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Race Hazards, Clock Skew, Cross Simulation & Intra-Assignment Delays Race Hazards and Clock Skew

In a synchronous system (where a single clock is shared by all sequential elements) almost all timing problems can be overcome by reducing the speed of the clock. The exception is a race hazard where data arrives too early at the D input of a flip-flop allowing the data to pass through one cycle too early.

To avoid hazard:
td1 + tpQ + tcomb > td2 + thold


is the clock delay seen at the first D-type due to the clock distribution is the Clock to Q propagation delay for the first D-type tcomb is the delay through the combinational logic td2 is the clock delay seen at the second D-type due to the clock distribution thold is the minimum hold time for the second D-type
td1 tpQ

this can be re-written as:

tskew < tcomb + tpQ - thold


tskew is the clock skew (= td2

- td1)

In this study we will consider the worst case where there is no combinational logic delay (this is the case most likely to result in a hazard).

The equation for hazard avoidance now gives us an upper limit for the permitted clock skew in terms of characteristics of a D-Type:
tskew < tpQ - thold

Cross Simulation and Intra-Assignment Delays

With a cross simulation we simulate a behavioural module (e.g. controller) alongside a structural module (e.g. datapath).

Since the behavioual module will not include a model for the delay in the clock buffer there is a potential problem as the equation becomes:
tclock_delay(structural) < tpQ(behavioural) - thold(structural)

The solution is to ensure that tpQ(behavioural) is sufficiently large. This Clock to Q delay must be added in for all registers updated within a procedural block controlled by always_ff @(posedge Clock). The delays can be seen in the code snippet below:
always_ff @(posedge Clock, negedge nReset) if ( ! nReset ) begin started <= 0; toggled <= 0; count <= 0; end else begin if (( started == 1 ) && ( toggled == 0 )) count <= #20 count + 1; else count <= #20 count - 3; started <= #20 1; toggled <= #20 ! toggled; end


a delay of #20 will be sufficient provided that the timeunit setting in the behavioural file matches the one in the structural file (in this case #20 is interpretted as 20 transistor delays). the #20 delays are not included within the reset clause since they are included to model Clock to Q propagation delays (not nReset to Q propagation delays). the delay is included as an intra-assignment delay:
regSignal <= #20 newValue

rather than an inter-statement delay:

#20 regSignal <= newValue

the first form correctly models the Clock to Q propagation delay where the newValue is evaluated on the rising edge of the Clock and regSignal is updated #20 later - the second inter-statement form would not be suitable as it would delay the evaluation of newValue (potentially causing another race hazard) there would also be a knock-on delay for all subsequent statements.

this arrangement of delays works with non-blocking assignments "<=" but not with blocking assignments "=" where the addition of an intra-assignment delay will result is a knock-on delay for all subsequent statements.

D-Type Timing

For successful operation, data must be available for at least tsetup before the rising clock edge and at least thold after the rising clock edge. The output will be stable and valid tpQ after the rising clock edge.

Iain McNally 2-10-2011

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