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Team Charter

Broad Team Goals

1. To work effectively on the project as a team. 2. To have enough research in our report to sound knowledgeable. 3. To have a well structured report and PowerPoint.

Measurable Team Goals

1. To meet or beat each deadline. 2. To have at least three sources for each topic in our report. 3. Follow rules and guidelines the team has set for the project paper and PowerPoint and also having other teams and the professor review our work.

Personal Goals
Lamaya: Improve on oral presentation. Juan: Improve on research ability. Lakendra: Be more efficient and clear with her writing skills. Sheralyn: Improve on research and PowerPoint skills

Individual Commitment
Lamaya, Juan, Lakendra, and Sheralyn are willing to put in 100 percent effort. It is accepted that if each member does not give 100 percent they will receive a lower grade.

Expectations of team members

We expect each team member to be dedicated, responsible, be prompt and on time, be ready to work, and to keep the team informed of problems and concerns.

Other Concerns
Lamaya works at Forever 21 and is very busy on the weekend. She might be a little hard to communicate with during this time. Juan works on the weekends and will be busy during this time. He also might miss a few classes on Friday. Lakendra is busy with her son on the weekends and hopes that that will not get in the way of the project. Sheralyn is concerned that because she is busy with work and school, meeting up with the team could be an issue.

Conflict Resolution
If the team experiences conflict that is not resolved after 30 minutes of discussion, we will present both sides to the instructor and ask his opinion on it.

Each team member is allowed two absences. However, you are required to call or email the project manager or other teammate and tell them that you will not be there. The project manager is responsible to send summarization of topics and discussion that took place in

the meeting. If a person misses more than two meetings the instructor will be informed and we will have a group discussion on the circumstances.

Missed Deadlines
The Project Manager will send out an email or phone reminder 24 hours before the due date. If a team member misses a deadline, the project manager will send a reminder to that member. If that member does not respond with the document or explanation within 24 hours, the project manager will contact the instructor with the problem. If there are extenuating circumstances the project manager will contact the rest of the team for input on how to proceed.

Unacceptable Work
If the team member turns in work that is clearly unacceptable (e.g., leaves out important information; has major errors; does not meet assignment criteria; clearly does not meet the team goals), other team members should report their concerns to the project manager. The project manager will then contact the team member with a list of concerns and suggest a deadline for when a revised copy of the work is due. If that team member is confused about why the work is unacceptable, that person should seek assistance and email the project manager explaining his or her progress. Lamaya Juan Lakendra _______________ Sheralyn ______________

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