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Environment. Bachillerato BCT. April 2012.

Environmental issues

Environment - Important Issues

(Non)-renewable energy sources: Energas (no) renovables (such as wind and wave power or power from the sun) Acid rain: lluvia cida Aerosol Animal welfare Aquifer: acufero. Atmosphere Biodegradable Biodiversity Bio-mass Biosphere Bottle bank: contenedor de vidrio (para reciclaje). Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Catastrophe Chemical/chemicals: sustancias qumicas Climate Climate change: cambio climtico. Conservation Contaminant (countable): contaminante Deforestation Degradation: degradacin. Desertification Developing countries: pases en desarrollo. Die out: extinguirse Disposable: desechable Dumping: vertido, vertedero. 1

Environment. Bachillerato BCT. April 2012.

Eco-friendly, environmentally friendly : que no daa el medioambiente. Ecological footprint: huella ecolgica. Ecological: ecolgico. Ecologist, environmentalist: ecologista. Ecology Ecosystem Effluent: aguas residuales Emission Endangered species: Especies en peligro de extincin. Energy Energy sources: fuentes de energa. Environmental group/organization Environmental impact: impacto ambiental Environmental management: gestin ambiental. Environmental threats: amenazas al medioambiente. Exhaust fumes: humos emitidos por los vehculos. Extinction Factories: fbricas Fertilizers: fertilizantes. Flora and fauna (plural noun) Fuel: combustible, carburante (Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas are all different kinds of fuel. Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy) Garbage (US), rubbish (UK), litter: basura Garbage disposal: eliminacin de residuos Gas (US)- petrol (UK): gasolina Global warming: calientamiento global. Greenhouse effect: efecto invernadero. Greenhouse gases: gases de efecto invernadero. Habitat: hbitat. Harmful: daino. 2

Environment. Bachillerato BCT. April 2012.

Industrial waste: desechos industriales. Leachate: Lixiviado. Natural disaster Natural resources: recursos naturales (coal, gas, minerals) Nature reserve: reserva natural (sanctuary) Nuclear Nuclear energy/reactor/ waste Oil slick: mancha de petrleo (vertido por accidente.) Oil: petrleo organic Oxygen Ozone hole: Agujero de ozono Ozone layer: capa de ozono Paper bank Parque natural: natural park Pesticide Poisonous/ toxic: venenoso, txico. Polar ice caps: casquetes polares. Pollute: contaminar (polluted: contaminado) Pollution: contaminacin. Power sources (alternative) Prevention Protected animal Protected areas: reas protegidas. Radiation Radio active waste Radioactive substances: sustancias radioactivas. Rainforest: a forest in a tropical area. Recycle Recycling> reciclado 3

Environment. Bachillerato BCT. April 2012.

Reforestation Renewable: removable. Renewables (plural noun) Resources Re-use: reutilizar Rubbish dump: vertedero. Sea level Sewage: depuradora Shortage of: escasez de Smog (smoke + fog) air pollution, especially in cities, that is caused by a mixture of smoke, gases and

Smoke Solar energy Species: Mountain gorillas are an endangered species. Surface: superficie. Sustainable development: desarrollo sostenible Thermal reversal: Inversin trmica: Underdeveloped/third world countries Unleaded gas/ petrol: gasolina sin plomo. Unspoilt (US), unspoiled (UK) a place not changed or damaged by people. Waste: desecho, residuo. Wildlife: vida salvaje

Environment - Natural Disasters

Deforestation Drought (countable) sequas Earthquake: terremoto Flood (countable) inundacin Hurricane Tidal wave/ tsunami

Environment. Bachillerato BCT. April 2012.

Typhoon: tifn. Volcanic eruption

Environment Politics
Environmental group Green issues/politics Green policies Pressure group A green activist/campaigner 5

Environment Verbs
Affect Ban-banned (a ban on s.t.) Be aware (of) Be exposed (to) Be under threat of (extinction) Be on the verge of (annihilation) Clean up Consume Cut down: talar Cut down on (phrasal): reducer, cortar. We need to cut down on expenses due to the crisis. Damage (noun and verb) Destroy (destruction) Disappear (disappearance) Dispose of (phrasal) (noun> disposal): deshacerse de Dump (noun> dumping, vertido, vertedero) Toxics continue to be dumped in the North Sea.

Environment. Bachillerato BCT. April 2012.

Emit (noun> emission) Ferlilize (US) Fertilise(UK) To Go green > to do more to protect nature and the environment
The Chancellor proposed a crackdown on car and plane emissions, and the introduction of tax incentives to go green.

Harm Minimize (UK minimize) Plant Pollute Prevent + ing verb: His disability prevents him (from) driving Protest
Protectclothing that protects you against the cold It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Vitamin C may help protect against cancer.

Recycle Reduce Renew Save Throw away Use up: The Earth's resources are being used up at an alarming rate. Waste: an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc

To go solar is to convert a house so that it will collect solar energy through the use of solar energy panels (or some kind of equivalent). Dropping like flies= caer como moscas. The Tip of the Iceberg= Figuratively, "the tip of the iceberg" is a small, visible portion of a larger, real problem.

Environment. Bachillerato BCT. April 2012.

Go with/against the Flow: dejarse llevar /ir contra corriente. to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do Down to Earth: practical and sensible. (a down-to-earth person) Under the Weather: not feeling well. Ex.: "Arnold looks under the weather. Maybe he's having a bad reaction to the mussels he ate last night?" Weathering the Storm: vadear la tormenta. Ex.: "The Senator was under a cloud of suspicion, but no hard evidence was found. As a result, he was cleared of all wrongdoing. He had successfully weathered the storm." Having Your Head In The Clouds: tener la cabeza en las nubes.

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