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Herman the Bull (16 December 1990 2 April 2004) was the first genetically modified or transgenic bovine

e in the world.[1][2] The announcement of Herman's creation caused an ethical storm.[3] Contents [hide] 1 Life 2 Death 3 Museum Specimen 4 References 5 External links [edit]Life

At the early embryo stage, Herman was genetically engineered in a laboratory by Gen Pharm International of Mountain View, California. Scientists microinjected cells with the human gene coding for lactoferrin. The Dutch Parliament changed law in December 1992 to allow Herman to reproduce. Eight calves were born in 1994 following a breeding program established at Gen Pharm's European laboratory in Leiden, the Netherlands. All calves inherited the lactoferrin production gene.[4] Herman went on to father 55 calves.[3] Dutch law demanded he be slaughtered at the conclusion of his role in the experiment. The Dutch Agriculture Minister at the time, Jozias van Aartsen, agreed, however, to a reprieve, provided Herman did not have more offspring, after public and scientists rallied to his defence.[3] Together with cloned cows named Holly and Belle, he lived out his retirement at Naturalis, the National Museum of Natural History in Leiden.[3] Herman the Bull was one of the oldest bulls ever in the Netherlands.[1] [edit]Death

On 2 April 2004, Herman was euthanised by vets from the University of Utrecht because he suffered badly from osteoarthritis.[1][3] [edit]Museum Specimen

Herman the Bull's hide has been preserved and mounted by taxidermists; since 15 February 2008 Herman is permanently on display in Naturalis. According to Naturalis, the symbolic value of having Herman the Bull is that he represents the start of a new era in the way man deals with nature, an icon of scientific progress, and the subsequent public discussion of these issues.[1]

Herman Bull (16 Desember 1990 - 2 April 2004) adalah sapi rekayasa genetika atau transgenik pertama di dunia [1] [2] Pengumuman penciptaan Herman menyebabkan badai etis [3].. Isi [hide] 1 Kehidupan 2 Kematian 3 Museum Spesimen 4 Referensi 5 Pranala luar [sunting] Kehidupan

Pada tahap embrio awal, Herman rekayasa genetika di laboratorium oleh Jenderal Pharm Internasional Mountain View, California. Para ilmuwan microinjected sel dengan gen manusia coding untuk laktoferin. Parlemen Belanda mengubah hukum pada bulan Desember 1992 untuk memungkinkan Herman untuk bereproduksi. Delapan anak sapi lahir pada tahun 1994 mengikuti program pemuliaan didirikan di laboratorium Eropa Gen Pharm di Leiden, Belanda. Semua anak sapi mewarisi gen produksi laktoferin. [4] Herman melanjutkan untuk ayah 55 anak sapi. [3] Belanda hukum menuntut dia disembelih pada akhir perannya dalam percobaan. Menteri Pertanian Belanda pada saat itu, Jozias van Aartsen, setuju, namun, untuk penangguhan hukuman, asalkan Herman tidak memiliki keturunan lagi, setelah publik dan ilmuwan bangkit untuk pembelaannya. [3] Bersama dengan sapi kloning bernama Holly dan Belle, dia tinggal keluar pensiun di Naturalis, Museum Nasional Sejarah Alam di Leiden. [3] Herman Banteng adalah salah satu sapi jantan tertua yang pernah di Belanda [1]. [sunting] Kematian

Pada tanggal 2 April 2004, Herman euthanised oleh dokter hewan dari Universitas Utrecht karena ia sangat menderita dari osteoarthritis. [1] [3] [sunting] Museum Spesimen

Herman menyembunyikan Bull telah diawetkan dan dipasang oleh taxidermists; sejak 15 Februari 2008 Herman secara permanen dipamerkan di Naturalis. Menurut Naturalis, nilai simbolik memiliki Herman Banteng adalah bahwa ia merupakan awal dari era baru dalam penawaran cara manusia dengan alam, sebuah ikon kemajuan ilmiah, dan diskusi publik selanjutnya dari masalah ini [1].

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