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Cash report

Accounting Manager file

Invoice number report

payment data Summari ze cash receipt

payment data

payment data Calculate Number of Invoice Payment file


Customer file

invoices invoice data

Collect Invoice Details

Invoice data

Invoice file

FIG. 1.1 TOP LEVEL DATA FLOW DIAGRAM The figure shows the data flow diagram explain the whole flow of the data throug h the system. Figure shows that the three processes of the system where information sales and report stored. LEGEND: Flow connection between processes

Data stored stoerd the collection of data

Process individual function that the system carries out

Accounting manages file

Cash report

Customer file


Add sumarizes cash receipt

Payment data

Payment file

FIG. 1.2 ADD SUMMARIZE CASH RECEIPT It shows that when adding sumarized cash receipt the payment data willrecord and update the payment file and yhe cash report wil be recorded into the accounting manager file and also the payment updated in the customer file.

LEGEND: Flow connection between processes

Data stored stoerd the collection of data

Process individual function that the system carries out


Edit collect invoice details

Invoice data

Invoice file

invoice Customer file


It shows that when edit collect invoice details the invoice will follow up and give to the customer and rhe invoices data was compiled into the invoice file and the invoice into the customer file recorded.

LEGEND: Flow connection between processes

Data stored stoerd the collection of data

Process individual function that the system carries out

Accounting manager file

Accounting manager file

invoice number report

payment data

Calculate number of invoice

invoice details Customer file

fig.1.4 CALCULATE NO OF INVOICE It is shows that when the manager do the calculation of the invoices no. report will updated into the accounting file managers , invoice details record in the customer file and the payment data were given.

LEGEND: Flow connection between processes

Data stored stoerd the collection of data

Process individual function that the system carries out


Cash report ={cash report} =*it refers to the details about the cash* Invoice ={invoice} =*invoice issued to the customer by the employees * Invoice report={invoice report} =*refers to the information which is compiled at the invoice file* Invoice details={invoice details} =*refers to the details which is compiled to the invoice file* Invoices={invoices} =*information contained about every product you would purchase* Payments={payment} =*an individual payment given to the employees or teller* Payment details ={payment details} =*refers to the information account of the customer* ={category}+{item}+{description}+{quantity}+{price}+{amount} Receipts={receipts} =*a receipts issued to the customers by the managers* Receipts details ={receipt details} =*this refers to the information which is compiled at the official receipts file* ={services unit name}+{OR no.}+{date}+{item}+{quantity}+{amount} Cash receipts={cash receipts} =*an individual cash given to a customer in cash basis* Payment file=*refers to a file in which the payment details is compiled*

={quantity}+{item}+{retail price} Customer file ={customer } =*information about the customers* ={firstname}+{lastname}+{address}+{phone_number} Managers account={managers account} =*information about the manager* =@managers id + managers details Managers details=firstname +lastname+address+(phone_number) Managers id=*identification of each managers* Invoice file={invoice file} =*refers to a file in which the invoice details is compiled* ={service unit}+{OR no.}+{date}+{item}+{quantity}+{amount}


PROCESS 2.1 ADD SUMMARIZED CASH RECEIPTS Begin Received payments Open payment file Enter payment data Close payment file Open customer file Include payments

Close customer file Open accounting managers file Enter cash report Close accounting managers file End

PROCESS 2.2 EDIT COLLECT INVOICE DETAILS Begin Received invoices Open invoice file Enter invoice data Close invoice file Open customer file Invoice Close customer file End


Begin Received payment data Open customer file Invoice Close customer file Open accounting managers file Invoice number and report Close accounting managers file End


Accounting Managers File

Cash reports

Customer file Payment

Add summarize cash receipt

Payment File Payment Data

Figure 1.5 Automation Boundary: Add Summarize Cash Receipt In adding new cash receipt, the automation boundary covered the saving of the new information in the payment file, accounting managers file and the customer file. Legends: FLOWS It represents the connection between process

PROCESS It represents individual function that the system carries out

DATA STORE Store the collection of data

File Network

Main Menu

Accounting Mangers File


Managers details

Managers requirements


Payment File



Product file





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