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Spell -

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The m popular m is of course the one that is called red m or love m It is used today by ost agic agic agic. m illions of people to im prove their love life, to win back their partner to evoke feelings in som , ebody or to just becom m attractive. But love m is not just a target of interest of anonym people, it has been e ore agic ous m lW oe e c used by m past celebrities like Jacqueline Bouvier the widow of Kennedy and Onassis who had three any Usernam e: witches that helped her one was in New Y the other in Athens and the third one in Paris. Other , ork, celebrities were also seeking the help of those who knew how to create love m nam Cary Grant, Clark agic, ely Password: Gable, Frank Sinatra, Robert Redford, Sean Connery, Catherine Deneuve, Rita Hayworth, Petula Clark, Brigit Bardot, Merlin Monroe etc. Naturally, today the need for the occult is even m pronounced in celebrities, ore a desire to be fam rich, protected, loved or to know ones future transform m into a large industry ous, ed agic Login that has a yearly turnover of one m Euros. In the world today the three m fam m illion ost ous agic's are: Rem ber m em e Arabian, Gipsy and Voodoo which have a lot of sim ilarities but also a lot of differences. They all have in com on the im ense ritualistic strength as well as the ability to annul them m m selves with hum In the ans. [ Signup ] following passages we will show the easiest way to m aster love m fromthe Arabian occult tradition and agic [ Forgot password? ] how to use it to keep your partner better the relations in m , arriage, seduce a person that you fancy, disable [ Resend Activation Em ] ail cheating in m arriage, etc. The whole systemof love m that com fromthe Arabian lands is based on the practice of building agic es talism am ans, ulets, binding knots and sum oning Jinn's. The source of this m m agical practice derives from ancient Egypt which is still considered as the cradle of m The Egyptian m is regarded as the m e i lO agic. agic ost n n powerful m this is understood fromthe num agic, erous writings and records about m iraculous events in the Guests: 3, Mem bers: 0 ... courts of the pharaoh as well as the fascinating rituals that were done by the priests of this land. An im portant contribution to m and its perusal we owe to ancient Persia (Iran) and their priests known as m ever online: 35 agic ost Magi fromwhich the word m and m agic agician is derived, one who practices m agic. (Mem bers: 0, Guests: 35) on 07 Nov : 02:59 Arabian love m is done by tracking the lunar systemor the Arabian m agic onths that is the tim when the new e m is visible. All love m is done during particular days in a week and at that tim when it is m oon agic e ost Mem bers: 60 suitable. If this rule is not observed there will be no results. The old Arabian occultists claimthat the m Newest m ber: hannataheri ost em successful m is done during the first days of Arabian m agic onths, before sunrise, on som high point or som e e hill. Also it is necessary to know that the hours of Jupiter Sun and Venus are assigned for every kind of love , m All other planets and their hours should be avoided if one wishes to see results. agic. m e D It is also very im portant to know som astrological rules by which zodiac signs and their planets are miT / eta e atched. Nam as love m and all m in general is subject to the influence of the planets all those who wish to ely, agic agic Friday, 20 April 2012 19:54 see results m obey the given instructions. If the planets and the astrological signs are in friendly relations ust then the talism or the spell m be done in an exact day and an exact hour of the given planet. However an ust , if the planets and the signs are in a m alignant position towards one another then one should drop his wish. , This m that m cannot be m for everyone and therefore it cannot work on everyone. Som eans agic ade ething sim exists in Bosnian m When a witch wants to create love m that is to bring together two ilar agic. agic persons, she first needs to find out if this is possible by divination. After she has taken a large branch of hawthorn (Crataegus Oxyacantha) she then splits it into three parts of equal length. Then she waits for the fire in the fire place to tone down and then she places one branch upright into the em which she nam as the person she wishes to put her spell ber es upon. The next branch she places right next to the first one, on its left side, in the hot em 5 inches ber apart and nam it as the person for whomshe is creating the spell, and the third branch she places on the es right side of the first one with the sam distance apart but she doesn't nam it. Then she watches to see e e what will happen. If the branch, the one she nam as the person for whomshe is creating the m falls ed agic, as it is burning in the m iddle (nam as the person she wishes to put her spell upon) then she is certain that ed her m will succeed. However if it happens that the un-nam branch falls in the m agic , ed iddle then it is clear that the m will have no effect. agic Marital Magic When a husband was aggressive and when he would abuse his wife, she would take a fist full of dust froma grave and while her husband was sleeping she would throw the dust on him Besides this, wom used to m . en ix their m enstrual blood with coffee or they would give their husbands a sugar cube that was previously wiped through her vagina. Even though the m extra m ale's arital affairs were tolerated to a degree because of the traditional upbringing, Bosnian fem didn't shy away fromusing m to ward off their husbands fromtheir ales agic lovers. Most wives were seeking help fromlocal witches (Sihirbaza), which would heat a sowing needle in a secret ritual and then they would bend it in a way that the tip of the needle would go into the needle's eye while pronouncing m agical words. The bent needle was then carried hom by the wife, and a favorable e m ent for its use was anticipated. When an unfaithful husband would leave to m his lover the wife om eet , would throw the needle after himwhich would then activate the spell. According to the statem of som ents e wom who wish to stay anonym the m worked and the husband would return hom quickly often ill en, ous, agic e tem pered. Besides this, the cheated wife should wash her bra and underpants and dry themon a nacre bush (Ruta graveoles) a few days in a row It is believed that in this way the husband will lose his passion for the .
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(Ruta graveoles) a few days in a row It is believed that in this way the husband will lose his passion for the . lover and he will return to his wife. The spell with the needle aim at m s aking the m im an potent and to weaken his sexual power when he reaches his lover. T annul this negative effect the husband would often seek the help at a local witch or Im . Som o am e witches request the following fromthe im potent m som water fromthree various springs, four leafed an: e clover nine different flowers froma m , eadow and a stickyweed (Galiumaparine). All of the above m entioned ingredients are thrown into the water and the following words are uttered:"uhumbe quite Lehumfly..." and the verse El-Fatiha is uttered three tim After that the im es. potent m washes his face with that water and ale drinks som of it. And then on a starry night he washes first his left hand and right foot and then the right e hand and left foot. It is interesting to note that the m creates a five-pointed star: head, left arm right leg, an , right armand left leg. The five-pointed star in Bosnian health rituals plays a m role since it is considered ajor to be a sym of health and protection therefore we find it in alm all descriptions of ritual washings of bol ost the sick.

-It is done during the beginning of the m onth. T at an incense burner when you are alone. Incense with ake blue m and conjure with the following nam twenty-one tim It is this evocation: ukul es es. Faltayoosh x2 T ootoosh x2 T ahroosh x2 W x2 ahsh Halash x2 Danhash x2 Hurry x2, Quickly x2, This instant x2. Be charged O servants of these nam with bringing N. to N. es

-On Thursday you write the following and burn it a brazier: Sataf (x2), Barm atoof (x2), Ghatoof (x2), Bin 'Atoof (x2). Make N. fall in love with N. Such that she can neither eat nor sleep. Seize her and kindle a fire in her vagina that can only by extinguished by sem fromthe penis N. Y wil see am en ou azing things. -W the following on a piece of white paper and carry it with you: In the nam of Allah, Most Merciful and rite e Gracious. Hooqash (x2), Hooqish (x2), Khantarish (x2), Ashqam (x2), Atayoosh (x2). Be com issioned, O arish m Mighty aide, O servant of the noble al-Fatihah, to cause fall in love with N. Hurry (x2)! Quickly (x2)! This instant (x2)! God bless you. -W the following on an unfired potsherd, though it is better to use an article of the target's clothing if rite available: Rakif (x2), Barahiya (x2), Jalahitha (x2), Jam ish (x2), Jam (x2), Zajara (x2). By Himwho opened jam ish your ears and eyes and created you fromthe fire of a scorching wind. Hasten before wrath in sent upon you, by T oos, by the Power that al-Aziz having seen, he said: I know that Allah has power over all things, arm by the Power that He having sent to Mary, there appeared before her the likeness of a perfect m Answer an. , O Shahir and you, O Mashoor and Hasan and Muhsin and Aboo al-W , and Maym and be com issioned , ahim oon, m to m N. fall in love with N. by the right of Allah's power. Hurry (x2)! Quickly (x2)! This instant (x2)! ake Ignite the potsherd or clothing with oil and tar. - If you wish to attract som eone, then do as follows: Boil an egg. Rem its shell. W the following on the ove rite egg: Whenever they kindle a fire for war' it is kindled in the heart of the love of N. Cut the egg while saying the nam of both the target and his/her m es other. Feed one half of the egg a black dog and the other half to a black cat. -W the following on three pieces of paper and burn one each night: T rite arash (x3), T arayoosh (x3), Qayoosh (x3), Shaloosh (x3), Moosh (x3), Y arash (x3), Shalash (x3). Hurry, Quickly! This instant! Be com issioned, O m spirits of these nam and m N. fall in love with N., by the right these nam have over you. The incense es, ake es is the usual. -W it and carry in with you as a charm It is as follows: Ashazanoosh, Kaqaytayoosh, Dabarawish, Qayoosh, rite . Qanoosh, Shajkayoosh, Haboosh, T aqtaqoosh. Be com issioned, O servants of these nam and attract the m es heart of N. Hurry! Quickly! This instant! God bless you. The incense is sandalwood, cam , bdelium and Indian aloes wood. phor ,

-When a house is haunted by the Jinn or by dem the following am should be hung over the door and ons ulet they will vanish: "O Muham ad! O Allah! The faithful He regards; to the faithful is success fromGod! Verily, m verily, victory He regards! The Best of Helpers, the Elect, the Best for us, verily! T owards m the m en ost patient of Helpers, the Best!". On the left side write: O Mikail! O Ali! O Azrail! On the right: "O Jabrail! O Ali! O Azrail! When a m is beset by a devil, the following diagramshould be hung on a wall, so that the sight of the an patient m daily fall upon it. This scares the devil. "In the nam of Sulaim In the nam of the Merciful, the ay e an! e Com passionate! Do not rise against m but com and surrender to Musulm e, e ans!"

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There are m exellent m by which thieves m be com any eans ay pelled to restore stolen property. An effectual m ethod is to m a diagramas follows containing the nam of each person present, with that of his father. ake e The thief-catcher folds up each of the papers in a pill m of wheat flour. He puts fresh water into a brass ade water-vessel and throws all the pills into it. The pill containing the thief's tieket will rise and float on the surface of the water. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The nam od Sham (the Sun) es sh With the perm ission of Allah Most High, you can em themfor burning. They are as follows: By ploy Hashaalyasa, T ab'alah, Kalkalam T Atlat, Y ak, Hatyak, Aklak, Hashlash, Shalm Ti, Y , alit, am ati, a'taf, Legat a fire that Harish inhabits. Answer m O Harish, by the right that Shaghub has over you; burn and shock. e, W thema cup, wash themoff with water and sprinkle the possessed person's face with it and the rite , possessing jinni will burn. They are for reproval, subjugation, conjuration, and burning any rebel jinni or devil.

If you recite the following statem of God Most High three tim over a sheep's horn and then place it ent es under the head of a sleeping person without himnoticing, you can ask himanything you wish and he will be it good or evil: On the Day when every soul will be confronted with all the good it has done, and all the evil it has done, it will wish there were a great distance between it and its evil. ON BINDING WHOMEVER TO WISH T seven silk threads of varying colors, tie theminto seven knots, and then recite the following incantation ake seven tim on each knot: Aneef (x2), Bisabsab (x2), Katam (x2), T es tah alaflafat (x2), Majanjafat (x2). The speakers spoke by Saitakh. I bind you, O N.son of N. fromthe sons of Ademand the daughters of Hawa (or fromN.) with an Arab-Magian-Jewish-Christian bind that neither m nor wom nor Magian m nor Magian an an an wom nor Jewish m nor Jewish wom nor Christian m nor Christian wom nor non-Arab m nor nonen an an an en an Arab wom can break, expect m by m two hands, and the m en e, y ighty Hand of Allah. His saying has com e. They will not speak. Where is Madhhab, the com ander of the arm the jinn, and the soldiers? Where is m y, Jam the Christian? Where is Angry Abdullah? Where is Shaqshaq the Jew? Where is Salih ibn Atat the a'ah Christian? Where is al-Hayajee? Where he who possess weapons and riding anim Where are the Winds? als? Where is Bani Ruqah? Where are those who sought shelter and then took their horses and were taken by alLati wa ul-Uzzah. If you do not do what I have com anded you, I wil expose you before the arm the jinn, m ies, the soldiers, and the children of ifrits; Ham Ham Aqshatan, Aqshatan, Atoroosh, Atoroosh, Ham al, al, eet, Ham and Alaham Alaham These are children of the ifrits who enthrall. I take fromyou, O N. son of eet eet, eet. N., three hundred sixty-six veins, including the one between your things, which stem frombetween your s eyes. If it stands, it will bend; if it bends, it will becom crooked; if it becom crooked, it will fail; if it fails, e es it will becom lazy; it will die down; it it dies down, it will fade away; if it fades away, it will worry; if it e worries, it will becom sad; if it becom sad, it will die: if it dies, it will vanish.'Surely you shall die and they e es shall surely die. Then surely on the day of resurrection you will contend one with another before you Lord'. T m som o ake eone depart fromtheir residence T a handful of dirt fromunder the head of a dead dog and recite the seventy-ninth sura of the Quran ake over it twenty-one tim saying after each tim Be com issioned, O servants of this noble sura, to m es, e, m ake N.depart. Then you cast the dirt at the target's hom or doorstep. e IBLEES, HELP ME!! For a wom to becom a witch and gain m an e agical powers she needs to take the holly Qur'an and throw it on the ground and stom it utter: Iblis, help m I give you m soul, help m in m intentions (or wishes). In ping e, y e y Bosnia it is believed that after this blasphem act she becom a witch: she can cast love spells, exert ous es revenge on her enem becom invisible... ies, e In the past, according to ethnological writings, young wom often becam witches in order to becom en e e attractive with the help of m so that m would want them Sim agic, en . ilarly, a wom would becom a witch in an e order to bring her m back, who left her or to separate himfromhis beloved girlfriend, her rival. an In their practice the Bosnian witches used various ways to cast love spells on m and the m fam one en, ost ous is the one with white beans. The ritual was perform as follows: ed At night, when no one is around, the witch would take an axe and place it behind the entrance door along with nine white beans on which she urinated on. Then the witch goes to the fire place inside the house and places the beans in the ash near the fire. She would then utter: "the beans crackle, bah bahti, the axe behind the door and X in front of it. Die, burst until you com to m with Gods power and m m e e, y erit,

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veledalin am in". She would then blow three tim in the direction of the m and then she would swallow her spit. The witch es an stirs the beans in a circle with a m spoon, takes the axe and brings it and places it next to her feet, and etal then she stirs the beans with the spoon one m tim and brings the axe back behind the door. While doing ore e this she utters: "I amplacing the axe behind the door; I amnot placing the axe but the brain and wits of X behind the door. Die, burst until you com to m with God's power and m m e e, y erit.Veledalin am in". After that she repeats the following words three tim "basm basm sisters as ordained by God, bring es: ice, ice m X there is the dark and the cloud, I amhis shining sun and m Dark all around himand I amhis only e oon. light, elzalif am in". At the end she blows down her bosomthree tim turns around and goes to bed. es, It is believed that after this ritual the m who was the target of the ritual becom plagued by an an es unexplainable longing and wish to see the wom as soon as he can. Because of the love m the m an agic an cannot sleep nor concentrate on anything else. If he resists the urge to visit the witch strange blisters appear on his body and he suffers a high tem perature for days. When he visits the wom and as soon as he an, lays his eyes on her all of the sym s disappear im ediately. , ptom m

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