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May 2012 Omnibus Week 1 Princeton Survey Research Associates International for National Journal Final Topline Results

May 7, 2012 Total: 999 adults age 18 and older Margin of error: Plus or minus 3.6 percentage points

Interviewing dates: May 3-6, 2012 Notes: Due to rounding, percentages may not add to 100. An asterisk (*) indicates values less than 0.5%.

Princeton Survey Research Associates International May 2012 Omnibus Week 1

Page 2
READ TO ALL: Thinking about some issues before Congress ASK ALL CC1. As you may know, the Supreme Court recently heard arguments for and against a law passed by the state of Arizona dealing with illegal immigration. As I describe some parts of the law, tell me if you approve or disapprove of each. (First/Next) do you approve or disapprove of [INSERT ITEM; READ IN ORDER]?1 (VOL.) Dont know/ Refused

Approve a. Allowing police to question anyone who they think may be in the country illegally May 3-6, 2012 May 6-9, 2010 b. Requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status if police ask for them May 3-6, 2012 May 6-9, 2010 c. Allowing police to detain anyone who cannot verify their legal status May 3-6, 2012 May 6-9, 2010 d. Making it a crime for anyone in the country illegally to look for or accept work May 3-6, 2012


57 62

38 35

5 3

68 73 53 67

28 23 41 29

3 4 6 4



PSRAI/Pew Research Center for the People & the Press May10 Wk1 Omnibus trend; Stem wording in May 2010 was The state of Arizona recently passed a law dealing with illegal immigration

Princeton Survey Research Associates International May 2012 Omnibus Week 1

Page 3
ASK ALL CC2. Congress is considering different options for how to treat young people who were brought to the U.S. as children by parents who are illegal immigrants. Some of these young people are attending college or have enlisted in the U.S. military. When it comes to young people in these situations, do you think Congress should: [READ ITEMS IN ORDER]. May 3-6 2012 49 35 10 6 1

Allow them to remain in the U.S. legally and guarantee them that they can become American citizens if they complete their studies or military service, OR Allow them to remain in the U.S. legally and apply for citizenship if they complete their studies or military service but NOT guarantee them that they can become American citizens, OR Not allow them to remain in the U.S. at all? Neither/Other [VOL. DO NOT READ] Dont know/Refused [VOL. DO NOT READ]

ASK ALL CC3. As you may know, the Senate recently passed a bill called the Violence Against Women Act which pays for legal assistance for domestic violence victims and domestic violence prevention programs, among other things. When passing the bill, the Senate added several items. Please tell me if you support or oppose each of the following additions. (First/Next) do you support or oppose [INSERT ITEMS; RANDOMIZE]? (VOL.) Dont know/ Refused 8

Support a. Including gays and lesbians in the group that is protected under this law May 3-6, 2012 b. Increasing the number of visas granted to abused legal and illegal immigrants from 10,000 to 15,000 May 3-6, 2012 c. Expanding the authority of Native American officials to handle abuse cases of Indian women by non-Indians May 3-6, 2012 62

Oppose 30







Princeton Survey Research Associates International May 2012 Omnibus Week 1

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ASK ALL CC4. Some experts believe there are as many as 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States today. Which ONE of the following steps, if any, do you think the government should take to deal with illegal immigrants? [READ 1-3 IN ORDER FOR HALF SAMPLE, READ IN REVERSE ORDER FOR OTHER HALF SAMPLE]2 May 3-6 2012 17 44 33 3 4 Dec 1-4 2011 25 39 28 5 3

Deport ALL illegal immigrants, no matter how long they have been in the U.S. Deport SOME, but allow those who have been here for many years and have broken no other laws to stay here legally [OR] Allow ALL illegal immigrants to stay, provided they have broken no other laws and commit to learning English and U.S. history None of the above [VOL. DO NOT READ] Dont know/Refused [VOL. DO NOT READ]

ASK ALL CC5. Congress is considering legislation that would allow college students to continue receiving loans at subsidized interest rates. To offset the cost of these loans, Democrats want to raise taxes on some businesses. Republicans want to shift money from a preventive health fund that was created as part of the presidents health care plan. Which do you prefer the Democrats OR the Republicans approach to pay for these student loans? May 3-6 2012 50 Democrats 34 Republicans 11 Neither/Other [VOL. DO NOT READ] 5 Dont know/Refused [VOL. DO NOT READ] ASK ALL CC6. As you may know, the U.S. Senate is considering legislation that would make it easier for women to sue for wage discrimination. Democrats say the bill would promote fairness in the workplace, while Republicans say it would encourage too many unjustified lawsuits. Who are you more likely to trust on this issue, the Democrats OR the Republicans? May 3-6 2012 52 36 7 5

Democrats Republicans Neither/Other [VOL. DO NOT READ] Dont know/Refused [VOL. DO NOT READ]

PSRAI/CC Dec11 Wk1 Omnibus trend.

Princeton Survey Research Associates International May 2012 Omnibus Week 1

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DEMOGRAPHICS I have one last set of questions to help us better understand the people who took part in our survey. SEX Respondents Sex 48 52 Male Female

EMPLOY Are you now employed full-time, part-time, or not employed? 46 12 42 1 PAR Employed full-time Employed part-time Not employed (DO NOT READ) Dont know/ Refused

Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 years of age? 31 67 2 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Dont know/Refused


What is your age? 21 30 27 17 5 18 to 29 30 to 49 50 to 64 65 and older (DO NOT READ) Refused

EDUC What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received? 2 9 30 19 10 15 3 11 2 Less than high school (Grade 1-8 or no formal schooling) High school incomplete (Grades 9-11 or Grade 12 with NO diploma) High school graduate (Grade 12 with diploma or GED certificate) Some college, no degree (includes community college) Two year associate degree from a college/university Four year college or university degree/Bachelors degree Some postgraduate or professional schooling, no postgraduate degree Postgraduate or professional degree, including masters, doctorate, medical or law degree (DO NOT READ) Dont know/Refused

Princeton Survey Research Associates International May 2012 Omnibus Week 1

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HISP Are you of Hispanic or Latino background, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban or other Spanish background? 13 84 2 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Dont know/Refused

RACE What is your race? Are you white, black, Asian, or some other race? [IF R SAYS HISPANIC OR LATINO, PROBE: Do you consider yourself a WHITE (Hispanic/Latino) or a BLACK (Hispanic/Latino)? 66 31 11 13 4 3 3 INC INC1 INC2 INC3 White non-Hispanic Total non-White Black non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Other non-Hispanic (DO NOT READ) Dont know/Refused

Last year, that is in 2011, approximately what was your total family income before taxes just tell me when I get to the right category. (IF DONT KNOW OR REFUSED) Keeping in mind that this is a completely confidential survey, can you please tell me if your total household income BEFORE taxes last year was over or under $75,000? (IF UNDER $75,000) Was it over or under $50,000? (IF UNDER $50,000) Was it over or under $30,000? 27 11 20 32 10 $75,000 or more $50,000 to under $75,000 $30,000 to under $50,000 Under $30,000 Undesignated


Which of these statements best describes you? 74 6 17 3 Are you ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you are registered to vote at your current address Are you PROBABLY registered, but there is a chance your registration has lapsed [OR] Are you NOT registered to vote at your current address? (DO NOT READ) Dont know/Refused

Princeton Survey Research Associates International May 2012 Omnibus Week 1

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PARTY In politics TODAY, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, or Independent? 24 34 33 3 * 6 Republican Democrat Independent No preference (VOL.) Other party (VOL.) Don't know/Refused (VOL.)

That completes the interview. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. Have a nice day/evening.

Princeton Survey Research Associates International May 2012 Omnibus Week 1

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