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pag. 4 A Spiritual Testament: father Ivan Strannik / John the Stranger Two major, although very differ- ent, spiritual events took piace in Romania during the communist re- gime, while the latter endured Jonger. The first was the group of Antim (Anthemios) monastery, gath- ering intellectuals, clergy and ‘monks, the second was Constantin Noica's philosophical school of Paitinis monastery, gathering mostly intellectuals (among them, the to- day's Romanian top scholars and wmiters Gabriel Litceanu and Andrei Plesu) I will refer to the former, reading Fr André Scrima's book Tie Time of the Burning Bush (Romanian). There itis published a letter, containing the spiritual testament of father Iwan’ Strannile, founder and spintual men- tor of the Anti group called ‘The Buming Bush’ Father Ivan (John) the Stranger ‘was a former Russian bishop, exiled by the soviet regime, who have found asylum, like many other po- litical refugees, in Romania (before the installation of the dare commu- nist ages). He was charismatic per- son, really endowed with the divine grace; a bearer and giver of grace After sending the above mentioned letter to his disciples, he went into the mountains, being seen only rarely afterwards, like an angelic Juminous phenomenon. ‘The letter was published by Fr Scrima, the youngest member of the group, only a few years ago [second edition, Bucharest: Humanitas, 2000]. Fr Scrima wasa distinguished scholar, Macedo-Romanian by ori- in, living (after he managed to eave the communist Romania) in India for many years where he Jeamed the sacred ancient Hindu Ianguage He had also knowledge of Hebrew and Arabic. Founder ofa monastery in Lebanon University professor, militant for ecumenism and inter-religious dialog Archi- mandrite of the Ecumenical Patriar- chate. Below you will find my translation of the letter, from the original Roma- nian Tam grateful for the help I have received, at an early stage of this translation, from Mr. Dimitri Kepreotes (St Andrew s Greek Or- thodox Theological College). The letter, autobiographic, speaks of the content of the spiritual experience and the place of the spiritual father in our ecclesial tradition. Many things that are mentioned here look like being vain metaphors. assure you it is mich more than that. So, I invite you to take literally everything you will read here, although it is practically impossible to understand the nature of the things that are de- scribed, But if understanding repre- sents not an option, it is by experi- ence that we could hope to have a ‘rue insight into this... [D.C] Glory and thanking to the Lord who, at this very moment, shows us His benevolence ‘With the help of the Living God, just reminding you some signs and vani- ous moments —as longas these could be shared by the means of writing -, I will spealeto you for your minds and hearts to be truly strengthened ina complete union with the Lord, and your faith to re- main balanced in the ways of the divine Providence, also [to be truly strengthened] the trust you put into the “stranger” whom, not outside a mystery, you found on the salvific joumey of the souls belonging to Him I strongly confess the work of the Providence accomplished in me and which is unceasingly accomplished in me. [again confess the wholeness of the divine mercies poured upon us and those which will be elected by the Lord, in incomprehensible ways and in such different modes, as tools of the glory of his holy Name. Blessed are those that have not doubted about me, your unworthy father and elder, who is among you asa “foreigner [and] messenger” Indeed, [Tam like this not] not be- cause I—a human being, with the qualities and weaknesses of our na- ture - would have been somehow different, but [because of] God's vill, the incomparable wall of God Itis [God's will] that chose me, de- spite my unworthiness, it is [God's vill] that guides my steps and rests upon me, its servant, Since my very youth, the sweet en- ergy of the Providence rested its f2- vour in my heart and, on the way of my salvation, granted me the grace- ful blessing of the Inheritance It granted me also a spiritual father in who was working the grace that filled his life Also, and moreover, it granted me, all along my joumey, the unmedi- ated grace of strength and wisdom. Thave spoken to you many times about all these things by living word, and I will definitely provide you with some other details [he quotes The Book of Wisdom of Sirah 4331] Despite my wealmess, I will always be grateful to him, for on the ladder of my spiritual growth He power- fully revealed to me so many times his truth and grace. Butas the emperor and prophet Solomon says: [he quotes The Wis- dom 7:29} Truly his power works through the vweaic and ignorant [he quotes Psalm 8:2-3 from the Septuagint] And so the Lord granted me what it is called the charismatic Tradition of the spiritual Inheritance and the ce of guiding people's souls to- vwards salvation = page 5 Parochial Life march - ape 2006 | pag.5 A Spiritual... > page 4 Loolang back, in order to compre- hend the spaces have walked through, me, the traveller who since sixty four years ago sojoum this life, [acknowledge that, from de beginning, the Lord hurried to pour in my young heart the flame impos- sible to defeat of His love bless the Lord for He was not re- Tuctant to fill my inner life and to overwhelm it with His unfathom- able mercies. I humiliated myself because of the wholeness of these gifts, which are above all the earthly goods, gifts than cannot be perceived by the world and human mind. Tbless the Lord that from my first years he guided me on His mysteni- ous ways, towards the inexhausted springs from where flows the grace, springs that the old Fathers guarded in hermitages, in mountains and in places hidden to the eyes ofthe world ‘Yes, [bless the Lord who, at the threshold of my adulthood, made to bbe melted in the [interior] room of my heart, the richness of the gifts from which even now Ilive and renew myself, richness that were not lost because of my sufferings and the meanders of the road of my life, for [looked with care and fear not to diminish it. On the contrary, speaking with spiritual courage, 1 may undoubtedly witness that even myself, as humble and unworthy as Tam, besides my wealmess, I of- fered the true gift of the Providence to many of those who sincerely sought it ‘Yes, Himalone, the Lord has al- ways shared himself to those travel- lers of this our earthly joumey, whom He brought to Himself by the very roads of the everyday life, to satisfy the thirst of their souls, Or, the thirst for the Spirit is insa- tiable and nothing could overwhelm it, and inasmuch his grace pours into the being, as much this one grows and becomes complete Itis real, truly, May the mercy of God and the grace of our Lord! Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen! Something Fishy By Preshytera Bisodia Menis The Commonwealth games, held in Melboume this March, began with « grand opening Pert of the opening ceremony took place on the Yarra River, very close to the main sporting arena, the Melboume Cricket Ground. In the weeks leading up to the Games, I sew some barges lined up in the river near the sports precinct Each ‘barge had onit a large fish and each fish represented a country which was to compete in the Games I photo- gxaphed these intriguing creatures which seemed to swim, in single file, upstream but out of the water Fish out of water... The thought amused me.I remembered hearing about monks saying that when they were away from their monastery, they felt as if they were fish out of water. I wondered if they felt thet they were swimming against the current — up- stream. Out of their Femiliar environ- ment, anyone would need to make the required adjustments. Petheps e lot of effort is required to cope with anew situation Perhaps a sense of bewilder- ment overcomes one How did the apostles feel when they were chosen and invited by Jesus to ‘become “fishers of men” (Metthew 4:19)? These, mostly fishermen, were destined for something thet they could never have imagined in their lives. Sometimes they fumbled, sometimes they got it wrong They may have felt like fish out of water at first, but our Lord’s coaching with love saw the majority of them mertyrs for the faith, Itis by the Grace of God thet they struggled through. The early Christians had a short. hand sign for Jesus. They drew a fish, ‘The acronym IXOYE [for Jesus (J) Christ 00) God's @)) Son (¥), the Seviour (2)] means fish in Ancient Greek. I emembered how many times Jesus had something to do with fish He fed two crowds with bread and fish (Matthew 14:14-21& Mark 8:1- 10). He told Peter to find a coinin the mouth of e particular fish so thet some temple taxes could be paid (Matthew 1721-27). On a certain occasion, Je- sus guided Peter and the fishermen where to cast their nets so that they sight catch fish, which on that night they had been frustratingly unsuccess- ful in doing ohn 21 3-6). Jesus even ‘barbequed some fish for the apostles to have for breakfast (John 21:9-12). During the Lenten period, those who are able to fast abstain from (amongst other thing) fish, but look forward to the relaxation of this rule on the Feastday of the Annunciation and a litle letes, Palm Sunday. I re- member hearing a recorded telk given ‘by Father Niphon, a monk from the Athonite monastery of V atopedi, He elated a story about the blessed Fa- ther Prisios (d 1994). One Sunday of the Blind Men, Fr Paisios was feeling rather exhausted and run down He didnot enjoy good health end more- over had issues with his stomach. He ‘thought to himself thet st would be beneficial if he ate e little fish to strengthen himself. As he was think ing alarge form, like an eagle or kite, swooped down. He ignored it, think- ingit may be from the demons, and retreated quickly into his cell. A shost time later he had reason to go outside agein. He saw inthe very place where the eatlier incident happened, a live fish which was still thrashing about. He thanked God and took the fish but seid that he hardly had the heart to eat this blessing from God. May we have the intercessions of Fr Peisios, who incidentally died out of his monastery, as we travel through, Lent and more closely become ac- quainted with ow Lord Perhaps He will not ask us to be “fishers of men” Shall we aspire then at least to be “caught”? Levels of perception Anomalegue (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) ‘ttp:/ wnru.ivgioumal com/ users! anomalogie/ Innumerable Heavens spread above our heads; and high above them is Heaven, Two handfuls of Barth lie dark be- neath our feet; and deep beneath that is Easth, We are suspended here becween Earth and Heaven: Inside and be- ‘ween us is Logos. was born here alone with Heaven above me; and Earth below me: From here I surmise Parochial Life Imarch- api 2008 |

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