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Capacity planning is vital to the effective designing (or redesigning) of processes. This article describes the development and application of a Parametric Model at Canadian National Railway for use in rail capacity planning. According to this article, understanding capacity in a railway system is essential to determine the amount of traffic that can be moved over a railway system and degree of service and reliability that can be expected. The key features of this article were: Measurement of theoretical, practical, used and available track capacity Definition of parameters which affect capacity measure by dividing them into three categories: Plant, Traffic and Operating Capacity equations that are used to determine capacity utilizations for various parameter values. Theoretical Importance The Parametric Capacity Model was developed to measure and monitor track capacity to improve track asset utilization, increase service reliability, and reduce capital costs. Here a broad system perspective is taken, as opposed to other approaches which focus only on specific and localized problems for a given set of conditions. In addition, the Parametric Capacity Model also highlights the capacity bottlenecks on the system. Methodological Soundness Fruitful results were obtained, as seen from the article, when practical data were inserted in the formulas used to develop this model. However, it was very important to make sure that the parameter values were correct. Results using the Parametric Capacity Model were relatively comparable to those obtained from simulations. Thus, it can be concluded that the article discusses a model that is methodologically sound. Adequacy of Literature Review Some of the key terms used were difficult to comprehend since they were meant for use in railway systems. Further research and extensive discussion was therefore required for proper understanding of the model. The equations and variables would have been easier to understand if deductions and examples were provided with relevant explanation. The literature review was therefore not adequate.

Innovativeness/Originality The article described a model that was different from other models used in the railway industries, thus demonstrating its innovativeness and originality. It is an effective decision support tool that can be used to develop cost-effective solutions for the railway industries. Quality of Ideas The concept of the Parametric Capacity Model can be used to simulate different plant, traffic and operating alternatives. Yet, the model is cost-effective and uses minimal resources indicating that it is innovative, simple and applicable to railway systems. Clarity of Writing Snapshots of the Parametric Capacity Model inputs and outputs made it easier to understand how various parameters were considered for capacity measures. The track capacity curve for one subdivision was given as an example. Although the deduction and explanation of some of the equations and constants were absent, the article explained the concept behind the model with moderate clarity. Potential to Stimulate Further Research In developing this model, the effects of some factors were ignored such as weight and length of trains. Capacity was measured simply as the number of trains per day relative to a defined threshold. These could be taken into account for further research involving the Parametric Capacity Model. Overall Contribution This model can help in monitoring and measuring the railway network capacity, recognizing the dynamic nature of capacity. It supports strategic and tactical capacity planning decisions of the railway industry.

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