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Self Esteem

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Parus Farooq Mrs. Salma Nazar Business English Written communication Skills

Dedicated to MYSELF

Cant you write it in a formal way? I mean acha hai per depends upon teachers mood.

Executive summary Introduction Methodology Findings Conclusion References

Executive summary

Self esteem means loving and feeling good about yourself unconditionally. Its a feeling at the center of your being of self-worth, self-confidence, and self-respect. High self esteem means that you feel good about yourself.

The word 'esteem' comes from a Latin word that means 'to estimate'. So, self-esteem is how you estimate, or regard, yourself. Self-esteem is the internal knowledge that we are capable of handling anything that life throws at us. Self-esteem is a feeling of self-worth and an understanding that we are capable human beings that are strong and resilient. People with a high level of self esteem are confident in their abilities; handle stress and problems well and are able to hold their heads up high and feel good about them even when they screw up. People with low self-esteem are the complete opposite. They often sport a negative outlook on life and themselves; tend to fear new experiences because they lack the feeling that they can accomplish or handle anything outside of their normal routine; use a lot of energy to maintain a false positive image of themselves; and tend to worry excessively and be overly sensitive to criticism.

This report is based on self-esteem. The inner core of a person what he or she thinks of himself or herself. Positive and negative impacts of self-esteem in a persons personal n social life. And how to overcome them.

Methodology to aise likha hai jaise yeh thesis hai aur tum ab buhat saaray formulae laga ke end result nikalnay wali ho. I think no need to write this page.

Positive self-esteem
Firmly believe in certain values and principles, and are ready to defend them even when finding opposition, feeling secure enough to modify them in light of experience Are able to act according to what they think to be the best choice, trusting their own judgment, and not feeling guilty when others don't like their choice. Do not lose time worrying excessively about what happened in the past, nor about what could happen in the future. They learn from the past and plan for the future, but live in the present intensely. Fully trust in their capacity to solve problems, not hesitating after failures and difficulties. They ask others for help when they need it Consider themselves equal in dignity to others, rather than inferior or superior, while accepting differences in certain talents, personal prestige or financial standing Take for granted that they are an interesting and valuable person for others, at least for those with whom they have a friendship. Resist manipulation, collaborate with others only if it seems appropriate and convenient Admit and accept different internal feelings and drives, either positive or negative, revealing those drives to others only when they choose.

Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem can be caused by various factors such as a person's physical appearance, social status, or peer pressure. For example, living with little or no money and being unemployed can cause a person to feel worthless since they may be unable to provide for their family and contribute to society. Another factor contributing to low self-esteem is peer pressure. Whether it is a coworker, classmate, or friend their opinion on a person's outer appearance, weight, or intelligence level can lower ones self esteem.

Person with low self-esteem may show some of the following symptoms:
Heavy self-criticism, tending to create a habitual state of dissatisfaction with oneself. Hypersensitivity to criticism, which makes one feel easily attacked and experience obstinate resentment against critics. Chronic indecision, not so much because of lack of information, but from an exaggerated fear of making a mistake. Excessive will to please: being unwilling to say "no", out of fear of displeasing the petitioner. Perfectionism, or self-demand to do everything attempted "perfectly" without a single mistake, which can lead to frustration when perfection is not achieved. Neurotic guilt: one is condemned for behaviors which not always are objectively bad, exaggerates the magnitude of mistakes or offenses and complains about them indefinitely, never reaching full forgiveness.

Floating hostility, irritability out in the open, always on the verge of exploding even for unimportant things; an attitude characteristic of somebody who feels bad about everything, who is disappointed or unsatisfied with everything. Defensive tendencies, a general negative (one is pessimistic about everything: life, future, and, above all, oneself) and a general lack of will to enjoy life.

Building Self-Esteem
Work on Improving Yourself
Dress nicely
No one is more conscious of your physical appearance than you are. When you don't look good, it Changes the way you carry yourself and interact with other people.

Have a good hygiene

Take care of your personal appearance

Practice good Posture

People with slumped shoulders and lethargic movements display a lack of self confidence. They often are unenthusiastic and don't consider themselves important. By practicing good posture, youll automatically feel more confident. Stand up straight, keep your head up, and make eye contact. You'll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more alert and empowered.

Work out regularly

Physical fitness has a huge effect on self confidence. If youre out of shape, youll feel insecure and unattractive. By working out, you improve your physical appearance and do something constructive with your time. If you work out in the morning, it also creates positive momentum that you can build on the rest of the day.

Give back to others

Volunteer someplace in your community. If you stop thinking about yourself and concentrate on the contribution youre making to the rest of the world, you wont worry as much about you own flaws. This will increase your self esteem.

Make Yourself Stand Out

Compliment other people
Break the cycle of negativity by getting in the habit of praising other people. In the process, youll become well liked and build self confidence. By looking for the best in others, you indirectly bring out the best in yourself.

Sit in the front row

Most people prefer the back of a classroom or office because theyre afraid of being noticed. This reflects a lack of self confidence. By deciding to sit in the front row, you can get over this irrational fear and build your self confidence. Youll also be more visible to the important people talking from the front of the room.

Speak up
Many people never speak up because theyre afraid that people will judge them or think of them negatively. The simple fact is that these are fears everyone experiences. By making an effort to speak up atleast once in every group discussion, youll become a better public speaker

Walk faster
You don't have to power walk at all times, but people with confidence walk quickly. They have places to go and things to do. Even if you arent in a hurry, you can increase your self confidence by doing this because you will look and feel more important.

Remove Your Negative Self-Esteem

Start from within
Ignore any and all destructive criticism or insults, including any from your past. Your opinion of yourself is the most important opinion of all, because you know yourself better than anyone else. Many of us have been hurt by others at some time. It is crucial not to internalize that abuse and let them continue to hurt us, because that means the other person wins. If we let go of the past, ignore hurtful negativity and make ourselves happy, then we win.

Create daily affirmation

Tell yourself that you are a wonderful person who deserves to be happy. Make a list of all the things you like about yourself. If you've made mistakes that prevent you from believing that you deserve to be happy, take measures to relieve that guilt. Apologize to people you may have hurt (if possible), learn from those mistakes and forgive yourself.

Start with small steps to gain confidence

Take small steps and make small choices to gain confidence in your ability to make a decision. As you become secure in your ability to make good choices, you will gain confidence in yourself, and be more secure about your abilities in general.

Dont always try to please others

It is great to be considerate of others, but think before sacrificing your own needs to please them. Bending over backwards for strangers, mere acquaintances or people you don't trust may leave you with the short end of the stick. In short, don't allow yourself to be used

Be your own Person

Don't try to copy anyone else. You will be at your best when you are being yourself because of your uniqueness. Strive to be your best and do not criticize yourself if you fall short of your expectations.

Avoid negative people

People who have a negative attitude which may rub off on you are not good for you. If you're timid, loud and aggressive people are probably not good for you, and vice versa. Whatever you do, do not compare yourself to others. Just be the best that you can be.

Face your fears and learn from your failures

We only fail when we do not make the best out of adversity. When something doesn't go the way we would like it to, there is something to be learned from that, which can be applied next time you are in a similar situation. Get up and try again.

Stop the negative thoughts

If you constantly tell yourself you are stupid or that you will never achieve success, you will in turn act as such. So, make a habit out of saying positive things about yourself

Dont worry about being perfect

Aiming for perfection in life is a lost cause because the term means different things to different people. Nobody is perfect in the eyes of everyone else. Instead, seek to achieve goals.

Learn to appreciate yourself

Everyone has strengths, weaknesses, habits, and principles that define who you are and can make you distinctive. Spend more time focusing on the qualities about yourself that you like and less on the ones that you dislike. You can better accomplish this by taking up hobbies and projects that you can do which will make use of your strengths. Additionally, by starting on some projects that emphasize your good traits, it will keep you busy so you will end up spending less time thinking about your weaknesses.

Reward yourself with when you succeed

Treat yourself to something nice Bask in the glow of your successes. Believe in yourself completely and others will also believe.


When people believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. ~Norman Vincent Peale

References o=0&l=dir&qsrc=3053&rq=on&oo=0

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