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Approximately 2% of our body weight is made up of Calcium. Most of it is contained in our bones and teeth, with a small percentage in our blood. The average person does not get enough Calcium in their diet, and as a result, the bones become more brittle as they get older. It is therefore essential to supplement ones intake of Calcium, over and above that which we get from our food. Osteoporosis: A large proportion of seniors develop Osteoporosis, which is characterized by low bone mass and the deterioration of the bone tissue, typically because of the lack of calcium in their bones. This is also why so many seniors seem to easily get fractures, when they fall. Where do we find Calcium? Calcium is found in many foods such as cabbage, green beans, dairy products, salmon, bananas, whole grains and nuts. A normal diet supplies about half of the daily requirement of Calcium. To supplement, you can take Calcium Citrate, Calcium Ascorbate, Coral Calcium, or Calcium Phosphate. Apart from taking Calcium, exercise helps, as the more you use your muscles, the stronger the bones become. Coral Calcium: Coral Calcium usually comes from the Okinawa Coral reef in Japan. They found that people living in that region, suffered fewer ailments, and lived longer. By law you cannot manufacture Coral Calcium from Living coral, so they use the pieces that have broken off. Apparently, Coral contains most of the minerals that the body needs. Coral Calcium is composed of 24 - 38% Calcium Carbonate, plus magnesium and other trace metals. Note the chemical structure is very close to the human bone. Once the broken coral pieces are collected, they get crushed into a powder, heated to 1000and then either sold as a powder, or made into tablets by adding Silicone Dioxide, rice flour, and magnesium Stearate. Magnesium helps to reduce stress, and increase concentration, and is often added as a supplement. TESTING:False Claims: Although all sorts of health claims have been attributed to Coral Calcium, such as it will cure cancer and various illnesses, most of these claims have not been substantiated, in fact the US Federal Trade Commission has prosecuted where such claims have been made. It is also important to check that the manufacturer is reliable, as some coral may have absorbed pollutants.

Factual: In 2002 The Journal of The American Medical Association reported a study of over 60,000 women, aged 40 -75, that women who walked a minimum of 4 hours per week, had a 40% lower chance of hip fractures than those who walked less than an hour. Tests done by Dr. K. Ishitani of Higashi Sapporo Hospital, and colleagues, in 1999 on 2 groups of patients, one group who took crackers powdered with regular powdered Calcium Carbonate, and the other Coral Calcium powder, found that those on Coral Calcium absorbed the Calcium much better. Reference: Calcium Absorption from the Ingestion of Coral-Derived Calcium by Humans. Kunihiko ISHITANI, Eiko ITAKURA Shiro GOTO and Takatoshi ESASHI Higashi Sapporo Hospital, Sapporo 003-8585, Japan 1 Formerly, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Ichikawa 272-0035, Japan 3 Division of Applied Food Research, The National Institute of Health and Nutrition, Tokyo 162-8636, Japan (Received September 20. 1998) Ideal Dosages per Day: 1. 2. 3. Children 850 mg. Adult 1150 mg. Seniors 12,250 mg.

Have you ever thought, that one of the most asked questions in life starts with "What is". We all have a thirst for knowledge, and in order to satisfy our curiosity, we need to know the answer to "What is". That is why I chose to write the "What is" series of articles concerning nutrition and wellness. The author Michael Frohwein, likes helping people to feel healthier. He looks for the best in nutritional products to give you more strength, to relax your body, to help alleviate pain, and give you a better night's sleep. His articles, usually answer the question: "what exactly is this product, and how can it benefit me"?

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