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DECISION TRUE STATE Accept H0 H0 True H0 False Correct decision Type 2 error Reject H0 Type 1 error Correct decision

P (Type 1 error) = P (Type 2 error) = Max size of type 1 error which we are willing to risk Most acceptable value of is 5 %

Level of significance Fix = 1% = 5% = 10% If level of significance = 5% Level of Confidence (1- ) = 95% min

Test are divided into two categories 1- Large Sample test (n>30) z-test 2- Small Sample Test (n<30) t- test


Test for single mean Life of Bulb = 5000 hrs H0 : <= 5000hrs H1 : >5000hrs N =20 12345678910111213141516171819204900 5200 4750 4280 4980 4990 5120 5380 4880 4970 5130 5870 5280 5000 4780 4650 5280 5190 5100 5000

One-Sample Statistics N Life of bulb (in hrs) 20 Mean 5036.50 Std. Deviation 318.422 Std. Error Mean 71.201

One-Sample Test Test Value = 5000 t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Life of bulb (in hrs) .513 19 .614 36.500 -112.53 Upper 185.53

Null hypothesis is accepted because test gives the value .614 which is greater than .05

T- test for independent samples H0 : 1 = 2 H1 : 1 2 X1 Verticle jump Pair t-test For the same respondent of before and after situation H0: D> 0 H1: D<=0 Null hypothesis is presume to be true but it is liable to be rejected. II) Difference of mean (D= after before) X2 game(volleyball , basketball)

Chi square test 1- For testing specified variance 2- For testing the goodness of fit 3- For testing independence of attribute. Goodness of fit Example 1 Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total No. of accidents (Oi) 35 42 38 56 40 25 44 N=280 No of accidents(Ei) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 N= 280

H0: accidents are uniformly distributed Example 2 Oi RY RG WY WG Total 1 2 2 1 N = 280 40 83 97 60 Ei 280x 1/6 280x 2/6 280x 2/6 280x 1/6

H0: 1:2:2:1

Independence of Attribute H0 : two attributes are independent Contingency table Oij Fathers intelligent sons intelligent Non intelligent 55 22 77 Non intell. 11 12 23 66 34 N=100

Eij Fathers intelligent sons intelligent Non intelligent 51 26 77 Non intell. 15 8 23 66 34 N=100

Oij 55 11 22 12

Eij 51 15 26 8



= [(Oij-Eij)2/Eij]

Test 1- Large Sample Test a. Z-test i. Single mean ii. Diff. of Mean iii. Single Variance 2- Small Sample Test a. T-test i. Single mean ii. Diff. of Mean iii. Paired t- test b. F-test i. Equality of Variance ii. Equality of several means (ANOVA) 2 c. X test i. Specified variance ii. Goodness of fit iii. Independence of Attribute

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