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The concept of rhetoric is always linked with the art of using language to communicate effectively.

Rhetoric does this role through presenting some rhetorical features that make the speech of the speaker powerful and very impressive. These rhetorical techniques are usually used by the speaker in order to have his speech succeeded. Rhetoric in speeches usually presents these features or techniques combined together in order to increase the influence of the speech in a way holds the attention of the audience and gain their support and approval. This role of rhetoric is clear throughout the process of its historical development. Rhetoric is usually defined in some various ways. However, all definitions agree on the major purpose or use of rhetoric. In other words, rhetoric is always seen as the art of using language, especially public speaking, as a means to persuade. The Collins Shorter Dictionary provides four definitions or rhetoric; first; The study of the technique of using language effectively., second; The art of using speech to persuade, influence, or please; oratory; third; Excessive ornamentation and contrivance in spoken or written discourse; bombast, fourth; speech or discourse that pretends to be significant but lacks true meaning: mere rhetoric. (Hanks [ed.], 1993, p.997; original emphasis). These definitions illustrate many concepts about how rhetoric is considered by many peoples. For instance, the last two definitions discuss how the British people view the art of rhetoric. They believe that it is a superficially clever but ultimately shallow type of speaking where the

use of words is concerned more with effect and style than with content and meaning. This indicates the passive view of the British people. On the other hand, for nearly 2,000 years, people throughout the world have viewed rhetoric and the study of rhetoric positively, an attitude reflected more accurately by the first two definitions presented above. In some parts of English-speaking world, such as the United States, rhetoric is still an established subject or component of English studies in secondary school and university timetable. The English word rhetoric is derived from Greek rhetorike.This leads to explore the extent to which the Greek civilization has influenced the concept of rhetoric. Classical ancient Greek civilization presented three types of rhetoric: judicial rhetoric, deliberative rhetoric and demonstrative rhetoric .

Firstly, there was judicial rhetoric, or the use of language to argue legal case. Secondly, there was deliberative rhetoric which was used to persuade an audience to take a certain course of action, or to adopt a set of beliefs. And thirdly, there was demonstrative rhetoric which occurred in more formal public ceremonies.

The principles of Greek rhetoric were taken up and developed by Roman orators, and this Graeco-Roman tradition has strongly influenced how the subject of rhetoric has been taught in Europe and North America.

But other rhetorical traditions have also made their mark on how English is used in public speaking today.

Of all the rhetorical kinds, judicial rhetorical had great concern of the Greek people. This came as a result of that all citizens would be able to represent themselves in legal debates. Consequently, ordinary citizens needed to be able to develop skills of rhetoric and argument. Cicero argued that legal presentation of this type should have six parts: exordium, narration, partition, confirmation, refutation and conclusion. The exordium should prepare the audience and make them receptive and amenable to the speaker. The narration should provide a brief, clear account of the case and may include some attacks on an opposing argument. The partition is a description of what is to be proved; this also should be clear and brief. The confirmation is the basic argument for the points that the speaker wishes to prove. The refutation, as the term suggests, involves undermining an opponents argument. Finally, the conclusion should consist of three parts: summing up the speakers argument, inciting indignation against the opponent, and ensuring that the speaker or the speakers client is perceived sympathetically. These simple recommendations formed the basis for courses in rhetoric for many centuries.

The justification of Cicero for judicial rhetoric demonstrates that it may possible to identify some specific, effective techniques for convincing and persuading. Such rhetorical techniques and features are perfectly functioned in many types of speeches such as political speeches.

Political speech is one kind of speeches that clarify how rhetorical features are important to hold the attention of the members of the audience and gain their approval and support for the politicians .It is important to comprehend that an audience can display approval (or disapproval) in many ways. The most common kind of display is the clapping of hands. Applause appearing during the speech is a display of the audiences approval of a specific point or sentiment expressed by the speaker: that is, the applause is a response to the content of the speech. The way in which a point is presented may also influence the likelihood of applause two main features that seemed to be particularly effective at soliciting audience applause are three-part lists and contrast devices. Hence, Rhetorical features are important for the speaker to point out his or her message, to hold the attention of the audience and to gain their approval. Politicians often illustrate their message through pointing out contrast between two main parts in their speeches. Contrast devices are viewed as one of the crucial aids in holding the attention of the audience as well as gaining their support and approval.Politicatns can do their purpose of the speech through contrast devices, in which one

argument or approach is compared to another .In the following extract is from Barack Obamas speech on the economic crisis. Barack Obama illustrates how the economic crisis led many people to get part-time jobs instead of full time work. Consider the parts of contrast.(The two parts of the contrast are indicated by the letters A and B.)

Just in the past year, another 2.8 million Americans A B who want and need full-time work have had to settle for part-time jobs .

A three-part list is simply a point made via the use of three specific components. A three-part list is a typical rhetorical structure which is used, as others, to help scripted speech in what is its prime aim: to convey a message and convince the audience of a point of view. In the following example Obama claims that the American people own the best minds, the most creative entrepreneurs and the most advanced technology in the world. The three points are numbered 1, 2, and 3. 1 2 3 We are still home to the most brilliant minds, the most creative entrepreneurs, and the most advanced technology and innovation that history has ever known.

An important element that perfectly assists the speaker to make his or her message clear is the use of intonational shifts. Politicians tend to produce specific intonational shifts as they present the three parts of their lists. Consider the following extract.

1 2 3

We are still home to the most brilliant minds, the most creative entrepreneurs, and the most advanced technology and innovation that history has ever known.

The upwards and downwards arrows indicate upwards and downwards international shifts. We can see that Obama says the first part of the list with a marked upward intonation, maintains that pitch through the second part, and then produces a downward intonation through the third item. Throughout describing these rhetorical features, one concludes that rhetoric plays an important part in showing the message of the speaker.This role is perfectly done through combining these rhetorical features.Thus, using these features three point lists and contrast devices- in a combining way leads to grab the attention of the audience and gain their approval and support.


Maybin Janet and Neil Mercer, (2002), Using English from conversation to canon, chapter four (Rhetoric in English by Wooffitt Robin).


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