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1. Personality of a person is molded from time to time after his birth, sanskars in the family, education in the School/Colleges (a person studying in Government /corporation /School etc. would have a different personality than a person stuffing in public school or in other higher professional colleges) and the line of business/profession. Even in determining the personality, planets have a say in the matter-rather I would say that Nakshtra and the sign in which one is born in a long way in determining the personality of the native. For example. Cancerians may have medium height, Leo may be a warrior type fellow and Saggitarians may be a lone fellow. Rather all signs i.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces gives and had given rise to personalities of different natures, i.e. kings, slaves, Ministers, Government Officials, doctors, Saints, preachers and so on. 2. Now it is to be seen how you feel about yourself and about other- To what extent you are cruel or sympathetic, whether you feel contented or always gambles and at times for nothing. Thu, it has to be seen as to what extent you are under the grip of mental conflicts, frustrations, depressions and complexes, what a person needs is mental peace which is missing for all. Be that as it may, steps have to be takenrather can be taken by all to proceed towards mental bliss-whether by searching your inner soul or via meditation or any other self improve method by reading, Shastras, Vedas etc. the need is for a complex-free. Society a freedom from the inner bondage of mind. 3. Meditation is the key to success for attaining mental bliss. If you are seeking imputation for higher and spiritual life, you have to draw up a programmer for spiritual sadhna, meditation as permitted by your conscience and your religion. The dedication or any process thereof cannot be thirsted on any body. The voice must come from within of the native. Though a rarity, freedom of mind beings joy and joy must usher in a highly creative life. Further, it can be said that freedom is the minds liberation from certain wasteful ways. Actually, the ways and habits of life of a person have come to be termed as complexes. Spiritual freedom though thought to be difficult but it is not so if one follows the principles of nature and have patience and have faith and belief in God-the almighty. 4. With the concept of personality, it is necessary to know about the complex the hidden enemy of all. It actually refers to your psychological phenomena and it can be said that a complex is an unconscious state of mind leading to emotional compulsion to act, to think and to feel and at times with obstinacy or rigidity or one become habitual to a particular set of acts and they have to be repeated whether one likes or not. It is known to all that modern man has to face many problems which have fond beyond his scientific brain. Though scientific inventions made by man are wonderful but has psychology is becoming deplorable as the mind is full of tension/depression/fear and all that connected matter may lead ultimately to blood pressure, heart attach, nervous breakdown etc.

5. The need is to think well, devote some time in remembering God-the way you want including via medication, yoga, or even sitting silently and thinking about your acts including secret acts with a guilty mind. It would be your inner voice that will speak to you and it is for you how you can overcome to get peace, harmony and happiness not only for you but for the world as a whole a step towards- reducing global tension.

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