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Telecommunication Survey In Humanities weve been studying telecommunication and we had to get in a group and` create a survey.

We had to find a research question and make questions for people to answer, but the questions have to answer our research question. My research question was How is telecommunication changing?

We choose these questions because it helped us answer our research questions, we asked these people; (Tara MORRISON; Sebastian WARING; Maya HALDORSEN; Fallon PARFAITE; Mintra MORRISON;
Justin PANG; Julia LAGUETTE; Jade VANICHVIRULH; Riyaphorn VASHIRAPHIPHOB; Jordan FERDINANDUS; Brian JOHNSON; Teresa TUNG; Tiffany SIMMS; Suzanne VAN DE VENNE; Chaweewan VOSKO; Natalie LINDON; Roger MANTEL; Raymond NALL; Laddawan KOOMROB; Celine (Inger) UNNEBERG; Good (Chutiwat) SURAVUDHIKUL; Sam (Ruckkit) KITSOMSUB; Puneet (Panchai) SIRIPANYAWUTH)

We chose it randomly because if we chose who we wanted to send the survey it would be bias. We got 38 replys. If I could do something differently or I had to do it again, I would check my questions carefully because in the survey we have had a lot of mistakes and people have been skipping the questions they dont understand. I would change the way we organized the questions, I think it should be neater. I would also add more answers because we didnt have enough. In the survey we had a lot of the same answers our results clearly showed us that a lot of people do the same thing for example Facebook, we had 35 people say they have Facebook and they go on it.
Our survey questions were;

What telecommunications do you use in your everyday life? Facebook YouTube Twitter Formspring e-mail Tumblr Calls My space Google plus msn skype g-mail chat BBM

How often a day do you use telecommunications? 1-3 hours 3-5 5-7 7-9 Do you think that the technology of telecommunication has become more useful over the time? Of course!

A lot! Kind of A little bit Not at all

Do you use any telecommunication during school? All the time! Sometimes! Rarely Never If so, how long: 1-2 2-3 3-4 Does telecommunication make you a more satisfied human being? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Do you prefer human or electronic telecommunication? Electronic Human

Who are the most influencial people due to telecommunication? Bill Gates - Microsoft Alexander Grahmbell - Telephone Thomas Edison - Electricity Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook Larry Page and Sergey Brin - Google

Do you prefer using the modern technology or would you use the less developed technology? I love modern technology! I dont love technology but its okay I dont mind, both are okay I dont love the less developed technology I prefer the technology from long ago! What threats do you face while using telecommunications? Giving out personal information cyber bullying losing opportunitys such as: college, university, jobs picking up fights you have to pay for the tools quality doesnt work well

If you could change anything about telecommunications? Of course Most of the things Some things Barely Never

Looking at the responses we can see that telecommunication has been changing so much during the last 6 years especially with Facebook, it was created 6 years ago and now there are over 800 million people. Here is a graph: (Keep in mind that people can choose more than 1 category)

Amount of People
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Facebook Youtube Twitter Formspring E-mail Tumblr Calls MySpace GooglePlus Amount of People



Gmail Chat

As you could see everybody is using social network, especially Facebook. Just by looking at this you can see that the modern world is developing very quickly and everyone is using the same thing Just because all of this development has been quick, all the cost of things dropping. Telecommunication has been developing because of all of this. According to one of our answers in one of our questions people like it better with telecommunication. They also think that telecommunication should change. This relates to my research question because based on our knowledge we know that people in the old days dont like telecommunications but the people nowadays thinks that it is hard to survive without it. We can tell right away that this has changed. There is many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in this survey. One of the strength that I learnt from this survey is it is so much easier to communicate with people, there happens to be a few weaknesses. The first one is a lot of people can get cyber bullied and has been through bad things because of telecommunication. An Opportunity is kind of like strengths, Telecommunication makes it easier to connect with people, to talk to your families and friends and a treat can be just like weaknesses, you can get bullied and it may cause some problems to you. Just by looking at this survey it tells be a lot about what people think about telecommunication and what they all face when they are using it.


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