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ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT MEETING: Went over how do we view report cards and their effect on students and how

they learn. The two main ones are "communicate achievement status to students to parents and others" and "provide information to students for self evaluation"

Skyward (NEXT TIME DISPLAY HOW IT WORKS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SINCE IT IS STANDARDS BASED) allows students to see how they are doing and since it covers everything it allows parents and teachers to see everything that goes in to a grade. report cards are outdated statements about a particular point in time, e.g. "improved in class" improved from a F to a D+ how did they do that, what changed? A is the expectation in society but it is supposed to signify that a student is doing an excellent job what about student who are doing well in particular classes but it is only because they are receiving help in other classes such as resource classes -constantly grading things and meanwhile being given more and more to do - Grading, how much time is spent grading... Meeting about what Skyward can do, during the summer.

WHAT DOES PROFICIENCY/MASTERY MEAN? ******: proficiency is that a student can get by at a base level, not the same as mastery which is intimate working knowledge of what is being examined. (general doctor versus a specialist, mastery = you can teach it) "a predetermined standard" what's the level for freshman and how do we determine that? How do we bring the UBD (Understanding by Design plan) into each class instead of it remaining somewhere up in the air of the curriculum? Comparing how do different teachers grade the same things and can come up with different ends of the spectrum.

HOW SHOULD I GRADE FOR PROFICIENCY/MASTERY? Have a rubric that was particular ideas and components that you'd understand since if you don't understand the scale how would students? Safety net skills are the concepts that students must have in order to move on.

PROFICIENCY/MASTERY SHOULD NOT NE MEASURED BY... Self perpetuated ideals, one single test, speed, academic behaviors, ability to understand the complexity of the questions.

HOW DO YOU DECIDE HOW MANY POINTS TO ASSIGN TO A PARTICULAR ASSIGNMENT OR QUESTION? The difference between actually understanding the problems vs. simply just trying to finish the assignments For Drivers Ed and PE how does mastery come into the grade, mastery is when they know what the process and how to approach a particular situation. Students are completely fixated on simply getting through an assignment instead of actually understanding it.

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