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<stf "F3.00"> <sourcecharset "Normal"> <sourcelanguage "English (UK)"> <sourcehyphenation "Turn Off"> <sourcequotes "As Text"> <sourcepath "E:\temp\stf\Samples\Frame\MIF\chapter1.

mif"> <page "1"> <tr 35> <ps "Chapter" 1><pn "1 " 1>Road Safety Education </tr> <tr 36> <ps "DropBody" 2>Most accidents occur when school children are travelling to and from school. This highlights the importance of road safety education. An effective education programme could help prevent a significant number of the accidents that occur every day of the week.<:iaf 1> <ps "Body" 3><:cs "Red" 1>This paper presents the latest government measures aimed at improving our road safety.<:imk 1><:/cs> <imk 1> <ie>Road safety <il>government measures <ie> </imk> </tr> <tr 37> <ps "Section" 4>Basic Safety Tips <ps "Body" 5>The following is a list of the very basic safety measures that should be followed by children of all ages: <ps "Bullet" 6><pn "<:t>" 2><:fc 1>School children under 10 years<:/fc> should always be accompanied by an adult in a traffic environment and <:fc 1>children under 8<:/fc> should have their hand held while crossing the road. <ps "Bullet" 7><pn "<:t>" 2><:fc 1>Children of all ages<:/fc> should be taught to follow the safe crossing procedure at all times. Parents can help their children by walking with them along the route to school and showing them how and where to cross. <ps "Section" 8>The safe crossing procedure is:<:fc 2> <:/fc> <ps "Bullet" 6><pn "<:t>" 2><:fc 1>STOP <:/fc>on the footpath until the road is clear and (if applicable) the bus has driven away. <ps "Bullet" 6><pn "<:t>" 2>Choose the safest place to cross. <ps "Bullet" 6><pn "<:t>" 2><:fc 1>WAIT<:/fc> until there is no traffic or the traffic has stopped completely. Look for traffic turning your head both ways <ps "Bullet" 6><pn "<:t>" 2><:fc 1>WALK<:/fc> across the road at a sensible pace, looking for moving traffic and listening for traffic sounds </tr> </page> <page "2"> <tr 38> <ps "Body" 5><:imk 2><:imk 3>The symposium on Impact Assessment Study, was organised by the National Council on Road Safety. It was hosted by the National Childrens Road Accident Trust. The June 1999 event took place at historic National University. Critical attention was directed at new trends in techniques and considerations that are methodological in their nature. <:imk 4> <imk 2> <ie>Road safety <il>tips </imk> <imk 3> <ie>Road safety <il>tips </imk> <imk 4> <ie>Impact Assessment Study

<il>symposium </imk> <ps "Body" 5>This symposium focused on how the significance of road traffic studies can be both evaluated by psychiatrists and described to decision-makers in the environmental<:cs "Emphasis" 2> <:/cs>impact assessment process. <ps "Body" 5>Perhaps the two most difficult questions that teachers repeatedly face in assessing impact of the road safety education initiatives are also the two most important: <ps "Bullet" 6><pn "<:t>" 2>How can the Impact Assessment Study be evaluated? <:imk 5> <imk 5> <ie>Impact Assessment Study <il>evaluation <ie> </imk> <ps "Bullet" 6><pn "<:t>" 2>How can these evaluations be meaningfully described in order to enlighten and influence public decision-makers in the development of education policy? <:imk 6> <imk 6> <ie>Impact Assessment Study <il>influence on decision makers <il> </imk> <ps "Section" 4>Central Theme <ps "Alpha" 9><pn "a.<:t>" 3>Given the wide range of topics chosen by the authors, there is no attempt to synthesize the various ideas into a central theme. <ps "Alpha" 9><pn "b.<:t>" 4>The Impact Assessment Study, and the Environmental Review Board. Morphia uses his experience as Chairman of this Review Board in providing his views on environmental assessment.<:imk 7> <imk 7> <ie>Environmental Review Board <ie> Environmental Review Board <il>chairman <ie> </imk> <ps "Alpha" 9><pn "c.<:t>" 5>This Boards recommendations, which arise from review of impact statements, directly enter the administrative structure via the government office.<:imk 8> <imk 8> <ie>Environmental Review Board <il>recommendations <ie> </imk> </tr> </page> <page "3"> <tr 39> <ps "Section" 4><:imk 9>Target Audience <imk 9> <ie>Target Audience </imk> <ps "Body" 5>The latest government initiative targets the four to eleven year old age group. If an effective programme can be implemented at this level, the safety awareness of this age group should carry on into later life. <ps "Section" 4>How are they affected?<:imk 10> <imk 10> <ie>Road safety <il>children <ie> </imk>

<ps "Body" 5>What exposure does this age group have to the roads and road safety? <ps "Body" 5>Are children of this age aware of traffic hazards and dangers? <ps "Body" 5>Do parents instigate their own road safety ethics? Or, do they neglect this area? <ps "Body" 5>How many of this age group are permitted to negotiate the roads alone, without parental guidance? <ps "Body" 5>The results from the Impact Assessment Survey were surprising. <ps "Body" 5>The four to eleven year old age group is more exposed than many of us would realise. Many under eights are travelling to and from school on their own either on foot, on school buses or by bicycle. Not surprisingly the highest incidence of accidents occurs among those travelling on foot or on bicycle. However, it was surprising to note the high number of accidents occurring among those children commuting to and from school using school buses. <ps "Body" 5>Road safety awareness is high. Many of the under-nine age group could recite the song published as part of the previous years campaign. </tr> </page> <page "4"> <tr 40> <ps "Section" 4>About this Report <ps "Body" 5>Chapter 2 presents the guidelines of the impact assessment study. <ps "Body" 5>Chapter 3 presents the more concrete data found during the report investigation. <ps "Body" 5>Chapter 4 presents some safe cycling tips.<:imk 11> <imk 11> <ie>About this report <ss>Report </imk> </tr> </page> </stf>

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