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DOYLE SCHOOL PLAYGROUND NEWS May 11, 2012 Dear Parents and Guardians, The school has received a number of inquires/concerns with our new playground. I thought by addressing the concerns we can hopefully alleviate the worry. Playgrounds are in many ways, a microcosm of a childs world, says Mark A. Reinecke, chair of psychology and child development at Northwester n University in Illinois. The lessons learned there reverberate throughout their lives. For parents the playground can look like a dangerous place for kids. The risk of injury is often the biggest concern. However research shows that keeping children off the playground may be more detrimental than the scrapes and falls that occur. When parents are overly concerned with safety, the child will usually pick up on it and they may even become afraid of the playground. Imagination, creativity and the ability to get along with others are also traits that form during play time away from parents. According to an article in Evolutionary Psychology, (2011) a young child naturally fears the highest bar of the jungle gym or that extra turn on a slide. These fears are adaptive, meaning they have a purpose; preventing them from being hurt. Taking risks on a playground is usually good for kids. Children should learn early on to develop resilience. Dr. Gary Smith, (ER) doctor states that children taking risks is an opportunity for children to slowly confront their fears as they mature physically. Upon conquering the new feat, the child is left with an exciting, positive feeling which replaces their former fears. When a playground consists of only safe play areas, children are prevented in experiencing these successes. All parents want to protect their children. However, this needs to be balanced with providing your child with a secure base, a sense that they can explore their world with confidence, knowing that a parent of caregiver is there if needed. Here at the school we have established a number of safety rules to help kids be as safe as they can be while still having the opportunity to explore and develop their skills. Yesterday all students attended an assembly where safety issues were discussed and plans put into place to lessen the risk of injury to any child. On days 1, 3, and 5 only children in grades 1, 2, and 3 will use the playground. On day 2, 4, and 6, grades 4, 5, and 6 will use the playground The Apollo has a limit of 20 children on at any one time

Sincerely, Ms. Pawlak, Mrs. Rea Gilmour

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