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Your portfolio is AT RISK. Your job or business is AT RISK. Your standard of living is AT RISK. The very premise and foundation of the entire economic foundation of the world is AT RISK. This is an indisputable FACT. If you do nothing, take no action, and wait for things to return to normal, there is a good chance your portfolio will get WIPED OUT. However, there IS something you can do about it right now and it all starts by understanding the 5 Most Dangerous Trends Threatening Your Portfolio. This report contains an EXPLICIT assessment of some of the most troubling events going on around us: The financial markets, our government the very basis of how this world operates. This is not meant to scare you, even though it might. It is meant to help you identify the threats that are out there ready to attack you and your familys finances, AND give you the tools to combat them in turn protecting yourself and your loved ones. Heres the deal: Financially speaking, Ive been around the block a few times. I have an MBA in Finance and have been retired from a long and successful career since 2001 as an executive at one of the Big Three automotive companies. Ive also been trading the markets since 1974, so you can pretty much say Ive spent my entire career working in the financial markets. And in all that time, Ive made some important discoveries along the way. Some are scary, some are potentially very profitable But theyre all absolutely necessary to survive the financial crisis that is about to (or already has) stricken us, regardless of where you live.

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There are things going on right now that are about to turn the entire global economy on its head. You know something isnt right otherwise you wouldnt be reading this. And the fact that you are reading this is an important first step to protecting yourself and your family. In this special report, The 5 Most Dangerous Trends Threatening Your Portfolio, Im going to cover the top 5 trends going on at this very second that THREATEN your finances, THREATEN your way of life, and in many ways THREATEN your freedom. I would strongly suggest you print out this report and read it more than once. What you are about to learn is more valuable than anything youve seen or heard so far on the real forces that impact your portfolio When you finish reading this report, youll be among a very select group of elite individuals in this world who actually know what steps they need to take to protect themselves. Get comfortable, shut off your cell phone, and turn the page to begin Good Trading, Bill Poulos Profits Run, Inc.

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Please take a few seconds and print this entire report right now. Heres why: When you print this report out, the chances that youll actually read it and learn something new about the dangers that lurk around every corner threatening your savings and investment on a daily basis. I have a collection of digital reports on my computer, and the only ones Ive read all the way through are the ones Ive printed out. When you print this report out, you can read it anywhere in your house (or on the road, for that matter). I love my family, but my office is smack dab in the middle of the house, so its a high traffic area. Sometimes the only way I can get a solid chunk of time to read something I find online is if I print it out and take it somewhere else in the house.


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An Entire World Unsure of What To Do Next

I want to talk to you about the 5 Most Dangerous Trends that I believe are threatening your financial future, what this means to you, and what you can do about it. Before you can take appropriate action, you really need to understand and be aware of these trends. I know that you probably already have an inkling that something is wrong in the land. That things are not normal, and you see the traditional aspects of society, government, and financial institutions breaking down at all levels. You may not be exactly sure whats causing it or why it is that we find ourselves in this predicament, but you know it isnt right. Now, this is all deeply troubling. It keeps you frozen in the sense that youre not sure what to do to safeguard you and your familys financial future. One thing most folks have realized by now however is that they must take action. But what exactly that action is remains a mystery to most. So lets go through these 5 Most Dangerous Trends one at a time. Ready? Lets begin

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The Number 1 Most Dangerous Trend is the weak economy and what I call troubling economic policies. This particular recession that were in is worldwide. It is driven by a structural and systematic breakdown in our governments economic policies and in our institutions, whether it be the banking system, wall street, whether it be US sovereign debt, whether it be European sovereign debt, bank debt, or other company debt. All of that is driven in part by troubling economic policies followed by the sovereign nations, in particular, the United States. Because the United States is still the worlds largest economy, it needs to take a leadership role and lead the world back to sound economic policy. But if you look at what the United States is doing, youre looking at a big, out of control government getting bigger and bigger by the day which has the effect of overwhelming the engine of job creation and economic recovery, namely private enterprise and in particular small business. Thats all driven by the belief that a big, controlling government is the solution to driving a strong economy. But, we know from history that that is simply not true. Just look at the curve in this graph, published by Forbes:

A Weak Economy & Troubling Economic Policies

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There are countless examples of this going on throughout history. The Soviet Union, for example, thought that government control would provide the strongest possible economic growth and equality amongst its people. Of course the reverse happened. They had the weakest possible economy, which eventually collapsed on itself. After all those years of government control under communism, instead of realizing the dreams of the people, they all became equal in the sense that they were all equally miserable and poor but thats certainly not the objective that mankind aspires to. If you look at North Korea/South Korea, who is prospering? Certainly not North Korea. The people are starving under the authoritarian regime following government control, communistic or socialistic policies. The democracy of South Korea, based on sound government principles, is flourishing.

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Look at Chile in South America. Chile is embracing limited government, free market principles and is thriving. Look at China. For years, economic repression brought nothing but misery to its people until even the Chinese communist leaders finally awakened and embraced a limited form of capitalism that now has China as the fastest growing economy in the world. Look at the once powerful economies of the United States and Europe, the leadership of both now believing in big government solutions. What you have is governments that are growing exponentially out of control. Instead of solving economic problems, theyre putting economic policies in place that continually make it more and more difficult for the economy to grow. These policies oftentimes are temporary quick fixes, politically motivated to kick the can down the road and avoid the tough decisions that would put us on the road to real recovery. Just look at the recent wrangling over extending the payroll tax reduction in the United States. The best they could do is come up with a two-month extension. Can you imagine what would happen if the government really needed to act quickly in the face of a true emergency? And this criticism goes for both parties; both share equal blame in my opinion. And in Europe, the leaders dither, while the future of the Euro zone, the European banks, and living standards of Europeans hang in the balance for years to come. These temporary policies and indecisiveness leave a high level of uncertainty in the business community. It makes businesses less likely to invest in future growth because the businesses dont know what the long-term economic policies of the government are or will be. Theres even a Fear Gauge thats traced for us by

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the Volatility Index (VIX) by the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and volatility is clearly on the rise:

Heres another example health care. Even with the passage of the health care law in the United States, it leaves so many open questions to be resolved over a period of several years that businesses dont know what the impact will be. In a sense, theyre holding back, waiting for a more stable, predictable set of economic policies so they know how to operate. If business is holding back and frozen by these troubling policies by government, how are they going to hire new people? Where is that economic engine? How is the traditional engine that leads to fabulous economic growth, namely business and in particular small business, going to run when its frozen or locked up? And it is locked up right now.

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The more the government tries to tell you that theyre going to solve the problem the worse they make it. You may have an IRA, a 401K, or a cash account. If youre like most people, youve been schooled to be a long term investor. But in the kind of environment we find ourselves today, its almost impossible to know what to do. Youre in the same position as businesses are. They dont know what to do so they hold back. Theyre very cautious. That does not drive economic growth, nor make for good investment decisions. Thats the Number 1 Most Dangerous Trend that you need to be aware of. Dont expect it to change any time soon. This is not a normal cyclical recession where you can expect the recovery period to come back with a vengeance like it has almost every time for every recession since World War II. This one is very, very different, as you will see.

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Runaway Sovereign Debt


The Number 2 Most Dangerous Trend is runaway sovereign debt. This is particularly troubling. This runaway sovereign debt, first and foremost, is why this particular recession were in now is not your normal recession. It WILL NOT be followed by a great recovery. It gets worse. This debt problem exists in the United States and certainly in Europe and selected other countries around the world. The debt is runaway. Take a quick look at these two illustrations of debt vs. GDP by country:

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Sovereign debt in general is increasing exponentially. The United States alone has as of this time and counting at least $14 trillion in public debt with an annual deficit of one to one and a half trillion dollars added to that every year with no end in sight. Now, $14 trillion is a big number that most people cant even understand. With all those zeros, it makes it difficult to comprehend whats really going on. If you remove 8 zeros and compare the US debt to something we can all understand a household budget you begin to get a sense of the real trouble were all in.

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If you do the arithmetic, it is literally impossible for the United States to pay back that debt. It will be impossible for the United States to pay the interest on that debt whenever interest rates return to a normal level. As you know, right now, interest rates are suppressed at an artificially low level. You might call that manipulation to try to stimulate the economy, which is the stated reason. But if you consider the governments predicament about paying interest on the debt, the government cant stand high interest rates so the interest rates are suppressed. This is not just the United States. The same thing is going on in Europe. The same thing is going on at the state level in the United States and at several municipal levels. Several cities and some states in the United States are already technically bankrupt. Now, the US would be bankrupt as well if it were a business without a printing press. The only reason it continues to operate in this runaway debt environment is because it does have a printing press. Its called the Federal Reserve that among other things buys the never-ending Treasury Debt of the United States with dollars created out of thin air! Thats whats keeping the ball going here but you can only ride that horse for so long, until the system collapses. By the way, dont expect the people that got us into this mess to get us out. I dont see this being resolved any time soon in any acceptable way that would encourage us to think that were going to return to normal, good, sound economic growth that creates jobs and opportunity for everyone.

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The Number 3 Most Dangerous Trend is what I call reckless behavior of the too- big-to-fail banks and certain other institutions. You know by now the problem that led to the collapse of the markets in 2008 into early 2009 where several of these too-big-to-fail banks had recklessly invested in credit default swaps, made subprime loans aided and abetted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And did so in a highly leveraged, irresponsible manner so that if anything went wrong, they would end up finding themselves in the dire financial straits that indeed occurred. Youve got Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Countrywide, to name a few. The remnants of all that today continue with companies like Bank of America who are struggling to get their balance sheets in order and work their way out of this mess. All of that was caused by extremely reckless behavior, investing in highly leveraged, high risk investment vehicles that the banks knew full well were highly risky. They were going after profits and to heck with risks. They were able to do that because they knew they would be bailed out if they failed or if their investments failed. Some of those credit default swap deals were insured by AIG but everybody knew that if the house of cards came tumbling down, theres no way AIG could cover all those claims. And of course they didnt. The government had to step in and bail them out. You can ask yourself, Are they really too big to fail? Thats what were told. And by the looks of this chart, they are without a doubt BIG:

Reckless Behavior of Too-Big-To-Fail Banks


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Because of the too-big-to-fail mantra, multi billions of dollars of taxpayer money have been channeled to the banks, the too-big-to-fail institutions. Now, I believe the initial relief money that went to the banks in the U.S. was necessary to avoid a credit freeze, but then the money just kept flowing well beyond what was appropriate. Now, there are several big banks in the United States and in Europe as well that did not get involved in this reckless behavior of highly leveraged investments, irresponsible investing. They did just fine. Youve got to ask yourself, Why were the other banks too big to fail? Why not let some of them fail and let those banks that acted responsibly help lead the way out of this recession? However you feel about that issue, it is what I consider one of the most dangerous trends because it rewards irresponsible behavior. To this day, even after the Dodd-Frank bill and some other regulatory reforms that are ostensibly putting in place regulation that would prohibit these kinds of actions, if you look at those regulations, in my opinion, they dont really prohibit that reckless behavior. These banks can revert right back to form and get right back in trouble all over again. Why? Because they have the safety net, they think, that the government is

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going to bail them out. You really need to be aware of this. This problem has not been dealt with adequately whatsoever.

Culture of Corruption


The Number 4 Most Dangerous Trend I believe is the culture of corruption that we see growing in leaps and bounds at the government level, both in the United States and Europe, and also on Wall Street. This corruption drives instability in the economy, the markets, and ultimately in our way of life. Corruption is prevalent everywhere, even here in the US. Take a look at this chart that breaks down corruption in the US, state by state, according to the US Department of Justice. Here in the United States we have the Constitution, representative govern- ment at the national, state and city level; likewise in Europe. But in order to function as intended, these otherwise sound government institutions require a high level of morality that is sadly lacking today.

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The rest of the world has a significant corruption problem as well. Take a look at this Corruption Perception Index map from Transparency International, an international watchdog group. It rates countries on a scale that goes from 1.0 (worst), in dark red, to 10.0 (best), in light yellow and it does not look good.

Dont get me wrong. I truly feel that the US and European democracies in years past have allowed the greatest increase in the standard of living in the history of the planet, not just for a few, but for everyone. They have proved to be great models for the rest of the world. This way of life has also proven to be the very best mankind has ever seen. More people have thrived and enjoyed the pursuit of happiness than ever before in history under free enterprise, democratic governments versus socialistic governments and certainly versus communistic governments or fascist governments. Theres no doubt about it. You just have to look at history to see that this is true. However, if you have a culture of corruption within those structures, they break down. I believe that in part this is what is causing the economic stress that were seeing today. Weve got to see that cleaned up. You see the symptoms of that. You see that its not being cleaned up because the symptoms of that include Washington blaming Wall Street and Wall Street blaming Washington, when they are two sides of the same coin. You see people protesting because they know something is wrong. Theyre right, but the truth is in my view that Washington and Wall Street are one and the same. Theyre pretending that theyre blaming each other or pointing the finger at one another but theyre part of the same group. Theyre complicit in their corruption where people move from government to Wall Street, and Wall Street back to government.

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You have the fox watching the hen house. You have the regulators regulating the industries but the regulators came from those industries and vise versa. At the same time, you also have all the pandering going on to the less fortunate people in the country, you know dont worry, the government is going to take care of you. But for how long, forever? I think not. What ends up happening is they end up keeping those less fortunate people in a less fortunate position. Yeah, they give them handouts and a safety net that many cases people absolutely need but in many other cases, they keep people trapped in a situation that they dont want and dont like. As we became accustomed to in the past, what we need now are good paying jobs that people can and want to have the opportunity to work in, to lift themselves out of their situation and make dramatic improvement, not stay trapped in a government program that keeps them on subsistence.

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Devaluation of Currencies


The Number 5 Most Dangerous Trend is the devaluation of the US dollar as well as the Euro. Because of the massive debt, the runaway sovereign debt, whats happening here is that the currencies are being devalued. What does that mean? The US is printing dollars. The printing press is printing overtime. The effects of this can be felt by the falling purchasing power of your dollar. Look at this:

This is happening because these dollars are printed out of thin air. This is the only way the US can continue to operate. Its the only way it can continue to pay the bills to support these massive deficits. Its only because the US is the reserve currency of the world that allows this to go on. If this werent the case, the dollar would absolutely collapse.

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Many believe its on borrowed time and that even as a reserve currency of the world, you can only push this devaluation so far. How is this playing out? How is it being devalued? The number one way is the printing press, which really manifests as the Federal Reserve buying unlimited quantities of US treasury notes and bonds. Second is what I call the interest rate manipulation. Its the artificial lowering of interest rates to record lows where a 30 year US bond is going for just under three percent. Who really thinks that lending their money to the United States government for 30 years to earn three percent a year is a good investment, as if the dollar is going to be worth anything in 30 years at the rate were traveling? The massive debt, the artificial manipulation of interest rates to artificially low levels, I believe, is sowing the seeds of hyperinflation. You havent seen it yet although the real rate of inflation today is a lot higher than what is stated by the CPI. I think its just a matter of time before hyperinflation occurs. What makes this difficult is there could actually be deflation occurring before the hyperinflation. Regardless, this situation is just killing fixed income investors. People at retirement age or approaching retirement are relying on fixed income investments, paying reasonable interest rates to fund their retirement. Now, the same situations go on in Europe. The Euro is really no stronger than the US dollar. Youll hear in the news that one is gaining on the other, but theyre both, in my view, on the race to oblivion. Of course, the British pound is right there with them.

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So, What Can You Do?

So those are the 5 Most Dangerous Trends Threatening Your Portfolio. But what can you do about it? Thats what you really want to know. Indeed, that is the question of the day. Thats why we think its so important to understand what those trends are so that you then understand that you must take action to protect yourself. Hopefully understanding these trends even at a high level as weve just gone through here will motivate you to take action rather than sit paralyzed waiting and hoping for the same people that got us into this mess to get us out. Thats not a good position to be in. Thats being a victim. You dont want to sit there with a victim mentality. Its not necessary. There are things you can do but first lets go through what these trends mean to you. The 5 Most Dangerous Trends are largely out of your control. What Im going to talk about now is what all of this means to you in terms of what you can control. First, I believe buy & hold investing is no longer a viable strategy. Because of the reckless financial behavior of the sovereign nations and the financial institutions, this has made it all but impossible for a long term investor to have any confidence that the markets will behave in such a way that they will increase in value over time as in the past when the economies of the world got stronger and stronger. Thats the model that has worked pretty darn well since World War II all the way into early 2000, but in the last ten years its stopped working. The equity markets in general around the world are flat. For the last ten years, they have not gone

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up. And all the while, there has been a great deal of risk to be involved in those markets. Take a look at this graph of the S&P500 from 2001 to 2012. If you stubbornly were trying to cling to the defunct buy & hold approach to investing, your portfolio would have been at breakeven after a long 10 years a full decade. Plus, you would have had to withstand the temptation to dump your positions in 2003 and 2009 when the market dropped precariously.

And if you zoom in and take a look at just 2011, youll see more of the same bad news for buy & hold investors:

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Even though the S&P500 hasnt gone up, its plunged, its gone back up, its plunged again, and its gone back up a lot of risk and no gain. That environment, I believe, is going to continue in the face of these 5 Most Dangerous Trends. If youre a buy and hold investor, I would encourage you to reconsider the folly of that strategy. This is something within your control as you can decide to abandon buy and hold investing. So look what happens when you take on the mindset of a trader, someone who gets in and out of positions and captures quick-hit profit potential again and again. Heres the same 2011 chart of the S&P500, but this time it shows you the huge profit potential that was there for an average swing trader:

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Thats 54.2% of profit potential that could have been yours for the taking if you knew what to do. Now, Im not saying that you cant lose of course, there will always be losing trades, everyone knows that. However, by managing risk and following a good trading strategy, I believe its far less risky to be a short-term trader than a long-term buy & hold investor. Second is the fact that these lowest interest rates in years are killing fixed income investors. If youre sitting in there with government bonds or even corporate bonds in an environment where the interest rates are manipulated to artificially low levels, youre income-starved and then you have to pay taxes on that income to boot. Buying and holding high- paying dividend stocks in this environment as an alternative to bonds is also fraught with risk. Take a look at this graph of interest rates. Theyre currently at the same level they were at nearly 60 years ago.

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The fixed income strategy is at risk. These interest rates, as the Federal Reserve has already stated, will be maintained at these low levels at least through 2013. It could be longer, because as I said the government cannot afford higher interest rates. This whole thing keeps snowballing out of control. Again, this is something within your control as you can abandon fixed income investing. The third thing to consider is that the US Dollar and the Euro having already lost significant value to gold and silver and other commodities, and what I believe is a trend that suggests they will continue to lose much more as they inflate away. Owning traditional investments certainly like bonds are at huge risk due to inflation. Right now, we have what I call stealth inflation where the CPI in the United States and also the inflation indexes in Europe are dramatically understating the rate of the real levels of inflation. I know people in general are feeling that. Theyre feeling that prices somehow are going up a lot more than whats being reported. Thats a fact. According to the New York Times, consumers are beginning to encounter shrinking food packages. Companies are trying to camouflage price increases by selling their products in tiny and tinier packages. So far, the changes are most visible at the grocery store, where shoppers are paying the same amount, but getting less. Maybe youve noticed this disturbing trend yourself. Take a look at this graph showing the purchasing power of the US Dollar as well as the Canadian dollar since 1971. Youll see that

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both have about only 17% of the purchasing power that they did only 40 years ago.

No Recovery On The Horizon, Unless

The last point I would make here is that a post World War II style recovery which weve been used to the last 40 or 50 years is nowhere in sight. I dont expect a return to a strong healthy economy for a long, long time unless dramatic change occurs and does so rapidly and that could happen but I dont see it happening anytime soon. It could be, not to present matters as being worse than they are, that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here. Until the structural and systemic issues that we just talked about are honestly addressed by the decision makers around the world, and in particular, in the United States and Europe, until the corruption is exposed and dealt with, dont expect an economic recovery like what weve seen in years past anytime soon. Now, all of this should cause you to think about what your current financial situation is, and what plans you put in place to deal with this, at least for the next five years. What Im encouraging you to do is to be aware of whats going on but not to be overwhelmed by it. Do not be frightened by it. Do not feel as if you have no control. The first step in gaining control is to be aware of whats going on. There are numerous strategies you can employ to deal with this environment that can dramatically turn things around for you personally because as long as you know whats going on, you can take advantage of that. You can take actions to put yourself on the winning side of the ledger regardless of these trends. One of the ways you can do that, I believe, is to become a trader. What does that mean? That means youre going to move in and out of various

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trading vehicles like stocks, bonds, ETFs (exchange traded funds), forex (foreign exchange markets), gold, or silver. Dont worry; Im not talking about day trading, although you can use day trading as part of this strategy. At a minimum, youre going to move in and out of those trading vehicles in a short period of time, in a matter of days or weeks. Youre going to do it on a regular basis as part of your lifestyle without taking a great deal of time but in a systematic and deliberate fashion where youre going to move your money into markets that are trending nicely in the right direction, either up or down, and youre going to move out before the trend is over with. Youre going to just keep doing that. Youre going to do it in a way that does not require any forecasting whatsoever. Youre just going to wait for a trend to emerge, whether its in gold, silver, bonds, corporate bonds, different stock sectors, or ETFs. Youre going to allocate responsibly a certain portion of your portfolio to that trend. Youre going to protect it with stop losses so that if it goes against you, you only lose a little bit. You dont do any great damage to your account. Then youre going to ride that trend as far as it wants to go. Then youre going to get out. You have a deliberate exit strategy every time you get involved in a trade that makes huge losses a thing of the past because you control risk. Youre going to be satisfied with the middle one third of that trend and then go onto the next one and let the market tell you where its going. You wont let any forecaster or prognosticator try to tell you what the markets are going to do. They may be sincere in their beliefs, but they are only guessing. You dont need or want such forecasts but rather good trading methods that identify high-potential, low-risk profit opportunities with strong risk management principles. When you do that, you suddenly take control. Youre the boss. All the anxiety, stress, and uncertainty about whats going on in the world evaporates because now youre in the drivers seat. Indeed, in these times, paradoxically, you can end up doing dramatically well. It is times like these which produce some of the best profit opportunities for those that take appropriate action.

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You turn this thing on its head 180 degrees. You go from, Oh my, this is terrible, I dont know what to do, Im losing money, my portfolio is not doing well, I cant sleep at night, I dont know if Im going to have a job, to being in a position of control, taking advantage of these 5 Trends that as dangerous as they are, drive excellent opportunities in the various markets, stocks, bonds, forex, ETFs, gold, and silver - you name it - like youve never seen in years past. Its also important to think about this fact: More millionaires were made during the Great Depression than at any other period of time in history. Thats a powerful thing to remember, and a reminder that when one door closes, two more open. What could be our next Great Depression could also be your next great opportunity if youre well prepared. Hopefully this report will help you point away from adversity, away from uncertainty, away from fear and towards the road to regaining control of your situation. A road that leads to prosperity, a road that leads to happiness no matter what convulsions the world goes through.

Now that your mind is in a state of control and empowerment, the next step is to dive in and take action. I want to give you access to my best FREE video training that will reveal how to protect & GROW your portfolio in 3 easy steps. The secret has to do with a discovery I made in my trading lab that's been staring everyone in the face, yet very few people know about. Its the same secret that Ive been teaching to thousands of regular people just like you from all over the world since 2001. And now I want you to have it.

Yours FREE: How to Protect & GROW Your Portfolio In 3 Easy Steps

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To get immediate access to my FREE video training, just visit this website:

IMPORTANT: This video training may not always be available for free, so if anything in this report resonated with you or made sense in any way, I strongly urge you to watch these free videos. The future of your portfolio and of your family could depend on it. Thanks for reading, and Ill see you in my FREE training videos. Good Trading,

Bill Poulos

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DISCLAIMER: Stock, forex, futures, and options trading is not appropriate for everyone. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. No representation or implication is being made that using the information in this special report will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses. Risks also include, but are not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price and/or liquidity of a market. The impact of seasonal and geopolitical events is already factored into market prices. Under certain conditions you may find it impossible to liquidate a position. This can occur, for example, when a market becomes illiquid. The placement of contingent orders by you, such as stop-loss or stop-limit orders will not necessarily limit or prevent losses because market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. In no event should the content of this correspondence be construed as an express or implied promise or guarantee that you will profit or that losses can or will be limited in any manner whatsoever. Past results are no indication of future performance. Information contained in this correspondence is intended for informational purposes only and was obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Information is in no way guaranteed. No guarantee of any kind is implied or possible where projections of future conditions are attempted. Revision 01-20120121.

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