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Natural Infant Immunization Todays Chiropractic LifeStyle April/ May Issue Writer: Molly Dickinson Source: Mary Tocco

o Interview Questions: Please tell me a bit about your experience with the study of vaccines and infant immunization in particular: I began investigating the vaccines back in 1979 before having my first child. I read several books including The Medical Heretic by Robert Mendelshon, famous pediatrician who exposed how the vaccine program was causing problems for children. Further investigation revealed that there were no long-term safety studies and the short-term studies were plagued with conflict of interest. I was married to chiropractor, Sam Tocco for 24 years and we did not vaccinate our 5 children. As more vaccines were added to the childhood schedule, we watch as the health of the children in this country eroded. It started with seizure disorders and the DTP vaccine and progressed to attention deficit, learning problems, asthma and eventually autism and related illnesses. In 1994, I began to speak out publically in an effort to educate parents so that they were making informed vaccine decisions. Chiropractors, Mommy groups and other natural focused groups requested me to speak at conventions exposing the problems with vaccines. Parents noticed that their children were often sick after vaccinations but trusted their pediatrician. I attended every conference I could and read all the books published on the topic. The internet was new and the research was slow and difficult to find but I spent thousands of hours poring over journals and literature. Congressional Hearings in 2000-2004 exposed that many vaccines contained high levels of mercury and public trust began to erode. This really fed the controversy and parents started to question the vaccines. It has been a long journey but I will not stop fighting and believe that we are making progress. What are the biggest concerns regarding infant vaccination that parents should be aware of before they talk to their pediatricians? I have several concerns: Vaccines do not protect or provide long-term immunity. The death rate for all the childhood illnesses was greatly reduced before vaccines were introduced because of improved sanitation, clean water and better nutrition. Vaccines were introduced decades after decline. Common vaccine ingredients are not tested for safety. Most pediatricians are not aware of how vaccines are produced or the toxic adjuvants that are in all vaccines. When you consider that vaccines have been around for over 60 years and there is not one long-term study showing efficacy and proving safety, it is completely unacceptable. They have never compared the vaccinated population to the unvaccinated and I believe this is the most important study that needs to be done. The studies supporting the use of vaccines are not double blind scientific studies and they are based on the presupposition that they are safe and protect.

The studies supporting vaccinations, researchers studying vaccines, and medical universities are funded by vaccine manufactures. The vaccine manufactures are not liable for any injury following vaccination. They are protected by the government and cannot be sued

What are parents rights when it comes to vaccinating? How can parents exercise these rights to support their decision not to vaccinate (or to vaccinate within a compromised schedule or other alternative vaccination procedure)? Every state has different vaccine exemptions. There are three common exemptions but many states do not offer all three: Religious, Medical and Philosophical exemptions. I encourage all parents to become familiar with their state laws and learn how to utilize them. For a complete listing of states, visit the National Vaccine Information Center at and look up your state. Your children belong to you and therefore, you should have the final say as to what gets injected into them. Unfortunately, these rights are being eroded more every year. We must fight to maintain or regain this control over our medical decisions. What is your take on alternative vaccination schedules? I do not tell parents what to do but I personally believe that all vaccines are toxic and the benefits are not there. The theory is based on the out-dated understanding of the immune system and therefore, do not work as they state. If the foundation of the theory is falseit is a false theory! I will cover more about that in the section under immunity but if a parent really feels there is merit in a vaccine, I would be sure it is Thimerosal (mercury) free, make sure the child is not fighting an infection and then fully research the vaccine by manufacture and lot before agreeing to the vaccine. Parents can look up all vaccines for ingredients at the website World Association of Vaccine Education (W.A.V.E.) They can space the vaccines out as long as they want and then observe the child very carefully afterwards for any signs of injury. Ultimately, natural immunity is safe and best! Can you talk about how the immune system develops in children and what kind of protection it imparts? This is the most important question of all! The understanding of natural immunity completely destroys the vaccine theory. Dr. Stephen Marini is an immunologist, PhD microbiologist and a chiropractor who I recently interviewed on my radio program about this exact subject. What he taught me was profound and every parent needs to learn this basic immunology and the chiropractors need to teach them. Vaccinology is based on outdated medical paradigm called the allopathic model, the mechanistic model or conventional medicine where everything is compartmentalized. This understanding started in the 1920s and lasted until 1985 and that is when they rewrote the immunology textbooks. Immunologists were taught the immune system is a separate part of the body and is isolated: has autonomy. They thought the only thing

that would respond to vaccine is the immune system (with no regard for how the adjuvants or other ingredients will affect the immune system or rest of the body). This would be like saying that when we eat, the only thing that will be affected is the stomach! The Gold Standard of public health Vaccinology is the measurement of a high titer antibody response as a valid sign of efficacy antibody is only one small part of the entire picture. Current science knows high antibody is a sign of chronic ongoing infection and susceptibility to infection. In utero- by 5th week in the developing baby, the thymus is open for businessit invites the stem cells to learn to become T-cells and they direct immune response. The (TH1) arm of the immune system begins in utero but is suppressed in utero so baby doesnt attack mom and mom doesnt attack baby. This immune balance is influenced by motherexposure to heavy metals, recreational drugs; antibiotics and alcohol all have a direct effect in the babys immune system. For years, it was common knowledge that you never gave a pregnant mother a vaccine or medication that contains mercury, aluminum or lead. For some reason they say it is now safe even though we understand how delicate that unborn babys developing brain is! Giving Flu vaccines with mercury and aluminum is absolutely crazy! The TH1 arm of the immune system is to identify acute illnesses, thru multiple exposures, process them and excrete them resulting in dominant Th1. The Th2 arm is where long term immunity develops, is in the background, takes years to develop and requires multiple exposures. Going down the birth canal stimulates the Th1 into action! As a child travels down through the birth canal, they pick up necessary bacteria and flora from mother by their mouth and nose that stimulates the Th1 arm into activity. Then when the baby gets the first breast milk, colostrum, it too encourages Th1 and the bacteria to colonize and establish healthy gut flora. The gut is where 75% of the immune system lives and the bacterial flora is very important for healthy immunity. Healthier children have a Th1 dominant immune system and life-long immunity because Th1 cells are the infection fighters, especially intracellular viral infections. It is no accident when babies put everything in the mouth, this is so that it can learn all about its environment! It is also common for babies to have runny noses, run fevers, swollen glands and body rashes as the immune system learns about the environment. This is all part of normal natural immune development. The immune system takes about 5-7 years to develop and if respected, and not interfered with a child will be really healthy. When we vaccinate: The new understanding considers the whole individual realizing that when we inject, the whole body is involved. When a pregnant mother gets a vaccine with aluminum or mercury it can disrupt the delicate balance in the unborn child. Also, the use of antibiotics during pregnancy and labor can greatly affect the unborn child and mother, putting the childs immunity at risk. Then if the child is born by cesarean section (C-section) and does not come down the birth canal, that child is at another huge disadvantage. The first vaccine given Hepatitis B (which is full of aluminum), drives the immune system in the opposite direction than what human nature would have it go, directing it to the Th2 response causing an imbalance. If the

baby is not breast fed, they are at another disadvantageformula does not do what mothers milk does for the babys digestive or immune systemThen baby goes into the pediatricians office for the well-baby visit at two months to get several aluminum and mercury laced vaccines drastically suppresses the Th1 to more generation of Th2.again the vicious cycle continues..38 different vaccines by the age of 18 months. It is no surprise to me that we have a whole generation of children suffering with auto-immune malfunction illnesses! The immune system has never had that type of imbalance generated in the history of mankind! I believe this is proof that the vaccine program is based on Junk Science and should be halted immediately! Does herd immunity/ community immunity work? NO! Vaccines do not provide any long-term immunity! This is again a false theory that is easily proven wrong. Based on our understanding of the immune system, the only god immunity is natural immunity which lasts for a life-time. Nature still knows best. Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon and against the use of vaccines, recently brought out this fact and he says it best! We are now living in the age of mass retirement of the baby boomers, my generation. As children, we were immunized against smallpox, diphtheria, pertussis, and a few others of the potentially epidemic diseases. Therefore, the vaccine proponents imply that we have been free of epidemics of these diseases because of herd immunity, that is, that 80% of the population (most of who are in my generation) remains immune. A number of new studies have shown that in fact immunity from these vaccines lasts only 3 to 10 years at best (some studies indicate shorter periods of 3 to 4 years). That means that while most of us thought we were immunized, in fact, the vast majority of this nation has no immune protection remaining from the vaccines. It also means that far below 80% of the nation is presently protected from infections by these agents. This means that for the past 40 years or more we have been, according to the health authorities, living without the protection of herd immunity. Silently, these vaccine promoters have conducted studies, which have shown that even today our childrens vaccines are lasting no more than 4 years. In fact, they are suggesting that all children receive booster vaccines every 4 years. This means that for the past several decades even the children have been without protection from these vaccines i.e., vaccine policy has, and continues to be, predicated on a grand lie. World Affairs Brief, Jan. 21, 2011 Dr. Russell Blaylock

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate is often presented as a purely scientific question, based on interpretation of clinical studies and research (which both sides of the debate swear is ultimately in their favor). But Life University holds that the philosophy behind choosing

whether or not to vaccinate your child can be just as if not more important in a parents decision. Can you speak to that? I am a very intuitive person and I believe that is what inspired me down this journey of vaccine research. I believe that parents have intuition about such things but they have been taught to ignore it! I tell parents to carefully examine all the information and follow your gut instincts. Never before has man been subjected to such toxins. The motivating factor is always, FEAR. I have learned that there is righteous fear and there is fear used to control and provoke. If a parent is fearful, they need more information. With the internet and the information explosion, there is an abundance of information on both sides of the issue. Truth has a certain feel to it. Search for the truth and you will find it! Never, never let someone tell you what is best for you or your child! There is no reason to rush into any vaccine decision, take the necessary time so that you can sleep at night knowing that you have made the best decision for your child. What advice do you give to parents who are navigating this decision of whether or not to vaccinate? Education is the key. I produced a DVD called, Are Vaccines Safe? specifically for the parents. This DVD will educate you on everything from production, ingredients, the law, immunity and so much more. I believe that this information is imperative to making a fully informed vaccine decision. It is available on my website Parents can also email me at and join my FREE Vaccine emailnews. A parent must learn how to promote health and understand the role infectious illnesses play in developing the immune system. I always recommend family chiropractic care, organic and natural foods, active life-style and lots of prayer! In addition, we need to eliminate the toxic load our children are being exposed on a daily basis. What if a parent has already vaccinated their child what can they do to move forward in a more vitalistic way, or to begin to repair any effects from the vaccine? Start by researching which vaccines the child got and understand what chemicals they have been exposed to. ( Depending on how the child was affected will depend on what needs to be done. If a child is greatly affected, there are specific laboratory tests that will help determine the extent of the injury. These tests will identify any yeast or bacterial problems in the gut, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies and heavy metal toxicity. I recommend parents find a physician who is specifically trained in this area to work with. My daughter, Dr. Renee Tocco and I formed the American Chiropractic Autism Board which is made up of top leading physicians who have dedicated their time to understanding how to help these children recover. There are very specific natural and noninvasive methods that have proven very effective in helping these conditions. We host educational training conferences which we refer to as BioNutritional Care, which equips doctors with the necessary tools needed to help these children. This training encompasses chiropractic neurological therapies and evaluation, hyper baric therapy, nutritional evaluations, testing, natural herbal solutions, Infar red sauna and much more. We have

about 150 chiropractors who have attended this training and after completing an efficiency exam are placed on our referral directory located at Many parents report that when they eliminate gluten and casein foods they have some immediate improvements in behavior and function. Then the first thing that must be done is to heal the gut because that is where the immune system lives and where excretion takes place. Children (and adults) can have severe yeast and bacteria problems in the gut causing neurological problems. Some children have food allergies because of leaky gut and that must be addressed. Every child is unique and therefore, the plan of action is designed for the individual needs. Usually at some point we look for heavy metal toxicity testing and removal through the use of various chelating methods. To heal these children can be complicated but we do have some answers we did not have five years ago. The parents must get children under chiropractic care as they heal to enhance the immune system/nervous system function. Can you recommend any additional resources for parents? There are a couple of books that I feel are very informative that will support your vaccine decision. How to raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Medical Doctor, by Robert Mendelshon MD is a great resource that will help you understand the normal childhood illnesses and give practical advice dealing with these illnesses. I also recommend the Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Parents and Practitioners, by Neil Miller because it gives detailed information on every vaccine, including third world shots recommended for travelers. Both books are available on my website. On my website I also have my favorite web links and many articles I have published. There are anti-vaccine blogs and many groups over the internet. I also recommend they get hooked into a local mommy group or natural focused groups for moral and emotional support. Every state now has a group that can help reinforce your stand against vaccines. This movement is more powerful now than ever and it is not going away! Do you have any hi-res images you could share of yourself and/or your work as a vaccine educator? Yes, sent separately; choose the one you like and thank you for this opportunity to share. Please mention that I am available to come to communities for Educational Vaccine Conferences or events and my presentation is CCE accredited. I would like a copy of the magazine after it is published. My mailing address is: Mary Tocco 7088 Crystal Springs Rd. Bellaire, MI 49615 Thank you! Please return your responses to me by Thursday, Feb. 17.

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