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doriedance CliveSir

CliveSir TeachHub

doriedance Evan_D_Hunt

CliveSir cybraryman1 doriedance ljconrad

doriedance flourishingkids


doriedance flourishingkids virginiapav


CliveSir doriedance

07:00 p.m. Please remember to use the #elemchat hashtag in your tweets in order to participate in the discussion 07:00 p.m. RT @doriedance: Welcome to #elemchat! Todays topic: How to meet the needs of gifted students in the regular classroom 07:00 p.m. For the next hour all my tweets will be dedicated to #Elemchat 07:00 p.m. My Classroom Design & Seating Chart Tips: #edchat #teaching #teachers #education #elemchat 07:00 p.m. Welcome to #elemchat! Todays topic: How to meet the needs of gifted students in the regular classroom 07:00 p.m. 7 Ways To Keep Students Focused While Using Technology | Edudemic via @edudemic #elemchat 07:00 p.m. Brace yourselves! #elemchat coming up NOW! #edchat #ukedchat #pypchat #ntchat #cpchat #eltchat 07:01 p.m. The wisest mind has something yet to learn. #elemchat 07:01 p.m. How are gifted students defined & identified... in your classroom, school, district? #elemchat 07:01 p.m. RT @doriedance: Welcome to #elemchat! Todays topic: How to meet the needs of gifted students in the regular classroom #elemchat 07:01 p.m. RT @CliveSir: For the next hour all my tweets will be dedicated to #Elemchat 07:01 p.m. For the next hour my tweets are dedicated to #elemchat: talking about meeting the needs of gifted students in the reg. classroom #elemchat 07:01 p.m. RT @doriedance: Dont miss todays #elemchat - How to Meet the Needs of Gifted Students in a Regular Classroom? #gtchat #elemchat 07:02 p.m. RT @CliveSir: @cybraryman1 Great to see you on #elemchat, Jerry! 07:02 p.m. @Cybraryman1's Twice Exceptional Children #elemchat 07:02 p.m. RT @TeachHub: My Classroom Design & Seating Chart Tips: #edchat #teaching #teachers #education #elemchat 07:02 p.m. RT @doriedance: Dont miss todays #elemchat - How to Meet the Needs of Gifted Students in a Regular Classroom? #gtchat #elemchat 07:02 p.m. @cybraryman1 Great to see you on #elemchat, Jerry! 07:02 p.m. Q1: How are gifted students defined & identified... in your classroom, school, district? #elemchat


flourishingkids CliveSir

ktvee cybraryman1

jsprfox ktvee doriedance jofrei

flourishingkids cybraryman1

flourishingkids doriedance ktvee flourishingkids

cybraryman1 doriedance flourishingkids flourishingkids 1MvdS

07:03 p.m. Great to see you here! RT @ktvee: Ive taught in reg. classroom w/gifted cluster, now teach gifted program #elemchat 07:03 p.m. A1: We don't have a process other than stand. test scores.. #elemchat 07:03 p.m. RT @doriedance: Q1: How are gifted students defined & identified... in your classroom, school, district? #elemchat 07:03 p.m. I've taught in reg. classroom w/gifted cluster, now teach gifted program #elemchat 07:03 p.m. A1 My own children were tested in order to get into the self contained gifted program (grades 4-6) #elemchat 07:04 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: "The wisest mind has something yet to learn." #elemchat 07:04 p.m. A1) Through screening & referral, we have id process; not just based on one aspect #elemchat 07:05 p.m. @ljconrad Glad to have you here. I thought I recognized you. #elemchat 07:05 p.m. Q1 In Australia gifted students are defined in various ways but most common is by testing scores or obvious asynchronous ability #elemchat 07:05 p.m. @ljconrad Great to see you here! #elemchat 07:05 p.m. A1 My son was identified as gifted before he entered the school system. Then he was tested in third grade. #elemchat 07:05 p.m. @ktvee Just curious, where you are, when do they test students? #elemchat 07:05 p.m. A1: parent/ teacher survey, cognitive ability test and reading/math test #elemchat 07:06 p.m. @flourishingkids we collect referrals each spring, I screen every year 3-6 #elemchat 07:06 p.m. @jofrei Just curious about the age that they are tested, and if they don't qualify are they ever re-tested? #elemchat 07:06 p.m. @jofrei @ktvee @ljconrad Nice to see you here. Great to learn from your expertise. #elemchat 07:06 p.m. Q2: Are gifted students different from other learners? If so, how? #elemchat 07:06 p.m. Gifted Students in the Elementary Classroom (Carnegie Mellon) #elemchat 07:07 p.m. @ktvee That's great. Many places I have been, they only test once, in 3rd. #elemchat 07:07 p.m. Key to teaching gifted children (and most children) finding out what they know use KWL #elemchat

CliveSir flourishingkids cybraryman1 gpworden ktvee flourishingkids flourishingkids brettelockyer ljconrad Taylor1113 kelleybj

cybraryman1 jofrei

doriedance brettelockyer


doriedance ktvee

flourishingkids flourishingkids

07:07 p.m. RT @doriedance: Q2: Are gifted students different from other learners? If so, how? #elemchat 07:07 p.m. Characteristics and Behaviors of the Gifted 07:09 p.m. @brettelockyer Yes. The self-contained gifted was for grades 4-6. #elemchat 07:09 p.m. A1: parent/teacher referral, testing and eval by GT panel #elemchat 07:09 p.m. Q2) Gifted kids often crave more, deeper, & to "drink from firehose" #elemchat 07:09 p.m. Perfectionism and the Gifted #elemchat 07:09 p.m. Perfectionism and the Gifted #elemchat 07:09 p.m. @cybraryman1 #elemchat Does that mean he had to put his gifted talents on hold until gr 3? :) 07:09 p.m. A.2 Gifted students learn differently. Need to be with intellectual peers. #elemchat 07:10 p.m. @flourishingkids: Characteristics and Behaviors of the Gifted #elemchat #abed #yycbe 07:10 p.m. RT @plnaugle: 100+ STEM Websites & Webtools for Teachers - LiveBinder being shared now at #wowvtc12 #elemchat #4thchat 07:10 p.m. RT @ljconrad: A.2 Gifted students learn differently. Need to be with intellectual peers. #elemchat 07:10 p.m. @flourishingkids Test age varies need WIPPSI or SBfor early entry, can be retested on diff test, sometimes testing not used at all #elemchat 07:11 p.m. What are some of the risks in labeling learners as gifted? #elemchat 07:11 p.m. @cybraryman1 #elemchat Well, I guess when the 3.30 bell went, he could be his gifted self at home! Lucky he has you for dad. 07:11 p.m. Q2 Gifted students can learn faster and to greater depth and in different way and have diff social/emotional traits as well #elemchat 07:11 p.m. A2: Gifted learners catch on to concepts quickly, sometimes without instruction. #elemchat 07:11 p.m. A2) impt to recognize Im no advocating for elite or better, but for needs to be met (what evry kid deserves) #elemchat 07:11 p.m. @jofrei Thank you. Just curious about the wide variety of ways students are evaluated. #elemchat 07:12 p.m. A2: Sometimes they are "fast processors" w/ less patience. Doesn't mean they necessarily go deep on their own. #elemchat


ljconrad doriedance doriedance

Lindax jofrei

CliveSir ktvee cybraryman1 flourishingkids




doriedance jofrei flourishingkids

brettelockyer flourishingkids

07:12 p.m. RT @ktvee: A2) impt to recognize Im no advocating for elite or better, but for needs to be met (what evry kid deserves) <=Yes! #elemchat 07:12 p.m. A2 #gifted is who a child is. Not all academically gifted children are the same. 07:12 p.m. Q3: What are some of the risks in labeling learners as gifted? #elemchat 07:13 p.m. RT @jofrei: Q2 Gifted students can learn faster & to greater depth & in different way & have diff social/emotional traits as well #elemchat 07:13 p.m. RT @JillBromen: Free Comic Book Day TODAY May 5 | @scoopit #edchat #elemchat 07:13 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: RT @ljconrad: A.2 Gifted students learn differently. Need to be with intellectual peers. <=Yes! #elemchat 07:13 p.m. RT @doriedance: Q3: What are some of the risks in labeling learners as gifted? #elemchat 07:13 p.m. @doriedance Biggest risk? The misperceptions that people have about gifted #elemchat 07:13 p.m. My Identification of Gifted links: #elemchat 07:13 p.m. Yes! And environment affects hugely RT @ljconrad: A2 #gifted is who a child is. Not all academically gifted children are the same. #elemchat 07:14 p.m. A3) Underachievement is one of the greatest risks. Mindset. Praise the effort, not the child. Big parental mistake. #elemchat 07:14 p.m. Yes, labels have connotations RT @ktvee: @doriedance Biggest risk? The misperceptions that people have about gifted #elemchat 07:14 p.m. Good one! RT @ktvee: @doriedance Biggest risk? The misperceptions that people have about gifted #elemchat 07:14 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Identification of Gifted links: #elemchat 07:14 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Identification of Gifted links: #elemchat 07:14 p.m. Research Based Resources from National Research Center for Gifted/ Talented #elemchat 07:14 p.m. #elemchat What are the risks in labeling any students? 07:15 p.m. Meeting the Needs of Gifted Learners in the Regular Classroom: Vision or Delusion? #elemchat


Kimberfb profesortbaker

CliveSir doriedance doriedance



doriedance flourishingkids



flourishingkids brettelockyer

flourishingkids doriedance CliveSir


07:15 p.m. Always good to keep in mind, though, right? RT @brettelockyer: #elemchat What are the risks in labeling any students? #elemchat 07:15 p.m. RT @jofrei: RT @cybraryman1: My Identification of Gifted links: #elemchat 07:15 p.m. #HETL: You are invited to submit a proposal #edchat #cpchat #ukedchat #elemchat #scichat #mathchat #edcamp #pyp #edu 07:15 p.m. @ktvee What are the misperceptions? #elemchat 07:15 p.m. True. =0) RT @brettelockyer: #elemchat What are the risks in labeling any students? 07:16 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Meeting the Needs of Gifted Learners in the Regular Classroom: Vision or Delusion? #elemchat 07:16 p.m. @flourishingkids #elemchat Yes,often I feel I havent coped because I was not a fast tchr.Hard to differentiate tchg w dif style of learner 07:16 p.m. RT @TeachHub: My Classroom Design & Seating Chart Tips: #edchat #teaching #teachers #education #elemchat 07:16 p.m. RT @CliveSir: @ktvee What are the misperceptions? #elemchat 07:16 p.m. Yes! RT @ljconrad: Underachievement is one of the greatest risks. Mindset. Praise the effort, not the child. Big parental mistake. #elemchat 07:17 p.m. @brettelockyer Yes, we have to think about all of those factors.. we tend to classify and lump together.. #elemchat 07:17 p.m. Students can be praised for their "giftedness" and then limit themselves so they don't risk their "status". Thinking of Dweck #elemchat 07:18 p.m. Some of my most intellectually gifted students struggle with social issues. #elemchat 07:18 p.m. #elemchat Sometimes I have been so focused on meeting their academic needs that I have overlooked their social/emotional needs. 07:19 p.m. @brettelockyer Yes, I think that is probably true of many of us. #elemchat 07:19 p.m. Twitter seems slow today. Anyone else feeling this? #elemchat 07:19 p.m. RT @doriedance: Q4: How do you set the tone for a differentiated, flexible learning environment at the beginning of the year? #elemchat 07:19 p.m. Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom #elemchat

flourishingkids doriedance jofrei flourishingkids






twhitford Begabungs jofrei

flourishingkids flourishingkids doriedance




07:20 p.m. #elemchat archive : strategies for meeting the needs of gifted students 07:20 p.m. Thanks! RT @ktvee: @doriedance Misperceptions that I see... #elemchat 07:20 p.m. RT @ktvee: @doriedance Misperceptions that I see... #elemchat 07:21 p.m. It was down a bit earlier today.. RT @doriedance: Twitter seems slow today. Anyone else feeling this? #elemchat 07:21 p.m. @brettelockyer Classroom teachers face many challenges & it is very hard to differentiate the learning for all students. #elemchat 07:21 p.m. @jofrei @cybraryman1 @ljconrad use Project base learning; multiple intelligence, high order thinking skills. #elemchat 07:21 p.m. RT @doriedance: Q4: How do you set the tone for a differentiated, flexible learning environment at the beginning of the year? #elemchat 07:21 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: #elemchat archive : strategies for meeting the needs of gifted students 07:21 p.m. A4) Set tone by community building activities, student choice, & projects w/kids driving their learning. #elemchat 07:21 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom #elemchat 07:22 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Identification of Gifted links: #elemchat 07:22 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom < Love Winebrenner book! #elemchat 07:22 p.m. Differentiation LiveBinders #elemchat 07:23 p.m. @jofrei Yes, looks great from what I have read! #elemchat 07:23 p.m. Q5: When planning curricula, what do you differentiate? Essential questions? Knowledge? Skills? Assessments? Activities? All? #elemchat 07:23 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Some of my most intellectually gifted students struggle with social issues. #elemchat 07:23 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: It was down a bit earlier today.. RT @doriedance: Twitter seems slow today. Anyone else feeling this? YES! #elemchat 07:24 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Differentiated Instruction page: #elemchat


jofrei Begabungs

cybraryman1 jofrei flourishingkids twhitford jofrei flourishingkids flourishingkids


doriedance flourishingkids flourishingkids


jofrei doriedance plnaugle

doriedance cybraryman1


07:24 p.m. PBL for gifted in regular classroom? My daughter always did all the work or risk lower grade b/c of partners. PBL for indiv std ok #elemchat 07:24 p.m. @flourishingkids Yes slow for me too #elemchat 07:24 p.m. RT @jofrei: RT @flourishingkids: Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom < Love Winebrenner book! #elemchat 07:24 p.m. My Differentiated Instruction page: #elemchat 07:24 p.m. @1MvdS Yes all good ways of building in differentiation #elemchat 07:24 p.m. Curriculum Differentiation for the Gifted 07:25 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Differentiated Instruction page: #elemchat 07:25 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Differentiated Instruction page: #elemchat 07:26 p.m. @Cybraryman1's Self-Directed learning #elemchat 07:26 p.m. @ljconrad Seems to be an issue with mixed groups when grade is most imp. Higher functioning students take a greater role. #elemchat 07:26 p.m. Hi #elemchat tweeps. Just finished attending the AzTEA WOW Virtual Conf. Great learning today. #woevtc12 [Like it? ] 07:26 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Differentiated Instruction page: #elemchat 07:27 p.m. Great idea! RT @plnaugle: Love using Edmodo to set up differentiated lessons for my students. #elemchat 07:27 p.m. Challenges and Possibilities for Teaching Gifted Learners in a Regular Classroom #elemchat 07:27 p.m. #elemchat Setting the tone for differentiation: give Ss voice/platform for us all to get to know one another: thru play, blogs. 07:27 p.m. Les Links Livebinders #elemchat 07:27 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: @Cybraryman1's Self-Directed learning #elemchat 07:27 p.m. Love using Edmodo to set up differentiated lessons for my students. #elemchat [Like it? ] 07:27 p.m. @plnaugle Welcome! #elemchat 07:28 p.m. How do you feel about Individual Learning Programs or Personalized Educational Plans? #elemchat 07:28 p.m. @plnaugle You are amazing, Paula! Always learning and sharing! I have been reading essays and giving feedback most of day! #elemchat



plnaugle flourishingkids brettelockyer

flourishingkids flourishingkids

gpworden Kimberfb plnaugle jofrei doriedance doriedance LearnPlayFun LearnPlayFun flourishingkids CliveSir plnaugle


ljconrad plnaugle

07:28 p.m. Have fewer gifted students now since our district has academies for brighter students to attend. Hate this model though. #elemchat 07:29 p.m. Q5: When planning curricula, what do you differentiate? Essential questions? Knowledge? Skills? Assessments? Activities? #elemchat 07:30 p.m. @flourishingkids Also Skyped into #edcampnyc to talk about how I use Skype in my classroom. #elemchat 07:30 p.m. What is a GIEP? #elemchat 07:31 p.m. #elemchat Planning inquiry,I'm unsure about planning differentiation. 4 us, inquiry is about making meaning together, so common ess qns 07:31 p.m. Teaching Young Gifted Children in the Regular Classroom #elemchat 07:31 p.m. @plnaugle You are one sought after lady! Didn't you do that for another edcamp last weekend as well? #elemchat 07:31 p.m. @plnaugle how often is Edmodo used in class for diff? #elemchat 07:32 p.m. @ljconrad PBL for indiv std ok #elemchat -->agreed! 07:32 p.m. A5 Try to differentiate delivery of instruction, activities, and assessments. #elemchat 07:32 p.m. @cybraryman1 An IEP good for gifted learners as their needs can be very different from the class #elemchat 07:32 p.m. Q6: When to differentiate horizontally? #elemchat 07:32 p.m. Q6: When to differentiate horizontally? #elemchat 07:32 p.m. Ideas for Using Math Centers #mathchat #elemchat 07:32 p.m. Ideas for Using Math Centers #mathchat #elemchat 07:33 p.m. Academic Acceleration #elemchat 07:33 p.m. RT @doriedance: Q6: When to differentiate horizontally? #elemchat 07:33 p.m. @flourishingkids Yes, Skyped into #edcampbos last weekend. Love be able to attend edcamps virtually. #elemchat 07:33 p.m. @brettelockyer Yes, I agree. Perhaps they reach different depths of understanding but the questions are the same. #elemchat 07:34 p.m. I believe that public education should meet the needs of all students. #elemchat 07:34 p.m. @gpworden Set up assignments in Edmodo for each week. Can send certain assignments to class, group, or individual. #elemchat




flourishingkids ktvee


cybraryman1 theASIDEblog

Kimberfb doriedance brettelockyer


Kimberfb doriedance ThinkParenting

plnaugle ljconrad

07:34 p.m. We use essential questions, skills we want kids to learn, and a variety of assessments & activities to plan curricula. #elemchat 07:35 p.m. Curricula planning should include connected learning, student instruction, and creativity to engage in the material to own it. #elemchat 07:35 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: RT @ljconrad: I believe that public education should meet the needs of all students. #elemchat 07:35 p.m. Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students: Differentiating Math and Science Instruction 07:35 p.m. RT @plnaugle: @gpworden Set up assignments in Edmodo for each week. Can send certain assignments to class, group, or individual. #elemchat 07:35 p.m. Great topic RT @flourishingkids: #elemchat archive : strategies for meeting the needs of gifted students 07:35 p.m. RT @ljconrad: I believe that public education should meet the needs of all students. #elemchat 07:35 p.m. Diversity in approach to cover curricula learning is key to differentiating material to meet multiple learning styles. #elemchat 07:36 p.m. RT @ljconrad: I believe that public education should meet the needs of all students. #elemchat 07:36 p.m. @ljconrad Instead of Gifted teaching, Differentiated teaching? #elemchat 07:36 p.m. @flourishingkids #elemchat I think inquiry hits its straps when learners contribute in different ways to enhance the whole-class journey. 07:36 p.m. Students should be able to demo what they learned in a variety of ways. Employers won't want them filling in bubble sheets. #elemchat 07:37 p.m. @ljconrad #elemchat Any traction on the TALENT Act? 07:37 p.m. Anyone use compacting to help determine differentiation needs? #elemchat 07:37 p.m. Parents as Partners show Mon,May 7 9pm ET: Homeschool communication& @ParentSquare Hope u join! #elemchat 07:37 p.m. @doriedance Not differentiated teaching, but differentiated learning. #elemchat 07:37 p.m. Education for gifted students in US has no federal guidelines and no federal funding. #elemchat 07:38 p.m. @doriedance Yes, curric compacting enables me to cover GLEs more effectively. #elemchat



doriedance theASIDEblog doriedance flourishingkids doriedance swalker2

Edu_Trends brettelockyer




jofrei ktvee doriedance flourishingkids plnaugle


07:38 p.m. RT @brettelockyer: I think inquiry hits its straps when learners contribute in different ways to enhance the whole-class journey. #elemchat 07:38 p.m. @plnaugle One has to come before the other though. The result would be differentiated learning. #elemchat 07:38 p.m. Mastery and purpose should be included as a goal of curricula learning. #elemchat 07:38 p.m. @ljconrad Interesting. #elemchat 07:38 p.m. Teaching Math to Gifted Students in a Mixed Ability Classroom #elemchat 07:39 p.m. yep. RT @theASIDEblog: Mastery and purpose should be included as a goal of curricula learning. #elemchat 07:39 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: RT @flourishingkids: Some of my most intellectually gifted students struggle with social issues. #elemchat 07:39 p.m. Teaching Math to Gifted Students in a Mixed Ability Classroom #elemchat 07:39 p.m. @plnaugle #elemchat Hmm, yes, differentiated learning. So tchrs role to help each student be in charge of own learning? 07:39 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Teaching Math to Gifted Students in a Mixed Ability Classroom #elemchat 07:40 p.m. RT @Edu_Trends: Teaching Math to Gifted Students in a Mixed Ability Classroom #elemchat 07:40 p.m. RT @plnaugle: Students should be able to demo learning in a variety of ways. Employers won't want them filling in bubble sheets. #elemchat 07:40 p.m. @plnaugle True and we are preparing them for jobs which do not even exist yet! #elemchat 07:40 p.m. @doriedance Compacting works great; but nothing beats a customized curriculum for kids #elemchat 07:40 p.m. @plnaugle I don't have gifted learners in my classroom, but it is one way to help differentiate. #elemchat 07:40 p.m. RT @theASIDEblog: Mastery and purpose should be included as a goal of curricula learning. #elemchat 07:40 p.m. @gpworden I have 15 netbooks, so 2:1 ratio in my classroom.Enables me to do direct instr with some and online with others. #elemchat 07:41 p.m. @ktvee Customized curriculum-what do you do to determine this? #elemchat


07:41 p.m. @doriedance @brettelockyer Yes, that is what I meant. Kids leaning what they need to learn. Just 1 of me, but many of them. #elemchat


flourishingkids doriedance plnaugle









doriedance flourishingkids


brummonds ktvee doriedance

07:41 p.m. @doriedance @plnaugle #elemchat So for diff.tchng, we really have to think beyond our own learning experiences/styles/preferences? 07:41 p.m. Summer Professional Development for Teachers of Gifted Learners #elemchat 07:42 p.m. @brettelockyer Definitely! #elemchat 07:42 p.m. @brettelockyer @doriedance I try to diff. my teaching, but what I really want is kids to figure out how they best learn. #elemchat 07:42 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Summer Professional Development for Teachers of Gifted Learners #elemchat 07:43 p.m. @doriedance ideally, we'd track standards mastered & let kids move ahead at own pace; essential questions would come from them #elemchat 07:43 p.m. @plnaugle Yes, we can't exactly clone ourselves and be there indiv. for each of them at every moment. So challenging! #elemchat 07:44 p.m. Benefits of Providing Enrichment for High Potential Students from Low Income Families #elemchat 07:44 p.m. RT @ktvee: ideally, wed track standards mastered & let kids move ahead at own pace; essential questions would come from them #elemchat 07:44 p.m. I think we try so hard in education to hang on to 'way things always been' when we could do different, more effective #elemchat 07:44 p.m. @jofrei Exactly. But we know that they will have to collaborate and problem solve and be globally connected. #elemchat 07:44 p.m. As a gen ed teacher I kniow gifted in no way means equal education needed- Varied learners fall there too! IEP for them- sure #elemchat 07:44 p.m. @plnaugle That is an amazing goal. Results? #elemchat 07:44 p.m. That's where power is! RT @plnaugle: I try to teaching, but what I really want is kids to figure out how they best learn. #elemchat 07:45 p.m. @ktvee Work smarter, not harder is what I try to tell those who pull back from change with differeniation and technology #elemchat 07:45 p.m. How To Stop Misbehavior Before It Starts #cpchat #elemchat #edchat 07:45 p.m. grade levels, letter grades, textbooks -all hoops that hold kids back for our convenience #elemchat 07:45 p.m. RT @plnaugle: I try to diff. my teaching, but what I really want is kids to figure out how they best learn. #elemchat




doriedance GrannyWils


ktvee plnaugle


doriedance alwayzlearning


flourishingkids plnaugle


07:45 p.m. @doriedance As the year progresses, they get more comfortable and use their learning style to best advantage. #elemchat 07:45 p.m. #elemchat So, importance of interaction w like minded learners important to help them reach further n be exposed to thinking beyond mine! 07:45 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Benefits of Providing Enrichment for High Potential Students from Low Income Families #elemchat 07:45 p.m. @ktvee Great! Essential questions. How do you model this? #elemchat 07:46 p.m. RT @Edu_Trends: Teaching Math to Gifted Students in a Mixed Ability Classroom #elemchat 07:46 p.m. By the system, for the system RT @ktvee: grade levels, letter grades, textbooks -all hoops that hold kids back for our convenience #elemchat 07:46 p.m. @doriedance We talk about thick & thin questions; kids know EQs are big, over whole unit #elemchat 07:46 p.m. @TeacherJenYoung We started with HS academies several yrs ago. Now extends down to Kinder. #elemchat 07:46 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Benefits of Providing Enrichment for High Potential Students from Low Income Families #elemchat 07:47 p.m. Q7: When to differentiate assessments? When to use same for everyone? #elemchat 07:47 p.m. Amazing collaboration & engagement among teachers, parents, & kids. HS kids mentored gr. 4-6 kids! +1k came #elemchat #engagement #k12 07:47 p.m. RT @ktvee: grade levels, letter grades, textbooks -all hoops that hold kids back for our convenience // EXACTLY!!! #elemchat 07:47 p.m. Project M2 Mentoring Young Mathematicians #elemchat 07:47 p.m. @ktvee @flourishingkids Do you have kids develop EQ's before beginning a unit of study? Think I will try that approach. #elemchat 07:47 p.m. @JaimeVanderG yes! #elemchat



07:47 p.m. Thanks! RT @ktvee: @doriedance We talk about thick & thin questions; kids know EQs are big, over whole unit #elemchat 07:48 p.m. @plnaugle @flourishingkids Yes! They actually get really good at it! They know its about the 'meat' of what we're learning #elemchat


doriedance jofrei

plnaugle gpworden


flourishingkids doriedance plnaugle bcrosby





CliveSir flourishingkids flourishingkids gpworden doriedance

07:48 p.m. @cybraryman1: How do you feel about Individual Learning Programs or Personalized Educational Plans? #elemchat 07:48 p.m. @plnaugle Good question! #elemchat 07:48 p.m. @brettelockyer Yes SO time with like minds - Miraca Gross The Saddest Sound to the D Major Chord #elemchat 07:48 p.m. Anyone using the "flip" model to differentiate instruction? #elemchat [Like it? ] 07:48 p.m. @ktvee @doriedance Do your students use matrices/artifacts to track their own successes? #elemchat 07:49 p.m. @doriedance #flipclass model allows to differentiate assessment just as we differentiate the class activities! #elemchat 07:49 p.m. @plnaugle @ktvee I have done that for some things, but could def expand that practice. #elemchat 07:49 p.m. @plnaugle If I had more access to mobile learning or guaranteed internet at home, I would. #elemchat 07:49 p.m. @TeacherJenYoung That's what I keep asking. Hate the academy setup. Seems very elitist to me. #elemchat 07:49 p.m. @ktvee #elemchat Equally disconcerting is what some espouse as change "reform" "innovative" is not. When they get pushback claim status quo 07:49 p.m. RT @doriedance: Q7: When to differentiate assessments? When to use same for everyone? #elemchat 07:50 p.m. RT @JaimeVanderG: @doriedance #flipclass model allows to differentiate assessment just as we differentiate the class activities! #elemchat 07:50 p.m. @TeacherJenYoung Really, they probably feel that the teachers in "regular" school aren't the best ones either. #elemchat 07:50 p.m. @ktvee @plnaugle I love that! We want them to be inquirers so why not empower them to ask the questions?! #elemchat 07:51 p.m. 10 ways to differentiate learning by @whatedsaid ... #elemchat 07:51 p.m. @Cybraryman1's Multiple Intelligences page #elemchat 07:51 p.m. @TeacherJenYoung What age/grade do you teach? #elemchat 07:52 p.m. @doriedance @plnaugle 4kids w/no Internet access try preloaded iPods for flipped learning. #elemchat 07:52 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: @Cybraryman1's Multiple Intelligences page #elemchat






flourishingkids doriedance plnaugle


flourishingkids doriedance

plnaugle marynabadenhor s doriedance plnaugle

07:52 p.m. RT @gpworden: @ktvee Do your students use matrices/artifacts to track their own successes? #elemchat 07:53 p.m. @flourishingkids I'll definitely be doing that in the future. Kids need to come up with EQuestions. #elemchat 07:53 p.m. Great idea, I need to write a grant! RT @gpworden: 4kids w/no Internet access try preloaded iPods for flipped learning. #elemchat 07:53 p.m. @TeacherJenYoung I think that at that age they are able to understand those inventories. Sometimes I think we need to be cautious #elemchat 07:53 p.m. Q7: When to differentiate assessments? When to use same for everyone? Do you differentiate assessments? #elemchat 07:54 p.m. If learning is differentiated, doesn't the assessment follow suit? #elemchat 07:54 p.m. Any burning questions you would like to ask? #elemchat 07:54 p.m. @TeacherJenYoung I don't mind that so much for HS students. But it seems not of place in the lower grades. #elemchat 07:54 p.m. @doriedance @gpworden @ktvee Mine are 3rdgraders, so tracking success for them comes in @edmodo badges :) LOL #elemchat 07:55 p.m. @plnaugle They could even collaborate to create them using Edmodo or gdocs right? #elemchat 07:55 p.m. Agreed. RT @flourishingkids: If learning is differentiated, doesn't the assessment follow suit? #elemchat 07:55 p.m. @gpworden es, where there is a will there is a way around. LOL #elemchat 07:55 p.m. When tutoring one kid or very small groups I differentiate to indiv needs for Math & Engl and guess what: No behaviour probs ever! #elemchat 07:55 p.m. @JaimeVanderG =0) #elemchat 07:56 p.m. @flourishingkids Yes, either of those would be great way to have kids generate EQuestions for a unit. Thanks Joan. #elemchat 07:56 p.m. RT @CliveSir: 10 ways to differentiate learning by @whatedsaid ... <= Like this #elemchat 07:56 p.m. #elemchat Is current flipped classroom model so prescriptive? Should we always rethink where/when/who does the learning AND the teaching?




ljconrad plnaugle

cybraryman1 gpworden aforgrave

doriedance ktvee

flourishingkids judithway



jofrei Begabungs

plnaugle plnaugle

07:56 p.m. RT @CliveSir: 10 ways to differentiate learning by @whatedsaid ... #elemchat <simple, sensible ideas 07:57 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: We still have to find the best way to facilitate the learning of each child in a class #elemchat 07:57 p.m. @TeacherJenYoung No, just supposed to be regular hiring routine, but I have my suspicions that it's who you know. #elemchat 07:57 p.m. We still have to find the best way to facilitate the learning of each child in a class #elemchat 07:58 p.m. @plnaugle Work-arounds R my job - tech support. =) #elemchat 07:58 p.m. How about ... RT @cybraryman1: We still have to find the best way to facilitate the learning of each child [??? in a class ???] #elemchat 07:58 p.m. Definitely...rethink #elemchat 07:58 p.m. @doriedance @gpworden we use a portfolio system Ive made lots of mistakes implementing it, but will work harder next year #elemchat 07:58 p.m. @plnaugle Thank you, Paula! I always seem to get such great ideas with you by my side :-) #elemchat 07:59 p.m. @jofrei: RT @CliveSir: 10 ways to differentiate learning by @whatedsaid ... <= Like this #elemchat #vicpln 07:59 p.m. @flourishingkids Waht are you studying in SS or math right now? Maybe we could have our kids collaborate on some EQ's. #elemchat 07:59 p.m. #elemchat Can like minded peers/mentors be involved in assessment, to give practical feedback on agreed values? 07:59 p.m. Finding suitable mentors can also be helpful 07:59 p.m. RT @jofrei: RT @CliveSir: 10 ways to differentiate learning by @whatedsaid ... <= Like this #elemchat 08:00 p.m. @gpworden Love it. You oculd be my new best friend if you help with work arounds. #elemchat 08:00 p.m. Sorry, not sure what you mean. RT @ljconrad: @plnaugle So no special education? #elemchat [Like it? ] 08:01 p.m. @jofrei @judithway I guess it's just coincidence that u RT'd @whatedsaid's post and u r all from Melbourne ;) Edna fan club! #elemchat 08:01 p.m. What would you like to discuss on the next #elemchat Sat, May 12th -10pm GMT/6pm EDT?



doriedance flourishingkids

doriedance doriedance

jofrei 1MvdS


doriedance doriedance

jofrei CliveSir

gpworden doriedance CliveSir gpworden doriedance


08:01 p.m. Please post your discussion ideas here for future chats. #elemchat 08:01 p.m. @plnaugle That would be so great, Paula! Maybe we could plan for next yr as our upcoming wks are packed w/preparing 4 sev. evnts #elemchat 08:01 p.m. Thanks to all for your participation today! Loved having the #gtchat participants here, too! #elemchat 08:02 p.m. Thanks to all of the moderators who help behind the scenes: @tcash @gret @flourishingkids @JoAnnJacobs68 @CliveSir #elemchat 08:02 p.m. @doriedance Thank you for a great chat I enjoyed participating! 08:02 p.m. @flourishingkids @TeacherJenYoung - investigate multiple intelligences using the SOLO taxonomy as framework #elemchat 08:02 p.m. RT @doriedance: Tonights #elemchat archive and resources will be posted here within 48hrs: 08:02 p.m. Tonights #elemchat archive and resources will be posted here within 48hrs: 08:03 p.m. Will check this out! RT @1MvdS: - investigate multiple intelligences using the SOLO taxonomy as framework #elemchat 08:03 p.m. @CliveSir Definitely! 08:04 p.m. RT @doriedance: What would you like to discuss on the next #elemchat - Sat, May 12th -10pm GMT/6pm EDT? 08:04 p.m. @ktvee @doriedance portfolios can be great way to personalize learning #elemchat 08:04 p.m. @jofrei #elemchat Thanks for your input! 08:04 p.m. RT @doriedance: Please post your discussion ideas here for future chats. #elemchat 08:05 p.m. @plnaugle Love to help any way I can! #elemchat 08:05 p.m. Definitely! RT @gpworden: @ktvee @doriedance portfolios can be great way to personalize learning #elemchat 08:05 p.m. Thanks to all of the #elemchat participants today! We couldnt do it without you :)



08:05 p.m. Thanks everyone! Always a pleasure to be here with you all. Now it's time to move it move it with some JustDance3. Go #temt! #elemchat 08:06 p.m. @doriedance @CliveSir Topic for next week - Should we look for creative ways to extend the school year?Why/why not?#elemchat

doriedance flourishingkids gpworden CliveSir ljconrad


doriedance brummonds 1MvdS

doriedance plnaugle

CliveSir ncarroll24


doriedance sandynay


08:06 p.m. @flourishingkids Thanks! Have fun. I love JustDance #elemchat 08:07 p.m. @TeacherJenYoung That's a great way to explain it! #elemchat 08:08 p.m. Thanks everyone for teaching an old tech some new tricks! #elemchat Great to participate! 08:08 p.m. @plnaugle Not next week but now queued for the poll :) #elemchat 08:08 p.m. @doriedance Thanks for an excellent chat & for shedding some light on the needs of gifted learners! #elemchat 08:08 p.m. Like! RT @plnaugle: Topic for next week - Should we look for creative ways to extend the school year?Why/why not? #elemchat 08:09 p.m. @ljconrad Thanks so much for your input! #elemchat 08:09 p.m. A Deafening Silence | Taking Note #cpchat #edchat #elemchat 08:10 p.m. @doriedance More info: - It's great, I use it with co-operative learning groups too. #elemchat #SOLO Taxonomy 08:10 p.m. @gpworden Awesome to have you here. See you next time! #elemchat 08:12 p.m. @doriedance @CliveSir Not sure who all moderators were, but thank you for a job well done (and not punishing me for being tardy). #elemchat 08:12 p.m. @doriedance Thanks for doing a great job of keeping the stimulating convo going on #elemchat, Dorie! 08:12 p.m. @MrMusselman Did you read my post about Taking Outdoor Science - Indoors? #4thchat #elemsci #elemchat #edchat #science 08:12 p.m. RT @ktvee: I think we try so hard in education to hang on to 'way things always been' when we could do different, more effective #elemchat 08:12 p.m. @1MvdS Thanks! I'll check it out. #elemchat 08:14 p.m. Join little Juliette as she chases monkeys sings .....#free limited time #elemchat #nswdec #ebook #ipaded 08:14 p.m. @plnaugle You always have something valuable to say, Paula, regardless of how tardy :) #elemchat 08:15 p.m. Cool RT @tesScience: Life cycles posters for your young learners! #asechat - #elemchat #scichat 08:16 p.m. RT @CliveSir: @plnaugle You always have something valuable to say, Paula, regardless of how tardy :) #elemchat







KrisGrabarek plnaugle

doriedance sushconnectar




marynabadenhor s SCU006

marynabadenhor s Julie2178 Edu_Trends


08:16 p.m. Thanks @plnaugle! Moderators today were @CliveSir @flourishingkids and myself #elemchat Anytime you can step in is great! =0) 08:18 p.m. RT @ktvee: I think we try so hard in education to hang on to 'way things always been' when we could do different, more effective #elemchat 08:20 p.m. We need more presenters for the elementary teacher sessions at #tmnash Pls reply if interested #elemchat 08:20 p.m. @doriedance thanks for a great #elemchat. I was chatting with my iPhone.. Always a challenge to keep up! :) #elemchat 08:20 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: We still have to find the best way to facilitate the learning of each child in a class #elemchat 08:21 p.m. Had a great day of learning and sharing thanks to #edcampnyc #wowvtc12 and #elemchat. Time to get cleaned up and go get a steak dinner. 08:24 p.m. @ktvee Thanks for being there! Way to go via iphone! #impressed =0) #elemchat 08:25 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Benefits of Providing Enrichment for High Potential Students from Low Income Families #elemchat 08:28 p.m. @IntuyuConsultin: Do teachers have bias? #elemchat - interesting read in relation re gifted chat 08:30 p.m. @doriedance @CliveSir @flourishingkids Another inspiring session - learing & sharing #elemchat Thank you! :-) 08:42 p.m. Make a #teddy bear -Steps 1-5 70 different costumes >100 accessories & 30 props #elemchat #ipaded #toddlers #pre-school 09:00 p.m. Boom Writer Helps students read, assess and write about content #elearning #mlearning #literacy #elemchat #edtech 09:04 p.m. RT @mr_avery: Google Launches New Search Education Site with Lesson Plans | #edchat #elemchat #edtech 09:05 p.m. Spelling City Create spelling lists and learn these in various ways #literacy #elemchat #elearning #mlearning #edtech 09:07 p.m. Looking forward to this read... #edchat #elemchat 09:12 p.m. Had a great day of learning and sharing thanks to #edcampnyc #wowvtc12 and #elemchat. Time to get cle... 09:12 p.m. @northeagles Meetings use our valuable time and need to be valuable. #leadership #elemchat #edchat #


DrConnieHebert DrConnieHebert DrConnieHebert

MPWinn Dr_Teach debbiemwest

09:20 p.m. RT @Julie2178: @northeagles Meetings use our valuable time and need to be valuable. #leadership #elemchat #edchat # 09:29 p.m. RT @flourishingkids: Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom #elemchat 09:29 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Differentiated Instruction page: #elemchat 09:30 p.m. RT @TeachHub: My Classroom Design & Seating Chart Tips: #edchat #teaching #teachers #education #elemchat 09:44 p.m. RT @cybraryman1: My Differentiated Instruction page: #elemchat 09:50 p.m. Looks like I missed a great #elemchat ... Bummer! 10:02 p.m. @flourishingkids: Teaching Math to Gifted Students in a Mixed Ability Classroom #elemchat

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