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The Golden Ratio By Guillermo Rivas

Abstract I conducted an experiment to nd out if the golden ratio existed in the human body as claimed by many scientist. I took a simple random of students from Taft college specically from two ethnicities which were white and hispanic. The main objective was to nd out if the golden ratio existed by using the ratio from the arm and form the middle nger. I used statistical test to nd the true medians and means for females and males from each ethnicity group with 95% certainty and also hypothesis test to see if the Golden ratio 1.6 indeed existed in thees body parts. Also compared the ratios of the arm by ethnicity only and used same techniques but this time I calculated the true mean with 99% certainty and also did hypothesis test to see if the golden ratio existed in the arm. I came to the conclusion that the Golden ratio (1.6) can be found in the human arm based on my research. Introduction The golden ratio is an amazing number which is also known as the golden mean, Devine proportion, and the greek word Phi. Leonardo Fibonacci discovered a series of numbers that when the two previous numbers are added, creates the next number. For example: 0,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584.... Etc. In addition to the sequence, Fibonacci found out that if you divide the two previous numbers together, a ratio of 1.6 can be obtained. However, after the 13th number in the sequence, the ratio 6.1803 becomes constant, and after the fortieth number, it becomes accurate up to 15 decimal spaces. All this information can be easily understood in Figure 1.1. Over the years, scientists have discovered that this ratio can be applied to many things such as nature and the human body and also by measuring things and

dividing their values to obtain the golden ratio.Through measuring and research, some experts claim that the Egyptians, Greeks, and other ancient civilizations used this ratio to build their magnicent structures. Furthermore, present day architectures use the golden ratio as well. For example, the golden ratio can be found in the human arm and ngers if we divide the total length of the arm from the shoulder to the tip of the middle nger, and the total length of the elbow to the tip of the nger we should obtain the golden ratio. Also, if we divide total middle nger length by the length of the middle joint to the tip of nger, the golden ratio can also be obtained. Therefore, I agree with these claims that the golden ratio is indeed a building block of life and can be found in some parts of the human body. I believe the golden ratio can be found in the nger and in the arm. Figure1.1

Methods Using a exible vinyl measuring tape, I Measured individual's left arm and middle nger. I used Centimeters to measure.I collected my data from individuals at Taft College by measuring the total length of their left arm to the tip of their middle nger, and the length from their elbow to the tip of their nger. I also measured the total length of their left middle nger and the total length from the middle joint of the nger to the tip.In order for my data to be random and reduce bias, I used the simple random sample method. I measured 10 hispanic females, 10 hispanic males, 10 white males, and 10 white females. My total sample was 40 people. After all my data was collected, I input it into TC- STATS, an application for the iPad created by Brian Jean. The data was organized and sorted according to its respectable place by gender and ethnicity. In TC-STATS, I generated the arm ratio by dividing the total arm length by the length of the elbow to the tip of the nger. I also generated the nger ratio by dividing the total nger length by the total length from the middle joint to the tip of the nger. All of this data can be seen in the appendix. Results After organizing the data, I used TC-STATS to produce the ve number summary which consist of: Minimum, 1st Quartile, Median, 3rd Quartile, and the Max. However, only the mean and median will be used to describe the data. The ve number summary for the arm ratios of all the people measured are displayed below in Figure 1.2. Likewise, the ve number summary for the nger ratios of all the groups can be seen in Figure 1.3. The median can be used to compare this data because most of the data is skewed either right or left. In order to show why the data is skewed, I used TC-STATS to create

a box and whisker plot to compare the nger ratios and arm ratios of all the people measured. In gures 2.1 and 2.2, all the box and whisker plots are displayed. Figure 2.1 shows the arm ratios, and Figure 2.2 shows the nger ratios. By looking at the median for all the ratios it appears that the HF arm ratio shows a 1.6806 ratio and the WM arm ratio is 1.625 but the other ratios don't appear for the HM ratio nor The WF ratio but they are pretty close. However, the golden ratio does not appear in Hispanic males nor White females ngers in the medians nor the means, you can see this in the ve number summary chart in gure 1.2. I will compare both ratios (the Arm and the nger) using statistical techniques to nd out were the golden ratio exist, and i will also compare the hispanics arm ratios and the white arm ratios. Finger ratio test. Since the data for the nger ratios are not normal for any of my groups as seen in the scatterplots generated by TC-Stats as shown in Appendix B, I will do a sign test with a hypothesis statement (Hypothesis statement can be seen in Appendix D) and a condence interval with 95% certainty of the true Median for each nger ratio to see if the golden ratio appears in the human nger. Hispanic Female results: P-value:0.0703, C.I:(1.4545,1.5), Median:1.5 Hispanic Male results: P-value:0.0039, C.I:(1.4167,1.6364), Median:1.5 White Female Results: P-value:0.1797, C.I:(1.4,1.6), Median 1.5 White Male Results: P-value:0.50078, C.I:(1.4107,1.6364), Median 1.5455 The results above show that the golden ratio exist based on the high P-values only the hispanic males show a small p-value. But the medians are still not showing the golden ratio of 1.6 so I will now do a Kruskal-Wallis test to see if any of the medians are

different or if they are all equal to 1.5 (Hypothesis statement for Kruscal-Wallis test can be seen in Appendix D); the following test is appropriate because our data is not normal as seen in Appendix B. Kruscal-Wallis Results are: the P-value: 0.6005 which means that the medians are all equal and none are different from the others. Arm ratio test. I will use the exact same techniques as above for the arm ratios using the sign test for Hispanic female, white male and female, but for the hispanic male i will use a t-test because the scatterplot shows that it is relatively normal the normality can be seen in Appendix A. I will also use the Kruscal-Wallis test because the assumptions it state that if one group is not normal then this is the correct test to use. Hypothesis statements and other technical data can be seen in Appendix D. Results for Hispanic Female P-value:0.0215 C.I:(1.5412,1.7778) Median 1.6806 Results for White Male P-value: 1.246 C.I:(1.4583,1.7500) Median 1.6 Results for Whit Females P-value:1.246 C.I:(1.4105,1.7531) Median 1.595 Results for Hispanic Male T-Test P-Value:0.7117 C.I:(1.5448,1.6393) Mean 1.5920 Kruscal-Wallis Results p-Value:0.2224 Now i will compare the arm ratios by ethnicity. I will combine the white males and females arm ratios in a group and the Hispanic males and females in another group. this can be seen in the appendix under Appendix E. Below in gure 3.1 you can see the summary statistics for the hispanic and white arm ratios. Figure3.1

I will do a sign test with 99% certainty Condence interval for the true median and hypothesis test to see if the golden ratio exist for the hispanics and the whites (data not normal as shown in Appendix F). I will also do a Wilcoxon rank sum test to see if the two are the same or different this is appropriate to test two medians because data is not normal. (Hypothesis statement and technical data can be seen in appendix D.) Results for Hispanics Sign test P-value:0.2632 C.I:(1.5412,1.7128) Median 1.6324 Results for Whites Sign test P-value:1.1762 C.I:(1.5106,1.7531) Median results for Wilcoxon Rank sum P-value:0.9683

Discussion The overall results of my experiment is that, I am 95% certain that the true median for HM is 1.5, HF is 1.5, WM is 1.5455 and WF is 1.5. the hypothesis test for the HM had a p-value of 0.0039, HF p-value of .0703, WM p-value of .50078, WF p-value of 0.1797 the only p-value that is low seems to tell us that it is not showing the golden ratio and the other high p-values tell us that the golden ratio is present but Based on the p-value of 0.6005 of the Kruscal-Wallis test and the true medians with 95% certainty shows that there is strong evidence to suggest that the medians remain the same in all 4 groups at 1.5, and based on this information there is evidence to suggest the golden ratio does not exist in the human nger. For the arm ratios I am 95% certain that the median for HF is 1.6806 with a p-value of 0.0215, WM is 1.6 with p-value of 1.246, WF is 1.595 with p-value of 1.246 and the mean for HM is 1.5920 with p-value of 0.7117. Although the median for the WF is not 1.6 the high p-value of 1.246 shows that the golden ratio 1.6 exist, and the mean for the

HM at 1.592 with the high p-value of .7117 tells us that the golden ratio exist as well. The results from the Kruscal-Wallis p-value of 0.2224, tells us the groups are all similar and that none are different from each other. The high p-value from the Kruscal-Wallis test and the true Medians and mean with 95% certainty tell us that there is strong evidence to suggest the golden ratio exist in the Human arm. To further provide proof of the existence of the golden ratio in the arm I combined the males and females with their respective ethnicity and did some more test and comparisons. My results are that I am 99% certain that the true Median for the Hispanic arm ratio is 1.6324 and for the true median for the White Arm ratio is 1.5954. Even though the Median for the white arm is not 1.6 but highly close, the results from the hypothesis test with p-value of 1.762 strongly tells us that the median equals 1.6 also the hypothesis test for the Hispanics arm ratio with p-value of .2632 is strong evidence to suggest the median equals 1.6 or the golden ratio. The Wilcoxon Rank Sum test further conrms this with a p-value of 0.9683 which is strong evidence of the medians being the same. In conclusion we have strong evidence to claim that the golden ratio exist in the Human arm but it does not exist in the human nger.

LEGEND FOR FIVE NUMBER SUMMARIES. HM- Hispanic Male WM- White Male HF- Hispanic Female WF- White Female Figure 1.2

Figure 1.3

LEGEND FOR Box-whisker Plots. HM- Hispanic Male WM- White Male HF- Hispanic Female WF- White Female

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Appendix Legend for Data below HM- Hispanic Males HM Arm- Hispanic Male Arm Ratio HM Fing- Hispanic Male Finger Ratio HF- Hispanic Females HF Arm- Hispanic Female Arm Ratio HF Fing- Hispanic Female Finger Ratio WM- White Male WM Arm Ratio- White Male Arm Ratio WM Fing- White Male Finger Ratio WF- White Female WF Arm- White Female Arm Ratio WF Fing- White Female Finger Ratio

HM Jerry Mateo Arturo Mario Tino Omar Tony Diego

HM Arm HM Finger R Ratio HF 1.5213 1.6 1.5543 1.5 1.5 1.5

HF Arm R Finger R HF WM Chase Tyler

WM ArmWM Finger R R WF 1.5761 1.5455 Nicole 1.6739 1.7 1.5684 1.6 Leilah

WF Arm R F Finger R W 1.7531 1.4 1.7439 1.4 1.7952 1.6

Alejandra 1.7792 1.5 Andrea 1.5412 1.5 Rosie

1.8046 1.5455 Elizabeth1.8493 1.4444 1.7558 1.6364 Briana

Gabriel 1.5747 1.5

1.6588 1.4545 Brad 1.7439 1.5 1.6512 1.6 1.6316 1.625 1.6264 1.6 Cody Rob Jeffry

Elizabeth1.7024 1.4545 Scott Lia

1.5556 1.4545 Elena 1.6333 1.5

Lyndsy 1.6125 1.6667 1.573 1.5

1.4583 1.4545 Danielle 1.5385 1.5455 1.5106 1.4545 Beth 1.7397 1.6667 Emily 1.4167 Mary 1.4105 1.4545 1.5465 1.5 1.5783 1.6667

Nathan 1.6067 1.4545 Catty 1.6712 1.5556 Janet 1.5904 1.4545 Nancy 1.7128 1.5

1.7778 1.5556 Adam

James 1.5686 1.5455 Jaimie

Emilce 1.7805 1.4545 Bobby 1.75


White male arm ratio

Hispanic Female arm ratio

White Female arm ratio

Hispanic Male Arm ratio

Appendix B Whit Female Finger Ratio White Male Finger Ratio

Hispanic Female Finger ratio

Hispanic Male Finger Ratio

Appendix D Finger/Arm ratio sign test hypothesis test for all nger ratios Ho: Theta equals 1.6 HA: Theta not equals 1.6 Alpha:0.05 Finger/Arm/Ratio Kruscal-Wallis Test Ho: All Thetas are equal HA: At least 1 not equal Alpha:0.05 Hispanic male T-test Ho:Mu equals 1.6 HA; Mu not equal 1.6 Alpha:.05 C.I: .95 Hispanic/White arm ratio sign test Ho: Theta equals 1.6 HA: Theta not equal 1.6 Alpha: .99 C.I: .95

Hispanic/White Wilcoxon Rank sum Ho: Theta1-Theta2 equals 0 HA: Theta1-Theta2 not equal to 0 Alpha .05

Appendix E.
Hispanics 1.5213 1.7792 1.5543 1.5412 1.5747 1.6588 1.5 1.7024 1.5556 1.6333 1.6067 1.6712 1.5904 1.7128 1.7439 1.6572 1.7778 1.6316 1.6264 1.7805 White 1.576 1.8046 1.6739 1.7558 1.5684 1.4583 1.5106 1.7397 1.5686 1.75 1.7531 1.8493 1.7439 1.7952 1.6125 1.5385 1.573 1.4105 1.5465 1.5783

Appendix F.

White arm Ratio

Hispanic Arm Ratio

Comments Although, every attempt to eliminate bias from our sample, there is still the possibility of chance error, chance error is a type of bias that can occur during the measurement or weighting process. Overall, the above information was collected to the best of my abilities using proper ethics and applying the scientic method.


Picture for cover page. The_measure_of_beauty_created_in_nature:_The_golden_ratio

Used for information.

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