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Drone Home

In the post-Apocalyptic future, diseased monsters roam the ravaged world, leaving humans to hide in the light, fighting day by day just to survive. Concept Many years ago, the air grew denser, blackened by the waste of humanity, and the earth grew cold as the sunlight was diverted. The world began to die. Scientists found a way to rejuvenate the world; leaving the powers in charge of selecting those who would carry on the new world, ushering those lucky souls into underground bunkers. The rest of humanity the rest of the world was left without a chance, facing impending death. The bombs went off; sending the world rocketing into new orbit; and filling the air with things longburied in the earth, as cleansing robots were unleashed. There is no record of what happened to the earth above for an entire generation. one for each group. The game should run with a minimum of 9 players, three for each group. There is no upper cap. Play Area The size of the area needs to be big enough to include at least three separate areas for Lanterns, and a space for building bunkers. The space should be large enough, and have enough obstacles to obscure the view, so that characters may deal in private. Ideally, the play area will be a space which one can turn off the light, so there can be a sense of a night cycle. If not, then the space needs to be small enough for all players to hear the GM announce different cycles.

Props and Costuming While Props and Costuming are not required to run the game, they certainly help to set the mood. Drone Home is meant to be played as a LARP The GM is encouraged to provide a prop for every game a Live Action Role Playing game. Players will item card in the game: tents and canopies make for play the roles of characters that have lived in large good bunkers. The GM should also encourage the underground bunkers their entire lives; and never saw players to dress as their characters would. the Earth above before the change. They knew the world only by what their dying parents told them, and Locations and Special Items what they were shown in books and on televisions. As this is a LARP, players are encouraged to dress Lanterns Lanterns must be fueled each cycle they will be in costume. They will be walking around and talking in used, one fuel per person who stays within the safety character, and acting out what their character does. of the Lantern. They may only protect five people per cycle: anyone else who wants in is out of luck. Characters have been sent away from their Bunkers to try to establish new homes away from Bunkers home; building new bunkers; start new groups. Scouts Bunkers vary in size: tiny bunkers may hold ten, from each bunker have accidently picked the same location, which has led to all three groups arriving at while small bunkers may hold twenty; larger can hold upwards of thirty, and generally will not be used in the same location: one that is filled with resources and potential. How will the three groups fair, working these games. Bunkers require no fuel to protect the people in such close quarters? inside, but will require fuel to activate other What you need to run the game properties, such as growing, cleansing, or cooking food. Players and GM (Game Master) To play this game, you will need at least one GM to run the game. Ideally, there would be three GMs, Devices

Devices are created by characters to help them gain food, water, or other special items, or to allow other special effects. Devices must be created, and can be torn apart for scrap. They are either working or not working; damaging a device (including lanterns, excluding bunkers) takes about 5 minutes unhindered with the device: reducing it to its original parts takes 1 cycle alone with the device.

the largest group), which the group decides how to spend. Skills cost 1 point for Minor and 2 for Major, and are given to one character and cannot be transferred. Expendable items cost 2 for 1 point (and you must buy them in 2s), and can be traded freely.

Skills Skills are listed as Minor and Major; and each has different effects, based on what they are. If you do not have a skill, then you cannot use it; and skills are Scavenging Area There should be at least one location set aside for not something you can give away: when you start the game, either you have the skill or you dont. If you die, characters to use their skills to scavenge for food, water, and scrap. These areas should be set a little bit then that skill is gone. away from the regular play area. Humanity All characters start with 5 Humanity: with this is Cycles will receive or choose 5 Humanity cards, which dictate The GM should decide which cycles to use and how long each cycle lasts: there are day cycles, night human feelings they have for other characters (the player chooses the characters to direct the cards cycles, and bright cycles. Day cycles allow players to toward). Every point lost means the character loses move around freely, and do what they will. During night cycles, the diseased and the deranged come out one of their Humanity cards, and instead gains a Feral card. to hunt those who have stayed out in the dark. Humanity and Feral cards have special rules that Characters that are not protected by a Lantern or Bunker, or by the metal skin of being a cyborg, will be must be followed. dragged off into the night and eaten alive; and any Expendables devices left out in the open may suffer damage. Bright Expendables are things that your character can cycles are when the sunlight breaks through the run out of, and theyre all things you need to survive atmosphere and scorches the earth, causing 2 damage and continue to survive. to anyone left unprotected by Lanterns or Bunkers. Food System Your character must eat day each night cycle to The system is meant to be quick and easy to use, survive: you turn in one food card to the GM to with combat meant to be deadly. Everything runs off represent this. If you cannot eat, then you lose one rock-paper-scissors: anytime you need to resolve a point of Humanity. conflict that cannot be role-played out, you will resort Food comes in three types: Cleansed, which to rock-paper-scissors. This is referred to as a means it is safe to eat; Uncleansed, which means it challenge. If you win, then you do what you were may be safe to eat; and Dirty, which means its intending to do. If you lose, then your opponent stops probably not safe to eat. you. If you tie, then youll need to get creative, as you both win. Skills help supplement this system. Water Character Creation At the start of the game, players will be sorted into different groups, Each character starts off with 3 food, 3 water, and 3 fuel, as well as 5 Humanity. It is up to the player to decide if they will spend their characters Humanity to gain additional points to spend on their character to gain additional skills or expendables. Each of the three groups is assigned the same amount of points (10 + 5 * the number of people in Your character must drink water each day cycle to survive: you turn in one water card to the GM to represent this. If you cannot drink, then you lose one point of Health. Water comes in three types: Cleansed, which means it is safe to drink; Uncleansed, which means it may be safe to drink; and Dirty, which means its probably not safe to drink. Nectar

Nectar, when ingested, gives the character one Humanity; provided the character is human.

The Mystics are groups whose bunkers lay closest to ground zero, and its said the radiation granted them strange powers at a price. You can tell the Scrap Mystics by their appearance, for they look different Scrap is used to create new devices or repair mutated. devices that are not working. You can find it scattered They grew up on the stories of the world they about. were from. They gardened, were read to, and learned mystical rituals. Ammo Techies For characters who can use guns and similar Techies grew up in bunkers rich with gadgets and weapons, Ammo is a must. Characters with Ammo will receive Ammo cards, which must be torn in half with devices, and learned of the world through movies, games, and music. Theyre skilled in working with all every shot. things mechanical, and can make the most use out of Fuel Lanterns, Bunkers, and other devices that may be found along the way. Fuel is used to run Lanterns and Bunkers. They take their tech with them, and many have Characters with Fuel will receive Fuel cards, which had parts of it implanted into their person, making must be torn in half when used. them look like part-machine. Health and Disease Brutes All characters start with five points of Health. The Brutes are just that: Brutes. Their bunkers When a Character is out of Health, theyre dead. were barren and empty, and tensions flew high as Characters can lose health by being left unprotected time dragged on with little to occupy them. Brutes are in a bright cycle, or by being attacked by other characters. Those caught in a night cycles tend to die best known for taking what they want, or offering their protective services in exchange for expendables. very quickly. Ingesting uncleansed or contaminated food or Monsters water can give you a disease. Diseases progress each Monsters are the things that lurk in the dark, and stage by Day cycles. You start at stage 1, and remain loathe touching the light. During the night cycles, they there through your first day cycle. The second day swarm out of hidden places with blinding speed, cycle, you advance to stage 2. You advance to stage 3 searching for anything at all to eat. They tear into on your third day cycle, and after the fourth day cycle, anything fleshy, devouring it in minutes. the disease is incurable, for those that will apply to. Some say it is possible to communicate with the Monsters, that theyre all humans who simply got lost. Groups Its not recommended to try though, as they make Mystics even the toughest Brute look like a helpless child.

If you do not have a Skill, then you cannot do anything relating to it. This means only characters with combat skills may deal damage, and only characters with cleansing skills may hope to cleanse food.

Eating Minor If food/water is cleansed, nothing happens. If food/water is uncleansed, then you must win a challenge, or catch a disease. If food/water is contaminated or dirty, then you will catch a disease. You may only use this Skill when you have eaten the food. Major If food/water is cleansed, nothing happens. If food/water is uncleansed, then you must win or tie a challenge or catch a disease. If food/water is contaminated or dirty, then you must win one challenges or catch a disease. You may only use this Skill when you have eaten the food. Cooking

Major If you win or tie a challenge, you do one point of damage. Avoid Minor If something would damage you, use this skill to initiate a second challenge. You avoid one point of damage on a win. Major If something would damage you, use this skill to initiate a second challenge. You avoid one point of damage on a win or tie. Handiness Minor You may only use this Skill once per cycle. You increase the productivity of one technical device by one for one cycle. For example Lanterns may protect one more person, or use one less fuel. The effects of this skill end at the end of the cycle.

Minor You must win a challenge to lower food or water contamination level by one (contamination/dirty to uncleansed, uncleansed to cleansed). You may only do Major this once to one food / water, and only before the You may only use this Skill once per cycle. You food /water is ingested. The food / water is ingested increase the productivity of one technical device by regardless of results. two for one cycle. For example Lanterns may protect Major one more person, or use one less fuel. The effects of You must win or tie a challenge to lower food or this skill end at the end of the cycle. water contamination level by one Shooting (contamination/dirty to uncleansed, uncleansed to cleansed). You may only do this once, and only before Minor the food / water is ingested. The food / water is You may use a gun. You do two points of damage ingested regardless of results. when you hit, and you only hit on a win. Martial Arts Major Minor You may use a gun. You do two points of damage If you win a challenge to hit someone, you do one when you hit, and you hit on a win or tie. point of damage. Meditation

Minor You do no need to both eat and drink each night. During the night cycle, you turn either one water or one food card, but not both. Major You may heal one point of damage inflicted on you, but you may only do so at the end of a cycle. Nectar Making

You are better at making things grow: if there is something growing, you can extend its harvest cycle by one cycle. Arts Minor During the night cycle, you prevent yourself from losing one Humanity.

Major Minor During the night cycle, you prevent two characters You may take one water AND one food and turn it from losing one humanity each. This may only be used on characters who are in the same area as you. into one Nectar. Major You may take one water AND one food and turn it Study into two Nectar. Minor Repair Someone may teach you one Minor skill later in the game. The new skill will replace this skill. You must Minor spend one cycle with the character teaching you, You may repair one broken device, as per the having them teach you the skill, then alert the GM. Minor listing on the device card. Major Major Someone may teach you one Major skill later in You may repair one broken device, as per the the game. The new skill will replace this skill. You must Major listing on the device card. spend one cycle with the character teaching you, having them teach you the skill, then alert the GM. Gathering Collecting Minor You may obtain one food each day cycle, if you use Minor this skill. If you win a challenge against the GM, the You may obtain one scrap each day cycle, if you food will be uncleansed; otherwise it will be use this skill. contaminated. Major Major You may obtain one ammo each day cycle, if you You may obtain one food each day cycle, if you use use this skill. this skill. If you win or tie a challenge against the GM, the food will be uncleansed; otherwise it will be Inventing contaminated. Gardening Minor You are better at making things grow: if there is something growing, you harvest two food from it instead of one. Major Minor You may spend up to 4 resources a cycle to create a device. The device is complete the cycle after youve used all the required parts. Major You may spend up to 8 resources a cycle to create a device. The device is complete the cycle after youve used all the required parts.


Each Techie gains one of the following Skills. You must select which Skill you get before the game starts. Minor You may create one device within a Bunker, You may obtain one water each day cycle, if you without the need of any resources. This is a oneuse this skill. If you win a challenge against the GM, time use Skill. the water will be uncleansed; otherwise it will be You start the game with one device of your choice, contaminated. which is in need to repair. Major You may rig lanterns to serve as dirty bombs, causing two damage and inflicting 1 disease to all You may obtain one water each day cycle, if you characters who were under its protection. The use this skill. If you win or tie a challenge against the Bomb goes off at the end of the next Bright or GM, the water will be uncleansed; otherwise it will be Night cycle, and it takes 5 scrap and 2 fuel to contaminated. create, and you must be near the Lantern for Specialty Skills about 5 minutes without being interrupted to Mystics create it. You may consume one Fuel in place of one food or Each Mystic gains one of the following Skills. You one water. You must have less than 4 Humanity to much select which of these Skills you get before game use this. starts. You only need to eat one food or drink one water: Brutes you do not need to do both each day cycle. You Each Brute gains one of the following Skills. You may only use this Skill if you have less than 4 must select which Skill you get before the game starts. Humanity. You can eat anything nectar, scrap, fuel in Drinking Nectar is the same as eating and drinking place of food, with no ill-effects. You must have for you: you may turn in one Nectar in place of less than 4 humanity to use this. one food or one water. You may only use this Skill You being with 7 Health, instead of 5. if you have 5 Humanity. You do 2 points of damage with Martial Arts, You may remove one Humanity from one instead of 1. You must have less than 4 humanity character of your choice each Night cycle. You may to use this. only use this Skill if you have less than 4 Humanity. Every Night or Bright cycle, you may remove one You may remove one Feral from one character of humanity from one character who stays in the your choice each Night cycle. You may only use same Lantern or Bunker with you. You must have this Skill if you have 5 Humanity. less than 4 humanity to use this. Techies

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