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Selection process includes steps from receiving CVs from candidates to interview. . Before selection process is recruitment process. . After selection process is hiring process.

Steps of selection process include:

1. Get CVs from candidates ' Resumes are obtained from a variety of sources that include extensive database of company, internet job boards, job fairs, employee referrals, and direct recruitment.

2. Pre-check CVs and make short-list candidates ' After receiving CVs, HR dept check records of candidates by the standards of the company. . Potential applicants are screened via telephone, in order to confirm their relevant skills, experience, and availability. . After testing is complete, HR dept make a list of potential candidates to prepare for the test below. 3. Written ExamS The forms of examination can be: . English. . Computer and intemet. . Professional knowledge and skills. For the candidates who have to make test, HR dept associate with line managers build system of questions then moved to director for approval.


' Interviews are norrnally conducted by a panel which will include the line manager, an HR Representative and perhaps more senior members of the Department or

' In some cases, there may be second or even third interviews. Some interviews may need to be conducted by telephone.
The interviews include interviews of personnel manager with department heads and interviewed by the director. . Before each interview, the company must call or send invitation letter to candidates.

Hiring decision
. After the interview is finished, HR dept perform the next step is the hiring process. . HR dept should send lefter of notice to candidates who do not meet the

Selection methods
1. Igteryiew methods: This is most popular methods of selection. methods of interview to select candidates.


can use 10

2.Application Forms and CVs: This method is used to review all repords of candidates
such as Application form, CVs, Certificates...

3. References: Involves assessment of an individual by a third party,usually a former work colleague or boss. 4.

exercises that they would be required to undgrtake as part of

Work Sample: Work samples involve an individual or group of candidates completing tn. position.

5. Test methods: Test methods include Ability testing, Aptitude testing, personality test. 6. Assessment Centres: Assessment centres provide an opportunity to review and assess the performance and ability of candidates in a variety of ways including individual and group exercises, case studies, role- plays, and presentations. 7. Presentations method: Presentations is a method of recruitment and selection. The applicant is provided with a topic and given a timeframe to deliver a presentation on that


t -1Groun discussion:

Group discussion is a method of recruitment and selection. lt include 3-5 candidates who discuss about a topic or some ones given by employer.

9' Online screening and shortlisting:lt review, screen candidates 's knowledge, skills by online checking.
10. Biodata: With an increase of CVs in internet, applications have become more and more similar so that biodata (biographical data; forms have been developed to identiff selection of people that are similar to those high performers already in the


11. I.nformal meetings: Informal meetings can be used as a way of observing a candidate's behavior in a less formal environment, such as luncles or mornin"g tea, cafes. 12. Graphology: The essence of graphology is that analysts claim to be able to describe an individualls personality from a sample of their handrvriting. Their theoretical basis is that of trait psychology, which holds that personality has a number of fixed dimensions which are relatively unchangeable and do not depend on the situation.


Choice of selection method:

Choice depends on:

. Practicability: The costs incurred etc. . Reliability: Whether the result varies from day-to-day. . Validity: Whether the activity measures what is sought. ; Sensitivity: The measure of differentiation between candidates.

Hiring Process:
Recruitment process: In this step, we conducts tasks such as: . Get the required recruitment . Market research recruitment . Identify recruitment channels suitable . Planning recruitment . Implementation plan recruitment Above steps in details are in the process of recruiting.

2. Selection process: In this step, we conducts tasks such as: . Receiving records . Conduct test and evaluation of candidates through the test and interview etc. Above steps in details are in the process of selection. 3. Job Negotiation The negotiations ofjob include the works in the following: . Probation duratioh . Salary of probation . Contract duration . Official salary

. Working conditions . Working instruments . Policies of compensations and benefits... All above information should be in written evaluation form with the signature of the
director, and then move this form to HR dept to finishing probation procedure.
4. Sign probation contract
a. New employees must:

. Supply

the entire profile as stipulated by the company. . Read the internal labor, employee handbooks and regulations involved. . Read and sign the probation contract.

to new employees. . Explain the rules of the company. . and implement procedures for contract probation. !r91te . Guide administrative procedures for new emplbyees. ---' . Transfer new employee to head of department. ' 'Making the minutes of handing oue. ih" toors for new staff.
5. Implementation of probation process: a. One week after first day of probation b. One week before the end of probation 6. Considering the test results: '_ Need to organize meetings with the hiring authorities, department heads to determine recruitment results. ' Ensure that the probation resurt must be sent to new emproyee at least 2 days I compared with days of the

. lend employee handbook

b. For HR stafft

and labor rules


7. Sign contract official: ' If new employee can not meet the requirements, HR dept should conduct liquidation procedure of probation contract. '.If new employee reaches the requirements, HR dept will make labor contract with signature of director and staff.

Both recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process. The differences between the two are:

of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization WHEREAS selection involves the series of
1. Recruitment is the process

vacant posts. 2. The basic purpose of recruitments is to 4 talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization, B]itEEiing-ffire and more employees to apply in the organization WHEREAS the basic purpose of selection process is to .h_oot" th".ight candidate to fill the various positions in the organization.

3.RecruitmentisapJE{!gJ,f.,ssi.e.ryl9reandmoreemployeestoapply WHEREAS selection ir usgutlf. p.o""t: as it involves rejection of the unsuitable


4. Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources WHEREAS

interviews and tests.

5. There is no conqaclglglgnent established in recruitment WHEREAS selection results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee.

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