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G.R. No.


August 12, 1927 MANIO, plaintiffs-appellants,

SEVERINO TOLENTINO and POTENCIANA vs. BENITO GONZALEZ SY CHIAM, defendants-appellee. Araneta and Eusebio Orense for appelle. JOHNSON, J.: PRINCIPAL QUESTIONS PRESENTED BY THE APPEAL The principal questions presented by this appeal are: Zaragoza



(a) Is the contract in question a pacto de retro or a mortgage? (b) Under a pacto de retro, when the vendor becomes a tenant of the purchaser and agrees to pay a certain amount per month as rent, may such rent render such a contract usurious when the amount paid as rent, computed upon the purchase price, amounts to a higher rate of interest upon said amount than that allowed by law? (c) evidence? May the contract in the present case may be modified by parol

ANTECEDENT FACTS Sometime prior to the 28th day of November, 1922, the appellants purchased of the Luzon Rice Mills, Inc., a piece or parcel of land with the camarin located thereon, situated in the municipality of Tarlac of the Province of Tarlac for the price of P25,000, promising to pay therefor in three installments. The first installment of P2,000 was due on or before the 2d day of May, 1921; the second installment of P8,000 was due on or before 31st day of May, 1921; the balance of P15,000 at 12 per cent interest was due and payable on or about the 30th day of November, 1922. One of the conditions of that contract of purchase was that on failure of the purchaser (plaintiffs and appellants) to pay the balance of said purchase price or any of the installments on the date agreed upon, the property bought would revert to the original owner. The payments due on the 2d and 31st of May, 1921, amounting to P10,000 were paid so far as the record shows upon the due dates. The balance of P15,000 due on said contract of purchase was paid on or about the 1st day of December, 1922, in the manner which will be explained below. On the date when the balance of P15,000 with interest was paid, the vendor of said property had issued to the purchasers transfer certificate of title to said property, No. 528. Said transfer certificate of title (No. 528) was

transfer certificate of title from No. 40, which shows that said land was originally registered in the name of the vendor on the 7th day of November, 1913. PRESENT FACTS On the 7th day of November, 1922 the representative of the vendor of the property in question wrote a letter to the appellant Potenciana Manio (Exhibit A, p. 50), notifying the latter that if the balance of said indebtedness was not paid, an action would be brought for the purpose of recovering the property, together with damages for non compliance with the condition of the contract of purchase. The pertinent parts of said letter read as follows: Sirvase notar que de no estar liquidada esta cuenta el dia 30 del corriente, procederemos judicialmente contra Vd. para reclamar la devolucion del camarin y los daos y perjuicios ocasionados a la compaia por su incumplimiento al contrato. Somos de Vd. atentos y S. S. SMITH, BELL & CO., LTD. By (Sgd.) F. I. HIGHAM Treasurer. General Managers LUZON RICE MILLS INC. According to Exhibits B and D, which represent the account rendered by the vendor, there was due and payable upon said contract of purchase on the 30th day of November, 1922, the sum P16,965.09. Upon receiving the letter of the vendor of said property of November 7, 1922, the purchasers, the appellants herein, realizing that they would be unable to pay the balance due, began to make an effort to borrow money with which to pay the balance due, began to make an effort to borrow money with which to pay the balance of their indebtedness on the purchase price of the property involved. Finally an application was made to the defendant for a loan for the purpose of satisfying their indebtedness to the vendor of said property. After some negotiations the defendants agreed to loan the plaintiffs to loan the plaintiffs the sum of P17,500 upon condition that the plaintiffs execute and deliver to him a pacto de retro of said property. In accordance with that agreement the defendant paid to the plaintiffs by means of a check the sum of P16,965.09. The defendant, in addition to said amount paid by check, delivered to the plaintiffs the sum of P354.91 together with the sum of P180 which the plaintiffs paid to the attorneys for drafting said contract of pacto de retro, making a total paid by the defendant to the plaintiffs and for the plaintiffs of P17,500 upon the

execution and delivery of said contract. Said contracts was dated the 28th day of November, 1922, and is in the words and figures following: Sepan todos por la presente: Que nosotros, los conyuges Severino Tolentino y Potenciana Manio, ambos mayores de edad, residentes en el Municipio de Calumpit, Provincia de Bulacan, propietarios y transeuntes en esta Ciudad de Manila, de una parte, y de otra, Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam, mayor de edad, casado con Maria Santiago, comerciante y vecinos de esta Ciudad de Manila. MANIFESTAMOS Y HACEMOS CONSTAR: Primero. Que nosotros, Severino Tolentino y Potenciano Manio, por y en consideracion a la cantidad de diecisiete mil quinientos pesos (P17,500) moneda filipina, que en este acto hemos recibido a nuestra entera satisfaccion de Don Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam, cedemos, vendemos y traspasamos a favor de dicho Don Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam, sus herederos y causahabientes, una finca que, segun el Certificado de Transferencia de Titulo No. 40 expedido por el Registrador de Titulos de la Provincia de Tarlac a favor de "Luzon Rice Mills Company Limited" que al incorporarse se donomino y se denomina "Luzon Rice Mills Inc.," y que esta corporacion nos ha transferido en venta absoluta, se describe como sigue: Un terreno (lote No. 1) con las mejoras existentes en el mismo, situado en el Municipio de Tarlac. Linda por el O. y N. con propiedad de Manuel Urquico; por el E. con propiedad de la Manila Railroad Co.; y por el S. con un camino. Partiendo de un punto marcado 1 en el plano, cuyo punto se halla al N. 41 gds. 17' E.859.42 m. del mojon de localizacion No. 2 de la Oficina de Terrenos en Tarlac; y desde dicho punto 1 N. 81 gds. 31' O., 77 m. al punto 2; desde este punto N. 4 gds. 22' E.; 54.70 m. al punto 3; desde este punto S. 86 gds. 17' E.; 69.25 m. al punto 4; desde este punto S. 2 gds. 42' E., 61.48 m. al punto de partida; midiendo una extension superficcial de cuatro mil doscientos diez y seis metros cuadrados (4,216) mas o menos. Todos los puntos nombrados se hallan marcados en el plano y sobre el terreno los puntos 1 y 2 estan determinados por mojones de P. L. S. de 20 x 20 x 70 centimetros y los puntos 3 y 4 por mojones del P. L. S. B. L.: la orientacion seguida es la verdadera, siendo la declinacion magnetica de 0 gds. 45' E. y la fecha de la medicion, 1. de febrero de 1913. Segundo. Que es condicion de esta venta la de que si en el plazo de cinco (5) aos contados desde el dia 1. de diciembre de 1922, devolvemos al expresado Don Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam el referido

precio de diecisiete mil quinientos pesos (P17,500) queda obligado dicho Sr. Benito Gonzalez y Chiam a retrovendernos la finca arriba descrita; pero si transcurre dicho plazo de cinco aos sin ejercitar el derecho de retracto que nos hemos reservado, entonces quedara esta venta absoluta e irrevocable. Tercero. Que durante el expresado termino del retracto tendremos en arrendamiento la finca arriba descrita, sujeto a condiciones siguientes: (a) El alquiler que nos obligamos a pagar por mensualidades vencidas a Don Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam y en su domicilio, era de trescientos setenta y cinco pesos (P375) moneda filipina, cada mes. (b) El amillaramiento de la finca arrendada sera por cuenta de dicho Don Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam, asi como tambien la prima del seguro contra incendios, si el conviniera al referido Sr. Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam asegurar dicha finca. (c) La falta de pago del alquiler aqui estipulado por dos meses consecutivos dara lugar a la terminacion de este arrendamieno y a la perdida del derecho de retracto que nos hemos reservado, como si naturalmente hubiera expirado el termino para ello, pudiendo en su virtud dicho Sr. Gonzalez Sy Chiam tomar posesion de la finca y desahuciarnos de la misma. Cuarto. Que yo, Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam, a mi vez otorgo que acepto esta escritura en los precisos terminos en que la dejan otorgada los conyuges Severino Tolentino y Potenciana Manio. En testimonio de todo lo cual, firmamos la presente de nuestra mano en Manila, por cuadruplicado en Manila, hoy a 28 de noviembre de 1922. (Fdo.) SEVERINO TOLENTINO (Fda.) POTENCIANA MANIO (Fdo.) BENITO GONZALEZ SY CHIAM Firmado en presencia de: (Fdos.) MOISES M. BUHAIN B. S. BANAAG

An examination of said contract of sale with reference to the first question above, shows clearly that it is a pacto de retro and not a mortgage. There is no pretension on the part of the appellant that said contract, standing alone, is a mortgage. The pertinent language of the contract is: Segundo. Que es condicion de esta venta la de que si en el plazo de cinco (5) aos contados desde el dia 1. de diciembre de 1922, devolvemos al expresado Don Benito Gonzales Sy Chiam el referido precio de diecisiete mil quinientos pesos (P17,500) queda obligado dicho Sr. Benito Gonzales Sy Chiam a retrovendornos la finca arriba descrita; pero si transcurre dicho plazo de cinco (5) aos sin ejercitar al derecho de retracto que nos hemos reservado, entonces quedara esta venta absoluta e irrevocable. Language cannot be clearer. The purpose of the contract is expressed clearly in said quotation that there can certainly be not doubt as to the purpose of the plaintiff to sell the property in question, reserving the right only to repurchase the same. The intention to sell with the right to repurchase cannot be more clearly expressed. It will be noted from a reading of said sale of pacto de retro, that the vendor, recognizing the absolute sale of the property, entered into a contract with the purchaser by virtue of which she became the "tenant" of the purchaser. That contract of rent appears in said quoted document above as follows: Tercero. Que durante el expresado termino del retracto tendremos en arrendamiento la finca arriba descrita, sujeto a condiciones siguientes: (a) El alquiler que nos obligamos a pagar por mensualidades vencidas a Don Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam y en su domicilio, sera de trescientos setenta y cinco pesos (P375) moneda filipina, cada mes. (b) El amillaramiento de la finca arrendada sera por cuenta de dicho Don Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam, asi como tambien la prima del seguro contra incendios, si le conviniera al referido Sr. Benito Gonzalez Sy Chiam asegurar dicha finca. From the foregoing, we are driven to the following conclusions: First, that the contract of pacto de retro is an absolute sale of the property with the right to repurchase and not a mortgage; and, second, that by virtue of the said contract the vendor became the tenant of the purchaser, under the conditions mentioned in paragraph 3 of said contact quoted above. It has been the uniform theory of this court, due to the severity of a contract of pacto de retro, to declare the same to be a mortgage and not a sale whenever the interpretation of such a contract justifies that conclusion. There must be something, however, in the language of the contract or in the conduct of the parties which shows clearly and beyond doubt that they intended the contract to be a "mortgage" and not a pacto de retro. (International Banking Corporation vs. Martinez, 10 Phil., 252;

Padilla vs. Linsangan, 19 Phil., 65; Cumagun vs. Alingay, 19 Phil., Olino vs. Medina, 13 Phil., 379; Manalo vs. Gueco, 42 Phil., Velazquez vs. Teodoro, 46 Phil., 757; Villavs. Santiago, 38 Phil., 157.)

415; 925;

We are not unmindful of the fact that sales with pacto de retro are not favored and that the court will not construe an instrument to one of sale with pacto de retro, with the stringent and onerous effect which follows, unless the terms of the document and the surrounding circumstances require it. While it is general rule that parol evidence is not admissible for the purpose of varying the terms of a contract, but when an issue is squarely presented that a contract does not express the intention of the parties, courts will, when a proper foundation is laid therefor, hear evidence for the purpose of ascertaining the true intention of the parties. In the present case the plaintiffs allege in their complaint that the contract in question is a pacto de retro. They admit that they signed it. They admit they sold the property in question with the right to repurchase it. The terms of the contract quoted by the plaintiffs to the defendant was a "sale" with pacto de retro, and the plaintiffs have shown no circumstance whatever which would justify us in construing said contract to be a mere "loan" with guaranty. In every case in which this court has construed a contract to be a mortgage or a loan instead of a sale with pacto de retro, it has done so, either because the terms of such contract were incompatible or inconsistent with the theory that said contract was one of purchase and sale. (Olino vs. Medina, supra; Padilla vs. Linsangan,supra; Manlagnit vs. Dy Puico, 34 Phil., 325; Rodriguez vs. Pamintuan and De Jesus, 37 Phil., 876.) In the case of Padilla vs. Linsangan the term employed in the contract to indicate the nature of the conveyance of the land was "pledged" instead of "sold". In the case of Manlagnit vs. Dy Puico, while the vendor used to the terms "sale and transfer with the right to repurchase," yet in said contract he described himself as a "debtor" the purchaser as a "creditor" and the contract as a "mortgage". In the case of Rodriguez vs. Pamintuan and De Jesusthe person who executed the instrument, purporting on its face to be a deed of sale of certain parcels of land, had merely acted under a power of attorney from the owner of said land, "authorizing him to borrow money in such amount and upon such terms and conditions as he might deem proper, and to secure payment of the loan by a mortgage." In the case of Villa vs. Santiago (38 Phil., 157), although a contract purporting to be a deed of sale was executed, the supposed vendor remained in possession of the land and invested the money he had obtained from the supposed vendee in making improvements thereon, which fact justified the court in holding that the transaction was a mere loan and not a sale. In the case of Cuyugan vs. Santos (39 Phil., 970), the purchaser accepted partial payments from the vendor, and such acceptance of partial payments is absolutely incompatible with the idea of irrevocability of the title of ownership of the purchaser at the expiration of the term stipulated in the original contract for the exercise of the right of repurchase."

Referring again to the right of the parties to vary the terms of written contract, we quote from the dissenting opinion of Chief Justice Cayetano S. Arellano in the case of Government of the Philippine Islands vs. Philippine Sugar Estates Development Co., which case was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States and the contention of the Chief Justice in his dissenting opinion was affirmed and the decision of the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands was reversed. (See decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, June 3, 1918.)1 The Chief Justice said in discussing that question: According to article 1282 of the Civil Code, in order to judge of the intention of the contracting parties, consideration must chiefly be paid to those acts executed by said parties which are contemporary with and subsequent to the contract. And according to article 1283, however general the terms of a contract may be, they must not be held to include things and cases different from those with regard to which the interested parties agreed to contract. "The Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands held the parol evidence was admissible in that case to vary the terms of the contract between the Government of the Philippine Islands and the Philippine Sugar Estates Development Co. In the course of the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States Mr. Justice Brandeis, speaking for the court, said: It is well settled that courts of equity will reform a written contract where, owing to mutual mistake, the language used therein did not fully or accurately express the agreement and intention of the parties. The fact that interpretation or construction of a contract presents a question of law and that, therefore, the mistake was one of law is not a bar to granting relief. . . . This court is always disposed to accept the construction which the highest court of a territory or possession has placed upon a local statute. But that disposition may not be yielded to where the lower court has clearly erred. Here the construction adopted was rested upon a clearly erroneous assumption as to an established rule of equity. . . . The burden of proof resting upon the appellant cannot be satisfied by mere preponderance of the evidence. It is settled that relief by way of reformation will not be granted unless the proof of mutual mistake be of the clearest and most satisfactory character. The evidence introduced by the appellant in the present case does not meet with that stringent requirement. There is not a word, a phrase, a sentence or a paragraph in the entire record, which justifies this court in holding that the said contract of pacto de retro is a mortgage and not a sale with the right to repurchase. Article 1281 of the Civil Code provides: "If the terms of a contract are clear and leave no doubt as to the intention of the contracting parties, the literal sense of its stipulations shall be followed." Article 1282 provides: "in order to judge as to the intention of the contracting parties, attention must be paid principally to their conduct at the time of making the contract and subsequently thereto." We cannot thereto conclude this branch of our discussion of the question involved, without quoting from that very well reasoned decision of the late Chief Justice Arellano,

one of the greatest jurists of his time. He said, in discussing the question whether or not the contract, in the case of Lichauco vs. Berenguer (20 Phil., 12), was apacto de retro or a mortgage: The public instrument, Exhibit C, in part reads as follows: "Don Macarion Berenguer declares and states that he is the proprietor in fee simple of two parcels of fallow unappropriated crown land situated within the district of his pueblo. The first has an area of 73 quiones, 8 balitas and 8 loanes, located in the sitio of Batasan, and its boundaries are, etc., etc. The second is in the sitio of Panantaglay, barrio of Calumpang has as area of 73 hectares, 22 ares, and 6 centares, and is bounded on the north, etc., etc." In the executory part of the said instrument, it is stated: 'That under condition of right to repurchase (pacto de retro) he sells the said properties to the aforementioned Doa Cornelia Laochangco for P4,000 and upon the following conditions: First, the sale stipulated shall be for the period of two years, counting from this date, within which time the deponent shall be entitled to repurchase the land sold upon payment of its price; second, the lands sold shall, during the term of the present contract, be held in lease by the undersigned who shall pay, as rental therefor, the sum of 400 pesos per annum, or the equivalent in sugar at the option of the vendor; third, all the fruits of the said lands shall be deposited in the sugar depository of the vendee, situated in the district of Quiapo of this city, and the value of which shall be applied on account of the price of this sale; fourth, the deponent acknowledges that he has received from the vendor the purchase price of P4,000 already paid, and in legal tender currency of this country . . .; fifth, all the taxes which may be assessed against the lands surveyed by competent authority, shall be payable by and constitute a charge against the vendor; sixth, if, through any unusual event, such as flood, tempest, etc., the properties hereinbefore enumerated should be destroyed, wholly or in part, it shall be incumbent upon the vendor to repair the damage thereto at his own expense and to put them into a good state of cultivation, and should he fail to do so he binds himself to give to the vendee other lands of the same area, quality and value.' xxx xxx xxx

The opponent maintained, and his theory was accepted by the trial court, that Berenguer's contract with Laochangco was not one of sale with right of repurchase, but merely one of loan secured by those properties, and, consequently, that the ownership of the lands in questions could not have been conveyed to Laochangco, inasmuch as it continued to be held by Berenguer, as well as their possession, which he had not ceased to enjoy.

Such a theory is, as argued by the appellant, erroneous. The instrument executed by Macario Berenguer, the text of which has been transcribed in this decision, is very clear. Berenguer's heirs may not go counter to the literal tenor of the obligation, the exact expression of the consent of the contracting contained in the instrument, Exhibit C. Not because the lands may have continued in possession of the vendor, not because the latter may have assumed the payment of the taxes on such properties, nor yet because the same party may have bound himself to substitute by another any one of the properties which might be destroyed, does the contract cease to be what it is, as set forth in detail in the public instrument. The vendor continued in the possession of the lands, not as the owner thereof as before their sale, but as the lessee which he became after its consummation, by virtue of a contract executed in his favor by the vendee in the deed itself, Exhibit C. Right of ownership is not implied by the circumstance of the lessee's assuming the responsibility of the payment is of the taxes on the property leased, for their payment is not peculiarly incumbent upon the owner, nor is such right implied by the obligation to substitute the thing sold for another while in his possession under lease, since that obligation came from him and he continues under another character in its possessiona reason why he guarantees its integrity and obligates himself to return the thing even in a case of force majeure. Such liability, as a general rule, is foreign to contracts of lease and, if required, is exorbitant, but possible and lawful, if voluntarily agreed to and such agreement does not on this account involve any sign of ownership, nor other meaning than the will to impose upon oneself scrupulous diligence in the care of a thing belonging to another. The purchase and sale, once consummated, is a contract which by its nature transfers the ownership and other rights in the thing sold. A pacto de retro, or sale with right to repurchase, is nothing but a personal right stipulated between the vendee and the vendor, to the end that the latter may again acquire the ownership of the thing alienated. It is true, very true indeed, that the sale with right of repurchase is employed as a method of loan; it is likewise true that in practice many cases occur where the consummation of a pacto de retro sale means the financial ruin of a person; it is also, unquestionable that in pacto de retro sales very important interests often intervene, in the form of the price of the lease of the thing sold, which is stipulated as an additional covenant. (Manresa, Civil Code, p. 274.) But in the present case, unlike others heard by this court, there is no proof that the sale with right of repurchase, made by Berenguer in favor of Laonchangco is rather a mortgage to secure a loan. We come now to a discussion of the second question presented above, and that is, stating the same in another form: May a tenant charge his landlord with a violation of the Usury Law upon the ground that the amount of rent he pays, based upon the real value of the property, amounts to a usurious rate of interest? When the vendor of

property under a pacto de retro rents the property and agrees to pay a rental value for the property during the period of his right to repurchase, he thereby becomes a "tenant" and in all respects stands in the same relation with the purchaser as a tenant under any other contract of lease. The appellant contends that the rental price paid during the period of the existence of the right to repurchase, or the sum of P375 per month, based upon the value of the property, amounted to usury. Usury, generally speaking, may be defined as contracting for or receiving something in excess of the amount allowed by law for the loan or forbearance of moneythe taking of more interest for the use of money than the law allows. It seems that the taking of interest for the loan of money, at least the taking of excessive interest has been regarded with abhorrence from the earliest times. (Dunham vs. Gould, 16 Johnson [N. Y.], 367.) During the middle ages the people of England, and especially the English Church, entertained the opinion, then, current in Europe, that the taking of any interest for the loan of money was a detestable vice, hateful to man and contrary to the laws of God. (3 Coke's Institute, 150; Tayler on Usury, 44.) Chancellor Kent, in the case of Dunham vs. Gould, supra, said: "If we look back upon history, we shall find that there is scarcely any people, ancient or modern, that have not had usury laws. . . . The Romans, through the greater part of their history, had the deepest abhorrence of usury. . . . It will be deemed a little singular, that the same voice against usury should have been raised in the laws of China, in the Hindu institutes of Menu, in the Koran of Mahomet, and perhaps, we may say, in the laws of all nations that we know of, whether Greek or Barbarian." The collection of a rate of interest higher than that allowed by law is condemned by the Philippine Legislature (Acts Nos. 2655, 2662 and 2992). But is it unlawful for the owner of a property to enter into a contract with the tenant for the payment of a specific amount of rent for the use and occupation of said property, even though the amount paid as "rent," based upon the value of the property, might exceed the rate of interest allowed by law? That question has never been decided in this jurisdiction. It is one of first impression. No cases have been found in this jurisdiction answering that question. Act No. 2655 is "An Act fixing rates of interest upon 'loans' and declaring the effect of receiving or taking usurious rates." It will be noted that said statute imposes a penalty upon a "loan" or forbearance of any money, goods, chattels or credits, etc. The central idea of said statute is to prohibit a rate of interest on "loans." A contract of "loan," is very different contract from that of "rent". A "loan," as that term is used in the statute, signifies the giving of a sum of money, goods or credits to another, with a promise to repay, but not a promise to return the same thing. To "loan," in general parlance, is to deliver to another for temporary use, on condition that the thing or its equivalent be returned; or to deliver for temporary use on condition that an equivalent in kind shall be returned with a compensation for its use. The word "loan," however, as used in the statute, has a technical meaning. It never means the return of the same thing. It means the return of an equivalent only, but never

the same thing loaned. A "loan" has been properly defined as an advance payment of money, goods or credits upon a contract or stipulation to repay, not to return, the thing loaned at some future day in accordance with the terms of the contract. Under the contract of "loan," as used in said statute, the moment the contract is completed the money, goods or chattels given cease to be the property of the former owner and becomes the property of the obligor to be used according to his own will, unless the contract itself expressly provides for a special or specific use of the same. At all events, the money, goods or chattels, the moment the contract is executed, cease to be the property of the former owner and becomes the absolute property of the obligor. A contract of "loan" differs materially from a contract of "rent." In a contract of "rent" the owner of the property does not lose his ownership. He simply loses his control over the property rented during the period of the contract. In a contract of "loan" the thing loaned becomes the property of the obligor. In a contract of "rent" the thing still remains the property of the lessor. He simply loses control of the same in a limited way during the period of the contract of "rent" or lease. In a contract of "rent" the relation between the contractors is that of landlord and tenant. In a contract of "loan" of money, goods, chattels or credits, the relation between the parties is that of obligor and obligee. "Rent" may be defined as the compensation either in money, provisions, chattels, or labor, received by the owner of the soil from the occupant thereof. It is defined as the return or compensation for the possession of some corporeal inheritance, and is a profit issuing out of lands or tenements, in return for their use. It is that, which is to paid for the use of land, whether in money, labor or other thing agreed upon. A contract of "rent" is a contract by which one of the parties delivers to the other some nonconsumable thing, in order that the latter may use it during a certain period and return it to the former; whereas a contract of "loan", as that word is used in the statute, signifies the delivery of money or other consumable things upon condition of returning an equivalent amount of the same kind or quantity, in which cases it is called merely a "loan." In the case of a contract of "rent," under the civil law, it is called a "commodatum." From the foregoing it will be seen that there is a while distinction between a contract of "loan," as that word is used in the statute, and a contract of "rent" even though those words are used in ordinary parlance as interchangeable terms. The value of money, goods or credits is easily ascertained while the amount of rent to be paid for the use and occupation of the property may depend upon a thousand different conditions; as for example, farm lands of exactly equal productive capacity and of the same physical value may have a different rental value, depending upon location, prices of commodities, proximity to the market, etc. Houses may have a different rental value due to location, conditions of business, general prosperity or depression, adaptability to particular purposes, even though they have exactly the same original cost. A store on the Escolta, in the center of business, constructed exactly like a store located outside of the business center, will have a much higher rental value than the other. Two places of business located in different sections of the city may be constructed exactly on the same architectural plan and yet one, due to particular location or adaptability to a particular business which the lessor desires to conduct, may

have a very much higher rental value than one not so located and not so well adapted to the particular business. A very cheap building on the carnival ground may rent for more money, due to the particular circumstances and surroundings, than a much more valuable property located elsewhere. It will thus be seen that the rent to be paid for the use and occupation of property is not necessarily fixed upon the value of the property. The amount of rent is fixed, based upon a thousand different conditions and may or may not have any direct reference to the value of the property rented. To hold that "usury" can be based upon the comparative actual rental value and the actual value of the property, is to subject every landlord to an annoyance not contemplated by the law, and would create a very great disturbance in every business or rural community. We cannot bring ourselves to believe that the Legislature contemplated any such disturbance in the equilibrium of the business of the country. In the present case the property in question was sold. It was an absolute sale with the right only to repurchase. During the period of redemption the purchaser was the absolute owner of the property. During the period of redemption the vendor was not the owner of the property. During the period of redemption the vendor was a tenant of the purchaser. During the period of redemption the relation which existed between the vendor and the vendee was that of landlord and tenant. That relation can only be terminated by a repurchase of the property by the vendor in accordance with the terms of the said contract. The contract was one of rent. The contract was not a loan, as that word is used in Act No. 2655. As obnoxious as contracts of pacto de retro are, yet nevertheless, the courts have no right to make contracts for parties. They made their own contract in the present case. There is not a word, a phrase, a sentence or paragraph, which in the slightest way indicates that the parties to the contract in question did not intend to sell the property in question absolutely, simply with the right to repurchase. People who make their own beds must lie thereon. What has been said above with reference to the right to modify contracts by parol evidence, sufficiently answers the third questions presented above. The language of the contract is explicit, clear, unambiguous and beyond question. It expresses the exact intention of the parties at the time it was made. There is not a word, a phrase, a sentence or paragraph found in said contract which needs explanation. The parties thereto entered into said contract with the full understanding of its terms and should not now be permitted to change or modify it by parol evidence. With reference to the improvements made upon said property by the plaintiffs during the life of the contract, Exhibit C, there is hereby reserved to the plaintiffs the right to exercise in a separate action the right guaranteed to them under article 361 of the Civil Code. For all of the foregoing reasons, we are fully persuaded from the facts of the record, in relation with the law applicable thereto, that the judgment appealed from should be and is hereby affirmed, with costs. So ordered.

Avancea, C. J., Street, Villamor, Romualdez and Villa-Real, JJ., concur.

Separate Opinions MALCOLM, J., dissenting: I regret to have to dissent from the comprehensive majority decision. I stand squarely on the proposition that the contract executed by the parties was merely a clever device to cover up the payment of usurious interest. The fact that the document purports to be a true sale with right of repurchase means nothing. The fact that the instrument includes a contract of lease on the property whereby the lessees as vendors apparently bind themselves to pay rent at the rate of P375 per month and whereby "Default in the payment of the rent agreed for two consecutive months will terminate this lease and will forfeit our right of repurchase, as though the term had expired naturally" does mean something, and taken together with the oral testimony is indicative of a subterfuge hiding a usurious loan. (Usury Law, Act No. 2655, sec. 7, as amended; Padilla vs. Linsangan [1911], 19 Phil., 65; U. S. vs. Tan Quingco Chua [1919], 39 Phil., 552; Russel vs. Southard [1851], 53 U. S., 139 Monagas vs. Albertucci y Alvarez [1914], 235 U. S., 81; 10 Manresa, Codigo Civil Espaol, 3rd ed., p. 318.) The transaction should be considered as in the nature of an equitable mortgage. My vote is for a modification of the judgment of the trial court.

G.R. No. L-48349 December 29, 1986 FRANCISCO vs. PETROPHIL CORPORATION, defendant-appellee. Paterno R. Canlas Law Offices for plaintiff-appellant. HERRERA, plaintiff-appellant,

CRUZ, J.: This is an appeal by the plaintiff-appellant from a decision rendered by the then Court of First Instance of Rizal on a pure question of law. 1 The judgment appealed from was rendered on the pleadings, the parties having agreed during the pretrial conference on the factual antecedents. The facts are as follows: On December 5, 1969, the plaintiff-appellant and ESSO Standard Eastern. Inc., (later substituted by Petrophil Corporation) entered into a

"Lease Agreement" whereby the former leased to the latter a portion of his property for a period of twenty (20) years from said date, subject inter alia to the following conditions: 3. Rental: The LESSEE shall pay the LESSOR a rental of Pl.40 sqm. per month on 400 sqm. and are to be expropriated later on (sic) or P560 per month and Fl.40 per sqm. per month on 1,693 sqm. or P2,370.21 per month or a total of P2,930.20 per month 2,093 sqm. more or less, payable yearly in advance within the 1st twenty days of each year; provided, a financial aid in the sum of P15,000 to clear the leased premises of existing improvements thereon is paid in this manner; P10,000 upon execution of this lease and P5,000 upon delivery of leased premises free and clear of improvements thereon within 30 days from the date of execution of this agreement. The portion on the side of the leased premises with an area of 365 sqrm. more or less, will be occupied by LESSEE without rental during the lifetime of this lease. PROVIDED FINALLY, that the Lessor is paid 8 years advance rental based on P2,930.70 per month discounted at 12% interest per annum or a total net amount of P130,288.47 before registration of lease. Leased premises shall be delivered within 30 days after 1st partial payment of financial aid. 2 On December 31, 1969, pursuant to the said contract, the defendant-appellee paid to the plaintfff-appellant advance rentals for the first eight years, subtracting therefrom the amount of P101,010.73, the amount it computed as constituting the interest or discount for the first eight years, in the total sum P180,288.47. On August 20, 1970, the defendant-appellee, explaining that there had been a mistake in computation, paid to the appellant the additional sum of P2,182.70, thereby reducing the deducted amount to only P98,828.03. 3 On October 14, 1974, the plaintiff-appellant sued the defendant-appellee for the sum of P98,828.03, with interest, claiming this had been illegally deducted from him in violation of the Usury Law. 4 He also prayed for moral damages and attorney's fees. In its answer, the defendant-appellee admitted the factual allegations of the complaint but argued that the amount deducted was not usurious interest but a given to it for paying the rentals in advance for eight years. 5 Judgment on the pleadings was rendered for the defendant. 6 Plaintiff-appellant now prays for a reversal of that judgment, insisting that the lower court erred in the computation of the interest collected out of the rentals paid for the first eight years; that such interest was excessive and violative of the Usury Law; and that he had neither agreed to nor accepted the defendantappellant's computation of the total amount to be deducted for the eight years advance rentals. 7 The thrust of the plaintiff-appellant's position is set forth in paragraph 6 of his complaint, which read:

6. The interest collected by defendant out of the rentals for the first eight years was excessive and beyond that allowable by law, because the total interest on the said amount is only P33,755.90 at P4,219.4880 per yearly rental; and considering that the interest should be computed excluding the first year rental because at the time the amount of P281, 199.20 was paid it was already due under the lease contract hence no interest should be collected from the rental for the first year, the amount of P29,536.42 only as the total interest should have been deducted by defendant from the sum of P281,299.20. The defendant maintains that the correct amount of the discount is P98,828.03 and that the same is not excessive and above that allowed by law. As its title plainly indicates, the contract between the parties is one of lease and not of loan. It is clearly denominated a "LEASE AGREEMENT." Nowhere in the contract is there any showing that the parties intended a loan rather than a lease. The provision for the payment of rentals in advance cannot be construed as a repayment of a loan because there was no grant or forbearance of money as to constitute an indebtedness on the part of the lessor. On the contrary, the defendant-appellee was discharging its obligation in advance by paying the eight years rentals, and it was for this advance payment that it was getting a rebate or discount. The provision for a discount is not unusual in lease contracts. As to its validity, it is settled that the parties may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and condition as they may want to include; and as long as such agreements are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public policy or public order, they shall have the force of law between them. 8 There is no usury in this case because no money was given by the defendantappellee to the plaintiff-appellant, nor did it allow him to use its money already in his possession. 9 There was neither loan nor forbearance but a mere discount which the plaintiff-appellant allowed the defendant-appellee to deduct from the total payments because they were being made in advance for eight years. The discount was in effect a reduction of the rentals which the lessor had the right to determine, and any reduction thereof, by any amount, would not contravene the Usury Law. The difference between a discount and a loan or forbearance is that the former does not have to be repaid. The loan or forbearance is subject to repayment and is therefore governed by the laws on usury. 10 Note: To constitute usury, "there must be loan or forbearance; the loan must be of money or something circulating as money; it must be repayable absolutely and in all events; and something must be exacted for the use of the money in excess of and in addition to interest allowed by law." 11 It has been held that the elements of usury are (1) a loan, express or implied; (2) an understanding between the parties that the money lent shall or may be

returned; that for such loan a greater rate or interest that is allowed by law shall be paid, or agreed to be paid, as the case may be; and (4) a corrupt intent to take more than the legal rate for the use of money loaned. Unless these four things concur in every transaction, it is safe to affirm that no case of usury can be declared. 12 Concerning the computation of the deductible discount, the trial court declared: As above-quoted, the 'Lease Agreement' expressly provides that the lessee (defendant) shag pay the lessor (plaintiff) eight (8) years in advance rentals based on P2,930.20 per month discounted at 12% interest per annum. Thus, the total rental for one-year period is P35,162.40 (P2,930.20 multiplied by 12 months) and that the interest therefrom is P4,219.4880 (P35,162.40 multiplied by 12%). So, therefore, the total interest for the first eight (8) years should be only P33,755.90 (P4,129.4880 multiplied by eight (8) years and not P98,828.03 as the defendant claimed it to be. The afore-quoted manner of computation made by plaintiff is patently erroneous. It is most seriously misleading. He just computed the annual discount to be at P4,129.4880 and then simply multiplied it by eight (8) years. He did not take into consideration the naked fact that the rentals due on the eight year were paid in advance by seven (7) years, the rentals due on the seventh year were paid in advance by six (6) years, those due on the sixth year by five (5) years, those due on the fifth year by four (4) years, those due on the fourth year by three (3) years, those due on the third year by two (2) years, and those due on the second year by one (1) year, so much so that the total number of years by which the annual rental of P4,129.4880 was paid in advance is twenty-eight (28), resulting in a total amount of P118,145.44 (P4,129.48 multiplied by 28 years) as the discount. However, defendant was most fair to plaintiff. It did not simply multiply the annual rental discount by 28 years. It computed the total discount with the principal diminishing month to month as shown by Annex 'A' of its memorandum. This is why the total discount amount to only P 8,828.03. The allegation of plaintiff that defendant made the computation in a compounded manner is erroneous. Also after making its own computations and after examining closely defendant's Annex 'A' of its memorandum, the court finds that defendant did not charge 12% discount on the rentals due for the first year so much so that the computation conforms with the provision of the Lease Agreement to the effect that the rentals shall be 'payable yearly in advance within the 1st 20 days of each year. ' We do not agree. The above computation appears to be too much technical mumbojumbo and could not have been the intention of the parties to the transaction. Had it been so, then it should have been clearly stipulated in the contract. Contracts should be interpreted according to their literal meaning and should not be interpreted beyond their obvious intendment. 13

The plaintfff-appellant simply understood that for every year of advance payment there would be a deduction of 12% and this amount would be the same for each of the eight years. There is no showing that the intricate computation applied by the trial court was explained to him by the defendant-appellee or that he knowingly accepted it. The lower court, following the defendant-appellee's formula, declared that the plaintiffappellant had actually agreed to a 12% reduction for advance rentals for all of twenty eight years. That is absurd. It is not normal for a person to agree to a reduction corresponding to twenty eight years advance rentals when all he is receiving in advance rentals is for only eight years. The deduction shall be for only eight years because that was plainly what the parties intended at the time they signed the lease agreement. "Simplistic" it may be, as the Solicitor General describes it, but that is how the lessor understood the arrangement. In fact, the Court will reject his subsequent modification that the interest should be limited to only seven years because the first year rental was not being paid in advance. The agreement was for auniform deduction for the advance rentals for each of the eight years, and neither of the parties can deviate from it now. On the annual rental of P35,168.40, the deducted 12% discount was P4,220.21; and for eight years, the total rental was P281,347.20 from which was deducted the total discount of P33,761.68, leaving a difference of P247,585.52. Subtracting from this amount, the sum of P182,471.17 already paid will leave a balance of P65,114.35 still due the plaintiff-appellant. The above computation is based on the more reasonable interpretation of the contract as a whole rather on the single stipulation invoked by the respondent for the flat reduction of P130,288.47. WHEREFORE, the decision of the trial court is hereby modified, and the defendantappellee Petrophil Corporation is ordered to pay plaintiff-appellant the amount of Sixty Five Thousand One Hundred Fourteen pesos and Thirty-Five Centavos (P65,114.35), with interest at the legal rate until fully paid, plus Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) as attorney's fees. Costs against the defendant-appellee. SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. L-24968 April 27, 1972 SAURA IMPORT and EXPORT CO., INC., plaintiff-appellee, vs. DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, defendant-appellant.

Mabanag, Eliger and Associates and Saura, Magno and Associates for plaintiffappellee. Jesus A. Avancea and Hilario G. Orsolino for defendant-appellant.

MAKALINTAL, J.:p In Civil Case No. 55908 of the Court of First Instance of Manila, judgment was rendered on June 28, 1965 sentencing defendant Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) to pay actual and consequential damages to plaintiff Saura Import and Export Co., Inc. in the amount of P383,343.68, plus interest at the legal rate from the date the complaint was filed and attorney's fees in the amount of P5,000.00. The present appeal is from that judgment. In July 1953 the plaintiff (hereinafter referred to as Saura, Inc.) applied to the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (RFC), before its conversion into DBP, for an industrial loan of P500,000.00, to be used as follows: P250,000.00 for the construction of a factory building (for the manufacture of jute sacks); P240,900.00 to pay the balance of the purchase price of the jute mill machinery and equipment; and P9,100.00 as additional working capital. Parenthetically, it may be mentioned that the jute mill machinery had already been purchased by Saura on the strength of a letter of credit extended by the Prudential Bank and Trust Co., and arrived in Davao City in July 1953; and that to secure its release without first paying the draft, Saura, Inc. executed a trust receipt in favor of the said bank. On January 7, 1954 RFC passed Resolution No. 145 approving the loan application for P500,000.00, to be secured by a first mortgage on the factory building to be constructed, the land site thereof, and the machinery and equipment to be installed. Among the other terms spelled out in the resolution were the following: 1. That the proceeds of the loan shall be utilized exclusively for the following purposes: For construction of factory building P250,000.00 For payment of the balance of purchase price of machinery and equipment 240,900.00 For working capital 9,100.00 T O T A L P500,000.00

4. That Mr. & Mrs. Ramon E. Saura, Inocencia Arellano, Aniceto Caolboy and Gregoria Estabillo and China Engineers, Ltd. shall sign the promissory notes jointly with the borrower-corporation; 5. That release shall be made at the discretion of the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, subject to availability of funds, and as the construction of the factory buildings progresses, to be certified to by an appraiser of this Corporation;" Saura, Inc. was officially notified of the resolution on January 9, 1954. The day before, however, evidently having otherwise been informed of its approval, Saura, Inc. wrote a letter to RFC, requesting a modification of the terms laid down by it, namely: that in lieu of having China Engineers, Ltd. (which was willing to assume liability only to the extent of its stock subscription with Saura, Inc.) sign as co-maker on the corresponding promissory notes, Saura, Inc. would put up a bond for P123,500.00, an amount equivalent to such subscription; and that Maria S. Roca would be substituted for Inocencia Arellano as one of the other co-makers, having acquired the latter's shares in Saura, Inc. In view of such request RFC approved Resolution No. 736 on February 4, 1954, designating of the members of its Board of Governors, for certain reasons stated in the resolution, "to reexamine all the aspects of this approved loan ... with special reference as to the advisability of financing this particular project based on present conditions obtaining in the operations of jute mills, and to submit his findings thereon at the next meeting of the Board." On March 24, 1954 Saura, Inc. wrote RFC that China Engineers, Ltd. had again agreed to act as co-signer for the loan, and asked that the necessary documents be prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in Resolution No. 145. In connection with the reexamination of the project to be financed with the loan applied for, as stated in Resolution No. 736, the parties named their respective committees of engineers and technical men to meet with each other and undertake the necessary studies, although in appointing its own committee Saura, Inc. made the observation that the same "should not be taken as an acquiescence on (its) part to novate, or accept new conditions to, the agreement already) entered into," referring to its acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned in Resolution No. 145. On April 13, 1954 the loan documents were executed: the promissory note, with F.R. Halling, representing China Engineers, Ltd., as one of the co-signers; and the corresponding deed of mortgage, which was duly registered on the following April 17. It appears, however, that despite the formal execution of the loan agreement the reexamination contemplated in Resolution No. 736 proceeded. In a meeting of the RFC Board of Governors on June 10, 1954, at which Ramon Saura, President of Saura, Inc., was present, it was decided to reduce the loan from P500,000.00 to P300,000.00. Resolution No. 3989 was approved as follows:

RESOLUTION No. 3989. Reducing the Loan Granted Saura Import & Export Co., Inc. under Resolution No. 145, C.S., from P500,000.00 to P300,000.00. Pursuant to Bd. Res. No. 736, c.s., authorizing the re-examination of all the various aspects of the loan granted the Saura Import & Export Co. under Resolution No. 145, c.s., for the purpose of financing the manufacture of jute sacks in Davao, with special reference as to the advisability of financing this particular project based on present conditions obtaining in the operation of jute mills, and after having heard Ramon E. Saura and after extensive discussion on the subject the Board, upon recommendation of the Chairman, RESOLVED that the loan granted the Saura Import & Export Co. be REDUCED from P500,000 to P300,000 and that releases up to P100,000 may be authorized as may be necessary from time to time to place the factory in actual operation: PROVIDED that all terms and conditions of Resolution No. 145, c.s., not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect." On June 19, 1954 another hitch developed. F.R. Halling, who had signed the promissory note for China Engineers Ltd. jointly and severally with the other RFC that his company no longer to of the loan and therefore considered the same as cancelled as far as it was concerned. A follow-up letter dated July 2 requested RFC that the registration of the mortgage be withdrawn. In the meantime Saura, Inc. had written RFC requesting that the loan of P500,000.00 be granted. The request was denied by RFC, which added in its letter-reply that it was "constrained to consider as cancelled the loan of P300,000.00 ... in view of a notification ... from the China Engineers Ltd., expressing their desire to consider the loan insofar as they are concerned." On July 24, 1954 Saura, Inc. took exception to the cancellation of the loan and informed RFC that China Engineers, Ltd. "will at any time reinstate their signature as co-signer of the note if RFC releases to us the P500,000.00 originally approved by you.". On December 17, 1954 RFC passed Resolution No. 9083, restoring the loan to the original amount of P500,000.00, "it appearing that China Engineers, Ltd. is now willing to sign the promissory notes jointly with the borrower-corporation," but with the following proviso: That in view of observations made of the shortage and high cost of imported raw materials, the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall certify to the following: 1. That the raw materials needed by the borrower-corporation to carry out its operation are available in the immediate vicinity; and 2. That there is prospect of increased production thereof to provide adequately for the requirements of the factory."

The action thus taken was communicated to Saura, Inc. in a letter of RFC dated December 22, 1954, wherein it was explained that the certification by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources was required "as the intention of the original approval (of the loan) is to develop the manufacture of sacks on the basis of locally available raw materials." This point is important, and sheds light on the subsequent actuations of the parties. Saura, Inc. does not deny that the factory he was building in Davao was for the manufacture of bags from local raw materials. The cover page of its brochure (Exh. M) describes the project as a "Joint venture by and between the Mindanao Industry Corporation and the Saura Import and Export Co., Inc. to finance, manage and operate a Kenafmill plant, to manufacture copra and corn bags, runners, floor mattings, carpets, draperies; out of 100% local raw materials, principal kenaf." The explanatory note on page 1 of the same brochure states that, the venture "is the first serious attempt in this country to use 100% locally grown raw materials notably kenaf which is presently grown commercially in the Island of Mindanao where the proposed jutemill is located ..." This fact, according to defendant DBP, is what moved RFC to approve the loan application in the first place, and to require, in its Resolution No. 9083, a certification from the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources as to the availability of local raw materials to provide adequately for the requirements of the factory. Saura, Inc. itself confirmed the defendant's stand impliedly in its letter of January 21, 1955: (1) stating that according to a special study made by the Bureau of Forestry "kenaf will not be available in sufficient quantity this year or probably even next year;" (2) requesting "assurances (from RFC) that my company and associates will be able to bring in sufficient jute materials as may be necessary for the full operation of the jute mill;" and (3) asking that releases of the loan be made as follows: a) For the payment of the machineries with the Prudential Bank & Trust Company P250,000.00 (For immediate release) b) For the purchase of materials ment per attached list to enable mill to operate 182,413.91 c) For raw materials and labor 67,586.09 1) P25,000.00 ing of the for $25,000.00. 2) P25,000.00 of raw jute. to be released letter of credit on for the openraw jute and the equipjute receipt for jute mill






3) P17,586.09 to be mill is ready to operate.






On January 25, 1955 RFC sent to Saura, Inc. the following reply: Dear Sirs: This is with reference to your letter of January 21, 1955, regarding the release of your loan under consideration of P500,000. As stated in our letter of December 22, 1954, the releases of the loan, if revived, are proposed to be made from time to time, subject to availability of funds towards the end that the sack factory shall be placed in actual operating status. We shall be able to act on your request for revised purpose and manner of releases upon re-appraisal of the securities offered for the loan. With respect to our requirement that the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources certify that the raw materials needed are available in the immediate vicinity and that there is prospect of increased production thereof to provide adequately the requirements of the factory, we wish to reiterate that the basis of the original approval is to develop the manufacture of sacks on the basis of the locally available raw materials. Your statement that you will have to rely on the importation of jute and your request that we give you assurance that your company will be able to bring in sufficient jute materials as may be necessary for the operation of your factory, would not be in line with our principle in approving the loan. With the foregoing letter the negotiations came to a standstill. Saura, Inc. did not pursue the matter further. Instead, it requested RFC to cancel the mortgage, and so, on June 17, 1955 RFC executed the corresponding deed of cancellation and delivered it to Ramon F. Saura himself as president of Saura, Inc. It appears that the cancellation was requested to make way for the registration of a mortgage contract, executed on August 6, 1954, over the same property in favor of the Prudential Bank and Trust Co., under which contract Saura, Inc. had up to December 31 of the same year within which to pay its obligation on the trust receipt heretofore mentioned. It appears further that for failure to pay the said obligation the Prudential Bank and Trust Co. sued Saura, Inc. on May 15, 1955. On January 9, 1964, ahnost 9 years after the mortgage in favor of RFC was cancelled at the request of Saura, Inc., the latter commenced the present suit for damages, alleging failure of RFC (as predecessor of the defendant DBP) to comply with its

obligation to release the proceeds of the loan applied for and approved, thereby preventing the plaintiff from completing or paying contractual commitments it had entered into, in connection with its jute mill project. The trial court rendered judgment for the plaintiff, ruling that there was a perfected contract between the parties and that the defendant was guilty of breach thereof. The defendant pleaded below, and reiterates in this appeal: (1) that the plaintiff's cause of action had prescribed, or that its claim had been waived or abandoned; (2) that there was no perfected contract; and (3) that assuming there was, the plaintiff itself did not comply with the terms thereof. We hold that there was indeed a perfected consensual contract, as recognized in Article 1934 of the Civil Code, which provides: ART. 1954. An accepted promise to deliver something, by way of commodatum or simple loan is binding upon the parties, but the commodatum or simple loan itself shall not be perferted until the delivery of the object of the contract. There was undoubtedly offer and acceptance in this case: the application of Saura, Inc. for a loan of P500,000.00 was approved by resolution of the defendant, and the corresponding mortgage was executed and registered. But this fact alone falls short of resolving the basic claim that the defendant failed to fulfill its obligation and the plaintiff is therefore entitled to recover damages.

Facts:It should be noted that RFC entertained the loan application of Saura, Inc. on the assumption that the factory to be constructed would utilize locally grown raw materials, principally kenaf. There is no serious dispute about this. It was in line with such assumption that when RFC, by Resolution No. 9083 approved on December 17, 1954, restored the loan to the original amount of P500,000.00. it imposed two conditions, to wit: "(1) that the raw materials needed by the borrower-corporation to carry out its operation are available in the immediate vicinity; and (2) that there is prospect of increased production thereof to provide adequately for the requirements of the factory." The imposition of those conditions was by no means a deviation from the terms of the agreement, but rather a step in its implementation. There was nothing in said conditions that contradicted the terms laid down in RFC Resolution No. 145, passed on January 7, 1954, namely "that the proceeds of the loan shall be utilizedexclusively for the following purposes: for construction of factory building P250,000.00; for payment of the balance of purchase price of machinery and equipment P240,900.00; for

working capital P9,100.00." Evidently Saura, Inc. realized that it could not meet the conditions required by RFC, and so wrote its letter of January 21, 1955, stating that local jute "will not be able in sufficient quantity this year or probably next year," and asking that out of the loan agreed upon the sum of P67,586.09 be released "for raw materials and labor." This was a deviation from the terms laid down in Resolution No. 145 and embodied in the mortgage contract, implying as it did a diversion of part of the proceeds of the loan to purposes other than those agreed upon.
When RFC turned down the request in its letter of January 25, 1955 the negotiations which had been going on for the implementation of the agreement reached an impasse. Saura, Inc. obviously was in no position to comply with RFC's conditions. So instead of doing so and insisting that the loan be released as agreed upon, Saura, Inc. asked that the mortgage be cancelled, which was done on June 15, 1955. The action thus taken by both parties was in the nature cf mutual desistance what Manresa terms "mutuo disenso" 1 which is a mode of extinguishing obligations. It is a concept that derives from the principle that since mutual agreement can create a contract, mutual disagreement by the parties can cause its extinguishment. 2 The subsequent conduct of Saura, Inc. confirms this desistance. It did not protest against any alleged breach of contract by RFC, or even point out that the latter's stand was legally unjustified. Its request for cancellation of the mortgage carried no reservation of whatever rights it believed it might have against RFC for the latter's noncompliance. In 1962 it even applied with DBP for another loan to finance a rice and corn project, which application was disapproved. It was only in 1964, nine years after the loan agreement had been cancelled at its own request, that Saura, Inc. brought this action for damages.All these circumstances demonstrate beyond doubt that the said agreement had been extinguished by mutual desistance and that on the initiative of the plaintiff-appellee itself. With this view we take of the case, we find it unnecessary to consider and resolve the other issues raised in the respective briefs of the parties. WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is reversed and the complaint dismissed, with costs against the plaintiff-appellee. Reyes, J.B.L., Actg. C.J., Zaldivar, Castro, Fernando, Teehankee, Barredo and Antonio, JJ., concur. Makasiar, J., took no part.

G.R. No. L-17474

October 25, 1962

REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. JOSE V. BAGTAS, defendant, FELICIDAD M. BAGTAS, Administratrix of the Intestate Estate left by the late Jose V. Bagtas, petitioner-appellant. D. T. Reyes, Liaison and Associates Office of the Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. PADILLA, J.: The Court of Appeals certified this case to this Court because only questions of law are raised. On 8 May 1948 Jose V. Bagtas borrowed from the Republic of the Philippines through the Bureau of Animal Industry three bulls: a Red Sindhi with a book value of P1,176.46, a Bhagnari, of P1,320.56 and a Sahiniwal, of P744.46, for a period of one year from 8 May 1948 to 7 May 1949 for breeding purposes subject to a government charge of breeding fee of 10% of the book value of the bulls. Upon the expiration on 7 May 1949 of the contract, the borrower asked for a renewal for another period of one year. However, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources approved a renewal thereof of only one bull for another year from 8 May 1949 to 7 May 1950 and requested the return of the other two. On 25 March 1950 Jose V. Bagtas wrote to the Director of Animal Industry that he would pay the value of the three bulls. On 17 October 1950 he reiterated his desire to buy them at a value with a deduction of yearly depreciation to be approved by the Auditor General. On 19 October 1950 the Director of Animal Industry advised him that the book value of the three bulls could not be reduced and that they either be returned or their book value paid not later than 31 October 1950. Jose V. Bagtas failed to pay the book value of the three bulls or to return them. So, on 20 December 1950 in the Court of First Instance of Manila the Republic of the Philippines commenced an action against him praying that he be ordered to return the three bulls loaned to him or to pay their book value in the total sum of P3,241.45 and the unpaid breeding fee in the sum of P199.62, both with interests, and costs; and that other just and equitable relief be granted in (civil No. 12818). On 5 July 1951 Jose V. Bagtas, through counsel Navarro, Rosete and Manalo, answered that because of the bad peace and order situation in Cagayan Valley, particularly in the barrio of Baggao, and of the pending appeal he had taken to the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the President of the Philippines from the refusal by the Director of Animal Industry to deduct from the book value of the bulls corresponding yearly depreciation of 8% from the date of acquisition, to which depreciation the Auditor General did not object, he could not return the animals nor pay their value and prayed for the dismissal of the complaint. After hearing, on 30 July 1956 the trial court render judgment for petitioner-appellant.

. . . sentencing the latter (defendant) to pay the sum of P3,625.09 the total value of the three bulls plus the breeding fees in the amount of P626.17 with interest on both sums of (at) the legal rate from the filing of this complaint and costs. On 9 October 1958 the plaintiff moved ex parte for a writ of execution which the court granted on 18 October and issued on 11 November 1958. On 2 December 1958 granted an ex-parte motion filed by the plaintiff on November 1958 for the appointment of a special sheriff to serve the writ outside Manila. Of this order appointing a special sheriff, on 6 December 1958, Felicidad M. Bagtas, the surviving spouse of the defendant Jose Bagtas who died on 23 October 1951 and as administratrix of his estate, was notified. On 7 January 1959 she file a motion alleging that on 26 June 1952 the two bull Sindhi and Bhagnari were returned to the Bureau Animal of Industry and that sometime in November 1958 the third bull, the Sahiniwal, died from gunshot wound inflicted during a Huk raid on Hacienda Felicidad Intal, and praying that the writ of execution be quashed and that a writ of preliminary injunction be issued. On 31 January 1959 the plaintiff objected to her motion. On 6 February 1959 she filed a reply thereto. On the same day, 6 February, the Court denied her motion. Hence, this appeal certified by the Court of Appeals to this Court as stated at the beginning of this opinion. It is true that on 26 June 1952 Jose M. Bagtas, Jr., son of the appellant by the late defendant, returned the Sindhi and Bhagnari bulls to Roman Remorin, Superintendent of the NVB Station, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, as evidenced by a memorandum receipt signed by the latter (Exhibit 2). That is why in its objection of 31 January 1959 to the appellant's motion to quash the writ of execution the appellee prays "that another writ of execution in the sum of P859.53 be issued against the estate of defendant deceased Jose V. Bagtas." She cannot be held liable for the two bulls which already had been returned to and received by the appellee. The appellant contends that the Sahiniwal bull was accidentally killed during a raid by the Huk in November 1953 upon the surrounding barrios of Hacienda Felicidad Intal, Baggao, Cagayan, where the animal was kept, and that as such death was due to force majeure she is relieved from the duty of returning the bull or paying its value to the appellee. The contention is without merit. The loan by the appellee to the late defendant Jose V. Bagtas of the three bulls for breeding purposes for a period of one year from 8 May 1948 to 7 May 1949, later on renewed for another year as regards one bull, was subject to the payment by the borrower of breeding fee of 10% of the book value of the bulls. The appellant contends that the contract was commodatum and that, for that reason, as the appellee retained ownership or title to the bull it should suffer its loss due to force majeure. A contract of commodatum is essentially gratuitous.1 If the breeding fee be considered a compensation, then the contract would be a lease of the bull. Under article 1671 of the Civil Code the lessee would be subject to the responsibilities of a possessor in bad faith, because she had continued possession of the bull after the expiry of the contract. And even if the contract be commodatum, still the appellant is liable, because article 1942 of the Civil Code provides that a bailee in a contract of commodatum

. . . is liable for loss of the things, even if it should be through a fortuitous event: (2) If he keeps it longer than the period stipulated . . . (3) If the thing loaned has been delivered with appraisal of its value, unless there is a stipulation exempting the bailee from responsibility in case of a fortuitous event; Facts:The original period of the loan was from 8 May 1948 to 7 May 1949. The loan of one bull was renewed for another period of one year to end on 8 May 1950. But the appellant kept and used the bull until November 1953 when during a Huk raid it was killed by stray bullets. Furthermore, when lent and delivered to the deceased husband of the appellant the bulls had each an appraised book value, to with: the Sindhi, at P1,176.46, the Bhagnari at P1,320.56 and the Sahiniwal at P744.46. It was not stipulated that in case of loss of the bull due to fortuitous event the late husband of the appellant would be exempt from liability. The appellant's contention that the demand or prayer by the appellee for the return of the bull or the payment of its value being a money claim should be presented or filed in the intestate proceedings of the defendant who died on 23 October 1951, is not altogether without merit. However, the claim that his civil personality having ceased to exist the trial court lost jurisdiction over the case against him, is untenable, because section 17 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Court provides that After a party dies and the claim is not thereby extinguished, the court shall order, upon proper notice, the legal representative of the deceased to appear and to be substituted for the deceased, within a period of thirty (30) days, or within such time as may be granted. . . . and after the defendant's death on 23 October 1951 his counsel failed to comply with section 16 of Rule 3 which provides that Whenever a party to a pending case dies . . . it shall be the duty of his attorney to inform the court promptly of such death . . . and to give the name and residence of the executory administrator, guardian, or other legal representative of the deceased . . . . The notice by the probate court and its publication in the Voz de Manila that Felicidad M. Bagtas had been issue letters of administration of the estate of the late Jose Bagtas and that "all persons having claims for monopoly against the deceased Jose V. Bagtas, arising from contract express or implied, whether the same be due, not due, or contingent, for funeral expenses and expenses of the last sickness of the said decedent, and judgment for monopoly against him, to file said claims with the Clerk of this Court at the City Hall Bldg., Highway 54, Quezon City, within six (6) months from

the date of the first publication of this order, serving a copy thereof upon the aforementioned Felicidad M. Bagtas, the appointed administratrix of the estate of the said deceased," is not a notice to the court and the appellee who were to be notified of the defendant's death in accordance with the above-quoted rule, and there was no reason for such failure to notify, because the attorney who appeared for the defendant was the same who represented the administratrix in the special proceedings instituted for the administration and settlement of his estate. The appellee or its attorney or representative could not be expected to know of the death of the defendant or of the administration proceedings of his estate instituted in another court that if the attorney for the deceased defendant did not notify the plaintiff or its attorney of such death as required by the rule. As the appellant already had returned the two bulls to the appellee, the estate of the late defendant is only liable for the sum of P859.63, the value of the bull which has not been returned to the appellee, because it was killed while in the custody of the administratrix of his estate. This is the amount prayed for by the appellee in its objection on 31 January 1959 to the motion filed on 7 January 1959 by the appellant for the quashing of the writ of execution. Special proceedings for the administration and settlement of the estate of the deceased Jose V. Bagtas having been instituted in the Court of First Instance of Rizal (Q-200), the money judgment rendered in favor of the appellee cannot be enforced by means of a writ of execution but must be presented to the probate court for payment by the appellant, the administratrix appointed by the court. ACCORDINGLY, the writ of execution appealed from is set aside, without pronouncement as to costs. Bengzon, C.J., Bautista Angelo, Labrador, Concepcion, Reyes, J.B.L., Paredes, Dizon, Regala and Makalintal, JJ., concur. Barrera, J., concurs in the result.

G.R. No. L-46240

November 3, 1939 and ANGEL A. ANSALDO, plaintiffs-appellants,

MARGARITA QUINTOS vs. BECK, defendant-appellee.

Mauricio Carlos Felipe Buencamino, Jr. for appellee.




The plaintiff brought this action to compel the defendant to return her certain furniture which she lent him for his use. She appealed from the judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila which ordered that the defendant return to her the three heaters and the four electric lamps found in the possession of the Sheriff of said city, that she call for the other furniture from the said sheriff of Manila at her own expense, and that the fees which the Sheriff may charge for the deposit of the furniture be paid pro rata by both parties, without pronouncement as to the costs. The defendant was a tenant of the plaintiff and as such occupied the latter's house on M. H. del Pilar street, No. 1175. On January 14, 1936, upon the novation of the contract of lease between the plaintiff and the defendant, the former gratuitously granted to the latter the use of the furniture described in the third paragraph of the stipulation of facts, subject to the condition that the defendant would return them to the plaintiff upon the latter's demand. The plaintiff sold the property to Maria Lopez and Rosario Lopez and on September 14, 1936, these three notified the defendant of the conveyance, giving him sixty days to vacate the premises under one of the clauses of the contract of lease. There after the plaintiff required the defendant to return all the furniture transferred to him for them in the house where they were found. On November 5, 1936, the defendant, through another person, wrote to the plaintiff reiterating that she may call for the furniture in the ground floor of the house. On the 7th of the same month, the defendant wrote another letter to the plaintiff informing her that he could not give up the three gas heaters and the four electric lamps because he would use them until the 15th of the same month when the lease in due to expire. The plaintiff refused to get the furniture in view of the fact that the defendant had declined to make delivery of all of them. On November 15th, before vacating the house, the defendant deposited with the Sheriff all the furniture belonging to the plaintiff and they are now on deposit in the warehouse situated at No. 1521, Rizal Avenue, in the custody of the said sheriff. In their seven assigned errors the plaintiffs contend that the trial court incorrectly applied the law: in holding that they violated the contract by not calling for all the furniture on November 5, 1936, when the defendant placed them at their disposal; in not ordering the defendant to pay them the value of the furniture in case they are not delivered; in holding that they should get all the furniture from the Sheriff at their expenses; in ordering them to pay-half of the expenses claimed by the Sheriff for the deposit of the furniture; in ruling that both parties should pay their respective legal expenses or the costs; and in denying pay their respective legal expenses or the costs; and in denying the motions for reconsideration and new trial. To dispose of the case, it is only necessary to decide whether the defendant complied with his obligation to return the furniture upon the plaintiff's demand; whether the latter is bound to bear the deposit fees thereof, and whether she is entitled to the costs of litigation.

The contract entered into between the parties is one of commadatum, because under it the plaintiff gratuitously granted the use of the furniture to the defendant, reserving for herself the ownership thereof; by this contract the defendant bound himself to return the furniture to the plaintiff, upon the latters demand (clause 7 of

the contract, Exhibit A; articles 1740, paragraph 1, and 1741 of the Civil Code). The obligation voluntarily assumed by the defendant to return the furniture upon the plaintiff's demand, means that he should return all of them to the plaintiff at the latter's residence or house. The defendant did not comply with this obligation when he merely placed them at the disposal of the plaintiff, retaining for his benefit the three gas heaters and the four eletric lamps. The provisions of article 1169 of the Civil Code cited by counsel for the parties are not squarely applicable. The trial court, therefore, erred when it came to the legal conclusion that the plaintiff failed to comply with her obligation to get the furniture when they were offered to her. As the defendant had voluntarily undertaken to return all the furniture to the plaintiff, upon the latter's demand, the Court could not legally compel her to bear the expenses occasioned by the deposit of the furniture at the defendant's behest. The latter, as bailee, was not entitled to place the furniture on deposit; nor was the plaintiff under a duty to accept the offer to return the furniture, because the defendant wanted to retain the three gas heaters and the four electric lamps. As to the value of the furniture, we do not believe that the plaintiff is entitled to the payment thereof by the defendant in case of his inability to return some of the furniture because under paragraph 6 of the stipulation of facts, the defendant has neither agreed to nor admitted the correctness of the said value. Should the defendant fail to deliver some of the furniture, the value thereof should be latter determined by the trial Court through evidence which the parties may desire to present. The costs in both instances should be borne by the defendant because the plaintiff is the prevailing party (section 487 of the Code of Civil Procedure). The defendant was the one who breached the contract of commodatum, and without any reason he refused to return and deliver all the furniture upon the plaintiff's demand. In these circumstances, it is just and equitable that he pay the legal expenses and other judicial costs which the plaintiff would not have otherwise defrayed. The appealed judgment is modified and the defendant is ordered to return and deliver to the plaintiff, in the residence to return and deliver to the plaintiff, in the residence or house of the latter, all the furniture described in paragraph 3 of the stipulation of facts Exhibit A. The expenses which may be occasioned by the delivery to and deposit of the furniture with the Sheriff shall be for the account of the defendant. the defendant shall pay the costs in both instances. So ordered. Avancea, C.J., Villa-Real, Laurel, Concepcion and Moran, JJ., concur. G.R. No. L-4150 February 10, 1910

FELIX DE LOS SANTOS, plaintiff-appelle, vs. AGUSTINA JARRA, administratrix of the estate of Magdaleno Jimenea, deceased, defendant-appellant.

Matias Hilado, Jose Felix Martinez, for appellee. TORRES, J.:



On the 1st of September, 1906, Felix de los Santos brought suit against Agustina Jarra, the administratrix of the estate of Magdaleno Jimenea, alleging that in the latter part of 1901 Jimenea borrowed and obtained from the plaintiff ten first-class carabaos, to be used at the animal-power mill of his hacienda during the season of 1901-2, without recompense or remuneration whatever for the use thereof, under the sole condition that they should be returned to the owner as soon as the work at the mill was terminated; that Magdaleno Jimenea, however, did not return the carabaos, notwithstanding the fact that the plaintiff claimed their return after the work at the mill was finished; that Magdaleno Jimenea died on the 28th of October, 1904, and the defendant herein was appointed by the Court of First Instance of Occidental Negros administratrix of his estate and she took over the administration of the same and is still performing her duties as such administratrix; that the plaintiff presented his claim to the commissioners of the estate of Jimenea, within the legal term, for the return of the said ten carabaos, but the said commissioners rejected his claim as appears in their report; therefore, the plaintiff prayed that judgment be entered against the defendant as administratrix of the estate of the deceased, ordering her to return the ten first-class carabaos loaned to the late Jimenea, or their present value, and to pay the costs. The defendant was duly summoned, and on the 25th of September, 1906, she demurred in writing to the complaint on the ground that it was vague; but on the 2d of October of the same year, in answer to the complaint, she said that it was true that the late Magdaleno Jimenea asked the plaintiff to loan him ten carabaos, but that he only obtained three second-class animals, which were afterwards transferred by sale by the plaintiff to the said Jimenea; that she denied the allegations contained in paragraph 3 of the complaint; for all of which she asked the court to absolve her of the complaint with the cost against the plaintiff. By a writing dated the 11th of December, 1906, Attorney Jose Felix Martinez notified the defendant and her counsel, Matias Hilado, that he had made an agreement with the plaintiff to the effect that the latter would not compromise the controversy without his consent, and that as fees for his professional services he was to receive one half of the amount allowed in the judgment if the same were entered in favor of the plaintiff. The case came up for trial, evidence was adduced by both parties, and either exhibits were made of record. On the 10th of January, 1907, the court below entered judgment sentencing Agustina Jarra, as administratrix of the estate of Magdaleno Jimenea, to return to the plaintiff, Felix de los Santos, the remaining six second and third class carabaos, or the value thereof at the rate of P120 each, or a total of P720 with the costs.

Counsel for the defendant excepted to the foregoing judgment, and, by a writing dated January 19, moved for anew trial on the ground that the findings of fact were openly and manifestly contrary to the weight of the evidence. The motion was overruled, the defendant duly excepted, and in due course submitted the corresponding bill of exceptions, which was approved and submitted to this court. The defendant has admitted that Magdaleno Jimenea asked the plaintiff for the loan of ten carabaos which are now claimed by the latter, as shown by two letters addressed by the said Jimenea to Felix de los Santos; but in her answer the said defendant alleged that the late Jimenea only obtained three second-class carabaos, which were subsequently sold to him by the owner, Santos; therefore, in order to decide this litigation it is indispensable that proof be forthcoming that Jimenea only received three carabaos from his son-in-law Santos, and that they were sold by the latter to him. The record discloses that it has been fully proven from the testimony of a sufficient number of witnesses that the plaintiff, Santos, sent in charge of various persons the ten carabaos requested by his father-in-law, Magdaleno Jimenea, in the two letters produced at the trial by the plaintiff, and that Jimenea received them in the presence of some of said persons, one being a brother of said Jimenea, who saw the animals arrive at the hacienda where it was proposed to employ them. Four died of rinderpest, and it is for this reason that the judgment appealed from only deals with six surviving carabaos. The alleged purchase of three carabaos by Jimenea from his son-in-law Santos is not evidenced by any trustworthy documents such as those of transfer, nor were the declarations of the witnesses presented by the defendant affirming it satisfactory; for said reason it can not be considered that Jimenea only received three carabaos on loan from his son-in-law, and that he afterwards kept them definitely by virtue of the purchase. By the laws in force the transfer of large cattle was and is still made by means of official documents issued by the local authorities; these documents constitute the title of ownership of the carabao or horse so acquired. Furthermore, not only should the purchaser be provided with a new certificate or credential, a document which has not been produced in evidence by the defendant, nor has the loss of the same been shown in the case, but the old documents ought to be on file in the municipality, or they should have been delivered to the new purchaser, and in the case at bar neither did the defendant present the old credential on which should be stated the name of the previous owner of each of the three carabaos said to have been sold by the plaintiff. From the foregoing it may be logically inferred that the carabaos loaned or given on commodatum to the now deceased Magdaleno Jimenea were ten in number; that they, or at any rate the six surviving ones, have not been returned to the owner thereof, Felix de los Santos, and that it is not true that the latter sold to the former three carabaos that the purchaser was already using; therefore, as the said six carabaos were not the property of the deceased nor of any of his

descendants, it is the duty of the administratrix of the estate to return them or indemnify the owner for their value. The Civil Code, in dealing with loans in general, from which generic denomination the specific one of commodatum is derived, establishes prescriptions in relation to the lastmentioned contract by the following articles: ART. 1740. By the contract of loan, one of the parties delivers to the other, either anything not perishable, in order that the latter may use it during a certain period and return it to the former, in which case it is called commodatum, or money or any other perishable thing, under the condition to return an equal amount of the same kind and quality, in which case it is merely called a loan. Commodatum is essentially gratuitous. A simple loan may be gratuitous, or made under a stipulation to pay interest. ART. 1741. The bailee acquires retains the ownership of the thing loaned. The bailee acquires the use thereof, but not its fruits; if any compensation is involved, to be paid by the person requiring the use, the agreement ceases to be a commodatum. ART. 1742. The obligations and rights which arise from the commodatum pass to the heirs of both contracting parties, unless the loan has been in consideration for the person of the bailee, in which case his heirs shall not have the right to continue using the thing loaned. The carabaos delivered to be used not being returned by the defendant upon demand, there is no doubt that she is under obligation to indemnify the owner thereof by paying him their value. Article 1101 of said code reads: Those who in fulfilling their obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay, and those who in any manner whatsoever act in contravention of the stipulations of the same, shall be subjected to indemnify for the losses and damages caused thereby. The obligation of the bailee or of his successors to return either the thing loaned or its value, is sustained by the supreme tribunal of Sapin. In its decision of March 21, 1895, it sets out with precision the legal doctrine touching commodatum as follows: Although it is true that in a contract of commodatum the bailor retains the ownership of the thing loaned, and at the expiration of the period, or after the use for which it was loaned has been accomplished, it is the imperative duty of the

bailee to return the thing itself to its owner, or to pay him damages if through the fault of the bailee the thing should have been lost or injured, it is clear that where public securities are involved, the trial court, in deferring to the claim of the bailor that the amount loaned be returned him by the bailee in bonds of the same class as those which constituted the contract, thereby properly applies law 9 of title 11 ofpartida 5. With regard to the third assignment of error, based on the fact that the plaintiff Santos had not appealed from the decision of the commissioners rejecting his claim for the recovery of his carabaos, it is sufficient to estate that we are not dealing with a claim for the payment of a certain sum, the collection of a debt from the estate, or payment for losses and damages (sec. 119, Code of Civil Procedure), but with the exclusion from the inventory of the property of the late Jimenea, or from his capital, of six carabaos which did not belong to him, and which formed no part of the inheritance. The demand for the exclusion of the said carabaos belonging to a third party and which did not form part of the property of the deceased, must be the subject of a direct decision of the court in an ordinary action, wherein the right of the third party to the property which he seeks to have excluded from the inheritance and the right of the deceased has been discussed, and rendered in view of the result of the evidence adduced by the administrator of the estate and of the claimant, since it is so provided by the second part of section 699 and by section 703 of the Code of Civil Procedure; the refusal of the commissioners before whom the plaintiff unnecessarily appeared can not affect nor reduce the unquestionable right of ownership of the latter, inasmuch as there is no law nor principle of justice authorizing the successors of the late Jimenea to enrich themselves at the cost and to the prejudice of Felix de los Santos. For the reasons above set forth, by which the errors assigned to the judgment appealed from have been refuted, and considering that the same is in accordance with the law and the merits of the case, it is our opinion that it should be affirmed and we do hereby affirm it with the costs against the appellant. So ordered. Arellano, C.J., Johnson, Carson, J., reserves his vote. G.R. Nos. L-43697 and L-442200 Moreland and Elliott, JJ., concur.

March 31, 1938

In re Liquidation of the Mercantile Bank of China, GOPOCO GROCERY (GOPOCO), ET AL., claimants-appellants, vs. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO., ET AL., oppositors-appellees. A.M. Zarate for appellants Gopoco Grocery et al. Laurel, Del Rosario and Sabido for appellant Tiong-Chui Gion. Ross, Lawrence and Selph for appellees Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. et al.

Eusebio Orense and Carmelino G. Alvendia for appellees Chinese Grocers Asso. et al. Marcelo Nubla for appellees Ang Cheng Lian et al. DIAZ, J.: On petition of the Bank Commissioner who alleged to have found, after an investigation, that the Mercantile Bank of China could not continue operating as such without running the risk of suffering losses and prejudice its depositors and customers; and that with the requisite approval of the corresponding authorities, he had taken charge of all the assets thereof; the Court of First Instance of Manila declared the said bank in liquidation; approved all the acts theretofore executed by the commissioner; prohibited the officers and agents of the bank from interfering with said commissioner in the possession of the assets thereof, its documents, deed, vouchers, books of account, papers, memorandum, notes, bond, bonds and accounts, obligations or securities and its real and personal properties; required its creditors and all those who had any claim against it, to present the same in writing before the commissioner within ninety days; and ordered the publication, as was in fact done, of the order containing all these provisions, for the two consecutive weeks in two news-papers of general circulation in the City of Manila, at the expenses of the aforesaid bank. After these publications, and within the period of ninety days, the following creditors, among others, presented their presented their claims: Tiong Chui Gion, Gopoco Grocery, Tan Locko, Woo & Lo & Co., Sy Guan Huat and La Bella Tondea. I. The claim of Tiong Chui Gion is for the sum of P10,285.27. He alleged that he deposited said sum in the bank under liquidation on current account. II. The claim of Gopoco Grocery (Gopoco) is for the sum of P4,932.48 plus P460. It described its claim as follows: Balance due on open account subject to P4,927.95 check Interest on c/a 4,53 4,932.48 Surety deposit 460.00

III. The claim of Tan Locko is for the sum of P7,624.20, and he describes it in turn as follows: Balance due on open account subject to P7,610.44 check L-759

Savings account No. 156 (foreign) with Mercantile Bank of China L-1611 Amoy $15,000,00 Interest on said Savings Account No. 156 8.22 Interest a/c on checking 10.54

7,624.20 IV. The claim of Woo & Lo & Co. is for the sum of P6,972.88 and is set out in its written claim appearing in the record on appeal as follows: Balance due on open P6,961.01 subject to check L-845 Interest a/c on checking 11.37 6,972.83 V. The claim of Sy Guan Huat is for the sum of P6,232.88 and the described it as follows: Balance due on open account subject to P6,224.34 check L-718 Interest a/c on checking 8.54

6,232.88 VI. The claim of La Bella Tondea is for the sum of P1,912.79, also described as follows: Balance due on open account subject to P1910.59 check Interest on account 2.20 1,912.79

To better resolve not only these claims but also the many others which were presented against the bank, the lower court, on July 15, 1932, appointed Fulgencio Borromeo as commissioner and referee to receive the evidence which the interested parties may desire to present; and the commissioner and referee thus named, after qualifying for the office and receiving the evidence presented to him, resolved the aforesaid six claims by recommending that the same be considered as an ordinary credit only, and not as a preferred credit as the interested parties wanted, because they were at the same time debtors of the bank. The evidence adduced and the very admissions of the said interested parties in fact show that (a) the claimant Tiong Chui Gion, while he was a creditor of the Mercantile Bank of China in the sum of P10,285.27 which he deposited on current account, was also a debtor not only in the sum of P633.76 but also in the sum of P664.77, the amount of a draft which he accepted, plus interest thereon and the protest fees paid therefor; (b) the claimant Gopoco Grocery (Gopoco) had a current account in the bank in the sum of P5,392.48, but it is indebted to it, in Turn, in the sum of $2,334.80, the amount of certain drafts which it had accepted; (c) the claimant Tan Locko had a deposit of P7,624.20, but he owed $1,378.90, the amount of a draft which he also accepted; (d) the claimant Woo & Lo & Co. had a deposit of P6,972.88, but it was indebted in the sum of $3,464.84, the amount also of certain drafts accepted by it; (e) the claimants Sy Guan Huat and Sy Kia had a deposit of P6,232.88, but they owed the sum of $3,107.37, for two drafts accepted by them and already due; and (f) the claimant La Bella Tondea had, in turn, a deposit of P1,912.79, but it was, in turn, indebted in the sum of $565.40 including interest and other expenses, the amount of two drafts drawn upon and accepted by it. The lower court approved all the recommendations of The commissioner and referee as to claims of the six appellants as follows; (1) To approve the claim of Tiong Chui Gion (P10,285.27) but only as an ordinary credit, minus the amount of the draft for P664.77; (2) to approve the claim of Gopoco Grocery (Gopoco) but also as an ordinary credit only (P5,387.95 according to the referee), minus its obligation amounting to $2,334.80 or P4,669.60; (3) to approve the claim of Tan Locko but as an ordinary credit only (P7,610.44 according to the referee), deducting therefrom his obligation amounting to $1,378.90 or P2,757.80; to approve the claim of Woo & Lo & Co. but only as an ordinary credit (P6,961.01 according to the referee). after deducting its obligation to the bank, amounting to $3,464.84 or P6,929.68; (5) to approve the claim of Sy Guan Huat but only as an ordinary credit (P6,224.34 according to the referee), after deducting his obligation amounting to $3,107.37) or P6,214.74; and, finally, (6) to approve the claim of la Bella Tondea but also as an ordinary credit only (1,917.50 according to the referee), after deducting it obligation amounting to $565.40 or P1,130.80; but he expressly refused to authorize the payment of the interest by reason of impossibility upon the ground set out in the decision. Not agreeable to the decision of the lower court, each of the interested parties appealed therefrom and thereafter filed their respective briefs.

Tiong Chui Gion argues in his brief filed in case in G. R. No. 442200, that the lower court erred: 1. In holding that his deposit of P10,285.27 in the Mercantile Bank of China, constitutes an ordinary credit only and not a preferred credit. 2. In holding as preferred credits the drafts and checks issued by the bank under liquidation in payment of the drafts remitted to it for collection from merchants residing in the country, by foreign entities or banks; and in not holding that the deposits on current account in said bank should enjoy preference over said drafts and checks; and 3. In holding that the amount of P633.76 (which should be understood as P664.77), which the claimant owes to the bank under liquidation, be deducted from his current account deposit therein, amounting to P10,285.27, upon the distribution of the assets of the bank among its various creditors, instead of holding that, after deducting the aforesaid sum of P633.76 (should be P664.77) from his aforesaid deposit, there be turned over to him the balance together with the dividends or shares then corresponding to him, on the basis of said amount. The other five claimants, that is, Gopoco Grocery Tan Locko, Woo & Lo & Co., Sy Guan Huat and La Bella Tondea, in turn argue in the brief they jointly filed in case G. R. No. 43697, that the lower court erred: 1. In not first deducting from their respective deposits in the bank under liquidation, whose payment they claim, their respective obligation thereto. 2. In not holding that their claims constitute a preferred credit. 3. In holding that the drafts and checks issued by the bank under liquidation in payment of the drafts remitted to it by foreign entitles and banks for collection from the certain merchant residing in the country, are preferred credits; and in not holding that the deposits made by each of them enjoy preference over said drafts and checks, and 4. In denying their motion for a new trial base on the proposition that the appealed decision is not in accordance with law and is contrary to the evidence adduced at the trial. The questions raised by the appellant in case G. R. No. 44200 and by appellants in case G.R. 43697 being identical in nature, we believe it practical and proper to resolve said questions jointly in one decision. Before proceeding, however, it is convenient to note that the commissioner and referee, classifying the various claims presented against the bank, placed under one group those partaking of the same nature, the classification having resulted in six groups.

In the first group he included all the claims for current account, savings and fixed deposits. In the second group he included the claims for checks or drafts sold by the bank under liquidation and not paid by the agents or banks in whose favor they had been issued. In the third group he included the claims checks or drafts issued by the bank under liquidation in payment or reimbursement of the drafts or goods remitted to it for collection, from resident merchants and entitles, by foreign banks and entities. In the fourth group he included the claims for drafts or securities to be collected from resident merchants and entities to be collected from resident merchants and entities which were pending collection on the date payments were suspended. In the fifth group he included the claims of certain depositors or creditors of the bank who were at the same time debtors thereof; and he considered of this class the claims of the appellants in these two cases, and In the sixth group he included the other claims different in nature from the of the aforesaid five claims. I. Now, then, should the appellants' deposits on current account in the bank now under liquidation be considered preferred credits, and not otherwise, or should they be considered ordinary credits only? The appellants contend that they are preferred credits only? The appellants contend that they are preferred credits because they are deposits in contemplation of law, and as such should be returned with the corresponding interest thereon. In support thereof they cite Manresa (11 Manresa, Civil Code, page 663), and what has been insinuated in the case of Rogers vs. Smith, Bell & Co. (10 Phil., 319), citing the said commentator who maintains that, notwithstanding the provisions of articles 1767 and 1768 and others of the aforesaid Code, from which it is inferred that the so-called irregular deposits no longer exist, the fact is that said deposits still exist. And they contend and argue that what they had in the bank should be considered as of this character. But it happens that they themselves admit that the bank owes them interest which should have been paid to them before it was declared in a state of liquidation. This fact undoubtedly destroys the character which they nullifies their contention that the same be considered as irregular deposits, because the payment of interest only takes place in the case of loans. On the other hand, as we stated with respect to the claim of Tan Tiong Tick (In re Liquidation of Mercantile Bank of China, G.R. No. 43682), the provisions of the Code of Commerce, and not those of the Civil Code, are applicable to cases of the nature of those at bar, which have to do with parties who are both merchants. (Articles 303 and 309, Code of Commerce.) We there said, and it is not amiss to repeat now, that the so-called current account and savings deposits have lost their character of deposits, properly so-called and are convertible into simple commercial loans because, in cases of such deposits, the bank has made use thereof in the ordinary course of its transactions as an institution engaged in the banking business, not because it so wishes, but precisely because of the authority

deemed to have been granted to it by the appellants to enable them to collect the interest which they had been and they are now collecting, and by virtue further of the authority granted to it by section 125 of the Corporation Law (Act No. 1459), as amended by Acts Nos. 2003 and 3610 and section 9 of the Banking Law (Act No. 3154), without considering of course the provisions of article 1768 of the Civil Code. Wherefore, it is held that the deposits on current account of the appellants in the bank under liquidation, with the right on their right on their part to collect interest, have not created and could not create a juridical relation between them except that of creditors and debtor, they being the creditors and the bank the debtor. What has so far been said resolves adversely the contention of the appellants, the question raised in the first and second assigned errors Tiong Chui Gion in case G. R. No. 44200, and the appellants' second and third assigned errors in case G. R. No. 43697. II. As to the third and first errors attributed to lower court by Tiong Chui Gion in his case, and by the other appellants in theirs, respectively, it should be stated that the question of set-off raised by them cannot be resolved a like question in the said case, G. R. No. 43682, entitled "In re Liquidation of Mercantile Bank of China. Tan Tiong Tick, claimant." It is proper that set-offs be made, inasmuch as the appellants and the bank being reciprocally debtors and creditors, the same is only just and according to law (art. 1195, Civil Code), particularly as none of the appellants falls within the exceptions mentioned in section 58 of the Insolvency Law (Act No. 1956), reading: SEC. 58. In all cases of mutual debts and mutual credits between the parties, the account between them shall be stated, and one debt set off against the other, and the balance only shall be allowed and paid. But no set-off or counterclaim shall be allowed of a claim in its nature not provable against the estate: Provided, That no set-off on counterclaim shall be allowed in favor of any debtor to the insolvent of a claim purchased by or transferred to such debtor within thirty days immediately preceding the filing, or after the filing of the petition by or against the insolvent. It has been said with much basis by Morse, in his work on Bank and Banking (6th ed., vol. 1, pages 776 and 784) that: The rules of law as to the right of set-off between the bank and its depositors are not different from those applicable to other parties. (Page 776.) Where the bank itself stops payment and becomes insolvent, the customer may avail himself in set-off against his indebtedness to the bank of any indebtedness of the bank to himself, as, for example, the balance due him on his deposit account. (Page 784.) But if set-offs are proper in these cases, when and how should they be made, considering that the appellants ask for the payment of interest? Are they by any chance entitled to interest? If they are, when and until what time should they be paid the same?

The question of whether they are entitled to interest should be resolved in the same way that we resolved the case of the claimant Tan Tiong Tick in the said case, G. R. No. 43682. The circumstances in these two cases are certainly the same as those in the said case with reference to the said question. The Mercantile Bank of China owes to each of the appellants the interest claimed by them, corresponding to the year ending December 4, 1931, the date it was declared in a state of liquidation, but not which the appellants claim should be earned by their deposits after said date and until the full amounts thereof are paid to them. And with respect to the question of set-off, this should be deemed made, of course, as of the date when the Mercantile Bank of China was declared in a state of liquidation, that is, on December 4, 1931, for then there was already a reciprocal concurrence of debts, with respect to said bank and the appellants. (Arts. 1195 and 1196 of the Civil Code; 8 Manresa, 4th ed., p. 361.) III. With respect to the fourth assigned error of the appellants in case G. R. No. 43697, we hold, in view of the considerations set out in resolving the other assignments of errors, that the lower court properly denied the motion for new trial of said appellants. In view of the foregoing, we modify the appealed judgments by holding that the deposits claimed by the appellants, and declared by the lower court to be ordinary credits are for the following amounts: P10,285.27 of Tiong Chui Gion; P5,387.95 of Gopoco Grocery (Gopoco); P7,610.44 of Tan Locko; P6961.01 of Woo & Lo & Co.; P6,224.34 of Sy Guan Huat; and P1,917.50 of La Bella Tondea, plus their corresponding interest up to December 4, 1931; that their obligations to the bank under liquidation which should be set off against said deposits, are respectively for the following amounts: P664.77 of Tiong Chui Gion; P4,669.60 of Gopoco Grocery (Gopoco); P2,757.80 of Tan Locko; P6,929.68 of Woo & Lo & Co.; P6,214.74 of Sy Huat; and P1,130.80 of La Bella Todea; and we order that the set-offs in question be made in the manner stated in this decision, that is, as of the date already indicated, December 4, 1931. In all other respects, we affirm the aforesaid judgments, without special pronouncement as to costs. So ordered. Avancea, C.J., Villa-Real, Abad Santos, Imperial and Horrilleno, JJ., concur. G.R. No. L-20240 December 31, 1965 PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

REPUBLIC OF THE vs. JOSE GRIJALDO, defendant-appellant. Office of the Solicitor Isabelo P. Samson for defendant-appellant. ZALDIVAR, J.: General



In the year 1943 appellant Jose Grijaldo obtained five loans from the branch office of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. in Bacolod City, in the total sum of P1,281.97 with interest at the rate of 6% per annum, compounded quarterly. These loans are evidenced by five promissory notes executed by the appellant in favor of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd., as follows: On June 1, 1943, P600.00; on June 3, 1943, P159.11; on June 18, 1943, P22.86; on August 9, 1943,P300.00; on August 13, 1943, P200.00, all notes without due dates, but because the loans were due one year after they were incurred. To secure the payment of the loans the appellant executed a chattel mortgage on the standing crops on his land, Lot No. 1494 known as Hacienda Campugas in Hinigiran, Negros Occidental. By virtue of Vesting Order No. P-4, dated January 21, 1946, and under the authority provided for in the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, the assets in the Philippines of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. were vested in the Government of the United States. Pursuant to the Philippine Property Act of 1946 of the United States, these assets, including the loans in question, were subsequently transferred to the Republic of the Philippines by the Government of the United States under Transfer Agreement dated July 20, 1954. These assets were among the properties that were placed under the administration of the Board of Liquidators created under Executive Order No. 372, dated November 24, 1950, and in accordance with Republic Acts Nos. 8 and 477 and other pertinent laws. On September 29, 1954 the appellee, Republic of the Philippines, represented by the Chairman of the Board of Liquidators, made a written extrajudicial demand upon the appellant for the payment of the account in question. The record shows that the appellant had actually received the written demand for payment, but he failed to pay. The aggregate amount due as principal of the five loans in question, computed under the Ballantyne scale of values as of the time that the loans were incurred in 1943, was P889.64; and the interest due thereon at the rate of 6% per annum compounded quarterly, computed as of December 31, 1959 was P2,377.23. On January 17, 1961 the appellee filed a complaint in the Justice of the Peace Court of Hinigaran, Negros Occidental, to collect from the appellant the unpaid account in question. The Justice of the Peace Of Hinigaran, after hearing, dismissed the case on the ground that the action had prescribed. The appellee appealed to the Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental and on March 26, 1962 the court a quo rendered a decision ordering the appellant to pay the appellee the sum of P2,377.23 as of December 31, 1959, plus interest at the rate of 6% per annum compounded quarterly from the date of the filing of the complaint until full payment was made. The appellant was also ordered to pay the sum equivalent to 10% of the amount due as attorney's fees and costs. The appellant appealed directly to this Court. During the pendency of this appeal the appellant Jose Grijaldo died. Upon motion by the Solicitor General this Court, in a resolution of May 13, 1963, required Manuel Lagtapon, Jacinto Lagtapon, Ruben

Lagtapon and Anita L. Aguilar, who are the legal heirs of Jose Grijaldo to appear and be substituted as appellants in accordance with Section 17 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Court. Issues: In the present appeal the appellant contends: (1) that the appellee has no cause of action against the appellant; (2) that if the appellee has a cause of action at all, that action had prescribed; and (3) that the lower court erred in ordering the appellant to pay the amount of P2,377.23. In discussing the first point of contention, the appellant maintains that the appellee has no privity of contract with the appellant. It is claimed that the transaction between the Taiwan Bank, Ltd. and the appellant, so that the appellee, Republic of the Philippines, could not legally bring action against the appellant for the enforcement of the obligation involved in said transaction. This contention has no merit. It is true that the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. was the original creditor and the transaction between the appellant and the Bank of Taiwan was a private contract of loan. However, pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095 of the United States; and under Vesting Order No. P-4, dated January 21, 1946, the properties of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd., an entity which was declared to be under the jurisdiction of the enemy country (Japan), were vested in the United States Government and the Republic of the Philippines, the assets of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. were transferred to and vested in the Republic of the Philippines. The successive transfer of the rights over the loans in question from the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. to the United States Government, and from the United States Government to the government of the Republic of the Philippines, made the Republic of the Philippines the successor of the rights, title and interest in said loans, thereby creating a privity of contract between the appellee and the appellant. In defining the word "privy" this Court, in a case, said: The word "privy" denotes the idea of succession ... hence an assignee of a credit, and one subrogated to it, etc. will be privies; in short, he who by succession is placed in the position of one of those who contracted the judicial relation and executed the private document and appears to be substituting him in the personal rights and obligation is a privy (Alpurto vs. Perez, 38 Phil. 785, 790). The United States of America acting as a belligerent sovereign power seized the assets of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. which belonged to an enemy country. The confiscation of the assets of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. being an involuntary act of war, and sanctioned by international law, the United States succeeded to the rights and interests of said Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. over the assets of said bank. As successor in interest in, and transferee of, the property rights of the United States of America over the loans in question, the Republic of the Philippines had thereby become a privy to the original contracts of loan between the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. and the appellant. It follows, therefore, that the Republic of the Philippines has a legal right to bring the present action against the appellant Jose Grijaldo. The appellant likewise maintains, in support of his contention that the appellee has no cause of action, that because the loans were secured by a chattel

mortgage on the standing crops on a land owned by him and these crops were lost or destroyed through enemy action his obligation to pay the loans was thereby extinguished. This argument is untenable. The terms of the promissory notes and the chattel mortgage that the appellant executed in favor of the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. do not support the claim of appellant. The obligation of the appellant under the five promissory notes was not to deliver a determinate thing namely, the crops to be harvested from his land, or the value of the crops that would be harvested from his land. Rather, his obligation was to pay a generic thing the amount of money representing the total sum of the five loans, with interest. The transaction between the appellant and the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. was a series of five contracts of simple loan of sums of money. "By a contract of (simple) loan, one of the parties delivers to another ... money or other consumable thing upon the condition that the same amount of the same kind and quality shall be paid." (Article 1933, Civil Code) The obligation of the appellant under the five promissory notes evidencing the loans in questions is to pay the value thereof; that is, to deliver a sum of money a clear case of an obligation to deliver, a generic thing. Article 1263 of the Civil Code provides: In an obligation to deliver a generic thing, the loss or destruction of anything of the same kind does not extinguish the obligation. The chattel mortgage on the crops growing on appellant's land simply stood as a security for the fulfillment of appellant's obligation covered by the five promissory notes, and the loss of the crops did not extinguish his obligation to pay, because the account could still be paid from other sources aside from the mortgaged crops. In his second point of contention, the appellant maintains that the action of the appellee had prescribed. The appellant points out that the loans became due on June 1, 1944; and when the complaint was filed on January 17,1961 a period of more than 16 years had already elapsed far beyond the period of ten years when an action based on a written contract should be brought to court. This contention of the appellant has no merit. Firstly, it should be considered that the complaint in the present case was brought by the Republic of the Philippines not as a nominal party but in the exercise of its sovereign functions, to protect the interests of the State over a public property. Under paragraph 4 of Article 1108 of the Civil Code prescription, both acquisitive and extinctive, does not run against the State. This Court has held that the statute of limitations does not run against the right of action of the Government of the Philippines (Government of the Philippine Islands vs. Monte de Piedad, etc., 35 Phil. 738-751).Secondly, the running of the period of prescription of the action to collect the loan from the appellant was interrupted by the moratorium laws (Executive Orders No. 25, dated November 18, 1944; Executive Order No. 32. dated March 10, 1945; and Republic Act No. 342, approved on July 26, 1948). The loan in question, as evidenced by the five promissory notes, were incurred in the year 1943, or during the period of Japanese occupation of the Philippines. This case is

squarely covered by Executive Order No. 25, which became effective on November 18, 1944, providing for the suspension of payments of debts incurred after December 31, 1941. The period of prescription was, therefore, suspended beginning November 18, 1944. This Court, in the case of Rutter vs. Esteban (L-3708, May 18, 1953, 93 Phil. 68), declared on May 18, 1953 that the Moratorium Laws, R.A. No. 342 and Executive Orders Nos. 25 and 32, are unconstitutional; but in that case this Court ruled that the moratorium laws had suspended the prescriptive period until May 18, 1953. This ruling was categorically reiterated in the decision in the case of Manila Motors vs. Flores, L9396, August 16, 1956. It follows, therefore, that the prescriptive period in the case now before US was suspended from November 18,1944, when Executive Orders Nos. 25 and 32 were declared unconstitutional by this Court. Computed accordingly, the prescriptive period was suspended for 8 years and 6 months. By the appellant's own admission, the cause of action on the five promissory notes in question arose on June 1, 1944. The complaint in the present case was filed on January 17, 1961, or after a period of 16 years, 6 months and 16 days when the cause of action arose. If the prescriptive period was not interrupted by the moratorium laws, the action would have prescribed already; but, as We have stated, the prescriptive period was suspended by the moratorium laws for a period of 8 years and 6 months. If we deduct the period of suspension (8 years and 6 months) from the period that elapsed from the time the cause of action arose to the time when the complaint was filed (16 years, 6 months and 16 days) there remains a period of 8 years and 16 days. In other words, the prescriptive period ran for only 8 years and 16 days. There still remained a period of one year, 11 months and 14 days of the prescriptive period when the complaint was filed. In his third point of contention the appellant maintains that the lower court erred in ordering him to pay the amount of P2,377.23. It is claimed by the appellant that it was error on the part of the lower court to apply the Ballantyne Scale of values in evaluating the Japanese war notes as of June 1943 when the loans were incurred, because what should be done is to evaluate the loans on the basis of the Ballantyne Scale as of the time the loans became due, and that was in June 1944. This contention of the appellant is also without merit. The decision of the court a quo ordered the appellant to pay the sum of P2,377.23 as of December 31, 1959, plus interest rate of 6% per annum compounded quarterly from the date of the filing of the complaint. The sum total of the five loans obtained by the appellant from the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. was P1,281.97 in Japanese war notes. Computed under the Ballantyne Scale of values as of June 1943, this sum of P1,281.97 in Japanese war notes in June 1943 is equivalent to P889.64 in genuine Philippine currency which was considered the aggregate amount due as principal of the five loans, and the amount of P2,377.23 as of December 31, 1959 was arrived at after computing the interest on the principal sum of P889.64 compounded quarterly from the time the obligations were incurred in 1943. It is the stand of the appellee that the Ballantyne scale of values should be applied as of the time the obligation was incurred, and that was in June 1943. This stand of the appellee was upheld by the lower court; and the decision of the lower court is supported

by the ruling of this Court in the case of Hilado vs. De la Costa (G.R. No. L-150, April 30, 1949; 46 O.G. 5472), which states: ... Contracts stipulating for payments presumably in Japanese war notes may be enforced in our Courts after the liberation to the extent of the just obligation of the contracting parties and, as said notes have become worthless, in order that justice may be done and the party entitled to be paid can recover their actual value in Philippine Currency, what the debtor or defendant bank should return or pay is the value of the Japanese military notes in relation to the peso in Philippine Currency obtaining on the date when and at the place where the obligation was incurred unless the parties had agreed otherwise. ... . (italics supplied) IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the decision appealed from is affirmed, with costs against the appellant. Inasmuch as the appellant Jose Grijaldo died during the pendency of this appeal, his estate must answer in the execution of the judgment in the present case. Bengzon, C.J., Concepcion, Barrera, Regala, Bautista Angelo, Reyes, J.B.L., Makalintal and Bengzon, J.P., JJ.,concur. G.R. No. L-32644 October 4, 1930 HIJOS, plaintiff-appelle, ET AL., defendants.

CU UNJIENG E vs. THE MABALACAT SUGAR CO., THE MABALACAT SUGAR CO., appellant. Romeo Mercado for Araneta and Zaragoza for Duran and Lim for defendant-appellee Siuliong and Co.

appellant. plaintiff-appellee.

STREET, J.: This action was instituted in the Court of First Instance of Pampanga by Cu Unjieng e Hijos, for the purpose of recovering from the Mabalacat Sugar Company an indebtedness amounting to more than P163,00, with interest, and to foreclose a mortgage given by the debtor to secure the same, as well as to recover stipulated attorney's fee and the sum of P1,206, paid by the plaintiff for insurance upon the mortgaged property, with incidental relief. In the complaint Siuliong & Co., Inc., was joined as defendant, as a surety of the Mabalacat Sugar Company, and as having a third mortgage on the mortgaged property. The Philippine National Bank was also joined by reason of its interest as second mortgagee of the land covered by the mortgage to the plaintiff. After the cause had been brought to issue by the answers of

the several defendants, the cause was heard and judgment rendered, the dispositive portion of the decision being as follows: Por las consideraciones expuestas, el Juzgado condena a The Mabalacat Sugar Company a pagar a la demandante la suma de P163,534.73, con sus intereses de 12 por ciento al ano, compuestos mensualmente desde el 1. de mayo de 1929. Tambien se le condena a pagar a dicha demandante la suma de P2,412 por las primas de seguros abonadas por esta, con sus intereses de 12 por ciento al ano, compuestos tambien mensualmente desde el 15 de mayo de 1928, mas la de P7,500 por honorarios de abogados y las costas del juicio. Y si esta deuda no se pagare dentro del plazo de tres meses, se ejecutaran los bienes hipotecados de acuerdo con la ley. Si del producto de la venta hubiese algun remanente, este se destinara al pago del credito del Banco Nacional, o sea de P32,704.69, con sus intereses de 9 por ciento al ano desde el 7 de junio de 1929, sin perjuicio de la orden de ejecucion que pudiera expedirse en el asundo No. 26435 del Juzgado de Primera Instancia de Manila. Se condena ademas a The Mabalacat Sugar Company al pago de la suma de P3,205.78 reclamada por Siuliong & Co., con sus intereses de 9 por ciento al ano desde el 29 de julio de 1926 hasta su completo pago, ordenandola que rinda cuentas del azucar por ella producido y pague la comision correspondiente bajo la base de 5 por ciento de su valor, descontandose, desde luego, las cantidades ya pagadas. Se absuelve de la demanda de Cu Unjieng e Hijos a Siuliong & Co., Inc. From this judgment the defendant, the Mabalacat Sugar Company, appealed. The first point assigned as error has relation to the question whether the action was prematurely stated. In this connection we note that the mortgage executed by the Mabalacat Sugar Company contains, in paragraph 5, a provision to the effect that noncompliance on the part of the mortgage debtor with any of the obligations assumed in virtue of this contract will cause the entire debt to become due and give occasion for the foreclosure of the mortgage. The debtor party failed to comply with the obligation, imposed upon it in the mortgage, to pay the mortgage debt in the stipulated installments at the time specified in the contract. It results that the creditor was justified in treating the entire mortgage debt as having been accelerated by such failure of the debtor in paying the installments. It appears, however, that on or about October 20, 1928, the mortgage creditor, Cu Unjieng e Hijos, agreed to extend the time for payment of the mortgage indebtedness until June 30, 1929, with certain interim payments to be made upon specified dates prior to the contemplated final liquidation of the whole indebtedness. But the debtor party failed to make the interim payments due on

February 25, 1929, March 25, 1929, and April 25, 1929, and failed altogether to pay the balance due, according to the terms of this extension, on June 30, 1929. Notwithstanding the failure of the debtor to comply with the terms of this extension, it is insisted for the appellant that this agreement for the extension of the time of payment had the effect of abrogating the stipulation of the original contract with respect to the acceleration of the maturity of the debt by non-compliance with the terms of the mortgage. As the trial court pointed out, this contention is untenable. The agreement to extend the time of payment was voluntary and without consideration so far as the creditor is concerned; and the failure of the debtor to comply with the terms of the extension justified the creditor in treating it as of no effect. The first error is therefore without merit. The second error is directed to the propriety of the interest charges made by the plaintiff in estimating the amount of the indebtedness. In this connection we note that, under the second clause of the mortgage, interest should be calculated upon the indebtedness at the rate of 12 per cent per annum. In the same clause, but in a separate paragraph, there is another provision with respect to the payment of interest expressed in Spanish in the following words: Los intereses seran pagados mensualmente a fin de cada mes, computados teniendo en cuenta el capital del prestamo aun no pagado. Translated into English this provision reads substantially as follows: "Interest, to be computed upon the still unpaid capital of the loan, shall be paid monthly, at the end of each month." It is well settled that, under article 1109 of the Civil Code, as well as under section 5 of the Usury Law (Act No. 2655), the parties may stipulate that interest shall be compounded; and rests for the computation of compound interest can certainly be made monthly, as well as quarterly, semiannually, or annually. But in the absence of express stipulation for the accumulation of compound interest, no interest can be collected upon interest until the debt is judicially claimed, and then the rate at which interest upon accrued interest must be computed is fixed at 6 per cent per annum. In the present case, however, the language which we have quoted above does not justify the charging of interest upon interest, so far as interest on the capital is concerned. The provision quoted merely requires the debtor to pay interest monthly at the end of each month, such interest to be computed upon the capital of the loan not already paid. Clearly this provision does not justify the charging of compound interest upon the interest accruing upon the capital monthly. It is true that in subsections (a), (b) and (c) of article IV of the mortgage, it is stipulated that the interest can be thus computed upon sums which the creditor would have to pay out (a) to maintain insurance upon the mortgaged property, (b) to pay the land tax upon the same property, and (c) upon disbursements that might be made by the mortgagee to maintain the property in

good condition. But the chief thing is that interest cannot be thus accumulated on unpaid interest accruing upon the capital of the debt. The trial court was of the opinion that interest could be so charged, because of the Exhibit 1 of the Mabalacat Sugar Company, which the court considered as an interpretation by the parties to the contract and a recognition by the debtor of the propriety of compounding the interest earned by the capital. But the exhibit referred to is merely a receipt showing that the sum of P256.28 was, on March 19, 1928, paid by the debtor to the plaintiff as interest upon interest. But where interest is improperly charged, at an unlawful rate, the mere voluntary payment of it to the creditor by the debtor is not binding. Such payment, in the case before us, was usurious, being in excess of 12 per cent which is allowed to be charged, under section 2 of the Usury Law, when a debt is secured by mortgage upon real property. The Exhibit 1 therefore adds no support to the contention of the plaintiff that interest upon interest can be accumulated in the manner adopter by the creditor in this case. The point here ruled is in exact conformity with the decision of this court in Bachrach Garage and Taxicab Co. vs. Golingco (39 Phil., 192), where this court held that interest cannot be allowed in the absence of stipulation, or in default thereof, except when the debt is judicially claimed; and when the debt is judicially claimed, the interest upon the interest can only be computed at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. It results that the appellant's second assignment of error is well taken, and the compound interest must be eliminated from the judgment. With respect to the amount improperly charged, we accept the estimate submitted by the president and manager of the Mabalacat Sugar Company, who says that the amount improperly included in the computation made by the plaintiff's bookkeeper is P879.84, in addition to the amount of P256.28 covered by Exhibit 1 of the Mabalacat Sugar Company. But the plaintiff creditor had the right to charge interest, in the manner adopted by it, upon insurance premiums which it had paid out; and if any discrepancy of importance is discoverable by the plaintiff in the result here reached, it will be at liberty to submit a revised computation in this court, upon motion for reconsideration, wherein interest shall be computed in accordance with this opinion, that is to say, that no accumulation of interest will be permitted at monthly intervals, as regards the capital of the debt, but such unpaid interest shall draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent from the date of the institution of the action. In the third assignment of error the appellant complains, as excessive, of the attorney's fees allowed by the court in accordance with stipulation in the mortgage. The allowance made on the principal debt was around 4 per cent, and about the same upon the fee allowed to the bank. Under the circumstances we think the debtor has no just cause for complaint upon this score. The fourth assignment of error complains of the failure of the trial court to permit an amendment to be filed by the debtor to its answer, the application therefore having been made on the day when the cause had been set for trial, with notice that the period

was non-extendible. The point was a matter in the discretion of the court, and no abuse of discretion is shown. From what has been stated, it follows that the appealed judgment must be modified by deducting the sum of P1,136.12 from the principal debt, so that the amount of said indebtedness shall be P162,398.61, with interest at 12 per cent per annum, from May 1, 1929. In other respects the judgment will be affirmed, and it is so ordered, with cost against the appellant. Avancea, C.J., Malcolm, Villamor, Ostrand, Johns, Romualdez and Villa-Real, JJ., concur. G.R. No. 90027 March 3, 1993 CA AGRO-INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORP., petitioner, vs. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and SECURITY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, respondents. Dolorfino & Dominguez Law Offices for petitioner. Danilo B. Banares for private respondent.

DAVIDE, JR., J.: Is the contractual relation between a commercial bank and another party in a contract of rent of a safety deposit box with respect to its contents placed by the latter one of bailor and bailee or one of lessor and lessee? This is the crux of the present controversy. On 3 July 1979, petitioner (through its President, Sergio Aguirre) and the spouses Ramon and Paula Pugao entered into an agreement whereby the former purchased from the latter two (2) parcels of land for a consideration of P350,625.00. Of this amount, P75,725.00 was paid as downpayment while the balance was covered by three (3) postdated checks. Among the terms and conditions of the agreement embodied in a Memorandum of True and Actual Agreement of Sale of Land were that the titles to the lots shall be transferred to the petitioner upon full payment of the purchase price and that the owner's copies of the certificates of titles thereto, Transfer Certificates of Title (TCT) Nos. 284655 and 292434, shall be deposited in a safety deposit box of any bank. The same could be withdrawn only upon the joint signatures of a representative of the petitioner and the Pugaos upon full payment of the purchase price. Petitioner, through Sergio Aguirre, and the Pugaos then rented Safety Deposit Box No. 1448 of private respondent Security Bank and Trust Company, a domestic banking corporation

hereinafter referred to as the respondent Bank. For this purpose, both signed a contract of lease (Exhibit "2") which contains, inter alia, the following conditions: 13. The bank is not a depositary of the contents of the safe and it has neither the possession nor control of the same.
14. The bank has no interest whatsoever in said contents, except herein expressly 1 provided, and it assumes absolutely no liability in connection therewith.

After the execution of the contract, two (2) renter's keys were given to the renters one to Aguirre (for the petitioner) and the other to the Pugaos. A guard key remained in the possession of the respondent Bank. The safety deposit box has two (2) keyholes, one for the guard key and the other for the renter's key, and can be opened only with the use of both keys. Petitioner claims that the certificates of title were placed inside the said box. Thereafter, a certain Mrs. Margarita Ramos offered to buy from the petitioner the two (2) lots at a price of P225.00 per square meter which, as petitioner alleged in its complaint, translates to a profit of P100.00 per square meter or a total of P280,500.00 for the entire property. Mrs. Ramos demanded the execution of a deed of sale which necessarily entailed the production of the certificates of title. In view thereof, Aguirre, accompanied by the Pugaos, then proceeded to the respondent Bank on 4 October 1979 to open the safety deposit box and get the certificates of title. However, when opened in the presence of the Bank's representative, the box yielded no such certificates. Because of the delay in the reconstitution of the title, Mrs. Ramos withdrew her earlier offer to purchase the lots; as a consequence thereof, the petitioner allegedly failed to realize the expected profit of P280,500.00. Hence, the latter filed on 1 September 1980 a complaint 2 for damages against the respondent Bank with the Court of First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) of Pasig, Metro Manila which docketed the same as Civil Case No. 38382. In its Answer with Counterclaim, 3 respondent Bank alleged that the petitioner has no cause of action because of paragraphs 13 and 14 of the contract of lease (Exhibit "2"); corollarily, loss of any of the items or articles contained in the box could not give rise to an action against it. It then interposed a counterclaim for exemplary damages as well as attorney's fees in the amount of P20,000.00. Petitioner subsequently filed an answer to the counterclaim. 4 In due course, the trial court, now designated as Branch 161 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig, Metro Manila, rendered a decision 5 adverse to the petitioner on 8 December 1986, the dispositive portion of which reads: WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered dismissing plaintiff's complaint.

On defendant's counterclaim, judgment is hereby rendered ordering plaintiff to pay defendant the amount of FIVE THOUSAND (P5,000.00) PESOS as attorney's fees.
With costs against plaintiff.

The unfavorable verdict is based on the trial court's conclusion that under paragraphs 13 and 14 of the contract of lease, the Bank has no liability for the loss of the certificates of title. The court declared that the said provisions are binding on the parties. Its motion for reconsideration 7 having been denied, petitioner appealed from the adverse decision to the respondent Court of Appeals which docketed the appeal as CAG.R. CV No. 15150. Petitioner urged the respondent Court to reverse the challenged decision because the trial court erred in (a) absolving the respondent Bank from liability from the loss, (b) not declaring as null and void, for being contrary to law, public order and public policy, the provisions in the contract for lease of the safety deposit box absolving the Bank from any liability for loss, (c) not concluding that in this jurisdiction, as well as under American jurisprudence, the liability of the Bank is settled and (d) awarding attorney's fees to the Bank and denying the petitioner's prayer for nominal and exemplary damages and attorney's fees. 8 In its Decision promulgated on 4 July 1989, 9 respondent Court affirmed the appealed decision principally on the theory that the contract (Exhibit "2") executed by the petitioner and respondent Bank is in the nature of a contract of lease by virtue of which the petitioner and its co-renter were given control over the safety deposit box and its contents while the Bank retained no right to open the said box because it had neither the possession nor control over it and its contents. As such, the contract is governed by Article 1643 of the Civil Code 10 which provides: Art. 1643. In the lease of things, one of the parties binds himself to give to another the enjoyment or use of a thing for a price certain, and for a period which may be definite or indefinite. However, no lease for more than ninety-nine years shall be valid. It invoked Tolentino vs. Gonzales 11 which held that the owner of the property loses his control over the property leased during the period of the contract and Article 1975 of the Civil Code which provides: Art. 1975. The depositary holding certificates, bonds, securities or instruments which earn interest shall be bound to collect the latter when it becomes due, and to take such steps as may be necessary in order that the securities may preserve their value and the rights corresponding to them according to law. The above provision shall not apply to contracts for the rent of safety deposit boxes.

and then concluded that "[c]learly, the defendant-appellee is not under any duty to maintain the contents of the box. The stipulation absolving the defendantappellee from liability is in accordance with the nature of the contract of lease and cannot be regarded as contrary to law, public order and public policy." 12 The appellate court was quick to add, however, that under the contract of lease of the safety deposit box, respondent Bank is not completely free from liability as it may still be made answerable in case unauthorized persons enter into the vault area or when the rented box is forced open. Thus, as expressly provided for in stipulation number 8 of the contract in question:
8. The Bank shall use due diligence that no unauthorized person shall be admitted to any rented safe and beyond this, the Bank will not be responsible for the contents of any safe 13 rented from it.

Its motion for reconsideration 14 having been denied in the respondent Court's Resolution of 28 August 1989, 15petitioner took this recourse under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court and urges Us to review and set aside the respondent Court's ruling. Petitioner avers that both the respondent Court and the trial court (a) did not properly and legally apply the correct law in this case, (b) acted with grave abuse of discretion or in excess of jurisdiction amounting to lack thereof and (c) set a precedent that is contrary to, or is a departure from precedents adhered to and affirmed by decisions of this Court and precepts in American jurisprudence adopted in the Philippines. It reiterates the arguments it had raised in its motion to reconsider the trial court's decision, the brief submitted to the respondent Court and the motion to reconsider the latter's decision. In a nutshell, petitioner maintains that regardless of nomenclature, the contract for the rent of the safety deposit box (Exhibit "2") is actually a contract of deposit governed by Title XII, Book IV of the Civil Code of the 16 Philippines. Accordingly, it is claimed that the respondent Bank is liable for the loss of the certificates of title pursuant to Article 1972 of the said Code which provides: Art. 1972. The depositary is obliged to keep the thing safely and to return it, when required, to the depositor, or to his heirs and successors, or to the person who may have been designated in the contract. His responsibility, with regard to the safekeeping and the loss of the thing, shall be governed by the provisions of Title I of this Book. If the deposit is gratuitous, this fact shall be taken into account in determining the degree of care that the depositary must observe. Petitioner then quotes a passage from American Jurisprudence 17 which is supposed to expound on the prevailing rule in the United States, to wit: The prevailing rule appears to be that where a safe-deposit company leases a safe-deposit box or safe and the lessee takes possession of the box or safe and places therein his securities or other valuables, the relation of bailee and bail or is created between the parties to the transaction as to such securities or other valuables; the fact that the

safe-deposit company does not know, and that it is not expected that it shall know, the character or description of the property which is deposited in such safe-deposit box or safe does not change that relation. That access to the contents of the safe-deposit box can be had only by the use of a key retained by the lessee ( whether it is the sole key or one to be used in connection with one retained by the lessor) does not operate to alter the foregoing rule. The argument that there is not, in such a case, a delivery of exclusive possession and control to the deposit company, and that therefore the situation is entirely different from that of ordinary bailment, has been generally rejected by the courts, usually on the ground that as possession must be either in the depositor or in the company, it should reasonably be considered as in the latter rather than in the former, since the company is, by the nature of the contract, given absolute control of access to the property, and the depositor cannot gain access thereto without the consent and active participation of the company. . . . (citations omitted). and a segment from Words and Phrases 18 which states that a contract for the rental of a bank safety deposit box in consideration of a fixed amount at stated periods is a bailment for hire. Petitioner further argues that conditions 13 and 14 of the questioned contract are contrary to law and public policy and should be declared null and void. In support thereof, it cites Article 1306 of the Civil Code which provides that parties to a contract may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy. After the respondent Bank filed its comment, this Court gave due course to the petition and required the parties to simultaneously submit their respective Memoranda. The petition is partly meritorious. We agree with the petitioner's contention that the contract for the rent of the safety deposit box is not an ordinary contract of lease as defined in Article 1643 of the Civil Code. However, We do not fully subscribe to its view that the same is a contract of deposit that is to be strictly governed by the provisions in the Civil Code on deposit; 19the contract in the case at bar is a special kind of deposit. It cannot be characterized as an ordinary contract of lease under Article 1643 because the full and absolute possession and control of the safety deposit box was not given to the joint renters the petitioner and the Pugaos. The guard key of the box remained with the respondent Bank; without this key, neither of the renters could open the box. On the other hand, the respondent Bank could not likewise open the box without the renter's key. In this case, the said key had a duplicate which was made so that both renters could have access to the box.

Hence, the authorities cited by the respondent Court 20 on this point do not apply. Neither could Article 1975, also relied upon by the respondent Court, be invoked as an argument against the deposit theory. Obviously, the first paragraph of such provision cannot apply to a depositary of certificates, bonds, securities or instruments which earn interest if such documents are kept in a rented safety deposit box. It is clear that the depositary cannot open the box without the renter being present. We observe, however, that the deposit theory itself does not altogether find unanimous support even in American jurisprudence. We agree with the petitioner that under the latter, the prevailing rule is that the relation between a bank renting out safe-deposit boxes and its customer with respect to the contents of the box is that of a bail or and bailee, the bailment being for hire and mutual benefit. 21 This is just the prevailing view because:
There is, however, some support for the view that the relationship in question might be more properly characterized as that of landlord and tenant, or lessor and lessee. It has also been suggested that it should be characterized as that of licensor and licensee. The relation between a bank, safe-deposit company, or storage company, and the renter of a safe-deposit box therein, is often described as contractual, express or implied, oral or written, in whole or in part. But there is apparently no jurisdiction in which any rule other than that applicable to bailments governs questions of the liability and rights of the parties 22 in respect of loss of the contents of safe-deposit boxes. (citations omitted)

In the context of our laws which authorize banking institutions to rent out safety deposit boxes, it is clear that in this jurisdiction, the prevailing rule in the United States has been adopted. Section 72 of the General Banking Act 23pertinently provides: Sec. 72. In addition to the operations specifically authorized elsewhere in this Act, banking institutions other than building and loan associations may perform the following services: (a) Receive in custody funds, documents, and valuable objects, and rent safety deposit boxes for the safeguarding of such effects. xxx xxx xxx
The banks shall perform the services permitted under subsections (a), (b) and (c) of this 24 section asdepositories or as agents. . . . (emphasis supplied)

Note that the primary function is still found within the parameters of a contract of deposit, i.e., the receiving in custody of funds, documents and other valuable objects for safekeeping. The renting out of the safety deposit boxes is not independent from, but related to or in conjunction with, this principal function. A contract of deposit may be entered into orally or in writing 25 and, pursuant to Article 1306 of the Civil Code, the parties thereto may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy. The depositary's responsibility for the safekeeping of the

objects deposited in the case at bar is governed by Title I, Book IV of the Civil Code. Accordingly, the depositary would be liable if, in performing its obligation, it is found guilty of fraud, negligence, delay or contravention of the tenor of the agreement. 26 In the absence of any stipulation prescribing the degree of diligence required, that of a good father of a family is to be observed. 27 Hence, any stipulation exempting the depositary from any liability arising from the loss of the thing deposited on account of fraud, negligence or delay would be void for being contrary to law and public policy. In the instant case, petitioner maintains that conditions 13 and 14 of the questioned contract of lease of the safety deposit box, which read: 13. The bank is not a depositary of the contents of the safe and it has neither the possession nor control of the same.
14. The bank has no interest whatsoever in said contents, except herein expressly 28 provided, and it assumes absolutely no liability in connection therewith.

are void as they are contrary to law and public policy. We find Ourselves in agreement with this proposition for indeed, said provisions are inconsistent with the respondent Bank's responsibility as a depositary under Section 72(a) of the General Banking Act. Both exempt the latter from any liability except as contemplated in condition 8 thereof which limits its duty to exercise reasonable diligence only with respect to who shall be admitted to any rented safe, to wit:
8. The Bank shall use due diligence that no unauthorized person shall be admitted to any rented safe and beyond this, the Bank will not be responsible for the contents of any safe 29 rented from it.

Furthermore, condition 13 stands on a wrong premise and is contrary to the actual practice of the Bank. It is not correct to assert that the Bank has neither the possession nor control of the contents of the box since in fact, the safety deposit box itself is located in its premises and is under its absolute control; moreover, the respondent Bank keeps the guard key to the said box. As stated earlier, renters cannot open their respective boxes unless the Bank cooperates by presenting and using this guard key. Clearly then, to the extent above stated, the foregoing conditions in the contract in question are void and ineffective. It has been said:
With respect to property deposited in a safe-deposit box by a customer of a safe-deposit company, the parties, since the relation is a contractual one, may by special contract define their respective duties or provide for increasing or limiting the liability of the deposit company, provided such contract is not in violation of law or public policy. It must clearly appear that there actually was such a special contract, however, in order to vary the ordinary obligations implied by law from the relationship of the parties; liability of the deposit company will not be enlarged or restricted by words of doubtful meaning. The company, in renting safe-deposit boxes, cannot exempt itself from liability for loss of the contents by its own fraud or negligence or that of its agents or servants, and if a provision of the contract may be construed as an attempt to do so, it will be held ineffective for the purpose. Although it has been held that the lessor of a safe-deposit box cannot limit its liability for loss of the

contents thereof through its own negligence, the view has been taken that such a lessor 30 may limits its liability to some extent by agreement or stipulation. (citations omitted)

Thus, we reach the same conclusion which the Court of Appeals arrived at, that is, that the petition should be dismissed, but on grounds quite different from those relied upon by the Court of Appeals. In the instant case, the respondent Bank's exoneration cannot, contrary to the holding of the Court of Appeals, be based on or proceed from a characterization of the impugned contract as a contract of lease, but rather on the fact that no competent proof was presented to show that respondent Bank was aware of the agreement between the petitioner and the Pugaos to the effect that the certificates of title were withdrawable from the safety deposit box only upon both parties' joint signatures, and that no evidence was submitted to reveal that the loss of the certificates of title was due to the fraud or negligence of the respondent Bank. This in turn flows from this Court's determination that the contract involved was one of deposit. Since both the petitioner and the Pugaos agreed that each should have one (1) renter's key, it was obvious that either of them could ask the Bank for access to the safety deposit box and, with the use of such key and the Bank's own guard key, could open the said box, without the other renter being present. Since, however, the petitioner cannot be blamed for the filing of the complaint and no bad faith on its part had been established, the trial court erred in condemning the petitioner to pay the respondent Bank attorney's fees. To this extent, the Decision (dispositive portion) of public respondent Court of Appeals must be modified. WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is partially GRANTED by deleting the award for attorney's fees from the 4 July 1989 Decision of the respondent Court of Appeals in CAG.R. CV No. 15150. As modified, and subject to the pronouncement We made above on the nature of the relationship between the parties in a contract of lease of safety deposit boxes, the dispositive portion of the said Decision is hereby AFFIRMED and the instant Petition for Review is otherwise DENIED for lack of merit. No pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED. Feliciano, Bidin, Romero and Melo, JJ., concur. Gutierrez, Jr., J., is on leave.

G.R. Nos. L-26948 and L-26949 SILVESTRA vs. PABLO DAVID, defendant-appellant.

October 8, 1927 BARON, plaintiff-appellant,

And GUILLERMO vs. PABLO DAVID, defendant-appellant. BARON, plaintiff-appellant,

Jose Gutierrez David for plaintiff-appellant in case of No. 26948. Gregorio Perfecto for defendant-appellant in both cases. Francisco, Lualhati & Lopez and Jose Gutierrez David for plaintiff-appellant in case No. 26949.

STREET, J.: These two actions were instituted in the Court of First Instance of the Province of Pampanga by the respective plaintiffs, Silvestra Baron and Guillermo Baron, for the purpose of recovering from the defendant, Pablo David, the value of palay alleged to have been sold by the plaintiffs to the defendant in the year 1920. Owing to the fact that the defendant is the same in both cases and that the two cases depend in part upon the same facts, the cases were heard together in the trial court and determined in a single opinion. The same course will accordingly be followed here. In the first case, i. e., that which Silvestra Baron is plaintiff, the court gave judgment for her to recover of the defendant the sum of P5,238.51, with costs. From this judgment both the plaintiff and the defendant appealed. In the second case, i. e., that in which Guillermo Baron, is plaintiff, the court gave judgment for him to recover of the defendant the sum of P5,734.60, with costs, from which judgment both the plaintiff and the defendant also appealed. In the same case the defendant interposed a counterclaim in which he asked credit for the sum of P2,800 which he had advanced to the plaintiff Guillermo Baron on various occasions. This credit was admitted by the plaintiff and allowed by the trial court. But the defendant also interposed a cross-action against Guillermo Baron in which the defendant claimed compensation for damages alleged to have Ben suffered by him by reason of the alleged malicious and false statements made by the plaintiff against the defendant in suing out an attachment against the defendant's property soon after the institution of the action. In the same cross-action the defendant also sought compensation for damages incident to the shutting down of the defendant's rice mill for the period of one hundred seventy days during which the above-mentioned attachment was in force. The trial judge disallowed these claims for damages, and from this feature of the decision the defendant appealed. We are therefore confronted with five distinct appeals in this record. Prior to January 17, 1921, the defendant Pablo David has been engaged in running a rice mill in the municipality of Magalang, in the Province of Pampanga, a mill

which was well patronized by the rice growers of the vicinity and almost constantly running. On the date stated a fire occurred that destroyed the mill and its contents, and it was some time before the mill could be rebuilt and put in operation again. Silvestra Baron, the plaintiff in the first of the actions before us, is an aunt of the defendant; while Guillermo Baron, the plaintiff in the other action; is his uncle. In the months of March, April, and May, 1920, Silvestra Baron placed a quantity of palay in the defendant's mill; and this, in connection with some that she took over from Guillermo Baron, amounted to 1,012 cavans and 24 kilos. During approximately the same period Guillermo Baron placed other 1,865 cavans and 43 kilos of palay in the mill. No compensation has ever been received by Silvestra Baron upon account of the palay delivered by Guillermo Baron, he has received from the defendant advancements amounting to P2,800; but apart from this he has not been compensated. Both the plaintiffs claim that the palay which was delivered by them to the defendant was sold to the defendant; while the defendant, on the other hand, claims that the palay was deposited subject to future withdrawal by the depositors or subject to some future sale which was never effected. He therefore supposes himself to be relieved from all responsibility by virtue of the fire of January 17, 1921, already mentioned. The plaintiff further say that their palay was delivered to the defendant at his special request, coupled with a promise on his part to pay for the same at the highest price per cavan at which palay would sell during the year 1920; and they say that in August of that year the defendant promised to pay them severally the price of P8.40 per cavan, which was about the top of the market for the season, provided they would wait for payment until December. The trial judge found that no such promise had been given; and the incredulity of the court upon this point seems to us to be justified. A careful examination of the proof, however, leads us to the conclusion that the plaintiffs did, some time in the early part of August, 1920, make demand upon the defendant for a settlement, which he evaded or postponed leaving the exact amount due to the plaintiffs undetermined. It should be stated that the palay in question was place by the plaintiffs in the defendant's mill with the understanding that the defendant was at liberty to convert it into rice and dispose of it at his pleasure. The mill was actively running during the entire season, and as palay was daily coming in from many customers and as rice was being constantly shipped by the defendant to Manila, or other rice markets, it was impossible to keep the plaintiffs' palay segregated. In fact the defendant admits that the plaintiffs' palay was mixed with that of others. In view of the nature of the defendant's activities and the way in which the palay was handled in the defendant's mill, it is quite certain that all of the plaintiffs' palay, which was put in before June 1, 1920, been milled and disposed of long prior to the fire of January 17, 1921. Furthermore, the proof shows that when the fire occurred there could not have been more than about 360 cavans of palay in the mill, none of which by any reasonable probability could have been any part of the palay delivered by the plaintiffs. Considering the fact that the defendant had thus milled and doubtless sold the plaintiffs' palay prior to the date of the fire, it result that he is bound to account for its value, and his liability was not extinguished by the occurence of the fire. In the briefs before us it seems to have been assumed by the opposing

attorneys that in order for the plaintiffs to recover, it is necessary that they should be able to establish that the plaintiffs' palay was delivered in the character of a sale, and that if, on the contrary, the defendant should prove that the delivery was made in the character of deposit, the defendant should be absolved. But the case does not depend precisely upon this explicit alternative; for even supposing that the palay may have been delivered in the character of deposit, subject to future sale or withdrawal at plaintiffs' election, nevertheless if it was understood that the defendant might mill the palay and he has in fact appropriated it to his own use, he is of course bound to account for its value. Under article 1768 of the Civil Code, when the depository has permission to make use of the thing deposited, the contract loses the character of mere deposit and becomes a loan or acommodatum; and of course by appropriating the thing, the bailee becomes responsible for its value. In this connection we wholly reject the defendant's pretense that the palay delivered by the plaintiffs or any part of it was actually consumed in the fire of January, 1921. Nor is the liability of the defendant in any wise affected by the circumstance that, by a custom prevailing among rice millers in this country, persons placing palay with them without special agreement as to price are at liberty to withdraw it later, proper allowance being made for storage and shrinkage, a thing that is sometimes done, though rarely. In view of what has been said it becomes necessary to discover the price which the defendant should be required to pay for the plaintiffs' palay. Upon this point the trial judge fixed upon P6.15 per cavan; and although we are not exactly in agreement with him as to the propriety of the method by which he arrived at this figure, we are nevertheless of the opinion that, all things considered, the result is approximately correct. It appears that the price of palay during the months of April, May, and June, 1920, had been excessively high in the Philippine Islands and even prior to that period the Government of the Philippine Islands had been attempting to hold the price in check by executive regulation. The highest point was touched in this season was apparently about P8.50 per cavan, but the market began to sag in May or June and presently entered upon a precipitate decline. As we have already stated, the plaintiffs made demand upon the defendant for settlement in the early part of August; and, so far as we are able to judge from the proof, the price of P6.15 per cavan, fixed by the trial court, is about the price at which the defendant should be required to settle as of that date. It was the date of the demand of the plaintiffs for settlement that determined the price to be paid by the defendant, and this is true whether the palay was delivered in the character of sale with price undetermined or in the character of deposit subject to use by the defendant. It results that the plaintiffs are respectively entitle to recover the value of the palay which they had placed with the defendant during the period referred to, with interest from the date of the filing of their several complaints. As already stated, the trial court found that at the time of the fire there were about 360 cavans of palay in the mill and that this palay was destroyed. His Honor assumed that this was part of the palay delivered by the plaintiffs, and he held that the defendant should be credited with said amount. His Honor therefore deducted from the claims of the plaintiffs their respective proportionate shares of this amount of palay. We are unable to see the propriety of this feature of the decision. There were many customers

of the defendant's rice mill who had placed their palay with the defendant under the same conditions as the plaintiffs, and nothing can be more certain than that the palay which was burned did not belong to the plaintiffs. That palay without a doubt had long been sold and marketed. The assignments of error of each of the plaintiffs-appellants in which this feature of the decision is attacked are therefore well taken; and the appealed judgments must be modified by eliminating the deductions which the trial court allowed from the plaintiffs' claims. The trial judge also allowed a deduction from the claim of the plaintiff Guillermo Baron of 167 cavans of palay, as indicated in Exhibit 12, 13, 14, and 16. This was also erroneous. These exhibits relate to transactions that occurred nearly two years after the transactions with which we are here concerned, and they were offered in evidence merely to show the character of subsequent transactions between the parties, it appearing that at the time said exhibits came into existence the defendant had reconstructed his mill and that business relations with Guillermo Baron had been resumed. The transactions shown by these exhibits (which relate to palay withdrawn by the plaintiff from the defendant's mill) were not made the subject of controversy in either the complaint or the cross-complaint of the defendant in the second case. They therefore should not have been taken into account as a credit in favor of the defendant. Said credit must therefore be likewise of course be without prejudice to any proper adjustment of the rights of the parties with respect to these subsequent transactions that they have heretofore or may hereafter effect. The preceding discussion disposes of all vital contentions relative to the liability of the defendant upon the causes of action stated in the complaints. We proceed therefore now to consider the question of the liability of the plaintiff Guillermo Baron upon the cross-complaint of Pablo David in case R. G. No. 26949. In this cross-action the defendant seek, as the stated in the third paragraph of this opinion, to recover damages for the wrongful suing out of an attachment by the plaintiff and the levy of the same upon the defendant's rice mill. It appears that about two and one-half months after said action was begun, the plaintiff, Guillermo Baron, asked for an attachment to be issued against the property of the defendant; and to procure the issuance of said writ the plaintiff made affidavit to the effect that the defendant was disposing, or attempting the plaintiff. Upon this affidavit an attachment was issued as prayed, and on March 27, 1924, it was levied upon the defendant's rice mill, and other property, real and personal.

Upon attaching the property the sheriff closed the mill and placed it in the care of a deputy. Operations were not resumed until September 13, 1924, when the attachment was dissolved by an order of the court and the defendant was permitted to resume control. At the time the attachment was levied there were, in the bodega, more than 20,000 cavans of palay belonging to persons who held receipts therefor; and in order to get this grain away from the sheriff, twenty-four of the depositors found it necessary to submit third-party claims to the sheriff. When these claims were put in the sheriff notified the plaintiff that a bond in the amount of P50,000 must be given, otherwise the grain would be released. The plaintiff, being unable or unwilling to give this bond, the sheriff

surrendered the palay to the claimants; but the attachment on the rice mill was maintained until September 13, as above stated, covering a period of one hundred seventy days during which the mill was idle. The ground upon which the attachment was based, as set forth in the plaintiff's affidavit was that the defendant was disposing or attempting to dispose of his property for the purpose of defrauding the plaintiff. That this allegation was false is clearly apparent, and not a word of proof has been submitted in support of the assertion. On the contrary, the defendant testified that at the time this attachment was secured he was solvent and could have paid his indebtedness to the plaintiff if judgment had been rendered against him in ordinary course. His financial conditions was of course well known to the plaintiff, who is his uncle. The defendant also states that he had not conveyed away any of his property, nor had intended to do so, for the purpose of defrauding the plaintiff. We have before us therefore a case of a baseless attachment, recklessly sued out upon a false affidavit and levied upon the defendant's property to his great and needless damage. That the act of the plaintiff in suing out the writ was wholly unjustifiable is perhaps also indicated in the circumstance that the attachment was finally dissolved upon the motion of the plaintiff himself. The defendant testified that his mill was accustomed to clean from 400 to 450 cavans of palay per day, producing 225 cavans of rice of 57 kilos each. The price charged for cleaning each cavan rice was 30 centavos. The defendant also stated that the expense of running the mill per day was from P18 to P25, and that the net profit per day on the mill was more than P40. As the mill was not accustomed to run on Sundays and holiday, we estimate that the defendant lost the profit that would have been earned on not less than one hundred forty work days. Figuring his profits at P40 per day, which would appear to be a conservative estimate, the actual net loss resulting from his failure to operate the mill during the time stated could not have been less than P5,600. The reasonableness of these figures is also indicated in the fact that the twenty-four customers who intervened with third-party claims took out of the camarin 20,000 cavans of palay, practically all of which, in the ordinary course of events, would have been milled in this plant by the defendant. And of course other grain would have found its way to this mill if it had remained open during the one hundred forty days when it was closed. But this is not all. When the attachment was dissolved and the mill again opened, the defendant found that his customers had become scattered and could not be easily gotten back. So slow, indeed, was his patronage in returning that during the remainder of the year 1924 the defendant was able to mill scarcely more than the grain belonging to himself and his brothers; and even after the next season opened many of his old customers did not return. Several of these individuals, testifying as witnesses in this case, stated that, owing to the unpleasant experience which they had in getting back their grain from the sheriff to the mill of the defendant, though they had previously had much confidence in him. As against the defendant's proof showing the facts above stated the plaintiff submitted no evidence whatever. We are therefore constrained to hold that the defendant was damaged by the attachment to the extent of P5,600, in profits lost by the

closure of the mill, and to the extent of P1,400 for injury to the good-will of his business, making a total of P7,000. For this amount the defendant must recover judgment on his cross-complaint. The trial court, in dismissing the defendant's cross-complaint for damages resulting from the wrongful suing out of the attachment, suggested that the closure of the rice mill was a mere act of the sheriff for which the plaintiff was not responsible and that the defendant might have been permitted by the sheriff to continue running the mill if he had applied to the sheriff for permission to operate it. This singular suggestion will not bear a moment's criticism. It was of course the duty of the sheriff, in levying the attachment, to take the attached property into his possession, and the closure of the mill was a natural, and even necessary, consequence of the attachment. For the damage thus inflicted upon the defendant the plaintiff is undoubtedly responsible. One feature of the cross-complaint consist in the claim of the defendant (crosscomplaint) for the sum of P20,000 as damages caused to the defendant by the false and alleged malicious statements contained in the affidavit upon which the attachment was procured. The additional sum of P5,000 is also claimed as exemplary damages. It is clear that with respect to these damages the cross-action cannot be maintained, for the reason that the affidavit in question was used in course of a legal proceeding for the purpose of obtaining a legal remedy, and it is therefore privileged. But though the affidavit is not actionable as a libelous publication, this fact in no obstacle to the maintenance of an action to recover the damage resulting from the levy of the attachment. Before closing this opinion a word should be said upon the point raised in the first assignment of error of Pablo David as defendant in case R. G. No. 26949. In this connection it appears that the deposition of Guillermo Baron was presented in court as evidence and was admitted as an exhibit, without being actually read to the court. It is supposed in the assignment of error now under consideration that the deposition is not available as evidence to the plaintiff because it was not actually read out in court. This connection is not well founded. It is true that in section 364 of the Code of Civil Procedure it is said that a deposition, once taken, may be read by either party and will then be deemed the evidence of the party reading it. The use of the word "read" in this section finds its explanation of course in the American practice of trying cases for the most part before juries. When a case is thus tried the actual reading of the deposition is necessary in order that the jurymen may become acquainted with its contents. But in courts of equity, and in all courts where judges have the evidence before them for perusal at their pleasure, it is not necessary that the deposition should be actually read when presented as evidence. From what has been said it result that judgment of the court below must be modified with respect to the amounts recoverable by the respective plaintiffs in the two actions R. G. Nos. 26948 and 26949 and must be reversed in respect to the disposition of the cross-complaint interposed by the defendant in case R. G. No. 26949, with the following result: In case R. G. No. 26948 the plaintiff Silvestra Baron will recover of the

Pablo David the sum of P6,227.24, with interest from November 21, 1923, the date of the filing of her complaint, and with costs. In case R. G. No. 26949 the plaintiff Guillermo Baron will recover of the defendant Pablo David the sum of P8,669.75, with interest from January 9, 1924. In the same case the defendant Pablo David, as plaintiff in the cross-complaint, will recover of Guillermo Baron the sum of P7,000, without costs. So ordered. Avancea, C.J., Johnson, Malcolm, Villamor, Romualdez and Villa-Real, JJ., concur.

Separate Opinions

JOHNS, J., dissenting and concurring: The plaintiff Silvestra Baron is the aunt of the defendant, and Guillermo Baron, the plaintiff in the other action, is his uncle. There is no dispute as to the amount of palay which each delivered to the mill of the defendant. Owing to the fact that they were relatives and that the plaintiffs reposed special reposed special trust and confidence in the defendant, who was their nephew, they were not as careful and prudent in their business dealings with him as they should have been. Plaintiffs allege that their respective palay was delivered to the defendant at his mill with the understanding and agreement between them that they should receive the highest market price for the palay for that season, which was P8.50 per cavan. They further allege that about August first they made another contract in and by which he promised and agreed to pay them P8.40 per cavan for their palay, in consideration of which they agreed to extend the time for payment to the first of December of that year. The amount of palay is not in dispute, and the defendant admits that it was delivered to his mill, but he claims that he kept it on deposit and as bailee without hire for the plaintiffs and at their own risk, and that the mill was burned down, and that at the time of the fire, plaintiffs' palay was in the mill. The lower court found as a fact that there was no merit in that defense, and that there was but little, if any, palay in the mill at the time of the fire and that in truth and in fact that defense was based upon perjured testimony. The two cases were tried separately in the court below, but all of the evidence in the case was substituted and used in the other. Both plaintiffs testified to the making of the respective contracts as alleged in their complaint; to wit, that they delivered the palay to the defendant with the express understanding and agreement that he would pay them for the palay the highest market price for the season, and to the making of the second contract about the first of August, in which they had a settlement, and that the

defendant then agreed to pay them P8.40 per cavan, such payment to be made on December first. It appears that the highest market price for palay for that season was P8.50 per cavan. The defendant denied the making of either one of those contracts, and offered no other evidence on that question. That is to say, we have the evidence of both Silvestra Baron and Guillermo Baron to the making of those contracts, which is denied by the defendant only. Plaintiffs' evidence is also corroborated by the usual and customary manner in which the growers sell their palay. That is to say, it is their custom to sell the palay at or about the time it is delivered at the mill and as soon as it is made ready for market in the form of rice. As stated the lower court found as a fact that the evidence of the defendants as to plaintiffs' palay being in the mill at the time of the fire was not worthy of belief, and that in legal effect it was a manufactured defense. Yet, strange as it may seem, both the lower court and this court have found as a fact that upon the question of the alleged contracts, the evidence for the defendant is true and entitled to more weight than the evidence of both plaintiffs which is false. It appears that the plaintiff Silvestra Baron is an old lady about 80 years of age and the aunt of the defendant, and Guillermo Baron is the uncle. Under the theory of the lower court and of this court, both of them at all the time during the high prices held their palay in defendant's mill at their own risk, and that upon that point the evidence of the defendant, standing alone is entitled to more weight and is more convincing than the combined evidence of the two plaintiffs. In the very nature of things, if defendant's evidence upon that point is true, it stands to reason that, following the custom of growers, the plaintiffs would have sold their palay during the period of high prices, and would not have waited until it dropped from P8.50 per cavan to P6.15 per cavan about the first of August. Upon that question, both the weight and the credibility of the evidence is with the plaintiffs, and they should have judgment for the full amount of their palay on the basis of P8.40 per cavan. For such reason, I vigorously dissent from the majority opinion. I frankly concede that the attachment was wrongful, and that it should never have been levied. It remained in force for a period of one hundred and seventy days at which time it was released on motion of the plaintiffs. The defendant now claims, and the majority opinion has allowed him, damages for that full period, exclusive of Sundays, at the rate, of P40 per day, found to be the net profit for the operation of the rice mill. It further appears, and this court finds, that the defendant was a responsible man, and that he had ample property out which to satisfy plaintiffs' claim. Assuming that to be true, there was no valid reason why he could not had given a counter bond and released the attachment. Upon the theory of the majority opinion, if the plaintiffs had not released the attachment, they would still be liable to the defendant at the rate of P40 per day up to the present time. When the mill was attached, if he was in a position to do so, it was the duty of the defendant to give a counter bond and release the attachment and resume its operation. The majority opinion also allowed the defendant P1,400 "for injury to the goodwill of his business." The very fact that after a delay of about four years, both of the plaintiffs were compelled to bring to their respective actions against the defendant to recover from him on a just and meritorious claim, as found by this court and the lower court, and the further fact that after such long delay, the defendant has sought to defeat

the actions by a sham and manufactured defense, as found by this and the lower court, would arouse the suspicion of any customers the defendant ever had, and shake their confidence in his business honor and integrity, and destroy any goodwill which he ever did have. Under such conditions, it would be strange that the defendant would have any customers left. He is not entitled to any compensation for the loss of goodwill, and P5,000 should be the very limit of the amount of his damages for the wrongful attachment, and upon that point I vigorously dissent. In all other respects, I agree with the majority opinion.

Republic Act No. as repealed by RA 8183





AN ACT TO ASSURE UNIFORM VALUE TO PHILIPPINE COIN AND CURRENCY Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:: WHEREAS, the value of Philippine coin and currency affects public interest and is subject to regulation by the Congress of the Philippines; and WHEREAS, it has been disclosed that the provisions of certain obligations contracted in the Philippines purport to give the obligee the right to require payment in gold or in a particular kind of coin or currency or in an amount in money of the Philippines measured thereby, thus obstructing the power of the Congress to regulate the value of the money of the Philippines and contravening the policy of the Congress, here declared, to maintain at all times the equal and stable power of every peso coined or issued by the Philippines, in the markets and in the payment of debts; Now, therefore. Section 1. Every provision contained in, or made with respect to, any obligation which provision purports to give the obligee the right to require payment in gold or in a particular kind of coin or currency other than Philippine currency or in an amount of money of the Philippines measured thereby, be as it is hereby declared against public policy, and null, void and of no effect, and no such provision shall be contained in, or made with respect to, any obligation hereafter incurred. Every obligation heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provision as to payment is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment in any coin or currency which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts: Provided, That, if the obligation was incurred prior to the enactment of this Act and required payment in a particular kind of coin or currency other than Philippine currency, it shall be discharged in Philippine currency measured at the prevailing rates of exchange at the time the obligation was incurred, except in case of a loan made in a foreign currency stipulated to be payable in the same currency in which case the rate of exchange

prevailing at the time of the stipulated date of payment shall prevail. All coin and currency, including Central Bank notes, heretofore or hereafter issued and declared by the Government of the Philippines shall be legal tender for all debts, public and private. Section 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved: June 16, 1950
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