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State of California
Secretary of State
I, DEBRA BOWEN, Secretary of State of the State of California,
hereby certify:
That the attached transcript of
0 4
page(s) is a full , true and
correct copy of the original record in the custody of this office.
Sec/ State Form CE-109 (REV 01/ 2009)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I execute this
certificate and affix the Great Seal of the State
of California this day of
MAY 0 J ~ 1 ! !
& ~ - - ~
Secretary of State
@ OSP 09 113643
Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 28
Adopted in Assembly June 2, 2009

- -
Acting Clerk of the Assembly
Adopted in Senate June 26, 2009
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0 UU Secretary of the Senate
This. resolution \va-, by the Secretary of State this
'J."d day of
0, c 10..: D ........
:2009. at

\cr rr' trJr'l

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Assembl y ConcmTcnt Resolution No. 2({--- Rdative to LHing
Disorders A\vareness \Vcck.
ACR 28. Ma. Eating Disorder:-; Awareness \Vcck.
This measure woul d recognize the weeks of FebruJry 22 through
February 28. 2009. and February 21 through February 27. 20 I 0.
as Eati ng Disorders Awareness \Veek and would encourage citizens
and policvmakers to learn more about eating disorders and the
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obstacles to treatment. and to help people overcome and prevent
these life-threatening diseases .
WHEREAS, Ten million women and one milli on men across
the country are battling illnesses such as anorexia and bul imia.
and n1illions more are suffering from binge eating di sorder: and
WHEREAS, An estimated 3.6 million women in California
alone struggle with an eati.Iig disorder; and
WEEREAS, Anorexia, and compulsive overeating are
problems that are misunderstood, stigmatized. and undertreated:
WHEREAS, Anorexia is the psychiatric disorder with the highest
mortali ty rate: and
WHEREAS, Anorexia is linked to an eighteenfold increase in
the risk of death. with up to 20 percent of sufferers dying of
malnutrition or dyi ng by suicide: and .
WHEREAS. Eating disorders are associated with
psychological problems, including depression, substance abuse.
and suicide: and
\VHEREAS. Eating disorders can . lead to maj or medical
complications. including cardiac arrhythmia, cognitive impairment
certain infertility. kidney failure. and death;
\VHEREr\S. E .. ating disorders persons of every race, color,
gen<.kr. and category: and

.,. "'J "
- 3- ACR28
WHEREAS. Eating disorders are increasing among people in
younger 'age groups and affect children as young as seven years
of age:and
WHEREAS. Media pressures and genetic. social, and familial
factors arc all known to be related to eating disorders: and
WHEREAS. Some physicians prematurely discharge patients
with anorexia nervosa due to limited opportunities to obtain
reimbursement: and
WHEREAS, Coverage and reimbursement for eating disorders
differ among various private and public health care coverage
options: and
WHEREAS, Eating disorders are treatable when diagnosed early ,
and treated sufficiently: and
WHEREAS, Eating disorders have become a significant public
health concern that should be treated no less seriously than obesity:
WHEREAS. The government should take a proactive role in
developing preventive education, improving access to care for all 1
forms of eating disorders, including binge eating and extreme
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dieting; and
WHEREAS, The California Legislature is concerned with
preserving and protecting the health of the state's citizens; now,
therefore. be it
Rc:sol\ed by 1/ze . \ \.c, n nblv o(rhe S'tute of California, the Senate
thc:rc:qf concurring. That the Legislature recognizes the weeks of
Fchruary 22 through February 28. 2009, and February 21 through
February 27. 20 l 0. as Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and
encourages citizens and policymakers to learn more about eating
and the to treatment, and to help people
n\crc{)mc and prcvent
these life-threatening diseases; and be it
That lhc Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies
of lh!" rc,olution lo ihc amhor for appropriate di stribution.
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The Original of This Document is ;n
'I 020 "0" STREET

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