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A Midsummer Night's Dream, de William Shakespeare CHARACTERS: THE SUPERNATURAL CHARACTERS: Oberon, King of Fairies Titania, Queen of Fairies

Puck, a ! a Ho"go"#in or Ro"in $oodfe##o%, ser&ant to '"eron Titania's fairy servants (her )train)*: First Fairy Peaseb osso!, fair+ Cob"eb, fair+ #ot$ (sometimes rendered as 'Mote'*, fair+ #ustar%see%, fair+ THE #EN AN& 'O#EN (N THE PLA) OF H(*H SOC(AL CLASS: Lysan%er, "e#o&ed of Hermia Her!ia, "e#o&ed of ,+sander He ena, in #o&e %ith Demetrius &e!etrius, in #o&e %ith Hermia "ut then fa##s in #o&e %ith He#ena #ater on E+eus, father of Hermia, %ants to for-e Hermia to get married to Demetrius T$eseus, Du!e of Athens, good friend of Egeus Hi,,o yta, Queen of the Ama.ons and "etrothed of Theseus THE LO'ER-CLASS C(T(.ENS (N THE PLA): P$i ostrate, Master of the Re&e#s for Theseus T$e actin+ trou,e (other%ise !no%n as The Me-hani-a#s*: Peter /uince, -ar/enter, %ho #eads the trou/e Nick 0otto!, %ea&er0 he /#a+s 1+ramus in the trou/e's /rodu-tion of )1+ramus and This"e,) and gets a don!e+ head /ut on him "+ 1u-! so that Titania %i## magi-a##+ fa## in #o&e %ith a monster Francis F ute, the "e##o%s2mender %ho /#a+s This"e Robin Starve in+, the tai#or %ho /#a+s Moonshine To! Snout, the tin!er %ho /#a+s the %a## Snu+, the 3oiner %ho /#a+s the #ion

ACT 1 Scene I. Athens. The palace of THESEUS. Enter THESEUS, HIPPOLYTA, PHILOSTRATE, an Atten ants THESEUS: No%, fair Hi//o#+ta, our nu/tia# hour Dra%s on a/a-e0 four ha//+ da+s "ring in Another moon: "ut, ', methin!s, ho% s#o% This o#d moon %anes4 she #ingers m+ desires, ,i!e to a ste/2dame or a do%ager ,ong %ithering out a +oung man re&enue H(PPOL)TA: Four da+s %i## 5ui-!#+ stee/ themse#&es in night0 Four nights %i## 5ui-!#+ dream a%a+ the time0 And then the moon, #i!e to a si#&er "o% Ne%2"ent in hea&en, sha## "eho#d the night 'f our so#emnities THESEUS: $o, 1hi#ostrate, Stir u/ the Athenian +outh to merriments0 A%a!e the /ert and nim"#e s/irit of mirth0 Turn me#an-ho#+ forth to funera#s0 The /a#e -om/anion is not for our /om/ E!it PHILOSTRATE Hi//o#+ta, 6 %oo'd thee %ith m+ s%ord, And %on th+ #o&e, doing thee in3uries0 7ut 6 %i## %ed thee in another !e+, 8ith /om/, %ith trium/h and %ith re&e##ing Enter E"EUS, HER#IA, LYSA$%ER, an %E#ETRIUS E*EUS: Ha//+ "e Theseus, our reno%ned du!e4 THESEUS: Than!s, good Egeus: %hat's the ne%s %ith thee9 E*EUS:

Fu## of &e:ation -ome 6, %ith -om/#aint Against m+ -hi#d, m+ daughter Hermia Stand forth, Demetrius M+ no"#e #ord, This man hath m+ -onsent to marr+ her Stand forth, ,+sander: and m+ gra-ious du!e, This man hath "e%it-h'd the "osom of m+ -hi#d0 Thou, thou, ,+sander, thou hast gi&en her rh+mes, And inter-hanged #o&e2to!ens %ith m+ -hi#d: Thou hast "+ moon#ight at her %indo% sung, 8ith feigning &oi-e &erses of feigning #o&e, And sto#en the im/ression of her fantas+ 8ith "ra-e#ets of th+ hair, rings, ga%ds, -on-eits, Kna-!s, trif#es, nosega+s, s%eetmeats, messengers 'f strong /re&ai#ment in unharden'd +outh: 8ith -unning hast thou fi#-h'd m+ daughter's heart, Turn'd her o"edien-e, %hi-h is due to me, To stu""orn harshness: and, m+ gra-ious du!e, 7e it so she0 %i## not here "efore +our gra-e Consent to marr+ %ith Demetrius, 6 "eg the an-ient /ri&i#ege of Athens, As she is mine, 6 ma+ dis/ose of her: 8hi-h sha## "e either to this gent#eman 'r to her death, a--ording to our #a% 6mmediate#+ /ro&ided in that -ase THESEUS: 8hat sa+ +ou, Hermia9 "e ad&ised fair maid: To +ou +our father shou#d "e as a god0 'ne that -om/osed +our "eauties, +ea, and one To %hom +ou are "ut as a form in %a: 7+ him im/rinted and %ithin his /o%er To #ea&e the figure or disfigure it Demetrius is a %orth+ gent#eman HER#(A: So is ,+sander THESEUS: 6n himse#f he is0 7ut in this !ind, %anting +our father's &oi-e, The other must "e he#d the %orthier HER#(A: 6 %ou#d m+ father #oo!'d "ut %ith m+ e+es

THESEUS: Rather +our e+es must %ith his 3udgment #oo! HER#(A: 6 do entreat +our gra-e to /ardon me 6 !no% not "+ %hat /o%er 6 am made "o#d, Nor ho% it ma+ -on-ern m+ modest+, 6n su-h a /resen-e here to /#ead m+ thoughts0 7ut 6 "esee-h +our gra-e that 6 ma+ !no% The %orst that ma+ "efa## me in this -ase, 6f 6 refuse to %ed Demetrius THESEUS: Either to die the death or to a"3ure For e&er the so-iet+ of men Therefore, fair Hermia, 5uestion +our desires0 Kno% of +our +outh, e:amine %e## +our "#ood, 8hether, if +ou +ie#d not to +our father's -hoi-e, ;ou -an endure the #i&er+ of a nun, For a+e to "e in shad+ -#oister me%'d, To #i&e a "arren sister a## +our #ife, Chanting faint h+mns to the -o#d fruit#ess moon Thri-e2"#essed the+ that master so their "#ood, To undergo su-h maiden /i#grimage0 7ut earth#ier ha//+ is the rose disti##'d, Than that %hi-h %ithering on the &irgin thorn $ro%s, #i&es and dies in sing#e "#essedness HER#(A: So %i## 6 gro%, so #i&e, so die, m+ #ord, Ere 6 %i## m+ &irgin /atent u/ <nto his #ordshi/, %hose un%ished +o!e M+ sou# -onsents not to gi&e so&ereignt+ THESEUS: Ta!e time to /ause0 and, "+ the nest ne% moon The sea#ing2da+ "et%i:t m+ #o&e and me, For e&er#asting "ond of fe##o%shi/ </on that da+ either /re/are to die For diso"edien-e to +our father's %i##, 'r e#se to %ed Demetrius, as he %ou#d0 'r on Diana's a#tar to /rotest For a+e austerit+ and sing#e #ife &E#ETR(US:

Re#ent, s%eet Hermia: and, ,+sander, +ie#d Th+ -ra.ed tit#e to m+ -ertain right L)SAN&ER: ;ou ha&e her father's #o&e, Demetrius0 ,et me ha&e Hermia's: do +ou marr+ him E*EUS: S-ornfu# ,+sander4 true, he hath m+ #o&e, And %hat is mine m+ #o&e sha## render him And she is mine, and a## m+ right of her 6 do estate unto Demetrius L)SAN&ER: 6 am, m+ #ord, as %e## deri&ed as he, As %e## /ossess'd0 m+ #o&e is more than his0 M+ fortunes e&er+ %a+ as fair#+ ran!'d, 6f not %ith &antage, as Demetrius'0 And, %hi-h is more than a## these "oasts -an "e, 6 am "e#o&ed of "eauteous Hermia: 8h+ shou#d not 6 then /rose-ute m+ right9 Demetrius, 6'## a&ou-h it to his head, Made #o&e to Nedar's daughter, He#ena, And %on her sou#0 and she, s%eet #ad+, dotes, De&out#+ dotes, dotes in ido#atr+, </on this s/otted and in-onstant man THESEUS: 6 must -onfess that 6 ha&e heard so mu-h, And %ith Demetrius thought to ha&e s/o!e thereof0 7ut, "eing o&er2fu## of se#f2affairs, M+ mind did #ose it 7ut, Demetrius, -ome0 And -ome, Egeus0 +ou sha## go %ith me, 6 ha&e some /ri&ate s-hoo#ing for +ou "oth For +ou, fair Hermia, #oo! +ou arm +ourse#f To fit +our fan-ies to +our father's %i##0 'r e#se the #a% of Athens +ie#ds +ou u/ 8hi-h "+ no means %e ma+ e:tenuate To death, or to a &o% of sing#e #ife Come, m+ Hi//o#+ta: %hat -heer, m+ #o&e9 Demetrius and Egeus, go a#ong: 6 must em/#o+ +ou in some "usiness Against our nu/tia# and -onfer %ith +ou 'f something near#+ that -on-erns +ourse#&es

E*EUS: 8ith dut+ and desire %e fo##o% +ou E!e&nt all '&t LYSA$%ER an HER#IA L)SAN&ER: Ho% no%, m+ #o&e4 %h+ is +our -hee! so /a#e9 Ho% -han-e the roses there do fade so fast9 HER#(A: 7e#i!e for %ant of rain, %hi-h 6 -ou#d %e## 7eteem them from the tem/est of m+ e+es L)SAN&ER: A+ me4 for aught that 6 -ou#d e&er read, Cou#d e&er hear "+ ta#e or histor+, The -ourse of true #o&e ne&er did run smooth0 7ut, either it %as different in "#ood, HER#(A: ' -ross4 too high to "e enthra##'d to #o% L)SAN&ER: 'r e#se misgraffed in res/e-t of +ears, HER#(A: ' s/ite4 too o#d to "e engaged to +oung L)SAN&ER: 'r e#se it stood u/on the -hoi-e of friends, HER#(A: ' he##4 to -hoose #o&e "+ another's e+es L)SAN&ER: 'r, if there %ere a s+m/ath+ in -hoi-e, 8ar, death, or si-!ness did #a+ siege to it, Ma!ing it momentan+ as a sound, S%ift as a shado%, short as an+ dream0 7rief as the #ightning in the -o##ied night, That, in a s/#een, unfo#ds "oth hea&en and earth, And ere a man hath /o%er to sa+ '7eho#d4' The 3a%s of dar!ness do de&our it u/: So 5ui-! "right things -ome to -onfusion HER#(A: 6f then true #o&ers ha&e "een e&er -ross'd, 6t stands as an edi-t in destin+: Then #et us tea-h our tria# /atien-e,

7e-ause it is a -ustomar+ -ross, As due to #o&e as thoughts and dreams and sighs, 8ishes and tears, /oor fan-+'s fo##o%ers L)SAN&ER: A good /ersuasion: therefore, hear me, Hermia 6 ha&e a %ido% aunt, a do%ager 'f great re&enue, and she hath no -hi#d: From Athens is her house remote se&en #eagues0 And she res/e-ts me as her on#+ son There, gent#e Hermia, ma+ 6 marr+ thee0 And to that /#a-e the shar/ Athenian #a% Cannot /ursue us 6f thou #o&est me then, Stea# forth th+ father's house to2morro% night0 And in the %ood, a #eague %ithout the to%n, 8here 6 did meet thee on-e %ith He#ena, To do o"ser&an-e to a morn of Ma+, There %i## 6 sta+ for thee HER#(A: M+ good ,+sander4 6 s%ear to thee, "+ Cu/id's strongest "o%, 7+ his "est arro% %ith the go#den head, 7+ the sim/#i-it+ of =enus' do&es, 7+ that %hi-h !nitteth sou#s and /ros/ers #o&es, And "+ that fire %hi-h "urn'd the Carthage 5ueen, 8hen the fa#se Tro+an under sai# %as seen, 7+ a## the &o%s that e&er men ha&e "ro!e, 6n num"er more than e&er %omen s/o!e, 6n that same /#a-e thou hast a//ointed me, To2morro% tru#+ %i## 6 meet %ith thee L)SAN&ER: Kee/ /romise, #o&e ,oo!, here -omes He#ena Enter HELE$A HER#(A: $od s/eed fair He#ena4 %hither a%a+9 HELENA: Ca## +ou me fair9 that fair again unsa+ Demetrius #o&es +our fair: ' ha//+ fair4 ;our e+es are #ode2stars0 and +our tongue's s%eet air

More tunea"#e than #ar! to she/herd's ear, 8hen %heat is green, %hen ha%thorn "uds a//ear Si-!ness is -at-hing: ', %ere fa&our so, ;ours %ou#d 6 -at-h, fair Hermia, ere 6 go0 M+ ear shou#d -at-h +our &oi-e, m+ e+e +our e+e, M+ tongue shou#d -at-h +our tongue's s%eet me#od+ 8ere the %or#d mine, Demetrius "eing "ated, The rest 6'd gi&e to "e to +ou trans#ated ', tea-h me ho% +ou #oo!, and %ith %hat art ;ou s%a+ the motion of Demetrius' heart HER#(A: 6 fro%n u/on him, +et he #o&es me sti## HELENA: ' that +our fro%ns %ou#d tea-h m+ smi#es su-h s!i##4 HER#(A: 6 gi&e him -urses, +et he gi&es me #o&e HELENA: ' that m+ /ra+ers -ou#d su-h affe-tion mo&e4 HER#(A: The more 6 hate, the more he fo##o%s me HELENA: The more 6 #o&e, the more he hateth me HER#(A: His fo##+, He#ena, is no fau#t of mine HELENA: None, "ut +our "eaut+: %ou#d that fau#t %ere mine4 HER#(A: Ta!e -omfort: he no more sha## see m+ fa-e0 ,+sander and m+se#f %i## f#+ this /#a-e 7efore the time 6 did ,+sander see, Seem'd Athens as a /aradise to me: ', then, %hat gra-es in m+ #o&e do d%e##, That he hath turn'd a hea&en unto a he##4 L)SAN&ER: He#en, to +ou our minds %e %i## unfo#d: To2morro% night, %hen 1hoe"e doth "eho#d Her si#&er &isage in the %ater+ g#ass, De-!ing %ith #i5uid /ear# the "#aded grass, A time that #o&ers' f#ights doth sti## -on-ea#, Through Athens' gates ha&e %e de&ised to stea#

HER#(A: And in the %ood, %here often +ou and 6 </on faint /rimrose2"eds %ere %ont to #ie, Em/t+ing our "osoms of their -ounse# s%eet, There m+ ,+sander and m+se#f sha## meet0 And then-e from Athens turn a%a+ our e+es, To see! ne% friends and stranger -om/anies Fare%e##, s%eet /#a+fe##o%: /ra+ thou for us0 And good #u-! grant thee th+ Demetrius4 Kee/ %ord, ,+sander: %e must star&e our sight From #o&ers' food ti## morro% dee/ midnight L)SAN&ER: 6 %i##, m+ Hermia E!it HER#IA He#ena, adieu: As +ou on him, Demetrius dote on +ou4 E!it HELENA: Ho% ha//+ some o'er other some -an "e4 Through Athens 6 am thought as fair as she 7ut %hat of that9 Demetrius thin!s not so0 He %i## not !no% %hat a## "ut he do !no%: And as he errs, doting on Hermia's e+es, So 6, admiring of his 5ua#ities: Things "ase and &i#e, fo#ding no 5uantit+, ,o&e -an trans/ose to form and dignit+: ,o&e #oo!s not %ith the e+es, "ut %ith the mind0 And therefore is %ing'd Cu/id /ainted "#ind: Nor hath ,o&e's mind of an+ 3udgement taste0 8ings and no e+es figure unheed+ haste: And therefore is ,o&e said to "e a -hi#d, 7e-ause in -hoi-e he is so oft "egui#ed As %aggish "o+s in game themse#&es fors%ear, So the "o+ ,o&e is /er3ured e&er+ %here: For ere Demetrius #oo!'d on Hermia's e+ne, He hai#'d do%n oaths that he %as on#+ mine0

And %hen this hai# some heat from Hermia fe#t, So he disso#&ed, and sho%ers of oaths did me#t 6 %i## go te## him of fair Hermia's f#ight: Then to the %ood %i## he to2morro% night 1ursue her0 and for this inte##igen-e 6f 6 ha&e than!s, it is a dear e:/ense: 7ut herein mean 6 to enri-h m+ /ain, To ha&e his sight thither and "a-! again E!it Scene II. Athens. (UI$)E*S ho&se. Enter (UI$)E, S$U", +OTTO#, ,LUTE, S$OUT, an STAR-ELI$" /U(NCE: 6s a## our -om/an+ here9 0OTTO#: ;ou %ere "est to -a## them genera##+, man "+ man, a--ording to the s-ri/ /U(NCE: Here is the s-ro## of e&er+ man's name, %hi-h is thought fit, through a## Athens, to /#a+ in our inter#ude "efore the du!e and the du-hess, on his %edding2da+ at night 0OTTO#: First, good 1eter Quin-e, sa+ %hat the /#a+ treats on, then read the names of the a-tors, and so gro% to a /oint /U(NCE: Marr+, our /#a+ is, The most #amenta"#e -omed+, and most -rue# death of 1+ramus and This"+ 0OTTO#: A &er+ good /ie-e of %or!, 6 assure +ou, and a merr+ No%, good 1eter Quin-e, -a## forth +our a-tors "+ the s-ro## Masters, s/read +ourse#&es /U(NCE: Ans%er as 6 -a## +ou Ni-! 7ottom, the %ea&er 0OTTO#: Read+ Name %hat /art 6 am for, and /ro-eed /U(NCE:

;ou, Ni-! 7ottom, are set do%n for 1+ramus 0OTTO#: 8hat is 1+ramus9 a #o&er, or a t+rant9 /U(NCE: A #o&er, that !i##s himse#f most ga##ant for #o&e 0OTTO#: That %i## as! some tears in the true /erforming of it: if 6 do it, #et the audien-e #oo! to their e+es0 6 %i## mo&e storms, 6 %i## -ondo#e in some measure To the rest: +et m+ -hief humour is for a t+rant: 6 -ou#d /#a+ Er-#es rare#+, or a /art to tear a -at in, to ma!e a## s/#it The raging ro-!s And shi&ering sho-!s Sha## "rea! the #o-!s 'f /rison gates0 And 1hi""us' -ar Sha## shine from far And ma!e and mar The foo#ish Fates This %as #oft+4 No% name the rest of the /#a+ers This is Er-#es' &ein, a t+rant's &ein0 a #o&er is more -ondo#ing /U(NCE: Fran-is F#ute, the "e##o%s2mender FLUTE: Here, 1eter Quin-e /U(NCE: F#ute, +ou must ta!e This"+ on +ou FLUTE: 8hat is This"+9 a %andering !night9 /U(NCE: 6t is the #ad+ that 1+ramus must #o&e FLUTE: Na+, faith, #et me not /#a+ a %oman0 6 ha&e a "eard -oming /U(NCE: That's a## one: +ou sha## /#a+ it in a mas!, and +ou ma+ s/ea! as sma## as +ou %i## 0OTTO#: An 6 ma+ hide m+ fa-e, #et me /#a+ This"+ too, 6'##

s/ea! in a monstrous #itt#e &oi-e 'Thisne, Thisne0' 'Ah, 1+ramus, #o&er dear4 th+ This"+ dear, and #ad+ dear4' /U(NCE: No, no0 +ou must /#a+ 1+ramus: and, F#ute, +ou This"+ 0OTTO#: 8e##, /ro-eed /U(NCE: Ro"in Star&e#ing, the tai#or STAR2EL(N*: Here, 1eter Quin-e /U(NCE: Ro"in Star&e#ing, +ou must /#a+ This"+'s mother Tom Snout, the tin!er SNOUT: Here, 1eter Quin-e /U(NCE: ;ou, 1+ramus' father: m+se#f, This"+'s father: Snug, the 3oiner0 +ou, the #ion's /art: and, 6 ho/e, here is a /#a+ fitted SNU*: Ha&e +ou the #ion's /art %ritten9 /ra+ +ou, if it "e, gi&e it me, for 6 am s#o% of stud+ /U(NCE: ;ou ma+ do it e:tem/ore, for it is nothing "ut roaring 0OTTO#: ,et me /#a+ the #ion too: 6 %i## roar, that 6 %i## do an+ man's heart good to hear me0 6 %i## roar, that 6 %i## ma!e the du!e sa+ ',et him roar again, #et him roar again ' /U(NCE: An +ou shou#d do it too terri"#+, +ou %ou#d fright the du-hess and the #adies, that the+ %ou#d shrie!0 and that %ere enough to hang us a## ALL: That %ou#d hang us, e&er+ mother's son 0OTTO#: 6 grant +ou, friends, if that +ou shou#d fright the #adies out of their %its, the+ %ou#d ha&e no more dis-retion "ut to hang us: "ut 6 %i## aggra&ate m+

&oi-e so that 6 %i## roar +ou as gent#+ as an+ su-!ing do&e0 6 %i## roar +ou an 't%ere an+ nightinga#e /U(NCE: ;ou -an /#a+ no /art "ut 1+ramus0 for 1+ramus is a s%eet2fa-ed man0 a /ro/er man, as one sha## see in a summer's da+0 a most #o&e#+ gent#eman2#i!e man: therefore +ou must needs /#a+ 1+ramus 0OTTO#: 8e##, 6 %i## underta!e it 8hat "eard %ere 6 "est to /#a+ it in9 /U(NCE: 8h+, %hat +ou %i## 0OTTO#: 6 %i## dis-harge it in either +our stra%2-o#our "eard, +our orange2ta%n+ "eard, +our /ur/#e2in2grain "eard, or +our Fren-h2-ro%n2-o#our "eard, +our /erfe-t +e##o% /U(NCE: Some of +our Fren-h -ro%ns ha&e no hair at a##, and then +ou %i## /#a+ "are2fa-ed 7ut, masters, here are +our /arts: and 6 am to entreat +ou, re5uest +ou and desire +ou, to -on them "+ to2morro% night0 and meet me in the /a#a-e %ood, a mi#e %ithout the to%n, "+ moon#ight0 there %i## %e rehearse, for if %e meet in the -it+, %e sha## "e dogged %ith -om/an+, and our de&i-es !no%n 6n the meantime 6 %i## dra% a "i## of /ro/erties, su-h as our /#a+ %ants 6 /ra+ +ou, fai# me not 0OTTO#: 8e %i## meet0 and there %e ma+ rehearse most o"s-ene#+ and -ourageous#+ Ta!e /ains0 "e /erfe-t: adieu /U(NCE: At the du!e's oa! %e meet 0OTTO#: Enough0 ho#d or -ut "o%2strings E!e&nt ACT 3

Scene I. A .oo near Athens. Enter, from opposite si es, a ,air/, an PU)0 PUC4: Ho% no%, s/irit4 %hither %ander +ou9 Fairy: '&er hi##, o&er da#e, Thorough "ush, thorough "rier, '&er /ar!, o&er /a#e, Thorough f#ood, thorough fire, 6 do %ander e&er+%here, S%ifter than the moon's s/here0 And 6 ser&e the fair+ 5ueen, To de% her or"s u/on the green The -o%s#i/s ta## her /ensioners "e: 6n their go#d -oats s/ots +ou see0 Those "e ru"ies, fair+ fa&ours, 6n those fre-!#es #i&e their sa&ours: 6 must go see! some de%dro/s here And hang a /ear# in e&er+ -o%s#i/'s ear Fare%e##, thou #o" of s/irits0 6'## "e gone: 'ur 5ueen and a## our e#&es -ome here anon PUC4: The !ing doth !ee/ his re&e#s here to2night: Ta!e heed the 5ueen -ome not %ithin his sight0 For '"eron is /assing fe## and %rath, 7e-ause that she as her attendant hath A #o&e#+ "o+, sto#en from an 6ndian !ing0 She ne&er had so s%eet a -hange#ing0 And 3ea#ous '"eron %ou#d ha&e the -hi#d Knight of his train, to tra-e the forests %i#d0 7ut she /erfor-e %ithho#ds the #o&ed "o+, Cro%ns him %ith f#o%ers and ma!es him a## her 3o+: And no% the+ ne&er meet in gro&e or green, 7+ fountain -#ear, or s/ang#ed star#ight sheen, 7ut, the+ do s5uare, that a## their e#&es for fear Cree/ into a-orn2-u/s and hide them there Fairy: Either 6 mista!e +our sha/e and ma!ing 5uite,

'r e#se +ou are that shre%d and !na&ish s/rite Ca##'d Ro"in $oodfe##o%: are not +ou he That frights the maidens of the &i##ager+0 S!im mi#!, and sometimes #a"our in the 5uern And "oot#ess ma!e the "reath#ess house%ife -hurn0 And sometime ma!e the drin! to "ear no "arm0 Mis#ead night2%anderers, #aughing at their harm9 Those that Ho"go"#in -a## +ou and s%eet 1u-!, ;ou do their %or!, and the+ sha## ha&e good #u-!: Are not +ou he9 PUC4: Thou s/ea!'st aright0 6 am that merr+ %anderer of the night 6 3est to '"eron and ma!e him smi#e 8hen 6 a fat and "ean2fed horse "egui#e, Neighing in #i!eness of a fi##+ foa#: And sometime #ur! 6 in a gossi/'s "o%#, 6n &er+ #i!eness of a roasted -ra", And %hen she drin!s, against her #i/s 6 "o" And on her %ither'd de%#a/ /our the a#e The %isest aunt, te##ing the saddest ta#e, Sometime for three2foot stoo# mista!eth me0 Then s#i/ 6 from her "um, do%n to//#es she, And 'tai#or' -ries, and fa##s into a -ough0 And then the %ho#e 5uire ho#d their hi/s and #augh, And %a:en in their mirth and nee.e and s%ear A merrier hour %as ne&er %asted there 7ut, room, fair+4 here -omes '"eron Fairy: And here m+ mistress 8ou#d that he %ere gone4 Enter, from one si e, O+ERO$, .ith his train1 from the other, TITA$IA, .ith hers O0ERON: 6## met "+ moon#ight, /roud Titania T(TAN(A: 8hat, 3ea#ous '"eron4 Fairies, s!i/ hen-e: 6 ha&e fors%orn his "ed and -om/an+ O0ERON:

Tarr+, rash %anton: am not 6 th+ #ord9 T(TAN(A: Then 6 must "e th+ #ad+: "ut 6 !no% 8hen thou hast sto#en a%a+ from fair+ #and, And in the sha/e of Corin sat a## da+, 1#a+ing on /i/es of -orn and &ersing #o&e To amorous 1hi##ida 8h+ art thou here, Come from the farthest Ste//e of 6ndia9 7ut that, forsooth, the "oun-ing Ama.on, ;our "us!in'd mistress and +our %arrior #o&e, To Theseus must "e %edded, and +ou -ome To gi&e their "ed 3o+ and /ros/erit+ O0ERON: Ho% -anst thou thus for shame, Titania, $#an-e at m+ -redit %ith Hi//o#+ta, Kno%ing 6 !no% th+ #o&e to Theseus9 Didst thou not #ead him through the g#immering night From 1erigenia, %hom he ra&ished9 And ma!e him %ith fair AEg#e "rea! his faith, 8ith Ariadne and Antio/a9 T(TAN(A: These are the forgeries of 3ea#ous+: And ne&er, sin-e the midd#e summer's s/ring, Met %e on hi##, in da#e, forest or mead, 7+ /a&ed fountain or "+ rush+ "roo!, 'r in the "ea-hed margent of the sea, To dan-e our ring#ets to the %hist#ing %ind, 7ut %ith th+ "ra%#s thou hast distur"'d our s/ort Therefore the %inds, /i/ing to us in &ain, As in re&enge, ha&e su-!'d u/ from the sea Contagious fogs0 %hi-h fa##ing in the #and Ha&e e&er+ /e#ting ri&er made so /roud That the+ ha&e o&er"orne their -ontinents: The o: hath therefore stret-h'd his +o!e in &ain, The /#oughman #ost his s%eat, and the green -orn Hath rotted ere his +outh attain'd a "eard0 The fo#d stands em/t+ in the dro%ned fie#d, And -ro%s are fatted %ith the murrion f#o-!0 The nine men's morris is fi##'d u/ %ith mud, And the 5uaint in the %anton green

For #a-! of tread are undistinguisha"#e: The human morta#s %ant their %inter here0 No night is no% %ith h+mn or -aro# "#est: Therefore the moon, the go&erness of f#oods, 1a#e in her anger, %ashes a## the air, That rheumati- diseases do a"ound: And thorough this distem/erature %e see The seasons a#ter: hoar+2headed frosts Far in the fresh #a/ of the -rimson rose, And on o#d Hiems' thin and i-+ -ro%n An odorous -ha/#et of s%eet summer "uds 6s, as in mo-!er+, set: the s/ring, the summer, The -hi#ding autumn, angr+ %inter, -hange Their %onted #i&eries, and the ma.ed %or#d, 7+ their in-rease, no% !no%s not %hi-h is %hi-h: And this same /rogen+ of e&i#s -omes From our de"ate, from our dissension0 8e are their /arents and origina# O0ERON: Do +ou amend it then0 it #ies in +ou: 8h+ shou#d Titania -ross her '"eron9 6 do "ut "eg a #itt#e -hange#ing "o+, To "e m+ hen-hman T(TAN(A: Set +our heart at rest: The fair+ #and "u+s not the -hi#d of me His mother %as a &otaress of m+ order: And, in the s/i-ed 6ndian air, "+ night, Fu## often hath she gossi/'d "+ m+ side, And sat %ith me on Ne/tune's +e##o% sands, Mar!ing the em"ar!ed traders on the f#ood, 8hen %e ha&e #augh'd to see the sai#s -on-ei&e And gro% "ig2"e##ied %ith the %anton %ind0 8hi-h she, %ith /rett+ and %ith s%imming gait Fo##o%ing, her %om" then ri-h %ith m+ +oung s5uire, 8ou#d imitate, and sai# u/on the #and, To fet-h me trif#es, and return again, As from a &o+age, ri-h %ith mer-handise 7ut she, "eing morta#, of that "o+ did die0 And for her sa!e do 6 rear u/ her "o+,

And for her sa!e 6 %i## not /art %ith him O0ERON: Ho% #ong %ithin this %ood intend +ou sta+9 T(TAN(A: 1er-han-e ti## after Theseus' %edding2da+ 6f +ou %i## /atient#+ dan-e in our round And see our moon#ight re&e#s, go %ith us0 6f not, shun me, and 6 %i## s/are +our haunts O0ERON: $i&e me that "o+, and 6 %i## go %ith thee T(TAN(A: Not for th+ fair+ !ingdom Fairies, a%a+4 8e sha## -hide do%nright, if 6 #onger sta+ E!it TITA$IA .ith her train O0ERON: 8e##, go th+ %a+: thou sha#t not from this gro&e Ti## 6 torment thee for this in3ur+ M+ gent#e 1u-!, -ome hither Thou remem"erest Sin-e on-e 6 sat u/on a /romontor+, And heard a mermaid on a do#/hin's "a-! <ttering su-h du#-et and harmonious "reath That the rude sea gre% -i&i# at her song And -ertain stars shot mad#+ from their s/heres, To hear the sea2maid's musiPUC4: 6 remem"er O0ERON: That &er+ time 6 sa%, "ut thou -ou#dst not, F#+ing "et%een the -o#d moon and the earth, Cu/id a## arm'd: a -ertain aim he too! At a fair &esta# throned "+ the %est, And #oosed his #o&e2shaft smart#+ from his "o%, As it shou#d /ier-e a hundred thousand hearts0 7ut 6 might see +oung Cu/id's fier+ shaft Quen-h'd in the -haste "eams of the %ater+ moon, And the im/eria# &otaress /assed on, 6n maiden meditation, fan-+2free ;et mar!'d 6 %here the "o#t of Cu/id fe##:

6t fe## u/on a #itt#e %estern f#o%er, 7efore mi#!2%hite, no% /ur/#e %ith #o&e's %ound, And maidens -a## it #o&e2in2id#eness Fet-h me that f#o%er0 the her" 6 she%'d thee on-e: The 3ui-e of it on s#ee/ing e+e2#ids #aid 8i## ma!e or man or %oman mad#+ dote </on the ne:t #i&e -reature that it sees Fet-h me this her"0 and "e thou here again Ere the #e&iathan -an s%im a #eague PUC4: 6'## /ut a gird#e round a"out the earth 6n fort+ minutes E!it O0ERON: Ha&ing on-e this 3ui-e, 6'## %at-h Titania %hen she is as#ee/, And dro/ the #i5uor of it in her e+es The ne:t thing then she %a!ing #oo!s u/on, 7e it on #ion, "ear, or %o#f, or "u##, 'n medd#ing mon!e+, or on "us+ a/e, She sha## /ursue it %ith the sou# of #o&e: And ere 6 ta!e this -harm from off her sight, As 6 -an ta!e it %ith another her", 6'## ma!e her render u/ her /age to me 7ut %ho -omes here9 6 am in&isi"#e0 And 6 %i## o&erhear their -onferen-e Enter %E#ETRIUS, HELE$A, follo.in2 him &E#ETR(US: 6 #o&e thee not, therefore /ursue me not 8here is ,+sander and fair Hermia9 The one 6'## s#a+, the other s#a+eth me Thou to#d'st me the+ %ere sto#en unto this %ood0 And here am 6, and %ode %ithin this %ood, 7e-ause 6 -annot meet m+ Hermia Hen-e, get thee gone, and fo##o% me no more HELENA:

;ou dra% me, +ou hard2hearted adamant0 7ut +et +ou dra% not iron, for m+ heart 6s true as stee#: #ea&e +ou +our /o%er to dra%, And 6 sha## ha&e no /o%er to fo##o% +ou &E#ETR(US: Do 6 enti-e +ou9 do 6 s/ea! +ou fair9 'r, rather, do 6 not in /#ainest truth Te## +ou, 6 do not, nor 6 -annot #o&e +ou9 HELENA: And e&en for that do 6 #o&e +ou the more 6 am +our s/anie#0 and, Demetrius, The more +ou "eat me, 6 %i## fa%n on +ou: <se me "ut as +our s/anie#, s/urn me, stri!e me, Neg#e-t me, #ose me0 on#+ gi&e me #ea&e, <n%orth+ as 6 am, to fo##o% +ou 8hat %orser /#a-e -an 6 "eg in +our #o&e, And +et a /#a-e of high res/e-t %ith me, Than to "e used as +ou use +our dog9 &E#ETR(US: Tem/t not too mu-h the hatred of m+ s/irit0 For 6 am si-! %hen 6 do #oo! on thee HELENA: And 6 am si-! %hen 6 #oo! not on +ou &E#ETR(US: ;ou do im/ea-h +our modest+ too mu-h, To #ea&e the -it+ and -ommit +ourse#f 6nto the hands of one that #o&es +ou not0 To trust the o//ortunit+ of night And the i## -ounse# of a desert /#a-e 8ith the ri-h %orth of +our &irginit+ HELENA: ;our &irtue is m+ /ri&i#ege: for that 6t is not night %hen 6 do see +our fa-e, Therefore 6 thin! 6 am not in the night0 Nor doth this %ood #a-! %or#ds of -om/an+, For +ou in m+ res/e-t are a## the %or#d: Then ho% -an it "e said 6 am a#one, 8hen a## the %or#d is here to #oo! on me9 &E#ETR(US: 6'## run from thee and hide me in the "ra!es,

And #ea&e thee to the mer-+ of %i#d "easts HELENA: The %i#dest hath not su-h a heart as +ou Run %hen +ou %i##, the stor+ sha## "e -hanged: A/o##o f#ies, and Da/hne ho#ds the -hase0 The do&e /ursues the griffin0 the mi#d hind Ma!es s/eed to -at-h the tiger0 "oot#ess s/eed, 8hen -o%ardi-e /ursues and &a#our f#ies &E#ETR(US: 6 %i## not sta+ th+ 5uestions0 #et me go: 'r, if thou fo##o% me, do not "e#ie&e 7ut 6 sha## do thee mis-hief in the %ood HELENA: A+, in the tem/#e, in the to%n, the fie#d, ;ou do me mis-hief Fie, Demetrius4 ;our %rongs do set a s-anda# on m+ se:: 8e -annot fight for #o&e, as men ma+ do0 8e shou#d "e %ood and %ere not made to %oo E!it %E#ETRIUS 6'## fo##o% thee and ma!e a hea&en of he##, To die u/on the hand 6 #o&e so %e## E!it O0ERON: Fare thee %e##, n+m/h: ere he do #ea&e this gro&e, Thou sha#t f#+ him and he sha## see! th+ #o&e Re2enter 1<CK Hast thou the f#o%er there9 8e#-ome, %anderer PUC4: A+, there it is O0ERON: 6 /ra+ thee, gi&e it me 6 !no% a "an! %here the %i#d th+me "#o%s, 8here o:#i/s and the nodding &io#et gro%s, Quite o&er2-ano/ied %ith #us-ious %ood"ine,

8ith s%eet mus!2roses and %ith eg#antine: There s#ee/s Titania sometime of the night, ,u##'d in these f#o%ers %ith dan-es and de#ight0 And there the sna!e thro%s her ename##'d s!in, 8eed %ide enough to %ra/ a fair+ in: And %ith the 3ui-e of this 6'## strea! her e+es, And ma!e her fu## of hatefu# fantasies Ta!e thou some of it, and see! through this gro&e: A s%eet Athenian #ad+ is in #o&e 8ith a disdainfu# +outh: anoint his e+es0 7ut do it %hen the ne:t thing he es/ies Ma+ "e the #ad+: thou sha#t !no% the man 7+ the Athenian garments he hath on Effe-t it %ith some -are, that he ma+ /ro&e More fond on her than she u/on her #o&e: And #oo! thou meet me ere the first -o-! -ro% PUC4: Fear not, m+ #ord, +our ser&ant sha## do so E:eunt Scene ((5 Another /art of the %ood Enter T6TAN6A, %ith her train T(TAN(A: Come, no% a rounde# and a fair+ song0 Then, for the third /art of a minute, hen-e0 Some to !i## -an!ers in the mus!2rose "uds, Some %ar %ith rere2mi-e for their #eathern %ings, To ma!e m+ sma## e#&es -oats, and some !ee/ "a-! The -#amorous o%# that night#+ hoots and %onders At our 5uaint s/irits Sing me no% as#ee/0 Then to +our offi-es and #et me rest The Fairies sing ;ou s/otted sna!es %ith dou"#e tongue, Thorn+ hedgehogs, "e not seen0 Ne%ts and "#ind2%orms, do no %rong, Come not near our fair+ 5ueen

1hi#ome#, %ith me#od+ Sing in our s%eet #u##a"+0 ,u##a, #u##a, #u##a"+, #u##a, #u##a, #u##a"+: Ne&er harm, Nor s/e## nor -harm, Come our #o&e#+ #ad+ nigh0 So, good night, %ith #u##a"+ 8ea&ing s/iders, -ome not here0 Hen-e, +ou #ong2#egg'd s/inners, hen-e4 7eet#es "#a-!, a//roa-h not near0 8orm nor snai#, do no offen-e 1hi#ome#, %ith me#od+, > Fair+: Hen-e, a%a+4 no% a## is %e##: 'ne a#oof stand sentine# E:eunt Fairies T6TAN6A s#ee/s Enter '7ER'N and the f#o%er on T6TAN6A's e+e#ids '7ER'N: 8hat thou seest %hen thou dost %a!e, Do it for th+ true2#o&e ta!e, ,o&e and #anguish for his sa!e: 7e it oun-e, or -at, or "ear, 1ard, or "oar %ith "rist#ed hair, 6n th+ e+e that sha## a//ear 8hen thou %a!est, it is th+ dear: 8a!e %hen some &i#e thing is near E:it Enter ,;SANDER and HERM6A L)SAN&ER: Fair #o&e, +ou faint %ith %andering in the %ood0 And to s/ea! troth, 6 ha&e forgot our %a+: 8e'## rest us, Hermia, if +ou thin! it good, And tarr+ for the -omfort of the da+ HER#(A: 7e it so, ,+sander: find +ou out a "ed0 For 6 u/on this "an! %i## rest m+ head

L)SAN&ER: 'ne turf sha## ser&e as /i##o% for us "oth0 'ne heart, one "ed, t%o "osoms and one troth HER#(A: Na+, good ,+sander0 for m+ sa!e, m+ dear, ,ie further off +et, do not #ie so near L)SAN&ER: ', ta!e the sense, s%eet, of m+ inno-en-e4 ,o&e ta!es the meaning in #o&e's -onferen-e 6 mean, that m+ heart unto +ours is !nit So that "ut one heart %e -an ma!e of it0 T%o "osoms inter-hained %ith an oath0 So then t%o "osoms and a sing#e troth Then "+ +our side no "ed2room me den+0 For #+ing so, Hermia, 6 do not #ie HER#(A: ,+sander ridd#es &er+ /retti#+: No% mu-h "eshre% m+ manners and m+ /ride, 6f Hermia meant to sa+ ,+sander #ied 7ut, gent#e friend, for #o&e and -ourtes+ ,ie further off0 in human modest+, Su-h se/aration as ma+ %e## "e said 7e-omes a &irtuous "a-he#or and a maid, So far "e distant0 and, good night, s%eet friend: Th+ #o&e ne'er a#ter ti## th+ s%eet #ife end4 L)SAN&ER: Amen, amen, to that fair /ra+er, sa+ 60 And then end #ife %hen 6 end #o+a#t+4 Here is m+ "ed: s#ee/ gi&e thee a## his rest4 HER#(A: 8ith ha#f that %ish the %isher's e+es "e /ress'd4 The+ s#ee/ Enter 1<CK PUC4: Through the forest ha&e 6 gone 7ut Athenian found 6 none, 'n %hose e+es 6 might a//ro&e This f#o%er's for-e in stirring #o&e

Night and si#en-e 8ho is here9 8eeds of Athens he doth %ear: This is he, m+ master said, Des/ised the Athenian maid0 And here the maiden, s#ee/ing sound, 'n the dan! and dirt+ ground 1rett+ sou#4 she durst not #ie Near this #a-!2#o&e, this !i##2-ourtes+ Chur#, u/on th+ e+es 6 thro% A## the /o%er this -harm doth o%e 8hen thou %a!est, #et #o&e for"id S#ee/ his seat on th+ e+e#id: So a%a!e %hen 6 am gone0 For 6 must no% to '"eron E:it Enter DEMETR6<S and HE,ENA, running HELENA: Sta+, though thou !i## me, s%eet Demetrius &E#ETR(US: 6 -harge thee, hen-e, and do not haunt me thus HELENA: ', %i#t thou dar!#ing #ea&e me9 do not so &E#ETR(US: Sta+, on th+ /eri#: 6 a#one %i## go E:it HELENA: ', 6 am out of "reath in this fond -hase4 The more m+ /ra+er, the #esser is m+ gra-e Ha//+ is Hermia, %heresoe'er she #ies0 For she hath "#essed and attra-ti&e e+es Ho% -ame her e+es so "right9 Not %ith sa#t tears: 6f so, m+ e+es are oftener %ash'd than hers No, no, 6 am as ug#+ as a "ear0 For "easts that meet me run a%a+ for fear: Therefore no mar&e# though Demetrius Do, as a monster f#+ m+ /resen-e thus

8hat %i-!ed and dissem"#ing g#ass of mine Made me -om/are %ith Hermia's s/her+ e+ne9 7ut %ho is here9 ,+sander4 on the ground4 Dead9 or as#ee/9 6 see no "#ood, no %ound ,+sander if +ou #i&e, good sir, a%a!e L)SAN&ER: ?A%a!ing@ And run through fire 6 %i## for th+ s%eet sa!e Trans/arent He#ena4 Nature sho%s art, That through th+ "osom ma!es me see th+ heart 8here is Demetrius9 ', ho% fit a %ord 6s that &i#e name to /erish on m+ s%ord4 HELENA: Do not sa+ so, ,+sander0 sa+ not so 8hat though he #o&e +our Hermia9 ,ord, %hat though9 ;et Hermia sti## #o&es +ou: then "e -ontent L)SAN&ER: Content %ith Hermia4 No0 6 do re/ent The tedious minutes 6 %ith her ha&e s/ent Not Hermia "ut He#ena 6 #o&e: 8ho %i## not -hange a ra&en for a do&e9 The %i## of man is "+ his reason s%a+'d0 And reason sa+s +ou are the %orthier maid Things gro%ing are not ri/e unti# their season So 6, "eing +oung, ti## no% ri/e not to reason0 And tou-hing no% the /oint of human s!i##, Reason "e-omes the marsha# to m+ %i## And #eads me to +our e+es, %here 6 o'er#oo! ,o&e's stories %ritten in #o&e's ri-hest "oo! HELENA: 8herefore %as 6 to this !een mo-!er+ "orn9 8hen at +our hands did 6 deser&e this s-orn9 6s't not enough, is't not enough, +oung man, That 6 did ne&er, no, nor ne&er -an, Deser&e a s%eet #oo! from Demetrius' e+e, 7ut +ou must f#out m+ insuffi-ien-+9 $ood troth, +ou do me %rong, good sooth, +ou do, 6n su-h disdainfu# manner me to %oo 7ut fare +ou %e##: /erfor-e 6 must -onfess 6 thought +ou #ord of more true gent#eness ', that a #ad+, of one man refused

Shou#d of another therefore "e a"used4 E:it L)SAN&ER: She sees not Hermia Hermia, s#ee/ thou there: And ne&er ma+st thou -ome ,+sander near4 For as a surfeit of the s%eetest things The dee/est #oathing to the stoma-h "rings, 'r as tie heresies that men do #ea&e Are hated most of those the+ did de-ei&e, So thou, m+ surfeit and m+ heres+, 'f a## "e hated, "ut the most of me4 And, a## m+ /o%ers, address +our #o&e and might To honour He#en and to "e her !night4 E:it HER#(A: ?A%a!ing@ He#/ me, ,+sander, he#/ me4 do th+ "est To /#u-! this -ra%#ing ser/ent from m+ "reast4 A+ me, for /it+4 %hat a dream %as here4 ,+sander, #oo! ho% 6 do 5ua!e %ith fear: Methought a ser/ent eat m+ heart a%a+, And +ou sat smi#ing at his -rue# /ra+ ,+sander4 %hat, remo&ed9 ,+sander4 #ord4 8hat, out of hearing9 gone9 no sound, no %ord9 A#a-!, %here are +ou s/ea!, an if +ou hear0 S/ea!, of a## #o&es4 6 s%oon a#most %ith fear No9 then 6 %e## /er-ei&e +ou a## not nigh Either death or +ou 6'## find immediate#+ E:it ACT 6 Scene (5 The %ood T6TAN6A #+ing as#ee/ Enter Q<6NCE, SN<$, 7'TT'M, F,<TE, SN'<T, and STAR=E,6N$ 0OTTO#:

Are %e a## met9 /U(NCE: 1at, /at0 and here's a mar&e##ous -on&enient /#a-e for our rehearsa# This green /#ot sha## "e our stage, this ha%thorn2"ra!e our tiring2house0 and %e %i## do it in a-tion as %e %i## do it "efore the du!e 0OTTO#: 1eter Quin-e, /U(NCE: 8hat sa+est thou, "u##+ 7ottom9 0OTTO#: There are things in this -omed+ of 1+ramus and This"+ that %i## ne&er /#ease First, 1+ramus must dra% a s%ord to !i## himse#f0 %hi-h the #adies -annot a"ide Ho% ans%er +ou that9 SNOUT: 7+'r #a!in, a /ar#ous fear STAR2EL(N*: 6 "e#ie&e %e must #ea&e the !i##ing out, %hen a## is done 0OTTO#: Not a %hit: 6 ha&e a de&i-e to ma!e a## %e## 8rite me a /ro#ogue0 and #et the /ro#ogue seem to sa+, %e %i## do no harm %ith our s%ords, and that 1+ramus is not !i##ed indeed0 and, for the more "etter assuran-e, te## them that 6, 1+ramus, am not 1+ramus, "ut 7ottom the %ea&er: this %i## /ut them out of fear /U(NCE: 8e##, %e %i## ha&e su-h a /ro#ogue0 and it sha## "e %ritten in eight and si: 0OTTO#: No, ma!e it t%o more0 #et it "e %ritten in eight and eight SNOUT: 8i## not the #adies "e afeard of the #ion9 STAR2EL(N*: 6 fear it, 6 /romise +ou 0OTTO#: Masters, +ou ought to -onsider %ith +ourse#&es: to "ring in $od shie#d us4 a #ion among #adies, is a most dreadfu# thing0 for there is not a more fearfu#

%i#d2fo%# than +our #ion #i&ing0 and %e ought to #oo! to 't SNOUT: Therefore another /ro#ogue must te## he is not a #ion 0OTTO#: Na+, +ou must name his name, and ha#f his fa-e must "e seen through the #ion's ne-!: and he himse#f must s/ea! through, sa+ing thus, or to the same defe-t, ',adies,' or 'Fair2#adies 6 %ou#d %ish ;ou,' or '6 %ou#d re5uest +ou,' or '6 %ou#d entreat +ou, not to fear, not to trem"#e: m+ #ife for +ours 6f +ou thin! 6 -ome hither as a #ion, it %ere /it+ of m+ #ife: no 6 am no su-h thing0 6 am a man as other men are0' and there indeed #et him name his name, and te## them /#ain#+ he is Snug the 3oiner /U(NCE: 8e## it sha## "e so 7ut there is t%o hard things0 that is, to "ring the moon#ight into a -ham"er0 for, +ou !no%, 1+ramus and This"+ meet "+ moon#ight SNOUT: Doth the moon shine that night %e /#a+ our /#a+9 0OTTO#: A -a#endar, a -a#endar4 #oo! in the a#mana-0 find out moonshine, find out moonshine /U(NCE: ;es, it doth shine that night 0OTTO#: 8h+, then ma+ +ou #ea&e a -asement of the great -ham"er %indo%, %here %e /#a+, o/en, and the moon ma+ shine in at the -asement /U(NCE: A+0 or e#se one must -ome in %ith a "ush of thorns and a #anthorn, and sa+ he -omes to disfigure, or to /resent, the /erson of Moonshine Then, there is another thing: %e must ha&e a %a## in the great -ham"er0 for 1+ramus and This"+ sa+s the stor+, did ta#! through the -hin! of a %a## SNOUT: ;ou -an ne&er "ring in a %a## 8hat sa+ +ou, 7ottom9 0OTTO#:

Some man or other must /resent 8a##: and #et him ha&e some /#aster, or some #oam, or some rough2-ast a"out him, to signif+ %a##0 and #et him ho#d his fingers thus, and through that -rann+ sha## 1+ramus and This"+ %his/er /U(NCE: 6f that ma+ "e, then a## is %e## Come, sit do%n, e&er+ mother's son, and rehearse +our /arts 1+ramus, +ou "egin: %hen +ou ha&e s/o!en +our s/ee-h, enter into that "ra!e: and so e&er+ one a--ording to his -ue Enter 1<CK "ehind PUC4: 8hat hem/en home2s/uns ha&e %e s%aggering here, So near the -rad#e of the fair+ 5ueen9 8hat, a /#a+ to%ard4 6'## "e an auditor0 An a-tor too, /erha/s, if 6 see -ause /U(NCE: S/ea!, 1+ramus This"+, stand forth 0OTTO#: This"+, the f#o%ers of odious sa&ours s%eet, /U(NCE: 'dours, odours 0OTTO#: odours sa&ours s%eet: So hath th+ "reath, m+ dearest This"+ dear 7ut har!, a &oi-e4 sta+ thou "ut here a%hi#e, And "+ and "+ 6 %i## to thee a//ear E:it PUC4: A stranger 1+ramus than e'er /#a+ed here E:it FLUTE: Must 6 s/ea! no%9

/U(NCE: A+, marr+, must +ou0 for +ou must understand he goes "ut to see a noise that he heard, and is to -ome again FLUTE: Most radiant 1+ramus, most #i#+2%hite of hue, 'f -o#our #i!e the red rose on trium/hant "rier, Most "ris!+ 3u&ena# and e!e most #o&e#+ Ae%, As true as truest horse that +et %ou#d ne&er tire, 6'## meet thee, 1+ramus, at Ninn+'s tom" /U(NCE: 'Ninus' tom",' man: %h+, +ou must not s/ea! that +et0 that +ou ans%er to 1+ramus: +ou s/ea! a## +our /art at on-e, -ues and a## 1+ramus enter: +our -ue is /ast0 it is, 'ne&er tire ' FLUTE: ', As true as truest horse, that +et %ou#d ne&er tire Re2enter 1<CK, and 7'TT'M %ith an ass's head 0OTTO#: 6f 6 %ere fair, This"+, 6 %ere on#+ thine /U(NCE: ' monstrous4 ' strange4 %e are haunted 1ra+, masters4 f#+, masters4 He#/4 E:eunt Q<6NCE, SN<$, F,<TE, SN'<T, and STAR=E,6N$ PUC4: 6'## fo##o% +ou, 6'## #ead +ou a"out a round, Through "og, through "ush, through "ra!e, through "rier: Sometime a horse 6'## "e, sometime a hound, A hog, a head#ess "ear, sometime a fire0 And neigh, and "ar!, and grunt, and roar, and "urn, ,i!e horse, hound, hog, "ear, fire, at e&er+ turn E:it 0OTTO#: 8h+ do the+ run a%a+9 this is a !na&er+ of them to

ma!e me afeard Re2enter SN'<T SNOUT: ' 7ottom, thou art -hanged4 %hat do 6 see on thee9 0OTTO#: 8hat do +ou see9 +ou see an asshead of +our o%n, do +ou9 E:it SN'<T Re2enter Q<6NCE /U(NCE: 7#ess thee, 7ottom4 "#ess thee4 thou art trans#ated E:it 0OTTO#: 6 see their !na&er+: this is to ma!e an ass of me0 to fright me, if the+ -ou#d 7ut 6 %i## not stir from this /#a-e, do %hat the+ -an: 6 %i## %a#! u/ and do%n here, and 6 %i## sing, that the+ sha## hear 6 am not afraid Sings The ouse# -o-! so "#a-! of hue, 8ith orange2ta%n+ "i##, The throst#e %ith his note so true, The %ren %ith #itt#e 5ui##, T(TAN(A: ?A%a!ing@ 8hat ange# %a!es me from m+ f#o%er+ "ed9 0OTTO#: ?Sings@ The fin-h, the s/arro% and the #ar!, The /#ain2song -u-!oo gra+, 8hose note fu## man+ a man doth mar!, And dares not ans%er na+0 for, indeed, %ho %ou#d set his %it to so foo#ish a "ird9 %ho %ou#d gi&e a "ird the #ie, though he -r+

'-u-!oo' ne&er so9 T(TAN(A: 6 /ra+ thee, gent#e morta#, sing again: Mine ear is mu-h enamour'd of th+ note0 So is mine e+e enthra##ed to th+ sha/e0 And th+ fair &irtue's for-e /erfor-e doth mo&e me 'n the first &ie% to sa+, to s%ear, 6 #o&e thee 0OTTO#: Methin!s, mistress, +ou shou#d ha&e #itt#e reason for that: and +et, to sa+ the truth, reason and #o&e !ee/ #itt#e -om/an+ together no%2a2da+s0 the more the /it+ that some honest neigh"ours %i## not ma!e them friends Na+, 6 -an g#ee! u/on o--asion T(TAN(A: Thou art as %ise as thou art "eautifu# 0OTTO#: Not so, neither: "ut if 6 had %it enough to get out of this %ood, 6 ha&e enough to ser&e mine o%n turn T(TAN(A: 'ut of this %ood do not desire to go: Thou sha#t remain here, %hether thou %i#t or no 6 am a s/irit of no -ommon rate0 The summer sti## doth tend u/on m+ state0 And 6 do #o&e thee: therefore, go %ith me0 6'## gi&e thee fairies to attend on thee, And the+ sha## fet-h thee 3e%e#s from the dee/, And sing %hi#e thou on /ressed f#o%ers dost s#ee/0 And 6 %i## /urge th+ morta# grossness so That thou sha#t #i!e an air+ s/irit go 1ease"#ossom4 Co"%e"4 Moth4 and Mustardseed4 Enter 1EASE7,'SS'M, C'78E7, M'TH, and M<STARDSEED PEASE0LOSSO#: Read+ CO0'E0: And 6 #OTH: And 6 M<STARDSEED:

And 6 ALL: 8here sha## %e go9 T(TAN(A: 7e !ind and -ourteous to this gent#eman0 Ho/ in his %a#!s and gam"o# in his e+es0 Feed him %ith a/ri-o-!s and de%"erries, 8ith /ur/#e gra/es, green figs, and mu#"erries0 The hone+2"ags stea# from the hum"#e2"ees, And for night2ta/ers -ro/ their %a:en thighs And #ight them at the fier+ g#o%2%orm's e+es, To ha&e m+ #o&e to "ed and to arise0 And /#u-! the %ings from 1ainted "utterf#ies To fan the moon"eams from his s#ee/ing e+es: Nod to him, e#&es, and do him -ourtesies PEASE0LOSSO#: Hai#, morta#4 CO0'E0: Hai#4 #OTH: Hai#4 #USTAR&SEE&: Hai#4 0OTTO#: 6 -r+ +our %orshi/'s mer-+, hearti#+: 6 "esee-h +our %orshi/'s name CO0'E0: Co"%e" 0OTTO#: 6 sha## desire +ou of more a-5uaintan-e, good Master Co"%e": if 6 -ut m+ finger, 6 sha## ma!e "o#d %ith +ou ;our name, honest gent#eman9 PEASE0LOSSO#: 1ease"#ossom 0OTTO#: 6 /ra+ +ou, -ommend me to Mistress S5uash, +our mother, and to Master 1eas-od, +our father $ood Master 1ease"#ossom, 6 sha## desire +ou of more a-5uaintan-e too ;our name, 6 "esee-h +ou, sir9 #USTAR&SEE&:

Mustardseed 0OTTO#: $ood Master Mustardseed, 6 !no% +our /atien-e %e##: that same -o%ard#+, giant2#i!e o:2"eef hath de&oured man+ a gent#eman of +our house: 6 /romise +ou +our !indred had made m+ e+es %ater ere no% 6 desire +our more a-5uaintan-e, good Master Mustardseed T(TAN(A: Come, %ait u/on him0 #ead him to m+ "o%er The moon methin!s #oo!s %ith a %ater+ e+e0 And %hen she %ee/s, %ee/s e&er+ #itt#e f#o%er, ,amenting some enfor-ed -hastit+ Tie u/ m+ #o&e's tongue "ring him si#ent#+ E:eunt ACT 6 Scene (( Another /art of the %ood Enter '7ER'N '7ER'N: 6 %onder if Titania "e a%a!ed0 Then, %hat it %as that ne:t -ame in her e+e, 8hi-h she must dote on in e:tremit+ Enter PU)0 Here -omes m+ messenger Ho% no%, mad s/irit4 8hat night2ru#e no% a"out this haunted gro&e9 1<CK: M+ mistress %ith a monster is in #o&e Near to her -#ose and -onse-rated "o%er, 8hi#e she %as in her du## and s#ee/ing hour, A -re% of /at-hes, rude me-hani-a#s, That %or! for "read u/on Athenian sta##s, 8ere met together to rehearse a /#a+ 6ntended for great Theseus' nu/tia#2da+ The sha##o%est thi-!2s!in of that "arren sort,

8ho 1+ramus /resented, in their s/ort Forsoo! his s-ene and enter'd in a "ra!e 8hen 6 did him at this ad&antage ta!e, An ass's no#e 6 fi:ed on his head: Anon his This"e must "e ans%ered, And forth m+ mimi- -omes 8hen the+ him s/+, As %i#d geese that the -ree/ing fo%#er e+e, 'r russet2/ated -houghs, man+ in sort, Rising and -a%ing at the gun's re/ort, Se&er themse#&es and mad#+ s%ee/ the s!+, So, at his sight, a%a+ his fe##o%s f#+0 And, at our stam/, here o'er and o'er one fa##s0 He murder -ries and he#/ from Athens -a##s Their sense thus %ea!, #ost %ith their fears thus strong, Made sense#ess things "egin to do them %rong0 For "riers and thorns at their a//are# snat-h0 Some s#ee&es, some hats, from +ie#ders a## things -at-h 6 #ed them on in this distra-ted fear, And #eft s%eet 1+ramus trans#ated there: 8hen in that moment, so it -ame to /ass, Titania %a!ed and straight%a+ #o&ed an ass '7ER'N: This fa##s out "etter than 6 -ou#d de&ise 7ut hast thou +et #at-h'd the Athenian's e+es 8ith the #o&e23ui-e, as 6 did "id thee do9 1<CK: 6 too! him s#ee/ing, that is finish'd too, And the Athenian %oman "+ his side: That, %hen he %a!ed, of for-e she must "e e+ed Enter HER#IA an %E#ETRIUS '7ER'N: Stand -#ose: this is the same Athenian 1<CK: This is the %oman, "ut not this the man DEMETR6<S: ', %h+ re"u!e +ou him that #o&es +ou so9

,a+ "reath so "itter on +our "itter foe HERM6A: No% 6 "ut -hide0 "ut 6 shou#d use thee %orse, For thou, 6 fear, hast gi&en me -ause to -urse, 6f thou hast s#ain ,+sander in his s#ee/, 7eing o'er shoes in "#ood, /#unge in the dee/, And !i## me too The sun %as not so true unto the da+ As he to me: %ou#d he ha&e sto#en a%a+ From s#ee/ing Hermia9 6'## "e#ie&e as soon This %ho#e earth ma+ "e "ored and that the moon Ma+ through the -entre -ree/ and so dis/#ease Her "rother's noontide %ith Anti/odes 6t -annot "e "ut thou hast murder'd him0 So shou#d a murderer #oo!, so dead, so grim DEMETR6<S: So shou#d the murder'd #oo!, and so shou#d 6, 1ier-ed through the heart %ith +our stern -rue#t+: ;et +ou, the murderer, #oo! as "right, as -#ear, As +onder =enus in her g#immering s/here HERM6A: 8hat's this to m+ ,+sander9 %here is he9 Ah, good Demetrius, %i#t thou gi&e him me9 DEMETR6<S: 6 had rather gi&e his -ar-ass to m+ hounds HERM6A: 'ut, dog4 out, -ur4 thou dri&est me /ast the "ounds 'f maiden's /atien-e Hast thou s#ain him, then9 Hen-eforth "e ne&er num"er'd among men4 ', on-e te## true, te## true, e&en for m+ sa!e4 Durst thou ha&e #oo!'d u/on him "eing a%a!e, And hast thou !i##'d him s#ee/ing9 ' "ra&e tou-h4 Cou#d not a %orm, an adder, do so mu-h9 An adder did it0 for %ith dou"#er tongue Than thine, thou ser/ent, ne&er adder stung DEMETR6<S: ;ou s/end +our /assion on a mis/rised mood: 6 am not gui#t+ of ,+sander's "#ood0 Nor is he dead, for aught that 6 -an te## HERM6A:

6 /ra+ thee, te## me then that he is %e## DEMETR6<S: An if 6 -ou#d, %hat shou#d 6 get therefore9 HERM6A: A /ri&i#ege ne&er to see me more And from th+ hated /resen-e /art 6 so: See me no more, %hether he "e dead or no E!it DEMETR6<S: There is no fo##o%ing her in this fier-e &ein: Here therefore for a %hi#e 6 %i## remain So sorro%'s hea&iness doth hea&ier gro% For de"t that "an!ru/t s#ee/ doth sorro% o%e: 8hi-h no% in some s#ight measure it %i## /a+, 6f for his tender here 6 ma!e some sta+ Lies o.n an sleeps '7ER'N: 8hat hast thou done9 thou hast mista!en 5uite And #aid the #o&e23ui-e on some true2#o&e's sight: 'f th+ mis/rision must /erfor-e ensue Some true #o&e turn'd and not a fa#se turn'd true 1<CK: Then fate o'er2ru#es, that, one man ho#ding troth, A mi##ion fai#, -onfounding oath on oath '7ER'N: A"out the %ood go s%ifter than the %ind, And He#ena of Athens #oo! thou find: A## fan-+2si-! she is and /a#e of -heer, 8ith sighs of #o&e, that -osts the fresh "#ood dear: 7+ some i##usion see thou "ring her here: 6'## -harm his e+es against she do a//ear 1<CK: 6 go, 6 go0 #oo! ho% 6 go, S%ifter than arro% from the Tartar's "o%

E!it '7ER'N: F#o%er of this /ur/#e d+e, Hit %ith Cu/id's ar-her+, Sin! in a//#e of his e+e 8hen his #o&e he doth es/+, ,et her shine as g#orious#+ As the =enus of the s!+ 8hen thou %a!est, if she "e "+, 7eg of her for remed+ Re3enter PU)0 1<CK: Ca/tain of our fair+ "and, He#ena is here at hand0 And the +outh, mistoo! "+ me, 1#eading for a #o&er's fee Sha## %e their fond /ageant see9 ,ord, %hat foo#s these morta#s "e4 '7ER'N: Stand aside: the noise the+ ma!e 8i## -ause Demetrius to a%a!e 1<CK: Then %i## t%o at on-e %oo one0 That must needs "e s/ort a#one0 And those things do "est /#ease me That "efa# /re/osterous#+ Enter LYSA$%ER an HELE$A ,;SANDER: 8h+ shou#d +ou thin! that 6 shou#d %oo in s-orn9 S-orn and derision ne&er -ome in tears: ,oo!, %hen 6 &o%, 6 %ee/0 and &o%s so "orn, 6n their nati&it+ a## truth a//ears Ho% -an these things in me seem s-orn to +ou, 7earing the "adge of faith, to /ro&e them true9 HE,ENA:

;ou do ad&an-e +our -unning more and more 8hen truth !i##s truth, ' de&i#ish2ho#+ fra+4 These &o%s are Hermia's: %i## +ou gi&e her o'er9 8eigh oath %ith oath, and +ou %i## nothing %eigh: ;our &o%s to her and me, /ut in t%o s-a#es, 8i## e&en %eigh, and "oth as #ight as ta#es ,;SANDER: 6 had no 3udgment %hen to her 6 s%ore HERM6A: Nor none, in m+ mind, no% +ou gi&e her o'er ,;SANDER: Demetrius #o&es her, and he #o&es not +ou DEMETR6<S: ?A.akin2@ ' He#ena, goddess, n+m/h, /erfe-t, di&ine4 To %hat, m+ #o&e, sha## 6 -om/are thine e+ne9 Cr+sta# is mudd+ ', ho% ri/e in sho% Th+ #i/s, those !issing -herries, tem/ting gro%4 That /ure -ongea#ed %hite, high Taurus sno%, Fann'd %ith the eastern %ind, turns to a -ro% 8hen thou ho#d'st u/ th+ hand: ', #et me !iss This /rin-ess of /ure %hite, this sea# of "#iss4 HERM6A: ' s/ite4 ' he##4 6 see +ou a## are "ent To set against me for +our merriment: 6f +ou %e re -i&i# and !ne% -ourtes+, ;ou %ou#d not do me thus mu-h in3ur+ Can +ou not hate me, as 6 !no% +ou do, 7ut +ou must 3oin in sou#s to mo-! me too9 6f +ou %ere men, as men +ou are in sho%, ;ou %ou#d not use a gent#e #ad+ so0 To &o%, and s%ear, and su/er/raise m+ /arts, 8hen 6 am sure +ou hate me %ith +our hearts ;ou "oth are ri&a#s, and #o&e Hermia0 And no% "oth ri&a#s, to mo-! He#ena: A trim e:/#oit, a man#+ enter/rise, To -on3ure tears u/ in a /oor maid's e+es 8ith +our derision4 none of no"#e sort 8ou#d so offend a &irgin, and e:tort A /oor sou#'s /atien-e, a## to ma!e +ou s/ort ,;SANDER:

;ou are un!ind, Demetrius0 "e not so0 For +ou #o&e Hermia0 this +ou !no% 6 !no%: And here, %ith a## good %i##, %ith a## m+ heart, 6n Hermia's #o&e 6 +ie#d +ou u/ m+ /art0 And +ours of He#ena to me "e5ueath, 8hom 6 do #o&e and %i## do ti## m+ death HERM6A: Ne&er did mo-!ers %aste more id#e "reath DEMETR6<S: ,+sander, !ee/ th+ Hermia0 6 %i## none: 6f e'er 6 #o&ed her, a## that #o&e is gone M+ heart to her "ut as guest2%ise so3ourn'd, And no% to He#en is it home return'd, There to remain ,;SANDER: He#en, it is not so DEMETR6<S: Dis/arage not the faith thou dost not !no%, ,est, to th+ /eri#, thou a"+ it dear ,oo!, %here th+ #o&e -omes0 +onder is th+ dear Re3enter HER#IA HERM6A: Dar! night, that from the e+e his fun-tion ta!es, The ear more 5ui-! of a//rehension ma!es0 8herein it doth im/air the seeing sense, 6t /a+s the hearing dou"#e re-om/ense Thou art not "+ mine e+e, ,+sander, found0 Mine ear, 6 than! it, "rought me to th+ sound 7ut %h+ un!ind#+ didst thou #ea&e me so9 ,;SANDER: 8h+ shou#d he sta+, %hom #o&e doth /ress to go9 HERM6A: 8hat #o&e -ou#d /ress ,+sander from m+ side9 ,;SANDER: ,+sander's #o&e, that %ou#d not #et him "ide, Fair He#ena, %ho more engi#ds the night Than a## +ou fier+ oes and e+es of #ight 8h+ see!'st thou me9 -ou#d not this ma!e thee !no%,

The hate 6 "ear thee made me #ea&e thee so9 HERM6A: ;ou s/ea! not as +ou thin!: it -annot "e HERM6A: ,o, she is one of this -onfedera-+4 No% 6 /er-ei&e the+ ha&e -on3oin'd a## three To fashion this fa#se s/ort, in s/ite of me 6n3urious Hermia4 most ungratefu# maid4 Ha&e +ou -ons/ired, ha&e +ou %ith these -ontri&ed To "ait me %ith this fou# derision9 6s a## the -ounse# that %e t%o ha&e shared, The sisters' &o%s, the hours that %e ha&e s/ent, 8hen %e ha&e -hid the hast+2footed time For /arting us, ', is it a## forgot9 A## s-hoo#2da+s' friendshi/, -hi#dhood inno-en-e9 8e, Hermia, #i!e t%o artifi-ia# gods, Ha&e %ith our need#es -reated "oth one f#o%er, 7oth on one sam/#er, sitting on one -ushion, 7oth %ar"#ing of one song, "oth in one !e+, As if our hands, our sides, &oi-es and minds, Had "een in-or/orate So %e gro% together, ,i!e to a dou"#e -herr+, seeming /arted, 7ut +et an union in /artition0 T%o #o&e#+ "erries mou#ded on one stem0 So, %ith t%o seeming "odies, "ut one heart0 T%o of the first, #i!e -oats in hera#dr+, Due "ut to one and -ro%ned %ith one -rest And %i## +ou rent our an-ient #o&e asunder, To 3oin %ith men in s-orning +our /oor friend9 6t is not friend#+, 'tis not maiden#+: 'ur se:, as %e## as 6, ma+ -hide +ou for it, Though 6 a#one do fee# the in3ur+ HERM6A: 6 am ama.ed at +our /assionate %ords 6 s-orn +ou not: it seems that +ou s-orn me HERM6A: Ha&e +ou not set ,+sander, as in s-orn, To fo##o% me and /raise m+ e+es and fa-e9 And made +our other #o&e, Demetrius, 8ho e&en "ut no% did s/urn me %ith his foot,

To -a## me goddess, n+m/h, di&ine and rare, 1re-ious, -e#estia#9 8herefore s/ea!s he this To her he hates9 and %herefore doth ,+sander Den+ +our #o&e, so ri-h %ithin his sou#, And tender me, forsooth, affe-tion, 7ut "+ +our setting on, "+ +our -onsent9 8hat thought 6 "e not so in gra-e as +ou, So hung u/on %ith #o&e, so fortunate, 7ut misera"#e most, to #o&e un#o&ed9 This +ou shou#d /it+ rather than des/ise HERM6A: 6 understand not %hat +ou mean "+ this HERM6A: A+, do, /erse&er, -ounterfeit sad #oo!s, Ma!e mouths u/on me %hen 6 turn m+ "a-!0 8in! ea-h at other0 ho#d the s%eet 3est u/: This s/ort, %e## -arried, sha## "e -hroni-#ed 6f +ou ha&e an+ /it+, gra-e, or manners, ;ou %ou#d not ma!e me su-h an argument 7ut fare +e %e##: 'tis /art#+ m+ o%n fau#t0 8hi-h death or a"sen-e soon sha## remed+ ,;SANDER: Sta+, gent#e He#ena0 hear m+ e:-use: M+ #o&e, m+ #ife m+ sou#, fair He#ena4 HERM6A: ' e:-e##ent4 HERM6A: S%eet, do not s-orn her so DEMETR6<S: 6f she -annot entreat, 6 -an -om/e# ,;SANDER: Thou -anst -om/e# no more than she entreat: Th+ threats ha&e no more strength than her %ea! /ra+ers He#en, 6 #o&e thee0 "+ m+ #ife, 6 do: 6 s%ear "+ that %hi-h 6 %i## #ose for thee, To /ro&e him fa#se that sa+s 6 #o&e thee not DEMETR6<S: 6 sa+ 6 #o&e thee more than he -an do ,;SANDER: 6f thou sa+ so, %ithdra%, and /ro&e it too

DEMETR6<S: Qui-!, -ome4 HERM6A: ,+sander, %hereto tends a## this9 ,;SANDER: A%a+, +ou Ethio/e4 DEMETR6<S: No, no0 he'## ? @ Seem to "rea! #oose0 ta!e on as +ou %ou#d fo##o%, 7ut +et -ome not: +ou are a tame man, go4 ,;SANDER: Hang off, thou -at, thou "urr4 &i#e thing, #et #oose, 'r 6 %i## sha!e thee from me #i!e a ser/ent4 HERM6A: 8h+ are +ou gro%n so rude9 %hat -hange is this9 S%eet #o&e, ,;SANDER: Th+ #o&e4 out, ta%n+ Tartar, out4 'ut, #oathed medi-ine4 hated /otion, hen-e4 HERM6A: Do +ou not 3est9 HERM6A: ;es, sooth0 and so do +ou ,;SANDER: Demetrius, 6 %i## !ee/ m+ %ord %ith thee DEMETR6<S: 6 %ou#d 6 had +our "ond, for 6 /er-ei&e A %ea! "ond ho#ds +ou: 6'## not trust +our %ord ,;SANDER: 8hat, shou#d 6 hurt her, stri!e her, !i## her dead9 A#though 6 hate her, 6'## not harm her so HERM6A: 8hat, -an +ou do me greater harm than hate9 Hate me4 %herefore9 ' me4 %hat ne%s, m+ #o&e4 Am not 6 Hermia9 are not +ou ,+sander9 6 am as fair no% as 6 %as ere%hi#e Sin-e night +ou #o&ed me0 +et sin-e night +ou #eft me: 8h+, then +ou #eft me ', the gods for"id4 6n earnest, sha## 6 sa+9

,;SANDER: A+, "+ m+ #ife0 And ne&er did desire to see thee more Therefore "e out of ho/e, of 5uestion, of dou"t0 7e -ertain, nothing truer0 'tis no 3est That 6 do hate thee and #o&e He#ena HERM6A: ' me4 +ou 3ugg#er4 +ou -an!er2"#ossom4 ;ou thief of #o&e4 %hat, ha&e +ou -ome "+ night And sto#en m+ #o&e's heart from him9 HERM6A: Fine, i'faith4 Ha&e +ou no modest+, no maiden shame, No tou-h of "ashfu#ness9 8hat, %i## +ou tear 6m/atient ans%ers from m+ gent#e tongue9 Fie, fie4 +ou -ounterfeit, +ou /u//et, +ou4 HERM6A: 1u//et9 %h+ so9 a+, that %a+ goes the game No% 6 /er-ei&e that she hath made -om/are 7et%een our statures0 she hath urged her height0 And %ith her /ersonage, her ta## /ersonage, Her height, forsooth, she hath /re&ai#'d %ith him And are +ou gro%n so high in his esteem0 7e-ause 6 am so d%arfish and so #o%9 Ho% #o% am 6, thou /ainted ma+/o#e9 s/ea!0 Ho% #o% am 69 6 am not +et so #o% 7ut that m+ nai#s -an rea-h unto thine e+es HERM6A: 6 /ra+ +ou, though +ou mo-! me, gent#emen, ,et her not hurt me: 6 %as ne&er -urst0 6 ha&e no gift at a## in shre%ishness0 6 am a right maid for m+ -o%ardi-e: ,et her not stri!e me ;ou /erha/s ma+ thin!, 7e-ause she is something #o%er than m+se#f, That 6 -an mat-h her HERM6A: ,o%er4 har!, again HERM6A: $ood Hermia, do not "e so "itter %ith me 6 e&ermore did #o&e +ou, Hermia,

Did e&er !ee/ +our -ounse#s, ne&er %rong'd +ou0 Sa&e that, in #o&e unto Demetrius, 6 to#d him of +our stea#th unto this %ood He fo##o%'d +ou0 for #o&e 6 fo##o%'d him0 7ut he hath -hid me hen-e and threaten'd me To stri!e me, s/urn me, na+, to !i## me too: And no%, so +ou %i## #et me 5uiet go, To Athens %i## 6 "ear m+ fo##+ "a-! And fo##o% +ou no further: #et me go: ;ou see ho% sim/#e and ho% fond 6 am HERM6A: 8h+, get +ou gone: %ho is't that hinders +ou9 HERM6A: A foo#ish heart, that 6 #ea&e here "ehind HERM6A: 8hat, %ith ,+sander9 HERM6A: 8ith Demetrius ,;SANDER: 7e not afraid0 she sha## not harm thee, He#ena DEMETR6<S: No, sir, she sha## not, though +ou ta!e her /art HERM6A: ', %hen she's angr+, she is !een and shre%d4 She %as a &i:en %hen she %ent to s-hoo#0 And though she "e "ut #itt#e, she is fier-e HERM6A: ',itt#e' again4 nothing "ut '#o%' and '#itt#e'4 8h+ %i## +ou suffer her to f#out me thus9 ,et me -ome to her ,;SANDER: $et +ou gone, +ou d%arf0 ;ou minimus, of hindering !not2grass made0 ;ou "ead, +ou a-orn DEMETR6<S: ;ou are too offi-ious 6n her "eha#f that s-orns +our ser&i-es ,et her a#one: s/ea! not of He#ena0 Ta!e not her /art0 for, if thou dost intend Ne&er so #itt#e sho% of #o&e to her,

Thou sha#t a"+ it ,;SANDER: No% she ho#ds me not0 No% fo##o%, if thou darest, to tr+ %hose right, 'f thine or mine, is most in He#ena DEMETR6<S: Fo##o%4 na+, 6'## go %ith thee, -hee! "+ 3o#e E!e&nt LYSA$%ER an %E#ETRIUS HERM6A: ;ou, mistress, a## this -oi# is '#ong of +ou: Na+, go not "a-! HERM6A: 6 %i## not trust +ou, 6, Nor #onger sta+ in +our -urst -om/an+ ;our hands than mine are 5ui-!er for a fra+, M+ #egs are #onger though, to run a%a+ E!it HERM6A: 6 am ama.ed, and !no% not %hat to sa+ E!it '7ER'N: This is th+ neg#igen-e: sti## thou mista!est, 'r e#se -ommitt'st th+ !na&eries %i#fu##+ 1<CK: 7e#ie&e me, !ing of shado%s, 6 mistoo! Did not +ou te## me 6 shou#d !no% the man 7+ the Athenian garment "e had on9 And so far "#ame#ess /ro&es m+ enter/rise, That 6 ha&e 'nointed an Athenian's e+es0 And so far am 6 g#ad it so did sort As this their 3ang#ing 6 esteem a s/ort '7ER'N: Thou see'st these #o&ers see! a /#a-e to fight: Hie therefore, Ro"in, o&er-ast the night0

The starr+ %e#!in -o&er thou anon 8ith droo/ing fog as "#a-! as A-heron, And #ead these test+ ri&a#s so astra+ As one -ome not %ithin another's %a+ ,i!e to ,+sander sometime frame th+ tongue, Then stir Demetrius u/ %ith "itter %rong0 And sometime rai# thou #i!e Demetrius0 And from ea-h other #oo! thou #ead them thus, Ti## o'er their "ro%s death2-ounterfeiting s#ee/ 8ith #eaden #egs and "att+ %ings doth -ree/: Then -rush this her" into ,+sander's e+e0 8hose #i5uor hath this &irtuous /ro/ert+, To ta!e from then-e a## error %ith his might, And ma!e his e+e"a##s ro## %ith %onted sight 8hen the+ ne:t %a!e, a## this derision Sha## seem a dream and fruit#ess &ision, And "a-! to Athens sha## the #o&ers %end, 8ith #eague %hose date ti## death sha## ne&er end 8hi#es 6 in this affair do thee em/#o+, 6'## to m+ 5ueen and "eg her 6ndian "o+0 And then 6 %i## her -harmed e+e re#ease From monster's &ie%, and a## things sha## "e /ea-e 1<CK: M+ fair+ #ord, this must "e done %ith haste, For night's s%ift dragons -ut the -#ouds fu## fast, And +onder shines Aurora's har"inger0 At %hose a//roa-h, ghosts, %andering here and there, Troo/ home to -hur-h+ards: damned s/irits a##, That in -ross%a+s and f#oods ha&e "uria#, A#read+ to their %orm+ "eds are gone0 For fear #est da+ shou#d #oo! their shames u/on, The+ %i##fu##+ themse#&es e:i#e from #ight And must for a+e -onsort %ith "#a-!2"ro%'d night '7ER'N: 7ut %e are s/irits of another sort: 6 %ith the morning's #o&e ha&e oft made s/ort, And, #i!e a forester, the gro&es ma+ tread, E&en ti## the eastern gate, a## fier+2red, '/ening on Ne/tune %ith fair "#essed "eams, Turns into +e##o% go#d his sa#t green streams

7ut, not%ithstanding, haste0 ma!e no de#a+: 8e ma+ effe-t this "usiness +et ere da+ E!it 1<CK: </ and do%n, u/ and do%n, 6 %i## #ead them u/ and do%n: 6 am fear'd in fie#d and to%n: $o"#in, #ead them u/ and do%n Here -omes one Re3enter LYSA$%ER ,;SANDER: 8here art thou, /roud Demetrius9 s/ea! thou no% 1<CK: Here, &i##ain0 dra%n and read+ 8here art thou9 ,;SANDER: 6 %i## "e %ith thee straight 1<CK: Fo##o% me, then, To /#ainer ground E!it LYSA$%ER, as follo.in2 the 4oice Re3enter %E#ETRIUS DEMETR6<S: ,+sander4 s/ea! again: Thou runa%a+, thou -o%ard, art thou f#ed9 S/ea!4 6n some "ush9 8here dost thou hide th+ head9 1<CK: Thou -o%ard, art thou "ragging to the stars, Te##ing the "ushes that thou #oo!'st for %ars, And %i#t not -ome9 Come, re-reant0 -ome, thou -hi#d0 6'## %hi/ thee %ith a rod: he is defi#ed That dra%s a s%ord on thee DEMETR6<S: ;ea, art thou there9 1<CK:

Fo##o% m+ &oi-e: %e'## tr+ no manhood here E!e&nt Re3enter LYSA$%ER ,;SANDER: He goes "efore me and sti## dares me on: 8hen 6 -ome %here he -a##s, then he is gone The &i##ain is mu-h #ighter2hee#'d than 6: 6 fo##o%'d fast, "ut faster he did f#+0 That fa##en am 6 in dar! une&en %a+, And here %i## rest me Lies o.n Come, thou gent#e da+4 For if "ut on-e thou sho% me th+ gre+ #ight, 6'## find Demetrius and re&enge this s/ite Sleeps Re3enter PU)0 an %E#ETRIUS 1<CK: Ho, ho, ho4 Co%ard, %h+ -omest thou not9 DEMETR6<S: A"ide me, if thou darest0 for %e## 6 %ot Thou runn'st "efore me, shifting e&er+ /#a-e, And darest not stand, nor #oo! me in the fa-e 8here art thou no%9 1<CK: Come hither: 6 am here DEMETR6<S: Na+, then, thou mo-!'st me Thou sha#t "u+ this dear, 6f e&er 6 th+ fa-e "+ da+#ight see: No%, go th+ %a+ Faintness -onstraineth me To measure out m+ #ength on this -o#d "ed 7+ da+'s a//roa-h #oo! to "e &isited Lies o.n an sleeps

Re3enter HELE$A HE,ENA: ' %ear+ night, ' #ong and tedious night, A"ate th+ hour4 Shine -omforts from the east, That 6 ma+ "a-! to Athens "+ da+#ight, From these that m+ /oor -om/an+ detest: And s#ee/, that sometimes shuts u/ sorro%'s e+e, Stea# me a%hi#e from mine o%n -om/an+ Lies o.n an sleeps 1<CK: ;et "ut three9 Come one more0 T%o of "oth !inds ma!e u/ four Here she -omes, -urst and sad: Cu/id is a !na&ish #ad, Thus to ma!e /oor fema#es mad Re3enter HER#IA HERM6A: Ne&er so %ear+, ne&er so in %oe, 7eda""#ed %ith the de% and torn %ith "riers, 6 -an no further -ra%#, no further go0 M+ #egs -an !ee/ no /a-e %ith m+ desires Here %i## 6 rest me ti## the "rea! of da+ Hea&ens shie#d ,+sander, if the+ mean a fra+4 Lies o.n an sleeps 1<CK: 'n the ground S#ee/ sound: 6'## a//#+ To +our e+e, $ent#e #o&er, remed+ S5&ee6in2 the 7&ice on LYSA$%ER*s e/es

8hen thou %a!est, Thou ta!est True de#ight 6n the sight 'f th+ former #ad+'s e+e: And the -ountr+ /ro&er" !no%n, That e&er+ man shou#d ta!e his o%n, 6n +our %a!ing sha## "e sho%n: Aa-! sha## ha&e Ai##0 Nought sha## go i##0 The man sha## ha&e his mare again, and a## sha## "e %e## E!it A-t B Scene I. The same. LYSA$%ER, %E#ETRIUS, HELE$A, an HER#IA l/in2 asleep. Enter TITA$IA an +OTTO#1 PEASE+LOSSO#, )O+WE+, #OTH, #USTAR%SEE%, an other ,airies atten in21 O+ERO$ 'ehin &nseen T6TAN6A: Come, sit thee do%n u/on this f#o%er+ "ed, 8hi#e 6 th+ amia"#e -hee!s do -o+, And sti-! mus!2roses in th+ s#ee! smooth head, And !iss th+ fair #arge ears, m+ gent#e 3o+ 7'TT'M: 8here's 1ease"#ossom9 1EASE7,'SS'M: Read+ 7'TT'M: S-rat-h m+ head 1ease"#ossom 8here's Mounsieur Co"%e"9 C'78E7: Read+ 7'TT'M: Mounsieur Co"%e", good mounsieur, get +ou +our %ea/ons in +our hand, and !i## me a red2hi//ed hum"#e2"ee on the to/ of a thist#e0 and, good mounsieur, "ring me the hone+2"ag Do not fret +ourse#f too mu-h in the a-tion, mounsieur0 and,

good mounsieur, ha&e a -are the hone+2"ag "rea! not0 6 %ou#d "e #oath to ha&e +ou o&erf#o%n %ith a hone+2"ag, signior 8here's Mounsieur Mustardseed9 M<STARDSEED: Read+ 7'TT'M: $i&e me +our neaf, Mounsieur Mustardseed 1ra+ +ou, #ea&e +our -ourtes+, good mounsieur M<STARDSEED: 8hat's +our 8i##9 7'TT'M: Nothing, good mounsieur, "ut to he#/ Ca&a#er+ Co"%e" to s-rat-h 6 must to the "ar"er's, monsieur0 for methin!s 6 am mar&e##ous hair+ a"out the fa-e0 and 6 am su-h a tender ass, if m+ hair do "ut ti-!#e me, 6 must s-rat-h T6TAN6A: 8hat, %i#t thou hear some musi-, m+ s%eet #o&e9 7'TT'M: 6 ha&e a reasona"#e good ear in musi- ,et's ha&e the tongs and the "ones T6TAN6A: 'r sa+, s%eet #o&e, %hat thou desirest to eat 7'TT'M: Tru#+, a /e-! of /ro&ender: 6 -ou#d mun-h +our good dr+ oats Methin!s 6 ha&e a great desire to a "ott#e of ha+: good ha+, s%eet ha+, hath no fe##o% T6TAN6A: 6 ha&e a &enturous fair+ that sha## see! The s5uirre#'s hoard, and fet-h thee ne% nuts 7'TT'M: 6 had rather ha&e a handfu# or t%o of dried /eas 7ut, 6 /ra+ +ou, #et none of +our /eo/#e stir me: 6 ha&e an e:/osition of s#ee/ -ome u/on me T6TAN6A: S#ee/ thou, and 6 %i## %ind thee in m+ arms Fairies, "egone, and "e a## %a+s a%a+

E!e&nt fairies So doth the %ood"ine the s%eet hone+su-!#e $ent#+ ent%ist0 the fema#e i&+ so Enrings the "ar!+ fingers of the e#m ', ho% 6 #o&e thee4 ho% 6 dote on thee4 The/ sleep Enter PU)0 '7ER'N: ?A 4ancin2@ 8e#-ome, good Ro"in See'st thou this s%eet sight9 Her dotage no% 6 do "egin to /it+: For, meeting her of #ate "ehind the %ood, See!ing s%eet fa&ours from this hatefu# foo#, 6 did u/"raid her and fa## out %ith her0 For she his hair+ tem/#es then had rounded 8ith a -oronet of fresh and fragrant f#o%ers0 And that same de%, %hi-h sometime on the "uds 8as %ont to s%e## #i!e round and orient /ear#s, Stood no% %ithin the /rett+ f#o%erets' e+es ,i!e tears that did their o%n disgra-e "e%ai# 8hen 6 had at m+ /#easure taunted her And she in mi#d terms "egg'd m+ /atien-e, 6 then did as! of her her -hange#ing -hi#d0 8hi-h straight she ga&e me, and her fair+ sent To "ear him to m+ "o%er in fair+ #and And no% 6 ha&e the "o+, 6 %i## undo This hatefu# im/erfe-tion of her e+es: And, gent#e 1u-!, ta!e this transformed s-a#/ From off the head of this Athenian s%ain0 That, he a%a!ing %hen the other do, Ma+ a## to Athens "a-! again re/air And thin! no more of this night's a--idents 7ut as the fier-e &e:ation of a dream 7ut first 6 %i## re#ease the fair+ 5ueen 7e as thou %ast %ont to "e0 See as thou %ast %ont to see: Dian's "ud o'er Cu/id's f#o%er

Hath su-h for-e and "#essed /o%er No%, m+ Titania0 %a!e +ou, m+ s%eet 5ueen T6TAN6A: M+ '"eron4 %hat &isions ha&e 6 seen4 Methought 6 %as enamour'd of an ass '7ER'N: There #ies +our #o&e T6TAN6A: Ho% -ame these things to /ass9 ', ho% mine e+es do #oathe his &isage no%4 '7ER'N: Si#en-e a%hi#e Ro"in, ta!e off this head Titania, musi- -a##0 and stri!e more dead Than -ommon s#ee/ of a## these fi&e the sense T6TAN6A: Musi-, ho4 musi-, su-h as -harmeth s#ee/4 #&sic, still 1<CK: No%, %hen thou %a!est, %ith thine o%n foo#'s e+es /ee/ '7ER'N: Sound, musi-4 Come, m+ 5ueen, ta!e hands %ith me, And ro-! the ground %hereon these s#ee/ers "e No% thou and 6 are ne% in amit+, And %i## to2morro% midnight so#emn#+ Dan-e in Du!e Theseus' house trium/hant#+, And "#ess it to a## fair /ros/erit+: There sha## the /airs of faithfu# #o&ers "e 8edded, %ith Theseus, a## in 3o##it+ 1<CK: Fair+ !ing, attend, and mar!: 6 do hear the morning #ar! '7ER'N: Then, m+ 5ueen, in si#en-e sad, Tri/ %e after the night's shade: 8e the g#o"e -an -om/ass soon, S%ifter than the %andering moon T6TAN6A:

Come, m+ #ord, and in our f#ight Te## me ho% it -ame this night That 6 s#ee/ing here %as found 8ith these morta#s on the ground E!e&nt Horns .in e .ithin Enter THESEUS, HIPPOLYTA, E"EUS, an train THESE<S: $o, one of +ou, find out the forester0 For no% our o"ser&ation is /erform'd0 And sin-e %e ha&e the &a%ard of the da+, M+ #o&e sha## hear the musi- of m+ hounds <n-ou/#e in the %estern &a##e+0 #et them go: Dis/at-h, 6 sa+, and find the forester E!it an Atten ant 8e %i##, fair 5ueen, u/ to the mountain's to/, And mar! the musi-a# -onfusion 'f hounds and e-ho in -on3un-tion H611',;TA: 6 %as %ith Her-u#es and Cadmus on-e, 8hen in a %ood of Crete the+ "a+'d the "ear 8ith hounds of S/arta: ne&er did 6 hear Su-h ga##ant -hiding: for, "esides the gro&es, The s!ies, the fountains, e&er+ region near Seem'd a## one mutua# -r+: 6 ne&er heard So musi-a# a dis-ord, su-h s%eet thunder THESE<S: M+ hounds are "red out of the S/artan !ind, So f#e%'d, so sanded, and their heads are hung 8ith ears that s%ee/ a%a+ the morning de%0 Croo!2!nee'd, and de%2#a//'d #i!e Thessa#ian "u##s0 S#o% in /ursuit, "ut mat-h'd in mouth #i!e "e##s, Ea-h under ea-h A -r+ more tunea"#e 8as ne&er ho##a'd to, nor -heer'd %ith horn, 6n Crete, in S/arta, nor in Thessa#+: Audge %hen +ou hear 7ut, soft4 %hat n+m/hs are these9

E$E<S: M+ #ord, this is m+ daughter here as#ee/0 And this, ,+sander0 this Demetrius is0 This He#ena, o#d Nedar's He#ena: 6 %onder of their "eing here together THESE<S: No dou"t the+ rose u/ ear#+ to o"ser&e The rite of Ma+, and hearing our intent, Came here in gra-e our so#emnit+ 7ut s/ea!, Egeus0 is not this the da+ That Hermia shou#d gi&e ans%er of her -hoi-e9 E$E<S: 6t is, m+ #ord THESE<S: $o, "id the huntsmen %a!e them %ith their horns Horns an sho&t .ithin. LYSA$%ER, %E#ETRIUS, HELE$A, an HER#IA .ake an start &p $ood morro%, friends Saint =a#entine is /ast: 7egin these %ood2"irds "ut to -ou/#e no%9 ,;SANDER: 1ardon, m+ #ord THESE<S: 6 /ra+ +ou a##, stand u/ 6 !no% +ou t%o are ri&a# enemies: Ho% -omes this gent#e -on-ord in the %or#d, That hatred is so far from 3ea#ous+, To s#ee/ "+ hate, and fear no enmit+9 ,;SANDER: M+ #ord, 6 sha## re/#+ ama.ed#+, Ha#f s#ee/, ha#f %a!ing: "ut as +et, 6 s%ear, 6 -annot tru#+ sa+ ho% 6 -ame here0 7ut, as 6 thin!, for tru#+ %ou#d 6 s/ea!, And no% do 6 "ethin! me, so it is, 6 -ame %ith Hermia hither: our intent 8as to "e gone from Athens, %here %e might, 8ithout the /eri# of the Athenian #a% E$E<S: Enough, enough, m+ #ord0 +ou ha&e enough:

6 "eg the #a%, the #a%, u/on his head The+ %ou#d ha&e sto#en a%a+0 the+ %ou#d, Demetrius, There"+ to ha&e defeated +ou and me, ;ou of +our %ife and me of m+ -onsent, 'f m+ -onsent that she shou#d "e +our %ife DEMETR6<S: M+ #ord, fair He#en to#d me of their stea#th, 'f this their /ur/ose hither to this %ood0 And 6 in fur+ hither fo##o%'d them, Fair He#ena in fan-+ fo##o%ing me 7ut, m+ good #ord, 6 %ot not "+ %hat /o%er, 7ut "+ some /o%er it is, m+ #o&e to Hermia, Me#ted as the sno%, seems to me no% As the remem"ran-e of an id#e gaud 8hi-h in m+ -hi#dhood 6 did dote u/on0 And a## the faith, the &irtue of m+ heart, The o"3e-t and the /#easure of mine e+e, 6s on#+ He#ena To her, m+ #ord, 8as 6 "etroth'd ere 6 sa% Hermia: 7ut, #i!e in si-!ness, did 6 #oathe this food0 7ut, as in hea#th, -ome to m+ natura# taste, No% 6 do %ish it, #o&e it, #ong for it, And %i## for e&ermore "e true to it THESE<S: Fair #o&ers, +ou are fortunate#+ met: 'f this dis-ourse %e more %i## hear anon Egeus, 6 %i## o&er"ear +our %i##0 For in the tem/#e "+ and "+ %ith us These -ou/#es sha## eterna##+ "e !nit: And, for the morning no% is something %orn, 'ur /ur/osed hunting sha## "e set aside A%a+ %ith us to Athens0 three and three, 8e'## ho#d a feast in great so#emnit+ Come, Hi//o#+ta E!e&nt THESEUS, HIPPOLYTA, E"EUS, an train DEMETR6<S: These things seem sma## and undistinguisha"#e, HERM6A:

Methin!s 6 see these things %ith /arted e+e, 8hen e&er+ thing seems dou"#e HE,ENA: So methin!s: And 6 ha&e found Demetrius #i!e a 3e%e#, Mine o%n, and not mine o%n DEMETR6<S: Are +ou sure That %e are a%a!e9 6t seems to me That +et %e s#ee/, %e dream Do not +ou thin! The du!e %as here, and "id us fo##o% him9 HERM6A: ;ea0 and m+ father HE,ENA: And Hi//o#+ta ,;SANDER: And he did "id us fo##o% to the tem/#e DEMETR6<S: 8h+, then, %e are a%a!e: #et's fo##o% him And "+ the %a+ #et us re-ount our dreams E!e&nt 7'TT'M: ?A.akin2@ 8hen m+ -ue -omes, -a## me, and 6 %i## ans%er: m+ ne:t is, 'Most fair 1+ramus ' Heigh2ho4 1eter Quin-e4 F#ute, the "e##o%s2mender4 Snout, the tin!er4 Star&e#ing4 $od's m+ #ife, sto#en hen-e, and #eft me as#ee/4 6 ha&e had a most rare &ision 6 ha&e had a dream, /ast the %it of man to sa+ %hat dream it %as: man is "ut an ass, if he go a"out to e:/ound this dream Methought 6 %as there is no man -an te## %hat Methought 6 %as, and methought 6 had, "ut man is "ut a /at-hed foo#, if he %i## offer to sa+ %hat methought 6 had The e+e of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is not a"#e to taste, his tongue to -on-ei&e, nor his heart to re/ort, %hat m+ dream %as 6 %i## get 1eter Quin-e to %rite a "a##ad of this dream: it sha## "e -a##ed 7ottom's Dream,

"e-ause it hath no "ottom0 and 6 %i## sing it in the #atter end of a /#a+, "efore the du!e: /erad&enture, to ma!e it the more gra-ious, 6 sha## sing it at her death E!it Scene II. Athens. (UI$)E*S ho&se. Enter (UI$)E, ,LUTE, S$OUT, an STAR-ELI$" Q<6NCE: Ha&e +ou sent to 7ottom's house 9 is he -ome home +et9 STAR=E,6N$: He -annot "e heard of 'ut of dou"t he is trans/orted F,<TE: 6f he -ome not, then the /#a+ is marred: it goes not for%ard, doth it9 Q<6NCE: 6t is not /ossi"#e: +ou ha&e not a man in a## Athens a"#e to dis-harge 1+ramus "ut he F,<TE: No, he hath sim/#+ the "est %it of an+ handi-raft man in Athens Q<6NCE: ;ea and the "est /erson too0 and he is a &er+ /aramour for a s%eet &oi-e F,<TE: ;ou must sa+ '/aragon:' a /aramour is, $od "#ess us, a thing of naught Enter S$U" SN<$: Masters, the du!e is -oming from the tem/#e, and there is t%o or three #ords and #adies more married: if our s/ort had gone for%ard, %e had a## "een made men F,<TE: ' s%eet "u##+ 7ottom4 Thus hath he #ost si:/en-e a

da+ during his #ife0 he -ou#d not ha&e 's-a/ed si:/en-e a da+: an the du!e had not gi&en him si:/en-e a da+ for /#a+ing 1+ramus, 6'## "e hanged0 he %ou#d ha&e deser&ed it: si:/en-e a da+ in 1+ramus, or nothing Enter +OTTO# 7'TT'M: 8here are these #ads9 %here are these hearts9 Q<6NCE: 7ottom4 ' most -ourageous da+4 ' most ha//+ hour4 7'TT'M: Masters, 6 am to dis-ourse %onders: "ut as! me not %hat0 for if 6 te## +ou, 6 am no true Athenian 6 %i## te## +ou e&er+ thing, right as it fe## out Q<6NCE: ,et us hear, s%eet 7ottom 7'TT'M: Not a %ord of me A## that 6 %i## te## +ou is, that the du!e hath dined $et +our a//are# together, good strings to +our "eards, ne% ri""ons to +our /um/s0 meet /resent#+ at the /a#a-e0 e&er+ man #oo! o'er his /art0 for the short and the #ong is, our /#a+ is /referred 6n an+ -ase, #et This"+ ha&e -#ean #inen0 and #et not him that /#a+s the #ion /air his nai#s, for the+ sha## hang out for the #ion's -#a%s And, most dear a-tors, eat no onions nor gar#i-, for %e are to utter s%eet "reath0 and 6 do not dou"t "ut to hear them sa+, it is a s%eet -omed+ No more %ords: a%a+4 go, a%a+4 E!e&nt ACT C Scene I. Athens. The palace of THESEUS. Enter THESEUS, HIPPOLYTA, PHILOSTRATE, Lor s an Atten ants H611',;TA:

'Tis strange m+ Theseus, that these #o&ers s/ea! of THESE<S: More strange than true: 6 ne&er ma+ "e#ie&e These anti5ue fa"#es, nor these fair+ to+s ,o&ers and madmen ha&e su-h seething "rains, Su-h sha/ing fantasies, that a//rehend More than -oo# reason e&er -om/rehends The #unati-, the #o&er and the /oet Are of imagination a## -om/a-t: 'ne sees more de&i#s than &ast he## -an ho#d, That is, the madman: the #o&er, a## as franti-, Sees He#en's "eaut+ in a "ro% of Eg+/t: The /oet's e+e, in fine fren.+ ro##ing, Doth g#an-e from hea&en to earth, from earth to hea&en0 And as imagination "odies forth The forms of things un!no%n, the /oet's /en Turns them to sha/es and gi&es to air+ nothing A #o-a# ha"itation and a name Su-h tri-!s hath strong imagination, That if it %ou#d "ut a//rehend some 3o+, 6t -om/rehends some "ringer of that 3o+0 'r in the night, imagining some fear, Ho% eas+ is a "ush su//osed a "ear4 H611',;TA: 7ut a## the stor+ of the night to#d o&er, And a## their minds transfigured so together, More %itnesseth than fan-+'s images And gro%s to something of great -onstan-+0 7ut, ho%soe&er, strange and admira"#e THESE<S: Here -ome the #o&ers, fu## of 3o+ and mirth Enter LYSA$%ER, %E#ETRIUS, HER#IA, an HELE$A Ao+, gent#e friends4 3o+ and fresh da+s of #o&e A--om/an+ +our hearts4 ,;SANDER: More than to us 8ait in +our ro+a# %a#!s, +our "oard, +our "ed4

THESE<S: Come no%0 %hat mas5ues, %hat dan-es sha## %e ha&e, To %ear a%a+ this #ong age of three hours 7et%een our after2su//er and "ed2time9 8here is our usua# manager of mirth9 8hat re&e#s are in hand9 6s there no /#a+, To ease the anguish of a torturing hour9 Ca## 1hi#ostrate 1H6,'STRATE: Here, might+ Theseus THESE<S: Sa+, %hat a"ridgement ha&e +ou for this e&ening9 8hat mas5ue9 %hat musi-9 Ho% sha## %e "egui#e The #a.+ time, if not %ith some de#ight9 1H6,'STRATE: There is a "rief ho% man+ s/orts are ri/e: Ma!e -hoi-e of %hi-h +our highness %i## see first "i4in2 a paper THESE<S: ?Rea s@ 'The "att#e %ith the Centaurs, to "e sung 7+ an Athenian eunu-h to the har/ ' 8e'## none of that: that ha&e 6 to#d m+ #o&e, 6n g#or+ of m+ !insman Her-u#es Rea s 'The riot of the ti/s+ 7a--hana#s, Tearing the Thra-ian singer in their rage ' That is an o#d de&i-e0 and it %as /#a+'d 8hen 6 from The"es -ame #ast a -on5ueror Rea s 'The thri-e three Muses mourning for the death 'f ,earning, #ate de-eased in "eggar+ ' That is some satire, !een and -riti-a#, Not sorting %ith a nu/tia# -eremon+ Rea s 'A tedious "rief s-ene of +oung 1+ramus And his #o&e This"e0 &er+ tragi-a# mirth ' Merr+ and tragi-a#4 tedious and "rief4 That is, hot i-e and %ondrous strange sno%

Ho% sha## %e find the -on-ord of this dis-ord9 1H6,'STRATE: A /#a+ there is, m+ #ord, some ten %ords #ong, 8hi-h is as "rief as 6 ha&e !no%n a /#a+0 7ut "+ ten %ords, m+ #ord, it is too #ong, 8hi-h ma!es it tedious0 for in a## the /#a+ There is not one %ord a/t, one /#a+er fitted: And tragi-a#, m+ no"#e #ord, it is0 For 1+ramus therein doth !i## himse#f 8hi-h, %hen 6 sa% rehearsed, 6 must -onfess, Made mine e+es %ater0 "ut more merr+ tears The /assion of #oud #aughter ne&er shed THESE<S: 8hat are the+ that do /#a+ it9 1H6,'STRATE: Hard2handed men that %or! in Athens here, 8hi-h ne&er #a"our'd in their minds ti## no%, And no% ha&e toi#'d their un"reathed memories 8ith this same /#a+, against +our nu/tia# THESE<S: And %e %i## hear it 1H6,'STRATE: No, m+ no"#e #ord0 6t is not for +ou: 6 ha&e heard it o&er, And it is nothing, nothing in the %or#d0 <n#ess +ou -an find s/ort in their intents, E:treme#+ stret-h'd and -onn'd %ith -rue# /ain, To do +ou ser&i-e THESE<S: 6 %i## hear that /#a+0 For ne&er an+thing -an "e amiss, 8hen sim/#eness and dut+ tender it $o, "ring them in: and ta!e +our /#a-es, #adies E!it PHILOSTRATE H611',;TA: 6 #o&e not to see %ret-hedness o'er -harged And dut+ in his ser&i-e /erishing THESE<S: 8h+, gent#e s%eet, +ou sha## see no su-h thing

H611',;TA: He sa+s the+ -an do nothing in this !ind THESE<S: The !inder %e, to gi&e them than!s for nothing 'ur s/ort sha## "e to ta!e %hat the+ mista!e: And %hat /oor dut+ -annot do, no"#e res/e-t Ta!es it in might, not merit 8here 6 ha&e -ome, great -#er!s ha&e /ur/osed To greet me %ith /remeditated %e#-omes0 8here 6 ha&e seen them shi&er and #oo! /a#e, Ma!e /eriods in the midst of senten-es, Thrott#e their /ra-tised a--ent in their fears And in -on-#usion dum"#+ ha&e "ro!e off, Not /a+ing me a %e#-ome Trust me, s%eet, 'ut of this si#en-e +et 6 /i-!'d a %e#-ome0 And in the modest+ of fearfu# dut+ 6 read as mu-h as from the ratt#ing tongue 'f sau-+ and auda-ious e#o5uen-e ,o&e, therefore, and tongue2tied sim/#i-it+ 6n #east s/ea! most, to m+ -a/a-it+ Re3enter PHILOSTRATE 1H6,'STRATE: So /#ease +our gra-e, the 1ro#ogue is address'd THESE<S: ,et him a//roa-h ,lo&rish of tr&mpets Enter (UI$)E for the Prolo2&e 1ro#ogue: 6f %e offend, it is %ith our good %i## That +ou shou#d thin!, %e -ome not to offend, 7ut %ith good %i## To sho% our sim/#e s!i##, That is the true "eginning of our end Consider then %e -ome "ut in des/ite 8e do not -ome as minding to -ontest +ou, 'ur true intent is A## for +our de#ight 8e are not here That +ou shou#d here re/ent +ou,

The a-tors are at hand and "+ their sho% ;ou sha## !no% a## that +ou are #i!e to !no% THESE<S: This fe##o% doth not stand u/on /oints ,;SANDER: He hath rid his /ro#ogue #i!e a rough -o#t0 he !no%s not the sto/ A good mora#, m+ #ord: it is not enough to s/ea!, "ut to s/ea! true H611',;TA: 6ndeed he hath /#a+ed on his /ro#ogue #i!e a -hi#d on a re-order0 a sound, "ut not in go&ernment THESE<S: His s/ee-h, %as #i!e a tang#ed -hain0 nothing im/aired, "ut a## disordered 8ho is ne:t9 Enter P/ram&s an This'e, Wall, #oonshine, an Lion 1ro#ogue: $ent#es, /er-han-e +ou %onder at this sho%0 7ut %onder on, ti## truth ma!e a## things /#ain This man is 1+ramus, if +ou %ou#d !no%0 This "eauteous #ad+ This"+ is -ertain This man, %ith #ime and rough2-ast, doth /resent 8a##, that &i#e 8a## %hi-h did these #o&ers sunder0 And through 8a##'s -hin!, /oor sou#s, the+ are -ontent To %his/er At the %hi-h #et no man %onder This man, %ith #anthorn, dog, and "ush of thorn, 1resenteth Moonshine0 for, if +ou %i## !no%, 7+ moonshine did these #o&ers thin! no s-orn To meet at Ninus' tom", there, there to %oo This gris#+ "east, %hi-h ,ion hight "+ name, The trust+ This"+, -oming first "+ night, Did s-are a%a+, or rather did affright0 And, as she f#ed, her mant#e she did fa##, 8hi-h ,ion &i#e %ith "#ood+ mouth did stain Anon -omes 1+ramus, s%eet +outh and ta##, And finds his trust+ This"+'s mant#e s#ain: 8hereat, %ith "#ade, %ith "#ood+ "#amefu# "#ade, He "ra&e#+ "roa-h'd is "oi#ing "#ood+ "reast0 And This"+, tarr+ing in mu#"err+ shade,

His dagger dre%, and died For a## the rest, ,et ,ion, Moonshine, 8a##, and #o&ers t%ain At #arge dis-ourse, %hi#e here the+ do remain E!e&nt Prolo2&e, This'e, Lion, an #oonshine THESE<S: 6 %onder if the #ion "e to s/ea! DEMETR6<S: No %onder, m+ #ord: one #ion ma+, %hen man+ asses do 8a##: 6n this same inter#ude it doth "efa## That 6, one Snout "+ name, /resent a %a##0 And su-h a %a##, as 6 %ou#d ha&e +ou thin!, That had in it a -rannied ho#e or -hin!, Through %hi-h the #o&ers, 1+ramus and This"+, Did %his/er often &er+ se-ret#+ This #oam, this rough2-ast and this stone doth sho% That 6 am that same %a##0 the truth is so: And this the -rann+ is, right and sinister, Through %hi-h the fearfu# #o&ers are to %his/er THESE<S: 8ou#d +ou desire #ime and hair to s/ea! "etter9 DEMETR6<S: 6t is the %ittiest /artition that e&er 6 heard dis-ourse, m+ #ord Enter P/ram&s THESE<S: 1+ramus dra%s near the %a##: si#en-e4 1+ramus: ' grim2#oo!'d night4 ' night %ith hue so "#a-!4 ' night, %hi-h e&er art %hen da+ is not4 ' night, ' night4 a#a-!, a#a-!, a#a-!, 6 fear m+ This"+'s /romise is forgot4 And thou, ' %a##, ' s%eet, ' #o&e#+ %a##, That stand'st "et%een her father's ground and mine4 Thou %a##, ' %a##, ' s%eet and #o&e#+ %a##,

Sho% me th+ -hin!, to "#in! through %ith mine e+ne4 Wall hol s &p his fin2ers Than!s, -ourteous %a##: Ao&e shie#d thee %e## for this4 7ut %hat see 69 No This"+ do 6 see ' %i-!ed %a##, through %hom 6 see no "#iss4 Cursed "e th+ stones for thus de-ei&ing me4 THESE<S: The %a##, methin!s, "eing sensi"#e, shou#d -urse again 1+ramus: No, in truth, sir, he shou#d not 'De-ei&ing me' is This"+'s -ue: she is to enter no%, and 6 am to s/+ her through the %a## ;ou sha## see, it %i## fa## /at as 6 to#d +ou ;onder she -omes Enter This'e This"e: ' %a##, fu## often hast thou heard m+ moans, For /arting m+ fair 1+ramus and me4 M+ -herr+ #i/s ha&e often !iss'd th+ stones, Th+ stones %ith #ime and hair !nit u/ in thee 1+ramus: 6 see a &oi-e: no% %i## 6 to the -hin!, To s/+ an 6 -an hear m+ This"+'s fa-e This"+4 This"e: M+ #o&e thou art, m+ #o&e 6 thin! 1+ramus: Thin! %hat thou %i#t, 6 am th+ #o&er's gra-e0 And, #i!e ,imander, am 6 trust+ sti## This"e: And 6 #i!e He#en, ti## the Fates me !i## 1+ramus: Not Shafa#us to 1ro-rus %as so true This"e: As Shafa#us to 1ro-rus, 6 to +ou 1+ramus: ' !iss me through the ho#e of this &i#e %a##4 This"e:

6 !iss the %a##'s ho#e, not +our #i/s at a## 1+ramus: 8i#t thou at Ninn+'s tom" meet me straight%a+9 This"e: 'Tide #ife, 'tide death, 6 -ome %ithout de#a+ E!e&nt P/ram&s an This'e 8a##: Thus ha&e 6, 8a##, m+ /art dis-harged so0 And, "eing done, thus 8a## a%a+ doth go E!it THESE<S: No% is the mura# do%n "et%een the t%o neigh"ours DEMETR6<S: No remed+, m+ #ord, %hen %a##s are so %i#fu# to hear %ithout %arning H611',;TA: This is the si##iest stuff that e&er 6 heard THESE<S: The "est in this !ind are "ut shado%s0 and the %orst are no %orse, if imagination amend them H611',;TA: 6t must "e +our imagination then, and not theirs THESE<S: 6f %e imagine no %orse of them than the+ of themse#&es, the+ ma+ /ass for e:-e##ent men Here -ome t%o no"#e "easts in, a man and a #ion Enter Lion an #oonshine ,ion: ;ou, #adies, +ou, %hose gent#e hearts do fear The sma##est monstrous mouse that -ree/s on f#oor, Ma+ no% /er-han-e "oth 5ua!e and trem"#e here, 8hen #ion rough in %i#dest rage doth roar Then !no% that 6, one Snug the 3oiner, am A #ion2fe##, nor e#se no #ion's dam0

For, if 6 shou#d as #ion -ome in strife 6nto this /#a-e, 't%ere /it+ on m+ #ife THESE<S: A &er+ gent#e "east, of a good -ons-ien-e DEMETR6<S: The &er+ "est at a "east, m+ #ord, that e'er 6 sa% ,;SANDER: This #ion is a &er+ fo: for his &a#our THESE<S: True0 and a goose for his dis-retion DEMETR6<S: Not so, m+ #ord0 for his &a#our -annot -arr+ his dis-retion0 and the fo: -arries the goose THESE<S: His dis-retion, 6 am sure, -annot -arr+ his &a#our0 for the goose -arries not the fo: 6t is %e##: #ea&e it to his dis-retion, and #et us #isten to the moon Moonshine: This #anthorn doth the horned moon /resent0 DEMETR6<S: He shou#d ha&e %orn the horns on his head THESE<S: He is no -res-ent, and his horns are in&isi"#e %ithin the -ir-umferen-e Moonshine: This #anthorn doth the horned moon /resent0 M+se#f the man i' the moon do seem to "e THESE<S: This is the greatest error of a## the rest: the man shou#d "e /ut into the #anthorn Ho% is it e#se the man i' the moon9 DEMETR6<S: He dares not -ome there for the -and#e0 for, +ou see, it is a#read+ in snuff H611',;TA: 6 am a%ear+ of this moon: %ou#d he %ou#d -hange4 THESE<S: 6t a//ears, "+ his sma## #ight of dis-retion, that he is in the %ane0 "ut +et, in -ourtes+, in a## reason, %e must sta+ the time

,;SANDER: 1ro-eed, Moon Moonshine: A## that 6 ha&e to sa+, is, to te## +ou that the #anthorn is the moon0 6, the man in the moon0 this thorn2"ush, m+ thorn2"ush0 and this dog, m+ dog DEMETR6<S: 8h+, a## these shou#d "e in the #anthorn0 for a## these are in the moon 7ut, si#en-e4 here -omes This"e Enter This'e This"e: This is o#d Ninn+'s tom" 8here is m+ #o&e9 ,ion: ?Roarin2@ 'h This'e r&ns off DEMETR6<S: 8e## roared, ,ion THESE<S: 8e## run, This"e H611',;TA: 8e## shone, Moon Tru#+, the moon shines %ith a good gra-e The Lion shakes This'e*s mantle, an e!it THESE<S: 8e## moused, ,ion ,;SANDER: And so the #ion &anished DEMETR6<S: And then -ame 1+ramus Enter P/ram&s 1+ramus: S%eet Moon, 6 than! thee for th+ sunn+ "eams0

6 than! thee, Moon, for shining no% so "right0 For, "+ th+ gra-ious, go#den, g#ittering g#eams, 6 trust to ta!e of truest This"+ sight 7ut sta+, ' s/ite4 7ut mar!, /oor !night, 8hat dreadfu# do#e is here4 E+es, do +ou see9 Ho% -an it "e9 ' daint+ du-!4 ' dear4 Th+ mant#e good, 8hat, stain'd %ith "#ood4 A//roa-h, +e Furies fe##4 ' Fates, -ome, -ome, Cut thread and thrum0 Quai#, -rush, -on-#ude, and 5ue##4 THESE<S: This /assion, and the death of a dear friend, %ou#d go near to ma!e a man #oo! sad H611',;TA: 7eshre% m+ heart, "ut 6 /it+ the man 1+ramus: ' %herefore, Nature, didst thou #ions frame9 Sin-e #ion &i#e hath here def#o%er'd m+ dear: 8hi-h is no, no %hi-h %as the fairest dame That #i&ed, that #o&ed, that #i!ed, that #oo!'d %ith -heer Come, tears, -onfound0 'ut, s%ord, and %ound The /a/ of 1+ramus0 A+, that #eft /a/, 8here heart doth ho/: Sta's himself Thus die 6, thus, thus, thus No% am 6 dead, No% am 6 f#ed0 M+ sou# is in the s!+: Tongue, #ose th+ #ight0

Moon ta!e th+ f#ight: E!it #oonshine No% die, die, die, die, die %ies DEMETR6<S: No die, "ut an a-e, for him0 for he is "ut one ,;SANDER: ,ess than an a-e, man0 for he is dead0 he is nothing THESE<S: 8ith the he#/ of a surgeon he might +et re-o&er, and /ro&e an ass H611',;TA: Ho% -han-e Moonshine is gone "efore This"e -omes "a-! and finds her #o&er9 THESE<S: She %i## find him "+ star#ight Here she -omes0 and her /assion ends the /#a+ Re3enter This'e H611',;TA: Methin!s she shou#d not use a #ong one for su-h a 1+ramus: 6 ho/e she %i## "e "rief DEMETR6<S: A mote %i## turn the "a#an-e, %hi-h 1+ramus, %hi-h This"e, is the "etter0 he for a man, $od %arrant us0 she for a %oman, $od "#ess us ,;SANDER: She hath s/ied him a#read+ %ith those s%eet e+es DEMETR6<S: And thus she means, &ide#i-et: This"e: As#ee/, m+ #o&e9 8hat, dead, m+ do&e9 ' 1+ramus, arise4 S/ea!, s/ea! Quite dum"9

Dead, dead9 A tom" Must -o&er th+ s%eet e+es These M+ #i/s, This -herr+ nose, These +e##o% -o%s#i/ -hee!s, Are gone, are gone: ,o&ers, ma!e moan: His e+es %ere green as #ee!s ' Sisters Three, Come, -ome to me, 8ith hands as /a#e as mi#!0 ,a+ them in gore, Sin-e +ou ha&e shore 8ith shears his thread of si#! Tongue, not a %ord: Come, trust+ s%ord0 Come, "#ade, m+ "reast im"rue: Sta's herself And, fare%e##, friends0 Thus This"+ ends: Adieu, adieu, adieu %ies THESE<S: Moonshine and ,ion are #eft to "ur+ the dead DEMETR6<S: A+, and 8a## too 7'TT'M: ?Startin2 &p@ No assure +ou0 the %a## is do%n that /arted their fathers 8i## it /#ease +ou to see the e/i#ogue, or to hear a 7ergomas! dan-e "et%een t%o of our -om/an+9 THESE<S: No e/i#ogue, 6 /ra+ +ou0 for +our /#a+ needs no e:-use Ne&er e:-use0 for %hen the /#a+ers are a## dead, there needs none to "e "#amed Marr+, if he that %rit it had /#a+ed 1+ramus and hanged himse#f

in This"e's garter, it %ou#d ha&e "een a fine traged+: and so it is, tru#+0 and &er+ nota"#+ dis-harged 7ut -ome, +our 7ergomas!: #et +our e/i#ogue a#one A ance The iron tongue of midnight hath to#d t%e#&e: ,o&ers, to "ed0 'tis a#most fair+ time 6 fear %e sha## out2s#ee/ the -oming morn As mu-h as %e this night ha&e o&er%at-h'd This /a#/a"#e2gross /#a+ hath %e## "egui#ed The hea&+ gait of night S%eet friends, to "ed A fortnight ho#d %e this so#emnit+, 6n night#+ re&e#s and ne% 3o##it+ E!e&nt Enter PU)0 1<CK: No% the hungr+ #ion roars, And the %o#f "eho%#s the moon0 8hi#st the hea&+ /#oughman snores, A## %ith %ear+ tas! fordone No% the %asted "rands do g#o%, 8hi#st the s-ree-h2o%#, s-ree-hing #oud, 1uts the %ret-h that #ies in %oe 6n remem"ran-e of a shroud No% it is the time of night That the gra&es a## ga/ing %ide, E&er+ one #ets forth his s/rite, 6n the -hur-h2%a+ /aths to g#ide: And %e fairies, that do run 7+ the tri/#e He-ate's team, From the /resen-e of the sun, Fo##o%ing dar!ness #i!e a dream, No% are fro#i-: not a mouse Sha## distur" this ha##o%'d house: 6 am sent %ith "room "efore,

To s%ee/ the dust "ehind the door Enter O+ERO$ an TITA$IA .ith their train '7ER'N: Through the house gi&e gathering #ight, 7+ the dead and dro%s+ fire: E&er+ e#f and fair+ s/rite Ho/ as #ight as "ird from "rier0 And this ditt+, after me, Sing, and dan-e it tri//ing#+ T6TAN6A: First, rehearse +our song "+ rote To ea-h %ord a %ar"#ing note: Hand in hand, %ith fair+ gra-e, 8i## %e sing, and "#ess this /#a-e Son2 an ance

'7ER'N: No%, unti# the "rea! of da+, Through this house ea-h fair+ stra+ To the "est "ride2"ed %i## %e, 8hi-h "+ us sha## "#essed "e0 And the issue there -reate E&er sha## "e fortunate So sha## a## the -ou/#es three E&er true in #o&ing "e0 And the "#ots of Nature's hand Sha## not in their issue stand0 Ne&er mo#e, hare #i/, nor s-ar, Nor mar! /rodigious, su-h as are Des/ised in nati&it+, Sha## u/on their -hi#dren "e 8ith this fie#d2de% -onse-rate, E&er+ fair+ ta!e his gait0 And ea-h se&era# -ham"er "#ess, Through this /a#a-e, %ith s%eet /ea-e0 And the o%ner of it "#est E&er sha## in safet+ rest

Tri/ a%a+0 ma!e no sta+0 Meet me a## "+ "rea! of da+ E!e&nt O+ERO$, TITA$IA, an train 1<CK: 6f %e shado%s ha&e offended, Thin! "ut this, and a## is mended, That +ou ha&e "ut s#um"er'd here 8hi#e these &isions did a//ear And this %ea! and id#e theme, No more +ie#ding "ut a dream, $ent#es, do not re/rehend: if +ou /ardon, %e %i## mend: And, as 6 am an honest 1u-!, 6f %e ha&e unearned #u-! No% to 's-a/e the ser/ent's tongue, 8e %i## ma!e amends ere #ong0 E#se the 1u-! a #iar -a##0 So, good night unto +ou a## $i&e me +our hands, if %e "e friends, And Ro"in sha## restore amends THE E$%

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