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Kants duty of ethics

Immanuel kant Kant believed that moral obligation does not spring from God or from the community or human authority , but from reasoning . Books published :Critique of Pure Reason(form of work very much determined by this book) Disagree with the supposed proofs of the existence of God. We cannot prove any statement that is beyond the limit of transcendent reality Free will and natural causality(domain of knowledge) are the same , only when our freedom(domain of morality) and capacity to act automatically are not neglected To judge an action : > See whether that action is in line with universal moral maxim. > Senses the fairness and intelligence should come into play when we perform the action Freedom + Fairness + Intelligence + Choice = Moral Action

The Concept of Goodwill Nothing can be considered unconditionally good except for goodwill Things that are good in carrying out an action : >>Mental Qualities (intelligence and smart thinking ) >>Natural Gifts ( bravery and moderate thinking ) These are only conditionally good. Take into consideration the desire, intention and motive of a person to determine whether the action is good or bad An action will not be considered moral if it is done because of self interest

Principle of categorical imperativecommand that has no exceptions or conditions. Moral principle that is formed must be followed by everyone without exception Formula of Universal Law: We need to act correctly so that the maxim for our actions becomes universal law 3 elements: Moral principle practised must be generally accepted

Action taken must respect people and not make use of people. Party responsible must be willing to be treated the same way if they are the ones in an oppressed position. Formula The end in itself: Humanity must be treated as an end and not a means to an end Formula Kingdom of ends: To be autonomous, is not just be free and independent from others, but is to have self control and takes into accounts things like moral status

Kants ethics Criticism of kants ethics Formalism Categorical imperative is trivial and formal, identify no principles of duty. The request for universal maxims is a request that our fundamental principles be accepted by all--- pointless opinion Place of inclination Kant requires us to act out a sense of duty and not out of our own inclination. This means Any action which we enjoy cannot be morally worthy. Abstraction Kants ethical principle too abstract to guide action Rigism Kants ethics lead to rules that are insensitive and rigid.

Kantian ethics Now often used to cover any of a range of quasi-Kantian position or commitments in ethics . More action-based rather than result-based moral thinking . Place right over good .

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