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12:00 AM Wednesday, 02 May 2012

Only recently I discovered that Stiglitz was one of the economists who populariz ed the term: free market ideology , or was it free market fundamentalist ideology ? I will check and report back ASAP. My search word string is: Stiglitz, market, ideology, fundamentalism. Using Copernic I found the 2002 book by Joseph E. Stiglitz: Globalization and it s Discontents in which frequent use is made of the two terms: Market fundamentalist ideology & Free Market ideology On the Market fundamentalism page on the Wikipedia website the term is described as pejorative. Stiglitz use is rather clever since it is a word play based on F reud s 1930 book, Civilization and its Discontents which Freud reveals in the openin g page, was the book he wrote immediately after his 1927 book: The Future of An I llusion , a title that John Gray plagiarized in his 2004 essay Illusion With A Fut ure it was a critique of globalization, appearing just two years after the Stigli tz appeared an essay he also plagiarized Stiglitz and Freud a literary mnage a tr ois I prefer not to visualize. . Generally speaking, there is an important distinction to be made between the met hods and practice of science and those of ideology. The distinction is crucial for scientists and philosophers but not necessarily propagandists, ideologues, evangelists and rhetoricians. It is the use of the scientific and philosophical methods of authentic integral autonomous empirical reasoning that distinguishes science from ideology and dogmatic religion based on the distinction between kn owledge and ignorance so that the clarification of this distinction is a key pa rt of the knowledge that scientists have developed that has been the key to the process of human civilization and also the knowledge that reveals the link betwe en barbarism and ignorance the dialectical opposites of civilization and knowled ge. It really is no surprize at this stage to reveal that Marx economic theories have been exposed as ignorance masquerading as knowledge and science but really is r eligious dogma of the ideological kind that is atheistic and yet intentionally d elusional originating as an instrument for use by barbaric predatory humans for deception and domination of human prey. My integral paradigm classification of Marx literary works is that it is predator y propaganda invented fo the purpose of establishing a secular political religio n to enable pradory barbaric humans to stalk captivate and dominate unwary human prey to be exploited for the benefit of the predators who are the idealogues. If the scientific economic theory of Adam Smith and FA Hayek can be verified as authentically scientific then it must also be said that there are idealogues who use a materialist free-market fundamentalist-ideology as a modified version of the now discredited Marxist secular political religion in a manner that fits ver y well into the Hegelian dialectics of spirit which can be used to classify the

free market fundamentalist ideology as the anti-thesis of the Marxist thesis of the centrally planned system of distribution of resources. We should keep in mind that Hegel s invention of the dialectical method is really a generalization or better still a universalization which is an very elegant way of generating the aesthetically pleasing simplicity of the mastery-servitude sp iritual dialectic of enlightenment which simplifies the vast complexity of the l ong history of philosophy the history of knowledge of ideas includes Hegel s brill iant contribution to knowledge and civilization. As brilliant as it is, Hegel s notion of the dialectics of spirit is but one means of representing and comprehe nding the relationship between the notions of universals and particulars an idea which was brilliantly demonstrated more that two thousand years ago by the foun der of the literary mode of philosophy Plato. While Marxist ideology and free market fundamentalist ideology can be considered the most recent manifestations of thesis and anti-thesis in the process of the dialectics of barbaric ideological ignorance the relationship between Marxist id eology and the genuinely scientific economics of Adam Smith and F A Hayek are n ot so related but are better understood in terms of the most fundamental of all distinction that form the very foundation of the practices of science and philos ophy and of the mode of being that is only known to authentic philosophers who l ove knowledge and are totally committed to their love of knowledge. That is the distinction between knowledge and ignorance. The Hegelian concept of the dialect ic was put to use to represent the dynamic process of the whole lineage of philo sophers spanning more than two and a half thousand years a process of ever ascen ding refinement of knowledge of continuous transcendance of ignorance. Ideology in general and the Marxist and Free market fundamentalist ideologies in particular are not dialectically related to philosophy science and knowledge . Ideology as a practice of barbarism and ignorance is a description of the mode o f being that philosophers found themselves in before they ever took their first step on the ascent to the supreme knowledge the dialectic of spirit. The relationship between ideology and philosophy is better comprehended by apply ing Plato s method of categorization of universals and particulars. Ideology is f unadamentally nihilistic and negative a product of intentionally diminished awar eness awareness negated by choice. Where philosophers love knowledge and discov ering new knowledge on the path of the dialectic, the ideologues worship ignoran ce and practice dismemberment and mutilation of Spiritual integral consciousnes s. Ideology is the dogmatic opposite of philosophy and knowledge. Religious id eology and secular political ideology both rely of ignorance and serve the inter ests of barbarism, Enough said. Marxist ideology is counterfeit science and as such is quite unworthy of classif ication as the antitheisis of the classical scientific economics of Adam Smith but that is how the Marxist ideolgues have represented it with respect not only to scientific political economy but also to the philosophy of Hegel. Marxist ideology is the anti-thesis of Roman Catholic dogmatic ideology which it self is the anti-thesis of the original and authentic Christian theology of the early centuries before the Roman imperialis monopolization of the Christian move ment. The free market fundamentalist ideology has become all pervasive since 1981 when it was chosen as the official ideology of the three term George Herbert Walker Bush presidency. During the early years of the Bush regime from 1981 to 1993 su pply side economics, trickle down economics, de-regulation and privatization wer

e endless repeated dogmatic slogans used by the Bush gang to establish their ne w anti-Marxist ideology an illusion with a future still unfolding today. In the same way that the Roman Emperors Justinian and Theodosius set about decep tively incorporating the historical Jesus into their theist state religious dogm atic ideology of barbarism and ignorance, the Bush gang incorporated the still l iving FA Hayek into their counterfeit policies to usurp his scientific authority for the purpose of predatory deception and domination of human prey in the usua l way. Hayek was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by GHW Bush in 1991. As a s cientific promoter of free market economics Hayek was none too popular with the free market ideologues who emerged in the late 1930 as opponents of the Roosevel t new deal. The Ayn Rand cult of objectivism and the Liberatarian movement whic h converged with it and themn diverged are ideological instruments of baranbrism and ignorance. Hayek made it very clear that the road to barbarism (serfdom) b egins by following the path recommended by ideologues like those who are most re sponsible for the free market fundamentalist ideology. They are instruments of the most predatory human parasites on the planet. In Hayek s 1944 book, The Road To Serfdom, he attempted to warn the people of the UK and the USA that wat he observed there in the 1930 s 40s and fifties was very m uch like he observed in Austria in the twenties and early thirties before he cho se to live in London. He warned about the anti-scientific propaganda techniques he saw practiced in the German speaking world techniques he knew were used in R ussia and Italy to lead the people down the road to barbarism. The public intellectuals who preach their free market fundamentalist secular ide ology and dogmatic political religion are today using the mass media to lead the people down the road to barbarism. Frontal attacks on science and scientists h ave become one of their preferred techniques for countering the influence of aut hentic scientists on the path of knowledge and civilization. Nowhere is the dis tinction between the counterfeit barbarian predators and the authentic civilizin g scientist philosophers more acutely exposed today than in the media communicat ive actions regarding anthropogenic climate change. When I was reading the last few pages of Isaiah Berlin s biography of Karl Marx, I grew weary of the bullshit used in praising Marx as the mercenary propagandist would. The weltgeist works in mysterious ways. In 1939 the Marxist religion of humanity was still a powerful force. Suddenly I found myself viewing my earlier arrangements of perception where I di scussed the nature of ideas like the dialectic and universals etc. All this in response to Isaiah Berlin s deliberate lie about the greatness of Marx as an econo mist. I classify him as clergyman of the religion of barbaric ignorance. His j ob was assist British intelligence agents collect information about subversive a ctivities in Europe and to ensure that European rivals to British imperial ruler s could be identified and crushed from within avoiding conventional war if possi ble. The went to war with Russia, then with the Dutch (Boers) and soon after th at the Ottomans. I look and I see that the fight for oil was real and necessary. Ottoman declin e and Russian backwardness stood in the way of the thirst of the British navy fo r oil so both had to be pushed over the cliff into war to get rid of the old rul ers and install new ones to protect independent British access to oil which they accomplished with help from new client regimes they installed to garrison the o il fields. The decaying Hapsburg empire had to go for that reason and the reaction to the p ush from the east was retaliation in the west. Germany and Austria wanted the

oil too

it was just as critical to them.

Marx was there to handle the international trade union movement as the chief str ategist of organization of the working class multitudes to make sure that the re volution would benefit his hosts. The revolution began a long time before 1789. The ancien regime grew weak and the German revolt of Luther began way back in the early fifteen hundred. Until then it had been much more stable. It is bad enough now. Dangerous enough - with nuclear weapons ready to go and y et they reduce the risk of surprise attacks. The British secret agent Karl Marx like Giorgi Sigmund Rosenblum and Alissa Rosenbaum after him did his job well e nough. His global network of trade unions provided ideal cover for intelligence gathering and covert operations to ensure British interests were protected at th e expense of the competing powers at least until the great Anglo-American compro mise. Revolutionary change came to the Russian and Ottoman Empires so that by 1 945 when the new merger of the Anglo-American hegemon was complete, the German a nd French Empires were also replaced with constitutional democratic republican g overnments. I have reviewed enough of Marx literary works to know that nothing much has changed in my view of his works they are of minimal v alue to me except in one regard and that is the lesson to be learned about the n eed for a theoretical basis for any mass movement. Agent Rosenblum left no lite rary corpus of consequence but Alssa Rosenbaum sure does and the existence of he r books provides a means for their use to guide the objectivist movement still t oday. The same can be said of F.A. Hayek. If those two are to be classified as author s who s work is suitable for an anti-Marxist movement then it must be said that th ere are other authors among the literati used by contemporary organizers who opp ose communism and socialism. Among those authors are Mises. Then there is the student of Mises one Murray Rothbard. Where does he fit in the either-or dichot omy of science versus ideology? Does a leopard change his spots? Is a shepherd as good as wolf? Murray was a secret agent recruited into the Alissa Rosenbau m cell just as Marx was recruited into British intelligence before he completed his doctoral studies. Neither had any chance to become scientists once they wer e captured. The literary cannon of communism is overwhelmingly dominated by Marx. That domi nation is of a much greater extent that the literary cannon of the social system s Marx was so intensely opposed to. As a nominal Hegelian, especially in his ea rlier works, Marx made full use of the Hegelian concept of the dialectic. Marx used the legitimacy of the Hegelian dialectic to justify assembling in his liter ary works a description of what he understood to be the dialectical antithetical opposite of the bourgeois capitalist dominated social structure of Prussia and France. It is one of the core dogmas of Marx ideological system that his theory and praxi s is scientific while Hegel s he categorizes as ideological (The German Ideology) and thus Marx claims Hegelian social theory is antithesis of scienctific sociolo gy and political science. You use the tools you have and Marx had Hegelian tool s. He used them to annihilate scientific Hegelian social theory by forcefully a lleging it to be ideology. It is entirely consistent with my classification of Marx literary corpus as an en cyclopedic compilation of ideological dogmas designed to promote centralized aut horitarian social structures in continental European nations that his books shou lf occupy such an overwhelmingly dominant position in the canon of Communism. T he dominance of the literature of communist social theory by Marx is in stark co ntrast to the literature of the social systems that Marx intended to identify as

the thesis which his antithesis was designed to utterly destroy and completely demolish. There is no better example of the capitalist enemy than the British c onstitutional democratic social structure of England Scotland Wales Australia Ca nada New Zealand and the United States of America. While the theory identified bourgeois capitalism as the enemy of Marxism, the pr axis was aimed at the ruling class of German Russian and French speaking nations none of which ever took on any close resemblance to the constitutional democrat ic social structures of free humans until after 1945 when imposed by occupying u nited nations forces. The liberation Marx promised did come then but only on the western side of the i ron curtain and not on the nominally Marxist side where the promised liberation never did come exposing the fraud of the petroleum revolution of October 1917. The struggle for the Prize rbarizing human predators on imidate into forming a human fic humans of the society of was just another battle in the perennial war between ba the one side with all the human prey they could int shield and on the other side the civilizing scienti free men and women.

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