDiNg, 100 WetS teHt Street, Suite 801, W ilmiNgtoN , De, 19801, t el . 575-0660. Westend neighborhood 710 N. liNColN, De, 19805 tel. 658-4171 h enrietta J ohnson m. 601 NeW CaStle aVe.WilmiNgtoN, De 19801tel 302.655.6187 diVisin de mantenimiento de Los nios CHurCHmaNS Corporate CeNter 84 a CHriStiaNa roaD, NeW CaStle, De 19702 VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL C oNDaDo De N eW C aStle 302761-9100 cancer care connection One Innovation Way, Suite 300, Newark, Delaware 19711. 302- 294-8551 or 866-2667008 (toll-free). http://www. CONDADO DE KENT deLmarVa ruraL ministries 26 W yomiNg a Ve . D oVer , De, 19904. tel. 678-2000 ChiLd inC. 2089 DupoNt HigHWay, DoVer diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios CarrolS plaza, 114 S. DupoNt HWy. DoVer, De 19901 CONDADO DE SUSSEX Centro La esperanza 216 NortH raCe Street, georgetoWN, De, 19947 Tel.302854-9262 Fax 854-9277 diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios 9 aCaDemy St. georgetoWN, De 19947 a b r i e n d o p u e r ta s a yu Da
para mujereS VCtimaS De VioleNCia DomeStiCa. tel. 745-9874 Centro de informaCin para padres 1 0 9 N. B e D F o r D S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947, t el . 302-856- 9880 La Casita 308 N.railDroaD aVe. georgetoWN 856 9660 Centro de saLud La red 505-a W e S t m a r k e t S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947. t el . 855-1233 teLamon Corp. StoCkley CeNter W-3. georgetoWN, De, 19947. tel. 934-1642 Lnea de apoyo para VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL CoNDaDo De SuSSex y keNt 1-800262-9800

youtH VoluNtEEr SErVicE aWarDS Nominate Young People in Delaware for Governors Outstanding Help recognize young people doing great volunteer work in Delawares neighborhoods, schools, nonprofits, places of worships, arts organizations and environmental groups. Nominations for the Governors Outstanding Youth Volunteer Service Awards are now being accepted by the State Office of Volunteerism. These awards recognize the important contributions that volunteers, 18 and younger, make to their communities through volunteerism. Award recipients will be honored at a special ceremony in April. Individuals, school organizations, and community groups volunteering in the areas of arts and culture; education; community service; environment; health; human needs; and social justice during the 2011 calendar year are eligible. Nomination packets must be delivered to the Office of Volunteerism by Feb. 13. o request a form, contact Carrie Hart at 857-5006, carrie.hart@ or find the form online at

CONDADO DE CHESTER PA La Comunidad hispana 314 e. State St. keNNett Square, pa, 19348 telFoNo: 610-388 72 59 misin santa mara 37 S peNNSylVaNia aVe, aVoNDale, pa 19311, telFoNo 610-268 3365 programa madrina oxForD - (610) 444-4002 keNNett Square,(610) 444-4002 (610) 917-1360
DElaWarE HElPliNE 1-800-464 4357 mara para espaol

Delaware 27 de Enero 2012 Vol 6 No.24




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*0.9% de inters en financiamiento hasta por 36 meses, oferta disponible en modelos seleccionados. Sujeto a la aprobacin de crdito " en escala" a travs de AHFC.** Arrendamientos que ofrecen contratos de 36 meses, solo firme y maneje. La oferta excluye los impuestos y la matrcula del carro al firmar. 12.000 millas por ao. Requiere una aprobacin de crdito " en escala" a travs de AHFC. ^Segn el reporte calendario de ventas carros nuevos en 2010. ****En base al estimado de consumo de gasolina de EPA de 2010, reflejando los nuevos mtodos de economa de gasolina empezando con los modelos del 2008. selos solo como comparacin. No compare con modelos anteriores al 2008. Su rendimiento por milla variar dependiendo de cmo maneje y mantenga el vehculo. Las ofertas no pueden ser combinadas. Se excluyen las ofertas anteriores. Por favor llame para detalles. La oferta expira el 02-10-2012

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Si ha sufrido un accidente, obtenga la ayuda e informacin que necesita rpido y gratis!
Tiene dolor y necesita ver a un mdico? Tiene el auto daado? No puede trabajar debido a sus lesiones? La Lnea Hispana de Accidentes puede ayudarle a obtener cuidado mdico aunque no tenga seguro y todo es estrictamente confidencial. Adems usted puede tener derecho a recibir compensacin por dolor y sufrimiento.

Anuncio por parte de los doctores en medicina quiroprctica Nikki Patel DC, Trisha Mangano DC, Kent Messer DC


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